tr == tr
tyr- = tir-
-tyran (= ie) v. be-t.
tyrdelu, tyrdlu npl. droppings, small pieces of excrement, Lcd. ['treddle']
trende having watery eyes, Lcd 172. ['tear']
tyrewa = tyrwa
tyrf v. turf.
+tyrfan to strike, afflict, GD 29^9. [torfian] [[headword spelled "trfian"]]
tyrfhaga f. hoe, mattock, Ln 17^2.
trgan = torian
trica m. (treacle), sovereign remedy. [L. theriacum; Gk. thriakos]
trian = torian
tyrnan to turn, move round, revolve, . [L. tornare]
tyrngeat n. turnstile, KC 3405^4.
tyrning (u) f. turning round, rotation, OEG: rotundity, roundness, OEG: crookedness, deceit, OEG 56^86.
tyro = teoru
tyr pres. 3 sg. of teran.
tyrwa m., tyrwe f. 'tar,' resin, . [= teoru]
tyr-wan, -wian (e, i) to harass, vex, LPs. ['tar']
tyrwian I. to 'tar,' B 295. II. = tyrwan
tysca m. buzzard, WW 259^12.
tyslian to put on, CM 260.
tyslung f. dressing.
tysse f. coarse cloth. [OHG. zussa]
ttan to sparkle, shine, DD 45.
tytt = titt
t == t
tw- = tw-
I. adv. and conj. then, at that time, , AO, CP: after that time, thereupon, AO, Jul: when, at the time that, whilst, during, AO, B, Bl: there, where, Chr: seeing that, inasmuch as, if, when, since, as, because. when. ... then...when. hwle e while, whilst, so long as. get v.get. ['tho'] II. asf. and nap. of s. e which.
aca I. () m. roof, covering. II. gp. of c.
accian to clap, pat, stroke, touch gently, CP, Shr: smack, beat, GD. ['thack']
acele = cele
acian to thatch, LL 454[10].
acum dp. of c.
adder (JnL 7^35) = ider
c I. (ea) n. covering, roof of a building, Chr, MtR, PPs: 'thatch,' , BH. ['thack'] II. = ec pron. (das. ofu).
ccille (N) = cele
ce f. = c I.
cele (e) f. torch, lamp, light. [= fcele]
cen = ecen
cile = cele
ctigile f. roof-tile, Cp 57#i#.
der, dres = ider
derlendisc (MH 178^25n.) = iderlodisc
+f w. g. agreeing to, consenting to.
f (JnR) = of
fet- = afet-
ge mnp. pron. they, those, them, Lk, Jn. ['thaie']
gen == egen
gn == egn
gon pret. pl. of icgan.
h (N) = ah I. and II.
ht (N) == eaht
m (, ) dsmn. and dp. of s pron. be m, on m thereon, therein. ac m in addition to this, besides this, also, moreover. r m e before. fter m after, later, next, after that (fashion). for m (e) therefore, on that account, for that reason, because. on m e in this, in that.
n = egn
nan to moisten, Lcd.
ncan = encan
ncung = ancung
ne = one asm. of s.
nnan = ennan
nne = onne
r () adv. and conj. 'there,' thither, yonder: where, whither: then: when: though, if, so far as, whilst, provided that: in that respect. r r where, wherever. r...of therefrom. r wi in regard to that.
ra gp. of s, so, t.
rbtan about that place, .
rfter adv. thereafter, CP.
rt thereat, BH 282^6.
ran to dry, HL 13103.
r-big, -bie adv. 'thereby,' thus, CP 42, 43^14.
rbinnan (o^3) adv. therein, , AO.
rbufan besides that, CP.
re gdf. of s.
rf = (1) earf; (2) eorf
rf- = earf-
rforan conj. before that, .
rh = urh
rin 'therein,' wherein, Met.
rinne () therein, CP. ['thereinne']
rle = earle [[form of "earl"?]]
rmid adv. therewith, , LL.
rnhst next to that, LL 280[2,1].
rnian to lose? Chr 1119 (v. MF 174).
rof adv. 'thereof,' of that, Lcd.
rofer over or above that, CP. ['thereover']
ron adv. therein, , CP: 'thereon,' Bl: thereinto, thereof.
ronbtan = rebtan [[headword spelled "rbtan"]]
rongn adv. on the contrary, W 248^21.
ronuppan adv. thereupon, .
rrihte, rrihtes (, ) adv. thereupon, forthwith, instantly, immediately, straightway,.
rsc pret. 3 sg. of erscan.
rscan (NG) = erscan
rsc-wald, -wold = erscold
rst = drst
rt adv. _'thereto,' to it, to that place_, _: _besides_, _, BH_: _for that purpose_, _: _belonging to_, _.
rtacan adv. besides, in addition to that, .
rtganes adv. on the contrary, in opposition thereto,.
rr adv. wherever, .
runder adv. beneath, CP. ['thereunder']
ruppan thereon, .
rt, rte adv. outside, without, AO, CP. ['thereout']
rwi adv. against, in exchange for, : 'therewith,' Bo.
rymbe adv. thereabout, on that point, W 273^1.
rymbtan thereabouts.
s I. adv. (gs. of t) afterwards, AO: thence: accordingly, according as, , BH, Bo: therefore, because, CP. s e since, after, afterwards; therefore, wherefore, because, that; as, according as; provided; (toexpress proportion) the. t s to that point, to that degree. ['thes'] II. gs. of s and t.
slcan to agree with, be fitting, suitable, Gl.
slic I. adj. suitable, congruous, : harmonious: fair, elegant. II. = yllic
slce adv. opportunely, suitably, aptly, after this manner, similarly, thus.
slicnes f. fitness, convenience, .
sma m. leaven, yeast, RB 10^18.
sternes = osternes [[variant of "ostornes"?]]
se = s e v. s.
t I. conj. and adv. 'that,' so that, in order that, after that, then, thence. t e that. II. nas. of s, t.
tte I. pron. which, that which. II. conj. that, so that, in order that. t on tte so that. [te]
+afa m. favourer, supporter, helper, CP.
afetere, afettere m. one who acquiesces in, or condones, what is wrong,CP.
+afettan (, ea) to consent, EHy 6^27.
afian (ea) to allow, suffer, endure, permit, tolerate, BH, LL; CP: approve, consent to, submit to, AO, CP. ['i-thave']
aforlic = aroflic, earflic [["aroflic" redirected to "earflic"]]
+afsum consenting, agreeing, NG.
+afsumnes f. consent, agreement, NG.
afung f. permission, consent, .
g, h pret. 3 sg. of icgan, on.
age = ge
gn = e gn who again, Bl 167^6.
get, gt adv. still: yet.
gon pret. pl. of icgan.
h == ah
m = m
amettan to clap (the hands)? APs 97^8.
an = on adv.
n I. adj. moist, irrigated, WW. II. n. irrigated land. [nan] III. (LWS) = m
anan = anon
anc (o) m. thought, reflection, sentiment, idea, An, PPs; : mind, will: grace, mercy, favour, pardon, Gen, PPs: thanks, gratitude, B, Bo, CP, Gen, RB; AO (onc), CP: pleasure, satisfaction, CP: reward, recompense, Gu 442. Gode. thanks (be) to God. Godes ances through the mercy of God. Drihtnes ances according to the will of the Lord. mnes ances by my favour, of my own will. on. willingly, gladly. an ance acceptable, pleasant, AO. dofla onces in honour of devils, AO. ['thank']
+anc mn. thought, mind, Lk. ['i-thank']
ances adv. thankfully, gladly: voluntarily, gratis, BC, Bo, Chr. [v.'thank']
ancful adj. (+) thoughtful, ingenious, clever: 'thankful,' Bl: contented, satisfied, BH, WW: pleasing, agreeable, A: energetic, spirited. adv. -lce 'thankfully,' L 2198.
anchycgende thoughtful, B 2235.
ancian (o) (w. g. thing and d. pers.) to thank, give thanks, , B, Bo, G, Sat; CP: recompense, reward: (w.i.) rejoice. ['thank']
+ancmetian to think over, deliberate, Gen 1917. [metgian]
anc-metung (o^1, eo^2), -metegung f. deliberation, thought, BH 88^4 (v.l.).
ancol thoughtful, mindful: prudent, wise: () desirous: () suppliant.
ancolmd thoughtful, considerate, prudent, wise, attentive.
anc-snotor, -snottor wise, prudent, ingenious.
ancung f. 'thanking,' thanksgiving, , AO, JnL.
anc-weor, -weorlic (u^2, y^2) thankworthy, acceptable: thankful, grateful: memorable. adv. -lce gladly, willingly,CP.
ancword n. thanks, Wid 137.
anc-wur, -wyr(e) == ancweor
and pret. 3 sg. of indan.
ane (KGl) = one
ancan (o^1) adv. whenever, as often as.
+ang = +anc
nian () to be or become moist, moisten, WW.
anne = onne
anon (CP), anone (o^1, a^2) adv. from that time or place, thence, away, B, Bl, Mt, Jud: whence, from which, of which, CP, PPs. anon...anon thence...whence: then, thereupon, henceforth: by which, through that. ['thenne']
anonfor adv. after that, then, thenceforward,W.
anonweard adv. departing thence, Bo 103^7.
anun = anon
ar- = ear-, er-
r == r
ra I. = r. II. gp. of s, so, t.
arigend = derigend
[[No independent entry; see "derian" and "deriendlic".]]
as = s gsmn. of s.
s I. afs. and nap. of s. ['those'] II. nap. of w = ow
assum (N) = issum, dmns. of s.
at = t
v. .
w I. = aw I. II. = ow
+wenian = +wnan
wian to 'thaw,' Lcd 3274.
e I. rel. pron. (when govd. by a prep. the prep. follows) who, which, that. e is often associated by attraction with pers. pronouns. e ic I. e we we. e...his whose. s e his he whose. II. conj. when: or. hwer e...e whether...or. e...e the...or, either...or: () then: ( r) where, El 717: (with comparatives) than. III. art. the (indecl.), Chr 963#e# and late. IV. particle added to ah, for m, s, etc., without affecting their meaning [Goth. au] V. das. ofu.
a (NG) = ow
eac = c
eaca = aca
ada (VPs) = oda gp. of od I.
adm (DR) = owdm
af (NG) = of
eafian = afian
eah pret. 3 sg. of icgan.
ah I. () conj. and adv. 'though,' although, even if, that, however, nevertheless, yet, still, Bl, Bo; CP. .e although. sw. nevertheless, yet. . hwere v.ahhwere. II. pret. 3 sg. of on.
ah-hwere, -hwere adv. yet, moreover, however, nevertheless, but, Bl, CP. sw. yet, nevertheless. ['thoughwhether']
eaht n. counsel, advice, design, . [encan]
+eaht fn. thought, consideration, counsel, advice: design, contrivance, scheme, , CP: council, assembly,.
+eahta m. adviser, counsellor, WW 99^5.
eahte pret. 3 sg. of eccan.
+eahtend m. counsellor, WW.
+eahtendlic deliberative, LL 12.
eahtere m. counsellor, BH.
eahtian to ponder, consider, deliberate upon, take counsel, ,CP.
eahtung () f. counsel, consultation.
ahe = ah e
ana adv. nevertheless, yet. sw . however.
ara = ra, gmfp. of t.
earf I. (a, e, y) f. need, necessity, want, behoof, B, Lcd; CP. t earfe as is needed, according to what is needed: benefit, profit, advantage, utility, : trouble, hardship, privation, distress, danger: duty, employment. ['tharf'; urfan] II. = eorf. III. pres. 3 sg. of urfan.
earfa (, eo) I. m. poor man, pauper, beggar, , CP. II. destitute, poor, needy,.
earfan = urfan
earfednes f. poverty, BH.
earf-end, -igend (Bk) (o) m. poor man.
earfende needy, in want, poor, CP.
earfendlic needy, poor, miserable.
earfendnes = earfednes
earfian to starve, be in need, want, PPs 71^13. [Ger. darben]
+earfian to impose necessity, B 1103.
earflas adj. without cause or need, . adv. -lase.
earflic profitable, useful, convenient, necessary, . adv. -lce.
earflicnes f. want, poverty.
earl adj. vigorous, strong, severe, strict, harsh, violent, heavy, excessive. adv. earle, ,CP.
earlic severe, cruel, harsh, violent, grievous. adv. -lce,CP.
earlmd stern, severe, violent, strong, mighty.
earlws strict, severe, relentless, CP.
earlwslic severe, GD. adv. -lce, CP.
earlwsnes f. severity, strictness, BH, GD.
earlws- = earlws-
earm (a) m. gut, entrail, , Gl. ['tharm']
earm(ge)wind n. windpipe (= windearm), OET 509 (v.ES 43332).
earmgyrd m. belly-band, girdle, belt, WW 220^1.
earsc = rsc pret. 3 sg. of erscan.
earsm (BH 426^24) = rosm
at pret. 3 sg. of otan.
atan = otan
ater m? theatre, AO 154^2.
atscipe (N) = odscipe
aw I. m. usage, custom, habit, conduct, disposition, AO, B, JnL; CP: (inpl.) virtues, (good) manners, morals, morality, , CP. ['thew'] II. = ow
+eawe customary, usual, GD.
awfst decorous, moral, virtuous, honourable.
awfstlce correctly, L 5^222.
awfstnes f. obedience, discipline, .
awful moral, virtuous, W 250^4.
awian = owian
awlas ill-mannered, .
awlic customary, : decent, moral, : figurative. adv. -lce.
+awod well-mannered, moral, .
b- (Gl) = of-
ec das. of u.
eccan () to cover, cover over, conceal, B, Gen, Lcd, PPs: () swallow up? ['thatch']
eccbryce m. tile, HGl 459^42.
eccend m. protector, defender, PPs 70.
ecele = cele
ecen f. thatch, tile, covering, roof: (fig.) house, . [eccan]
ecest pres. 2 sg, of eccan.
ecgan I. to consume, Lcd. II. obl. case of sb? receptacle? (BT) or = eccan? (Lieb.), LL 454[10].
