Sweet Potatoes
If they are large, scrub them well and bake in a hot oven for about forty minutes. If they are small, make them into—
Creamed Sweet Potatoes
Boil the potatoes, skin them, and cut them up in small slices. Make a cup of cream sauce, mix with them, and put them in the oven for half an hour.
Scalloped Sweet Potatoes
Boil six potatoes in well-salted water till they are tender; skin them, slice them thin, and put a layer of them in a buttered baking-dish; sprinkle with brown sugar, and put on more potatoes and more sugar till the dish is full. Bake for three-quarters of an hour.
Wash the beets but do not peel them. Boil them gently for three-quarters of an hour, or till they can be pierced easily with a straw. Then skin them and slice in a hot dish, dusting each layer with a little salt, pepper, and melted butter. Those which are left over may have a little vinegar poured over them, to make them into pickles for luncheon.
Once Margaret made something very nice by a recipe her Pretty Aunt put in her book. It was called—
Stuffed Beets
1 can French peas. 6 medium-sized beets.
Boil the beets as before and skin them, but leave them whole. Heat the peas after the juice has been turned off, and season them with salt and pepper. Cut off the stem end of each beet so it will stand steadily, and scoop a round place in the other end; sprinkle each beet with salt and pepper, and put a tiny bit of butter down in this little well, and then fill it high with the peas it will hold.
Creamed Cabbage
1 small cabbage. 1 cup cream sauce.
Take off the outside leaves of the cabbage; cut it up in four pieces, and cut out the hard core and lay it in cold, salted water for half an hour. Then wipe it dry and slice it, not too fine, and put it in a saucepan; cover it with boiling water with a teaspoonful of salt in it, and boil hard for fifteen minutes without any cover. While it is cooking, make a cup of cream sauce. Take up the cabbage, press it in the colander with a plate till all the water is out; put it in a hot covered dish, sprinkle well with salt, and pour the cream sauce over. This will not have any unpleasant odor in cooking, and it will be so tender and easy to digest that even a little girl may have two helpings.
If you like it to look green, put a tiny bit of soda in the water when you cook it.
Lima Beans
Shell them and cook like peas; pour over them a half-cup of cream sauce, if you like this better than having them dry.
Shell them and drop them into a saucepan of boiling water, into which you have put a teaspoonful of salt and one of sugar. Boil them till they are tender, from fifteen minutes, if they are fresh from the garden, to half an hour or more, if they have stood in the grocer's for a day or two. When they are done they will have little dents in their sides, and you can easily mash two or three with a fork on a plate. Then drain off the water, put in three shakes of pepper, more salt if they do not taste just right, and a piece of butter the size of a hickory-nut, and shake them till the butter melts; serve in a hot covered dish.
String Beans
Pull off the strings and cut off the ends; hold three or four beans in your hand and cut them into long, very narrow strips, not into square pieces. Then cook them exactly as you did the peas.
Stewed Tomatoes
6 large tomatoes. 1 teaspoonful of salt. 1 teaspoonful of sugar. 1 pinch soda. 3 shakes of pepper. Butter as large as an English walnut.
Peel and cut the tomatoes up small, saving the juice; put together in a saucepan with the seasoning, the soda mixed in a teaspoonful of water before it is put in. Simmer twenty minutes, stirring till it is smooth, and last put in half a cup of bread or cracker crumbs, or a cup of toast, cut into small bits. Serve in a hot, covered dish.
Untie the bunch, scrape the stalks clean, and put it in cold water for half an hour. Tie the bunch again, and cut enough off the white ends to make all the pieces the same length. Stand them in boiling water in a porcelain kettle, and cook gently for about twenty minutes. Lay on a platter on squares of buttered toast, and pour over the toast and the tips of the asparagus a cup of cream sauce. Or do not put it on toast, but pour melted butter over the tips after it is on the platter. To make it delicious, mix the juice of a lemon with the butter.
Sometimes put a little grated cheese on the ends last of all.
Peel off the outside skin and cook them in boiling, salted water till they are tender; drain them, put them in a baking-dish, and pour over them a tablespoonful of melted butter, three shakes of pepper, and a sprinkling of salt, and put in the oven and brown a very little. Or, cover them with a cup of white sauce instead of the melted butter, and sprinkle with salt and pepper, but do not put in the oven.
Strip off the husks and silk, and put in a kettle of boiling water and boil hard for fifteen minutes; do not salt the water, as salt makes corn tough. Put a napkin on a platter with one end hanging over the end; lay the corn on and fold the end of the napkin over to keep it warm.
Canned Corn
Turn the corn into the colander and pour water through it a moment. Heat a cup of milk with a tablespoonful of butter, a teaspoonful of salt, and three shakes of pepper, and mix with the corn and cook for two minutes. Or, put in a buttered baking-dish and brown in the oven. Many people never wash corn; it is better to do so.
Sometimes Margaret had boiled rice for dinner in place of potatoes, and then she looked back at the recipe she used when she cooked it for breakfast, and made it in just the same way. Very often in winter she had—
6 long pieces of macaroni. 1 cup white sauce. 1/2 pound of cheese. Paprika and salt.
Break up the macaroni into small pieces, and boil fifteen minutes in salted water, shaking the dish often. Pour off the water and hold the dish under the cold-water faucet until all the paste is washed off the outside of the macaroni, which will take only a minute if you turn it over once or twice. Butter a baking-dish, put in a layer of macaroni, a good sprinkle of salt, then a very little white sauce, and a layer of grated cheese, sprinkled over with a tiny dusting of paprika, or sweet red pepper, if you have it; only use a tiny bit. Then cover with a thin layer of white sauce, and so on till the dish is full, with the last layer of white sauce covered with an extra thick one of cheese. Bake till brown.
Margaret's mother got this rule in Paris, and she though it a very nice one.
After the soup, meat, and vegetables at dinner came the salad; for this Margaret almost always had lettuce, with French dressing, as mayonnaise seemed too heavy for dinner. Sometimes she had nice watercress; once in a long time she had celery with mayonnaise.
Corn-starch Pudding
1 pint of milk. 2 heaping tablespoonfuls of corn-starch. 3 tablespoonfuls of sugar. Whites of three eggs. 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla.
Beat the whites of the eggs very stiff. Mix the corn-starch with half a cup of the milk, and stir till it melts. Mix the rest of the milk and the sugar, and put them on the fire in the double boiler. When it bubbles, stir up the corn-starch and milk well, and stir them in and cook and stir till it gets as thick as oatmeal mush; then turn in the eggs and stir them lightly, and cook for a minute more. Take it off the stove, mix in the vanilla, and put in a mould to cool. When dinner is ready, turn it out on a platter and put small bits of red jelly around it, or pieces of preserved ginger, or a pretty circle of preserved peaches, or preserved pineapple. Have a pitcher of cream to pass with it, or have a nice bowl of whipped cream. If you have a ring-mould, let it harden in that, and have the whipped cream piled in the centre after it is on the platter, and put the jelly or preserves around last.
