Beneath the east window is a handsome carved Reredos of Caen stone, somewhat heavy in style, having five panels, two on each side containing figures of the four evangelists, the central subject being "The Agony in the Garden." In this the figure of the Saviour is exquisitely designed; below are the three sleeping disciples, while above are two ministering angels, one holding a crown of thorns, the other the "cup of bitterness." The panels have richly crocketed canopies, the central one being surmounted by a floriated cross. They are filled with diaper work, and the supporting pilasters are of various-coloured Irish marbles. The whole was designed by C. E. Giles, Esq., cousin of the late Vicar, Prebendary Robert Giles.
In the jamb, south of the Communion Table, is a Piscina; in the north wall a square aumbrey and a curious iron-barred opening, which was probably a Hagioscope for the Chantry behind. The present Vestry in the north-east corner is modern, built on the site where there was formerly a coalhouse, and, at a later date, a shed for the town fire-engine.
The Chancel has an arcade of three bays on the south side, filled with good 14th century carved oak screen work, separating it from the south-side chapel, said to have been anciently called "The Corpus Christi Chapel," and has two bays on the north, the easternmost being occupied by the organ, separating it from St. Catherine's Chantry; {36} the other having similar screen work. In the south wall of the chancel are a Priest's door and three four-light Perpendicular windows, with a fourth in the east wall. Gervase Holles states that he saw in this south-east window figures of St. Ninian, with lock and chain, and of Saints Crispinus and Crispinianus with their shoe-making tools. {37a} It is probable, therefore, that the old glass of the window was supplied by a shoemaker's guild. The window is now filled with good coloured glass by Heaton, Butler & Bayne, dedicated to the memory of the late Vicar, Rev. Arthur Scrivenor, who died 27 August, 1882, aged 51 years. It is of peculiar design, the subjects being chosen to represent his life of self-denying labour. There are four lights with eight subjects taken from St. Matthew's Gospel, arranged in two tiers, as follows—(1) "Come ye blessed of my Father;" (2) "I was an hungred and ye gave me meat;" (3) "I was thirsty and ye gave me drink;" (4) "I was a stranger, and ye took me in;" (5) "Naked, and ye clothed me;" (6) "I was sick, and ye visited me;" (7) "I was in prison, and ye came unto me;" (8) "These shall go into life eternal." There are eight compartments in the upper tracery, containing the emblems of the four evangelists, and two angels, and the Alpha and Omega.
In the north chancel wall are a Priest's door, two five-light windows, and one of three lights, with, at the east end, a two-light window, all modern. Here, externally, the parapet of St. Catherine's Chantry is embattled and enriched with panel work, and rises above the level of the rest of the wall. The clerestory of the chancel has six three-light windows on the south side, and five on the north. The easternmost on the north was inserted and made larger than the others in 1861, and, at a later date, was filled with good coloured glass by Heaton, Butler & Bayne, as a public memorial "To the glory of God, and in memory of Barnard James Boulton, M.D., who died March 15 1875." He was an active member of the restoration committee in 1861. The subjects are, in the western light, "The cleansing of the leper" in the centre, "Letting down the paralytic through the roof," in the eastern light, "The healing of blind Bartimaeus."
In the nave the second window from the west end of the south clerestory is a memorial of the late Mr. W Rayson, builder, filled with good coloured glass. In the south aisle of the nave, the easternmost window is a good specimen of coloured glass by Heaton, Butler & Bayne, erected by public subscription in January, 1901, "To the glory of God, and in grateful commemoration of the 18 years' ministry of Canon E. F. Quarrington," who resigned the Vicarage in 1900. The cost of this window was about 80 pounds , the subject is "The Sermon on the Mount." The Saviour is represented as addressing the people, grouped around Him, of all classes, soldiers, Pharisees, disciples, travellers, young men, women, and children, with the city in the background. In the tracery above are angels, with rich ruby wings, in attitudes of adoration.
The window next to this is filled with coloured glass, by Clayton & Bell, to the memory of Mrs. Salome Fox. In the upper tracery are the Alpha and Omega, with the date of erection "Anno Dm'ni MDCCCXCVII." In the central light below is the risen Saviour, seated on a throne, holding the emblem of sovereignty, with the inscription over His shoulders "Because I live ye shall live also." In each side light are three angels in adoration. An inscription runs across the three lights, "I am he that liveth and was dead, and, behold, I am alive for evermore." Beneath are three square compartments, representing (1) three women, (2) three soldiers, (3) the apostles SS. John and Peter at the sepulchre, with the inscription "Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?" and again, below all, "To the glory of God, and in loving memory of Salome Fox, who died June 26, 1883, aged 65." This cost about 85 pounds.
The window at the west end of this aisle, by Heaton, Butler & Bayne, was filled with coloured glass, by the late Mr. Henry Boulton, in memory of his first wife, being partly paid for by a surplus of 40 pounds remaining from what was collected for the chancel east window, and the rest (about 40 pounds more) by Mr. Boulton himself. The subject is the Saviour's baptism in the Jordan.
In the north aisle of the nave, the easternmost window was erected in 1902, at a cost of 98 pounds, from a bequest of the late Mr. Charles Dee, as a memorial of his friend the late Mr. Robert Clitherow. The subject is "The good Samaritan," who, in the central light, is relieving the wounded wayfarer; while, in the side lights, the Priest and Levite are represented as passing him by. In the two upper quatrefoils are angels holding scrolls, with the inscriptions (1) "Let your light so shine before men," (2) "That they may see your good works." An inscription runs across the three lights, "Blessed is he that provideth for the sick and needy, the Lord shall deliver him in the time of trouble;" and, below all, "To the glory of God, and in memory of Robert Clitherow, a truly Christian gentleman, by his faithful servant." {38} The artists were Messrs. Clayton & Bell.
The next window to this, also by Messrs. Clayton & Bell, is considered the best specimen of coloured glass in the church. It was erected by public subscription, largely through the exertions of the late Mrs. Terrot, then of Wispington Vicarage, near Horncastle, her husband, the Rev. Charles Pratt Terrot, a clever artist and learned antiquary, supplying the design. It is inscribed "To the glory of God, and in memory of Frederick Harwood, formerly churchwarden, who died March 12, 1874, aged 51 years." Mr. Harwood was an indefatigable church worker, and died suddenly, after attending a Lent service, when he occupied his usual seat, near this window. It is of three lights, the subjects being six, (1) the centre light illustrates "Charity;" a female figure above, holding one child in her arms and leading others; while below is "Joseph in Egypt, receiving his father, Jacob." (2) The west light illustrates "Faith," a female above, holding a cross and bible, and below "Abraham offering his son Isaac." (3) The east light illustrates "Hope," a female above, leaning upon an anchor, and below "Daniel in the den of lions." The grouping of the subjects and arrangement of the canopies are admirable.
The west window in the same aisle contains a handsome memorial, by Preedy, of the late Vicar, Prebendary Robert Giles. It is of three lights, the subjects being from St. Peter's life: (1) the south light shewing "The net cast into the sea," "Depart from me, &c."; (2) the central light, Peter's commendation by the Saviour, "Thou art Peter, &c."; and (3) the north light, Peter's release from prison, "Arise up quickly, &c." The tabernacle and canopy work are good. The cost of this was about 140 pounds. Mr. Giles succeeded Prebendary Milner, as Vicar, and died 12 July, 1872.
The two lancet windows in the lower part of the west wall of the tower, which were enlarged at the restoration, are filled with good coloured glass. They bear no inscriptions but are memorials of deceased younger members of the families of the late Dr. B. J. Boulton, and of the late Mr. Richard Nicholson. The southern one represents "The Good Shepherd," carrying a lamb in his arms; the northern, "Suffer the little children to come unto me," shewing the Saviour receiving little children into his arms. Within the tower is also placed a List of Benefactors of the town; also a frame containing the Decalogue, supported by two painted figures, life-size, representing Aaron with his censer, and Moses with his rod; on one side of this is the Lord's Prayer, on the other the Apostles' Creed. {39a}
The roof of the nave, for some years hidden by a flat whitewashed ceiling, is of Spanish chestnut, with finely carved figures of angels, which support the intermediate principals. In front of the tower arch stands the Font, of caen stone, on octagonal base; the bowl has 8 elaborately carved panels, in three of which are engraved, on scrolls, the words "One Lord," "One Faith," "One Baptism." {39b} The Pulpit, at the north-east corner of the nave, is also of Caen stone, in similar style, with four decorated panels, having, beneath the cornice, the inscription "He that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully;" the book-rest is supported by the figure of an angel, with outspread wings. The Reading Desk, on the opposite side, consists of open tracery work, carved in modern oak. The Lectern, an eagle of brass, was presented, in 1901, by the Misses Walter, in memory of their father, Mr. Joseph Walter, for many years church warden. {39c} The seats in the chancel have handsomely carved poppy heads, and are placed east and west, instead of, as formerly, north and south, facing west.
On the south side of the chancel arch, in the west face of the wall, is a small stone, bearing the names of "Thomas Gibson, Vicar. John Hamerton and John Goake, Churchwardens, 1675." On the south wall of the chancel south chapel is also an illuminated sheet of iron bearing the following inscription to the same Vicar:—"Sacred to the memory of the Rev. Mr. Thos. Gibson, A.M., 44 years Vicar of this parish. He lived in such times when Truth to the Church, and Loyalty to the King met with punishment due to the worst of crimes. He was by the rebellious powers carried away prisoner four times from the garrison of Newark for a dissenting teacher, afterwards sequestrated, and his family driven out, by the Earl of Manchester. He survived the Restoration, and was brought back at the head of several hundreds of his friends, and made a Prebendary in the Cathedral Church of Lincoln. As his enemies never forgave his zeal to the Church and Crown, so nothing but the height of Christian charity could forgive the insults he met with from them. He died April 22, 1678." {40a} Above this is a shield, containing three storks, proper, on an argent field; and with a stork, as crest.
