Nippon, "Sunrise Place"
Nira-yama, Hojo castle
Nishi Hongwan-ji, temple
Nishikawa Masayasu, astronomer under Yoshimune
Nishina-uji, branch of Taira family
Nishina Morito (d. 1221), Bakufu retainer, in Shokyu war
Nishino Buntaro, assassin (1889) of Viscount Mori
Nisi-no-shima, islet in Oki group
Nitta family, Yoritomo's attempt to win; adherents of Southern Court; crushed by Ashikaga Ujimitsu
—Yoshiaki (d. 1338), son of Yoshisada and provincial governor; suicide
—Yoshimune (1332-68), in defeat of Takauji
—Yoshioki (d. 1358)
—Yoshisada (1301-38) in Kyoto revolt; declares against Hojo, takes Kamakura; provincial governor; accuses Takauji of treason; commands army against Takauji; besieges Shirahata; escapes; faithful to Go-Daigo; death
—Yoshishige (d. 1202), ancestor of Tokugawa
Nittabe, Prince, residence of, site of Shodai-ji temple
Niuchwang taken by Japanese (1894)
Niwa Nagahide (1535-85), soldier of Nobunaga; councillor
No, dance and drama; Sadanobu regulates costume; masks
No-ami, artist, patronized by Yoshimasa
Nobility, primitive; administrative; growth of power at expense of Emperor; Daika attempts to distinguish from official ranks; titles of hereditary aristocracy annulled by Daika and estates escheated; nobles state pensioners; new titles under Temmu; influence of hereditary nobles against Daiho laws; court society in Heian epoch; in Meiji era; see Court Houses, Military Houses
Nobukatsu see Oda Nobukatsu
Nobunaga see Oda Nobunaga
Nobuteru see Ikeda Nobuteru
Nobuyoshi see Tokugawa Nobuyoshi
Nogi, Kiten, Count (1849-1912), commanding 3d Army, at Dalny; receives surrender of Port Arthur; at Mukden
Nomi-no-Sukune, suggests clay effigies instead of human funeral sacrifices; wrestler; ancestor of Sugawara family
No-niwa, moor-garden
Norimura see Akamatsu Norimura
Nori Sachhi see Tori Shichi
Norito, ancient rituals
Northeastern Japan, political importance of
North-east gate, the Demon's gate
Northern and Southern Dynasties; table; Northern in control
Northern Japan, more primitive culture of
Novik, Russian 2d-class cruiser at Port Arthur
Nozu, Michitsura, Count (1840-1908), commanding 4th Army; at Mukden
Nuns, Buddhist, Imperial princesses become
Nurses, provided for the Court by Mibu
Oama, younger brother of Naka (Emperor Tenchi), administrator during 7-year interregnum (661-668); appointed Tenchi's successor, declines in face of conspiracy; becomes Emperor Temmu
Oba Kagechika (d. 1182), hems in Yoritomo and crushes his army
Oban, coin
Obi, in Hyuga, Chinese trade
Occupations, hereditary among prehistoric uji or families
Oda family, one of "8 Generals of Kwanto"; origin of family
—Hidenobu (1581-1602), grandson of Nobunaga
—Katsunaga (1568-82), death
—Nobuhide (d. 1549) aids Crown
—Nobukatsu, son of Nobunaga, in Ise; succession; Komaki war; peace with Hideyoshi; Hideyoshi's treatment; signs oath of loyalty
—Nobunaga (1534-82); seizes Ise; career; Hideyoshi serves under; wins Okehazama; alliance with Ieyasu and Shingen; Court appeals to; attitude toward Yoshiaki; practically shogun; makes peace; friendly to Christians; aids Ieyasu; death; character; currency reform
—Nobutada (1557-82), with Ieyasu destroys army of Takeda Katsuyori; death; succession
—Nobutaka (1558-83)
—Samboshi called Hidenobu (1581-1602), son of Nobutada, his successor
Odate, governor of Harima, and Oke and Woke
Odate Muneuji, killed in attack on Kamakura
Odawara, fortress of Hojo; Odawara-hyogi proverb of reluctance; attacked by Kenshin; surrenders (1590)
Oeyama Shutendoji, bandit
Office and official called by same name; and rank, family qualifications for, before Heiji commotion
Official or Court lands, kwanden, under Daiho laws
—rank and aristocratic titles distinguished by the Daika
—rules (kyaku) supplementing Yoro laws
Oga, eighth of the great uji, descended from Okuninushi
Ogawa, at Sekigahara
Ogigayatsu, family name taken by Uesugi Tomomune; feud with Yamanouchi; against Hojo
Ogimaru see Hashiba Hidekatsu
Oguchi, battle of, Hideyoshi defeats Shimazu Iehisa
Ogura, Mount, home of Fujiwara Sadaiye
Ogyu (or Butsu) Sorai (1666-1728), Confucianist, writes on "47 Ronin", and on government; revises code
Ohama, nobleman, placates fishermen
Ohatsuse, brother of Anko; apparently instigates murder of all between him and crown; succeeds as Yuryaku
Oiratsume, incestuous sister of Karu
Oishi Yoshiyo (1659-1703), leader of "47 Ronin" (1703)
Oiwa, general in Korea, tries to get throne of Kudara
Ojin, 15th Emperor (270-310); 21 provinces added in his reign; ship building; palanquin
Okabe Tadazumi kills Taira Tadanori at Ichi-no-tani
Okagami, historical work
Oka-yama, castle in Bizen
Okazaki, in Mikawa, Ieyasu's castle in
Okazaki Masamune (1264-1344), swordsmith of Kamakura
Oke, Prince, see Kenso
Okehazama, battle (1560) victory of Nobunaga
Oki, Princess, see Myosho
Okimachi, 106th Emperor (1557-86); honours Kenshin, summons Nobunaga to Kyoto; Hideyoshi; decrees against Christianity
Okisada, see Sanjo
Okitsugu, see Tanuma Okitsugu
Okiyo, Prince, governor of Musashi
Okoshi, see Mononobe Okoshi
Oku Hokyo, Count (b. 1844) commanding 2d Army wins battle of Kinchou; and of Telissu; at Mukden
Okubo family, guards of Hakone barrier
—Tadachika (1553-1628) punished for disobedience to Military Law
—Toshimitsu (1832-78) of Satsuma, in alliance with Choshu; and Korean question; assassinated
Okuma Shigenobu, Count (b. 1838); organizes Progressist party; attack upon, retirement; invited into Cabinet
Okuni-nushi, Kami, "Great Name Possessor"; ancestor of Oga-uji
Okura-no-Tsubone, Yodo's lady-in-waiting
Okusaka, uncle of Anko, accused of treason; Okusakabe formed in his honour
Okuyama Yasushige (d. 1651)
Omi, muraji, befriends Oke and Woke
Omi, "grandee", title, applied to chiefs of conquest, and to subjects holding court office; higher than muraji; inferior title in Temmu's peerage
Omi, immigrants from Kudara settle in; seat of court and place of issue of Omi statutes; capital moved to; Asai control; Buddhists help Asai in; rice grants
Omitsu, son of Susanoo, imports cotton from Korea
Omiwa, Kami of
Omura, fief in Hizen, represented in embassy to Europe of 1582
—Sumitada (1532-87) invites Jesuits to Omura in Hizen; a Christian, persecutes
Omura Sumiyori (d. 1619), persecutes Christians
O-muraji, head of o-uji or preeminent grandee; office held by Otomo and then Mononobe; political rivalry with o-omi; opposing Buddhism; property of, unimportant after the Daika; not in Temmu's scheme of titles
Onakatsu, consort of Inkyo
Onchi, or Yenchi, uplands, distinguished from irrigated rice land in Daiho code
Ondo no Seto, strait near Kobe
Onin, period, 1467-9, its records; civil war of; beginning of Sengoku Jidai
Onjo-ji, in Omi, temple of Jimon branch, of Tendai sect, built by Otomo Suguri; its armed men; its abbot Raigo; part played by monastery in Yorimasa conspiracy; burnt by Taira (1180)
Ono Tofu, scribe
Ono Azumahito (d. 742), lord of eastern marches, builds castle of Taga
—Harunaga (d. 1615), son of Yodo's nurse, adviser of Hideyori; plots against Katagiri and Tokugawa; advises surrender of Osaka
—Imoko, Japanese envoy to China (607 A.D.)
—Yasumaro (d. 723), scribe; preface to Ko-jiki
—Yoshifuru, general of guards, crushes revolt of Fujiwara Sumitomo
Onogoro, mythic island in story of cosmogony
Ooka Tadasuke (1677-1751), chief-justice in Yedo; revises code
O-oku, harem
O-omi, pre-eminent ami, head of Kwobetsu-uji; rivalry with o-muraji; favour Buddhism; pre-eminent after death of Mononobe Moriya; title given by Soga Emishi to his sons; no longer important after Daika (645)
Operative regulations, Shiki, supplementing Yoro laws
Oracle, of Sun Goddess at Ise; War God at Usa
Orange (tachibana) seeds brought from China (61 A.D.); trees introduced
Ordeal; of fire; of boiling water, kugadachi; used in Korea by Keno; in questions of lineage
Organtino (1530-1609), Jesuit, Hideyoshi's treatment
Orloff, Russian general, ambuscaded at Liaoyang
Orpheus-Eurydice legend, Japanese parallel
Osabe, Prince Imperial, son of Konin, poisoned (772)
Osada Tadamune and his son Kagemune kill Minamoto Yoshitomo
Osadame Hyakkajo, Hundred Articles of Law
Osafune, swordsmith
Osaka, campaign from, against Sujin; Hideyoshi's castle; Chinese envoys; Franciscan convent; missionaries' residence; castle attacked; taken by Ishida; party of, refuse oath of loyalty to Tokugawa; castle partly destroyed; taken; vendetta illegal in; Nakai Seishi's school; rice exchange; jodai; traders crush English and Dutch competition; opened by Hyogo demonstration (1866)
Osaragi Sadanao, Hojo general, suicide (1333)
Osawa family, masters of ceremonies
Osazaki, life name of Emperor Nintoku
Oshihi, ancestor of Otomo chiefs
Oshikatsu, Rebellion of
Oshioki Ojomoku, code
Oshio Heihachiro (1792-1837) leads revolt after famine of 1836-7
Oshiwa, son of Richu, killed by Yuryaku
Oshiyama, governor of Mimana, recommends cession of part of Mimana to Kudara; territorial dispute of
Oshu, or Mutsu subjugated (1189); revolt of Ando
Ota Sukekiyo (1411-93), builds fort at Iwatsuki
Dokwan or Sukenaga (1432-86), builds fort at Yedo; aids Ogigayatsu branch of Uesugi
Otani, Nagamasa's castle
Oto, sister of Onakatsu, concubine of Inkyo
Oto, son of Tasa
Oto Miya see Morinaga
Otoko-yama, surrendered
Otomo family, descent; gate-guards; in Kyushu; treatment of Xavier in Bungo; feudatory and son Christians; persecute Buddhists
—general, defeats Iwaki and Hoshikawa
—Prince, prime-minister (671); conspiracy against Oama, succession as Kobun
—Chikayo, tandai of Kyushu (1396)
—Satehiko, in Korea (562)
—Yakamochi (d. 785), anthology
—Yoshishige, called Sorin, (1530-87), in wars in Kyushu; defeated in Hizen, appeals to Hideyoshi
Otsu, port
Otsu, Prince, son of Temmu; rebels against Jito and is killed
Otsuki Heiji advocates foreign intercourse
O-U, O-shu (Mutsu) and U-shu (Dewa); in 16th century wars
Ouchi family of Suwo, and the revolt of 1399; conspires in behalf of Hosokawa Yoshitane; tandai; in charge of relations with Korea, and China; quarrel with Shogun; superintend pirates; scholarship; gifts to Throne; power in 16th century, taken over by Mori Motonari
—Masahiro, pirate leader
—Mochiyo (1395-1442)
—Yoshihiro (1355-1400), Muromachi general, negotiates with Southern Court; slanders Imagawa Ryoshun; suicide
—Yoshinaga (d. 1557)
—Yoshioki (1477-1528), deputy kwanryo to Hosokawa Yoshitane; removes to Suwo
—Yoshitaka (1507-51), re-establishes (1548) trade with China; Chinese literature; defeated by Suye Harukata
Owari, province, Nobunaga in; fighting in Komaki war; Tokugawa of
Oyama, Iwao, Prince (b.1842), at Mukden
Oyamada Takaiye, sacrifice saves Nitta Yoshisada
Oye family could hold office above 5th rank; scholars; in Ashikaga administration
—Hiramoto (1148-1225), first president of man-dokoro; reforms (1185); sent to Kyoto after earthquake of 1185; in council of Bakufu; remonstrates with Sanetomo; urges offensive at beginning of Shokyu struggle; death
—Masafusa, general in Nine Years' Commotion; attempt to placate Raigo
—Tomotsuna, litterateur
O Yo-mei see Wang Yang-ming
Paddy-loom, introduction
Pagoda, 7-storey; 13-storey; many built by Shirakawa
Pahan-Hachiman, of pirate ships
Paikche, or Kudara, near Seoul, Japanese alliance with; artisans from
Paik-chhon-ku (Ung-jin), Japanese and Kudara army defeated by Chinese A.D.
