fahame (= fa-, forh-hama?) womb, WW 40^28.
fhmann m. 'foeman,' LL 50[5].
fahnian = fgnian
fala I. (WW 52^11) ?d. of *fealh tube, pipe (ES38337). II. = fela
flcan to be at enmity with, show hostility to, LL 160[20,7].
fal-d, -d, -od, -ud m. 'fold,' stall, stable, cattle-pen, A, Gl, Jn.
fald- (N) = feald-
faldgang m. going to the (sheep-) fold, W 170^20#e#.
faldhrer n. stalled ox, MF 158.
faldian to make a fold, hurdle off sheep, LL 454[9]. ['fold']
falew- = feal(e)w-
fall- (VPs; NG) = feall-
falod = fald
fals I. adj. false, W 272^4. II. n. falsehood, fraud, counterfeit. [late; from L.]
faling mass, load, WW 33^8.
falu = fealu
falud = fald
fm n. 'foam,' BH, Ep; .
fmbig = fmig
fmblwende v. lg-f.
fmgian to foam, boil, Ex 481.
fmig () 'foamy,' Rd.
fmigbord with foaming banks (of a stream), Met 26^26.
fmigbsm with foamy bosom, Ex 493.
fmigheals foamy-necked.
fana m. banner, standard, Met; OEG. ['fane'; Ger. fahne]
+fna gp. of +f.
fanbyrde standard-bearing, v. OEG 1744.
fand pret. 3 sg. of findan.
fandere m. tempter, Sc 206^4.
fandian (often w. g., but also d. and a.) to try, attempt, tempt, test, examine, explore, search out, AO, Gen, Mk, Run; CP. ['fand,' 'fond'; findan]
fandung f. investigation, trial, temptation, test, proof, ,CP.
fane I. f. (NG, o^1) = fann. II. = fanu
fang m. plunder, booty, Chr 1016. [fn]
fangen pp. of fn.
+fangian to join, fasten, Bo 96^14.
fann f. winnowing, 'fan,' Cp, Lk, LL. [L. vannus]
fannian to 'fan,' Sc 1861^17.
fant (o) m. '_font_,' _: _baptismal water_, HL 15^293.
fantb n. baptismal water, laver of baptism, .
fantbletsung f. consecration of water for baptism, P 188^12.
fantft n. baptismal font, .
fanthlgung (o) f. consecration at the font, W 36^2.
fanthlig holy from connection with the font, Lcd 140b.
fantwter n. 'font-water,' water used at baptism, laver of baptism, Lcd (o);.
fanu f. standard: iris (plant).
fra gp. of fh I.
+fara m. travelling companion, comrade.
faran^6 _to set forth, go, travel, wander, proceed_, _Bl, Gen, JnL_; AO, CP: _be, happen, exist, act, 'fare' ('i-fare'), get on, undergo, suffer_, _: () _die_, AO, CP: () _attack, overcome, capture, obtain_,AO.
fara- = faro-
fareld = freld
fare- = faro-
Fariseisc of or belonging to the Pharisees, OEG,WG.
farm = feorm
faro m. shore: stream.
farohengest (ea^1) m. sea-horse, ship, El 226.
farolcende swimming, sailing. as sb. sailors.
farordende sailing, An 440.
farostrt f. path of the sea.
faru f. way, going, journey, course, : expedition, march: procession, retinue, companions: life, proceedings, adventures, : movable possessions.
fas- = fs-
fatian (NG) = fetian
fatu v. ft.
fae, fau f. father's sister, paternal aunt.
fausunu m. father's sister's son, Chr 1119.
faul m? evil spirit, Lcd 43a.
fa I. () m. joy, AO, CP. II. n. = feoh. III. (fawa) adj. nap. fawe, superl. fawost, fast 'few,' B, BH, Chr, Mt. fawum sum seldom. adv. even a little, at all.
feadur (A) = fder
+fagan (NG) = +fon
feah = feoh
feaht I. pret. 3 sg. of feohtan. II. = feoht
feal- = fel-
+feald n. region, abode? Wald 2^10.
fealdan^7 to 'fold,' wrap up, furl, , Bo,Rd.
fealdestl (y) m. folding-stool.
feale, fealewes v. fealu.
fealewian = fealwian
fealfor = felofor [[under "felofear"]]
fealg pret. 3 sg. of folan.
fealga v. fealh.
fealgian to fallow, LL 454[9] (v. A 3671).
fealh I. f. nap. fealga fallow. [Ger. falge] II. (e) f. 'felloe,' felly (ofa wheel), Bo. III. pret. 3 sg. of folan. IV. v.fala.
+falic joyous, pleasant. adv. -lce joyously, W 284^16.
feall = fiell
feallan^7 () to 'fall' ('i-falle'), fall headlong, fail, decay, die, B, Ps; AO, CP. onf. fall on, attack: flow, AO 19^18: (+) overthrow, DR 115^6().
fealle f. snare, trap, OEG.
feall-endlic, -enlic unstable, perishable, transient, Bl,W.
fealletian 'concidere,' MkLR 5^5 (a^1).
-feallung v. feax-f.
+fealnis f. ruin, LkL 2^34 ().
fealo = (1) fealu; (2) fela
falg w. g. destitute, Gu 217.
fealohilte yellow-hilted, Ma 166.
fealu I. (feale) adj. gsm. feal(e)wes, fealuwes fallow, yellow, tawny, dun-coloured, grey, dusky, dark, . [Ger. fahl] II. n. fallow ground, E 179.
fealuwian = fealwian
fealwes v. fealu.
fealwian to become 'fallow,' fade, wither, Sol: grow yellow, ripen.
fanes f. 'fewness,' paucity, BH, Ps.
fear = fearr
far = fearh
fara gen. of fa.
fearh (, e) m. gs. fares little pig, hog, Gl. [cp. Ger. ferkel]
fearhhama m. little stem, WW 161^5.
fearhrer n. bull, Bl. [fearr]
+fearhsugu f. sow in farrow, WW.
fearlic of a bull, OEG 11^187.
farlic = frlic
fearm m. freight, cargo, Gen 1394.
fearn n. 'fern,' Bo, Cp; ; Mdf.
fearnbed n. fern-bed, BC, WW.
fearo- = faro-
fearr I. m. beast of burden, ox, bull, , AO. II. == feorr
feas (VPs) = fs
fasceaft destitute, miserable, helpless, poor.
fasceaftig destitute, poor, Seaf 26.
fasceaftnes (^1) f. poverty, OEG 1171.
feast- = fst-
featu (VPs) = fatu nap. of ft.
faw- = fa-
fawa = fa
fawlic few, EPs 104^12.
fawnes f. fewness, paucity.
feax (, e) n. hair, head of hair, B, BH, Lcd; , CP. ['fax']
feaxcl n. cap.
+feaxe furnished with hair, BH 96^11.
feaxeacan pl. forelocks, WW 343^33.
feaxede long-haired (of a comet), Chr 892. ['faxed']
+feaxen (Nar 37^1) = +feaxe
feaxfang m. seizing or dragging by the hair, LL 5[33].
feaxfeallung f. shedding of hair, mange, WW 113^30.
feaxhr hoary, gray-haired, Rd 73^1.
feaxndel f. crisping-pin, WW 108^2.
feaxnes (, e) f. head of hair.
feaxnett n. hair-net, WW.
+feaxod = +feaxe
feaxpron m. hair-pin, WW 107^38.
feaxsceacga m. bunch of hair.
feaxsceacgede shaggy.
feaxsceara (e^1) fp. scissors for hair-cutting? curling-tongs? WW 241^41.
feaxtlg? v. fxtlg.
feaxwund f. wound under the hair, LL 20[45].
feb- = fef-
fec = fc
feccan () to 'fetch,' bring, bring to, draw, , Mt: seek: gain, take. [= fetian]
fecele = fcele
fecgan = feccan
fdan to 'feed,' nourish, sustain, foster, bring up, Bl, Mt, Ps; , CP: bear, bring forth, produce. [fda]
fdednes = fdnes
fdelfugol (oe^1) m. fatted bird, MtR 22^4.
fd-els, -esl m. feeding, keep: fatted animal (bird?), WW; Cp. ['feddle']
fdelsswn fattened pig, NC 343.
feder = fder
federa = fdera
fding f. 'feeding,' CP.
fdnes () f. nourishment, BH 88^6.
fedra = fdera
ffer mn. gs. ffres 'fever,' Lk, G; CP.
fferdl f. 'fever,' AO.
fferfge f. feverfew. [L. febrifugia]
ffersoc feverish, WW 405^34.
ffor, ffur = ffer
ffrian to be feverish, suffer from fever, Lcd.
ffrig feverish.
+fg n. joining, joint, : composition. [Ger. gefge]
fgan I. () to join, unite, fix, adapt, Lcd, Rd; , CP. ['fay'; Ger. fgen] II. to paint,WW.
+fgednes f. conjunction, connection: bond, fetter, DHy 5^6.
feger = fger
fegere = fgre
fging f. conjunction, Gr 10^8.
+fgnes f. association, companionship.
feh = feoh
+feh = +feah pret. 3 sg. of +fon.
feht sheepskin with the fleece on it? TC 119; v. ES 37177.
+feht = +feoht
fehtan (N) = feohtan
fh pres. 3 sg. of fn.
fel = fell
fl = fol
fela (ea, eo) I. sbn. and adj. (w. g., or in agmt.; rarely inflected) many, much, B, G, Lcd, etc. II. adv. very much, many. ['fele'; Ger. viel]
felate 'mordax,' OEG 23^15.
felafcne very treacherous, GnE 148.
felafeald manifold, many times over, Ps. ['felefold']
felafealdnes (fele-) f. multitude, EPs 5^11.
felafrcne very fierce, bold.
felagomor very sad, sorrowful.
felageong very young, FT 53.
felageonge having travelled much, Creat 3. [gangan]
felahrr full of exploits, B 27.
feladelsprce emptily chattering, CP 174^25.
felalof very dear, Wif 26.
fela-meahtig, -mihtig most mighty.
felamdig very bold.
flan I. (w. g.) to touch, 'feel,' AO: perceive, Rd. II. (VPs) = folan
felaspecol talkative.
fela-specolnes, -sprecolnes f. loquacity, talkativeness.
felasprce talkative, CP 281^14.
felasynnig very guilty, B 1379.
felawlonc very stately, Rd 13^7.
felawyrde talkative, W 40^18.
felawyrdnes f. talkativeness.
felcyrf n. foreskin.
feld m. ds. felda, felde open or cultivated land, field, plain, A, Met, RB; AO, CP; Mdf: battle-field. on clnum felda in the open field (ofbattle), CP 227^25.
feldlbin (WW 352^10) = feldelfen
feldbo f. humble bee, WW.
feldbisceopwyrt f. field bishopwort, ANS 84325.
feldcirice f. country church, LL 264[5,1]; 282[3,2].
felde = fylde pret. 3 sg. of fyllan.
feldelfen f. wood-nymph, WW 189^6.
feldgangende roaming over the land.
feldhrer n. field-ox, NC 285.
feldhs n. tent, Ex.
feldland n. _'field-land,' meadow-land, plain_, _.
feldlic rural, .
feldmdere f. field-madder, rosemary, WW 300^10.
feldminte f. field-mint, wild mint, WW.
feld-more, -moru f. parsnip.
feldoxa f. field-ox (i.e. an ox out to grass, not a stalled or fatox).
feldrude f. wild rue.
feldsten f. field, LPs 77^12. [seten]
feldswamm m. fungus, toadstool, WW 404^26.
feldwsten n. desert.
feldwp m. plantain, Gl (?= *feldhoppe, ANS 119435; FM 200).
feldwyrt f. gentian, Lcd.
+fle sensitive, Lcd.
felefeald = felafeald
flelas insensible, dead, Wy 40.
felg, felge f. 'felloe,' felly, rim of a wheel, Bo. [folan]
felge-role, -roe 'polipodium,' A 24432 (v. MLN 23186).
felh = fealh pret. 3 sg. of folan.
felh (KGl) = fylg pres. 3 sg. of fylgan.
feligean = fylgan
fell I. n. 'fell,' skin, hide, B, Jul, Lcd; , AO, CP. [L. pellis] II. m. = fiell
fell- = fyll-
fellen (i^1) made of skins, .
fellerad (o^3; = *pllerad? ES 43315) purple,NG.
fllun = follon pret. pl. of feallan.
-felma v. ger-f.
felmen- = fylmen-
flnes f. sensation, feeling, .
felo- = fela-
felofear, felofor m. name of a bird, bittern? JGPh 2^176.
flon (A) = fulgon pret. pl. of folan.
