feormung f. scouring, cleansing, purging, Sc.
-feorran, -feorrian (CP) = fierran
feorsian to remove, do away, expel, dispel, : go away.
fer = for
afera = eafora
fran = fran
aferian to provide horses for team work (as service for a lord), v.ANS10973f.
-ferian (Gl), -ferran = fierran
ferscan to become fresh, Bo 86^20.
fersian = feorsian
festnian (WW 49^8) = fstnian
afetigan = hafetian
fierran (eo, i, y) to remove, withdraw, depart: estrange from, take away, expel, drive away, CP. [feorr]
fierrednes (y) f. removal, NC 270.
fgen fried, Gl.
filgan to pursue, Gen 14^15.
findan^3 (= on-) to find, find out, discover, detect, Jn; : experience, feel, . ['afind']
fir- = fierr-, feor-, fyr-
firan (= y) to remove, Lcd 1294n.
flgen pp. of flan.
flman = fleman
flan^6 to strip off, flay, GD.
flgan (DR) = flegan
flman = fleman
flon^2, -flogan to fly, flee away, Gu: fly from, escape. ['aflee']
flotan^2 to skim, Lcd.
flan = flegan
flegan (, ) _to put to flight, expel_, _ (). ['_afley_']
fleman () to put to flight, expel, scatter, disperse, rout, Chr; CP: banish. ['afleme']
flgan = flegan
flgung f. attack? Lcd 1338^12.
-flung v. mete-.
flwan^7 to flow, flow away or from, pass away, AO,CP.
flg-, flh- = fleg-
flygennes f. attack (BT), Lcd 1366^7.
flman = fleman
fgian = wgian
afol n. power, might, LL (304^22).
fn (= on-) to receive, take in, take, Mk, Ps: lay hold of, seize, MtR, Jul: hold up support. ['afong']
fondian = fandian
for bitter, acid, sour, sharp: dire, fierce severe, harsh, impetuous. [OHG. eivar, eibar]
afora = eafora
forhtian to be frightened, take fright, wonder at,.
-frfran, -frfrian to comfort, console, make glad, CP. [frfor]
frem-dan, -dian to alienate, : become alienated.
freman (VPs) = fremdan
fremung f. alienation, VHy.
froan^2 to froth, Lcd 45b.
fron (-ia, N) to deliver, free.
afslg = ofslg [[form of "ofslan"]]
after = fter
flian to become foul, putrefy, rot, be corrupt, defiled.
afulic perverse. v. ES 42162.
fulliend m. fuller, MkR 9^3.
funde rare wk. pret. 3 sg. of findan.
fundennes f. invention, device, discovery, .
flan to foul, stain, defile, corrupt, CP; . ['afile']
fyllan I. (w. g. or d.) _to fill, fill up, replenish, satisfy_, _; AO: _complete, fulfil_. ['_afill_']. II. (y=ie) _to cause to fall, fell, beat down, overturn, subvert, demolish, abolish_, _Lk_; : _slay, kill_. ['_afelle_']
fyndan = findan
fyr- = fierr-
fran to emasculate. fred (CP), frd pp. as sb. eunuch.
fyrhtan to frighten, terrify, , AO.
frida = fred
fyrran = fierran
fyrsian = feorsian
fsan (intr.) to hasten: inspire with longing, Bl: (tr.) urge, impel, excite: drive away. [fs]
ga m. proprietor, owner, GD 230^11.
glan to hinder, keep back, preoccupy, detain, hold back, retard, delay, AO: neglect, CP: profane.
glwan to terrify, astonish, AO.
galan^6 to sound forth, sing, chant.
gald = geald pret. 3 sg. of gieldan.
glian to become slack, CP 65^18.
gan I. (conj. Wt 546) to own, possess, have, obtain, An, Bo, Ma, Mt; AO, CP: give, give up, deliver, restore: have to pay, 'owe,' Mt, Lk: have to do, ANS 123417. .t find out, discover. II. pret. 3 sg. of ginnan (onginnan).
gn (conj. v. gn) to go, go by, pass (of time), Mk. of. go away: occur, befal, : come forth, grow, Ps: approach: lose strength. ['ago']
gangan = gn
ge f. possessions, property. [ON. eiga]
agan == ongan
gehwr = hwr
geldan I. to punish. II. = gieldan
glwan = glwan
gman = gman
gen I. 'own,' proper, peculiar, BH, Sat, Mt; AO, CP, Chr, . .cyre freewill. gnes onces voluntarily, spontaneously: proper (gram.), Gr. II. n. property, LL: own country. III. pp. of gan.
gn == ongan
agnbewendan to return.
gncuman^4 to return, Lk 8^40.
gend m. owner, possessor, master, lord. se . the Lord.
gendfra I. m. lord, owner. II. f. mistress? #Gen#2237.
gendfro = gendfra
gendlce properly, as one's own: imperiously, CP 145^5.
gen-friga, -frige = gendfra
gngehweorfan^3 to return.
gnhwyrfan to return.
gniernan^3 to run against, meet.
gnldan to lead back, WW 91^9.
genlic own: owed, due, DR.
gennama m. proper name, Gr 25^16.
gennes f. property, .
gnsendan to send back, Lk.
genslaga m. slayer of oneself, suicide, .
gnstandan^6 to press, urge, Lk.
genung = gnung
gode = ode pret. 3 sg. of gn.
geolwian to become yellow.
gomrian to mourn, grieve, GD.
geornan = gyrnan
gotan^2 to pour out, pour forth, shed, MtL; CP: melt, found (ofimages): destroy: deprive (of), Jud 32. ['ageten']
gtan = gtan
giefan^5 (eo, i, y) to give, impart, deliver, give up, yield, relinquish, Mt (y): restore, return, repay, pay, AO. eft. give back, return. ['agive']
gieldan^3 (e, i, y) to pay, repay, compensate, yield, restore, reward, AO: offer oneself, offer up (asa sacrifice): perform (anoffice), (y): allow: to punish? Ph 408.
gemelasian (i, y) to neglect, despise, CP. gmelasod neglectful, careless, NC 337.
geta = gta
gifan (AO, CP) = giefan
gifian to bestow, grant, DR 124^19.
gift = gift
gildan (CP) = gieldan
gilde = gilde
gilpan^3 to exult in (w. d.), Soul 165.
giltan = gyltan
gmelasian (C) = gemelasian
gimmed set with precious stones, .
ginnan = onginnan
gta m. prodigal, spendthrift, CP.
gitan = ongietan
gtan I. to waste, destroy, Chr. ['aget'] II. = gotan
glchd m. state of misery, Rd 54^5.
g-lc, -lc n. trouble, distress, oppression, misery, grief.
glca () m. wretch, monster, demon, fierce enemy.
glccrft (c-) m. evil art, An 1364.
glcwf n. female monster, B 1259.
gldan? to cause to slip. v. AB 19163.
glca = glca
gldan^1 to glide, slip, stumble.
agn- = angn-
gnere m. owner, Gr 110^19.
gnes = genes gmn. of gen adj.
gnett n. interest, usury, LkL 19^23.
gnettan to appropriate, Gl.
gnettung f. 'usurpatura'? Lk 19^23 (ES 42163).
gnian to 'own,' Rd: claim: appropriate, usurp, Bo, Mt; CP: make over (to),.
gndan^1 to rub off, WW 386^16.
gniden I. f. rubbing, Gl? (v. A 31533). II. used, threadbare, WW 220^24.
gniend (h) m. owner, possessor.
gniendlic possessive, genitive (case), Gr.
+gnod own, CP 262^23.
gnung f. owning, ownership, possession: claim, declaration or proof of ownership.
gotenes f. effusion, shedding.
grafan^6 to curve, hew, sculpture, : engrave, inscribe,.
grafenlic sculptured, ARSPs 105^19.
grpian to grasp tightly, L 8^121.
grtan (oe) to attack, LkLR 9^42.
grimetian (y) to rage, GD.
grsan^1 to quake, fear, LL. ['agrise']
grwen overgrown.
gryndan to descend, Men 111.
grsan = grsan
agu f. magpie, WW 132^11.
Agustus m. August.
gyf- = gief-
gyld- = gield-, gild-
gylpan = gilpan
gyltan _to offend, sin, do wrong_, _; CP. ['_aguilt_']
gyltend m. debtor.
gylting f. guilt, offence, DR.
gyltnes f. guilt, NC 270.
gman () to regard, contemplate, AS: heal, cure.
gmelasian = gemelasian
gymmed = gimmed
agynnan = onginnan
gyrnan to desire, be eager for, GD 205^19 (eo).
gytan = ongietan
ah (AO, CP) = ac (conj. and adv.)
h pres. 3 sg. of gan.
h- = g-
habban to restrain: (refl.) abstain (fram): support.
haccian to pick out, L 23^78.
hbban = hebban
hldan = hildan
hafennes f. rising, lifting up: elevation, pride.
halsian to implore.
hangian to hang, LkL 23^39.
htan to name, MtL 27^16.
htian to become hot, WW 214^31.
healdan^7 (= on-) to hold, keep, DR, JnL.
healtian to limp, crawl, LPs 17^46.
heardian to be or become hard, grow hard or inured, CP: endure.
heardung f. hardening, Lcd.
hawan^7 to cut off, out or down, , CP: cut wood into planks.
hebban^6 (occl. wk. pret. hefde and pp. hefed) (often w.p) to lift up, stir up, raise, exalt, erect, Lk; CP: take away, remove: support, uphold: leaven. ['aheave']
hebbian = ebbian
hefednes = hafennes
hefegian (CP), -hef(i)gian () to make heavy, oppress.
held (VPs) = hyld pp. of hyldan.
hellian? to cover over, conceal, hide, OEG 5410.
helpan^3 to help, support (w. g.).
hnan to humble, LkL: accuse, NG. [henan; han]
heolorian to weigh, consider, Gl.
hran = hran
herian to praise, DR.
hrian = hrian
herstan (BPs) = hyrstan
heten pp. of hatan. [[error for "htan"?]]
hicgan = hycgan
henan v. hnan.
hierdan (i, y) to make hard, harden, CP: encourage, animate. [heard]
hean = han
hildan (, e, y) to bend, incline, : rest, lay down (tr.and intr.): turn away, avert: cast down, destroy.
hirdan (CP) = hierdan
han = han
hladan^6 to draw out, lead out, draw forth, : exclude, #Bk#18.
hlca = glca
hlnan to set oneself up, Mod 53.
hlnsian to become lean, .
hlapan^7 to leap, spring up, AO.
hlfan (oe) to pull out, DR 55^10.
hlorian to sound, resound, GD.
hlehhan^6 to laugh at, deride: laugh out, exult.
hlin-ian, -nan = linnan
hlocian to dig out, Gl, MtR 5^29. [?= *locian, cp. lucan (BT) and v.ES 42165]
hlwan to roar again, WW 492^11.
hlttrian to cleanse, purify.
hlyhhan = hliehhan [[headword spelled "hlehhan"]]
hlttrian = hlttrian
hn- = gn-
hnopan^2 to pluck off, Gu 819.
hnescian to become soft or effeminate, AO: weaken. [hnesce]
hngan^1 to fall down: bow down.
hogian to think out, be anxious about, GD.
holan = holian
holian to hollow, scoop out, CP. t . to root out, pluck out: engrave, emboss.
hn^7 to hang, suspend, crucify, MkLR; AO, CP. ['ahang']
hopian to hope for (t), Bl 17^23.
hrcan to spit out, Lcd 9a.
hrscian to shake off? (BT), LPs 108^13.
hreddan to set free, save, rescue, re-capture, AO; . ['aredde']
hredding f. salvation, deliverance, HL 9^281, EC 230.
hrofian to become leprous, MH 174^12.
hrosan^2 to rush: fall, fall down, : be destroyed.
hrepian to treat, FBO 80^5.
hrran (= on-) to move, shake, make to tremble,CP.
hrnan^1 (= on-) to touch, handle, Lk. ['arine']
hrisian (y) to shake, stir up, CP: shake off. ['arese']
hrnan = hrnan
hrran to cause to fall, destroy, Gl.
hrysian = hrisian
ahse = asce
hsian = scian
aht = eaht
ht = wiht
ahta = eahta
hte, hton pret. 3 sg. and pl. of gan.
htes (= g. of ht) of any account or value.
htlce stoutly, manfully, Chr (E).
hw pron. any one.
hwnan to vex, grieve, afflict, Lcd; . ['awhene']
hwnne adv. when, whenever: at sometime, any time, RB: at all times.
hwr (, ) anywhere, Bo, LL, : at any time, ever, in any way. ['owhere']
hwrgen anywhere: in any case.
hwt n. anything.
hwer (wer, er, or) I. pron. some one, something; any one: anything. II. adv. and conj. either, AO, CP. er...oe = either...or, AO, LL. ['outher']
hwanon = hwonan
hwr = hwr
hwelfan = hwylfan
hweorfan^3 (tr.) to turn, turn away, convert: (intr.) turn aside, turn away, Gen: avert. ['ahwerf']
hwr == hwr
hwerfan = hwierfan
hwettan to whet, excite, kindle, AO: hold out to, provide: reject.
hwider in any direction, from any source, .
hwierfan to turn away, turn from, avert, CP.
hwilc = ghwilc
hwistlian v. wistlian.
hwtian to whiten, BJPs 50^9.
hwonan from any source, anywhere.
hwonne = hwnne
hwyder = hwider
hwylfan to cover over, submerge, subvert, : to roll to, MP 1592. up. pull up, loosen.
hwyrfan = hwierfan
hycgan to think out, devise.
hdan to hide, conceal.
hyldan = hildan
hyldendlic enclitic, Gr 265^1. [hildan]
hyltan to trip up, PPs 139^5.
hran () to hire.
hyrdan = hierdan
hyrdung f. hardening, Sc 232^19.
hrian = hran
hyrstan (= ie) to roast, fry, Lcd 33b; BPs 101^4(e).
hyspan to reproach, LPs 101^9.
han (e, ) to plunder, destroy, devour. [h]
dan ()? 'eliminare,' v. OEG 7^109n; BT.
