A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary - For the Use of Students
by John R. Clark Hall
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wyrn = wearn

wyrnan = wiernan

wyrp m. a throw, cast, Lk 22^41.

wyrpan = wierpan

wyrpe (= ie) m. revolution, change, recovery, relief, improvement. [weorpan]

+wyrpe n. heap? KC 578^29; Mdf.

wyrpel m. jess (in falconry), Wy 87 (v.ES 37195).

-wyrplic v. scort-w.

wyrpst, wyrp pres. 2 and 3 sg. of weorpan and wyrpan.

wyrrest = wierrest

wyrs == wiers

wyrshrcung = wyrmshrcing

wyrsman = wyrmsan

wyrst = (1) wrist; (2) wierrest

wyrt (e, i) f. herb, vegetable, plant, spice, AO, CP: crop: root. ['wort']

wyrtbedd m. bed of herbs, Lcd.

+wyrtbox f. herb or perfume box.

wyrtbr m. fragrance, .

wyrtcynn n. species of plant.

wyrtcynren n. the vegetable world, LPs 146^8.

wyrtdrenc m. herbal drink, medicine.

wyrteceddrenc m. herbal acid drink, Lcd 63b.

wyrtft n. scent-bottle, OEG.

wyrtforbor n. restraint from action by the operation of herbs (BT), Lcd 111b.

wyrtglstre f. witch who works with herbs, Lcd 3186^11.

wyrtgeard m. (kitchen) garden, CPs 143^13.

wyrt-gemang () n., -gemengnes f. mixture of herbs, spices, perfume.

wyrtgyrd = wyrtgeard

wyrtian to season, spice, perfume.

wyrtig garden-like? full of herbs? L 30^312.

wyrtmete m. dish of herbs, pottage, WW.

wyrt-rum, wyrt-(t)ruma m., -rume f. root, root-stock, CP: origin, beginning, stock. [v.CC68]

wyrtrumian to take root: (+) root out, DR.

wyrttn, wyrtn () m. garden.

wyrttnhege f. garden enclosure, GD 67^18.

wyrtung f. a preparation of herbs, Lcd 1342^25.

wyrtwala (i, eo, u^1; , e^2) m. root, stock, base.

wyrtwalian (^2) to set, plant, root: root up, Gr.

wyrtwalu f. = wyrtwala

wyrtweard m. gardener, GD 23; Jn 20^15.

wyrtwela = wyrtwala

wyr == weor

wyran to irrigate with manure, A 3677.

+wyran I. (= ie) to value, appraise. II. = +weoran

wyre = weor

+wyre (= ie) n. bulk, contents, amount, Lcd.

wyreland = yrland

wyrig I. fitting, deserved, AO 256^11. II. = worig

wyring m. fallow land? cultivated land? WW 495^20.

wyruld- = woruld-

wys- = wis(s)-

wscan () (w. d. pers. and g. thing) to 'wish,' , AO, CP: adopt.

+wscednes f. adoption, RBL 11^14.

+wscendlic desirable, CM 109: optative (mood), Gr. adv. -lce.

+wscing () f. adoption, RB 10^2.

wsdm () = wsdm

wyt = wit pron.

wyt- = wit-

wt- = wt-

wytt = wit pron.

wytuma m. paranymph, A 1330^82. [= witumbora? (BT)]

wy- = wi-

wyx pres. 3 sg. of weaxan.


ybilberende (OEG 53^16) = yfelberende

can, cean = ecan

yce f. 'parruca,' a kind of bird, WW 468^22 (v.ANS 119434).

ce () fm. toad, frog.

cte pret. 3 sg. of can.

dges = dges

ddisc n? household stuff, furniture, possessions, . [ad]

de = ode

del == del

ydes = ides

disc = ddisc

dl- = dl-

yfsdrype = yfesdrype

yfel I. adj. gsm. yfel(e)s bad, ill, Bl, Lcd, Mt: 'evil,' wicked, wretched, Bl, CP, Mt. comp. wiersa, wyrsa worse. superl. wierrest(a), wiersta, weorsta, wyr(re)sta worst, , AO. II. n. 'evil,' ill, wickedness, misery, B, Bl, CP, G, VPs.

yfeldl f. 'cachexia,' consumption, WW 113^13.

yfelberende (ybil-) bringer of evil tidings, OEG 53^16 (v.ANS 85310).

yfelcund evil, malignant, LPs.

yfelcwedolian () to speak evil, ERPs 36^22.

yfel-cweende, -cweelgiende (EPs) evil-speaking, SPs 36^23.

yfeldd f. ill deed, injury, .

yfeldda m. evildoer, .

yfeldde evil-doing.

yfeldma m. wicked judge, NC 335.

yfeldnd m. evildoer, JnL 18^30.

yfeldnde evil-doing, LL (424^20).

yfeldysig 'stultomalus,' WW 165^18.

yfele = yfle

yfelful malicious, wicked, A 11116^13.

yfelgiornes f. malice, wickedness, DR.

yfelian to inflict evil, hurt, wrong, injure, Ps: become bad, grow worse, suffer, W. ['evil']

yfelic, yfellic evil, bad, foul, ugly. adv. -lce.

yfellrrende persuading to evil, GPH 390.

yfelnes f. _wickedness, depravity_, _; CP. ['_evilness_']

yfelsacend m. blasphemer (eoful-).

yfelsacian to blaspheme, Bl 189; GD 289.

yfelsacung f. calumny, blasphemy.

yfelsc (eoful-) n? blasphemy, El 524.

