him ds. of h, dp. of h, ho, hit. ['him']
himming (Cp 1557) = hemming
hna v. hwan.
hinan = heonan [[under "heona"]]
hnan = henan
-hinca v. helle-h.
hind (y) f. 'hind,' (female deer), , Chr,WW.
hindan from behind, behind, in the rear, , AO. th. behind, . [Ger. hinten]
hindanweard adv. hindwards, at the end.
hindberge f. raspberry, Cp, Ep, Lcd. ['hindberry']
hindbrr m. raspberry bush, Lcd 146b (hinde-).
hindcealf mn. fawn, WW. ['hindcalf']
hindema superl. adj. hindmost, last.
hinder adj. after (thought), sad (thought), MF (Vesp. D xiv): adv. behind, back, after, in the farthest part, down. onh. backwards, . [Ger. hinter]
hindergap wily, cunning, deceitful, WW. ['hinderyeap']
hindergenga m. one who walks backwards, OEG 26^23: apostate, OEG 5^16.
hinderhc m. trick, Mod 34.
hinderling I. m. mean wretch, sneak, LL 665. II. adv. in phr. 'on hinderling' backwards, PPs. ['hinderling']
hindernes f. wickedness, guile, NC 301; MF 166.
hinderscipe m. wickedness, DHy, OEG.
hinderostru np. nether darkness, PPs 85^12.
hinderweard backward, slow.
hindeweard reversed, wrong end first, from behind,CP.
hindfalod n. hind-fold, KC 6112^31.
hind-hlee, -heolo(e) f. 'ambrosia,' water agrimony, WW. [v.'hindheal']
hindrian to 'hinder,' check, repress, Chr,LL.
hinds (Bl) = hins
hine I. as. of h. II. = heonan [[under "heona"]]
hne = hwene [[form of "hwen"?]]
hinfs ready to depart or die.
hingang m. departure, death.
hingrian (Bl; ) = hyngrian [[under "hyngran"]]
hinn- = hin-
hinon = heonan [[under "heona"]]
hins m. departure, death. [heonan] [[under "heona"]]
hinsgryre m. fear of death, Sat 456.
ho v. h.
hio- = heo-
hionne? f. 'dura mater,' LL 5[36].
hior = heorr
hored = hred
howesclce = hwisclce [[form of "hwisc"]]
hip- = hyp-
hipsful (OEG 11^180) = hyspful
hr = hr
hir- = hier-
hr- = hor-, her-
hira gp. of h, ho, hit.
hire gds. of ho. ['her']
hred (o, e, ) m. household, family, retinue, AO, Bo, Mt, WW: brotherhood, company, , Ct. ['hird']
hredcniht m. _member of a household_, _.
hredc domestic, familiar, Sc 203^13.
hredgerfa m. 'ex-consul,' WW 110^6.
hredlic pertaining to a household or court, domestic, familiar.
hredman m. retainer, follower, , Ma. ['hirdman']
hredprost m. chaplain, EC 255.
hredwfman m. female member of a household, TC 531^6.
hredwist f. familiarity, Sc 203^12.
his gs. of h. ['his']
hs (BH) = s
hsc- = hsc-
hispan = hyspan
hisse = hyse
hit v. h. ['it']
hittan (y) to fall in with, meet with, 'hit' upon, Chr 1066. [ON. hitta]
h- = hy-
hier = hider
hiu (NG) = ho
hw (o, e, ) n. appearance, form, species, kind, , Bl, WW: apparition, WW 236^8: 'hue,' colour, A, Bl: beauty: figure of speech.
hwan mp. (gen. hwna, h(g)na) members of a family, household or religious house, Chr, G; . ['hind,' 'hewe']
hwbeorht radiant, beautiful.
hwcund (hl-) familiar, domestic.
hwc (e) familiar, well-known, , CP.
hwclic domestic: familiar, GD 32. adv. -lce familiarly.
+hwclician to make known or familiar to, NC 294.
hwcnes f. familiarity, GD 71^24; 140^7.
hwcrdnes f. familiarity, WW 191^24.
hwen n. _household_, _. ['_hewen_']
hwere m. dissembler, hypocrite, .
hwfger comely of form, MFH 167.
hwfst comely, fair, OEG.
hwgedl n. divorce, G.
hwian I. _to form, fashion_, _WW_: _colour_: _dissimulate, feign, pretend_, _: _figure, signify_, : (+) _transform, transfigure_. ['_hue_,' '_hued_'] II. _to marry_, CP 318^1.
hwiend, hwigend 'informator,' OEG 365? 'meditator,' GPH 390.
hwisc n. household, : hide (of land v.hd). adv. -lce familiarly.
+hwlcan to form, shape, fashion, NC 294.
hwlas shapeless, WW: colourless, Lcd. ['hueless']
hwlic comely, Lcd, OEG.
hwna v. hwan.
hwrden f. family, household, religious house,.
hwscipe m. family, household: hide (of land), CC 127.
hw pres. 3 sg. of hawan.
hwung I. (o, ) f. () appearance, likeness, form, figure: pretence, hypocrisy, . II. f. marriage, AO 64^24.
hlacerian to deride, mock, LPs 24^3.
hlacerung f. unseemly behaviour, or words, LPs 43^14.
hladan^6 (, ea) to 'lade,' draw, or take in water, , JnR: heap up, lay on, build, load, burden, B, Gen, Rd;CP.
hladung f. drawing ('haustus'), DHy 58^6.
hl = hlw
hld n. heap? burden? CP 21^160. ['lade']
hldder (Bl), hlddre = hlder
hlddisc m. loaded dish? WW 126^39.
hldel m. 'ladle,' A, ZDA.
hlden I. m. bucket, WW 123^5. II. pp. of hladan.
hlder f. 'ladder,' A, ; CP.
hlderwyrt f. ladder-wort, Jacob's ladder, Lcd.
hldhweogl n. water-wheel, wheel for drawing up water, WW 347^7.
hldst = hltst pres. 2 sg. of hladan.
hldtrendel m. wheel for drawing water, OEG 502.
hlfdige (, ) f. mistress (over servants), LL, VPs (), WW: chatelaine, 'lady,' queen, Chr, Ct: the Virgin Mary, Cr. so ealdeh. the queen dowager, Chr 1051#c#.
hlfl = lfel
+hlg n. derision, scorn, Dom 15.
hlgulian (Cp 317) = hlagolian
hlhan (N, VPs) = hliehhan
hlhter = hleahtor
hlnan I. to cause to lean, Jul 63. II. = lnan
-hlnan v. -hl.
hlne '_lean_,' _; AO.
hlnian to become lean, CP: make lean, starve, CP. ['lean']
hlnnes f. 'leanness,' , OEG.
hlnsian to make lean, weaken, OEG. ['lense']
hlpewince (WW) = lapewince [[headword spelled "hlapewince"]]
hlst n. burden, load, freight, B, Rd. holmesh. finny tribe. ['last']
+hlstan (e) to load, burden, BH: adorn, Jud 36. [v.'last'vb.]
hlsting f. toll on loading a ship, TC 359.
hlstscip n. trading-vessel, Cp 147#h#.
hlt = lt
hltst pres. 2 sg. of hladan.
hlw () mn. mound, cairn, hill, mountain, B: grave-yard, barrow, Met: hollow mound, cave. ['low']
hlf m. 'loaf,' bread, food, A, JnL, MtL; , AO,CP.
hlfta m. ('loaf-eater'), dependant, LL.
hlfbrytta m. slave in charge of the bread-store? EC 255.
hlfdie (VPs) = hlfdige
hlfgang m. attendance at, or participation in, a meal, RB: procession with the host,LL.
hlf-gebrece , -gebroc n. bit of bread.
hlfhwte m. bread-wheat, TC 144^34.
hlflast f. want of bread.
hlfmsse f. 'Lammas' (August 1), AO;.
hlfmssedg m. Lammas-day.
hlfofn m. baker's oven, WW 411^8.
hlford m. _'lord,' master, ruler_, _A, AO, B, Chr, G_; , CP: _husband_, _Ct_: _the Lord, God_, _. [hlf, weard]
hlforddm m. lordship, authority, CP: patronage. ['lorddom']
hlfordhyldo f. loyalty, AO.
hlfording m. lord, master, W 298^7.
hlfordlas without a lord, leaderless, B. ['lordless']
hlfordlic 'lordly,' noble, OEG 187^1.
hlfordscipe m. 'lordship,' authority, rule, CP: 'dominatio' (title of an order of angels), H 1342^32.
hlfordsearu fn. high treason, LL.
hlfordscn f. act of seeking the protection of a lord,LL.
hlfordswica m. traitor, Lcd; . ['lordswike']
hlfordswice m. high treason, treachery.
hlford-swcung (MFN 167; W 225^28), -syrwung (LL16n5) f. betrayal of one's lord, treason.
hlfordrimm m. dominion, power, NC 302.
hlfrce f. oven-rake, OEG 53^43 (hlb-).
hlfsnung f. blessing of bread (on Lammas-day), MH 136^1.
hlfurd = hlford
hlagol inclined to laugh, W 40^8.
hlagolian () to sound.
hlmmsse = hlfmsse
hlanc 'lank,' lean, thin, Jud, PPs.
hland (o) n. urine, Lcd. ['lant']
hlaian = laian
hlw = hlw
hleadan = hladan
hleahter = hleahtor
hleahterful scornful, Guth.
hleahterlic ridiculous, Guth.
hleahtor (e) m. 'laughter,' jubilation, B, Bl, CP, Sc: derision.
hleahtorsmi m. laughter-maker, Ex 43.
hleahtrian (e) to deride, LPs 21^8.
hlapan^7 to 'leap,' run, go, jump, dance, spring, , B, BH, Chr, CP: (+) leap upon, mount (ahorse).
hlapere m. runner, courier, Chr: 'leaper,' dancer, WW: itinerant monk, RB 135^20.
hlapestre f. female dancer, WW 311^33.
hlapettan v. to leap up, BH 390^9.
hlapewince f. 'lapwing,' WW.
hlapung f. _dancing_, _. ['_leaping_']
hlat pret. 3 sg. of hlotan.
hlec leaky, CP, OEG. [v. 'leak']
hlecan^5 to cohere, CP 361^20.
hleda, hlede m. seat, Gr 34^3.
hlf = hlw
-hlfan (oe) v. -hl.
hlga (LkL 6^16) = lwa
hlehhan = hliehhan
hleht- = hleaht-
hlem m. sound, CP.
hlemman to cause to sound, clash, Whale 61. [hlimman]
hlnan = lnan
hlence f. coat of mail, Ex 218.
hlennan = hlynnan
hlenortar m. hyssop, LPs 50^8.
hlo m? n? (hlow), gs. hlowes (only found in sg.) covering, refuge, defence, shelter, protection, Cr, PPs: protector, lord. ['lee']
hlo- = hlow-
hlobord n. book-cover, Rd 27^12.
hloburh f. protecting city.
hlod = hld
+hleodu pl. of +hlid.
hlofst consoling, protecting, Cr,RB.
hlohrscnes f. 'supplantatio'? LPs 40^10.
hlolas without shelter, comfortless.
hleomoc m? hleomoce f. speedwell, Lcd. [v.'brooklime']
hlon = hlowan
hleon- = hlin-
hlona m. shelter, Gu 222.
hlonian to thrive, Ph 25.
hlop pret. 3 sg. of hlapan.
hlor n. cheek, Lcd, WW: face, countenance, Ep, Gu. ['leer']
hloran (L) = loran
hlorbn n. (cheek-bone), temple, LPs 131^5.
hlorbolster m. pillow, B 688.
hlordropa m. tear, Gu 1315.
hlorsceamu f. confusion of face, PPs 68^8.
hlorslge m. a blow on the cheek, CP 261^6.
hlortorht beautiful, Rd 69^6.
hlosceorp n. sheltering robe, Rd 10^5.
hlotan^1 to cast lots, , AO: () get by lot, obtain.
hlo = (1) hlow; (2) pres. pl. of hlowan.
hloor n. noise, sound, voice, melody, song: hearing.
+hloor harmonious, BH 60^18.
hloorcwide m. speaking, words, discourse, song, prophecy.
hloorcyme m. coming with trumpet-sound, Da 710.
hloorstede m. place of conference.
hlorian to sound, speak, sing, cry aloud, resound, proclaim,.
hlorung f. reproof, SPs 37^11.
hleou v. hli.
hlow == hlo
+hlow I. warm, sunny, Nar. adv. hlowe Lcd. [v.'lew'] II. = +hlw
hlowan (, ) () to warm, make warm, cherish, Bl: become warm or hot. ['lew']
hlowdryhten m. protector, patron, #Wid#94.
hlowfere fp. sheltering wings, Gen 2740.
hlowlora m. one who has lost a protector, Gen 1953.
hlowmg m. kinsman who is bound to afford protection.
hlowon pret. pl. of hlwan.
hlowstede m. sunny place, WW 336^50.
hlowstl m. shelter, asylum, Gen 2011.
hlow (, ) f. _shelter, covering, warmth_, _. ['_lewth_']
hlowung () f. shelter, protection, favour.
hlestan = hlstan, hlystan
hlet (KGl) pres. 3 sg. of hladan.
hlt (VPs; MkR) = hlet
+hla m. companion, denizen. [hl]
hlrian = hlorian
hlw = hlw
hlwesa = lwsa
hlw pres. 3 sg. of hlwan.
hlid I. n. _'lid,' covering, door, gate, opening_, _. II. = hli
+hlid n. (nap. hlidu, hleodu) covering, vault, roof.
hldan^1 to come forth, spring up, PPs 79^11?
hlidfst closed by a lid, .
hlidgeat n. swing-gate, folding-door, EC; ; Mdf. ['lidgate']
+hlidod (eo) provided with a lid, BH 320^10. ['lidded']
hliehhan^6 (e, i, y) to laugh, , CP: () laugh at, deride, , MtL: rejoice. ['laugh']
hlep () mf., hlepe f. 'leap,' bound, spring, sudden movement, Cr, Lcd: thing to leap from, AO: (?) v.CC54.
