What I shall say is largely personal and you must not look upon me as representing anybody or anything. I may even fail to agree with some of the instruction that you have received in this interesting and valuable course. But I do speak, of course, as one who loves our church and as a loyal and I hope a thoughtful layman.
First, what is belief? We surely give the word a wide range of values. A man says that he believes in his own existence, which the philosopher Descartes said was the most sure thing in the world—"Cogito, ergo sum." He also says that he believes it will rain to-morrow. What can there be in common between these two acts of faith? Between a certainty and a fifty per cent chance, or less? This—that a man is always willing to act on his beliefs; if not, they are not beliefs within the meaning of this address. If you believe it will rain, you take an umbrella. Your doing so is quite independent of the grounds for your belief. There may really be very little chance of its raining; but it is your belief that causes your action, no matter whether it is justified or not. You could not act more decisively if you were acting on the certainty of your own existence. It is this willingness to act that unifies our beliefs—that gives them value. If I heard a man declare his belief that a fierce wild animal was on his track, and if I then saw him calmly lie down and go to sleep on the trail, I should know that he was either insane or a liar.
I have intimated above that belief may or may not be based on mathematical certainty. Fill up a basket with black and white pebbles and then draw out one. Let us create a situation that shall make it imperative for a person to declare whether a black or a white pebble will be drawn. For instance, suppose the event to be controlled by an oriental despot who has given orders to strike off the man's head if he announces the wrong color. Of course, if he has seen that only white pebbles went into the basket he says boldly "White." That is certainty. But suppose he saw one black pebble in the mass. Does he any the less say "White"? That one black pebble represents a tiny doubt; does it affect the direction of his enforced action? Suppose there were two black pebbles; or a handful. Suppose nearly half the pebbles were black? Would that make the slightest difference about what he would do? If you judge a man's belief by what he does, as I think you should do, that belief may admit of a good deal of doubt before it is nullified. Are your beliefs all based on mathematical certainties? I hope not; for then they must be few indeed.
That many of our fellow men have a wrong conception of belief is a very sad fact. The idea that it must be based on a mathematical demonstration of certainty, or even that it must be free from doubt is surely not Christian. Our prayers and our hymns are full of the contrary. We are beset not only by "fightings" but by "fears"—"within; without;" by "many a conflict, many a doubt"; we pray to be delivered from this same doubt. The whole body of Christian doctrine is permeated with the idea that the true believer is likely to be beset by doubts of all kinds, and that it is his duty, despite all this, to believe.
And yet there are many who will not call themselves Christians so long as they can not construct a rigid demonstration of every Christian doctrine. There are many thoughtful men who call themselves Agnostics just because they can not be mathematically sure of religious truth. Some of these men are better Christians than many that are so named. That they hold aloof from Christian fellowship is due to their mistaken notion of the nature of belief. The more is the pity. Now let us go back for a moment to our basket of pebbles. We have seen that the action of the guesser is based to some extent on his knowledge of the contents of the basket. In other words, he has grounds for the belief by which his act is conditioned. Persons may act without grounds; it may be necessary for them so to do. Even in this case there may be a sort of blind substitute for belief. A man, pursued by a bear, comes to a fork in the road. He knows nothing about either branch; one may lead to safety and one to a jungle. But he has to choose, and choose at once; and his choice represents his bid for safety. There is plenty of action of this sort in the world; if we would avoid the necessity for it we must do a little preliminary investigation; and if we can not find definitely where the roads lead, we may at least hit upon some idea of which is the safest.
