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With Preface by Dr. R. GARNETT. (see Also Nos. 4, 40.) 34. Sappho: One Hundred Lyrics. By BLISS CARMAN. 35. Wine, Women, and Song: Mediaeval Latin Students' Songs. Translated, with Introd., by J. ADDINGTON SYMONDS. 36, 37. George Pettie's Petite Pallace Of Pettie His Pleasure. Edited by Prof. I. GOLLANCZ. [In Two Volumes. 38. Walpole's Castle of Otranto. With Preface by Miss SPURGEON. 39. The Poets Royal of England and Scotland. Original Poems by Royal And Noble Persons. Edited by W. BAILEY KEMPLING. 40. Sir Thomas More's Utopia. Edited by ROBERT STEELE, F.S.A. *41. Chaucer's Legend of Good Women. In modern English by Prof. SKEAT. 42. Swift's Battle of the Books, &c. Edited by A. GUTHKELCH. 43. Sir William Temple upon the Gardens Of Epicurus, with other XVIIth Century Essays. Edited by A. FORBES SIEVEKING, F.S.A. 45. The Song of Roland. Translated By Mrs CROSLAND. With Introduction by Prof. BRANDIN. (See also No. 22.) 46. Dante's Vita Nuova. The Italian Text, with ROSSETTI'S translation, and Introd. by Dr H. OELSNER. (See also No. 14.) 47. Chaucer's Prologue and Minor Poems. In modern English by Prof. SKEAT. *48. Chaucer's Parliament of Birds And House of Fame. In modern English by Prof. SKEAT. 49. Mrs. Gaskell's Cranford. With Introduction by R. BRIMLEY JOHNSON. 50. Pearl. An English Poem of the Fourteenth Century. Edited, with Modern Rendering, By Prof. I. GOLLANCZ. [Preparing. 51, 52. Kings' Letters. Parts III. and IV. Edited by ROBERT STEELE, F.S.A. [In Two Volumes. Preparing. 53. The English Correspondence of Saint Boniface. Trans. by EDWARD KYLIE, M.A. 56. The Cavalier to His Lady: XVIIth Century Love Songs. Edited by FRANK SEDGWICK. 57. Asser's Life of King Alfred. Translated by L. C. JANE, M.A. 58. Translations from the Icelandic. Translated by Rev W. C. GREEN, M.A. 59. The Rule of St Benedict. Translated by ABBOT GASQUET. 60. Daniel's "Delia" and Drayton's "Idea." Ed. by ARUNDELL ESDAILE, M.A. 61. 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See also under Markino (Yoshio), p. 19.
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Volumes published or in preparation. +*2. Greene's 'Pandosto,' or 'Dorastus and Fawnia': the original of Shakespeare's 'Winter's Tale.' Ed. by P. G. THOMAS. [Ready. +*3. Brooke's Poem of 'Romeus and Juliet': the original of Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet.' Edited by P. A. DANIEL. Modernised and re-edited by J. J. MUNRO. [Ready. 4. 'The Troublesome Reign of King John': the Play rewritten by Shakespeare as 'King John.' Edited by Dr. F. J. FURNIVALL and JOHN MUNRO, M.A. [Ready. 5, 6. 'The History of Hamlet': With other Documents illustrative of the sources of Shakspeare's Play, and an Introductory Study of the LEGEND OF HAMLET by Prof. I. GOLLANCZ. +*7. 'The Play of King Leir and His Three Daughters': the old play on the subject of King Lear. Edited by SIDNEY LEE, D. Litt. [Ready. +*8. 'The Taming of a Shrew': Being the old play used by Shakespeare in 'The Taming of the Shrew.' Edited by Professor F. S. BOAS, M.A. [Ready. +*9. The Sources and Analogues of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream.' Edited by FRANK SIDGWICK. [Ready. 10. 'The Famous Victories of Henry V.' 11. 'The Menaechmi': the original of Shakespeare's 'Comedy of Errors.' Latin text, with the Elizabethan Translation. Edited by W. H. D. ROUSE, Litt.D. [Ready. 12. 'Promos and Cassandra': the source of 'Measure for Measure.' 13. 'Apolonius and Silla': the source of 'Twelfth Night.' Edited by MORTON LUCE. [Ready. 14. 'The First Part of the Contention betwixt the two famous Houses of York and Lancaster,' and 'The True Tragedy of Richard, Duke of York': the originals of the second and third parts of 'King Henry VI.' 15. The Sources of 'The Tempest.' 16. The Sources of 'Cymbeline.' 17. The Sources and Analogues of 'The Merchant of Venice.' Edited by Professor I. GOLLANCZ. 18. Romantic Tales: the sources of 'The Two Gentlemen of Verona,' 'Merry Wives,' 'Much Ado about Nothing,' 'All's Well that Ends Well.' +*19, 20. Shakespeare's Plutarch: the sources of 'Julius Caesar,' 'Antony and Cleopatra.' 'Coriolanus,' and 'Timon.' Ed. C. F. TUCKER BROOKE, M.A. [Ready. * * * * * PART III. THE LAMB SHAKESPEARE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. With Illustrations and Music. Based on MARY AND CHARLES LAMB'S TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE, and edited by Professor I. GOLLANCZ, who has inserted within the prose setting those scenes and passages from the Plays with which the young reader should early become acquainted. The Music arranged by T. MASKELL HARDY. Imperial 16mo, cloth, 1s. 6d. net per vol.; leather, 2s. 6d. net per vol.; School Edit., linen, 1s. net per vol.
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See also under FLORENCE PRESS BOOKS, page 10.
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- Transcriber's Note: Typographical errors corrected in text: Page viii debator changed to debater Page viii extrordinary changed to extraordinary Page 2 irrelevent changed to irrelevant Page 29 Triconderoga changed to Ticonderoga Page 32 Bourgoyne changed to Burgoyne Page 61 Layfayette changed to Lafayette Page 69 reuirements changed to requirements Page 70 Nullifyers changed to Nullifiers Page 72 Carolinan changed to Carolinian Page 81 South-west changed to South-West Page 83 Fontainbleau changed to Fontainebleau Page 91 politicans changed to politicians Page 99 Carolinans changed to Carolinians Page 100 Hertford changed to Hartford Page 113 Tippercanoe should be Tippecanoe Page 114 Tippercanoe should be Tippecanoe Page 119 Taxas changed to Texas Page 124 Tippercanoe should be Tippecanoe Page 140 Bounaparte changed to Bonaparte Page 146 ems changed to seems Page 156 Carolinan changed to Carolinian Page 180 Manasses changed to Manassas Page 182 Tuilleries changed to Tuileries Page 189 Fritchit changed to Fritchie Page 223 Appomatox changed to Appomattox Page 225 Appomatox changed to Appomattox Page 228 quatrennial changed to quadrennial Page 233 absorbtion changed to absorption Page 235 Colgosc changed to Czolgosz Page 243 Cozolgose changed to Czolgosz Page 243 Donalson changed to Donelson Page 244 Farrague changed to Farragut Page 245 Donalson changed to Donelson Page 245 Henay changed Henry Page 245 Tippercanoe should be Tippecanoe Page 249 Chicamange changed to Chickamauga Page 250 136 changed to 236 Page 250 Surratt changed to Suratt Page 251 Tippercanoe should be Tippecanoe Page 253 Vasar changed to Vasari Ad Page 32 Dramshop changed to Dram Shop Ad Page 32 Dram-Shop changed to Dram Shop -