seolforsmi m. 'silversmith,' WW.
seolforstycce m. piece of silver, A 98.
seolfren (e, i, y) made of silver, 'silvern,' Bo, Chr.
seolfring (y) m. silver coin, .
seolh m., gs. soles 'seal,' AO, Lcd, WW.
seolhb n. seal's bath, sea, Rd 11^11.
seolhp? n? seal's path, sea, ocean, An 1710.
seolm (WW 101^16) = sealm
seoloc, seoluc == seolc
seolofr- = seolfr-
seolo (io^1, e^2) m. sea, B 2367?
seolufr- = seolfor-, seolfr-
som = sam I.
seomian (e) to be tired, lie at rest, tarry, continue, stand: hang, swing, sway: lower (asa cloud): lay wait for, B 161.
somint (WW 136^31?) = sminte
son I. (sv^5) to 'see' ('i-see'), look, behold, B, G, Ps, Rd: perceive, understand, Cr, Ps: inspect, visit: experience, suffer, B, Cr. sh e lo! behold! II. (sv^1) tr. to sift, strain, filter, , AO: intr. run, ooze, trickle. III. v.so. IV. = sen
seon- = sin-
seondon = sind pres. pl. ind. of wesan.
sonian to languish, GD 284^2. [OHG. siunn]
seono (i^1, u^2) f. 'sinew,' An (io); B, Lcd.
seonobend f. sinew-band? Deor 6.
seonobenn f. injury to a sinew, Wy 19.
seonod = sino
seonodolg n. injury to a sinew, An 1408.
seono == sino
seonwe gs. of seonu. [[under "seono"]]
seoran^3 to lie with, MtL 5^27. [ON?]
seorwum (Cp) = searwum, dp. of searo.
soslig afflicted, Gu 899. [ssl]
sota = sta
seotl = setl
seotol = (1) setl; (2) sweotol
seotu nap. of set.
soan^2 'seethe,' boil, Lcd (): be troubled in mind, brood, B: afflict, disturb.
seoan = sian
-soung (u) v. ag-s.
sow pret. 3 sg. of swan.
sowan, sowian (, ) to 'sew,' knit together, link, unite, , Cp(o).
seox = siex
seoxter = sester
sep (GPH 391) = sp
span to instruct.
serc m., serce f. (y) 'sark,' shirt, WW: corslet, coat of mail.
serede = sierwde pret. 3 sg. of sierwan.
serew- = searw-
serw- = sierw-
ser = seor, imperat. of seoran.
sescle f. sixth part. [L. sextula]
sess m. place for sitting, seat, bench.
sessian to grow calm, An 453.
sesta = siexta
sester (eo, y) m. a certain measure of bulk, : vessel, pitcher, . [L. sextarius]
set n. () seat, entrenchment, camp, stall, fold: setting (ofthe sun). [sittan]
+set n. ambush, DR 37^10.
stan = stian
sete imperat. of settan.
+setednes = +setnes
setel (CP) = setl
seten I. f. set, shoot, slip, VPs: plantation: occupied (tilled?) land, LL 118[68]. II. pp. of sittan.
+setennes = +setnes
seterndg = sterndg
setgong = setlgang
sethrgl n. covering for a seat.
stian = stian
setin (Gl) = seten
setl (, ea, eo, i, o) n. seat, stall, sitting, place, residence, , B, BH; CP. t setle gn to set (ofthe sun), : throne (ofa king, or bishop, hence) see, CP, : siege, AO. ['settle']
+setl n. assembly, OEG 1753.
+setla () m. one sitting beside, L 2^237: assessor, fellow-judge, OEG 56^20.
setlan to 'settle,' (cause to sit), place, put, Whale.
setlgang m. setting, sinking, .
setlgangende ptc. setting, BH 476^13.
setlhrgel n. seat-cover, Ct.
setlrd f. setting, sinking, Ex 109.
setlung f. sitting, setting.
stn- = st(n)-
setnes (+ exc. in N) f. foundation, creation, MtL: institution, law, ordinance, decree, will, , BH, Mk: (+) record, narrative; (+) sentence, paragraph, figure of speech, composition. ['i-setness']
setol = setl
ston = ston pret. pl. of sittan.
setrgl = sethrgl
settan () to make to sit, 'set' ('i-set'), lay, put, deposit, place, fix, , B, Bl, Bo, Gen, LL; CP: set or put down, El, LL; : () appoint, assign, institute, prepare, ordain, make, found, build, , AO, Bl, BH, Ps: sow, plant, Cp, Cr, Gen, MtL: settle (tr.and intr.), abate, subside, Bl, Lcd: compose, compile, write, Bo, Guth; : translate: (+) people, garrison, Bl: be situated, MtL: set off: lay in wait, LPs 9^30. s.t issue, send forth, dismiss. s.of displace, depose. ss. travel, journey, El. s.wi, ongean, compare. s. t gafole let land. [sittan]
settend m. creator, ordainer, Da 333.
+settendlic appointed, canonical, CM 362.
settere = stere
setorn m. a kind of tree, EC 291.
+setu np. dwelling, abode.
stung = stung
san to affirm, testify, : prove. [s]
seel (NG) = setl
send m. asserter, affirmer.
+snes f. affirmation, NC 296.
see = sehe
sung f. affirmation, proof, .
sw = sow pret. 3 sg. of swan.
sewen = sawen pp. of son.
+sewenlic visible. adv. -lce.
sex (NG) = (1) siex; (2) seax
Sexland = Seaxland
sexta = siexta
s 3 p. sg. pres. subj. of wesan.
sibeling m. related noble, B 2708.
sibb (y) (v. LL 2651) f. relationship, AO, B; : love, friendship: peace, happiness, BH, Chr, VPs; AO, CP ['sib']
sibb related, akin, B, LkL, W. as sb. kinsman, kinswoman, W, Soul. ['sib,' 'i-sib']
sibb- = sib-
sibbecoss m. kiss of peace, ES 33176.
sibbegedriht = sibgedryht
sibbian (y) to conciliate, reconcile, , CP.
sibbs- = sibs-
sibcwide (y) m. pacific speech, Leas 29.
sibfc n. degree of affinity, LL.
sibgebyrd f. blood-relationship, Gen 1901.
sibgedryht f. related band: peaceful host.
sibgemgas mpl. blood-relations, Ex 386.
sibgeornes f. pacific disposition, friendship, love,W.
sibge-sih, -syh f. vision of peace (lit. trans. of 'Hierosolyma'), Ps.
sibi (Gl) sibian = sife, sifian
siblc n. peace-offering, LL 146[2].
sibleger n. incest.
siblic of peace, peaceable, . adv. -lce.
sibling m. relative, kinsman, . ['sibling']
siblufu f. friendship, love.
+sibnes f. affinity, relationship, WW 345^16.
sibrden f. affinity, relationship, Chr 1127. ['sibred']
sibsum peace-loving, peaceable, friendly, CP. adv. -lce. [v.'i-sibb']
+sibsumian to reconcile, .
sibsumnes f. peace, concord, Chr; CP. ['sibsomeness']
+sibsumung f. peace-making, WW 172^41.
sibun (Cp) = seofon
sc n. runnel, small stream, BC; Mdf. ['sitch']
scan I. (sv^1) to sigh, yearn for, AO, PPs. ['siche'] II. = scan
siccet-, siccett-, siccit- = sicett-
sicclian = sclian
sice m. sigh, Lcd 1388^11. ['siche']
sicel = sicol
scelian = sclian
sicer- = sicor-
sicerian to trickle, penetrate, ooze, CP 437^14. ['sicker']
sicettan to sigh, groan, mourn, CP.
sicettung f. sighing, sigh, sob, lamentation, .
scle sick, ill, ANS 12921.
sclian (, , o, ) to sicken, become ill or weak, Lcd; L. ['sickle'; soc]
sicol m. 'sickle,' A, Mk, WW (u^2).
sicor sure, certain, trustworthy, A: secure, CP. ['sicker']
sicorlce (e^2) with full certainty, NC 321; FM 99. ['sickerly']
sicornes f. sureness, certainty, NC 321. ['sickerness']
sd ample, wide, broad, large, vast, An, B, Gen. ['side']
sddl f. pain in the side, pleurisy, WW 112^32.
sdan adv. wdan and s. far and wide, BC. [v.'side']
sde I. adv. amply, widely, extensively, OEG. s. and wde far and wide, El. ['side'] II. () f. 'side,' , Bl, CP, Gl, VPs. [Ger. seite] III. f. silk. [L. seta; Ger. seide]
sdece m. pain in the side, Lcd 172a.
sideful (y) _decorous, modest, pure, virtuous, honest_, _. ['_sedeful_'] adv. -lce.
sidefulnes f. virtue, modesty, .
sidelic sober, discreet, GPH 389.
sidelce adv. fitly, suitable, CP 153.
siden v. lf-s.
sden made of silk, OEG.
sdewre f. zedoary, Lcd 137b. [Late L.]
sdfme, sdfmed wide-bosomed, capacious (of a ship),B.
sdfeaxe, sdfeaxode _long-haired_, _. [v. '_side_']
sdfolc n. great people or number of people.
sdian intr. to extend? Rim 65. [sd]
+sidian (y) to arrange, set right, order. [sidu]
sdland n. extensive land.
sdlingweg m. sidelong way, road that runs obliquely? (BT), KC 3446^17.
sido = sidu
sdrand m. broad shield, B 1289.
sidu (eo) m., gds. sida custom, practice, manner, habit, rite, CP: manners, morality, good conduct, purity, CP. [Ger. sitte]
sidung (y) f. rule, regulation, GPH 398.
sdung () f. extension, augmentation, A 8306.
sdwrc m. pain in the side, GD, Lcd.
sdweg m. long road: (in pl.) distance.
sdwyrm () m. silk-worm, WW.
se pres. 1 sg. subj. of wesan (bon).
siehst pres. 2 sg., sieh pres. 3 sg. of son.