-dlian, -dlan, -delian to be or make useless, frustrate, empty, annul, , CP: profane: be free from: deprive (of). [del]
iernan^3 to run away, run out, go over: pass by,go.
ean (, , ) to lay low, demolish, destroy, cast out.
al = eall, l
l n. fire, burning, OEG 4389; 4470. [cp. lan]
ldian to excuse, Bo 144^5. ldiendra 'excussorum,' BPs 126^4.
lccan to catch, take, Chr 1123.
ldan (tr.) to lead, lead away, carry off, withdraw, conduct, bring, : (intr.) be produced, grow, come forth.
lnan _to lend_, _: _grant, lease_. ['_alene_']
lr = alor
lran to teach, PPs 118^108.
lson pret. pl. of lesan.
ltan^7 to let go, give up, leave, lose, resign, lay aside, Jn; AO, CP: let, allow: release, pardon, forgive: deliver, . ['alet']
ltnes f. loss: remission (of sins).
alan^6 to nourish, produce. [Goth. alan]
langian (impers.) to affect with longing, Soul 154. ['along']
latian to grow sluggish or dull, Gl.
ala I. = eala (v. ealu). II. pres. 3 sg. of alan.
lian^1 (Gl) to be hateful: hate: threaten.
alb f. while garment, 'alb,' LL. [L.]
ald (EWS, EK, A) == eald
ld = dl
lecgan to put, place, lay down, lay aside, give up, cease from, abandon, LL; , AO, CP. lecgende word, lecgendlic word deponent verb: put down, allay, suppress, abolish, conquer, destroy, overcome, refute, , LL: lay upon, inflict: diminish, lessen, withhold, . ['allay']
ld I. pp. of lecgan. II. = ld pp. of ldan.
lfan = lefan
lfednes f. infirmity, L 21^99.
lfian to injure, maim; enfeeble, . pp. ill, . [lf]
lenian (K) = lynnan
lodan^2 to spring up, grow.
leofian = lifian
logan^2 to lie, deny, deceive, be false to, leave unfulfilled, ,AO.
lon^1 (= on-) to lend, give up, DR.
leonian = lynnan
loran to depart, flee away, VPs 51^7.
leoian = liian
aler == alor
ls- = les-
lesan^5 to pick out, choose.
let (Da 254) = led
ltan = ltan
lran = lran
alewe, al(u)we f. 'aloe,' Jn, Lcd.
lwed ptc. feeble, weak, ill. [lf]
alexandre f. horse-parsley, Lcd. ['alexanders']
alfle (An 770) = ealfelo
lft n. cooking vessel, cauldron. [lan]
lgeweorc n. fire-making, tinder, Gl.
algian = ealgian
alh == ealh
libban to live, pass one's life, AO.
libbende everlasting.
licgan^5 to be subdued, fail, cease, yield, perish,AO.
lefan (, , ) to allow, give leave to, grant, AO, CP: hand over, yieldup.
lefedlic lawful, permissible. adv. -lce (CP,).
lefednes () f. permission.
lesan (, , ) to loosen, let loose, free, redeem, release, absolve, Mt (), AO, CP. ['alese']
les-ednes, -(e)nes (, ) f. _redemption, ransom_, _MtWLR: _remission (ofsins)_, ERHy 9^77.
lesend (, , ) m. liberator, deliverer, Redeemer,CP.
lesendlic () loosing, liberating, BH.
lesing, -lesnes () = lesednes
lf n. eternal life, MFH 108^160.
lfan = lefan
lifian = libban
lh (DR) imperat. sg. of lon.
lhtan _to lighten, relieve, alleviate, take off, take away_: '_alight_,' _Gr_: (= onlhtan) _light up_, _.
limpan^3 to occur, happen.
linnan = lynnan
lsend = lesend
liian (eo) to detach, separate, Gen: set free. ['alithe']
all (strictly Anglian, but found in AO, CP) == eal, eall
almes- = lmes-
aln- = ealn-
alo- = ealu-
loccian to entice, AO.
alor, al(e)r m. 'alder,' Gl, KC, Lcd; Mdf.
alordrenc m. drink made of alder sap? Lcd 40a.
alorholt nm. alder-wood, WW.
alorrind m. alder-bark, Lcd 12b.
alo = ealu
alr == alor
alsw = ealsw
alter, altar(e), altre m. '_altar_,' _; CP. [_L._ altare]
lcan^2 to pluck up, pull out, separate, take away.
lutan^2 (= onl-) to bend, incline, bend or bow down, . loten pp. submissive.
aluwe, alwe = alewe
alwald- = eal(l)weald-
lybban = libban
lfan () = lefan
lfed I. = lefed pp. of lefan. II. = lfed pp. of lfian.
lfed- = lefed-
lht- = onlht-
lyhtan = lihtan [[headword spelled "lhtan"]]
lman to come forth, shew forth.
lynnan, -lynnian (e, eo, i) to deliver, let go, release, loosen,.
ls- = les-
lran () to lather, Lcd. [laor]
am (NG) = eom
m m. reed or slay of a loom, Rd 36^8.
mllian = meallian
mnsumian = mnsumian
mran I. to extol, GD 206^24. II. (usu. tmr(i)an) to exterminate,BH.
mstan to feed with mast, fatten, feed up, CP.
magian (hamacgian) to revive, be restored to health, Lcd 3184^21.
man = onman [[form of "onmunan"]]
mang prep. w. d. among, amongst: while, whilst, during. . m, issum meanwhile. [= gemang] [[listed as "+mang"]]
manian to exact, require, LL.
mnsian = mnsumian
mnsung = mnsumung
mnsumian to excommunicate, anathematize, curse, proscribe, outlaw, BH; , AO. ['amanse']
mn-sumung, -sumnung f. _excommunication, curse_, _. ['_amansing_']
marod disturbed, troubled, confounded. [cp. myrred] [[form of "myrran"?]]
masian to amaze, confound.
mwan^7 to cut down, PPs 101^4.
mb (A 9265) = m
ambeht == ambiht
amber (e^1, o^1, ^2, o^2, u^2) mfn. vessel, pail, pitcher, tankard: cask, dry or liquid measure (? four bushels). [L. amphora]
ambiht (e^1, o^1, y^1, e^2) I. n. office, service: commission, command, message. II. m. attendant, messenger, officer.
+ambihtan (embe-) to minister, serve, NG.
ambihtere (embe-) m. servant, LkL 22^26.
ambihthra obedient servant, Gu 571 (o^1).
ambihths n. workshop, 'officina,' CM 1087.
ambihtmann m. manservant.
ambihtmecg (o^1, e^2, y^2) m. servant.
ambihtnes, -sumnes (emb-) f. service, NG.
ambihtscealc m. functionary, retainer.
ambihtsecg sm. minister, Gen 582.
ambihtsmi m. court smith or carpenter, LL 3[7].
ambihtegn (omb-) m. attendant, servant.
ambyht = ambiht
ambyre favourable, fair, AO. [and, byre]
ambyrian (OEG 11^142) = onbyrgan II.
meallian () to become insipid, v. OEG 61^4.
meareian to mark out, delineate, define, describe: destine, assign, appoint.
amel m. sacred vessel, WW 348. [L.]
melcan^3 to milk, Lcd.
meldian to let out, make known, betray, , AO.
ameos 'ammeos,' bishop-weed, Lcd 71b. [Gk.]
amerian = hamorian
merian to test, examine: purify, refine.
merran = mierran
metan^5 to measure, estimate: mete out, assign, grant, bestow,.
mtan to paint, depict, CP: adorn, .
metendlic compendious, measurable, limited. adv. -lce.
methwl = methwl
metsian to provision, Chr 1006#e#.
middan = onmiddan
midian to be foolish, RHy 6^6.
mdlod unbridled, WW 226^38.
mierran (e, i, y) to hinder, obstruct, prevent, delay, CP: mar, injure, disturb, scatter, consume, waste, spoil, destroy, Lk, Bo; AO, CP: lose. ['amar']
migdal m. almond, Lcd. [Gk.]
md = md
molcen pp. of melcan.
molsnian to decay, weaken, W 147^29.
molten molten, L 5^234.
amore f. a kind of bird, yellow-hammer? [cp. emer]
am-pella, -pulla m. flask, vessel. [L.]
ampre I. 'varix,' tumour, swelling, Gl. ['amper'] II. f. dock, sorrel, Lcd.
mundian to protect, defend, .
myltan (tr.) to melt, .
myrdrian (LL 348, 56#a#) = myrrian [[under "myrran"]]
myrgan to delight, cheer, Sol 240.
myrian = merian
myrran = (1) mierran; (2) (LL 348, 56#g,b#) myrran
-myrran, -myrrian to murder, kill, LL; Chr 1049#c#. ['amurder']
an I. adv. and prep. = on. II. pres. 1 sg. of unnan.
an- in composition represents (1) and-; (2) un-; (3) in-; (4)on-.
n I. adj. strong mfn. (asm. nne, nne) 'one,' Mt, . in plur. each, every one, all. n and (fter) n one by one. nes hwt some single thing, a part, B: a, an: alone, sole, only; in this sense it is used also in the weak form (sna; h na, AO,CP) and with a pl.: singular, unique: single, each, every one, all (gp.nra): any. II. adv. (also wk. na) alone, only. on n continually, continuously, ever, in one, once for all, immediately. t n only that.
ana = heonu
na v. n.
nad, nd n. waste, desert, solitude. [Ger. einde]
nglian to nail, Nar 4^25.
anl- = onl-
anelian to degrade, Bo, Met.
+nan to unite, BH 214^3.
ananbam m. spindle-tree, Lcd 29b.
anawyrm m. intestinal worm, Lcd 43b.
anbrnes = onbrnes [[under "onbrning"]]
anbestingan^3 to thrust in, insert, CP.
anbid (= on-) n. waiting, expectation, hope; AO, CP: interval,AO.
an-bidian (on-) intr. to wait, stay: tr. w. g. wait for, expect.
anbidstw (on-) f. place of meeting, LL.
anbidung m. waiting for, expectation: delay, OEG 3396.
anbiht = ambiht
anbindan = onbindan
anbiscopod = unbiscopod
nboren ptc. only-begotten.
anbringelle = onbringelle
anbrce (El 1029) = unbrce?
anbrucol (= on-) rugged, GPH 402.
anbryrd- = onbryrd-
nbend m. hermit, anchorite, Gu 59.
anbgan (AO, CP) = onbgan
anbyhtscealc = ambihtscealc
nbme made of one trunk, dug-out (ship), WW 181^33.
anbyrdan (and-) to strive against, resist, oppose, attack.
anbyrdnes f. resistance, LL 214[14].
anbyrignes (= on-) f. tasting, taste, WW.
n-cenned (^2), -cend, only-begotten, .
ancer == ancor
an-clow n., -clowe f. 'ankle,' Lcd, .
ancnwan = oncnwan
ancor m. 'anchor,' B, Bo; CP. [L. ancora; from Gk.]
n-cor, -cora m. anchorite, hermit, . [L. anachoreta; from Gk.]
ancorbend (oncer-) m. cable, B 1918.
ncorlic like a hermit, WW 463^7.
ncorlf n. solitary life, BH.
ancorman m. man in charge of the anchor, WW 166^7.
ancorrp m. anchor rope, cable.
ancorsetl n. prow of a ship.
ncorsetl n. hermitage, .
ncorsetla m. hermit, .
ncorstw f. solitary place, BH 424^12.
ancorstreng (ancer-) m. cable.
ancra = ancor
ncra (a^1?) m. anchorite, hermit, monk, WW; . ['anchor']
ancsum == angsum
ancuman^4 to arrive, Gen 1884.
ncummum one by one, singly, NG.
ncyn adj. only, A 2358; LPs 21^21.
and conj. 'and,' but. gelce and... like as if...AO.
and- = an-, on-, ond- (opposition, negation. Ger. ent-): and occasionallya-.
anda m. grudge, enmity, envy, anger, vexation, Mt; : zeal, , CP: injury, mischief: fear, horror, NG. ['ande,' 'onde']
ndge for one day, lasting a day.
andt- = andet-
ndaga m. appointed day, .
ndagian to fix a day for appearance: adjourn, EC 163.
andb- = anb-, onb-
andbcnian to make signs to, WW.
andbita m. feast (of unleavened bread).
andclow = anclow
andcwean 'contradicere, frustrari,' HGl 491.
andcwiss f. answer, Gu 992.
andcnes f. evidence, BH 158^5.
andd- = and-, ond-
ande == ende
andages () eye to eye, in the face, openly? B 1935.
andaw arrogant, ostentatious, Sc.
andefn, -efen f. measure, quantity, amount, AO: capacity, nature,CP.
andel-br, -bre reversed, OEG.
andergilde at little cost? (BT).
andet- = andett-
andetla m. declaration, confession, LL 18[22].
andetnes (ond- CP) f. confession, : thanksgiving, praise.
andetta m. one who confesses. a. bon to acknowledge.
andettan to confess, acknowledge, , CP: give thanks or praise: promise, vow. [and, htan]
andett-end, -ere m. confessor.
andettian = andettan
andettung m. confession, profession, CP.
andfang m. acceptance.
andfangol 'susceptor,' LPs 45^12.
ndfealdlce = nfealdlce
andfeax bald, W 46^1.
andfeng (on-) m. seizing, receiving, taking, , RB: defence: defender: attack, assault: revenue, means, Lk 14^28, Bk 10: illegal occupation of (land).
andfenga m. receiver, defender, undertaker, Ps.
andfenge I. acceptable, agreeable, approved, fit, suitable, , CP: that can receive: taken. II. m. undertaker: receptacle.
andfengend m. defender, Ps: receiver. gafolesa. tax collector.
andfengestw f. receptacle, WW 213^43.
andfengnes f. acceptance, receiving: receptacle: acceptableness, W 253^21.
andfex = andfeax
andgelman = andlman
andget == andgit [[under "andgiet"]]
andgete adj. plain, manifest. [andgiete] [[under "andgiet"]]
andgiet (ond-; e, i, y) n., andgiete f. understanding, intellect, Mt; , CP: knowledge, perception, CP: sense, meaning, , CP: one of the five senses: plan, purpose. ['angit']
andgiet- = andgit-
andgitful intelligent, sensible.
andgitfullic intelligible, clear. adv. -lce.
andgitlas foolish, senseless, .
andgitlast f. want of understanding, .
andgitlic = andgitfullic
andgitol intelligent, sensible.