-hlepe v. st-hl. [[headword spelled "sthlpe"]]
-hleplce v. st-hl. [[headword spelled "sthlplce"]]
hlepen pres. pl. of hlapan.
hlepgeat () n. a low gate, KC. ['leapgate']
hlet () m. lot, chance, fortune, CP.
hlfend (hlb-) threatening, Cp 223#m#.
hlfian to rise high, tower, overhang.
hlgan^{1?} to attribute (to), CP, Da.
hligsa (CP) = hlsa
hlihan, hlihcan, hlihhan = hliehhan
hlimman^3 (y) to sound, resound, roar, rage.
hlimme f. stream, torrent.
hlin I. m. maple-tree, Rd 56^9. [Ger. lehne] II. = hlynn
hlinbedd n. sick-bed, couch, B 3034.
hlinc m. ridge, bank, rising ground, hill, EC, Ph; Mdf. ['link']
hlincrw f. bank of turf, EC 370.
hlinduru f. latticed door.
hlinian (eo, y) to 'lean,' B (eo); : recline, lie down, rest, Jn, MkL;CP.
hlinrced n. prison.
hlin-sca , -scuwa m. darkness of confinement.
hlinsian = hlynsian
hlinung f. 'leaning,' Lk: seat, couch.
hlosa = hlsa
hlp pres. 3 sg. of hlapan.
hlra = lra
hlsa (o, ) m. sound: fame, rumour, renown, glory,CP.
hlsbre renowned, OEG.
hlsadig renowned, famed, Bo.
hlsadignes f. renown, Bo 75^28.
hlsful of good repute, famous, . adv. -lce, ,AO.
hlsig renowned, OEG 8^250.
hlistan = hlystan
hli I. n. (nap. hleou) cliff, precipice, slope, hill-side, hill, An, B; Mdf. ['lith'] II. == hlid
hlw == hlow
hloccetung f. sighing.
hld pret. 3 sg. of haldan.
hlodd = hlot
hlgon pret. pl., hlh pret. 3 sg. of hliehhan.
hlom (WW 117^25), hlond = hland
hlse f. pigsty, LL 454[10]; NC 302; Mdf.
hlosnere m. listener, OEG 2333.
hlosnian to listen: wait, : be on the look out for, spy, . hlosniend 'attonitus.'
hlot, hlott n. 'lot,' part, portion, share, , BC, Bl, G: (+) choice, decision, ,AO.
hloten pp. of hleotan. [[headword spelled "hlotan"]]
+hlotland n. allotted land, inheritance, .
hl f. troop, crowd, band, company, AO: booty, spoil: complicity with a band of robbers.
hlbt f. penalty imposed on a member of a gang of malefactors,LL.
hlere m. robber. [hl]
hlgecrod n. mass of troops, Rd 4^63.
hlian to spoil, plunder, BH.
hlsliht m. murder by a member of a gang of malefactors, LL 18[29].
+hlw n. lowing, bellowing, .
hlwan^7 to low, roar, bellow, .
hlwung f. lowing, bleating, bellowing, WW 192^7; 195^13.
hld adj. comp. hldre, hluddre 'loud,' sonorous, CP;.
hldclipol loud, noisy, RBL 35^11 (hlt-).
hluddre v. hld.
hlde adv. loudly, aloud, Bl; , CP. ['loud']
hldnes f. clamour, noise, A 8332. ['loudness']
hldstefne loud sounding, WW 416^18.
hldswge adv. loudly, .
hlummon pret. pl. of hlimman.
hlupon pret. pl. of hlapan.
hluton pret. pl. of hlotan.
hltor, hlttor (e^2) gsm. hltres pure, clear, bright, sincere, , CP. [Ger. lauter] adv. -lce.
hltorlicnes = hltornes
hltornes f. clearness, brightness, simplicity, purity,.
hltre I. adv. clearly, brightly. II. ds. of hltor.
hltter, hlttor = hltor
hlttrian wv. to clear, purify, make bright: to become clear.
hlyd = hlid
hld f. noise, sound: (+) tumult, disturbance, dissension. [hld]
Hlda m. March, Lcd. ['Lide'; hld]
hldan to make a noise, sound, clamour, vociferate, , CP. [hld]
hlde f. torrent, BC (Mdf).
hldig garrulous, OEG 1418. [hld]
hlding f. noise, cry, MtL 25^6 (l-).
hlyhhan = hliehhan
hlymman = hlimman
hlyn = hlynn
hlynian = (1) hlynnan; (2) hlinian
hlynn I. m. sound, noise, din, tumult, AO. II. f. torrent, JnL. ['linn']
hlynnan to make a noise, resound, shout, roar.
hlynrian to thunder, WW 519^34.
hlynsian (i) to resound.
hlp == hlep
hlsa () = hlsa
hlsfullce = hlsfullce [[form of "hlsful"]]
hlysnan to 'listen,' MtL; Cp.
hlysnere m. hearer, DR 29^4 (ly-).
hlyst f. sense of hearing, , Lcd: listening. ['list']
hlystan (e, i) to listen, hear, CP; : attend to, obey, Lk. ['list']
+hlyste audible, NC 294.
hlystend, hlystere m. listener, .
+hlystful attentive, gracious, LPs 89^13.
hlystung f. act of listening, Kl.
hlt, hlte m. lot, portion, : band, troop.
hlyta = hlytta
+hlyta m. companion. [hlot]
hltere m. clergyman, priest, NC 302.
hlytm m. casting of lots, B 3126?
hlytman to decide by lot, MFH 167.
hlytta m. diviner, soothsayer, AO 184^26. [hlot]
+hlytto fellowship, DR.
hlyttor (HGl 418) = hluttor, hltor
hlttrian to purify, Gr 222^7.
hlttrung f. cleaning, refining, WW 179^36.
-hlan (= e) v. be-hl.
hlre = lre
hlw- = hlow-
hlwing = hlowung
hnacod = nacod
hncan = ncan
hngan I. to bow down, bend, humble, curb, vanquish. [hngan] II. to 'neigh,' Gr. III. = ngan
hngung f. 'neighing,' Gr, Cp.
hnpp m. bowl, OEG, WW. ['nap'; Ger. napf]
hnpp- = hnapp-
hnppan to strike, Bo 130^19,20.
hnsce = hnesce
+hnst, +hnst n. collision, conflict, battle. [hntan]
hng, hnh I. bent down, abject, poor, humble, lowly: niggardly. II. pret. 3 sg. of hngan.
hnappian (, e, ea) to doze, slumber, sleep, CP, Mt; . ['nap']
hnappung (, ea) f. napping, dozing, slumbering,CP.
hnt pret. 3 sg. of hntan.
hneap- (VPs) = hnap-
hnaw mean, niggardly, stingy, miserly, CP. [Ger. genau] adv. -lce.
hnawnes f. meanness, CP.
hnecca m. 'neck,' , CP.
hngan = (1) ngan; (2) hngan
hneofule f. = hnifol
-hnopan v. -h. [cp. Goth. dishniupan]
hneoton pret. pl. of hntan.
hnep (GD 186^27) = hnpp
hneppian (KGl) = hnappian
hnesce (, i, y) soft, tender, mild, CP: weak, delicate, : slack, negligent, CP: effeminate, wanton, . ['nesh']
hnescian to make soft, soften, , CPs: become soft, give way, waver, CP, Lcd; L. ['nesh']
hnesclic soft, luxurious, effeminate, AO. adv. -lce softly, gently, tenderly, CP. ['neshly']
hnescnes f. softness, weakness, effeminacy, CP, Lcd, MtL; : soft part of anything. ['neshness']
hnett (MtL 4^18) = nett
hnexian () = hnescian
hnifol m. brow, forehead.
hnifol-crumb, -crump inclined, leaning over, prone,WW.
hngan^1 to bow oneself, bend, bow down: fall, decline, sink. [Ger. neigen]
hnigian to bend down (the head), #Lcd#7a.
hniglan = hnygelan
hnipend bending, lowly, HGl 436.
hnipian to bow down, Met, OEG; : bow the head, look gloomy, CP. ['nipe']
hnippan? to sink down, OEG 1579n.
hnisce (MkR 13^28) = hnesce
hntan^1 to thrust, butt, knock, come into collision with, encounter.
hnitol thrusting forwards, addicted to butting (ofanox).
hnitu f. louse-egg, 'nit,' Ep, Lcd;.
hnoll m. top, crown of the head, , VPs. ['noll']
hnossian to strike, Rd 6^7.
hnot bare, bald, 'close-cropped,' Gr. ['not']
hnutbam m. nut tree.
hnutcyrnel mn. kernel of a nut, Lcd.
hnutu f. gs. and nap. hnyte 'nut,' Erf, Lcd, MtR; Mdf.
+hnycned wrinkled? Lcd 97a.
hnydele = hydele
hnygelan (i) pl. clippings, WW.
hnlung f. reclining, WW 153^24.
+hnyscan to crush, MtR 21^44. [hnesce]
hnysce = hnesce
+hnyst contrite, PsC 127.
hnyte gs. and nap. of hnutu.
h = hh
hbanca m. couch, WW 280^12. [hh]
hc m. 'hook,' BH, WW: angle, Mt, Nar.
hocc m. mallow, Cp, Lcd. ['hock']
hcede curved, KC. ['hooked']
hcer = hcor
-hciht v. heoru-h.
hcsern n. small sickle, WW 235^1.
hoclaf n. mallow, Lcd.
hcor n. insult, derision, W 164^17.
hcorwyrde derisive, scornful, W 164^13.
hd m. 'hood,' Ep, WW.
hof n. enclosure, court, dwelling, building, house, hall: temple, sanctuary. [Ger. hof]
hf I. m. 'hoof,' Run, WW; . II. pret. 3 sg. of hebban.
hofding m. chief, leader. [ON. hfingi]
hfe f. 'hove,' alehoof (plant), Lcd,WW.
hofer m. hump, Gl: swelling.
hoferede humpbacked, CP, Lcd, WW. ['hovered']
hoferiend, +hoferod (L) = hoferede
-hfian v. be-h.
hflic pertaining to a court, OEG 2996.
+hfod hoofed, L 25^44.
hfon pret. pl. of hebban.
hofor == hofer
hf-rec, -rc n. hoof-track, bridle-track, Lcd.
hofrede confined to the house, bedridden, WW 162^8.
hfring m. print of a horse's hoof (= hfhring) OEG18.
hofweard m. dile, WW 111^20.
hog- = hoh-
hoga I. careful, prudent, DR, MtL. ['howe'] II. m. fear, care: attempt, struggle, OEG 8^283.
hoga- = hog-, hoh-
hogade = hogode
hogde pret. of hycgan or hogian.
hogelas free from care, NC 303.
hogg hog, NC 302.
hogian to care for, think about, reflect, busy oneself with, : intend, strive, wish for. [hyge]
hogode pret. of hogian.
hogu f. care, .
hogung f. endeavour, DHy 8^12.
hh m., gs. hs, nap. has, hs, dp. hum hough, heel, , Jn, Ps. onh. behind: point of land, Ct, Nar; Mdf. ['ho,' 'hoe']
hoh-fst, hog(a)- (NG) prudent, cautious, wise.
hhft m. heel, LPs 55^7.
hohful (hoga-, N) careful, thoughtful, : full of care, anxious, pensive, sad, Ct, Sc. ['howful']
hohfulnes f. care, trouble, KC 3349^11.
hh-hwyrfing, -hwerfing f. heel-turning, circle? v.OEG 18n.
hohlce (hog-) prudently, LkL 16^8.
hohmd sad, sorrowful, W 72^8.
hhscanca m. leg, shank, Lcd 14a.
hohscipe (hoga-) m. prudence, N.
hhsinu f. sinew of the heel, , Lcd. ['hough-sinew']
-hhsnian v. on-h.
hhspor n. heel, WW 160^26.
hol I. hollow, Lcd: depressed, lying in a hollow, CP, Ct, MH. ['holl'] II. n. hollow place, cave, hole, den, Ct, Lk, Met, WW; AO, : perforation, aperture, Cp. ['hole,' 'holl']
hl n. calumny, slander, .
-hola v. oter-h.
+hola m. protector, defender, . [helan]
holc n? holca? m. hole, cavity, Lcd. ['holk']
hold I. gracious, friendly, kind, favourable, AO, B; : true, faithful, loyal, , LL; CP: acceptable, pleasant. ['hold'; ON. hollr] adv. holde graciously, loyally, Ps. ['holde'] II. n. dead body, carcase, Mt; . ['hold'; ON. hold] III. m. holder of allodial land, ranking below a jarl (Danish word), LL: military chief, MkR 6^21. [ON. holdr]
hold m. oath of allegiance, Chr.
holdelce = holdlce
holdhlford m. gracious lord, liege lord, Chr 1014#e#.
holdian to cut up, disembowel, L 23^73. [hold II.]
holdlic faithful, friendly, OEG 50^29. adv. -lce graciously, , WW: faithfully, loyally. ['holdely']
holdrden f. fidelity, faithful service, H 2150^30.
holdscipe m. loyalty, allegiance, Chr.
holecerse a plant, Lcd.
holegn = holen I.
holen I. m. 'holly,' Cp, WW; ; Mdf. adj. of holly, Lcd. II. pp. of helan.
hlenga = hlinga
holenlaf n. holly leaf, Lcd 127a.
holenrind f. holly bark, Lcd 29b.
holenstybb m. holly-stump.
holh (CP), holg n. gs. hles hole, 'hollow.'
holian _to hollow out, scoop out_, _: _to become hollow, be perforated_, . ['_hole_']
hlian to oppress, Ps. ['hole']
+holian to obtain, CP 209^19.
holing f. hollow place, GD 113^11.
hlinga adv. in vain, without reason.
holl = hol II.
hollac n. onion? WW 270^29. ['holleke']
holm m. wave, sea, ocean, water, B: in prose, esp. in place-names island (esp. in a river or creek), Chr. ['holm']
holmrn n. ship, Gen 1422.
holmclif n. sea-cliff, rocky shore.
holmeg adj. of the sea, Ex 118.
holmmgen n. force of the waves, Rd 3^9.
holm-racu f., gs. -rce restless sea.
holmweall m. wall of sea water, Ex 467.
holmweard (An 359) = helmweard
holmweg m. sea-path, An 382.
holmwylm m. billows, B 2411.
holnes f. hollow place, GD 99^22 (o).
hlonga = hlinga
holpen pp. of helpan.
holrian = heolorian
holstf m. 'apex,' tittle, MtR 5^18.
holt nm. forest, wood, grove, thicket, , B; CP; Mdf: wood, timber, Jul. ['holt']
holt-hana, -ana m. woodcock, WW 344^30.
hltihte f. calumny, WW.
holtwudu m. forest, grove, Ph: wood (timber). [v.'holt']
hlunga = hlinga
hom == ham
hm == m
hman = man
hn I. (sv^7) pret. heng, pp. hangen to hang, suspend, crucify, : adorn. II. pl. tendrils of a vine? A 4143.
hon- = han-
hona = (1) heonu; (2) hana
hnede having heels, WW 161^26. [hh]
+honge = +hange
hop n. privet, v. OEG 36^14.
hp m. hoop? v. NC 303.
-hop v. fen-, mr-h.
hopa m. '_hope_,' _. [usu. thopa]
hpgehnst n. dashing of waves.
hopian to 'hope,' expect, look for, A, ; CP: put trust in, , Bo,Bl.
hpig eddying, surging, PPs 68^5.