yfelsian (ebol-) to blaspheme.

yfel-sprce, -sprecende evil-speaking.

yfelsung (ebol-) f. blasphemy.

yfeltihtend m. inciter to evil, .

yfeltihtende inciting to evil, .

yfelwillende vicious, , CP.

yfelwillendnes f. malice, LPs.

yfelwilnian to desire evil, LPs.

yfelwoerc n. evil deed, DR 103^1.

yfelwyrcende evil-doing, .

yfelwyrde evil-speaking, ES 39354.

yfemest superl. adj. highest, uppermost, CP. [ufan]

yfera = yferra

yferdrype = yfesdrype

yferra comp. adj. after, subsequent: higher. [ufan]

yfes f. = efes

yfesdrype (^2) m. 'eaves-drop,' EC 141^16.

fig = fig

yfle adv. (comp. wirs) evilly, badly, ill, wrongly, miserably, G, Ps. ['evil']

yflian = yfelian

yflung f. injury, GD 197^12.

yfmest = yfemest

ygett = igga

gland = gland

gelce = eelce

hte = hte

l = l

ylca () = ilca

ylcian = elcian

yld == ield

yle = ile

ylf = lf

ylfe = ielfe

ylfet, ylfetu, ylfette () = ilfetu

ylful (HGl 529) = ieldful

ylp m. elephant, WW; . ['elp']

ylpen (i) of an elephant.

ylpen- = elpen(d)-

ylpesbn = elpendbn

yltsta = ieldesta wk. masc. superl. of eald.

yltwist f? catching of birds, WW 351^6.

ym- = ymb-, ymbe-

ymb = ymbe

ymbrnan to travel round, BH 28^8.

ymbbegang = ymbgang

ymbbeorgan^3 to shield, defend.

ymbberan^4 to surround.

ymbbgnes (bebg-) f. bending round, bend, circuit, sweep (ofa river), BH 424^10. [began]

ymbbindan^3 to bind round, MkL 9^42.

ymbbgan^2 to bend round.

ymbcfian to embroider round, bedeck.

ymbceorfan^3 to circumcise, NG.

ymbceorfnes f. circumcision, JnR 7^23 (-cernes).

ymbcerr (= ie) m. turning about, going, migration, NG: tergiversation, trickery,DR.

ymbcerran = ymbcyrran

ymbclyccan to enclose, RPs 16^10 (v. ES 3825).

ymbclyppan (i) to embrace, clasp, .

ymbclypping f. embracing, OEG 4529 (emc-).

ymbcyme m. assembly, convention, LL 12 (ymc-).

ymbcyrran (e^2) to turn round, go round, make the circuit of: overturn, change,NG.

ymbdringend = ymbhringend

ymbe I. prep. w. a. d. and adv. (of place) around, about, at, upon, near, along, Chr: (oftime) about, at, after, before. ymb utan about, by, around: (causal, etc.) about, in regard to, concerning, on account of, owing to. s y. ltel soon after. y.bon to set about a thing. ['embe'] II. n. swarm of bees, Lcd 1384^17; Mdf.

ymbe- = ymb-

ymbeaht mp. 'collatio,' WW; OEG 53^22 (v. ES 11492).

ymbeardian to dwell round, VPs 30^14.

ymbebtan to curb, restrain, Met 24^37.

ymbebgnes = ymbbgnes

ymbeornan = ymbiernan

ymbesprc f. conversation, comment, remark, criticism,.

ymbe-anc, -onc, -anca m. thought, reflection,CP.

ymbeencan = ymbencan

ymberidian to deliberate, think about, NC 335.

ymb-fr (embef-) n., -freld () nm. journey round, circuit.

ymbfstnes f. enclosure, DR.

ymbfstnung f. monument, tomb, JnL 19^41.

ymbfmian to embrace.

ymbfaran^6 to surround, AO 80^26: travel round, GD 490^3.

ymbfeng I. m. envelope, cover, OEG 468. II. pres. 3 sg. of ymbfn.

ymbfran to go about, journey round, A 4156; GPH 396.

ymbflogan^2 to fly around.

ymbfn^7 to surround, encompass, embrace, grasp, seize,AO.

ymbfrtewian to decorate, surround with adornment.

ymb-gan anv., -gangan^7 to go round, surround.

ymbgang (eo^2) m. going about, circuit, circumference, surrounding belt,AO.

ymbgearwian to clothe, dress, NG.

ymbgedelf n. digging round, H 2408^11.

ymb-gefrtwian, -gefretwian (VPs) = ymbfrtewian

ymbgeong (N) = ymbgang

ymbgeoting? f. pouring round, OEG (in-, yn-).

ymbgernian to adorn or deck round, BlPs 143^15.

ymb-gesett, -geseten neighbouring, BH 2362.

ymbgesettan = ymbsettan

ymbgirdan = ymbgyrdan

ymbgong == ymbgang

ymbgyrdan (i) to gird about, encircle, surround,.

ymbhabban to surround, AO: include, contain.

ymbhaga m. enclosure for bees, Lcd 1395^4. [ymbeII.]

ymbhaldan = ymbhealdan

ymbhammen surrounded, covered, WW 340^14.

ymbhangen pp. of ymbhn.

ymbhealdan^7 to encompass, Sat 7.

ymbhapian to heap round, crowd about, WW.

ymbhdig = ymbhdig

ymbhegian to hedge round, .

ymbhpan = ymbhpan

ymbhwan (WW 381^2) = ymbhpan

ymbhlennan (emb-) to surround, OEG 24.

ymbhoga m. care, anxiety, solicitude, consideration,CP.