+sieh = +sih
sielf = self
siellan = sellan
siellic = seldlic
seman () _to load, burden_, _ (), _LkL_ (). ['_seam_']
siemle = simble
sen I. (o, , ) f. power of sight, sight, vision, Jul (), Lcd (o): pupil, eye. ['sene'] II. (= sn) pl. pres. subj. of wesan.
siendon, sient (= sindon, sind) pl. pres. of wesan.
+sene (e, i) seen, visible, evident, plain, B (y). ['sene']
+senelic (, ) visible, BH 216^14. adv. -lce.
sierce = serce [[under "serc"]]
sere 'sere,' dry, withered, BC 1515. [sarian]
sierian = sierwan
sierwan (i, y) to plan, devise, contrive: plot, lay snares for, entrap, CP: put on armour: (+) fit out, arm, equip, Ma 159. [searu]
sierwung (ea, y) f. plotting, artifice, trap, snare, treachery,.
siean = sian
siex (e, eo, i, y) 'six,' AO.
siexbenn = seaxbenn
siexfeald 'sixfold,' WW.
siexhund six hundred, AO. ['sixhund']
siexta (e, i, y) 'sixth,' Chr; AO.
siexte (y) sixthly, LL 158[17].
siextig (e, i, y) 'sixty,' AO.
sife (y) n. 'sieve,' Cp, Lcd, WW.
sifea (eo, y) m. and fpl. siftings, chaff, bran: tares, rubbish.
sifian = seofian
sifia = sifea
sfre = sfre
siftan (e, y) _to 'sift,'_ _ (y), _Bo,Cp_.
sifun = seofon
sig = s 3 p. sing. pres. subj. of wesan (bon).
+sig n. victory, DR 28^2.
sgan^1 I. () to sink, set (of the sun), decline, CP: descend, fall, fall down, : move, advance, go to, approach. sh t came out, . II. to strain, filter, drain out, ooze, trickle.
sigbh (NG) = sigebah
sigdi (Ep) = se
sige I. (y) m. victory, success, triumph, AO, Chr; , CP. ['sige'] II. m. sinking, setting (ofthe sun), Met 13^56. [sgan]
sige-bacn, -bacen n. banner, : emblem of victory, trophy, cross (ofChrist), El.
sigebah m. victor's circlet, crown.
sigebam m. tree of victory, cross.
sigebearn n. victor-child (Christ).
sigebeorht victorious.
sigebeorn m. victorious hero, Fin 38.
sigebror m. victorious brother, An 183.
sigebme f. trump of victory, Ex 565.
sigecempa m. victorious champion, Ps 50^10.
sigecwn f. victorious queen.
sigedma m. victorious judge.
sigedryhten m. lord of victory, God.
sigeadig victorious, B 1557.
sigefst victorious, triumphant, BH, Bl. [v.'sige']
+sige-fstan, -fstnian (e^2) to triumph: crown as victor.
sgefstnes f. triumph, victory.
sigefest == sigefst
sigefolc n. victorious people.
sigegealdor (y^1) n. victory-bringing charm, Lcd 1388^13.
sigegefeoht n. victory, BH 158^6.
sigegyrd f. victory-bringing rod, Lcd.
sigehrmig () rejoicing in victory.
sigehr f. fame gained by victory? confidence or joy of victory? B 490.
sigehrig victorious, triumphant.
sigehwl f. hour of victory, B 2710.
sigel I. (, e) m? n? sun: name of the rune for s. II. = sigil
sigelbeorht sun-bright, brilliant.
sigele = sigle
sigelan n. reward of victory.
sigelas not victorious, defeated.
sigelo n. song of victory.
Sigelhearwa m. Ethiopian, VPs.
sigel-hweorfa m., -hwe(o)rfe f. heliotrope.
sigelic victorious, WW.
sigeltorht radiant.
Sigel-waras, -ware pl. Ethiopians.
sigemce m. victorious sword, Cr 1531.
sgend m. wave, WW. [sgan]
siger- = sigor-
sgere m. glutton, OET 72^568.
sigeraf n. triumphal robe, WW 153^15.
sigerian = sigrian
sgerian to be gluttonous, WW 489^14.
sigerce victorious, triumphant.
sigerf victorious, triumphant.
sigesceorp n. ornament of victory, Gn 136.
siges (i^2) m. successful expedition, OET.
sigespd f. success.
sigetcen n. emblem of victory, sign.
sigetber n. sacrifice for victory, Ex 402.
sigetorht brilliant in victory, Sat 240.
sigetdor n. dominating race, Gu 838.
sigeod f. victorious people.
sigerat m. victorious troop, Cr 844.
sigef? m. triumphal banner, Jud 201.
sigewpen n. victorious weapon, B 804.
sigewang m. field of victory.
sigewf n. victorious woman, Lcd 1384.
sigfst = sigefst
sigi- = sige-
sigil, sigl n. fibula, buckle, brooch, gem. [cp. sigle]
sigirian = sigrian
siglan (AO) = seglan
sigle I. n. necklace, collar. II. f. rye, black spelt, Lcd 48a. [L. secale]
sigor (y) m. victory, triumph, . [sige]
sigorbacen n. emblem of victory, El 985.
sigorbeorht triumphant, Cr 10.
sigorcynn n. victorious race, El 755.
sigoradig victorious.
sigorfst victorious.
sigorfstnes (siger-) f. victory, A 11173.
sigorlan n. reward of victory.
sigorlic triumphal, Gl.
sigorspd f. good fortune in war.
sigortcen n. convincing sign, Gu 1089.
sigortfer n. offering for victory, Jul 255.
sigorweorc m. deed of victory, Ex 316.
sigorwuldor n. glory of victory, Gu 93.
sigrian to be victorious, triumph over, vanquish,.
sigriend m. victor, DHy 38^3.
sigsonte f. a plant, Lcd.
sige = se
sihsta = siexta
-siht, -sihte v. bld-, t-s. [[under "bldsihte"]]
shte marshy?
+shte = +shte pret. 3 sg. of +scan.
sihtre = seohtre [[under "seohter"]]
sih I. f. thing seen, vision, JnL, MkL. ['sight'] II. pres. 3 sg. of son.
sh pres. 3 sg. of sgan.
+sih, +siht (ie, y) f. faculty or act of sight, , Bo, Mk; CP: aspect: what is seen, vision, apparition. ['i-sight']
+sihe (BPs 53^6) = +sehe
+sihnes . vision, MtL p7^7.
silcen = seolcen
silf = self
silfor = seolfor
silfren = seolfren
Slhearwa () = Sigelhearwa
sillan = sellan
silofr = seolfor
sma I. m. band, chain, Gen 765. II. = sma
simbel (on) adv. always, continually, AO. [cp. simbles]
simbelfarende roving, nomadic, AO 26^16.
simbelgefra m. constant companion, Met 11^50(y).
simble (e, y) adv. ever, for ever, always, constantly, continually, continuously. oftosts. continually.
simbles adv. ever, always.
simblian (y) to frequent, DR 15^10.
simb-lunga, -linga (siml-) continually, constantly,DR.
simel = (1) simbel adv.; (2) symbel
simeringwyrt = symeringwyrt
siml = simbel
siml- = simbl-
sn I. () refl. possess, pron. his, her, its, their. II. = sen. III. plur. pres. subj. of wesan.
sin- (y) prefix, perpetual, permanent, lasting, infinite, immense.
sina- = seono-
sinbyrnende ever burning, Met 8^52.
sinc (y) n. treasure, riches, gold, valuables, jewel.
sincald perpetually cold, Ex 472.
sincaldu f. perpetual cold, Ph 17.
sincan^3 to 'sink,' become submerged, MtR: digest easily, act as aperient? Lcd 81b.
sincbrytta m. distributor of treasure, prince, A 371^17.
sincft n. precious vessel.
sincfg richly adorned.
sincgestron n. treasure, jewel.
sincgewge n. abundance of treasure.
sinc-giefa, -gifa m. giver of treasure, ruler, chief, lord, king.
sincgifu f. gift of treasure, An 1511.
sincgim m. valuable gem, jewel.
sincgyfa = sincgiefa
sinchroden ptc. adorned with costly ornaments.
sincmum m. treasure, B 2193.
sincstn m. precious stone, Met 21^21.
sincego f. receipt of treasure. [icgan]
sincweorung f. costly gift.
sind plur. pres. indic. of wesan.
sinder (y) n. 'cinder,' dross, scoria, slag, Cp, WW;CP.
sinder- = sundor-
sinderlce = synderlce
sinderm m. rust, WW 402^41.
sindon plur. pres. indic. of wesan.
sindor = sinder
sindram m. everlasting joy.
sindrig () = syndrig
+sne = +sene
sineht sinewy, Lcd 91a. [seono]
sine-wealt, -weald, -wlt (eo, y) round, globular, concave, : circular, cylindrical. [sin-]
sinewealtian to be unsteady, WW 515^31.
sinewealtnes f. roundness, globularity.
sinewind artery, WW 352^25. [seonu] [[under "seono"]]
sinfra m. husband, B 1934.
sinfulle f. houseleek, Lcd, WW.
singal perpetual, everlasting, , CP: continuous, constant, : daily.
singala, singale, singales adv. always, ever, continually.
singalflwende ptc. ever-flowing, WW 177^36.
+singalian (y) to continue, ACPs 88^51.
singallic incessant, continual, CP 61^21. adv. () -lce.
+singallician to continue, JPs 88^51.
singalnes f. perseverance, assiduity, OEG.
singalrene m. constant flow, HGl. [ryne]
singan^3 (y) to 'sing,' celebrate in song, BH, Bl, MtL, VPs; AO, CP: crow, sing (ofbirds), , Ph: chant, intone, OET, RB: read, recite, narrate, Bl, Bo, VPs: (ofthings) sound, resound, ring, clank, B, CP,W.