andgittcen (ie^2) n. sensible token, sign.
andgyt = andgiet
andgyt- = andgit-
[[Printed on one line: andgyt == andgiet, -git]]
andhafod n. heading, unploughed headland of a field,EC.
andhetan, andhettan = andettan
andhweorfan^3 to move against, blow against, B 548. [or ? onhweorfan]
andian to be envious or jealous.
andig envious, jealous, OEG.
andlman = andlman
andlang (o^1, o^2) I. adj. entire, continuous, extended. andlangne dg, niht all day (night) long, An, Gu. ['along'] II. prep. w. g. 'along,' by the side of, , Chr, KC;AO.
andlangcempa (anl-) soldier fighting in line, WW 450^18.
andlata (Cr 1436) = andwlita
andlan n. retribution, retaliation.
and-leofen (ie, i, y) f., -leofa m. sustenance, nourishment, food: money, wages. [libban]
andlcnes = onlcnes
andliefen (AO, CP), andlifen = andleofen
andlman (^2, u^2) m. pl. utensils, implements, vessels.
andlong = andlang
andlyfen = andleofen
andmitta = anmitta
andreceft? n. wine or oil press, WW 123^37.
andriesne = ondrysne
an-drysen-, -drysn- = ondrys(e)n-
and-rysno f. respect, reverence: etiquette.
andsaca m. adversary: denier, apostate.
andsacian to dispute, deny, CP.
andsc m. denial, oath of purgation, El, LL: refusal: strife, resistance. ['andsech']
andste adj. _hateful, odious, repugnant_, _: _hostile_. ['_andsete_']
andslyht m. blow.
andspeornan^3 to stumble against, NG.
andspyrnes f. offence, MtR 16^23.
ndstreces = nstreces
and-sumnes, -sundnes (= on-) f. purity, chastity, virginity. v.OEG 1696.
andswarian to 'answer,' Lk; , CP.
andswaru f. 'answer,' reply, B, Jn;CP.
and-swerian (VPs), -sworian = andswarian
andsn = ansen
and-timber, -tymber = ontimber
andracian = onracian
andrce = onrce
andung f. jealousy, LPs 77^58.
andstrian 'detestari,' MtR 26^74.
andstrung f. 'abominatio,' MtR 24^15.
andwscan = dwscan
andwt moist.
andward- = andweard-
andweal- = onweal-
andweard (+ at AS 63^14) present, actual, existing, , CP: oppositeto.
andweardian to present, bring before one. (+andweardian also = andwyrdian.)
andweardlic present, actual. adv. -lce.
andweardnes f. presence, CP: present time.
andwendednes = onwendednes
andweorc n. matter, substance, material, CP: cause.
andwerd == and-weard, -wyrd
andwg m. resistance, Gu 147.
andwille = nwille
andwirdan = andwyrdan
andws expert, skilful, Jul 244.
andwsnes f. experience, WW 20^5.
andwist f. support? station? An 1542.
andwlata = andwlita
+andwlatod 'frontosus,' OEG 8^365.
andwlita (a, eo) m. face, forehead, countenance, form, B, MtR; AO, CP. ['anleth']
andwlite n. = andwlita
andwliteful 'vultuosus,' GPH 393.
andwr hostile, enraged, Pa 17.
and-wurd, -wyrd == andweard [[under "andwurd"]]
and-wyrdan, -wyrdian (e, i) to answer, , Mt; AO, CP: (+an-) 'conspirare,' WW 209^42. ['andwurde']
andwyrde n. answer, AO.
andwyrding f. 'conspiratio,' WW 373^11.
andde pret. of andn (ondn).
andytt- = andett-
ne (1) = ne, (2) heonu.
n-age, -(a)gede (L) 'one-eyed,' blind of one eye.
necge adj. having one edge, .
+ned v. nian.
nge, ngede = nage
nhst = nhst [[headword spelled "anihst"]]
nemnan to announce, declare, Gu. ['aname']
nerian to deliver, rescue, LPs 24^15; EPs 49^22.
nes = nes
nescian = hnescian
nett mn., netnes f. solitude, seclusion, CP.
anf- = onf-
n-feald, -fald, -fealdlic _single, unmixed, singular, unique, superior_, _; CP: _simple, modest, honest, sincere_, _Mt_; CP: _fixed, invariable_. .gerecednes _or_ sprc _prose_. ['_afald_'] adv. -lce.
nfealdnes f. unity, concord, AO: simplicity,CP.
anfealt f. anvil, OEG 11^67 and n. [cp. anfilte] [[under "anfilt"]]
anfeng == andfeng
nfte one-footed, Rd 59^1.
an-filt (_), -filte (_Gl_), n. '_anvil_.'
anfindan = onfindan
nfloga m. lonely flier, Seaf 62.
anfn (AO) == onfn
anforht fearful, Cross 117.
nforltan^7 to let go, lose, relinquish, abandon, surrender, CP: omit, neglect.
nforltnes f. loss, desertion, Bl 85^31: intermission.
anforngean in front of, MF (Vesp. D xiv).
anga (o) m. stimulus, sting, goad, CP.
nga (, ) sole, only: solitary.
angbrost n. tightness of the chest, asthma, Lcd.
ange = enge
angeald pret. 3 sg. of angildan.
angan == ongan
angel I. m. 'angle,' hook, fish-hook, Bo, MtL (ongul). II. m. = engel
Angel n. Anglen, a district in Schleswig, from which the Angles came,AO.
Angelcynn n. the English people: England,AO.
ngeld = ngilde
angelic like, similar, Bo 44^18.
angeltwicce fm. a certain worm used as bait, earthworm? WW, Lcd. ['angletwitch']
Angeleod f. the English people: England.
ngenga I. solitary, isolated, . II. m. solitary goer, isolated one,B.
angerd = ungerd
ngetrum n. illustrious company, Ex 334.
angeweald = onweald
angian to be in anguish, RPs 60^3; 142^4.
angien = anginn
angil = angel I.
angildan = ongieldan
ngilde (e, y) I. n. single payment or rate of compensation for damage, LL: the fixed price at which cattle and other goods were received as currency, LL. ['angild'] II. adj. to be compensated for. III. adv. simply, only,LL.
ngildes = ngilde III.
anginn n. _beginning_, _; AO, CP: _intention, design, enterprise, undertaking_, CP: _action, onset, attack_: _rising (ofsun)_. ['_angin_']
anginnan (AO) = onginnan
angitan = ongietan
angitful = andgitful
Angle mp. the Angles or English (who came from Anglen; v.Angel, Engle).
angmd sad, sorrowful.
angmdnes f. sadness, sorrow, W 188^6.
angngl m. corn, 'agnail,' Lcd 30b.
angnere (on-) m. corner of the eye, WW 423^34.
angnes f. anxiety, uneasiness, trouble, pain, anguish, fear.
angol- = angel-, ongol-
angrisla (y) m. terror, Bl 203^7.
angrislic (y^2) grisly, terrible. adv. -(en)lce.
ang-set, -seta m. eruption, pustule, carbuncle,WW.
angsum narrow, hard, difficult.
angsumian to vex, afflict, .
angsumlic troublesome, anxious, painful. adv. -lce.
angsumnes f. pain, : sorrow, trouble: difficulty, perplexity.
ngum = nigum dat. of nig.
ngyld, ngylde = ngilde
angyn = onginn
angytan = ongietan
anh- = onh-
nhaga (o^2) m. solitary being, recluse.
anhende (= on-) on hand, requiring attention, AO 88^24.
nhende one-handed, lame, weak, .
nhwe 'uniformis,' OEG 1046.
anhoga m. care, anxiety, Gu 970.
nhoga = nhaga
nhorn, nhorna m. unicorn, Ps.
nhrdlce = nrdlce
nhundwintre a hundred years old.
nhdig resolute, firm, constant, stubborn, brave.
nhyrne I. one-horned, having one horn. II. m. unicorn.
nhyrn-ed, -e(n)de having one horn, Ps.
+nian to unite, BH 214. ['one' vb.]
ndan (, ) to restrain, repel: force. ta. expel, drive out. [ned]
nig = nig
n-ge, -gge = nage
anihst last, in the last place.
niman^4 (y) to take, GD: take away or from, deprive of, Mt (y); CP. ['anim']
ninga = nunga
nirian to cast down, Chr 675#e#.
anl- = andl-, onl-
anlc = anlc
nlcan to unite, .
nlaga acting alone, WW 491^23.
anlang- = andlang-
nlp- (NG) = nlp-
anlc m. respect, regard.
nlegere consorting with one man, WW 171^15.
n-lp- = nlp-
nlic only, unique: solitary: catholic: beautiful. [cp. nlic]
nlepig = nlpig [[under "nlpe"]]
n-lpe (CP), -lpig (Chr), -lpie (n-; , ) I. adj. single, separate, solitary, private, individual, special, PPs 13^2, BH, MtR. ['anlepi'] II. adv. alone, only, severally.
nlpnes f. loneliness.
nlpum (p) singly, MtR 26^22.
nlp- = nlp-
nmde n. unanimity, concord, PPs 54^13.
anmdla m. pomp, glory: pride, presumption, arrogance: courage. [md]
+anmettan to encourage, AO. [md]
anmitta m. weight, balance, scales, Gl. [and, mitta]
anmd steadfast, resolute, eager, bold, brave, fierce, proud, CP. adv. -lce.
nmd of one mind, unanimous, El; . ['anmod'] adv. -lce.
anmdnes f. steadfastness, resolution, Lcd 3170^22.
nmdnes f. unity, unanimity, CP.
ann pres. 3 sg. of unnan.
anna = heonu
nne (AO, CP) v. n.
nnes f. oneness, unity, BH; : agreement, covenant, Chr: solitude, Gu. ['annesse']
nnihte adv. one day old, Lcd.
anoa = anda
np m. narrow path.
anpolle f. () = ampella
anr- = onr-
nrd _of one mind, unanimous_: _constant, firm, persevering, resolute_, _. ['_anred_']
nrdlic constant, resolute: undoubting, Bl 13^13. adv. -lce unanimously: resolutely, persistently, constantly, earnestly, : definitely, decidedly.
nrdnes f. unanimity, agreement: constancy, firmness, diligence, AO; . ['anrednesse']
nreces (Chr 1010#cde#) = nstreces
nrd- = nrd-
ans- = ands-, ons-, uns-
an-scatan (Cp), -scotan (Erf) = onscotan
nseld m. lonely dwelling, hermitage, Gu 1214.
nsetl n. hermitage, RB 135^9.
ansetla m. anchorite, hermit, GD, RB.
ansen I. (on-; , , ) fn. countenance, face, CP, Lk: form, figure, presence: view, aspect, sight, thing seen, AO: surface. ['onsene'] II. f. lack, want.
anspel n. conjecture.
anspilde salutary, Lcd 11b.
nsprce speaking as one, PPs 40^7.
nstandende ptc. standing alone, RB 9^7. as sb. hermit,.
nstapa m. lonely wanderer, Pa 15.
nstelede one-stalked, having one stem, Lcd.
nstg f. narrow path? Gl.
nstonde = nstandende
nstrc (?) resolute, determined, CP.
nstreces (?) at one stretch, continuously, continually, Chr 894#a#.
ansund sound, whole, entire, perfect, healthy, (on-).
an-sundnes, -sumnes f. soundness, wholeness, integrity.
nsunu m. only son.
nswge harmonious, accordant.
ansn = ansen
ant- = and-, ont-, unt-
Antecrist m. Antichrist. [L.]
antefn m. antiphon, 'anthem,' BH;.
antefnere m. book of antiphons, antiphonary, CM.
antemnere, antifonere (P 154^6) = antefnere.
ntd f. similar time (i.e. the corresponding time of a following day)? B 219.
antre f. radish, Lcd.
num alone, solely, .
anunder = onunder
anung f. zeal, NG.
nunga at once, forthwith: entirely, altogether, throughout, by all means, uninterruptedly, B: necessarily, certainly.
anw- = andw-, onw-, unw-
nwedd n. security, pledge, TC 201^16.
nwg n. single combat, duel, , AO.
nwglce in single combat, WW 512^21.
nwiht = wuht
nwille I. adj. wilful, obstinate, CP, WW; . ['onwill'] II. adv. wilfully, obstinately.
nwillce obstinately, CP.
nwilnes f. self-will, obstinacy, persistence, CP. mid nwilnesse wantonly, wilfully.
nwintre adj. one year old, yearling.
nwte n. single fine, LL 64, 31, 1.
anwlh (Dan 585) = onwealg?
nwuht = wuht
nwunung f. solitary abode, RB 134^12.
nwylnes = nwilnes
anxsum- = angsum-
ndan = ndan
anhst = anhst [[headword spelled "anihst"]]
nyman = niman
anwan = onwan
apa m. 'ape,' Gl, Lcd.
pcan to seduce, lead astray.
pran to avert, pervert.
parian to discover, apprehend, EC 164.
apelder- = apuldor-
pinsian to weigh, estimate, ponder, recount, CP. [L. pensare]
pinsung f. weighing, OEG 1757.
apl = appel
plantian to plant, .
platod plated with metal? resplendent? OEG. [v.'plate']
pluccian to pluck off, Gr 170^14.
apostata m. apostate, LL (322^14).
apostol (Chr), apostel m. 'apostle,' MtR: disciple, H 1^520. [L. apostolus; from Gk.]
apostolhd m. apostleship.
apostolic apostolic, BH; . ['apostly']
appel, apple == ppel
Aprelis m. April, Men 56.
priccan to prick, W 146^21.
aprotane f. southernwood, wormwood, Lcd 22a. [L. abrotonum; from Gk.]
apulder, apuldor fm. apple-tree.
apuldorrind f. bark of apple-tree, Lcd.
apuldortn m. apple-orchard, WW (e^3).
apuldre, apuldur = apulder
pullian to pull, Lcd 1362^10.
pundrian? to measure out, requite? El 580(GK).
pyffan to exhale, breathe out, Gl.
pyndrian to weigh, HGl 512^78? (BT).
ptan to put out (eyes), NC 338.