Painting, Chinese, in Japan; and Korean; in years 540-640; in Nara epoch; in Heian epoch; in Kamakura period; in Muromachi period
Palace, ancient; consecration; in Nintoku's reign; Asuka; temporary, in burial; Kyoto palace burned and rebuilt; guards; officials; Yoshimitsu's; Yoshimasa's; Hideyoshi's
Palanquin, koshi, of 3rd century; one-pole, kago; legislation about; luxurious use of, in Genroku period
Palisades, early defence
Pattada, Russian cruiser at Port Arthur
Paper currency
Parkes, Sir Harry (1828-85), and Hyogo demonstration
Parks in Heian epoch in Kyoto; in Kamakura period; in Muromachi; see Landscape gardening
Parties, political, personal character of; opposition to cabinet; union of Liberals and Progressists
Partitions in houses
Parturition hut, ubuya
Paulownia, Imperial badge
Pavilion, Golden, of Yoshimitsu; Silver of Yoshimasa
Pawnshops, heavy taxes on
Peaches in myth of Izanagi and Izanami; Chinese origin of story
Peach Hill, Momoyama, Hideyoshi's palace
"Peerage," Japanese, Seishi-roku (814 A.D.)
Pehchili, in Boxer Rebellion
Peking, Japanese in march to, during Boxer Rebellion
Penal law and penalties, ancient; proto-historic; ritsu of Daiho and Yoro; in Joei code; in Tokugawa period
Perry, Matthew C. (1794-1858), Commodore, U.S.N., and treaty with Japan
Persecution of Buddhists, by Christians, influence Hideyoshi; of Jesuits after edict of 1587; of Franciscans; of Dominicans (1622); of Japanese Christians (1613); (1616), (1622), in Iemitsu's time
Perseus-Andromeda story, Japanese parallel
Pescadores, ceded by China (1895)
Pessoa, Andrea, blows up his ship at Nagasaki
Pestilence in reign of Sujin; in 1182; in 1783-6; displeasure of gods at adoption of Buddhism
Petition-box (meyasu-bako) and right of petition (645 A.D.); abuse of, pointed out in Miyoshi no Kiyotsura; petition bell in Kamakura; boxes re-introduced
Petropavlovsk, Russian battle-ship, sunk
Pets, cats and dogs
Pheasant in myth of Heavenly Young Prince
—White, Hakurchi, nengo or year-period, 650-4 A.D.
Philippine Islands, promised to Hideyoshi by Franciscans; Ieyasu's embassies to; conquest of, urged by Cocks, and by Matsukura and Takenaka; Japanese forbidden to visit; governor-general of, in Japan
Phung-chang, prince of Kudara
Physical characteristics of Japanese
Piece, 40 ft., unit of cloth measure
Pine-bark for food
Pine trees in Yedo castle
Pirates in Shikoku, Fujiwara Sumitomo sent against; Japanese piracy in Muromachi epoch; and invasion of Korea
Pit-dwellers see Tsuchi-gumo
Pitszewo, landing-place of 2d Japanese army (1904)
Plum tree groves, 612; blossom festival
Poetry; Nara epoch; Heian; Chinese style; in battle; in Genroku era; bureau of; quoted; see Couplet Composing
Pohai, Korean kingdom of 8th century recognized by Japan as successor of Koma
Pok-ein, Kudara general, defeats Shiragi troops (660)
Police, doshin
—Board, Danjo-dai, duties taken over by kebiishi
—executive, kebiishi, (810-29)
Poltava, Russian cruiser at Port Arthur
Polygamy in early Japan
Polytheism of early Buddhism
Pontiff, ho-o, title taken by abdicating Emperor
Port Arthur, taken from Chinese (1894); Russian railway; Russian fleet at, crippled by Japanese; Japanese attack on, was it warranted?; fleet further crippled; harbour entrance blocked; movements toward; captured (end of 1904)
Portsmouth, Peace of, (text)
Portuguese in Japan; introduce fire-arms; Spanish jealousy of; Dutch and English intrigue against; instigate Christian revolt; edict of 1637 against; refuse grant in Yedo; monopolize early trade; end of trade
Post bells, suzu
Posthumous names; official rank first conferred
Posting stations
Potato, sweet, introduced
Powder, in costume
Prayer, magic, etc.
Preble, American brig, in Nagasaki (1847)
Prefectural government as opposed to feudal; prefecture or ken
Prices, official, (1735)
Priesthood, Buddhist, attempt to bring under law; armed priests; princes enter, except Crown Prince; temporal power; scholarship
—Catholic, Ieyasu's attitude; and see Jesuits, Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustins
—Shinto, early rules
Prime Minister, 85, development of political power; office first established (671)
Primogeniture in early times, Imperial; in the family; Imperial, established 696 A.D.
Princely Houses
Princes, Imperial, change of status in Nara epoch; many become priests in Ashikaga epoch; abbots of Enryaku-ji and Kwanei-ji; all but Crown Prince enter priesthood; prince abbots, or monzeki
Printing, Buddhist amulets (770); in China; from movable type, about 1592
Privy council, Daijo (dajo) kwan; Board of
Progressist party, Shimpo-to, organized (1881) by Okuma; joins with Liberals
Promotion, official, Chinese system introduced (603 A.D.); under Daiho
Prose of Nara epoch; of Engi era wholly in Chinese; Ki no Tsurayuki's preface to Kokin-shu
Prosody, Japanese; and see Poetry, Couplet
Prostitution in Yedo; Sadanobu's legislation
Provinces, kuni, in reign of Seimu; classification, and subdivision into kori, under Daiho; difference between capital and provinces in Heian epoch; lawlessness; power of provincial families; Bushi employed by provincial nobles; shugo system, abolished by Kemmu restoration; local autonomy abolished
Provincial rulers, in early times; administration by imperial princes; early kuni-no-miyatsuko, later kokushi; kokushi under Daika; abuses under Shomu and Koken; use forced labour to reclaim uplands; term reduced to 5 years (774); administration criticized by Miyoshi no Kiyotsura; administration after Onin war; in Muromachi period; and Christianity
—temples, kokubun-ji; expense
—troops, abolished (792) except on frontiers
Public land, Kugaiden
Purchase value of money
Purification, Great, Oharai; regular, harai; bodily, misogi; as punishment for persons of high rank
Purple court costume; ecclesiastical robes
Pyong-yang, Korea; in campaign of 1592; taken from Japanese by Chinese (1593); Chinese defeated at, (1894)
Queen's Country, Chinese name for Kyushu and west-coast provinces because of female rulers
Queue—wearing and official caps, (603)
Race of Japanese
Raconteurs or reciters, guild of, Kataribe, (ill)
Raigo, abbot, influence
Rai Miki (1825-59), in Imperial restoration movement
Rai Sanyo (1780-1832) on ethical effects of Chinese classics; on Mintoku; on Bakufu; on the Hojo; on Morinaga; on Yoshisada; on development of tactics
Railways, Englishmen employed in planning; modern building
Rakuo, pen-name of Matsudaira Sadanobu
Rank, hon-i; changed by Taira Kiyomori after Heiji commotion; and costume
Ransetsu, verse-writer
Ratio of copper and silver in coinage; of silver and gold
Reclamation, of upland, in 8th century; and perpetual title; in Yoshimune's time
Recluse Emperors, Three; and see Camera Government
Recorder, of judgments
Recorders, Court of
Records, early Japanese; local
Red court costume, mark of highest rank; colour of Taira ensign
Red Monk, name given to Yamana Mochitoyo
Red walls
Reed, source of terrestrial life; boat in Japanese myth
Reform, Great (645)
Regent for grown Emperor, mayor of palace, kwampaku, office abolished after Kemmu restoration, in Tokugawa period; to minor, sessho; military, shikken
Regent Houses, Five, Go-Sekke
Registrar of Vessels
Registration of land
Reigen, 112th Emperor (1663-86); abdicates
Rein, J. J., on chronology
Reizei, 63rd Emperor (968-969), grandson of Fujiwara no Morosuke
Relief in crop-failure or sickness, under Daiho laws; for debtors; for sufferers from fire and tornado; for famine
Religion, early rites; rites reorganized; Emperor at head of; in protohistoric period; Board of; Miyoshi Kiyotsura's description; Yoritomo's attitude; in Muromachi period; Department of; and see Mythology, Shinto, Buddhism, Christianity
Ren, lady of Go-Daigo, conspires against Morinaga, for her son Tsunenaga
Rennyo Shonin see Kenju
Restoration, of Kemmu era; of 1867
Return, English ship
Retvisan, Russian battleship at Port Arthur
Rhinoceros, fossil
Rice, castle; diet; culture; chewers, nurses; corporation of cultivators; for public use; standard of exchange; store-houses, for sale to travelers; loaned to farmers; substitute crops urged; boiled and dried, ration; paddy-loom; area cultivated, 15th century, beginning of 16th century; currency; relief tax on feudatories; production increased; rice exchange; classification of fields; modern crops
Richardson, English subject, killed in Namamugi
"Rich Gem," Princess, in myth of Hosuseri and Hohodemi
Richu, 17th Emperor (400-405 A.D.), first of "protohistoric" sovereigns
Right, Minister of
Rikken Seiyukai, "Friends of the Constitution"
Riparian improvements under Nintoku
Rituals, Ancient
River of Heaven, Milky Way
Rock, Sacred, on Kannabi mountains
Rodriguez, Joao (1559-1633), Portuguese Jesuit, interpreter at Yedo
Roju, seniors, cabinet; council of ministers, removed from proximity to shogun; and tax collecting; judges
Rokkaku, one of Five Regent Houses; Yoshihisa's campaign against
—Sadayori, see Sasaki Sadayori
—Takayori, see Sasaki Takayori
Rokuhara, n. and s. suburbs of Kyoto, offices of the Bakufu tandai; in Kyoto revolt
Rokujo, 79th Emperor (1166-1168)
Roku Kokushi, Six National Histories
Rokuon-ji, family temple of Yoshimitsu
Roku-sho-ji, Six Temples built by Shirakawa
Roman Empire, early trade with China
Ronin, free lances; revolt of; "47"
Rope, straw, in myth; paper-mulberry, used in fishing
Rosen, Roman Romanovitch, Baron, Russian peace commissioner at Portsmouth
Rossia, Russian cruiser at Vladivostok
Rouge, in costume
Rozhdestvensky, Ziniry Petrovitch (b. 1848), commanding Baltic squadron, defeated by Togo
Rules for Decisions; of Judicial Procedure
—and Regulations of Three Generations, Saridai-Kyaku-shiki; revised (819)
Rurik, Russian cruiser
Russia, relations with, 18th and early 19th centuries; joins France and Germany in note protesting against Japanese occupation of Manchurian littoral; war with; peace, (text); situation in 1911
Russian, name Akuro-o may be read Oro-o and mean
Ryobu Shinto, mixed Shinto, Kami being avatars of Buddhas
Ryogoku, bridge in Yedo
Ryoken, priest of Nanzen-ji
Ryoshun see Imagawa Sadayo
Ryu, Shinki, artist
Ryuko, Buddhist priest, advises of Tsunayoshi
Ryokyu Islands, language cognate to Japanese; King of, intervenes; Japanese intercourse with islands; king of, and Japanese invasion of mainland; French in, (1846); Formosa and; Chinese claims to, given up
Ryuzoki, Kyushu family, defeat Shoni
—Takanobu (1530-85), death
Sacrifice, early; human; of weapons; at grave
Sadami, Prince, Emperor Uda (q.v.)