+singe (= +sinie?) f. wife, Jul 54. [cp. sinig]
singendlic that may be sung, LVPs 118^54.
singere = sangere
singestre = sangestre
singian () = syngian
singrne (y) I. f. house-leek, periwinkle, Lcd. ['sengreen'] II. adj. ever green: uncooked (ofvegetables).
singrim adj. exceeding fierce, Jul 230.
sinhere m. huge army, B 2936.
sinhg- = sinhw-
sin-hwan, -hgan npl. wedded couple, , CP.
sinhwscipe m. permanent tie (marriage), Bo 50^1.
sinhwurf- = sinhwyrf-
sinhwyrfel round.
sinhwyrfende ptc. round, OEG 114.
+sinig marriage, DR 108^7.
+sinigan, sinigian to marry, NG.
+sinigscipe = sinscipe
+sinlce (y) adv. often, RB 97^14.
sinn = synn
sinnan^3 (w. g.) to meditate upon, think of, care about: cease? [Ger. sinnen]
sinnig = synnig
sinniht (y^1, ea^2) f. eternal night. adv. -nihtes in continual night, night after night.
sinn m. perpetual misery, Rim 52.
sinop = senep
sino (e, eo, y) f. synod, council, meeting, assembly. [L. synodus]
sinobc (e, eo, y) f. record of the decrees of a synod, canon law, LL 46[49,8].
sinodm (eo) m. decree of a synod, El 552.
sinogewrit n. records of a synod.
sinolic synodical, BH.
sinostw f. meeting-place, place where a synod is held.
sinowalt = sinewealt
sinrden f. (continuing state), marriage,CP.
sinscipe (e, y) m. cohabitation, marriage, , CP: (+) married couple,CP.
+sinsciplic conjugal, LL (440^6).
+sinscippend married, GD 218^4.
sinsnd f. large piece, B 743.
sinsorg f. perpetual grief, Wif 45.
sint = sind plur. pres. indic. of wesan.
sin-trendende (OEG), -tredende ptc. round.
sintryndel (y^1, ^2) adj. circular, globular.
sinyrstende ptc. (w. g.) ever thirsting, AO 130^31.
sinu = seono
sinuwealt, sinwealt = sinewealt
sinwrnnes (y) f. constant lechery, WW 113^22.
so = so
siodo = sidu
siofa = sefa
siol- = seol-, sel-
sion 'laber,' a marsh plant? Lcd 1254. ['sion']
sipian = sypian
spian to sink low, wane, decline, Lcd 3151 (v.A 31538).
sre = sgere
sirew-, sirw- = searw-, sierw-
sisems f. dormouse, WW.
sst = shst pres. 2 sg. of son I.
sit pres. 3 sg. of sittan.
sitl = setl
sittan^5 to 'sit,' sit down, recline, , B, Bo, Bl, Chr; AO, CP: remain, continue, be situated, Bo, Bl, Gen, LL: () settle, encamp, dwell, abide, reside, Chr, LkL; AO: lie in wait, besiege, invest, Chr, Met, VPs: preside over, , MtL; CP: perch, roost, Gen, Ph: (+) sit out, finish. on cnowums. kneel. wi earm +s. lean. on s. (1)assail, attack; (2)press on, weigh down.
s () I. m. going, motion, journey, errand, B, Bl, Lcd: departure, death: expedition, undertaking, enterprise: road, way: time, turn, occasion, , G, Lcd, VPs; AO. on nnes. at one and the same time, Bo, Lcd. re se...re se on one occasion...on another: conduct, way of life, manner, : fate, destiny, experience, , B, Chr. ['sithe'] II. adv. late, afterwards. comp. s, sor later. r ands. always. ne r nes. never. r oes. ever: a comp. adj. sra late, later, and a superl. s(e)mest, sest latest, last are formed from s. t sestan at last, finally. III. prep. and conj. after. s.am after, afterwards. [Ger. seit] IV. () = sih pres. 3 sg. of sonI.
+s I. m. (rare ds. +san) () comrade, companion: () follower, retainer, warrior: count, thane. II. n. company, v.LL 2427; 446.
sberend m. reaper, WW 235^3. [se]
sbc f. itinerary, OEG 2023.
sboda m. herald of departure (the pillar of cloud), Ex 250.
sboren ptc. late-born, VPs, WW.
+scund fit to rank as a thane.
+scundlic intimate, BH 120^33 (v.l.).
sdagas mpl. later times, El 639.
se m. 'scythe,' , Cp.
semest, sest v. s II.
sft (, CP), sfat mn. way, journey, voyage, expedition: path, road, course, : experience, conduct: period of time.
sfrom ready for a journey.
sgomor travel-weary, Ap 1.
sian to go, depart, travel, wander, , B. ['sithe']
+slic = +scundlic
slce adv. lately, after a time, .
+smgen n. band of warriors.
+smann = +s
smest, sor, sra v. s II.
+srden f. troop, WW 206^21.
+sscipe m. fellowship, society, BH.
sstapel step, track, LPs 16^5.
s = s
sia adv. and conj. afterwards, JnL, LkL; Met. ['sith']
sian, sion (co, y) I. adv. since, afterwards, from now on, hereafter, further, then, thereupon, after, later, , Bl. II. conj. as soon as, when, since, after that, inasmuch as, Bl, Bo. III. prep. (w.a.) (LWS) after. ['sithen'; s, am]
sweg (Gu 859) = sdweg
swerod n. travelling troop, Gen 2114.
swf n. noble lady.
swan = swian
siwen pp. of son II.
siwen-ge, -igge, -ge blear-eyed, CP.
swian (o, ) to sew, mend, patch: knit together, unite.
six = siex
six-; v. also siex-.
sixecge six-sided, hexagonal, WW.
sixfte (y) adj. of six (poetical) feet.
sixgylde entitled to sixfold compensation, LL 3[1].
sixhynde belonging to the class whose 'wergeld' was 600 shillings,LL.
sixhyrnede having six angles, WW 179^13 (e^2).
sixnihte six days old, Lcd.
sixteogoa 'sixtieth,' Gr.
sixtoa 'sixteenth,' MH (e^1), Gr (y^2).
sixtigre 60-oared ship. [r]
sixtigfeald sixtyfold.
sixtigwintre sixty years old, .
sixtne (y^1, e^2) 'sixteen,' MH.
sixtnenihte sixteen days old, Lcd.
sixtnewintre sixteen years old.
sl = slh
slacful (= ) lazy, Gl, Lcd.
slacian _to slack off, become remiss_, _. ['_slake_']
sld pret. 3 sg. of sldan.
sl == sla
slc 'slack,' remiss, CP 125^1 (v. A 39366).
slcan = slacian
+slccan to seize, VPs 7^3.
sld (, , a) n. valley, glade, AO; Mdf. ['slade']
-slfan v. t-s.
slg- = sleg-
slge m., slget n. = slege
slgen pp. of slan.
slgnt = slegnat
slgu () f. lethargy, Gl (v. A 33387).
slht = slieht
slhtan to strike, slay, NG. [Ger. schlachten]
+slhte pret. 3 sg. of +sleccan.
slh = slieh pres. 3 sg. of slan.
slp I. (, , a) m. 'sleep,' , CP: sleepiness, inactivity, B, CP: death, Cr. II. m? slippery place?KC.
slpan^7 (, ) pret. 3 sg. slp, slap; also wk. slpte, slpte, slpde _to 'sleep,'_ _BH, Bl, VPs_; CP: _be benumbed, motionless, inactive_, _, CP, Lcd_: _lie with_, _, LL_: _rest in the grave, die_, _ (), _Mt_.
slpbre soporific, Lcd 1284^22.
slpere m. sleeper, .
slpern (, ) n. dormitory.
slplas sleepless, GPH 399.
slplast f. sleeplessness, .
slpnes f. sleepiness, HL 14^106.
slpor drowsy, sleepy.
slpwrig weary and sleepy, Rd 5^5.
slt = slieh pres. 3 sg. of slan.
sltan _to bait (a boar)_, _. ['_sleat_']
slting f. right of hunting, Chr 1087.
slw = slw
-slwan v. -s.
slw () f. sloth, indolence, , Bo; CP. ['sleuth'; slw]
slg = slh
slaga m. slayer, homicide, , CP.
slagen pp. of slan.
slagu = slgu [[headword spelled "slgu"]]
slh, slg f. 'sloe' (fruit of the blackthorn), Cp, Lcd, WW; Mdf.
slahe = sla
slhorn m. blackthorn, Cp, Lcd; Mdf. ['sloethorn']
slhornragu f. lichen from blackthorn, Lcd.
slhornrind f. blackthorn bark, Lcd.
sln I. (K, N) = slan. II. gs. of sl (slh).
slanc pret. 3 sg. of slincan.
slp == slp
slpel = slpol
slpfulnes f. lethargy, WW 541^42?
slpian to become sleepy, CP.
slpol somnolent, lethargic.
slpolnes f. somnolence, lethargy, .
slpornes f. lethargy, A 1198.
slpul = slpol
slarege (i^2) f. 'clary' (plant), Lcd,WW.
slt pret. 3 sg. of sltan.
slw 'slow,' sluggish, torpid, lazy, Bo, CP,Mt.
slwerm (KGl 80^22) = slwyrm
slwian to be slow, sluggish, .
slwlce adv. 'slowly,' sluggishly, CP.
slwyrm m. 'slow-worm,' snake, OEG, Sc,WW.
sla f. slay, weaver's reed, Gl. [slan; cp. slege]
slac (v. A 39366) _'slack,' remiss, lax, sluggish, indolent, languid_, _, B, BH_; CP: _slow, gentle, easy_, _.
slacian to delay, retard, slacken, relax efforts.
slaclic slow, languid, idle. adv. -lce.
slacmdnes f. slackness, laziness, MFH 173.
slacnes (e) f. slowness, A, , Lcd: remissness, laziness, CP. ['slackness']
slacornes f. laziness, A 1198^40.
sleaht = slieht
slan^6 _to strike, beat, stamp, coin (money)_, _forge (weapons)_, _, B, Bl, Lcd, VPs_: _throw, cast_, _Bo, Da_: _sting (snake)_: _pitch (tent)_, _: _strike across (country)_, _dash, break, rush, come quickly_, : _'slay,' kill_, _, AO, CP_. wl +s. _to slaughter_: _cast into chains_: (+) _strike down_: _play (harp)_: (+) _gain by fighting, win_.
slap I. pret. 3 sg. of slpan. II. pret. 3 sg. of slpan. III. = slp
slaw = slw
slbesch = slfesch
slec- = sleac-
+sleccan to weaken, disable, Cr 149. [sleac] [[headword spelled "slac"]]
slecg f. ('sledge'-)hammer, mallet, Nar, WW;.
slecgettan to beat, throb, Lcd 82b.
slecgwyrhta m. metal-worker, ANS 100254.
sld = sld
slf = slefe
slfan to slip (clothes) on, Guth.
