A Little Journey to Puerto Rico - For Intermediate and Upper Grades
by Marian M. George
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Children love to read or hear of the people of other lands, and the tactful teacher will wrap her information about the natural features of a country in the "sugared pill of stories."

Books of travel are helpful and interesting in linking together fact and story. From them the child comes to feel a sympathetic interest in the ways of people unlike those he knows.

By emphasizing the idea of continuity of beliefs and customs, we impress the child with the most important lesson history and geography hold for him,—that all countries and peoples are closely related and have mutual interests.

"The acquisition of this feeling of the inter-relationship of the nations of the world, while starting the child out with a broad view of life, will in no wise lessen his love for his own country."

Too often the lonely little stranger in our midst—the foreigner—is viewed with heartless curiosity, or contempt, and subjected to ridicule. Patriotism to many a child means nothing more than a belief that our own country is the best, our own people the smartest, and that we can whip any and every other nation on the globe.

Do the children know that the "blood that boils so hotly against other countries is drawn from the very same sources that feed the veins of our seemingly alien neighbors"?

If any teacher imagines that her pupils have a definite idea of the meaning of patriotism because they are able to sing "America" and the "Star-Spangled Banner," let her read Marion Hill's story, entitled "The Star-Spangled Banner," in McClure's Magazine for July (1900).


Nothing in the study of geography is more interesting or helpful to pupils than the taking of imaginary journeys. It makes geography a live subject.

Suggest that your pupils organize a Travel Club, and that some of the trips be personally conducted.

Maps and a globe should be in constant use. The home should be the starting point. Railroad circulars, maps, and time-cards for free distribution will be found valuable. Pupils should be taught how to use these maps and time cards.

Give pupils a choice as to routes or roads over which they are to travel. Each pupil, however, should be able to give a reason for his preference for any particular road, and must know the number of miles and the time required for the journey. The road or route voted upon by the majority may then be decided upon, and preparations made for the trip.

Find out the best time to go to each particular country, and the reason. What clothes it will be best to wear and to take with one. About how much money it will be necessary to spend on such a trip, and when and where this money should be changed into the coin or currency used in the country we expect to visit.

A Guide may be appointed to obtain time-tables, maps, railroad guides, the little books of travel, or other descriptions of routes and of the parts of the country that are to be visited. (Further suggestions in regard to these "helps" will be found elsewhere in this book.)

The principal features of the country passed through may be described, if time permits; also the more important cities. Note the population, occupations, productions, together with anything of special interest or historical importance associated with the city or locality.

The Guide takes charge of the class in the same way that a tourist guide would do. He escorts us from the home depot to the city, state, or country, pointing out the route on a map suspended before the class.

Arriving at the city or country, he takes us to the various points of interest, telling as much about each as he is able, and answering questions pupils may wish to ask. If the guide can not answer all questions, the teacher or some other member of the party may.

When the guide has finished with a topic or section, other members of the party may give items of interest concerning it.

A different pupil may act as guide to each city or part of the country visited, and each pupil should come to the class with a list of questions about the places.

Every pupil in the class may take some part, either as guide, or as the class artist, musician, librarian, historian, geographer, geologist, botanist, zoologist, or man of letters.

A Historian may tell us of the history of the country, and answer all questions of historical interest.

A Geographer may tell of the location on the globe, of the natural land formations of mountains, canons, prairies, rivers, etc., and of the climate resulting from these. He should illustrate his remarks.

A Geologist may assist, and show specimens of minerals and fossils, or pictures of these.

A Botanist may tell us of native plants, useful or ornamental, and show pictures of these if possible. A Zoologist tells of the native animals, their habits and uses.

The geographer, geologist, botanist, and zoologist direct the work at the sand table, and assist in reproducing the country in miniature.

The Merchants and Tradesmen tell us of the products for which their country is noted, and show samples of as many as it is possible to secure. They also tell what they import, and why.

A Librarian or Correspondent may visit the library for information sought by the club. He must be able to give a list of books of travel, and be ready to read or quote extracts referring to the places visited on the tour.

He or his assistant may also clip all articles of interest from papers, magazines, and other sources, and arrange these, as well as the articles secured by other pupils, in a scrapbook, devoted to each country.

The Artist and his assistant may tell us about the famous artists and their works, if any. He may illustrate his remarks with pictures, if he can obtain or make them.