Sadanobu see Matsudaira Sadanobu
Sadato see Abe Sadato
Sadatoki see Hojo Sadatoki
Sadatsune, Prince, sons
Sadayori see Sasaki Sadayori
Sado, island, in early myth; settlement; silver mines; penal establishment
Sado Maru, Japanese transport sunk by Vladivostok squadron
Saegusa Moriyoshi (d. 1651)
Saeki family, member of, made state councillor
Saga, 52nd Emperor (810-23); as calligrapher; his children and the Minamoto
Genji, branch of Minamoto
Sagami province conquered by Hojo Soun; Hojo and Uesugi; tobacco in
Sagara (Sawara) Crown Prince under Kwammu
Saghalien, Russians in (18th century); Russian and Japanese claims in; Russian title recognized (1875); Japan's claim to, after war with Russia; not to be fortified
Saho plots against Suinin
Saicho, posthumously Dengyo Daishi, 805 A.D. introduces Buddhist Tendai, (ill.)
Saigo Takamori or Kichinosuke (1827-77), leader in anti-foreign movement; in alliance with Choshu; urges war with Korea and resigns from cabinet (1873); in Satsuma rebellion, (ill.)
Saigyo Hoshi (1118-90), poet and ascetic
Saiko, bonze
Saikyo, western capital
Saimei, Empress (655-61), the Empress Kogyoku succeeds Kotoku; Yemishi at coronation
Saimyo-ji, Zen temple
Saionji in Kawachi
—Kimmochi, Marquis (b. 1849), head of Constitutionist (Liberal) party
Sairan Igen, book by Arai Hakusekai
Saito family in Ise defeated by Oda; feud in Mino; helped by Buddhist priests
—Tatsuoki, defeated by Nobunaga; leads revolt in Settsu
—Yoshitatsu (1527-61), son of Hidetatsu, kills him
Sajima, Prince, (d. 125 A.D.)
Sakai, near Osaka, Ouchi Yoshihiro's castle at; China trade; Nobunaga's quarrel with; firearms made at; port
—family, Bakufu ministers from; tamarizume
—Tadakatsu, minister of Tokugawa
—Tadakiyo (1626-81) takes over most of Shogun's power; succession to Go-Mizu-no-o; succession to Ietsuna; displaced
—Tadayo, minister under Hidetada
Sakaibe Marise, uncle of Emishi
Sakamoto, castle at
Saka-no-ye Tamuramaro (758-811), against Yemishi; aids Saga
—Karitamuro (728-86), chief of palace guards
Sake, manufacture of, taught by Sukuna; dealers taxed
Sakitsuya, killed for lese-majeste (463 A.D.)
Sakugen, priest
Sakuma Morimasa (1554-83), defeated
—Nobumori (d. 1582), soldier of Nobunaga
Sakura-jima, eruption
Sakuramachi, 115th Emperor (1735-47)
Sakurayama, adherents of Southern Court
—Koretoshi, commands force loyal to Go-Daigo
Salaries, official
Salt, use of, in early Japan
Sanbo-in, temple
Samisen, 3-stringed guitar
Samurai, soldier class, freelances; attitude of, toward foreigners; place of, in making New Japan; attitude of Crown to; abolition of; Satsuma rebellion
Samurai-dokoro, Central Staff Office, (1180) in Yoritomo's Bakufu system; in administration of Kyoto after Shokyu war; in Muromachi administration
Sanada Masayuki (1544-1608), accused of encroachment; blocks Tokugawa Hidetada's army
—Yukimura (1570-1615), in defence of Osaka castle
Sandai Jitsu-roku, True Annals of Three Reigns, (901)
Sandai-Kyaku-shiki, Rules and Regulations of Three Generations
Sanetomo see Minamoto Sanetomo
San Felipe, Spanish galleon, wrecked in Tosa
Sanjo, 67th Emperor (1012-16)
Sanetomi, Prince (1837-91), leader of extremist party; in alliance of Choshu and Satsuma, (ill.)
Sanjonishi Sanetaka, scholar
Sankyo-ron, Shotoku quoted in, on management of state
Sano, branch of Fujiwara
Sano Masakoto attempts to assassinate Tanuma Okitsugu
Sanron, Buddhist sect
Santa-Martha, Juan de, Spanish Franciscan, executed (1618)
Sanuki, province
Sapan wood, trade
Sarcophagus, stone, clay, and terra cotta, of Yamato
Saris, John, agent of East India Company, settles at Hirado
Sarume, "monkey female" dances before cave of Sun goddess
Sasa Narimasa (1539-88), in Komaki war
Sasaki family, branch of the Minamoto; favour Takauji
—Mochikiyo, estates of
—(Rokkaku) Sadayori (d. 1552) captures Kyoto; reconciles hostile parties; generosity to Crown
—Shotei general in forces against Nobunaga
—Takayori (d. 1520), great estates; campaign against
Sasebo, Japanese sally from, on Port Arthur
Sashihire, Hayato assassin (399) of Nakatsu; death
Sassulitch, Russian general, on Yalu
Satake family, Yoritomo's attempt to win; one of "8 Generals of Kwanto"; of Hitachi, allies of Shingen
—Yoshinobu (1570-1633), opposes Ieyasu, taking army over to Ishida; fief reduced (1600)
Satehiko see Otomo Satehiko
Sato Tadanobu, impersonates Yoshitsune
Satomi family, one of "8 Generals of Kwanto"; fight Hojo; defeated; allies of Shingen
Satow, Sir Ernest, sceptical of dates in "Chronicles"; on revival of Shinto
Satsuma, Xavier in; later preaching; foreign ships in, menace Tokugawa; trade; tobacco; bonita; moderate party; against Tokugawa; predominant; fiefs surrendered; clan representation; rebellion of 1877
Sawaga, monastery
Sawing to death
Scholars, Chinese and Korean, in Japan; sophists; in Bakufu; in Ashikaga system; literati at Court; Japanese sent to Europe and America
Scholarship recommended in Court Laws; Ieyasu's attitude to; revival of learning; Tsunayoshi favours Chinese scholarship; Western
"Scrutator," nairan, Bakufu official at court
Sculpture in Nara epoch; in Heian; Kamakura period
Sea-Dragon, Castle of, myth
Sea, Command of, in 1592 campaign
Seals; of Taiko; (ill.)
Seal skins in early myth
Seaweed as food
Sebastian, Spanish sailor, undertakes coast survey
Secretaries in Bakufu
Seed distribution by Crown (723)
Seidan, book on government by Ogyu Sorai
Seido, or Shohei college
Sei-i, "barbarian expelling," title of shogun; sei-i tai-shogun, hereditary title
Seikan, priest
Seimu, 13th Emperor (131-190 A.D.)
Seinei, 22nd Emperor, (480-4)
Seishi-roku, record of nobles (814 A.D.)
Sei Shonagon, poetess
Seiwa, 56th Emperor (859-76); (ill.); sons become Minamoto
Seiwa Genji, branch of Minamoto
Sekigahara, battle of (1600)
Sen, Japanese coin
Senate, Genro-in, organized (1875)
Sengoku Hidehisa (1551-1614) soldier of Hideyoshi
Senkwa, 28th Emperor (536-9), succeeds his brother Ankan
Seoul, Korea; march upon (1592), Japanese forced to give up; Chinese resident in, blocks Japanese control; foreign legations removed, Japanese resident-general in
Sepulchres of Yamato; contents
Serpent, eight-forked killed by Susanoo; possibly the name of a local chief; early shrine; worship
Sesshu (1420-1506), painter of Kamakura school; academy
Seta, Long Bridge of
Settsu Dojun, suicide
Settsu, Buddhist temple in; Kiyomori moves capital to Fukuhara in; priests revolt
Seven Generals plot against Ishida
Sexagenary Cycle in Japanese chronology; accounts for error of 120 years; Chinese origin of
Shaho, battle of
Shaka, Sakiya Muni
Shan-hai-ching, Chinese record (4th cent. A.D.)