+d = +od
de pret. of on (wan).
f = of
fanorn, efonorn (APs 57^19), feorn = feorn
fel = fel
efian to pant, heave, palpitate, HGl.
eften (HGl 461^56) = yften
f = ef
egan to serve, Gu 140.
egen I. = egn. II. pp. of icgan.
egen- = egn-, n-
ege 3 p. sg. pres. of ecgan.
egh (Gl) = oh
egin = egn
egn () [v. LL 456; 2680] m. servant, minister, retainer, vassal, follower, disciple, BH, Bl, Bo, G, Gl; AO, CP: freeman, master (asopposed to slave): courtier, noble (official, as distinguished from hereditary), , LL, WW: () military attendant, warrior, hero, AO, B. ['thane']
egn-, v. also n-.
egnboren (egen-) well-born, LL.
egngylde n. legal money value of a thane, W 162^10.
egnhyse m. attendant, retainer, WW.
egnian (, n) (w. d.) to serve, minister, wait on, B, BH, Bl, G; CP: supply another with anything: perform (anoffice). ['theine']
egnlagu f. rights, duties or privileges of a thane, LL,W.
egnlic noble, brave, loyal, . adv. -lice.
egnrden f. thaneship, service.
egnriht n. rights or privileges of a thane, LL.
egnscipe m. thaneship, service, duty: ability, AO: manliness, valour, AO: body of retainers.
egnscolu f. band of vassals, WW 371^7.
egnsorh f. sorrow for loss of thanes, B 131.
egnung == n-ung, -ing
egnweorud n. band of followers, Cr 751.
egnwer m. thane's 'wergild,' LL.
ego = egu
gon = gon pret. pl. of icgan.
-egu v. bah-, wn-. [[under "bagegu"]]
eh (A) = ec
h I. = oh I. II. (A, K) = ah
eht == eaht
el, ell n. board, plank, (metal) plate. [Ger. diele]
elbrycg f. bridge of planks, Ct.
elcrft = ylcrft
ellfsten n. fastness made of planks, ship, ark, Gen 1482.
ellian = illian
-elu v. buruh-, benc-. ['theal'] [[headword spelled "bencel"]]
m = m
n == egn
encan I. to 'think' ('i-thenche'), imagine, think of, meditate, reason, consider, , B, Bo, Bl, LL; AO, CP: remember, recollect, CP, RB: intend, purpose, attempt, devise, B, Bl: wish, desire, long for. [anc] II. (rarely) = yncan
encendlic thoughtful, MFH 174.
ende = enden
nde = onde
enden conj. and adv. meanwhile, while, as long as, until.
ene = one
nest f. service, entertainment, Chr 1054#d#.
nestmann (o^1) m. serving-man, retainer, Chr 656#e#.
nestre f. servant, handmaiden, OEG 1358.
eng = egn
engel m. prince, king, lord, ruler.
enian = ennan
nian (, CP) = egnian
nigmann = ningmann
ningft n. serving-vessel, RB.
ninggst m. ministering spirit, .
ninghs n. workshop, GPH 394.
ningmann m. serving man, , CP.
nisc (religious) service, EC 265?
ennan () to stretch, extend, Lcd (), PPs: prostrate: exert oneself: spread the fame of, magnify, OEG. ['thin']
enning f. stretching, extension, A 11172.
+nsum obedient, helpful, useful, . [egen]
nung (egn-) service, ministry, Bl, Bo; CP: (pl.) attendants, retinue: use: church service, mass-book: meal-time, meal, . ['theining']
nungbc f. book for divine service, mass-book,.
nungwerod n. body of serving-men, MH 218^12.
o I. = ow m. II. ds. of oh. III. = so II. IV. pres. 1 sg. of on.
od f. people, nation, tribe, Chr, Lk; AO, CP; Mdf: region, country, province, Bo: men, war-troop, retainers: (inpl.) Gentiles, , MtR: language. ['thede']
+od pp. of +on, wan.
odan to join, associate (with), attach or subject oneself to, , CP: () engage in: () translate. .fram separate.
odbealu n. public calamity.
odbende mp. earth-dwellers, human beings.
odcwn f. queen, empress, El 1156.
odcyning m. monarch: () God.
ode pret. 3 sg. of on.
+ode n. speech, language, AO, CP: nation: translation,.
odegsa m. general terror, Cr 834.
oden m. chief of a tribe, ruler, prince, king: God, Christ. [od; cp. dryhten from dryht]
odend m. translator, OEG 15^6.
+odendlic copulative, Gr 259^1.
odengedl n. separation from one's lord (through his death), Gu 1324.
odenhold faithful to one's lord.
odenlas without a ruler or chief, lordless, B 1103.
oden-mm (-mdm) m. treasure given by a prince, Gen 409.
odenstl m. throne.
odeore f. inhabited earth, W 240^15.
odfond m. public enemy, W.
odfruma m. prince, ruler, Met 29^94.
odgestron n. people's treasure, great possession, B 44; 1218.
odguma m. man, warrior.
odhere m. national army, host, Gen 2160.
-odig, -odig-lic, -nes v. el-.
odisc I. n. speech, language. II. adj. Gentile, OEG 8^350. [Ger. deutsch]
+odlcan to adhere, cleave to, LPs 24^21.
odland n. inhabited land, district, country, empire: the continent.
odlic national, Gr 65^6.
+odlic social, intimate.
odlcetere m. public deceiver, arch-hypocrite, W 54^18.
odloga m. arch-liar, W.
odmgen n. troop, host, Ex 342.
odnes f. (+) joining, suture: conjunction, association: (+) conjugation, Gr: (+) translation.
odrden f. intercourse, fellowship, .
odsceaa m. public pest, criminal.
odscipe m. I. nation, people, community, population. II. connection, association: discipline, training, teaching, instruction, testimony: learning, erudition, CP: administration, law, authority: conduct.
odstefn m. tribe, nation, PPs 83^10.
+odsumnes f. agreement, LkL p8^1.
odra f? m? general distress, B 178.
odwiga m. great warrior, Pa 38.
odwita m. learned man: senator, .
odwundor n. great wonder, Cr 1155.
of I. (, a) m., criminal, 'thief,' robber, G, LL, OET. II. f. theft.
ofdenn n. robber's cave, KC 315^28.
ofend (only found in pl.?) f. thieving, theft.
ofeorn = feorn
offeng m. seizure of thieves by an owner on his own land: right to fines payable on conviction for theft? TC (v.BT).
ofgild n. payment for theft, LL.
ofian to 'thieve,' steal, LL,TC.
ofmann m. robber, brigand, AO P.
ofsceaa m. robber, v. ANS 12924n6.
ofsceolu = ofscolu
ofscip n. pirate-ship, Gl.
ofscolu f. band of robbers, Bo 33^10.
ofscyldig f. guilty of theft, LL 226.
ofslege m. slaying of a thief, LL 97.
ofsliht m. slaying of a thief, LL 104#b#.
ofstolen ptc. stolen, LL.
of = ef
ofung f. thieving, NC 327.
ofunt (NG) = ofend
ofwracu f. punishment for theft, LL 174.
oging f. increase, profit: advance, progress.
oh I. () n. (gs. os, ds. o; gp. ona) 'thigh,' hip, AO, CP, Gl, Lcd, MH. II. imperat. of on.
ohece m. pain in the thigh, Lcd.
ohgelte n. thigh-joint, Lcd.
ohgeweald np. 'genitalia,' Lcd.
ohhweorfa m. knee-cap, Lcd.
ohscanca m. thigh-bone, Lcd, WW.
ohseax (^2) n. hip-sword, short sword, dirk,WW.
ohwrc m. pain in the thigh, Lcd 1354^19.
on I. (sv^1,3) to thrive, prosper, flourish, grow, increase, ripen, , B, Bl, Lk, Sc: be profitable, to become or be great, excel, CP: lengthen (ofdays). ['thee,' 'i-thee'] II. (wv.) = wan. III. (wv.) to perform,do.
ona v. oh.
eonan = anon
onde pres. ptc. of on I.
eonen = anon
onest = nest
ond = ownd
or m? inflammation? Lcd.
ordl f. inflammation? blistering heat? Lcd.
eorcung = deorcung
ordrenc m. a drink used for inflammation, Lcd.
eorf (, e, o) I. adj. unleavened, , G, WW: fresh? skim? (milk), Lcd. II. n. unleavened bread, . ['tharf']
eorfa = earfa
eorfdagas mp. days of unleavened bread, A 8330.
eorfhlf m. loaf of unleavened bread, .
eorfling m. unleavened bread, WW.
eorfnes f. freedom from leaven, purity, .
eorfsymbel n. feast of unleavened bread, .
orgerid n. inflammation? Lcd 187a.
eorscwold = erscold
orwrc m. inflammatory disease? Lcd 45b.
orwenn f. inflammatory tumour or blister, carbuncle, Lcd 123a.
orwyrm m. inflammatory (parasitic) worm, Lcd 45a.
orwyrt f. ploughman's spikenard, fleabane, Lcd.
os I. dem. pron., nom. fem. this. v. s. II. gs. of oh. III. gs. of (o =) ow.
eossa = issa
eossum = isum
oster == ostor
ostor, ostre (e, , ) dark, gloomy, B, BH: sad, mournful. ['thester']
ostorcofa m. dark chamber.
ostorful dark, dusky, , Mt (). ['thesterfull']
ostorfulnes (, ) f. darkness, OEG.
ostorlic _obscure, dark_, _ (e^2). ['_thesterly_']
ostorloca m. tomb, El 485.
ostornes (, , ) f. darkness, AO, Bo. ['thesterness']
ostre = ostor, ostru
ostrian to grow dark, become dim, be eclipsed, BH: () darken, obscure, Bo, Mt. ['thester']
ostrig dark, obscure, blinded, GD (), Mk. ['thestri']
ostru f. (, e, ), ostre n. (often in pl.) darkness, gloom, BH; . ['thester']
ostrung f. twilight, gloom.
eosum = issum [[form of "s"]]
+ot I. n. howling, Guth 48^4. II. pres. 3 sg. of +odan.
otan^2 (a, ) to roar, howl, , Bo, Met: sound forth, resound, murmur, WW. ['theoten']
ote f. torrent, fountain, cataract, waterfall: conduit, pipe, . [otan]
ow I. fm. servant, slave, AO, CP, DR, G. II. adj. servile, , AO, Bo, W. ['theow']
owa m. (, CP) = ow I.
+owa m. enslaved person, v. MFH 104.
owt = owot
owan I. = owian. II. = wan
owatdm = owotdm
ow-boren, -berde not free-born, born in servitude.
owcnapa m. bondservant, H 2510^27.
owdm m. slavery, servitude, service, vassalage, subjection, , AO; CP: divine service. ['theowdom']
owdmhd m. service, BH 480^10.
owe f. female slave, handmaiden, BH, MtL (). ['theow']
owen, owene = owe
owet () = owot
owetling m. little servant or slave, .
owhd m. servitude, service, BH.
owian I. () (a) (w. d.) occl. pret. owde to serve, minister to, be subject to, Bo, Lk, Mt (); AO, CP: enslave, give over into slavery, . ['theow'] II. = wanI.
owin = owen
owincel (o) n. little servant, CVHy 3^3.
owlic servile, Gr 55^1n.
owne as. of owen.
ownd (e^2) f. serfdom, slavery.
owot n. service, ministry, servitude, bondage, , AO,CP.
owotdm m. service, CP.
owotlic of a slave, servile, (wt).
owotling (e^2) m. servant, slave, .
owotscipe (wt) m. service, H 23b^26.
owracian to threaten, menace, SPs 102^9.
owracu () = owwracu
+owrden (RB) = odrden
owt == owot
ow = of, ef
owu = owe
owut = owot
owwracu f. commination, threat, threatening, .
eox hunting-spear, HGl 423.
r == r
eran to rush, Cp 150#j#.
erc-, ercs- = ersc-
ercan, erccan to 'thrash,' 'thresh,' beat, WW.
erexwold = erscold
erf = eorf
erflicnes (KGl) = earflicnes
erh (NG) == urh
rinne = rinne
rrihte = rrihte
+ersc n. thrashing, beating, GD.
erscan^3 (a, , ea, i, y) to thresh, 'thrash,' beat, strike, CP, DR, Sol,WW.
erscel (y) f. flail, WW. ['threshel']
erscelflr f. threshing-floor, Mt 3^12.
ersc-old, -wald, -wold, erx(w)old (, eo, i, y) m. 'threshold,' border, limit, , Bo,WW.
es = s
s (e?) m., os f., is n. dem. pron. 'this.' beforan issum, r issum before this, formerly.
ster- = ostor-
strian = ostrian
et = t
ette = tte
w- = ow-, w-
ada (VPs 134^15) = oda gp. of od.
+ian = +on
icce I. adj. 'thick,' viscous, solid, AO, Bo, Lcd, RB: dense, stiff, Bo, CP, Lcd: numerous, abundant, AO: hazy, gloomy, , BH. II. adv. thickly, closely, Bl, Lcd, WW: often, frequently, Gen 684.
iccet n. thick bushes, 'thicket,' SPs. [icce]
iccian tr., intr. to thicken, , WW: crowd together, Shr. ['thick']
iccnes = icnes
iccol, iccul fat, corpulent, WW.
icfeald dense, OEG 278.
+icfyldan to make dense, Gl.
icgan^5 (and wv.) (a, , e, ea) to take, receive, accept, Chr, Lcd: partake of, consume, taste, eat, drink, Mk; AO,CP.
iclce thickly, often, continually, frequently, in large numbers,AO.
icnes f. 'thickness,' density, viscosity, hardness, GD, Lcd, SPs: depth: anything thick or heavy (asclouds or rain), LPs, ZDA: thicket: darkness.
dan = yddan
ider (, y) adv. on that side, 'thither,' whither, , BH, Bl (y); AO, CP. hider and. or. hidres idres (dres) hither and thither, CP: where, wherever.
idercyme m. a coming hither, NC 327 (late).
idergeond thither, .
iderinn (y^1, y^2) adv. therein, into that place.
iderlodisc to that people, native, MH 178^25.
iderweard, iderweardes adv. 'thitherwards,' thither, , AO,Bo.
idres = ider
ed- = od-
ieder (CP) = ider
ef- = of-
efefeoh n. stolen goods, LL.
ef (, o, ) f. 'theft,' Lcd (), LL: stolen goods, LL (oft). [of]
+iegen = +igen
en = wan
ende = onde
enen = nen
ienga = inga, gp. of ing.
estr- = ostr-
f- = ef-, f-
igde, igede pret. 1, 3 sg. of icgan.
igen I. f. receiving, taking (of food or drink), eating, : food or drink, . [icgan] II. pp. of on I. and icgan.
ige pres. 3 sg. of icgan.
ignen = nen
gon pret. pl. of on I.
hsl = sl
ihtig = yhtig
h pres. 3 sg. of on I.
ilc = yllic
ile = yle
ilian (e, y) to lay with planks, board over, . [Ger. dielen]
ilic = yllic
iling f. boarding, floor: table, GD 97^4.
ille n. thin board, plank, flooring, Gl. [Ger. diele]
illian = ilian
illic = yllic
imiama m. incense, . [L. thymiama]
n I. gs. of u. II. adj. pron. 'thine,' thy. III. f. = igen
nan to grow moist, Lcd 13b.
inc = ing
incan = (1) yncan; (2) encan
+inco = +ynco
+ind n. swelling, Lcd.
indan^3 to swell, swell up, : (wrongly, through confusion betw. 'tabescere' and 'tumescere') melt, pass away, PPs 111^9; 118^158: be angry.
nen f. maid-servant, handmaid, : midwife, . [egn]
ing n. 'thing,' creature, , Lcd: object, property, , Bo, Bl, Lcd: cause, motive, reason, : lawsuit, PPs: event, affair, act, deed, enterprise, , CP, Lcd, MtR: condition, circumstances, : contest, discussion, council, assembly, An, B, Cr, LL: court of justice, v.LL 2449: point, respect, Bl. mid nnum ingum adv. not at all. for his ingum for his sake. for isum ingum for this reason. be fullum ingum abundantly. nige inga anyhow, in any way, somehow. raost inga at the earliest. lces inges entirely, in every respect.
ingan to invite, address? Gl.