r m. I. messenger, servant, herald, apostle, angel. [Got. airus] II. f. 'oar,' Chr, Gn. III. f. honour, worth, dignity, glory, respect, reverence, BH, Gen, JnLR, Ph; AO, CP: grace, favour, prosperity, benefit, help, B: mercy, pity, An: landed property, possessions, revenue, , AO: ecclesiastical living, benefice: ownership, LL: privilege, LL, 76, 42, 2. ['are,' 'ore'] IV. n. ore, brass, copper, , AO, CP. V. (NG) =r
racsian = rsian
rcan wv. to reach, get at, Chr: hold forth, reach out, : get (athing for a person), , Gr. ['areach']
rd I. () m. welfare, LL 184n. II. prepared?, resolute? Wa 5; GnE 192? III. = nrd
rda (Bo 46^22) = roda? v. rod.
rdan^1 (but usu. wk.) to appoint, prepare: arrange, settle, decide, BH: guess, prophesy, interpret, utter, Lk, Bo, Da, CP: read, read out, read to (any one), CP. ['aread']
rdnes f. condition, stipulation, BH.
rfan to set free, unwrap, WW.
rfnan, -ian to carry out, accomplish: endure, suffer, , AO: keep in mind, ponder, . [fnan]
rfniendlic endurable, possible.
rman to raise, elevate (oneself), : () rise, standup.
rpsan (*-rf-) to intercept, Gl.
rran to lift up, raise, set up, create, establish, Chr, An, Jn: build, erect, Jn: rear (swine), LL 449: spread, disseminate: disturb, upset. p. bring up, raise up, exalt. ['arear']
rrend m. one who arouses.
rrnes f. raising, elevation, AO.
rsan to rush, H 140^13.
rfian to unravel, disentangle, CP.
rsian to lay open, search out, test, detect, discover: reprove, correct, CP. rsod skilled.
rbld n. oar-blade, .
arblast m. cross-bow, Chr 1079#d#. [OFr. arbaleste]
arc mf. (also earc, earce) ark, coffer, chest, box, . [L. arca]
arce (, e) m. archiepiscopal pallium.
arcebisceop (^1, e^1, y^3, eo^4) m. 'archbishop,' CP, Chr,KC.
arcebiscopdm m. post of archbishop.
arcebiscophd (eo) m. post of archbishop, BH 49^23.
arcebiscoprce n. post of archbishop, Chr.
arcebiscopstl m. archiepiscopal see.
arcedacon m. 'archdeacon,' WW.
arcehd (e) m. post of archbishop.
arcerce n. archbishopric.
arcestl (^1) m. archiepiscopal see, Chr.
rcrftig respected, honourable, Da 551.
rdde merciful, Bl 131^2.
rdagas mp. festival days, WW 206^31.
ardlic = arodlic
re f. = r III.
rafian to separate, divide, Ex 290.
reccan to spread out, put forth, stretch out: lift up, erect, build up: say, relate, declare, speak out, explain, expound, translate, MtR; CP: astonish: adorn? deck? Rim 10. ['arecche']
rcelasian to be negligent, A 9102^68.
ared = arod
rd I. = rd I. II. (strong) pret. 3 sg. of rdan.
reddan = hreddan
rdian to make ready, devise, provide, arrange, carry out, CP: find, find one's way, reach: find out, understand. [rde]
rdnes = rdnes
rfnan = rfnan [[headword spelled "rfnan"]]
rencan to make proud, exalt, A 11117^32? (BT).
rendan to tear off, Lcd 101a.
rodian to redden, blush, BPs.
rosan = hrosan
rran = rran
rtan to cheer, gladden, . [rot] [[main entry spelled "rot"]]
arewe = arwe
rfst respected, honest, pious, virtuous, , CP: merciful, gracious, compassionate, : respectful.
rfstlic pious. adv. -lce.
rfstnes f. virtue, honour, grace, goodness, piety: pity, mercy,.
rft nap. -fatu, n. brazen vessel, .
rfest = rfst
rful respected, venerable: favourable, kind, merciful: respectful. adv. -lce graciously,.
arg (NG) = earg
argang = earsgang
rgeblond m. tumult of the sea, An 383.
argentille f. argentilla (plant), Gl. [L.]
rgotere m. brass-founder, AO 54^20.
rgesweorf n. brass filings, Lcd 30b.
rgeweorc n. brass-work, WW 398^24.
rgifa m. giver of benefits, #Cra#11.
arhlce = earhlce [[under "earglic"]]
rhwt eager for glory, Chr 937#a#.
rian _to honour, respect_, , CP: _endow_: _regard, care for, favour, be merciful to, spare, pardon_, _; CP. ['_are_']
rdan^1 to ride, AO 118^33.
riddan = hreddan
rigend mf. benefactor, benefactress.
riht 'aright,' properly, LL.
rman to number, count, enumerate, CP; AO: relate. ['arime']
rinnan^3 to run out, pass away, Sol 479.
rsan I. (sv^1) to 'arise,' get up, CP, , MtL: rise, Mk: spring from, originate: spring up, ascend, El. II. = +rsanI.
rist = rist
rlas dishonourable, base, impious, wicked, , CP: cruel, Jul 4. [Ger. ehrlos] adv. -lce.
rlasnes f. wickedness, BH, Bo.
rlast f. disgraceful deed, Met.
rlic honourable: fitting, agreeable, proper, AO: delicious.
rlce adv. I. honourably, becomingly, graciously, kindly, pleasantly, mercifully, CP. II. (N) = rlce
rloc n. 'oarlock,' rowlock, WW 288^6.
arm = earm
armelu 'harmala,' wild rue, Lcd.
rmorgen = rmorgen
arn pret. 3 sg. of iernan.
arnian = earnian
+arnung = +earnung
arod I. quick, bold, ready, CP. II. m? a kind of plant, arum?
rod pp. of rian.
arodlic quick. adv. -lce quickly: vigorously, ,CP.
arodnes f. spirit, boldness, CP 41^17.
arodscipe m. energy, dexterity, CP.
aron (NG) used as pres. pl. of wesan.
rspe f. verdigris. [spe]
rscamu f. shame, modesty, PPs 68^19.
rsmi m. coppersmith.
rstf m. (often in pl.) support, assistance, kindness, benefit, grace.
art, ar (NG) = eart, pres. 2 sg. of wesan.
regn m. servant, BH 378^11.
ring n. a thing of value, LkR 21^1.
arud == arod
rung f. honour, respect, reverence, AO: pardon.
runnen = urnen, pp. of rinnan.
arwe (rew-, ruw-) f. 'arrow,' LL, Chr.
rwela m. watery realm, An 855. [ar]
r-weor, -weore honourable, venerable, revering, pious, CP. adv. -weore.
rweorful honourable, (u^2).
rweorian to honour, reverence, worship, extol.
rweorlic _venerable, honourable_. adv. -lce _honourably, reverentially, solemnly, kindly_, _. ['_arworthly_']
rweornes f. reverence, honour, CP.
rweorung f. honour. Ps.
rwesa respected, RB 115^20.
rwiere == rweor
rwie f. oar-thong, rowlock, .
arwunga, arwunge (A) = earwunga
rwur, -wyr == rweor
ryddan, -rydran, -rytran to strip, plunder, Gl,WW.
rderian to blush, BRPs 69^4.
rpan to tear off, strip, Rd 76^7.
r f. wave of the sea, An 532. [ar]
sadian to satiate, surfeit, MF (Vesp. D xiv).
scgan = secgan
sgdnes = onsgednes
slan to bind, fetter, ensnare.
sndan = sendan
asal, asald (NG) = esol
snian to droop, flag, Gu 1148, LV 57.
swan^7 to sow, sow with, .
asca (NG) m. = asce
scacan = sceacan
scdan = scadan
sccan = sceacan
scfen pp. of sceafan.
scre = scre [[headword spelled "scre"]]
scafan = sceafan
scamelic shameful, HGl 500.
scamian (ea) to feel shame, Ps, Cr. ['ashame']
ascas nap. of sc.
ascbacen (ax-) baked on ashes, GD 86^30.
asce (, cs, x) f. (burnt) 'ash,' Lcd: dust (ofthe ground), MtL.
sceacan^6 (a) _to shake off, remove_, _Mt_: _depart, flee, desert, forsake_, _: _shake, brandish_. ['_ashake_']
scadan^7 () to separate, hold aloof or asunder, exclude, CP: make clear, cleanse, purify.
sceafan (a) to shave off, Lcd.
scealian to peel off, WW.
sceamian = scamian
scearpan = scirpan
scellan = scillan, scilian [[both under "scilian"]]
scofan = scfan
sceon- = onscun-
sceortian = scortian
scotan^2 to shoot, shoot out, , AO: drop out, fall, : lance (surgery), L 20^63: eviscerate, OEG 46^47.
sceppan = scieppan
sceran = sciran
scerian = scirian
scerpan (VPs) = scirpan
scian (cs-, hs-, x-) to 'ask,' inquire, seek for, demand, , KC, WG, etc.; CP: call, summon, B, Gen: (+) learn by inquiry, discover, hear of, Chr: () announce.
sciendlic (x-) interrogative, Gr 260^14.
scieppan^6 to make, create, Ex: appoint, determine, assign, AO. ['ashape']
scihhan = scyhhan
ascildan to protect, DR.
scilian to separate, divide, v. OEG 1367n.; FM 100.
scmian to shine, Lcd 2232.
scnan^1 to flash or shine forth, beam, radiate, be clear,GD.
sciran to cut off, cut away.
scirian to cut off, separate, divide, remove, : set free, deprive of: arrange, destine.
scirigendlic disjunctive, Gr 259^14 (y^2).
scirpan to sharpen, make acute, CP.
scortian (eo) to become short, fail, : pass away, elapse.
scradian to prune, lop.
screncan to displace, trip up, cause to stumble, CP. ['aschrench']
screpan^5 to scrape, clear away.
scrincan^3 to shrink up.
scrdnian (tn) to investigate, examine.
scfan^2 to drive out, remove, expel, banish, : push (away), give up (to).
ascun- = onscun-
scung f. 'asking,' questioning, inquiring, question, Met, Bo; ,CP.
scyhhan to scare away, reject, RPs 50^13.
scylfan to destroy, GPH 393^49.
scylian, scyllan = scilian
scyndan to separate, part (from): drive away (from),.
scyr- = scir-
scran to make clear, . [scr]
sealcan (Gen 2167) = seolcan
sarian to wither, dry up, Lcd; CP. ['asear']
scan to seek out, select: search out, examine, explore: seek for, require, ask, PPs: search through, penetrate. ['aseek']
secgan I. to say out, express, tell, utter, narrate, explain, announce, AO. II. = onsecgan
secgendlic utterable, .
sdan ([oe]) to satiate, Gl. [sd]
segendnes f. an offering, Nar 24^17.
sellan to give up, hand over, deliver: expel, banish.
sencan to sink, immerse, OEG 829.
sendan to send away, send off, send, give up, Mt; . ['asend']
sengan (Jul 313) = secgan
seolcan^3 to become slack, remiss, relaxed, weak, ,CP.
son I. sv^5 to look upon, behold, HL 16^255. II. sv^1 to strain, Lcd.
seonod relaxed, WW 228^25. [seonu] [[under "seono"]]
soan^2 to seethe, boil, CP: refine, purify: examine.
sowan to sew, Cp 421#p# (io).
setnes f. institute, law, LL.
asettan = onsettan
settan to set, put, place, fix, establish, appoint, set up or in, erect, build, plant, AO, Mt; : transport oneself over, cross (the sea, etc.): take away, LL 11[12]. s or sas. to perform a journey, travel.
san to affirm, confirm, . [s]
scan I. sv^1 to sigh, Sc. II. to wean, CPs 130^2.
siftan to sift, Lcd 13b.
sgan^1 to sink, sink down, decline, fall down, Chr; CP. ['asye']
sincan^3 to sink down, fall to pieces, .
singan^3 to sing out, sing, deliver (a speech), compose (verse),BH.
sittan^5 to dwell together, settle, El: apprehend, fear: run aground. ta. starve out. ['asit']
slacian to become slack, decline, diminish, , CP: grow tired: make slack, loosen, relax, dissolve.
slacigendlic remissive, Gr 228^5.
slccan to slacken, loosen, WW.
slcian = slacian
slpan^7 () to slumber, dream: be paralysed, Lcd.
slwan to blunt, weaken, make dull, OEG 18b, 65.
slpan = slpan
slwian to become sluggish, be torpid, CP. [slw]
slan^6 to strike, beat, cut, : erect: make way: paralyse. of. strike off, behead, MtL; AO. ['aslay']
slpen = slopen pret. opt. 3 pl. of slpan.
sldan^1 to slide, slip, fall, Ps; , CP. ['aslide']
slding f. slipping, GPH 388^62.
sltan^1 () to slit, cleave, cut off, destroy,CP.
slpan^2 to slip off, escape, disappear (of), Ps. ['aslip']
sltan = sltan
smagan to consider, examine, investigate, devise, elicit, treat of, think, : look for, demand.
smagung f. scrutiny, consideration.
sman = smagan
smir-ian, -wan to smear, anoint.
smiian to do smith's work, fashion, forge, fabricate,.
smorian to smother, strangle, AO, CP.
smorung f. choking, suffocation, Lcd 18a.
smgan = smagan
snsan (^2) to spit, impale, stab, LL 68, 36. ['asnese']
asnan^1 to cut off, Lcd.
soden (WW 20^44) pp. of soan.
solcen (pp. of seolcan) sluggish, idle, indifferent, dissolute,.
solcennes f. sleepiness, sloth, laziness, W; . ['aswolkeness']
solian to become dirty, A 2374.
spanan^6 to allure, seduce, persuade, urge, insinuate,AO.
spannan^7 to unbind, unclasp, GD 214^24.
sparian to preserve, GD 159^24.
speaft (JnL 9^6) = speoft
spdan to survive, escape, An 1628.
spelian to be substitute for, represent, take the place of, LL, RB. .fram be exempt from.
spendan to spend (money), expend, distribute, squander, consume, AO; . ['aspend']
speoft pret. 3 sg. spit out, JnR 9^6. [v. speoft]
sperian = spyrian
aspide m. asp, adder, serpent, viper, Ps; . ['aspide']
spillan to destroy, JnL 12^10.
spinnan^3 to spin, WW.
spirian = spyrian
spwan^1 () to spew up, vomit, , CP.
spltan ?to split. v. ES 49156.
spornan to cast down, EPs 145^7. [spurnan]
spradan to stretch out, extend, EPs 35^11.
sprecan to speak out, speak, PPs.
sprengan to cause to spring, fling out, L 8^213.
sprettan = spryttan
sprindlad ripped up, Lcd 80b.
springan^3 (y) to spring up or forth, break forth, spread, ; AO: arise, originate, be born, : dwindle, diminish, fail, cease. sprungen dead. ['aspring']
springung f. failing, VPs 141^4.
spritan = spryttan
sproten pp. of sprtan.