ymbhogian to be anxious about, LPs.

ymbhn^7 to surround, deck, clothe.

ymb-hringan to surround, fence round, CP: wind round,WW.

ymbhringend m. attendant, member of a retinue, Gl.

ymbhung = ymbhwung

ymbhwearft = ymbhwyrft [[headword spelled "ymbhwyrf"]]

ymbhweorfan^3 (e^2, u^2) to turn round, revolve go round, encompass: tend, cultivate,CP.

ymbhweorfnes f. change, revolution, DR 37^18.

ymbhweorft (e^2) = ymbhwyrft [[headword spelled "ymbhwyrf"]]

ymbhwerf- (u^2, y^2) = ymbhweorf-

ymbhwyrf (e, ea, eo, i) m. rotation, revolution, turn: circle, extent, environment, circuit, orbit, , CP: circle of the earth, orb, globe, world, , AO: region, district: cultivation,.

ymbhycgan to think about, reflect on, consider.

ymb-hde-, -hdi- = ymbhdig-

ymbhdig anxious, solicitous, careful, suspicious: to be observed, needing attention, . adv. -lce.

ymbhdiglic anxious, careful, solicitous. adv. -lce.

ymbhdignes f. anxiety, solicitude, .

ymbhygd f. anxiety, Bl, GD.

ymbhygdig = ymbhdig

ymbhpan to press round, assail.

ymbhwung (-hung) f. circumcision, JnL 7^22.

ymbiernan^3 (io, y) to run round.

ymbldan to lead round, OET (VHy 7^18).

ymblrgian (emb-) to provide with a rim, surround, OEG 8^377. [lrig]

ymblicgan^5 to surround, enclose, AO.

ymblan^1 to sail round, BH 408^25.

ymblcian to look round, NG.

ymblofian to praise, LPs 116^1.

ymblyt m. circle, circuit, circumference, #Sat#7?

ymbren n. 'Ember-'tide, Ember-day, Lk, LL. [ymbryne]

ymbrendg m. Ember-day.

ymbrene = ymbryne

ymbrenfsten n. periodical fast (at Ember-tide),.

ymbren-wice, -wuce f. Ember-week, LL 78[43].

ymbrigdg = ymbrendg

ymbrine = ymbryne

ymbryne (e^2, i^2) m. revolution, circuit, course, anniversary, : lapse of time,.

ymbscawian to look round, NG.

ymbscawiendlce adv. circumspectly, BH 450^21.

ymbscawung f. 'circumspectio,' looking round,DR.

ymbscnan^1 to shine round, .

ymbscran^1 to revolve about, Met 20^208.

ymbscrdan to clothe, . [scrd]

ymbscwan to screen, defend ('obumbrare'), EPs 139^8.

ymbscnan = ymbscnan

ymbsan (N) = ymbson II.

ymbsellan to surround, enclose, beset, .

ymbson I. sv^5 to look round. II. f. beholding, regard.

ymb-set, -setl n. siege.

ymbsetennes f. siege.

ymbsetnung f. sedition: siege.

ymbsett neighbouring, BH 362.

ymbsettan to set round, surround, beset, encompass, : plant.

ymb-sierwan, -sirwan pres. 3 sg. -sire to design, plot, CP: lay in wait for.

ymbsittan^5 to set round, surround, invest, besiege, , AO, CP: sit over, reflect upon.

ymbsittend m. one living near, neighbour.

ymbsmagung (embe-) f. consideration, WW 165^28.

ymbsn, ymbsniden, pret. 3 sg. and pp. of ymbsnan.

ymbsnidennes f. circumcision, .

ymbsnan^1 to circumcise, .

ymbspnning f. allurement, NC 335.

ymbspannan^7 to span or clasp round, embrace, BH 392^6.

ymbsprc f. conversation, comment, criticism, .

ymbsprce spoken about, well known.

ymbsprecan^3 to speak about, Lk 19^7.

ymbstandan^6 to stand around, surround.

ymbstandend m. bystander, (emb-).

ymb-standennes, -standnes f. 'circumstantia,' Pss.

ymbstrcan to smooth round, Lcd 36b.

ymbstyrian to stir about, overturn, LkL 15^8.

ymbswpe f. digression, WW 5^28.

ymbswpan^7 to sweep round, environ: envelop, clothe.

ymbswpe = ymbswpe

ymbswfan^1 to revolve round, NC 352.

ymbsyllan = ymbsellan

ymbsyrwan = ymbsierwan

ymb-trymian, -trymman (, CP) to surround: fortify, protect.

ymbtrymming m. fortification, .

ymbtnan to hedge round, surround, W 146^27. [tn]

ymbtyrnan to turn round: surround.

ymbeahtian to consider, reflect, CP.

ymbencan to think about, consider, CP.

ymbonc = ymbeanc

ymbreodian (embryd-) to deliberate, Gl.

ymbreodung (i, y) f. deliberation, consideration.

ymbringan^3 to press round, throng about.

ymbringend = ymbhringend

ymbrydung = ymbreodung

ymbtan prep. (w. a.) and adv. around, about, outside, beyond, AO,CP.

ymbwfan to clothe, LPs 44^15.

ymbwrian to turn (oneself) about, turn towards,NG.

ymbweaxan^6 to grow round, surround, AO.

ymbwendan to turn round: turn away, avert.

ymbwendnes f. transmutation, change.

ymbwendung f. reviving, quickening: behaviour,DR.

ymbweorpan^3 to surround, An 1555.

ymbwcigan to surround, beleaguer, Ex 65.