Chocolate Corn-starch Pudding
Use the same rule as before, but put in one more tablespoonful of sugar. Then shave thin two squares of Baker's chocolate, and stir in over the teakettle till it melts, and stir it in very thoroughly before you put in the eggs. Instead of pouring this into one large mould, put it in egg-cups to harden; turn these out carefully, each on a separate plate, and put a spoonful of whipped cream by each one.
Cocoanut Corn-starch Pudding
Make the first rule; before you put in the eggs, stir in a cup of grated cocoanut, with an extra spoonful of sugar, or a cup of that which comes in packages without more sugar, as it is already sweetened. Serve in a large mould, or in small ones, with cream.
Baked Custard
2 cups milk. Yolks of two eggs. 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar. A little nutmeg.
Beat the eggs till they are light; mix the milk and sugar till the sugar melts; put the two together, and put it into a nice baking-dish, or into small cups, and dust the nutmeg over the tops. Bake till the top is brown, and till when you put a knife-blade into the custard it comes out clean.
Cocoanut Custard
Add a cup of cocoanut to this rule and bake it in one dish, stirring it up two or three times from the bottom, but, after it begins to brown, leaving it alone to finish. Do not put any nutmeg on it.
Tapioca Pudding
2 tablespoonfuls tapioca. Yolks of two eggs. 1/2 cup of sugar. 1 quart of milk.
Put the tapioca into a small half-cup of water and let it stand one hour. Then drain it and put it in the milk in the double boiler, and cook and stir it till the tapioca looks clear, like glass. Beat the eggs and mix the sugar with them, and beat again till both are light, and put them with the milk and tapioca and cook three minutes, stirring all the time. Then take it off the fire and add a saltspoonful of salt and a half-teaspoonful of vanilla, and let it get perfectly cold.
Floating Island
1 pint milk. 3 eggs. One-third cup of sugar.
Put the milk on the stove to heat in a good-sized pan. Beat the whites of the eggs very stiff, and as soon as the milk scalds,—that is, gets a little wrinkled on top,—drop spoonfuls of the egg on to it in little islands; let them stand there to cook just one minute, and then with the skimmer take them off and lay them on a plate. Put the milk where it will keep hot but not boil while you beat the yolks of the eggs stiff, mixing in the sugar and beating that, too. Pour the milk into the bowl of egg, a little at a time, beating all the while, and then put it in the double boiler and cook till it is as thick as cream. Take it off the fire, stir in a saltspoonful of salt and half a teaspoonful of vanilla, and set it away to cool. When it is dinner-time, strain the custard into a pretty dish and slip the whites off the top, one by one. If you like, you can dot them over with very tiny specks of red jelly.
Cake and Custard
Make a plain boiled custard, just as before, with—
1 pint of milk. Yolks of three eggs. One-third cup of sugar. 1 saltspoonful of salt. 1/2 teaspoonful of vanilla.
Beat the eggs and sugar, add the hot milk, and cook till creamy, put in the salt and vanilla, and cool. Then cut stale cake into strips, or split lady-fingers into halves, and spread with jam. Put them on the sides and bottom of a flat glass dish, and gently pour the custard over.
Brown Betty
Peel, core, and slice six apples. Butter a baking-dish and sprinkle the inside all over with fine bread-crumbs. Then take six very thin slices of buttered bread and line the sides and bottom of the dish. Put a layer of apples an inch thick, a thin layer of brown sugar, six bits of butter, and a dusting of cinnamon, another layer of crumbs, another of apples and sugar, and so on till the dish is full, with crumbs and butter on top, and three tablespoonfuls of molasses poured over. Bake this one hour, and have hard sauce to eat with it.
Lemon Pudding
1 cup of sugar. 4 eggs. 2 lemons. 1 pint of milk. 1 tablespoonful of sugar. 2 tablespoonfuls of corn-starch. 1 pinch of salt.
Wet the corn-starch with half a cup of the milk, and heat what is left. Stir up the corn-starch well, and when the milk is hot put it in and stir; then boil five minutes, stirring all the time. Melt the butter, and put that in with a pinch of salt, and cool it. Beat the yolks of the eggs, and add the sugar, the juice of both lemons, and the grated rind of one, pour into the milk, and stir well; put in a buttered baking-dish and bake till slightly brown. Take it out of the oven; beat the whites of two eggs with a tablespoonful of granulated sugar, and pile lightly on top, and put in the oven again till it is just brown. This is a very nice rule.
Rice Pudding with Raisins
1 quart of milk. 2 tablespoonfuls of rice. One-third cup of sugar. 1/2 cup seeded raisins.
Wash the rice and the raisins and stir everything together till the sugar dissolves. Then put it in a baking-dish in the oven. Every little while open the door and see if a light brown crust is forming on top, and, if it is, stir the pudding all up from the bottom and push down the crust. Keep on doing this till the rice swells and makes the milk all thick and creamy, which it will after about an hour. Then let the pudding cook, and when it is a nice deep brown take it out and let it get very cold.
Bread Pudding
2 cups of milk. 1 cup soft bread-crumbs. 1 tablespoonful of sugar. 2 egg yolks. 1 egg white. 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla. 1 saltspoonful of salt.
Crumb the bread evenly and soak in the milk till soft. Beat it till smooth, and put in the beaten yolks of the eggs, the sugar, vanilla, and salt, and last the beaten white of the egg. Put it in a buttered pudding-dish, and stand this in a pan of hot water in the oven for fifteen minutes. Take it out and spread its top with jam, and cover with the beaten white of the other egg, with one tablespoonful of granulated sugar put in it, and brown in the oven. You can eat this as it is, or with cream, and you may serve it either hot or cold.
Sometimes you can put a cup of washed raisins into the bread-crumbs and milk, and mix in the other things; sometimes you can put in a cup of chopped almonds, or a little preserved ginger. Orange marmalade is especially nice on bread pudding.
Orange Pudding
Make just like Lemon Pudding, but use three oranges instead of two lemons.
Cabinet Pudding
1 pint of milk. Yolks of three eggs. 3 tablespoonfuls of sugar. 1 saltspoonful of salt.
Beat the eggs, add the sugar, and stir them into the milk, which must be very hot but not boiling; stir till it thickens, and then take it from the fire. Put a layer of washed raisins in the bottom of a mould, then a layer of slices of stale cake or lady-fingers, then more raisins around the edge of the mould, and more cake, till the mould is full. Pour the custard over very slowly, so the cake will soak well, and bake in a pan of water in the oven for an hour. This pudding is to be eaten hot, with any sauce you like, such as Foamy Sauce.
Cut-up figs are nice to use with the raisins, and chopped nuts are a delicious addition, dropped between the layers of the cake.
Cottage Pudding
1 egg. 1/2 cup of sugar. 1/2 cup of milk. 1 1/2 teaspoonfuls of baking-powder. 1 cup of flour. 1 tablespoonful of butter.
Beat the yolk of the egg light, add the sugar and butter mixed, then put in the milk, the flour, the whites of the eggs beaten stiff, and last of all the baking-powder, and stir it up well. Put in a greased pan and bake nearly half an hour. If you want this very nice, put in half a cup of chopped figs, mixed with part of the flour.