+ingan = +on
+inge n. meeting, council: agreement, covenant: fate.
ingemann m. (Danish) mercenary. [[from first edition]]
ingere m. advocate, intercessor, mediator, priest, Gl,CP.
ingestre f. female advocate, mediatrix, HL 10^698.
inggemearc n. reckoning of time, allotted time.
ingian (w. d.) to beg, pray, ask, intercede for, LL, Sat; CP: come to terms, covenant, conciliate, compound with, settle: (refl.) reconcile oneself (with): determine, purpose, design: talk, harangue. ['thing']
inglas free (from sin or crime), LL 412.
ingmann = ingemann
ingrden f. intercession, pleading, mediation, intervention,.
+ingsceat m. ransom, CP 339^10.
ingstede m. meeting-place, place of assembly.
ingstw f. meeting-place, place of council: place where ways meet, village: market.
+ingo = +ynco
ingum adv. (instr. pl. of ing) purposely.
ingung f. advocacy, intercession, mediation, ,CP.
inn- = ynn-
nne asm. of n II.
nnen = nen
inra = ynra comp. of ynne.
nra gp. of n II.
int pres. 3 sg. of indan.
o = o
io- = eo-
r f. a female servant, JnLR 18^17. [ON. r]
ird- (NG) = rid-
re = nre gdsf. of n II.
irel == yrel
irl- = yrl-
irnet = yrniht
irsceflr, irscelflr == erscelflr
irsce pres. 3 sg. of erscan.
irscwald = erscold
irst = urst
is v. s.
isa = issa gp. of s.
isan = isum dsmn. of s.
ises gsmn. of s.
sl f., sle f. waggon-pole, pole, shaft. [Ger. deichsel]
islic = yllic
ism = dism
isne as. of s.
ison = isum dsmn. of s.
issa gp., isse, issere gdsf.; isson, issum dsmn. and dp. of s.
istel m. 'thistle,' Gl, WW (y); Mdf.
istelgebld n. blister caused by thistle, Lcd 162b.
isteltwige f. a kind of bird, goldfinch? linnet? Gl.
sternes (CP) = ostornes
str- = ostr-
stra m. trace, article of harness? WW.
isum dsmn. and dp. of s.
ier = ider
ustr- (Cp) = ostr-
wan = wan
wen, won = owen
wwracu = owwracu
xl (Gl) = sl
f. clay, loam, Gl. [Ger. ton]
ocerian, ocrian to run up and down, WW.
oddettan to strike, push, W.
oden (?) n. whirlwind, high wind, whirlpool, , Cp, CP, Chr. ['thode']
dor = or
oft, ofte f. bench for rowers, WW. ['thoft']
+ofta m. comrade, mate, , AO.
+oftian to join, unite, associate (wi), AO.
oftrden f. fellowship, .
oftscipe m. companionship.
+ogen virtuous, excellent. [pp. of on]
h (Gl) = th
he f. clay, Gl (= ).
ht (+ exc. N) mn. process of thinking, 'thought,' LL: mind, Gl: a thought, idea, MtR: compassion, 'viscera,' LkLR 1^78. [encan]
+ohta = +ofta
hte pret. 3 sg. of encan.
iht clayey, WW 348^11.
ol m. 'thole,' oar-pin, Cp, WW.
olebyrde patient, Sc. ['tholeburde']
olebyrdnes f. endurance, Sc 3^8 (i^2). ['tholeburdness']
olemd = olmd
olian to suffer, endure, undergo, An, B, Gen, MkL; AO, CP: allow, KC: persevere, hold out (intr.), survive: (w.g.) to lose, lack, forfeit, be without, dispense with, . ['thole']
oll = ol
olle f. saucepan, OEG 4115.
olmd I. forbearing, patient, , Sc, OEG. II. m. patience? L 116^334#d#. ['tholemode']
olmdnes f. _forbearance, patience_, _. ['_tholemodeness_']
olo- = ol(e)-
on I. instr. sing. of s. II. adv. then, now: thence: (innegative clauses, with comparatives) in comparison with: inasmuch as, when. fter on after that. r on before that (antequam). n on lange... not long until.... t on to that extent. III. (VPs) = onne
n = m
onan = anon
onc = anc
one asm. of s the, that.
oncan = ancan
onen = anon
ong == anc
onne (a, ) adv. and conj. then, AO; CP: therefore, wherefore: yet: while, when: thereafter, henceforth: rather than, Ps: since: although: (with comparatives) 'than,' , CP. onne...onne when...then. .hwere yet, nevertheless. .gt as yet, even. .e since.
onon = anon
or m. Thor, Lcd, W.
orf (NG) = eorf
orfst useful, NG. [earf]
orfend == earfend
orfte pret. 3 sg. of urfan.
orh (VPs) == urh
orhniht = orniht
orlas useless, NG. [earf]
orn m. 'thorn,' thorn-bush, , Bo, G, Gl; CP; Mdf: name of the rune for ==, Run.
orncynn n. a kind of thorn.
orngebld n. blister caused by a thorn, Lcd 162b.
ornian to lose, v. MF 174.
ornig 'thorny,' , WW.
orn-iht, -eht(e) thorny.
orning m. thorny place, BC 1480^8 (Mdf).
ornrind f. thorn-bark, Lcd 19a.
orof (MtL) = eorf
orp (rop) m. farm: village, Cp, Ep, WW (ro). ['thorp']
orscen pp. of erscan.
ost m. dung, Lcd.
+t = +ot
oterian to cry, howl, lament, (o^2).
oterung f. groaning, wailing, .
otor-, otr- = oter-
(Chr 1135) = ah I.
or, er m. ball.
ox = dox
r = ra
+racen prepared, decked, .
racian to fear, dread, shun, RHy 9^50.
racu f., gs. rce pressure, fury, storm, violence: onrush, attack.
rc (usu. +) n. throng, force, violence: equipment, OEG.
rcheard brave in battle, El 123.
rchwl f. time of misery, Jul 554.
rcian = racian
rcrf keen in fight, Gen 2030.
rcswald = erscold
rcwg m. violent combat, Ex 182.
rcwudu m. spear, B 1246 (e^1).
rd () m. 'thread,' Bo, Lcd; .
+rf n. rebuke, censure, NC 297?
+rf (on) unanimously.
rft n. contentiousness, Mod 42.
rgan to run.
rging = ragung
rl (a) m. serf, 'thrall,' LL, NG.
rlriht n. serf's right, W 158^15.
rs () fringe, hem, Gl.
rscan = rstan
rsce (Cp) = rysce
rst = drst
rstan to writhe, twist, press, force, BH: crush, oppress, torment. [v.'threst,' 'i-thrast']
+rstednes f. contrition, GD, WW.
rstnes f. trouble, pain, grief: (+) contrition.
rstung f. affliction, torment, CP 317^7.
rwen = rwen pp. of rwan.
rwung = ragung
rxwold = erscold
rafian to restrain, reprove, CP: urge, push, press,.
rafung f. reproof, correction, CP.
rg f. space of time, time, while, period, season, Gen, Jul: occasion, B, Bl, Bo: evil times: paroxysm. rge for a time, some time, long time. rgum at times, sometimes. ealle rge all the time, continually. ['throw']
rgbysig long busy? Rd 5^1.
rglic (rah-) long-continued, MF (Vesp. D xiv).
rgmlum at times, sometimes.
rh == rg
rll = ral, rl
rang pret. 3 sg. of ringan.
rang n. throng, crowd, tumult.
rwan^7 to turn, twist, curl, , WW; CP: rack. ['throw']
rwingspinl f. crisping-pin, OEG.
rwu (Gl) = ra
r = ro
ra I. mfn. threat, menace, abuse, CP: rebuke, castigation: oppression, attack: calamity, throe. [rowan] II. imperat. of ragan.
reacs = reax
rade pret. 1, 3 sg. of ragan.
ragan, rawian () to rebuke, chastise, correct, punish, CP, Mt; : threaten, menace: attack, oppress, torture, afflict, vex, harass. ['threa']
ragend m. reprover, OEG 5380.
ragung (, aw-) f. threatening, reproof, correction.
reahs = reax
ral I. f. discipline, correction, punishment, : reproof: threat. II. = rl
ralic severe, terrible, calamitous.
ran () = ragan
rand == raned
rang = ragung
raned f. affliction, misery, distress, calamity.
ranedla (^2, y^2) m. affliction, misfortune.
ranedlic calamitous, Jul 128.
rand == raned
rapian to reprove, correct, CP 165^17. ['threap']
rapung f. reproof, CP 167^14.
rat I. (o) m. _press, crowd, throng, host, troop_, _B, El, Mk_: _oppression, coercion, calamity_, _Bl, Jul_: _threatening_? _. ['_threat_'] II. pret. 3 sg. of rotan.
ratend m. violent person, MtL.
ratian to urge, press, force, attack, harass, , Cp, MH, Mt: threaten, PPs: reprove, rebuke, , CP. ['threat']
ratmlum () adv. in swarms.
ratnes f. affliction, tribulation, NC 327.
ratnian () = ratian. ['threaten']
ratung f. threatening, compulsion, ill-usage, AO: correction, reproof,CP.
raung = ragung
raw pret. 3 sg. of rowan.
rawend = rwend
raweorc n. misery, Gen 737. [OS.]
rawian = ragian [[headword spelled "ragan"]]
rawung = ragung
reax (e) rottenness, rubbish, refuse, Bas 48^20; L 35^150. [ON. rekkr; v.ES 43332]
rec == rc
rece m. oppression, force: weariness. [racu]
recswald = erscold
rd (Cp) = rd
+rgan = +ran
rgian = rgan
rehtig = rohtig
remm == rymm
ro v. re.
reo- = ri-
reodian (y) to think over, deliberate: meditate.
reodung f. deliberation, consideration: scruple, hesitation.
reohtig = rohtig
rohund n. three hundred, .
rohundwintre of the age of three hundred years,.
reom v. re.
reoniht f. period of three days, Pa 38.
rora v. re.
reosellic = risellic
rostru = ostru
rot = rat
rotan^2 to vex, weary, AS 46^2.
rotoa 'thirteenth,' , MH (-tega), Mt (y^1);AO.
rotne 'thirteen,' BH (e^2), Men (y^2).
rotnegeare thirteen years old, MH 216^16.
rott- = rot-
row I. pret. 3 sg. of rwan. II. = re
rowan^2 to suffer, strive for. [rea] [[from first edition]]
rowian = rwian
reoxwold = erscold
rep? 'fornix,' Ln 34^59 (drep).
repel = rypel [[headword spelled "rpel"]]
rerre = rirre
rs = rs
rescan = erscan
rescold, rescwald = erscold
rst- = rst-
rt = (1) rat; (2) rd
rung = raung
rex = reax
rex- = ersc-
r = re
ria = riwa
ribeddod (y) three-bedded, having three couches, WW 184^24.
riccan = ryccan
ridglic (eo, y) adj. lasting three days, BH 350^32.
ridled (eo, y) tripartite, OEG.
ridda (y) num. adj. 'third,' Bl, Cr, Lcd; AO, CP. ridde healf two and a half.
ridung = reodung
re (, ) num. nam.; nafn. ro; gmfn. rora; dmfn. rim (reom) 'three.'
rie- = ri-
reste = rste adv. [[under "rst"]]
retan to weary: force.
rifeald threefold.
rifealdan to multiply by three, increase threefold. [[from first edition]]
rifealdlic threefold, triple. adv. -lce in three ways.
rifeoor = rifeor
rifte 'three-footed,' Gr.
rifeor triangular, Gl.
rifingre (v) three fingers broad or thick, LL 110[49,3].
riflre (y) three-storied, H 270^17.
ri-fotede, -fotad 'three-footed,' WW (y).
rifyldan = rifealdan
rifyrede three-furrowed, Gr 288^12n.
rig = re
riga = riwa
rigrede three-pronged, Gr 288^10 (eo).
rigare three years old: space of three years.
rigylde I. adj. subject to threefold payment, or compensation, LL. II. adv.LL.
rihafdede 'three-headed,' Gr 67^11 (y).
rihing == riing
rihwede having three forms, Gr 287^10(y).
rihlidede having three openings, Gr 288^6(y).
ri-hyrne, -hyrnede (eo) three-cornered.
rilfe three-leaved. as sb. = trefoil? wood-sorrel? WW 133^22(y).
rilen (WW 151^34, y), rilig, rili adj. woven with three threads, Cp, Ln, WW; LV. ['thrile']
rilic triple, threefold, VHy (y).
rile n. year with an extra month (a third, named la).
rim I. = rymm. II. v. re.
rim- = rym-
rimen (y) a third part, Lcd 47a.
ri-meolce, -milce n. May.
rims, rimse = trymes
rindan = rintan
rinen (y) three-fold.
rines f. Trinity, , BH. ['threeness,' 'thrinness']
+ring n. crowd, pressure, commotion, An; L (y). [v.'thring']
ringan^3 to press, squeeze, crowd upon, throng, An, Mk, Ph: press forward, rush on, hasten, advance, AO: oppress: (+) pinch (with cold). ['thring']
rinihte three days old, Lcd.
rinna three-fold, three times, LL. ['thrin']
rinnes () = rines
rintan^3 to swell, Mod 24.
ro = ro. v. re.
rostr- (KGl) = ostr-
rirre with three rows of oars. as sb. trireme, AO(e).
risce = rysce
riscelflr = erscelflr
riscte (^1) triangular, AO. [scat]
risellic tripartite, Nar 35^29 (eo^1).
rislite tripod, three-forked, A 4151 (ie?).
risncce (y^1, e^2) three-forked, Gr 288^12.
rsnes = rstnes
rst, rste I. adj. daring, rash, bold: audacious, shameless, CP, W. II. adv. boldly, daringly. ['thriste'; Ger. dreist]
rstelic = rstiglic
rstful presumptuous, A 13369.
rsthycgende brave-minded.
rsthdig bold, valorous.
