behrowsungtd f. time of repentance, Septuagesima,.
behrman to cover with hoarfrost, Wif 48.
behringan to surround, CP.
behrpan^7 to plague, importune, Lk 18^5.
behrmian to besmirch, WW.
behrmig sooty, MH 52^27.
bh f. witness, sign, Jud 174.
behwearf I. (eo) pret. 3 sg. of behweorfan. II. (EPs) = behwearft
behwearft m. exchange, LPs 43^13.
behweolfan (A) = behwylfan
behweorfan^3 to turn, change, spread about: see to, arrange, prepare, treat, : bury,.
behwerfan = behwirfan
behwirfan (e, y) to turn, change, convert, CP: exchange: prepare, instruct, exercise.
behwon whence, BH.
behwylfan to cover, vault over, Ex 426.
behwyrfan () = behwirfan
behycgan to consider, bear in mind: confide, trust(on).
behdan () to conceal, shelter, Mt; . ['behide']
be-hdednes, -hdnes f. concealment, secret place.
behdig careful, watchful, anxious, . adv. -hdiglce, -hdelce.
behdignes f. solicitude, care, anxiety. [hygdig] v.MP 1393.
behygd- = behd-
behyhtan to trust, W 48^8.
behyldan to flay, skin, AO.
behylian to cover, veil, L 33^237.
behpan () to surround, BH 188^14. [hpe]
behpian to hang up, OEG 3322.
behran to let on hire, WW.
behrung f. letting, loan, WW.
behelce sumptuously, WW 513^6.
beiernan^3 (i, y) to run up to, over, or into, incur: occurto.
beigbam = begbam
beinnan = binnan
beinsiglian to seal up, RHy 6^34.
beirnan = beiernan
beiundane = begeondan
belcan^7 to inclose, Rd 61^7.
beldian to excuse, clear, , AO, CP.
beldiendlic apologetic, that can be excused, OEG.
beldigend m. apologist, WW 332^2.
beldung f. apology, excuse, WW.
beldan to lead astray, RB. ['belead']
belfan to leave, spare: be left, remain, survive, Ps; . ['beleave']
belndan = belandian
belan to make hateful, pervert, W 47^7.
be-lwa (), -lwend, m. betrayer.
belwan to betray, .
belwung f. betrayal, treachery, .
belf I. pret. 3 sg. of belfan. II. v. behlf.
belandian to deprive of lands, Chr.
belcedswora adj. having an inflated neck, Rd 79^1. [blc]
belcentan, belcettan = bealcettan [[under "bealcan"]]
beld, beldo = bieldo
+beldan I. to cover, bind (a book)? JnL p188^3. II. = +bieldan
belan^6 to censure, reprove: charge with: dissuade, forbid, prevent,CP.
bel- (NG) = bel-
belecgan to cover, invest, surround, afflict, An; AO: attribute to, charge with, accuse. ['belay']
belfan = belfan
belendan = belandian
belene f. henbane.
belogan^2 to deceive by lying, GD: (impers.) be mistaken. ['belie']
beleoran (A) to pass by, pass over.
beleorendlic past, DR.
belosan^2 to be deprived of, lose.
belweda (LL 438^5) = belwend [[under "belwa"]]
belewit = bilewit
belfls n. bell-wether's fleece, LL 451 (14).
belg (, i, y) m. bag, purse, leathern bottle, pair of bellows, pod, husk. [v.'belly']
+belg m. anger: arrogance, RB 69^20.
belgan^3 (intr., refl.) to be or become angry, CP, : (+) offend, provoke.
belgnes f. injustice, MtL 20^13 (blig-).
+belh = +belg
belhring m. bell-ringing, RB.
belhs = bellhs
belibban to deprive of life.
belicgan^5 to lie round, surround, hedge in, encompass, ,AO.
belfan^1 _to remain over, be left_, _; AO. ['_belive_']
belfend m. survivor, OEG.
belfian = belibban
belig = belg
belman to glue together, Sc 96^19.
belimp n. event, occurrence, affair.
belimpan^3 to concern, regard, belong to, conduce to, Bo; CP: happen, B; : become: (impers.) befit. ['belimp']
be-lisnian, -listnian to castrate, . belisnod, -listnod pp. as sbm. eunuch. ws b. 'stupratur,' HGl 507.
belan^1 to deprive of. pp. beliden departed, dead, An 1087.
bell = belle
bellan^3 to bellow, bark, grunt, roar, Rd. ['bell']
belle f. 'bell,' KC; , CP.
bellhs n. 'bell-house,' belfry, LL, WW.
belltcen n. indication (sounding of the hour) by a bell, HL 11^65.
belltd f. a canonical hour marked by the ringing of a bell. (cp.belltcen)
belcian 'intendere,' RPs 44^5.
belone = belene
belt m. 'belt,' girdle, WW.
belcan^2 to lock, shut up, close, surround, enclose, embody, Bl, CP, Mt, VPs; AO: stop, impede, block up, choke, : preserve, protect: shut out, exclude, . ['belouke']
belune = belene
beltian to lie hid, GD 293^15.
belfan () to believe, . pp. belfed having belief.
belympan = belimpan
belyrtan (N) to deceive, cheat, MtL 2^16. ['belirt']
belytegian to allure, seduce, AO 112^26. [lytig]
bemnan _to 'bemoan,' bewail, mourn over, lament_, _.
bemancian to maim, Lcd 3214^20.
bmare = bmere
bme = beme
bemeldian to disclose, reveal, denounce.
bmere = bmere
bemetan^5 to estimate, account, consider, AO. ['bemete']
beman^1 to hide, conceal, CP: lie hid.
be-murcian, -murcnian, to murmur at, grumble over, AO 48^17.
bemurnan^3 (also wk.) to mourn, bewail, deplore, be sorry for: care for, take heed for.
bemtian to change, exchange for, Gu 42. [L. mutare]
bemyldan to bury, WW. [molde]
ben = benn
bn I. f. () prayer, request, Lk; AO, CP: compulsory service, LL 447 (v. 2418, Fron.). ['bene'] II. pret. 3 sg. of bannan.
bna m., bne f. suitor, petitioner, AO.
benacian to lay bare. [nacod]
benman () to take away, deprive of, rob of, , AO. [niman]
benc f. 'bench,' B.
bencian to make benches, LL 455 (13).
bencsittend m. one who sits on a bench.
bencswg m. bench-rejoicing, sound of revelry, B 1161.
bencel n. bench-board, wainscotted space where benches stand, B. [v.'theal']
bend mfn. (+b. MtL) bond, chain, fetter, BH, Bl, Mt, Ps; CP: band, ribbon, ornament, chaplet, crown, WW. ['bend']
bndagas mpl. days of prayer, 'dies rogationum,' A 8329^26.
bendan to bend (a bow), Ps: bind, fetter, Chr. ['bend']
bendfeorm = bnfeorm
beneah (pret. pres. vb.) pl. benugon, pret. benohte to have at one's disposal, possess, enjoy: require.
beneced = benacod pp. of benacian.
benman = benman
benemnan to name: stipulate, settle, declare, asseverate.
benotan^2 to deprive of, rob.
beneoan (i, y) prep. w. d. 'beneath,' under, below.
bnfeorm f. harvest feast? bean-feast? food required from a tenant? (BT), LL 452.
bengeat n. wound-gash, B 1121.
bendan to compel? A 9110.
beniman^4 to take, assume, obtain, AO: take away from, deprive of, bereave, rob, BH, Bo, Gen; AO, CP: contain: catch, apprehend. ['benim']
beniming f. deprival, WW (bi-).
benian = beneoan
bnlic (oe) that may be entreated, DR. adv. -lce beseechingly,DR.
benn f. wound, mortal injury. [bana]
bnn pret. 3 sg. of bannan.
benne f. reed-grass, BC (Mdf).
bennian to wound.
benohte v. beneah.
benoran in the north, northwards (of).
benoten pp. of benotan.
benotian to use, consume, ChrB. ['benote']
bnrp n. compulsory service rendered to a landowner at harvest time, LL 448. [cp. bedrp]
bnsian to pray, supplicate, BH.
benst pres. 2 sg. of bannan.
bntd f. prayer time, rogation days, #Men#75.
bntige, bnt(ig)e granting requests, gracious, LPs: obtaining requests, successful, Chr.
ben pres. 3 sg. of bannan.
benugon v. beneah.
bnyr f. ploughing required from a tenant, LL 448 (5,2).
benyan = beneoan
bo I. f. nap. bon; dp. bo(u)m 'bee,' Ps; . II. pres. 1 sg. of bon.
bobrad n. honey with the comb.
boce = bce
boceorl m. bee-master, bee-keeper, LL 448[5].
bocere m. bee-keeper, LL. [MHG. bkar]
+beod = +bed
bod m. table, Mt: bowl, dish. ['beod']
bodrn n. refectory, dining-room, (-ern). on boderne at table.
beodan = bidon pret. pl. of bdan.
bodan^2 to command, decree, summon, , AO, CP. b.t call out (anarmy), banish: declare, inform, announce, proclaim, Gu, LL: threaten: offer, proffer, give, grant, surrender, , Gen; AO: (refl.) show oneself, behave: exact, collect. ['bid,' 'i-bede']
bodbolle f. table-bowl, Gl.
bodcl m. 'gausape,' table-cloth, carpet, Gr 34^8.
boddern = bodrn
boddian to do joiner's work, LL 455 (13).
bodend m. preceptor, CM 967.
bodendlic = bebodendlic
bodern () = bodrn
bodft n. table-vessel, cup, WW 204^25.
bodfers n. grace at meal-time.
bodgst m. table-companion, An 1090.
bodgenat m. table-companion.
bodgereordu np. feast, Gen 1518.
bod(h)rgl n. table-cloth, WW 126^33.
bodlfa fp. table-leavings, Bl 53^13.
bodland n. land from which the table of monasteries, etc., was supplied, glebe-land,Ct.
bodls f. table-allowance, TC 474^6.
bodraf n. table-cloth, TC 530^36.
bod-scat n., -scte m. table-napkin, towel, WW 449^22.
bodwyst f. a table with food on it, LPs 22^5. [wist]
beofer = beofor
beofian = bifian
beofor (e, y) m. beaver.
beoft redupl. pret. of batan; beoftadon is from a later wk. *beoftian (ES3828).
beofung = bifung
bogang m. swarm of bees, WW.
+bogol () submissive, obedient: forgiving, . [bgan]
bohta m. chief? prince? Ex 253?
beolone = belene
bom I. dp. of bo I. II. = bam. III. = bo pres. 1 sg. of bon.
bomder f. queen-bee, OEG.
bon I. anv. [conj. in full (WS and A) Wt 548] to be, exist, become, happen. b.ymbe to have to do with. b.of to be gone. (v.also eom, wesan.) II. nap. of boI.
bona gp. of bo I.
bonbrad = bobrad
bonbro n. mead? (or? banbro ES 38302).
bonnon pret. pl. of bannan.
bor n. strong drink, 'beer,' mead, Lk (v.A 27495). [bow]
+bor m. pot-companion, guest, .
beora = bearu
beoran = beran
borbyden f. beer-barrel, LL 455 (17).
beorc I. (e, i, y) f. birch, Mdf: name of the rune for b. II. () n. barking.
beorcan^3 (tr.) to 'bark,' CP: (intr.) bark at, Lcd.
beorce = beorc
beorcen (i, y) of birch.
beorcragu (e^1) f. lichen from a birch-tree, Lcd 99b.
beorcrind (e^1) f. birch-bark, Lcd 119b.
beord (BH 392^27) = bord
bordrst(e) f. dregs of beer, Lcd.
beorg m. mountain, hill, Lk, AO; Mdf: mound, tumulus, 'barrow,' burial place, , Lcd.
+beorg n. protection, defence, refuge, W.
beorglfen f. orcad.
beorgan I. sv^3 (w. d.) to save, deliver, preserve, guard, defend, fortify, spare, An, Ps; AO, CP: (w.refl.d.) beware of, avoid, guard against. ['bergh'] II. = byrganII.
beorg-hli n. nap. -hleou mountain-height, mountain-slope.
+beorglic fitting, profitable, LL, W: safe, prudent,.
beorgseel n. mountain dwelling. [setl]
beorgstede m. mound.
beorh I. == beorg. II. imperat. of beorgan.
beorhlode (WW 178^41) = burglode
+beorhnes f. refuge, CPs 30^3.
+beorhstw f. place of refuge, PPs 31^8.
beorht (e, y) I. 'bright,' shining, brilliant, light, clear, Bo, El, Gu: clear-sounding, loud, Cra: excellent, distinguished, remarkable, beautiful, magnificent, noble, glorious, PPs: pure, sublime, holy, divine. II. n. brightness, gleam, light. aganb. twinkling of an eye: sight.
beorhtan = bierhtan
beorhtblwende bright-blooming, Lcd 1404^9.
beorhte brightly, brilliantly, splendidly: clearly, lucidly, distinctly,CP.
beorhthwl (OEG) = bearhtmhwl
beorhtian to glisten, shine, BH, Ps: to sound clearly, B: to make bright, VPs. ['bright']
+beorhtian = +beorhtnian
beorhtlic brilliant, clear, shining, splendid. adv. -lce, Mk; . ['brightly']
beorhtm = bearhtm
beorhtnes f. 'brightness,' clearness, splendour, beauty, JnL, Lk;CP.
beorhtnian (e) to grow bright, OEG 534: glorify.
beorhtrodor m. shining heavens, Ex 94.
beorhtte (= *beorgihte) pl. mountainous, AO 10^25.
beorhtu = bierhtu
beorhtword (y^1) clear-voiced, Sat 238.
borhyrde m. cellarer, butler, Cra 75.
beorm- = bearm-
beorma m. 'barm,' yeast, leaven, Mt.