On the north clerestory wall of the nave are tablets in memory of Jane, wife of Thomas Taylor, to the east; in the centre to Thomas Taylor, Surgeon, and Margaret his wife, to Mary Anne, wife of Thomas Hardy Taylor; and to the west of these, to Anne, wife of Erasmus Middleton, to Erasmus Middleton, and to their daughter, Grace, wife of James Weir, and to James Weir, who died Dec. 15, 1822. On the south clerestory wall, westward, is a tablet to the memory of Thomas Bryan, Hannah his wife, and their son Edward, all interred at Scrivelsby; another, to the east, is in memory of Edward Harrison, M.D., his wife, and his brother, erected by his nephew.
In the north aisle of the chancel is a modern, canvas, lozenge-shaped, framed copy of an older memorial, formerly painted on the south wall, on which are depicted the arms of Sir Ingram Hopton, with this inscription:—"Here lieth the worthy and memorable Knight, Sir Ingram Hopton, who paid his debt to nature, and duty to his King and country, in the attempt of seizing the arch rebel (Cromwell) in the bloody skirmish near Winceby, Oct. 6, 1643." {40b} The motto is Horatian (the first lines from Odes iii., xiv., 14-16; the other two from Odes iv., ix., 29-30).
Nec tumultum, Nec mori per vim, metuit, tenente Caesare terras. Paulum sepultae distat inertiae, Celata virtus.
Close to this, and above the arch leading into the nave, are a number of scythes, some with straight wooden handles, attached to the wall, which are said to have been used at the Winceby fight. {41a}
On the wall of the north aisle, nearest the archway into the chancel, on a small slab of Purbeck marble, is a brass of Sir Lionel Dymoke, kneeling on a cushion; on either side were formerly small shields displaying the arms of Dymoke, Waterton, Marmyon, Hebden and Haydon; {41b} and on small brasses were the figures of two sons and three daughters. Parts of these are now lost. The figure of Sir Lionel is in the attitude of prayer, from his left elbow issues a scroll with the inscription "S'cta Trinitas, unus Deus, miserere nob." Beneath is another inscription, "In Honore s'cte et individue trinitatis. Orate pro a'i'a Leonis Dymoke, milit' q' obijt xvij die me'se Augusti, Ao D'ni Mo cccccxix. Cuj' a'i'e p' piciet, de.' Amen." Below this monument, in the pavement, is a brass, now mutilated, of the same Sir Lionel Dymoke, wrapped in a shroud, with two scrolls issuing from the head, the lettering of which is now effaced. Beneath is an inscription also now obliterated, but which Mr. Weir gives as follows:—
Leonis fossa nunc haec Dymoke capit ossa. Miles erat Regis, cui parce Deus prece Matris, Es testis Christe, quod non jacet hic lapis iste, Corpus ut ornetur, sed spiritus ut memoretur. Hinc tu qui transis, senex, medius, puer, an sis, Pro me funde preces, quia sic mihi sit venie spes.
The actual suit of armour worn by this Sir Lionel Dymoke was formerly in the church, since in the evidence taken after the "Lincolnshire Rising," in 1536, it was shewn that "one Philip Trotter, of Horncastle," took it from the church, and himself wore it, while carrying the standard at the head of the insurgents (State Papers Domestic, Henry VIII., vol. xi, No. 967) {42a}
[Picture: Brass of Sir Lionel Dymoke, in St. Mary's Church]
In the Harleian MS. in the British Museum, among his "Lincolnshire Church Notes," Gervase Holles (circa 1640) mentions several other arms and inscriptions, as then existing, which are now lost. {42b}
In the pavement of the former vestry, in the south chancel aisle, is a slab with the inscription running round it, "Here lyethe the boyddes of Thomas Raithbeck & Arne his wyf, ye founders of the Beid hous. Departed thys world, in ye fayth of Christ, ye last day of October, in ye yere of our Lord, MDLXXV." In the pavement at the east end of the south aisle of nave is a slab bearing the names of William Hamerton and his wife Elizabeth, and westward of this another slab, in memory of "Sarah Sellwood, wife of Henry Sellwood, Esq., {42c} who died Sep 30, 1816, aged 28 years." The late Poet Laureate, Alfred, afterwards Lord Tennyson, married Mr. Sellwood's daughter Emily Sarah, the marriage being solemnised at Shiplake after the family had left Horncastle. The Laureate's elder brother, Charles Tennyson, married another daughter, Louisa, afterwards taking the additional name of Turner. He held the vicarage of Grasby near Caistor.
Other monuments are, on the wall of the south aisle, a tablet inscribed "To the memory of Elizabeth Kelham, only surviving child of Richard Kelham, Rector of Coningsby. She was pious, virtuous, and charitable, and died 26 Feb., 1780, aged 58. Reader, imitate her example. Erected by Robert Kelham, her nephew, as a grateful acknowledgment of her regard towards him." On the north wall of the chancel is a marble tablet in memory of "George Heald, Armiger, e Consultis Domini Regis, in Curia Cancellaria. Obiit 18 May, 1834." Inscriptions below are to his wife and daughter. Another tablet, of black marble, records the death of Elizabeth, first wife of the Rev. John Fretwell, Curate, Dec. 4, 1784, and of his son, Matthew Harold, Sept. 11, 1786. {44a} Another tablet is in memory of "Clement Madeley, DD., 42 years Vicar, who died Good-Friday, 1845, aged 73;" also of his wife Martha, who died 1807, and of his son Houghton, who died 1838, erected by his daughter, M. A. Dymoke, {44b} wife of Rev. John Dymoke, Champion.
In a glass covered case in the north aisle of the chancel are three volumes of Foxe's Book of Martyrs, 1632 edition, these were formerly chained to a desk, and parts of the chains remain. They were given by Nicolas Shipley, gentleman, in 1696, who also presented a brass chandelier of 24 sockets; he was among the benefactors to the poor of the town. The present glass case and desk on which the case rests, were given by the late Vicar, the Rev. A. Scrivenor. Along with these vols. are "The History of the Old and New Testaments, gathered out of sacred scripture and writings of the fathers, a translation from the work of the Sieur de Royaumont, by several hands. London, printed for R. Blome, I. Sprint, John Nicholson and John Pero, 1701." There are some good old engravings of "The Work of Creation," "The Temptation and Fall of Man," "The Expulsion from Paradise," "The Murder of Abel," "Ishmael Banished," &c. The first of these is dedicated to "Her sacred Majesty, Mary, by the grace of God, Queen of England, Scotland, France, Ireland, &c., by Her Majesty's most obedient servant Richard Blome." The next is dedicated to "Her sacred Majesty Katherine, Queen Dowager of England," by the same; another is dedicated to "Her Royal Highness Ann, Princess of Denmark;" and other plates are dedicated to various Lincolnshire worthies, some of these are rather damaged, and the fine old bible is imperfect.
Various old documents may here be quoted, which give items of interest connected with this church. In Lincolnshire Wills, 1st series, edited by Canon A. R. Maddison, F.S.A., 1888, is that of James Burton of Horncastle, of date 9 June, 1536, which mentions the lights burnt in the church at that time before different shrines; these were in all 23, of which 7 were in honour of the blessed virgin, one was called "The light of our Lady of Grace," another "Our Lady's light at the font." Mention is also made of a "St. Trunyan's light;" this last saint is connected with a well at Barton-on-Humber, but nothing further is known of him under that name. It has been suggested that it is a corruption of St. Ninian (Lincs. Notes & Queries, vol. i, 149), and in connection with this it is interesting to refer to the fact that Gervase Holles, whose description of Horncastle windows we have already quoted, states that there was a window to St. Ninian placed in the chancel south aisle, by the Guild of Shoemakers. Here, then, it is possible, the "St. Trunion's" or St. Ninian's "light" may have been burned, as the emblem of some whilom Horncastrian's faith.
A Chancery Inquisition post mortem, 19 Richard II., No. 83 (11 Dec., 1395), shows that Albinus de Enderby and others assigned a messuage, with appurtenances, in Horncastle, to pay a chaplain to say daily masses in the church of the blessed Mary, for the soul of Simon de Dowode, and other faithful deceased. Wood Enderby was at that time a chapelry attached to Horncastle Church.
The right of sanctuary, enjoyed by felons, who sought refuge in a church, was a very ancient institution, dating from Saxon times, and only abolished by James I., in 1621, because the great number of churches in the country rendered it so easy a matter for highwaymen, then very numerous, to avail themselves of the privilege, that justice was too often defeated and crime encouraged. According to custom, if the offender made confession before a coroner, within 40 days, and took the prescribed oath at the church door, that he would quit the realm, his life was spared. A Close Roll, 13 Henry III., Aug. 22, 1229, states that the King, at Windsor, commands the Sheriff of Lincolnshire (Radulphus filius Reginaldi) to send two coroners to see that a robber who keeps himself in the church at Horncastle abjures the kingdom, (Lincs. Notes & Queries, vol. i, p. 49). It is a somewhat curious coincidence, that a similar document, of date 16 Henry III., Aug. 22, 1232, only three years later, records a similar incident; and the malefactor is ordered to "make the assize, and abjuration of the kingdom, according to the custom of the land and according to the liberties granted to Walter, Bishop of Carlisle," (Lincs. Notes & Queries, vol. iv, p. 58). We have the explanation of this later instruction in a Memoranda Roll of 4 Ed. III., 1330, which states that Henry III. granted, by charter dated 16th July, in the 15th year of his reign, to Walter, Bishop of Carlisle, and his successors, that they should claim "all chattels of felons and fugitives within their manors," the crown giving up all claim to the same in their favour; and the case is added of Robert Mawe, a fugitive, whose chattels were demanded by the Bishop, and 34 pounds exacted on that account "from the township of Horncastre."