+flsian = +flsian
felst pres. 2 sg. of feallan.
felstycce n. piece of skin, Lcd 1330.
felt m? n? 'felt,' WW.
felt-ere, -erre a plant, Lcd.
feltn m. privy, dunghill, CP.
feltngrp f. dunghill, NC 285.
feltwurma m. wild marjoram, Lcd.
feltwyrt f. mullein (plant).
fel = fiel pres. 3 sg. of feallan.
fl = fl
fela (Cp 128#s#) rare gp. of feld.
felu- = felo-
fm-, fmn- (VPs) = fmn-
fen = fenn
fenampre (o^2) f. a marsh plant, Lcd 38b.
fencerse f. water-cress, Lcd. ['fencress']
fenester n? m? window, GD 220. [L.]
fenfearn n. marsh-fern, 'salvia,' water-fern, WW 135^4.
fenfreoo f. fen-refuge, B 851.
fenfugol m. moor-fowl, Lcd 95b?
feng m. grip, grasp, embrace: capture: prey, booty. [fn]
fng pret. 3 sg. of fn.
fengel m. lord, prince, king.
fengeld n. marsh-path, fen, B 1359.
fengnes f. 'susceptio,' CPs 82^9.
fengnett n. (catching-)net, PPs 140^12.
fengon pret. pl. of fn.
fengt () m. canine tooth, LL 81n16.
fenhleou np. fen-coverts, B 820. [hli]
fenhop n. fen-hollow, B 764.
fenix m. the bird 'ph[oe]nix,' Gr, Ph: date-palm.
fenland n. fen-land, marsh, AO.
fenlic marshy, , Guth. ['fenlich']
fenminte f. water-mint, Lcd 14b.
fenn nm. mud, mire, dirt, CP, WW: 'fen,' marsh, moor, B, Bo; AO: the fen country, Chr 905.
fenn- = fen-
fennig dirty, musty, mouldy, CP (= fynig): marshy, WW. ['fenny']
fennc n. fen-covering, OET (Bd^2).
fenol = finul
fenompre = fenampre
fence f. marsh-frog, Rd 41^71.
fo == feoh; also ds. of feoh.
fode pret. 3 sg. of fogan.
fogan (fa, N; fon) to hate, persecute, LkL. ['ivee']
fogtsung (a) f. avarice, BH 130^34.
feoh n. gs. fos, ds. fo cattle, herd, LL, Sol; AO [Ger. vieh]: movable goods, property, Bo, Ps; AO: money, riches, treasure, BH, Mt; , CP. wi licgendum fo for ready money, L 9^54: name of the rune for f. ['fee']
feohbeht n. promise of money, Chr 865#e#.
feohbgenga m. cattle-keeper, NC 343.
feohbt f. money compensation, LL 46n5; 258[51].
feohfang m. offence of taking a bribe, LL 318[15,1].
feohgafol n. usury, NC 285.
feohgeht n. promise of money, Chr 865#a#.
feohgerfa m. steward, LkLR 12^42.
feohgesceot n. payment of money, Bk 28;29.
feohgesteald n. possession of riches, Jul 685.
feohgestron n. acquiring money: treasure, possessions, riches.
feohgdsere (CP) = feohgtsere
feohgiefu f. largess.
feohgetsere (CP 331^6) = feohgtsere
feohgfre avaricious.
feohgift f. bounty-giving, largess.
feohgtsere m. miser.
feohgod n. property (in cattle), LL 60n1.
feohgyrnes f. greed, LL 396[4].
feohhord m. treasury.
feohhs n. treasure-house, WW. ['fee']
feohlnung f. lending of money, WW 115^45.
feohland 'pascua,' PPs.
feohlas without money: not to be bought off, past compensation, B 2441.
feohlasnes f. want of money.
feohsceatt n. money-payment, Da 744.
feohspda fp. riches, GD 273^2.
feohspilling f. waste of money, Chr 1096.
feohstrang well off, Gl.
feoht (i, o, y) n. action of fighting, B, Ps: 'fight,' battle, AO: strife, Mod.
feohtan^3 (e, N) to 'fight,' combat, strive, Chr, LL, , AO, CP. onf. attack, fight against: (+) gain by fighting, win.
+feohtdg m. day of battle, PPs 139^7.
feohte f. = feoht
feohtehorn (y^1) m. battle-horn, PPs 74^9.
feohtend m. fighter, OEG 3805.
feohtere m. fighter, ES 39^328.
feohtgegyrela m. implement of war, missile, 'falarica,' WW 399^30.
feohtlc n. fighting, LL. ['fightlac']
feohtling (y^1) m. fighter, GD 110^13; MP 1610.
+fohtsumnes f. joyfulness, NC 292. [+fon]
feohtwte (i^1, y^1, y^2) n. penalty for fighting,LL.
feohwite n. fine for coining false money, LL 319 col.2.
fol pret. 3 sg. of feallan.
fol (, ) f. 'file,' Rd; L.
feola = fela
folaga m. partner, 'fellow,' Chr 1016#d#. [ON. flage]
folan^3 () to cleave, be joined to, adhere: enter, penetrate, pass into, through or over, betake oneself to, Chr: undergo: persevere in. [Goth. filhan]
fold pret. 3 sg. of fealdan.
feolde = folde
foldon pret. pl. of fealdan.
folheard hard as a file? hard enough to resist the file? Ma 108 (or?= *felaheard).
folian to file, L 32^203.
foll pret. 3 sg., follon pret. pl. of feallan.
feolu = fela
feolu-fer, -fer, -for = felofor [[under "felofear"]]
feon = fenn
fon I. (, usu. +) sv^5 w. in or g. to be glad, rejoice, exult, CP. II. = fogan
fond (ie, y) m. ds. fend, fonde, nap. fend, fond, adversary, foe, enemy, A, B, Mt; AO, CP [f. = female enemy]: 'fiend,' devil, Gu; CP: the Devil, Lcd, Hy. [pres. ptc. of fogan]
fondt m. eating things sacrificed to idols, PPs 105^24.
fondgrp f. grip of a foe, B 636.
fondgyld n. idolatry, idol, GD, PPs: demoniacal possession? MtL4^24.
fondlic hateful, hostile, fiendish, WW; . adv. -lce, Jul. ['fiendly']
fondrden f. enmity, .
fondrs m. hostile attack, Gen 900.
fondsceaa m. enemy, robber.
fondscipe m. hostility, enmity, hatred, AO, CP.
fondsoc possessed with a devil, demoniac, BH 184^5.
fondulf m. public enemy, criminal, malefactor. [fond, wulf]
fong = foung
feonn = fenn
feor = feorr, feorran-
for = feorh, fower
fora gp. of feorh.
+fora = +fra
feorbend dwelling far off, B 254.
feorcumen = feorrancumen
feorcund = feorrancund
feorc f. distant land, B 1838.
feord = fierd
feord- = fierd-, fyrd-
fores gs. of feorh.
feorg == feorh
feorh (e) mn. gs. fores; nap. feorh life, principle of life, soul, spirit, AO, CP. t wdan fore for eternity, for ever. f. gesellan, giefan to die: living being, person.
feorhdl f. fatal disease, .
feorhbana m. man-slayer.
feorhbealu n. deadly evil, violent death.
feorhbenn f. deadly wound, B 2740.
feorhberend m. living being.
feorhbold n. body, Rood 73.
feorhbona = feorhbana
feorhbora m. life-bearer, Rd 92^2.
feorhcwalu (e) f. slaughter, death.
feorhcwealm m. slaughter, death.
feorhcynn n. race of mortals.
feorhdagas mp. days of life, Gen 2358.
feorhdolg n. deadly wound, Cr 1455.
feorhacen living, Gen 204.
feorhfgen fain of life, glad to preserve one's life, L 23^309.
feorhgebeorh n. refuge, Ex 369.
feorhgedl n. death.
feorhgener n. preservation of life, LL 204[7,3].
feorhgenla m. mortal foe.
feorhgiefa m. giver of life.
feorhgiefu f. gift of life, Rim 6?
feorh-gme? f. means of subsistence? -gma? m. jaw? Cr 1547.
feorhhord n. breast, soul, spirit.
feorhhs n. soul-house, body, Ma 297.
feorhhyrde m. life's guardian, protector.
feorhlst m. step taken to preserve life, flight, B 846.
feorhlan n. revenge for bloodshed? gift of life? Ex 150.
feorhlegu f. life.
feorhlic (fera-, ferh-) vital, HGl 453.
feorhlf n. life, PPs 142^2.
feorhloca m. breast, Gu 625.
feorhlyre m. loss of life, LL 466[3].
feorhneru f. preservation of life, refuge, salvation: nourishment of life, food.
feorhrd m. salvation, An 1656.
feorhscyldig guilty of death, LL.
feorhsoc mortally wounded, B 820.
feorhsweng m. fatal blow, B 2489.
feorhearf f. urgent need, PPs 69^1.
feorhwund f. deadly wound, B 2385.
feorlen = fyrlen
feorlic far off, alien, strange, Kl 100^97.
feorlond n. distant land, Pa 10.
feorm (a, , o, y) f. food, provision, sustenance: entertainment, meal, feast, supper, , AO, CP: goods, possessions: stores: rent in kind, EC: profit, benefit, CP: tilling, LL 454, 8(y).
feorma = forma
feormehm m. farm, Chr 1087.
feormend m. entertainer: cleanser, polisher, furbisher.
feormendlas wanting a burnisher, B 2761.
feormere m. purveyor, KC 4278^21.
feormfultum m. help in food, LL 356[69,1].
feormian to entertain, receive as guest: cherish, support, sustain, feed: consume: benefit, profit: scour, cleanse, furbish: (+) harbour (stolen goods), LL 108[4,6].
feormung f. harbouring, LL: furbishing, cleansing,LL.
feornes f. distance, BH 72^10.
feorr I. comp. fi(e)rra, fyrra; sup. fierresta 'far,' remote, distant, BH, Chr, RB; CP. II. adv. comp. fierr, firr, fyr(r); sup. fi(e)rrest, fyrrest 'far,' far away, distant, remote, CP: far back (intime): further, besides, moreover.
feorran I. adv. from afar, from a remote time or place, B, El, Gen: far off, at a distance, Bo; , CP. ['ferren'] II. (,y) to remove, avert, turn aside, withdraw, B: proscribe. ['far']
feorrancumen come from afar, strange.
feorrancund, feorrcund come from afar, foreign born.
feorrane, feorren(e) = feorran I.
feorrfaran^6 'vexari,' LkL 7^6 (i^1).
feorrian to keep apart, : (+) depart, NG(ea).
feorrung f. removal, departure, GD 49^16.
feorsian to go beyond: put far from, expel: depart, remove, separate.
feorsn = fiersn
feorstu nf. support, WW.
feorting f. 'pedatio,' WW 162^42.
feor = ferh
fora (a, N) 'fourth,' Lk; AO, CP. fore healf three and a half.
feore fourthly, LL 158[15].
for-ling, -ung m. fourth part: 'farthing,' MkL, LkL; . ['ferling']
forum dp. of feorh.
feorweg m. remote part.
feorwit = fyrwit
fos gs. of feoh.
feostnode (Chr 963#e#) = fstnode pret. 3 sg. of fstnian.
feot- = fet-
fo pres. 3 sg. of fogan.
foer-, foor- = fower-
foung f. hatred, CP. [fogan]
feow-, fower- v. also fier-.
fower, fowere [indecl. before a sb. but when alone, usu. g. fow(e)ra, d. fowerum] 'four,' Cr; , AO, CP: four times.
fowerdgor mn. and adj. four days.
fower-ecge, -ecgede four-cornered, square, Lcd.
fowerfeald fourfold, Lk 19^8.
fowerfealdlce quadruply, Bl.
fowerfte four-footed, AO; . ['four-foot']
fower-ft, -ftede four-footed.
fowergild n. fourfold compensation, LL 228.
fowerhwolod (fr-) four-wheeled? RHy 4^19. (v. ES 3815)
fowerscte four-cornered, square, AO. [scat]
fowertme (four-) four-teamed, VHy.
fower-toa, -toga, 'fourteenth,' BH, MH;AO.
fowertene (^3, ^3) 'fourteen,' MtL; AO.
fowertig 'forty,' MtL; AO.
fowertigfeald fortyfold.
fowertiglic quadragesimal, BH.
fowertigoa '_fortieth_,' _.
fowertne = fowertene
fowera (Mt) = fora
fowr- = fower-, for-
fowra v. fower.
fowung f. rejoicing, joy, OEG 1118. [+fon]
fowur- = fower-
fer = fr
fer- = fr-, fear-, fier-, feor-, for-, fyr-
fr = (1) fr I.; (2) ffer
fr- = fr-, fr
fra m. associate, comrade, fellow-disciple, AO, CP: wife: man, servant, v.LL 2427f.
fran to go, come, set out, march, travel, B; JnL (oe), CP: behave, act: () accomplish, attain, obtain: () fare, speed, undergo, suffer. ['fere']
frbedd n. portable bed.
frbld = frbld
fercian to convey, bring, Chr: support, L 23^597: stuff up (with lies), L 23^713. ['ferk, firk']
fercung f. sustenance, provision, food, (9^172).
ferdwyrt (ferw-)? a plant, ANS 84325 (or ?= feld-).
fre able to go, fit for (military) service.