Serve with Foamy Sauce.
Prune Whips
This was a cooking-school rule which the Pretty Aunt put in, because she said it was the best sort of pudding for little girls to make.
1 tablespoonful of powdered sugar. 2 tablespoonfuls stewed prunes. White of one egg.
Cook the prunes till soft, take out the stones, and mash the prunes fine. Beat the white of the egg very stiff, mix in the sugar and prunes, and bake in small buttered dishes. Serve hot or cold, with cream.
1 junket tablet. 1 quart milk. 1/2 cup sugar. 1 teaspoonful vanilla.
Break up the junket tablet into small pieces, and put them into a tablespoonful of water to dissolve. Put the sugar into the milk with the vanilla, and stir till it is dissolved. Warm the milk a little, but only till it is as warm as your finger, so that if you try it by touching it with the tip, you do not feel it at all as colder or warmer. Then quickly turn in the water with the tablet melted in it, stirring it only once, and pour immediately into small cups on the table. These must stand for half and hour without being moved, and then the junket will be stiff, and the cups can be put in the ice-box. In winter you must warm the cups till they are like the milk. This is very nice with a spoonful of whipped cream on each cup, and bits of preserved ginger or of jelly on it.
Strawberry Shortcake
Margaret's mother called this the Thousand Mile Shortcake, because she sent so far for the recipe to the place where she had once eaten it, when she thought it the best she had ever tasted.
1 pint flour. 1/2 cup butter. 1 egg. 1 teaspoonful baking-powder. 1/2 cup milk. 1 saltspoonful of salt.
Mix the baking-powder and salt with the flour and sift all together. The butter should stand on the kitchen table till it is warm and ready to melt, when it may be mixed in with a spoon, and then the egg, well beaten, and the milk.
Divide the dough into halves; put one in a round biscuit-tin, butter it, and lay the other half on top, evenly. Bake a light brown; when you take it out of the oven, let it cool, and then lift the layer apart. Mash the berries, keeping out some of the biggest ones for the top of the cake, and put on the bottom layer; put a small half-cup of powdered sugar on them, and put the top layer on. Dust this over with sugar till it is white, and set the large berries about on it, or cover the top with whipped cream and put the berries on this.
Cake Shortcake
1 small cup sugar. 1/2 cup butter. 1 cup cold water. 1 egg. 2 cups flour. 3 teaspoonfuls baking-powder.
Rub the butter and sugar to a cream; sift the flour and baking-powder together; beat the egg stiff without separating; put the egg with the sugar and butter, add the water and flour in turn, a little at a time, stirring steadily; bake in two layer-tins. Put crushed berries between, and whole berries on top.
Tiny field strawberries make the most delicious shortcake of all.
Peach Shortcake
Make either of the rules above, and put mashed and sweetened peaches between the layers. Slice evenly about four more, and arrange these on top, making a ring of them overlapping all around the edge, and laying them inside in the same way. Sugar well, and serve with whipped cream or a pitcher of plain cream.
Lemon Jelly
1/2 box gelatine. 1/2 cup cold water. 2 cups boiling water. 1 cup sugar. Juice of three lemons, and three scrapings of the yellow rind.
Put the gelatine into the cold water and soak one hour. Put the boiling water, the sugar, and the scrapings of the peel on the fire, and still till the sugar dissolves. Take it off the fire and stir in the gelatine, and mix till this is dissolved; when it is partly cool, turn in the lemon juice and strain through a flannel bag dipped in water and wrung dry. Put in a pretty mould.
Orange Jelly
Make this exactly as you did the lemon jelly, only instead of taking the juice of three lemons, take the juice of two oranges and one lemon, and scrape the orange peel instead of the lemon peel.
Whipped cream is nicer with either of these jellies.
Prune Jelly
Wash well a cup of prunes, and cover them with cold water and soak overnight. In the morning put them on the fire in the same water, and simmer till so tender that the stones will slip out. Cut each prune in two and sprinkle with sugar as you lay them in the mould; pour over them lemon jelly made by the recipe above, and put on ice. Turn out on a pretty dish, and put whipped cream around.
Sometimes Margaret colored lemon jelly with red raspberry juice, and piled sugared raspberries around the mould. Lemon jelly is one of the best things to put things with; peaches may be used instead of prunes, in that rule, or strawberries, with plenty of sugar, or bits of pineapple.
Fruit Jelly
Make a plain lemon jelly, as before. Cut up very thin two oranges, one banana, six figs, and a handful of white grapes, which you have seeded, and sweeten them. Put in a mould and pour in the jelly; as it begins to grow firm you can gently lift the fruit from the bottom once or twice.
You can also fill the mould quite full of fruit, and make only half the jelly and pour over. Whipped cream is nice to eat with this.
Coffee Jelly
1/2 box of gelatine. 1/2 cup of cold water. 1 pint strong hot coffee. 3/4 cup sugar. 1/2 pint boiling water.
Put the gelatine in the cold water and soak two minutes, and pour over it the coffee, boiling hot. When it is dissolved, put in the sugar and boiling water and strain; put in little individual moulds, and turn out with whipped cream under each one. Or, set in a large mould, and have whipped cream around it.
Snow Pudding
1/2 box of gelatine. 1 pint of cold water. 3 eggs. Juice of three lemons. 1/2 cup of powdered sugar.
Pour the water over the gelatine and let it stand ten minutes; then put the bowl over the fire and stir till it is dissolved, and take it off at once. As soon as it seems nearly cold, beat to a froth with the egg-beater. Beat the whites of the eggs stiffly, and add to the gelatine, with the lemon juice and sugar, and mix well. Put in a mould and set on ice. Make a soft custard by the rule, and pour around the pudding when you serve it.
Velvet Cream
1/4 box of gelatine. 1 pint milk. 2 eggs. 3 tablespoonfuls of sugar. Small teaspoonful of vanilla.
Put the gelatine in the milk and soak fifteen minutes; put on the stove and heat till it steams, but do not let it boil; stir carefully often, as there is danger of its burning. Beat the yolks of the eggs with the sugar, and put these in the custard, and cook till it all thickens and is smooth, but do not boil it. Strain, cool, and add the vanilla, and last fold in the beaten whites of the eggs, and put in a mould on the ice.
Preserved peaches laid around this are very nice, or rich pineapple, or apricot jam; or a ring of whipped cream, with bits of red jelly, make a pretty border.
Easy Charlotte Russe
1/4 box gelatine. 1/2 pint of milk. 1 pint thick cream. 1/2 cup powdered sugar. 1 small teaspoonful vanilla.
Put the gelatine in the milk and stand on the stove till the gelatine is dissolved, stirring often. Then take it off, and beat with the egg-beater till cold. Beat the cream with the egg-beater till perfectly stiff, put in the sugar and vanilla, and mix with the milk, and set on ice in a mould. When you wish to use it, turn out and put lady-fingers split in halves all around it.