It is remarkable that the two cases, above quoted, should have occurred at the same date, August 22. An explanation of this has been suggested in the fact that an old calendar shows that August 22 was a day sacred to St. Zaccheus; and as that saint set the example of restoring four-fold what he had unlawfully taken, that day may have been selected for the robber to surrender his chattels in reparation of his offence. A not improbable explanation, however, may be found in the fact that the great August fair, established by Royal Charter, closed on August 21st, and unruly characters were often left, as dregs of such gatherings in the place, murders even being not uncommon. By charter of the same king the Bishop of Carlisle had power to try felons at Horncastle, and a spot on the eastern boundary of the parish is still known as "Hangman's Corner," where those who were capitally convicted in his court were executed.
We give elsewhere a list of the Incumbents of St. Mary's, but we may here refer to probably the most distinguished of them all. A Patent Roll, of date 11 June, 1344 (18 Edward III.), states that Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln (N.B. This was Thomas Bec, consecrated July 7, 1342, died Feb. 1, 1346, buried in the north transept of the Cathedral), "by command of the Most Holy Father, Pope Clement VI., reduces the taxation of the church at Horncastle, with the chapels of Askeby (West Ashby), Upper Tynton (High Toynton), Maring (Mareham-on-the-Hill), and Wod Enderby, to the same church annexed, to the sum of 50 marks (33 pounds 6s. 8d.), which were previously taxed at the immoderate sum of 77 pounds sterling." This is stated to be done "of the sincere love with which we value our very dear clerk, Master Simon de Islep, parson of the church aforesaid." This is also confirmed to "his successors, parsons or rectors, of the said church. Witness the King, at Westminster." The merits of this worthy, so valued by the Holy Father, not long afterwards received further recognition, since in 1350, only 6 years later, he was promoted to the highest dignity in the land, next to the sovereign himself, as Archbishop of Canterbury. {46} An earlier Rector, John de Langton, had been made Bishop of Chichester, A.D. 1305. These are the only incumbents of Horncastle who have attained the Episcopal Bench, (Horncastle Register Book, edited by Canon J. Clare Hudson, 1892).
The promotion of the Rector, Simon de Islep, led to more than one lawsuit. The Bishop of Carlisle, being at that time heavily in debt, as Lord of the manor, to which, as has already been stated, the advowson of the church of St. Mary was attached, had in January, 1347-8 granted the manor to Hugh de Bole, and others, on their annual payment of 129 pounds 19s. 2.5d, for three years. On the vacancy thus occurring the Bishop was summoned to appear at Westminster, before Justice John de Stonor, and others, to answer to William Widuking, of Saundeby, executor of the will of the said Hugh de Bole, who claimed, as tenant of the manor, the right to nominate to the vacant benefice. The Bishop resisted this claim, and the case was argued before the King's Bench, in Hilary term, 1350, when the Bishop was defeated, the claim of William Widuking being allowed. (County Placita, Lincoln, No. 46. Pleas at Westminster, 24 Ed. III., roll 104.)
Seventeen years later, on the death of John de Kirkby, Bishop of Carlisle, who had presented Simon de Islep to Horncastle, the temporalities of the bishopric for the time lapsed to the King; and Thomas de Appleby, the succeeding Bishop, with John de Rouceby, clerk (who afterwards became Rector of Horncastle), were summoned to answer to the King, that the King be allowed, through the said lapse, to appoint to the vacant Benefice of St. Mary. The Bishop and John de Rouceby brought the case before the court, but they admitted the justice of the King's plea, and judgment was given for the King. (De Banco Roll, 41 Ed. III., in. 621.) Apparently, as a compromise, the King appointed John de Rouceby. This John de Rouceby, while Rector of Horncastle, was murdered on the high road to Lincoln in 1388, (Horncastle Register Book, p. 2).
We may here observe, that in the above documents, the Incumbent of St. Mary's Church is styled "Parson" or "Rector," not, as he is at the present day, "Vicar." On this change of status we are able to give the following particulars. Among the Bishop "Nicholson MSS.," which are in the custody of the Dean and Chapter of Carlisle, and consist of extracts from the old "Bishops' Registers," it is stated (vol. iv, p. 349) that Bishop Stern of Carlisle, under agreement with the Bishop of Lincoln (Dr. Robert Sanderson) in 1660, appropriated the Rectorial appurtenances of the Benefice of St. Mary to the See of Carlisle. This, however, would seem to be only a confirmation, or renewal, of what had been done long before, since as far back as 1313, the Bishop of Carlisle petitioned the Pope, to allow the church revenues of St. Mary, Horncastle, to be appropriated to that See, which had been "wasted by war and other calamities;" the Rector of the day only stipulating for a pensio congrua being reserved to him for his lifetime. (Carlisle Episcopal Registers, xix, p. 181 b). This was repeated about 1334 (Ibid., p. 187, a. Quoted Horncastle Register Book, p. 2). The title Rector accordingly disappears and from about 1400 only that of Vicar is used, the Bishops of Carlisle themselves having become the "Rectors." Early in the 19th century (21 March, 1803) the Bishop of Carlisle leased the manor, with appurtenances, to Sir Joseph Banks, and his representatives are now Lay Rectors.
The appointment of one of the early Rectors is a sample of the abuses connected with Papal supremacy in those times. Peter de Galicia was nominated Rector in May, 1313, he was a foreigner and probably drew his income without ever residing at Horncastle. Having influence at the Papal Curia, he negociated for the Bishop of Carlisle the transfer of the Rectorial appurtenances of Horncastle to that See; only, as has been stated, taking care that he had his own pensio congrua. Becoming dissatisfied with the benefice he ultimately exchanged it for the Rectory of Caldbeck in the diocese of Carlisle. These proceedings are given at length in Bishop de Kirkby's Register; his Italian name was Piero de Galiciano. He was succeeded in 1334 by Robert de Bramley, Rector of Caldbeck. (Carlisle Episcopal Registers, quoted Lincs. Notes & Queries, vol. v, pp. 244-5).
Horncastle was one of the centres of disturbance at the time of the "Lincolnshire Rising" (already referred to) or "Pilgrimage of Grace," in 1536, and St. Mary's Church was the main cause of the local agitation. William Leche, brother of the parson of Belchford, was a ringleader in the town. The plundering of churches, by the King's "visitors," for the "valor ecclesiasticus," on the plea of regulating ceremonial, but more really with a view to replenishing the royal coffers, was the great grievance with the people. Much evidence on the subject is found among State Papers Domestic, vol. xi, 28 Henry VIII. One witness, Edward Richardson of Thimbleby, states that William Leche, on Tuesday, 2nd Oct., "stirred the people to rise to save the church jewels from the Bishop's officers," who were acting by the King's orders, the Bishop being the King's confessor. Robert Sotheby of Horncastle, being sworn before Sir Anthony Wyngffeld and Sir Arthur Hopton, says that "David Benet, a wever, rang the comon bell," to rouse the people. The said Robert stated that he and William Bywater, being churchwardens, were going to see the work of the plumbers, and in the meantime the said Davy rang the common bell; and that "William Leche was the first begynner and sterer of the whole rysinge there." The mob marched about with a standard, carried by Philip Trotter, clad in the armour of Lionel Dymoke, which he had taken from the church of St. Mary. The devices on the standard were "a plough," to encourage the husbandmen; the "challice and Host," because the church plate and jewellery were to have been taken away; the "wands" were to encourage the people "to fight in Cristis cause;" the "horn" betokening Horncastle.
About 100 persons marched to Scrivelsby, and threatened to drag out Edward Dymoke, the sheriff, and other gentlemen. The sheriff, Thomas Dymoke, Robert Dighton, and one Saundon, afterwards went into the field, and conversed with Leche, who said the Rising was because the Visitors would take the church goods. The mob took the old gentleman, Sir William Saundon, and "harried him forth by the arms towards Horncastell, till from hete and weryness he was almost overcum." A horse was brought for him by one Salman of Baumbrough, but one of the rebels strake the horse on the head, so that both horse and rider fell to the ground, and they then said he must "go afote as they did." He was afterwards confined in the "Moot Hall," at Horncastle, and "they sware him, whether he woll, or no." Many witnesses testified to the activity of Leche, in going to private houses and inducing the men to join, and that the gentlemen only joined from fear of violence. Richard Mekylwhite of Horncastle was accused by Thomas Lytellbury, that he was "a great procurer" (of men), and was "one of the causers of George Wolsey's death," (a servant of the late Cardinal Wolsey).
William Leche, with a great company, went to Bolingbroke, to take the Bishop's Chancellor, Dr. John Rayne, who was lying there, sick; he was brought on horseback to Horncastle amid cries of "kill him! kill him!" He begged Philip Trotter to save him, who said he would do what he could; the Chancellor gave him xxs., but he in effect did the reverse of helping him. On reaching the outskirts of the town, "many parsons and vicars among" the rebels cried "kill him!" whereat William Hutchinson and William Balderstone, of Horncastle, "pulled him viantly of his horse, kneling upon him, and with their staves slew him." The Vicar of Thornton gave xvs. to the rebels. The Vicar of Horncastle, at that time John Haveringham, seems to have avoided being mixed up with this movement, as many of his brethren were. The whole affair barely lasted a week, and it does not appear that the church plate suffered. The King issued a proclamation from Richmond, 2 December following, that he pardoned all except the wretches in ward at Lincoln, T. Kendal the Vicar of Louth, and William Leche of Horncastle.