+fre I. f. company, community. II. accessible, Ph 4. [faran]
ferele f. rod, GD. [L. ferula]
frend m. sailor: messenger.
fere pres. 3 sg. of (1) faran, (2) ferian.
fre pres. 3 sg. of fran.
fergan = ferian
ferht I. honest, Gl. II. = ferh
ferhtlic just, honest, PPs 95^10.
ferh (fer) mn. mind, intellect, soul, spirit: life. wdanf. eternally, for ever.
ferhbana m. murderer, Ex 399.
ferhcearig of anxious mind, Gen 2217.
ferh-cleofa, -cofa m. breast.
ferhfrec bold, brave, B 1146.
ferhfrende (r) sustaining life, Rd 39^3.
ferhgenla m. mortal enemy, B 2881.
ferhgewit (r) n. understanding, Cr 1184.
ferhglaw wise, prudent.
ferhgrim (r) savage.
ferhloca m. breast, body.
ferhlufu f. heartfelt love, An 83 (y).
ferhsefa (i, y) m. mind, thought.
ferhwrig soul-weary, sad.
ferian to carry, convey, bring, An, B, El; : (with refl.a.) betake oneself to, be versed in: depart, go, Ma. ['ferry']
feriend m. leader, bringer, Sol 80.
fring I. f. journey, wandering. [fran] II. f. 'insimulatio,' Gl. [fr]
+frlcan () to associate, unite, .
+frlic associated. adv. -lce sociably, together; -llce GD 313^24.
frnes f. passage, transition, passing away.
+frrden (usu. +) f. companionship, fellowship, , AO, CP: friendship: society, fraternity, congregation,.
fers nm. verse: sentence. [L.]
fersc 'fresh' (not salt), AO: not salted, KC.
-ferscan v. -f.
fersceta m. freshet, A 20382.
frscipe m. fraternity, community, retinue: society, fellowship, companionship,CP.
+frscipian to unite, accompany, DR.
fersian to versify, Gr 218^3.
fer == ferh
fera m. skin, hide? A 30^253.
feran = furum
fsan = fsan
fsian = fsian
fest == fst
fst = fst
fester- = fstor-
festnung f. munificence, WW 440^17.
fstrian = fstrian
fet pres. 3 sg. of fetian.
ft I. pres. 3 sg. of fdan. II. ds. and nap. of ft.
+fetan^4 to fall, MtR 13^7,8.
fetel m. belt, Bo, Met. ['fettle']
fetelhilt n. belted or ringed sword-hilt, B 1563.
ftels = ftels
fetelsian to provide with a sheath? BC 3215^2. +fetelsod ornamented? (BT), belted? ringed?
feter == fetor
+feterian to fetter, bind.
fetian () to bring near, fetch, B, Gen: bring on, induce: marry. [= feccan]
fetor (eo^1, e^2) f. 'fetter,' shackle, Cp, MkL, Ps: check, restraint, Wa.
fetorwrsen f. fetter, chain, An 1109.
+fetran, +fetrian = +feterian
ftt I. pres. 3 sg. of fdan. II. = ftt
fettan = fetian
fette pret. 3 sg. of fetian.
f = fh pres. 3 sg. of fn.
fa m. foot-soldier, AO: band of foot-soldiers, troop, : warfare, battle? Jul 389.
fan to lead, : go on foot? (9^449).
fe n. power of locomotion, walking, gait, pace, ,AO.
fecempa m. foot-soldier.
fegang m. journey on foot, Gen 2513.
fegeorn anxious to go, Rd 32^9.
fegest m. guest coming on foot, traveller.
fehere m. infantry, AO.
fehwearf m. band of footmen, Gu 162.
felst m. step, track, course.
felas footless, crippled.
femenn mp. infantry, NG, WW.
femund f. fore-paw, Rd 16^17.
feer () f. nap. fe(e)ra, fere 'feather,' Lcd, Ph; pl. wings, Bo, Mt, OET; CP: pen, Lk;CP.
feer- = fower-, fier-
feeran = fierian
feerbre provided with feathers, winged, GPH 390.
feerbedd n. feather-bed, WW 124^19.
feerberend provided with feathers, feathered, WW 465^20.
feercrft m. embroidery, WW 491^3.
feergearwe fp. feathers of the arrow, B 3119.
feergeweorc n. feather-embroidery.
feerhama m. wings, plumage, Cp, Gen. ['featherham']
fespdig speedy of foot, Cra 53.
fewg m. battle on foot, affray.
fem = fm
feorbyrste split into four, Lcd 148a (A30129).
fera, fere v. feer.
ferian to become fledged, OEG 26^27.
+frian to load, AS 1^11. [for]
feriht feathered, MtL p7^17.
fu (WW 110^29) = fa
fung f. walking, motion, .
fex == feax
fag- (N) = fog-
fibulae (Gl) = ffele
+fic n. deceit. [v. 'fickle']
fc m. fig, fig-tree: (fig-disease), venereal ulcer, hemorrhoids, Lcd. [L. ficus]
fcdl f. fig-disease (v. fc).
fcppel m. fig.
fcbam m. fig-tree, , CP.
-fician v. be-f.
fclaf n. fig-leaf.
ficol 'fickle,' cunning, tricky, KGl;W.
fctrow n. fig-tree.
ficung f. fraud, trickery, LL 242[24]; 254[28,2].
fcwyrm m. intestinal worm, Lcd 122a.
fcwyrt f. fig-wort, WW 134^32.
feftene = fftene
fieht pres. 3 sg. of feohtan.
fiell (, e, ea, y) mn. fall, destruction, AO, CP: death, slaughter: precipice: case, inflection, Gr 91^14 (y). [feallan]
fiell- v. fyll.
fielt pres. 3 sg. of fealdan.
fiel pres. 3 sg. of feallan.
fend = fond, also ds. of fond.
+fend () mp foes, enemies, Lk. ['i-feond']
fendwc n. enemy's camp, LPs 77^28.
fier v. feorr II.
fer- = fower-
fierd (, e, eo, y) f. national levy or army, Chr: military expedition, campaign, Ma, PPs; AO: camp. ['ferd']
fierd- v. also fyrd-.
fierdian (y) to go on an expedition, march, Chr.
fierdlas without an army, undefended, unprotected, Chr 894#a#.
fieren- = firen-
ferfte = fowerfte
-fierme (eo) v. or-f. [[under "orfeorme"]]
fierra, fierrest, fierresta v. feorr II.
fiersn (e, eo, y) f. heel. [Ger. ferse]
fierst = first
ff usu. indecl. before sb.; but when alone, has na. ffe, g. ffa, d. ffum 'five,' A, Gen,Mt.
ffalde f. butterfly, Gl. [Ger. falter]
ffbc fp. Pentateuch, WW 470^8.
fife v. ff.
ffecgede having five angles, Gr 289^15.
ffel n. (huge) sea-monster, giant, Wald 2^10.
ffelcynn n. race of sea-monsters, B 104.
ffeldr n. door of sea-monsters, river Eider, #Wid#43.
ffele f. buckle, WW 403^7. [L. 'fibula']
ffelfota 'petilus,' A 8449.
ffelstram m. ocean, sea, Met 26^26.
ffelwg m. ocean, sea, El 237.
fffalde = ffalde
fffeald '_five-fold_,' _: _five each_, CM 840.
fffted five-footed, OEG 130.
fffingre f. 'potentilla,' 'primula,' cinquefoil, oxlip? Lcd. ['fivefinger']
ffflre five-storied, . [flr]
ffgar n. period of five years, lustrum, WW 431^16.
ff-hund, -hundred num. five hundred.
fflppede having five lobes, Lcd 59b.
ff-laf n., -lafe f. 'potentilla,' cinquefoil, Lcd. ['fiveleaf']
ffmgen n. magic power, Sol 136. [ffel, mgen]
ffnihte five days old, Ans 12922.
ffta 'fifth,' , Mk; AO, CP.
fftafder v. fder.
ffte fifthly, LL 158[16].
ffteg = fftig
fftega = fftoa
fftne = fftene
ffteogoa '_fiftieth_,' _; CP.
ff-toa (^1). -ta, -tega 'fifteenth,' BH, Lcd.
fftene (^1, ^2, ^2) (often w. g.) 'fifteen,' A, B, Gu;AO.
fftenewintre (e^2) fifteen years old, Bl 213^1.
fftig num. '_fifty_,' _: sb. _a set of fifty_, _Mk_.
Fiftigdg m. Pentecost, MkL p5^10.
fftigea, fttigoa = ffteogoa
fftigfeald _'fiftyfold,' containing fifty_, _.
fftne () = fftene
ffwintre five years old, Gr 287^14.
fgan^1 'frigere,' Ep.
fihl n? cloth, rag, NG. [?= fliht]
fiht I. pres. 3 sg. of feohtan. II. = feht
fiht- = fyht-
fhtan = fhtan
+fih pres. 3 sg. of +fon.
fl (Gl) = fol
+flan = +flan
+filce = +fylce
fild sb. milking, Lcd 53b.
fildcumb m. milk-pail, Lcd 122b.
filde field-like, of the nature of a plain, AO 74^12.
+filde n. field, plain, AO 12^10. [feld]
filg, filh pres. 3 sg. of folan.
fili- = fylg-
fllende ptc. rubbing, WW 407^36.
filie n. hay.
fililag m. meadow, Ct.
fill == fyll
fille thyme? OEG 56^38. [= cerfille?]
fillen = fellen
filmen (y) n. 'film,' membrane, thin skin, Lcd; : foreskin,.
filst- = fylst-
fil pres. 3 sg. of feallan.
fn f. heap, pile. v. OEG 2456.
fna m. woodpecker, WW 49^2.
finc m. 'finch,' Ep, WW.
fnd = fend
findan^3 (but occl. wk. pret. funde) () to find, meet with, B, Gen, Jul, Met: discover, obtain by search or study, Cr, MtL, Ps: provide: consider, devise, arrange, dispose, decide, AO, CP: show, inform. f.t obtain from.
findend m. finder, GPH 391.
findig () capable, Gr 69^4.
finding f. invention, initiative, CM 1082.
finel = finul
finger m. 'finger,' Mt, VPs; , CP.
finger-ppla, -appla npl. finger-shaped fruits, dates, L, OEG.
fingerdocca? m? finger-muscle, Gl.
fingerlic belonging to a finger or ring, WW 291^26.
fingarli n. finger-joint, NC 343.
fingerml n. finger's length, NR 22^8.
finig (y) = fynig
finiht finny.
finn m. '_fin_,' _.
finol == finul
finst = findest pres. 2 sg. of findan.
fint pres. 3 sg. of findan.
finta m. tail: consequence, result.
finul (e^1, y^1, o^2), finugl m., finu(g)le 'fennel,' Ep, WW. [L. foenuculum]
finulsd (o^2) n. fennel-seed, Lcd 157a.
fo == fo
fr = fr
fras mp. men, human beings.
fird = fierd
fird- = fierd-, fyrd-
firen f. transgression, sin, crime: outrage, violence: torment, suffering.
firenbealu n. transgression, Cr 1276.
firencrft m. wickedness, Jul 14.
firendd f. wicked deed, crime.
firenearfee n. sinful woe, Gen 709.
firenfremmende sinful, Cr 1118.
firenful (y) sinful, wicked.
firengeorn sinful, Cr 1606.
firenhicga (y^1, y^2) m. adulterer, GPH 389.
firenhicge (fyrn-) f. adulteress, OEG.
firenhicgend (fyrn-) adulterous, OEG.
firenian (y) to sin: commit adultery; revile.
firenlic (y) wicked. adv. -lce vehemently, rashly, #Wald#1^20.
firenligerian to commit fornication, RSPs 105^39.
firenlust m. lust, sinful desire, luxury, wantonness, AO,CP.
firenlustful wanton, luxurious, A 12502^10.
firenlustgeorn wanton, W 253^5.
firensynnig sinful, Cr 1379.
firentcnian (y) to commit misdeeds, RHy 6^21.
firenearf (y) f. dire distress, B 14.
firenum excessively, very, intensely: malignantly. [dp. of firen]
firenweorc n. evil deed, sin.
firenwyrcende sinning, sinful.
firenwyrhta (y) m. evil-doer.
frfoda = frfoda [[headword spelled "frfda"]]
firgen mountain, mountain-woodland. [?only in compounds]
[[Entry from first edition; note "only in compounds".]]
firgenbam (y) m. mountain tree, B 1414. [Goth. fairguni]
firgenbeorg (fergenberig) mountain, Rune-Casket.
firgenbucca m. ibex, Lcd.
firgendstram = firgenstram
firgen-gt f. nap. -gt ibex, Gl.
firgenheafod n. mountain-headland.
firgenholt n. mountain-wood, B 1393.
firgenstram m. mountain-stream, woodland-stream.
firgin- = firgen-
firht = freht
firh == ferh
firigendstram = firgenstram
firinggt = firgengt
firmdig = frymdig
firmettan to ask, beg, AO 186^6.
firn- = firen-, fyrn-
firr, firra, firre, firrest v. feorr.