Orange Sauce
3 egg-whites. 1/2 cup powdered sugar. Juice of 2 oranges. Grated rind.
Beat the egg-whites very stiff, add the sugar, then the grated orange-peel, then the juice; beat up lightly and serve at once.
Delicious Maple Sauce
2 egg-yolks. 1/4 cup maple syrup. 1/2 cup whipped cream.
Beat the yolks very light, putting in a pinch of salt; put in the syrup and cook till the spoon coats over when you dip it in; then cool and beat in the whipped cream, and serve very cold.
Hard Sauce
Beat together a half-cup of powdered sugar and a half-cup of butter with a fork till both are light and creamy. Flavor with a teaspoonful of vanilla and put on the ice to harden.
Foamy Sauce
1/2 cup butter. 1/2 cup boiling water. 1 cup powdered sugar. 1 teaspoonful vanilla. White of one egg.
Rub the butter and sugar to a cream; add vanilla and beat well. When it is time to serve, beat the egg stiff, stir the boiling water into the sugar and butter, and then put in the egg and beat till foamy, standing it on the stove as you do so, to keep it hot. Serve in the sauce-boat.
Grandmother's Sauce
1 cup sugar. 1/2 cup butter. Yolks of two eggs. 1/4 cup boiling water. A dusting of nutmeg.
Cream the butter and sugar, stir in the beaten yolk, and last the boiling water. Beat till foamy, and then dust with nutmeg.
Lemon Sauce
White of one egg. 1/2 cup powdered sugar. Juice of half a lemon.
Beat the egg, add the sugar and lemon, and beat again.
White Sauce
1 tablespoonful of corn-starch. 1/2 cup cold water. 1 cup boiling water. 1/2 cup powdered sugar. Pinch of salt. 2 whites of eggs. 1 teaspoonful alons extract.
Dissolve the corn-starch in the cold water, and then add the boiling water and sugar and salt, and cook for fifteen minutes, stirring all the time. Take from the fire and fold in the stiffly beaten egg-whites with the flavoring, and beat till perfectly cold. Any flavoring will do for this sauce; pistache is very nice.
Quick Pudding Sauce
1 egg. 1/2 cup powdered sugar. 1 teaspoonful vanilla.
Put the egg in a bowl without separating it and beat till very light; then pour in the sugar very slowly, beating all the time; add the vanilla and serve at once.
This is a very nice sauce, and so simple to make that Margaret learned it among the first of her rules.
Ice-creams and Ices
Margaret had a little ice-cream freezer which was all her own, and held only enough for two little girls to eat at a tea-party, and this she could pack alone. When she made ice-cream for all the family she had to use the larger freezer, of course, and this Bridget helped her pack. But the same rule was used for either the large one or the small. First break up the ice in a thick bag with a hammer until the pieces are as large as eggs, and all about the same size. Then put two big bowls or dippers of this into a tub or pail, and add one bowl or dipper of coarse salt, and so on, till you have enough, mixing it well with a long-handled spoon. Put the freezer in its pail and put the cover on; then fill the space between with the ice and salt till it is full, pressing it down as you work. Let it stand now in a cool place, till you know the inside is very cold, and then wipe off the top carefully and pour in the cream, which must be very cold, too. Put on the top and turn smoothly and slowly till it is stiff, which should be fifteen minutes. Then draw off the water from the pail, wipe the top of the cover again, so no salt can get in, and take out the dasher, pushing the cream down with a spoon from the sides and packing it firmly. Put a cork in the hole in the cover, and put it on tightly. Mix more ice with a little salt; only a cupful to two bowls this time, and pack the freezer again up to the top. Wring out a heavy cloth in the salty water you drew off the pail, and cover it over tightly with this, and then stand in a cool, dark place till you need it; all ice-creams are better for standing two hours.
Plain Ice-cream
3 cups of cream. 1 cup of milk. 1 small cup of sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls vanilla.
Put the cream, milk, and sugar on the fire, and stir till the sugar dissolves and cream just wrinkles on top; do not let it boil. Take it off, beat it till it is cold, add the vanilla, and freeze.
French Ice-cream
1 pint of milk. 1 cup of cream. 1 cup of sugar. 4 eggs. 1 tablespoonful vanilla. 1 saltspoonful of salt.
Put the milk on the fire and let it just scald or wrinkle. Beat the yolks of the eggs, put in the sugar, and beat again; then pour the hot milk into these slowly, and the salt, and put it on the fire in the double boiler and let it cook to a nice thick cream. (This is a plain boiled custard, such as you made for floating island.) Take it off and let it cool while you beat the whites of the eggs stiff, and then the cup of cream. Put the eggs in first lightly when the custard is entirely cold, and then the whipped cream last, and the vanilla, and freeze.
Coffee Ice-cream
Make either of these creams, and flavor with half a cup of strong coffee in place of vanilla.
Chocolate Ice-cream
Make plain ice-cream; melt two squares of chocolate in a little saucer over the teakettle. Mix a little of the milk or cream with this, and stir it smooth, and then put it in with the rest. You will need to use a large cup of sugar instead of a small one in making this, as the chocolate is not sweetened.
Peach Ice-cream
Peel, cut up, and mash a cup of peaches. Make plain ice-cream, with a large cup of sugar, and when it is cold stir in the peaches and freeze.
Strawberry Ice-cream
Mix a large cup of berries, mashed and strained carefully so that there are no seeds, with the ice-cream, and freeze.
The Easiest Ice-cream of All—Vanilla Parfait
1 cup of sugar. 1 cup of water. Whites of three eggs. 1 pint of cream. 1 teaspoonful vanilla.
Put the sugar and water in a nice enamelled saucepan and cook it without stirring. You must shake the pan often to prevent its burning, but if you stir it, it will make it sugary. After about five minutes hold your spoon up in the air and drop one drop back into the saucepan; if a little thread is made which blows off to one side, it is done, but if not you must cook till it does. If your fire is very hot it may make the thread in less time, so try it every few moments. Have the whites of your eggs beaten very stiff, and slowly pour the syrup into them, beating hard with a fork all the time. You must keep on beating till this is cold. Have ready a pint of thick cream, whipped very stiff, either with a Dover egg-beater, or in a little tin cream-churn, and when the egg is cold, mix the two lightly and put in the vanilla. If you have a mould with a tight cover, put it in this, but if not, take a lard-pail; cover tightly, and stand in a pail on a layer of ice and salt, mixed just as for freezing ice-cream, and pile more ice and salt all over it, the more the better. Let this stand five hours, or four will do, if necessary, and turn the cream on a pretty dish. After you have made this once it will seem no trouble at all to make it.
If your mother would like a change from this recipe sometimes, try putting in the yolks of the eggs, well beaten, with the cream, and use some other flavoring.
Lemon Ice
1 quart of water. 4 lemons. 2 1/2 cups sugar. 1 orange.
Boil the sugar and water for ten minutes; strain it and add the juice of the lemons and orange; cool and freeze.
Orange Ice
1 quart of water. 6 oranges. 1 lemon. 2 1/2 cups sugar.