+hopp n. small bag, WW 405^3.
hoppda m. upper garment, cope, WW 188^14.
hoppe f. a kind of ornament, AO: dog-collar, LL 194[8].
hoppestre f. _female dancer_, _. ['_hoppestere_']
hoppetan to leap for joy: to throb.
hoppian to hop, jump, leap, dance, : limp, L 21^417. [Ger. hpfen]
hopscte f. sheet, counterpane, (9^307).
hr n. adultery.
hora- = horu-
horas v. horh.
hrcwene f. whore, adulteress, LL.
hord nm. 'hoard,' treasure, B, Chr, Gen, MtR,WW.
hordrn = hordern
hordburg f. treasure-city, B, BC, Gen.
hord-cleofa, -clyfa m. treasure-chest, treasury, secret chamber,.
hordcofa m. treasure-chamber, closet: () breast, heart, thoughts.
hordere m. treasurer, chamberlain, steward, , KC. ['hoarder']
hordern n. treasury, storehouse, .
horderwce f. office of treasurer, Chr 1137.
hordft n. treasure-receptacle, .
hord-geat n., gs. -gates door to a treasure-chamber, Rd 43^11.
hordgestron n. hoarded treasure.
hordian _to 'hoard,'_ _.
hordloca m. treasure-chest, coffer: () secret thoughts, mind.
hordmgen n. riches, Da 675.
hordmm m. hoarded treasure.
hordweard m. guardian of treasure: king: heir, first-born.
hordwela m. hoarded wealth, B 2344.
hordweorung f. honouring by gifts from the hoard, B 952.
hordwitt n. treasure of wisdom, Kl.
hordwynn f. delightful treasure, B 2270.
hordwyre worth hoarding, B 2245?
hre f. whore, prostitute, OEG.
horeht = horwiht
+horgian to defile, Bk: spit.
horh (horg) mn., gs. hor(w)es, instr. horu, nap. horas phlegm, mucus, , El, Ep, Lcd: dirt, defilement, uncleanness; Mdf. ['hore']
horheht = horwiht
horian to cry out, Ps.
+horian (N) = +horgian
horig foul, filthy, , LL. ['hory']
hring m. adulterer, fornicator, W 309^21.
horn m. horn (musical instrument, drinking-horn, cupping-horn), beast's horn, Ct, Lcd, LL, VPs; AO: projection, pinnacle, Ps.
hornbre horned, Gr 27^16.
hornblwere m. horn-blower, trumpeter.
hornboga m. bow tipped with horn?
hornbora m. horn-bearer, trumpeter, WW.
hornfisc m. garfish, An 370.
hornfted hoofed, WW 213^22.
horngap broad between the pinnacles or gables.
horngestron n. wealth of pinnacles (on a house)? [or ?= hordgestron], #Ruin#23.
+hornian to insult, MkL 12^4.
hornlas without horns, ES 39349.
hornpc m. pinnacle, MtL. [v. 'pike']
hornreced n. hall with gables, B 704.
hornsl n. = hornsele
hornsca f. pinnacle, MtL 4^5.
hornscip n. beaked ship, An 274.
hornsele m. house with gables, Gen 1821.
hornungsunu m. bastard, WW 456^10.
horo- = horu-
horpytt m. mud-hole, EC 445^15.
hors n. horse, OET, WW, VPs; , AO, CP; Mdf.
horsbr f. horse-litter, BH; L. ['horse-bier']
horsc sharp, quick, active, ready, daring: quick-witted, wise, prudent.
horscamb m. 'horse-comb,' curry-comb, strigil, WW.
horschwl (= *horshwl) m. walrus, AO 17^36.
horsclic sordid, squalid, foul, OEG 1789. [horh]
horsclce briskly, readily, promptly: prudently, wisely.
horscniht m. master of the horse, equerry, groom, esquire, (8^242).
horscrt n. 'biga,' chariot, WW 194^26.
horselene f. elecampane, WW. ['horseheal']
horsern n. stable, WW.
horsgrstn m. meadow in which horses are kept, KC 3414^25.
horshelene = horselene
horshierde (i^2, y^2) m. ostler, groom.
horsian to provide with horses, Chr. ['horse']
horslce = horsclce
hors-egn, -n m. ostler, groom, equerry: muleteer, GD 191^23.
horswn m. chariot, WW 140^4.
horswealh m. groom, equerry, LL 22; 132.
horsweard f. care of horses, LL 445[2].
horsweg m. bridle-road, KC. ['horseway']
hortan sbpl. 'whortle'-berries, v. OEG 2^433.
horu = horh
horusa m. sink, pit, Bo 112^15.
horuweg (o^2) m. dirty road? KC 5173^17.
horweht = horwiht
horwes v. horh.
horwig = orweg
+horwigian to defile, spit upon.
horwiht (e^2) mucose, defiled, filthy, Guth 36^9.
horwyll m. muddy stream, EC 445^19.
horxlic = horsclic
hs I. f. escort, company, B 924. II. f. bramble, briar. III. v.hh.
hosa m., hose f. 'hose,' WW.
hosebend m. hose-band, garter, OEG 4822.
hosp m. reproach, insult, contumely, : blasphemy,.
hospcwide m. insulting speech, El 523.
hospettan to ridicule, Cp 697#s#.
hospsprc f. jeer, taunt, H 2514.
hospul 'irritus,' RPs 88^35.
hospword n. abusive language, contemptuous expression,.
hosse = hysse
hstig (L 35^192) = stig
hosu f. hose, RB: pod, husk, Cp 1867.
hotor = otor
homa m. darkness, the grave.
hr = hrw
hraca m. throat, Lcd? ['rake']
hrca () m. clearing of the throat: spittle, mucus.
hrace, hracu f. throat, , VPs (). ['rake']
hrad- v. hrd-
hrade = hrae
hradian (ea, ) to be quick, hasten, do diligently: further, prosper, L 20^78.
hradung () f. quickness, despatch, diligence. on hrdinge quickly,L.
hr- = hra-, hre-, hrea-
hr = hrw
hr- = hra-, hro-, r-
hrca m. clearing the throat. [= hrca]
hrcan tr. and intr. to 'reach,' bring up (blood or phlegm), CP, Lcd; .
+hrcan = +reccan
hrcetung f. eructation, Lcd 69b.
hrcgebrc n. sore throat, WW.
hrcing f. detention, DR 65^13.
hrctan to eructate, Lcd 84a.
hrctunge f. uvula, Lcd 17a.
hrcung f. clearing of the throat, Lcd. ['reaching']
hrd (e) (hrad- occly. in obl. cases) quick, nimble, ready, active, alert, prompt, CP, Gl, Mt. ['rad']
hrdbta m. blackbeetle, WW (hr-).
hrdfrnes f. swiftness, Bo 72^17.
hrdhdig hasty.
hrdhdignes f. haste, precipitation, CP.
hrding f. haste, W 22^14.
hrdlic () quick, sudden, premature, B, Bo; , AO, CP. adv. -lce quickly, hastily, soon, speedily, forthwith, , CP. ['radly,' 'rathely']
hrdlicnes (e) f. suddenness, Guth: earliness, EPs 118^147.
hrdmd hasty, L 16^342.
hrdnes f. () quickness: brevity.
hrdrpe (rd-) ripening early, WW.
hrdtfle quick at throwing dice? Cra 73 (v.ES 43339).
hrdung = hradung
hrdwn m. swift chariot.
hrdwilnes f. haste, precipitation, CP.
hrdwyrde hasty of speech, Wa 66.
hrfn I. hrfen (e) m. raven, , B, G, VPs: sign of the raven (the Danish banner). II. = hfern
hrfncynn (e) n. raven-species, .
hrfnesft m. ravensfoot, cinquefoil, OET p8.
-hrgan v. ofer-hr.
hrgel = hrgl
hrgelgefrtwodnes f. fine clothing, LL (396^27).
hrgelegn m. keeper of the robes, 'vestiarius.'
hrgl n. (e) dress, clothing, Gl, Jn; AO, CP: armour: sail. ['rail']
hrglcyst f. clothes-box, trunk, Ct.
hrglgewde n. dress, WW 430^33.
hrglhs f. vestry, RB.
hrglscara fp. shears for cutting cloth, WW 241^40 (rgl-).
hrgltalu f. vestment-fund, KC, RB.
hrglung f. clothing, WW 151^5.
hrglweard m. keeper of vestments or robes, WW 279^19.
hrgnloca = brgnloca
hrmn, hrm = hrfn
hrn = hrn
hrron pret. pl. of hrran.
hrs v. hrw.
hrscetung = rscetung [[Cross-reference uncertain.]]
-hrscian v. -hr.
hrtelwyrt f. rattlewort, WW 301^3.
hr == hrd. ['rathe']
hrw I. (, a) nm. gs. hrs living body: corpse, carcase, carrion. II. = hrawI.
hrwc (hra-) n. place of corpses, B 1214.
hrfyll m. slaughter, B 277.
hrgfre deadly, WW 408^10.
hrgra m. heron, Gl.
hramgealla = ramgealla
hrmig = hrmig
hramma m. cramp, spasm.
hram-sa (o) m., -se f. onion, garlic, Ep, Lcd, WW. ['rams,' 'ramson']
hramsacrop m. head of wild garlic, Gl.
hran (o) m. whale, Gl.
hrn I. m. reindeer, AO. II. pret. 3 sg. of hrnan.
hrand I. = rand. II. pret. 3 sg. of hrindan.
hrandsparwa (o^1) m. sparrow, MtL 10^29.
hranfix (o) m. whale, B 540.
hrnhund? m. deerhound? v. LL 2117.
hranmere (o) m. sea, Met 5^10.
hranrd f. (whale's-road), sea.
hratele f. 'bobonica' (plant), WW 296^2.
hratian to rush, hasten, OET (= hradian?).
hrae (, e) adv. comp. hraor, superl. hraost _hastily, quickly, promptly, readily, immediately, soon_, _, B, Bo, Cr, VPs_; CP: _too soon_, _Bo_. sw h. sw _as soon as_, _. ['_rathe_,' '_rather_,' '_rathest_']
hraer = hreer
hraian = hradian
hrw = hrw
hrwrig weary in body, Ph 554.
hrwlic = hrowlic
hra I. f. indigestion? Lcd 94b. [hraw I.] II. = hraw I. andII.
hrac m. 'rick,' heap, stack, TC, WW.
hraccopp m. top of a rick, LL 453[21,4].
hracmete m. food given to the labourers on completing a rick, LL 452.
-hrad v. earm-hr. [hroan] [[variant of "hran"?]]
hraf == raf
hram m. noise, outcry, alarm, , CP: cry, lamentation, sorrow, B, Cr. ['ream']
hramig clamorous: lamenting.
hranes = hrohnes
hras pret. 3 sg. of hrosan.
hrat pret. 3 sg. of hrtan.
hreaems (a^2) f. bat.
hreaian (VPs) = hradian
hraw I. (o) 'raw,' , Lcd. II. = hrw nm. III. pret. 3 sg. of hrowan.
hraw- = hrow-
hrawde pret. 3 sg. was raw, WW 215^43 (raw-).
hrawc = hrwc
hrawnes I. f. rawness, crudity, OEG 3283. II. = hrownes
+hrec = +rec
hrc- = hrc-
hred (KGl) = hrd
-hreda v. freda.
hreddan to free from, recover, rescue, save, Cr; : take away. ['redd']
hreddere m. defender, NC 303.
hreddung () f. salvation, liberation, .
hredmna = hrmna
hrfan to roof, . [hrf]
hrefn = (1) hrfn; (2) hfern
hrefnan = rfnan
hrefncynn = hrfncynn
hregresi? groin, MLN 11333; ZDA 33244.
hrh = hroh
hrem = hrfn I.
hrman I. to boast. [Ger. rhmen] II. = hrman
hrmig boasting, vaunting, exulting.
hremm == hrfn I.
hremman to hinder, cumber, .
hremming f. hindrance, obstacle.
hremn = hrfn I.
hrenian to smell of, be redolent of, Sc 106^5.
hro = hroh, hrow
hrocan = rocan
hrod n. 'reed,' rush, , BH, Gl; CP; Mdf.
hrodan^2 to adorn (only in pp. hroden).
hrodbedd n. '_reed-bed_,' _.
hrodcynn n. kind of reed, NC 303.
hrod-ig, -iht, -ihtig (e^2) reedy.
hrodwter n. reedy marsh, Nar 20^23.
hrof rough, scabby, leprous, Whale; CP. as sb. = leper. ['reof']
-hrofian v. -hr.
hrofl I. f. scabbiness, leprosy, CP. II. adj. leprous.
hrofla m. roughness of the skin, leprosy, : leper, . [hrof]
hrof-lic, -lig () leprous.
hrofnes f. leprosy, .
hrofol, hroful = hrofl I.
hrog = hroh
hroh () I. adj. rough, fierce, wild, angry, Met; , AO, CP: disturbed, troubled, sad (v.hrow): stormy, tempestuous, B, Bo, Chr. ['reh'] II. n. stormy weather, tempest.
hrohful stormy, ES 39349.
hrohlic stormy, tempestuous, W 136^27.
hrohmd savage, ferocious: sad, troubled.
hrohnes (a) f. rough weather, tempest, storm,.
hrol sb. 'reel,' A, WW; .
hron- = ron-
hrones = (1) hrohnes; (2) hrownes
hrop pret. 3 sg. of hrpan.
hreopian = hrepian
hrorig adj. in ruins, Ruin 3. [hrosan]
hrosan^2 to fall, sink, fall down, go to ruin, , B, Cr, VPs; AO, CP: rush. ['reose']
hrosendlic perishable.
hrosian = hrowsian
hros (KGl) pres. 3 sg. of hrosan.
-hroa (, a) v. bord-, scild-hr.
hroung (u) f. hardness of breathing, asthma.
hrow I. f. sorrow, regret, penitence, repentance, penance, B, Bl, CP, Cr. ['rue'] II. sorrowful, repentant. III. adj. = hroh? IV. = hraw I. and III.
hrowan^2 (often impersonal w. d. pers.) to affect (aperson) with regret or contrition, Bo, CP, Gen, LL: distress, grieve, Cr, Gen: (intr.) be penitent, repent, MkL. ['rue,' 'i-rew']
hrowcearig troubled, sad.
hrowende penitent, LkL (). ['rueing']
hrowesung = hrowsung
hrowian to repent, MkL 1^15.
hrowig sorrowful, sad, Gen 799.
hrowigferh sad, sorrowful.
hrowigmd sad, sorrowful.
hrowlic (, ) grievous, pitiful, sad, wretched, miserable, cruel, Chr, Ps. adv. -lce, AO, Chr.
hrownes (a) f. penitence, contrition, repentance, LL, Gl; CP. ['rueness,' 'rewniss']
hrowon = rowon pret. pl. of rwan.
hrowsende = hrosende [[form of "hrosan"]]
hrowsian () to feel sorrow or penitence, AO, Mt; CP. ['reusie']
hrowsung f. repentance, penitence, sorrow, CP, Lk; . ['reusing']
hrepian (eo), hreppan to touch, treat, Mt; : attack, Bk 6. ['repe']
hrepsung (L) = repsung
hrepung f. sense of touch, touch, .
hrr lightly boiled, Lcd. ['rear']
hrran (tr.) to move, shake, agitate. [hrr; Ger. rhren]
hrrednes () f. haste, LPs 51^6.
hrremus f. bat, WW. ['rearmouse'; hrran]
hrrnes () f. disturbance, commotion, tempest.
hresl = hrisil [[headword spelled "hrsel"]]
+hresp n. tearing, destruction, NC 294.