But with all our investigation we shall find that we must rely in the end on our trust in some person; either ourselves or someone else. Even the certainty of the mathematical formula depends on our confidence in the sanity of our own mental processes. The man who sees the basket filled with white pebbles must trust the accuracy of his eyesight. If he relies for his information on what someone else told him, he must trust not only that other's eyesight, but his memory, his veracity, his friendliness. And yet one may be far safer in trusting another than in relying on his own unaided powers. Securus judicat orbis terrarum, says the old Latin. "The world's judgment is safe." We have learned to modify this, for we have seen world judgments that are manifestly incorrect. The world thought the earth was flat. It thought there were witches, and it burned them. Here individuals simply followed one another like sheep; and all, like sheep, went astray. But where there is a real, independent judgment on the part of each member of a group, and all agree, that is better proof of its correctness than most individual investigations could furnish. My watch, of the best make and carefully regulated, indicates five o'clock, but if I meet five friends, each of whom tells me, independently, that it is six, I conclude that my watch is wrong. There was never a more careful scientific investigation than that by which a French physicist thought he had established the existence of what he called the "N ray"—examined its properties and measured its constants. He read paper after paper before learned bodies as his research progressed. He challenged the interest of his brother scientists on three continents. And yet he was entirely wrong: there never was any "N ray." The man had deceived himself. The failure of hundreds to see as he did weighed more than his positive testimony that he saw what he thought he saw. Here as elsewhere our view of what may be the truth is based on trust. If you trust the French physicist, you will still believe in the "N ray." Creeds we are told, are outworn, and yet we are confronted, from birth to death, with situations that imperiously require action of some sort. Every act that responds must be based on belief of some kind. Creeds are only expressions of belief. The kind of Creed that is outworn (and this is doubtless what intelligent persons mean when they make this statement) is the parrot creed, the form of words without meaning, the statement of belief without any grounds behind it or any action in front of it. For this the modern churchman has no use.
And if he desires to avoid the parrot creed, he must surely inform himself regarding the meaning of its articles and the grounds on which they are held. More; he must satisfy himself of the particular meaning that they have for him and the personal grounds on which he is to hold them. This is the reason why such a course as that which you complete to-night is necessary and valuable. I have heard instruction of this kind deprecated as likely to bring disturbing elements into the mind. One may doubtless change from belief to skepticism by too much searching. It used to be a standing joke in Yale College, when I was a student there, that a well-known professor reputed to be an Atheist, had been perfectly orthodox until he had heard President Porter's lectures on the "Evidences of Christianity." But seriously, this objection is but another phase of the fallacy at which we have already glanced—that doubts are fatal to belief. I am certain that the professor in question might have examined in detail every one of President Porter's "Evidences," and found them wanting, only to discover clearer and stronger grounds of belief elsewhere—in his mere confidence in others, perhaps. Or he might have turned pragmatist and believed in Christianity because it "worked"—a valid reason in this case doubtless, but not always to be depended on; because the Father of Lies sometimes makes things "work" himself—at least temporarily.
But if examining into the grounds of his belief makes a man honestly give up that belief, then I bid him God-speed. I may weep for him, but I cannot help believing that he stands better with his Maker for being honest with himself than if he had gone on with his parrot belief that meant absolutely nothing. I can not feel that the Aztecs who were baptized by the followers of Cortes were any more believers in Christianity after the ceremony than they were before. It seems to me, however that a Christian, examining faithfully the grounds of his belief, will usually have that belief strengthened, and that a churchman, examining the doctrines of the church will be similarly upheld.
Not that church instruction should be one-sided. The teaching that tends to make us believe that every intelligent man thinks as we do reacts against itself. It is like the unfortunate temperance teaching that represents the liking for wine as always acquired. When the pupil comes to taste wine and finds that he likes it at once, he concludes that the whole body of instruction in the physiology of alcohol is false and acts accordingly. When a boy is taught that there is nothing of value beyond his own church, or nothing of value outside of Christianity, he will think less of his church, and less of Christianity when he finds intelligent, upright, lovable outsiders. I look back with horror on some of the books, piously prepared under the auspices of the S.P.C.K. in London, that I used to take home from Sunday School. In them we were told that a good man outside the church was worse than a bad man in it. If that was not the teaching in the book, it was at least the form in which it took lodgment in my boyish brain. Thank God it never found permanent foothold there. Instead, I hold in my memory the Eastern story of God's rebuke to Abraham when he expelled the Fire Worshipper from his tent. "Could you not bear with him for one hour? Lo! I have borne with him these forty years!"
I have always thought that a knowledge of what our neighbors believe is an excellent balance-wheel to our own beliefs and that our own beliefs, so balanced, will be saner and more restrained. It would be well, I think, if we could have a survey of the world's religions, setting down in parallel columns all the faiths of mankind. If this is too great a task we might begin with a survey of Christianity, set down in the same way. I believe that the results of such a survey might surprise us, showing, as I think it would do, the many fundamentals that we hold in common and the trivial nature of some of the barriers that appear to separate us.