+slfed furnished with sleeves. ['sleve']
[[Printed inline, as continuation of "slfan" entry.]]
slfesch m. slipper, Gl (slbe-).
slflas = slflas [[redirected to "sleflas"]]
slege () m. beating, blow, stroke, : slaying, slaughter, murder, , AO, CP: crash, impact, clap (ofthunder): destruction, defeat, AO: (weaver's) 'slay,' WW 188^5. [slan]
slegebtl m. beetle, hammer, Lcd 122b.
slegefge doomed to perish, Jud 247.
slegel m. plectrum, WW 466^28.
slegen pp. of slan.
sleghrer (slgr-) n. cattle for slaughter, NC 321.
slegnat n. cattle for slaughter, TC 105^4.
slgu = slgu
sleh = sleah imperat. of slan.
sleht = slieht
sleh = slieh pres. 3 sg. of slan.
slow = slw
slp I. (M) = slp. II. pret. 3 sg. of slpan.
slp- = slp-
slpan = (1) slpan; (2) slpan
sle (VPs) = slieh pres. 3 sg. of slan.
slw = slw
sl (Gl) = slw
slic (?) n. beater, mallet, hammer, LL 455^15; WW 75^16.
-slcod () v. ng-s. [[under "ngslcod"]]
sldan^1 to 'slide,' glide, slip, fall, fall down, Guth: fail, err: pass away, be transitory or unstable, MH, Lcd.
sliddor = slidor
slide m. sliding, slip, fall, , CP.
sliderian = slidrian
slidor I. slippery, Ps, Run. ['slidder'] II. n? slippery place,WW.
slidornes f. slippery place, slipperiness, Ps. ['slidderness']
slidrian to slip, slide, CP, PPs. ['sliddern']
slefe () f. 'sleeve,' LL.
sleflas 'sleeveless,' RB (y), WW(e).
slieht (, ea, e, i, y) m. stroke, slaughter, murder, death, AO (i): animals for slaughter: (+) battle. ['sleight'; slan]
sliehtswn (y^1) n. pig for killing, LL.
slieh pres. 3 sg. of slan.
slf, slfe = slefe
-slfan v. t-s.
slifer slippery, HGl 405.
sliht (AO, ) = slieht
-slihtes v. eor-s.
slih pres. 3 sg. of slan.
slm n. 'slime,' CPs, WW.
slincan^3 to slink, creep, crawl.
slincend mn. reptile, .
slingan^3 to worm, twist oneself. [Ger. schlingen]
slipa = slypa
slipeg, slipig slimy.
slipor _slippery, filthy_, _Sc_: _shifty_, _. ['_slipper_']
slipornes f. filthiness, DHy 36^8. ['slipperness']
+slit n. rending, biting, : something to be torn or rent: backbiting, calumny.
sltan^1 to slit, tear, split, shiver, rend to pieces, divide: bite, sting, wound, CP: backbite, CP. [Ger. schleissen]
slitcwealm m. death by rending, LL (166^24).
slite I. m. slit, rent, tear, bite. II. f? cyclamen.
sliten m. schismatic, heretic, MtL p8^9.
sltendlic gorging, WW 437^5.
sltere m. gorger, glutton, WW: destroyer, W 235^24.
+slitglw n. raillery, WW 372^32.
slitnes f. desolation, destruction, tearing up.
slitol biting, pungent, GPH 394.
sltung f. tearing, biting, .
slan^1 to injure, wound, GnE 202.
sle I. adj. savage, fierce, dire, cruel, hard, hurtful, perilous. II. adv. savagely.
slelic graven, EPs 105^19.
slen cruel, hard, evil.
slheard (e^2) cruel, severe, savage.
slnes f. graven image, EPs 105^36.
slw m. a fish, tench, mullet, Gl.
slg I. pret. 3 sg. of slan. II. = slhI.
slh I. mfn., gs. sl(ge)s, sl; das. sl(h) 'slough,' mire, BH, W. II. pret. 3 sg. of slan.
-slop v. ofer-s.
slopen pp. of slpan.
slota m. morsel, Sc 153^12.
slma m. slumber, DD, Gu. ['sloom']
slmere m. sleeper, NC 322.
sluncon pret. pl. of slincan.
slpan^2 to slip, glide, move softly.
slf == slef [[variant of "slefe"?]]
slyht == slieht
slyh = slieh pres. 3 sg. of slan.
slypa m. slime, paste, pulp, Lcd. ['slip']
slpan () to slip, put on or off.
slpesch m. slipper, WW 277^29.
slyppe f. paste, Lcd 163a.
slyprsn n. ? 'ferna,' WW 237^1. [rsn]
slp pres. 3 sg. of slpan.
smacian to coax, flatter, allure, seduce, HGl 476; OEG 3005.
smc m. 'smack,' taste, WW: scent, odour, WW.
smccan to taste, Gr. ['smatch']
sml I. (often smal- in obl. cases) sup. smalost, smlst 'small,' Bo, Cp, Lcd: thin, slender, narrow, AO, OET: fine, BH, CP, Lcd, WW. II. v.hafodsml.
smle = smale
smleerm (A 13323) = smlearme
smll m. slap, smack, JnL. ['small']
smlearmas (y^2) mp. small intestines.
smlearme n. lower abdomen, CP.
smr (smre?) m. lip, Gl, Lcd.
smre- = smeoru-
smte pure, refined, Cp, MH; . ['smeat']
smtegold n. pure gold, WW.
smtegylden adj. of pure gold, WW.
smal- v. sml.
smale finely, into small pieces, Bo: softly (not loudly). ['small']
smalian to become thin, Lcd 2a (Harl.).
smalung f. reducing (of flesh), Lcd.
smt pret. 3 sg. of smtan.
smac pret. 3 sg. of smocan.
smade pret. 3 sg. of smagan.
smag- v. smah.
smagan, sman () to think, think out, reflect, meditate on, deliberate, , CP: examine, penetrate, scrutinize, look closely into, : suppose: seek (opportunity).
smagelegen (? v. OEG 4142n.) f. syllogism.
smagendlic meditative, Gr 211^6.
smagung = smaung
smah I. adj. (smag- in obl. cases) sagacious, acute, subtle: penetrating. II. pret. 3 sg. of smgan.
+smah n. intrigue, Chr 1094.
smalic searching, exhaustive, careful, CP: exquisite. adv. -lce closely, thoroughly, carefully, exhaustively, accurately, ,CP.
smalicnes f. subtlety, NC 322.
smamettas mp. delicacies.
sman = smagan
smang = smaung
smearcian (e) to smile, Bo; . ['smirk']
smeart smarting, painful, W 295^10. ['smart']
smeartung (e) f. tickling, A 8451.
sma I. f. meditation, SPs 118^77. II. pres. 3 sg. of smagan.
smaanclce adv. in detail, A 8309.
sma-ancol, -ancollic subtle. adv. -lce exactly, thoroughly, exhaustively, studiously,.
smaancolnes f. exactness, strictness, H 280^34.
smaung () f. reflection, thought, CP: inquiry, search: intention, effort: intrigue.
smawung = smaung
smawyrhta m. skilled artisan, A 9263.
smawyrm m. intestinal worm, Lcd.
smec == smc
smc == smc
smedma (eo) m. fine flour, pollen meal, Lcd; . ['smeddum']
smedmen adj. of fine flour, Sc 154^1.
smgan = smagan
smgawyrm = smawyrm
smh (L 31^952) = smah II.
smhwrenc (= sma-) m. cunning device, TC 339.
smelt I. (y) m. sardine, 'smelt,' Cp. II. = smolt
smelting (i, y) f. amber, .
smocan^2 to emit smoke, , Lcd, WW: fumigate, Lcd. ['smeek']
smeoduma = smedma
smoh = smah
smeolt = smolt
smeortan^3 to 'smart,' AO 36^30 (or?frsmeortende = smarting like fire).
smeoru (e), smeoruw n. ointment, fat, grease, lard, tallow, suet. [Ger. schmeer]
smeorumangestre (smere-) f. butter-woman, LL.
smeorusealf (e^1, a^2) f. unguent, Lcd 55b.
smeoruearm (^1, e^1) m. entrail.
smeoruwig (smere-) rich, fat, Lcd 79a.
smeoruwyrt f. 'smearwort,' Cp, Lcd.
smeoian = smiian
smer- = smear-, smeor-, smir-, smier-
smr = smr
smera = smeoru
smere- = smeoru-
smerian to laugh to scorn, MtL 9^24.
smeringwyrt f. name of a plant, 'crispa, victoriola,' WW 135^1. [cp. smeoruwyrt]
smeruwan = smierwan
smerwung = smirung
smte- = smte-
sman to smooth, soften, polish, CP: appease, soothe,CP.
smee (RB) = smie
sme smooth, polished, soft, Lk; , AO, CP: suave, agreeable, CP: lenitive. ['smeeth']
smian to smoothen, Lcd, OEG: become smooth. ['smeeth']
smnes f. smoothness, smooth place, , WW. ['smeethness']
smung = smaung
smc (, ) m. vapour, smoke, , AO, Bo, PPs, VHy. ['smeech'; 'smitch']
smcan () to smoke, fumigate. [smocan]
smicer beauteous, elegant, fair, tasteful, Cp, Shr, TC. ['smicker'] adv. -ere,CP.
smicernes f. smartness, WW 416^31.