For a final notice of old records connected with the church, we may mention a matter of less importance, but one which we can hardly realise, in these days of religious liberty, when everyone is "a law unto himself" in matters of faith, and even largely in practice. The parish book of the adjoining Thimbleby, which is in the soke of Horncastle, shews that, as late as the year 1820, the parish officials ordered all paupers, in receipt of parish relief, to attend the church services, on pain of forfeiting the aid granted; and cases are named where the payment was stopped until the offender had given satisfaction. The State Papers Domestic of 1634 show that, at Horncastle, there was a like strictness. Luke Burton of this town was fined 1s. for being "absent from divine service," and again a like sum as "absent from prayers." Even "a stranger, a tobacco man," was fined 1s. for the same offence; and 3s. 4d. for "tippling in time of divine service." John Berry, butcher, was fined 1s. "for swearing." Simon Lawrence, for selling ale contrary to law, was fined 20s.; the same "for permitting tippling, 20s.;" while for "selling ale without a licence," William Grantham and Margaret Wells were "punished upon their bodies." (State Papers Domestic, vol. 272, No. 23, Chas. I.)
[Picture: Ancient Scythes in St. Mary's Church]
We here give a list of these as compiled by Canon J. Clare Hudson, in his 1st volume of the Horncastle Parish Register Book, 1892.
1236-7 Geoffrey de Leueknor by the Bishop of Carlisle (admitted on condition it be found the same church with the churches of [Wood] Enderby, and [High] Toynton and another, which Osbert the last rector held, be one benefice).
1239-40 (Delegates of the Pope in a dispute between G. parson of the church of Horncastre and Francis, parson of the church of [West] Askeby, concerning the church of Askeby, decide that G[eoffrey] and his successors, are to hold the church of Askeby, and pay to Francis annually for life 27 marks sterling, and the bishop confirms this ordinance)
1246 Adam de Kirkby.
12— Ralph Tulgol.
1275 Hugh de Penna (otherwise Hugh de la Penne, Assize Roll, 4 Ed. I. Lincs. Notes & Queries, iv, p. 220).
1295 John de Langton.
1305 Gilbert de Haloughton.
1313 Peter de Galicia.
1334 Robert de Bramley.
13— William de Hugate.
1349 Simon de Islep, resigned in 1349, on becoming Archbishop of Canterbury.
1357 William de Hugate, presented by Gilbert, Bishop of Carlisle, on exchange.
1369 John de Rouceby.
1388 William Stryckland.
1401 Thomas Carleton, Chaplain.
1445 Robert Somercotes.
14— John Eston.
1492 John Ffalconer.
1517 Richard Denham.
1524 Barnard Towneley.
1531 Robert Jamys, Chaplain.
1535 John Havringham.
15— Arthur Layton.
1538 Peter Wallensis.
1557 Henry Henshoo, or Henshaw.
1560 Clement Monke. {50}
1584 Francis Purefey.
1587 Richard Foster.
1593 John Jackson.
1595 Robert Hollinhedge.
1634 Thomas Gibson.
1678 John Tomlinson.
1678-9 Thomas Loddington.
1724 James Fowler.
1779 Joseph Robertson.
1802 Clement Madely.
1845 Thos. James Clarke.
1853 Wm. Holme Milner.
1868 Robert Giles.
1872 Arthur Scrivenor.
1882 Edwin Fowler Quarrington.
1900 Alfred Edgar Moore.
For some of the earlier details I am indebted to the Rev. W. O. Massingberd.
The Parish Registers of Horncastle are of some interest. They date from 1559, the year following the "Injunction" issued by Queen Elizabeth (the 3rd of its kind) ordering the regular keeping of such records; similar, earlier, though less stringent, orders having been made in 1538, 1547 and 1552. Besides the records of baptisms, marriages and burials, there are occasional notes on peculiar passing events, which we may here notice. One of these occurs in 1627, "Upon Monday, beinge the xxviijth day of January was a great Tempest of Winde, the like hath not often been in any age; like wise upon Friday the 4th of November 1636 in the night time there happened a more fearful (wind than) before.
Mr. Weir, in his History of Horncastle, quotes a note (folio 42 b of the Register): "On the vth daie of October one thousand six hundred and three, in the ffirst yere of oure Sov'aigne Lord King James was holden in Horncastell Church a solemnn fast from eight in the morning until fower a clock in the after noone by five preachers, vidz. Mr. Hollinghedge, Vicar of Horncastell, Mr. Turner of Edlington, Mr. Downes of Lusbye, Mr. Philipe of Solmonbye, Mr. Tanzey of Hagworthingha', occasioned by a generall and most feareful plague yt yere in sundrie places of this land, but especially upon the Cytie of London. p'r me Clementem Whitelock." (Parish Clerk.)
We may observe that at this time there perished in London more than 30,000 persons; but the great plague, or "black death," occurred 61 years later (1664-5), which carried off from 70,000 to 100,000 persons. Between these periods, and previously, various parishes in our neighbourhood suffered from this visitation; for instance at Roughton, which is in the soke of Horncastle, there were 43 burials, including those of the Rector and two daughters, in the year 1631-2; while in the adjoining parish of Haltham (also in the soke) although there was no increase of mortality at that date, there had been 51 deaths in the year 1584; there being a note in the register for that year, "This yeare plague in Haltham." The turn, however, for Horncastle came in the year 1631, when the register shows that between May 3 and Sep. 29, there were no less than 176 deaths; in one case 7 in a family (Cocking), 5 in a family (Halliday), in other cases 4 (Joanes), and again (Hutchinson) 4, (Fawcitts) 4, (Cheesbrooke) 4, &c. In August alone there were 86 deaths, and not a single marriage through all these months, whereas the following year there were only 25 deaths in the whole twelve months. Truly Horncastrians were, at that dread time, living with the sword of Damocles hanging over them. A note in the margin in this year is as follows, "Oct. 5th, buryalls since July 23, 144; burialls since Easter 182."
We have already given the history of the Vicar, Rev. Thos. Gibson, he is referred to in the two following notes in the Register. At the end of folio 81a (1635) we find, after the signature of himself and churchwardens, "Thomas Gibson, Clerk, Master of the free school of Newcastel uppon Tine, one of the Chapleins of the Right Reverend Father in God Barnabas, by Divine P'vidence Lo. Bpp. Carliel, presented by the said Lo. Bpp., was inducted into this Vicarage of Horncastel April xiiij, 1634." At the end of folio 85a (1639) after similar signatures is this: "The sd Mr. Thomas Gibson, being outed of Horncastle by Cromwell's Commissioners, removed to Nether Toynton, lived there one yeare, after restored againe, taught some Gentlemen sonnes in his owne house, was afterward called to ye scole at Newark, where he continued one yeare, then was importuned to Sleeford, whether he went ye week after Easter 1650, continued there until May ye first 1661; then, the King being returned, he returned to his Vicaridge, and was by Doctor Robert Sanderson, Bishop of Linkcoln made Preban of Saint Mairie Crakepoule in the Church of Linkcoln."
It may be observed that the spelling in those times, the entries doubtless being often made by the parish clerk, was rather phonetic than orthographic. Many names occur which still survive, but here spelt variously, for instance Fawssett has been a name well known in Horncastle in modern times in a good position, in town and county, here we find it in generation after generation as Fawcet, Fawset, Faucitt, &c. The name Raithbeck is of continual occurrence, it is now probably represented by Raithby. Castledine occurs several times, being probably the phonetic form of the modern Cheseltine. The present name Chantry appears as Chauntry. Palfreyman, or Palfreman, occurs on several occasions, they were of a respectable family in the county, William Palfreyman being Mayor of Lincoln in 1534; Ralph Palfreyman, clerk, was presented to the Benefice of Edlington, by his brother Anthony, merchant of the Staple, Lincoln, in 1569.
In folio 69a (1628) is the entry "Tirwhitt Douglas, daughter unto Mr. George Tirwhitt, christened Jan. 8." Her father George Tyrwhitt was a scion of the old county family of the Tyrwhitts of Kettleby, Stainfield, &c., by Faith, daughter of Nicholas Cressy of Fulsby, who married Frances, daughter of Sir Henry Ayscough, of another very old county family. She was named Douglas, though a female, after her kinswoman, Douglas, daughter of William, first Lord Howard of Effingham. Her sister married Sir Edward Dymoke of Scrivelsby. She herself is mentioned among the benefactors to the poor of Horncastle, as leaving a charge of 10s. on a farm at Belchford, as an annual payment, on her death in 1703.