In your course, just completed, you have had such a survey, I doubt not, of the beliefs of our own beloved church. Where her divines have differed, you have had the varying opinions spread before you. You have not been told that the mind of every churchman has always been a replica of the mind of every other churchman. Personally, I feel grateful that this has not been the case. As I say my creed and begin "I believe in God, the Father Almighty," I realize that the aspect of even such a basic belief as this, is the same in no two minds; that it shifts from land to land and from age to age. I know that God, as he is, is past human knowledge and that until we see Him face to face we can not all mean just the same thing when we repeat this article of belief. But I realize also that this is not due to the mutability of the Almighty but to man's variability. The Gods of St. Jerome, of Thomas Carlyle and of William James are different; but that is because these men had different types of minds. Behind their human ideas stands God himself—"the same yesterday, to-day and forever." So we may go through the creed; so we may study, as you have been doing, the beliefs of the church. Everywhere we see the evidences of the working, upon fallible human minds of a dim appreciation of something beyond full human knowledge—
"That one far-off divine event Toward which the Whole Creation moves."
We have a wonderful church, my friends. It is a church to live with; a church to be proud of. Those who miss what we are privileged to enjoy are missing something from the fulness of life. We have not broken with the historic continuity of the Christian faith: there is no chasm, filled with wreckage, between us and the fathers of the church. Above all we have enshrined our beliefs in a marvellous liturgy, which is ever old and ever new, and which had the good fortune to be put into English at a day when the force of expression in our Mother tongue was peculiarly virile, yet peculiarly lovely. I know of nothing in the whole range of English literature that will compare with the collects as contained in our Book of Common Prayer, for beauty, for form, for condensation and for force. They are a string of pearls. And indeed, what I have said of them applies to the whole book. When I see Committees of well-meaning divines trying to tamper with it, I shudder as I might if I witnessed the attempt of a guild of modern sculptors to improve the Venus of Milo by chipping off a bit here and adding something there. Good reasons exist for changes, doubtless; but I feel that we have here a work of art, of divine art; and art is one of God's ways of reaching the human heart. We are proud that we have not discarded it from our church buildings, from our altars, from the music of our choirs. Let us treat tenderly our great book of Common Prayer, like that other great masterpiece of divine literary art, the King James version of the Bible. There are plenty of better translations; there is not one that has the same magic of words to fire the imagination and melt the heart.
These are all trite things to say to churchmen: I have tried, on occasion, to say them to non-churchmen, but they do not seem to respond. There are those who rejoice in their break with historic continuity, who look upon a written form of service with horror. It is well, as I have said, for us to realize that our friends hold these opinions. One can not strengthen his muscles in a tug of war unless some one is pulling the other way. The savor of religion, like that of life itself, is in its contrasts. I thank God that we have them even within our own Communion. We are high-church and low-church and broad-church. We burn incense and we wear Geneva gowns. This diversity is not to be condemned. What is to be deprecated is the feeling among some of us that the diversity should give place to uniformity—to uniformity of their own kind, of course. To me, this would be a calamity. Let us continue to make room in our church for individuality. God never intended men to be pressed down in one mold of sameness. In the last analysis, each of us has his own religious beliefs. The doctrines of our church, or of any church are but a composite portrait of these beliefs. But when one takes such a portrait throughout all lands and in all time, and the features keep true, one can not help regarding them as the divine lineaments.
This is how I would have you regard the beliefs of our church, as you have studied them throughout this course—as our particular composite photograph of the face of God, as He has impressed it on the hearts and minds of each one of us. I commend this view to those who have no reverence for beliefs, particularly when they are formulated as creeds. These persons mean that they have no regard for group beliefs but only for those of the individual. Each has his own beliefs, and he must have confidence in them, for they are the grounds on which he acts, if he is a normal man. Even the faith of an Agnostic is based on a very positive belief. As for me, I feel that the churchman goes one step beyond him: he even doubts Doubt. Said Socrates: "I know nothing except this one thing, that I know nothing. The rest of you are ignorant even of this." Socrates was a great man. If he had been greater still, he might have said something like this: "I freely acknowledge that a mathematical formula can not satisfy all the cases that we discuss. But neither can it be stated mathematically that they are all unknowable. I am not even sure that I know nothing." Surely, under these circumstances, we may give over looking for mathematical demonstrations and believe a few things on our own account—that our children love us—that our eyes do not deceive us; that the soul lives on; that God rules all. We may put our faith in what our own church teaches us, even as a child trusts his father though he can not construct a single syllogism that will increase that trust.