The Club Artist may also place upon the board in colored crayons the flag, the coat of arms, and the national flower of the country.

A Photographer may be appointed to provide or care for the photographs and pictures used in the class talks. The photographs may often be borrowed from tourists or others. Pictures may be obtained from magazines, railroad pamphlets, the illustrated papers, or from the Perry Pictures, and mounted on cardboard or arranged by the artist in a scrapbook with the name of the country on the cover.

If the members of the travel or geography class are not provided with the "LITTLE JOURNEYS," the teacher should have at least two copies. The pictures from one of these books should be removed and mounted for class use. They may be mounted on a screen, or on cardboard, and placed about the room or grouped in a corner. They should be allowed to remain there during the month, that all the pupils may have an opportunity to examine them.

Another pupil may collect curiosities. Many families in each neighborhood will be able to contribute some curio. Pupils in other rooms in the building will be interested in collecting and loaning material for this little museum and picture gallery.

Coins and stamps may be placed with this collection. Begin a stamp album, and collect the stamps of all the countries studied. The stamps of many countries show the heads of the rulers. One of the most attractive of these is the United States postage stamp showing "Columbus in Sight of Land."

The album should be kept on the reading table with the scrapbooks, in order that pupils may have access to it during their periods of leisure.

Dolls may be dressed in the national costume or to represent historical personages.

This form of construction work may be done outside of school hours by pupils under the direction of the historian and artist. The dolls, when dressed, may be made the centers of court, home, field or forest scenes arranged on the sand table.

A Musician or musicians may tell us of the characteristic music of the country, and of famous singers or composers. She may also sing or play the national song or air of the country, if there be one.

The singer should be dressed in national costume, if it is possible to secure it, or to make it out of calico, paper, or some other cheap material.

A Man of Letters may tell of the famous men and women of the country through which we are traveling, and may visit their homes with us. He may call attention to the literature of the people and give selections from noted writers, from or about the places visited.


With maps, guide-books, time-tables and notebooks before us, we look up the steamer lines and routes and decide when, where, and how to go. (Good maps will be found in the railroad guide-books).

City newspapers publish once a week the lines of steamboats and their times of sailing. The steamboat agents also furnish advertising matter giving other necessary and interesting information.

When we have decided upon our route, we telegraph ahead for our staterooms. Now let us plan for our baggage. What kind of a trunk must we take? Why a steamer trunk? How large must this be? What will we do with this trunk when we leave the boat? (We are advised to leave it and part of its contents at the ship company's office. They will store it until we are ready to take the return trip). How many pounds of baggage are we allowed on the steamer?

What other baggage shall we take (hand bags)? Why not small trunks? (Because every pound of baggage must be paid for in some countries.) Many countries have not our convenient system of checking baggage. What else will we need? (Traveling rugs.)

What clothes must we take? First, we must take warm clothes for steamer wear, which may be packed away when we arrive. Then we must take traveling suits for train wear, and thin clothing to use after arriving at our destination.

We have promised friends at home that we will inform them of our safe arrival immediately. How can we do this? By mail? Is there not a quicker way? How many know of the cable? How many have ever sent a cablegram? Can we cable from Puerto Rico? How much will it cost? Our guide-books give us all this information.

We must have guide-books, phrase books, toilet articles and writing materials. These should be packed in linen or canvas bags, because more easily carried about than heavy leather satchels.

Our guide must be able to speak Spanish, for that is the language of the Puerto Rican people.

If one of our party acts as guide, we must be careful to select a polite, tactful, and, above all, a patient and good-natured person. Why?—Because his patience will be severely taxed many times during this trip.

Arriving at the city from which we are to sail, we visit points of interest, the docks especially, and compare our steamer with others, learning what we can about all the ships in the harbor.

If our lesson is well planned, we can accomplish a great deal the day we sail.


After two or three conversational lessons, let pupils begin their diaries (composition books). In these may be written descriptions of what they see, hear, or read about the place being studied or visited.

In most schools will be found one or more pupils who have been upon or crossed the ocean. Let them give both oral and written descriptions of the voyage.

In giving accounts of these journeys, have pupils describe the incidents and details of everyday life on ship-board. They may tell of the ship, its furnishings, rigging, engines, officers and crew.

Let them also describe the dining room, the meals, and the manner of serving.