-sprungennes, -sprungnes f. failing, exhaustion, death: eclipse.
sprtan^2 (= o) to sprout forth, PPs 140^9.
spryngan = springan
spryttan^1 (e, i) to sprout out, bring forth, .
spylian to wash oneself, Bo 115^7.
spyrgend m. tracker, investigator, VHy.
spyrging f. 'adinventio,' WW 513^15.
spyrian (i) to track, trace out, investigate, explore, discover.
spwan = spwan
assa m. he-ass, Mt, Jn, ; CP. ['ass']
assen f. she-ass.
assmyre f. she-ass, .
st f. kiln, WW 185^30; A 9265. ['oast']
stgan to go up, embark, MkR 6^32.
stlan to lay to one's charge, LL (264^15).
stnan^1 to adorn with precious stones.
strfan (MtR) = styrfan
standan^6 to stand up, stand forth, rise up, arise, B; : continue, endure, Lk; CP. ['astand']
standennes f. perseverance, L 23b^272: existence, subsistence.
stapan = stpan
stellan I. to set forth, set, put, afford, supply, display, appoint, AO, CP: set up, establish, confirm, institute, ordain, undertake, start, AO; : undergo, . II. to fly off, rush.
stemnian to build.
stemped engraved, stamped, WW 203^27.
stencan to scatter, GD 42^33.
stopan = stpan
steorfan^3 to die, MH 62^27.
stp- = stp-
sterian = styrian
asterion 'asterion,' pellitory, Lcd 1164.
stfian to become stiff, .
stfician = stfecian
stgan^1 to proceed, go, : (usu. w. p, nier, etc.) rise, mount, ascend, descend, Jn; , CP: be puffed up, AO 264^8. ['astye']
stgend m. rider.
stigian to ascend, mount.
stgnes f. ascent, EPs 103^4.
stihtan to determine on, decree, Chr 998.
stihting (OEG) = tihting [[redirected to "tyhting"]]
stillian to still, quiet, MF (Vesp. D xiv).
stingan^3 to bore out, pierce out, Chr: stab.
stintan = styntan
stirian = styrian
stian to become hard, dry tip, wither: grow up, come of age, TC 203^20.
stondnes = standennes
strlian to cast forth, RPs 75^9.
streccan _to stretch out, stretch forth, extend, lay low_, _: _prostrate oneself, bow down_, CP. ['_astretch_']
stregdan to sprinkle.
stregdnes? f. sprinkling, DR.
strenged (made strong), malleable, WW.
strenan (o, ) to beget.
strogden pp. of stregdan.
strowenes f. length, HGl 443.
strnan = strenan
stundian to take upon oneself, .
stfecian to suppress, eradicate, CP.
styllan = stellan
styltan to be astonished, LkLR.
styntan (i) to blunt, repress, restrain, stop, overcome, Gl. ['astint']
stpan (, a, o) to deprive, bereave, GD. stpte orphans. [stop]
[[Printed as shown, but reference may be to "stop-" as word element.]]
stp(ed)nes (^2) f. privation, bereavement.
stran to guide, control, AS 9^16.
styrfan (, e) to kill, destroy, Cr, Mt (e). ['asterve']
styrian to stir up, excite, move, move forward, raise, Jn, Mk; : be roused, become angry, . styred weoran be or become anxious, . ['astir']
styriendlic v. un-. [[under "unstyriende"]]
styrigend m. 'ventilator,' GPH 393^78.
styrred starry, Sc.
styrung f. motion, Lcd.
-scan^2 -sgan to suck, suck out, drain.
-sundran, -sundron = onsundran
sundrian = syndrian [[under "syndran"]]
srian to be or become sour, WW.
swman to roam, wander about: pine, grieve,.
swrn- = swarn-
swtan to burst out in perspiration, MH 20^12.
swmian to die away, Gen 376: cease.
swpan^7 (but pp. swpen) to sweep away, remove, clean,CP.
swrcan to languish, LPs 38^12.
swrcian to confound, BSPs 70^24.
swrnian to be confounded, Ps.
swrnung f. shame, confusion, LPs 43^16.
swaian to investigate, OEG 5^11.
sweartian to turn livid, become ashy or black,CP.
swebban to lull, soothe, set at rest: put to death, destroy, Jud. ['asweve']
swellan^3 to swell, CP.
sweltan^3 to die, Chr.
swencan to afflict, DR.
swengan to swing off, shake off, cast forth.
sweorcan^3 to droop, .
sweorfan^3 to file off, polish, GPH.
swpa = swpe
swerian^6 to swear, PPs.
swcan^1 to desert, abandon, betray, deceive, Mt: offend, irritate, provoke. ['aswike']
swician to offend.
swicung f. scandal, offence.
swfan^1 to wander, stray, WW.
swind = swind
swindan^3 to become weak, shrink, fade away, perish, decay, dissolve, Bo; , CP. ['aswind']
swingan^3 to scourge, DR.
swgan^7 to cover over, choke, CP 411^17.
sworettan to sigh, grieve, GD.
swornian (NC 271) = swarnian [[headword spelled "swrnian"]]
swundennes f. idleness, BH 160^25.
synderlic remote, OEG 2514.
synd-ran, -rian to separate, divide, disjoin, sever, CP, : distinguish, except. ['asunder']
syndrung f. division, WW.
at == t
tfran (CP 467^19) = tefran
tsan to wear out, injure, strike, smite, : wound, CP 296^18.
atwian = tewan
te () f. 'oats,' Lcd: wild oats, tares, Gl,WW.
teallan = tellan
tfran = tefran
ategr = tgr [[under "tgre"]]
atel == atol
tellan to reckon up, count, Bo; AO. . wi balance against: tell, enumerate, CP: explain, interpret. ['atell']
temian to tame, subdue, render quiet, CP.
tendan to set on fire, kindle, inflame, Chr: trouble, perplex, A 8312^48. ['atend']
tending f. incentive, Sc 221^17.
ton^2 to draw up, out, off or from, remove, pull out, lead out, draw, B, BH; AO, CP. p. draw up, move away: protract, : move, journey, roam: deal with, dispose of, apply, use, Mt; , CP. ['atee']
torian to fail, become exhausted, weary, cease, Ps; : be defective, Gr. ['atire']
tori(g)endlic transitory, perishable, : failing: defective, Gr.
torodnes f. cessation, exhaustion, HL 3^495; BPs 118^53.
torung f. failing, weariness, .
towan = ewan [[headword spelled "oewan"]]
ter == tor
tran^4 to tear away, CP 359^20.
teriendlic = teoriendlic [[headword spelled "toriendlic"]]
terima (tr-) oat-bran, Lcd 3292.
tertnum dp. with poisoned twigs (or? -tearum with poison drops) B 1460.
teshwn adv. at all, CM 987. [wiht]
athd (Gl) = thd
tdrian to grow weak, GD 59^26 (ydd).
tefran (, , , ) to draw, depict, CP.
atewan = ewan [[headword spelled "oewan"]]
tiht- = tyht-
tillan to touch, reach.
timbr-an, -ian to erect, build, AO, CP.
timplian to provide with spikes, NC 271.
twan = ewan [[headword spelled "oewan"]]
tlag m. oat-field?, EC 448^9.
atol I. dire, terrible, ugly, deformed, repulsive, unchaste, B. ['atel'] II. n. horror, evil.
atolic, atollic dire, terrible, deformed, repulsive, . adv. -lce.
atoliende disfiguring, WW 220^26.
tor, t(to)r, () n. poison, venom, Lcd; AO, CP: gall, Gl. ['atter']
torbre poisonous, H 172^22.
torberende poisonous, venomous.
torcoppe f. spider, Lcd. ['attercop']
torcrft (ttor-) m. art of poisoning, W.
torcyn () n. poison, Sol 219.
tordrinca m. poisonous draught, MH.
torgebld n. swelling caused by poison, Lcd 162b.
torle f. plant used as antidote to poison, betonica? Lcd, WW. ['atterlothe']
torlic poison-like, bitter, WW. ['atterlich']
torsceaa m. poisonous enemy.
torspere n. poisoned spear, Rd 18^9.
torigen (tt-) f. taking of poison, Lcd 14^5.
tr = tor
trahtnian to treat, discuss.
tredan^5 to extract, extort, LL.
treddan to search out, examine, investigate, PPs.
trendlian to roll, Met 5^17. [v. 'trendle']
tres gs. of tor.
atrum n. ink, A 1328^15. [L. atramentum]
atter, attor == tor
attres gs. of attor, tor. [[under "atter"]]
attrum = atrum
atul = atol
tur = tor
twonian to cause doubt, A 8333^6.
tyddrian = tdrian
tdran to beget, create, El 1279. [tdor]
tfran = tefran
tyhtan (i) to entice, allure, incite: be attentive: produce, Rd 51^3: stretch, extend, turn.
tyhting (i) f. intention, aim: instigation, OEG 2^304.
tymbran = timbran
tnan I. to shut off, exclude. [tn] II. = ontnan
tyndan = tendan
trian = torian
atwan = oewan
m. 'oath,' B, Mt; AO.
- = -
aamans m. adamant, CP 271^2. [L.]
bryce m. perjury, W 164^7.
ecgan to take food, consume?: oppress? (Tupper) Rd 1^2,7.
egeht = geht
egen distended, WW.
encan to think out, devise, contrive, invent, AO: intend.
enenes f. extension, VHy.
-ennan, -enian to stretch out, extend, draw out, expand, AO: apply (the mind) CP: prostrate.
enung f. extension, distension.
odan = edan
ostrian (, e, ) to become dark, obscured, eclipsed, Bo; CP, VPs. ['athester']
er = hwer
erscan to thresh out, L 31^1217.
strian = ostrian
wan = wan
exe f. lizard, OET.
fultum m. confirmation (confirmers) of an oath,LL.
geht (e-) n. promise on oath, oath, WW.
iddan to thrust, push, OEG 50^3.
edan to separate, CP.
ierran to clean, CP.
estrian (CP) = ostrian
indan^3 to swell, puff up, inflate, increase, CP: melt, pass away. (cp.indan)
indung f. swelling, Lcd 93a.
-strian, -isrigan (CP) = ostrian
l (VPs) = dl
loga m. perjurer, Cr 165.
ol = dl
ollan to hold out, endure, suffer, .
olware mp. citizens, GnE 201.
or = hwer
rcian to dread: frighten.
rstan to twist out, wrest out, Gl.
rwan^7 to curl, twist, twine, .
ratian to weary, be irksome: force away, CP 293^10.
rotan^2 (pers. and impers.) to tire of, weary, be tiresome to, displease, disgust, , AO,CP.
rescan = erscan
retan to weary, , AO (); Bo.
ringan^3 to crowd or press out: rush forth, break out. t. emboss.
rstian to be bold, presume, GD 70^30.
rotennes f. wearisomeness, WW 409^22.
rotsum irksome, WW 510^12.
rwian to suffer, Lcd 68b.
roxen pp. of erscan.
runten (pp. of *rintan) swollen, Rd 38^2. (or? arten)
rten pp. (of *rtan) swollen, Lcd.
ryccan to press, oppress.
rn to rob? drive out? Gl, (ES 43331).
-rysemian, -rysman (AO) to suffocate, smother. ['athrysm']
rytnes f. weariness.
stf m. oath, CPs 104^9.
swara m? = swaru
swaring = swerung
swaru f. oath-swearing, oath, .
swerian? to vow with an oath, WW 387^9.
swerung f. oath-swearing, Chr, RSPs 104^9.
swyrd (eo) n. oath-swearing, EPs 104^9 (^1); B 2064.
um m. _son-in-law_, _; AO: _brother-in-law_. ['_odam_']
umswerian mp. son-in-law and father-in-law, B84.
undennes f. swelling, tumour, Lcd: contumacy, WW 87^17.
wnan to diminish, soften, Lcd.
wan^6 to wash, wash off, cleanse, baptize, anoint, ,CP.
wedd n. promise on oath, WW 115^16.
weran^4 to stir up, churn, Lcd.
wnan to vanish, NC 338.
wtan^1 to disappoint, SPs 131^11.
wyre worthy of credit. v. LL 2376.
an = wan
ylgian to bear up, ARSPs.
n = wan
ynnian (i) to make thin, DHy 8^10.
strian () = estrian
tan I. to sound, blow (a horn). II. to expel, WW 19^12.
wan to drive away, AO: press out or into, squeeze out.
uht = wiht
uer = hwer
w =
wa =
wacan^6 (on-) _to awake_, _: _arise, originate, spring forth, be born_. ['_awake(n)_']
wacian to awake, .
wcian to grow weak, decline, fall, belittle, , CP: fall away, lapse, desist from, abstain,.
wacnian = wcnian
wc- = wec-
wcan to weaken, weary.
wc-nian, -nan (on-; a, e) to awaken, revive, : arise, originate, spring from, AO. ['awake(n)']
wgan to deceive: destroy, annul, make nugatory,.
wlan to roll, roll from: harass, afflict,NG.
wltan = wyltan
wmmian = wemman
wnd- = wend-, onwend-
wnian = wenian [[under "wennan"]]
wrd pp. of wierdan.
wrged = wierged
wrian to avoid, DR 39^13.
wscan = wascan
wstan = wstan
wandian to fear, hesitate, Gr 162^2.
wanian to diminish, lessen.
wannian to become livid or black and blue, GD 20^32 (v.NC 332).
wansian to diminish, KC 4243^6.
wr = hwr
wrnian (APs) = swrnian
[[Entry before author's correction: wrnian to be confounded, SPs.]]
wascan^6 () to wash, bathe, immerse, Lcd.
weallan^7 to well up, flow out, break forth, issue, swarm, CP: be hot, burn.