Shantung peninsula, fighting on, (1894); part of, seized by Germany
Shao-kang, mythical Chinese ancestor of Japanese kings
Shiba, district of Tokyo, Castle of, built (803); temple with tomb of Hidetada
—family, in office of Muromachi kwanryo; one of Five Regent Houses; make trouble in Kyushu; in Onin war; in Omi
—Mochitane, estates of
—Tachito, first Buddhist missionary
—Takatsune, revolts against Ashikaga
—Yoshihige, minister of Ashikaga Yoshimochi
—Yoshikada, rival of Masanaga
—Yoshimasa (d. 1410), shitsuji, first to be called kwanryo
—Yoshitoshi (1430-90), estates; Onin war
Shibata Gonroku
—Katsuiye (1530-83), general under Nobunaga; councillor; death
Shibukawa Noriyasu, government astronomer
—Shunkai, revises calendar (1683)
Shi-do, "Way of the Warrior" by Yamaga Soko
Shido Shogun, Campaign of
Shiga, in Omi
Shigehide see Hagiwara Shigehide
Shigehito, Prince
Shigeko, mother of Ashikaga Yoshimasa
Shigeyoshi see Tokugawa Shigeyoshi
Shihotari, Prince, commands government station in Anra
Shijo, 87th Emperor (1233-42)
Shijo-nawate, in Kawachi, battle (1348)
Shikken, military regent, in Yoritomo's system, head of the man-dokoro, great power of office held by Hojo family; Ashikaga substitute second shitsuji for; kwanryo later equivalent to; of Inchu, office held by Hino family
Shikoku, early history; pirates in, (931-7); in 16th century wars
Shikotan, inhabitants of, not pre-Ainu
Shimabara, battle of, defeat of Ryozoki Takanobu (1585); Jesuits and trade at; the S. revolt (1637-8), puts end to Portuguese trade
Shimada Yuya, judge
Shimazu in Kyushu; defeated by Hideyoshi
-Hisamitsu or Saburo (1820-87), feudatory of Satsuma, in Namamugi incident; in making of New Japan; with Saigo in Satsuma
—Iehisa (d. 1587), defeated by Hideyoshi
—Tadahisa (12th century) founder of family
—Tadakuni, in Ryuku
—Yoshihiro (1535-1619), successor of Yoshihisa
—Yoshihisa (1536-1611), defeats Ryuzoki Takanobu, and is ousted by Hideyoshi; against Ieyasu; escapes after Sekigahara
Shimbetsu, families of pre-conquest chieftains or Kami class; three sub-classes; early administration; help put down revolt of Heguri; and rank of Empress; classification of Seishi-roku
Shimizu, branch of Tokugawa
—Muneharu, suicide
Shimoda, residence given to Americans
Shimonosekij French, Dutch and Americans fired upon, attack; peace with China concluded at, (1895)
Shimosa, Taira Masakado's revolt in; Taira Tadatsune's
Shimpo-to, Progressist party, organized (1881)
Shin, Buddhist sect (1224); Hongwan-ji feud with Enryaku-ji; internal quarrels; revolt of 1488, Ikko-ikki; oppose Nobunaga; interdicted in Shimazu
Shinano, Yemishi in; revolt of Minamoto (Kiso) no Yoshinaka in; Takeda and Uesugi in; silk growing
Genji, branch of Minamoto family
Shingen see Takeda Shingen
Shingon, "True Word," Buddhist sect founded by Kukai; Heijo and Shinnyo devoted to; esoteric character
Shingu, Kii province, tomb of Hsu Fuh; naval base of Southern army
Shinki, Chinese painter
Shinno, painter
Shinnyo, name in religion of Takaoka
Shin-o, bridge in Yedo
Shino Soshin and incense-comparing
Shinran Shonin (1184-1268), founder of Shin sect, (ill.)
Shinto, sun-myth; rules in Yengi-shiki; therianthropy; shrines; Board of Religion; first use of name (c. 586); relation to Buddhism; mixed, with Buddhism; overshadowed by Buddhism, and subservient; insincerity; in Heian epoch; priests support Southern Court; relations with Confucianism and Buddhism; Pure Shinto; combined with Confucianism; revival of
Shinzei see Fujiwara Michinori
Ships, early; building, as tribute; bureau of shipping; China trade; size limited; limitation removed; middle of 19th century; modern mercantile marine; illustrations; see Navy
Shiragi, Korea, myth; annals; war with Kara; king settles in Japan; submits to Jingo; Japanese attacks on; Chinese immigration; revolt against Yuryaku; weakened; dispute over Imun; ship-builders; Buddhist image; defeats Kudara and Mimana; Japanese intervention; invasion; families in Japanese nobility; travel to Japan forbidden
Shirahata, in Harima, fortress held by the Ashikaga; by the Akamatsu
Shirakabe, Prince; see Konin
Shirakawa, 72nd Emperor (1073-86)
Shiren, priest
Shiro-uji, branch of Taira family
Shishi-ga-tani plot (1177) against Taira
Shitenno-ji, temple to Four Guardian Kings of Heaven
Shitsuji, manager, of mandokoro, office hereditary in Nikaido family; of monju-dokoro; second s. created in Takauji's system; and kwanryo
Shizuka, mistress of Yoshitsune
Shizugatake, battle of, (1583)
Shoan, Student of Chow and Confucius, teacher of Naka and Kamatari
Shocho koban, gold coins of 1428
Shodai-ji, temple
Shodan-chiyo, work of Ichijo Kaneyoshi
Shoen, great estates, manors; temple domains; attempts to check; effect on agriculture
Shogun, "general"; head of Yoritomo's bakufu system; attempt to have Imperial prince appointed; unimportant under Hojo; Fujiwara, then Imperial princes, appointed; Ashikaga in Northern Court; powers transferred to kwanryo; under Tokugawa; minister gets power; separated from ministerial council; Chinese classics lessen power; court of last appeal; Imperial rescript to; power resigned to Crown
Shohei, Japanese pronunciation of Changping, Confucius's birthplace; Shohei-bashi, bridge, Shohei-ko, college, near temple to Confucius; lectures there
Shohei, period, (1346-69)
Shohyo era
Shokagu-in, academy of Minamoto (881)
Shoko, 101st Emperor (1412-28), son of Go-Komatsu
Shokoku-ji, Zen temple in Kyoto, art school of Josetsu; one of the "Five"
Shokyu, year period 1219-22, and the struggle between the Court and the military
Shomu, 45th Emperor (724-48)
Shoni, independent family of Kyushu
—Tokihisa (d. 1559), last of family
Shonzui (16th century), manufacture of porcelain
Shoren-in, temple in Kyoto
Shoso-in, Nara (ill.)
Shotoku, Empress (765-70), Koken returns to throne; orders amulets printed
—Prince, or Taishi (572-621); history; on religions; defeats Mononebe Moriya; builds Buddhist temple; relations with Sushun; opposes uji system; his "Constitution"; death; China; official promotion system; a painter
—period, 1711-15, trade rules of
Shrines, yashiro, early Shinto; simple architecture of; in reign of Suinin; less important than temple after mixed Shinto; shrine and temple, ji-sha; immune from shugo
Shubun, painter
Shui-shu, anthology
Shujaku, 61st Emperor (931-46)
Shuko or Juko (1422-1502), Zen priest, code and tea-ceremonial
Shunkai see Shibukawa Shunkai
Shunzei, nom de plume of Fujiwara Toshinari
Shuryo, Buddhist priest, envoy of Muromachi to China
Shu-shi see Chutsz
Shushin, Zen priest
Silk in early times; culture, curtains for partition; mulberry trees on uplands; in Nara epoch advanced by need of rich robes for priests; exported; growing in Kotsuke, Shinano, etc.; "silk clothiers"
Silkworm, worship of
Silver and other precious metals
Si Wang-mu, owner of miraculous peachtree
"Six National Histories"
Slave, value of
Slaves and slavery, prehistoric; aliens become nuhi at conquest; prisoners of war and criminals; Daika; laws on slavery for debt; Daiho laws; provinces; Christians and slave-trade
Sleeves, legal regulation of
Small-pox interpreted as divine punishment
Snow and snow festivals; image of Dharma, (ill.)
So family and Korean trade
So-ami, artist, patronized by Yoshimasa; envoy to Ming court
—Sadamori (1385-1452) and Korean trade
—Sukekuni (d. 1274), governor of Tsushima, killed in battle with Mongols
Soden, inscription on Hoko-ji bell
Soga, family, descendants of Takenouchi; power; favour Buddhism; relation to Imperial family; crushed by Fujiwara; usurpation causes Daika
—Akae, minister of the Left, in conspiracy against Oama
—Emishi, o-omi, successor of Umako; assumes Imperial titles; killed
—Iname, o-omi, 130; recommends adoption of Buddhism; and Buddhist temple (552 A.D.)
—Iruka, powerful under Kogyoku; quarrels with Yamashiro
—Sukeyasu, death
—Umako (d. 626), historiography; o-omi, kills Mononobe Moriya; power under Bidatsu; guardian of Buddhist images; relationship to Imperial family; final success over Mononebe Moriya; builds temple of Hoko-ji (587 A.D.); has Sushun assassinated; alliance with Shotoku against military system; death
Sogen (Chu Yuan), Chinese priest; and Kamakura calligraphy
Soji-ji, temple
Soko see Yamaga Soko
Solfataras of Unzen volcano, torture of Christians in
Solitary Kami
Soma, branch of Taira
Somedono, Empress, wife of Montoku
Song Wang Myohg, King of Kudara, and Buddhism
Son-Kwang, Kudara prince, settles in Naniwa
Son-O Jo-I, "Revere the Sovereign, expel the barbarians" motto
Sorin see Otomo Yoshishige
Soseki see Muso Kokushi
Sosetsu, envoy to China of Ouchi family
Soshi-Mori, Korea, myth
Sotan, painter
Sotelo Luis (1574-1624), Spanish Franciscan, attempts to survey Japanese coast
Soto, sect, modification of Zen
Soun see Hojo Soun (Nagauji)
Southern Court, Daikagur-ji; war of dynasties; adherents; rulers; claims ignored in 1412 and 1428
Southwestern Japan, comparative accessibility of
Sow race, Borneo, probable source of Kumaso
Soya, strait of
Sozen see Yamana Mochitoyo
Spaniards, in Manila, jealous of Portuguese; in Tosa with "wrecked" galleon; intrigue against Dutch; Dutch and English intrigue against; Hidetada orders deported (1624); invasion by, feared, and conquest of Philippines urged; Spanish authorities forbid priests going to Japan; refuse grant in Yedo; trade unimportant; end of trade
Spear, jewelled, token of authority of Kami; sign of military authority; heads of; export of; carrier (ill.)
Spinning in myth; in early times
Spirit, tama, survives body; belief in activity of
Spying in Bushi system; civil; in Tokugawa Laws of Military Houses
Stackelberg, Baron, Russian general defeated by Oku at Telissu
Stag's shoulder blade, use in divination
Stake, death at
Stars in cosmogony
State, Central Department of, Nakatsukasa-sho
Stature of Japanese
Steel for swords
Stirrups among sepulchral remains; bridle, harness and (ill.)