+hrespan to tear, PPs 43^12.
hrst = hrst pres. 3 sg. of hrosan.
hre = hrd
hr mn. victory, glory.
hra m. covering of goat-skin, Gl.
hran to exult, rejoice, Ex 573.
hree = hrae
hre = re
hradig glorious, victorious.
hremna = hrmna
hreer (a, ) m. breast, bosom: heart, mind, thought: womb.
hreerbealo n. heart-sorrow, B 1343.
hreercofa m. breast, Cr 1323.
hreerglaw wise, prudent, Ex 13.
hreerloca m. breast.
-hrig v. ad-, sige-, will-hr. [[headword spelled "wilhrig"]]
hrlas inglorious, Gu 878.
hrmna m. month of March.
hrnes f. cruelty, inclemency, N, P 136^23.
hreor = hreer
hrsigor m. glorious victory, B 2583.
hricg == hrycg
hrcian to cut, cut to pieces, L 23^73.
hricsc rick, wrench, sprain, Lcd 27a.
hriddel n. 'riddle,' sieve, LL 455[17].
hrder (_Gl_), hridder (_) n. _sieve_. ['_ridder_']
hrdrian to sift, winnow, Lk. ['ridder']
+hrered destroyed, WW 496^18.
hrew pres. 3 sg. of hrowan.
hrif n. belly, womb, , AO.
+hrifian to bring forth, LPs 7^15.
+hrifnian to tear off, AO 142^26.
hriftung f. pain in the bowels, WW 112^23.
hrfo f. scurfiness, Lcd 90b. [hrof]
hrifwrc (e^2) m. pain in the bowels, WW 112^23.
hrifwund wounded in the belly, LL 6[61].
hrig == hrycg
hrm m. 'rime,' hoar-frost, Ph; .
hrman (, ) _to cry out, shout, rave_, _ (), _CP_ (), _JnL_ (): _bewail, lament_. ['_reme_'; hram]
-hrman v. be-hr.
hrmceald icy cold, Wa 4.
hrmforst m. hoar-frost, LPs 77^47 (rm-).
hrmgicel m. icicle, Seaf 17.
hrmig rimy, frosty, Bl.
hrmigheard frozen hard, Rd 88^7.
+hrin n. morsel, EPs 147^17.
+hrn (NG) = +rn = +rn
hrnan^1 (w. a. g. or d.) to touch, lay hold of, reach, seize, strike, Ps. ['rine']
hrincg == hring
hrind = rind
hrindan^3 to thrust, push, Rd 55^4.
hrine m. sense of touch.
hrinenes f. touch, contact, BH.
hring I. m. ring, link of chain, fetter, festoon, B, CP, G, Lcd: circle, circular group, Ph: border, horizon, Gen: () (pl.) rings of gold (asornaments and as money): () corslet, B: circuit (ofa year), cycle, course: orb, globe. II. m. (only in wpes hr.) sound.
hringan to 'ring,' sound, clash, B, Sol: announce by bells, RB.
hringbn n. ring-shaped bone, WW 157. ['ringbone']
hringboga m. coiled serpent, B 2561.
hringe f. ring.
hringed made of rings.
hringedstefna m. ring-prowed ship.
hring-fg, -fh ring-spotted, variegated.
hringfinger m. 'ring-finger,' Lcd, WW.
hringgewindla m. sphere, WW 426^25.
hringren n. ring mail, B 322.
hringloca m. coat of ring-mail, Ma 145.
hring-ml , -mled adorned with a ring (of a sword).
hringmere n. bath, Ruin 455.
hringnaca m. ring-prowed ship, B 1863.
hringnett n. ring-mail, B 1889.
hringsele m. hall in which rings are bestowed.
hringsetl n. circus, OEG.
hringsittende sitting round, looking on, OEG 65.
hringegu f. receiving of rings.
hringweorung f. honouring by the gift of rings, B 3017.
hringwsan adv. ringwise, in rings, Nar 16^1.
hrning f. touch, JnL. [v. 'rine']
+hriorde (w) = +reorde [[form of "reord"?]]
hrp- = rp-
hrs n. twig, branch. [Ger. reis]
hrisc = risc
hrscan = hrscan
hrseht bushy, bristly, WW 513^8.
hrisel = rysel
hrsel, hrs(i)l f? shuttle: bone of the lower arm, radius. [hrisian]
[[Spelled "hrisil", "hrisl" in first edition: see entry for "hresl".]]
hrisian (y) (tr. and intr.) to shake, move, be shaken, clatter, An, B, Ps, VPs. ['rese']
hrsig (rsig) bushy, OEG 8^337.
hrst pres. 3 sg. of hrosan.
hristende, hristlende noisy, creaky.
hristle f. rattle, WW 391^18.
hristung f. shaking, quivering, rattling noise, Lcd 97a.
hri (u) m. fever, Lcd 80a.
hr I. f. snow-storm, tempest. II. = hrer
hridl f. fever, Lcd 80a.
hrer () n. neat cattle, ox, bull, cow, heifer, Bl, Ct, Lcd, WW. ['rother']
hreren of cattle, Lcd. ['rotheren']
hrerfrols () m. cattle-festival, OEG 4719.
hrerhawere (y) m. butcher, .
hrerheord () _herd of cattle_, _. [v. '_rother_']
hrerhyrde () m. herdsman, .
hrfald m. cattle-pen.
hrheorde (ie) = hrerhyrde
hriian to shake, be feverish, have a fever, .
hrig () storm-beaten? ruined? Wa 77. [hr]
hriing f. fever, Lcd 96b.
hrung = hroung
hrw- = hrow-
hrw pres. 3 sg. of hrowan.
hrc m. 'rook,' Cp, L.
hrd = rd
hroden I. () covered, adorned, ornamented (pp.of hrodan). II. = roden [[II. Cross-reference uncertain.]]
hroder = rodor
hrf m. 'roof,' ceiling, , B, Cr, G; AO, CP top, summit, Bo, Cr, Mk: heaven, sky, Cr.
hrffst with a firm roof, Met 7^6.
hrflas (rf-) roofless, WW 186^30.
hrfsele m. roofed hall, B 1515.
hrfstn m. roof stone, H 1508.
hrftgel f. roofing tile, WW.
hrftimber n. material for roofing, OEG 2256.
hrfwyrhta m. roof-maker, builder, WW.
hromsa = hramsa
hron == hran
hrop = rop
hrp m. clamour, outcry, lamentation, Bl. ['rope']
hrpan^7 to shout, proclaim: cry out, scream, howl, Gu, Ps. ['rope']
-hrops v. ofer-hr.
hropwyrc = ropwrc
hrr stirring, busy, active: strong, vigorous, brave.
+hror n. calamity, plague, ruin, BH 284^4. [hrosan]
hroren pp. of hrosan.
+hrorenes f. downfall, ruin, LPs 31^4.
+hrorenlic perishable, transitory, unstable, NC 294; MFH.
hrse = rse
hrst m. perch, 'roost,' LL 454[11].
hrstbag m. woodwork (of a roof), #Ruin#32.
hrot m. scum, Lcd 84a.
hrer = hror
hrgirela m. crown, RPs 20^4.
hrohund (A 8450) = rohund
hror m. solace, joy, pleasure: benefit.
hrm m. soot, Shr, WW.
-hrmian v. be-hr.
hrmig sooty, WW 362^12.
hrung f. cross-bar, spoke, Rd 23^10. ['rung']
hruron pret. pl. of hrosan.
hrurul 'deciduus,' BDS 3011^33.
hrse f. earth, soil, ground.
hrt (u?) 'balidus' (validus?), WW 361^13.
hrtan^5 to make a noise, whiz, snore, , Cp. ['rout']
hru = hri
hrer = hrer
+hrxl n. noise, tumult, v. ES 39344.
hrxlian (rx-) to make a noise, MtR 9^23.
hryc = hrycg
-hrycce v. corn-hr. [[variant of "cornhwicce"]]
hrycg (i) m. back, spine, , CP, Lcd; AO: 'ridge,' elevated surface, B, Ct, Lk, Ps; Mdf.
hrycgbn n. back-bone, spine, Ps. ['ridge-bone']
hrycgbrdan (hrig-) pl. flesh on each side of the spine, Lcd 3118^24.
hrycghr n. hair on an animal's back, Lcd 1360^19.
hrycghrgl (i) n. mantle, TC 529^10.
hrycg-mearg (i, -mear) n. spinal marrow, WW 292^7.
hrycgmergli n. spine, WW 265^23.
hrycgrib (i) n. rib, WW.
hrycg-rible, -riple flesh on each side of the spine,WW.
hrycgweg m. 'ridge-way,' road along a ridge, Ct.
hrycigan to plough over again, GPH 398.
hryding f. clearing, patch of cleared land, WW 147^12.
hrfing f. scab, Lcd 32b. [hrof]
hryg = hrycg
hrman (, ) to cry out, shout, rave, , CP: bewail, lament, JnL (). ['reme']
hrme = hrm
hrympelle = rimpel
+hryne = +ryne
hryre I. m. fall, ruin, destruction, decay, , B, Bo; AO, CP. [hrosan] II. perishable, . ['rure']
hrre- = hrr-, hrre-
hrscan to creak, v. ES 39344.
hrysel = rysel
hrysian, hryssan = hrisian
hryst = hyrst
hrst pres. 3 sg. of hrosan.
hrystan = hyrstan
hrte (y?) 'balidinus,' WW 163^18 (cp. hrt).
hrer == hrer
hrig = hrig
hrya = rya
hrwlic = hrowlic
hrwsian = hrowsian
hrw pres. 3 sg. of hrowsian.
h adv. 'how,' CP, . h gerdes; h meta how. h gares at what time of year. h nyta wherefore. h ne d...? do not...? h nys...? is not...?: (with comparatives) the: () in some way or other, Shr: h ne n 'nonne.'
hcs, hcx = hsc
hdenian to shake, CP 461^16.
hf- = f I. and II.
hfe covering for the head, Cp, WW. ['houve'; Ger. haube]
hfian to put a covering on the head, .
h-hwega, -hugu somewhere about. h. sw about.
hui! huig! interj.
huilpe = hwilpe
hulc m. 'hulk,' ship, LL, WW; : hut, , LL,WW.
hulfestre f. plover, WW 132^12.
hlic pron. of what sort.
hulpon pret. pl. of helpan.
hulu f. husk, pod, WW. ['hull']
hluco (AO) = hlic
huma = uma [[headword spelled "ma"]]
humele = hymele
hmen (VHy) = men [[headword spelled "ymen"]]
hmeta adv. in what way, how, .
huncettan to limp, halt, RPs 17^46.
hund I. n. hundred, A, AO, Mk; ; (incomp.) decade. ['hund'] II. m. hound, dog, Bo, CP, Jud; ,AO.
hundhtatig (VPs) = hundeahtatig
hundllef- (-ndlf-) = hundendlufon-
hundeahtatig num. 'eighty,' .
hundeahtatigwintere eighty years old, .
hundend-lufontig, -leftig (^2) hundred and ten.
hund-endlufontigoa, -lleftiogoa hundred and tenth,CP.
hundesbo f. dog's parasite, WW 380^21.
hundescwelcan pl. colocynth berries, WW 364^31.
hundesfloge f. dog's parasite, AO.
hundeshafod n. snapdragon, Lcd.
hundesls f. dog's parasite, .
hundes-micge, -tunge f. cynoglossum (plant), Lcd.
hundeswyrm m. dog's parasite, dog's worm, WW 122^25.
hundfeald _hundredfold_, _. ['_hundfold_']
hundfra m. centurion, MtL 22^19 mg.
hundlic of or like dogs, canine, .
hundnigontoa ninetieth, .
hundnigontig ninety, .
hundnigontigwintre ninety years old, .
hund-red, -ra n. 'hundred' (number), G, Ps, WW, MtL (a); : hundred (political district): hundred-court, or assembly of the men of a hundred. hundredes ealdor, mann head of the hundred court, centurion.
hundredgemt n. hundred-moot, LL.
hundredmann m. centurion, .
hundredpenig m. contribution levied by the sheriff or lord of the hundred for the support of his office, TC 432; 433.
hundre (MkR) = hundred
hundseofontig num. seventy, .
hundseofontigfeald seventy-fold, .
hundseofontigoa seventieth, CP (io^2, io^4).
hundseofontigwintre seventy years old, .
hundtontig hundred, .
hundtontig-feald, -fealdlic hundredfold. adv. -lce, W 237^9.
hundtontiggare being of the age of a hundred,.
hundtontigwintre a hundred years old, NC 303.
hundtwelftig num. hundred and twenty, ,AO.
hundtwentig num. hundred and twenty, .
hundtwentigwintre aged a hundred and twenty, .
hundwealh m. servant who looked after dogs, WW 111^25 (^2).
hundwelle a hundred-fold, MtL 13^8.
hundwintre aged a hundred years, .
hne f. horehound, Lcd.
h ne n 'nonne,' RPs 52^5; Hy 6^6.
hunger = hungor
hungerbiten hunger-bitten, starving, Chr 1096.
hungergar n. famine year, .
hungerlwe famishing, starving, LHy 3^5.
hungerlic hungry, famishing, WW.
hungor m. 'hunger,' desire, An, Cr, VPs, WW; CP: famine, , Mt, Chr.
hungrig 'hungry,' famishing, MtL, Gu; ,AO.
hungur = hungor
hunig n. 'honey,' AO, VPs; , CP.
hunigppel m. pastille? ball of honey? OET (Cp1512).
hunigbre honeyed, OEG.
hunigbin f. vessel for honey, LL 455[17].
hunigcamb f. 'honey-comb,' Sc 50^9.
hunigflwende flowing with honey, Gu 1250.
huniggafol n. rent paid in honey, LL 448[4,5].
hunigsge f. honeysuckle? clover? privet? Cp, WW. ['honeysuck']
hunigswte _'honey-sweet,' mellifluous_, _.
hunigtar m. honey which drips from the comb.
hunigtar-en, -lic nectar-like, Gl.
huni-sge, -sce = hunigsge
hnspora m. 'dolon,' pike? Cp 356#d#.
hunta m. huntsman, , AO: a kind of spider, Lcd 54a. ['hunt']
hunta = hunto
huntafaru f. hunting expedition, LL 252[22].
huntian, huntgan _to 'hunt'_ (intr.), _Lcd, WW_; (tr.) _.
hunticge f. huntress, A 6188.
huntigspere n. hunting-spear, WW.
huntigystre = hunticge
hunto, huntno, huntnold, huntna m. hunting, what is caught by hunting, game, prey, , Ct, Lcd; AO. ['hunteth']
huntung f. 'hunting,' WW: a hunt, chase, DR: what is hunted, game, ES 37188.
hnyrlu np. holes in the upper part of a mast, WW 288^15.
hon == hwn
hupbn, huppbn = hypbn
-hupian v. on-h.
hupseax n. hip-sword, short sword, dagger. [hup- = hype-]
hurnitu = hyrnetu [[under "hyrnet"]]
hru adv. at least, at all events, however, nevertheless, yet, even, only, LL; : about, not less than, AO: surely, truly, certainly, indeed, especially, CP. h.swost most particularly. ['hure']
hruinga at least, especially, .
