31. Thomas Gray, An Elegy Wrote in a Country Churchyard (1751), and The Eton College Manuscript. [15409]
41. Bernard Mandeville, A Letter to Dion (1732).
104. Thomas D'Urfey, Wonders in the Sun; or, The Kingdom of the Birds (1706).
110. John Tutchin, Selected Poems (1685-1700).
111. Anonymous, Political justice (1736).
112. Robert Dodsley, An Essay on Fable (1764).
113. T. R., An Essay Concerning Critical and Curious Learning (1698).
114. Two Poems Against Pope: Leonard Welsted, One Epistle to Mr. A. Pope (1730), and Anonymous, The Blatant Beast (1742). [21499]
115. Daniel Defoe and others, Accounts of the Apparition of Mrs. Veal.
116. Charles Macklin, The Covent Garden Theatre (1752).
117. Sir George L'Estrange, Citt and Bumpkin (1680).
118. Henry More, Enthusiasmus Triumphatus (1662).
119. Thomas Traherne, Meditations on the Six Days of the Creation (1717).
120. Bernard Mandeville, Aesop Dress'd or a Collection of Fables (1704).
123. Edmond Malone, Cursory Observations on the Poems Attributed to Mr. Thomas Rowley (1782).
124. Anonymous, The Female Wits (1704).
125. Anonymous, The Scribleriad (1742). Lord Hervey, The Difference Between Verbal and Practical Virtue (1742).
129. Lawrence Echard, Prefaces to Terence's Comedies (1694) and Plautus's Comedies (1694).
130. Henry More, Democritus Platonissans (1646).
132. Walter Harte, An Essay on Satire, Particularly on the Dunciad (1730).
133. John Courtenay, A Poetical Review of the Literary and Moral Character of the Late Samuel Johnson (1786).
134. John Downes, Roscius Anglicanus (1708).
135. Sir John Hill, Hypochondriasis, a Practical Treatise (1766).
136. Thomas Sheridan, Discourse ... Being Introductory to His Course of Lectures on Elocution and the English Language (1759).
137. Arthur Murphy, The Englishman From Paris (1736).
138. [Catherine Trotter], Olinda's Adventures (1718).
Publications of the first fifteen years of the Society (numbers 1-90) are available in paperbound units of six issues at $16.00 per unit, from the Kraus Reprint Company, 16 East 46th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017.
Publications in print are available at the regular membership rate of $5.00 yearly. Prices of single issues may be obtained upon request. Subsequent publications may be checked in the annual prospectus.
The Augustan Reprint Society
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
2520 Cimarron Street (at West Adams), Los Angeles, California 90018
Make check or money order payable to
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library: University of California, Los Angeles
2520 Cimarron Street, Los Angeles, California 90018
General Editors: William E. Conway, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library; George Robert Guffey, University of California, Los Angeles; Maximillian E. Novak, University of California, Los Angeles
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Edna C. Davis, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
The Society's purpose is to publish rare Restoration and eighteenth-century works (usually as facsimile reproductions). All income of the Society is devoted to defraying costs of publication and mailing.
Correspondence concerning memberships in the United States and Canada should be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary at the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, 2520 Cimarron Street, Los Angeles, California. Correspondence concerning editorial matters may be addressed to the General Editors at the same address. Manuscripts of introductions should conform to the recommendations of the M L A Style Sheet. The membership fee is $5.00 a year in the United States and Canada and L1.19.6 in Great Britain and Europe. British and European prospective members should address B. H. Blackwell, Broad Street, Oxford, England. Copies of back issues in print may be obtained from the Corresponding Secretary.
Publications of the first fifteen years of the Society (numbers 1-90) are available in paperbound units of six issues at $16.00 per unit, from the Kraus Reprint Company, 16 East 46th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017.