This does not mean that we shall not benefit by examining the articles of our faith; by learning what they are, what they mean and what others have thought of them. The churchman must combine, in his mental habits, all that is best of the Conservative and the Radical. While holding fast that which is good he must keep an open mind toward every change that may serve to bring him nearer to the truth or give him a clearer vision of it.
How we can insure this better than by such an institution as the Church School for Religious Instruction I am sure I do not see. May God guide it and aid it in its work!
Abraham, Story of, 335
Action, test of belief, 332
Ade, George, 110, 170; fables in picture plays, 319
Adults and children, compared, 14
Advertisement of ideas, 127
Aldrich, T.B., 322
Alger, Horatio, 16, 174
America, Fluid customs in, 224
"America", hymn, 191
American Academy of Sciences, 57
American ancestry, 179; architecture, 218; art, 217; music, 218; philosophy, 220; religion, 219; thought, tendencies of, 213
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 50
American Library Association, 51
American Library Institute, 52
American readers, 42
Americanization, 17, 73
Americanization of England, 225
Ancestry, American, 179
Anglo-Saxon ancestry, 181
Architecture, American, 218
Archives, family, 184
Army, international, 159
Art, American, 217; effect of, 163
Art, Early forms of, 37
Association, value of, 45
Atoms of energy and action, 122
Attractiveness a selective feature, 26
Austen, Jane, 176
Author, Function of, 67
Authors Club, N.Y., 51
Auto-suggestion in drugs, 233
Aviation, Newcomb's opinion of, 86
Belief, What is?, 339
Bennett, Arnold, 175
Bible, King James Version, 337
Birth of a nation; picture play, 322
Book-stores, disappearance of, 238
Books in selective education, 27
"Book-Taught Bilkins", 89, 98
Book-titles, Possessive case in, 19
Boston tea-party, 183
Branch libraries, Reasons given for using, 11
British Association, 307
Brooklyn Public Library, 4
Brown, Susannah H., who was she? 281
Browsing, 27; uses of, 104
Bryce, James, quoted, 216
Buildings, Monumental, 141
Bulwer-Lytton, E.G.E.L., 86
Burbank, Luther, 24
Cabiria; motion picture play, 319, 322
Captions in motion pictures, 318
Carnegie, Andrew, 77
Carnegie Institution, 85, 306
Cartoonist, Anecdote of, 294
Centre, What is a?, 145
Centralized associations, 58
Certainty and belief, 330
Chaucer, 293
Chautauqua, 265
Chemistry, New drugs from, 232
Chicago Evening Post, quoted, 109
Chicago, Field houses in, 148
Chicago Women's Club, Paper before, 197
Children's editions, 6; rooms, 31
Christian Science and drugs, 233
Christianity, 331
Christmas book shows, 170
Church School of religious instruction, 329
Church, Use of symbols by, 188
Churches of Christ in America, Federation of, 220
Circulation by volumes, 6; publicity value of, 142; tables, 7, 8
Circulation, Publicity, 142
Civil Engineers, Society of, 52
Civil War, Notions of, 180
Classroom libraries, 29
Clergy, Slight influence of, 13
"Close-ups" in motion pictures, 317
Clubs that meet in libraries, 148
Clubwomen's reading, 259
Colloquial speech, 92
Color-photography in motion pictures, 327
Combat, Settlement by, 158
Commercial travellers, 198
Commission government, 216
Constitution, United States, 50, 214; amendment of, 226
Continuum, 116
Cook, Dr. Frederick, 95
Copyright conference, 53
Courses of reading, 268
Court, International, 159
Creeds, Uses of, 333
Crowd-psychology on a ferry, 247
Dante, 46
D'Annunzio, G., 322
Delivery stations in drug stores, 241
Democracy a result, 72; and ancestry, 186; and despotism, 213; conditions of, 209
Department stores, 238
Despotism and democracy, 213
Dickens, pathos of, 175
Disarmament, 161
Discontinuity of the universe, 124
Distribution of books, 67, 129
Distributor, Library as a, 198
Divorce, Freedom of, 217