Store-house, imikura; kura, administrator of, kura-bugyo
Stossel, Anatol Mikhailovitch, Russian general, surrenders Port Arthur
Straw, famine food
Straw mat, tatsu-gomo, for carpet
Straw rope in sun-myth
Sugar culture
Sugawara family descended from Nomi no Sukune; scholars
—Fumitoki, litterateur
—Hidenaga, lecturer
—Michizane (845-903), called Kwanko, schoolman; plot to send him on embassy to China; Fujiwara plot against, (ill.); one of authors of the fifth of "National Histories"; Chinese prose; shrine, (ill.); descendants
—Toyonaga, patronized by Ujimitsu
Suicide in early myth; some examples; at grave; in protest against policy; as punishment
Suiko, 33d Empress (593-628), consort of Bidatsu; historiography; Chinese learning
Suinin, 11th Emperor (29 B.C.—70 A.D.); attempts to abolish human sacrifice
Suisei, 2nd Emperor (581-549 B.C.)
Sujin, 10th Emperor (97-30 B.C.); and ship building
Sukenari (or Juro)
Suken-mon-in, mother of Go-Enyu, relations with Yoshimitsu
Suko, Northern Emperor (1348-52)
Sukuna Hikona, mythical pygmy healer; inventor of sake
Sukune family, growth of its power; see also Takenouchi-no-Sukune
Sulphur trade
Sumida, river bridged
Sumidu-gawa, groves
Sumitada see Omura Sumitada
Sumiyoshi, Kyoto school of painting; decorations for Imperial palace
—battle, defeat of Ashikaga
—Gukei, or Hirozumi (1634-1705)
Summer Campaign
Sumptuary laws in Nara epoch; in Kamakura period; of Hideyoshi; in military laws; of Sadanobu; in early 19th century
Sumpu, in Suruga, Ieyasu retires to; vendetta illegal in; jodai of
Sun, and titles of nobles
Sun-crow, in Yamato expedition; on banners
Sun goddess, withholds light, an incarnation of Buddha
Sung, writer on war
—philosophy, Gen-e introduces; painting, Josetsu introduces
Sungari, Russian transport at Chemulpo
Sunrise Island, Jih-pen, Chinese or Korean name for eastern islands
Superstition, in 4th-6th centuries; in Nara epoch; in Heian
Supply, Departments of, in capital, under Daiho
Suruga, brigands of, crushed by Yamato-dake; province given to Ieyasu
—Genji, branch of Minamoto family
Survey for map under Hideyoshi; coastal begun by Spanish
Susanoo, Kami of Force, contest with Amaterasu; expelled from heaven, kills great serpent; as tree-planter; rationalization of myth; its bearings on relations with China and Korea; purification of; as guardian of forests; ruler in Shiragi
Sushen, Tungusic settlers on Sado Island (549 A.D.); expeditions of Hirafu against, (658 & 660); captives of Yemishi; later called Toi
Sushun, 32nd Emperor (588-92)
Su Ting-fang attacks Kudara (660 A.D.)
Sutoku, 75th Emperor (1124-41); Hogen tumult
Sutras, Buddhist; copying as atonement
Suwo, brigands; woman ruler in; Ouchi family of
Suye Harukata, called Zenkyo (d. 1555), crushed by Mori Motonari
Suzuka-yama, apparent Tatar remains in shrine at
Swan, Yamato-dake in form of; in cure of dumbness
Sword, myth, Imperial insignia; sepulchral remains; single-and double-edged; offered at shrines; large and small; Minamoto heirlooms; swordsmiths; exported; hilts (ill.); samurai and sword-wearing; illustrations
Syllabary, phonetic, development in Japanese away from Chinese ideograph; in Heian epoch, kata-kana and hiragana; used in Joei code
Ta-be, rice-cultivators or rustic corporation
Table and cookery in ancient Japan; in Kamakura period
Tachibana family
—Hayanari (d. 843), exiled with Tsunesada; calligrapher
—Hiromi, scholar
—Moroe (684-757), minister of the Right, acquiesces in rule of Koken-Shotoku; may have compiled anthology of "Myriad Leaves"
Tachiri Munetsugu, Court envoy to summon Nobunaga to Kyoto
Tactics, of Bushi; gradual change in
Tada Genji, branch of Minamoto
Tadahiro see Kato Tadahiro
Tadakiyo see Sakai Tadakiyo
Tadamori see Taira Tadamori
Tadateru see Matsudaira Tadateru
Tadayoshi see Ashikaga Tadayoshi and Tokugawa Tadayoshi
Tadong River, Korea; in campaign of 1592
Taema, Prince, and expedition against Shiragi (603 A.D.)
Taema-no-Kuehaya, wrestler
Ta-fu, Japanese envoy to China (A.D. 57)
Taga, Castle of; built in 724 to check Yemishi; head-quarters transferred to Isawa
Taguchi Shigeyoshi, deserts with fleet to Minamoto in battle of Dan-no-ura
Tai-hei-ki, historical work of 14th century, quoted on causes of Shokyu struggle; on Yoshinaga
Taiho see Daiho
Taiken-mon-in, consort of Toba; intimacy with Shirakawa
Taiko, "great merit"; ex-regent, title of Hideyoshi; Taiko-zan, temple at his birthplace
Taikoki, "Annals of the Taiko" quoted on Hideyoshi's palace
Taikwa see Daika
Tai Peh, Chinese prince, exile to Japan (800 B.C.); Imperial descent from
Taira, family, descended from Prince Katsurabara, generals of Imperial guards; called Heike; manors and armed forces; lose estates; quarrel with Minamoto; revolt against Fujiwara; provincial branches; treatment of priests, the Gen-pei epoch, struggle with Minamoto; genealology; in Heiji tumult crush Minamoto; hold most important offices; Yorimasa conspiracy against; defeated by Minamoto
—Atsumori (1169-84), killed at Ichi-no-tani
—Chikafusa, provincial governor
—Hirotsune, favours Yoritomo
—Kanetaka, lieutenant governor of Izu; is killed by Tokimasa
—Kiyomori (1118-81), wins manors; treatment of priests; crushes Minamoto; supports Go-Shirakawa; alliance with Shinzei; lessens power of Fujiwara; supreme; arbitrary rule; crushes Yorimasa conspiracy; death
—Korehira, founder of Ise-Heishi
—Koremochi, founder of branches of Taira
—Koremori, commands army sent against Yorimoto
Taira Masakado (d. 940), his revolt
—Masamori, crushes rebellion of Minamoto Yoshichika
—Michimori, killed in battle of Ichi-no-tani
—Munekiyo helps save life of Yoritomo; relations with Minamoto
—Munemori (1147-85), Shishi-ga-tani plot; abandons Kyoto; refuses Yoshinaka's request for an alliance; escapes after Ichi-no-tani; defeated at Yashima; executed; possibly a changeling
—Noritsune (1160-85), defeats Ashikaga Yoshikiyo in Bitchu; at Yashima; drowned at Dan-no-ura-Sadamori defeats Taira Masakado
—Shigehira (1158-85), sacks and burns three monasteries; in 1181 attacks Minamoto Yukiiye; taken prisoner at Ichi-no-tani; death
—Shigemori (1138-79); Fujiwara Narichika's jealousy of; restrains Kiyomori; death
—Shigenobu, in revolt against Fujiwara (967)
—Tadamasa, favours Sutoku in Hogen tumult, executed by Kiyomori
—Tadamori (1096-1153), body guard of Shirakawa; against Yoritomo; descent; treatment of priests
—Tadanori (1144-84), killed at Ichi-no-tani
—Tadatsune, defeated by Minamoto Yorinobu (1031)
—Takamochi, first marquis (889) of Taira
—Tomoakira, saves his father
—Tomomori (1152-85) burns and sacks monasteries; saved by his son at Ichi-no-tani; drowned at Dan-no-ura
—Tomoyasu, enemy of Yoshinaka, commands palace-guards
—Yoritsuna, guardian of Sadatoki, crushes Adachi (1286), killed (1293)
Taishiden Hochu, Shotoku in, on Buddhism; on property of Mononobe Moriya
Taitsang, taken by pirates, 1560
Taitsu, Chinese Emperor, protests against piracy
Tajima, king of Shiragi, settles in
—Mori, sent for orange seeds
Taka becomes empress
Takaaki, younger brother of Murakami, banished
Takachiho, Mt. in Hyuga (Saikaido)
Takahashi, Mr., on "Mallet-headed" swords
Takahira, Kogoro, Baron (b. 1864), peace commissioner at Portsmouth
Takahito, Prince, son of Go-Shu jaku, attempt to have him passed over; see Go-Sanjo
Takaichi, Prince; dies (696)
Taka-ichi, Yamato province, possibly the "Plain of High Heaven" of myth
Takakage see Kohayakawa Takakage
Takakuni see Hosokawa Takakuni
Takakura, 80th Emperor (1169-80)
Takamatsu, castle in Bitchu besieged by Hideyoshi
Takama-yama and Takama-no, Yamato
Takamochi, first of the Taira family
Takamuku Kuromaro, literatus, national doctor; leader of embassy to China (654, A.D.); dies there
Takanaga, Prince (1311-38), commander against Ashikaga
Takauji; in war of dynasties; suicide
Takano, consort of Konin, mother of Kwammu
Takanori see Kojima Takanori
Takao, temple at
Takaoka, monk, travels in India
Takashima Kihei, called Shirodayu, or Shuhan, advocates foreign intercourse (1853)
Takata, sect of Shin
Takatomo, Pruice, adopted son of Okimachi
Takatsukasa family founded by Fujiwara Kanehira, one of "Five Regent Houses"
Takatsuki, fief of Takayama
Takatsune see Shiba Takatsune
Takauji see Ashikaga Takauji
Takayama (d, 1596) feudatory of Takatsuki, converted by Vilela; his son Yusho, "Don Justo Ukondono"
Takeda family of Kai favour Yoritomo; help in overthrow of Yoshinori; alliance with Hojo and war with Uesugi; his allies against Nobunaga
—Katsuyori (1546-82), marries Nobunaga's daughter, but makes war on him; defeated
—Nobumitsu stirs up Yoritomo against Yoshinaka
—Shingen, or Haranobu (1521-73), war with Uesugi (ill.); alliance with Nobunaga, and with Ieyasu; death; military art; signature (ill.)