hs n. 'house,' B, G, RB; , AO, CP: dwelling-place, El, Ph: household, JnL: family, race, Ps.
hsa m. member of a household, G.
hsrn n. dwelling-house, NC 303.
hsbonda (^2?) m. householder, master of a house, Mt, Chr. ['husband']
hsbonde f. mistress of a house, .
hsbryce (e^2, i^2) m. housebreaking, burglary, LL. ['housebreach']
hsbrycel m. housebreaking, burglary, WW 205^28.
hsbryne m. burning of a house, Ct.
hsbunda = hsbonda
hsc n. mockery, derision, scorn, insult, Gen, WW. ['hux']
hscarl m. one of the household corps, member of the king's bodyguard, Chr, KC. ['housecarl'; ON.]
hsclic shameful, ignominious, . adv. -lce.
hscword n. insulting speech, An. [v. 'hux']
hsel = hsl
hselbox receptacle of the host, P 178^6.
hselhlgung f. attendance at the eucharist, communicating,.
hsellf f. remains of the eucharist, LL (358^22).
hselportic (u^2) m. sacristy, BH 94^10.
hsfst adj. occupying a house, Ct.
hshefen m. ceiling, WW 432^8. [heofon]
hshlford m. master of the house, .
hshlow n. housing, shelter, LL (282^25); W 74^4.
hsian to 'house,' receive into one's house, LL.
hsincel n. habitation, DR, VPs.
hsl (-sel, -sul) n. 'housel,' eucharist, Lord's supper, , BH: the host, LL: a sacrifice, MtL 12^7.
hslbearn (-ul) n. communicant, Gu 531.
hsldisc m. housel-dish, paten.
hsl-ft n. nap. -fatu sacrificial or sacramental vessel.
hslgang m. going to, partaking of the eucharist,.
hslgenga m. communicant, v. LL 2263.
hslian to administer the sacrament, LL. ['housel']
hsln m. acolyte, LL.
hslung f. _administration of the sacrament_, _. ['_houseling_']
hslwer (-el) m. communicant, Gu 768.
hsrden f. household, family, LPs.
hsscipe m. house (e.g. of Israel), race.
hsstede m. site of a house, Lcd.
hsting n. tribunal, court (esp. in London), Chr. ['husting']
hsul = hsl
hsul- = hs(e)l-
hswist f. home, LPs 5^8.
h f. plunder, booty, prey, .
hx == hsc
hw mf., hwt n. pron. (interrog.) 'who,' what, , AO, CP: (indef.) any one, some one, anything, something, , AO, CP: each. sw hw sw whosoever. sw hwt sw whatsoever. t hwm wherefore.
+hw each one, every one, any one, whoever.
+hwde slight, scanty, small, young, .
hwder (CP) = hwider
+hwdnes f. fewness, insignificance: fineness, subtlety.
hwg () n? 'whey,' LL.
hwl I. (usu. hwal-in obl. cases) m. 'whale,' walrus, , AO. II. pret. 3 sg. of hwelan. III. = hwall. IV. (Ex 161) = wln?
hwlan like a whale? Sol 263.
hwlhunta m. whale-fisher, whaler, , AO.
hwlhunta m. whale-fishery, whaling, AO.
hwlmere m. sea.
hwlweg (wl-) m. sea, Seaf 63.
hwm = hwemm
hwm ds. of hw, hwt.
+hwmlic each, every, LkL 9^23.
-hwnan v. -hw.
hwne = hwone, asm. of hw.
hwne = hwne
hwnne, hwne ('when') = hwonne
hwr == hwer
hwr () adv. and conj. 'where,' whither, : somewhere, anywhere, everywhere, , CP. welh. nearly everywhere. sw hw. sw wheresoever, wherever. elles hw. elsewhere. hwr...hwr here...there.
+hwr everywhere, in all directions, : on every occasion, always.
hwrf == hwearf
hwrfan = hwierfan
hwrflung = hwyrflung
hws I. sharp, piercing, Cr 1444. II. gs. of hw, hwt.
hwsan^7 () to 'wheeze,' breathe hard,.
hwst? blowing, v. OEG 2452n.
hwstrian () to murmur, mutter, NG.
hwstrung () f. murmur, whispering, muttering.
hwt I. (neut. of hw, which see) adv. why, wherefore: indeed, surely, truly, for: interj. what! lo! (calls attention to a following statement) ah! behold! . II. adj. (obl. cases have hwat-) sharp, brisk, quick, active: bold, brave, AO. III. (CP) pres. 3 sg. of hwettan.
+hwt (Cr) neut. of +hw. ['i-hwat']
hwte () m. 'wheat,' corn, , CP. [hwt]
hwtadig very brave, El 1195?
hwtecorn n. corn of wheat, Lcd 13a.
hwtecynn n. wheat, PPs 147^3.
hwtegryttan pl. wheaten groats, WW 141^20.
hwtehealm m. wheat straw, Lcd 49a.
hwteland m. wheat-land, KC 3159^21.
hwtemelu n. wheat-meal, Lcd 126a.
hwten 'wheaten,' .
hwtesmedma m. wheat-meal, Lcd.
hwtewstm m. corn, CPs 77^25.
hwthwara = hwthwugu
hwt-hwugu, -hwigu, -hugu, -hwega, -hwegu, -hwygu pron. and adv. somewhat, slightly, a little, something.
hwt-hwugununges (CP), -hweganunges, -huguningas adv. somewhat.
hwtlce adv. quickly, promptly.
hwtmd bold, courageous.
hwtnes f. quickness, activity.
hwtrd firm, determined. [rd = rd]
hwtscipe m. activity, vigour, boldness, bravery, AO,CP.
hwer (e) I. adj. pron. which of two, 'whether,' . sw hw. sw whichever. hwer...e whether...or: each of two, both: one of two, either, CP. II. conj. (with subj.) and adv. whether, ,CP.
+hwer both, either, each.
hwere, hw()re I. adv. however, yet, nevertheless, still, , AO, CP. II. = hwer adv.
+hwere nevertheless.
+hweres everywhere.
hwal- v. hwl.
hwalf = hwealf I.
hwall (= ) forward, bold, WW 499^17; 532^32. [hwelan]
hwm ds. of hw, hwt.
hwamm (o) m. corner, angle, prominence, , CP: porch.
hwamstn (o^1) m. corner-stone, MtL 21^42.
hwan = hwon instr. of hwt.
hwn = hwm
hwanan = hwanon
hwane = hwone asm. of hw.
hwanne = hwonne
hwanon, hwanone adv. whence, .
+hwanon adv. from every quarter.
hwanonhwegu adv. from anywhere.
hwr, hwra = hwr
hwst- = hwst-
hwasta? m. eunuch, Mt, WW.
hwat- v. hwt.
hwat-a I. m. augur, soothsayer, . II. (), -an fpl. augury, divination.
hwatend 'iris Illyrica' (plant).
hwatung f. augury, divination, LL.
hwal (WW 162^25) = wal
hwealf I. concave, hollow, arched, vaulted. II. f. vault. [cp. Ger. gewlbe]
hwealhafoc = wealhhafoc [[headword spelled "-hfoc"]]
hwealp = hwelp
hwearf I. m. crowd, troop, concourse. [hweorfan] II. (a,e,eo) m. exchange: what is exchanged: (+) vicissitude: error, MtR 27^64: going, distance, LkLR 24^13. III. pret. 3 sg. of hweorfan.
hwearfan = hwierfan
hwearfian to turn, roll or toss about, revolve, wave, CP: change: wander, move, pass by,AO.
hwearflic changing, mutable, transitory: quick, agile, Fin 35? adv. -lce in turn.
+hwearfnes f. conversion, CP 447^13.
hwearft m. revolution, circuit, circle: lapse (oftime).
hwearftlian (y) to revolve, turn round, .
hwearfung f. revolution: change, vicissitude: exchange.
hwebbung = webbung
hweder = hwider
+hwdnes (KGl) = +hwdnes
hwg = hwg
hwegl = hwol
hwelan^4 (y) to roar, rage.
hwelc (AO, CP) == hwilc
hwelian, hwellan? to suppurate, CP: cause to suppurate.
hwelp (ea, y) m. 'whelp,' the young of an animal, cub,AO.
hwelung f. din, WW 423^20.
hwem = hwemm
hwemdragen sloping, slanting, Bl 207^17.
hwemm () m. corner, angle, . [hwamm]
hwemman to bend, turn, incline, Chr 1052.
hwne () adv. somewhat, a little, , AO, CP. [instr. of hwn]
hweogl = hwol
hwol, hweogul, hweohl n. 'wheel,' Bo; Mdf.
hwolfg having a circular border or decoration, WW 375^32.
hwollst m. orbit, DHy 93^17.
hwolrd f. rut, Cp 233#o#.
hwop pret. 3 sg. of hwpan.
+hweorf converted, MtR 18^3 (+werf): active? #Cra#68.
hweorfa m. whorl of a spindle.
hweorfan^3 (o, u) to turn, change. feohtan mid hweorfendum sigum to fight with varying success, AO: move, go, come: wander about, roam, go about: turn back, return, turn from, depart: die: be converted.
hweorfbn (u, y) n. joint, kneecap.
hweorfian (e) to return, AS.
hwos pret. 3 sg. of hwsan.
hweoa = hwia
hweowl, hweowol = hwol
hwer (, y) m. pot, basin, bowl, kettle, caldron,.
+hwr = +hwr
hwerbn = hweorfbn
hwerf I. m. 'wharf,' dam or bank to keep out water, EC 299. II. = hwearf
hwerf- = hwearf-, hweorf-, hwierf-
hwergen adv. only in phr. elles hwergen elsehere.
hwerhwette f. cucumber.
hwsan () = hwsan
hwt == wt
hwte (KGl) = hwte
hwete-, hwet-stn m. whetstone, AO.
hwettan to 'whet,' sharpen, incite, encourage, , CP. [hwt]
-hwette v. hwer-h.
hweer = hwer
hwere = hwere
hw = hw
hwicce f. locker, chest, trunk, OEG 18b^11.
hwicung f. squeaking (of mice), GD 185^4 (c).
hwider () adv. 'whither,' , AO, CP. sw hw. sw wherever, whithersoever.
+hwider in every direction, everywhere, anywhere, whithersoever.
hwiderryne adj. directed whither, Ln 43^33.
hwe = hw
-hwielfan (e, y) v. -, be-, of-hw. [hwealf]
hwierfan (, e, ea, i, y) to turn, change, convert, return, CP: wander, move, go, depart, AO: exchange, barter: (+) overturn, destroy. [hwearf]
+hwierfednes (y) f. conversion, BH.
-hwierfere v. pening-hw. [[headword spelled "-hwyrfere"]]
hwig = hw
hwl f. 'while,' time, , CP: a long time. hwle (e) while, whilst, meanwhile. n hwle just now, a while ago. ealle hwle all the while. re hwle...re hwle at one time...at another time.
hwilc (e, y) interrog. pron. and adj. which, what: (indef.) whosoever, whichever: any (one), some (one). sw hw. sw whosoever, whatever.
+hwilc each, every (one), all, many, whoever, whatever. nra +hw. each one.
hwilchwega = hwilchwugu
hwilc-hwene, -hwone pron. some, some one.
hwilc-hwugu, -hugu (hwilc is declined) pron. any, some, some one, AO,CP.
hwilcnes f. quality, .
hwlen passing, transitory, Whale 87.
hwlende (Sc), hwlendlic (CP) = hwlwendlic
hwile pres. 3 sg. of hwelan.
hwlhwega adv. for some time.
hwlon () = hwlum
hwilpe f. curlew? Seaf 21. [Du. wilp]
hwlsticce n. interval, short space of time, odd moment, WW 420^28, GD 254^24.
hwltdum adv. sometimes, at times, , CP. hwltdum...hwltdum at some times...at others.
hwlrg f. period of time, GD 243^19.
hwlum adv. (dp. of hwl) 'whilom,' sometimes, once, , CP. hwlum...hwlum now...now, at one time...at another. ['whilom']
hwlwende transitory, temporary, .
hwlwendlic transitory, temporary, temporal, . adv. -lce,.
hwimpel = wimpel
hwnan^1 to hiss, whizz, whistle. ['whine']
hwinsian to whine, NC 303.
hwinsung f. whining, NC 303.
hwirfan = hwierfan
hwirf pres. 3 sg. of hweorfan.
hwrlic (HGl 434) = hwearflic
hwiscettung f. squeaking (of mice), GD 185^4 (o).
hwisprian to 'whisper,' murmur, NG.
hwisprung f. whispering, murmuring, JnR 7^12.
hwistle f. reed, whistle, pipe.
hwistlere m. whistler, piper.
hwistlian to 'whistle,' hiss, Nar 43^17.
hwistlung f. whistling, piping, music.
hwt I. 'white': bright, radiant, glistening, flashing, clear, fair. II. n. white of egg,.
hwtan to whiten: brighten, polish.
hwtcorn n. manna, JnL 6^31mg.
hwt-cwidu, -cudu m. mastic, Lcd.
hwtehlf m. white bread.
hwtel () m. blanket, cloak, . [hwt]
hwtft white-footed, Gl.
hwtian to whiten, become white, be white, .
hwtingmelu n. whiting-powder, Lcd 119b.
hwtingtrow n. whitten tree.
hwtlac n. onion, WW 353^8.
hwtling m. a kind of fish, whiting? NC 303.
hwt-loc , -loccede fair-haired, blonde, Rd.
hwtnes f. whiteness, , Bl.
hwia m., hwiu (eo) f? air, breeze, , CP.
hwol? 'infigens,' OEG 37^6.
hwomm = hwamm
hwon form of instr. case of hw, only found in adverbial phrases like 't hwon, for hwon' why.
hwn I. adj. little, few. II. n. a little, trifle, somewhat, a little while. III. adv. somewhat.
hwonan = hwanon
hwone asm. of hw.
hwnlic little, small, . adv. -lce, moderately, slightly, little,.
hwnlotum (= -hlotum) adv. in small quantities, Gl.
hwonne adv. when, then, at some time, CP: at any time. n hw. just now: as long as, until.
hwonon = hwanon
hwpan^7 to threaten.
hworfan = hweorfan
hwsta m. cough, WW. ['hoast?']
hwstan to cough, Lcd 96b (hwsa).
hwoerian to foam, surge, H 2388^19. [hwia]
hworung f. murmur, a low sound, OEG 26^14.
hwu (LWS) = h
hwugudl m. small part, HL 18^346.
hwurf- = hwearf-, hweorf-, hwyrf-
hwurfon pret. pl. of hweorfan.
hwurful fickle, CP. [hweorfan]
hwurfulnes f. inconstancy, mutability, CP.
hw (inst. of hwt) adv. and conj. 'why.' t hw wherefore.
hwyder () = hwider
hwylan = hwelan
hwylc == hwilc
hwylca m. tumour, boil, WW 161^17.
hwlon = hwlum
hwylp = hwelp
hwyr = hwer
hwyrf- = hweorf-, hwierf-
hwyrfel m. circuit, exterior, higher part? Bl 125^21: (meaning doubtful), EC 328.
hwyrfepl m. whirlpool, eddy, WW 383^34.
hwyrflede 'rotundus,' v. OEG 23^42.
hwyrflung () f. turning, revolution, month? v. OEG 1992: wandering.
hwyrfnes f. dizziness, giddiness, Lcd.
hwyrft m. turning, circuit, revolution, motion, course, orbit: way out, outlet. +hw. gares anniversary.
hwyrftlian = hwearftlian
hwyrftweg m. escape, Rd 4^6.
hwystl- = wistl-
hwtel = hwtel
h = he
+han = han III.
hycgan (i) to think, consider, meditate, study: resolve upon, determine, purpose: remember: hope. h.fram be averseto.
hd I. 'hide,' skin, Chr, LL; AO, CP, . hde olian to undergo a flogging. II. = hd
+hd I. furnished with a skin, Nar 50^5. II. pp. of han. III. = +hygd
hdan I. to 'hide' ('i-hede'), conceal, preserve, Bo, CP: (refl. and intr.) hide oneself, CP, Ps: sheath (asword), bury (acorpse), . II. = hdan
hddern = hddern
-hydele v. hwen-h.