Another name of frequent occurrence, though now extinct, is that of Hamerton. John Hamerton (as already stated) is mentioned, with John Goake, on a tablet inserted in the wall on the south side of the chancel arch, as being churchwarden in the vicariate of Thomas Gibson, in 1675, and throughout the early registers successive generations of this family are recorded. They may have been humble scions of the Hamertons, of Hamerton, Yorkshire, a branch of whom were among the landed gentry near the Scottish border; but at Horncastle they were engaged in trade. John Hamerton, christened Dec. 10, 1575, whose probable father, another John Hamerton, was buried Sep. 3, 1584, married Feb. 2, 1613, Grace Broxholme, whose father John Broxholme is described as "Gent" in 1611. Thomas Hamerton in 1603 was a draper, another Thomas Hamerton in 1613 was a "yoman," John in 1615 was a tanner, Thomas in 1606 and 1617 was a tanner, Robert son of Thomas in 1619 was a tanner, William in 1620 was a glover. In 1630, Thomas, buried Jan. 24, is designated "Mr." On June 16, 1633, Katherine Hamerton is married "by Licence" to George Colimbell. A rise in status is indicated by the two latter entries, and accordingly, in the records of the neighbouring parish of Edlington we find "Geo. Hamerton, gent., and Sarah Hussey married July 21, 1699;" the Husseys being probably connected with the county family, the head of which was Lord Hussey of Sleaford. The John Hamerton, churchwarden in 1675, was born Jan. 22, 1636, son of John and Dorothy Hamerton. The marriage of the parents is not given in the register, the father therefore probably married an "outener," as they are provincially termed. The interesting point however in connection with this family is, that although they have long ago been extinct, they have left their mark behind them still surviving in the town. Near the junction of East Street with South Street there still exists at the back of the second shop, in the former street (a repository for fancy needlework), a room lined with good oak wainscoting, with finely carved mantelpiece, over which is an inscription, richly carved in relief, with the letters "Ao Di" to the left, and to the right the date "1573;" while above, in the centre, are the initials "J H" and "M H;" separated by a floriated cross and encircled by a wreath. This would doubtless be John Hamerton and his wife Mary (or Margaret) Hamerton, the original builders of the house. Two doors beyond is Hamerton Lane, and the title deeds, which the present writer has inspected, show that the whole of this block of buildings now forming five shops and two private residences, once formed one large dwelling place, belonging to the Hamerton of that day, with a frontage in East Street of more than 20 yards, and in South Street of 70 or 80 yards, with extensive back premises and gardens attached. The J.H. and M.H., of whom we have here such interesting relics, were probably the grandfather and grandmother of the John Hamerton of the time of the Commonwealth and Charles II., and the extent of the buildings occupied by them show that they were wealthy.
Tanning was at one time the chief trade of the town, there being within the writer's recollection several tan yards, now no longer existing. The Bain water was said to be specially suited for this purpose. We have seen that several of the Hamertons were tanners, and they had evidently prospered in their calling.
One more name in the register deserves a brief notice, that of Snowden (spelt there Snoden). We have, at various dates, from 22 Oct. 1629, onwards, the baptisms of the whole family of Mr. Rutland Snowden, and the burials of some of them. The Snowdens were originally a Notts. family, of the smaller gentry class, but Robert Snowden, third son of Ralph Snowden, of Mansfield Woodhouse, became Bishop of Carlisle, and, ex officio, Lord of the Manor of Horncastle. The Bishops of Carlisle had, as has been already stated, a residence in Horncastle, near the present Manor House, and the Bishop's widow, Abigail, probably resided there. In her will, dated 15 April, 1651, and proved 7 May in the same year, she mentions her sons Rutland and Scrope; there was also another son Ralph. Rutland married on Xmas day, 1628, Frances, widow of George Townshend, Esq., of Halstead Hall, Stixwould, and Lord of the Manor of Cranworth, Norfolk, by whom he had a large family. His granddaughter, Jane Snowden, married Charles Dymoke, Esq., of Scrivelsby; she died childless and founded and endowed the village school and almshouses at Hemingby. Another granddaughter, Abigail, married Edward Dymoke, younger son of Sir Edward Dymoke, of Scrivelsby, as shewn by the register there, on 18 July, 1654, and she thus became ancestress of the Tetford branch of the Dymokes, now also of Scrivelsby.
Rutland Snowden, who graduated B.A. at Christ's College, Cambridge, 1617-8, took his M.A. degree at St. John's College, Oxford, 1623, and was admitted a member of Gray's Inn in the same year. He was buried at Horncastle, 1654 (Lincs. Notes & Queries, vol. iv, pp. 14-16). That was a period of national disturbance, and the people of Horncastle, with the Winceby fight of 1643, were more or less drawn into the vortex. Abigail Snowden, widow of Bishop Robert of Carlisle seems to have been brought into much trouble, owing to her son, Rutland, having espoused the Royalist cause. Among Exchequer Bills and Answers (Chas. I., Lincoln, No. 86) is a petition shewing that Francis, Bishop of Carlisle, leased to Rutland Snowden and his assignees, for three lives, the manor, lands, parsonage, and other premises at Horncastle, on payment of 120 pounds. Subsequent proceedings would seem to imply that this lease was previously granted to the said Abigail herself, as shewn by the following: "To the Honourable the Commissioners for compounding with delinquents. The Humble Petition of Abigail Snowden, widow, sheweth that Richard Milborne, late Bishop of Carlisle, did, 22 Sep., 1623, for valuable consideracions, demise the manor and soke of Horncastle (parcel of ye lands of ye Bishopricke) unto your petitonr, during the lives of Rutland Snoden, Scroope Snoden, and George Snoden, and for the life of the longest of them; that the said demise being allowed good unto her by the trustees . . . yet hath bene, and is, sequestrated, for the delinquensie of the said Rutland Snoden . . . the petitioner prayeth . . . that your petitioner may have releife . . . as to you shall seem meet. And yr petitioner will praie, &c. Abigail Snoden, 24 Nov., 1650." A note adds that the matter was "Referred to Mr. Brereton, to examine and report."
It was reported on by Peter Brereton, 31 Jan. following (Royalist Composition Papers, 1st series, vol. 58, No. 515). As this is a fair sample of the treatment by the Parliamentary officials of Royalist "delinquents" and their friends, we here give further particulars.
A similar petition was presented by "John Bysse, gent." (given in Royalist Composition Papers, 1st series, vol. 8, No. 167). Further, Abigail Snowden bequeathed her interest in the above lease to Thos. Toking, who was of Bucknall and of Ludgate Hill, London. Accordingly, two years later, we have another attempt at recovery, as follows: "To the Honourable Commissioners for compounding with Delinquents. The humble petition of Thomas Toking, of Co. Lincoln, gent., sheweth, that a lease was made to him by Abigail Snowden, widow, deceased, of the manor, &c., &c., which had been sequestered many years, for the delinquency of Rutland Snowden . . . and that he (T. Toking) has more to offer, for the clearing of his title. He prays therefore for a commission of enquiry. 21 Oct., 1652." Reply: "not sufficient proof."
The said Thos. Toking again petitions, stating, that he is willing, to avoid further trouble, to submit to "a reasonable composition." This is again "referred to Mr. Brereton," 7 Feb., 1653. On 21 Sep., 1653, the order was issued that "the Petitioner be admitted for compounding." Again "Referred to Mr. Brereton." The result, however, was that Mr. Thomas Toking died before obtaining the "relief" petitioned for.
N.B. Besides the "delinquency" of having "adhered to, and assisted, ye forces against the Parliament," it was charged against Rutland Snowden that he had "more wives than one." He "rendered his estate in fee" at Horncastle, in Nov., 1645, for which his fine, at one-tenth was 188 pounds (Royalist Composition Papers, 1st series, fol. 113). His son, a second Rutland Snowden, was among the Benefactors of Horncastle, as he bequeathed to the poor of the town, 1682, "one house of the yearly rent of 26s.," to be "paid in bread, 6d. every other Sunday;" a considerably larger sum at that time than now.
We find the names of Rutland Snoden of Horncastle, and Scrope Snoden of Boston, in the list of Lincolnshire Gentry, entitled to bear arms, made by the Heralds, at their Visitation in 1634; along with other well known names in the neighbourhood, such as Dymoke, Heneage, Laugton, Massingberd, Tyrwhitt, &c. (Lincs. Notes & Queries, vol. i, p. 106). The Snowden arms are said, in Yorke's Union of Honour, to have been "Azure a lion rampant, or." (Lincs. Notes & Queries, vol. iv, p. 16).
[Picture: The Old Vicarage]
The Vicarage of St. Mary's Church formerly stood at the north-east corner of the churchyard, forming part of a block of small houses. It was a poor residence, but occupied until his death in 1845, by the Vicar, Clement Madely, DD. The whole block was, about that time, taken down, the space being, later on, covered with the present substantial buildings. His successor, Rev. T. J. Clarke, rented a good house in South Street, now occupied by Mrs. Howland. Mr. Clarke was succeeded by the Rev. W. Holme Milner, in 1853, and he built the present vicarage.
St. Mary's Churchyard was closed, for burials, in 1848, when the churchyard of Holy Trinity was consecrated.
We here give a list of the Church Plate, which is more than usually valuable.
1. Paten, silver, 15 oz. 2 dwt., given by Mrs. Hussey, 1718. *
2. Paten lid, silver, 2 oz. 2 dwt., old, no date.
3. Paten, pewter, no date.
4. Chalice, silver gilt, 7 oz., old, no date.
5. Chalice, silver gilt, 13 oz. 4 dwt. In memoriam, J.H., 1879.
6. Chalice, silver gilt, 13 oz. 2 dwt. *
7. Flagon, silver, 59 oz., given by Susannah Lascells, 1741.
8. Flagon, silver, 58 oz. 2 dwt., given by Susannah Lascelles, widow, Christmas, 1743. *
9. Alms basin, silver, 6 oz. 6 dwt., given by Thomas Hargreaves, Esq., 1735. T.M.H. on handle.
10. Alms Basin, silver, 7 oz. 6 dwt., given by Clement Madely, vicar, 1835.
11. Paten, silver gilt, 13 oz. In Memoriam, J.H. 1879.
12. Paten, silver. 4 oz. 2 dwt., no date. *
13. Cruet with silver stopper, H.T.C. 1872.
Those marked with asterisk are used at Holy Trinity Church.