ymbwindan^3 to clasp round, hold: wind round.

ymbwltian to contemplate, 145^12.

ymbwltung f. contemplation, .

ymbwrtan^1 to score round, circumscribe, Lcd 124a.

ymbwyrcan to hedge in, wall in, CP: weave, MtL 27^29.

ymbyrnan = ymbiernan

ymcyme = ymbcyme

ymel (, e) m. weevil, mite, beetle, caterpillar, Gr; GD(e).

ymele, ymle f. scroll, .

ymen m. 'hymn,' sacred song, Bl, Pss. [L. hymnus]

ymenbc f. book of hymns, BH 484^23.

ymener = ymnere

ymensang m. hymn, GD, AJPs.

ymesne blind, H 1418^22.

ymest = yfemest

ymle () = ymele

ymmon, ymn = ymen

ymnere m. hymn-book, EC 250. ['hymner'; L. hymnarium]

ymnyttan = emnettan [[redirected to "efenetan"]]

mon = men [[headword spelled "ymen"]]

ymryne = ymbryne

yn- = in-

ynce m. 'inch,' LL, Sol. [L. uncia]

yndse f. ounce, AO: piece of money, shekel. [L. uncia]

yngrian = hyngrian [[under "hyngran"]]

ynn- = inn-

ynnelac (ene-, yne-, ynni-) n. onion, Gl.

ynse, yntse () = yndse

yplen (WW) = ypplen

yppan to bring out, open, manifest: disclose, display, reveal, betray, CP: come forth, be disclosed: (+) utter.

yppe I. (u) f. upper room: raised place, high seat, tribune: stage, platform, WW 150^9. II. evident, known, open, manifest.

ypping f. manifestation: accumulation, extent, expanse? Ex 498.

yppingren (ip-) n. crowbar? LL 455^15 (or ? cippingren ANS 115164).

ypplen n. top, height, OEG 2862.

ypte pret. 3 sg. of yppan.

r I. m. name of the rune for y: bow?: gold? horn? Run 27. II. m. back of axe, Chr 1012.

yrcu = iergu

yrd = eard

yrd- = yr-

re (pl. ran) f. a coin of Danish origin, BC 3371^2.

ren = ren

yreweorh (Jul 90?) = ierreweorh

yrfan to inherit: leave (by will).

yrfcwealm (a^2) m. murrain, Chr 986#ce#. [orf]

yrfe = ierfe

yrfebc fp. will, testament, .

yrfecwealm = yrfcwealm

yrfefyrst m. legal formality or delay before entering on an inheritance, WW 115^3.

yrfegedl n. division of an inheritance, .

yrfegeflit n. dispute about an inheritance, EC 145^16.

yrfegewrit n. will, testament, charter, EC 145.

yrfehand (e^1) f. natural successor, EC 111^14.

yrfelf f. bequest, inheritance: heir, Ex 403.

yrfeland n. inherited land, CP (ie).

yrfelas unprovided with cattle, TC 162^27 (ie).

yrfe-numa, -nama (MF 179) mf. heir, successor, .

yrfestl m. hereditary seat, home.

yrfeweard m. heir, son, AO, CP (ie).

yrfeweardian to inherit, CLSPs.

yrfeweardnes f. heritage, CP (ie).

yrfeweardwrtere, yrfewrtend m. will writer, testator,.

yrfweard- = yrfeweard-

+yrgan = eargian

[[main entry is eargian]]

yrg, yrgo, yrhu = iergu

yrm- = eorm-, ierm-

yrnan = iernan

yrre == ierre

yrs- = iers-

yrsebin f. iron box, LL 455[17] (?= sern, BT).

yr (ea; = ie) f. ploughing, tilling, LL: standing corn, crop, produce, BH. ['earth']

yrland (, ie) n. arable land, CD, WW; . ['earthland']

yrling (, e, eo, i) m. husbandman, farmer, ploughman, WW; : wagtail? ANS 119434. ['earthling']

yrtilia = eortilia

ys = is, v. wesan.

s == s

ysel = esol

ysele = ysle [[spelled "sle" under "sl"]]

sen = sen

sern = sern

sl, sle f. _spark, ember_, _. ['_isel_']

yslende glowing, WW 235^28.

ysope f., ysopo (indecl.) 'hyssop,' , Lcd, VPs.

st f. storm, tempest, hurricane, AO, CP.

stan to storm, rage, OEG.

stas = stas np. of st.

stig stormy, of the storm.

yt = itt pres. 3 sg. of etan.

tan I. to drive out, banish, Chr 1058#d#: squander, dissipate, RB 55^4. [t] II. = tan

Ytas = Iotas [[headword spelled "otas"]]

temest superl. adj. uttermost, extreme, last, AO, CP. on temestum se 'in extremis.' [te]

tend m. devastator, WW 232^37.

yteren made of otter-skin, AO 18^21. [otor]

terra = terra [[under "tera"]]

yte = ite, pres. 3 sg. of etan.

ting f. outing, journey, .

t-mest, -mst = temest

ytst, ytt = itst pres. 2 sg., itt pres. 3 sg., of etan.

ttera, ttra = ter(r)a

I. f. wave, billow, flood, , CP: () sea: liquid, water. II. = e

- = a-, e-

an = (1) an; (2) gian

bord n. ship? ship's side? #Cra#57.

eg = ig

egan = gian

faru f. wave-course, flood.

gebland n. wave-mixture, surge.

gewinn n. wave-strife, life in the waves.

gian to fluctuate, flow, surge, CP: roar, rage.

gung = ung

hengest m. (wave-horse), ship, Chr 1003#e#.

hof n. water-dwelling, ship.

ian () = gian

ig billowy, stormy, L 16^70.

ld f. sea-voyage, B 228.

lf f. sand, shore, beach.

lid n. ship, vessel.

lida m. wave-traverser, ship, B 198.

mearh m. sea-horse, ship.

mere m. ocean of waves, Ph 94.

ung f. agitation, commotion, : inundation,.

wrigende wandering on the waves, WW 243^3.

wan, wian = ewan


* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Errors in Anglo-Saxon words were treated more conservatively than those in the modern text. The most common change was adding or removing a macron in cross-references:

Printed text ms (K) = ms, v. mus. Cross-referenced entry ms f. gs. ms, mse, nap. ms 'mouse,' ...