They may further describe a stateroom or berth, and picture their fellow passengers in words or drawings.

It will greatly cultivate their power of expression to tell how the time on board the vessel was passed, and to narrate any interesting occurrences of the voyage. They may describe the ocean by day and by night; also its appearance in a storm.

Many will be interested in descriptions of the birds that were met and of the fishes that swarmed about the ship.

If time will not permit each pupil to give oral descriptions or to write compositions on each topic, assign a different topic to each pupil. Bind all papers together, when finished, to keep with scrap-books devoted to the country visited.

These diaries or reproduction stories may be illustrated with pictures clipped from illustrated papers and other sources or by original drawings.

Try to secure specimens of seaweed to be exhibited to pupils during the lesson on the sea voyage. Ask pupils to secure ocean shells, sponges, pictures of sea birds, and specimens or pictures of other animal and plant life in the ocean.


At the conclusion of the study of a country, a topic may be assigned to each pupil, or selected by him. With this topic he is to become thoroughly familiar.

In place of the old-time review, invitations may be issued by the pupils, and the results of the month's work be summed up in the form of an entertainment, called—


When a class, club, or school has been studying a country, the work may be brought to a close in a way that pupils and their parents and friends will enjoy and remember, by giving An Afternoon or Evening Abroad.

This form of geography review would be appreciated more particularly in villages, or in country districts, where entertainments, books, pictures, and opportunities for study and social intercourse are rarer than in cities.

At the conclusion of an afternoon talk or entertainment, any pictures used may be placed on the chalk tray along the blackboard, that visitors may examine them more closely.

If the entertainment is given in the evening, the teacher may be able to use stereopticon views.

These will prove a very great attraction to both pupils and parents, and should be secured if possible. The lantern with oil lamp may be easily operated by the teacher while the pupils give the descriptions of the pictures or give talks about the country.

The lanterns and slides may be rented for the evening or afternoon at reasonable rates, and the cost covered by an admission fee of from ten to twenty-five cents. In sending for catalogue and terms, ask for the paper used to darken windows if the lantern is to be used in the afternoon.

Two of the largest dealers in stereopticon views and lanterns are T. H. McAllister, 49 Nassau St., New York, and the McIntosh Stereopticon Co., 35 Randolph St. Chicago.


For the afternoons abroad, given as geography reviews, or as a part of the Friday afternoon exercises, invitations may be written out by the pupils, or mimeographed, or hectographed, and carried to friends and parents.

If given as an evening entertainment and illustrated by stereopticon views, handbills may be printed and circulated, at least a week beforehand. The following form may be used:—

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You are invited by the pupils of the ___ school [or the members of the Travel Class or Club] to spend _an evening_ [_or afternoon_] _in Puerto Rico_.

The party starts promptly at 1.30 P.M. [or 8 P.M.], November 1st. Those desiring to take this trip should secure tickets before the day of sailing, as the party is limited. Guides are furnished free.

The proceeds of this entertainment are to be used in the purchase of a library, and of pictures and stereopticon views for the school.

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Decorate the room with ferns, potted palms and other tropical plants, or pictures of them. (Exact reproductions in paper or other material can now be procured at small cost.) On one side of the room have one table devoted to Puerto Rican curios; another to fruits and vegetables; and a third to other products from the island. (Or fit up one end or corner as a market place in San Juan or Ponce.)

Explain your plan for the entertainment to your groceryman and other merchants most convenient to your school, and enlist their aid. They will usually be willing to lend products imported from or native to the country.

For a list of the fruits and vegetables to be exhibited in the market place, see the list given when on a visit to the market place at San Juan. (See p. 22).

On the product-tables arrange pieces of sugar cane, samples of raw, loaf, granulated, and powdered sugar, and of molasses. If possible to secure the stalks of sugar cane, have short lengths to be sold for consumption—as in Puerto Rico. Near the table, tack up pictures of sugar plantations and mills. Have the coffee-berry and beans, ground coffee, cups of coffee prepared as a drink, and pictures of the tree, fruit, and coffee plantations; also secure specimens of the fruit of the cacao tree, a cake of solid chocolate, chocolate candy, and a cake containing chocolate layers. Cups of cacao or chocolate may be prepared as a drink. Have near pictures of the cacao tree and fruit.