+smicerod well-fashioned, WW 406^21.
smicor = smicer
smidema = smedma
smec = smc
smierwan (e, i, y) to 'smear,' anoint, salve, Bl, G, VPs (smirian); CP. [smeoru]
smilte = smylte
smilting = smelting
smirenes (e, y) f. ointment, unguent.
smirewan, smirian = smierwan
smiringele m. anointing oil, .
smirung (e, y) f. ointment, unguent, Lcd: unction. [smeoru]
smirwan = smierwan
smtan^1 to daub, smear, soil, pollute, defile, , Cp, Lcd. ['smite']
smitte f? smudge, smut, blot, OEG, RB. ['smit']
smittian to befoul, pollute, WW: infect, OEG. ['smit']
smi m. handicraftsman, 'smith,' blacksmith, armourer, carpenter, , B,Mt.
smibylg m. smith's bellows, NC 322.
smicrft m. manual art, BH 442^16.
smicrftega m. skilled workman, Gen 1084.
smiian (eo) to forge, fabricate, , OEG. ['smith']
smilce adv. dexterously, WW.
smie (smee) f. smithy, forge, , BH. ['smithe']
smoc m. 'smock,' shift, WW.
smoca m. 'smoke,' LPs, Nar (cc).
smocen pp. of smocan.
smocian to emit 'smoke,' , LPs: fumigate, Lcd.
-smogu v. -s.
-smoh v. in-s.
smolt I. (e, eo) mild, peaceful, still, gentle, MtL. ['smolt'] II. lard, fat, CM, NC. ['smolt']
smolte = smylte
smoltlce adv. gently, ES 8477.
smorian to strangle, choke, suffocate, Cp, MtR. ['smore']
sm 'smooth,' serene, calm, Sc.
smucon pret. pl. of smorcan. [[error for "smocan"?]]
smgan^2 to creep, . [Ger. schmiegen]
smgendlic creeping, LPs 68^35.
smc = smc
smc pres. 3 sg. of smocan.
smygel, smygels m. retreat, burrow, Gl.
smyllan to crack (a whip), GPH 388.
smylt = smelt
+smyltan to appease, BH 386^12.
smylte I. mild, tranquil, peaceable, calm, CP: cheerful, prosperous. II. adv. softly. [smolt]
smyltelic = smyltlic
smylting () = smelting
smyltlic tranquil, serene.
smyltnes f. tranquillity, peace, quiet, silence, CP: gentleness, smoothness, mildness, composure, placidity, CP: evening calm.
smyr- = smier-, smir-
smyrels m. ointment, unguent, unction, , LL. ['smerles'; smeoru]
smytta = smitta [[headword spelled "smitte"]]
sn = snw
snaca m. 'snake,' serpent, Lk, W.
snacc m. a small vessel, war-ship, Chr. ['snack'; Dan. snekke]
snd = snd II.
-sncce v. twi-s.
snd I. m. handle of a scythe, H 2162. ['snead'] II. () m. a clearing in a wood, Ct (Mdf). III. f. piece, morsel, slice, portion of food, , Lcd. ['snede'; sndan]
sndan I. () to cut, slice, lop off, hew, Ln, CP, Mt. ['sned'; snan] II. to eat, take a meal, Chr 1048.
sndel (Gl) = sndelearm
sndelearm m. great gut, Gl, Lcd.
snding f. meal, snack, CM, RBL.
sndinghs n. cook's shop, WW 185^1.
sndingscap n. sheep for slaughter, PPs 43^23.
sndmlum adv. bit by bit, Lcd 127a.
sngl (e), sngel m. 'snail,' Cp, Lcd, WW.
snl = sngl
sns = sns
snsan (or? onsnsan) to run through, pierce, spit, LL 69[36]. [sns]
snfeld m. a defined tract of pasture or woodland (v.Mdf). [snd]
sns () f. spit, skewer, WW 237^17 and n.
sn I. pret. 3 sg. of snan. II. (?) n? killing (v.OEG 3070).
snw m. 'snow,' Bl, Chr, Met, VPs: snowstorm, Bo.
snwceald icy-cold, Met 29^8.
snwgebland n. snow-storm, AO 186^34.
snwhwt snow-white, .
snwig 'snowy,' Lcd.
snwt = snhwt [[headword spelled "snwhwt"]]
snwlic snowy.
sneare, snearh f. 'snare,' OEG.
sndan = sndan
snl, sneg(e)l = sngl
snell smart, ready, rapid, keen, fresh, brisk, active, strong, bold, An, B, Cr, Ph; AO. ['snell']
snellic smart, ready, quick, rapid, bold. adv. -lce, Wy. ['snelly']
snellscipe m. quickness, boldness, Chr 1057#d#.
snelnes f. agility, ApT 13^7.
snome adv. quickly, speedily, swiftly: immediately, at once.
+sneorcan^3 (e) to shrivel, dry up, VPs 30^13.
snowan^7 () to hasten, go.
snr f. harpstring. [cp. Ger. schnur]
+snerc pret. of sneorcan.
sncan^1 to sneak along, creep, crawl, CP, Lcd. ['snike']
snid I. n. slice: (+) slaughter. [Ger. schnitt] II. m. saw,CP.
snide I. m. incision: slaughter. II. = snidII.
sniden pp., snidon pret. pl. of snan.
snidsen n. lancet, Lcd 78a.
snirian = snyrian
snte f. 'snipe,' Cp, WW. ['snite']
snan^1 _to cut, lance_, CP: _cut off, amputate_, _CP_: _hew down, slay, kill_, _; CP: _mow, reap_. ['_snithe_'; _Ger._ schneiden]
snstro carline thistle? (BT) chopped straw? (JGPh 1328), Cp 358#s#.
snung f. incision, wound: slaughter.
snwan to snow, BH, Cp, Nar; . ['snew']
snca m. nook? inlet, BC 3141 (v. Mdf).
snd f. hood, head-dress, fillet, .
snoffa m. 'nausea,' CM 50.
snofl phlegm, mucus, Lcd 9a.
snoflig full of phlegm, A 8299.
snofol = snofl
snoru f. daughter-in-law, , AO. [Ger. schnur]
+snot n. mucus, Lcd 20b.
snotor, snoter clever, prudent, intelligent, discerning, MtL; , CP. ['snoter']
snotorlic (e^2) philosophic, wise. adv. -lce.
snotornes f. wisdom, prudence, .
snotorscipe m. cleverness in argument, dialectics, OEG 3215; 2^172.
-snotorung (e^2) v. word-s. [[under "wordsnoterung"]]
snotorwyrde wise of speech, plausible, W 107^1.
snotter, snottor, snottra (wk.) = snotor
snwan = snowan
snd I. adj. quickly approaching, Cr 842. II. n? speed, An 267.
snde adv. quickly, at once.
snyflung f. mucus from the nose, NC 322. ['snivelling']
snyrian to hasten, hurry.
snyring sharp rock, WW 371^22.
sntan to blow the nose, NC 322. ['snite']
snyteru = snyttru
snting f. blowing of nose, WW 162. ['sniting']
snytre clever, wise, Gen 2808.
snytrian to be clever, wise.
snytro, snytru == snyttru
snyttru f. (often in pl.) wisdom, cleverness, prudence, sagacity, intelligence, AO,CP.
snyttrucrft m. wisdom, sagacity.
snyttruhs n. house of wisdom, PPs 77^60.
snyttrum adv. cunningly.
snyian to go nose or beak forwards (of a plough), Rd 22^6.
-snyian, -snyan v. be-s.
soc I. () n. _sucking_, _. ['_sock_'] II. m. _soakings_, Mdf.
sc I. pret. 3 sg. of sacan. II. = scn
socc m. 'sock,' light shoe, slipper, Cp, RB. [L. soccus]
socian 'to soak,' Lcd. [scan]
scn f. seeking, question, inquiry, case, cause: visit, resort, , W: attack, B 1777: refuge, asylum, sanctuary, : the exercise of judicial power, jurisdiction, right of inquisition, right of taking fines, revenue (v.sacu), KC, LL (v.2454): district in which a 'socn' was exercised (Eng. Hist. Rev. 2720). ['soken']
scnes = scnes
+sod n. cooking, boiling, CP.
soden pp. of soan.
sfte I. (= sfte) adj. _'soft,' mild, gentle_, _: _quiet, calm, tranquil, undisturbed_, : _luxurious_: _agreeable_, A 928. II. adv. _Gen, Lcd, Met_.
sftnes f. _ease, comfort_: _'softness,' luxury_, _.
sogea (o^2) m. hiccough, eructation.
sht pp., shte pret. 3 sg. of scan.
sol n. mud, wet sand, wallowing-place, slough, CP.
sl n. sun, PPs 120^6.
solar = solor
slate f. sunflower, heliotrope, Lcd.
sole f. shoe, sandal, WW 125^25. [L.]
solere = solor
solian to soil, become defiled, Rim 67. ['sole']
slmerca m. sundial, NC 350.
slmna m. February.
solor m. loft, upper room, CP, Ph: 'palatium' hall, dwelling, GD 248^14. ['sollar'; L. solarium]
solsece (^2) f. heliotrope. [L. solsequia]
som == sam
sm- = sm-
sm f. arbitration, agreement, reconciliation, , LL. ['some']
+sm unanimous, peaceable, friendly, .
somn- = samn-
somod == samod
smrden f. wedlock, CP 19^18.
somw- = samw-
sn m. sound, music, CP. [L. sonus]
sna adv. directly, forthwith, immediately, at once, Bl, Chr, CP, MtL, Sat. s.sw as 'soon' as, when, Bl,CP.
sonc = sanc pret. of sincan.
sncrft m. music, A 1338^306.
sond == sand
song I. = sang pret. 3 sg. of singan. II. sb. bed, NG. [ON. sng] III. grape, EHy 6^32.
sonwald (NG) = sinewealt
sopa m. 'sup,' Lcd. ['sope']
sopcuppe f. sop-cup, Ct.