+beormad leavened, MtR 13^33.
beorn I. m. man: noble, hero, chief, prince, warrior, B, Ma: rich man, Run 12. ['berne'] II. = barn pret. 3 sg. of biernan. III. = bearn
beornan (VPs) = biernan
beorncyning m. lord of heroes, B 2148.
beorne = byrne
Beornice mp. Bernicians, inhabitants of part of Northumbria.
beorning (= ie) f. incense, LkL 1^11.
beornrat m. troop of men, Pa 50.
beornwiga m. warrior, hero.
borscealc reveller, feaster, B 1240.
borscipe, m. feast, banquet, revel, , CP.
borsele m. beer-hall, banqueting hall.
borsetl n. ale-bench, Jul 687.
beorswinig (NG) = brsynnig
boregu f. beer-drinking.
beor fn? birth: the thing born. [[from first edition]]
-beorling (ie) v. hyse-b. [[headword spelled "hyseberling"]]
beoror (e, o, u, y) n. child-bearing, child-birth: what is born, foetus, offspring.
beororcwelm m. abortion, WW 348^23.
beoruh = beorg
beosmrian = bismrian [[redirected to "bismerian"]]
bost m. beestings, the first milk of a cow after calving, WW: swelling (ofthe ground)? v.Mdf. ['beest']
beosu = basu
bot I. n. boastful speech, boast, threat, , Gen. onb. boastfully: promise, vow, AO: command: peril, danger, Da 265. [= beht; 'beot,' 'i-beot'] II. pret. 3 sg. of batan.
beotian = botian
botian to threaten, Jul: boast, vow, promise, AO. ['beoten']
botlic arrogant, exulting, boastful, threatening, . adv. -lce.
botmcg m. leader, Da 265.
boton pret. pl. of batan.
botung f. threatening.
botword n. boast: threat.
boof m. bee-thief, LL 54[9,2].
boum dp. of bo.
bow n. barley, Gl.
bowan = bwan
bowyrt f. bee-wort, sweet flag, Lcd.
bepcan to deceive, cheat, seduce, Mt; . ['bipeche']
bepcend m. deceiver, .
bepcestre f. whore, Gr 175^9.
bepcung f. deception, OEG.
beprwan () to wink, Bo, W.
br (NG) = br
bera m. '_bear_,' _.
berccan = bereccan
berdan to deprive, take by treachery, rob: betray, : deliberate on: get the betterof.
bersan to rush upon or into, , CP.
beran (eo) to 'bear,' carry, bring, take away, carry out, extend, B; , AO, CP: bring forth, produce, Bl, Mt, Gen (and v.'ibere'). berende fruitful. +boren born, own (bybirth): (withp) set forth, open (a case), Chr 1052#e#: wear, AO: endure, support, sustain, LL, Mt;CP.
berascin n. bear-skin, EC 250.
+berbed vermiculated, DR 4^3.
ber-bne, -bne f. verbena, Lcd.
berc == beorc
+berd- = +byrd-
+bre = +bre
bere m. barley, JnLR; . ['bear']
berern n. 'barn,' LkL. [bere, rn]
berafere m. despoiler, OEG 46^36.
berafian to 'bereave,' deprive of, take away, seize, rob, despoil, Bo; ,AO.
berafigend m. despoiler, robber.
berebrytta m. barn-keeper, LL 451 (17).
bercan to cause to smoke, smoke (tr.), Lcd 1106^16.
bereccan to relate: excuse or justify oneself,CP.
berecorn n. barley-corn.
+bered crushed, WW: harassed, oppressed,NG.
berfian (KGl) = berafian
bereflr m. barn-floor, threshing-floor, LkL. [v.'bear']
beregafol n. rent paid in barley, LL 116 (59^1). [cp. gafolbre]
beregrs n. barley-grass, fodder, WW 148^26.
berehalm n. barley haulm, straw, Lcd 157a.
bereland (ber-) barley land, KC 3367^9.
beren I. of barley, . II. = biren. III. = berern
berend m. bearer, carrier, Gl.
berendan to peel, take off husk, Lcd.
berende v. beran.
berendlce with fecundity, DR 32^8.
berendnes f. fertility, DR 108^11.
berenhulu f. barley-husk, Sc 95^19.
bernian to bring about, Ex 147: ornament, mount (with silver), KC 6101^22.
berocan^2 to fumigate, LL (164^5).
berofan^2 to bereave, deprive, rob of.
berotan^2 to bewail, Hell 6.
berowsian = behrowsian
-berere v. wter-b. [[under "wterberend"]]
berern (NG) = berern
beresd n. barley, BH 366^27.
beretn m. barley-inclosure, threshing-floor, barn, MtL; . ['barton']
berewstm m. barley-crop, Lcd 1402^6.
berewc f. barley-yard, demesne farm, TC. ['berewick']
berg = (1) bearg, (2) beorg
berg- = beri-, byrg-
berh = bearh pret. 3 sg. of beorgan.
berht = beorht
berht- = beorht-, bierht-
berhtm- = breahtm-
berian I. to make bare, clear, B 1239. [br] II. = byrganII.
+berian = +byrian
bericge = bearrige
berdan^1 to ride round, surround, besiege, LL: overtake, seize, capture, occupy, Chr. ['beride']
berie f. '_berry_,' _Lcd_: _grape_, _.
berig I. n. berry, RPs 77^47. II. = byrig, ds. of burg.
berigdrenc m. drink made of mulberries, WW 114^22.
berige = berie
berigea = byrga
be-rindan, -rindran to strip off bark, peel.
berinnan^3 to run upon, run over, wet, bedew, Cr 1176. ['berun']
berland = bereland
bern = berern
bern- = brn-, biern-
bernan (VPs) = brnan
bernhus n. barn, GD 68^22. [= beren-]
berfon (pret. pl. of *berafan or *berebban) despoiled, Gen 2078.
berwan^7 to row round, Chr 897#a#.
berst = byrst
+berst n. bursting, eruption, W 186^7.
berstan^3 intr. (tr. at Rd 2^8) to break, 'burst,' fail, fall, B, Lcd, Ma; , AO: break away from, escape: break to pieces, crash, resound.
berthwl = beorhthwl
bertn = beretn
ber- = beor-, byr-
+bru = +bru
bermod = behrmod, pp. of behrmian.
berunnen pp. of berinnan.
berwe ds. of bearu.
berwinde f. 'bearbind,' navel-wort, WW 300^19.
berfan to deprive, Mod 63. [raf]
berpan despoil of, strip, spoil, plunder, rob,.
besgan to sink, GPH 388^85.
besncan = besencan
bestian to lay wait for, AO 146^11.
besrgian to lament, bewail, be sorry for, pity, . [srig]
besrgung f. compassion,.
[[Entry before author's corrections: besrgung f. sorrowing, VHy: compassion, .]]
beswan^7 to sow, .
bescad (bi-) n. distinction.
bescadan^7 to separate, discriminate: scatter, sprinkle over, Lcd 20b.
besceadian (Sol 339) = besceaduwian
besceaduwian, to overshadow, RPs 139^8. ['beshade']
besceafan^6 to scrape thoroughly, Lcd 143b.
bescan pret. 3 sg. of bescnan.
besceatwyrpan 'despondi,' v. OEG 1^4555; 2^346; ES 42170.
bescawere m. observer, DHy 24^15
bescawian to look round upon, survey, contemplate, consider, watch, , AO: look to, care for. bescawod cautious, careful, Lcd 3436^11.
besceawiendlic contemplative, OEG 991.
bescawodnes f. vision, sight.
bescawung f. contemplation.
besceddan = besceadan [[headword spelled "bescadan"]]
bescencan to give to drink, Gu 596.
besceofan = bescfan
besceoren (WW 217^24) = bescoren pp. of bescieran.
bescotan^2 to shoot into, plunge into, implant: happen, occur,AO.
be-sceran, -scerwan = bescieran
bescerian = bescierian
bescieran^4 to shear, shave, cut hair, give the tonsure, , AO. ['beshear']
bescierednes (y^2) f. deprivation, WW 351^13.
bescierian to separate from, deprive of, Chr: defraud.
bescnan^1 to shine upon, light up, illuminate, Rd; . ['beshine']
besciran = bescieran
bescirian = bescierian
besctan^1 to befoul, WW 507^28.
bescradian to scrape off, clean off, ES 42171.
bescrepan^5 to scrape, Lcd 101a.
bescfan^2 to shove, impel, thrust down, hurl, throw, , AO: force,.
besclan to look askance, Bo 121^30. [sceol]
bescyr- = bescier-
bescan to beseech, beg urgently, MF (Vesp. D xiv).
besecgan to announce, introduce: defend, excuse oneself: (w.on) accuse,.
beselian = besylian
besellan to surround, cover (over): hand over.
besema = besma
besencan to cause to sink, submerge, immerse, drown, Bl, Mt; AO, CP: plunge into (fire), GD 317. ['besench']
besendan to send, .
besengan to singe, burn, AO.
beson I. sv^5 (tr., intr. and refl.) to see, look, look round, behold, , Mk, Ps; AO: look after, go to see, visit: provide for. b.t look upon, have regard to, CP. ['besee'] II. sv^1 to suffuse, Cr 1088.
besoan to boil down, Lcd.
besowian (, ) to sew together, sew up, Ep. ['besew']
be-serian, -serwan = besierwan
besettan to put, place, set near, appoint, : own, keep, occupy: 'beset,' cover, surround with, adorn, B; CP, : besiege, invest, An: institute, set going.
besdian to regulate the size of anything, RB 89^18. [sd]
besierwan to ensnare, surprise, deceive, defraud, oppress, AO. [searu]
besgan (on) to rush, v. OEG 4126.
besilfran to silver, VPs 67^14.
besincan^3 (intr.) to sink, AO. ['besink']
besingan^3 to sing of, bewail: sing charms, enchant,.
besirwan (AO, CP) = besierwan
besittan^5 to sit round, surround, beset, besiege, Chr; AO: hold council: occupy, possess. ['besit']
beswian = besowian
beslpan^7 to sleep, LL (284^3).
beslan^6 to strike, beat, cut off, take away, deprive by violence,.
beslpan to slip on, cover, impose, put on, clothe.
besltan^1 to slit, tear.
besma m. 'besom,' broom, rod, AO, Mt.
besmagan to consider about, inquire into, L 23b^633.
+bsmed curved, WW 515^9. [bsm]
bsming f. curve, curvature, WW. [bsm]
besmirwan to 'besmear,' WW.
besmtan^1 to soil, defile, pollute, dishonour, Bl; , CP. ['besmit']
besmitenes f. soil, stain, defilement, degradation, dirtiness,.
besmittian to defile.
besmiian to work (in metal), forge, surround with forged work.
besmocian to smoke, envelop with incense, ANS 843.
besmyred = besmirwed pp. of besmirwan.
besndan to cut, mutilate.
besnwian to cover with snow, WW. ['besnow']
be-snyian, -snyan to rob, deprive of.
besolcen stupefied, dull, sluggish, inactive, slow,CP.
besorg dear, beloved, .
besorgian to regret: be anxious about, dread, shrink from,.
besorh = besorg
besptan to spit upon, H 2248^24.
bespanan^6 to lead astray, entice, incite, urge, persuade,AO.
besparrian to bar, shut, Gl.
bespirian = bespyrigan
besprecan^5 to speak about, AO: speak against, accuse of, Ps: claim at law, LL: complain. ['bespeak']
besprengan to besprinkle, Lcd. ['bespreng']
bespyrigan to track, trace, LL.
best adv. (used as superl. of wel) best, most.
besta, beste wk. forms of superl. adj. betst.
bestlan () to lay a charge against, convict.
bestppan^6 to tread upon, step, go, enter, .
bestandan^6 _to stand round or about, beset, surround_, _: _attend to_, : _beset, harass_, _Jn_. ['_bestand_']
bestealcian to move stealthily, steal, 'stalk,' L 32^40. [stealc]
bestefnod ptc. provided with a fringe, WW 375^41.
bestelan^4 to move stealthily, steal away, steal upon, AO, LL; , CP: () deprive. ['besteal']
bestlan = bestlan
bestman = bestman
bestpan (= i) to deprive of (children), GD 76^18.
bestingan^3 to thrust in, push, .
bestrdan to bestrew, cover, BH 154^27 (b).
bestrowian _to 'bestrew,' besprinkle_, _.
bestrean to bestrew, cover over.
bestrcan^1 to make a stroke, Lcd 186b. [strca] [[headword spelled "strica"]]
bestrdan^1 _to 'bestride,' mount_, _.
bestrpan to strip, plunder, despoil.
bestrdan^7 to spoil, plunder, rob.
bestrpan = bestrpan
bestryan = bestrean
bestuddian to be careful for, trouble about, Kl 14^6.
bestman (e) to bedew, wet, flood, B 486. [stam]
bestyrian to heap up, BH. ['bestir']
bestyrman to agitate, Bo 9^11.
besu = basu
bespan^2 to sup up, swallow, Lcd 113b.
bestian to besmirch, GPH 403^26.
besan = be san
beswlan to burn, singe, scorch, .
beswpan = beswpan
beswtan to sweat, toil, Sc 111^14.
beswpan^7 to clothe, cover over, veil, protect, CP: persuade, BH. ['beswape']
beswelgan to swallow up, EPs 106^27; 123^3.
beswemman to make to bathe, Bo 115^8.
beswencan to afflict, CPs 68^18.
besweian to swathe, wrap up, wind round.
beswic n. treachery, deceit, AO (b-), CP: snare.
beswica (b-) m. deceiver.
beswican^1 to deceive, seduce, betray, circumvent, frustrate, Bl, Mt; AO, CP: to overcome, supplant, AO. ['beswike']
beswcend m. deceiver, seducer, Gl.
beswicenes f. deception: surrender.
beswicfalle f. trap, Gl.
beswician to escape, be free from, BH.
beswicol deceitful, CP 238^16. (bi-)
beswcung f. deception, WW.
beswincan^3 to toil, exert oneself, make with toil, Jn: till, plough, . beswuncen exhausted, tired out. ['beswink']
beswingan^3 _to flog, scourge, beat, strike_, _; CP. ['_beswinge_']
beswylian to drench, flood, Rood 23. [swilian]
besyftan to sprinkle, L 23^165. [siftan]
besylfran = besilfran
besylian to sully, defile, stain, .
besyr-ewian, -i(a)n = besierwan
bet adv. better, Bo. ['bet']
-bta v. dd-b.
betcnian to 'betoken,' designate.
betcan (w. d.) to make over, give up to, impart, deliver, entrust, commend to, , Lk; AO, CP: appoint (for), set apart as, dedicate: show, point out, Lk: give orders, RB 130^4: pursue, hunt, WW 92^28. ['beteach']
btan to amend, repair, restore, cure, CP: make good, make amends, remedy, compensate, atone, pay 'bt' for an offence, , Mt, Lcd; AO, CP: attend to (fire or light), AO. urstb. quench thirst. [bt; 'beet'vb.]
betast = betst
betboren of higher birth, LL.
bte f. 'beet,' beetroot, Lcd. [L. beta]
-bte v. twi-b.
btel = (1) betl; (2) btol [[second reference ambiguous]]
beteldan^3 to cover, hem in, surround: overload, oppress.
betellan to speak about, answer, defend oneself (against a charge), exculpate oneself, Chr;.
btend m. restorer, Ruin 28.