first I. (e, ie, y) mn. period, space of time, time, respite, truce, B, Chr; CP. ['frist'] II. (ie) f. ceiling, Ep. [Ger. first] III. = fyrst
firsthrf n. ceiling.
first-mearc, -gemearc f. period of time, appointed time, interval, respite.
fir- = fyr-
firwet- = fyrwit-
fisc m. 'fish,' VPs; , AO, CP; Mdf.
fisc-a, -(n)o m. fishing, AO. fishpond: a catch of fish. [v.NC286]
fiscbrne m. fish-brine, WW 128^39.
fisccynn n. fish tribe, .
fiscdah f. fish-dye, purple, OEG 5193.
fiscere m. 'fisher,' fisherman, AO, Mt: kingfisher (bird).
fiscfell (NG) = fiscpl
fiscfldu? m. fish-flood, sea, OET.
fischs n. place where fish is sold, WW 184^40.
fiscian to 'fish,' Bo.
fiscmere m. fishpond, WW 484^11.
fiscna = fisca
fiscnett n. fishing-net.
fiscno, fisco = fisca
fiscpl m. fishpond, JnL, WW. ['fishpool']
fiscrt m. small fish, MtL 15^34.
fiscwelle I. m. fishpond, A 13321. II. = fiscwylle
fiscwer m. fish-weir, fish-trap, LL 454[9].
fiscwylle full of fish, BH. [weallan]
fisting f. 'fesiculatio,' WW.
fitelfta thin, slender, WW 161^20.
fitersticca m. tent-nail, WW 187^5 (?= fiersticca).
fitt I. f? struggle, contest, fight, Gen 2072. II. f. 'fit,' song, poem, Bo; Gl. [? connected with I. v.SkED under fit(2)]
fiele f. fiddle.
fielere m. 'fiddler,' WW 311^23.
fielestre f. female fiddler, WW 311^24.
fier- = fower-, feer-
fiercian to flutter, GD 100^19. [fiere]
fierdled quadripartite, quartered, OEG.
fiere (y) n. nap. fi(e)ru, fiera(s) wing, ,CP.
fierfeald 'quadriga,' EHy 4^19.
fierfldende (y^1) flowing in four streams, GPH 390.
fierflwende flowing in four streams, OEG 48^2.
fierhama m. wing-covering, L 34^74 (y^1).
+fierhamod covered with feathers, H 1466^27.
fierhwe 'quadriformis,' OEG 177.
+fierian, firian to provide with feathers, or wings.
fierlas without wings, Wy 22.
fierrce (y) n. tetrarchy, Chr 12#c#.
fierscatas mp. four quarters? Sol 32.
fiersleht m. flapping of wings, joy? OEG 4892.
firu v. fiere.
fixa, fixas, fixum = fisca, fiscas, fiscum, gp., nap. and dp. of fisc.
fixen == fyxen
fixian, fixo, fixno = fiscian, fisca
fl f. arrow, AO. ['flo'; = fln]
flacg cataplasm, plaster, WW 380^28.
flacor flying (of arrows). [cp. Ger. flackern]
fl- = flea-, fleo-
fl- = fl-, fla-, flo-, fle-
flc = flsc
flre f. earlap, WW 157^12.
flsc () n. 'flesh,' , Cp, Lk, VP; CP: body (asopposed to soul), B, Jn: carnal nature, Mt: living creatures, Lk,Ps.
flsct m. animal food, RB.
flscbana m. murderer, GD.
flsccofa m. body, LPs 118^120.
flsccping f. meat-market, WW 145^26.
flsceht fleshy, Lcd 83a.
flscen of flesh, like flesh, GPH; . ['fleshen']
flscennes = flscnes
flscgebyrd f. incarnation, OEG 429.
flschama (o^2) m. body, carcase.
+flschamod incarnate, .
flschord n. body.
flschs n. 'flesh-house,' place where meat is sold, WW.
flsclic 'fleshly,' corporeal, carnal, ,BH.
flsclcnes f. _incarnate condition_, _. ['_fleshliness_']
flscmangere m. butcher, WW. ['flesh-monger']
flscmau f. maggot, WW 122^13.
flsc-mete m. nap. -mettas flesh, animal food, LL; , CP. ['fleshmeat']
flscnes f. incarnation, Chr.
+flscod incarnate, .
flscsand portion of meat, NC 287.
flscstrt f. meat-market, .
flsctwere m. torturer of the flesh, executioner, WW 189^19.
flsct m. one of the teeth, WW 415^24.
flscnung f. use as food, NC 287.
flscwellere m. executioner, hangman, WW 382^29. [flsc, cwellere]
flscwyrm m. maggot, Lcd. ['fleshworm']
flslic = flsclic
flecomb m. weaver's comb, WW.
flx (MtR) = fleax
flagen pp. of flan.
flh I. n. wickedness, treachery, Rim 47. II. adj. wily, deceitful, hostile.
fln mf. barb, arrow, javelin, dart, B, Ma, ; AO, CP. ['flane']
flnboga m. bow.
flanc m. flank, OEG 50^35.
flngeweorc n. shooting-gear, arrows.
flnhred? arrow-swift? arrow-equipped? (ofdeath), Rim 72.
flniht relating to darts, WW 425^34.
flnracu f. onset, attack.
flasce (x) f. 'flask,' bottle.
flt pres. 3 sg. of fltan.
flaxe (GD, WW) = flasce
flaxfte web-footed. [= flox-]
fla I. mf. 'flea,' Ep, Lcd. II. = flahn.
flag pret. 3 sg. of flogan.
flah I. n. albugo, a white spot in the eye, CP. II. m. = fla I. III. pret. 3 sg. of flogan. IV. pret. 3 sg. of flon.
flam m. flight, AO, . on f. gebrengan to put to flight. on f. weoran to flee.
flamdm m. flight, NC 287.
flamlst m. apostacy, WW 500^3.
flan^6 to 'flay,' Cp.
fleard n. nonsense, folly, deception, fraud, superstition, LL; OEG. ['flerd']
fleardere m. trifler, NC 287.
fleardian to be foolish, err, go astray: grow luxuriantly.
flat I. pret. 3 sg. of flotan. II. = flot
flawyrt f. fleabane, WW. ['fleawort']
fleax (, e) n. 'flax,' linen, CP; (e).
fleax- = flex-
flecta = fleohta
fled = flett
-fldan v. ofer-f.
flde adj. in flood, full, overflowing, AO. [fld]
flding f. flowing, .
flg- = flog-
flge little ship, JnL 6^22 (oe).
flehta = fleohta
flm- = flem-
flene = flyne
flo = fla
flogan^2 (intr., cp. flon) to 'fly,' B, El, Jud, Jul; , CP: flee, take to flight, Ma. [Ger. fliegen]
floge (, ) f. _any winged insect, 'fly,'_ _; CP. [_Ger._ fliege]
flogenda m. bird, CPs.
flogende flying, winged, Gr 44^9.
flogendlic flying, winged, Gr 55^2.
flogryft n. fly-curtain, WW 373^21.
flohcynn m. a kind of flies, PPs 104^27.
flohnet n. 'fly-net,' curtain, Jud.
fleohta (flecta) m. hurdle.
flon^2 _to fly from_, _'flee,' avoid, escape_, _G, Met, VPs_; AO, CP: _put to flight_, : _fly_ (intr.), _.
flos (VPs) = fles
fleos- = fles-
flot (a) m. flota f. water, sea, estuary, river, AO: raft, ship, Hy. ['fleet']
flotan^2 to float, drift, flow, swim, sail, , CP: (tr.) skim, Lcd. ['fleet']
flote (or ? flota) = flot
flotende floating, Gen 1447. ['fleeting']
flotig fleet, swift, Rd 52^4.
flotwyrt f. seaweed, Lcd 101a.
fleoe (ea) f. water-lily, Lcd.
flow pret. 3 sg. of flwan.
flow = flw pres. 3 sg. of flwan.
-flre v. ri-, ff-f.
flring f. story (of a building), . [flr]
fls = fles
flsc == flsc
fleswian (eo) to whisper? pull a wry face? BH 122^17 (JAW30). [or ? flswian dissemble, ES 44470]
flet == flett
flt, flte = flete
fletrst f. couch, B 1241.
fletsittend m. sitter in hall, courtier, guest.
flett n. floor, ground, B: dwelling, hall, mansion. ['flet']
flettgefeoht n. fighting in a house, LL 18[39].
flettgesteald n. household goods.
flettp m. floor of a house, Gen 2729.
fletwerod n. hall-troop, body-guard, B 476.
fleecamb = flecomb
flwsa m. flowing, flux, issue (bodily disorder), Lcd. [flwan]
flw pres. 3 sg. of flwan.
flex = fleax
flexcer m. flax land, KC 5389^16.
flexgescot n. contribution of flax.
flexlne f. flax-winder, reel? flax line? thread? LL 455[15].
+flan, +fln to drive out. [flon]
flicce n. 'flitch' of bacon, ham, CD, Gl,WW.
flicorian, flicerian _to move the wings, flutter_, _. ['_flicker_']
fle = flah I.
fleh pres. 3 sg. of flon.
flema (, , ) m. fugitive, exile, outlaw, AO. Godesf. excommunicate person, LL 352[66]. [flam]
fleman (, , ) to put to flight, drive away, banish, Gen; CP. ['fleme'; flam]
fleman-feorm, -feorming f. offence of, or penalty for, sheltering fugitives from justice, LL 102[30]; 2302.
+fleme () adj. fugitive, DR 147^8.
fleming (flmig) sb. fugitive, OEG 2965.
fles (, o, , ) n. 'fleece,' wool, fur, seal skin, LL, Ps(o).
flet (WW 489^3) = flot
fletan = fltan
flete (, ) f. cream, curds: punt. [flotan]
flg = flah I.
flg- = flog-, flg-
fligel m? n? 'flail,' A 9264.
fliht I. m. patch, MkLR 2^21 (y). [flohtan] II. = flyht
[[I. Cross-reference unidentified.]]
flihtecl m. patch, WW 206^13.
flh pres. 3 sg. of flon.
flma = flema
flint m. 'flint,' rock, , Ep, WW.
flinten of flint, W 252^1.
flintgrg gray like flint, Rd 4^19.
flo = flah I.
fls = fles
flit (usu. +) n. strife, Ps: dispute, contention: 'scandalum'; t +fltes emulously. ['flite']
fltan^1 to strive, quarrel, dispute, contend, B, BH; ,CP.
flitcrft m. dialectics, logic, OEG.
flitcrftlic logical.
fltend m. contentious person.
fltere m. disputer, chider, quarreler, schismatic, Ep. ['fliter']
flit-ful (OEG), -fullic contentious.
+flitfulnes f. litigiousness, A 11102^84.
flitgeorn m. contentious person.
+flitgeorn contentious, RB 130^20.
+flitlce emulously, BH 406^17.
flitmlum contentiously, emulously.
-flitme? v. un-f.
fliusum (OET) = flosum dp. of flos.
flc n. flounder? WW.
flcan^7 to clap, applaud, Rd 21^34.
flocc m. 'flock,' company, troop, , Chr.
floccmlum in troops, AO. ['flockmeal']
flocgian to shine forth, GPH 399.
flocrd f. invading band, troop, Chr.
flocslite m. sedition, WW 116^26; A 8451.
fld mn. mass of water, 'flood,' wave, , Gen, Mt, VPs; AO, CP: flow (oftide as opposed to ebb), tide, flux, current, stream, Chr; AO: the flood, deluge, B, Lk;.
fldblc pale as water? pale through fear of drowning, Ex 497.
flde f. channel, gutter, Gl: flood? (Earle), EC 120^31.
fldegsa m. flood terror, Ex 446.
flden of a river, WW 240.
fldhamm m. piece of land surrounded by water? KC 1289^16.
fldlic of or belonging to a stream, Gr 54^9.
fldweard f. sea-wall.
fldweg m. watery way, sea.
fldwudu m. ship, Cr 854.
fldwylm m. flowing stream, raging billows. [weallan]
fld f. wave of the sea, B 542.
flogen I. pp. of flon. II. pp. of flogan.
floggettan to fly, flutter, Sc; GD 100^19.