Prepare exactly as you did lemon ice.
Strawberry Ice
1 quart of water. 2 1/2 cups sugar. 1 1/2 cups strawberry juice, strained. Prepare like lemon ice.
Raspberry Ice
1 quart of water. 2 1/2 cups sugar. 1 1/2 cups raspberry-juice, strained. Prepare like lemon ice.
Peach Surprise
1 quart of peaches cut up in small bits. 2 cups of sugar. Whites of five eggs.
Do not beat the eggs at all; just mix everything together and put in the freezer and stir till stiff; this is very delicious, and the easiest thing to make there is.
When Margaret wanted to make her own freezer full of ice-cream, she just took a cup of cream and heated it with the sugar, and when it was cold put in three drops of vanilla and froze it.
Next after the ices in her book, Margaret found the cake to eat with them, and first of all there was a rule for some little cakes which the smallest girl in the neighborhood used to make all alone.
Eleanor's Cakes
1/4 cup of butter. 1/2 cup of sugar. 1/4 cup of milk. 1 egg. 1 cup flour. 1 teaspoonful baking-powder. 1/2 teaspoonful of vanilla.
Rub the butter and sugar to a cream, beat the egg light without separating, and put it in next; then the milk, a little at a time; mix the baking-powder with the flour and stir in, and last the vanilla. Bake in small scalloped tins, and fill each one only half-full.
Grandmother's Little Feather Cake
1 cup of sugar. 2 tablespoonfuls soft butter. 1 egg. 1/2 cup milk and water mixed. 1 1/2 cups sifted flour. 1 teaspoonful baking-powder.
Rub the butter and sugar to a cream. Beat the yolk of the egg stiff and put that in; then add part of the milk and water, and part of the flour and baking-powder, which has been sifted together; next the vanilla, and last the stiff whites of the eggs, not stirred in, but just lightly folded in. If you put them in heavily and roughly, cake will always be heavy. Bake this in a buttered biscuit-tin, and cut in squares when cold. It is nice covered with caramel or chocolate frosting.
Domino Cake
Make this feather cake and pour it into two pans, so that the bottom shall be just covered, and bake it quickly. When it is done, take it out of the pans and frost it, and while the frosting is still a little soft, mark it off into dominoes. When it is entirely cold, cut these out, and with a clean paint-brush paint little round spots on them with a little melted chocolate, to exactly represent the real dominoes. It is fun to play a game with these at a tea-party and eat them up afterwards.
Margaret's Own Cake
Margaret's mother named this cake for her, because she liked it so much to make it and to eat it. It is a very nice cake for little girls.
5 eggs. 1 cup granulated sugar. 1 cup of flour. 1 pinch of salt. 1/2 teaspoonful of lemon-juice, or vanilla.
Separate the eggs, and beat the yolks very light and foamy; then put in the sugar which you have sifted, a little at a time, and the flour in the same way, but put them in in turn, first sugar, then flour, and so on. Then put in the flavoring, and last fold in the whites of the eggs, beaten very stiff. Bake in a buttered pan.
Sponge Cake
4 eggs. 1 cup powdered sugar. 1 cup sifted flour. 1 level teaspoonful baking-powder. Juice of half a lemon.
Separate the yolks and whites of the eggs and beat them both very light. Mix the sugar in the yolks and beat again till they are very foamy; then put in the stiff whites, and last the flour, sifted with baking-powder; then the lemon-juice. Bake in a buttered biscuit-tin. You can frost and put walnut-halves on top.
Velvet Cake
This is a large cake, baked in a roasting-pan; it is very light and delicious, and none too large for two luncheons, or for a picnic.
6 eggs. 2 cups of sugar. 1 cup of boiling water. 2 1/2 cups of flour. 3 teaspoonfuls of baking-powder.
Put the yolks of the eggs in a deep bowl and beat two minutes; then put in the sugar, and beat ten minutes, or fifteen, if you want it perfect. Put in the water, a little at a time, and next the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Mix the baking-powder and flour, put these in next, and add the flavoring last. This is a queer way to mix the cake, but it is right.
Easy Fruit-cake
Margaret's Other Aunt begged to have this in the book, because she said it was so simple any little girl could make it, and all the family could help eat it, as they were especially fond of fruit-cake.
1 cup butter. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup molasses. 1 cup milk. 1 cup currants. 1 cup raisins. 1 egg. 1 teaspoonful soda. 2 teaspoonfuls mixed spices. 3 cups flour.
Wash and dry the currants. Buy the seeded raisins and wash these, too, and then chop them. Cream the butter and sugar, add the egg beaten well without separating, then the molasses with the soda stirred in it, then the milk, then the cinnamon and cloves. Measure the flour, and then take out a half-cup of it, and stir in the raisins and currants, to keep them from going to the bottom of the cake when it is baked. Stir these in, add the rest of the flour, and beat well. Bake in two buttered bread-pans.
Layer Cake
1 cup sugar. 1/2 cup water. 2 eggs. 2 teaspoonfuls baking-powder. 1/2 cup butter. 2 1/2 cups flour. Teaspoonful vanilla.
Rub the butter to a cream in a deep bowl, and put in the sugar a little at a time, and rub this till it, too, creams. Then put in the beaten yolks of the eggs, and then the water. Beat the egg-whites well, and fold in half, then add the flour, in which you have mixed and sifted the baking-powder, and then put in the vanilla and the rest of the eggs.
Divide in two layers, or in three if the tins are small, and bake till a light brown.
Nut and Raisin Filling
Make the rule for plain icing, and add a half-cup of chopped raisins mixed with half a cup of chopped almonds or English walnuts.
Fig Filling
Mix a cup of chopped figs with the same icing.
Marshmallow Filling
Chop a quarter of a pound of marshmallows; put them over the teakettle to get soft; make a plain icing and beat them in.
Maple Filling
2 cups maple syrup. Whites of 2 eggs.
Boil the syrup slowly till it makes a thread when you hold it up; then add it slowly to your beaten egg-whites, beating till cold.
Orange Filling
1 cup powdered sugar. 1 tablespoonful boiling water. Grated rind of 1 orange. 1 tablespoonful orange-juice.
Put the sugar in a bowl, add the rind, then the water and juice, and spread at once on the cake. This icing must be very thick when made, and if is seems thin put in more sugar.
Caramel Filling
2 cups brown sugar. 1/2 cup cream or milk. Butter the size of an egg. 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla.
Mix all together and cook till it is smooth and thick.
Plain Icing
Put the white of one egg into a bowl with a half-teaspoonful of water, and beat till light. Then stir in a cup of sifted powdered sugar, and put on the cake while that is still warm, and smooth it over with a wet knife.
Chocolate Icing
Melt one square of Baker's chocolate in a saucer over the teakettle, and put in two tablespoonfuls of milk and stir till smooth. Add two tablespoonfuls of sugar and a small half-teaspoonful of butter, and stir again. Take it off the stove and put it on the cake while both are warm.
Caramel Icing
1/2 cup of milk. 2 cups brown sugar. Butter the size of an egg. 1 teaspoonful of vanilla.