We cannot here omit our tribute to the energy, liberality, and taste of the various parties connected with the restoration of St. Mary's Church, begun in 1859, and happily completed in April, 1861. With a persevering vicar, in Prebendary W. H. Milner, undaunted by difficulties, to head the movement; a working committee, no less resolute, to support him (among whom figured foremost the late Dr. J. B. Boulton and Mr. F. Harwood); with an architect of cultivated taste and wide experience, in Mr. Ewan Christian; and with the able contractors, Messrs. Lee & Ashton, to carry out his designs; and with a body of subscribers, headed by the Lord of the Manor, J. Banks Stanhope, Esq., all doing their best; the work was bound to be a marked success, of which all might be proud. St Mary's now probably approaches nearer to its original conception (if it does not, indeed, surpass it) than it has ever done in recent times. Erected, as it first was, in an age marked by "zeal" for church construction, even if sometimes "without knowledge;" stimulated, perhaps in an unwholesome degree, by the prevalent superstition and mariolatry, we yet feel bound, considering the noble structures which those builders have transmitted to us, (as Prior the poet says) to be "To their virtues very kind, and to their faults a little blind." But, as to the restoration in the present instance, few, save the older ones among us, who remember the condition into which the fabric had lapsed, can realise the great changes which were effected, or the advantages secured to present worshippers. The space formerly wasted by a western vestibule, with its boarded partition, and baize-covered doors, leading into nave and aisles, reducing by several feet the length of sitting space; the basement of the tower shut off, and occupied only by the bell ringers, who are now removed to the chamber above; the chancel aisles unused for seats and partially blocked up; the high square pews, rising in tiers westwards, roomy enough for undisturbed slumber; above all, the heavy galleries, with pews, made by faculty private property; all these arrangements so curtailed the accommodation, that the congregation, at its best, could be little more than half what it has been in recent years; while the tout ensemble, not omitting the flat whitewashed ceiling, put up, it has been said, by a kind lady, because the vicar, sensitive to cold, felt the draughts through the fine wooden roof thus hidden above, had an effect the very opposite of stimulating devotion, bad alike for minister and people. Under the restored condition, with sixty additional seats provided in the tower, the south chancel aisle also seated, and every available space utilized, there is now ample accommodation for some 800 worshippers, and on special occasions more than 1,200 have been seated (the late Mr. W. Pacy counted about 1,250 passing out at the evening service at the re-opening in April, 1861); while the services, and the surroundings, are alike calculated to inspire feelings of reverence, with hearty earnestness of worship; this is the result mainly due to the "decency and order" effected through the care and self-denying efforts of the restorers, for which all should be grateful.
We should here add that in the year 1892, it being found that decay had occurred in the walls and other parts of the church, about 150 pounds was raised by subscription, and once more the fabric was put into a complete state of repair.
Was built in the years 1847 and 1848, as a Chapel of Ease to St. Mary's Church, in the vicariate of the Rev. T. J. Clarke, at a cost of about 2,500 pounds; 500 pounds having been bequeathed towards that purpose by his predecessor, Dr. Clement Madely, and the rest being raised by public subscriptions. The foundation stone was laid April 6, in the former year, by Sir Henry Dymoke, Bart., the Queen's Champion. The roof of the nave was reared Oct. 12, and the cross on the east end of the chancel erected Nov. 25, in the same year. The church and churchyard were consecrated by Dr. Kaye, Bishop of Lincoln, April 27, 1848; his Lordship preaching at the opening service in the morning, and Dr. Percy, Bishop of Carlisle (as Patron {57a} of the Benefice) in the afternoon. The architect was Mr. Stephen Lewin, of Boston (author of Churches of the Division of Holland, 1843, &c) Mr. Hind, of Sleaford, being the contractor for the work.
It was a condition of Dr. Madely's bequest that the church should be commenced within two years of his death, which occurred on Good Friday, March 21, 1845. This fortunately was just (but only just) effected {57b} in time to secure the bequest.
When the churchyard of Holy Trinity was consecrated that of St. Mary's was closed, with the exception of some private vaults; both these burial grounds being closed in 1888, when the public cemetery was opened; the church part of which was consecrated on Nov. 7th, in that year, by the Bishop of Lincoln, Dr. King.
The church is in the Early English style, consisting of nave, chancel, north and south aisles, north porch, high open belfry with one bell, and has sittings for 400 persons. The materials of the structure are white brick, with dressings of Ancaster stone. It was considerably improved in 1887, and, more recently, in 1895.
The windows in the north and south aisles are plain small lancets, in pairs; 5 pairs on the south side, and 4 pairs, with porch door, on the north. The north and south arcades have 5 bays, with narrow perpendicular arches, except the easternmost, on both sides, which are wider, with a view to future transepts; the octagonal columns of brick have nicely carved stone capitals. The clerestory windows above, 5 on each side, are alternately quatrefoils and inverted triangles. The roof is of a very high pitch, slated externally, and internally of deeply stained deal. The principals of the chancel roof are ornamented with deeply cut dog-tooth pattern. The choir is rather narrow, and without aisles. At the east end of the north aisle is the vestry, the doorway leading to it having a richly carved arch, supported by twin pilasters, with carved capitals; the porch doorway has also a richly carved arch, with dog-tooth moulding, and clusters of pillars below.
The east window in the chancel is of 3 lights, and is an enlarged copy of the beautiful Early English east window of Kirkstead Abbey Chapel; with triple columns between, and, on either side of the lights, having richly carved capitals; the wall space above being also elaborately carved with floriated pattern. It was fitted with coloured glass, by an anonymous donor, in memory of the Rev. T. J. Clarke, in whose vicariate, as has been stated, the church was built. The subjects are, running across and in the centre, the Nativity, the Crucifixion, and Transfiguration; above being the Resurrection, and Christ sitting in glory; and in the lower row, our Lord as the Good Shepherd, the Man of sorrows and the Light of the world.
In the chancel walls, north and south, are triple windows in the same style, but with plain columns and white glass. Below the east window is a stone Reredos, having four panels with decorated arches on each side, north and south; with a central canopy of 3 compartments, nicely carved, and plain cross in the centre. This was carved and designed by Messrs. F. Bell & Son, of Horncastle. The Reredos was due to a movement originating with the Girls' Club, then under the management of Miss Agnes Armstrong; assisted by contributions from members of the choir, a considerable sum of money being raised by them, for altar frontals and other fittings in the chancel. These, and other additions, were dedicated by the late vicar, Prebendary E. F. Quarrington, on All Saints' day, Nov. 1, 1895.
The Organ, on the north side of the choir, is a good instrument. In the early days of the church an old organ was transferred from St. Mary's Church and placed at the west end, but this was sold in 1869, and for some years a harmonium was used in the choir. The present instrument was the work of Messrs. Foster & Andrews, of Hull, and has one manual, with pedals.
The Pulpit, on the south of the lofty chancel arch, is of stone, having 5 panels with dog-tooth borders, illuminated in gold and various colours; and having, within central circles, figures of SS. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the fifth having the cross with the inscription "Feed my sheep." The Reading Desk, on the north, is part of the chancel sedilia; this, with the Lectern, slightly carved, in front of it, and all the sittings, are of pitch pine, stained.
At the west end of the south aisle is a plain lancet window of one light. The window corresponding to this, in the north aisle, has good coloured glass, in memory of the late Hugh George, M.D., who died in 1895. It has two subjects (1) The healing of the lame man by SS. Peter and John, at the beautiful gate of the temple, and (2) Luke, the beloved physician, ministering to St. Paul, in prison at Rome.
The west window is of two lights, narrow lancets with circular window above, having quatrefoil tracery. These are filled with coloured glass, given by the late Miss Lucy Babington of The Rookery, Horncastle, in memory of her parents, brothers and sister. The subject in the upper "Rose" window is the Holy Dove descending; those in the window below are (1) our Lord's Baptism, (2) His commission to the disciples, "Go ye, and baptize all nations;" (3) The baptism of a Jew (St. Paul), and (4) The baptism of a Gentile (Cornelius). {59}
[Picture: Holy Trinity Church]
Below this window, and in keeping with the subjects above, stands the Font, on a plain octagonal base. The bowl is circular and larger than that in St. Mary's Church. It is supported by 8 carved pilasters at the angles, with a central one; rising from these are narrow arches with dog-tooth moulding.
In the eastern part of the churchyard lie the remains of four successive vicars of Horncastle, and the wife of a fifth. A coffin-shaped stone, adorned with a full-length floriated cross, has this inscription: "Thomas James Clarke, M.A., Vicar of Horncastle, died 14th May, 1853. Is any among you afflicted, let him pray." This stone was put down by the Rev. Edmund Huff, who was curate at the time of Mr. Clarke's death, and afterwards Rector of Little Cawthorpe near Louth.
An upright stone, the head forming an inverted overhanging arch, ornamented with dog-tooth pattern (copied from a panel in the church pulpit), has the inscription: "W. H. Milner, Vicar of Horncastle, died October 3rd, 1868, aged 64." Within the arch is a Calvary Cross, on the steps of which are these words "He that believeth in Me hath everlasting life." On the base of the stone is a quotation from the Burial Service, "Blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord, &c." Near this a massive decorated cross bears the inscription: "Robert Giles, Vicar of Horncastle, died July 12th, 1872. Jesu, Mercy." This is an exact reproduction of a granite cross in Willoughby churchyard, erected to the memory of the late Archdeacon Giles, the vicar's brother.
A grass grave, surrounded by a kerb, has resting upon it a full-length plain Latin cross, along the arms of which is inscribed "Jesu Mercy." Surrounding the kerb is the inscription "Arthur Scrivenor, M.A., Vicar of Horncastle, born January 13th, 1831, died August 27th, 1882." "Never resting, never tiring, in the endless work of God;" the latter words being a quotation from Dr. Mansel's Life of Bishop Wilberforce of Oxford and Winchester.
Very near the last tomb is the grave of the wife of the late Vicar of Horncastle, Prebendary E. F. Quarrington, now Rector of Welby, near Grantham; the plain slab bears the inscription "At rest, Nov. 25, 1888."