[[Entry before author's corrections: floggettan to fluctuate. [flogan] ]]
flogoa m. liquor, GPH 402.
flh f. chip, WW 416^4.
flohtenfte web-footed, Lcd 33b.
flr fm. ds. flra, flre 'floor,' pavement, ground, B, Lk; : bottom (ofa lake, etc.), Sat.
flrisc flowery, CM 44.
flrstn m. paving-stone, tessella.
flot n. deep water, sea. on flot(e) afloat. ['float']
flota m. (floater), boat, ship, vessel: fleet sailor: () pirate. ['float']
+flota m. floater (whale), #Whale#7.
floten pp. of flotan.
floterian to flutter, fly, : float, be flooded, overflow,.
flothere m. piratical fleet, B 2915.
flotian to 'float,' Chr. [flotan]
flotlic nautical, naval, WW 205^27.
flotmann m. sailor, pirate, .
flotorian = floterian
flotscip n. ship, bark, WW.
flotsmeru n. floating grease, fat, LL 453[4].
flotweg m. ocean, Hu 41.
flwan^7 to 'flow,' stream, issue, Ps, Sol, VPs; AO, CP: become liquid, melt, VPs: abound: (+) overflow,AO.
flwednes, flwnes f. flow, flux, overflow, torrent,CP.
flwende 'flowing,' Ma 65.
flwendlic flowing, LPs 147^18.
flwing f. 'flowing,' MtL.
flugl- (OET 26) = fugl-
flugol fleet, swift: fleeting.
flugon I. pret. pl. of flogan. II. pret. pl. of flon. III. = fulgon pret. pl. of folan.
fluton pret. pl. of flotan.
flycerian = flicerian [[under "flicorian"]]
flycge fledged, OEG.
flycticl (Gl) = flihtecl
flyge (i) m. flight.
flge = floge
flygepl n. flying dart, Mod 27.
flygerow wild in flight, Gu 321.
flygul = flugol
flhst pres. 2 sg. of flon.
flyht m. I. _flying, 'flight,'_ _ (i), OET. on flyhte _on the wing_. II. = fliht
flyhthwt swift of flight.
flh pres. 3 sg. of flon.
flm- = flem-
+fln = +flan
flyne (e) f. batter, Lcd.
fls () = fles
flyt = flit
flt- = flt-
flt pres. 3 sg. of flotan.
flte I. m? 'pontomium,' boat, WW. [cp. flot] II. f. = flete
fltme f. fleam (blood-letting instrument). [L. phlebotomum]
fly = flyht
fnd n. nap. fnadu fringe, border, hem, .
fnran, fnrettan to breathe heavily, snort, fume. v.NC 356.
fns I. n. dp. fnasum fringe, WW 425^27. II. pret. 3 sg. of fnesan. [[error for "fnsan"?]]
fnst m. blowing, blast, breath, Lcd. ['fnast']
fnstian to breathe hard, Lcd. [v. 'fnast']
fnosan to breathe hard, sneeze.
fnosung f. sneezing, WW. [v. 'fnese']
fnsan^5 to sneeze: pant, gasp.
fnora m. sneezing, , Gl.
f pres. 1 sg. of fn.
foca m. cake (baked on the hearth), L 18^164.
fda m. 'food,' sustenance, nourishment, , CD: fuel, Sc.
fodder = fdor
foddor, foddur = fdor
fdor n. 'fodder' (for cattle), food (for man), , LL: case, sheath, Gl.
fdorbrytta (fodder-) m. distributor of food, herdsman, WW 111^39.
fdorgifu (foddur-) food, PPs.
fdorhec (fodder-) rack for food or fodder, LL 455[17].
fdorno m. sustenance.
fdoregu f. partaking of food, feeding, repast, food.
fdorwela (foddur-) m. wealth of food, provisions, Rd 33^10.
fdra m. provisions, AO.
foe- (N) = fe-, f-
+fg n. joining, joint.
+fgstn (fh) m. keystone, CP 253^19.
fh imperat. of fn.
foht = feoht
fohten pp. of feohtan.
fol (wk. adj.) = full
+fol adj. with foal.
fol- = ful-
fola m. 'foal,' colt, Bl, Mk; .
folc n. folk, people, nation, tribe, , B; AO, CP: a collection or class of persons, laity, Bl, Bo: troop, army.
folcgende ruling.
folcbealo n. great tribulation, Men 125.
folcbearn n. man.
folcc (folc) f. people's cow, PPs 67^27.
folcc noted: public, BH.
folccwn f. queen of a nation, B 641.
folccwide n. popular saying, NC 287.
folccyning m. king of a nation.
folcdryht f. multitude of people.
folcefiren f. public crime.
folcegetrum = folcgetrum
folcegsa m. general terror, PPs 88^33.
folcfra m. lord of the people, Gen 1852.
folcfrig having full rights of citizenship, LL 13[8]; 344[45].
folcgedrfnes f. tribulation, NC 287.
folcgefeoht n. pitched battle, AO.
folcgemt n. meeting of the people of a town or district, LL. ['folkmoot']
folcgerfa m. public officer, WW.
folcgeriht = folcriht
folcgesetnes f. statute.
folcges m. prince, noble.
folcgestealla m. companion in war.
folcgestron n. public treasure, Gen 1981.
folcgetl n. number of fighting men, Ex 229.
folcgetrum n. army, host.
folcgerang n. crowd, AO 134^26.
folcgewinn n. fighting, war, Met 1^10.
folcisc of the people, popular, secular, common.
folclsung = folclasung
folclagu f. law of the people, public law.
folcland n. land held by freemen according to tribal rules of family inheritance, v.LL 2403.
folclr f. homily, Gd.
folclasung f. slander, LL.
folclic public, common, popular, plebeian, worldly, secular, GD 209^13.
folcmgen n. public force, army.
folcmg f. tribe, nation.
folcmlum = floccmlum
folcmre celebrated, Gen 1801.
folcmt = folcgemt
folcnd f. people's need, PPs 77^16.
folcrd m. public benefit.
folcrden f. decree of the people, #Cra#42.
folcriht I. n. right of the people, common law, LL. ['folkright'] II. adj. according to common law.
folcsl n. house, Rd 2^5.
folcscearu f. people, nation, province: people's land, B 73 (Earle).
folcsceaa m. villain, An 1595.
folcscipe m. nation, people, Rd 33^10.
folcslite n. sedition, WW 111^26.
folcstede m. dwelling-place: battlefield.
folcstw f. country place, BH 160^16.
folcswot m? troop, multitude, Ex 577.
folctalu f. genealogy.
folctoga m. chieftain, commander.
folctruma m. host, LPs.
folc = folcc
folcweleg populous, WW 476^16.
folcwer m. man.
folcwiga m. warrior, Rd 15^23.
folcwita m. public councillor, senator, #Cra#77.
folcwh n. deception of the public, L 23^691.
foldrn n. earth-house, grave.
foldgend m. earth-possessor, earth-dweller, Ph 5. (MS.folcgend)
foldbold n. house, castle, B 773.
foldbend m. earth-dweller, man, inhabitant of a country,CP.
folde (eo) f. earth, ground, soil, terra firma, B, Jud: land, country, region: world.
foldgrf n. earth-grave.
foldgrg grey as the earth? GnC 31.
foldhrrende walking on the earth, Pa 5.
foldrst f. rest in the earth, Cr 1029.
foldwstm m. fruits of the earth, Ph 654.
foldweg m. way, path, road: earth.
foldwela m. earthly riches, Rim 68.
foldwong m. plain, earth.
folen, folgen pp. of folan.
folga (AO) = folgo
folgere m. 'follower,' attendant, disciple, , CP: successor, AO 150^27: freeman who is not a householder.
folgian (often w. d.) to 'follow,' Jn, Lk: accompany, Ps: follow after, B: (+) attain, CP 383^27: obey, serve, oberve, El. (v.also fylgan).
folgo m. body of retainers, following, retinue: pursuit, employment, service, dignity, office, rule, , AO, CP: jurisdiction, district: condition of life, destiny.
folm , folme f. palm, hand. [flan]
fon = fann
fn^7 () to take, grasp, seize, catch, B, BH, Gen; CP, : capture, make prisoner, Chr: receive, accept, assume, undertake, B, Sol; CP: meet with, encounter. f.on take up, begin, resume, : take to, , Bo. f. t rce ascend the throne, , AO. f.tgdre join together, join issue, engage in battle. him tganes feng clutched at him, B. him on fultum feng helped them, Jud 300. hlyst +f. listen. ['fang,' 'i-fang']
fond = fand pret. 3 sg. of findan.
fong- = fang-
fonn = fann
font == fant
fonu = fanu
for I. prep. (with d., inst. and a.) (local) before, in the sight of, in or into the presence of, B, Gen: as far as, IM 119^13: (temporal) during, before: (causal) 'for,' on account of, for the sake of, through, because of, owing to, from, by reason of, , B, Gen, Met. for worulde as regards this world, . for Dryhtne by God: in order to: in place of, instead of, equivalent to, at the price of, , Gu, Mt: in preference to, Rood: in spite of, Chr. II. conj. for, because. for hw, for hwm, for hwon wherefore? for m, for on, for therefore, because, since. for m e (), for e because. for t, for m t in order that. III. adv. too, very, . for n only.
for- I. denotes loss or destruction (as in fordn, forgiefan), or is intensitive or pejorative, as in forbrnan, forrotian. It is not connected with the preposition 'for.' Its original form was fer- [cp. Ger. ver-]. II. occly = fore-
fr I. f. going, course, journey, expedition, BH; AO: way, manner of life. [faran] II. m. pig, hog, OEG. III. pret. 3 sg. of faran.
fora (N) = foran
fora- = fore-
forad = forod
foran I. prep. (w. d.) before, opposite. II. adv. before, in front, forward, Rd; , AO, CP: to the front, Da. foran ongean opposite. ['forne']
foranbodig n. thorax, chest, WW 158^41.
forandg early part of the day? (NC), first day?(BT).
forane = foran II.
foranhafod n. forehead, .
foranniht f. early part of the night, dusk, evening,.
forant prep. (w. d.) before.
for = fore
forbrnan to cause to burn, burn up, consume by fire, be consumed, , Chr; AO. ['forburn']
forbrnednes f. burning up, Lcd.
forbearan = forberan
forbearnan = forbrnan
frbed n. portable bed, litter, ZDA 31.
forbgan = forbgan
forbelgan^3 to be enraged, Bl.
forbn f. prayer, DHy 138^13.
forbodan^2 to 'forbid,' prohibit, Chr, G; : restrain, Ps: refuse, Lk: repeal, annul, LL 42[49].
forbodendlic dehortative, dissuasive, Gr 225^11.
forbeornan^3 (e, y) to burn, be consumed by fire,AO.
forberan I. (sv^4) to 'forbear,' abstain from, refrain, CP: suffer, endure, tolerate, humour, CP, B, BH: restrain. II. = foreberan
forbernan = forbeornan
forberstan^3 to break, burst asunder, vanish, fail, LL: let go by default, EC 201. ['forburst']
forbtan = forebtan
forbgan (, ) to bend down, bow down, depreciate, abase, humiliate, degrade.
forbgels m. arch, arched roof, WW 126^3.
forbindan^3 to bind (up), muzzle, CP 105^7. ['forbind']
forbisen = forebysen
forbtan^1 to bite through, HL 18^391.
forblwan^7 to blow, AO: blow out, inflate, Lcd. ['forblow']
forblindian to blind, MkR 6^52.
frbc f. itinerary, OEG 2023.
forbod n. prohibition, LL; CP. ['forbode']
forboda = foreboda
forbrecan^5 (^2) to break in pieces, bruise, violate, crush, destroy, Jn; AO, CP. forbrocen broken down, decrepit. ['forbreak']
for-brdan^3, -bregdan to tear in pieces: draw over, cover: change, transform, Bo. ['forbraid']
for-britan, -brittan = forbryttan
forbryt-ednes (ESPs), -ennes (V^2Ps) f. contrition.
forbrytian = forbryttan
forbryttan to break in pieces, crush, bruise.
forbgan^2 to bend from, refrain from, avoid, decline, , Ma; CP: flee from, escape, CP: hold down. ['forbow']
forbgan = forbgan
forbyrd f. abstention, AO 30^25.
forbyrdian to wait for, EPs 32^20.
forbyrdig forbearing, NC 287.
forbyrnan () = forbeornan
force f. 'fork,' , WW.
forcap forestalling (in trade), LL 234[2,10]. [= *forecap]
forceorfan^3 to carve out, cut down, cut off, cut through, divide, , Chr; AO, CP. ['forcarve']
forcwan^2 to bite off, Bo 36^23.
for-cierran (CP) -cerran to turn aside, prevent, avert, avoid, CP: turn oneself away, escape.
forcierrednes (y^2) f. perversity, GD 119^15: turning aside, BPs 125^1.
forcierring (e, y) f. turning aside, CVPs 125^1.
forcinnan to deny, disown? Sol 107.
forcippian (y) to cut off, RHy 2^12. [cp. Eng. chip]
forclman to stop up, Gl.
forclas mp. prongs? NC 287.
forclingan^3 to wither, shrink up, Cp. ['forcling']
forclyccan to stop, close (ears), RPs 57^5.
forclsan to close up, Lcd 392^22.
forcndan = forgndan
forcuman^4 to come before, prevent, surprise: harass, wear out, destroy: overcome, conquer, obtain: surpass.
forcunnian to tempt: understand.
for-c () bad, wicked, infamous, foul, despicable, , Bo; AO, CP. adv. -ce. ['forcouth']
forclic = forc
forclce = force [[form of "forc"]]
forcwean^5 to speak ill of, abuse, revile, CP: reprove: refuse, reject, CP: boast, promise great things, #GnE#49.
forcwolstan^3? to swallow, Lcd 18a.
forcwsan to shake violently, SPs 109^7.