Since both headwords have a long vowel, the cross-reference was changed to match. All apparent errors, whether corrected or not, are listed below in [[double brackets]]. The author's corrections and additions are not repeated unless there is an error in the correction itself.

Most errors are trivial, such as missing or incorrect punctuation or misplaced italics. The word "invisible" in corrections means that there is an appropriately sized blank space in the printed text. Punctuation at the end of entries was silently regularized, and missing or invisible periods (full stops) after standard abbreviations such as "m." or "pl." were silently supplied. Other errors in punctuation or typography are listed separately, after the more substantive errors.

In references to the OED ("New English Dictionary"), hyphenization does not always correspond to the OED form. These inconsistencies were left as printed; words split at line-end were not generally checked against their OED form.


Sc = Defensor's Liber Scintillarum [[printed SC in list, but always Sc in body text]]

Author's Additions and Corrections:

rendung ... [[body text has "rendung"]] sanian ... [[body text has "snian"]] +bearded having a beard ... [[r in "beard" invisible]] besceawere ... [[body text has "bescawere"]] cwme- = cwm- [[cwem-]] +fadung ... [[body text has "fadung"]] flogettan ... [[body text has "floggettan"]] forecweden aforesaid, GD 12; 344. [[error for 344^12?]] forltednes (GD 227^16) = forltennes [[error for in both?]] hselbox ... [[huselbox]]

Dictionary Text:

blisian () = blysian [[blsian]] cgan = cgan [[acgan]] cwnan^1 ... [[acwnan]] celma m. chilblain, OEG, WW. [[celma]] fst = wfst [[wfst]] hwr, -hwr = hwr [[hwr]] ig = g [[error for "g"?]] lc [lc, ylc (#VPs#); v. 'each'] [[elc]] nlp- = nlp- [[nlep-]] scre unshorn, untrimmed. [scieran] [[error for "scre"?]] stnan = stnan [[stnan]] tere (^1) m. 'eater,' glutton, Prov;NG. [["Prov" unchanged]] gryndan [[grndan]] lifian = libban [[alibban]] lfed- = lefed- [[alefed-]] anihst last, in the last place. [[error for "anhst"?]] racsian = rsian [[rasian]] rgifa m. giver of benefits, #Cra#11. [[#Craft#]] sceortian = scortian [[ascortian]] sparian to preserve, GD 159^24. [[sparin]] strian = ostrian [[aostrian]] rescan = erscan [[aerscan]] wrnian ... [[error for "warnian"?]] awel m. hook, fork, #Gl#. [[error for "wel"?]] wendedlic = wendendlic [[wendendlc]] wierg-an, -ian ... , Mt, CP; VPs. [[VP]]

-bdere v. ned-b. [[nied-b.]] benman ... [niman] [[nman]] bgegnes = bgengnes [[bigengnes]] bisc n? m? wallet, MtR 10^10. [L. bisaccium] [[LL.]] bisceophd ... CPPs. [[error for CPs, PPs?]] bloh = blo [[bleoh]] brostgebeorh m. bulwark, WW 466^14. [[breostgebeorh]] brycgwyrcende 'pontifex'! DR 194^16. [[exclamation mark in original]] bgel = bogol [[beogol]] +byrtid = +byrdtd [[error for "+byrtd"?]] byrnenu f. midwife, GPH 392. [[error for "-inenu"?]]

cece (MtLR) = cace [[error for "ceice"?]] cellender n., cellendre f. = celendre [[= cellendre]] cepehs (^1) n. storehouse, WW 186^11. [[cepehus]] cl = cla, clawu [[clwu]] crsten m. crst(e)na f. 'Christian,' AO. [[crst(e)na m.]] cwelm = cwealm (but v. MFH 106), cwielm- [[- missing or invisible]]

ddbtnes = ddbtnes [[ddbetnes]] dgrima m. _dawn, daybreak, morning_, _. [['_day-rim_']] [[dayrim _i.e. misprinted as simple cross-reference rather than OED citation_]] drohtung f. [[drohtnung]] +drsian ... [dere] [[dire]]

acan = ecan [[ecan]] ealdlandrden [[ealdlandrden]] earcnanstn = eorcnanstn [[eorsnanstn]] arelipprica = arliprica [[arliprca]] astan, astane [[eastane]] amde = (1) amd, (2) amdu [[eamdu]]

fmblwende v. lg-f. [[lig-f.]] -felma v. ger-f. [[ger-f.]] frbld = frbld [[frbld]] -fyrede v. twi-, ri-f. [[-frede]] fyrhtnes f. fear, AO. [[fryhtnes]]