+btendnes f. amendment, OEG 58^6.
beton^1,2 to cover, surround, enclose, AO; , CP: dispose of, bestow, bequeath: impeach, accuse. ['betee']
betera 'better,' AO, Mk. followed by g. = better in respectof....
-btere v. dd-b. [[under "ddbta"]]
beterian to 'better,' improve, CP: trim (lamp),GD.
beterring f. improvement, .
betest = betst
betinan = betnan
betihtlian to accuse, LL.
betillan = betyllan
betimbran to construct, build, B. ['betimber']
betnan = betnan
bting = btung
btl = betl
betlic grand, excellent.
btnes f. reparation, atonement, LL (264^16).
betoce = betonice
betogenes f. accusation, LL.
betolden pp. of beteldan.
betonice f. 'betony,' Lcd.
betost = betst
betr- = beter-
betrppan = betreppan
betredan^5 to tread upon, cover, CPs 138^10.
betrendan to roll, ES 37180.
betreppan to entrap, catch, Chr. ['betrap']
be-trymman, -trymian to enclose, surround, besiege.
betst I. superl. adj. 'best,' first, AO, Chr, Cr; CP. as sb. people of position, WW, Chr. II. adv. in the best manner, most.
betstboren best-born, eldest.
bett == bet
be-tuh, -tuoxn (CP), -tux = betwux
betuldon pret. pl. of beteldan.
+btung f. repair, maintenance, LL.
betwnan = betwonan
betweoh, betweohs = betwux
betwonan, betwonum I. prep. w. g. d. a. between, among, amid, in the midst, Ps, Bl. II. adv. 'between,' BH: in the meantime, meanwhile: in turn, by turns, CM (-twn-).
betweox, betweoxn, betwih(s) = betwux
betwn- = betwon-
betwnforltnes f. intermission, DR.
betwux (, AO, CP) betwuht, betwix, betwux(t), betwisc prep. w. d. a. between, among, amongst, amidst, during. b.isum meanwhile. b. m e whilst. ['betwixt']
betwuxlegednes f. interjection, Gr 278^2.
betwuxworpennes f. interjection, Gr 10^20.
betwuxblinnes (twih) f. intermission, DR 12^3.
betwuxfc (yx) internal, OEG 3861.
betwuxgangan^7 (twih) to go between, VPs 28^7.
betwuxgangende (twih) separating.
betwuxgesett interposed.
betwuxlicgan^5 (twih) to lie between, BH 72^10.
betwuxsendan to send between.
betwuxt, -twyh, -twyx(t) = betwux
bethtlian = bethtlian [[headword spelled "betihtlian"]]
betyllan to allure, decoy, BH 358^4.
betnan (, e) to hedge in, enclose, shut, bury, AO, CP: end, BH. [tn]
betnung f. conclusion, OEG 3210.
betyran to pitch, stain a dark colour. [teoru]
betyrnan to turn round: prostrate oneself,RB.
be I. = bi pres. 3 sg. of bon. II. = b
bencan = beencan
bean = beian
beearfende needy, indigent, KGl 708.
beearflic profitable, L 23b^242.
beearfod needy, ES 8474^50.
beeccan to cover, protect, cover over, conceal.
been = beung
beencan to consider, remember, take thought for, take care of, care for, Gu: (refl.) reflect, 'bethink' oneself, Lk; : trust, confide in, entrust to,AO.
be-enian, -ennan to cover, stretch on or upon, spread over.
beodan to be joined (to), adhere (to), RB 134^20.
beerscan to winnow, thrash, PPs 43^7.
beettan to bathe, Lcd 390^15 (A 30397).
beian to heat, warm, foment, Lcd; : cherish. ['beath']
berwan^7 to twist, GPH 391^16.
beridian to circumvent, overcome, force, AO.
beringan^3 to encircle, encompass: beset, oppress, burden.
beryccan to press down, Cr 1446.
berydian, beryan = beridian
bern to press, NC 273.
beuncan (Rd 49^7) = beencan
beung f. bathing, bath, fomentation, cataplasm, Lcd; CP, . ['beathing'; b]
be-urfan swv. pres., 3 sg. -earf, pl. -urfon, pret. -orfte. (w.g. ora.) to need, have need of, want, ,CP.
bean = beian
bewan^6 to moisten, wet, LPs 6^7.
bewyrian to deprave, WW 386^7. [weorh]
ben to thrust, AO 158^6.
beufan = bufan
betan = btan
bewacian to watch, guard, .
bewadan^6 to emerge, Rd 88^24.
bewfan to enfold, wrap round, cover over, clothe, ,CP.
bewgan to deceive, frustrate, BVPs.
bewgnan to offer, proffer, B 1193.
bewlan to oppress, afflict, An 1363.
bewpnian to disarm, .
bewrlan to pass by: be free from, DR.
bewarenian to guard against, be on one's guard,CP.
bewarian to keep watch, guard, preserve, ward off,CP.
bewarnian = bewarenian
bewwan^7 to blow upon, Wa 76. (biwune = biwwene)
beweallan^7 to boil away, Lcd.
bewealwian to wallow, Bo 115^9.
beweardian to guard, protect: observe closely.
beweaxan^7 to grow over, cover over, surround, .
beweddendlic relating to marriage, OEG 1122.
beweddian to betroth, marry, : give security. ['bewed']
beweddung f. betrothal, LL 442Ha.
bewefan^5 to cover over, Lcd 3146^4.
bewegan^5 to cover.
bewled (^2) poisoned, polluted, ES 38^344. [wl]
bewellan to knead, mix together.
bewendan _to turn, turn round_, _; (refl.) _Mt_ 9^22: _turn one's attention, convert_, . ['_bewend_']
bewenian to entertain, take care of, attend upon.
beweorcan = bewyrcan
beweorpan^3 to cast, cast down, plunge, throw, , AO: beat, : surround.
beweorian to adorn, DD 118.
beweotian = bewitian
bewpan^7 _to weep over, mourn, bewail_, _; AO. ['_beweep_']
bewpendlic lamentable.
bewpnian = bewpnian
bewerenes f. prohibition, BH 86^13.
bewerian to guard, protect, defend, , AO: check, prevent, forbid,.
bewerigend m. protector, .
bewerung f. defence, fortification.
bewestan prep. w. d. or adv. to the west of, Chr. ['bewest']
bewcian to encamp, Chr 894#w#.
bewindan^3 to wind round, clasp, entwine, envelop, encircle, surround, B, Mt; AO, CP: brandish (asword). hafeb. bewail: turn, wind, revolve.
bewindla (bi-) m. hedge, border, BC (Mdf).
bewitan swv., pres. 3 sg. -wt, pret. 3 sg. -wiste to keep, care for, watch over, superintend, administer, lead, guide, ,AO.
bewitian (eo) to observe, attend to, care for, administer: perform.
bewltian to look at, behold, LPs 32^14.
bewltan^1 to look round, Gen 29^25.
bewpen (pp. of bewpan) lamented: tearful, weeping.
bewrecan^5 to drive: drive away, banish: drive round, beat round.
bewrencan to deceive.
bewron^1,2 to cover, hide, cover over, enwrap, protect, clothe, Sol, Met; CP. ['bewry']
bewreian to sustain, support, Rd 81^21.
bewrtan^1 to record? Creat 19: score round.
bewran^1 to bind, wind about, surround, envelop.
bewrixl-an, -ian to change: exchange, sell, PPs.
bewuna adj. indecl. accustomed, wont, AO.
bewyddian = beweddian
bewled = bewled
bewyllan (= ie) to boil away, Lcd.
bewylwian to roll down, roll together.
bewp = bewp pres. 3 sg. of bewpan.
bewyrcan to work, construct, surround with, enclose, cover, B; AO, : work in, insert, adorn, Lcd. ['bework']
bewyrpan = beweorpan
beyrfeweardian to disinherit, A 13321.
beyrnan = beiernan
bezera = bzere
bi, b (1) = be (prep.); (2) f. = bo
bi- v. also be-
bad = bod
biblioce f. biblioeoco (AO) biblieca m. _library_: _bible_, _. ['_bibliotheca_' (_L._)]
bbrad = bobrad
bicce, bice f. 'bitch,' Lcd, WW.
biccen = byccen
bicgan () = bycgan
bicge = bicce
bcn-an, -ian (, a, e, ) to make a sign, 'beckon,' wink, nod, Lk; CP: signify: summon. [bacn] [[error for "bacen"?]]
+bcnend (), bicni(g)end m. indicator, discloser: forefinger.
bcnendlic, +bcni(g)endlic allegorical; (gram.) indicative, Gr 124^14.
bcnol indicating, indicative, GPH 398^193.
bcnung (a, ) f. beckoning, nodding: token, symbol, figure, : figurative speech.
bcwide m. _byword, proverb, fable, tale_, _. ['_bequeath_']
bd n. lingering, hesitation, delay, halt, Rd. ['bide']
bdan^1 (intr.) to stay, continue, live, remain, delay, AO, Ps: (tr.usu. w.g.) wait for, await, expect, Bl, Mt; AO, CP: endure, experience, find: attain, obtain. ['bide']
biddan^5 to ask, entreat, pray, beseech, AO, Bl. b. and bodan, hlsian to beg and pray: order, command, require, AO, CP. ['bid']
+biddan^5 (often refl.) to beg, ask, pray, Bl, Mt; , CP: worship, , AO. ['i-bid']
biddere m. petitioner.
bidenft = bydenft
biderp = bedrp
bide (CP) pres. 3 sg. of biddan.
bdfst firm, forced to stand out.
bding f. abiding place, abode, Gu 180.
bdsteall m. halt, stand.
be = bo pres. 1 sg. of bon.
becn = bacen
becn- = bcn-
began (, , ) to bend, turn, turn back, incline, Bo, Mk: depress, abase, humiliate: subject: persuade, convert: +bged bowed down, infirm, Nic 471^29. ['bey,' bgan]
bieldan (, e, i, y) to encourage, excite, impel, exhort, confirm, CP, Ma; , AO. ['bield'; beald]
bieldo (y^2) f. boldness, courage, arrogance, confidence, BH; CP. ['bield']
bielg = belg
bielw- = bilew-
beme (, i, ) f. trumpet, CP, WW: tablet, billet. ['beme']
ben = ban
bencoddas = bancoddas [[under "banbelgas"]]
+bierde = +byrde
+bierhtan (e, y) to brighten, be or make bright, illuminate, enlighten, CP: make clear: celebrate. [beorht]
bierhtu (e, eo, i, y) f. brightness, effulgence, brilliance, CP. [beorht]
bierm = bearm
biernan^3 (ea, eo, i, y) to 'burn,' be on fire, give light, , Lk, Ex, VPs.
bierste, bierst pres. 3 sg. of berstan.
bier pres. 3 sg. of beran.
biesen = bisen
biesgian = bysgian [[redirected to "bisgian"]]
bieter- = biter-
betl (, , ) m. 'beetle,' mallet, hammer, CP, Jud(y).
bietr- = biter-
be = bo pres. pl. of bon.
bfran to feed, ES 41^324.
bifian to tremble, be moved, shake, quake, Bo, Ps; . ['bive']
bifigendlic (byfg-) terrible, NC 274.
bifung f. trembling, shaking, .
-bifung (eo^1) v. eor-b. [[under "eorbeofung"]]
bfylce n. neighbouring people. [folc]
big = be
big- = be-, b-, bycg-
bg- = beg-
bige = byge
+bgednes f. inflection, declension, case, Gr.
bgegnes = bgengnes
bgels m. arch, vault, : inclination.
+bgendlic inflectional, Gr 91^8.
+bgendnes = +bgednes
bgeng f. _practice, exercise, observance, worship_, _: _cultivation_, . ['_bigeng_']
bgenga m. inhabitant: cultivator, : worshipper, : benefactor.
bgenge n. practice, worship.
bgengere m. worker: worshipper.
bgengestre f. handmaiden, attendant, worshipper, Gl.
bgengnes, f. application, study.
+bige = +byge pres. 3 sg. of +bycgan.
bging f. bending, WW 216^38.
bigleaf- (eo, i) = bleof-
bgnes f. power of bending, bending. [began]
+bgnes () f. frequented place, assembly? EPs 117^27.
+big = +bige
bgyrdel m. girdle, belt, purse, , Mt: treasury. ['bygirdle']
bigytan = begietan
bihianda (MtL 5^27) = behindan
bhst = bhst pres. 2 sg. of bgan.
+bih f. abode? Gu 346. [cp. byht]
bil = bill
bilcettan = bealcettan [[under "bealcan"]]
bildan = bieldan
+bilde bold, brave, . [beald]
bile m. 'bill,' beak, trunk (of an elephant), WW: prow.
ble = ble
blefa = bleofa
bilehwt == bilewit
bleofa (i^2) m., bleofen f. support, sustenance, food, nourishment, , WW: money, pay. ['bylive'; libban]
bilofian to support, feed upon, Guth 34^7.
bilewet == bilewit
bilewit innocent, pure, simple, sincere, honest, BH, Mt; , CP: calm, gentle, merciful, gracious: plausible. ['bilewhit'], adv. -lce.
bilewitnes f. mildness, simplicity, innocence, purity, ,CP.
bilgesleht = billgesliht
bilgst, bilhst pres. 2 sg. of belgan.
bilg pres. 3 sg. of belgan.
bilherge = billere
blibb-, blif- = bleof-
bilig = belg
biliw- = bilew-
bill n. 'bill,' chopper, battle-axe, falchion, sword, B,WW.
billere m. 'bibulta' (plant), WW.
billgesliht n. clashing of swords, battle, Chr 937.
billhete m. murderous hate, strife, #An#78.
+bilod having a bill or beak. [bile]
bil-sw n. (nap. -swau) sword track, wound, Ex 329.
bilw- = bilew-
blyht = bliht
bma (m.?), bme = beme
bin = binn
bnama m. pronoun, A 8313.
