Babes in the Wood, see Children in the Wood. Babo, Joseph M., 398 Bacon, Francis, 8, 120 Bagehot, Walter, 17 Bailey's Dictionary, 360 Ballads that Illustrate Shakspere, 284 Ballantyne's Novelist's Library, 249 Balzac, Honore de, 249 Banks of Yarrow, The, 274 Bannatyne, Geo., 284 Banville, Theodore F. de, 373 Baour-Lormian, P. M. F. L., 337 Barbauld, Anna L., 391 Barclay, Jno., 241 Bard, The, 173, 193, 194, 196, 424 Barrett, Wm., 348, 354, 364, 367 Bartholin, Thos., 191, 196 Battle of Hastings, The, 345, 346, 348, 364, 365 Battle of Otterburn, The, 278 Bayly, T. H., 254 Beattie, Jas., 85, 97, 166, l86, 242, 245-47, 251, 302-05, 422 Beaumont and Fletcher, 284 Beauties of Shakspere, The, 377 Beckford, Wm., 403, 405 Bedingfield, Thos., 85, 97, 215 Bell, Edward, 340, 342 Bell of Arragon, The, 172 Belle Dame sans Merci, La, 299 Bell's Fugitive Poetry, 159, 161 Bentham, Jas, 180 Beowulf, 25, 318 Beresford, Jas., 391 Berkeley, Geo., 31 Bernart de Ventadour, 64 Bertram, 420 Both Gelert, 391 Biographia Literaria, 59, 420 Black-eyed Susan, 57, 273 Blacklock, Thos., 85, 333 Blair, Hugh, 309, 313, 320. 335 Blair, Robert, 163, 164, 251 Blake, Wm., 28, 164, 365, 366, 372 Blenheim, 104 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 28, 29, 49 Bodmer, J. J., 374, 375 Boiardo, M. M., 25, 100 Boileau-Despreaux, N., 35, 38, 47, 49, 65, 212, 214, 226, 227 Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount, 41, 135, 382 Bonny Earl of Murray, The, 300 Bonny George Campbell, 275 Borck, C. von, 377 Bossuet, J. B., 38 Boswell, Jas., 94, 105, 139, 150, 174, 288, 312, 320, 355 Botanic Garden, The, 99 Bouhours, Dominique, 49, 227 Bowles, W. L., 420 Boy and the Mantle, The, 300 Boyesen, H. H., 23 Braes of Yarrow, The, 61, 297 Brandl, Alois, 391-93 Bravo of Venice, The, 409 Brentano, Clemens, 384, 402 Bristowe Tragedy, The, 346, 349, 366, 370 Brockes, B. H., 106 Brown, "Capability," 124, 130 Brown, Chas. B., 403 Brown Robyn's Confession, 278 Browne, Sir Thos., 40, 66 Browne, Wm., 79 Browning, Robert, 43 Brunetiere, Ferdinand, 2, 5, 11, 14 Bryant, Jacob, 356 Brydges, Saml. Egerton, 336 Buchanan, Robt., 272 Buerger, G. A., 279, 289, 301, 375, 376, 382, 389-97, 416, 417 Burney, Francis, 252 Burning Babe, The, 41 Burns, Robt., 57, 95. 112, 187, 334, 360, 424 Burton, J. H., 178 Burton, Robt., 162 Byron, Geo. Gordon, Lord, 5, 16, 24, 36, 49, 78, 98, 107, 135, 181, 222, 229, 238, 250, 255, 262, 328-30, 333, 353, 362, 370, 402, 405, 406, 420, 421
Calderon de la Barca, Pedro, 25 Caleb Williams, 403 Calverley. C. S., 270 Cambridge, R. O., 84, 89, 92, 98, 151, 228, 229 Cameron, Ewen, 335 Cameron, Julia M., 393 Campbell, Thos., 142, 143 Campbell, J. F., 314, 322, 323, 325, 327 Canning, Geo., 402, 403 Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 27, 63, 358, 359 Canterbury Tales (Lee), 421 Caractacus, 190, 194, 195, 306, 424 Caradoc, 195 Carew, Thos., 66 Carey, Henry, 57 Caric-thura, 334 Carle of Carlisle, The, 293 Carlyle, Thos., 317, 330, 334, 397-400 Carmen Seculare, 35 Carter, Jno., 189 Carthon, 311, 333, 335 Castle of Indolence, the, 75, 85, 92-94, 97, 104, 114, 165, 219, 424 Castle of Otranto, The, 188, 211, 215, 223, 129, 231, 236-43, 247, 249, 253, 255, 340, 346, 362, 367, 401, 409, 411, 414, 415, 421, 424 Castle Spectre, The, 401, 413-15 Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne, The, 250, 258, 261 Cath-Loda, 334 Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors, 230 Cato, 51, 218, 388 Celtic Literature (Sullivan), 315, 325 Celtic Literature, on the Study of (Arnold), 315 Cerdick, 329 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 244 Cesarotti, M., 321, 337 Champion of Virtue, The, 241-43 Chanson de Roland, The, 27, 64 Chappell, Wm., 270 Charakteristiken, 382, 391 Chase, The (Scott), 391 Chase, The (Somerville), 124 Chateaubriand, F. A. de., 255, 332, 333 Chatterton (Jones and Herman), 373 Chatterton (Masson), 362 Chatterton (Vigny), 372, 373 Chatterton, Thos., 152, 188, 211, 235, 245, 294, 317, 328, 339-73, 384, 422, 423 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 27, 28, 30, 63, 66, 69, 108, 154, 188, 199, 212, 213, 244, 266, 272, 279, 280, 294, 301, 304, 322, 342, 358-60, 363, 371, 382, 383, 433 Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 40, 50, 137 Chevy Chase, 274, 283-86, 300, 346, 377 Child, F. J., 267, 284 Child Maurice, 292 Child of Elle, The, 289, 290, 301 Child Waters, 281, 295, 298, 301 Childe Harold, 98, 250, 333, 334, 364 Children in the Wood, The, 273, 283, 285, 288, 302 Choice of Hercules, The, 85 Chrestien de Troyes, 27 Christabel, 363, 369, 394 Christian Ballads, 165 Christ's Kirk o' the Green, 66 Churchill, Chas., 353 Cibber, Colley, 74, 176 Cid, The, 298 City of Dreadful Night, The, 162 Clarissa Harlowe, 352, 421 Classic and Romantic, 11 Classiques et Romantiques, 2 Classische Walpurgisnacht, 385 Claudina von Villa Bella, 417 Clerk, Archibald, 313, 320, 321, 323, 324 Clerk Colvin, 279, 417 Clerkes Tale, The, 280, 281 Coleridge, S. T., 59, 66, 73, 108, 110, 161, 188, 262, 265, 269, 299, 328, 363, 366, 368, 369, 372, 376, 387, 388, 394, 419-21, 424 Colin's Mistakes, 84 Collins, Wm., 25, 75, 104, 110, 112, 114, 118, 129, 136, 142, 151, 155, 156, 