The following biographical notes may not be without interest. The Rev. T. J. Clarke was a remarkable man; born in this neighbourhood, in a humble rank of life (his widowed mother occupying a cottage in Woodhall, where, to his honour, he frequently visited her, and supported her, during his vicariate), he was apprenticed as a boy to a tradesman in Leeds. A lady upon whom he attended, as she made purchases in the shop, noticed his intelligence; the result being that she sent him, at her own expense, to be educated at a good school, and, in due time, assisted him to enter at St. John's College, Cambridge, where he took Double Honours, and obtained a Fellowship. He was afterwards appointed to the Vicarage of Penrith, Cumberland, thus coming under the notice of the Bishop of Carlisle, who, as Patron, presented him to the Vicarage of Horncastle, on the death of Dr. Madely in 1845. With Mr. Clarke's arrival in Horncastle it was felt that a new era in church life had begun. He threw himself with characteristic energy into every kind of work, and at one time had 3 curates. To him was due the erection of Holy Trinity Church, and a great multiplication of Church services. The old vicarage, a poor house close to St. Mary's churchyard, was pulled down, and he rented the house in South Street, with extensive gardens, which afterwards became the residence of Major Armstrong and now occupied by Mrs. Howland. Notwithstanding his heavy parochial work Mr. Clarke (as the present writer can testify) kept up his classical and mathematical studies. He was also devoted to music, and a very skilful performer on the flute. Although these were relaxations from his more serious parochial labours, the amount of mental work involved eventually told upon his health, and in the 8th year of his vicariate it became perceptible, even in his pulpit utterances, that his mind was affected. He had married a Cumberland lady, but all her care and attention was unavailing; he gradually collapsed into a condition of melancholy, scarcely roused by anything except the music of his piano. {60} The end inevitable was seen to be approaching, but unfortunately Mr. Clarke by his own act anticipated it. Being accidently left alone for a few moments he took a pistol, which he had concealed in a drawer, walked out into the garden and shot himself, the overwrought brain rendering him no longer accountable for his actions.
Of his successor, the Rev. Prebendary W. H. Milner, who, like Mr. Clarke, had held preferment in the diocese of Carlisle, we have only to say that he was an able man of business, carried on the work of the church with great energy, and introduced many reforms. He built the present vicarage. He was the last vicar nominated by the Bishop of Carlisle. Of the next two vicars it may be said that their tenure of office was all too short, hard faithful labour cutting off the Rev. Robert Giles (as we have before stated) in 1872, after a vicariate of only 4 years; while the Rev. Arthur Scrivenor died, after 10 years work in the parish, in his 51st year, in 1882. Canon E. Fowler Quarrington succeeded him, and held the vicarage during 18 years, when he was transferred, in 1900, to the Rectory of Welby, near Grantham. The Rev. Prebendary Alfred Edgar Moore, formerly Vicar of Messingham, near Brigg, began his vicariate in 1900, being inducted into the benefice on August 24, in that year.
Horncastle, we may here add, has been well served by its Curates. "Comparisons are (proverbially) odious," we will not therefore refer to any of these in recent years; but we may take three typical cases of men whose memory is still green and redolent of good work.
In the latter years of the amiable vicar, Dr. Madely, he needed an active assistant, and such was the Rev. William Spranger White, of Trinity College, Cambridge, a member of a family of position, the head of which was his uncle, Sir Thomas Wollaston White, of Wallingwells Park, Worksop, High Sheriff 1839, and formerly of the 10th Hussars. Mr. White possessed independent means and was very generous. He was of a most sympathetic nature, and became greatly beloved by all classes. He worked hard in the parish from his ordination in 1833 to 1849. {61} In that year he was selected by the Marchioness of Lothian, to take charge of an Episcopalian Church, which her Ladyship built and endowed at Jedburgh, Roxburghshire. The church was opened with an octave of services, which were attended by the great Doctor Hook of Leeds, who had recommended Mr. White to her Ladyship. The father of the present writer, and many leading clergymen from this neighbourhood, and various parts of England and Scotland, attended the opening services. Mr. White remained there for some years, and married the eldest daughter of Lord Chancellor Campbell, who resided at Hartrigg House, near Jedburgh. This marriage led to his subsequent return to England, being appointed by the Lord Chancellor to the Rectory of St. Just, near Land's End, Cornwall; at a later date promoted to the Vicarage of Chaddesley Corbett, near Kidderminster, Worcestershire; and finally in 1859 to the Rectory of Potterhanworth, near Lincoln, of which cathedral he was made an Honorary Canon, in recognition of his generous gifts towards cathedral improvements. Here he did excellent work until his death in 1893. {62}
We next take two of the well chosen curates of the Vicar, T. J. Clarke, who were contemporaries at Horncastle; Charles Dashwood Goldie of St. John's College, Cambridge, where he took Mathematical Honours in 1847, was ordained as Curate of Horncastle in 1848. An able preacher and indefatigable worker in the parish, he at once made his mark, not only in the town, but in the neighbourhood; he and his beautiful wife being welcome guests in many a rectory and vicarage. He was also a man of good social position and private means, and occupied a good house with large garden on the north side of West Street (then called Far Street), belonging to the late Mrs. Conington, within some 120 yards of the railway station, now occupied by Mr. Sills, and named "The Chestnuts." Mr. Goldie being curate at the time when Holy Trinity Church was built presented the carved oak chairs within the communion rails. After leaving Horncastle he was appointed to the vicarage of St. Ives, in the diocese of Ely. The Goldies were an old Manx family; Col. Goldie, his brother, of the Scotts Guards Regiment, being President of the House of Keys, the local parliament. Their residence in that island is "The Nunnery," near the town of Douglas, so called from the ruin close at hand of an ancient priory, said to have been founded by St. Bridget in the sixth century. Mr. Goldies' nephew is the present Sir George Dashwood Tanbman Goldie, Privy Councillor, K.C.M.G., F.R.G.S., &c, formerly of the Royal Engineers, but latterly holding various Government appointments, director of several expeditions in West Africa, having travelled in Egypt, the Soudan, Algiers, Morocco, &c., and attended the Berlin Conference in 1884, as an expert on questions connected with the Niger country, where he founded the Royal Chartered Company of Nigeria. His latest honour (1905) is the Presidency of the Royal Geographical Society, in succession to Sir Clements P. Markham, K.C.B., &c.
The Rev. Thomas Castle Southey (a relative of the poet) was Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford, where he took Classical and Mathematical Honours in 1847. He was ordained in the same year, and held the curacy of Horncastle from that year till 1849. He was an able and scholarly preacher and persevering worker in the parish. On leaving Horncastle he became Incumbent of the Episcopal Church at Montrose, N.B., which he held for six years, when he became Assistant Curate of St. Paul's Church, Brighton, under the Rev. Arthur Wagner; then Curate of the church of St. Thomas the Martyr at Oxford; then Vicar of Wendron, Cornwall, and afterwards of Newbold Pacey, near Leamington, in 1868. After leaving Horncastle he was invited by the Governors, as an able scholar, to examine the Horncastle Grammar School, then a considerably larger school than it has been in later years, with a large number of day boys, and also boarders from London, many distant parts of the country, and even from Jersey and the continent.
As this is the last chapter in which we shall deal with church matters, we may here say that a Clerical Club, with valuable library and news room, was established in the town in the year 1823. At that time there was a numerous community of country clergymen living in the town; a dozen, or more, villages in the neighbourhood having no official residence in their parishes; thus a Clerical Club became a convenient institution for social intercourse, and valuable papers were often read at their meetings. This ceased to exist at the close of the 19th century, when the books were transferred to the Diocesan Library at Lincoln. In order to enable these country incumbents to maintain a town residence, they, in several cases, held a plurality of benefices, which would hardly be allowed in the present day. Even the Vicar of Horncastle, Dr. Madely, also held the Vicarage of Stickford, distant more than a dozen miles; another clergyman was Rector of Martin, Vicar of Baumber, and Rector of Sotby, several miles apart; while a third held the Perpetual Curacy of Wood Enderby, 4 or 5 miles to the south-east of the town, with the Curacy of Wilksby adjoining, and the Chapelry of Kirkstead, 5 or 6 miles to the west. Further, to eke out the family income, his daughter found employment of a somewhat novel kind in the service of the late Queen Victoria. Being in figure the exact size of the Queen, her Majesty's dresses were all tried on this lady by the royal dressmaker; and, as a portion of her remuneration, the cast-off clothing of the Queen became her perquisite. On the occasion of the wedding of one of her friends at Horncastle, the bride and her bridesmaids were all attired in Queen's dresses.
In connection with the church is the "Young Churchmen's Union," of which the Vicar is President. They have fortnightly meetings, in the Boys' National School, at 8.15 p.m. There is also a Church Lads' Brigade, No. 1951, attached to the 1st Battalion, Lincoln Regiment, B 51. This was enrolled Oct. 1st, 1901. The members are youths between the ages of 13 and 19; the present Lieutenant being H. W. Sharpe; Chaplain, the Vicar; Assistant Chaplain and Correspondent, the Senior Curate. Entrance fee 1/6, subscription 1d. per week.
The Church National Schools are good substantial buildings, erected at various periods, the Girls' School in 1812, the Infants' in 1860, and the Boys' (at a cost of 1,000 pounds) in 1872; the total accommodation is for 300 children, the average attendance being about 250. The schools were taken over by the Lindsey County Council, on April 1st, 1903.