forcyppian = forcippian
forcyrran () = forcierran
forcan to surpass in knowledge: understand: argue, urge.
ford m. ds. forda 'ford,' , AO; Mdf.
fordlan to spend.
fordad dead, MtL 28^4.
fordelfan^3 to delve, dig, EC 120^28.
fordman to condemn, sentence, doom, Mt; : prejudice, EC 145: decide, Sc 125^5. ['fordeem']
fordmedlic to be condemned, GD 208^9.
fordmednes f. condemnation, proscription, BH 34^5, GD 345^3.
fordmend m. accuser, JnL p5^9.
fordmian = fordman
fordming f. plunder, spoliation, OEG 3149.
fordemman to dam up, block up, EPs 57^5.
fordettan (KGl) = fordyttan
fordcigan to shut out by a ditch, block up, CP.
for-dilgian, -dilegian, -diligian to blot out, destroy, abolish, BH. ['fordilghe']
fordimmian to obscure, darken, Sc. ['fordim']
fordittan = fordyttan
fordn anv. to undo, bring to nought, ruin, destroy, BH; AO, : abolish, Chr: kill, , AO: corrupt, seduce, defile. pp. fordn corrupt, wicked, abandoned. ['fordo']
fordrfan to drive, compel, LL 24[62].
fordrencan () _to make drunk, intoxicate_, _. ['_fordrench_'] pp. fordruncen _drunk_, _CP_. ['_fordrunken_']
fordrfan^1 to drive, sweep away: drive on, impel, compel, AO: drive away, expel, . [Ger. vertreiben]
fordrifnes f. objection, opposition, NG.
fordrincan^3 to make drunk, be drunk, CP.
fordrgian to become dry, wither, Met. ['fordry']
fordrwian = fordrgian
forduttan (VPs) = fordyttan
fordwilman to confound, Bo 14^5.
fordwnan^1 _to vanish_, _. ['_fordwine_']
fordyslic very foolish, Bo 42^10.
fordyttan (e, i, u) to obstruct, block up, close, Cp; . ['fordit']
fore I. prep. w. d. a. (local) before, in the sight of, in presence of, B: (causal) because of, for the sake of, through, on account of, by reason of, from, BH: (temporal) before, Cr: for, instead of. II. adv. before, beforehand, formerly, once, Ps. ['fore']
fore- occly. = for-
foreald (y^2) very old, RB 114^11.
forealdian to grow old, decay, BH; , CP. ['forold']
forestreccan to lay low, overthrow, EPs 105^26.
fore m. preliminary oath, LL (v. 2546). ['foreoath']
forae very easily, .
fore-bacen, -bacn (), -bcen n. sign, portent, prodigy.
forebegn to intercept, Chr 1009#e#.
foreberan to prefer, BH 294^7.
forebtan to make legal amends (vicariously),LL.
forebirig = forebyrig, ds. of foreburh.
forebiscop m. high priest, MtL 1^18 (mg).
forebisegian to preoccupy, OEG 1236.
foreblsting () f. shoot, branch, EPs 79^12.
frebc (HGl 454) = frbc
forebod n. prophecy, preaching, NG.
foreboda m. forerunner, messenger, ANS 84^14.
forebodian to announce, declare.
forebodung f. prophecy, NG.
forebrdan to prolong, EPs 119^5: overshadow, MkL 9^7.
forebrost n. chest, WW.
foreburh f. outwork: outer court, vestibule,.
forebyrd f. longsuffering, CP 41^17.
forebysen f. example.
foreceorfan^3 'prcidere,' Gr 172^4.
foreceorfend m. front tooth, WW 264^11.
forecosan to chose in preference, BCJRPs 131^13,14.
foreclipian (y) 'proclamare,' BHy 3^4; ANS 122265.
forecnowrisn progeny, EPs.
forecostigan to profane, EPs 88^32.
forecostung f. profanation, EPs 88^35.
forecuman^4 to come before, prevent, BH: overcome? Ps: come out, come upon, NG. ['forecome']
forecwean^5 to preach, predict.
forecweden aforesaid, GD 12; 344.
forecwide m. prophecy: introduction, heading (ofchapter),NG.
forecyme m. proceeding forth, MtL p4^3.
fore-cynren, -cynrd n. progeny.
forecan to make known to, TC 300^24: 'pronuntiare,' EPs 70^15.
fored = forod
fore-dyre, -dere n. vestibule, OEG (T. 135).
foredyrstig? 'presumptuosus,' LL 409[22].
forefger very fair, ES 8479^89.
fore-feng, fong = forfang
forefran to go before.
forefex n. forelock, OEG 5326; 2^453.
forefn^7 to prevent, anticipate.
foregn anv., foregangan^7 to go before, precede, BH, VPs: go in front of, project: excel. ['forego']
forege- = for(e)-
foregearwung f. preparation, parasceve.
foregebiddan^5 to intercede, RB 62^8.
foregeht n. vow, L 23b^543.
foregehtan to promise: invite, NG.
foregenga m. forerunner: predecessor, ancestor, CP: attendant, Jud 127.
foregengel (for-) m. predecessor, Chr 963#e#.
foregescaw- = forescaw-
foregesecgan to predestine, MtL p1^9.
foregesettan = foresettan
foregeswuteliende 'indagande,' OEG 1504.
foregeton^2 to point out, HGl 411.
foregeingian = foreingian
foregidd n. proverb, JnR 16^29.
foregielpan^3 to vaunt, AO.
foregsl m. preliminary hostage (Swt); foremost hostage (BT), #Chr#878.
foreglaw foreseeing, provident, wise, prudent, . adv. -lce.
foregyrnan to show before, Sc 203^17.
forehlig very holy, ANS 843.
forehs n. porch, LV 33.
forehran to hear of, Bl.
foreiernend m. forerunner, WW 339^6.
foreld-tow, -twa m. precursor, LkLR 22^26.
foreldan to lead forth, MtL 15^14.
forelrend m. teacher, Bl 149^13.
forelr f. preaching, MtL p16^5.
forelcian to delay, NC 288.
foreldan = forieldan
forelegnis = forlegis
foreloran to go before, pass by, NG.
forelornes f. 'prvaricatio,' transgression, EPs 100^3 (cp.ofer-l.).
forelocc m. 'forelock,' OEG.
forelcian 'prospicere, respicere, aspicere,' EPs.
foremre illustrious, renowned, famous, .
foremrlic eminent, Bo 75^24.
foremrnes f. eminence, fame, Bo.
foremanian to forewarn, BH 412^30.
foremanig very many, MtL p18^12.
foremeahtig = foremihtig
foremearcod before-mentioned, CM 378.
foremearcung (e^2) f. title, chapter, NG.
foremihtig (ea) very strong, most mighty. adv. -lce.
fremunt m. promontory, WW 464^17.
forene = forane
forenyme m. taking before, Gl.
forerm m. prologue.
forerynel m. forerunner, herald, morning star, ,CP.
foresacan^6 to forbid, MtL 3^14.
foresd _aforesaid_, _. ['_foresaid_']
fore-sgdnes, -saga f. preface, NG.
foresndan = foresendan
forescawere (for-) m. 'provisor,' ES 39327.
forescawian _to 'foreshow,' foresee_, : _pre-ordain, decree, appoint_, : _provide, furnish with_, _.
forescawodlce with forethought, thoughtfully, CM76.
forescawung f. contemplation, foresight, providence, Sc; . ['foreshowing']
forescotan^2 (for-) to anticipate, forestall, Bo 124^11.
forescieldnes f. 'protectio,' EPs 120^5.
forescyttels m. bolt, bar, Cr 312.
forescan to appeal (for justice), LL 152[3] andnn.
foresecgan to mention before, : foretell, BH;.
foreseld n. first seat, MtL 23^6.
foresellan to spend, advance (money).
foresendan to send before.
foreson^5 to 'foresee,' Ps: provide, BH: provide for,BH.
foresond m. provider, BH 338^10.
foresones foresight, providence, BH.
fore-setnes, -setenes f. proposition, purpose: preposition, Gr.
foresettan to place before, shut in, VPs: propose: prefer: precede. ['foreset']
foresingend m. precentor, WW 129^21.
foresittan^5 to preside over, BH.
fore-smagan, -sman to think beforehand.
foresnotor very wise, B 3163.
forespc = foresprc
forespeca = forespreca
fore-sprc (CP), -sprc, -spc (WW) f. advocacy, defence, excuse: agreement, arrangement: preamble, preface, prologue, , CP: promise. ['forespeech']
forespreca m. intercessor, advocate, mediator: sponsor, LL442[I].
foresprecan^5 to speak or answer for, be surety for, intercede for, CP: say before. foresprecen above-mentioned, aforesaid, Bo: = forspecan. ['forespoken']
forestppan () = foresteppan
forestppend m. precursor, Lk 22^26.
forestppung f. anticipation, A 8331.
forestandan^6 to preside, lead: excel, WW 464^15.
forestapul going before, GPH 196.
foresteall (for-) m. intervention, hindrance (of justice): ambush, assault, offence of waylaying on the highway, , LL: fine for such an offence: resistance, opposition. ['forestall']
forestemman to prevent, hinder, NG.
forestora m. look-out man, pilot, WW 464^8.
foresteppan^6 () to precede, go before, : excel: forestall, prevent.
forestigan^1 to excel, Gr 154^11n.
forestige m. vestibule, OEG 4688 and n.
forestihtian to fore~ordain, .
forestihtung f. predestination, .
foreswerian^6 to swear before, .
foretcn n. 'fore-token,' prognostic, prodigy, sign, wonder, Bo;CP.
foretcnian to foreshow, BH 216^17.
foreteohhung f. predestination, Bo.
foreton to fore-ordain, frame beforehand, arrange.
foret mp. front teeth, WW. ['foretooth']
foretg m. forecourt, porch, Mt 11^16.
foretnd shut in, BH 386^2.
foreanc m. forethought, providence, consideration, deliberation,CP.
foreanclic thoughtful, careful, prudent, CP. adv. -lce.
foreancol provident, prudent, considerate, CP.
foreancolnes f. prudence, PPs 48^3.
foreencan to premeditate, consider, be mindful, CP. ['forethink']
foreingere m. intercessor, mediator, .
foreingian to plead for any one, intercede, defend.
foreingiend m. intercessor.
fore-ingrden, -ingung f. intercession, .
foreonc == foreanc
forewall = foreweall
foreward = foreweard
forewarnian to take warning beforehand.
foreweall m. rampart, bulwark, Ex. ['forewall']
foreweard (a^2, e^2) I. f. condition, bargain, agreement, treaty, assurance. II. m. outpost, scout. III. adj. 'forward,' inclined to the front, , BH: fore, early, former, . f.gar new year. IV. adv. (-wearde at AS 55^4) in front, CP: towards the future, Gen. fram foreweardum once more,RB.
foreweoran^3 to predestinate, MkL p1^20.
fore-wesan anv. pret. 3 sg. -ws to be over, rule over,BH.
forews foreknowing, HL 18^363.
forewitan swv. to foreknow, Bo. ['forewit']
forewtegian to prophesy, .
forewtegung f. prophecy, OEG.
forewitig foreknowing, .
forewitol foreknowing, Chr 1067#d#.
forewittlendlic prescient, OEG 1502.
forewitung f. foreknowing, presage.
foreword = foreweard
forewost (e^3) m. chief, captain, NG.
forewrgan = forwrgan
forewrtan^1 to proscribe, banish. forewriten above or before-written, CM 276^540.
forewritennes f. proscription, exile, WW 466^5.
forewyrcend m. servant, L 3^156.
forewyrd f. predestination, Gl.
forfang (forefeng) m. capture, (legal) seizure, recovery of cattle or other property, LL: reward for rescuing properly, LL (v.388-391 and 2279). ['forfang']
forfangfeoh n. reward for rescuing cattle or other property. [LL 390, 3,2]
forfaran^6 to pass away, perish, Chr: lose, destroy, ruin: intercept, obstruct.
forfeng I. pret. 3 sg. of forfn. II. = forfang
forfran () = forfran
forferian to let die, LL 58[17].
forflon^2 to flee from, escape, avoid, evade, .
forflgan to put to flight, ZDA 3116^418.
forfn^7 to seize: anticipate, forestall: surprise: prevent: forfeit.
forfyllan to stop up, obstruct, WW 463^10.
forg- = foreg-
forggan to transgress, trespass, prevaricate, : pass by, omit, neglect, OEG,W.
forggednes f. transgression, trespass, .
forggung f. fault, excess, Sc 115^9.
forglan to avoid, LkL.
forgn I. anv. _to go or pass over, by or away_, _, MtL_: _'forgo,' abstain from, neglect, lose_, _; CP, . II. = foregn
forgedn = fordn
forgeearnung f. merit, DHy 132^1.
forgefenes = forgiefnes
forggan = forggan
forgeldan = forgieldan
forgm- = forgm-, forgem-
forgeorne very earnestly, very attentively, Bl.
forget = forgiet pres. 3 sg. of forgietan.