158, 163, 165, 166, 168-72, 175, 184, 186, 193, 197, 215, 251, 279, 281, 384, 403, 422, 423 Collection of Old Ballads, A., 284 Colman, Geo., Jr., 176, 254, 417 Colvin, Sidney, 16-18 Companion to the Oxford Guide Book, 202 Complaint of Ninathoma, The, 328 Complete Art of Poetry, The, 69, 72 Comus, 16, 144, 149, 150, 215 Conan, 195 Concubine, The, 85, 95 Conjectures on Original Composition, 387 Conquest of Granada, The, 44 Contemplation, 297 Cooper's Hill, 39 Coriolanus, 72, 74 Corneille, Pierre, 38, 65, 67 Corsair, The, 334 Cottle, Joseph, 350, 358, 368 Count of Narbonne, The, 240 Country Walk, The, 142 Cowley, Abraham, 37, 38, 53, 66, 79, 120, 228 Cowper, Wm., 53, 57, 103, 108, 110, 112, 115, 424 Coxe, A. C., 165 Crabbe, Geo., 103 Crashaw, Richard, 41 Croft. Herbert, 367, 368 Croma, 336 Cromwell, 19, 35 Croxall, Saml., 84 Crusade, The, 199 Cumberland, Richard, 74, 177 Cumnor Hall, 94 Cyder, 104, 124
Dacier, Anne L., 49 Dalrymple, Sir David, 291, 306, 336 Danmarks Gamie Folkeviser, 266 Dante Alighieri, 22, 28, 29, 64, 235 Darke Ladye, The, 369 Darthula, 314, 335 Darwin, Erasmus, 99 Davenant, Wm., 67, 74, 137, 226 David Balfour, 258 Davies, John, 137 De Anglorum Gentis Origine, 192 De Causis Contemnendae Mortis, 191 De Imitatione Christi, 64 Dean of Lismore's Book, The, 314 Death of Calmar and Orla, The, 328 Death of Cuthullen, The, 335 Death of Hoel, The, 195 Death of Mr. Pope, 85 Defence of Poesy, 72, 274 Defence of the Epilogue to the Conquest of Granada, 71 De Foe, Daniel, 40 Demonology and Witchcraft, 42, 189 Demosthenes, 3 Deirdre, 314 Denham, Sir Jno., 39 Denis, Michael, 337, 377 Dennis, Jno., 49, 62, 69, 72, 74, 285 Descent of Odin, The, 191, 192, 220 Deschanel, Emile, 2 Description of the Leasowes, 133, 139 Descriptive Poem, A, 185 Deserted Farm-house, The, 177 Deserted Village, The, 91, 207 Deutscher Art und Kunst, Einige Fliegende Blaetter, von, 380, 381 Dictionary of French Antiquities, 221 Dictionary of National Biography, 359 Dies Irae, 64 Dirge in Cymbeline, The, 75, 163 Dissertatio de Bardis, 195 Dissertation on Fable and Romance, 242, 245-47 Dissertation on the Authenticity of Ossian, 320 Divine Comedy, The, 27 Divine Emblems, 164 Dobson, Austin, 272 Dobson, Susannah,221 Dodd, Wm., 377 Doddington, Geo. Bubb, 111 Dodsley, Jas., 349 Dodsley, Robert, 84, 85, 132, 133, 135, 139, 209 Dodsley's Miscellany, 137, 159, 165 Don Juan, 5, 49 Donne, Jno., 28, 37, 66 Dorset, Chas. Sackville, Earl of, 283 Douglas, 170, 276, 308 Dream, A, 85 Dream of Gerontius, The, 41 Drummer, The, 408 Dryden, Jno., 27, 41, 44, 49, 50-53, 62, 63, 66-68, 70, 71, 74, 79, 80, 104, 137, 148, 149, 177, 192, 209, 210, 212, 213, 216, 265, 283 Dugdale, Wm., 198 Dunciad, The, 34, 56 Duerer, Albrecht, 162 D'Urfey, Thos., 74 Dyer, Jno., 75, 102, 103, 106, 119, 124, 142-45, 168, 215, 422
Early English Metrical Romances, 301 Eastlake, Sir Chas., 54, 55, 199, 231-33 Ecclesiastical Sonnets, 145 Edda, The, 64, 190, 196, 220, 313, 390 Edinburgh Review, The, 350, 397 Education, 85, 89, 90, 126 Education of Achilles, The, 85, 97 Edward, 274, 300 Edwards, Thos., 53, 89, 161 Effusions of Sensibility, 250 Eighteenth Century Literature (Gosse), 84, 104, 106, 163, l69, 362 Elegant Extracts, 211 Elegies (Shenstone's), 137, 138 Elegy on the Death of Prince Frederick, 85 Elegy to Thyrza, 135 Elegy Written in a Churchyard in South Wales, 176 Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, 103, 137, 157, 163, 167, 173-77, 204 Elinoure and Juga, 346, 352, 354 Ellis, Geo., 188, 301, 402, 423 Elstob, Elizabeth, 192 Emerson, R, W., 66, 388 Emilia Galotti, 380 Endymion, 370 English and Scottish Popular Ballads, The, 267 English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, 405 English Garden, The, 123-27, 151 English Literature in the Eighteenth Century (Perry), 7, 163, 307, 211, 337 English Metamorphosis, 364, 365 English Romantic Movement, The (Phelps), 84, 85, l97, 283, 297, 329 English Women of Letters, 249, 262 Enid, 281 Enquiry into the Authenticity of the Rowley Poems, 359 Enquiry into the Present State of Polite Learning, 208 Enthusiast, The, 151-53, 160 Epigoniad, the, 89 Epistle of Eloisa to Abelard, 56, 157, 163, 218, 220 Epistle to Augustus, 66, 69, 72, 115 Epistle to Mathew, 370 Epistle to Sacheverel, 80 Epistle to the Earl of Burlington, 120, 129 Epitaphium Damonis, 146 Epithalamium, 84 Erl-King, The, 386, 416 Erskine, Wm., 203, 404 Essay of Dramatic Poesy, 68, 70 Essay on Ancient and Modern Learning, 69 Essay on Criticism, 47, 50, 388 Essay on Gothic Architecture, 180 Essay on Gray (Lowell), 209 Essay on Homer, 387, 389 Essay on Man, 34, 41, 113, 175 Essay on Poetry, 47 Essay on Pope (Lowell), 60, 169, 173 Essay on Pope (Warton), 97, 118, 149, 160, 163, 185, 193, 206, 212-20, 224 Essay on Satire, 47, 80 Essay on Scott, 400 Essay on Shakspere, 69, 72 Essay on the Ancient Minstrels, 245, 293, 302 Essay on the Rowley Poems, 359 Essay on Truth, 303 Essays on German Literature, 23 Essays on Men and Manners, 127 Essays on Poetry and Poets, 363 Ethelgar, 328 Etherege, Geo., 38 Evans, Evan, 195 Eve of St. Agnes, The, 98, 257, 363 Eve of St. John, The, 417 Eve of St. Mark, The, 177, 371 Evelina, 243, 252 Evelyn, Jno., 7 Evergreen, The, 284, 286 Excellente Ballade of Charitie, An, 366 Excursion, The (Mallet), 134 Excursion, The (Wordsworth), 304