Mix the butter, sugar, and milk, and cook till it is smooth and thick, stirring all the time and watching it carefully to see that it does not burn; take it off and put in the vanilla, and spread while warm on a warm cake.
Margaret's mother did not approve of putting this rule in her cook-book, because she did not want Margaret ever to eat rich things; but her grandmother said it really must go in, for once in awhile very nice doughnuts would not hurt anybody.
1 1/2 cups of sugar. 1/2 cup of butter. 3 eggs. 1 1/2 cups of milk. 2 teaspoonfuls baking-powder. Pinch of salt.
Put in flour enough to make a very soft dough, just as soft as you can handle it. Mix, and put on a slightly floured board and make into round balls, or roll out and cut with a cooky cutter with a hole in the centre. Heat two cups of lard with one cup of beef suet which you have melted and strained, and heat till it browns a bit of bread instantly. Then drop in three doughnuts,—not more, or you will chill the fat, —and when you take them out dry on brown paper. It is much better to use part suet than all lard, yet that will do if you have no suet in the house.
Oatmeal Macaroons
These little cakes are so like real macaroons that no one who had not seen the recipe would guess how they were made.
2 1/2 cups rolled oats. 2 1/2 teaspoonfuls baking-powder. 1/2 teaspoonful salt. 3 even tablespoonfuls butter. 1 cup sugar. 3 eggs, beaten separately. 1 teaspoonful vanilla.
Cream the butter, add the sugar and well beaten egg-yolks, then the oatmeal, salt, and baking-powder, then the vanilla, and last the whites of the eggs. Drop in small bits, no larger than the end of your finger, on a shallow pan, three inches apart. Bake in a very slow oven till brown, and take from the pan while hot.
Peanut Wafers
1 cup of sugar. 1/2 cup of butter. 1/2 cup of milk. 1/2 teaspoonful soda. 2 cups of flour. 1 cup chopped peanuts.
Cream the butter and sugar, put the soda in the milk and stir well, and put this in next; add the flour and beat well. Butter a baking-pan and spread this evenly over the bottom, and then spread the peanuts over all. Bake till a light brown.
Tea-party Cakes
2 squares of Baker's chocolate. 1 teaspoonful of sugar. Bit of butter the size of a pea.
Melt the chocolate over the teakettle and stir in the sugar and butter and a couple of drops of vanilla, if you like. Take little round crackers, and with a fork roll them quickly in this till they are covered; dry on buttered paper. You can also take saltines, or any long, thin cracker, and spread one side with the chocolate.
Almond Strips
White of 1 egg. 1 cup chopped almonds. 2 tablespoonfuls powdered sugar.
Beat the egg just a little and put in the sugar and almonds; spread on thin crackers, and brown in the oven with the door open.
General Rule
Margaret's mother did not like her to eat pie, but she let her learn how to make it, and once in awhile she had a small piece. Here is her rule:
1 pint of flour. 1/4 cup of butter. 1/4 cup lard, 1 teaspoonful salt. 1/2 cup ice-water.
Put the flour, butter, lard, and salt in the chopping-bowl and chop till well mixed. Then add the water, a little at a time, turning the paste and chopping till smooth, but never touching with the hand. Put a very little flour on the pastry-board and lift the crust on this, and with a floured rolling-pin lightly roll it out once each way; fold it over and roll again, and do this several times till the crust looks even, with no lumps of butter showing anywhere. Put it on a plate and lay it in the ice-chest for at least an hour before you use it.
Pie-crust will never be light and nice if you handle it. Do not touch it with your fingers unless it is really necessary. When you use it, get everything ready for the pie first, and then bring out the crust, roll quickly, and spread over the pie.
In putting the pie in the pan, cut the bottom piece a little larger than you want it, as it will shrink. Sprinkle the tin with flour, lay on the crust, and after it has been fitted evenly, and is not too tight, cut off the edge. Put a narrow strip of paste all around the edge, and press it together; if you wet it with a little water it will stick. If you wish to be sure the filling of the pie will not soak into the under crust, brush that over with beaten white of egg. After you put in the filling, fold your top crust together and cut some little shutters to let out the steam. Put on the cover, wet the edges so they will stick together, and pinch evenly.
Deep Apple Pie, or Apple Tart
Fill a baking-dish with apples, peeled and cut in slices. Sprinkle with flour, cinnamon, and plenty of sugar, about half a cup. Put in the oven and bake till the apples are soft, and then cool, put on the crust, and bake till brown. Serve powdered sugar and rich cream with this. All pies cooked in a baking-dish, with no crust on the bottom or sides of the dish, are called tarts by the English. They are the best kind of pie.
Peach Pie
Line a pie-plate with crust, lay in the peaches, peeled and sliced, sprinkle with flour, and then cover with sugar; put on a top crust, cut some little slits in it to let out the steam, and cook till brown. Or, make a deep peach tart.
French Peach Pie
Put the crust in the pie-pan as before; boil a cup of sugar with two tablespoonfuls of water till it threads. Lay quarters of peaches in the paste, around and around, evenly, no one on top of the other. Break ten peach-stones and arrange evenly on top; the pour the syrup over, and put a few narrow strips of crust across the pie, four each way, and bake.
Pumpkin Pie
1 small pumpkin. 2 1/2 cups of pulp. 2 cups of milk. 1 tablespoonful molasses. 2 eggs. 1 teaspoonful each of salt, ginger, cinnamon, and butter. 2 heaping tablespoonfuls of sugar.
Cut the pumpkin in small pieces and take out the seeds and remove the peel. Put the good part over the kettle and steam it till it is tender, keeping it covered. Then you take off the cover, and stand the steamer you have cooked it in on the back of the stove, till the heat makes the pumpkin nice and dry. Then mash it and put it through the colander. While it is warm, mix in everything in the rule except the eggs; let it cool, and put these in last, beating them till light. Line the pie-tin with crust, and pour in the filling and bake. This rule is a very nice one; it makes two pies.
Cranberry Pie
Cook a quart of cranberries till tender, with a small cup of water; when they have simmered till rather thick, put in a heaping cup of sugar and cook five minutes more. When as thick as oatmeal mush, take them off the fire and put through the colander; line a tin with crust, fill with berries, put strips of crust across, and bake. A nice plan is to take half a cup of raisins and a cup of cranberries for a pie, chopping together and cooking with water as before, adding a sprinkling of flour and a little vanilla when done.
Orange Pie
1 orange. 1 cup of water. 1 small cup of sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls corn-starch. Butter the size of a hickory-nut. Yolk of one egg.
Grate the rind of the orange, and then squeeze out the juice. Beat the yolk of the egg, add the water, with the corn-starch stirred in, orange juice and rind and butter, and cook till it grows rather thick. Bake your crust first; then bake the orange filling in it; then beat the white of your egg with a tablespoonful of granulated sugar, and put over it and brown. This is an especially nice rule.
Lemon Pie
Make exactly as you did the orange-pie, but put in a good-sized cup of sugar instead of a small one, with a lemon in place of the orange.