weardian to guard, defend.
weaxan^6 to grow, grow up, arise, come forth, CP.
web = web
wec- = wc-
weccan to awake, rouse, incite, excite, Mk, Lk; , CP: raise up, beget. ['awecche']
wecenes () f. incitement, GD 199^7.
wecgan to undermine, shake, move, .
wdan to be or become mad, rage, ; AO. ['awede'; wd]
wefan^5 to weave, weave together, .
weg (= on-) 'away,' forth, out, Chr, Mt;CP.
wegan^5 _to lift up, carry away_: _weigh, weigh out_, _: _estimate, consider_. ['_aweigh_']
wegworpnes f. abortion, LL (154^34).
wegcuman^4 to escape, .
wegade went away, JnL 4^50 [v. 'away'; ode]
wegflon^2 to fly or flee away, OEG 2169.
weggn to go away, BH 326^10.
weggewtan^1 to depart, AO 74^26.
weggewitenes f. departure, : aberration (ofmind), JPs 115^11.
wehtnes f. arousing, BH 422^20.
awel m. hook, fork, Gl.
wellan = wyllan
wemman to disfigure, corrupt.
wemmendnes f. corruption.
wnan to consider.
wendan (= on-) _to avert, turn aside, remove, upset_, _Ps_: _change, exchange, alter, pervert_, _; CP: _translate_, , CP: _turn from, go, depart_, _Ps_; AO: _return_: _subdue_. ['_awend_']
wendedlic = wendendlic
wendednes f. change, alteration, .
wendendlic that can be changed, changeable, .
wendendlcnes f. mutability, .
wendennes f. change, OEG 191.
wending f. subversion, change, ES 39322.
wen-nan, -ian to disaccustom, wean.
wodian to root out, extirpate.
weorpan^3 to throw, throw away, cast down, cast out, cast aside, degrade, depose, Mt; , AO, CP. worpen divorced, rejected, destroyed, apostate. of, t. to throw out. ['awarp']
weorpnes = worpennes
weoran^3 to pass away, vanish, become worthless, Mt; (NG) = +weoran. ['aworth']
weosung f. 'subsistentia,' WW 516^4.
wer = hwr
werdan = wierdan
werde (^2) m. worthless fellow, WW 111^29.
werg- = wierg-, weri-
werian I. to defend, AO: hinder, restrain, Chr: protect, cover, surround, enclose: ward off from oneself, spurn from oneself. II. to wear, wear out (clothes),RB.
werpan = weorpan
wescnes (VPs) = wiscnes
wstan to lay waste, ravage, destroy, AO; . ['awest']
wst(ed)nes f. desolation, destruction.
wstend m. devastator, W 200^19.
wexen = weaxen pp. of weaxan.
+wian (AS 42^9) = +awian
wdlian to profane, defile.
wierdan (e, y) to spoil, injure, hurt, corrupt, seduce, destroy, kill,CP.
wierding (y) f. corruption, blemish, HGl 421^57.
wierg-an, -ian (, e, i, y) I. to curse, damn, denounce, outlaw, , Mt, CP; VPs. s wier(ge)da fiend, devil. ['awarie'] II. = wyrgan
wiht I. n. 'aught,' anything, something, Ps. II. adv. at all, by any means. t hte at all. III. good, of value,.
wildian to become wild, , LL.
willan = wyllan
wille (WW) = nwille II.
windan^3 to wind, bend, plait: slip from, withdraw, escape, CP: become relaxed? W 148^3.
windwian (y) to winnow, blow away, disperse, Ps.
winnan^3 to labour, strive, JnL: gain, overcome, endure, Da. ['awin']
wirgan = I. wyrgan. II. wyrgian
wirgnes = wyrgednes
wisc- = wisc-
wisnian to become dry, wither.
wistlian to hiss, W 147^37. [hwistlian]
wlacian to be or become lukewarm.
wltan to befoul, make loathsome, defile, .
wlancian to exult, to be proud, OEG 1159.
wlencan to make proud, enrich, DR 59^1.
wlyspian to 'lisp,' MLN 4279 (NC 338).
wo = (wa)
woffian to become proud, insolent: rave, be delirious, insane,.
wgian to woo, .
wh (crookedly), wrongfully, unjustly, LL. [= on wh]
wol = wel
wolfigan = woffian
wonian (DR) = wanian
wor = for
wordennes f. degeneration, WW 87^21.
worpednes (EPs 21^7) = worpennes
worpenlic worthy of condemnation, CP. adv. -lce vilely.
-worpennes, -worpnes f. rejection, what is cast away: exposure (ofchildren).
wrnan to make wanton, Lcd 54b.
wrstan to wrest from, extort, WW 397^37.
wrecan^5 to thrust out, drive away: strike, pierce: utter, sing, relate, recite: punish, avenge, LL, ChrL. ['awreak']
wreccan to arouse, awake, .
wregennes = onwrigenes [[under "onwrigennes"]]
wron^1,2 (= on-) to disclose, discover, reveal: cover,NG.
wreian to support, uphold, CP.
wrdian to originate, spring from.
wrigenes = onwrigennes
wringan^3 to wring, squeeze out, .
writ n. a writing.
wrtan^1 to write, write down, describe, compose, CP; , AO, Chr: mark, inscribe, draw, carve, copy. ['awrite']
wran^1 I. to turn, wind, bind up, bind, wreathe. II. = onwran
awrygenes = onwrigenes [[under "onwrigennes"]]
wer, wor = hwer
wuht = wiht
wul = wel
wuldrian to glorify (N).
wundrian to wonder, wonder at, admire.
wunian to remain, continue, BH.
wunigende ptc. continual.
wurt-walian, -warian = wyrtwalian
wuran = weoran
wyht = wiht
wylian to roll, .
wyllan to bring into commotion, boil, .
wylm = wielm
wyltan, wylwan to roll, roll away, : harass, DR().
wyndwian = windwian
wyrcan to do.
wyrd- () = wierd-
wyrdla = fwyrdla
wyrdnes hurt, harm, destruction, : defilement.
wyrg- = wierg-
wyrgan (i, ie) to strangle, suffocate, AO (i), . ['aworry']
wyrgedlic, wyrgendlic detestable, shameful, abominable.
wyrgednes f. wickedness, : curse, cursing. [wearg]
wyrgodnes = wyrgednes
wyrigende accursed, .
wyrigung f. a curse, .
wyrn (Men 101) = hwrgen [[headword spelled "hwrgen"]]
wyrpan (= ie) to recover (from illness), H 1534^28.
wyrtlian = wyrtwalian
wyrtwalian to root out, CP.
wyrung f. stain, aspersion, HGl 421.
ax- = asc-, ox-
x- = sc-
axe = cs
dan (OEG 8^108) = dan
dlian = dlian
yldan to delay, GD 21^22. [ieldan]
yrnan = iernan
tan to drive out. [t]
yttan = ettan
b nafn. and am. of bgen both.
bac- v. bc.
bacan^6 to 'bake,' .
bacas nap. of bc II.
bacca m. ridge, BC (bacce f. Mdf).
bacu nap. of bc I.
bd I. f. forced contribution, impost, pledge, LL: expectation. [bdan] II. () pret. 3 sg. of bdan.
-bdere v. ned-b.
bdian to take a pledge or fine, LL.
b- = ba-, be-, bea-
bc I. n. 'back,' Bo, MtL, Ps; CP. onb. backwards, behind, 'aback.' on b. settan, ltan to neglect. oferb. backwards, back. underb. behind, backwards, back. ofer b. bgan to turn back, flee. clne b. habban to be straightforward, honest, LL 128[5]. II. mfn. beck, brook. v.ES 29411.
bcbord n. left side of a ship, larboard, AO.
bce = bc II.
bce = bce
bcen- = bacen-
bcere I. m. '_baker_,' _. II. = bzere
bcering m. gridiron, WW.
bcern n. bakery, bakehouse, .
bcestre fm. baker, . ['baxter']
bce, bc, pres. 3 sg. of bacan.
bcistre = bcestre
bcling, bclinga (on) adv. backwards, behind. on b. gewend having one's back turned,.
bcslitol adj. backbiting, W 72^16.
bcearm m. rectum; pl. bowels, entrails,.
+bcu np. back parts, LPs.
bd I. pret. 3 sg. of biddan. II. = bed
bdan to urge on, impel, CP: solicit, require: afflict, oppress.
bdan to defile, EPs 78^1.
bdd == bedd
bddg 'epiphania,' DR.
bddel m. effeminate person, hermaphrodite, WW. [v.'bad']
bddryda = bedrida
bdend m. inciter, WW.
bdewg n. drinking vessel. [wge]
bdling m. effeminate or impure male person, WW. ['badling']
bdon pret. pl. of biddan.
bdryda = bedrida
bdzere = bzere
bfta, bftan (Mt; ) = beftan
bftansittende idle, Gr 52^2.
-bftian (ea^1, a^2) v. hand-b.
bg = bag
bgen = bgen
bh = bag
bl n. fire, flame, B: funeral pyre, bonfire. ['bale']
blblys, -blyse, -blse f. blaze of a fire, funereal blaze.
blc I. m. pride, arrogance. II. m. covering, cloud? #Ex#73.
blcan to cry out.
+blcan to root up, CPs 79^14.
bldan = bieldan
bldo (CP), bldu = bieldo
blegsa m. terror of fire, Ex 121.
blfr n. 'bale-fire,' funeral or sacrificial fire, B.
blg, blig (NG) == belg
blstede m. place of a funeral pile, B 3097.
bl-racu f. (ds. -rce) violence of fire, Ph 270.
blwudu m. wood for a funeral pile, B 3112.
blwylm m. flames of a funeral-fire, Jul 336.
bm = bm (v. bgen)
bnd == bend
+bne? bones, NC 292.
bnen made of bone, .
br I. gsmn. bares 'bare,' uncovered, Bo: naked, unclothed, Gen. II. pret. 3 sg. of beran.
br I. f. 'bier,' El; : handbarrow, litter, bed, BH, JnR. [beran] II. a pasture? KC (BT). III. = br (AB14233).
+bran to behave, conduct oneself, CP: fare, B 2824: 'exultare,' PPs. ['i-bere']
brbr barbarous, EPs 113^1.
brdisc m. tray, WW. [beran]
bre = bere pres. 1 sing. of beran.
bre- = bere-
-bre suffix (from beran); forms derivatives from substantives, as in cwealmbre. [Ger. -bar]
bre == br
+bre n. manner, behaviour, El: gesture, cry: action. ['i-bere'; beran]
brft barefoot.
brhtm (A) = bearhtm
brlic I. adj. of barley, KC 679^10. II. open, clear, public. adv. -lce.
brmann m. _bearer, porter_, _. ['_berman_']
brn = berern
brnan (e) to cause to burn, kindle, burn, consume, Sol; AO, VPs. [v.'burn']
brnelc (e) n. burnt-offering, PPs.
+brnes f. bearing, manner, WW 529^13.
brnett (y^2) n. burning, burn, cautery, : arson,LL.
brning f. burning: burnt offering, BPs 50^18.
brnsen n. branding-iron, OEG 7^113.
brnnes, brnes f. burning.
bro = bearu
bron pret. pl. of beran.
brs m. a fish, perch, Gl. [Ger. barsch]
+brscipe (LkL) = +borscipe
brst pret. 3 sg. of berstan.
brstl- = brastl-
brsynnig m. notoriously wicked person, publican,NG.
+bru v. +bre.
brwe = bearwe
bst mn.? inner bark of trees, 'bast,' , OET.
bsten made of bast.
bstere = bzere
btan I. to bait, hunt, worry, . [v. 'bait']: (BT) make fast? (Sedgef. = III). II. to beat against the wind? Bo 144^31. [ON. beita] III. to furnish with a bit or bridle, saddle, curb.
+bte, +btel n. bit, bridle, pl. trappings,BH.
btera, bttra = betera
btung () f. beating (against the wind?) (BT), cable (Sedgef.), Bo 144^31.
b n. nap. bau 'bath,' action of bathing, Lcd: laver, AO: liquid in which one bathes, medicinal spring, BH, KC. ganotesb. gannet's bath (i.e. the sea),B.
bcere m. bather.
bere = bzere
bern n. bath-house, NC 272.
bft n. bathing-tub, LL 455[17].
bhs n. bathing-place, .
bian = baian
bsealf f. bathing-salve, Lcd.
bstede m., bstw f. bathing-place, WW.
bweg m. sea.
bzere m. baptiser, baptist. [= L. baptista]
bal- = beal-
balc, balca m. bank, ridge, Bo, WW. ['balk']
ballce (NG) = bealdlce
bal-sam, -samum n. 'balsam,' balm, BH.
balsme f. bergamot, Lcd 390^23.
balsminte f. balsam-mint, water-mint, WW 136^6.
balzam n., balzame f. = balsam
bm dmfn. of bgen.
+ban = +bann
bn n. 'bone,' tusk, Jn, , Gl; AO, CP: the bone of a limb.
bana (o) m. killer, slayer, murderer, B; Chr: the devil: (f.) murderess, A 10155. ['bane']
bnbeorge f. leg-armour, greaves, WW.
bnbryce m. fracture of a bone, Lcd.
bncofa m. the bodily frame.
ban-coa m., -cou f. baneful disease.
band pret. 3 sg. of bindan.
bnece in pain in the thigh, Lcd.
bn-ft n. nap. -fatu body, corpse.
bnfg adorned with bonework (deer antlers?), B 781.
bangr (o) m. murdering spear, B 2031.
bngeberg n. = bnbeorge
bngebrec n. fracture of a bone, An 1439.
bnhelm m. helmet, shield? Fin 30 (v. also brhelm).
bnhring m. vertebra, joint.
bnhs n. body, chest, breast. bnhses weard the mind, Ex 523.
bnlas boneless, Rd 46^3.
bnloca m. joint, limb.
+bann n. proclamation, summons, command, , CP: indiction (cycle of 15 years).
bannan^7 to summon, command, proclaim. b. t call out, Chr.
bannend m. summoner, Gl.