Fables, (Aesop), 84 Fables (Dryden), 63 Faerie Queene, The, 16, 37, 66, 77-101, 154, 215, 225, 365 Fair Annie, 281, 295 Fair Circassian, The, 84 Fair Eleanor, 367 Fair Janet, 268 Fair Margaret and Sweet William, 268, 279, 283, 286, 300 Farewell Hymn to the Country, A, 85 Fatal Revenge, The, 249, 420 Fatal Sisters, The, 191 Faust, 27, 141, 384, 385, 401 Fergusson, Jas., 233 Feudal Tyrants, 409 Fichte, J. G., 387 Fielding, Henry, 26, 40, 76, 383 Filicaja, Vincenzio, 49 Fingal, 309, 311, 313, 317, 322, 324, 335, 336, 338 Fire King, The, 417 First Impressions of England, 109, 133 Fischer, Der, 386 Fisher, The, 416 Five English Poets, 372 Five Pieces of Runic Poetry, 190 Flaming Heart, The, 41 Fleece, The, 124, 144, 145, 422 Fleshly School of Poets, The, 272 Fletcher, Giles, 78 Fletcher, Jno., 25, 51, 79, 117, 162, 210 Fletcher, Phineas, 78 Ford, Jno., 241 Foreign Review, The, 398 Forsaken Bride, The, 280 Fouque, F. de la M., 4, 26, 384 Fragments of Ancient Poetry, 306, 307, 309, 311, 323, 326, 328, 336 Frankenstein, 401, 403, 406 Frederick and Alice, 416 Frederick, Prince of Wales, 84, 137 Fredolfo, 420 Freneau, Philip, 177 Friar of Orders Grey, The, 298, 301, 424 Froissart, Jean, 27, 64, 236 From Shakspere to Pope, 39, 60 Fruehling, Der, 106 Fuller, Thos., 28 Furnivall, F. J.,292 Fust von Stromberg, 399
Gammer Gurton's Needle, 293 Gandalin, 381 Gang nach dem Eisenhammer, Der, 386 "Garlands," The, 284 Garrick, David, 162, 209, 287 Gaston de Blondville, 250, 259-62 Gates, L. E., 41, 44 Gautier, Theophile, 372, 423 Gay Goshawk, The, 279 Gay, Jno., 35, 57, 273 Gebir, 18, 245 Gedicht eines Skalden, 190, 377 Genie du Christianisme, Le, 332 Gentle Shepherd, The, 79 Georgics, The, 111 German's Tale, The, 421 Geron der Adeliche, 381 Gerstenberg, H. W. von, 190, 377, 387 Geschichte der Deutschen Literatur (Hettner) 300, 378, 387 Geschichte der Kunst des Alterthums, 384 Ghost-Seer, The, 419 Gierusalemme Liberata, 214, 225 Gilderoy, 283 Gildon, Chas., 49, 62, 69, 72 Giles Jollop, 418 Gil Maurice, 276 Gilpin, Wm., 185 Glanvil, Joseph, 390, 408 Gleim, J. W. L., 375 Glenfinlas, 417 Goddwyn, 344, 363-65 Godred Crovan, 329 Godwin, Wm., 403 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 3, 4, 11, 31, 141, 252, 255, 275, 330, 334, 377-81, 384-87, 389, 397-99, 404, 409, 416, 417 "Goettinger Hain," The, 378 Gotz von Berlichingen, 334, 375, 380, 381, 385, 398-404, 418 Golden Ass, The, 16 Golden Treasury, The, 57, 277 Golo und Genoveva, 399 Goldsmith, Oliver, 76, 91, 112, 113, 162, 177, 186, 207-11, 287, 354 Gondibert, 137 Gorthmund, 329 Gosse, Edmund, 39, 53, 60, 84, 103, 106, 163, 169, 192, 272, 362 Gottfried of Strassburg, 3, 64 Gottsched, J. C., 374, 383 Gower, Jno., 266, 272 Grainger, James, 124, 287 Granville, Geo., 47 Grave, The, 104, 163, 164, 175 Grave of King Arthur, The, 199-201, 424 Graves, Richard, 130-33, 137 Gray, Thos., 25, 32, 52, 53, 75, 89, 103, 117-19, 123, 136, 137, 139, 145, 151, 155, 157-60, 163, 164, 166-69, 172-85, 190-206, 199, 201, 204, 206, 209, 211, 215, 2l6, 2l8, 220, 221, 229, 235, 238, 251, 276, 286, 302, 306-08, 336, 352, 356, 362, 377, 384, 387, 422, 423 Green, Matthew, 136 Grene Knight, The, 293 Grim White Woman, The, 407 Grongar Hill, 104, 119, 142, 143, 145 Grose, Francis, 187 Grounds of Criticism in Tragedy, The, 71 Grundtvig, Svend, 266 Guardian, The, 120, 126, 413 Guest, Lady Charlotte, 189 Gulliver's Travels, 26 Gummere, F. B., 276 Gwin, King of Norway, 367
Hagley, 108, 109, 122, 127, 131, 133, 136, 183, 303, 422 Hales, J. W., 289, 290 Hallam, Henry, 189 Hamburgische Dramaturgie, 379, 387 Hamilton, Wm., 61, 279 Hamlet, 387, 401 Hammond, Jas., 137 Hardyknut, 286 Harper's Daughters, The, 409 Hartmann von Aue, 64, 381 Harvey, Geo., 336 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 403 Haystack in the Flood, The, 299, 363 Hayward, A., 234 Hazlitt, Wm., 161, 254 Hazlitt, W. C., 205 Hearne, Thos., 201 Hedge, F. H., 11, 14, 16 Heilas, The, 329 Heilige Vehm, Der, 418 Heine, Heinrich, 2, 24, 330, 409, 423 Heir of Lynne, The, 290 Helen of Kirkconnell, 274 Heliodorus, 244 Hellenics, 3 Henriade, The, 50, 214, 216, 217 Henry and Emma, 295, 296 Herbert, Geo., 28, 66, 228 Herd, David, 299 Herder, J. G. von, 274, 300, 301, 337, 376, 378, 380, 384, 387, 389, 416 Hermann und Dorothea, 4, 385 Hermit of Warkworth, The, 186, 289, 294, 298 Hermit, The (Beattie), 186, 305 Hermit, The (Goldsmith), 113, 186 Hermit, The (Parnell), 186 Herrick, Robert, 66 Hervarer Saga, The, 192 Hervey, Jas., 421 Hettner, H. J. T., 378, 379, 38l, 383, 387 Hicks, Geo., 192, 193 Hill, Aaron, 217 Hind and the Panther, The, 41 Histoire de Dannemarc, 190, 221, 377 Histoire des Troubadours, 221, 222 Histoire du Romantisme, 372 Historical Anecdotes of Heraldry, and Chivalry, 221 Historic Doubts, 230 Historic Survey of German Poetry, 397, 398, 418 Historic of Peyncteynge in England, 351 History of Architecture, 233 History of Bristol, 348, 364 History of Charoba, Queen of Egypt, 245 History of England (Hume), 100 History of English Literature (Taine), 316 History of English Poetry (Warton), 36, 205, 206, 211, 