Takenaka, of Nagasaki, persecutes Christians
—Shigeharu, soldier of Hideyoshi
Takenouchi-no-Sukune, several prominent officials 1st to 4th century; against Yemishi; prime minister; great duke of the Presence; in conquest of Korea; succession to Jingo; ordeal for treason; grand-daughter, marries Nintoku; descendants; the Heguri
Takenouchi Shikibu(1716-71), teacher of Chinese classics; forerunner of Restoration
Taketori Monogatari, "Bamboo gatherer's narrative" classic
Takigawa Kazumasu, soldier of Nobunaga, kwanryo of Kwanto; favours Nobutaka; defeated by Hideyoshi
Takinosawa, battle of, victory over Takeda
Takuan (1573-1645), Emperor gives purple robe to
Takuma artists
Takuahan, Manchuria, 4th Army lands at
Takutsakasa Sukehira, prime minister in Kyoto, opposes Kokaku
Talien, taken from Chinese (1894); Russian railway
Tallies used in trade with China
Tamba, urchins of, the princes Oke and Woke; rice grants charged to province
Tamehira, younger brother of Murakami
Tamibe, naturalized aliens in pro-historic time
Tamichi, general, killed by Yemishi, 367 A.D.
Tamon, i.e. Ananda, statue in castle of Azuchi
Tamu no Mine, valley, site of shrine to Kamatari
Tamura, Prince, Emperor Jomei (629)
Tamura family defeated by Date
Tamuramaro see Saka-no-ye Tamuramaro
Tan, land unit; tansen, area tax
Tanaka Harukiyo, rebuilds shrine of Hachiman
Tandai, inquisitors, two representing Bakufu at Court; the Ryo-Rokuhara; similar offices at Hakozaki and Nagato; in Muromachi period
Tanegashima island where Portugese first landed; name used for muskets they introduced
Tanetsugu see Fujiwara Tanetsugu
Tang, Chinese systems, and power of Throne (645-70); most of features of Daika taken from; respects in which not adaptable to Japan; Kyoto modelled on Tang metropolis, Changan
Tanners from Korea
Tanuma Okitomo (Mototomo) (d. 1784), son of Okitsugu
—Okitsugu (Mototsugu) (1719-88), favourite of Ieshige, prime minister of Ieharu
Tan Yang-i, Chinese scholar
Taoism and Shinto
Tao Lung see Doryu
Tasa, omi of Kibi, removed by Yuryaku; leads revolt in Mimana
Tatars, possibly prominent in Yemishi revolts of 8th century; Golden and Khitan in China
Tate, fortress or warp
Tate Chikatada, one of Yoshinaka's four body guards
Tatebito, famous archer
Tatsunokuchi, in Yedo, site of court of justice
Tattooing as penalty; as decoration first in proto-historic period, when penalty abandoned
Tawara Toda see Fujiwara Hidesato
Taxation, early; and land-holding; war tax; land not taxed; requisitions; in Shotoku's constitution; Daika; Daiho; Ashikaga period; toll-gates; tokusei riots; under Tokugawa
Tayasu branch of Tokugawa, eligible to Shogunate; named from gate of Yedo Castle
Munetake, or Tokugawa Munetake
Tea, plants introduced (814); more generally (1191); picking, in Uji, (ill.); festivals; ceremonial (ill.), influence on ceramics, and architecture, tea-parlours (ill.); Hideyoshi's interest in
Technical vocabulary, Japanese
Teika see Fujiwara Sadaiye
Teikin-orai, text book of letter-writing
Teio-keizu, Imperial genealogy
Telissu, battle of, Russians defeated by Oku
Tembun koban, gold coins minted in 1532-55
Tembyo, period (729-48)
Temman, Tenjin, shrine of Michizane
Temmangu see Michizane
Temmoku-zan, in Kai province, defeat of Takeda at
Temmu, 40th Emperor (673-86), Prince Oama; historiography; sumptuary laws
Temples, early Buddhist; mixed Shinto; provincial; estates; the "Six"; Nara epoch; at Kamakura; the "Five," schools and scholarship; revenue; commissioners; Ieyasu's legislation; under Imperial princes
Tempo, period, 1830-44, famines; reformation of
Tenchi, 38th Emperor (668-71); burial mound; painters; Daika; see Naka
Tendai, monastery and doctrine of Saicho; temple
Tengai, abbot of Enryaku-ji, in bell-inscription affair; temple at Nikko; Kwanei-ji
Tenjin, descendants of primeval trinity, sub-class of Shimbetsu; name under which Michizane was apotheosized
Tennoki, Record of the Emperors
Tenno-zan, position in battle of Yamazaki
Tenryaku, year-period (947-57)
Tenryu-ji, temple at Saga, built by Takauji; T.-bune, merchantmen, sent to China for art objects; T.-seiji, celadon vases from China
Tenshin, "kami of the descent," chieftains of expedition from Kyushu
Tensho, year period, 1573-91, coins
Tenson, "Heavenly grand-child" epithet of Hikoho Ninigi; sub-class of Shimbetsu, descendants of Sun goddess; superior position of
Teraishi, Dr., on decoration of bronze bells
Terasaka Kichiemon, one of "47 Ronin"
Terumoto see Mori Terumoto
Terutora see Uesugi Kenshin
Tetsuo, priest of Daitoku-ji
Text books
Thatch on houses
Thermal springs
Thirty-year census
Three Years' War, Go-Sannen (1089-91)
Thunder, Kami of, in tree; axes
Tientai, Japanese Tendai, Chinese monastery
Tientsin relieved by Japanese troops in Boxer Rebellion
Tiger, magic taught by
Tiles, peculiar to temples; roofs of official buildings tiled in Nara epoch; slate-coloured and green in city of Kyoto; in Kamakura period; ill
Timur gives up attack on Japan
Ting, Chinese admiral, defeated at Weihaiwei
Titles, or gentile names; new under Temmu
Toba, 74th Emperor (1108-23); state domains; palace
Tobacco growing; pipe and pouch, (ill.)
Toda Izu no Kami, advocates foreign intercourse (1853)
Tadanori, adviser of Nariaki
Todai-ji, Kegon temple at Nara, bronze Buddha; procession in Koken's reign; great bell; bell-tower (ill.); statue (ill.); gate-guards; burnt by Taira
Todo Takatora (1556-1630) helps Tokugawa
Toei-zan, Ueno hill, temple of Kwanei-ji
Tofuku-ji, Buddhist temple, S.E. of Kyoto
Tofuku-mon-in, Kazuko, first Tokugawa consort; wife of Go-Mizu-no-o
Togashi family splits in Onin war
Togo Heihachiro, Count (b. 1857), Japanese admiral, attacks Russian fleet at Port Arthur; blocks entrance to harbour; defeats Russians at Tsushima
Toi invade Japan (1019)
Toichi, wife of Kobun
Toin see Doin
To-ji, Shingon temple (Goku-ku-ji) in Kyoto
Tokaido, road from Kyoto to Tokyo
Toki see Doki
Tokichi see Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Tokimasa see Hojo Tokimasa
Tokimune (or Goro) avenges father's murder
Tokiuji see Yamano Tokiuji
Tokiwa, mistress of Yoshitomo
Tokiyasu, Prince, see Koko
Tokiyo, Prince, marries daughter of Sugawara Michizane
Toku, empress Kenrei-mon-in; mother of Emperor Antoku
Tokugawa, descent of family; hereditary system founded by Ieyasu; shogunate of family; oath of loyalty to; the T. Bakufu; "Constitution"; school, Shohei-ko; Imperial family, marries into; strengthened; attitude to feudatories; Hidetada line succeeded by Kii branch; families in ministry; decline of power; end of shogunate
Chikauji (d. 1407?), ancestor of Matsudaira
Hidetada (1579-1632), shogun (1605-22); anti-Christian edict (1616); orders Spaniards deported; in war with Uesugi; daughter weds Hideyori; attacks Osaka; Ieyasu's instructions to; rule, death, character; and Crown
Tokugawa Hirotada (1526-49)
—Hyakkajo, One Hundred Rules of Tokugawa
—Ieharu (1737-86), shogun (1760-86)
—Iemitsu (1603-51), shogun (1622-51); treatment of Christians; Ieyasu's instructions to; requires nobles to reside at Yedo; and feudal lords
—Iemochi (1846-66), shogun (1858-66); marries Emperor's sister; resigns
—Ienari (1773-1841), shogun (1786-1837); his father's rank; abdication
—Ienobu (1662-1712), shogun (1709-12)
—Iesada (1824-58), shogun (1853-8)
—Ieshige (1702-61), shogun (1745-60); his son, Shigeyoshi, ancestor of Shimizu branch
—Ietsugu (1709-16), shogun (1712-16)
—Ietsuna (1642-80), 4th shogun (1651-80); power passes to minister; abdication of Go-Saien; death
—Ieyasu (1542-1616) (ill.); in war on Asakura and Asai; alliance with Shingen; defeats Takeda; threatened; in Komaki war; peace with Hideyoshi; against Hojo; receives Kwanto; takes oath; in Hideyoshi's scheme; Christianity; Will Adams; death; family; succession to Hideyoshi; wealth; Sekigahara; distribution of fiefs; shogun; Hideyori; defied at Osaka; Hoko-ji bell; attacks Osaka castle; character; legislation; literature; Hidetada; shrine; patterned upon by Yoshimune; Shinto revival; foreign intercourse; signature (ill.)