+bind n. binding, fetter: costiveness.
bindan sv^3 to tie, 'bind,' fetter, fasten, restrain, , Bl, Mt, Jn; AO, CP: adorn.
binde f. head-band? KC 6133. ['bind']
bindele, -elle f. binding: bandage.
bindere m. 'binder,' Rd 28^6.
binding f. binding, OEG 324b.
binn, binne f. 'bin,' basket, crib, manger, Bl, LkL.
binnan I. prep. (w. d. a.) within, in, inside of, into. II. adv. inside, within, less than, during, whilst. ['bin']
binne = binn
bint pres. 3 sg. of bindan.
bio- = beo-, bi-
biosmrung = bismrung [[redirected to "bismerung"]]
birce = beorc, beorce
bird (LkLR) = bridd
+bird = +byrd
birele = byrele
biren f. she-bear, OET (Ct).
birg == byrg
birg, birh pres. 3 sg. of beorgan.
birht- = bierht-
birig = byrig
birig- = byrg-
birihte (y) prep. w. d. near, beside, An 850.
birihto = bierhtu
birle = byrele
birnan = beornan
birst, birste pres. 3 sg. of berstan.
birst pres. 2 sg., bir(e) pres. 3 sg. of beran.
biryhte = birihte
bisc n? m? wallet, MtR 10^10. [L. bisaccium]
bsc contested, disputed, LL.
bsc f. visit, Gu 188.
bisceop (o^2) m. 'bishop,' CP: high-priest, chief priest (ofthe Jews), heathen priest, AO, MkL.
bisceopcyn (o^2) n. episcopal (high-priestly) stock.
bisceopdm m. episcopate, bishopric: ex-communication.
bisceopealder m. high priest, HL.
bisceopfolgo m. episcopate, GD 65^31.
bisceopgegyrelan mpl. episcopal robes, BH 90^2.
bisceophd m. 'bishophood,' office of bishop, ordination as bishop, episcopate, bishopric, CPPs.
bisceophdung f. episcopal ordination, L 31^286.
bisceophm m. bishop's estate, EC 365.
bisceophafodln (o^2) n. head ornament worn by bishops, WW 152^23.
bisceophred (o) m. clergy subject to a bishop.
bisceopian to confirm, LL. ['bishop']
bisceopland (o) n. episcopal or diocesan land, LL 173^10.
bisceoplic 'bishoply,' episcopal, BH.
bisceoprce n. 'bishopric,' diocese, province of a bishop, BH.
bisceoprocc m. bishop's rochet, dalmatic, Lcd 3202^26.
bisceoprd f. bishop's cross.
bisceopscr, -scr f. diocese: episcopate.
bisceop-seld, -setl, -sel n. bishop's seat or see, bishopric.
bisceopseono m. synod of bishops, A 118^1.
bisceopstl m. episcopal see, bishopric, KC. ['bishopstool']
bisceopsunu m. godson at a 'bishoping' or confirmation.
bisceopnung f. office of a bishop, BH.
bisceopung f. confirmation, .
bisceopwte n. fine payable to a bishop? (BT), forced entertaining of a bishop? (Lieb: v.LL 2667).
bisceopwyrt f. bishop's-wort, betony, vervain, marshmallow.
bisceopwyrtil (o^2) vervain, WW 134^41.
biscep == bisceop
bisceran = bescieran
biscerian (i^2, y^2) = bescierian
biscop == bisceop
biscup = bisceop
bisegu = bysgu [[redirected to "bisgu"]]
bisen, bisene (y) fn. example, pattern, model, JnLR; , AO, CP: similitude, parable, parallel: rule, command, precept. ['bysen']
bsene (y) blind, MtL; NC 274; JAW 22. ['bisson'?]
bisenian (ie, y) to give, set an example, instruct by example, Bo: follow an example or pattern, CP: express figuratively. ['byen'vb.]
bisenung f. example, pattern, (y).
bises m. the extra day intercalated in leap year, Men 32. [L. bissextus]
bisgian to occupy, employ, , Bo; CP: trouble, afflict, Lcd, Met. ['busy']
bisgu, bisigu f. occupation, labour, CP, (yse): affliction, trouble.
bisgung f. business, occupation, care, CP.
bisig (y) 'busy,' occupied, diligent, Ma, Sol.
bisignes f. 'business,' MtL (Cont. p. xx).
bismr- = bismer-
bisme = besma
bismer (y) nmf. disgrace, scandal, shame, mockery, insult, reproach, scorn, AO, Bl; CP: filthiness, defilement, (y). t bismere ignominiously, shamefully: blasphemy: infamous deed, AO. ['bismer']
bismerful infamous, disgraceful, ignominious, shameful, (y).
bismerglow (y) n. shameful lust, .
bismerian (y) to mock, revile, illtreat, blaspheme, Mk; AO. ['bismer'vb.]
bismeriend m. mocker, KGl 298.
bismerlas blameless, Cr 1326 (y).
bismerlo n. scurrilous song, Gl.
bismerlic shameful, ignominious, contemptuous, AO: ridiculous, frivolous. adv. -lce.
bismernes f. pollution; insult; contemptibleness.
bismer-sprc, -spc f. blasphemy, G.
bismerung (y) mockery, scorn: blasphemy: infamy, disrepute,AO.
bismerword (^2) n. reproach, insult, LL 10^11.
bismor = bismer
bism(o)r- = bismer-
bisn- = bisen-
+bisnere f. imitator, DR 45^7.
bspell (big-) n. example, proverb, : parable, fable, allegory, story, MtL; CP. ['byspel']
bspellbc (big-) f. book of Proverbs, .
bissextus, gen. -te the intercalary day of leap year: leap year. [L.]
bist pres. 2 sg. of bon.
bst = bdst, pres. 2 sg. of bdan.
biswic = beswic
bit pres. 3 sg. of biddan.
bt pres. 3 sg. of (1) bdan; (2) btan.
bita m. I. 'bit,' morsel, piece, Jn; . II. biter, wild beast.
btan^1 to 'bite,' tear, B, Rd; : cut, wound: (+) dash down, MkL 9^18.
bite m. 'bite,' sting, AO, Lcd: sword-cut, Ap, B: cancer.
bitela m. 'beetle,' Gl.
biter 'bitter,' sharp, cutting, Gu; : stinging, PPs 117^12: exasperated, angry, embittered: painful, disastrous, virulent, cruel, B, Bl. adv. -lce, Mt.
bitere = bitre
biterian to be or become bitter, CP: make bitter. ['bitter'vb.]
biternes f. 'bitterness,' grief, El; ,CP.
biterwyrde bitter in speech, .
biterwyrtdrenc m. drink of bitter herbs, WW 114^18.
btl = betl
bitmlum piecemeal, bit by bit, Gr 239^10.
bitol n. bridle.
btol m. beetle (insect). [btan] [[from first edition]]
bitor = biter
bitre bitterly, sharply, painfully, severely: very.
bitres, bittres gsmn. of biter.
bitst pres. 2 sg. of biddan.
btst pres. 2 sg. of bdan and btan.
bitt I. pres. 3 sg. of (1) biddan; (2) beodan. II. = bytt
btt pres. 3 sg. of btan.
+bitt n. biting, gnashing, .
bitter == biter
bittor = biter
bittre = bitre
bitula = bitela
bi pres. 3 sg. of bon.
biwune v. bewwan.
bwist fm. sustenance, food, provision, necessaries, Bo, . ['bewiste']
bword (u) n. proverb, household word: adverb, A 8313^7.
bwyrde n. 'byword,' proverb, WW.
bixen = byxen
bizant m. bezant (a gold coin). [L. byzanteum]
blc I. () bright, shining, glittering, flashing, Rd: pale, pallid, wan, AO, CP. [blcan; 'bleak,' to 'bleach'] II. pret. 3 sg. of blcan.
blac = blc
blcern n. lamp, candle, light, CP ().
blchlor with pale cheeks.
blcian to turn pale, .
blcung f. a turning pale, pallor, .
bladesian to flame, blaze, be hot: emit an odour, OEG 554.
bladesnung (at-) f. odour, WW 405^1.
bladesung (at-, t-) f. shining, lightning, EPs 76^19.
blc (a) I. 'black' dark, B, BH, . II. n. ink, LL, WW. ['bleck']
blc == blc
blcan to bleach, whiten. [blc]
blcce f. black matter, OEG 652.
blce n.? irritation of the skin, leprosy, Lcd.
blcernleoht () n. lantern-light.
blcfexede black-haired, H 1456^16. [feax]
blcgymm m. jet, BH 26^16.
blchorn (e) n. ink-horn, IM 128^18.
blco f. pallor, Lcd.
blcpytt m. bleaching-pit? EC 383.
blcrustfel n. leprosy, Cp 103#b#.
bld n. (nap. bladu) 'blade,' WW: leaf, Gen.
bld () I. m. blowing, blast: inspiration, : breath, spirit, : life, mind: glory, dignity, splendour: prosperity, riches, success. II. = bldI.
bldgende renowned, B 1013.
bldbylig m. bellows, WW 241^33.
blddg m. day of prosperity.
bldderwrc m. pain in the bladder, Lcd.
blddre = bldre
bldfst glorious, prosperous.
+bldfstnes f. provision, sustenance, L 23b^492.
bldgifa m. giver of prosperity.
bldhorn m. trumpet, .
bldnes f. blossom, fruit, A 8311. [bld]
bldre () f. blister, pimple, AO: 'bladder,' Lcd. [blwan]
bldwela m. abundant riches, Cr 1392.
blge f. gudgeon, bleak, WW. ['blay']
blgettan (a) to cry, GD 278^12.
blhwen light blue.
bls = blst
blsbelg (OET 28) = blstbelg
blse (a) f. firebrand, torch, lamp, , Jn. ['blaze']
blsere m. incendiary, LL.
blshorn m. blowing-horn, trumpet, LL 194 (8).
blst m. blowing, 'blast' (of wind), breeze, Ex: flame.
blstan to blow, Andr 123^30: rush? (v.BT).
blstbelg m. bellows, Gl.
blstm m? flame, blaze, MFH 90^7.
bltan to 'bleat,' Gr, Rd.
bltesung = bladesung
blts- = blts-
blwen = blhwen
blwest, blwst pres. 2 sg., blw(e) pres. 3 sg. of blwan.
blagettan = blgettan
blan pret. 3 sg. of blinnan.
blanca m. (white?) horse, B. ['blonk']
bland n. blending, mixture, confusion, turmoil.
blandan^7 to blend, mix, mingle, Rd. ['bland']
blandenfeax grizzly-haired, grey-haired, old. [blandan]
blann pret. 3 sg. of blinnan.
blase = blse
blasere = blsere
blstbelg = blstbelg
blaster = plaster
blt livid, pale, wan, ghastly: low, hoarse (sound)? An 1279. [cp. blat]
bltan to be livid, pale. [[from first edition]]
blte lividly, pallidly, Met.
blatesnung = bladesnung
bltian to be livid, pale, Gen 981 (GK).
blwan^7 () (tr. or intr.) to 'blow,' breathe, Mt, Lk, Jn: be blown, sound: inflate: () kindle, inflame, WW 208^14: () spit, MkLR 7^33.
blwend m. inspirer, H 2478^8.
blwere m. 'blower,' CP.
blwung f. _'blowing,' blast_, _: _inflation_.
bleac = blc
blat miserable? Gu 963. ['blete']. adv. blate, B 2824.
bla gentle, shy, cowardly, timid, Rd: slothful, inactive, effeminate, AO. ['blethe'; Ger. blde]
blec == blc
blce = blce
blca 'vitiligo,' WW 53^28.
bled = bld
bld- = blt-
bld I. () f. shoot, branch, flower, blossom, leaf, foliage, fruit, Mt, Lcd; CP: harvest, crops. ['blede'; blwan] II. = bldI.
bldan to 'bleed,' let blood, Sol.
bldhwt growing quickly or profusely? Rd 2^9.
bldre = bldre
bledu f. dish, bowl, goblet, .
blegen, blegne f. 'blain,' boil, blister, ulcer, Lcd.
blencan to deceive, cheat, Mod. ['blench']
blnd (e) pret. 3 sg. of blandan.
blend-an, -ian to blind, deprive of sight, Bo: deceive. ['blend']
blendnes f. blindness, DR 38^5.
blent pres. 3 sg. of (1) blendan, (2) blandan.
blo n. gs. blos, ds. blo, gp. blo(na), dip. blom, blo(w)um colour, Bo; CP: appearance, form, Sol. ['blee']
blobord n. coloured board, chess-board.
blobrygd n? combination of colours, scintillation, Ph 292. [bregdan]
blocrft m. art of embroidery, WW 354^9.
+blod beautiful, Cr 909.
bleodu = bledu
blofstnes f. 'delici,' RPs 138^11.
blofg variegated, Gl.
bloh = blo
blomete m. dainty food, GD 99^18.
blona gp. of blo.
blorad purple, WW.
blostning f. tesselated pavement, WW 444^10.
blot pret. 3 sg. of (1) bltan, (2) bltan.
bleoum dip. of blo.
blow pret. 3 sg. of (1) blwan, (2) blwan.
blowum dp. of blo.
blere, blerig bald, WW.
blese = blse
blt pret. 3 sg. of (1) bltan, (2) bltan.
bltan = bltan
bltsian to consecrate, ordain, Mt, JnL (oe): 'bless,' give thanks, adore, extol, Da, Ps, Lk: sign with the cross, : pronounce or make happy, . [bld]
bltsingbc f. blessing-book, benedictional, EC 250.
bltsingsealm m. the Benedicite, RB 36^18.
bltst pres. 2 sg. of bltan.
bltsung f. consecration, Chr: 'blessing,' benediction, Chr; : favour (ofGod), Bl, VPs.
blw = blow pret. 3 sg. of blwan.
blw pres. 3 sg. of blwan.
blcan^1 to glitter, shine, gleam, sparkle, dazzle, Sol: appear, Sol 144. ['blik']
bliccettan to glitter, quiver, Gl.
bliccettung f. glittering, shining, VPs.
blice m. exposure, LL 5[34].
blicgan = blycgan
blcian to shine, OEG 1499.
blc pres. 3 sg. of blcan.
blds = bliss
blin imperat. of blinnan.
blind 'blind,' Mk; CP, : dark, obscure, opaque, DD; : internal, not showing outwardly: unintelligent: not stinging, WW 322^29. adv. -lce blindly, rashly,AO.
blindboren born blind, JnL 9^32.
+blinfellian to blind, blindfold, HL ^276.
-blindian v. of-b.
blindnes f. blindness, .
blinn n? cessation.
blinnan^3 to cease, leave off, rest from, Mt; CP: lose, forfeit: be vacant (bishopric). ['blin'; be, linnan]
blinnes f. cessation, intermission, LL.
blis (CP) = bliss
blisa = blysa
bliscan = blyscan
blisgere m. incendiary. [blysige]
bliss m. 'bliss,' merriment, happiness, Bl; CP: kindness, friendship, grace, favour, Met: cause of happiness, Ps. [ble]
blissian (intr.) to be glad, rejoice, exult, CP, Lk; : (tr.) make happy, gladden, endow, Hy: applaud, ANS 109306. ['bliss']
blissig joyful, RPs 112^9.
blissigendlic exulting, H 1354^11.
blissung f. exultation, EPs 64^13.
bl == ble
ble I. 'blithe,' joyous, cheerful, pleasant, , AO, CP: gracious, well-disposed, friendly, kind, El: agreeable, willing: quiet, peaceful, gentle, Ps: (+b. occurs at Guth 161^9). II. adv. Ps.
blelic gentle, pleasant, glad. adv. -lce (Lk). ['blithely']
blemd glad, cheerful: well-wishing, friendly.
blheort happy, joyful: gracious.