Secure, if possible, samples of rice, allspice, nutmeg, mace, cinnamon, pepper, cloves, ginger and vanilla; bottles of clove oil and bay rum; packages of the annatto and logwood dyes; sponges, tortoise-shell combs, and articles made of cedar, ebony, or mahogany, or pieces of these woods.

The tables and booths in the market places should be presided over by pupils dressed as Puerto Ricans, and venders should go about the room, after the entertainment is over, with native wares to sell.

Among these venders will be the bread man, the milk man, the fruit and vegetable man, the dulce seller, and the vender of ices.

These venders should, if possible, carry their wares as the Puerto Ricans do.


The girls may be costumed in very simply made white dresses. Handkerchiefs may be tied about the head, for head coverings.

The boys may be dressed in loose white trousers, girdled at the waist by a belt of leather, a white shirt, and a silk or cotton handkerchief around the neck.

A broad brimmed hat may be worn.

The dulce seller carries guava, pieces of pineapple, preserved fruits, chocolate candy, fresh cocoanut meat, grated cocoanut, etc.

The bread vender carries small rolls on his tray. The milk man carries his can upon his head, ready to serve milk from tin cups which are tied to the sides of the can.


These may be served during an intermission or at the close of the entertainment, and may consist of the national drinks, orangeade, lemonade, chocolate, coffee, cocoanut milk, and of rolls, cheese, native fruits and confectionery.

The pupils who serve these refreshments should be prepared to tell something of the way in which these refreshments are prepared and served in Puerto Rico.

One of the favorite drinks of the people of Puerto Rico is orangeade. This is made as we make lemonade, except that the juice of the orange is used in place of that of the lemon. In making lemonade they use limes more frequently than lemons.

Coffee and chocolate are drinks also very much in use. The chocolate is made about the consistency of thick gruel and served with a light, thin cake.

The coffee is made very strong and only a small amount placed in the cup. The cup is then filled with boiling milk.

Among the favorite sweetmeats are the guava jelly and marmalade. The jelly looks much like our currant jelly; the marmalade resembles quince marmalade. It is usually served with cheese.

Secure some of these sweetmeats for the booth or shop, and serve bits to those who wish to buy. The small, flat boxes are the best for this purpose.

Fresh cocoanut meat should be removed from the shell and divided into penny squares, that the pupils may be able to buy a bit for a penny.



1. Introductory remarks by the guide, who explains our plan of celebrating the anniversary of the discovery of Puerto Rico by Columbus, Nov. 17, 1493, by a journey to that island, Nov. 17, 1900, to be spent at Aguadilla, the first landing place of Columbus on Puerto Rico.

2. Another pupil gives a short talk on the location, size and surface of Puerto Rico, using a large map.

3. History of Puerto Rico by the class historian.

4. Climate of Puerto Rico, with description of a West Indies hurricane.

5. Preparation for the trip.

6. Recitation—"Southern Seas" (given on the following pages).

7. Song,—"Life on the Ocean Wave."

8. Description of our voyage, by a pupil who has made an ocean voyage.

9. Harbor and city of San Juan.

10. Points of interest in the city.

11. Homes and home life of the people of the island.

12. Characteristics of the people of Puerto Rico.

13. Child life and education.

14. Amusements.

15. Burden-Bearing.

16. Travel.

17. The farmer.

18. The laborer.

19. Glimpses of cities in Puerto Rico.

20. A country home.

21. Animal life.

22. Plant life.

23. Recitation, "Puerto Rico," poem.

24. Conclusion.

25. Announcements.

26. Song—"America."

Before the concluding song, announcement may be made of the plan for a series of afternoons or evenings abroad. Speak of the purpose of these entertainments and express a hope that all those present will attend the next entertainment—"An Afternoon [or Evening] in Hawaii."


Yes! let us mount this gallant ship, Spread canvas to the wind;— Up! we will seek the glowing South,— Leave care and cold behind.

Let the shark pursue, through the waters blue, Our flying vessel's track; Let the strong winds blow, and rocks below Threaten,—we turn not back.

See, where those shoals of dolphins go! A glad and glorious band, Sporting amongst the roseate woods Of a coral fairy land.

See on the violet sands beneath How the gorgeous shells do glide! O sea! old sea! who yet knows half Of thy wonders and thy pride?