Don Quixote, Heine on, 173
Drug-addiction, 234
Drugs and the man, 229
Eaton, Walter Pritchard, quoted, 316
Eclecticism in America, 213
Economic advertising, 130
Economic writings of Newcomb, 86
Education, American, 218; in recreation, 100; modern methods of, 63; of the community, 243; of the sexes, 273; post-scholastic, 30; selective, 23, 65; through books, 90
Efficiency in association, 48; What is? 257
Elizabethan drama, 323
Energetics, Theory of, 114
Energy, Atomic theories of, 113
England an elective monarchy. 214; rigid customs in, 224; source consciousness in, 182
Ephemeral, Meaning of, 36
Episcopalians, 220
Eyes, injured by small type, 302
Fairy tales, 75
Falsity in books, 39
Feminist movement, 267
Flag, what it stands for, 187
Fiction, 39; interest in, 137; intoxication by, 40, 100; uses of, 35
Fluids, Mixture of, 118
Force symbolized by flag, 194
Ford, Henry, 237
Freedom, What is? 192
Gallicism in book-titles, 22
Gary system, 246
Genealogy, American, 179
Gibbs, J. Willard, quoted, 118
Good-will, Influence of, 17
Government, Federal, 213
Gravitation, Law of, 83
Gray's Elegy, 111
Greek tragedy, 324
Group-action, 45; on a ferry, 247
Hall, G. Stanley, quoted, 253
Harvard Classics, 109
Heine, Heinrich, quoted, 173
Henry, Joseph, 80
Heredity, and memory, 73; History and, 179
Hertzian waves, 121
Hilgard, Julius, 80
Hill, G.W., 84
Holmes, Mary J., 104
Homer, Methods of, 198
Honesty, Lack of, 32
Huey, Book by, 305
Hunt, Leigh, 109
Huret, Jules, 41
Identity, Meaning of, 114
Impeachment, 214
Indicator, in English libraries, 225
Indifference to books, 133
Information in books, 94
Inspiration from books, 101
Intemperance in reading, 40, 100
Interest, Importance of, 287, 289; Necessity of, 5, 137
International agreements in science, 85
Internationalism, 159
Intoxication by fiction, 40, 100
Ivanhoe, 175
James, William, 138; founder of pragmatism, 221; quoted, 287
Keith, Cleveland, 84
Kent, William, quoted, 229
Kepler, quoted, 177
Kinemacolor process, 327
Kinetic theory, 120
Koopman, H.L., 308
Lagrange, 114
Languages, written and spoken, 90
Large type, Books in, 301
Law, Enforcement of, 158
Le Bon, Gustave, 45
Lee, Gerald Stanley, 77
Legibility of type, 306
Libbey, Laura Jean, 41, 104
Libraries, Economic features of, 67
Library associations. 49; Non-partisanship of, 70, 96, 152; Private basis of, 169
Lindsay, Vachell, 321
Lines, Length of on printed page, 309
Liouville's theorem, 123
Lippmann, Walter, quoted, 216, 228
Literature an art, 165; evaluation of, 95; static and dynamic, 35
Los Angeles Public Library, 96
Lower-case letters. 307
Loyalists, United Empire, 180
Lummis, Chas. F., 96
Lunar theory, 84
Magazines, Support of, 68
Magical remedies, 233
Magnet, Definition of, 87
Make-up in motion pictures, 317
Malemployment, 229
Maxwell Jas. Clerk, 115
Mayflower, The, 183
Medical Record, Strasburg, 305
Meetings in libraries, 147
Memory, Latent, 74
Meredith, Geo., 110
Mexican commission, 194
Military associations, 48
Mill, John Stuart, 243, 244
Mind, Male and female types, 272
Moderation, Lack of in America, 235
Mohammedanism, 219
Molecular theory, 115
Moon's motion, 84
Morals, Eclecticism in, 216
Morgan, J.P., 169
Motives of library users, 11
Moving pictures, 313
Municipal ownership and operation, 154
Music, American, 218
N-ray, 333
Narrative, earliest literary form, 37
National Academy of Fine Arts, 57
National Academy of Science, 52
National Education Association, 50; Address before, 145
Nautical Almanac, 80
New country, What is? 182
New England Society, 179
New York, Free Circulating Library, 19
New York, Library support in, 200; West side readers, 42
New York Public Library, 11, 30, 220
Newcomb, Simon, Sketch of, 79
Newspapers, 36
Newton, Isaac, 83
Non-partisanship of library, 250
Norris, Frank, 322
Omar Khayyam, 108
Open shelves, 104; Origin of, 225