+blian to make glad, RPs 91^4.
blnes f. joy, gladness, pleasure, Lcd; AO. ['blitheness']
bls == bliss
blwum = blo(w)um, dp. of blo.
blod = bold
bld n. 'blood,' , G, Lcd; AO, CP: vein.
bld-dolg, -dolh n. bleeding wound, Lcd.
blddryne m. bloodshed, AO 162^3.
bldegesa m. bloody horror, Ex 477.
+bldegian = bldgian
blden bloody, WW 217^35?
bldfg blood-stained, bloody.
bldgemang n. a blood-mixture, WW 220^7.
bldgemenged blood-stained, W 182^11.
bldgot = bldgte [[headword spelled "bldgyte"]]
bldgotend m. shedder of blood, LPs 50^16.
bldgotende bloody, LPs 5^8.
bldgian to be bloodthirsty, WW 215^43: make bloody.
bldgyte m. bloodshed, AO.
bldhrcung f. spitting of blood, WW 113^6.
bldhrow sanguinary, cruel, Ps.
bldig 'bloody,' WW; AO.
bldigt bloody-toothed, B 2083.
bld-ls, -lswu f. blood-letting, bleeding.
bldlstd f. time for blood-letting, Lcd 55a.
bldltere m. blood-letter, WW.
bldlas bloodless, Gr 56^14.
bld-orc, -mna = bltorc, etc.
bldrad blood-red.
bldrow = bldhrow
bldryne m. issue of blood, bloody flux: bursting of a blood-vessel, AO 288^27.
bldsx (e) n. lancet, Gl.
blodscawung f. supply of blood? (BT) Lcd 83a.
bldseten something to stop bleeding, Lcd.
bldsihte f. flowing of blood, Lcd 64a.
bldigen f. tasting of blood, LL.
bldwte n. blood-offering, LPs 15^4.
bldyrnende having an issue of blood, BH 78^16#b#.
blma m. lump of metal, mass, Gl.
blon pret. 3 sg. of blinnan.
blonca = blanca
blond- = bland-
blonn pret. 3 sg. of blinnan.
blsa, blsma = blstma [[under "blstm"]]
blstbre = blstmbre
blstm (), blstma mf. 'blossom,' flower, fruit, Bl, Lcd.
blstmbre (), -brende flower-bearing.
blstmfrols m. floral festival, OEG 4720.
blstmian to 'blossom,' bloom, BH.
blt n. sacrifice, AO. [bld]
blt- = bld-
bltan^7 (and ? wv) to sacrifice, kill for sacrifice, AO,CP.
bltere m. sacrificer, GPH 398^99.
bltmna m. month of sacrifice (8 Oct.-8 Nov.), November.
bltorc m. sacrificial vessel, GPH 397.
bltspung f. spitting of blood, WW 113^7.
bltung f. sacrifice, AO 102^16.
blwan I. sv^7 to 'blow,' flower, flourish, blossom, Lcd. II. = blwan
blwendlic blooming, WW 240^28.
blunnen pp., blunnon pret. pl. of blinnan.
-blycgan v. -b.
blys, blyss = bliss
blysa m. firebrand, torch, .
blyscan 'rutilare,' HGl 434^75 (v. OEG 1196 and 'blush').
blyse f. = blysa
blysere = blsere
blysian to burn, blaze, PPs 17^8.
blysige = blyse
blyssian () = blissian
ble = ble
blelce = blelce
b = b, nafn. of bgen.
bc I. fn. ds. and nap. bc 'beech'-tree, WW; Mdf: beech-nut, NC 274: 'book,' writing, Bible, Bl, Jn, CP; AO, . Crstesb. gospel: deed, charter, conveyance, LL. II. pret. 3 sg. of bacan.
bcceras mpl. freehold lands.
bcblc (e) n. ink, W 225^1.
bcce = bce
bc-cest, -cist(e) f. book-chest.
bccrft m. learning, Bo. ['bookcraft']
bccrftig book-learned.
bcere m. scholar, scribe, writer, .
bcfell n. parchment, vellum, LL. ['bookfell']
bcfdder n. bookcase, WW 194^13.
bcgesamnung f. library, WW 203^16.
bcgestron n. library, BH.
bchord n. library, WW. ['bookhoard']
bchs n. library, WW 185^35.
bcian to grant by charter: supply with books.
bclden n. literary Latin, learned language.
bcland n. land held by written title, LL; , AO. v.LL 2323. ['bookland']
bclr f. book-lore, learning.
bcleden = bclden
bclic of or belonging to a book, : biblical, scriptural. b. stf 'ars liberalis,' HGl 503.
bcon pret. pl. of bacan.
bcrdere m. reader of books, WW 439^25.
bcrding f. reading of books, WW.
bcrad red colour used in illuminating manuscripts, vermilion,WW.
bcrde f. reading of books, A 10143^101.
bcriht n. right given by will or charter, LL 444(1).
bcscyld m. beech-wood shield, TC 561^5.
bcstf m. nap. -stafas letter, character, El. ['bocstaff'; Ger. buchstabe]
bcstigel f. beech-wood stile, KC 570^25.
bc-tcung, -talu f. teaching or narrative, written in books,LL.
bctrow n. beech-tree, .
bcweorc n. study of books, LL (314^18).
bcwudu m. beech-wood, Rd 41^106.
bod (+ exc. N) n. command, message, precept, Bo, Hy; : preaching. ['bode,' 'i-bod'; Ger. gebot]
boda m. messenger, herald, apostle, angel, , CP: prophet. ['bode'; Ger. bote]
bodan = botm
bode pret. of bgan.
bodeg = bodig
boden pp. of bodan.
bodere m. teacher, NG.
bodian to tell, proclaim, announce, Hy; AO, CP: preach, Mt; , CP: foretell, El: boast. ['bode']
bodiend m. proclaimer, teacher, preacher.
bodig n. 'body,' trunk, frame, bodily presence, , BH, etc., CP: main part, Lcd.
bodigendlic to be celebrated, L 7232.
bodlc n. decree, ordinance, Chr 1129.
bodscipe m. command: message.
bodung f. message, recital, preaching, : interpretation: assertiveness, RB 136^22.
bodungdg m. Annunciation Day, H 1200^26.
bg m. _arm, shoulder_, _; CP: _'bough,' twig, branch_, _Mt_; CP: _offspring_. [bgan]
boga m. _'bow,' (weapon)_, _Gn_; : _arch, arched place, vault_, _B_: _rainbow_, _: _folded parchment_. [cp. _Ger._ bogen]
bga = bg
bgan to boast, RB.
boganet = bogenett
bogefdder m. quiver, WW 143^19.
bogen I. name of a plant, Lcd. II. pp. of bgan.
bogenett n. wicker basket with a narrow neck for catching fish,WW.
bogetung f. curve, WW 355^15.
bgh = bg
bgian I. (intr.) _to dwell_, _: (tr.) _to inhabit_. II. = bgan
bogiht full of bends, MtL 7^14.
bgincel n. small bough, OEG.
bgung (bung) f. boastfulness, arrogance, display,.
bh = bg
bhscyld m. shoulder shield, EC 226.
bohte pret. 3 sg. of bycgan.
bhtimber n. building timber, AS 1^3. [bgian, ES 42172]
blan = bgan
bol? m. bole, trunk, Lcd 143a.
bolca m. gangway of a ship.
bold (= botl) n. house, dwelling-place, mansion, hall, castle, B: temple. ['bold']
boldgend m. homestead-owner.
boldgestron (botl) household goods.
boldgetl collection of houses: (political) district, county, province,GD.
boldgetimbru npl. houses.
boldweard (botl-) m. housekeeper, steward, .
boldwela m. wealth: splendid dwelling, paradise, heaven: village, Gen 1799. (botl-)
bolgen pp. of belgan.
bolgenmd enraged.
bolla m., bolle f. 'bowl,' cup, pot, beaker, measure, L, Jn, Lcd.
bolster mn. 'bolster,' head-pillow, cushion, B;CP.
+bolstrian to support with pillows, prop up, A 8308.
bolt m. 'bolt': cross-bow for throwing bolts or arrows, WW.
bolttimber n. building timber, AS 1^3. [botl; v. ES 42^172]
bn I. f. ornament, Chr 1063#d#. II. = bgan
bon- = ban-
bond- = band-
bnda m. householder, LL: freeman, plebeian; husband. ['bond']
bndeland n. land held by a bnda, Chr 777#e#. [ON. bndi]
bne = bn
+bnian to polish, burnish, TC. [Ger. bohnen]
bonn == bann
bor borer, gimlet, Gl: lancet, scalpel, graving tool, Gl. [borian]
bora m. ruler, Sat 500. [? rdbora]
borcen pret. 3 sg. of beorcan.
borcian to bark.
bord n. 'board,' plank, , Gen: table, Ps: side of a ship, Gen: ship, El, Gn: shield, El.
borda m. embroidery, ornament, Gl.
bordcl m. table-cloth, OEG 56^22.
bordgelc n. weapon, dart, Cr 769.
bordhbbende shield-bearing, B 2895.
bordhaga m. cover of shields, El 652.
bordhroa () m. shield-ornament: phalanx.
bordrand m. shield, B 2559.
bordrima m. rim, edge.
bordriig a stream running in a channel made of planks? (BT), EC 450^11.
bordst n. sea-shore, An 442.
bordaca m. shield-covering, testudo, Gl: board for roofing,WW.
bordweall m. wall of shields, phalanx: buckler, shield: side of ship, Rd 34^6.
bordwudu m. shield, B 1243.
boren pp. of beran.
borettan to brandish, Gl.
borg m. pledge, security, bail, debt, obligation, LL (v.2331; 641); CP: bondsman: debtor. ['borrow'sb.]
borgbryce m. breach of surety, LL.
borgen pp. of beorgan.
borggelda m. borrower: lender.
borgian to 'borrow,' Mt, Ps: lend: be surety for, OEG 3812.
borgiend m. lender, usurer.
borg-sorg (burg-) f. trouble on account of lending or security, #Rim#63.
borgwedd n. pledge, WW 279^16.
borh == borg
borhfst fast bound, HL 18^254.
borhfstan to bind by pledge or surety.
borhhand fm. security, surety (person), .
borhlas without a pledge, without security, LL 230[5].
borian to bore, perforate.
borlce very, extremely, fitly, excellently, A 8302, 307, 329.
born = barn, pret. 3 sg. of biernan.
+borsnung = +brosnung
borsten pp. of berstan.
boror = beoror
bsig m? n? stall, crib, LkLR. ['boosy']
bsm (CP), bsum m. _'bosom,' breast, womb_, _: _surface_, _An_: _ship's hold_, _Gen_.
bsmig sinuous, OEG 8^2.
bt f. help, relief, advantage, remedy, An, Da, Lcd; AO: compensation for an injury or wrong, LL (v.2336): (peace) offering, recompense, amends, atonement, reformation, penance, repentance, Bl; CP. t bte to 'boot,' besides, moreover. [Ger. busse]
btan = btan
btettan to improve, repair.
botian to get better.
botl (CP, ) == bold
btlas unpardonable, not to be atoned for by bt.
botm m. 'bottom,' ground, foundation, B, WW: abyss, Gen.
btwyre pardonable, that can be atoned for by bt. [cp. btlas]
b = bge pres. 3 sg. of bgan.
boen mn? rosemary: darnel, : thyme, GPH 390.
bung = bgung
box mn. box-tree, WW: 'box,' case, Mt. [L. buxus]
boxtrow n. box-tree, Gr 20^19.
braccas mp. breeches, Lcd 3198^28. [L.]
bracce (Mdf) = brc I.
brachwl f. moment, A 8318.
-bracian v. -b.
brd I. comp. brdra, brdra 'broad,' flat, open, extended, spacious, wide, Gen, Chr; , AO, CP: ample, copious, B; #El#. II. n. breadth, #Rim#13?
brdx f. broad axe, Gl.
brdbrim n. wide sea.
brde far and wide, broadly, widely.
brdelac n. leek, Gl.
brdhand f. palm of the hand, WW 264^34.
brdian to extend, reach, AO 234^10.
brdlstx f. broad axe, Gl.
brdlinga flatly, with the hand open.
brdnes sf. breadth, greatness, extent, surface, : liberality.
brdpanne = brdepanne
brc I. a strip of unfilled land? (BT), KC. II. = pret. 3 sg. of brecan.
brc I. () n. catarrh, cough. II. f. breaking, destruction, L 5^292. III. = brc nap. of brcI.
brcce breeches, OET. [L.]
brccou f. falling sickness, epilepsy, WW 112^27.