245, 260, 359, 422, 423 History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century, 32, 41 History of Gardening, 119, 123 History of German Literature (Scherer), 374, 380, 382, 385, 394 History of Opinion on the Writings of Shakspere, 74 History of Santon Barsisa, 413 History of the Gothic Revival, 54, 55, 231 Hobbes, Thos., 226 Hoelty, L. H. C., 375 Hole, R., 336 Home, Jno., 132, 170, 276, 308, 309 Homer, 3, 25, 35, 37, 50, 55, 100, 110, 215, 222-24, 271, 284, 285, 310, 313, 318, 330, 335, 376, 387-89 Homes of the Poets, 133, 364 Horace, 38, 47, 55, 72, 156, 223, 285, 411 Houghton, J. Monckton Milnes, Lord, 370 Hours in a Library, 235 Hours of Idleness, 329 House of Aspen, The, 418 House of Superstition, The, 85 "How Sleep the Brave," 168 Howitt, Wm., 133, 134, 364 Hugo, Victor Marie, 3, 19, 35, 36, 77, 115, 209 Hume, Robert, 100, 303, 308 Hunting of the Cheviot, The, 274, 278.295 Huon of Bordeaux, 382 Hurd, Richard, 221-26, 245, 246, 375, 387 Hussar of Magdeburg, The, 393 Hymn (Thomson), 106 Hymn to Adversity, 167, 173 Hymn to Divine Love, 85 Hymn to May, 85 Hymn to the Supreme Being, 85 Hypenon, 35
Idler, The, 207 Idyls of the King, The, 146 Il Bellicoso, 153 Il Pacifico, 153, 154 Il Penseroso, 104, 115, 142, 147, 149, 150, 154, 162, 170, 175, 334 Iliad, The, 16, 36, 56, 58, 214, 269, 313, 338, 388, 389 Imaginary Conversations, 18, 43 Immortality, 85 Indian Burying Ground, The, 177 Indian Emperor, The, 44 Ingelow, Jean, 270 Inscription for a Grotto, 136 Institution of the Order of the Garter, 159, 193, 194 Introduction to the Lusiad, 85 Iphigenie auf Tauris, 3, 385, 397 Ireland, Wm. H., 77, 294 Irene, 51 Isis, 176 Italian, The, 250, 252, 263 Italienische Reise, 385 Ivanhoe, 4, 23, 188, 237, 262, 404
Jamieson, Robert, 292 Jane Shore, 286 January and May, 63 Jemmy Dawson, 273 Jephson, Robert, 240 Jew's Daughter, The, 300 Jock o' Hazeldean, 269, 277, 363 Johnnie Armstrong, 274, 278, 283 Johnnie Cock, 279, 280 Johnson, Saml., 37, 40, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 59, 66, 68, 70, 71, 89, 90, 94, 97, 99, 104, 105, 113, 131, 132, 136-39, 144, 145, 150, 151, 172-75, 177, 179, 186, 196-98, 207, 224, 243, 274, 285, 287-89, 295, 302, 303, 312, 313, 320, 328, 354, 355 Joinville, Jean Sire de, 27, 64 Jones, Inigo, 121, 230 Jonson, Ben, 25, 50, 71, 79, 97, 210, 285 Jordan, The, 85 Journal in the Lakes, 183, 184 Journey through Holland, 257 Joyce, R. D., 314 Julius Caesar, 377 Junius, Letters of, 353
Kabale mid Liebe, 409 Kalewala, The, 313 Kampf mit dem Drachen, Der, 386 Kant, Immanuel, 31, 387 Katharine Janfarie, 277 Kavanagh, Julia, 249, 262 Keate, Geo., 182 Keats. Jno., 18, 35, 94, 107, 169, 177, 257, 263, 265, 353, 362, 363, 370-72, 434 Keepsake, The, 418 Kemp Owen, 279 Kenilworth, 94, 260 Kenrick, 329 Kent, Wm., 129, 135, 152 Kersey's Dictionary, 360, 361 King Arthur's Death, 278 King Estmere, 279, 300 King John and the Abbot, 301 Kinmont Willie, 278 Kittridge, G. L., 191, 192 Kleist, E. C. von, 106 Klinger, F. M., 379 Klopstock, P. G., 338, 377 Knight, Chas., 74 Knight of the Burning Pestle, The, 284 Knox, V., 211, 212, 228 Knythinga Saga, The, 196 Kotzebue, A. F. F. von, 400, 409, 421 Kriegslied, 377 Kruitzner, 421, 423
La Bruyere, Jean de, 138 La Calprenede, G. de C. Chevalier de, 6 Lachin Y Gair, 329 Lady Anne Bothwell's Lament, 283 Lady of the Lake, The, 96, 299, 399 La Fontaine, Jean de, 38 Laing, Malcolm, 318, 320, 329 L'Allegro, 104, 129, 142, 144, 147, 149, 150, 154, 158, 170 Lamartine, A. M. L. de, 176 Lamb, Chas., 28, 161, 199 Land of Liberty, 85 Land of the Muses, The, 85 Landor, W. S., 3, 18, 34, 42, 136, 245, 293 Lang, Andrew, 272 Langbaine, Gerard, 49, 62, 69, 71 Langley, Batty, 54, 121, 233 Lansdowne, Geo. Granville, Earl of, 47, 74 Laocooen, 384, 387 Lass of Fair Wone, The, 397 Lay of the Last Minstrel, The, 165, 191, 336, 404 Lays of Ancient Rome, 269, 298 Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, 269 Leabhar na Feinne, 314, 323 Lear, 217 Leasowes, The, 127, 130-37, 139, 152, 183, 213, 422 Le Bossu, Rene, 49 Lectures on Translating Homer, 389 Legend of Sir Guy, 278 Legenda Aurea, 3 Lee, Harriet and Sophia, 421 Le Lac, 176 Leiand, Thos., 244, 247 Leland's Collectanea, 260 Lenora, 391-97, 415, 417 Lenox, Charlotte, 70 Lenz, J. M. R., 379, 387 Leonidas, 337 Lessing, G. E., 56, 300, 375, 376, 379, 380, 384, 387, 397 Letourneur, Pierre, 337 Letter from Italy, 57, 218 Letter to Master Canynge, 344 Letters on Chivalry and Romance, 221-26, 245 Letters to Shenstone, Lady Luxborough's, 135, 229 Lettres de Dupuis et Cotonet, 18-22 Lewis, M. G., 249, 252, 262, 376, 394, 396, 400, 401, 404-18, 420 Leyden, Jno., 417 Library of Romance, 381 Life of Lyttelton (Phillimore), 74, 108 Lines on Observing a Blossom, 368 Lines Written at Tintern Abbey, 140 Literary Movement in France, The, 35, 44, 61 Literatura Runica, 191 Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard, 283 Lives of the English Poets (Winstanley), 69 Lives of the Novelists (Scott), 262 Lives of the Poets (Johnson), 51, 68, 90, 97, 105, 114, 131, 139, 150, 172, 196, 286 Lloyd, Robert, 85, 91, 98, 151, 176 Lockhart, J. G., 298, 391, 398, 402, 403, 406 Longfellow, H. W., 198, 199, 269 Longinus, 38 Longsword, Earl of Salisbury, 244, 247, 248 Lord Lovel, 268 Lord Randall, 275 Lord Thomas and Fair Annet, 268 Lotus Eaters, The, 18, 92 Love and Madness, 368 Love's Labour's Lost, 379 Lowell, J. R., 27, 59, 114, 139, 144, 169, 173, 206, 209, 403 Lowth, Robert, 85, 387 Luerlei, Die, 402 Lukens, Chas., 393 Lusiad, The, 85, 94 Lycidas, 37, 115, 145, 149, 150, l54, 192 Lydgate, Jno., 206, 266, 344, 359 Lyrical Ballads, 58, 109, 112, 160, 183, 218, 288, 299, 316, 422 Lytel Geste of Robyn Hode, The, 274 Lyttelton, Geo. Lord, 90, 91, 95, 108, 111, 121, 127, 131, 132, 135-37, 303