forgiefan^5 (i, y) to give, grant, allow; BH, Bl; CP: 'forgive,' overlook, Gen, Lk, Mt; AO, CP: give up, leave off, CP: give in marriage.
forgiefnes (i, y) f. pardon, 'forgiveness,' remission, Bl; CP: indulgence, permission, BH (i): gift? Cr 425.
forgieldan^3 (e, i, y) to pay for, CP: requite, reward, Bl; AO, CP: indemnify, make good: pay double (aspenalty), LL: give. ['foryield']
forgielpan^3 to boast in public, trumpet forth, W 234^16.
forgemelasian (, ) to neglect, abandon, give up, omit,CP.
forgietan^5 (i, y) w. a. or g. to 'forget,' B, Ma, Ps; AO, CP. For comps. v.forgit-.
forgif- = forgief-
for-gifenlic, -gifendlic that may be forgiven, Mt: dative, Gr 22^16 (y^2). ['forgivelich']
forgifestre f. female giver, DHy 49^6.
forgifu f. 'gratia,' DHy 78^7.
forgifung f. gift.
forgildan = forgieldan
forgman (, ) to neglect, pass by, transgress, B (). ['foryeme']
forgmelasian = forgemelasian
forgitan = forgietan
forgitel (eo^2, y^2, o^3, u^3) _forgetful_, _. ['_forgetel_']
forgitelnes (y^2) f. forgetfulness, oblivion, LPs.
forgiten pp. forgetting: forgetful.
forgiting f. forgetfulness, CM 1065.
forglendr-an, -ian to devour, swallow up, W.
forgnagan^6 _to eat up_, _. ['_forgnaw_']
forgndan^1 to grind together, dash down, crush, break, LPs. ['forgnide']
forgniden contrite.
forgnidennes f. tribulation, LPs 13^3; APs 146^3.
forgndan = forgndan
forgrindan^3 to grind down, ruin, destroy, consume.
forgrindet n. grinding, pounding, Cp 776#c#.
forgrpan^1 to seize, assail, attack, overwhelm.
forgrwen grown up? overgrown? Rim 46. [v.'forgrow']
forgumian (LL 474, 2) = forgman
forgyf- = forgief-, forgif-
forgyldan = forgieldan
forgyltan to sin, be or become guilty, W. forgylt condemned, guilty.
forgm- = forgm-, forgem-
forgyrd = forgyrd
forgyrdan to enclose, encircle.
forgyt- = forgiet-, forgit-
for-habban, pret. 3 sg. -hfde to hold in, restrain, retain, keep back: draw back, refrain from, avoid, . forhfed continent, abstemious.
forhbbenda m. abstinent, continent person, CP.
forhfd = forhafod
forhf(e)dnes f. temperance, continence, self-restraint, abstinence, BH; , CP: parsimony. ['forhevedness']
forhed burnt up.
forhtan^7 _to renounce, forswear_, _. ['_forhight_'] se forhtena _the devil_, _Gen_ 609.
forhafdnes (AS 22^16) = forhfednes [[headword spelled "forhfednes"]]
forhafod n. 'forehead,' brow, skull, WW; . [= fore-]
forhealdan^7 to forsake, fall away from, rebel against, B: defile, pollute, Bl: keep back, withhold, LL 130, 6, 1: misuse, abuse. ['forhold']
forhealdnes f. unchastity, NC 288.
forheard very hard, Ma 156.
forheardian to grow hard, LVPs 89^6.
forhawan^7 to hew in pieces, cut down, kill, Ma. ['forhew']
forhefednes = forhfednes
forhegan (KGl) = forhogian
forhelan^4 to cover over, conceal, hide, protect, , Bo; CP. sacnef. conceal a guilty man. ['forhele']
for-hellan? -hellian to hide, OEG 5410n.
forhergend m. ravager, Gl.
for-hergian, -herigean, -heregian to plunder, harry, ravage, devastate, destroy, AO, CP. [Ger. verheeren]
for-hergung, -her(g)iung f. harassing, devastation, AO 74^36.
forhicgan = forhycgan
forhenan to cast down, defeat, humiliate, humble, outrage, oppress, waste, AO. [Ger. verhhnen]
forhigan = forhycgan
for-hoged-, -hogd- = forhogod-
forhogian to neglect, disregard, despise, BH; , CP. ['forhow']
forhogiend m. despiser.
forhogodlic contemptuous, Bl 77^23. adv. -lce.
forhogodnes f. contempt.
forhogung f. contempt, BPs, CM.
forhohnes = forhogodnes
forhradian to hasten before, prevent, anticipate, frustrate, ,CP.
forhrae very speedily, quickly, soon, .
forhrred annulled, WW.
forht afraid, timid, cowardly, AO, CP: frightful, terrible. adv. forhte despairingly.
forhtful fainthearted, timorous.
forhtian (tr. and intr.) to be afraid, surprised, fear, dread,.
forhtiendlic timorous, WW 442^5.
forhtige humbly, submissively, RB 70^5.
forhtigend timid, W: dreadful, W.
forhtlic fearful, afraid. adv. -lce.
forhtmd timorous, timid, .
forhtnes f. fear, terror, .
forhtung f. fear, .
forhugian = forhogian
forhwn, forhwan = forhwon
forhweorfan^3 to come to an end, be destroyed.
forhwerfan = forhwierfan
for-hw, -hwig = forhw
forhwierfan (e, eo, i, y) to change, transform: remove, transfer: pervert,CP.
forhwon wherefore, why, for what reason.
forhw (^2) why, wherefore, Ps. ['forwhy']
forhwyrfan = forhwierfan
forhwyrfedlic perverse, Bl 31^4.
forhwyrfednes f. perversity, NC 288.
forhycgan to disdain, despise, reject, CP.
forhdan to hide, Ps; CP. ['forhide']
forhygdelic despised, LPs 118^141.
forhylman to refuse obedience to, An 735.
forhnan = forhenan
forhyrdan (i) to harden, EPPs 94^8. [heard]
forieldan to put off, delay, CP.
foriernan^3 to run before, outrun, Jn 20^4 (fore- JnL). ['forerun']
forinlce thoroughly, exceedingly, Bo 94^6.
forinweardlce thoroughly, genuinely, Bo 137^15.
forlcan^7 to mislead, seduce, deceive, betray.
forldan to mislead, seduce, , AO, CP: bring out (= for-), . [Ger. verleiten]
forlran to teach wrongly, lead astray, seduce, pervert, An; . ['forlere']
forltan^7 to let go, relinquish, surrender, lose, leave, abandon, neglect, An, Bl; , CP: remit, pardon, excuse: loose, release: let, permit, allow, BH: grant, give. p, inf. to direct upwards, within. n(n)ef. = n- forltan. ['forlet']
forltednes (GD 227^16) = forltennes [[headword spelled "forltennes"]]
for-ltennes (), -ltnes, -lting f. leaving, departure, absence: loss, perdition: intermission, cessation, end: remission.
forlting f. intermission.
forlegenes = forlegnes
forlegenlic mean-looking, ugly.
forlegere = forligere
for-legis, -leges f. prostitute, adulteress, CP.
for-legis-, -legor- = forliger-
forlegnes f. fornication.
forlogan^2 to lie, perjure oneself, slander, .
forloran (EPs 143^14) = foreloran
forleornung f. deception, Bl 183^34.
forleorte redupl. pret. sg. of forltan.
forlosan^2 to lose, abandon, let go, B; , AO, CP: destroy, ruin, Gen. forloren ruined. ['forlese']
forlt- = forlt-
forlettan (fore-) to prevent, MkL 10^14.
forlicgan^5 to commit adultery or fornication, AO; CP: fail, lapse, LL 178[7]: screen (athief), LL 274[12]. ['forlie'] pp. forlegen used as sb. adulterer, fornicator.
forlicgend m. fornicator.
forlden pp. of forlan.
forlidennes = forliennes
forligan = forlicgan
for-ligenes, -lignes = forlegnes
forliger I. n. adultery, fornication, wantonness, immorality, . II. m. whoremonger, adulterer, : fornicatress? III. adj. adulterous.
forligerbed n. bed of fornication.
forligere = forliger I.
forligeren adj. fornicating, OEG 8^232.
forligerhs n. house of ill fame, OEG.
forligerlic unchaste, impure, OEG.
forligerwf (-ego) n. prostitute, MH 140^19.
forliges = forlegis
forliggang m. house of ill-fame? fornication? WW 499^12.
forligrian to commit fornication, ERSPs 72^26.
forlr = forliger II.
forlan^1 to suffer shipwreck.
forliennes f. shipwreck, OEG.
for-long, -longe adv. long ago, NG.
forlor m. loss, destruction, AO, CP. t forlore gedn to destroy,CP.
forlorenes f. state of being forlorn, perdition, destruction, VPs. ['forlornness']
for-lorian, -losian to lose, NG.
forlustlce very willingly, Bo 51^18.
forlytel very little, Bo.
form = feorm
form- (NG) = frum-
forma (eo) first, earliest, Bo; CP. ['forme'] on forman at first.
for-ml, -ml f? n? negotiation, agreement, treaty, LL. [mlII.]
formrnes = foremrnes
formanig very many.
formelle f. bench, ANS 849. [L. formella]
formeltan^3 (y) to melt away, dissolve, liquefy, burn up, AO; . ['formelt']
formesta = fyrmesta wk. superl. of forma.
frmete m. food for a journey.
formicel (y^2) very great, LL 302[20,2].
formogod corrupted, L 23^375.
formolsnian to rot away, crumble, decay, .
formolsnung f. corruption, OEG 1251.
formycel = formicel
formyltan = formeltan
formyrrian to murder, LL, W.
forn = foran
frn f? m? trout, WW 180^39.
fornman to be worn out, afflicted (with grief), GD 245^3.
forne = foran adv.
frne f. = frn
fornah very nearly, well-nigh, almost, about, , AO,CP.
for-nan (), -nh, -non = fornah
Forntes folm a plant, Lcd (v. BT).
fornan to expose to danger, sacrifice, AO 222^1.
forniman^4 to take away, deprive of, plunder, waste, devastate, destroy, consume, B, Lcd; , AO: annul: disfigure: overcome. ['fornim']
forndan to coerce, compel, W 158^10.
fornyman = forniman
fornyrwan to oppress, ANS 12857.
fornytlic very useful, GD 174^20.
forod broken down, worn out, useless, void, abortive, , AO,CP.
foroft very often.
forpran to turn away, lose, spoil, pervert, destroy, ,CP.
forpyndan to do away, remove.
frracu f. itinerary, OEG 7^121.
forradian = forhradian
forrda? m. traitor, plotter, MP 1592.
forrdan to plot against, betray, W: condemn: injure. ['forrede']
forrae very soon, .
forrepen taken, JnL p5^8.
forrdan^1 to intercept by riding before, Chr 894#a#.
forrdel m. _fore-rider, forerunner, messenger_, _. ['_forridel_']
forrotednes (a^3, o^3) f. corrupt matter, rottenness,.
forrotian to rot away, decay, CP, WW; . ['forrot']
forrynel = forerynel
forsacan^6 to object to, reject, oppose, deny, refuse, AO, Cp, LL: give up, renounce, AO, CP. ['forsake']
forsacennes f. denial, A 11386^383.
forsacung f. denial, NC 288.
forscan = forscan
forstian to lay wait for, beset, surround, AO 146^10.
forstnian () to hedge in, beset, ERPs 21^17.
forswestre = forsewestre
forsawen = forsewen
forsc m. '_frog_,' _ (frox); Gl.
forscd- = forscad-
forscncednes (LPs 40^10) = forscrencednes
forscamian to be ashamed (impers. w. a.), CP. ['forshame']
forscamung f. modesty, GPH 390.
forscapung (AO) = forsceapung
forscadan^7 to scatter, disperse, CP: damn, condemn? Gu 449(GK).
forsceamian = forscamian
forsceap n. evil deed? Gen 898.
forsceapung f. misdeed, crime, fault.
forscaw- = forescaw-
forscending f. confusion, LkR 21^25.
forsceorfan^3 to gnaw off, bite, eat up, AO 226^9.
forscotan = forescotan
forsceppan = forscieppan
forsceta waterfall, OET 575; MF 434.
forscieppan^6 to change, transform, Gen. ['forshape']
forscip n. 'foreship,' prow, WW.
forscrncan = forscrencan
forscrencan to supplant, overcome, vanquish, cast down, : dry up, OEG 4926.
forscrencednes (scnc-) f. supplanting, deceit, LPs 40^10.
forscrencend m. supplanter, .
forscrfan^1 to decree, Gl: proscribe, condemn, doom, : () bewitch, cast under a spell.
forscrincan^3 (intr.) _to shrink, dry up, wither away_, _. ['_forshrink_']
forscfan^2 to cast down (pride), Ex 204.
forscyldigian to condemn. for-scyldigod, -scyldegod guilty,.
forscyppan = forscieppan
forscyrian to separate, MHF 159.
forscyttan to exclude, prevent, obviate, . ['forshut']
forsarian to sear, dry up, wither, , CP.