+brceo = brc I.
brcdrenc () cough medicine, WW 351^88.
brclian to cackle, make a noise, GD 236^12.
brcon pret. pl. of brecan.
brcsoc epileptic, lunatic.
brd I. f. breadth, width, AO. [brd] II. f. flesh, Ph 240. [OHG. brt] III. m. trick, fraud, deceit, craft. [= *brgd; 'braid'] IV. pret. 3 sg. of brdan, bregdan. V. pres. 3 sg. and pp. of brdan.
brd- = brgd- (bregd-)
brdan (e) I. to make broad, extend, spread, stretch out, BH; AO: be extended, rise, grow. ['brede'; brd] II. to roast, toast, bake, broil, cook, WW. ['brede'; Ger. braten]
brde m. roast meat, WW. ['brede'; Ger. braten]
-brdels v. ofer-b.
brdepanne f. frying-pan (v. WW 363#n#3).
brding I. f. extension, Bo 46^6: bedding, bed, DR. II. f. roast meat, OEG 3760.
brdingpanne = brdepanne
brdsen n. 'scalpellum,' Gl, WW.
brdra v. brd.
brdu, brdo f. breadth, width, extent, Ps. ['brede']
+brgd = brd III.
brgdan = bregdan
brgdboga m. deceitful bow, Cr 765.
brgden (e) I. () deceitful, crafty, AO. adv. -lce. [bregdan] II. fraud.
brgdnes (d-) f. fraud, cunning.
brgdws crafty, Gu 58. [bregd]
brgen (a, c) n. 'brain,' Lcd, Ps; , CP.
brgenpanne f. brain-pan, skull, OEG 2815.
brgensoc brain-sick, mad, OEG.
brgn = brgen
brgnloca (brgn-) m. brain-house, head, Rd 72^21.
brgpanne = brgenpanne
brhtm (A) = breahtm
brmbel, brmel == brmel
brme (NG) = brme
brr () = brr
brs n. _'brass,' bronze_, _.
brsen 'brazen,' of brass, LPs; .
brsian to do work in brass, make of brass, Gr 215^17.
brsne = bresne
br m. odour, scent, stink, exhalation, vapour, AO. ['breath']
brw (a) m. eye-brow, eye-lid, BH, Lcd, Ps, WW; CP. ['bree']
bragen = brgen
brahtan = brohton pret. pl. of bringan.
brand () m. fire, flame, B; : 'brand,' torch, JnL, Da; : sword, B.
brandht burning hot, ardent.
brandhord (o^1) n? treasure exciting ardent desires (BT); care, anxiety (GK), #Rim#46.
brand-ren, -sen n. fire-dog, trivet, grate, WW. ['brandise']
brandm (o^1) m. 'rubigo,' WW 44^14.
brandrd (o^2, e^2) f. fire-dog, trivet, Gl.
brandrida m. fire-grate, WW 266^26.
brandstfn (o^1) high-prowed? An 504. [= brant- ?]
brang pret. 3 sg. of bringan.
brant (o) deep, steep, high, An, El. ['brant']
branwyrt f. whortleberry plant, WW 133^23.
brasian = brsian
+brastl (-sl) n. crackling (of flames), DD,W.
brastlian (-sl) _to roar, rustle, crackle_, _. ['_brastle_'; _Ger._ prasseln]
brastlung f. _crackling, rustling, crashing_, _.
bratt m. cloak, MtL 5^40. ['bratt']
brac pret. 3 sg. of brcan.
brad n. bit, crumb, morsel: 'bread,' JnL.
+breadian = +bredian
brag = brw
breahtm I. (bearhtm; , e, eo, y) m. cry, noise, revelry. II. = bearhtm
breahtmian (earht) to creak, resound.
breahtmung f. 'convolatus,' WW 376^3.
breahtumhwt = bearhtmhwt
breard = brerd
brat- = brot-
bra brittle, Lcd 1260^7.
braw = brw
brawern n. brew-house, WW 145^29.
brc fp. breeches, Lcd, RB. ['breech'; v.ES 38345]
+brec n. noise, sound, CP.
brc = brc I.
brecan I. sv^4 to 'break,' shatter, burst, tear, B, Bl, Ps: curtail, injure, violate, destroy, oppress, B, Da, KC; AO, CP: break into, rush into, storm, capture (city), Ma; CP: press, force: break or crash through, burst forth, spring out, An, Ph: subdue, tame, CP. II. to roar? Cr 951. [ON. braka]
brchrgl n. breeches, PPs 108^28.
brecmlum = brytmlum
brecnes f. breach, EPs.
-brec v. -, eodor-b.
breca m. broken condition. mdes b. sorrow of heart, B 171.
brecung f. 'breaking,' LkR.
bred n. _surface_: _board, plank_, CP: _tablet_, _. ['_bred_']
brd = (1) brd, (2) brd, (3) brd III.
brdan I. _to produce, or cherish, a brood_, _. ['_breed_'] II. () = bregdan. III. () = brdan I. andII.
breden (i, y) of boards, wooden, .
brdende deceitful, cunning, AO. [bregdan]
brdettan = brogdettan
+bredian (ea) to regenerate, restore.
brdi(ng)panne = brdepanne
brdsern = brdsen
bredweall m. wall of boards, palisade, ES 20148.
bredwian (eo) to strike down, trample.
+brfan to write down, A 8308^11. [cp. Ger. brief]
brg (VPs) = brw
brega () = brego
brgan to alarm, frighten, terrify, Lk; , CP. ['bree'; brga]
bregd = brd III.
+bregd I. n. movement, change, Ph 57. II. = brd III.
bregdan^3 (brd-) to move quickly, pull, shake, swing, throw (wrestling), draw (sword), drag, B, Ma: bend, weave, 'braid,' knit, join together, Gr: change colour, vary, be transformed, Ex, Sol, Gu: bind, knot: (intr.) move, be pulled: flash, . upb. bring up (acharge): () scheme, feign, pretend: () draw breath, breathe.
bregden = brgden
+bregdnes f. trouble, affliction, MF 162.
+bregdstafas mp. learned arts, Sol 2.
bregen = brgen
brgendlic terrible, RPs 46^3.
brgh = brw
brgnes f. fear, terror.
brego (eo) m. ruler, chief, king, Lord. b. engla, mancynnes God.
bregorce n. kingdom, Gen 1633.
bregorf majestic, mighty, B 1925.
bregostl m. ruler's seat, throne: rule, dominion.
bregoweard m. ruler, prince, lord.
bregu = brego
breht- = breaht-, beorht-, bierht-
brehtniende = bearhtmiende [[redirected to "breahtmian"]]
brman I. () to honour, extol. [brme] II. (oe) to rage,NG.
brembel (), brember == brmel
brme (oe, ) I. adj. famous, glorious, noble, PPs; AO. ['breme'] II. adv.
brmel () m. brier, 'bramble,' blackberry bush, , Lcd; Mdf. [brm]
brmelppel m. blackberry, Lcd.
brmelberie f. blackberry, Lcd.
brmelbrr m. bramble-brier.
brmellaf n. bramble-leaf, Lcd.
brmelrind f. bramble-bark, Lcd.
brmelyrne f. bramble-bush, .
brmen = brme I.
brmendlic noted, OEG.
brmer == brmel
brmlas nap. of brmel.
bremman to rage, roar. [Ger. brummen]
bremung f. roaring, WW 242^39.
brenc pres. 3 sg. of brengan.
brene = bryne
brne pres. 3 sg. of *brnan to make or dye brown? (GK;BT reads brene = berne pres. 3 sg. of bernan) #Run#15.
brengan (AO, CP) = bringan
brengnes f. oblation: (+) food, support, MkL 12^44. [*bringnes]
brenting m. ship, B 2807. [brant]
breo- = bre-
bro- = br-
brod (NG) = brad
breodian to cry out, Mod 28.
breoht- = bearht-, beorht-
brosa (o) m. gadfly, WW. ['breeze']
brost nmf. (usu. in pl.) 'breast,' bosom, B, Lk, Lcd; AO, CP: stomach, womb: mind, thought, disposition, Gen; CP: 'ubertas,' CPs 35^9.
brostbn n. 'breast-bone,' WW 158.
brostbeorg = brostgebeorh
brostbyden (e^2) f. breast, Gl.
brostcearu f. heart-care, anxiety.
brostcofa m. heart, affections.
brostgebeorh m. bulwark, WW 466^14.
brostgehygd , -hd fn. thought.
brostgeanc m. mind, thought.
brostgewdu np. corslet.
brostgyrd f. sceptre? OEG 3303; 2^188.
brosthord n. thought, mind.
brostln n. stomacher, WW 407^8.
brostloca m. mind, soul.
brostnet n. coat of mail.
brostnyrwet n. tightness of chest, Lcd 189b.
brostrocc m. chest-clothing, WW 151^39.
brostsefa m. mind, heart.
brosttoga m. chieftain, Sol 184.
brosting n. region of the heart, Lcd 3146^18.
brostwrc m. pain in the chest, Lcd.
brostweall m. breastwork, rampart, WW 490^13.
brostweorung f. breast-ornament.
brostwylm (e^2) m. breast-fountain, teat: emotion, sorrow.
Breot- = Bryt-
brotan^2 to break in pieces, hew down, demolish, destroy, kill.
Breotas = Brittas [[redirected to "Brytas" (Bryt)]]
Breoten, Breoton = Briten [[redirected to "Bryten"]]
broton = (1) bryten; (2) pret. pl. of bratan. [[redirected to "brotan"]]
broan^2 to decay, waste away, Lcd 63a.
browan^2 to 'brew,' AO.
browlc n. brewing, L 17^103.
brr () f. 'brier,' bramble, Lcd, WW.
brerd (ea, eo) m. brim, margin, border, surface, Jn, WW: shore, bank, . ['brerd']
brerdful brim-full, L 6^282. ['brerdful']
brrhlw m. brier-hillock, EC 450^9.
brryrne f. brier-bush, KC 6221^13.
brsan = brsan
bresen = brsen
bresne () mighty, strong.
brt pres. 3 sg. of brdan, bregdan.
bret- = brit-, bryt-
br = br
brer ds. of bror.
brw (KGl) = brw
bric- = bryc-
brc- = brc-
brice pres. 3 sg. of brecan.
bricst pres. 2 sg. of brecan.
brid = bridd
brd = brd
bridd m. young 'bird,' chicken, Lk; , CP, Mdf.
brdel, brdels () m. 'bridle,' rein, curb, restraint, Run; ,CP.
brdelshring m. bridle-ring, El 1194.
brdelwangas mp. reins.
briden = breden
brd-gift = brdgift
brdgifu = brdgifu
brdlian to 'bridle,' curb, Bo;CP.
briengan = bringan
brig = brycg
brg = brw
brigd n. change or play of colours, Pa 26. [bregdan]
brigdils (Gl) = brdels [[under "brdel"]]
brihtan = bierhtan
brihtlce = beorhtlce
brim nm. surf, flood, wave, sea, ocean, water, B: sea-edge, shore. ['brim']
brimceald ocean-cold.
brimclif n. cliff by the sea, B 222.
brimfaro n. sea-shore (BT) Da 322 (or ? 2 words).
brimfld m. flood, sea.
brimfugol m. sea-bird, gull, Wa 47.
brimgiest m. sailor, Rd 4^25.
brimhengest m. (sea-horse), ship.
brimhlst f. sea-produce, (fish).
brimld f. flood-way, sea-way.
brimlend m. sailor: pirate.
brimmann m. sailor: pirate.
brimrd f. (sea-road), sea.
brimsa? gadfly? (v. NC 354).
brimst n. sea-shore, An 496.
brimstram m. current, sea: rapid, river.
brimyssa m. ship.
brimwsa m. sea-king, captain, B 2930.
brimwudu m. (sea-wood), ship.
brimwylf f. (she-)wolf of the sea or lake, B 1507.
brimwylm m. ocean surge, sea-wave, B 1494.
bring m. offering, CPs 50^20.
bringan^3 (e, y) (and wv) to 'bring,' lead, bring forth, carry, adduce, produce, present, offer, B, Bo, JnL; AO,CP.
-bringelle v. on-b.
brosa = brosa
brst, brtst, pres. 2 sg., brt pres. 3 sg. of bregdan.
Brit- = Bryt-
brit- = bryt-
brw m. pottage, porridge, Gr, Lcd. ['bree'; Ger. brei]
brwan to prepare food, cook.
brwicce as thick as pottage, Lcd 190a.
broc I. n. affliction, misery, care, toil, adversity, Bl, Bo; , AO, CP: disease, sickness, : fragment. ['broke'; brecan] II. n. use, benefit. III. a kind of locust? WW. ['brock'] IV. = brocc
brc I. f. (? only in pl. brc, q.v.). II. m. 'brook,' torrent, Bo, WW; Mdf.
brocc m. badger, Lcd. ['brock']
broccen of badger's skin, WW 152^1.
brocchol n. badger's hole, EC 239^12.
broccian to tremble, GD 156.
brce = brce
brocen pp. of (1) brecan, (2) brcan.
brocian to crush, hurt, afflict, molest, , AO, CP: blame. [broc]
broclic full of hardship, W 248^1.
brcminte f. brookmint, horsemint.
brcsoc = brcsoc
brocung f. affliction, sickness, H 1472^7.
brod shoot, sprout, LHy 6^3.
brd f. '_brood_,' _: _foetus_: _breeding, hatching_.
broddetan = brogdettan
broddian = brdian
brden pp. of brdan.
brdenml n. damascened sword.
brder = bror
brdet- = brogdet-
brdian to glitter, shine, OEG.
brdig adj. broody, A 8309.
brga m. terror, dread, danger, CP: prodigy.
brogden pp. of bregdan. ['browden']
brogdenml = brdenml
brogdettan to shake, brandish: tremble, quake.
brogdettung f. trembling, shaking: figment, pretence.
brogn bough, bush, branch, NG (v. ES 38340 and JAW).
broht 'viscellum,' WW 54^1.
brht pp., brhton pret. pl. of bringan.
brhra m. dire calamity, Gen 1813. [brga]
brm m. 'broom,' brushwood, Lcd; Mdf.
brmfsten n. enclosure of broom, WW 414^7.
brmig broomy, Bl 207^27?
bron- = bran-
brond == brand, brant
brord m. prick, point: blade (e.g., of grass or corn).
brosnian to crumble, decay, fall to pieces, rot, wither, be corrupted, AO,CP.
brosniendlic (), +brosnodlic (Bl, W) corruptible, perishable, transitory.
brosnung f. decay, corruption, ruin, .
+brot n. fragment, G. [breotan] [[headword spelled "brotan"]]
Broten = Bryten
broten pp. of brotan.
brotettan to burst forth, shoot, sprout? (Napier) = brogdettan? (BT), v.OEG 1218n.
bro n. 'broth,' Lcd. [browan]
brar, brer == bror
brohund (WW 329^38; 548^19) = rohund?
bror m. ds. brer 'brother,' Chr, Mt, Lk. nap. () bror, brru, Gen, Jn: fellow-man, Ps: co-religionist, Mt: monk.
brorbana m. fratricide (person), Gen 1526.
brorcwealm m. fratricide (act), Gen 1030.
brordohter f. niece, WW 173^30.
brorgyld n. vengeance for brothers? Ex 199.
brorlas brotherless, Rd 85^16.
brorlic 'brotherly,' Gr.
brorlcnes f. brotherliness, BH.
brorlufu (-er) love, DR.
brorrden f. fellowship, brotherhood, : membership of a brotherhood.
brorscipe m. brotherliness, love, MtL: (+) brotherhood, fraternity, AO. ['brothership']
brorsibb f. kinship of brothers: brotherly love.
brorslaga m. brother-slayer.
brorslege m. fratricide (act), CP.
brorsunu m. brother's son, nephew.
brorsybb = brorsibb
broor-nen, -nenu f. midwife, . [beoror]
brorwf n. brother's wife, sister-in-law.
brorwyrt (e^2) f. 'pulegium,' penny-royal, WW 300^24.