+rstian to dare, presume.
rstiglic rash, bold, daring. adv. -lce.
rstlcan to presume, dare, CP.
rstlcnes f. boldness, GD.
+rstlcung f. presumption, MF 164.
rstlasnes f. want of boldness? A 11101.
ristlic == rstiglic
rstling m. bold person? (BT), thrush (Mdf), EC 450^15.
rstlong m. very long? (or = ristling?) BC 3618.
rstnes f. rashness, boldness.
rstra = stra
ristrenge (eo, y) three-stringed, Gr 288^10.
rt () pres. 3 sg. of retan.
rtig 'thirty,' B, Bl; AO, CP.
rtigfeald 'thirtyfold,' Mt.
rtigoa 'thirtieth,' Gr (tt), BH.
rtigwintre thirty years old, .
rittoa = rotoa
rittig == rtig
r == r
riing third part of a county, riding, LL (late).
riinggerfa m. governor or sheriff of a 'riing,' LL (late).
riwa adv. thrice, Mk, RB; AO. ['thrie']
riwin-tre, -tra, -ter three years old, WW. [v.'thrinter']
roc n. table, Mk 11^15: piece of wood on which the ploughshare is fixed.
roehtig = rohtig
rh I. 'rancor,' Gl. II. 'rancidus,' OEG.
roht I. m. exertion, labour, endurance, toil, trouble, suffering. II. adj. dire, troublesome, tormenting.
rohtheard strong in enduring: hard to endure.
rohtig (e? eo) enduring, persistent, persevering, laborious.
rong = rang pret. 3 sg. of ringan.
rop = orp
rosle = rostle
rosm m. smoke, vapour, .
rosmig vaporous, smoky, W 138^26.
rostle (?) f. 'throstle,' thrush, BC, Cp,GD.
rota (WW 306^13) = rote
rotbolla m. gullet, windpipe, larynx, , Gl, LL. ['throatboll']
rote, rotu f. 'throat,' , Bo, WW.
roten pp. of rotan.
rotu () = rote
rung = rwung
rowen pp. of rowan.
rwend m. serpent, scorpion, basilisk, .
rwend- = rwiend-
rwere m. sufferer, martyr.
rwerhd, rwethd m. martyrdom, GD.
rwian (o?) to endure, suffer, die, , B Bl, Bo; AO, CP: pay for, atone for. ['throw']
rowiendhd (e^2) m. martyrdom, GD 231^8#c#.
rw-iendlic, -igendlic suffering, enduring, passive, . .da apoplexy.
rwung f. suffering, , CP: passion, martyrdom: painful symptom: anniversary of martyrdom. ['throwing']
rwungrding f. reading about martyrs, martyrology, CM 286.
rwung-td f., -tma n. time of suffering.
+ren pp. of weran.
rh fmn. pipe, trough, Gl, MH: chest: tomb, coffin, , BH. ['through']
rum = rim v. re.
-rum v. tunge-. ['thrum']
rungen pp., rungon pret. pl. of ringan.
-rt v. fisc-.
rtigende strutting, bouncing, : threatening, L 10^273.
ruton pret. pl. of rotan.
rtung anger, pride: threatening, L 7^76.
ruhorn = truhorn [[headword spelled "trhorn"]]
r = re, r
ryccan pret., rycte, ryhte (tr.) to trample on, crush, oppress, afflict, Bo; CP: (intr.) press, push, Gu. ['thrutch']
+ryccednes f. distress, trouble, MF (Vesp. D xiv).
rycnes f. tribulation, affliction, MtR.
rydda = ridda
+rde pret. 3 sg. of +rn.
+rdfullod 'elatus,' RPs 130^1.
rydian = reodian
rdig = rig
rdlce = rlce
rydung = reodung
rh = rh
ryhte pret. 3 sg. of ryccan.
ryl = yrl, yrel
+rl n. crowd, multitude, L 23^92. [rn]
rym = (1) rymm; (2) rim
rymcyme m. glorious coming, Gu 1230.
rymcyning m. glorious king, king of glory, God.
rymdm m. glory, W 254^14#d#.
rymen = rimen
rymfst glorious, illustrious, noble, mighty.
rymful glorious, majestic, peerless.
rymilce = rimeolce
rymlic glorious, magnificent, AO: powerful, mighty. adv. -lce.
rymm m. multitude, host, troop, L, Cr: torrent: force, power, might, ability: glory, majesty, splendour, CP. ['thrum']
rymma m. brave man, hero, An 1141.
rymme, rymmum adv. powerfully, violently.
rymrce n. realm of glory, heaven, Bl 105^11.
rymsa = trymes
rym-seld n., -setl () n. seat of honour, throne.
rymsittende ptc. sitting in glory, dwelling in heaven.
rymwealdend I. adj. all-ruling. II. m. lord of glory.
+rn to press, bind, v. NC 328.
rync (AO 76^34) = drinc, imperat. of drincan.
rynen = rinen
rynes = rines
ryng sb. conduit, channel? (= ring?) WW 198^14.
rynnes () = rines
ryosm = rosm
rpel () m. instrument of torture, cross? WW 225^41. [rapian]
rpelf 'eculeus,' 'catasta,' WW 180^13.
+ryscan to weigh down, afflict, oppress, CP. [erscan]
rysce (, i, y) 'thrush,' WW.
ryscel- = erscel-
rysman, +rysmian to press, oppress, stifle, AO. [rosm]
ryssce = rysce
rst == rst
rst- = ost-
rt pres. 3 sg. of rotan.
r f. (often in pl.) might, power, force, strength: majesty, glory, splendour: multitude, troop, host.
rrn n. noble house, palace, B 657.
rbearn n. strong youth, An 494.
rbord n. strong shield, El 151.
rcyning m. king of glory, God, An 436.
rful strong, brave.
rgesteald n. splendid dwelling, palace.
rig mighty, strong, Gen 1986?
rlic strong, valiant. adv. -lce(?).
ro = r
rsw n. mighty, powerful, B.
ru = r
rum very, violently.
rweorc n. mighty work, An 774.
rword n. lofty discourse, B 643.
u () pron. 2 pers., gs. n, das. e, ec; dual n. git, gt, g. incer, d. inc, a. incit, inc; np. g, ge, gp. ower, dp. ow, ap. owic, ow 'thou.'
f m. tuft: banner, standard, crest. [L. tufa]
+f thriving, luxuriant, WW.
fbre leafy, OEG 2222.
feistel = istel
fian to shoot forth, grow luxuriantly, WW 408^2.
fig leafy, WW 408^3.
ft m. thicket, WW 408^14.
ugon pret. pl. of on.
+hsian to make misty, dark, W 137^9.
hte pret. 3 sg. of yncan.
+uhtsum abundant, MH 138^15.
ullic = yllic
ma m. 'thumb,' Ep, Lcd, LL.
umle sbpl. entrails, Cp 210#u#.
+un n. loud noise, PPs 45^3.
unar = unor
unden pp. of indan.
unelic = unorlic
uner = unor
uner- = un(o)r-
ung m. a poisonous plant, wolf's-bane, aconite, nightshade? Gl.
+ungen full grown, thriven: competent, excellent, distinguished, virtuous, L. [pp. of on]
+ungenlce adv. virtuously, soberly.
ungennes f. growth: goodness, excellence, virtue, perfection.
unian to stand out, be prominent: be proud: roar, thunder, crash, groan.
unnung = nung [[error for "unung"?]]
unnur = unor
unor (e^2, u^2) m., gs. un(o)res 'thunder,' AO, Cp, Jn, Rd: thunderclap, Lcd: the god Thunder, Thor: 'Jupiter,' WW;WW.
unor- = unr-
unorbodu f. sea-bream? WW 180^34.
unorclfre f. bugle (plant), Lcd.
unorlic (e^2) thundery, OEG.
unorrd f. thunder, thundering, .
unorrdlic thundering, HGl 451^46.
unorrdstefn f. voice of thunder, PPs 76^14.
unorwyrt f. thunder-wort, houseleek, Lcd.
unresdg m. 'Thursday,' ; LL.
unresniht f. the eve of Thursday, Wednesday night.
unrian to 'thunder,' Bo, Jn (impers.); PPs (pers.).
unring f. thundering, Chr 1085.
unung f. creaking, noise, din, WW.
unur = unor
unur- = un(o)r-
un-wang (e, o), -wange (, e) f. (n?) temple (ofthe head), , WW. ['thunwang']
ur = or
uren = woren pp. of weran.
uresdg = unresdg
urfan swv. pres. 1, 3 sg. earf, pl. urfon; pret. sg. orfte; subj. pres. urfe, yrfe to need, be required: must, have occasion to, Gen, LL; CP: want, be needy: be under an obligation, owe. ['tharf'; earf]
urg = urh prep.
urh (e, o) I. prep. (w. d. a. g.) (space) 'through' ('thorough'), G: (time) through, during, PPs: (causal: agent, means, instrument) through, by means of, in consequence of, because of, BH, Bl, G, Gen. urh ealle entirely: (manner) in, with, by, in conformity with: for the sake of, in the name of, Sat: (end, aim) with a view to, on behalf of. II. adv. through, throughout, PPs.
rh = rh
urhbeorht very bright, transparent, radiant, clear,.
urhbiter thoroughly bitter, sour, perverse, CERPs 77^8.
urhblwan^7 to inspire, animate, CM 370.
urhborian to bore through.
urhbrecan^4 to break through, .
urhbregdan^3 to draw through, transport.
urhbrengan to bring through, LPs 77^13.
urhbrcan^2 to enjoy fully, WW 98^1.
urhburnen thoroughly burnt, Lcd 165b.
urhclnsian to cleanse thoroughly, MtR 3^12.
urhcropan^2 to creep through, pass through, Bo 93^5.
urhdelfan^3 to dig through, pierce, .
urhdn 1. to go through, work through, finish, accomplish. 2.to make to pass through. [[from first edition]]
urhdrencan to saturate, Kl 17^148.
urhdrogan^2 to work through, accomplish, pass (time),CM.
urhdrfan^1 to drive or push through, strike: pierce, perforate: penetrate, imbue.
urhdfan^2 to dive through, B 1619.
urhendian (e^1) to accomplish, perfect, LL 411[2,2].
urhetan^5 to eat through, consume.
urhfre = urhfre
urhfstnian to transfix, JnLR 19^37.
urhfaran^6 to pass through, traverse, penetrate, pierce,CP.
urhfarennes f. inner chamber, ASPs 104^28.
urhfran to pass through, traverse, penetrate, BH. ['thoroughfare']
urhfre I. penetrable. II. n. secret chamber.
urhflon^2 to fly through, BH 136^1.
urhfn^7 to penetrate, B 1504.
urh-gn anv., pret. -ode _to go through, pass through, penetrate_, _. ['_throughgo_']
urhgangan^7 = urhgn
urhgedn = urhdn
urhgefeht n. war, Cp 205#p# (o^1).
urhgotan^2 to fill entirely, imbue, saturate, impregnate.
urhgldan to heat through, Da 244.
urhhlan to heal thoroughly, Lcd.
urhhlig most holy.
urhhefig very heavy, GD 104^26.
urhholod bored through, OEG 4035.
urhhwt quite white, WW 163^6.
urhiernan^3 to run through, traverse, pierce, .
urhldan to lead forth, conduct.
urelran to persuade, Sc 38^12.
urhlred very learned, skilled, WW 118^23.
urhl very hateful, WW 130^28.
urhlor-an, -ian to penetrate, GD, JVPs.
urhlcung f. preface, introduction, WW 172^38.
urhrsan to rush through, Rd 4^36.
urhscotan^2 to shoot through, pierce, , AO.
urhscnan to shine through, be transparent, WW 148^7 (y). ['throughshine']
urhscnendlic illustrious, splendid, LPs 15^6.
urhscran^1 to go through, traverse: examine, consider.
urhscyldig very guilty, .
urhscne = urhscne [[form of "urhscnan"?]]
urhscan to search through, inquire thoroughly into, Sc 209^3. ['throughseek']
urhson^5 to look through, examine: penetrate, Bo. ['thoroughsee']
urhslan^6 to strike or pierce through, : attack, afflict, kill.
urhsmagan to search thoroughly, investigate, think out.
urhsmgan^2 to pierce, bore through, eat through: go through carefully.
urhsmyrian to smear, anoint, W 229^3.
urhspdig very rich, H 1502^8.
urhsticcian to transfix, JnL 19^37 (o^1).
urhstingan^3 to pierce through, thrust through, prick, ,CP.
urhstrang very strong, OEG 50^25.
urhswimman^3 to swim through, WW 52^1.
urhswan to prevail, LPs 51^9.
urhswgan to penetrate, BH 430^5 (v.l.).
urhsne limpid, transparent, OEG 23^35.
urhton^2 to carry or put through: finish, fulfil, carry out, effect, , AO, CP: draw, drag: continue: afford: undergo.
urhtogennes f. a religious reading at monastic mealtimes, RBL 118^7.
urhtrymman to confirm, JnLR 10^25 (e^1).
urhrwan to twist through.
urh-yddan, -n to pierce, thrust through, .
urhyrel (i^2) pierced through, perforated, LL.
urh-yrelian (CP), -yrlian to pierce, penetrate.
urht prep. (w. a.) adv. right through, .
urhwac-ol, -el, -ul wide-awake, sleepless, .
urhwadan^6 to penetrate, go through, bore, pierce.
urhwcendlic very vigilant, L 23b^43.