Whenever Margaret made pie she always saved all the bits of the crust and rolled them out, and lined patty-pans with them and baked them. She often filled them with raw rice while they baked, to keep them in shape, saving the rice when they were done. She filled the shells with jelly, and used the tarts for lunch.
Margaret did not wait till she reached the recipes for candy at the back of her book before she began to make it. She made it all the way along, whenever another little girl came to spend the afternoon, or it was such a rainy day that she could not go out. Nearly always she made molasses candy, because it was such fun to pull it, and she used the same rule her mother used when she was a little girl.
Molasses Candy
2 cups New Orleans molasses. 1 cup white sugar. 1 tablespoonful butter. 1 tablespoonful vinegar. 1 small teaspoonful soda.
Boil hard twenty minutes, stirring all the time, and cool in shallow pans. If you double the rule you must boil the candy five minutes longer.
The best thing about this candy is that it does not stick to the fingers, if you let it get quite cool before touching it, and pull it in small quantities. Do not put any butter on your fingers, but work fast.
Maple Wax
Boil two cups of maple syrup till it hardens when dropped in cold water. Fill a large pan with fresh snow, pack well; keep the kettle on the back of the stove, where the syrup will be just warm, but will not cook, and fill a small pitcher with it, and pour on the snow, a little at a time. Take it off in small pieces with a fork. If there is no snow, use a cake of ice.
Peanut Brittle
Make the molasses candy given above, and stir in a large cup of shelled peanuts just before taking it from the fire. Put in shallow, buttered pans.
Peppermint Drops
1 cup sugar. 2 tablespoonfuls of water. 3 teaspoonfuls of peppermint essence.
Boil the sugar and water till when you drop a little in water it will make a firm ball in your fingers. Then take it off the fire and stir in the peppermint, and carefully drop four drops, one exactly on top of another, on a buttered platter. Do not put these too near together.
Pop-corn Balls
Make half the rule for molasses candy. Pop a milk-can full of corn, and pour in a little candy while it is hot; take up all that sticks together and roll in a ball; then pour in more, and so on.
Maple Fudge
3 cups brown sugar. 2 cups maple syrup. 1 cup of milk. 1/2 cup of water. Butter the size of an egg. 1 cup English walnut meats, or hickory-nuts.
Boil the sugar and maple syrup till you can make it into a very soft ball when you drop it in water; only half as hard as you boil molasses candy. Then put in the milk, water, and butter, and boil till when you try in water it makes quite a firm ball in your fingers. Put in the nuts and take off the fire at once, and stir till it begins to sugar. Spread it quickly on buttered pans, and when partly cool mark in squares with a knife.
Chocolate Fudge
1 cup of milk. 1 cup of sugar. 1 pinch of soda. 3 squares Baker's chocolate. Butter the size of an egg.
Put the soda in the milk and scrape the chocolate. Mix all together until when you drop a little in water it will make a ball in your fingers. Take off the fire then, and beat until it is a stiff paste, and then spread on a buttered platter. Sometimes Margaret added a cup of chopped nuts to this rule, putting them in just before she took the fudge off the fire.
Cream Walnuts
2 cups of light brown sugar. Two-thirds cup of boiling water. 1 small saltspoonful of cream of tartar. 1 cup chopped walnuts.
Boil till the syrup makes a thread, then cool till it begins to thicken, and stir in the walnuts and drop on buttered paper.
Cream Made from Confectioners' Sugar
Take the white of one egg, and measure just as much cold water; mix the two well, and stir stiff with confectioners' sugar; add a little flavoring, vanilla, or almond, or pistache, and, for some candies, color with a tiny speck of fruit paste. This is the beginning of all sorts of cream candy.
Candy Potatoes
Make the plain white candy just given, and to it add a tablespoonful of cocoanut, and flavor with vanilla. Make into little balls, rather long then round, and with a fork put eyes in them like potato eyes. Roll in cinnamon. These candies are very quickly made, and are excellent for little girls' parties.
Chocolate Creams
Make the cream candy into balls, melt three squares of Baker's chocolate; put a ball on a little skewer or a fork, and dip into the chocolate and lay on buttered paper.
Nut Candy
Chop a cup of almonds and mix with the cream candy; make into bars, and when cold cut in slices.
Walnut Creams
Press two walnut halves on small balls of cream candy, one on either side.
Creamed Dates
Wash, wipe, and open the dates; remove the stones and put a small ball of cream candy into each one.
Butter Scotch
3 tablespoonfuls sugar. 3 tablespoonfuls of molasses. 2 tablespoonfuls of water. 1 tablespoonful of butter. 1 saltspoonful of soda.
Boil all together without stirring till it hardens in water; then put in a small teaspoonful of vanilla and pour at once on a buttered platter. When hard break up into squares.
1 cup light brown sugar. 1 cup cream. 1 cup walnuts, chopped fine. Butter the size of a walnut. 1 teaspoonful vanilla.
Cook the sugar and cream till it makes a ball in water; then put in the butter, vanilla, and nuts, and beat till creamy and spread on a platter.
Betty's Orange Candy
Betty was Margaret's particular friend, so this was her favorite rule:
2 cups sugar. Juice of one orange.
Boil till it hardens in water, and then pull it.
Creamed Dates, Figs, and Cherries
Make the plain cream candy, as before; wash the dates well, open at one side, and take out the stones and press in a ball of the candy; leave the side open. You can sprinkle with granulated sugar if you choose.
Cut figs in small pieces, and roll each piece in the cream candy till it is hidden.
For the cherries, color the cream candy light pink and make into little balls. On top of each press a candied cherry.
Dates with Nuts
Wash and wipe the dates dry, and take out the stones. Put half an English walnut in each and press the edges together; roll in granulated sugar. Small figs may be prepared in the same way.
As Margaret had to take her luncheon to school with her sometimes, she had to learn how to make a good many kinds of sandwiches, because she soon grew tired of one or two sorts.
Cut the bread very thin and spread lightly with butter, and after they are done trim off the crusts neatly, not taking off all the crust, but making the two pieces even. For plain meat sandwiches, chop the meat very fine, sprinkle with salt, and spread on the bread; if it is too dry, put in a very little cream as you chop the meat.
Egg Sandwiches
Make a very little French dressing,—about a teaspoonful of oil, a sprinkling of salt, and four drops of lemon juice, or vinegar. Chop a hard-boiled egg very fine, mix with the dressing, and spread.
Lettuce Sandwiches
Spread the bread, lay on a lettuce-leaf and cover with French dressing, or with mayonnaise. These sandwiches are about the best for school, as they do not get dry.
Celery Sandwiches
Chop the celery fine, mix with a French or mayonnaise dressing, and spread.
Olive Sandwiches
Chop six olives fine, mix with a tiny bit of mayonnaise and spread.
Chicken and Celery Sandwiches
Mix chopped celery and chopped chicken, as much of one as the other, wet with French or mayonnaise dressing and spread.
Nut Sandwiches
Chop the nuts fine and add just enough cream to moisten; sprinkle with salt and spread.