gabote (u^2) f. side-dish, EGl. [[L. gabata]] [[EGl printed as shown: error for Erf?]] gt ... II. = get [[giet]] gorettan ... pour forth, emit, GPH 398. [[pour fourth]] gfona = gfana [[gufana]] ggetwe = ggeatwe [[gugeatwe]]

hengetrow (enge-) n. gallows, GPH 395. [[hengetreow]] heregeatland n. heriot-land, LL 220. [[L 220]] ho v. h. [[he]] hit v. h. ['it'] [[ht]] hlford-swcung (MFN 167; W 225^28) [[MFN as shown]] +hnyst contrite, PsC 127. [[error for CPs?]] hrron pret. pl. of hrran. [[hreran]] hrst pres. 3 sg. of hrosan. [[hosan]] hundtwelftig num. hundred and twenty, ,AO. [[error for "hundred and twelve"?]] hweder = hwider [[hwder]] -hwielfan (e, y) v. -, be-, of-hw. [hwealf] [b] hwlum ... [['whilom']] [[whilom i.e. misprinted as simple cross-reference rather than OED citation]] hyscan (ea, i) [[spelled "hscan" in 3 of 5 cross-references, compound "onhscan"; first edition also has "hscan"]]

gbend = egbend [[egbuend]] innwritting (LkL) = onwrting [[onwriting]]

lgt = lget [[liget]] -lnung v. feoh-l. [[foh-l.]] -lppede v. ff-l. [[fif-l.]] lasbregd == lasbrd [[leasbrd]] -lendisc v. dn-, p-, re-, t-l. [[up-, re-, ut-l.]] lming f. smearing, plastering, WW. ['liming'] [[limng]]

magogeogu f. youth, Cr 1429. [[Cri]] manof m. man-stealer, v. LL 2542. [[L 2542]] mealehs = meluhs [[meluhus]] megol == meagol [[meago]] ms (K) = ms, v. ms. [[mus]] mha (Cp) = mga [[muga]]

nad- v. also ned-, nd-. [[ned]] nge- = nigo- [[error for "nige-"?]] +nycled (Gl) = +cnycled [[+cyncled]]

ongefstnian = onfstnian [[onfstian]] onhscan () ... [hsc] [[husc]] oportanie = aprotane [[aprtane]] sle f. ... [amsel] [[error for "Ger. amsel"?]]

+rdelce = +rdlce [[+rdlce]] rning = hrning [[hrnung]]

-sagol v. las-, s-, wr-s. [[wr-s.]] sh ... II. pret. 3 sg. of son. [["of" missing]] -snian v. -s. [[a-s.]] scofan = scfan [[scufan]] scwyrhta = scowyrhta [[sceowyrhta]] scofen pp. of scufan. [[error for "scfan"?]] searocne very bold, #PsC#10. [[error for "#CPs#"?]] soc ... FAp,Gu. [[FatAp]] -soung (u) v. ag-s. [[eag-s.]] -sncce v. twi-s. [[tw-s.]] swwian = sgian, swgian [[error for "sugian"?]]

tilia, tilig(e)a (y) m. tiller, workman, hand ... [[hind]] tcleofian = tclifian [[toclifian]] tgenalcan = tnalcan [[tnealcan]] tscyl-lan, -ian [[trscyl-lan]] trilidi = rili [[i and mismatched as shown]] twlic () = twolic [[tweolic]] tymp- = timp- [[tymb-]]

egnlic noble, brave, loyal, . adv. -lice. [[printed as shown: error for "-lce"?]] owen, owene = owe [[eowe]] rand == raned [[ranied]]

un-rfned, -rfne(n)dlic [[un-arfned]] unsc-ende (e), -ig innocent, harmless. [[unsc-nde]] unscyldiglic ... #Bk#12. [[Bk]] unsidelice immodestly, NC 330. [[printed as shown: error for "-lce"?]] unt-dlend-, dl-, dl-, -dlen- = unt-dled- [[unt-dled-]] unwerlce = unwrlce [[unwrlice]] pyrne = pryne [[upryne]]

wglende seafaring. [[error for "wglende"?]] wgrift (e, y) n. wall-hanging, tapestry, vail, curtain. [[variant spelling of "veil"?]] wan I. (once +; o) (usu. indecl. and used predicatively) [[undecl.]] wealhhfoc m. foreign hawk, falcon. [[error for "-hafoc"?]] wdobn = wiobn [[error for "widobn"?]] wiflast f. lack of women, L 10^216. [[error for "wfleast"?]] wnhrafetian to gather grapes, LPs 79^13. [[winhrafetian]] wurma ... any dye, woad, purple [[any die]]

ymb-hde-, -hdi- = ymbhdig- [[ymb-hde]] ysope f., ysopo (indecl.) 'hyssop,' , Lcd, VPs. [[VP]]

Punctuation and Typography:

bfan (= on-) adv. _above_, Chr 1090#e#. [[1090E]] c ... _name of the rune for =a=_. [[italicized to match other "rune for" entries]] cennednes (_WG_; _) [[punctuated and italicized as shown]] del I. = dl. [[dl;]] drosan^2 _to fall to pieces, decline, vanish, fail_. [[, after "vanish" invisible]] adnweard adv. _downwards_, _ChrL_. ['_a-downward_'] [[hyphen in "a-downward" invisible]] c I. f. = c. [c] fse I. = efes. [[efes;]] l- prefix = I. eal(l)-. [[eal(l)-;]] rist I. () mfn. _rising_, _VPs_ [[_rising_ _VPs_]] les-ednes, -(e)nes (, ) f. _redemption, ransom_, _MtWLR_: [[_MtWL, R_]] andfeng (on-) m. _seizing, receiving, taking_, [[_seizing, receiving, taking_.]] nemnan _to announce, declare_, _Gu_. ['_aname_'] [[close quote missing]] arblast m. _cross-bow_, Chr 1079#d#. [_OFr._ arbaleste] [[O.Fr.]] sc ... _name of the rune for ==_. [[italicized to match other "rune for" entries]] wirgan = I. wyrgan. [[wyrgan;]]