urhwerod quite sweet, very sweet, Gl.
urhwt thoroughly wet, P 172^18.
urhwltan^1 to look through, see.
urhwrecan^5 to thrust through.
urhwundian to pierce through, wound badly, LL 82[61,1].
urhwunenes f. perseverance, MF 176.
urhwunian to abide continuously, remain, continue, settle down, , AO, CP: persevere, hold out, be steadfast,CP.
urhwunigendlic constant, continued. adv. -lce.
urhwunol perpetual, NC 328.
urhwunung f. perseverance, persistency: continued residence.
urhyrnan = urhiernan
urresdg = unresdg
urruc m. small ship? hold of a ship? WW 181^35. [v.'thurrock']
urscon pret. pl. of erscan.
ursdg (Jn) = unresdg
urst (y) m. 'thirst,' Lcd; , AO, VPs.
urstig 'thirsty,' PPs, Mt (y); : thirsting after, greedy, Bo.
uru = duru
uruh == urh
us adv. 'thus,' in this way, Bl, Cp, Lk: as follows, Bo, MH, MtR: to this extent (qualifying adjs.), , B,Gl.
send num. (sbn., always followed by gen.) 'thousand,' Bl, Chr, WW; AO,CP.
send-ealdor, -ealdorman m. captain of a thousand men, v.OEG 4747.
sendfeald 'thousand-fold,' , W.
sendgerm n. computation by thousands.
sendgetel n. a thousand. Gr 284^4.
sendhwe multiform, WW 101^1.
sendlic adj. of a thousand.
sendmle? adj. a thousand each, a thousand.
sendmlum adv. in thousands.
sendmann m. captain of a thousand men, .
sendrca m. chief of a thousand men, WW 110^11.
sent- = send-
uslic = yllic
uss = us
tan = otan
istel m. sow-thistle, Gl, WW. ['thow-thistle']
+xsian (Dom 105) = +hsian
w (NG) = wa pres. 1 sg. of wan.
wgen pp. of wan.
wl = wal
wle? () f. fillet? towel? v. OEG 53^26.
wnan to soften, moisten, BH, Lcd.
wng = wang
wr- = wer-
wre (usu. +) united, concordant, harmonious, : compliant, obedient: agreeable, pleasant, gentle: peaceful: prosperous. adv. -lce.
wrian () to agree, consent to: reconcile: suit, fit.
wrlcan^1 to agree, consent (to), L: suit.
wrnes f. concord, peace: gentleness.
wagen rare pp. of wan.
wh (A) imperat. of wan.
wang mf. 'thong,' band, strap, cord, , G, WW: phylactery, MtL (e), R().
wr- = wr-
warm = wearm
wastrian to whisper, HL 18^381.
wt pret. 3 sg. of wtan.
wa pres. 1 sg. of wan.
wal (, ) n. washing, bath, laver, CP, JnL 12^3: soap, ES 43334: ointment. [Goth. wahl]
wan^6 to wash, cleanse, , CP: anoint, MtL 6^17.
wearm m? cutting tool, Gl.
whl = wal
wle = wle
wnan = wnan
weng (NG) = wang
wor, weorg = weorh
+weor v. buter-ge.
wora m. perversity, CP 222^8.
wores adv. (gen. of weorh) athwart, transversely, obliquely, AO: perversely.
weorh I. adj., gmn. wores cross, transverse, bent, crooked: adverse: angry: perverse, depraved, CP. II. n. crookedness, wrong.
weorh-fero, -furu, -fyri cross-furrow, Gl.
weorhtme = worteme
weorian = weran
worian to oppose, thwart, be opposed to.
worlic perverse, contrary, adverse, : reversed, out of order. adv. -lce.CP.
wornes () f. perversity, frowardness, obstinacy, depravity,.
worscipe m. perversity, CP.
worteme (^2, ^2, ^2) contentious, perverse, wicked,CP.
weoton (BH 204^32) = witon pret. pl. of wtan.
wr, werh = weorh
weran^4 to stir, churn: () beat, forge, render malleable, soften.
wih (ie) pres. 3 sg. of wan.
wnan to decrease, lessen, Lcd.
+winglod fastened up? (BT), HL 18^218.
wr = weorh
wiril m. handle of a churn, whisk, WW 280^31. [weran]
+wit n. cuttings, BH 204^32 (v.l.). [wtan]
wtan^1 to cut, 'whittle,' cut off, cut out, BH, Lcd. ['thwite']
wg, wh pret. 3 sg., wogen pp. of wan.
wong = wang
woren pp. of weran.
+wrnes = +wornes
wurh = weorh
wyh pres. 3 sg. of wan.
wr (), wr- = weorh, wor-
wyril = wiril
wrs = wores
I. pron. (instr. sing. of s, t). fter after (that), later. II. conj. and adv. because, since, on that account: therefore, Lcd: then: (with comparatives) the. ... the...the. mid while, when. t t for the purpose that, in order that. for e because. ls (e) lest. ['thy']
an = n
yc- = ic-
dges adv. on the same day.
dan = odan
yddan to strike, stab, CP: thrust, press, . ['thud']
+de good, virtuous. Cra 68.
yder == ider
f == of
fel m. shrub, bush, copse, thicket, Lcd, LPs, WW; . ['thyvel'; f]
feorn y? (, o, ) m. buckthorn? hawthorn? bramble? Gl (,o), Lcd (), WW. ['thevethorn']
flen? (or ? ryplen) bushy, GPH 399^457.
yften f. handmaid, OEG. ['thuften']
f = ef
gan = n
+yht pleasing, Rim 18.
yhtig strong, B 1558.
h pres. 3 sg. of on.
ls conj. lest. ls e lest.
ylc = yllic
ylcrft (e) m. elocution, rhetoric, OEG.
yld (usu +) nf. patience, LkLR. ['thild']
yldelic patient. adv. -lce patiently, quietly.
+yld-ian, -(i)gian to be patient, bear, endure, CP: give in, agree, OEG 3237.
yldig (usu. +) adj. patient, DR; , CP. [v.'thild']
+yldmd patient, W 72^7.
+yldmdnes f. patience, NC 297.
+yldum patiently, steadfastly.
yle m. speaker, orator: jester, WW 385^3.
ylian () = ilian
yling = il(l)ing
+yll n. air, breeze, DR 121^18.
yllic pron. (such like), such, such a, AO, CP.
+yllic 'densus,' OEG 5^4 (?= +iclic; or +llic, from n).
+ylmd brought down, abased, LPs 19^9.
mel m. thumb-stall, 'thimble,' Lcd.
mele adj. of the thickness of a thumb, LL 110[49,3].
n I. to press, squeeze, thrust, stab: coerce, restrain, oppress. [= yddan] II. = n
yncan (i) (impers. w. d.) pret. 3 sg. hte to appear, seem, Bo, CP, El, Cr; AO. m ync methinks, Bo. him hte it seemed good to him. [Ger. dnken]
ynco (usu. +) f. dignity, rank, office, (i), CP: meeting, assembly: private arrangement (todefeat justice), LL 112[52].
ynden = enden
yngo progress, promotion, N: propitiation, DR 23^10.
ynhlne wasted, shrunk, WW 446^24.
ynne (i) 'thin,' BH, RB: lean, Lcd, WW: not dense, , BC: fluid, tenuous, BH, Lcd, Met: weak, poor, BH, Lcd.
ynnes (i) f. lack of density, tenuity, fluidity, Lcd 73b: poverty, feebleness (ofsight), Lcd 1134. ['thinness']
ynnian (i) to 'thin,' make thin, lessen, dilute, , Lcd: become thin,L.
ynnol (u^2) lean, thin, WW 172^16.
ynnung, ynung f. 'thinning,' act of making thin, Lcd 98a.
ynwefen thin woven, WW 439^34.
yrel (?) I. n. hole, opening, aperture, perforation, BH, MtL, Sc, WW. II. adj. pierced, perforated, full of holes, CP. ['thirl'; durh]
yrelhs n. turner's workshop, WW 185^31 (ryl-).
yrelian = yrlian
yrelung f. piercing, CP 153^25.
yrelwamb with pierced belly, Rd 79^11.
yrf == earf
yrfe subj. pres. sing. of urfan.
yrl = yrel
yrlian _to perforate, pierce, excavate_, _ (i), _WW_. ['_thirl_']
-yrlic v. samod-.
yrn == orn
yrne f. thorn-bush, bramble, ; Mdf.
yrnen thorny, of thorns, , CP. ['thornen']
yrnet n. thorn, bramble, thorn-thicket, OEG.
yrniht, yrnihte thorny, Lcd.
yrran to dry, render dry, Rd 29^4.
yrre withered: dry. [Ger. drr]
yrs m. giant, demon, wizard, B, Cp; Mdf. ['thurse']
yrscel == erscel
yrsc pres. 3 sg. of erscan.
yrscwold = erscold
yrst = urst
+yrst thirsty, MH 170^6.
yrstan (pers. and impers.) to 'thirst,' thirst after, G, Lcd, Sc; AO, CP. [urst]
+rstgian = +rstian
s instr. smn. of s.
ys- = is-
yslic = yllic
-yssa v. brim-.
ster == ostor
str- = ostr-
t, tt pres. 3 sg. of otan.
-tan v. -. [OHG. dzn]
el (LPs 79^11) = fel
yer = ider
w- = ow-
wan to press, impress, : stab, pierce: crush, push, oppress, check: threaten.
+we = +awe [[headword spelled "eawe"]]
w = ef
wung f. threat, threatening, GD 238^15.
uce = wuce
ucu = wucu
der n. 'udder,' WW 61^16.
udu (N) = wudu
f I. m. owl, Gl: vulture, Gr 48^17n. II. m. uvula,WW.
ufa = ufan
ufan (o) adv. from above, , AO, CP: over, above, on high, CP. onu.; u.on t besides. on u. hrfest in late autumn. on u. midne winter after Christmas. [Ger. oben]
ufancumende coming from above.
ufancund from above, supreme, divine, CP.
ufane = ufan
ufanweard adj. (often used w. d. as a prep.) highest, topmost, . ufanweardum above, at the top.
ufemest (superl. of uferra, ufor) _highest, uppermost, topmost_, _. ['_ovemest_']
ufen == ufan
ufenan, ufenon I. adv. from above, Jn, W. II. prep. over and above, DD. on ufenan upon the top of. ['ovenon']
ufera = uferra
uferian to delay, put off, : (+) raise up, Bk 8: extol, honour, . [ufor]
uferra comp. adj. above, higher, upper, BH; CP: outer, Lcd, WW: after (oftime), later, future, AO, Lcd; CP. ['over']
uferung f. delay, GD 245^8.
ufeweard I. adj. upward, ascending, upper, higher up, , CP: later. II. sb. upper part, outside,.
ufewerd = ufeweard
uffrian = uferian
ufon == ufan
ufor adv. higher, further away, further up, , CP: later, posterior, subsequent.
ufora = uferra
ufur = ufor
uf-weard, -werd = ufeweard
uht = wuht = wiht fn.
ht, hta () m. twilight, dusk, early morning, dawn. on htan at daybreak. t htes towards dawn: nocturns.
htantd = httd
htantma m. time of nocturns.
htcearu f. sorrow at dawn, Wif 7.
htentd = httd
htfloga m. twilight-flier, dragon, B 2760.
htgebed n. morning prayer, matins.
hthlem m. crash at dawn, B 2007.
htlic I. morning, matutinal, of matins. II. = tlic
htsang m. morning song, matins, : nocturns.
htsanglic nocturnal, used at nocturns, CM 1014.
htsceaa m. twilight foe, B 2271.
httd f. twilight, early morning, dawn.
htegnung f. matins, WW 129^33.
htwcca f. night watch, vigils, RB 40^10.
le f. 'owl,' , Cp.
ulf (JnL 10^12) = wulf
ulmtrow n. elm tree, WW 138^12. [L. ulmus]
ma I. m. name of a plant, Lcd 103b. II. m. a weaver's beam,WW.
umb = ymb
umbe = ymbe
umbor n. infant.
umborwesende being a child, B.
un- I. negative or pejorative prefix. II. occasionally = on- (prefix expressing reversal of a previous action) as in unbindan.
unbeden neg. ptc. unbidden, .
unbgendlic = unbgendlic
unberendlic intolerable, unbearable, , CP. adv. -lce, ,CP.
unberiende unbearable, Lcd 3260.
unbt = ungebt [[under "ungebted"]]
unbindendlic indissoluble, Bo.
unblinn n. irrepressible state, unceasing presence, Guth 46^10.
unablinnend-e, -lic unceasing, perpetual. adv. -lce, , AO,CP.
unboht = ungeboht
unbrecendlic inextricable, WW 419^2.
unbgendlic () inflexible, WW 421^30.
uncenned unbegotten, H 1464^34.
uncnycendlic that cannot be untied or loosened, DR 108^10. [cnyccan]
un-cumendlic (), -cumenlic unbearable, unattainable, impossible.
unacumenlicnes f. unbearableness, RBL 114^9.
uncwencedlic inextinguishable, unquenchable.
undrogendlic unendurable.
undrgod undried, not dried, not hardened, CP 383^32.
undrysn-ende, -en(d)lic unquenchable, NG.
un-dwsced, -dwscendlic, -dwscedlic inextinguishable, unquenchable,.
unae = unae
unmta m. want of leisure, work, occupation, hindrance.
unmtigian to deprive of leisure, AS 36^4.
unrh = unearg
unsecgenlic (EPs 100^6) = unsendlic?
unt f. gluttony, .
untspornen not hindered, GD 60^26.
unelboren not of noble birth, low-born, .
unele of low birth, plebeian, ignoble, base, CP.
unelian (an-) to degrade, debase, Bo, Met.
unelice adv. ignobly, basely, BH 442^11.
unelnes f. ignobility, GD 151^24.
unwfstlce adv. irreverently: unlawfully.
unwisc () 'pudicus,' WW 291^25.
unfhtendlic (N) = unfeohtendlic
unfandod untried, AS 32^7.
unfeohtendlic (^3) what cannot be contended against, inevitable.
unfled undefiled, LPs 17^31.
unfliend = unfliend
unfunden undiscovered, : untried.
un-fylledlic, -fyllendlic that cannot be filled, insatiable, . adv. -lce.
unga m. one who owns nothing, PPs 112^6.
ungledlce unremittingly, Bl 121^5.
ungn adj. not lapsed, in force, KC.
ungelfed = unlfed
ungen not one's own or under one's control, precarious,CP.
ungifen unpaid, TC 201^23.
ungunnen without a beginning, H.
unhefendlic unceasing, continual, MFH 176.
un-lef-, -l(a)f- = unlf-
unlogen not false, true, NC 328.
un-lfed (CP), -lfe(n)dlic (e) not allowed, unlawful, illicit. adv. -lce unlawfully, without permission, Sc.
unlfednes (^2) f. what is forbidden, licentiousness,BH.
unlsendlic without remission, H 1500^18.
unmlt unmelted, Gl.
unmnsumod not excommunicated, in church fellowship,.
unmeten unmeasured, unbounded, .
unmetenlic immeasurable, immense, A 2360.
unmetgod immeasurable, immense, A 2361.
unan- = unon-
unandcignes (o^2) f. ignorance, JVPs 24^7.
unandergildes = unundergilde
unandett unconfessed, W 71^7.
unandgytful unintelligent, incapable, ignorant, foolish.
unandhfe (-hoife) insupportable, MtR 23^4.
unandweard not present, absent, .
unandwendlic = unwende(n)dlic
[[Though the meanings are similar, "unwendedlic" (under unwend) and "unwendendlic" (under unwendende) are different words.]]
unandws unskilful, WW.
unangyttol = unandgytful
unnrdnes f. inconstancy, Bl 31^34.
unpnedlce adv. with impunity, DR 113^15.
unr f. dishonour, AO.
un-rfned, -rfne(n)dlic not permissible, impracticable, : intolerable.
unreccendlic unexplainable, wonderful, Sc 26^15.
unrefnendlic (VPs) = unrfnendlic [[under "unrfned"]]
unreht unexplained, Bo 77^16.