+hdelicnes = +helicnes
hdels m. hiding-place, cave, MkR, LL. ['hidels']
hyder = hider
hdgild (y^2) n. fine to save one's skin (i.e. instead of flogging), LL. ['hidegild']
hdig I. leathern, WW 125^35. II. = hygdig
+hdnes f. comfort, Cp 210#o#: security, CP 387.
hdscip = hscip
hf f. 'hive,' Cp, Lcd, WW.
+hygd (i), hygd (at PPs 120^4) fn. mind, thought: reflection, forethought.
hygdig heedful, thoughtful, careful: chaste, modest. adv. -lce chastely.
hygdignes f. chastity, modesty, DR.
hyge (i) m. thought, mind, heart, disposition, intention, Seaf, Da: courage: pride, Gen 354. ['high']
hygebend mf. heart-strings, B 1878.
hygeblind mentally blind, Jul 61.
hygeble blithe of heart, glad, joyful.
hygeclne pure in heart, PPs 104^3.
hygecrft m. power of mind, wisdom.
hygecrftig wise, prudent.
hgedriht f. band of household retainers? Rim 21. [hw]
hygefst wise, Rd 43^14.
hygefrd wise, Gen 1953.
hygefrfor f. consolation.
hygeglsa hesitating, slow, sluggish, Ph 314. [glan]
hygegl loose, wanton, Rd 13^12.
hygegr m. wile, Mod 34.
hygegomor sad in mind.
hygeglaw prudent in mind.
hygegrim savage, cruel, Jul 595.
hygelas (e, i) thoughtless, foolish, rash, .
hygelaslic (i) unbridled, OEG 3170.
hygelast f. heedlessness, folly, .
hygemum (i) reverently, B 2909.
hygeme sad, saddening, B 2442.
hygerf stout-hearted, brave.
hygern f. secret, El 1099.
hygesceaft f. mind, heart, Gen 288.
hygesnottor sagacious, wise.
hygesorg f. heart sorrow, anxiety.
hygestrang (i) brave, Men 42.
hygetona m. injury, insult.
hygetrow f. fidelity, Gen 2367.
hygeanc m. thought.
hygeancol thoughtful, wise.
hygeihtig (i^1) courageous, B 746.
hygerymm (i^1) m. courage, B 339.
hyger (i) f. pride, insolence, Gen 2238.
hygewlm m. agitation of mind, anger.
hygewlanc haughty, proud.
hyggean = hycgan
hgl (LPs) = hgl
hhsan = hscan [[headword spelled "hyscan"]]
hhst v. hah.
hyht (e, i) mf. () hope, trust, Bl, Ps; , CP: joy, exultation: () desire, expectation: (+) comfort. ['hight']
hyhtan (i) to hope, trust, Ps: rejoice, exult, be glad: soften (hardship), Guth 86^8. ['hight']
+hyhtendlic to be hoped for, GD 269^13.
hyhtful (e, i) hopeful: full of joy, mirthful, pleasant, glad.
hyhtgiefu f. pleasing gift, Rim 21.
hyhtgifa m. giver of joy, El 852.
hyhting (i^1) f. exultation, WW 233^42.
hyhtlas (i^1) unbelieving, Gen 2387.
hyhtlic hopeful, joyful, pleasant. adv. -lce.
+hyhtlic commodious.
hyhtplega m. joyous play, sport.
hyhtwilla m. hoped-for joy.
hyhtwynn f. joy of hope, joy.
hho = hehu
hyl = hyll
hylc (i) m. bend, turn, Gl.
+hylced divergent, GPH 398.
hyld (e, i) m. grace, Gen: loyalty, fidelity, Chr (e), LL. ['held']
hyldan I. (e) = hieldan. II. to flay, skin, , WW. ['hild'; holdII.]
hyld m. oath of allegiance, LL 396#b#.
hylde f. declivity, slope, KC, WW (e). ['hield']
+hyldelic secure, safe, GD 348^10.
hyldemg m. near kinsman.
hyldere m. flayer, butcher, Gl. [hold II.]
+hyldig patient, SPs 7^12.
hylding f. curve, inclination, WW 382^2. [heald]
hyldo f. favour, grace, kindness, protection: allegiance, loyalty, reverence, AO, CP. [holdI.]
hyldrden f. fidelity, TC 610^31 (e^1).
hyldu () = hyldo
hylest pres. 2 sg. of helan.
hylf () = hielf
hyll I. mf. '_hill_,' _; Mdf. II. = hell
hyllehma (i) m. 'cicada,' cricket, grasshopper, Gl.
+hylman = helmian
-hylman v. for-, ofer-h. [["oferhylman" only in form "oferhylmend"]]
hylp = help
hylp pres. 3 sg. of helpan.
hylsten baked (on the hearth), WW 393^31.
hylsung f. 'tympanum,' timbrel? (BB 482), EPs 150^4.
hylt = hielt pres. 3 sg. of healdan.
-hylte v. hah-h.
hylto = hielto
hylwyrt f. 'hillwort,' pulegium, WW.
hym = him
hymblice (Gl) = hymlic
Hymbre sbpl. Northumbrians, OET 571.
hymele f. hop plant, WW; Mdf. [L. humulus]
hymelic = hymlic
hmen = men [[headword spelled "ymen"]]
hymlic (e) m., hymlce f. 'hemlock,' Gl, Lcd,WW.
hn = han
hnan () = henan
hynd == hind
-hynde v. six-, twelf-, twi-h.; of-hende.
hynden f. community of 100 men, LL.
hyndenmann m. chief man in the community of 100 men, LL 175; 178.
hyne = hine as. of h.
hyngran, hyngrian (i) to be hungry, 'hunger,' (impers.) , JnL; (intr.) Cr, Lk: (trans.) hunger for, Mt 5^6.
hyngrig = hungrig
hnnes f. persecution, BH 34^5. [han]
hynnilc (Ep) = ynnilac [[under "ynnelac"]]
hn, hnu = heno
+hpan () = +hapian
hypbn n. hip-bone, WW 201^9.
hype m. 'hip,' Bl, WW; , CP.
hpe f. heap, .
hypebn = hypbn
hpel m. heap, mound, Gl.
hypesex = hupseax
+hypsan (LPs 9^25) = hyspan
hypwrc (i^1, e^2) n. pain in the hips, WW 113^15.
hr () f. 'hire,' wages, , LL: interest, usury,.
hyra gp. of h, ho, hit.
hra m. servant, follower, mercenary, hireling,CP.
hyran to spit, MkR 14^65. [cp. +horian]
hran = (1) heran; (2) hrian
hyrcnian = heorcnian
hyrd f. door, Gen 2695. [Goth. hards]
hyrd-, heord-, hyrwd- = hierd-
hyrdel m. 'hurdle,' , WW.
hyre gds. of ho.
hre = hore
hreborg (e) m. interest an money, WW 515^1.
hred = hered
hrefter = hrfter
hre-geoc, -geoht = hrgeoht
hregilda m. mercenary, hired servant, WW 111^11.
hremann = heremann [[headword spelled "hereman"]]
hrgeoht n. hired yoke of oxen, LL 24[60].
hyrian to imitate, Bo.
hrian to 'hire' ('i-hire'), ,Mt.
hrigmann I. m. hireling, A, Mk. ['hireman'] II. = heremann [[headword spelled "hereman"]]
hyring f. imitation.
hrling m. 'hireling,' Mk 1^20.
hrmann = hrigmann
hyrnan to jut out like a horn, Ct.
hyrne f. angle, corner, CP, Mt; Mdf. ['hern']
hyrned horned, beaked, Lcd; . ['i-horned']
hyrnednebba horny-billed, horn-beaked. [horn]
hyrnen I. of horn, LRPs 97^6. II. angular, OEG 7^20.
hrnes = hernes
hyrnet, hyrnetu f. 'hornet,' Gl, WW: gadfly? WW 121^12.
hyrnful angular, having many angles, OEG 121.
hyrnig angular, OEG 121.
hyrnstn m. corner-stone, keystone, H 1106.
hroxa m. hired ox, LL 116#b#.
hyrra (KGl) = heorra, heorr
hrra I. v. hah. II. = hra
hyrst I. f. () ornament, decoration, jewel, treasure: accoutrements, trappings, armour. [Ger. rstung] II. m. hillock, eminence, height, wood, wooded eminence, Rd, OET; Mdf. ['hurst']
hyrst- = hierst-
hyrstan I. to decorate, adorn, ornament, equip. [Ger. rsten] II. (+) to murmur, LkLR 15^2. III. = hierstan
hrsum == hersum
hyrtan = hiertan
hyrten = heorten
hyr f. skin, hide, ES 41323.
hyril (Cp) = hyrdel
+hrung f. hiring, WW 213^12.
hyrw- = hierw-
hys = his
hsan ?= hscan [[headword spelled "hyscan"]]
hyscan (ea, i) (tr.) to jeer at, deride, reproach, Jul, Ps: (intr.) to rail, utter taunts, W. ['heascen']
[[Spelled "hscan" in 3 of 5 cross-references, and in compound onhscan; first edition also has "hscan".]]
hscend () m. reviler, GPH 398.
hyscild (WW 170^12) = hysecild
hyse nap. hyssas m. son, youth, young man, warrior.
hysebeoror n. the bearing of male offspring: boy, young man.
hyse-berling, -byrding m. the bearing of male offspring.
hyseberre f. woman who bears a son, SHy 50^17. [byrere]
hysecild n. male child, , AO.
hyserinc m. young man, GD 338^22.
hysewse adv. after the manner of young men, WW 417^35.
hysope = ysope
hyspan (e, i) pret. hyspde and hyspte to mock, scorn, deride, revile, AO. [hosp]
hyspend m. calumniator, RPs 71^4.
+hyspendlic abominable, LPs 13^1.
hyspful ridiculous, OEG 11^180.
hysp-nes, -ung f. contumely.
hysse = hyse
hyt I. f. heat, B 2649. [ON. hita; or ? read ht] II. = hit pron.
ht pres. 3 sg. of hdan.
hyttan = hittan
h I. f. landing-place, harbour, creek, port, Cp, Guth, Met, Ps; , CP. ['hithe'] II. f. booty, prey.
+h appropriate, convenient, .
han () plunder, ravage. [h]
hegian to facilitate.
hegung f. advantage, Sc 12^6.
helic suitable, proper, convenient, advantageous. adv. -lce.
+helicnes f. 'opportunitas,' NC 345.
hgild n. harbour offering, sacrifice or service, OEG.
hlic belonging to a harbour, WW.
+hlic = +helic
+hnes f. advantage, L 23b^252: occasion, EPs 9^27.
hscip () n. a light, piratical vessel, Gl.
h f. gain, advantage.
+hyo n. subsistence, L 23b^492.
hweard m. warden of a harbour, B 1915.
hw == hw
+hwan = +ewan
hxan = hscan [[headword spelled "hyscan"]]
a () = ga
acessre = gacessre
acinctus, acintus m. jacinth, CP. [L. hyacinthus]
agul = gagl
iara = gearo
iarwan = gierwan
b- = f-
ic pron. (1st pers.) 'I,' Cp, Jn. [Ger. ich]
can, icean = ecan
ce = ce
cend m. 'auctor,' Gr 48^12. [ecan]
cestre f. 'auctrix,' Gr 48^12.
icge only in phr. 'icge gold,' treasure-gold? rich gold? B 1108.
dges adv. on the same day, .
del I. (often dl- in obl. cases) _worthless, useless, vain_, _, Cp, Gen, Mt, VPs_: _empty, desolate, bare, void, destitute, devoid (of)_, _, B, VPs_; CP: _'idle,' unemployed_, _Mt_. on. adv. _in vain_, _. II. n. _emptiness, frivolity, idleness_, _Lcd, LL, Sol_ (): _inattention, carelessness_.
delgeorn slothful, idle.
delgielp (e^3, i^3) n. empty boasting, vainglory, CP, DHy,WW.
delgild n. vain worship, idolatry, .
delgildoffrung f. offering to an idol, .
delhende empty-handed, empty, , CP.
delinga (a^2) 'frivola,' GPH 389.
dellic vain, idle. adv. -lce, VPs. ['idly']
delnes f. frivolity, vanity, emptiness, falseness, VPs; CP. in (on) delnisse in vain: 'idleness,' idle, vain existence, LL.