bnrift (y) n. leggings, leg-armour, greaves, Gl, WW (-rist). [[, after "greaves" invisible]] bah I. = bag. II. pret. 3 sg. of bgan. [[bag II.]] beccen m. buyer, WW (KGl) 75^36. [= bycgend] [[KG]] bed ... II. = bedd. [[bedd]] beorh I. == beorg. [[beorg]] berfian (KGl) = berafian [[KG]] besmocian to smoke, envelop with incense, ANS 843. [[Ans]] betrendan to roll, ES 37180. [[to roll ES]] betst ... AO, Chr, Cr [[CR]] +bregd I. n. movement, change, Ph 57. II. = brd III. [[PH]] broc ... WW. [[. after "WW" invisible]] bg- = b-, b-, bg- [[b, b-]]

cas I. = cast. [[cast;]] cdan (w. d. or wi) contend, quarrel [[open parenthesis missing]] clomm I. m. = clamm. [[clamm]] cnow I. (o) n. 'knee,' AO, Bl, El, Mt: [[Ao]] cropan^2 (occly. refl.) [[occly refl.]] cwellere ... BH, Mk; . ['queller'] [[MK]] cwene f. woman, Rd, W: ... [[Rd, W;]] cwician ... ['quick'] [[close quote missing]] cynd ... gender, Ph: [[ge in "gender" invisible]]

dg ... ofer midned. afternoon. [[afternoon,]] daf I. ... empty, barren, ... [[empty, barren.]] dopnes f. depth, abyss, LPs, Nic: [[LPs, Nic.]] dn ... betre, furord. prefer. [[furor,d.]] dnlic of a mountain, mountain-dwelling, WW 376^6. [[, after "dwelling" invisible]] dwola ... madman, deceiver, heretic, , Bl: [[BL]] dpan ... anoint, EPs 140^5 [[anoint EPs]]

+efenlcian ... AV^2Ps 25^3. [[printed as shown]]

frda m. _sudden death_, WW 351^19. [[, after "death" invisible]] feriht _feathered_, MtL p7^17. [[_feathered_.]] fftig num. '_fifty_,' _: sb. _a set of fifty_, _Mk_. [[_a set of fifty_.]] fitt ... v.SkED under fit(2) [[SkED.]] flsc () n. '_flesh_,' _, Cp, Lk, VP_; CP: [[error for "VPs"?]] forgrindet n. _grinding, pounding_, Cp 776#c#. [[Cp.]] forframian _to grow to maturity_, WW 465^10. [[_to grow to maturity_.]] fullendian _to complete_, _BH_. ['_fullend_'] [[close quote missing]] fran I. = fran. [[fran]] frtang f. '_(fire-)tongs_,' A9263. [[printed ('fire-)tongs,']]

gamen ... B, Bo; ,CP. [[BO]] gargetal (^1) n. number of years, Lcd 2284. [[number of years Lcd]] geond-spurnan, -spyrnian to cause to stumble, NG. [[to cause to stumble NG.]] grimmn n. terrible sin, BH 50^8#b#. [[50, 8#b#]] gristbitian ... ['gristbite'] [[printed '[gristbite'] ]]

hdor ... (or? hador = heaor) [[hador, =]] hearg (, e) nap. heargas, (e) [[heargas, e without parentheses]] hlofst consoling, protecting, Cr,RB. [[CR]] hoferede humpbacked, CP, Lcd, WW. ['hovered'] [[. after "CP, Lcd, WW" invisible]] holm ... in prose, esp. in place-names [[mismatched close parenthesis after "place-names": error, or missing open parenthesis before first "esp."?]] hrurul 'deciduus,' BDS 3011^33. [[BDs]] hsul- = hs(e)l- [[hs(e)l]]

ltnes f. slowness, delay, L 23b^647: sloth, GD 174^23. [[, after "sloth" invisible]] lf ... t lfe alone. [[alone,]] lag ... Ep, Lcd. [[d in "Lcd" invisible]] lohtian I. to be lightened, relieved. [[t in "to be" invisible]] lohtlic I. light, of little weight or importance, , CP. [[, after "importance" invisible]] lon I. (sv^1) to lend, grant. [[Ger. leihen]] [[i in "leihen" invisible]] listan = lystan [[l in "listan" invisible]] lme ... oft (and)+l. constantly, diligently. [[second t in "constantly" invisible]] ltan^2 to bend, stoop, decline, , AO: [[: after "AO" invisible]] +lygnod perjured, (i). [[printed as continuation of "lygnian" entry]]