+unrian to dishonour, AO.
unrmed adj. unnumbered, countless, innumerable,AO.
unrmedlic innumerable, immeasurable, AO. adv. -lce,AO.
unrlic dishonourable, dishonest, disgraceful: contrary to what is fitting, unnatural (ofa will), WW. adv. -lce dishonourably: unmercifully.
unarodscipe f. remissness, cowardice, CP 149^15.
unrwurian (eo) to dishonour, .
unrwurlic dishonourable, NC 328.
unrwyrnes f. irreverence, indignity, Sc 224^1.
unrmed = unrmed
unscgendlic = unsecgendlic
unsdd = unsedd
unscended unhurt.
unscruncen not withered, undecayed, DR 24^16.
unscyrigendlic inseparable, H 1326^27.
unscyrod not separated, WW 253^3.
unsecgende unspeakable, ineffable, BH 264^30.
unsecgendlic indescribable, unspeakable, ineffable, . adv. -lce.
unsedd unsatisfied, unsatiated, Gl.
unsenlic (KGl), -sendlic insatiable.
unswod (o) unsewed, without seam, Jn 19^23.
unsmagendlic inconceivable, inscrutable, unsearchable, .
unsolcenlce diligently, RB 20^19.
un-speriendlic (KGl), -sporiendlic (GD) unsearchable.
unspring-ende, -endlic (GD) unfailing.
unstod not hardened, not firm, CP 383^32.
unstyr-ed, -od unmoved, GD.
un-styriende, -styri(g)endlic adj. immovable, firm: motionless,.
unsundrodlic inseparable, DR.
unswundenlce adv. diligently, BH.
untaladlic (N) = untellendlic
unteald uncounted.
untellendlic (ea) innumerable.
untemed barbarous, BH.
untemedlic untameable, wild, fierce, BH 162^28.
untoriende indefatigable, OEG.
untorigendlic lasting, permanent, unceasing, : indefatigable, unwearied. adv. -lce.
untorod unwearied, OEG.
un-triend-, -toriend- = untorigend-
untwogendlce = untwogendlce
unrotend unwearied, assiduous, persistent, Cr 388.
unroten unwearied, indefatigable, vigorous, CP 171^9. adv. -lce,CP.
unwgendlic unshaken, TC 319^9.
un-wscen, -waxen unwashed, WW.
unwemmed, -lic unstained, spotless, N.
unwemmednes f. incorruption, A 8330.
un-wend, -wended(lic) unchangeable, unchanged, inviolate.
unwendend-e, -lic unchangeable, unceasing. adv. -lce.
unwerded (oe; = ie) unhurt, N.
unwdlod undefined, DR.
unwriten unwritten, .
un-bldo, -bldu = unbieldo
unbrende = unberende
unbald = unbeald
unbealaful guiltless, innocent, W.
unbeald (a) cowardly, timid, weak, irresolute, distrustful,CP.
unbealu n. innocence, PPs 100^2.
unbeboht unsold, AO 18^10.
unbebyriged unburied.
unbecas incontestable, LL 112[53,1].
unbecrafod unquestioned, not subject to claims, LL 358[72].
unbecweden unbequeathed, TC.
unbeden unbidden, .
unbe-fangenlic, -feonglic (BH 224^19 Ca) unintelligible, incomprehensible,.
unbefliten undisputed, EC 69.
unbefohten unopposed, unattacked, Ma 57.
unbefndlic incomprehensible, BH 224^19#o#.
unbegn untilled: unadorned.
unbegrpendlic incomprehensible, Bl.
unbegunnen without a beginning, .
unbehafdod not beheaded, .
unbehfe not suitable, inconvenient, WW 508^34.
unbehelendlce adv. openly, without concealment, W 138^3.
unbehelod uncovered, naked, .
unbehrowsigende unrepenting, .
unbelimp = ungelimp
unbeorhte (y) not brightly, Bo.
unberafigendlic never to be taken away, L 23b^243.
unberende unbearable: unfruitful, barren.
unberendlic unbearable, Lcd 3260^23.
unberendnes f. barrenness.
unbermed unleavened, unfermented. [beorma]
unbesacen (^2) undisputed.
unbesndlic = unbesondlic
unbesnged = unbesenged
unbescawod improvident, inconsiderate. adv. -lce.
unbescoren unshorn, RB 135^29.
unbesenced = unbesenged
unbesenged not singed, unburnt, W 25^19.
unbesondlic (BH 224^19) = unbefndlic?
unbesmiten undefiled, pure, spotless, .
unbesmitennes f. spotlessness.
unbesorh unconcerned, not interested, H 2486^9.
unbted uncompensated, unexpiated, unatoned, Cr 1312.
unbehte adv. unthinkingly, CP 434^2.
unbeyrfe useless, idle, vain.
unbeweddod unbetrothed, unmarried, .
unbewelled not boiled away, Lcd 93b. [weallan]
unbiddende not praying, H 1156^4.
unbieldo () f. want of boldness, diffidence, timidity,CP.
unbilewit (y^2) 'immitis,' OEG 56^232.
unbindan^3 to unbind, loose, : pay (NG; trans. of 'solvere'). [= onbindan]
unbiscopod not confirmed by a bishop.
unbiyrfe = unbeyrfe
unbloh clean, bright.
unbletsung f. curse, LL (310^35).
unblinnendlce incessantly, BH 34^6.
unbliss f. sorrow, affliction, .
+unblissian to make unhappy, NC 297.
unble joyless, sad, sorrowful, CP: unfriendly.
unblemde sad of heart, MtL 26^37.
unbldig bloodless, GPH 395^16.
unblonden unmixed, DR 68^15.
unboht unbought, free, NG.
unboren unborn, , CP.
unbrd narrow.
unbrce unbreakable, indestructible.
unbrcen = unbrocen
un-brece, -bri(e)ce = unbryce
unbroc v. unbrocheard.
unbrocen unbroken, whole, entire.
unbrocheard delicate, tender.
unbrosn-igendlic (), -endlic (GD) indestructible, incorruptible.
unbrosnodlce incorruptibly, GD 348^23.
unbrosnung f. incorruptibility, .
unbryce unbreakable: indestructible, everlasting. [brecan]
unbrce useless. [brcan]
unbrde honestly, LL 400[2].
unbed uninhabited, desert, NG.
unbyergo np. uninhabited places, DR 1^9.
unbyrged unburied, MH 28^21.
unbyrhte = unbeorhte
unbyrnende without burning, B 2548.
unc pers. pron. (d. a. dual) us two.
uncnned = uncenned
uncfscipe m. sloth, neglect, Chr 47.
uncamprf unwarlike, GPH 399.
uncapitulod without headings (to chapters), LL (204^1).
uncaped gratuitous, gratis, MtL 10^8.
uncapunga gratuitously, Da 746.
un-cas, -cast n? oath of reconciliation, LL 104[35].
uncenned = uncenned
uncer I. g. dual of pers. pron. of us two. II. poss. pron. belonging to us two.
uncet = unc
unclmod unsmeared, GPH 398.
un-clne, -clnlic unclean, impure, CP. adv. -lce.
unclnnes f. uncleanness, impurity, AO, CP.
unclno f. uncleanness, NG.
unclnsian to soil, pollute, AO, CP.
unclnsod unpurified, CP.
uncln- = uncln-
uncnyttan to unbind, untie, loosen, . [cnotta]
un-coa m., -cou f. disease, .
uncrft m. evil practice, LL, W.
uncrftig helpless, DD 239.
uncrafod (LL 232, 14) = unbecrafod
uncre gdf. of uncer II.
uncristen infidel, BH 2357.
uncumle inhospitable, W 257^14.
unc unknown, strange, unusual, AO: uncertain, CP: unfriendly, unkind, rough.
unca m. stranger.
unclic unknown. adv. -lce in an unfriendly manner, unkindly.
uncnes f. strangeness, GD 278^15.
uncwaciende firmly, CP 41^7.
uncweden (unsaid), revoked, WW 114^45.
uncwme not pleasing, MF 176.
uncweende speechless, inanimate.
uncwisse dumb, BH 290^12.
un-cwyd, -cwydd uncontested, undisputed, LL.
uncme unseemly, mean, paltry, poor.
uncynde unnatural, Bo 91^21#b#.
un-cynn, -cynlic, -cynelic unsuitable, improper.
uncpe gratuitous, WW 514^31.
uncped = uncaped
un-cyst, -cyste f. mistake, error: vice, wickedness, crime, , CP: stinginess, parsimony, : disease, Lcd. [cosan]
uncystig mean, stingy, niggardly, , CP.
unc = unc
uncig ignorant, unacquainted with: devoid of, Gu 1199.
un-c, -cu f. ignorance, , CP: foreign country.
undd f. wicked deed, crime.
undftelce = ungedftelce
un-dled, -dld undivided, Bo.
undaded not deadened, Lcd 3a.
undadlic immortal, for all eternity, . adv. -lce.
undadlicnes f. immortality, .
undagollce = undogollce
undearnunga adv. openly.
unda- = undad-
undaw without dew, Lcd 35a.
undeclnigendlic indeclinable, Gr.
undd = undd
undogollce () adv. plainly, clearly, CP.
undop shallow, low, CP.
undopancol shallow, silly, H 1286^29.
undor = undore I.
undore I. adj. cheap, CP. II. adv. cheaply.
undeornunga = undearnunga
under I. prep. w. d. and a. 'under,' beneath, among: before, in the presence of: under the shelter of, Chr: in subjection to, under the rule of: during: by means of, by. swerian u. God to swear by God. u. bc = under-bc. II. adv. beneath, below, underneath.
undergendlic adj. 'subnixus,' DR 182^16.
underandfnd (o^3, oe^4) 'susceptor,' DR 193^6.
under-bc, -bcling adv. backwards, back, behind, ,CP.
underbgan to subject, N. [began]
underbeginnan^3 to undertake, purpose, .
underberan^4 to support, endure.
under-brdan, -bregdan to spread under.
underbgan^2 to submit (to), .
underburh f. suburb, (Deut 32^32).
underburhware mp. dwellers in a suburb.
undercerran to overturn, subvert, LkLR 23^2. [cierran]
undercing = undercyning
undercrammian to stuff between, fill out underneath, H 1430^4.
undercropan^2 to be secretly grasped, seized by something, : penetrate, undermine,GD.
undercuman^4 to assist, N.
under-cyning, -cyng m. under-king, viceroy, .
underdelf n. undermining, ASPs 79^17.
underdelfan^3 to dig under, undermine, break through,.
underdacon m. subdeacon.
underdn anv. to put under, .
underdrencan to choke by drowning, MkL 5^13.
underdrifennes f. subjection, LkL p6^16.
underade (N) = underode, pret. 3 sg. of undergn.
undereoton (Ruin 6) = undereten pp. of underetan.
underetan^5 to eat underneath, undermine, subvert.
underfang 'susceptor,' SPs.
underfangelnes = underfangenes
underfangen (pp. of underfn) neophyte, L 31^730.
underfang-enes, -elnes f. undertaking, assumption: reception, hospitality, GD 76^22.
underfealdan 'subdere,' EHy 6^30.
underfeng I. m. undertaking, taking in hand, CP 23^22. II. pret. 3 sg. of underfn.
underflwan^7 to flow under, Rd 11^2.
underfolgo m. subordinate office, AO 286^5#c#.
underfn to receive, obtain, take, accept, , AO, CP: take in, entertain: take up, undertake, assume, adopt, , AO, CP: submit to, undergo: steal, GD, Lcd.
underfnd m. one who takes anything in charge, LPs.
underfnlic to be received, RBL 97^8.
underfyligan 'subsequi,' LkL 23^55.
undergn anv. to undergo: undermine, ruin.
undergangan^7 = undergn
undergend- = underigend-
undergeoc under the yoke, tame, MkL 21^5.
undergerfa m. 'proconsul,' deputy-governor,.
undergereord = underngereord
undergesett placed under, GD 307^12.
undergestandan^6 to stand under, LL 108[44].
undergeoded subject, LL 88.
undergeodnes = underodnes
undergietan^5 (i, y) to note, mark, understand, perceive,AO.
underginnan^3 to begin, undertake, .
undergitan () = undergietan
undergynnan = underginnan
undergytan () = undergietan
underhebban^6 to bear, support, lift, NG.
underhlystan 'subaudire,' to supply an omitted word, Gr 151.
underhlystung f. the act of supplying an omitted word, Gr 151.
underhngan^1 to submit to, undergo, , CP: succumb to, sink under.
underholung f. 'suffossum,' LV^2 Ps 79^17.
underhwtel m. under-garment, WW 187^21.
underhwrdel = underwrdel
underi-ende, -gende, -gendlic inoffensive, harmless,AO.
underiernan^3 to run under: 'succurrere,' DR 43^8.