Mabinogion, The, 189 Macaulay, T. B., 69, 238, 269, 272, 298 Macbeth, 223 McClintock, W. D., 102 Mackenzie, Henry, 252, 390 Mackenzie. Jno., 321 McLauchlan, Thos., 314 Macmillan's Magazine, 326 McNeil, Archibald, 326 MacPherson, Jas., 24, 195, 294, 302, 306-38, 377, 423 Madden, Sir Frederick, 292 Malherbe, Francois de, 38 Mallet, David, 75, 105, 106, 124, 235, 283, 286 Mallet, P. H., 190, 191, 196, 221, 374, 377 Malone, Edmond, 32, 356, 362 Malory, Sir Thos., 27 Manfred, 334 Man of Feeling, The, 352, 390 Mansus, 146 Manuel, 420 Map, Walter, 27 Marbie Faun, The, 23 Mariner's Wife, The, 95 Marlowe, Christopher, 66 Marmion, 203, 234, 258, 336, 399, 404, 411 Marriage of Frederick, 84 Marriage of Gawaine, The, 278 Mary Hamilton, 280 Mason, Wm., 85, 91, 123-27, 129, 151, 153-55, 160, 165, 167, 176, 180, 183, 190, 194-96, 211, 213, 215, 221, 251, 276, 306, 307, 337, 352, 422, 423 Masson, David, 148, 362 Mather, Cotton, 408 Mathias, Thos. J., 393 Maturin, Chas. Robert, 249, 420 Meditations (Harvey), 421 Melmoth the Wanderer, 249, 420 Memoires sur l'ancienne Chevalerie, 221, 222 Memoirs of a Sad Dog, 353 Mendez, Moses, 85, 91, 159 Menschenhass und Reue, 400
Merchant of Venice, The, 372 Meyrick, Sir Saml. R., 189 Michael, 4 Mickle, Wm. J., 85, 94-96 Middle Ages, The (Hallam) 189 Midsummer Night's Dream, A, 76, 235, 382 Miller and the King's Daughter, The, 283 Miller, Johann M., 375, 400 Miller, Hugh, 108, 109, 130, 133, 136 Milles, Jeremiah, 356, 361 Milnes, R. Monckton, 370 Milton, Jno., 16, 34, 37, 40, 52, 53, 55, 56, 63, 66, 69,78, 79, 94, 104, 110, 111, 115, 129, 140, 142, 144, 146-62, 170,
173, 193, 199, 212, 213, 215, 216, 218, 219, 222, 225, 244, 265, 283, 297, 318, 371, 374, 391 Miltonic Imitations in Dodsley, List of, 159-61 Minister, The, 409 Minnesingers, The, 375 Minot, Lawrence, 293 Minstrel, The, 85, 97, 345, 302-05, 422. Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern, 270 Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, 262, 267, 377, 299, 404. Mirror, The, 85 Miscellany Poems (Dryden), 192, 283 Miss Kitty, 393 Modern Painters, 26, 34 Moeser, Justus, 375, 380 Moliere, J. B. P., 38 Monasticon, Anglicanum, 198 Monk, The, 249, 262, 263, 401, 404, 407-13, 420, 424 Monody on the Death of Chatterton, 368 Monody Written near Stratford-upon-Avon, 201 Monologue, A, 176 Montagu, Elizabeth R., 303, 337 Monthly Magazine, The, 391, 392 Monthly Review, The, 397 Moral Essays, 220 More, Hannah, 151 Morning, 85 Morris, Wm., 191, 203, 424 Morte Artus, 64, 390 Motherwell, Wm., 270, 299 Mud King, The, 418 Muetler, Friedrich, 399 Mueller, Johannes, 376 Mulgrave, Jno. Sheffield, Earl of, 47, 63 Murdoch, Patrick, 105 Musaeus, 85, 153-55 Musen Almanach, 393 Musset, Alfred de, 18-22 Myller, C. H., 375 Mysterious Mother, The, 237, 238, 241, 251, 253, 401, 409 Mysteries of Udolpho, The, 250, 252-55, 262, 263, 401, 424
Nares' and Halliwell's Glossary, 189 Nathan der Weise, 376, 397 Nativity, The, 85 Nature, 388 Nature of Poetry, The, 162 New Canto of Spenser's Fairy Queen, A, 84, 85 Newman, F. W., 389 Newman, J. H., 41 New Memoirs of Milton, 149 New Principles of Gardening, 121 Nibelungen Lied, The, 25, 64, 313, 375, 376 Nichols' Anecdotes, 192 Night Piece on Death, 61, 177 Night Thoughts, 104, 163, l75, 387, 421 Noble Moringer, The, 418 Nocturnal Reverie, 57, 61 Noel, Roden. 363 Nonne Prestes Tale, The, 28 Northanger Abbey, 263, 264 Northern Antiquities, 190 Northumberland Betrayed by Douglas, 278 Nosce Teipsum, 137 Not-brown Maid, The, 274, 295, 296, 300, 302 Notes and Illustrations to Ossian, 318 Notes on the Authenticity of Ossian's Poems, 326 Notre Dame de Paris, 3 Nouvelle Heloise, La, 31 Novalis, 384
Oberon, 382 Observations on English Meter, 206 Observations on Modern Gardening (Whately), 123 Observations on The Faery Queene, 99-101, 204, 213, 223 Observations on The Scenery of Great Britain, 185 Observations upon the Poems of Thomas Rowley, 356 Odes, (Akenside's), 142 Odes, (Collins'), 142, 155, 156 Odes, (Gray's), 362 Odes, (J. Warton's), 142, 155, 156 Odes, For the New Year, 199. On a Distant Prospect of Eton College, 167, 173, 216. On His Majesty's Birthday, 199. On the Approach of Summer, 158. On the Death of Thomson, 163, 165, 194. On the First of April, 158. On the Installation of the Duke of Grafton, 159. On the Morning of Christ's Nativity, 147, 149, 150, 156. On the Passions, 166, 169, 175. On the Spring, 167, 173. On the Superstitions of the Scottish Highlands, 25, 114, 170-72. Sent to Mr. Upton, 201. To a Grecian Urn, 18. To a Nightingale (Keats) 18. To an Aeolus Harp, 165. To Curio, 85. To Evening (Collins), 156, 165, 168. To Evening (Warton), 165. To Fear, 156. To Freedom, 363. To Liberty, 194. To Oblivion, 176. To Obscurity, 176. To Peace, 305. To Pyrrha, 156. To Simplicity, 156. To Solitude, 165. To the Hon. Charles Townsend, 84. To the Marquis of Tavistock, 84. To the Nightingale (Warton), 165. To the Queen, 84. Written at Vale Royal Abbey, 204 Odyssey, The, 16, 269 Oedipus Rex, 3, 19, 241 Of Heroic Virtue, 192, 197 Of Poetry, 192 Old English Ballads, 276 Old English Baron, The, 241-43, 249 Oldmixon, Jno., 62 Old Plays (Dodsley) 209