+br-ru, -ra mp. brothers, brethren, Mt. ['i-brotheren']
brur = bror
+browen pp. of browan.
br f. nap. br(w)a, gp. brna 'brow,' eye-brow, eye-lid, eye-lash, Rd,WW.
brcan^2 to 'brook,' use, enjoy, possess, partake of, spend, B. brocen cyrtel a coat which has been worn, : eat, JnL; : execute an office: cohabit with. [Ger. brauchen]
brcendlce serviceably, OEG 53^1.
brcung f. function, occupation, BC 1154^13.
brdon, brugdon pret. pl. of brdan, bregdan.
brn 'brown,' dark, dusky, Bo, Ex: having metallic lustre, shining (v.NED).
brna gp. of br.
brn-basu, -be(o)su brownish-purple, OEG.
brnecg with gleaming blade.
brnea m. itch, erysipelas, Lcd 18a.
brnewyrt = brnwyrt
brnfg burnished? brown-hued? B 2615.
brungen pp., brungon pret. pl. of bringan.
brnian to become brown, Lcd 106b.
brunna = burna [[under "burn"]]
brnwann dusky, An 1308.
brnwyrt f. 'brownwort,' water-betony, wood-betony, Lcd.
bruon pret. pl. of broan.
brwa nap. of br.
bryce (i) I. m. _'breach' ('bruche'), fracture, breaking_, _ (i), _Gu, LL_: _fragment_, OEG. [brecan] II. _fragile, brittle, worthless, fleeting_. ['_bryche_'] III. m. _use, enjoyment, service, exercise, advantage, gain, profit, fruit_, (i), CP. [_Ger._ brauch]
brce useful, profitable. [brcan]
-brycel v. hs-b.
bryce pres. 3 sg. of brecan.
brycg f. '_bridge_,' _; AO, Mdf.
brycgbt (i) f. repairing of bridges, LL.
brycggeweorc (i^1) n. work of building or repairing bridges.
brycgian to 'bridge,' make a causeway, pave, An.
brycgweard (i^1) m. keeper or defender of a bridge, #Ma#85.
brycgwyrcende 'pontifex'! DR 194^16.
brc-ian, -sian to use, enjoy, DR: profit, benefit.
bryc pres. 3 sg. of brecan.
brc pres. 3 sg. of brcan.
brd I. (, ) f. 'bride,' betrothed or newly-married woman, wife, consort, CP, . brdes wde wedding garment: () (young) woman. II. = brygd
bryd- = bred-
brd- = brd-
brdbedd n. bridal bed, .
brdbletsung () f. marriage blessing, LL 72, 38,1.
brdboda m. paranymph, bridesman, OEG 18b71.
brdbr n., brdcofa m. bride-chamber, bed-chamber.
+bryddan to frighten, terrify, Sol 16.
-brde v. un-b.
brdeala, brdealo() n. bride-ale, marriage-feast, Chr. ['bridal']
brdelic = brdlic
brdgifta fpl. betrothal, espousals.
brdgifu f. dowry: (pl.) espousals, .
brdguma (, CP), brdiguma () m. 'bridegroom,' Jn: suitor.
brdhlp n. ceremony on conducting a bride to her new home, bridal, wedding, Chr, MtL. ['bridelope']
+brdian to marry.
brdlc n. bridal, wedded condition, ; (pl.) marriage ceremony, . ['bridelock']
brdlo n. epithalamium, OEG.
brdlic bridal. b. gewrit Song of Solomon, WW 388^30.
brdloca m. bride-chamber, Bl.
brdlp = brdhlp
brdlufe f. love of a bride, Jul 114.
brdniht f. wedding-night, MH 14^28.
brdrst f. bridal bed.
brdraf n. wedding garment, MtL 22^11.
brdsang m. epithalamium, WW.
brding np. nuptials, Bl. ['brydthing']
brygc = brycg
brygd I. (bryd) m. drawing out, unsheathing, brandishing, LL. II. = brd III.
bryht == beorht
bryhtan = bierhtan
bryidan to seize property improperly held by another, LL. [= *brigdan?BT]
brym, brymm == brim
brm- = brm-
bryne m. burning, conflagration, BH: fire, flame, heat, MtL; AO: inflammation, burn, scald, Lcd: torch: fervour, passion. ['brine,' 'brune'; beornan]
brne f. 'brine,' WW; .
brynadl f. fever, WW 238^26.
brynebrga m. fire-terror, Az 161.
brynegield (i^3) m. burnt-offering.
bryneht burning hot, Dom 51.
bryneloma m. fire-gleam, flame, B 2313.
brynenes f. hard, fiery trial, HGl 469.
brynetar m. hot tear, Cr 152.
bryne-wylm, -welm m. wave of fire, flame, burning heat.
bryngan = bringan
brynig fiery, burning.
brynstn m. brimstone, NC 275.
bryrd = brerd
bryrdan to urge on, incite, encourage, Met 13^3. [brord]
bryrdnes f. incitement, instigation.
brs-an, -ian to 'bruise,' crush, pound, BH, DD: season, Sc 20^20.
+brsednes f. bruising, crushing, WW 211^23.
brsewyrt f. daisy, soap-wort, Lcd 1374. ['bruisewort']
brystmian = brytsnian
brt pres. 3 sg. of brotan.
Bryt m. Briton: Breton.
bryta = brytta
brytan = bryttian
brtan to crush, pound: (+) break up, destroy.
-brytednes v. for-b.
Bryten (e, eo, i, o) f. Britain.
bryten (eo) spacious, roomy, Sat 687.
brytencyning m. powerful king.
brytengrnd m. broad earth, Cr 357.
Brytenlond n. Britain: Wales.
brytenrce (eo) n. I. spacious kingdom, Az 107. II. kingdom of Britain.
Brytenwealda m. wielder of Britain, Bretwalda, chief king.
brytenwongas mp. spacious plains, the world, Cr 380.
brtest pres. 2 sg. of brotan.
brytian = bryttian
Bryt-land, -lond = Brytenlond
brytmlum piecemeal, OEG 1553n.
brytnere m. steward, CP 459^11.
brytnian (i) to divide, distribute, dispense, administer, B. ['britten']
brytnung f. distribution, WW 222^43.
brtofta pl. espousals, WW 171^5. [brd, oft]
Bryton = Bryten, Briten [[both under "Bryten"]]
brytsen f. fragment, FM, G.
brytsnian to parcel out, distribute, OEG 2195: (+) enjoy, possess, ES 8473^33.
brtst pres. 2 sg. of brotan.
Brytt == Bryt
brytta (e) m. dispenser, giver, author, governor, prince, lord. sincesb. treasure-giver, lord. [brotan]
+bryttan = +brtan
bryttian (i) to divide, dispense, distribute, CP: rule over, possess, enjoy the useof.
Bryttisc 'British,' Chr.
Bryttwealas, Brytwalas mp. Britons of Wales.
Brytwylisc British, Welsh.
bryen f. brewing, drink, Gu, Lcd. ['burthen'; bro]
brwlc () = browlc
b I. n. nap. b dwelling. [Ger. bau] II. v.b, bgen.
ban anv. (intr.) to stay, dwell, live, AO: (tr.) inhabit, occupy: cultivate. [Ger. bauen]
bc, bucc m. _belly, stomach_, _: _pitcher_, : _beaver (ofhelmet)_? ['_bouk_'; _Ger._ bauch]
bucca m. 'buck,' he-goat, male deer, , Lcd;CP.
budda m. beetle, WW 543^10.
bde 3 sg., bdon pl. pret. of ban.
budon pret. pl. of bodan.
bend m. dweller, inhabitant.
bufan (_; AO, CP) I. prep. (w. d.) _over, 'above'_: (w.a.) _on, upon_. II. adv. _above, overhead, before_.
bufan-cweden, -nemd, -sprecen above mentioned, GD.
bufon = bufan
bg- = b-
bgan I. (sv^2) to 'bow,' bow down, turn, bend, stoop, sink, , AO, Rood: submit, give way, , B, Chr: depart, flee, retire, , AO: join, go over to, : convert, . II. = ban
bh imperative of bgan.
bian = ban
bul = bula I.
bula m. I. ornament. [L.] II. bull? EC 449^22.
bulberende wearing an ornament, WW 195^37; OEG 8^318.
bulentse f. a plant, Lcd 44b.
bulgon pret. pl. of belgan.
bulluc m. male calf, 'bullock,' Sc.
bulot, bulut ragged robin, cuckoo-flower, Lcd.
bn = ban
bund f? bundle, MtL 13^30.
bnda = bnda
bunden pp., bundon pret. pl. of bindan.
bundenheord with bounden tresses, B 3151.
+bundennes f. obligation.
bundenstefna adj. (ship) with an ornamented prow, B 1911.
bune I. f. cup, beaker, drinking vessel. II. reed, cane? WW 198^12. ['bun']
bnes f. dwelling, NC 292.
br n. 'bower,' apartment, chamber, Gen, WW: storehouse, cottage, dwelling, KC; . [ban]
br (usu. +; but br at LL 92, 6, 3) m. free-holder of the lowest class, peasant, farmer. ['gebur']
brbyrde (^2) of peasant birth, Ct.
brcniht n. chamberlain, eunuch.
brcot n. bed-chamber, CP.
burg (burh) f. (gds. and nap. byrig) any important dwelling within a walled enclosure, fort, castle, Chr, WW; CP: 'borough,' walled town, AO, Mt; . [v.Mdf]
burg- v. also burh-.
burggend m. city-owner, El 1175.
burgat = burggeat
burgbryce m. breaking into a (fortified) dwelling, LL: penalty for that offence,LL.
burgen = byrgen
brgerihta np. peasant's rights or dues, LL 446(4).
burgeteld n. pavilion, tent.
burgfsten n. fortress, Gen 1680.
burgfolc n. townspeople, B 2220.
burggeat n. castle-gate.
burghege m. fence of a 'burg,' Ct.
burg-hli n. nap. -hleou fortress-height (or ?= beorg-hl).
burglagu f. civil law, GPH 388.
burglod, -loda m. citizen, AO.
burgloca m. fortified inclosure, walled town.
burglond n. native city, Cr 51.
burgon pret. pl. of beorgan.
burgrced n. fortress, Ruin 22.
burgrn f. sorceress; pl. fates, furies, Gl.
burg-sl n. nap. -salu city-hall, house.
burgsta (^2) m. denizen of a town, citizen, WW.
burgscipe m. borough, WW 497^18.
burgsele m. castle-hall, house, Rim 30.
burgsittende mpl. city-dwellers.
burgsorg = borgsorg
burgsteall m. citadel? city? WW 205^36.
burgstede m. city, castle.
burgtn m. city, Wif 31. ['borough-town']
burgelu f. castle floor, Fin 30 (burh-). [v.'theal']
burg-waran, -waru fp., -ware (AO, CP), -waras, mp. inhabitants of a 'burg,' burghers, citizens.
burgweall m. city-wall, .
burgweg m. road, street.
burgwgend m. warrior, El 34.
burh == burg
burhbiscop m. bishop of a city.
burhbt f. liability for repair of the walls of a town or fortress,LL.
burhealdor m. burgomaster, mayor, .
burhgeard m. castle yard, EC 328.
burhgeatsetl n. jurisdiction over those belonging to the 'burg'? seat in a court at the city gate? (BT;or ? two words, v.LL 456,2).
burhgemet n. measure used in a town, LL 477 (6).
burhgemt n. town's meeting, LL.
burhgerfa m. chief magistrate of a town, provost, mayor, WW. ['borough-reeve']
burhgeing f. town council, LL 228, 1, 2.
burhmann m. citizen, WW. ['borough-man']
burhrdden f. citizenship, WW 441^10.
burhrest f. chamber-couch, IM 125^86. [?= *brrest, ES 38347]
burhriht n. town right, law in a town, LL 477 (6).
burh-rn, -rne f. fury, sorceress, WW 245^16.
burhscipe m. township, civil district.
burhscr f. city limits, city, township, .
burhsprc f. courtly speech, Gl.
burhstaol m. foundation of the wall of a 'burg,' Lcd 1328^23.
burhegn m. living in a 'burg'; or ?= bregn
burhwarumann m. burgess, BH 40^31.
burhwealda m. burgess, BH 40^31#b#.
burhweard m. city defender.
burhwela m. treasure of a city, B 3100.
burhwelle f. spring that supplies a town? BT.
burhwerod n. townsfolk.
burhwita m. town councillor.
brland n. land occupied by peasants, EC 384.
burn f., burna (CP) m., burne f. brook, small stream, Jn; Mdf: spring or well water, CP, WW. ['burn'; Ger. brunnen]
burnon pret. pl. of biernan.
burnsele m. bath-house, Ruin 22.
burnstw f? bathing-place, KC.
brraf n. tapestry, TC 530^36.
brscipe = burhscipe
burston pret. pl. of berstan.
br-egn, -n m. page, chamberlain.
burre = byrere
buruh = burg
bst pres. 2 sg. of ban.
bt m. a vessel, LL 455 (?= bc; BT).
bta = (1) btan, (2) bt
btan I. prep. w. d. and (rarely) a. out of, outside of, off, round about: except, without, all but, but only; besides, in addition to: in spite of. II. conj. (w.ind.) except, except that, but, only. b.t except: (w.subj.) unless, save that: (w.subst.) except, but, besides, if only, provided that. III. adv. without, outside, Chr. ['bout,' 'but']
bte = (1) btan, (2) bt
butere f. 'butter,' Lcd; . [L.]
buter-floge, -flge f. 'butterfly,' WW.
butergeweor n. butter-curd, butter.