sopp 'offula,' 'sop,' OEG 61^10.
soppian to soak, 'sop,' Lcd 86a.
sore mote, MtL 7^3.
sorg f. (occl. gs. in -es) 'sorrow,' pain, grief, trouble, care, distress, anxiety, B, Bl, Bo;CP.
sorgbyren f. load of sorrow, An 1534.
sorgcearig anxious, sorrowful.
sorgcearu f. sorrow, anxiety, Gu 939.
sorgful 'sorrowful,' sad, anxious, careful, , B; CP: distressing, doleful, B,Ph.
sorgian (pres. ptc. sorgende) to 'sorrow,' care, grieve, be sorry for, be anxious about, B, Bl, Bo;CP.
sorglas free from sorrow or care.
sorglast (h) f. security, Lcd.
sorglo (h) dirge.
sorglic wretched, miserable. adv. -lce. ['sorrowly']
sorglufu f. sad love, Deor 16.
sorgstafas, mp. anxiety, care, Jul 660.
sorgung f. 'sorrowing,' w 114^4.
sorgwte (h) n. grievous torment, W 187^2.
sorgword (h) m. lamentation, Gen 789.
sorgwylm (^2) m. wave of sorrow.
sorh == sorg
sorig sorry, CP 227^8.
sot = sott
st n. (what settles down), 'soot,' Cp, Lcd.
sotel, sotl, sotol = setl
+sotig dirty, grimy.
sotman m. foolish man, NC 350.
sotscipe m. dulness, folly, WW 171^33. ['sotship']
sott I. adj. _foolish, dull, stupid_. II. m. _dullard, fool_, _A_. open sott _downright fool_, _. ['_sot_']
s I. n. truth, justice, righteousness, rectitude, B, CP, Cr, Sol: reality, certainty. t se, t sum in truth, truly, truthfully, accurately. t san, urh s verily, in truth. II. adj. true, genuine, real, Bo, Bl; AO, CP: just, righteous. ['sooth'] III. == L. pro- in compounds, in DR and NG.
sbora m. soothsayer, astrologer, Chr 975#a# (reading doubtful).
s-cwed, -cweden veracious, NG.
scwide m. true speech, truth, just saying: proverb,NG.
Scyning m. King of truth, God.
se adv. truly, really, accurately, rightly, B, PPs. ['sooth']
ses adv. verily, Mt. [v. 'sooth']
Sfder m. Father of truth, God, Cr 103.
sfst (e^2) true, trustworthy, honest, Bl, Chr, Cr, VPs: just, righteous, JnL, PPs. ['soothfast']
sfstian to justify, NG.
sfstlic (e) true, sincere, An 876. adv. -lce truly, honestly, OET 452. ['soothfastly']
sfstnes f. truth, truthfulness, fairness, fidelity, Bl, Bo, CP, VPs: justice. ['soothfastness']
sfest == sfst
sfylgan 'prosequi,' DR 29^18.
sgid (ie^2) n. true report.
shweere conj. nevertheless, NG.
sian to prove true, bear witness to, LL, NG. ['soothe'; 'i-sothe']
slic adj. true, truthful, real, genuine, right, Bo. -lce adv. truly, indeed, really, certainly, Bl, El, VPs. conj. for, now, then, but, CP. ['soothly']
ssagol truthful.
ssagu f. truth, W: true story, MtL. ['soothsaw']
ssecgan to speak the truth.
ssecgendlce truly, genuinely, GD 185^17.
ssegen f. true statement, .
sspce truthful, W 72^16#e#.
sspell n. true story, history, MtL p7^2.
ssprc f. true saying, DR 171^18.
stcen n. prodigy, DR 43^16.
soa (JnL, LkL) = sia
sword n. true word.
spca m. 'spoke' (of wheel, etc.), Bo,WW.
spade = spadu
spdl = sptl
spadu () f. '_spade_,' _. [_L._ spatha]
spc I. pret. 3 sg. of specan. II. mn? small branch, tendril,WW.
spc = sprc
spclas 'speechless,' GPH 398^72.
spn pres. 3 sg. of spanan.
spr sparing, Sc 52^6.
spr- = spear-
spren adj. of plaster, Gl.
sprhende (y^2) sparing, Gr.
sprian (N) = sparian
sprlic (e) adj. sparing. adv. -lce.
sprlra (e, ea, eo) m. calf of leg, (ea). ['sparlire']
sprlred with a thick calf, WW 161^27.
sprnes f. frugality, nearness.
sprstn m. gypsum, chalk, WW. ['spar-stone']
sptan to 'spit,' spew, Mk, Jn; ,CP.
sptl = sptl
sptlan, sptlian to spit, foam at the mouth.
sptung f. spitting, Lcd 65a.
spala m. substitute, LL 484[2,1].
spld (El) = sptl. ['spold']
spaldur balsam, Gl (v. ES 37186).
span = spann
+span n. persuasion, allurement, CP.
spanan^7 to draw on, allure, seduce, mislead, persuade, instigate, , AO,CP.
span-e, -u, pl. -a, -an f. teat.
spanere (o) m. seducer, enticer, WW.
spang fn. clasp, buckle. [Ger. spange]
spann I. f. 'span' (measure), BH, WW. II. pret. 3 sg. of spinnan.
+spann n. fastening, band, buckle, CP.
spannan^7 to join, link, clasp, fasten, attach,CP.
spannung f. span, WW.
-spanung (i^2) v. for-, las-s. [[headword spelled "lassponung"]]
sparcian = spearcian
sparian to 'spare,' be indulgent or merciful to, save, BH, CP, VPs: use sparingly, not to use, : forbear, abstain from, .
+sparrian to shut, bar, MtL 6^6.
sparwa = spearwa
sptl () n. spittle, saliva, CP, Lcd, NG. ['spattle']
sptlian to spit out, WW 162. ['spattle']
sptlung f. what is spit out, spittle, WW 162. ['spattling']
spl = sptl
spw pret. 3 sg. of spwan.
speaft (MkL 8^23) = speoft
speara = spearwa
spearca (, e) m. 'spark,' Bo, BH; CP.
spearcian to throw out sparks, sparkle, Sat 78? (v.OEG 4029).
spearewa = spearwa
spearhafoc m. sparrow-hawk, WW. ['spar-hawk']
spearlr- = sprlr-
spearn pret. 3 sg. of spurnan.
spearnes = sprnes
spearnlian to spurn, kick, sprawl, .
spearwa I. m. 'sparrow,' BH, Chr, Cp, VPs. II. m. calf (ofthe leg), Gl.
spec = spic
spc = spc, sprc
specan = sprecan
specca m. 'speck,' spot, Cp, Lcd, WW.
specfh spotted, blotched, Cp 22.
sped 'glaucoma,' sticky moisture, phlegm, Cp, OEG. ['spade']
spd f. luck, success, prosperity, El, PPs: riches, wealth, abundance, Cr, Gen; AO: opportunity, power, faculty, Bl. Ps: (only in dp. spdum) 'speed,' quickness, Gen. ons. fluently, skilfully: offspring? PPs 103^16. [spwan]
spdan w. d. to prosper, succeed, Ma. ['speed']
spddropa m. useful drop (ink), Rd 27^8.
spediende suffering from 'sped,' WW.
spdig lucky, prosperous, rich, AO: plenteous, abundant: powerful.
+spdiglce adv. prosperously, LPs 44^5.
spdignes f. opulence, OEG 3605.
spdlce adv. effectually, effectively, PPs.
+spdsumian to prosper, OEG 3630.
spdum v. sped.
spel == spell
spelc m? splint, Lcd. ['spelk']
spelcan to fasten with splints, Lcd. ['spelk']
speld n., nap. speld, speldru ember, torch, OEG, WW. ['speld']
+spelia m. substitute, representation, deputy.
spelian to be substitute for, represent, , RB. ['spele']
speliend m. substitute, representative, .
speling f. deputyship, RB 10^12.
spell n. narrative, history, story, fable, , B, Bo, Da; AO, CP: speech, discourse, homily, B, Bo, Lcd; CP: message, news: statement, observation. ['spell' and v.Mdf]
spellbc f. book of sermons, TC 430^21.
spellboda m. messenger, ambassador, angel: speaker: prophet. [beodan]
spellcwide m. historical narrative, AO 100^12.
spellian to speak, discourse, talk, Bo, Lcd, LkL; : announce, relate, proclaim, Bl: conspire, GD 106^1. ['spell']
spellung f. speech, conversation, narrative, discourse,.
spelt I. m. 'spelt,' corn, WW. Ḷ II. 'planca,' board of a book, WW 164. ['spelt']
spelter (Lcd 3136) = spaldur
spn? m. fibre, WW 403^17.
-spendan v. -, for-s.
spendung f. 'spending', H 556^29.
spnn (= sponn) pret. 3 sg. of spannan.
spennels m. clasp, WW 238^34.
spenst pres. 2 sg., spen pres. 3 sg. of spanan.
speoft (MkR 8^23; MtL 27^30) redupl. pret. of *spatan? to spit. [v.ES 3828f.]
+speoftian to spit upon, LkL 18^32. [ES 3834]
spon pret. 3 sg. of spanan, spannan.
speoru (Gl) nap. of spere.
speorulra = sprlra
spow pret. 3 sg. of spwan.
spow- = spw-
sper- = spr-, spear-, spyr-
spere n., nap. spe(o)ru 'spear,' javelin, lance, , AO, CP, Cp: stitcking pain, Lcd 175a.
sperebrga m. terror at spears, Rd 18^4.
sperehand f. male line (of descent), BC 3340^19.
sperehealf f. male line of descent, TC 491^20.
sperelas without a (spear)-head, WW 143^7.
speren n. battle, Gen 2059.
speresceaft (^3) m. 'spear-shaft', GD 14^27.
sperewyrt (speru-) f. 'spearwort,' elecampane, Lcd,WW.