+banngar (-gr) n. indiction, year of the indiction.
bannuc m. a sort of cake, OEG.
bnrift (y) n. leggings, leg-armour, greaves, Gl, WW (-rist).
bnsealf f. salve for pain in the bones, Lcd 138b.
bnsele m. (bone-house), body.
bnwrc m. pain in the bones, WW 200^12.
banweorc n. homicide, murder, LL 244, 32, 4#d#.
bnwyrt f. violet? small knapweed? Lcd.
br () m. 'boar,' Gr.
bara, bare wk. forms of br, adj.
barda m. beaked ship, WW 289^12.
brhelm m. helmet with the image of a boar? Fin 30 (v.also bnhelm).
barian to lay bare, uncover: depopulate, W 310^5. [br I.]
barice = bearrige
barm = bearm
barn I. pret. 3 sg. of biernan. II. = bearn
barrige = bearrige
brspere n. boar spear.
brsprot m. boar spear.
barstlung = brastlung
bar m. barque, 'dromo,' WW 181^29.
bara = barda
baru napn. of br adj.
basilisca m. basilisk, PPs 90^13.
basing m. cloak, .
bsnian to await, expect.
bsnung f. expectation (N).
bastard m. bastard, Chr 1066#d#. [OFr.]
basu (e, ea, eo) gsmn. baswes purple, scarlet, crimson. baswa stn topaz.
basuhwen purple.
+baswian to stain red, ES 33177.
bt I. fm. 'boat', ship, vessel, Chr. II. pret. 3 sg. of btan.
batian to batten, fatten, CP 173^20: heal: grow better,.
btswegen m. boatman, EC 254.
batt bat, cudgel, club, OEG 18b18.
btw = bt
btweard m. ship's watchman, B 1900.
ba = b
baian to wash, lave, 'bathe' (tr. and intr.), give baths (toothers), Lcd; ,AO.
bau v. b.
be- prefix. 1. specializes the meaning of a tr. vb. (asin behn, besettan). =2.=makes an intr. vb. transitive (beswcan, beencan). =3.=is privative (bedlan, belan). =4.=does not alter the meaning (becuman).
be prep. w. d. and instr. (of place) 'by,' near, in, on, upon, with, along, at, to. be eallum altogether. be fullan in full: (oftime) in, about, by, before, while, during: for, because of, in consideration of, by, by means of, through, in conformity with, in comparison with: about, concerning, in reference to: on penalty of. be wihte in any respect. be fullan in excess. be sumum dle partly. be nfealdum single. be twfealdum two-fold. be fullan fully, perfectly. be m mstan at the most. be m (n) e because, as, according as, how. be noran, san to the north, south of.... be ftan = beftan
bacen () n. 'beacon,' sign, token, phenomenon, portent, apparition, JnL (): standard, banner, B.
bacenfr n. beacon fire, lighthouse, OET 180^7().
bacenstn m. stone on which to light a beacon fire,WW.
bacn- = becn-, bcn-
bead = bed
bad I. pret. 3 sg. of bodan. II. (NG) = bod
beado == beadu
beadowig = bdewg
beadu f. gds. beaduwe, beadowe war, battle, fighting, strife.
beaducf bold in battle, Rd 1^11.
beaducrft m. skill in war, An 219.
beaducrftig warlike.
beaducwealm m. violent death, An 1704.
beadufolm f. battle-hand, B 990.
beadugrma m. war-mask, helmet, B 2257.
beaduhrgl n. coat of mail.
beadulc n. war-play, battle.
beaduloma m. (battle-light), sword, B 1523.
beadumgen n. battle strength, force, Ex 329.
beadumce m. battle-sword, B 1454.
beadurs m. rush of battle, Ma 111.
beadurinc m. warrior, soldier.
beadurf strong in battle, renowned in war.
beadurn f. secret of a quarrel, B 501.
beaduscearp keen in battle (sword), B 2704.
beaduscrd n. coat of mail, B 453; 2660?
beadusearo n. war equipment, Ex 572.
beaduserce f. coat of mail, B 2755.
beadurat m. war-band, army, El 31.
beaduwpen n. weapon of war.
beaduwang m. battlefield.
beaduweorc n. work of battle, warlike operation.
beaduwrad (o^2) m. fighting company, Lcd 125b.
beftan I. adv. after, hereafter, afterwards, behind, AO; CP (bi-). ['baft'] II. prep. w. d. after, behind.
bewnian to join in marriage, marry, Chr 1052#d#.[w]
beaftan to lament, MtL 11^17. [= be-hafetian; 'beft']
bag I. (, ) m. _ring_ (as ornament or as money), _coil, bracelet, collar, crown, garland_, _; CP. ['_bee_'; bgan] II. pret. 3 sg. of bgan.
bag-gifa, -gyfa m. ring-giver, lord, king, generous chief.
baggifu (bah-) f. ring-giving.
baghord (h) n. ring-hoard.
baghroden diademed, adorned with rings or armlets.
baghyrne (h) f. corner of the eye, WW 156^41.
bagian () to crown.
bag-sel n., -sele m. hall in which rings are distributed.
bagegu (h) f. receiving of rings, B 2176.
bagwse n. round shape, GD 343^15.
bagwria (h) m. armlet, B 2018.
bah I. = bag. II. pret. 3 sg. of bgan.
beh- = bag-
behsian to ask advice, Bl 199^29; 205^28.
bealan = bealun
bealcan, bealcettan to 'belch,' utter, bring up, splutter out, give forth, emit, Ps; : come forth.
beald (a) 'bold,' brave, confident, strong, Ps; AO, CP: impudent.
bealde adv. boldly, courageously, confidently: without hesitation, immediately.
bealdian to be bold, B 2177. ['bold']
bealdlce 'boldly,' Jul.
bealdnes (a) f. boldness.
bealdor m. lord, master, hero.
bealdwyrde bold of speech, .
beale- = bealu-
bealg, bealh pret. 3 sg. of belgan.
beallucas mp. 'testiculi,' Gl. ['ballock']
bealo = bealu
bealo- = bealu-
bealu I. gs. b(e)al(u)wes n. 'bale,' harm, injury, destruction, ruin, evil, mischief, Sat, Ps, Chr: wickedness, malice: a noxious thing, . II. adj. baleful, deadly, dangerous, wicked, evil.
bealubend m. pernicious bond, W 178^2.
bealubenn f. mortal wound, Ex 238.
bealublonden pernicious, GnE 198.
bealuclomm mf. oppressive bond, Hell 65.
bealucrft m. magic art, Met 26^75.
bealucwealm m. violent death, B 2265.
bealudd f. evil deed, sin.
bealuful 'baleful,' dire, wicked, cruel, Cr.
bealufs prone to sin, Rim 50.
bealu-hycgende , -hdig meditating mischief.
bealuinwit n. deceit, treachery, PPs 54^24.
bealulas harmless, innocent, Chr, Gn. ['baleless']
bealun m. malice, wickedness.
bealurp m. oppressive fetter, Cr 365.
bealusearu n. wicked machination, Jul 473.
bealus m. hurt, adversity: death.
bealusorg f. dire sorrow, Ph 409.
bealuspell n. baleful message, Ex 510.
bealuonc m. evil thought, Jul 469.
bealuwes, bealwes v. bealu.
bam I. m. tree, KC, Rd: 'beam,' rafter, piece of wood, Chr, Mt; CP, Mdf: cross, gallows, Cr: () ship, Rd: column, pillar: sunbeam, Chr, Ps: metal girder, AO. II. (NG) = bme
bamere (Mt) = bmere
bamsceadu f. shade of a tree.
bamtelg m. wood-dye, carbonaceous ink.
bamweg m. road made with logs, BC 1417.
bamwer m. wooden weir? BC 2242.
ban (e) f. 'bean,' pea, legume, Lcd; Mdf.
ban-belgas, -coddas (Lk) mp. bean-pods, husks or cods. [v.'cod']
bancynn n. a kind of bean, WW 205^3.
banen adj. of beans, Lcd 1282^9.
banlag f. land where beans grow, KC 5265. [v.'bean']
banmelu n. bean meal, Lcd 31b.
bansd n. bean seed.
banscalu f. bean-pod, OEG 608.
bar (NG) = bor
bearce () f. barking, Gl.
beard m. 'beard,' VPs; .
+bearded having a beard, GD 279^14.
beardlas beardless, youthful.
bearg I. m. 'barrow' pig, hog, Mt (e), Rd. II. pret. 3 sg. of beorgan.
bearh = bearg I. and II.
bearht == beorht
bearhtm I. (br-, e, eo, y) m. brightness, flash: twinkling (ofan eye), instant. II. == breahtm
bearhtme adv. instantly.
bearhtmhwt swift as the twinkling of an eye, momentary, Az 107(br-).
bearhtmhwl f. moment, twinkling of an eye, point of time,GD.
bearm I. (a) m. lap, bosom, breast, Lk: middle, inside: () possession. II. emotion, excitement? PPs 118. III. = beorma
bearmcl n. apron.
bearmrgl n. apron. [hrgl]
bearmtag yeast-box, LL 455[17].
bearn I. (a, eo) n. child, son, descendant, offspring, issue, B, Mt, TC; AO, CP. lodab. children of men. ['bairn'] II. = barn pret. 3 sg. of biernan. III. pret. 3 sg. of beiernan. IV. = berern
bearnan (N) = biernan
bearncennicge mother, DR.
bearn-aca (CP, ), -acen (CP), -eacnod, -acnigende () pregnant.
bearnende (NG) = biernende ptc. of biernan.
bearngebyrda fp. child-bearing, B 946.
bearngestron n. procreation of children, Rd 21^27.
bearnlas childless, .
bearnlast (^2) f. childlessness.
bearnlufe affection (for a child), adoption, BH 454^11.
bearn-myrra m., -myrre f. murderer or murderess of a child.
bearntam m. offspring, posterity, AO: procreation of children, HL. ['bairnteam']
bearo == bearu
bearrige f? 'braugina,' 'baruina,' Gl.
bears == brs
barscipe = borscipe
bearu gs. bearwes m. grove, wood, BH; CP; Mdf. [berwe]
bearug = bearg
bearuns m. woody shore, Rd 58^5.
bearwe () f. basket, wheelbarrow, LL 455^15.
bearwes v. bearu.
beasu = basu I.
+bat n. scourging, .
batan^7 pret. bot and (rarely) beoft (ES 3828) to 'beat,' strike, thrust, dash, Bo, Bl, Ps: hurt, injure, Da 265: tramp, tread, B.
batere m. beater, boxer, .
baw m. gad-fly, WW.
bebaian to bathe, wash (tr. intr. and refl.).
bebodan^2 to offer, commit, entrust, CP: bid, enjoin, instruct, command, require, , Lk; AO, CP: announce, proclaim. ['bibede']
bebodend m. commander, master, CP.
bebodendlic commanding, imperative, Gr.
bebeorgan^3 to be on one's guard, defend, protect, B. ['bibergh']
beber (WW 11^14) = befer
beberan^4 to carry to, supply with.
bebindan^3 to bind about, bind fast, .
be-birgan, -birigan = bebyrgan
bebtan (bib-) to bite, Cp 251#m#.
beblwan to blow upon.
bebod n. command, injunction, order, decree, Mt; , AO, CP. bebodu the (ten) commandments. ['bibod']
beboddg m. appointed day, A 11102^67.
bebodian wv. = bebodan
bebodrden f. command, authority, LPs 118^110.
bebrdan to spread, cover, MH 44^19.
bebrecan^4 to break to pieces, Sol 295.
bebregdan^3 to pretend, LkL 20^20.
bebrcan^2 to practise: consume (food).
bebgan^2 to flow round, surround, enclose: turn from, shun, avoid, El: reach, extend. ['bibugh']
bebycgan (A) to sell.
bebycgung f. selling, WW.
bebyrdan to fringe, border, WW 375^41.
be-byrgan (AO) -byrian I. _to raise a mound to, bury, inter_, _. ['_bebury_'] II. = bebeorgan
be-byrgednes, -byrig(ed)nes f. burial, burying.
bebyrig- = bebyrg-
bebyrwan (?= -bwan, BT) to rub over, GD 318^3.
bec = bc
bc v. bc.
becfian to ornament, WW 137^22.
+bcan to make over in writing, grant by charter, EC 202.
becc = bc II.
becca m. pick, mattock, WW; . ['beck'; and v.Indog. Forschungen24]
beccen m. buyer, WW (KGl) 75^36. [= bycgend]
bece m. = bc II.
bce (oe) f. 'beech' (tree), Gl. (v.also bc.)
becapian^1 to sell, : buy, .
becefed = becfed, pp. of becfian.
bcen I. 'beechen,' made of beechwood, Lcd, WW. II. (NG) = bacen
beceorfan^3 to cut, cut off, separate, . hafdeb. to behead.
beceorian to murmur at, complain of.
becowan^2 to gnaw in pieces, Soul 111.
becpan I. to take notice of, LPs. II. = becpan
bece pres. 3 sg. of bacan.
becdan to complain of, H 2470^6.
becierran (e, y) to turn, turn round, pass by, avoid, Met; CP: wind, twist: pervert, Chr: give up, betray. ['bicharre']
beclman to plaster over, poultice, Lcd.
beclnsian to cleanse, SPs 18^14.
beclemman to bind, enclose, Sol 71.
beclencan to hold fast, LPs 104^18.
beclsung = beclsung
beclingan^3 enclose, bind, El 696.
beclip (CP) = beclyp pres. 3 sg. of beclyppan.
beclsung = beclsung
beclypian (eo) to accuse, challenge, sue at law, LL. ['beclepe']
beclyppan to clasp, embrace, encompass, hold, .
beclypping f. embrace, OEG.
beclsan to close, shut up, enclose, confine, imprison, . [clse] [[under "cls"]]
beclsung f. enclosure, cell, OEG 1522: period, syllogism, OEG.
bcn == bac(e)n
becnwan^7 to know, RB.
becnedan^5 to knead up, Lcd 93a.
bcnydlic = bcnendlic [[redirected to "bcnendlic"]]
becnyttan to knit, tie, bind, , CP.
becol-a? m., -e? f. spectre, WW 530^33.
bcrding = bcrding
becropan^2 to creep into, crawl, AO: be hidden,.
becst pres. 2 sg. of bacan.
bctrow = bctrow
becuman^4 to happen, befall, : come, approach, arrive, enter, meet with, fall in with, B; , AO, CP: happen, befall, Bo, : (impers.) befit, MkL 14^31. ['become']
bcun (NG) = bacan [[under "bcnan"]]
becwelan^4 to die, LL 400 (1).
becwean^5 to say: speak to, address, exhort, admonish, blame, Ps: 'bequeath,' leave by will, KC;.
becweere m. interpreter, translator, EHy 16 (proem.).
becwyddod bespoken, deposited, WW 115^39.
becwylman? to torment (BT).
becyme m. event, result, BH 372^19.
becpan to sell.
becyrran = becierran
bed I. n. prayer, supplication, , CP: religious ordinance, service, . II. = bedd. III. = bd pret. 3 sg. of biddan.
bedlan _to deprive, strip, bereave of, rob_, _: _release, free from_. ['_bedeal_']
bdan = bodan
+bdan = +bdan
bedbr () f. portable bed, NG.