+buterian to butter, Lcd 121a.
buter-ic, -uc = butruc
buterstoppa m. butter-vessel, WW 280^25.
bton = btan
butre = butere
butruc m. (leather) bottle, .
butsecarl m. boatman, mariner, Chr. ['buscarl']
buttorfloge = buterfloge
buttuc m. end, small piece of land.
bt (btwu, bta, bte) both (neuter). v. also bgen.
butueoh (Chr) v. betwux.
btun = btan
buturuc = butruc
btw = bt
bwan = ban
b = b
ban (N) = ban
byccen (i) of a goat, goat's, NC 275.
bcera m. = bocere
bycgan (i) to 'buy,' pay for, acquire, Mt, Jn: redeem, ransom: procure, get done: sell, LL. [Goth. bugjan]
bycgend v. beccen.
bcn- = bacn-, becn-
byd- = bed-, bid-
bd- = bd-
[[Printed on one line: byd-, bd- = bed-, bid-, bd-]]
bydel m. 'beadle,' apparitor, warrant officer, Lk; : herald, forerunner, : preacher, . [bodan]
bydelcer m. land of a 'bydel,' KC 6152^29.
byden f. measure, bushel: bucket, barrel, vat, tub. [Low L. butina; Ger. btte]
bydenbotm m. bottom of a vessel, WW 123^4.
bydenft n. bushel, barrel.
bdla m. worshipper, NG.
bencg (DR) = bing
bend = bend
-byffan v. -b.
byfgendlic = bifigendlic
byfian () = bifian
byfor = beofor
byg- = big-
bg- = b-, b-, bg-
[[Printed on one line: byg-, bg- = big-, b, b-, bg-]]
bgan = began
byge (?; i) m. curve, bend, corner, angle, cone (ofa helmet), AO, CP: traffic, commerce, LL 128,5.
bgel = bogol
bygen f. purchase, LL (328^11).
bygendlic easily bent, flexible, BH.
byge pres. 3 sg. of bycgan.
bge pres. 3 sg. of ban.
byht m. I. () bend, angle, corner, Ct: bay, 'bight.' [bgan] II. n? dwelling. [ban]
bh pres. 3 sg. of bgan.
bing = b I.
bl m? ble f? 'boil,' carbuncle, WW.
bylcettan = bealcettan [[under "bealcan"]]
byld f. constancy, confidence, boldness. [beald]
bylda m. builder? householder? Cra 75. [bold]
byldan I. to build, construct, KC. II. = bieldan
byldu, byldo = bieldo
ble = bl
byledbrost (= bylged- ?) puff-breasted, Rd 81^1.
bylewit = bilewit
bylg = belg
bylgan to 'bellow,' MH.
bylg pres. 3 sg. of belgan.
bylig = belg
bliht (ly-) ulcerous, Lcd 63b.
bylwet, byl(y)wit == bilewit
bme () = beme
bmere (WW), bmesangere m. trumpeter, . ['bemer']
bmian to blow the trumpet, Ps, WW. ['beme']
bynd = bind
byndele, byndelle = bindele
bne cultivated, inhabited, occupied, AO. [ban]
byrc = beorc
byrce = beorce
byrcholt n. birch wood, WW.
byrc pres. 3 sg. of beorcan.
byrd I. (i) f. birth (pl. w. sg. meaning). II. f. burden, GD 215^1.
+byrd I. fn.; +byrdo, -u f. birth, Cr: descent, parentage, race, BH: nature, quality, rank, , AO: () fate. ['birde'; beran] II. burdened, MtR 11^28. III. = +byrded
+byrdan to beard, fringe, embroider.
-byrdan v. +ed-b.
+byrdboda m. herald of a birth.
+byrddg m. birthday, Mt 14^6.
byrde of high rank, well-born, noble, rich, AO.
+byrde I. innate, natural. II. = +byrdI.
+byrdelce energetically, zealously, CP 160^19.
byrden = byren
byrdicge f. embroideress, WW 262^18.
byrdinenu = byrinenu [[headword spelled "byrnenu"]]
byrding f. embroidering, WW 294^10.
-byrding v. hyse-b. [[under "hyseberling"]]
byrdistre embroiderer (v. ANS 123418).
+byrdlic (AS 5^13) = +byredlic
byrdling tortoise, OEG 23^21.
-byrdling v. in-, frum-b.
byrdscype m. child-bearing, Cr 182.
+byrd-td f., -tma m. time of birth.
+byrdu = +byrd I.
+byrdwiglere m. birth-diviner, astrologer.
+byrdwtega m. astrologer.
byre I. m. (nap. byras, byre) child, son, descendant: young man, youth. [beran] II. m. mound. III. () m. time, opportunity, : occurrence, AS 62^13. IV. m. strong wind, storm, GPH 400.
bre n. stall, shed, hut, Gl. ['byre']
+byredlic suitable, fitting, convenient, congenial, DR. adv. -lce.
byrele mf. cup-bearer, butler, steward, B. ['birle']
byrelian to give to drink, serve with drink, Gu. ['birle'vb.]
+byrelic = +byredlic
byren I. (and byrene) f. _she-bear_, _. [bera] II. = beren
-bren v. nahge-b.
byres f. borer, graving tool, awl, chisel, Gl. [borian]
byre I. = bier pres. 3 sg. of beran. II. = pres. 3 sg. of byrianI.
byrg gds. and nap. of burg.
byrg- v. also byrig-.
+byrg I. (i) n. taste, DR 116^3. II. bon on gebyrge (w.d.) to help, protect. [beorgan]
byrga m. security, surety, bail, one who gives bail, Gl. [Ger. brge]
byrgan I. (i) to raise a mound, hide, 'bury,' inter, Hy; AO. II. (e,eo) to taste, eat. III. = beorgan
byrgels (e, i) m. tomb, , Ct. ['buriels']
byrgelslo (e^1) n. epitaph, HGl 427.
byrgelssang m. dirge: epitaph.
byrgen (i, u) f. burying-place, grave, sepulchre, El; , AO, CP: burial. ['burian'; beorgan]
+byrgen f. caul? Lcd 185a.
byrgend m. grave-digger, PPs 78^3.
byrgenlo n. epitaph, BH 94^12.
byrgensang m. dirge, OEG.
byrgenstw f. burying-place.
byrgere m. corpse-bearer, WW. ['burier']
byrgian = byrgan
byrging I. f. burial. II. f. taste.
byrglo n. dirge, epitaph, Gl.
byrht = beorht
byrht- = beorht-, bierht-
byrhtm = breahtm
byrian I. (impers.) to happen, pertain to, belong to, befit, , Mk, MtR; AO, CP. ['bir'; 'i-bure'] II. = byrgan I. andII.
byric = beorc
byrig = burg, and gds. of burg.
byrig- = byrg-, burh-
byrigberge f. mulberry, Lcd 86a.
+byrigednes f. burial.
byrignes I. f. burial, BH. ['buriness'] II. f. tasting, taste.
-brild v. nah-geb.
byris = byres
byrisang (i) m. dirge, HGl 488^57.
byrl- = byrel-
byrla m. trunk (of body), Lcd 58b.
+byrman to ferment, leaven: swell up, be proud. [beorma]
+byrmed n. leavened bread.
byrnan () = biernan
byrne I. f. corslet, WW; CP. ['burne'] II. = burne, burn. III. = bryne [[II. under "burn"]]
byrnete f. barnacle, NC 275.
byrn-ham, -hama m. corslet.
+byrnod corsleted, Gr 256^16. ['i-burned']
byrnsweord n. flaming sword, Bl 109^34.
byrnwiga m. corsleted warrior.
byrn-wgend, -wiggend m. corsleted warrior.
byrs, byrse = byres
byrst I. (e) m. loss, calamity, injury, damage, defect, . [berstan] II. n. (land-)slip, KC 352^9 (v.also KC 5112^19 and Mdf). III. f. 'bristle,' Ep, Lcd; . ['brise,' 'brust'] IV. pres. 3 sg. of berstan. V. pres. 2 sg. of beran.
+byrsted furnished with bristles, OEG 23^3.
byrstful disastrous, Chr 1116.
byrstig broken, rugged: afflicted. [berstan]
+byrtd = +byrdtd
byr I. pres. 3 sg. of beran. II. = beor
byren f. 'burden,' load, weight, Bl, WW; , CP: charge, duty. [beran]
byrenmlum a heap at a time, H 1526^22.
byrenmte (^3) burdensome, KGl 1011
byrenstan m. millstone.
byrenstrang strong at carrying burdens, H 1208^13.
byrere I. m. bearer, supporter, . [beran] II. f. child-bearer, mother.
byrestre (e) f. female carrier, HGl 498^18.
byrling (e) m. carrier, OEG 4922.
byror = beoror
+byrtid = +byrdtd
byrnenu f. midwife, GPH 392.
bysceop == bisceop
bysegu = bysgu [[redirected to "bisgu"]]
bysen == bisen
bysig-, bysg- = bisg-
bysmer = bismer
bysmer- = bismr-
bysmerglow n. shameful lust, 23b^451.
bysmor = bismer
bysmr- = bismr-
bysn == bysen
byst = bist pres. 2 sg. of bon.
bsting f. beestings, WW 129^2. [bost]
byt I. = bit pres. 3 sg. of biddan. II. = bytt
bt pres. 3 sg. of (1) bodan, (2) batan.
btel, btl = betl
byter = biter
bytla = bylda
bytlan, bytlian to build, erect, , CP. [botl]
+bytle n. building, dwelling, .
bytlung f. building, .
bytme f? keel: head of a dale.
bytming f. hulk, keel of ship, .
bytne = bytme
btst pres. 2 sg. of batan and bodan.
bytt I. f. bottle, flagon, Mt, WW; : cask ['bit'] II. small piece of land, KC 385^11. III. pres. 3 sg. of biddan.
bytte = bytt I.
byttehlid n. butt-lid, WW 213^23.
byttfylling f. filling of casks, LL 178, 8, 1.
by = bi pres. 3 sg. of bon.
b pres. 3 sg. of ban.
byme = bytme
bwan (o, ) to rub, brighten, furbish up, adorn.
byxen made of boxwood, WW. [box]
cb- = cf-
cc- = cac-
cderbam = cederbam
cf == ceaf
cfertn = cafortn
cfester (cb-) n. halter, Gl. [L. capistrum]
-cfian v. be-, ofer-, ymb-c. [["oferccfian" only in participle "ofercfed"]]
cfing f. hair-ornament, Gl.
cfl m. halter, muzzle, WW.
cg f., cga m. 'key' (lit. and fig.), Ex, LL, Rd: solution, explanation, CP.
cgbora m. key-bearer, jailor.
cghiorde m. keeper of the keys, steward, WW.
cgloca m. locked depository, LL 362, 76, 1.
-cglod v. -c.
ch- = ceah-
cl- = cel-, ceal-, ciel-
cl pres. 3 sg. of calan.
cm- = cem-
cn- = cen-, cyn-
cpehs = cepehs
cppe f. 'cap,' WW: cope, hood. [Lat. cappa]
cpse f. box, NC 276. [L. capsa]
cr- = car-, cear-, cer-, cier-
crse (e) f. 'cress,' water-cress, Lcd; Mdf.
crsiht full of cress, KC 3121^18.
crte = carte
cs = cas pret. 3 sg. of cosan.
cse = cse
cstel = castel
cster (NG) == ceaster
cf quick, active, prompt, : bold, brave. adv. cfe.
cflic bold. adv. -lce promptly: boldly,.
caflwyrt = cawlwyrt
cfnes f. energy, H 2282^4.
[[See separate entries for "cawl II." and "wyrt".]]
cafortn (, ea^1, e^2) m. vestibule, court, court-yard, : hall, residence,.
cfscipe m. alacrity, boldness.
+cafstrian to bridle, curb, CP. [cfester]
cahhetan = ceahhetan
cl = cawl
cl- = cawel-
[[Printed on one line: cl == cawl, cawel]]
calan^6 to grow cool or cold.
calc I. m. shoe, sandal. [L. calceus] II. = cealc
calcatrippe = coltetrppe
calcrond shod (of horses), GnE 143.
cald (A) == ceald
clend m. the beginning of a month, AO: month, Men: () span of life. ['calends']
clendcwide m. tale of days, Sol 479.
calf == cealf
calfur (VPs) nap. of cealf.
calic m. 'chalice,' Lcd, Lk, Mt, VPs. [L. calicem]
-calla (ZDA 10345) v. hilde-c.
calu (cal(e)w- in obl. cases) 'callow,' bare, bald, Rd. [Ger. kahl]
calwer = cealer
calwer-clm, -clympe curds? WW.
cma m. muzzle, collar, bit, PPs 31^11.
camb (o) m. 'comb,' crest, Ep, WW: honey-comb, LPs.
cambiht combed, crested, WW.
cambol = cumbol
camel m. 'camel,' Mt, Mk.
cammoc (u^2) nm? 'cammock,' rest-harrow, Lcd,WW.
camp (o) I. m. combat, battle, struggle, warfare, B, Rd. ['camp'] II. field, plain? EC 183^2. [L. campus]
campdm m. military service, warfare, .
campealdor m. commander, OEG 4433.
campgefra m. fellow-soldier, Gl.
camphd m. warfare, BH.
campian (o) to strive, fight, Gu; . ['camp']
camplic military, .
camprden f. war, warfare, An 4.
campstede m. battle-field.
campung f. fighting, warfare.
campwpen (o^1) n. weapon, Rd 21^9.
campweorod (e^2, ea^2, e^3) n. army, host.
campwg (comp-) n. battle, combat.
campwsa m. director of public games, HGl 405.
campwudu m. shield? El 51.
can pres. 1 and 3 sg. of cunnan.
cn m. germ, sprout? PPs 79^10. [OS. cnan]
canc n. jeering, scorn, derision, Gl.
canceler m. chancellor, Chr 1093. [Low L. canceliarium]
cancer m. cancer, . [L.]
cancerdl f. cancer, Lcd 41a.
cancerwund f. cancerous wound.
canc-etan, -ettan to cry out, mock, deride.
cancetung f. boisterous laughter, WW 382^36.
cancor = cancer
candel fn. lamp, lantern, 'candle,' WW; . [L. candela]
candelbora m. acolyte.
candelbryd (?= bred; BT) flat candlestick, IM 120.
candelloht n. 'candle-light,' RB.
candelmsse f. 'candlemas,' the feast of the Purification, Chr.
candelmssefen n. Candlemas eve.
candelmssedg m. Candlemas day, NC 276.
candelsntels m. candle-snuffers, WW 126^28.
candelstf m. candlestick, Mt. ['candlestaff']
candelsticca m. 'candlestick,' EC 250.
candeltrow n. candelabrum, MtR 5^15.
candeltwist m. pair of snuffers, Gl.
candelweoce f. 'candle-wick,' torch, WW.
candelwyrt f. candlewort, WW 137^9.
candol = candel
cann I. f. cognizance, averment, asseveration, clearance, LL. II. () pres. 3 sg. of cunnan.
canne f. 'can,' cup, WW.
canon m. canon, rule. canones bc canonical books. [L. canon]
canonic I. m. canon. II. canonical,.
canoniclic canonical.
cans = canst pres. 2 sg. of cunnan.
cantel m? n? buttress, support, A 8324^10.
cantelcp m. cope, Chr 1070#e#.
cantercppe f. cope (vestment).
cantere m. singer, CM 904.
canterstf m. chanter's staff, EC 250.
cantic (), canticsang m. canticle, song. [L.]
-cp v. cantel-c.
capellan m. chaplain, EC, Chr (late). [L.]
capian to look. p c. to look up, lie on its back (ofthe moon), Lcd 3266^23. capiende 'supinus,' GPH 393a.
capitel = capitol
capitelhs n. chapter-house, IM 122^4.
capit-ol, -ul, -ula m. chapter (cathedral or monastic): chapter (division of a book), lesson, LL: anthem. [v.'chapitle'] |