-delsprce v. fela-.
ides virgin: () woman, wife, lady, queen.
idig busy? active? (BT); greedy for? desirous of? (GK), Ph 407?
dl- v. del.
dlian to become useless.
dol n. idol, LL. [L.]
e v. a.
ecan (, , a, , ) pret. ecte, hte to increase, enlarge, add to, augment, prolong, An, Lcd, Lk (): (+) fulfil, carry out, RSL 11486. ['eche'; ac]
ecinctus = acinctus
ecsesre = gacessre
edel- = del-
eg (g) f. island. [a]
egbend m. islander, CP.
egclif (g-) n. sea-cliff, B 2893.
egland (, ) n. island.
egstram (^1) m. current, river, sea.
ehtan = htan
ielc- = ilc-
ield = ieldo
ieldan (i, y) to delay, put off, prolong, hesitate, tarry, CP: connive at, dissimulate. ['eld'; eald]
ieldcian (CP) = elcian
ielde (e, ea, i, y) mp. men.
ielden () n. delay, BH 400^20.
ieldend (y) m. one who delays.
ieldendlic (e) dilatory, WW 441^2.
ieldest (, e, y) superl. of eald (, Mt, CP; 'eldest').
ieldesta m. chief.
ieldful (i, y) dilatory, delaying, OEG.
ieldian (y) to put off, delay, .
ielding f. delay, tarrying, CP: dissimulation.
ieldo (, e, i, y) f. age, , Gu, Lcd: period: old age, old people, , Bl; CP: an age of the world, , Gu. ['eld'; eald]
ieldra (y) (comp. of eald) used as sbpl. parents, ancestors, B, Bo, El, Rd. ['elder']
ieldrafder (ld-) m. grandfather, WW 7^34.
ieldu = ieldo
ielfe (y) mp. elves (v. lf).
ielfen (, e, y) f. elf, fairy.
ielfig (y) raving, frantic, mad, WW. [v. 'giddy']
imung (WW 277^22) = gmung
ierd = gierd
ierf- v. also yrf-.
ierfe (, e, i, y) n. heritage, bequest, property, CP: cattle. [Ger. erbe]
ierfian (i) to inherit, possess: (+) to stock with cattle.
iergan to dishearten. [earg]
iergu f. remissness, sloth, cowardice, AO. [earg]
ierlic (i) angry, vehement, ApT.
ierman to harass, vex, afflict, CP. [earm]
ierming (eo, e, y) m. person of no account, poor wretch, AO,CP.
ierm, iermu (e, ea, eo, y) f. misery, distress, poverty, B, Bo, Ps: disease: crime: reproach, calumny, CPs 118^134. ['ermth'; earm]
iernan^3 (, i, y; rinnan) pret. 3 sg. arn, orn, pl. urnon; pp. urnen () to run, move rapidly, hasten, flow, spread, , AO, CP, Lcd, VPs: pursue, Bo, Ps: cause to move rapidly, turn, grind, AO, BH: () get to, attain, meet with: () occur (toone's mind), GD: () coagulate, Lcd: () grow up. ['ern']
ierning (e) f. discharge, flow, NG.
ierre I. (i, y) wandering, erring, perverse, depraved, Ps, Sol: angry, fierce, , Bl, Chr, CP; AO. II. n. anger, Bl, CP, El, Lk. ['irre']
ierremd (y) wrathful, wild, B 726.
ierrenga (eo^1, y^1, i^2, u^2) adv. angrily, fiercely,CP.
ierreweorh (y) very angry, Sat 399?
ierscipe (y) m. anger, LPs 9^25.
iersian (i, io, y) to be angry with, rage: enrage, irritate,CP.
iersigendlic passionate, emotional, (y).
iersung (i, y) f. anger, CP.
iersunga adv. angrily.
ier- = eor-, yr-
iesca (Ep, Erf) = geocsa
iesend, iesende entrails, WW. [= gesen]
iete pres. 3 sg. of etan.
e adv. comp. (= a) easily, An, Met; AO, CP. ['eath']
+ean () to alleviate, Gu 1179: compassionate, GD 216 ().
ee I. easy, good-natured, pleasant, B; AO. II. () = e
eegean = gian
eelic easy, CP: adv. -lce easily, AO,CP.
enes f. ease, pleasure, CP 425^11.
ewan (a, o, ) to show, display, reveal, disclose, point out, CP. [age; cp. owan]
fegn = fig
fig n. 'ivy,' Gl, Lcd, Shr.
figbearo ivy-grove, CC 50.
fig-crop, -croppa m. cluster of ivy berries.
figlaf n. ivy leaf, Lcd 117b.
fig-tearo, -tara n. ivy tar, resin from tar, Lcd.
fiht ivy-covered, KC.
ig = ic
g = eg
gbend = egbend
igdges = dges
igel = l
igg = eg
igga, iggo, g(e)o m. 'ait,' eyot, small island, , Chr.
igil, igl () = l
gland () n. 'island,' BH, Bo, Chr, Whale.
go, g = igga
ih = ic
hte pret. 3 sg. of ecan.
l (igil) m. hedgehog, porcupine, Shr, WW; CP. ['il']
land = gland
ilca (y) pron. (always wk) the same, An, Bo, Chr, OET; CP. ['ilk']
ilce adv. v. sw.
ild- = ield-
ile (y) m. sole of the foot, : callosity, corn, . [cp. Ger. eilen]
ilfetu, ilfe(t)te (y) f. swan, Gl; Mdf.
illca = ilca
illeracu f. surfeit, WW 378^15.
+illerocad surfeited, CVPs 77^65.
ilnetu (WW 367^27) = ilfetu
ilugsecg v. eolhsecg.
imbe = ymbe II.
imberdling, imbyrdling = inbyrdling
impa? m., impe? f. graft, shoot, scion, CP 381^17. ['imp']
impian to 'imp,' implant, graft, LL 454[12]: (+) busy oneself with, CP 132^25.
in I. prep. with a. and d. (instr.) (local) 'in,' into, upon, on, at, to, among: (temporal) in, at, about, towards, during: (purpose) in, to, for. II. sb. and adv. = inn
in- (v. BH xxxiii ff.) = on-
inberan^4 (inn-) to bring in, .
indl f. internal disease, Lcd.
inlan (VPs) = onlan
ingn = ingn
ingode = inode pret. 3 sg. of ingn.
insendan to send in.
inwritting f. inscription, LkL 20^24.
inbrnednes (CPs 66); inbrnes (Gl) f. burning, incense, frankincense. [= onb-]
inbecwean^5 to inculcate, WW 429^36.
inbeldan to lead in.
inbelcan^2 to shut, Bl 217^26.
inbend mf. internal bond, Gu 928.
inber- = on-, in-byr-
inberan to carry in, LL 386[1].
inbernes (VPs) = inbrnes [[under "inbrnednes"]]
inbeslan to hack into (any one), LL 86[74].
inbestingan^3 to penetrate, LL 7[64,2].
inbetnednes f. life of a recluse, GD 212^5.
inbewindan^3 to enfold, enwrap.
inbirdling = inbyrdling
inblwan^7 to inspire, breathe upon, JnR: inflate, puff up, EC. ['inblow']
inboden proclaimed. [onbodan]
inbolgen exasperated. [= onb-]
inboren ptc. indigenous, native, GPH 390. ['inborn']
inborh m. bail, security in cases of theft, LL. ['inborgh']
inbrdan^3 to burst in upon, GPH 393.
in-brengan, -bringan to bring in, present, Mk. ['inbring']
inbryne (byr) m. conflagration.
inbryrd- = onbryrd-
inban to inhabit, MtL 23^21.
inbend m. inhabitant, WW 210^13.
in-burg, -burh f. hall, WW.
inbyrde born on the estate, Ct.
inbyrdling (e) m. slave born in a master's house,.
inbyrne (DR) = inbryne
inbyr pres. 3 sg. of inberan.
inc (Mt, Mk) da. of git, dual pers. pron. ['inc']
inca m. question, scruple, suspicion, doubt: grievance, quarrel, grudge, BH. incan witan to have a grudge.
incaode = ingeode [[form of "ingeod"]]
ince = ynce
incgan to call upon, DR 119^3. [cgan]
incgung f. invocation, DR.
incempa m. soldier of the same company, WW 207^6.
incer (y) I. gen. of git, dual pers. pron. II. adj. pron. of or belonging to both of you, Mt. ['inker']
+incfullian to offend, scandalize, MtR. [inca]
incga = inca
incit acc. of git, dual personal pronoun.
incleofa (i, y) m. chamber, closet: cave, den.
incniht m. household servant, .
incofa m. inner chamber, L: breast, heart, Met 22^18.
incou f. internal disease, .
incuman^4 _to come in, go into, enter_, _. ['_income_']
incund interior, internal, inward, secret, , CP. adv. -lce,.
incundnes f. inward conviction, sincerity, W 105^30: inward part, recess, DHy.
inc strange, extraordinary. adv. -lce.
incyme m. entrance, LV 32.
indlan to infuse, DR.
indpan to dip in, LkL 16^24.
Indisc Indian, .
indrencan = ondrencan
indrfan^1 to ejaculate, utter, Sat 80.
indrihten = indryhten
indrincan^3 to imbibe, drink. indruncen plied with drink.
indryhten distinguished, noble, excellent.
indryhto f. honour, glory.
ineardian to dwell in, inhabit, VPs.
inddisc n. household stuff, furniture, WW 147^32. [ddisc]
inelfe = innelfe
inerfe = innierfe
infr n. ingress, entrance, entry, , WW. ['infare']
infreld n. in-coming, entrance, : interior: vestibule.
infangene-of, infangen-f sb. right of judging thieves caught within the limits of one's jurisdiction, and of taking the fines for the crime, Ct; v.LL 2523. ['infangthief']
infaran^6 I. to enter, , Jn. ['infare'] II. = innefaran
infaru f. incursion, inroad, Chr 1048.
infeallan^7 to fall in, VPs.
infeccan to fetch in, Bl 175^1.
infran to enter in, .
infiht n. brawl in a house, LL 597.
infindan^3 to find, discover, NG.
inflde full of water.
inflon^2 to fly from, Rim 44.
infster n. bringing up, rearing, LL 396.
infrd very aged, experienced.
ing I. name of the rune for ng. II. = ging, geong
-ing suffix, as in earming, lytling (originally patronymic).
in-gn anv. pret. -ode to go in, enter, BH, Mt. ['ingo']
ingang m. ingress, entrance, access, beginning, BH, Ps (inn-): entrance fee. ['ingang']
ingangan^7 to go in, enter, .
ingebed n. earnest prayer, PPs 87^2.
ingeberigan (NG) = onbyrgan
ingebringan^3 to bring in, LL 150.
inge-cgan, -cgan 'invocare,' VPs; CPs 90^15.
ingedn anv. to put in, BH 434^20.
ingedrincan (GPH 391) = indrincan
ingefeallan^7 'incidere,' Ps.
ingefeoht n. internal war, BH.
ingefolc n. native race, Ex 142.
ingehrif (-gerif) n. womb, LPs 21^8.
inge-hygd, -hd (), -hd f. consciousness, mind, conscience, sense, understanding: intention, purpose, design.
ingehygdnes f. intention, LPs 48^5.
ingeldan = inldan
ingelaian to invite.
ingemang v. gemang prep.
ingemynd fn. recollection, memory, mind.
ingemynde well-remembered, El 896.
ingenga m. visitor, intruder, B 1776.
ingeongan (NG) = ingangan
ingotan^2 to pour in, fill.
ingoting (yn- ?= ymb-) f. inpouring, OEG.
ingerec n. broil, BH. [= ungerec]
ingerif = ingehrif
ingeseted placed in, inserted.
ingesteald household goods, B 1155.
ingeswel n. internal swelling, WW 113^5.
ingeanc mn. thought, mind, conscience, intention, ,CP.
ingeod f. nation.
ingeweaxen implanted, WW 427^8.
ingewinn n. civil war, AO 88^29.
ingewitnes f. consciousness, conscience, BH.
ingong (CP) = ingang
ingyte m. pouring in, infusion, inspiration, CM 424. [gotan]
inhtan to inflame, GD 29^9.
inhebban (Cr 313) = onhebban
inheldan = onhieldan
inheord f. herd kept by the lord on his lands, LL 449[7].
inhred m. family, household, .
in-hwan, -hgan sbpl. members of a household or community, servants.
inhold loyal in heart, Lcd 3442^28.
inhrnes f. possession, EC 364.
inilfe = innelfe
ininnan = oninnan
inld f. right of water-passage inland: entrance-fee.
inldan 'inducere,' to introduce, NG.
inlnd- = inlend-
inlagian to reverse sentence of outlawry, Chr, LL. ['inlaw']
inland n. land in the lord's own occupation, domain, demesne.
inlaian to invite.
inlaigend m. inviter, Sc 170^12.
inlec = inlic
inlgan (VPs) = onlegan [[error for "onlicgan"?]]
inlhtan = inlhtan
inlenda m. native, Gl.
in-lende, -lendisc native, indigenous.
inlohtan = inlhtan
inlic internal, interior, inward, BH: native. adv. -lce inwardly: thoroughly, sincerely, heartily, BH, Bo. ['inly']
inlchomung f. incarnation, DR.
inlhtan (= on-) to shine, illuminate, enlighten.
inlhtend m. illuminator, DR 2^6.
inlhtian (= on-) to illuminate, enlighten, NG.
inlhtnes f. illumination, VPs.
inliewc = unliuwc [[headword spelled "unliowc"]]
inlxan to become light, dawn, LkL 23^54.
inlocast superl. adv. innermost, most heartily. [inlce]
inlhtan = inlhtan
inmearg n. marrow, GPH 397.
inmde close to one's heart, important in one's estimation, RB; #Bk#15.
inn I. n. dwelling, apartment, lodging, chamber, house, , Mt; AO: quartering oneself (ofsoldiers). ['inn'] II. adv. in, inwards, within, inside of: into. inn on into.
inn- = in-
inna (LkL) = inno
innan I. prep. (w. a. g. d.) from within, B: within, in, into, G, Gen, Lcd; CP. II. adv. within, inside, in, AO. ['inne']
innanbordes adv. (within borders), at home,CP.
innanburhware sbpl. residents within the walls of a town, TC 510^31.
innancund inner, inward, internal: thorough, hearty.
innane = innan II.
innanweard = inweard
inna = inno
innwritting (LkL) = onwrting
inne adv. in, inside, within, in-doors, A, AO, BH, Chr, Ct, Lcd.
inne- = inn-, in-
innecund adj. inward, CP 139.
inne-faran, -foran bowels, Lcd.
innelfe n. bowels: womb.
innemest (superl. of inne) adj. 'inmost,' Sc: most intimate, deep or close, CP. adv. inmost.
innera (compar. of inne) 'inner,' interior, WW: mental, spiritual, BH, LL,Sc.
inne = inno
inne-weard, -werd = inweard
innheardmann m. one of the household troops, MtL 8^9. [inhred]
innhere m. home force, native army, Chr 1006#e#.
innian to go in, Bo: () put up, lodge, Chr 1048: () include: () fill, restore, make good, . ['inn']
innierfe (e^2) n. household stuff, furniture, goods, Bo 31^19.
innifli (Cp 115#i#) = innelfe
inniht (WW 450^21) = incniht?
innwian to renew, DR 168^12.
innon = innan
innor (Gr) compar. of inne. ['inner']
inno mf. inside, entrails, stomach, womb, breast, heart, BH, Bo, G; ,CP.
innomgen (e^3) n. strength, EHy 5^16.
innotdernes f. weakness of the bowels, Lcd 105a.
innowund f. internal wound, Lcd 88b.
innra = innera
innung f. dwelling: contents, takings, revenue, Bo, KC. ['inning']
innweardlce = inweardlce
innweorud n. retainers, household, Wid 111.
innylfe = innelfe
inorf n. household goods, furniture.
inra () = innera
inrcan 'ingesserunt,' WW 420^18 (v. A 31532).
inrsan to rush upon.
inrcels n. incense, LkR 1^9.
insglung = inseglung
inste adj. dependent, WW 185^9.
instnes = insetnes
inscawere m. inspector, DR 194.
inscawung f. inspection, view, NG.
insceende = unsceende [[redirected to "unscende"]]
in-segel, -segl () n. seal, signet, , Ct. ['inseil'; L.]
inseglian () to seal, LL; L. ['inseil']
inseglung f. sealing, seal, ().
insendan to send in, put in, VPs.
insetnes f. regulation, DR.
insettan to institute, BH, JnL.