+sperod armed with a spear.
spic n. fat bacon, . [Ger. speck]
spce f. spca m. aromatic herb, spice? [L. species]
spichs n. larder.
spcing m. spike, nail, ANS 125^51.
spicmse f. titmouse, WW 286^15.
spdenwiht (i?) 'spider,' Lcd 167b.
spigettan to spit, .
spilg 'spilagius,' a kind of snake, DR 125^15.
spilc == spelc
spild m. annihilation, ruin, CP.
spildan to waste, ruin, destroy.
spilds m. destructive expedition, Ex 153.
spilian to sport, play, LL, W. ['spile']
spillan to destroy, mutilate, kill, Lk, JnL: waste, DR: (late) 'spill' (blood).
spillere m. parasite, OEG 679.
spilling f. waste, Chr 999#e#.
spil (GL) = spild
spind sb. fat, WW.
spindel = sprindel
spinel f. gs. spinle 'spindle', A, Cp.
spinelhealf (nl) f. female line (of descent), TC 491^21.
spinge = spynge
spinil, spinl == spinel
-spinn v. in-s.
spinnan^3 to 'spin,' , Cp, Lcd, Mt: twist, writhe,.
spr spike, blade, Lcd 99b.
spircend (y) sputtering, : sparkling.
spircing (y) sprinkling.
spitel m. small spade, dibble, GD 201^20.
spittan to dig in with a spud, LL 454[10].
spittan to 'spit,' LkR, MtR, MkL.
spittian to spit (for cooking).
spitu f. 'spit' (cooking), , HL.
spwan^1 to spit, spit out, 'spew,' vomit, , Bl, Chr,CP.
spwdrenc (i^2) m. liquid emetic, Lcd.
spiwe m. vomiting, Lcd 22b.
spiwedrenc = spwdrenc
spwere m. one who spews, WW 108^4. ['spewer']
spiwea = spiwa
spiwian (io) to spew, spit up (w. d.).
spiwol emetic, Lcd.
spiwa (eo) m. vomiting, vomit, .
spiwung (eo) f. 'spewing,' WW.
spltan? to split, v. ES 49156.
splin = spinl [[under "spinil"]]
splott m. spot, blot: patch (of land),.
+splottod spotted, TC 537^33.
spn I. m. sliver, chip, shaving, BH, Cp, Lcd. ['spoon'] II. pret. 3 sg. of spanan.
+spon = +span
spong = spang
sponge f. 'sponge,' Mt.
sponn == spann
spor n. spoor, track, trail, footprint, CP: trace, vestige. [Ger. spur]
spor- = spur-
sporettan^1 to kick, CVHy 6^15.
sporettung (sport-) f. kicking, EHy 6^15.
spornettan to spurn, kick, WW.
sporning f. stumbling-block, Sc 134^5.
sporu m. spur.
sporwrecel? m. what is tracked after being driven off? (BT), TC 172^26.
spwan^7 to succeed, thrive, , AO, CP: (impers.) profit, avail, help,.
spwendlce adv. prosperously.
spracen n. berry-bearing alder.
sprc I. n. shoot, slip, WW 44^29. II. pret. 3 sg. of sprecan.
sprc () f. language, , Bo, Mt: power of 'speech,' Lcd, LL: statement, narrative, fable, discourse, conversation, , Bl, CP, LPs: eloquence, : report, rumour, Lk: decision, judgment: charge, suit, CP, PPs, TC: point, question: place for speaking, NG().
sprcan = sprecan
sprccyn n. mode of speech, BH 486^1.
+sprce eloquent, affable.
+sprcelic incapable of being used alone (of the inseparable prepositions), Gr.
sprcful talkative, LPs 139^12.
sprchs n. senate-house, curia: auditorium, WW; L. ['speech-house']
sprcon pret. pl. of sprecan.
sprdan to spread: (+) stretch forth, extend.
sprdung f. propagation, DR 109^2.
sprngan = sprengan
spranc == sprang
spranca m. shoot, slip, branch, Gl. ['spronk']
sprang pret. 3 sg. of springan.
sprangettan to quiver, MP 1610; WW 473^2.
sprawlian to 'sprawl,' move convulsively, GPH 392^10.
+sprec n. faculty of speech: talk, discussion.
sprc = sprc
spreca m. spokesman, councillor, .
sprecan^1 to 'speak,' say, utter, make a speech, AO, B, Bo, CP, G, etc.: converse, converse with, B, Bl: declare, tell of, LPs: (+) agree, AO. sp. on lay claimto.
+sprecendlic (spec-) that should be spoken, Sc 123^2.
sprcern n. place for speaking, NG. [sprc, rn]
sprecolnes (spec-) f. loquacity, Sc 170^15.
sprecul talkative, SPs 139^12.
sprengan () () to scatter, strew, sprinkle, sow, , LL. sp.on administer a clyster: spring, break, burst, split. [causative of springan; 'sprenge']
sprot m. pole, pike, spear, Cp, TC, WW. ['sprit']
spretting = sprytting
spreulian (OEG 50^34) = sprawlian
spreut (Gl) = sprot
spric pres. 3 sg. of sprecan.
sprincel m. basket-snare (for catching fish), WW (v.ES 43322; FM 200).
sprind vigorous, strong, OEG, Sol. ['sprind'; springan]
sprindel m? tenter-hook, Gl.
-sprindlad v. -s.
sprindlce adv. vigorously, OEG 738.
spring m. 'spring,' source, BC (y): sprinkling: ulcer: flux.
springan^3 to jump, leap, 'spring,' burst forth, rise, B, Bo, Ma; : spread, be diffused, grow, , Bo, MtL.
springd = sprind
springwyrt f. caper-plant, Lcd.
+sprintan to emit, utter, JnL p187^12.
spritting = sprytting
sprot n., sprota m. sprout, twig, OEG, WW: peg. ['sprote']
sprott m. sprat, L, NC. ['sprot']
sprungen pp., sprungon pret. pl. of springan.
-sprtan v. -, geond-s.
spryc pres. 3 sg. of sprecan.
spryng = spring
sprtan = spryttan
sprytle f. chip, BH 204^56 (v.l.).
spryttan to sprout, come forth, spring, germinate, yield fruit, BH, Lcd; : incite. ['sprit']
sprytting (e, i) f. shoot, sprout.
spunnen pp., spunnon pret. pl. of spinnan.
spura m. spur, .
-spure v. ft-, hl-s.
spurleer n. spur-strap, WW 97^10.
spurnan^3 (o) to strike against, kick, 'spurn,' reject, , PPs.
spurnere (o) m. fuller, Gr 35^2.
spurul (= *spurnul?) given to kicking or trampling? OET.
spylian v. -s.
spynge (i), spyncge f. sponge, AO. [L. spongia]
spyrc- = spirc-
spyrd m. 'stadium,' race-course, NG.
spyremann (e^1) m. tracker, TC 172.
spyrian (i) to make a track, go, pursue, travel, journey, CP: follow out, inquire into, ask about, investigate, BH, Bo. ['speer'; spor]
spyrigend m. investigator, inquirer.
spyriung = spyrung
spyrran (e; = ie) to strike, GPH.
spyrring f. striking, OEG.
spyrte (e, i) f. wicker basket, eel-basket. [L. sporta]
spyrung f. asking, investigation, OEG 5214.
staca m. pin, 'stake,' AO, Lcd; .
stacan (stagan) to pierce with a stake, spit (or? roast, ES 40242), IM 124^71.
stacung f. the piercing of an effigy by a 'staca' (amethod of injury by witchcraft),LL.
stde- = stede-
stf m., nap. stafas 'staff,' stick, rod, , Bo, Cp, LPs, CP: pastoral staff: (often inpl.) letter, character, writing, , Bo, WW: document: (inpl.) letters, literature, learning.
stfad = stafod
stfcrft m. grammar, : (in pl.) learning,BH.
stfcrftig lettered, OEG.
stfcyst f. letters, learning from books, .
stfgefg n. syllable: letters, LSPs 70^15.
+stflred instructed, lettered, Lcd.
stfleahtor m. grammatical fault, OEG 5467.
stfleornere m. student, OEG 3126.
stflic _literary_: _literal_, _. ['_staffly_']
stfliere f. sling, 'balista.'
stfn == stefn
stfplega m. literary game, Gl.
stfrw f. row of letters, line of writing, L 23b^767: alphabet, BH 484^27.
stfsweord n. 'dolon,' lance? javelin? WW. ['staffsword']
stfws (e) lettered, learned, Lcd.
stfwrtere = strwrtere [[headword spelled "strwrtere"]]
stg n. I. 'stay' (rope), WW 288^24. II. pool, pond. [L. stagnum]
stgel steep. [stgan]
stger f. 'stair,' staircase, , WW. [stgan]
stgl = stgel
stl I. n. place, spot. on stale in place of, instead of. on stale bon stand in (good) stead, be a help to, AO 232^23: situation, condition. [Ger. stelle] II. pret. 3 sg. of stelan.
stl = staol
stla = stela
stlan to found, institute, carry on. synne st. to institute sin, i.e. enter on a conflict, Men 287: (w.d.) put upon, impute to, accuse of, charge with: ()avenge. [= *stlian = staolian]
stle = stale ds. of stalu.
stlg = stgel
stlgiest m. thievish stranger, Rd 48^5.
stlherige m. predatory army, CP. [stelan]
stlhrn m. decoy-reindeer, AO 18^11.
stll = steall
stllan (A) = stiellan
+stllan to stall, stable, MH 20^1.
stlon pret. pl. of stelan.
stlthtle f. charge of stealing, LL.
stling n. theft, NC 323. [stelan]
stlwiere serviceable, CP, Chr, Shr. [staol; 'stalworth']
stlwyrt f. water-starwort, WW 299^5.
stn- = stnen-, stn-
stna m. pitcher, jug, WW 415^18. [stn]
stnan () to stone, , CP: adorn with precious stones, El 151. [stn]
stnc == stenc
stnen made of stone, stony, , AO, CP. [stn]
stner stony ground, NG.
stng = steng
stnilic stony, Lcd 1216^20.
stning f. stoning, .
