A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After
by Edward Bok
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1917: Vice-president Philadelphia Belgian Relief Commission.

1917: Member of National Y. M. C. A. War Work Council.

1917: State chairman for Pennsylvania of Y. M. C. A. War Work Council.

1918: Member of Executive Committee and chairman of Publicity Committee, Philadelphia War Chest.

1918: Chairman of Philadelphia Y. M. C. A. Recruiting Committee.

1918: State chairman for Pennsylvania of United War Work Campaign.

1918: August-November: visited the battle-fronts in France as guest of the British Government.

1918: September 22: Relinquished editorship of The Ladies' Home Journal, completing thirty years of service.

1920: September 20: Upon the 50th anniversary of arrival in the United States, published The Americanization of Edward Bok.

1921: May 30: Awarded the one thousand dollar Joseph Pulitzer Prize for The Americanization of Edward Bok.


I cannot close this record of a boy's development without an attempt to suggest the sense of deep personal pleasure which I feel that the imprint on the title-page of this book should be that of the publishing house which, thirty-six years ago, I entered as stenographer. It was there I received my start; it was there I laid the foundation of that future career then so hidden from me. The happiest days of my young manhood were spent in the employ of this house; I there began friendships which have grown closer with each passing year. And one of my deepest sources of satisfaction is, that during all the thirty-one years which have followed my resignation from the Scribner house, it has been my good fortune to hold the friendship, and, as I have been led to believe, the respect of my former employers. That they should now be my publishers demonstrates, in a striking manner, the curious turning of the wheel of time, and gives me a sense of gratification difficult of expression.

Edward W. Bok


Abbey, Edwin A., 138 Abbott, Lyman, 144, 169 Adams, Charles F., 52 Adams, John, 52 Adams, John Quincy, 52 Addams, Jane, 168 Adriatic, 174 Alcott, Louisa, 46-51 Altman Collection, 139 American Lithographic Co., 24 American Magazine, 68 Antin, Mary, v Appleton's Encyclopaedia, 15, 16, 29

Bakery shop, 9 Bangs, John Kendrick, 130 Baruch, Bernard, 173 Beaverbrook, Lord, 174 Beecher, Henry Ward, 55, 70-77 Bell, Alexander Graham, 15 Bellamy, Edward, 86 Bok, Cary William (son), 67 Bok, Edward William, arrival, 1; schooldays, 2-7; house-work, 8-9; first money earned, 9; first newspaper work, 11; self-education, 15-25; autograph collecting, 16-29; study of shorthand, 26; as a reporter, 26-29; a visit to Boston, 31-46; a visit to Concord, 46-52; adventures in the stock-market, 59-67; in the publishing business, 68-77; employment with Scribner's, 78-86; the Bok Syndicate Press, 86-90; last years in New York, 97-107; editorship of The Ladies' Home Journal, 103-107; building up a magazine, 113-123; visit to Oxford, 124-127; adventures in art and civics, 134-146; adventures in music, 160-167; war time experiences, 168-180; retirement as editor, 181-185 Bok, Mrs. Edward William, see Curtis, Mary Louise Bok, Sieke Gertrude (mother), 1, 99, 100, 106 Bok Syndicate Press, 87, 88 Bok, William (brother), 1, 87 Bok, William Curtis (son), 153-159 Bok, William J. H. (father), 1, 6, 8, 53, 59, 66 Book Buyer, 80 Boston, 31-46 Boston Globe, 17 Boston Journal, 90 Bourrienne, 100 Boy Scouts, 144, 145 Brewer, Owen W., 97 Brooklyn Magazine, 56-59, 68-71 Brooklyn Eagle, viii, 11, 17, 26, 53 Brooks, Phillips, 42-46, 57 Burlingame, Edward L., 78, 80 Burnett, Frances H., 84 Bush, Rufus T., 68

Carlyle, Thomas, 48 Carnegie, Andrew, v, 84, 102 Carroll, Lewis, 124-127 Cary, Anna Louise, 56 Cary, Clarence, 59-67, 78. Chase, William M., xix Chicago Tribune, 141 Childs, George W., 18, 106 Cincinnati Times-Star, 90 Claflin, H. B., 57 Coghlan, Rose, 53, 54 Colver, Frederic L., 55, 56, 70 Concord, 46-52 Coney Island, 10 Cosmopolitan Magazine, 69 Crawford, Marion, 130 Curtis, Cyrus H. K., 103-107, 120-123, 149 Curtis, Mrs. Cyrus H. K., 113, 149, 181 Curtis, Mary Louise, 14, 149, 161, 163 Curtis Publishing Company, 120

Dana, Charles A., 130 Davenport, Fanny, 99, 100 Davis, Jefferson, 22 De Koven, Reginald, 160 Dodgson, Charles L., see Carroll, Lewis Doubleday, Frank M., 80, 81, 97 Doyle, Conan, 130

Early, General Jubal, 17 Edison, Thomas A., 15 Elizabeth, Queen of the Belgians, 173 Elkius, George W., 139 Elman, Mischa, 164 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 30, 46-51 Empress of Asia, 180 Evarts, William M., 26

