A Frog he would a-wooing go, Heigho, says ROWLEY! Whether his Mother would let him or no. With a rowley-powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says ANTHONY ROWLEY!
So off he set with his opera-hat, Heigho, says ROWLEY! And on his way he met with a Rat. With a rowley-powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says ANTHONY ROWLEY!
"Pray, MR. RAT, will you go with me," Heigho, says ROWLEY! "Pretty MISS MOUSEY for to see?" With a rowley-powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says ANTHONY ROWLEY!
Now they soon arrived at Mousey's Hall, Heigho, says ROWLEY! And gave a loud knock, and gave a loud call. With a rowley-powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says ANTHONY ROWLEY!
"Pray, Miss MOUSEY, are you within?" Heigho, says ROWLEY! "Oh, yes, kind Sirs, I'm sitting to spin." With a rowley-powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says ANTHONY ROWLEY!
"Pray, Miss MOUSE, will you give us some beer?" Heigho, says ROWLEY! "For Froggy and I are fond of good cheer." With a rowley-powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho says, ANTHONY ROWLEY!
"Pray, Mr. FROG, will you give us a song? Heigho, says ROWLEY! "But let it be something that's not very long." With a rowley-powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says ANTHONY ROWLEY!
"Indeed, Miss MOUSE," replied Mr FROG, Heigho, says ROWLEY! "A cold has made me as hoarse as a Hog." With a rowley-powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says ANTHONY ROWLEY!
"Since you have caught cold," Miss MOUSEY said. Heigho, says ROWLEY! "I'll sing you a song that I have just made." With a rowley-powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says ANTHONY ROWLEY!
But while they were all thus a merry-making, Heigho, says ROWLEY! A Cat and her Kittens came tumbling in. With a rowley-powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says ANTHONY ROWLEY!
The Cat she seized the Rat by the crown; Heigho, says ROWLEY! The Kittens they pulled the little Mouse down. With a rowley-powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says ANTHONY ROWLEY!
This put Mr. FROG in a terrible fright; Heigho, says ROWLEY! He took up his hat, and he wished them good night. With a rowley-powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says ANTHONY ROWLEY!
But as Froggy was crossing a silvery brook, Heigho, says ROWLEY! A lily-white Duck came and gobbled him up. With a rowley-powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says ANTHONY ROWLEY!
So there was an end of one, two, and three, Heigho, says ROWLEY! The Rat, the Mouse, and the little Frog-gee! With a rowley-powley, gammon and spinach, Heigho, says ANTHONY ROWLEY!
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