Olive, The, 84 On King Arthur's Round Table, 201 On Modern Gardening (Walpole), 123, 130 On Myself, 79 On Our Lady's Church, 344 On the Prevailing Taste for the Old English Poets, 211 On the River Duddon, 162 On Witches (Glanvil), 408 Opie, Amelia, 252 Orcades, 191 Origin of Romantic Fiction, The, 205 Original Canto of Spenser, An, 84 Ormond, 403 Osorio, 420 Ossian (MacPherson's), 25, 117, 178, 195, 235, 245, 256, 302, 306-38, 355, 356, 377, 378, 423, 424 Ossian, Poems of, in the Original Gaelic (Clerk), 313 Ossian, Poems of, in the Original Gaelic (In Gillie's Collection), 326 Ossian, Poems of, in the Original Gaelic (Highland Society's Text), 321, 324, 326 Ossian, Poems of, in the Original Gaelic (In Stewart's Collection), 326 Othello, 372 Otto von Wittelsbach, 398 Otway, Thos., 74, 210 Ovid, 25 Oxford Sausage, The, 199
Pain and Patience, 84 Palamon and Arcite, 28, 215 Palgrave. F. T., 57, 277 Pamela, 252 Paradise Lost, 50, 52, 55-57, 104, 110, 129, 145, 147, 148, 151, 217, 375 Paradise Regained, 147, 148 Parliament of Sprites, The, 344, 365 Parnell, Thos., 58, 61, 177, 186, 210 Parzival, 64 Pastoral Ballad, A., 138 Pastoral in the Manner of Spenser, A., 85 Pastoral Ode, A., 133 Pastorals (Philips'), 80 Pastorals (Pope's), 57, 112, 193, 215, 216 Pater, Walter, 7, 8, 16 Paul and Virginia, 22, 112 Pearch's Collection, 159, i82, 185 Peck, F., 149 Pellissier, George, 35, 44, 61, 65 Pepys, Saml., 283, 291 Percy Folio MS., The, 288, 290-93 Percy, Thos., 186, 196, 212, 235, 246, 272, 284, 306, 319, 326, 383, 387, 422. See also Reliques. Perigrine Pickle, 139 Perle, The, 189 Perry, T. S., 7, 163, 176, 211, 212, 251, 337 Persiles and Sigismonda, 244 Peter Bell, 299 Petrarca, Francesco, 29 Peveril of the Peak, 420 Pfarrers Tochter, Des, 396 Phelps, W. L., 84, 85, 191, 197, 283, 297, 329 Philander, 85 Philantheus, 85 Philips, Ambrose, 80, 102, 284 Philips, Edward, 67, 80 Philips, Jno., 104, 124 Phillimore's Life of Lyttelton, 74, 108 Phoenix, The, 241 Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry, 293 Pilgrim's Progress, The, 5 Pindar, 35, 54, 89 Pitt, Christopher, 85 Pitt, Wm., 90, 132, 133 Pizarro, 400 Plato, 42, 47 Pleasures of Hope, The, 142, 143 Pleasures of Imagination, The, 124, 139-42, 157 Pleasures of Melancholy, The, 142, 156-58, 160, 161, 194 Pleasures of Memory, The, 142 Poe, Edgar A., 202, 356, 390, 403 Poem in Praise of Blank Verse, 217 Poems after the Minnesingers, 375 Poems after Walther von der Vogelweide, 375 Pope, Alexander, 33, 36, 39, 41, 47, 50-54, 56-59, 61, 63, 65, 66, 69, 72, 75, 77-79, 92, 93, 99, 102, 105, 108, 111-13, 115, 120, 121, 126, 129, 136, 149, 150, 154, 157, 159, 162, 163, 193, 210, 212-20, 228, 235, 265, 382, 383, 388 Popular Ballads and Songs (Jamieson), 292 Popular Tales of the West Highlands, 322, 323, 325 Porter, Jane, 252, 371 Portuguese Letters, The, 22 Praelectiones de Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum, 387 Preface to Johnson's Shakspere, 70 Preface to Pope's Shakspere, 72 Prelude, The, 304 Price, Richard, 205 Prior, Matthew, 35, 57, 63, 84, 159, 291, 295, 296, 382 Prioresse Tale, The, 279, 342 Progress of Envy, The, 85, 91 Progress of Poesy, The, 173 Progress of Romance, The, 243-45 Prologue at the Opening of Drury Lane, 59, 70 Proud Maisie, 277 Psalm XLII., 84 Psyche,85 Pugin, A. N. W., 234 Pure, Ornate and Grotesque Art, 17 Pursuits of Literature, 393 Pye, H. J., 392
Quarles, Francis, 164
Racine, J. B., 38, 44, 65, 379 Radcliffe, Anne, 232, 237, 249-64, 402, 408, 409, 411, 421, 423 Rambler, The, 97, 287, 288, 353 Ramsay, Allan, 61, 79, 284, 286, 297, 300 Rape of the Lock, The, 36, 220 Rapin, Rene, 49 Rasselas, 186 Raeuber, Die. See Robbers. Reeve, Clara, 241-45, 247, 249-64, 423 Regnier, Mathurin, 38 Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 139, 188, 190, 206, 209, 211, 223, 265, 274, 278, 287-302, 317, 346, 362, 369, 376, 423 Remorse, 420 Report of the Committee of the Highland Society on Ossian, 319 Resolution and Independence, 339 Retirement, 305 Revenge, The, 353 Revival of Ballad Poetry in the Eighteenth Century, 290 Revolt of Islam, The, 5 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 202, 303 Richardson, Saml., 31, 32, 40, 76, 252, 421 Riddles Wisely Expounded, 270 Ridley, G., 85 Rime of Sir Thopas, The, 28 Rising in the North, The, 278 Ritson, Joseph, 188, 205, 246, 287, 290, 293, 294, 301, 423 Ritter Toggenburg, 386 Robbers, The, 385, 391, 402, 417, 418, 420 Robin Hood and the Monk, 273, 278, 283 Robin Hood and the Old Man, 292 Robin Hood and the Potter, 273 Robin Hood Ballads, The, 281-83, 301 Robin Hood (Ritson's), 292 Robinson Crusoe, 5, 26 Rogers, Saml., 142, 181 Rokeby, 277 