Make check or money order payable to THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA
139. John Ogilvie, An Essay on the lyric poetry of the ancients (1762). Introduction by Wallace Jackson. [25008]
140. A Learned Dissertation on Dumpling (1726) and Pudding burnt to pot or a compleat key to the Dissertation on Dumpling (1727). Introduction by Samuel L. Macey. [present text]
141. Selections from Sir Roger L'Estrange's Observator (1681-1687). Introduction by Violet Jordain.
142. Anthony Collins, A Discourse concerning Ridicule and Irony in writing (1729). Introduction by Edward A. Bloom and Lillian D. Bloom.
143. A Letter from a clergyman to his friend, with an account of the travels of Captain Lemuel Gulliver (1726). Introduction by Martin Kallich.
144. The Art of Architecture, a poem. In imitation of Horace's Art of poetry (1742). Introduction by William A. Gibson.
Gerard Langbaine, An Account of the English Dramatick Poets (1691), Introduction by John Loftis. 2 Volumes. Approximately 600 pages. Price to members of the Society, $7.00 for the first copy (both volumes), and $8.50 for additional copies. Price to non-members, $10.00.
Already published in this series:
1. John Ogilby, The Fables of Aesop Paraphras'd in Verse (1668), with an Introduction by Earl Miner. 228 pages.
2. John Gay, Fables (1727, 1738), with an Introduction by Vinton A. Dearing. 366 pages.
3. The Empress of Morocco and Its Critics (Elkanah Settle, The Empress of Morocco [1673] with five plates; Notes and Observations on the Empress of Morocco [1674] by John Dryden, John Crowne and Thomas Snadwell; Notes and Observations on the Empress of Morocco Revised [1674] by Elkanah Settle; and The Empress of Morocco. A Farce [1674] by Thomas Duffett), with an Introduction by Maximillian E. Novak. 348 pages.
4. After THE TEMPEST (the Dryden-Davenant version of The Tempest [1670]; the "operatic" Tempest [1674]; Thomas Duffett's Mock-Tempest [1675]; and the "Garrick" Tempest [1756]), with an Introduction by George Robert Guffey. 332 pages.
Price to members of the Society, $3.50 for the first copy of each title, and $4.25 for additional copies. Price to non-members, $5.00. Standing orders for this continuing series of Special Publications will be accepted. British and European orders should be addressed to B. H. Blackwell, Broad Street, Oxford, England.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Errors and Inconsistencies noted by transcriber:
As Wynde in a Bladdere ypent... [printed in black-letter type]
The Key to the Dissertation was printed with marginal opening quotes. Most closing quotes were supplied by the transcriber.
Dr. Wood (pp. 442-447) [pp.442-447]
Dumpling and Key
Note author's correction: Page 5. line 15, &c. for Barnes read Brand.
Tu mihi Mecaenas Eris! [_spelling unchanged_] but for the Relief I find at AUSTIN's [' invisible] and trac'd in them the exact Lineaments [' invisible] and is call'd BRAND's to this Day [' invisible] his real Name was _John Brand_, [_here and above, see Author's Correction_] not one of the King's Cooks [' invisible] There is not so much difference between [differenee] some of Mother _Crump_'s Sausages [' invisible] See-and-Saw and Sacch'ry down [' invisible] with Elegies, Pastorals, Epithalamium's [_comma after "Elegies" invisible; apostrophe in "Epithalamium's" unchanged_] [->] _Pray mistake not the House; [-> represents pointing finger] that both the Gentlemen play a good Knife and Fork [_unchanged: error for "ply"?_] having at that Time, Credit with the Pork-Woman [_printed text reads "ha-/ing" at line break_] made-away with his Wine [_hyphen in original_]
Editor's Notes
the scatological Latin-English pun [scatalogical]
Augustan Reprints
20. Lewis Theobald, _Preface to ... [Prepace] 120. Bernard Mandeville ... (1704). [final . missing] 125. ... Lord Hervey... (1742). [_open parenthesis missing_] 2520 Cimarron Street (at West Adams), Los Angeles, California [. for , after "Los Angeles"]