—Ieyoshi (1792-1853), shogun (1838-53)
—Jidaishi, on Ieyasu's laws
—Mitsukuni (1628-1700), sympathizes with Masayasu; interest in letters
—Munetada (1721-64), founder of Hitotsubashi branch
—Munetake (d. 1769) founder of Tayasii branch
—Nariaki (1800-60), daimyo of Mito, anti-foreign policy of; attempts to make his son shogun; surrenders edict against shogun
—(or Matsudaira) Nariyuki, feudatory of Kir
—Nobuyasu (1559-79); marriage
—Nobuyoshi (1583-1603), daimyo of Mito
—Shigeyoshi (1745-95), founds Shimizu branch
—Tadanaga (1605-33), brother of Iemitsu
—Tadayoshi (1580-1607), daimyo of Kiyosu
—Tsunayoshi (1646-1709), shogun (1686-1709); considerate for Crown
—Yorifusa (1603-61), daimyo of Mito; one of Sanke
—Yorinobu (1602-71), daimyo of Kii
—Yoshimune (1677-1751), shogun (1716-45); camera rule; Tayasu and Hitotsubashi branches
—Yoshinao (1600-50), daimyo of Owari; founds Shohei-ko school
—Yoshinobu or Keiki (1837-97), son of Nariaki and his candidate for shogun; Crown urges his promotion; guardian of shogun; shogun (1866-8); resigns; surrenders Yedo
Tokuhon see Hatakeyama Mochikuni
Tokuno support Southern Court
Tokuno Michlkoto, defender of Go-Daigo
Tokusei, "benevolent policy", laws of 1297; extension of policy under Ashikaga; riots; for debtors
Tokuso, priest
Tokyo, formerly Yedo, eastern capital
Tomi see Fujiwara Tomiko
Tomoe, Yoshinaka's mistress
Tomohira, Prince (963-1009), poet
Tomohito, Prince, see Kokaku
Tomo, Princess, see Go-Sakuramichi
Tomo Kowamine, exiled (843) with Prince Tsunesada
Ton-a (1301-84), poet
Tonami-yami, Echizen, defeat of Taira at
Tonegawa, flood in
Tone-yama, battle (1573)
Tonghak rebellion in Korea (1894), Chinese troops sent to quell
Tongkan, Korean history, its chronology
Tori Shichi (Korean Nori Sachhi), Buddhist
Torii Mototada (1539-1600), dies in defense of Ieyasu's castle
Tornado of 1718
Torres, Baltasar de (1563-1626), Jesuit, companion of Xavier
Tortoise shell, divination
Torture in ancient Japan
Tosa, province; Ichijo family move to; seized by Chosokabe; bonita curing in; T memorial against Bakufu; surrender of fiefs; clan representation
Tosa, Kyoto school of painting; patronized by Tsunayoshi; decorations of palace
Mitsunobu see Mitsunobu
Mitsuoki, teacher of Hirozumi
Tosa Nikki, Tosa Diary
Tosabo Shoshun, bonze
Tosando, mountain road
Toshiiye see Maeda Toshiiye
Tosho-ji, temple, suicides in its cemetery after defeat of Hojo
Towers, royal; fire watch tower
Toyohara Tokimoto, musician
Toyohito see Kogon
Toyokuni Daimyo-jin, temple of, sacred to Hideyoshi, destroyed by Ieyasu
Toyonari see Fujiwara no Toyonari
Toyotomi, family, revolt of ronin (1651); decline of influence
Hidetsugu (1568-95), adopted successor of Hideyoshi; Hideyoshi's letter to; death
Hideyori (1593-1615), son of Hideyoshi; regent; Christians join him against Ieyasu; Ishida favours; nai-daijin, marries Ieyasu's granddaughter; Ieyasu's estimate; opposes Ieyasu; refuses to surrender; suicide
Toyotomi Hideyoshi( 1536-98); battle of Okehazama; in Ise and Kyoto; Sakai; war with Asakura and Asai; against Takeda Katsuyori; invades Chugoku; plans war on China; peace with Mori; Nobunaga; defeats Mitsuhide; councillor; crushes Takigawa Kazumasa and Shibuta Katsuiye; Yodogimi; Osaka castle; in Komaki war; peace with Ieyasu; regent; crushes remaining enemies; treatment of Ieyasu; Buddhism; palace; tea-festivals, wealth; invasion of Korea; death; family; kills Hidetsugu; character; legislation; Christianity; tomb
—Kunimatsu, son of Hideyori, killed by Ieyasu
"Trade, Chief of"
Transportation, early; roads in Nara epoch; in Heian; in Muromachi; improved by Nobunaga; laws; Tokugawa improvements; road-commissioners; railway building
Treason under Daiho code
Treasury established 405 A.D.; three in Yuryaku's reign; burnt in 1659; see Finance Department
Treaties with United States, Russia, Holland, England; commercial treaty with United States; with Korea; with China; with Russia (Portsmouth); with China (Peking)
Tree, sacred, of Buddhist temples; tree worship; myths of tree planting; stories of huge trees
Trigrams, in divination
"True Word," Shingon
Tsarevitch, Russian battleship at Port Arthur
Tsin dynasty (265-317) and Chinese migration
Tsuchi-gumo, "Earth-spiders" or "Pit dwellers"; called Wado by Chinese
Tsuchi Mikado, 83d Emperor (1199-1210); abdicates; exile
Tsugaru in 16th century wars; remains of Tatar fortress
—strait, controlled by Japan
Tsugunawa see Fujiwara Tsugunawa
Tsuguno, architect
Tsuka, Korean prince, migrates to Japan; carpenters
Tsukiji, in Yedo, naval college at
Tsukuda, island
Tsukushi see Kyushu
Tsunayoshi see Tokugawa Tsunayoshi
Tsunehito, Prince, father of Kokaku, rank
Tsuneko, consort of Kwazan
Tsunenaga, Prince (1324-38), conspiracy to make him heir; poisoned by Takauji
Tsunesada, Prince (823-84), exiled (843)
Tsure-zure-gusa, "Weeds of Tedium"
Tsuruga, ancient Kehi-no-ura; fortifications (1280)
Tsurugaoka hill in Kamakura, shrine of Hachiman
Tsushima, islands, in early myth; silver discovered (674) and gold (701); attacked by Toi (1019), by Mongols (1274), and (1281); attacked by Koreans in 1419; Korean trade; Chinese squadron attacks; outpost of Japan; Hakuseki wishes to limit Korean envoys to; commerce; commanding strait; Russian attempts upon; battle of, Russian fleet defeated by Togo
Tsutsui Junkei (1549-84), deserts Akechi Mitsuhide in battle of Yamazaki; succession to Nobunaga
Tsuwata Saburo, suicide
Tsuying, king of Pohai, Korea
203-Metre Hill, Port Arthur, fighting at
Uchida Ieyoshi, warrior
Masanobu (1619-51), suicide
Uda, 59th Emperor (888-97), Prince Sadami
Uda Genji of Omi, branch of Minamoto
Ueda castle
Ueno park, Kiyomizu temple; hill called Toeizan; abbot of, candidate for throne in 1867
Uesugi, family, favours Tadayoshi; overthrows Ashikaga; kwanryo; two branches; quarrels; join against Hojo; shitsuji; governor-general of Kwanto; patronize schools; against Mogami; Hideyoshi makes peace with
—Akifusa, shitsuji to Shigeuji
—Akisada, estates
—Akiyoshi, avenges his father
—Fusaaki (1432-66)
—Kagekatsu (1555-1623), lieutenant of Hideyoshi in Komaki war; against Hojo; senior minister; with Ishida Katsushiga plots against Ieyasu; open break with Ieyasu; fiefs reduced after Sekigahara
—Kenshin, originally Nagao Kagetora. (1530-78), kwanryo, war with Hojo and Takeda, checked between Nobunaga and Shingen; military art
—Mochifusa, sent against Kamakura by Ashikaga Yoshinori (1439)
—Mochitomo (1416-67) fortifies Kawagoe
—Noriaki (1306-68), shitsuji; exile
—Noriharu (d. 1379), suicide
—Norimasa (1522-79), driven from Hirai by Ujiyasu
—Norimoto (1383-1418)
—Noritada (1433-54), shitsuji to Shigeuji, death
—Norizane (d. 1455), plot to kill; helps defeat Kamakura forces (1439)
—Shigeyoshi (d. 1349), shitsuji, exiled
—Tomomune, shitsuji
—Tomosada, shitsuji
—Yoshinori (d. 1378), shitsuji
Uji, families, rank; government, established and abolished by Emperor; taxation; feudal chiefs; the Eight Great Uji; opposed by Shotoku; rank; government; Jinshin; Kami elective; princely families; academies; record; territorial names
Uji river, Yamashiro province, battle at
Uiyasu see Hojo Ujiyasu
Ukhtonsky, Rear-Admiral Prince, commanding Russian squadron at Port Arthur
Ukita Hideiye (d. 1662), soldier of Hideyoshi, against Chosokabe; commander-in-chief in Korea; one of 5 senior ministers; and Hideyoshi's laws; against Ieyasu; estates forfeited
Naoiye (1530-82), turns from Mori to Nobunaga
Umako see Soga Umako
Umashimade, ancestor of Mononobe
Umeda Genjiro, pen-name "Umpin" (1816-59), promotes Imperial restoration
Umetada Akihisa, metal-worker
Unclean, eta and hinin, in Kamakura classification
Unebi, Mt., tomb of Jimmu; Soga mansion
Ung-jin (Paik-chhon-ku), Japanese defeat at, (662)
United States, Japanese relations with, 1837 '46, and '48; Perry; Townsend Harris; Shimonoseki affair; Americans in education, post-office, agriculture, etc.; intervention in Russo-Japanese war; threats of war
Unkei, sculptor
Unzen, volcano, Christians tortured in solfataras
Upland, onchi
Urabe Kanetomo (15th century), Shinto
Yoshida, Shinto doctrine of
Uraga, English refuse for headquarters; Manhattan enters; Perry in
Urup, island, Russians in, (1792)
Uryu Sotokichi (b. 1857), rear-admiral, destroys Russian cruisers at Chemulpo
Usui Pass in Yamato-dake's march, identification of
Usume, female Kami
Usuri, won by Russia (1860)
Utsonomiya family, one of "8 Generals of Kwanto"
Valegnani, Alexander (1537-1606), Jesuit vice-general, visits Kuchinotsu in 1578; embassy
Variag, Russian cruiser at Chemulpo
Vehicles, proto-historic; in Nara epoch
"Vehicles" of Buddhism
Veil in ancient costume
Vendetta, beginning of in Japan (486 A.D.); (1193); of Ako; illegal in Kyoto, Yedo, Osaka and Sumpu
Vermilion pillars; stamp of Taiko
Vilela, Gaspard (d. 1570), Portuguese Jesuit, in Kyoto
Village, part of agata; assemblies; chief
Vivero y Velasco, Rodrigo, governor of Philippines, agreement with Ieyasu (1609)
Vladivostok, strategic situation; Russian squadron at, crushed by Kamimura; objective of Rozhdestvensky
Volcanic eruptions
Wa, "dwarf" or "subservient," early Chinese name for Japanese
Wada Yoshimori (1147-1213) son of Yoritomo's benefactor in Bakufu council; betto defeated and killed by Hojo Yoshitoki
Wadded garments, first mentioned, in 643 A.D.; use prescribed
Wado, Chinese name of western tribe of Japan
Wado, copper era (708-15)
Wage, in 1498
Waka, wife of Tasa, taken from him by Yuryaku
Waka-irutsako, younger son of Ojin
Wake, funeral ceremony
Wake, Prince, burial of
Kiyomaro (733-99), banished; chooses site for new capital for Kwammu
Wakiya Yoshiharu, son of Yoshisuke, in defeat of Takauji
Yoshisuke (d. 1340), brother of Nitta Yoshisada and provincial governor; in command of Imperial army against the Ashikaga
Wakizaka Yasuharu (1554-1626) at battle of Sekigahara
Wang Yang-ming (1472-1529) philosophy of, officially displaced by Chutsz's; Nakaye Toju follows; summary of system
Wani, Korean scribe in Japan; his descendant, Wang-sin-i
War, Department of, Hyobusho
War God, Hachiman, Oracle of
War Office, Heisei-kan
Waseda University, Tokyo, founded by Okuma
Watanabe, fleet at, before battle of Yashima
Watanabe family, branch of Minamoto
Watarai, temple of, in Ise, princess priest of
Watazumi-no-Kuni, Japanese intercourse with
Watch, in capital
Water-supply of Yedo
Wave-men, ronin
Wax, vegetable, industry
Weaving in early times; early taxes paid by; development
Weights and measures
Weihaiwei, taken from Chinese (1894)
Wei Records, A.D. 211-265, on Japanese markets
Western Army, Yamana forces in Onin war
Whale, fossil remains
White, mourning colour; colour of Minamoto
Wi-ju, Korea; Russians at, (1904)
Winter Campaign
Wistaria, fujiwara; bark used for mourning garments
Witchcraft, in Nara epoch
Wo (Japan), tributary to Chinese Kingdom of Yen
Woke, see Ninken
Women, use phonetic language; warriors; tribute to serpents and marauders; prehistoric status; rulers; hostages; morality; literature; property rights; in Tokugawa period; punishment of; shogun's harem; illustrations
Wrestling in prehistoric times; first recorded match (23 B.C.); professional sport; (ill.)