Rolla, 400, 409 Rolls of St. Bartholomew's Priory, The, 358 Roman de la Rose, The, 37, 64 Romance, 390 Romance of the Forest, The, 250, 253, 255, 256 Romancero, The, 64 Romantic and Classical in English Literature, The, 102 Romantic Tales, 409 Romanticism (Pater), 7 Romantische Schule, Die, 2, 423 Romaunt of the Rose, The, 27 Romaunte of the Cnyghte, The, 348 Romeo and Juliet, 377 Ronsard, Pierre de, 22 Roscommon, W. Dillon, Earl of, 47 Ross, Thos., 321, 333 Rossetti, D. G., 4, 270, 272, 367, 372, 424 Roundabout Papers, 252 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 31, 112, 252, 330, 381, 423 Rovers, The, 402 Rowe, Nicholas, 210, 219, 286 Rowley Poems, The, 211, 339-67, 424 Rudiments of Anglo-Saxon Grammar, 192 Rugantino, 409 Ruins of Netley Abbey, The, 182 Ruins of Rome, The, 144, 145 Ruskin, Jno., 26, 34, 102, 255 Rymer, Thos., 49, 62, 70 Reyse of Peyncteynge yn Englande, The, 349
Sachs, Hans, 381 Sadduceismus Triumphatus, 408 Sagen der Vorzeit, 418 Saengers Fluch, Der, 275 Saint Alban's Abbey, 262 Sainte-Beuve, C. A, 56 Sainte Palaye, J. B. de la C., 221, 222, 374 St. Irvine the Rosicrucian, 403 Saint Lambert, C. F., 106 St. Leon, 403 St. Pierre, J. H. B. de, 112 Saintsbury, Geo., 111, 131 Saisons, Les, 106 Sally in our Alley, 57 Salvator Rosa, 255 Sammlung Deutscher Volkslieder, 418 Samson Agonistes, 148, 184 "Saturday Papers," Addison's, 148 Schelling, F. W. J. von, 387 Scherer, Wilhelm, 300, 374, 376, 380, 382, 394 Schiller, J. C. F. von, 11, 76, 379, 384-87, 391, 401, 409, 419, 420 Schlegel, A. W. von, 14, 73, 301, 377, 384, 392 Schmidt, Erich, 382, 392 Schoene Helena, Die, 385 Scholar Gypsy, The, 408 Schoolmistress, The, 84, 91, 92, 97, 104, 130, 136, 138, 362 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 119 Scott, Sir Walter, 3, 16, 24, 26, 27, 42, 94, 96, 139, 187-89, 191, 200, 203, 223, 232, 234, 238, 248, 249, 258, 260, 262, 267, 269, 277, 298-301, 333, 334, 344, 350, 358, 359, 376, 389-96, 398-400, 402, 404-06, 410, 411, 416-18, 420, 424 Scottish Songs (Ritson's), 293 Scribleriad, The, 228, 229 Scudery, Madeleine de, 6 Sean Dana, 326 Seasons, The (Mendez), 85 Seasons, The (Thomson), 52, 75, 79, 103, 105-20, 124, 170, 152, 305, 374 Selden, John, 283 Selections from Gray (Phelps), 191 Selections from Newman (Gates), 41, 44 Seven Champions of Christendom, The, 37 Shadwell, Thos., 74 Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of, 41, 62, 226, 382 Shairp, J. C., 315 Shakspere Alterations, List of, 74 Shakspere Editions, List of, 74
Shakspere Illustrated, 70 Shakspere, Wm., 18, 25, 40, 50, 51, 63, 68-78, 89, 111, 117, 140, 170, 171, 198, 208-10, 213, 216-19, 225, 237, 298, 362, 375, 377-80, 383, 391 Shelley, Mary, 403, 406 Shelley, P. B., 5, 43, 107, 241, 362, 370, 372, 403, 406 Shenstone, Wm., 75, 84, 91, 97, 98, 102, 103, 110, 127, 130-39, 151, 152, 159, 162, 168, 184, 186, 215, 229, 273, 287, 422, 423 Shepherd's Calendar, The, 154 Sheridan, R. B., 76, 162, 400, 413, 420 Sheridan, Thos., 74 Sheringham, Robert, 192 Sicilian Romance, The, 250, 253 Sidney, Sir Philip, 25, 71, 72, 239, 274 Siegwart, 400 Sigurd the Volsung, 191 Sim, Jno., 94 Sinclair, Archibald, 325 Sinclair. Sir Jno., 321
Sir Cauline, 289, 200, 298 Sir Charles Grandison, 388 Sir Hugh, 279 Sir Lancelot du Lake, 278 Sir Patrick Spens, 300 Sister Helen, 363 Sisters, The, 270 Six Bards of Ossian Versified, The, 336 Skeat, W. W., 340, 355, 358-61, 364 Skene, W. F., 314, 323 Sketches of Eminent Statesmen, 234 Smart, Christopher, 85 Smith, Adam, 105 Smollett, Tobias, 76, 139 Solitary Reaper, The, 115 Somerville, Wm., 106, 124, 135 Song of Harold the Valiant, 196 Song of Ragner Lodbrog, 197 Song to Aella, 355 Songs of Selma, The, 331 Sonnet to Chatterton, 370 Sonnet to Mr. Gray, 201 Sonnet to Schiller, 419 Sonnet to the River Lodon, 161 Sophocles, 3, 19, 241, 379 Sophonisba, 75 Sorrows of Werther, The, 31, 330-32, 399, 423 Sotheby, Wm., 382 Southey, Robert, 206, 299, 350, 355, 358, 368, 398, 419 Southwell, Robert, 41 Spaniards in Peru, The, 400, 409 Specimens of Ancient Sculpture, 189 Specimens of Early English Poets, 301 Specimens of the Welsh Bards, 195 Spectator, The, 35, 37, 42, 49, 51, 55, 62, 120, 126, 139, 141, 148, 178, 227, 284, 353, 377 Speght's Chaucer, 360 Spence, Joseph, 132 Spencer, W. R., 392, 394 Spenser, Edmund, 16, 25, 33, 37, 63, 68, 69, 77-101, 129, 151, 154, 157, 159, 163, 170, 198, 199, 212, 213, 216, 219, 222, 224-26, 235, 244, 265, 279, 304, 359, 371 Spleen, The, 104, 136 Splendid Shilling, The, 104 Squire of Dames, The, 85, 91 Stanley, J. T., 392 State of German Literature, The, 401 Stedman, E. C., 162 Steevens, Geo., 32 Stello, 372 Stephen, Leslie, 32-34, 40, 102, 234, 237, 327 Sterne, Lawrence, 31, 32, 252 Stevenson, R, L., 258 Stillingfleet, Benjamin, 53, 161 Stimmen der Voelker, 300, 337, 416 Stolberg, Friedrich Leopold, Count, 376, 377 Storie of William Canynge, The, 355 Stranger, The, 400 Stratton Water, 299 Strawberry Hill, 173, 179, 229, 230, 232, 234, 236, 340 Sturm von Borberg, 399 Suckling, Sir Jno., 57 Sugar Cane, The, 124 Sullivan, Wm. R., 314, 325 Sweet William's Ghost, 279, 280, 295, 300, 394 Swift, Jonathan, 40, 42, 162, 382 Swinburne, A. C., 35, 168 Syr Gawaine, 293 Syr Martyn, 95, 96 System of Runic Mythology, 191