Optic, Oliver, 174
Ostwald, Wilhelm, 114
Pacifism, 157
Pageant of St. Louis, 188
Pantomime in the motion picture, 320
Papers, Ready-made, for clubs, 270; scientific, 275
Pater, Walter, 168
Paulist fathers, 220
Pauperization, intellectual, 68
Pendleton, A.M., quoted, 140
Perry, Bliss, quoted, 211
Pharmacy, School of, address to, 229
Philadelphia Free Library, Address at, 67
Philosophy, an interesting subject, 133, 138; in America, 220
Phonograph, Uses of, 94
Physics made interesting, 138
Pickford, Mary, 247, 317
Planck, Max, 113, 120
Planets, Orbits of, 83
Players' Club, N.Y., 51
Pocahontas, 183
Poincare, Henri, 113, 120
"Poison labels" for books, 96
Porter, Noah, 334
Posse, International, 159
Possessive case, Use of, 19
Pragmatism in America, 221
Prayer Book as literature, 337
Prescott, William H., 95
Press, Slight influence of, 13
Pride, Personal and group, 185
Princeton University, 219
Printing Art, magazine, 308
Programitis, club disease, 286
Programmes, Club, 268, 280, 295
Public as library owners, 205
Public Library, 169; eclecticism of, 221; people's share in, 197
Publicity, Library, 140
Publisher, Function of, 67
Puritanism, 219
Quanta, 121; hypothesis of, 113
Race-record, Library as a, 74
Radio-activity, 231
Rayleigh's Law, 120
Readers, Do they read? 3
Reading, mechanism of, 91; skill in, 135
Realism in education, 246; in motion pictures, 314
Recall, earliest form of, 213
Records, varieties of, 94
Recreation through books, 99
Religion in America, 219
Renewal, Preservation by, 97
Repetition a test of art, 166
Reprinting, Use of, 98
Re-reading, Art of, 163
Residual personality, 290
Resonators, 121
Revolution, American, notions of, 180; versus evolution, 279
Revue Scientifique, 113
Roethlin, Barbara E., 306
Roman Catholic Church, 220
Roman viewpoint in history, 181
Rome, decadence of, 227
Rousiers, Paul de., quoted, 55, 56, 57
St. Louis Academy of Science, paper before, 113
St. Louis, library tax in, 200
St. Louis Public Library, 140, 254, 302; meetings in, 150
Sampling books, 110
Scenery in motion pictures, 317; in Elizabethan drama, 323; made of motion pictures, 327
School libraries, 29
School, Non-partisanship of, 70; Community use of, 155
Schoolmen of N.Y., Paper before, 23
Scientific societies, 52
"See America First" movement, 191
Selection In nature, 23; mechanical, 47
Selective education, 65
Sex in library use, 15
Sexes, differences of, 272
Shakespeare, 178; changes in, 293; rank of, 168; unavailable for stage, 323
Shaw, Edw. R., 304
Social Centre movement, 145
Society for Psychical Research, 82
Society of Illuminating Engineers, 57
Socrates, quoted, 338
Sorolla, 164
Southern views of Civil War, 180
Spelling reform, 93
Staginess of the theatre, 315
Standard Dictionary, 87
Standards in literature, 36
Statistics of reading, actual, 4
Story-telling, 37; extraordinary, 282
Structure of energy, 118
Superficiality, meaning of, 105; 269
Swift, Dean, 208
Symbols, Use of, 188
Taste, literary, 171; origin of, 4
Tax, library, 200
Teacher, influence of, 13, 243
Text-books, Defects of, 270
Therapeutics, Changes in, 230
Tocqueville, de., quoted, 56
Toronto, University of, 220
Trade-literature, 98
Tradition, Uses of, 93
Travel, Foreign, in United States, 41
Trollope, Anthony, 176
Tutorial system, 219
Tyndall, John, 138
Type sizes, Standardization of, 304
Un-American, what is? 226
Unfitness, Elimination of, 24
Union, symbolized by flag, 189
Unity of place on the stage, 324
Universal City, 317
Value, Structure of, 119
Van Dyke, Henry, quoted, 193
Verne, Jules, 86
Violence, systematization of, 157
Vision, Conservation of, 305
Volumes, Statistics by, 4
Walton, Isaac, 165
War, European, 209, 249; status of, 158
Wesley, John, 46
West, source-consciousness of, 182
White, Gilbert, 165
Wien, Wilhelm, 122
Women's Clubs, 210; reading of, 259
Woodbury, George E., quoted, 219