There are in Horncastle five Nonconformist religious communities, the Wesleyan, Congregational, Primitive Methodist, Baptist, and New Church or Swedenborgian, each now having substantially built chapels, resident ministers, with Sunday, and, in one case, Day Schools. Through the courtesy of the Rev. John Percy, late Head Minister of the Wesleyan Society, we are enabled to give a fairly full account of its origin and growth, down to the present 20th century. As this is the most important religious body in the town, next to the Church of England, although it is not the oldest, we take the Wesleyans first. As will be seen in the following account, this Society arose from a very small beginning, but at the present time, with perhaps the exception of the Baptists, it is the most numerous and influential body among Nonconformists. Although, locally, rather fewer in numbers in recent years, than formerly, it is generally growing, and in the year 1904, as published statistics show, it acquired in the United Kingdom an addition of 10,705 full members, with 11,874 members on trial, and junior members 4,367; a total increase of 26,946.
The founder of this Society was, as its name implies, John Wesley, probably of the same stock as the great Duke of Wellington, whose family name was variously written Wellesley, or Wesley. {64} We take the immediately following particulars mainly from the History of England, by Henry Walter, B.D. and F.R.S., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, Professor in the East India College, Hertford, Chaplain to the Duke of Northumberland, &c., &c., himself a Lincolnshire man.
John and Charles Wesley were the second and third sons of Samuel Wesley, Rector of Epworth, near Gainsborough; {65} John being born in 1703 (June 17), and Charles in 1708 (Dec. 18). John was educated at the Charterhouse, and Charles at Westminster School. In due course they both entered at Oxford University; John eventually being elected to a Fellowship at Lincoln College, and Charles to a Studentship at Christchurch. In 1725 John was ordained deacon of the Church of England. He left Oxford for a time to act as his father's curate, Charles remained as Tutor to his college. He, with some of his undergraduate pupils, formed a custom of meeting on certain evenings every week for scripture study and devotion, they carefully observed the Church's fasts and festivals, and partook of the Holy Communion every Sunday. From the strict regularity of their lives the name was given to them, by those who were laxer in conduct, of "Methodists."
[Picture: Wesleyan Chapel]
In 1729 the Rector of Lincoln College summoned John Wesley to resume residence at Oxford, and he became Tutor of the College. In this capacity he was careful to look after the souls, as well as the intellectual training, of those under his influence. The brothers began missionary work in Oxford, about the year 1730, in which they were assisted by a few other kindred spirits. They visited the sick and needy, with the permission of the parish clergy, as well as offenders confined in the gaol. This continued for some time, but gradually John began to long for a wider field for his spiritual energies. He had gathered about him a small band of equally earnest associates, and they went out to Georgia, North America, in 1735, to work among the English settlers and North American Indians. After two years John returned to England, in 1737, and then began the work of his life.
It is said that he was a good deal influenced by the De Imitatione Christi of Thomas a Kempis (of which he published an abridged edition in 1777), {66a} also by Jeremy Taylor's Holy Living and Dying; and he imputed his own conversion to his study of Law's Serious Call. His "first impression of genuine Christianity," as he called it, was from the Moravian sect, with whom he came in contact at Hirnuth in Saxony, which he visited in 1738, after his return from America; but his complete "conversion," he was wont to say, occurred at a meeting of friends, in Aldersgate Street, London, where one of them was reading Luther's Preface to St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, the exact time being 8.45 p.m., May 24, 1738.
Though taking an independent course, and appointing only lay workers as his agents, he regarded himself to the end of his days as an ordained minister of the Church of England, and his society as still being a part of it, and he urged all faithful Wesleyans to attend church service once on Sunday, and to receive the Holy Communion at church, it being only after his death that the society's secession became complete. {66b}
The first Wesleyan congregation of about 50 members, some of them Moravians, was formed in London, where they met in Fetter Lane, once a week; the first meeting being on May 1st, 1738, and from that day the society of "Methodists" may be regarded as having begun. {66c} The birth of the sect in Lincolnshire may be said to date from his visit to Epworth, in 1742.
In 1743 he divided the whole county into two sections, or circuits, the eastern and western. Of the eastern Grimsby was the head; this included Horncastle, and gradually comprised some 15 other subsidiary centres, extending from Grimsby and Caistor in the north, to Holbeach in the south.
His earliest recorded visit to Horncastle was in 1759, when he addressed a large concourse of people in a yard, supposed to be that of the Queen's Head Inn, near the Market Place, on April 4th and 5th. On July 18th, 1761, he again preached here, and on July 18th, 1774, he addressed, as his journal states, "a wild unbroken herd." On July 6th, 1779, he says "I took my usual stand in the Market Place, Horncastle, the wild men were more quiet than usual, Mr. Brackenbury, J.P., of Raithby Hall, standing near me." This Mr. Robert Carr Brackenbury remained his firm friend through life; and we may here add that he granted to Wesley the use of his hay loft at Raithby for religious services, further securing the use of it in perpetuity, by his will, to the Wesleyan body, so that the curious anomaly has occurred that, when the hall was bought in 1848, by the Rev. Edward Rawnsley, the house became the residence of an Anglican clergyman, yet bound to allow the loft over his stable to be used for nonconformist worship. In recent years the stable has been unused as such and the loft made more comfortable, being furnished with seats, pulpit, &c
Wesley, throughout his life, generally visited Horncastle every two years, his death occurring on March 2nd, 1791. There is in Westminster Abbey a mural memorial of John and Charles Wesley, having within a medallion, the bust-sized effigies of the two brothers, beneath which is inscribed the saying of Wesley, "The best of all is God with us." Below this, within a panel, is a representation of John Wesley, preaching from his father's tomb in Epworth churchyard. Beneath are two more quotations from his own words, "I look upon all the world as my parish," and "God buries His workmen, but carries on His work." At the head of the slab is the inscription "John Wesley, M.A., born June 17th, 1703, died March 2nd, 1791. Charles Wesley, M.A., born December 18th, 1708, died March 29th, 1788."
The growth of the society was not rapid, and for some years was subject to fluctuations. In 1769 Grimsby had 56 members and Horncastle 42, including such well-known local names as Rayson and Goe. In 1774 Grimsby had fallen to 32 members and Horncastle to about the same. In 1780 Horncastle had only 31 members, but the numbers had increased in the neighbourhood; Kirkby-on-Bain having nearly as many as Horncastle, viz. 29, Wood Enderby 10, Hemingby 7, and Thimbleby 18; there being evidently a greater readiness to accept the new teaching among the simpler rural population.
In 1786 Horncastle was made the head of a circuit to itself, and in that year the first chapel in the town was built, the whole circuit then numbering 620 members. This chapel was near the site of the present Baptist place of worship. A few years later the opposing barrier among the upper class seems in some degree to have given way, as, in 1792, we find the name of Joseph Bass, a "physician," as "leader." In 1800 there was further growth in the country, Greetham having 21 and Fulletby 26; among the latter occurring the still well-known names of Winn (Richard and Elizabeth), 5 Riggalls, and 5 Braders. By this time there were 6 circuits formed in Lincolnshire, and congregations at Newark and Doncaster.
Although there was a chapel at Horncastle there was no minister's residence until after 1786. At that date John Barritt rode over from Lincoln to preach, and finding no Wesleyan minister's house, he was taken in and hospitably entertained by a Mr. Penistoun, who was "a great Culamite." After staying the night with him he rode on next day to Alford, for Sabbath duty. On the death of John Wesley (1791) his mantle fell, and indeed, had already fallen, in several cases, on shoulders worthy of the commission which he conferred upon them. The first resident ministers were the Rev. Thomas Longley, Superintendent; the above John Barritt was the second, and Richard Thoresby the third.
Hitherto it had not been a service free from difficulty, or even danger. Itinerary ministers had to make their journeys on duty, often long and wearying, on horseback, over bad country roads, even occasionally incurring hardship and peril. In 1743 Mr. John Nelson was sent by Wesley to Grimsby, and his journals describe severe labour and even persecution. Another pioneer, Thomas Mitchell, was thrown by a mob into a pool of water, and, when drenched, was painted white from head to foot. He was afterwards thrown into a pond more than 12 feet deep, rescued and carried to bed by friends, he was thrice dragged out of his bed because he would not promise not to visit the place (Wrangle) again. Wesley himself, in his journal (May 10, 1757) says "I preached to a mixed congregation, some serious, others drunk;" but on the other hand, in 1764, he preached, when the chapel "though having its galleries, was too small."
We have named John Barritt among the early Horncastle ministers. He was preaching on one occasion at Boston, when a band of roughs forced their way into the chapel and interrupted the service, driving some of the congregation away. He had, however, a more serious experience, from exposure to the roughness of the elements. He was riding to Boston, apparently by a somewhat circuitous route, and a violent storm arose at sea. When he was not far from the coast the sea bank gave way, the country was inundated, vessels were even carried some distance inland, Boston itself was deluged, and he might have been drowned, but that he managed to reach some high ground, and arrived safely at Sibsey.
About this date, we are told, the progress of Wesleyanism excited the jealousy of the clergy, not so tolerant as they are now, and a meeting was held at the Bull Hotel, Horncastle, at which it was argued that the "spread of Methodism was one of the causes of the awful irreligion" prevalent, that the ministers were "raving enthusiasts, pretending to divine impulse, and thus obtained sway over the ignorant."
John Barritt was re-appointed to Horncastle in 1801, as Superintendent, his colleagues being Thomas Rought, John Watson, and Squire Brackenbury as supernumerary, the latter was also, about this time, appointed head of the society in Spilsby. {68a} J. Barritt was grandfather of Robert Newton Barritt, who was very popular in Horncastle, 1882-1884. Wesley's characteristic advice to him had been "When thou speakest of opinions, or modes of worship, speak with coolness, but when thou speakest of Repentance, Faith and Holiness, then, if thou hast any zeal, show it!" and to these principles he was ever true. |