Sardine Sandwiches
Scrape off all the skin from the sardines, and take out the bones and drain them by laying them on brown paper; mash them with a fork, and sprinkle with lemon juice, and spread.
Tomato and Cheese Sandwiches
Slice a small, firm tomato very thin indeed, and take out all the seeds and soft pulp, leaving only the firm part; put one slice on the bread, and one thin shaving of cheese over it, and then put on bread. A slice of tomato with a spreading of mayonnaise makes a nice sandwich.
Cream Cheese and Nut Sandwiches
Spread thin Boston brown bread with just a scraping of butter, then spread with cream cheese and cover with nuts; this is a delicious sandwich.
Sweet Sandwiches
All jams and jellies make good sandwiches, and fresh dates, chopped figs, and preserved ginger are also nice.
Some of Margaret's School Luncheons
1. Two Boston brown bread, cream cheese, and nut sandwiches, and two white bread and jam; a little round cake; a pear.
2. Two chopped ham sandwiches, two with whole wheat bread and peanut-butter; a piece of gingerbread; a peach.
3. Two whole wheat-bread and chopped egg sandwiches with French dressing; two crackers spread with jam; three thin slices of cold meat, salted; a cup custard; an apple.
4. Two whole wheat sandwiches spread with chopped celery and French dressing, two of white bread and sardines; three gingersnaps; three figs.
5. Three sandwiches of white bread filled with cooked oysters, chopped fine, one of whole wheat with orange marmalade; a few pieces of celery, salted, a spice cake; a handful of nuts.
6. Four sandwiches, two of minced chicken moistened with cream, two of whole wheat and chopped olives; a little jar of apple-sauce; gingerbread.
7. Two date sandwiches, two of chopped cold meat; sugar cookies; three olives; an orange.
8. Two fig sandwiches, two whole wheat with chopped celery and French dressing; a devilled egg; a little scalloped cake; an apple.
9. Three lettuce sandwiches, one with brown sugar and butter; three tiny sweet pickles; ginger cookies; fresh plums.
Chocolate Cocoa Coffee Coffee, French Lemonade Lemonade with Grape-juice Tea Tea, Iced
Baking Powder Biscuit Barneys Cornbread, Grandmother's Cornbread, Perfect Flannel Cakes Griddle-cakes Griddle-cakes, Sweet Corn Milk Toast Muffins, Cooking-school Popovers Toast Waffles
Almond Strips Domino Doughnuts Eleanor's Filling for Layer Cake: Caramel Fig Maple Marshmallow Nut and Raisin Orange Frosting: Caramel Chocolate Plain Fruit, Easy Gingerbread Gingerbread, Soft Ginger Cookies Grandmother's Little Feather Cake Grandmother's Sugar Cookies Layer Margaret's Own Oatmeal Macaroons Peanut Wafers Sponge Tea-party Velvet
Betty's Orange Butter Scotch Candy Potatoes Chocolate Creams Chocolate Fudge Creamed Dates Creamed Dates, Figs and Cherries Cream Walnuts Cream Made from Confectioners' Sugar Dates with Nuts Maple Fudge Maple Wax Molasses Nut Peanut Brittle Peppermint Drops Pinoche Pop-corn Balls Walnut Creams
Corn-meal Mush Corn-meal Mush, Fried Farina Croquettes Hominy Rice, Boiled Rice Croquettes Rice, Fried
Fondu Scalloped Welsh Rarebit, Easy
Bread Pudding Brown Betty Cabinet Pudding Charlotte Russe, Easy Coffee Jelly Cornstarch Pudding, Plain Cornstarch Pudding, Chocolate Cornstarch Pudding, Cocoanut Cottage Pudding Custard, Baked Custard and Cake Custard, Cocoanut Floating Island Fruit Jelly Ice-creams and Ices: Packing the Freezer Chocolate Ice-cream Coffee Ice-cream French Ice-cream Peach Ice-cream Plain Ice-cream Strawberry Ice-cream Lemon Ice Orange Ice Peach Surprise Raspberry Ice Strawberry Ice Vanilla Parfait, the Easiest of All Junket Lemon Jelly Lemon Pudding Orange Jelly Orange Pudding Peach Shortcake Prune Jelly Prune Whips Rice Pudding with Raisins Snow Pudding Strawberry Shortcake Strawberry Shortcake Made with Cake Tapioca Pudding Pudding Sauces: Foamy Grandmother's Hard Lemon Orange Maple, Delicious Quick White Velvet Cream
Baked in Little Dishes Beds, Eggs in Bird's Nests Boiled Eggs, Soft Bacon, Eggs with Cheese, Eggs with Creamed Eggs Creamed in Baking Dishes Creamed on Toast Devilled Double Cream with Eggs Ham and Eggs, Moulded Omelette Omelette with Mushrooms Omelette with Mushrooms and Olives Omelette, Spanish Poached Eggs Poached Eggs with Potted Ham Scalloped Scrambled Scrambled with Parsley Scrambled with Chicken Scrambled with Tomato
Codfish Balls Crab Meat in Shells Creamed Codfish Creamed Fish Creamed Lobster Creamed Salmon Mackerel, Salt Oysters, Creamed Oysters, Panned Oyster Pigs in Blankets Oysters, Scalloped Sardines, Broiled Scalloped Lobster or Salmon Smelts, Fried
Bacon, Broiled Chicken or Turkey, Creamed Chicken Hash Chicken, Pressed Chops, Broiled Chops, Panned Cold Corned Beef Hash Dried Beef, Frizzled Liver and Bacon Liver and Bacon on Skewers Shepherd's Pie Sliced with Gravy Souffl Steak, Broiled Steak with Bananas Veal Cutlet Veal Loaf
Apple Pie or Tart, Deep Cranberry General Rule Lemon Orange Peach Peach Pie, French Pumpkin Tarts
Cakes Creamed Hashed Brown Mashed Saratoga Stuffed Sweet Potatoes Creamed Fried Scalloped
Cabbage Cabbage in Green Peppers Cauliflower Celery Celery and Apple Chicken Egg Fish Lobster Orange or Grapefruit Pineapple Potato String Bean Tomato and Lettuce Tomato, Stuffed Salad Dressings: French Mayonnaise
Celery Cream Cheese and Nut Chicken and Celery Egg Lettuce Nut Olive Sardine Sweet Tomato and Cheese
Sauce: Cream or White School Luncheons
Cream Soup, General Rule Cream of Almonds Cream of Clams Cream of Corn Cream of Green Peas Cream of Lima Beans Cream of Oysters Cream of Potato Cream of Spinach Cream of Tomato (Tomato Bisque) Meat Soups Bouillon, Creamed Extract, Made from Chicken or Turkey Made with Cooked Meat Pea, Split Plain Meat Tomato Vegetable, Clear
Asparagus Beans, Lima Beans, String Beets Beets, Stuffed Cabbage, Creamed Corn Corn, Canned Macaroni Onions Peas Tomatoes, Baked Tomatoes, Stewed