Taine, H. A., 302, 316 Tale of a Tub, 42 Tales of Terror, 409, 417 Tales of Wonder, 404, 409, 416-18 Talisman, The, 188 Tam Lin, 268, 279, 295, 417 Tam o'Shanter, 187, 360 Tannhaeuser, 268 Tasso, Torquato, 25, 49, 50, 170, 319, 222-26 Tate, Nahum, 74 Tatler, The, 62 Taylor, Jeremy, 40 Taylor, Wm., 376, 391-98, 417-18 Tea Table Miscellany, The, 284, 297 Temora, 309, 313, 314, 316, 321, 323, 338 Tempest, The, 70, 76, 171, 215 Temple, Sir Wm., 69, 120, 192, 197 Tennyson, Alfred, 18, 27, 35, 92, 93, 146, 200, 270, 28l Thackeray, W. M., 56, 80, 252, 254 Thaddeus of Warsaw, 243, 252 Thales, 85 Theagenes and Chariclea, 244 Theatrum Poetarum, 67, 81 Theocritus, 36 Thesaurus (Hicks'), 192, 193 Thomas a Kempis, 64 Thomas Rymer, 268 Thompson, Wm., 84 Thomson, Jas., 52, 74, 75, 79, 84, 85, 92-95, 97, 98, 102-19, 124, 133-36, 142, 151, 157, 159, 168, 184, 198, 215, 235, 251, 302, 303, 305, 374, 384, 422 Thomson, Jas. (2d), 162 Thoreau, H. D., 107 Tieck, Ludwig, 22, 377, 384 To Country Gentlemen of England, 85 Todtentanz, Der, 386 To Helen, 202 To Melancholy, 251 Tom Jones, 186, 263 Tom Thumb, 285 "Too Late I Stayed," 392 Torfaeus Thormodus, 191 To the Nightingale (Lady Winchelsea), 61 To the Nightingale (Mrs. Radcliffe), 251 To the Nightingale. See Odes. To the River Otter, 161 Tournament, The, 348, 365 Town and Country Magazine, The, 346, 352 Tragedies of the Last Age Considered, The, 70 Tressan, L. E. de L., Comte de, 381 Triumph of Isis, The, 199 Triumph of Melancholy, The, 305 Triumphs of Owen, The, 195 Tristan und Isolde, 3, 64 Trivia, 35 Troilus and Cresseide, 28 True Principles of Gothic Architecture, 234 Turk and Gawin, The, 293 Twa Corbies, The, 275 Two Sisters, The, 270, 279 Tyrwhitt, Thos., 63, 188, 211, 213, 246, 30l, 355-57, 359, 423 Tytler, Sir A. F., 391, 419
Ueber naive und sentimentalische Dichtung, 11, 387 Ueber Ossian und die Lieder alter Voelker, 338 Uhland, Ludwig, 384 Ulysses, 18, 35 Unconnected Thoughts on Gardening, 127, 132 Universal Prayer, The, 41 Unnatural Flights in Poetry, 47 Upton, John, 85 Uz, J. P., 106
Vanity of Dogmatizing, The, 408 Vathek, 403, 405 Vergil, 25, 37, 49, 50, 55, 110, 223, 285, 335 Verses to Sir Joshua Reynolds, 202 Verses Written in 1748, 133 Vicar of Wakefield, The, 209 Vigny, Alfred Victor, Comte de, 372, 373 Villehardouin, Geoffrey de, 27, 64 Villon, Francois, 64, 216 Vindication (Tyrwhitt's), 359 Virtuoso, The, 84, 91, 141, 228 Vision, The (Burns), 334 Vision, The (Croxall), 84 Vision of Patience, The, 84 Vision of Solomon, The, 84 Voltaire, F. M. A. de, 214, 216, 237, 379, 381, 382 Von Arnim, Achim (L. J.), 384 Voragine, Jacobus de, 3 Vorlesungen ueber dramatische Kunst und Literatur, 14 Voss, J. H., 375
Wackenroder, W. H., 384 Wagner, H. L., 379 Waking of Angantyr, The, 192 Wallenstein, 385, 419 Waller, Edmund, 38, 39, 52, 53, 80, 216 Walpole, Horace, 32, 89, 120, 122, 129, 130, 135, 145, 159, 166, 173, 178, 179, 181, 229-43, 249-55, 258, 286, 306, 336, 337, 349-52, 354, 383, 401, 408, 417, 422 Walsh, Wm., 50, 53 Walther von der Vogelweide, 64 "Waly, Waly," 374, 300 Wanton Wife of Bath, The, 301 Warburton, Wm., 237 Wardlaw, Lady, 286 Ward's English Poets, 53, 111, 131, 169, 364 Warton, Joseph, 32, 75, 118, 142, 149, 151-53, 155, 156, l60, 163, 168, 171, 185, 193, 197-99, 206, 207, 212-20, 223, 226, 262, 302, 355, 375, 383, 387, 422, 423 Warton, Thos., Jr., 32, 36, 53, 75, 84, 85, 99-101, 150, 151, 156-58, 161, 163, 168, 171, 194, 197-207, 211, 213, 221, 224, 226, 245, 251, 260, 291, 293, 294, 302, 356, 359, 375, 387, 403, 422, 423 Warton, Thos., Sr., 85, 197 Waverley Novels, The, 188, 258, 262, 400, 422 Way, G. L., 301 Weber's Metrical Romances, 188 Weber, Veit, 400, 418 Webster, Jno., 66 Werner, 421 Wesley, Jno., 31 West, Gilbert, 84, 85, 89-91, 98, 126, 133, 151, 160, 193, 194 Whately, Thos., 122 Whistle, The, 334 White Doe of Rylstone, The, 184 Whitefield, Geo., 31 Whitehead, Wm., 84, 197 Whittington and his Cat, 273 Wieland, 403 Wieland, C. M., 106, 377, 378, 381, 397 Wife of Usher's Well, The, 269, 279 Wilde Jaeger, Der, 391 Wild Huntsman, The, 404, 416 Wilkie, Wm., 85 Wilhelm Meister, 384, 387 Wilhelm Tell, 385 William and Helen, 391, 398, 404 Willie Drowned in Yarrow, 170 Willie's Lady, 279 Wilson's Life of Chatterton, 368 Winchelsea, Anne Finch, Countess of, 57, 61 Winckelmann, J. J., 384, 385 Windsor Forest, 57, 58, 2l5, 220 Winstanley, William, 62, 69 Winter, 103-106, 142, 422 Wither, Geo., 57 Wodrow, Jno., 334, 335 Wolfram von Eschenbach, 64 Wolfred von Dromberg, 398 Wonders of the Invisible World, 408 Wood, Anthony, 291 Wood, Robert, 387-89 Worde, Wynkyn de, 274 Wordsworth, Wm., 4, 5, 43, 58, 103, 107, 109, 112, 115, 135, 143-45, 160, 162, 183, 184, 218, 220, 288-90, 298, 299, 304, 316, 326, 328, 339, 344 Worm, Ole, 191, 193 Wreck of the Hesperus, The, 269 Wren, Sir Christopher, 121, 230 Written at an Inn at Henley, 138 Written at Stonhenge, 201 Written in Dugdale's Monasticon, 198
Yarrow Revisited, 344 Yarrow Unvisited, 298 Young, Edward, 56, 149, 163, 213, 387, 388, 421 Young Hunting, 279 Young Lochinvar, 277 Young Waters, 300
Zapolya, 420 Zastrozzi, 403 Zauberlehrling, Der, 386 Zauberring, Der, 4