+mcca ... husband, wife, , Mt, OET. [[husband, wife.]] +ml stained, dyed, An 1333. [[AN]] mne ... III. false, mean, wicked. [[. after "wicked" invisible]] mssecrda m. creed said at mass, Nicene creed. [[mass. Nicene]] marman-stn ... , Bl. ['marmstan'] [[missing . after ", Bl"]] mse f. name of a small bird, Gl. [[... bird Gl.]] mmcyst f. treasure-chest, Mt 27^6. [[, after "treasure-chest" invisible]] mmhs n. treasure-house, treasury, AO, CP. [[AO. CP.]] mt ... III. pres. sg. of *mtan. [[printed "pres. sg." in italics]] munucbeht n. monastic vow, HL 18^81,95. [[18,^81,95]]

ngan* ... AO. nhte ought not. [[AO nhte]] nhtnes f. worthlessness, Chr 449#a#. [[449a lower case]] nehst ... CP, Chr, KC, MkL (). [[CP not italicized]] nytennes (e, i) f. ignorance, laziness, ignominy, . [[, after "ignominy" invisible]]

ofer-gn ... _, An_: [[: after "_, An_" invisible]] -hwr = -hwr [[—hwr]] onlcnes f. _resemblance, likeness, similitude_, _Gen_: [[Gen.:]] onrsan (_) = rsan. ['_onrise_'] [[missing . after "rsan"]] onweald ... _jurisdiction, territory_, CP. [[missing . after "CP"]] onwegcyrrednes, -cyrnes f. _apostasy_, BH 176 (_v.l._). [[anomalous italics in "v.l."]]

prostlagu f. ecclesiastical law, canon law, LL 380[2,3]. [[, after "canon law" invisible]]

rw (Lcd 89b) = rw. ['row'] [[rw ['row'].]] rihtwslic righteous, CP [[righteous CP]] ryplen? made of broom. [A 31536] [[made of broom [A 31536]. ]]

sagu () ... II. f. 'saw' (tool), A,WW. [[l in "tool" invisible]] sh I. ... II. pret. 3 sg. of son. [[s in "sh" and "son" both invisible]] samen adv. together, JnR (o^1). [[, after "together" invisible]] scawung ... AO, CP: [[AO. CP:]] scencan ... , CP. ['shench'; Ger. schenken] [[. CP.]] scernicge (= ie) f. actress, female jester, A; [[A,]] scmian to shine, glisten, Gr, LkL: [[Gr. LkL]] scnnes I. f. radiance, MkL 13^24. II. = scenes [[MkL]] scipforung f. equipment of ships, LL 314[]. [[bracketed [] in original]] scopgereord (eo^1) n. language of poetry, BH. [[, after "poetry" invisible]] sittan^5 ... , B, Bo, Bl, Chr; AO, CP [[Bl. Chr]] +slfed furnished with sleeves. ['sleve'] [[printed as continuation of "slfan" entry]] snca m. nook? inlet, BC 3141 (v. Mdf). [[inlet BC]] swpan^7 to sweep, drive, swing, rush (of wind). [[f in "of" invisible; close parenthesis missing]]

temprian ... _ (refl.), _Lcd, Sc_. [[_Lcd Sc_.]] trwian ... _to trust_, _, CP, JnL_. [[_to trust_ _, CP, JnL_.]] tungolgim m. _(bright) star_, Cr 1151. [[open parenthesis invisible]] twig n. _'twig,' branch, sprout, shoot, small tree_, ,CP. [[, after "tree" invisible]] twiscyldig _liable to a double penalty_, LL 90#h#. [[first l in "liable" invisible]]

ote f. ... conduit, pipe, . [otan] [[conduit, pipe.]] rst, rste ... audacious, shameless, CP, W. [[audacious, shameless.]]

unacumenlicnes f. unbearableness, RBL 114^9. [[RBl]] unrlic ... contrary to what is fitting, unnatural (ofa will), WW. [[first l in "will" invisible]] under-bc, -bcling [[under-bc.]] underodan ... , CP: support, OEG 4339. [[, CP support]] unmiltsigendlic unworthy of compassion, unpardonable, . [milts] [[unworthy of compassion. unpardonable.]] unondcignes f. ignorance, JVPs 24^7. [[ignorance JVPs]] unrfniendlic intolerable, SPs 123^4(on-). [[l in "unrfniendlic" invisible]] ser I. poss. pron. gen. sses our. [[first s in "sses" invisible]]

wamwyrcende (o) _worker of sin_, #Cr# 1093. [[CR]] wealca ... _light floating garment_. [[l in "_light" invisible]] weall ... , AO, CP; Mdf: [[ AO, CP]] weallsteall m. _wall-place, foundation_? #Wa#88. [[#Wand#]] +wde n. _fury, rage, madness_, . [wd] [[_fury, rage, madness_ .]] weg I. () m. _'way,' direction_, , AO: [[ AO:]] weorccrft m. _mechanics_, OEG 55^6. [[_mechanics_ OEG]] weorc-uhta? ... _hour of matins on a non-festival day_, NC 332 [[_... day_ NC]] wcian ... _encamp, bivouac_, CP: [[_encamp, bivouac_.]] wiersa m., wierse fn. (comp. of yfel) [[close parenthesis missing]] +wif ... II. n. _a disease of the eye_, #Lcd# [[_a disease of the eye_ #Lcd#]] willsele m. _pleasant dwelling_, #Ph# 213. [[_pleasant dwelling_ #Ph#]] +winnesful = +winful [[ul in "winful" invisible]] winnstow f. _wrestling place_. [[lin in "wrestling" invisible]] winnung = windung [[g in "windung" invisible]] wnreced n. _wine-hall_. [[e-h in "wine-hall" invisible]] wierwinna m. _opponent, rival, adversary, enemy_, , AO,CP. [[adversary enemy]] wl ... AO, CP. [[AO.]] wrang I. n. _'wrong,' injustice_. [_ON._ rangr] [[close bracket after "rangr" invisible]] wrangws _perverse_, OEG 1770. [[_perverse_ OEG]] wyrcung f. _working, work_, DR. [[_working work_]]


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