+bedbigen f. payment for prayers, LL 258 (51). [bycgan]
bedbolster m. bolster, pillow, WW 124^20.
bedbr n. bed-chamber, HGl 481.
bedcleofa (e, i, y) m. bedroom, chamber: lair, Ps.
bed-cofa m., -cofe f. bedchamber.
bedd n. 'bed,' couch, resting-place, Jn, KC; CP: garden-bed, plot, Lcd; Mdf.
+bedda f. consort, wife, B. ['i-bedde']
beddagas mpl. rogation days.
beddcl m. bed-covering; pl. bed-clothes.
beddclyfa = bedcleofa
beddgemna m. cohabitation, CP 99^25.
beddian to make a 'bed,' WW: provide one with a bed, LL.
bedding f. 'bedding,' bed-covering, LPs, WW; : bed.
beddraf = bedraf
beddreda (i, y) = bedreda
beddrest f. bed.
beddstw f. bed, BH 410^12.
be-daglian (-dahl) = bedglian
bedecian to beg, , CP.
bedglian = bedglian
bedlan = bedlan
bedelfan^3 to dig round, Lk: bury, Rood; AO. ['bedelve']
bedelfung f. digging round, WW 149^11.
beden pp. of biddan.
bedpan (VPs) = bedpan
bedeppan = bedyppan
bedfelt mn. bed-covering, RB 91^16.
bedgerid n. (ant's) nest, Lcd 118a.
+bedgiht f. evening, WW 117^8.
bedhs n. chapel, oratory, .
+bedian to pray, worship, BH 408^29.
bedcian to surround with a dyke, embank, fortify, Chr 1016#e#.
bedidrian = bedydrian
bedeglan = bedglian
be-dglian (-dhl-; a, , e) to conceal, hide, obscure, keep secret, : be concealed, lie hid.
bedgling f. secret place, RPs 80^8.
beding = bedding
bedolan (K) = bedeglan
bedpan (, ) to dip, immerse: anoint, CPs 140^5.
+bedmann m. worshipper, priest.
bedn to shut, PPs 147^2. ['bedo']
bedol = bedul
bedrden f. prayer, intercession, .
bedragan v. pp. bedrg.
bedraf n. bed-clothes, bedding, .
bedreda (i, y) m. (and adj.) _'bedridden' (man)_, _.
bedrf = bedraf
bedrosan^2 to overcome, deceive? Gen 528, 823: deprive of, bereave, despoil.
bedrest = beddrest
bedrida = bedreda
bedrfan^1 to drive, beat, strike, assail, AO: follow up, pursue: surround, cover.
bedrincan^3 to drink up, absorb, Lcd.
bedrp n. compulsory service rendered to a landowner at harvest time, LL. ['bedrip']
bedrg beguiled, Gen 602.
bedrgian to dry up, Lcd 1336^4.
bedryda = bedreda
bedrpan to moisten, GPH 391^18.
+bedscipe m. cohabitation, wedlock.
+bedstw f. place of prayer, oratory.
bedstraw n. straw for bedding, L 31^572.
bedtd f. bed-time, WW 176^2.
+bedtd time of prayer, MH 126^18.
bed-egn, -en, m. chamber-servant, chamberlain,WW.
bedu f. asking, prayer, CP. [Goth. bida]
bedfan^2 _immerse, submerge, drown_, _. ['_bedove_']
bedul suppliant, WW 180^12.
bedwhrift n. bed-curtain, Ct.
bedydrian to conceal from, : deceive, .
bedfan to immerse, GD 73^24; CPs 68^16.
bedglan = bedeglan
bedpan = bedpan
be-dyppan (e), to dip, immerse, , Mt. ['bedip']
bedyrnan to conceal. [dierne]
beastan to the east of, AO, Chr.
beastannoran to the north-east of, AO.
beebbian to leave aground by the ebb tide, strand, Chr 897#a#.
beefesian to cut off the hair, L 33^84.
beerf- = beyrf-
befdman = befman
beflon pret. 3 pl. of befolan.
befstan to fasten, fix, ground, establish, make safe, put in safe keeping, , CP: apply, utilize: commend, entrust to, ,CP.
befstnian (ea) to fix, : pledge, betroth.
befttian to fatten, anoint, LPs 140^5.
befman, -mian to encircle, .
befaran^6 to go, go round or among, traverse, encompass, surround, AO: come upon, surprise, catch, LL 230, 13,1.
befealdan^7 to fold, roll up, envelop, clasp, surround, involve, cover, , CP: attach.
befeallan I. (sv^7) to fall, Mt, CP; : deprive of, bereave of: fall to, be assigned to: 'befall,' Gr. II. = befyllan
befeastnian (NG) = befstan
befgan to join, L 23^425.
befelgan = befylgan
befellan = befyllan
befelrd = hefeldrd (HGl 489)
befeohtan^3 to take by fighting, Rd 4^32. ['befight']
befolan^3 to put away, bury: deliver, grant, consign, entrust to, Ps: betake oneself to, apply oneself, devote oneself to, persist, persevere, CP: importune: put up with, be pleased with. ['bifele']
befeolhan = befolan
befon to deprive of property, OEG 3157.
befer (eo, y) m. 'beaver,' Gr (eo); Mdf.
befran to surround, : come upon, overtake, pass by: go about: fall among,NG.
befician to deceive, LL (320^24).
beflan = beflan
befilgan = befylgan
befiod (HGl 480) pp. of befon.
beflan^6 to peel, skin, flay, WW. beflagen flsc entrails. ['beflay']
beflogan^2 to fly upon, BH. ['befly']
beflon^2 (w. a.) to flee from, flee, escape, avoid, Ps; CP. ['beflee']
beflwan^7 to flow round, over, Wif. ['beflow']
befn^7 to surround, clasp, include, envelop, encase, clothe, Bl; , AO, CP: comprehend, seize, attach (atlaw), lay hold of, catch, ensnare, Gen: contain, receive, conceive: explain, CP. wordumb. tell, relate. onb. have to do with, engage in. ['befong']
befor = befer
beforan I. prep. a. (w. d.) (local) 'before,' in front of, in the presence of: (temporal) before, prior to, sooner than. b. (w.a.) before. II. adv. (local) before, in front: (temporal) before, formerly, in former times, earlier, sooner: at hand, openly.
beforhtian to dread, 23b^525.
beftian to cut off one's feet, 25^117.
befrogan to free, liberate, Ps.
be-frnan, -frignan^3 to question, ask, learn, .
befrnung f. inquiry, investigation, OEG 2309.
befrnan = befrnan
beftan = beftan
befullan entirely, completely, perfectly, CP 5^20.
beflan () to befoul, defile, Lcd; . ['befile']
befylgan to follow after, pursue, persevere with, Lcd.
befyllan I. to fell, lay low, strike down: () take by killing, bereave, rob. [feallan] II. to fill up. [full]
bg = bag
bga gmfn. of bgen.
begalan^6 to sing incantations over, enchant, Lcd; . ['bigale']
begn _to go over, traverse_, _: _get to, come by, fall into_: _go to, visit, care for, cultivate_, AO: _occupy_, _, BH, Lcd_: _surround_, _Chr_. tanb. _besiege_: _practise, do, engage in, perform, attend to, be diligent about_, , CP: _honour, serve, worship_: _profess_. on borhb. _pledge oneself_, CP. ['_bego_']
bgan = began
begang m. way, course, circuit, extent: district, region: business, undertaking, practice, exercise, service, reverence, worship: cultivation, GD. [= bgeng]
beganga = bgenga
begangan = begn
begangol (bigeong-) m.? cultivator, LkR: worship,DR.
be-gnnes, -gangnes f. 'calend,' celebration.
begbam m. bramble, thorn-bush.
bge = bgen
bgea = bga
bgean = began
begat I. m. attainment, : acquisitions, property, . II. pret. 3 sg. of begotan.
begm- = begm-
begmen (KGl) = begmen
bgen nm. (but where one thing is m. and the other f. or n., the nom. is b,b), nf. b, nn. b; gmfn. bg(e)a, bgra; dimfn. bm, bm; am. b; af. b; an. b both. v.also bt. ['bo']
begenga = bgenga
begomerian to lament, W 75^15.
begeondan (AO, CP), begeonde, -geonan, prep. w. a. d.; and adv. 'beyond,' on the other side, , Chr,Jn.
begeotan = begietan
begotan^2 to pour over or upon, anoint, infuse, flood (with), sprinkle, cover with fluid, Chr; . ['bigeten'; Ger. begiessen]
beger n. berry, Gl.
beget = begeat pret. 3 sg. of begietan.
begeten pp. of (1) begotan, (2) begietan.
bgian = bagian
begiellan^3 to sing, celebrate, Seaf 24.
begietan^5 (e, i, y) to get, find, acquire, attain, receive, take, seize, AO, CP: happen: beget.
begietend (e) m. one who gets, WW 214^25.
begman () to look after, take care of: do service, attend: take heed, observe.
begmen f. attention, observation.
begming f. invention, device: observance: care, regard, OEG().
begnan^1 to open the mouth wide, swallow.
beginnan^3 _to 'begin,'_ _; AO, CP: _attempt, undertake_, : _attack_,AO.
begir = beger
begirdan = begyrdan
begitan (AO, CP) = begietan
begleddian to befoul, pollute, : stain, dye,.
begldan^1 to leave, desert, PPs 56^1.
begnagan^6 to gnaw.
begneor? attentive, BH 370^2 (?= *becneord, BT).
begndan^1 to rub thoroughly, Lcd 50a.
begnornian to mourn for, B 3179.
begong = begang
bgra gmfn. of bgen.
begrtan = begrtan
begrafan^5 to bury, El 835. ['begrave']
begrtan to lament, PPs 77^63.
begrindan^3 to grind, polish, sharpen: deprive of, rob.
begrpan^1 to grip, seize: chide, Ps. ['begripe']
begriwen ptc. steeped in, .
begroren overwhelmed, Sat 52.
begrornian = begnornian
begrynian to ensnare, entrap. [grn]
begm- = begm-
begyrdan to gird, clothe, : surround, fortify,CP.
begytan = begietan
bh = bag, bah
behabban to include, hold, surround, comprehend, contain, AO, CP: detain, withhold.
behdian to unfrock (a priest), LL.
behfednes f. restraint, temperance.
behpsian to fasten a door, L 31^214.
behs f. promise, vow, Chr 1093. [v. 'behest']
behttian to scalp, : make bald.
behaldan = behealdan
behamelian to mutilate, hamstring, : strip naked?
behammen 'clavatus,' (of shoe) patched (BT), studded with nails (Napier), GD 37^13.
beht n. promise, vow, : threat.
behtan^7 (often w. d. pers.) _to promise, vow, pledge oneself_, _; CP: _threaten_. ['_behight_']
behtland n. promised land, GD 204^12.
behwian to see clearly, take care, consider, Mt. ['bihowe']
behafdian to 'behead,' Mt; , AO.
behafdung f. beheading, .
behafodlic capital (punishment), OEG 4042.
behealdan^7 to hold, have, occupy, possess, guard, preserve, KC; CP: contain: keep, observe, consider, Bl, Ps; AO, CP: to 'behold,' look at, gaze on, observe, see, Gen; , CP: signify, : avail, effect: take care, beware, be cautious, CP: act, behave.
behealdend m. beholder, spectator, BH 26^23.
behealdennes f. observance, DR: continence,DR.
behealdnes f. regard, observation, .
behawan^7 to cut, chip, chop, beat, CP: cut off from, depriveof.
behdan (KGl) = behdan
be-hfe, -hf(e)lic suitable, proper, necessary,.
behfnes f. convenience, utility.
behelan^4 to cover over, hide.
beheldan = behealdan
behelian to cover over, conceal, bury, CP.
behelmian to cover over, Sol 104.
behofian to lament.
be-heonan, -heonon prep. (w. d.) and adv. on this side of, close by.
be-hot, -ht, pret. 3 sg. of behtan.
behicgan = behycgan
behdan = behdan
behdiglce = behdiglce
behienan (Chr) = beheonan
behildan to depart, EPs 138^19.
behindan I. prep. (w. d., a.), adv. 'behind,' after, Chr, etc.;CP.
be-hinon, -hionan = beheonan
behring = behrung
behwian to dissimulate, RBL 16^7.
behlmman = behlemman
behlnan to surround.
behlf f. remainder, . [= *belf]
behlapan^7 to leap upon, settle on, fix upon, devote oneself to,CP.
behlehhan = behlyhhan
behlemman to dash together.
behldan^1 to close, cover over, , AO.
behliden = beliden, pp. of belan.
behlyhhan^6 (e) to deride, exult over, Gu. ['bilaugh']
behlan to rob, deprive of, Rd 15^10.
behf n. behoof, profit: need, want, OEG 27^34.
behfian (abs. and w. g.) to have need of, require, want, BH, Lcd; CP, : (impers.) it behoves, concerns, belongs, is needful or necessary, MtL, Jn. ['behove']
behflic necessary, MkL. ['behovely']
behogadnes f. practice, WW 427^37.
behogian to care for, RB. ['bihogien']
behogod careful, prudent, DR. adv. -lce.
behn^7 to hang round, CP. ['behung']
behorsian to deprive of horses, Chr.
behrosan^2 to fall: cover, shelter. behroren pp. divestedof.
behrowsian _to rue, repent of, make amends_, _: _compassionate_, . ['_bireusy_']
behrowsung f. _repentance, penitence_, _. ['_bireusing_'] |