insigle n. seal, signet. [insegel]
insiht f. narrative, JnL.
insittende sitting within, Rd 47^7.
insmoh m. slough, MH 162^11.
inscn f. brawl in a house, LL 597[80,12].
insomnian to gather in, BH 274^1.
inspinn n. spindle, WW.
instpe I. m. entrance, H 184. II. = instpes
instpes adv. forthwith, directly.
instppan () = insteppan
instandan^6 (o^2) to be present, DR.
instandendlic (o^2) required for present use, MtR 6^11.
instede (y) immediately, NG.
in-stepe, -stepes = instpes
insteppan^6 () to go in, enter, .
instice m. internal stitching pain, Lcd.
instgan^1 to climb in, GD 24.
instihtian to appoint, arrange, LkL p2^6.
insting = onsting
instyde = instede
inswn m. lord's swineherd, LL 447.
inswgan^7 to invade, BH 278^8.
inswgennes f. onrush, BH 110^33.
intiga (KGl) = intinga
intimb- = ontimb-
intinga m. matter, business, : cause: fault. butan intingan in vain, emptily.
int prep. with d. (instr.), a. into, to, against, in,.
intrahtnung f. interpretation, MtL p2^7.
iner adv. apart, MtR 17^1.
inicce crass, thick, MtL 13^15.
innen f. female servant, GPH 401.
ining (N) = intinga
inwan = onwan
in-wrc, -wrc m. internal pain.
inwte f. internal humour, Lcd 97a.
inweard I. (innan-, inne-) adj. internal, inward, inner, intrinsic, deep, sincere, earnest, , B, Bo, Cr. as sbn. inward parts, , WW. II. adv. within: mentally, spiritually, LkL. ['inward']
inweardlic (e) internal, Lcd: sincere, W. adv. -lce 'inwardly,' : deeply, thoroughly, heartily, sincerely, , Met.
inwendan to change, VPs.
inweorc n. indoor work, LL 454[11].
inwerd- = inweard-
inwid == inwit
inwidda m. adversary, enemy.
inwise f. condiment, Lcd 69a.
inwit I. n. evil, deceit, guile. II. adj. wicked, malign, deceitful.
inwitfeng m. spiteful clutch, B 1447.
inwitfln m. treacherous shaft, Mod 37.
inwitful wicked, crafty.
inwitgst m. evil guest, B 2670.
inwitgecynd n. evil nature, Sol 329.
inwitgyren f. treacherous snare, PPs 139^5.
inwithlemm (id) m. treacherous wound.
inwithrf m. unfriendly roof, B 3123.
inwitnet n. net of malice, B 2167.
inwitn m. cunning hostility.
inwitrn f. evil, crafty counsel.
inwitscear m. murderous attack, B 2478.
inwitsearo n. artful intrigue, B 1101.
inwitsorh f. sorrow.
inwitspell n. tale of woe, Gen 2024.
inwitstf m. wickedness, evil.
inwitanc m. malicious thought, hostile intent.
inwitwrsn f. hostile fetter.
inwrc = inwrc
inwrtere m. writer, secretary, ZDA 3123.
inwritting f. inscription.
inwund f. internal wound, Lcd 70a.
inwunenes f. persistence, WW 426^5.
inwunung f. residence in, NC 304.
io- = geo-
o (= u) == go
ioc == geoc
iom = eom
ionna (N) adv. within.
ionna = inno
or m. name of a river-fish (eel?): name of the rune for io.
iorning = rning
iorn = iern pres. 3 sg. of iernan.
iorsian (KGl) = iersian
otas mpl. the Jutes.
ow m. = w
owan = ewan
ippingren = yppingren
ren == sen
irfe = ierfe
irgian = eargian
Iringes weg m. milky way, WW 53^23.
irm- = ierm-; iern-
irn- = iern-, eorn-
irre == ierre
irs- = iers-
irsenhelm = senhelm
irling = yrling
is pres. 3 sg. of eom, anv.
s n. 'ice,' BH, Met, PPs: (pl.) pieces of ice, BH: name of the rune for i.
srn (Gl) = searn
sceald icy cold, Met, Seaf. ['icecold']
ise (N) = gise [[headword spelled "gse"]]
searn (, e) m. halcyon, kingfisher.
sen I. (sern, ren) n. 'iron,' , BH, CP, Gl, LL: iron instrument, Lcd: fetter, Ps: () iron weapon, sword, B: ordeal of red-hot iron, LL 230[6]. [Ger. eisen] II. adj. of iron, 'iron,' , B, Bl, CP,Da.
senbend (r-) mf. iron bond, fetter.
senbyrne (sern-) f. iron corslet, B 671.
isend = iesend
senesmi = sensmi
senfetor (sern-) f. iron fetter, Gl.
sengelma (r-) m. iron instrument, Nar 9^19.
sengrf m. iron-mine? KC 5234^28.
sengrg (gri) 'iron-grey,' WW.
senheard (r-) hard as iron, B 112. ['iron-hard']
senhearde f. ('iron-hard'), black centaury, vervain, knapweed, Lcd.
senhelm (irsen-) m. iron helmet, WW 142^2.
senhere (-ern) m. iron-clad army, Ex 348.
senhyrst adj. with iron fittings, KC.
senordl () n. ordeal by iron, LL.
senre f. iron mine, Gl.
sen-panna m., -panne f. frying pan, Gl.
senscofl f. iron shovel, Gl (sernscobl).
senscr f. shower of arrows, B 3116 (-ern).
sensmi m. blacksmith.
senswt m. dross of iron? Lcd.
sentang f. snuffers, WW 327^14.
senrat m. iron clad troop, B 330 (r-).
senwyrhta m. blacksmith, WW 310^33.
isern = iesende [[under "iesend"]]
sern (1) == sen; (2) = searn
sgebind n. fetters of ice, B 1113.
sgebld () n. ice-blister, chilblain? Lcd.
sig 'icy,' Met: shining? glistening? covered with ice? B 33.
sigfeera with frosted wings, Seaf 24.
siht icy, L 23b^572.
ses adv. immediately, LL (338^11).
smere m. icy lake, Met 28^62.
snian to cover with iron. pp. snod iron-clad, WW 236^19.
itest, itst pres. 2 sg., ite, itt pres. 3 sg. of etan.
== e
an (, , ) to lay waste, ravage, devastate, desolate, destroy,.
iu- = geo-
i = go
iuc == geoc
Idas sbmp. the Jews, G.
Idisc Jewish, G.
iugian = geocian
uih (NG) = owic, ow
uwian (AS 7^19) = ewan
w (ow) m. 'yew,' yew-tree, ; Mdf.
wberge (ow) f. yew-berry, Lcd.
Words beginning with k will be found under c.
l interj. lo! behold! oh! ah! . l lof O Lord! O sir!: indeed, verily, . hwt l what! w l w! alas!
label = (*lafel), lfel
laber (Lcd) = lfer
lc nf. play, sport: () strife, battle: sacrifice, offering, , CP: gift, present, Mt; : booty, B: () message. ['lake']
+lac n. tumult, commotion. sweorda +l. battle: crowd, host, Cr 896.
lcan^7 pret. 3 sg. leolc to move up and down, leap, jump, swing, fly, Jul: play (instrument): () fight, contend, B: (+) incite to, AO: be rewarded. ['lake']
lcdd f. munificence, OEG 3833.
lcgeofa m. generous giver, PPs 67^18.
+lcian to present, bestow.
lclic sacrificial, LL (380^18).
lcnian (, ) to heal, cure, treat, look after, , BH, LkL; AO, CP: foment, dress (awound). ['lechne']
lcnigendlic surgical, HGl 478.
lcnimende only in bon l. 'munerari,' BHy 3^19.
lcnung f. healing, cure: medicament, remedy.
lcsang m. offertory hymn, WW 130^2.
lactuc, lactu-ce, m. -ca f. lettuce, . [L.]
lacu f. running water, stream, pool, 'lake,' Chr 656#e#.
ld I. f. course, journey, An, B: () way, street, water-way: leading, carrying, LL: maintenance, support. ['load,' 'lode'] II. f. clearing from blame or accusation, purgation, exculpation,CP.
ladan (NG) = hladan
ldian to clear oneself from blame or accusation, exculpate oneself: let off, excuse, , AO,CP.
ldiendlic excusable, WW 233^31.
ldmann m. _conductor, guide_, _. ['_lodeman_']
ld-rinc? -rincman m. conductor, escort, LL 3[7] (v.2441).
ladsar = laser [[headword spelled "lser"]]
ldscipe m. leadership, WW 481^6.
ldtow, ldow == lttow
ldung f. exculpation, excuse, defence, apology, ,CP.
lc = (1) lac; (2) lc
lca = lce
-lca v. g-, ellen-l. etc.
+lca emulous, GPH 391.
lcan to spring up, rise, flare up, Sat 716.
+lcan to emulate, GPH 391: join with, make common cause with? CPs 140^4. [lc]
lccan _to seize, grasp, comprehend_, _: _capture, catch_, _Chr, G, LL_: _receive_, L. ['_latch_,' '_i-lecche_']
lce (, ) m. physician, doctor, BH, LkL; , CP: 'leech,' WW;.
lcebc f. book of prescriptions, Lcd.
lcecrft m. 'leech-craft,' art of healing, Bo, Lcd; : medicament, remedy, prescription,.
lcecrftig skilled in medicine, Lcd 186b.
lcecynn n. race of physicians, Rd 6^10.
lcecyst f. medicine chest, GD 344^17.
lcedm m. medicament, medicine, BH, WW (e); , CP: salvation. ['leechdom']
lcedmlic salutary, A 5458.
lcedmnes f. cataplasm, WW.
lcefeoh n. doctor's fee, LL (148^19).
lcefinger m. ('leech-finger'), fourth finger, Lcd.
lcegeatwa? (-getea) fp. medical apparatus, v. NC 304.
lcehs n. sick room, hospital.
lceiren n. surgeon's knife, lancet, GD 32.
lcesealf f. medicinal ointment, WW 514^21.
lceseax n. lancet, CP 187^9.
lcewyrt f. medicinal herb, drug, : ribwort.
lcnian = lcnian
ldan () to 'lead,' guide, conduct, carry, lift, take, bring, , BH, Bl, Chr, VPs; CP. wfl. take a wife, marry: () produce, bring forth: pass, lead (life), BH, Met: to mark or beat the bounds of land, EC 155: perform, do, An: place, lay, : sprout forth, grow, spread.
lde (BH 400^2) = lwede
lden I. (, o) n. 'Latin,' A, BH, CP: any foreign language, Lcd ('leden'). II. adj. Latin.
ldenboc (e) f. Latin book, .
ldend I. m. bringer. II. m. excuser, apologist. [*ldan]
ldengereord n. Latin language, Lcd.
ldengeode n. Latin language, CP.
lden-isc, -lic Latin.
ldenlr f. knowledge of Latin, W 124^12.
+ldenlic 'ductilis,' EPs 97^6.
ldennama m. Latin noun, Gr 292^18.
ldensprc () f. Latin language, , CP.
ldenstfum () adv. in Latin, Jn 19^20.
ldenware mpl. Latin people, Romans, CP.
ldenword () n. Latin word, Gr 122^6.
ldnes f. bringing forth, BH.
ldtow = lttow
lf = (1) lf; (2) laf
lfan () I. _to 'leave,' bequeath_, _B, Jn_; , CP: _spare, leave behind, have left_, _Lk, Mk_: _remain_, _. [lf] II. = lefan
lfel (e) m. spoon, basin, vessel, bowl, cup. [Ger. lffel; L. labellum]
lfend (WW 168^17) = lwend
lfer f. rush, reed, iris, gladiolus, Lcd, WW; : metal plate, . ['laver'; 'levers']
lferbed n. reed-bed, WW 138^29.
lfnes = lafnes
lg pret. 3 sg. of licgan.
lg = (1) lag; (2) leg
lgde = legde pret. sg. of lecgan.
lgon pret. pl. of licgan.
lgt = lget
lht pp., lhte pret. sg. of lccan.
ll () f., lla m. rod, whip, switch: bruise, weal, stripe, Ex.
llan, llian to become black and blue, be bruised.
lmen () of clay, earthen, . [lm]
lmian = lmian [[headword spelled "lemian"]]
ln () I. nf. loan, borrowing, lease, grant, gift, present, benefit, , CP. [lon] II. = lnland
lnan () to 'lend,' WW; CP: give, grant, lease, Gen,.
lndagas mpl. loan-days, transitory days, days of a man's life.
lnde-, lnden- = lenden-
lne () lent, temporary, inconstant, transitory: perishable, frail, poor: weak, sinful, CP. [ln]
lnelic passing, transitory.
lnend m. lender, WW. ['lenend']
lnendlic = lnelic
lnere m. 'lender,' WW 189^21.
lng = leng
lngten- = lencten-
lnian = lanian
lnland n. leased land, v. LL 2323.
lnlic = lnelic
-lnung v. feoh-l.
lpeldre f. dish, .
lpewince (e) f. lapwing, Gl.
lppa (a) m. lappet, piece, section, lobe, portion, district, CP, Lcd; . ['lap']
-lppede v. ff-l.
lran () to teach, instruct, A, BH: enjoin, advise, persuade, urge, preach. l.for hand down (toothers): () convert: () recall, ES 37197. lred learned (opposed to lwed), hence clerical (asopposed to lay), spiritual (asopposed to temporal), , CP. ['lere']
+lre empty, hungry, NC 295. [Ger. leer]
+lrednes f. learning, skill, BH.
lrest = lst
lrestre f. instructress, .
lrgedfe adapted for instruction? FT 61.
lrig m. edge, border (of a shield)? v. A 3755.
-lrigian v. ymb-l. [[headword spelled "ymblrgian"]]
lringmden n. female pupil.
lringmann m. disciple, RB 20^6.
lrnes f. emptiness, Lcd 22b. ['leerness']
ls pret. 3 sg. of lesan.
ls I. () adv. and sbn. less, lest, , AO, CP. ls (e) conj. w. subj. lest. II. f. gs. lswe pasture, JnL (), WW; ; Mdf. ['lease,' 'leasow'] III. f. (blood-)letting, Lcd.
lsboren of lower birth, LL (246^21).
lsest (MtR) = lst I.
lsian = lswian
lson pret. pl. of lesan.
lssa adj. (comp. of ltel) 'less,' smaller, fewer, , Bo, Chr: inferior, MtL, MtR (). sb. A, . adv. BH.
lst f. fault, sin, NC 305. [ON.]
lst I. superl. of ltel 'least,' Gu, Lcd; CP, AO. e lste lest, CM. II. f. performance, fulfilment, Ex 308. III. = lst
lstan () to follow, help, serve, B, Bl, Met, OET; AO perform, do, carry out, accomplish, AO: endure, last, continue, Cr; : furnish, pay, W ['last'; Ger. leisten]
lste f. 'last' (for the foot), WW.
lstend m. doer, performer, BH.
+lstfullian to testify, LPs 80^9.
lstwyrhta (eo^2) m. shoemaker, WW. |