Look how the sea-plants trembling float, As it were like a mermaid's locks, Waving in thread of ruby red Over those nether rocks,—

Heaving and sinking, soft and fair, Here hyacinth, there green, With many a stem of golden growth, And starry flowers between.

But oh, the South! the balmy South! How warm the breezes float! How warm the amber waters stream From off our basking boat!

And what is that? "'Tis land! 'Tis land! 'Tis land!" the sailors cry. Nay! 'tis a long and narrow cloud Betwixt the sea and sky.

And now I mark the rising shores! The purple hills! the trees! O what a glorious land is here, What happy scenes are these!

See how the tall palms lift their locks From mountain clefts,—what vales, Basking beneath the noontide sun, That high and hotly sails.

Yet all about the breezy shore, Unheedful of the glow, Look how the children of the South Are passing to and fro!

What noble forms! what fairy place! Cast anchor in this cove, Push out the boat, for in this land A little we must rove!

We'll wander on through wood and field, We'll sit beneath the vine; We'll drink the limpid cocoa-milk, And pluck the native pine.

The bread-fruit and cassava-root And many a glowing berry, Shall be our feast; for here, at least, Why should we not be merry?


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NOTE.—The following poem may be given as a recitation by changing the title to "Puerto Rico." The words apply to this island as well as to the island which is described.


Betwixt old Cancer and the midway line, In happiest climate lies this envied isle: Trees bloom throughout the year, soft breezes blow, And fragrant Flora wears a lasting smile.

Cool, woodland streams from shaded cliffs descend, The dripping rock no want of moisture knows, Supplied by springs that on the skies depend, That fountain feeding as the current flows.

Sweet, verdant isle! through thy dark woods I rove And learn the nature of each native tree, The fustic hard; the poisonous manchineel, Which for its fragrant apple pleaseth thee;

The lowly mangrove, fond of watery soil; The white-barked palm tree, rising high in air; The mastic in the woods you may descry; Tamarind and lofty bay-trees flourish there;

Sweet orange groves in lonely valleys rise, And drop their fruits unnoticed and unknown; The cooling acid limes in hedges grow, The juicy lemons swell in shades their own.

Soft, spongy plums on trees wide-spreading hang; Bell apples here, suspended, shade the ground; Plump granadillas and guavas gray, With melons, in each plain and vale abound.

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But chief the glory of these Indian isles Springs from the sweet, uncloying sugar-cane; Hence comes the planter's wealth, hence commerce sends Such floating piles, to traverse half the main.

Whoe'er thou art that leaves thy native shore, And shall to fair West India climates come; Taste not the enchanting plant,—to taste forbear, If ever thou wouldst reach thy much-loved home.



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Special songs for each season, and special songs for each noted day in each season. There are twenty Songs of Springtime, eight Flower Songs, thirteen Bird Songs, twenty-six Songs of Autumn, thirty Winter Songs, and twenty Miscellaneous Songs. The general arrangement is by Miss George. Words by Lydia Avery Coonley and others. Music by Mary E. Conrade, Jessie L. Gaynor, Frank Atkinson, and others. It is a charming song book, and will be used in all seasons. Contains 160 pages. Paper, 50c.; cloth, 75c.


Contains stories suitable for reading by the teachers: eighteen about Autumn, sixteen on Winter, twenty-one on Spring. Several poems on each season of the year, etc. They have been selected from a variety of sources and put in usable form by Miss George, and will be welcomed by all teachers. Suitable for Primary and Intermediate Grades. 160 pages. Paper; price, 50c.


First-class entertainments for Primary and Intermediate Grades. Contains full-page pictures, Boyhood of Christ, Christ Blessing the Little Children, Three Madonnas, thirteen full-page pictures showing costumes of the children of as many different nations, such as Russia, Italy, Germany, etc. Sixteen pages of music, besides a large amount of original recitations, suggestions, accounts, and descriptions of how Christmas is observed in other countries. Price, 25c.


By Miss George and Mrs. Avery Coonley. Wholly original. Mrs. Coonley has written in rhyme descriptions of the early homes of these patriots, their mothers, their school days, the particular work of each, their particularly good qualities, etc., etc. These are excellent for readings and recitations. Miss George has given, in several pages of particularly good matter, plans for observing the birthdays of each. Songs and pictures complete the book. Price, 25c.


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