underlttow m. consul, AO 68^2#c#.
underlecgan to underlay, prop, support, , CP.
underlicgan^5 to underlie, to be subject to, give way to,.
underlihtan to alleviate, DR.
underling m. underling, inferior.
underltan^2 to bow or bend under: support, sustain,CP.
undermete = undernmete
undern m. morning (from 9.0 a.m. to 12.0 noon): the third hour (= 9.0 a.m.; later, 11.0 a.m.),.
underne = undierne
underneoan (^3, y^3) adv. underneath, AO.
underngereord m. morning meal, breakfast, AO.
underngeweorc n. breakfast, GD 66^12.
undern-giefl, -gifl n. repast, breakfast, CP 322^19.
underniman^4 to take in, receive, comprehend, understand, : blame, be indignant at: take upon oneself, : steal, Lcd.
underniemest lowest of all, Met 20^35.
undernml n. morning time, .
undernmete m. morning meal, breakfast, AO.
undernrest f. morning rest, MH 42^6.
undernsang m. tierce (religious service about 9.0 a.m.).
undernswsendu np. early meal, BH 164^30.
underntd f. the third hour (= 9.0 a.m.), noon, morning-time, : tierce.
undernyan () = underneoan
underondfnd = underandfnd
underplantian 'supplantare,' Sc, SPs.
undersang = undernsang
underscotan^2 to prop up, sustain, support, CP: intercept, pass under.
underscyte m. passage underneath, transit, : brake, drag-chain, OEG 50^15.
underscan to examine, investigate, scrutinize, CP. [Ger. untersuchen]
undersettan 'supponere,' LPs 36^24?
undersingan^3 'succinere,' Gr 181^2.
undersittan^5 'subsidere,' Gr 157^5.
undersmgan^2 to creep under, surprise.
understandan^6 (o^3) to 'understand,' perceive, , CP: observe, notice, take for granted, L 23b^186: 'subsistere,'DR.
understandennes f. 'substantia,' DR 31^20 (o^3).
understanding f. intelligence, Sc 221^13.
understapplian 'supplantare,' LPs 16^13.
understaolfst = unstaolfst
understingan^3 to prop up, support, CP 113^11.
understond- = understand-
understrdan to strew under, MH 18^21.
undersyrc m. undershirt, WW 379^30. [serce] [[under "serc"]]
undertd = underntd
undertdl n. secondary division, Gr 291^5.
undertunge f. 'sublingua,' part under or behind the tongue, tongue-ligament, WW 264^17 (or? two words, Cp, LPs 9^28; 65^17).
undertungerum tongue-ligament, Lcd. [v. 'thrum']
underencan to consider, CP 49^23: (refl.) change one's mind, repent, LL 438[22] (^3).
undernian to serve under, Sc 5^6.
underod subjected, subject: assistant, suffragan.
underodan (e, ) to subjoin, add: subjugate, subject, subdue, reduce, degrade, , CP: support, OEG 4339.
under-odendlic, -odenlic subjunctive, Gr.
underodnes f. subjection, submission, obedience,.
underow m. subject, slave, AO.
underedan (AO, CP) = underodan
underednes (^3) = underodnes
underdan = underodan
underweaxan^6 'succrescere,' Sc 104^8.
underwedd n. deposit, pledge, .
underwendan 'subvertere,' Sc 196^6.
underweorpan 'subjicere,' EPs 143^2.
underwrdel m? waistband, WW 153^1.
underwreian (eo, i, y) to support, sustain, uphold, strengthen, establish, ,CP.
underwreung f. propping up, support, sustentation.
underwrtan to write at the foot of, subscribe, BH 312^30.
under-wriian, -wryian = underwreian
underwyrtwalian 'supplantare,' EPs 17^40.
undercan to add, A 13385^292. [ecan]
underyrnan = underiernan
undierne (i, y) I. open, manifest, clearly known: public, nuncupatory. II. adv.
undgollce = undogollce
undlegod unerased, CP 423^23.
undolfen untilled, GD 202^4.
undm m. unjust judgment, injustice.
undmlce indiscreetly, Sc 202^15.
undn anv. to undo, open, loose, separate, : cancel, discharge, abrogate.
undrfed untroubled, undisturbed, undefiled, CP 31^3.
undrifen not driven or tossed, LL 222[2].
undruncen sober, CP 295^8.
undrysnende inextinguishable, MtL 3^12.
undre = undore
undyrne = undierne
unacen () barren, OEG 27^31.
unacniendlic unfruitful, sterile, OEG 1030.
unearfolce adv. without difficulty, OEG.
un-earg, -earh (), -earhlic () not cowardly, dauntless, bold, brave.
unae I. adj. not easy, difficult, hard, disagreeable, grievous. II. adv..
unaelic difficult, hard, impossible: troublesome, MP 1611. adv. -lce.
unaelicnes (^2) f. difficulty.
una-lce, -lcne, -lcne not easily cured, Lcd.
unamylte indigestible, Lcd 82b.
unanes (, e) f. difficulty, inconvenience, trouble, worry, : severity, harshness.
unawfstlce = unwfstlce
un-efen, -efn, -efenlic unequal, unlike: anomalous, irregular, Gr. adv. -efne.
un-metta, -mota = unmta
unemn = unefen
unendebyrdlce in a disorderly manner, CP.
unered unploughed, uncultivated, WW 147^3.
unstful ungracious, WW 191^17.
un- = una-, une-
unwisc = unwisc
unfcne () without malice, sincere, honest, faithful.
unfderlce adv. in an unfatherly manner, W 106^6.
unfge not fated to die.
unfger not beautiful, unlovable, unlovely, deformed, ugly, hideous.
unfgernes (e) ugliness, GD 279^15: abomination, MtL 24^15.
unfglic not fatal, Bo 107^29.
unfgre () adv. unfairly, foully.
unfh f. peace, (dropping of a feud), LL 100[28].
unfle wicked, unlovely, unholy, evil.
unfst not fixed, not firm, loose, unsteady, tottering,CP.
unfstende not fasting, LL (252^1).
unfstlce adv. not firmly, vaguely, indistinctly, CP 156^13.
+unfstnian to be without aim, ineffective, MFH 165.
unfstrd unstable, inconstant, CP.
unfstrdnes f. inconstancy, CP.
unfs- = unfst
unfh exempt from hostility, not under a ban, LL 186[1,1].
unfealdan^7 to unfold, open.
unfeax without hair, bald.
unfcne = unfcne
unfferig not feverish, Lcd 1164^18.
unfeger- = unfger-
unflende unfeeling, callous, Lcd 99a.
unfenge not acceptable, MF 176.
un-feor, -feorr adv. not far from, near.
unfeormigende (on-) inexpiable, L 23b^426.
unfre disabled, invalided.
unfrnes f. impotence, infirmity, MLN 45.
unflitme adv.? unreservedly? B 1097.
un-flycge, -fligge unfledged, OEG 28^13.
unforbrned unburnt, , AO.
unforboden unforbidden, lawful, .
unforbgendlic unavoidable. adv. -lce without turning away, L 23b^431.
unforburnen unburnt, H 2480^7.
unforc reputable, good, honourable, noble, brave, CP. adv. -lce. [fraco]
unfordytt unobstructed, OEG 3613.
unforebyrdig impatient, Sc 8^13.
unfored (od) unbroken, .
unforedlic (o^3) indissoluble, OEG.
unforesceaw-od, -odlic inconsiderate, hasty.
unforfeored unbroken? WW 231^33.
unforgifen unforgiven, CP: not given in marriage.
unforgitende unforgetting, mindful, Guth 76^22.
unforgolden unpaid, .
unforhfednes (fd) f. incontinence.
unforhladen unexhausted, WW 255^39.
unforht adj. fearless, bold. adv. -e, -lce.
unforhtigende fearless, H 2140^29.
unforhtmd fearless, .
unforlten () not left, NG.
unformolsnod neg. ptc. uncorrupted, undecayed, .
unformolten unconsumed, H 1488^7.
unforod = unfored
unforrot-edlic (HGl), -iendig (P 14^7), -iendlic (OEG) incorruptible.
unforscawodlce unawares: inconsiderately, hastily.
unfor-spornen, -spurned not hindered, GD 60^28.
unforswled unburnt, H 220^15.
unforswgod not passed over in silence, L 23b^35.
un-forswien, -forswed unconquered.
unfortredde sb. the plant which cannot be killed by treading, polygonum aviculare, knot-grass.
unfortreden not destroyed by treading, Lcd 3299.
unforwandigendlce adv. unhesitatingly, boldly.
unforwandodlic adj. unhesitating, fearless, CP. adv. -lce unhesitatingly, fearlessly, recklessly, CP: unswervingly.
unforwealwod unwithered, Bl 73^25.
unforwordenlic undecayed, OEG.
unforworht I. innocent. II. unrestricted, free,KC.
unforwyrded undecayed, NC 351.
un-fracodlce, -fracolce honourable, becomingly, fitly, Bo.
unfratewod unadorned, unpolished, GPH 396. [frtwian] [[under "frtwan"]]
unfremful unprofitable, .
unfremu f. damage, hurt.
unfrondlce unkindly, Gen 2689.
unfricgende unquestioning, Gen 2649.
unfri m. breach of peace, enmity, hostilities, war, AO: state of being outside the king's peace.
unfriflota m. hostile fleet, Chr 1000#e#.
unfrihere m. hostile army, Chr.
unfriland n. hostile land, LL 222[3,1].
unfrimann m. man of a hostile country, LL 222[3,3].
unfriscip n. hostile ship.
unfrd not aged, young, inexperienced, B 2821.
unfrforlce uncontestably, OEG 56^187?
unfrom inert.
unfl 'insulsum' (?) MkLR 9^50.
unfulfremed imperfect, .
unfulfremednes f. imperfection, CP.
unfulfremming f. imperfection, LPs 138^16.
un-fliend (HGl), -fliendlic (OEG) incorruptible.
unfullod unbaptized, LL.
unfulworht imperfect, unfinished, RB 20^3.
unfyrn adv. not long ago: soon.
ungnge useless, vain, MtR 15^6.
ungan = ongan pret. 3 sg. of onginnan.
ungendod = ungeendod
ungesce unheard of.
un-gewed (-iwed) unmarried, OEG 5248.
ungeandett without confession, W 135^32.
ungara adv. not long ago, lately, recently: soon, shortly.
ungearo = ungearu
ungearu, gsm. ungear(o)wes unready, unprepared, untilled, AO, CP. on ungearwe unawares,AO.
ungearwyrd not respected, WW 421^32.
ungae = unae
ungexod unasked, H 1428^6.
ungebarde = ungebierde
ungebaten unbeaten, unwrought, Ln 23^5.
ungebgendlic = ungebgendlic
ungebeorhlce rashly? intemperately? H 2322^26.
unge-bt(ed), -bett unatoned for, CP: unacquitted, EC 217.
ungebierde (a, y) beardless.
ungebged unbent, OEG 2977.
ungebgendlic inflexible: indeclinable, Gr.
ungebleoh of different colours, unlike, Gr.
ungebltsod unblessed, Jul 492.
ungeblged intrepid, Gu 913. [bloh]
ungeboden without being summoned.
ungeboht unbought, unbribed, LL 398[8].
ungeboren yet unborn, LL 126 Pro.
ungebrocen unbroken, WW 398^32.
ungebrocod unafflicted, uninjured, .
ungebrosnendlic undecaying, BH, GD.
ungebrosnod not spoiled, uncorrupted, undecayed,.
ungebrosnung f. incorruption, Sc 71^2.
ungebunden unbound, Gr 14^13; GD 214^16.
ungebyrde I. uncongenial, Bo 92^22. II. = ungebierde
ungebyredlic incongruous, DR 179^17.
ungecindelic = ungecyndelic
ungeclnsod unclean, impure, .
ungecnwen unknown, ApT 17^13.
ungecnyrdnes f. negligence, indifference, idleness, H 2552^35.
ungecoplic unsuitable, unbefitting, troublesome. adv. -lce, Sc 80^14.
ungecoren reprobate. u. oath taken by a body of persons generally (opposed to cyre),LL.
ungecost reprobate, BH 480^4.
ungecwme unpleasing, disagreeable, Sc 38^15.
ungecyd unsaid, not declared, LL 212[9].
ungecynde unnatural, alien.
unge-cyndelic, -cyndlic, -cynelic unnatural, monstrous, terrible. adv. -lce.
ungecyrred unconverted, Lcd 3442^1.
ungedftelce = ungedftlce
ungedftenlic = ungedafenlic
ungedftlce adv. unseasonably, inopportunely, CP 97^16.
ungedftnes f. untimely intervention or interruption, CP 97^19.
ungedafenlic improper, unseemly, : unseasonable? troublesome? CP (v.A 33272). adv. -lce improperly, unduly, unreasonably, unjustly, unsuitably.
ungedafenlicnes f. unfitness, inconvenience, CPs 9^22.
ungedafniendlic (HGl 492) = ungedafenlic
ungedallic infinite, without end, GD 337^11.
ungedfe improper, not fitting, disagreeable. adv. -lce.
unge-dfelic, -dflic = ungedafenlic
unge-dered, -derod () unhurt, uninjured, unmolested.
ungederstig = ungedyrstig
ungedrehtlce adv. indefatigably, WW 428^3.
ungedrme inharmonious, discordant. [dram]
ungedwimorlce clearly, without any delusion, NC 328.
ungedyrstig timid, CP 209^10.
ungeeahtendlic (, e) inestimable: indescribable.
ungeended = ungeendod
ungeendigendlic infinitive, Gr: infinite.
unge-endod (CP), -endodlic unending, endless, infinite, boundless.
ungefd (a) want of reason, NC 328.
ungefglic = unfglic
ungefr- = ungefr-
ungefandod untried, having no experience in, CP.
ungefaren impassable, without a road, BlPs.
ungefa m. unhappiness, NC 328.
ungefalce miserably, Chr 755.
ungefge unfit, improper, WW 191^22.
unge-fle, -fled without feeling, Lcd.
ungefre I. impassable: impenetrable, inaccessible, CP. II. adv. impassably.
ungefred inaccessible.
ungefrenlic unfrequented? Nar 17^7.
ungefrlic unsocial, internecine. adv. -lce in civil war.
ungefrne impassable, VPs (oe).
ungefeered not feathered, WW 427^16.