forseawennes = forsewennes
forscan I. to afflict. II. = forescan
forsecgan to accuse falsely, slander, accuse, : to speak about, discourseon.
forsegenes f. contempt, VPs 122^4.
forsegenlic (GD 233^21) = forsewenlic
forsgon = forswon pret. pl. of forson.
forsellan to sell, NC 289.
forsendan to send away, banish, send to destruction,AO.
forson^5 to overlook, neglect, scorn, despise, reject, renounce, Bl; , AO, CP: refrain from. ['forsee']
forsones f. care, BH 84^7.
forsoan^2 to wither, consume, .
forsrian (AS 10^4?) = forsarian
forstnian = forstnian
forsettan I. to hedge in, obstruct, BH. ['forset'] II. = foresettan
forsettednes = foresetnes
forsewen pp. of forson. [[from first edition]]
forsewenlic despicable, ignominious, wretched, of poor appearance. adv. -lce,.
forsewennes f. contempt, , AO.
forsewestre (^2) f. female despiser, OEG 4430.
forsingian = forsyngian
forsittan^5 to neglect, delay, LL: block, obstruct, besiege, AO: injure: absent oneself (from). ['forsit']
fors = fors
forsian to perish, B 1550.
for-slwan, -slwian to be slow, unwilling, delay, put off, Bo; CP. ['forslow']
forslan^6 to cut through, strike, break, kill, destroy,AO.
forslegenlic mean, ignominious (= forleg- ?).
forsliet m. slaughter, WW 28^18. [slieht]
forsltan to consume, devour, PPs 77^46.
forsmorian to smother, suffocate, choke, stifle,.
forsorgian to despond, W 69^16.
fors indeed, verily, Bo. ['forsooth']
forspc = foresprc
forspanan^6 _to mislead, lead astray, seduce, entice_, _; CP. ['_forspan_']
forspaning f. allurement, OEG.
forspeca = forespreca
forspecan^5 to speak in vain: deny.
forspdian to speed, prosper.
forspendan to spend, give out, squander, consume, AO. ['forspend']
forspennen (OEG 612) = forspenning
forspennend m. procurer, Gr 36^11.
forspenn-ende, -endlic seductive, voluptuous, defiling, OEG.
forspennestre f. procuress, Gr 36^12.
forspenning f. enticement, seduction, evil attraction,.
forspild m. destruction, CP 294^19.
for-spildan (CP) -spillan (AO) to waste, lose, disperse, bring to nothing, destroy, ruin, kill. ['forspill']
forspillednes f. waste, destruction, perdition,.
forsprec- = foresprec-
forspyll- = forspill-
forspyrcan to dry up, PPs 101^3.
forst (frost) m. 'frost,' Ph, Rd. [frosan]
forstppan = forestppan [[under "foresteppan"]]
forstal (LL) = foresteall
forstalian (refl.) to steal away, LL.
forstandan^2 to defend, help, protect, LL: withstand, prevent, hinder, resist, oppose, Met: benefit, avail, CP: understand, Bo; CP: signify, be equal to, EC, LL. ['forstand']
forsteall = foresteall
forstelan^4 to steal away, steal, rob, deprive, MtR, LL; . ['forsteal']
forstig 'frosty,' BH (y); .
forstlic glacial, frozen, WW 175^16.
forstoppian to stop up, close, Lcd 15b.
forstrang very strong, Rd 51^4.
forstrogdnes f. 'precipitatio,' NC 289.
forstyltan to be amazed, MkLR.
forstyntan to blunt, break, crush, WW 375^5.
forscan^2, forsgan^2 to suck out, empty.
for-sugian (, AO), -suwian () = for-swigian
forsuwung f. silence, OEG 2085.
forswlan _to burn, burn up, inflame, consume_, _. ['_forsweal_']
forsw (DHy 38^16) = ftsw
forswpan^7 to sweep away, drive off.
forswarung f. perjury, NC 289.
forswefian 'prosperare,' EPs 117^25.
forswelan^4 to burn, burn up.
forswelgan^3 to swallow up, devour, consume, absorb, B; , CP. ['forswallow']
forsweltan^3 to die.
forsweogian = forswigian
forsweolgan = forswelgan
forsweorcan^3 to grow dark, obscure.
forsweorfan^3 to polish, cleanse: grind away, demolish.
forsweotole very clearly, ES 18333; 43162.
forswerian^6 (refl. and intr.) to swear falsely, , LL: renounce on oath, B. ['forswear']
forswigian to conceal by silence, suppress, pass over, , CP: be silent.
forswtan^1 to impair, TC 584^5.
forsw very great, Creat 26.
forswan, forswian to crush, press upon, overcome, repress,CP.
forswe adv. very much, utterly, Bo.
forsworcenlic dark, obscure, DHy 24.
forsworcennes f. darkening, darkness, , W.
forsworen (pp. of forswerian) 'forsworn,' perjured, , Chr.
forsworennes f. _perjury_, _. ['_forswornness_']
for-swugian (CP), -sygian = forswigian
forsyngian (i) to sin greatly. ['forsin'] forsyngod m. sinner, LL.
fortcen = foretcn
fortendan to burn away, cauterize, sear, AO 46^14.
forton^2 to mislead, seduce, Cr: draw over, cover, obscure. ['foretee']
fortiht- = fortyht-
for-timbran, -timbrian to close up, obstruct.
fortogenes f. griping, spasm, Lcd 89a.
fortredan^5 _to tread down, trample on_, _; CP. ['_fortread_']
fortreding f. treading down, crushing, Sc 95^10.
fortrendan to block (by rolling a stone), v.OEG 114.
fortrgadnes, fortrwednes = fortrwodnes
fortrwian to be presumptuous, over-confident, rash,CP.
fortrwodnes f. presumption, CP.
fortrwung f. presumption, Bo 9^7.
fortrymman to testify, confirm, NG.
fortyhtan to seduce, El 208.
fortyhtigend m. polluter, defiler, OEG 3337.
fortyllan to seduce, Cr 270.
fortymbrian = fortimbran
fortnan to shut in, enclose, block up, CP.
for adv. _'forth,' forwards, onwards, further_, _A, B, BH, Ct_: _hence, thence_: _away_, _: (time) _continually, still, continuously, henceforth, thenceforward_, _B, Ep_: _simultaneously_. f. mid ealle _forthwith_. f.on _continually_. fram orde o endef. _from the beginning to the end_. f.t _until_.
for- (N) = fur-
fora = form
forcgan to call forth, BH 444^24.
fordilgian to bring to nothing, blot out, MFH 160.
form, form, foran (CP), foron (AO, CP) I. conj. for (the reason) that, owing to (the fact) that, for, because, on that account, therefore, seeing that. for m e, etc. with same signification. II. adv. for that cause, consequently, therefore.
forgoten poured forth, L 23b^798.
forahting (= eaht-) f. exhortation.
forancful very thankful, ES 18336; 43162.
forton^2 to bring forth, produce, . pp. fortogen.
forurnen ptc. elapsed, BH 280^21.
forbre productive, Gen 132.
forbecuman^4 to come forth.
forberan^4 to bring forth, produce, BH; . ['forthbear']
forbeson^5 to look forth, LPs 101^20.
forbl, forbie prep. by, past, CP 197^13.
forbigferende passer by, NC 343.
forblstan to blow forth, burst out, WW 393^33.
forblwan^7 to blow forth, belch forth, WW 397^10.
forboren of noble birth.
for-brengan, -bringan to bring forth, produce, Bl, Lk: bring to pass, accomplish: bring forward: adduce, quote,.
forbylding f. emboldening, encouragement, Chr 999#e#.
forclypian to call forth. ['forthclepe']
forcuman^4 to come forth, proceed, arrive at, succeed: come to pass, come true: be born.
forcyme m. _coming forth, birth_, _. ['_forthcome_']
forcan to announce, declare, CVPs 118^26.
fordn to put forth, BH. ['forthdo']
forearle very much, greatly, .
forearlce absolutely, entirely, RB 11^19.
forelgian (KGl) = foryld(g)ian
forencan () to mistrust, despise, despair, Ps. pp. forht despaired of; as sb. poor wretch, : reflect, DHy 138^8. ['forthink']
forofan to steal.
foron I. (sv^1,2) to surpass, excel, RB 131^19. II. to crush, oppress, #Rood#54.
forostrian (e) to darken, LPs 104^28.
forfder m. _'forefather,' ancestor_, _.
forfaran^6 to depart, die, Bo, Chr; . ['forthfare']
forfran to depart, die, .
for-frednes, -fring f. death.
forflwan to flow, BH 418^21.
forfolgian to follow, CM 1052.
forfr I. f. departure, death, BH. ['forthfore'] II. pret. 3 sg. of forfaran.
forforltenes f. licence, Bo 12^2.
forframian to grow to maturity, WW 465^10.
forfromung f. departure, CVPs 104^38.
forfyligan to follow, fall out, happen, CM 1109.
forgn anv., pret. 3 sg. -ode to go forth, advance, proceed, pass by, go away, go on, precede, succeed, Chr, Mk. ['forthgo']
forgang m. going forth, progress, advance, success: privy, drain: purging, evacuation, L 16^207.
forgangan^7 to go forth, Ma. ['forthgang']
forgecgan to call forth, REPs 67^7: exhort, BH 54^15.
forgeclipian (y) to call forth, provoke, Sc, EPs.
forgefaran = forfaran
forgefran = forfran
forgelstan = forlstan
forgelang dependent, LL (280^12).
forgeloran to pass away, die.
forgelorednes f. departure, death, GD 282^11.
forgelcian (BPs 101^20) = forlcian
forgenge increasing, effective, successful, ,CP.
forgeong = forgang
forgeorn eager to advance, Ma 281.
forgotan^2 to pour forth, BH. ['forthyete']
forgermed in unbroken succession, B 59.
forgesceaft f. creature, created being or thing, world: future destiny.
forgestrangian 'confortare,' LPs 68^5.
forgesne visible, conspicuous, Cra 1.
forgewtan^1 to go forth, pass, proceed, go by: depart, die. forgewiten td, tma past tense, Gr.
forgewitenes f. departure, LPs 104^38.
forgyrd m. fore-girdle, martingale, WW.
forheald bent forward, stooping: inclined, steep, RB 5^20.
forhealdan^7 to hold to, follow out, keep up, observe,.
forheold I. = forheald. II. pret. 3 sg. of forhealdan.
forherge m. van (of an army), Ex 225.
forhlfian to be prominent, BH 322^24.
forhrosan^2 to rush forth, Sc 101^13.
for = for
forian to further, advance, Chr: carry out, accomplish, Chr. ['forth']
forig = for
forindan^3 to swell up, Lcd.
foringian = foreingian
forldan to lead forth, bring forth, Sat; . ['forthlead']
forldnes f. bringing forth, BH 76^15.
forlstan to persevere in, accomplish.
forltan^7 to send forth, emit.
forlaian to invite, Bl.
forloran to proceed, BH 312^27.
forlic forward, advanced, Chr 1066#d#.
forlfian = forhlfian
forlcian to look forth.
forltan^2 to lean forward, fall down, VPs.
formre very glorious, Creat 69.
forman m. man of rank, NC 289.
formest foremost, MtL. ['forthmost']
forolian to go without, lack, Wa 38.
for-on (MH) = furum
for-on = form
foroncol = foreancul [[headword spelled "foreancol"]]
foror = furor
forrcan (tr.) to push out, protrude, L 25^135.
forrsan to rush forth, rise up: jut out, protrude, RPs 72^7. [rsan]
forrstan () to crush, afflict, oppress, VPs. ['forthrast']
forrstednes () f. tribulation.
forres- = forrys-
forriccednes = forryccednes
forrihte adv. straightway, at once: unmistakably, plainly.
forringan to rescue from, defend against, B 1084: elbow out? displace? RB 115^7.
forryccan to press, squeeze, crush, oppress, suppress.
forryccednes (i) f. pressure, oppression.
forrycnes f. extortion, oppression, tribulation, LL; MFH 159 (fore-).
forryne m. onward course, Gen 215.
for-rysman, -rysmian to choke, suffocate, strangle. [rosm]
forscacan^6 to pass away, RPs 143^4.
forscencan to pour forth, give to drink, WW 464^9.
forscype m. progress, BH 92^14 (c).
forsetennes f. 'propositio,' MtR 12^4.
fors m. going forth, decease, Chr; , CP. ['forthsithe']
forsian to depart, die, .
forsnoter (tt) very wise, El.
forspell n. declaration, Mod 47.
forspwnes f. prosperity, BH 106^25.
for-stppan, -steppan^6 to issue forth, proceed, pass by, L: follow, A 8333^32.
forstpping f. advance, DHy 80^14.
forsyllan to give out, pay out, LL 175[3].
fortg (KGl) = fortg
forton^2 to draw forth, bring forth.
fortg (e^2, y^2) m. vestibule, OEG 3828.
fortihting f. exhortation.
fortg = fortg
foregn m. chief noble, L 6^125. |