Farrar, Canon, 57 Field, Cyrus W., 186 Fifth Avenue Hotel, 18 Fourth of July, 140-142 Freer, Charles L., 139 Frick, Henry C., 139 Fulton Market, 74

Gardner, Mrs. John L., 139 Garfield, James A., 16, 18 Garland, Hamlin, 130 Garrison, William Lloyd, 52 Gerard, James W., 173 Gibbons, Cardinal, 57 Gibson, Charles Dana, 138 Godey's Lady's Book, 110 Gould, Jay, 59-67 Grant, Ulysses S., 17-22, 26, 57 Great War, 169-180 Greenaway, Kate, 128-129

Harland, Marion, 57 Harmon, Dudley, 171 Harper and Bros., 12 Harper's Magazine, 12 Harper's Weekly, 12 Harper's Young People, 12 Harris, Joel Chandler, 130 Harrison, Mrs. Burton, 130 Harte, Bret, 129 Hay, Ian, 172 Hayes, Rutherford B., 18, 26-30, 76 Hegeman, Evelyn Lyon, 56 Hitchcock, Ripley, 17 Hodges, Dean, 169 Hofman, Josef, 160-164 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 30-36 Holt, Henry, and Company, 68, 78 Hoover, Herbert, 172, 186 Hope, Anthony, 130 Howells, William Dean, 57, 119, 122, 168

Jerome, Jerome K., 130 Jewett, Sarah Orne, 130 Johnson, Eldridge R., 146 Johnson, John G., 139

Keller, Helen, 169 Kellogg, Clara Louise, 56 King, Horatio, 67 Kipling, Rudyard, 119, 130, 169 Knapp, Joseph P., 24

Ladies' Home Journal, 103-107, 113-123, 134, 160, 168-173, 181-185 Lane, Franklin K., 184 Lape, Esther Everett, 184 Lathrop, George P., 90 Lee, Robert E., 17 Life, 141 Lincoln, Mrs. Abraham, 22 Literary Leaves, 90, 104 Longfellow, Henry W., 17, 30, 37-42 Low, A. A., 28 Low, Seth, 57 Low, Will H., 138 Lynch, Albert, 138

McAdoo, William, 173 Mansfield, Richard, 85 Marchesi, Madame, 160 Mascagni, 160 Merion, 142-146, 149 Merion Civic Association, 143-146 Moffat, William D., 97 Moffat, Yard & Co., 97 Moody, Dwight L., 130 Morgan, J. Pierpont, 139 Moszkowski, 160 Mott, Lucretia, 52

Netherlands, 1, 3, 39, 194 New York Star, 90, 101 New York Sun, 171 New York Tribune, 17 Nightingale, Florence, 127 North, Ernest Dressel, 97 Northcliffe, Viscount, 172

Outlook, The, 144

Paderewski, 160 Peterson's Magazine, 110 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 130 Philadelphia Orchestra, 162-167 Philadelphia Public Ledger, 17 Philadelphia Times, 90, 103 Phillips, Wendell, 42, 43 Philomathean Review, 56 Philomathean Society, 55 Plymouth Church, 55, 70 Plymouth Pulpit, 56 Porter, Gene Stratton, 169 Presbyterian Review, 81 Pulitzer Prize, v Pyle, Howard, 138

Queen, The, 1

Raymond, Rossiter W., 57 Riis, Jacob, v Roosevelt, Franklin D., 171 Roosevelt, Theodore, 147-159

Safford, Ray, 97 Sangster, Margaret, 57 Schlicht, Paul J., 69 Scribner, Charles, 78 Scribner's Sons, Charles, 78-86, 106, 213 Scribner's Magazine, 80, 81, 97 Sheridan, Philip H., 26, 57 Sherman, William T., 18, 20, 21, 30, 57 Smedley, W. T., 138 Smith, F. Hopkinson, 169 Sousa, John Philip, 160 South Brooklyn Advocate, 10 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 82, 83 Stockton, Frank R., 84, 85 Stokowski, Leopold, 163 Strauss, Edouard, 160 Strauss, Richard, 160 Sullivan, Sir Arthur, 160

Taft, Charles P., 139 Taft, William H., 171 Talmage, T. DeWitt, 57 Taylor, W. L., 138 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 17 Thursby, Emma C., 56 Tosti, 160 Twain, Mark, 98, 99, 129

Vanderbilt, William H.,15 Van Dyke, Henry, 169 Van Rensselaer, Alexander, 166 Victor Talking Machine Co., 145

Walker, E. D., 69 Washington, George, 40 Webster, Jean, 169 Western Union Telegraph Co., 13, 14, 59-67 Whittier, John Greenleaf, 17 Widener, Joseph E., 139 Wiggin, Kate Douglas, 130, 169 Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 87, 88 Wiles, Irving R., 138 Wilkins, Mary E., 130 Wilson, Woodrow, 170

Young Men's Christian Association, 26


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