unge-fg, -fh I. immoderate, excessive, : overbearing, presumptuous, unbending, . II. n. excess, NC 329. adv. -fge excessively,AO.
unge-fglic (AO), -fhlic fierce, strong: immense. adv. -lce.
ungefrg-e, -elic unheard of, unusual, inconceivable. adv. -lce.
ungefrtwod unadorned, WW 419^11.
ungefrdelce adv. insensibly, callously, CP 265^16.
ungefrglce = ungefrglce [[under "ungefrge"]]
ungefremed unfinished, .
ungefremmung (on-) f. imperfection, RPs 138^16.
ungefullod I. unfulfilled, Rd 60^14. [fullian] II. = ungefulwod
ungefulwod unbaptized.
unge-fyld, -fylle(n)d(lic) insatiable.
ungefynde worthless, barren, sterile? CP 411^19.
ungefyrn adv. not long hence, not long ago, not long after,.
ungegearwe = ungearwe, v. ungearu.
unge-gearwod (DR), -gerad (MtR) not clothed.
ungeglenged unadorned, OEG 1210.
ungegrt ungreeted, Guth 22^20.
ungehdod not ordained, not belonging to an order (used of men and women).
un-gehlendlic, -gehledlic adj. incurable, VHy.
ungehmed unmarried, OEG 1174.
ungehplic unsuitable, unfit, A 8452.
ungehlgod unhallowed, unconsecrated, .
ungehten unpromised, unbidden, Bl 189^27.
ungehafdod not having come to a head, Lcd 192^23.
ungehealdsum unchaste, . adv. -lce.
ungehealdsumnes f. incontinence, unchastity, .
ungehealtsum == ungehealdsum
ungehefegod 'non...gravis,' OEG 27^31.
ungehende (^3) remote, HL 12^8.
ungehendnes f. remoteness, distance, Gr 14^19.
ungeheort (y) disheartened, .
ungehred = ungehred
unge-hersum (CP), -hrsum () disobedient, rebellious.
ungehrsumnes () f. disobedience, .
ungehrsumod () disobedient, RBL 12^8.
unge-hwod, -hwodlic unformed, not fashioned, unshapen: unfeigned, genuine.
ungehloor inharmonious, WW 224^7.
ungehrepod untouched, .
ungehrinen untouched, BH, GD.
ungehwde much, Lcd 53b.
ungehwrnes = ungewrnes
ungehred (^3) unheard of, untold, BH 40^33.
ungehrnes f. hardness of hearing, deafness, Lcd.
ungehr- = unge-her-, -hr-
ungehyrt = ungeheort
ungel m. fat, tallow, suet, .
ungelcnod unhealed, Guth 66^16.
ungeldod not acquitted, EC 217.
ungelccendlic unreprovable, Sc 119^11.
ungelred untaught, illiterate, unlearned, ignorant, rude, , CP. adv. -lce.
ungelredlic unteachable, GD 110^21.
ungelrednes f. unskilfulness, ignorance, CP.
ungelaod uninvited, H 1128^18.
ungelaf unbelieving, PPs 67^19.
ungelafa m. unbelief.
ungelafful unbelieving, , CP.
ungelaffullic unbelieving: incredible. adv. -lce.
ungelaffulnes f. unbelief.
ungelaflic incredible, .
ungelafsum unbelieving.
ungelafsumnes f. unbelief, infidelity, heathenism, BH 70^25.
ungelf- = ungelf-
ungelofa = ungelafa
ungelc unlike, different, dissimilar, diverse, CP. adv. -lce.
ungelca m. one unlike others, L 7^28.
ungelclic improper. adv. -lce.
ungelcnes f. unlikeness, difference, CP.
ungelef- = ungelf-
ungelfed () I. unbelieving, . II. illicit, BH 2229.
ungelf-edlic, -endlic (e, ) incredible, extraordinary. adv. -lce.
ungelfend () m. unbeliever, NG.
ungelfnes () f. unbelief, NG.
ungeligen = ungelygen
ungelimp nm. mishap, misfortune, .
ungelimplic inconvenient, unfortunate, disastrous, : abnormal, unreasonable. adv. -lce.
ungelf- = ungelf-
ungelygen not lying, true, LL.
ungm- = ungm-
ungemaca m. 'impar,' not a match, Gr.
ungemc unlike, GD 91^15; WW 223^35.
ungemt == ungemet
ungemte I. immense. II. adv. immensely.
ungemtlic excessive, AO 28^27.
ungemde unbearable, unpleasant. Mod 25.
ungemdnes f. adversity, DR 63^13.
ungemeltnes f. indigestion, Lcd 68b.
ungemenged unmixed, pure, Bo 100^31.
ungemengednes f. purity.
ungemet n. excess, superfluity: immensity: want of moderation.
ungemt not met with, unknown, OEG 2488.
ungemete I. adj. huge, GD 12^9. II. adv. excessively, immeasurably, immoderately, extremely, very.
ungemetegod () = ungemetgod
ungemetelice = ungemetlice [[form of "ungemetlic"?]]
ungemetes = ungemete II.
ungemetfst not moderate, intemperate, excessive: () very firm.
ungemetfstnes f. excess, intemperance, Bo 109^9.
ungemetgod out of due proportion, excessive, CP: unbridled, intemperate.
ungemetgung f. excess, want of moderation, , CP.
ungemetlic immeasurable, immense, AO: excessive, immoderate, violent. adv. -lce, AO,CP.
ungemetnes f. extravagance, OET 180^3.
ungemetum adv. = ungemete
ungemdlod unrestrained, unbridled, .
ungemiht without strength, weak.
ungemihtig = unmihtig
ungemindig = ungemyndig
ungemd discordant, dissentient, quarrelsome, CP.
ungemdignes f. contentiousness, W 8^15n.
ungemdnes f. strife, CP 344^9.
ungemolsnod undecayed, MH 78^1.
ungemunecod not made a monk, LL (142^4).
ungemylt undigested, Lcd 2284.
ungemynd f. madness, Lcd.
ungemyndig (w. g.) unmindful, forgetful, heedless (of),.
ungenmnedlic unexpected, GD 341^13.
ungendd (, e) uncompelled, AO, CP.
ungeocian to unyoke, Gr 277^3.
ungeorne negligently: unwillingly, AO.
ungeornful indifferent, remiss, slothful, CP.
ungerd I. (w. g.) ignorant, foolish, unskilled, unfit, , CP: (w.d.) at variance, wrong, discordant, dissentient, , AO: ill-conditioned, rude, . II. n. discord, CP: folly,.
ungerdnes () disagreement, Lcd.
ungerd == ungerd
ungerde foolish, MF 176. adv. -lce sharply, roughly, violently.
ungerdnes f. disagreement, sedition, AO.
ungerec n. tumult, BH.
ungereccan to clear oneself of an accusation, LL 168[1,2].
ungereclic unruly, unrestrained, Bl 19^6 adv. -lce confusedly, recklessly.
ungerdelce = ungerdlce [[form of "ungerde"]]
ungernod not ornamented, TC 515^26. [regnian]
ungereord uninstructed, barbarous, WW 193^3.
ungereordedlic insatiable, Ps.
ungereordod unfed, empty, .
ungerepod = ungehrepod
ungerian = ungierwan
ungeriht = unriht
ungerihte uncorrected, unreformed, NC 329.
ungerm I. n. countless number, host, . II. countless, untold,.
unge-rmlic, -rmed(lic) countless, untold.
ungerinen = ungehrinen
ungerinselce = ungerisenlce
ungerped immature, too early, .
ungerisedlce = ungerisenlce
ungersende indecent, OEG 3673.
ungerisene I. unseemly, improper: incongruous, inconvenient. II. = ungerisnu
ungerisenlic unbecoming, improper, CP. adv. -lce,CP.
ungerisnes (uni-) f. impropriety, HGl 507.
ungerisnu n. (often pl.) inconvenience: impropriety, indignity, disgrace,AO.
ungerwan = ungierwan
ungerde I. rough, boisterous, harsh. II. n. rough place, Lk 3^5.
ungerdelic rough, violent, GD 265^2; LV 47. adv. -lce suddenly, impetuously,.
ungerdnes f. noise, tumult, Sc 82^2.
ungesadelod = unsadelod
ungeslig unhappy, unfortunate, , AO, CP. adv. -lce unhappily: wickedly.
ungeslignes f. unhappiness, misfortune, BH, Bl.
ungesllce = ungesliglce [[form of "ungeslig"]]
ungesl f. trouble, misfortune, unhappiness, sorrow,CP.
ungesawen = ungesewen
ungesawenlic = ungesewenlic [[under "ungesewen"]]
ungescaignes = ungesceignes
ungescad I. n. want of intelligence, senselessness. II. adj. unreasonable. III. adv. exceedingly, Da 243. [cp. Ger. gescheit]
ungescadlic unreasonable, indiscreet. adv. -lce unreasonably, absurdly.
ungescad-ws, -wslic unintelligent, irrational, imprudent, foolish, , CP. adv. -lce.
ungescadwsnes f. want of intelligence, indiscretion, folly, ignorance,CP.
un-gesceapen, -gescepen neg. ptc. uncreated, unformed,.
ungescended unhurt, DR 146^11.
ungesceed unhurt, BH 218^25.
ungesceignes (a) f. innocence, MFH (Vesp. D xiv).
ungescrpe inconvenient, useless.
ungescrpnes () f. discomfort, BH 322^30.
ungescrpo n. inconvenience, BH 382^3.
ungesegenlic = ungesewenlic [[under "ungesewen"]]
ungeseht adj. at variance, FM 358^28.
ungesl- = ungesl-
ungesne = ungesne
ungesnod not signed with the cross. [segn]
ungesonde blind, Lcd 1368^24.
ungeseowenlic = ungesewenlic [[under "ungesewen"]]
unge-sewen, -sewen(d)lic unseen, invisible, , CP. adv. -lce.
ungesibb () not related: unfriendly, hostile, Bl,BH.
ungesibsum not peaceable, quarrelsome, contentious,CP.
ungesibsumnes f. quarrelsomeness, discord, CP 351^1.
ungesilt = unsealt
ungesoden unsodden, unboiled, Lcd.
ungesom at variance, H 1478^25.
ungespdig = unspdig
ungeste- = ungestig-
ungestig unsteady, inconstant, unstable, fickle, CP. adv. -lce.
ungestignes f. inconstancy, frivolity, CP.
ungestron n. ill-gotten treasure, W 183^9.
ungestroden not subject to confiscation, LL 12[4,1].
ungesundlce excessively, exceedingly, GD 15^2.
ungeswge inharmonious, dissonant, discordant, out of tune, harsh, Gl.
ungeswenced unceasing, NC 329.
ungeswencedlic unwearying, BH 436^16.
ungeswicendlce incessantly.
ungeswuncen not laboured over, not well done, WW 430^11.
ungesylt = unsealt
ungesne () unseen, invisible, WW 17^46.
ungesnelic invisible, Bl.
ungetse I. n. trouble, hardship, severity, CP. II. adj. troublesome, inconvenient.
ungetslce adv. inconveniently, AS 29^20.
ungetsnes f. unsuitableness, inconvenience, WW 419^38.
ungetel innumerable.
ungetemed = untemed
ungetemprung f. inclemency, CM 461.
ungetoriendlic inexhaustible. adv. -lce incessantly,LL.
ungetorod unfailing, .
ungetse = ungetse II.
unge-tmu f? -tme n? evil time, adversity, mishap, AO,GD.
ungetinge (), ungetingful (GPH) not eloquent. [tunge]
ungetogen uneducated, .
ungetrowe (, e, , ) untrue, faithless, .
ungetrownes f. unbelief, CP 447^6.
ungetrowsian = untrowsian
ungetrow f. unfaithfulness, treachery, W 160^6.
ungetrum weak, infirm, Bo 132^32.
unge-trw-, -trw- = un(ge)trow-
ungetwre (WW 248^17) = ungewre
ungetwogendlce (GD 231^21) = untwogendlce
unge-td, -tdd ignorant, untaught, unskilful, CP.
ungetyred = ungetorod
ungeslic unfit, improper, unseemly, WW 191^23.
ungeanc mn. evil thought, W.
ungeancful unthankful, ungrateful, W 241^4.
ungeeaht n. evil counsel, RB 118^10.
ungeeahtendlce hastily, BH 124^13.
ungeawe adv. not customary, Guth 72^17.
ungeawfst ill-regulated, RBL 14^16.
ungeod disunited, separate, Gen 1698.
ungeinged unexpected, CP 317^13.
ungeungen base, Nar 42^12.
ungewre I. disagreeing, quarrelsome, troublesome, stubborn, vexatious, undutiful, irreverent, , CP. II. n. disturbance, MtR 26^5.
ungewrian to be discordant, disagree, be at variance with,.
ungewrlic inharmonious, discordant, RB 19^2: hostile, GD 349. adv. -lce peevishly.
ungewrnes f. disturbance, quarrel, discord, AO.
ungewre = ungewre
ungeyld fn. impatience, CP. [olian; Ger. ungeduld]
ungeyldelce adv. impatiently, Bo.
ungeyldig impatient, , CP. [Ger. ungeduldig]
ungeyl = ungeyld
ungeyre 'discensor'? Cp 283#d#.
ungewder = ungewider [[form of "ungewidere"?]]
ungewm- = ungewem-
ungewpnod without weapons, unarmed, .
ungewealden disordered (of the stomach), Lcd.
un-gewealdes, -gewaldes adv. involuntarily, by chance,CP.
ungeweaxen not full grown, immature, WW 352^27.
ungeweder = ungewider [[form of "ungewidere"?]]
un-gewemmed (), -gewemmedlic unspotted, unblemished, undefiled, uninjured. adv. -lce uncorruptly, BH 276^20.
ungewem(med)nes f. freedom (from stain).
ungewende(n)dlic immovable, GD, Lcd.
ungewendnes f. unchangeableness.
ungewned unexpected.
ungewnedlic unhoped for, GD 347^14.
un-gewrged, -gewrigod unwearied, untiring.
un-gewidere n., gs. -gewidres bad weather, storm.
ungewiderung f. bad weather, ChrR 1086.
ungewild (y) unsubdued, OEG.
ungewilde (y) not subject to, independent of, AO: untamed, unbridled. [geweald] [[listed as "+weald"]]
ungewildelic (y) unyielding, .
un-gewill displeasing, Chr.
ungewintred immature, young, LL 18[26].
ungewirhtum = ungewyrhtum
ungewis = ungewiss |