Wu, Chinese Emperor, and Buddhist propaganda
Wu-Ti, Chinese emperor, conqueror of Korea
Xavier, St. Francis (1506-52), Jesuit missionary, lands in Kagoshima (1549); in Hirado, Yamaguchi, Kyoto, and Bungo, death
Yada castle in Ise
Yae, wife of Hideyoshi, followed by military clique
Yaka, mistress of Tenchi
Yakami, Princess, of Inaba, marries Great-Name Possessor
Yakami, castle in Tamba
Yakushi, Buddhist god of wisdom, inscription on image of; y.-ji, temple, (ill.)
Yalu River, Korea, in 1592 campaign; Chinese cross, (1894); Russians and Japanese on, (1904); Russians defeated
Yama, Indian god
Yamabe, Prince; see Kwammu
-Akahito, poet
Yamabushi, priests
Yamada Tesshu, on Bushi
Yamaga Soko (1622-85), philosopher of bushido; Chinese teaching
Yamagata Daini (1725-67), executed; fore-runner of Restoration
Yamaguchi, Korean envoys come to; Xavier in; Jesuits leave; Christians in
Yamamoto support Southern Court
Yamana, family, joins Southern party; controls ten provinces; turns to Northern Court; crushed; rehabilitated; one of Five Regent Houses; holdings; Hosokawa; forces in Onin war, Western Army; "province holders"
—Mitsuyuki, in revolt against Northern Dynasty
—Mochitoyo, called Sozen, "Red Monk" (1404-73), gets Harima; great estate; in war on Hatakeyama; forces choice of Shiba Yoshikado as kwanryo; deserts Yoshimi; death
—Norikiyo receives province of Mimasaka
—Noriyuki, captures Shirahita
—Sozen see Yamana Mochitoyo
—Tokiuji (d. 1372), joins Ashikaga
—Ujikiyo rebels (1391) against the Ashikaga
Yamanobe, Princess
Yamanouchi, family name taken by Uesugi Yoshinori; feud with Ogigayatsu; join them against Hojo
Yamashina, Kamatari's residence
Yamashiro, Prince, candidate for throne in 629 and 641; suicide
Yamashiro, early shrine; campaign from, against Sujin; canal; meaning of name; school of painters (604 A.D.)
Yamato, expedition from Kyushu against; meaning of name, as used by Chinese; kindred race at time of conquest; retirement to Tsukushi; culture; physiognomy; relations with Caucasians; language; school of painting
Yamato, Prince, human sacrifices at burial of (2 A.D.)
Yamato-dake and Susanoo's sword; campaign against Yemishi; against Kumaso; a swan
Yamato Genji, branch of Minamoto
Oguna, earlier name of Yamato-dake
Yamazaki, battle of, (1282)
Ansai, follower of Chutsz; forerunner of Restoration
Yanaida Takasuke, estates
Yanagawa Seigan, Imperial restoration movement
Yanagisawa Yasuaki, or Yoshiyasu, (1658-1714), favourite of Tsunayoshi; dismissed by Ienobu
Yanamoto Kataharu in civil war of 1520
Yang-chou, taken by pirates (1556)
Yangtzuling, Russian defeat at
Yashima, battle, (1185)
Yashima, Japanese battleship lost off Port Arthur
Yaso, daughter of Emperor Reigen
Yasumaro see Ono Yasumaro
Year-period (Nengo), adoption of Chinese 645 A.D.; under two dynasties
Yedo, fort built (1456); capital of Kwanto; Franciscan mission; Hidetada; Bakufu; castle; nobles must reside in; rebuilt after fire; art centre; vendetta forbidden; tree planting in; Kwanno Chokuyo's school; fires; degeneration, 18th century; vagabonds; prison; land offered to foreign traders; called Tokyo
Yellow Sea, Japanese victory over Chinese (1894)
Yemishi, early name of Ainu; Hirafu's expedition; description; Yamato-dake's expedition; captives called Saekibe; revolt in Kazusa; language, Siberian origin; migration; revolts
Yen, Pechili
Yengi-shiki, book of ceremonial law (927 A.D.)
Yen Hui, Chinese painter
Yenisei, Russian mining-transport, sunk by mine at Port Arthur
Yenomoto Takeaki, Viscount (1839-1909), admiral to the shogun, tries to set up republic in Yezo
Yezo, pit-dwellers' remains in; name related to Yoso; Yemishi in; Russians and Japanese clash in; Yenomoto's republic in
Yi Sun-sin, Korean admiral, defeats Japanese fleet
Yo-chang, prince of Kudara, defeats Koma (553), beaten by Shiragi
Yodo (Yamanouchi Yodo) (1827-72), feudatory of Tosa, memorial to shogun
Yodo, estate of
Yodo or Yodogimi, daughter of Asai Nagamasa and mother of Toyotomi Hideyori; civil party sides with; against Ieyasu; Ieyasu promotes quarrel between Katagiri Katsumoto and; intrigue through her sister; death
Yokohama, opened to American trade (1858)
Yoko-yama, castle of Nagamasa
Yolang, or Pyong-yang, Korea
Yomei, 31st Emperor (586-7); Buddhism
Yomi, hades, compared to Indian Yama; identified with Yomi-shima, between Hoki and Izumo
Yorifusa see Tokugawa Yorifusa
Yoriiye see Minamoto Yoriiye
Yorimasa conspiracy (1180)
Yorinobu see Tokugawa Yorinobu
Yoritomo see Minamoto Yoritomo
Yoritsune see Fujiwara Yoritsune
Yoro, year-period, and legislation of
Yorozu, story of
Yoshida Kenko (1283-1350), recluse and poet, one of "four kings"
Shoin (1831-60), leader of anti-foreign and Imperial movement
Yoshifusa see Fujiwara Yoshifusa
Yoshiiye see Minamoto Yoshiiye
Yoshikage see Asakura Yoshikage
Yoshikawa, adherents of Southern Court
Yoshimasa see Ashikaga Yoshimasa
Yoshimi see Ashikaga Yoshimi
—nephew of Yoritomo
Yoshimine, princely uji
Yoshimitsu see Ashikaga Yoshimitsu
Yoshimune see Tokugawa Yoshimune
Yoshinaga (Norinaga), Prince, governor-general of O-U; in the Ashikaga revolt; see Go-Murakami
Yoshinaka see Minamoto Yoshinaka
Yoshinao see Tokugawa Yoshinao
Yoshino, in Yamato, Buddhist monastery at, rallying place for Furubito's followers; Prince Oama takes refuge at; rendez-vous of Go-Daigo's followers; in war of dynasties
Yoshino, cruiser lost off Port Arthur
Yoshinobu see Tokugawa Yoshinobu
Yoshisada see Nitta Yoshisada
Yoshisuke see Wakiya Yoshisuke
Yoshiteru see Murakami Yoshiteru
Yoshitsune see Miriamoto no Yoshitsune
Yoso, N. E. Korea, cradle of Yemishi
Yozei, 57th Emperor (877-84)
Yuasa support Southern Court
Yuge no Dokyo, priest, Koken's love for
Yui Shosetsu, leader in revolt of 1651
Yuki, branch of Fujiwara in Kwanto; persuade Shigenii to kill Noritada
—Munehiro, administrator in O-U
Yunglo, Chinese Emperor and year-period, 1403-22, called Eiraku in Japan
Yura, Strait of
Yuryaku, Emperor (457-79), cruelty of his reign; and Korea; death of Hayato at his tomb; serpent worship; 3 provinces added in his time; punishes Sakitsuya for lese-majeste, succession
Yushima, Yedo, shrine
Yusho see Takayama
Yutahito see Kogon
Yuzu or Yutsuki, Chinese imperial prince, and Chinese migration to Japan
Zejobo, mathematician and surveyor
Zekkai, scholar, adviser of Yoshimitsu
Zen (dhyand, meditation), Buddhist sect of contemplation; and Hojo Tokimune; the soldier's creed; and intercourse with China; priests and literature and art; tea ceremonial; favoured by the Ashikaga; great priests; five temples in Kyoto
Zenko-ji, temple in Nagano with battle paintings
Zenkyo see Suye Harukata
Zenyu, priest, liaison with Empress Taka
Zojo-ji, temple of Shiba, Tokyo, tomb of Hidetada
Zoku Nihongi (or Nihonki) Supplementary Chronicles of Japan (798)
Nihon Koki, Supplementary Later Chronicles (869)
Zuisa, Buddhist priest, envoy of shogun to China
Zuniga, Pedro de (d. 1622), Spanish Dominican and martyr
I. A "Stone plate" or mortar for hut flour (suburb of Tokyo); B and C Stone sticks or batons, marks of rank (Rikuchu and Hitachi); D Stone club, probably religious (suburb of Tokyo).
II. A Shell ring (Shimosa); B Bone nail (Rikuzen); C Bone spear-head (Rikuzen); D Stone spoon (Mutsu); E Stone chisel (Iwashiro); F and G Arrow heads (Uzen); H Magatama (Izumo); / Kazaridama, beads for ornament (Mutsu).
III. A Vessel with handles, front rounded, back flat (Totomi); B Grayish earthenware dish, possibly for rice, with lathe marks (Mino); C Jar with spout on sides (Totomi); D Wine jar with hole in center to draw off sake with bamboo (Bizen); E Cup (Mino).
IV. Brownish earthenware decorated by spatula and by fabric pressed on the moist clay. A From Hitachi; B Incense-burner shaped vessel (Ugo); C From Rikuzen; D Probably a drinking vessel (Mutsu).
V. Wooden doll (Mutsu),—probably a charm.
VI. Beads or gems (Rikuchu); the largest at the left, a marutama of plaster; next, a kodanta of a substance like glass.
VII. A Spear-head with socket: B Sword; C Sword with ring.
VIII. Cut gem of rock crystal (Bitchu).
IX. Kudatama, jasper ornament (Bizen).
X. Gold ring, copper core, ear decoration (Musashi). XI. Magatama, probably strung on necklace (Yamashiro).
Earthenware horse (MUSASHI); Haruwa or offering at the tomb
Arrowhead and lance head (SHINANO); and bronze mirror (TAMBA).
Haniwa, earthen ware images offered at the tomb. Female figure with elaborate coiffure and dress lapping left over right. Man with steel helmet and coat of mail.
Broken piece of earthenware showing a human face.
Stone axes and hatchets (MUTSUI OTARU, a polished Stone; Meguro, near TOKYO; and SHIMOSA).
(From a painting in the collection of The Imperial Household)
(Cast in bronze. 1252 A.D.; height 47 feet)
Samurai in Hunting Robe
Imperial Court noble
Samurai in Court Robe