stpe (e) m. usu. nap. stapas (stpan, RPs 139^5) going, gait, 'step,' pace, , CP: power of locomotion: step, stair, : pedestal: grade, degree, . in stpe instantly.
stpmlum adv. step by step, by degrees, gradually,CP.
stpp- = stepp-
stp pres. 3 sg. of steppan.
str m., nap. staras starling, Cp, MtL. ['stare']
str () n. story, history, narrative. [v. A 3756]
strblind stone-blind, Cp. ['stareblind']
strcedferh = stercedferh
streblind (Shr) = strblind
strleornere? m. student of history, v. OEG 4145n.
strlce adv. accurately, OEG 2^310.
strling m. 'starling,' ZDA 33241^54.
strn = stearn
strtractere m. commentator, historian, WW 207^1.
strwrtere m. historian, AO.
st n. occl. gds. stae, nap. staas shore, river-bank, , AO, CP. ['staith']
stfst firm, stable, Cr 981.
sthlpe I. () sloping, precipitous. II. f. a steep place, GD 95^16.
sthlplce adv. steeply, Bl 207^20.
stswealwe f. sand-martin.
stan to support, Rd 4^74.
stig staid, serious, .
stignes f. staidness, seriousness, , CP.
stweall m. barrier of the shore, Gen 1376.
stwyrt f. a plant, Lcd 29a.
stafas nap. of stf.
stafian to dictate, .
stafod striped, Ep (e), Erf ().
stg pret. 3 sg. of stgan.
stagan = stacan?
stagga m. stag, LL 624[24]. [ON.; v. 'stag']
sth pret. 3 sg. of stgan.
+stal n. plaint, accusation, MF 163: contention, GD 329^15: opposition, W 186^17.
stal = steall
+stala m. accessory in theft, LL 100[25,1].
stala = staol
stald = steald
stale v. stl.
stlern n. court of law, WW.
stale- = staol-
stalgong m. stealthy going, Gu 1113.
stalian to go stealthily, AO: () steal,.
stlian to confirm, strengthen. [= staolian]
stall == steall
stalu I. () f. stealing, robbery, theft, Bl, MtL; : stolen article: fine for stealing. ['stale'] II. 'stale' (wood to which harp-strings are fixed), WW 203^33.
stalung f. stealing, robbery, AO.
stam (o) stammering, Gl.
stamerian (omr-) to 'stammer,' GPH, HL.
stammetan to stammer, WW 447^30 (o).
stamor stammering, Gl.
stn m. (and n. in NG) 'stone,' rock, , CP; Mdf.
stnx f. stone-workers' axe? WW.
stnb n. vapour bath made by the help of heated stones on to which water was poured (BT), Lcd.
stnbeorg m. rocky elevation.
stnberende stony, WW 427^36.
stnbill n. tool for working stone, WW 447^33.
stnboga m. rocky arch.
stnbrycg f. stone bridge.
stnbucca m. mountain goat, Gr 68^5.
stnburg f. town or fort of stone, Gen; Mdf.
stanc I. pret. 3 sg. of stincan. II. sb. sprinkling,WW.
stncarr m. rock, DR 19^11.
stnceastel (i^2) m. chestnut-tree.
stnceosel (i^2, y^2) m. sand, OEG.
stn-clif n., nap. -clifu, -cleofu (B) rock, cliff, crag,GD.
stncld m. rock, , CP.
stncrftiga m. clever stone-worker.
stancrian to sprinkle, WW 162^46.
stncropp m. stone-crop (plant), Lcd.
stncynn n. kind of stone, ZDA 34233.
stncysel = stnceosel
stn-cyst, -cysten chestnut-tree. [L. castanea]
stand (o) m. delay, MkLR 6^35. [v. 'stand']
standan^6 (o) to 'stand,' ('i-stand') occupy a place, stand firm, B, Bl, VPs; , AO, CP: remain, continue, abide, G; AO, CP: stand good, be valid, be, exist, take place, , CP: oppose, resist: stand still, stop, : () appear, flash out, B: arise, come, W: () be present to, come upon (offear). ne s. t ahte be of no account, W 82n. s.on consist: (+) stand up, keep one's feet, Bo: (+) attack, assail, L: (+) perform.
stneht = stnihte [[headword spelled "stniht"]]
stnex = stnx
stn-ft n., nap. -fatu stone vessel.
stnfh stone-paven.
stnflr m. paving-stone, tessella, OEG 14^3. [cp. flrstn]
stang pret. 3 sg. of stingan.
stngaderung f. stone wall, ERPs 61^3.
stngeat n. opening between rocks, Ct.
stngefeall n. heap of stones, MH 212^21.
stngefg n. stone-laying, El 1021.
stngella (i^2) m. 'staniel,' pelican, VPs,WW.
stngetimbre n. stone-work, masonry, WW 441^6.
stngeweorc n. art of building: stone-work, masonry,.
stn-gripe m., dp. -greopum handful of stones? El 824.
stnhege m. stone fence, wall, LPs 79^13.
stnhfet = stnhwet
stn-hli n., nap. -hliu, -hleou rocky slope, cliff, rock.
stnhof n. stone building, Ruin 39.
stnhol n. hole in a rock.
stnhricg m. rocky ridge, OEG 5465.
stnhpe f. stone-heap, KC 3431^9.
stnhwet n. stone quarry.
stnig () stony, rocky, AO.
stniht () I. adj. stony, rocky, AO. II. n. stony ground.
stnincel n. little stone, A 1331^86.
stnlesung f. building with loose stones, WW 117^34. [lesan]
stnlm m. cement, mortar, WW 205^9.
stnmerce m. parsley, WW.
stnrocc m. high rock, obelisk, Gl.
stnscalu f. shale, EC 306^18.
stnscrf n. rocky cave.
stnscylf m. rugged rock, HGl 449.
stnscylig shaly, stony. [sciell]
stnsticce n. bit of stone, WW 376^18.
stnstrt f. paved road, TC 525^21.
stntorr m. stone tower: crag, rock, GD 12.
stnweall m. stone wall, .
stnweg m. paved road, BC 1417.
stnweorc n. stone structure, .
stnwong m. stony plain, Rd 88^6.
stnwurma m. mineral colour, OEG 1061.
stnwurung f. worship of stones, LL.
stnwyrht? f. stone structure, WW 341^10.
stnwyrhta m. stone-mason, Gl.
stapa m. grasshopper, locust, WW.
stapas v. stpe.
stapel = stapol
stapela m. post, stake, LL 387[4,2].
stapen pp. of steppan.
stapol m., nap. stapolas, staplas basis, trunk of a tree, post, prop, support, stay, pillar, column, An, MtL, WW: threshold? B 926: market and court, EC 466. ['staple'; v.Mdf]
stapolweg m. staked-out road? KC 5281^23.
-stapplian v. under-s.
stapul = stapol
staras v. str.
starc = stearc
stareblind = strblind
starian to 'stare,' gaze, L,B.
sta- v. st.
stael == staol
staol (ea^1, e^2, u^2) m. base, foundation, support, BH, WW; AO, CP: station, position, state, condition, CP: stability, security: firmament, heavens: underside of a turf, Lcd. ['staddle'; standan]
staolht f. real estate, Rim 22.
staolfst fixed, firm, steadfast, Bo, MtL. ['stathelfast']
staolfstlic steadfast, firm, . adv. -lce.
staolfstnes (ea) f. stability.
+staol-fstnian, -festian to make firm, establish.
staolfstnung f. foundation, LPs 136^7.
staolian (e^2) to fix, establish, Bl: confirm, make steadfast. ['stathel']
+staoliend m. founder, LPs 47^2 (e^2).
staolung f. foundation, settlement.
staolwang m. settling place.
staul = staol
steaf- = stf-
stealc lofty, steep, precipitous.
-stealcian v. be-s.
stealcung f. _act of going stealthily_, _. ['_stalking_']
steald pret. 3 sg. of stellan.
+steald n. dwelling, habitation.
stealdan^7 to possess, own.
steall (a) mn. standing, place, position, state, WW: 'stall' (for cattle), stable, Cp; : fishing ground.
+steall n. structure, frame.
-stealla v. eaxl-, hand-, ofer-s. [[error for "handgestealla"?]]
steallere (a) m. marshal, constable.
-steallian v. for-s.
[[Cross-referenced word could not be identified.]]
stam (, e) m. 'steam,' vapour, moisture, exhalation, : steaming fluid, blood, #Rood#62.
stap I. 'steep,' precipitous, deep: high, lofty, prominent, projecting, : upright? B 2566. II. (o) m. 'stoup,' beaker, flagon.
stap- = stop-
stapes adv. high.
staphah very high, Rd 26^4.
stapol m. cairn? Ct.
stearc (a) _stiff, rigid, obstinate_, _, El_: _stern, severe, hard_, _: _harsh, rough, strong, violent, impetuous_, _WW_. ['_stark_']
stearcfer harsh, stern, Jul 636.
stearcheard excessive, DD 200?
stearcheort stout-hearted.
stearcian to stiffen, become hard, GPH 402^56. ['stark']
stearclce adv. stoutly, strongly, vigorously, Chr 1016#d#. ['starkly']
stearcmd stubborn, NC 323.
stearn (, e) m. sea-swallow? tern?
stearra (DR) = steorra
steartlian to kick, struggle, OEG. ['startle']
stea-el, -ul = staol
steb = stybb
stebn (Gl) = stefn
stda m. stud-horse, stallion, : entire camel. ['steed']
stede m. place, site, position, station, , Bo, Ct, Lcd, RB; CP; Mdf: firmness, steadfastness, fixity, : strangury. ofs. immediately. [standan; 'stead']
stedefst 'steadfast,' firm, L.
stedefstnes (styd-) f. constancy, DR 50^2.
+stedegian to stand still, L 31^242.
stedeheard firm, strong.
stedelas unsteady, unstable, .
stedewang m. field, plain.
stedewist f. steadiness, HGl 530^4.
+stdhors n. stud-horse, stallion.
stedig sterile, .
stedignes f. sterility, ERSPs 34^12.
stedinglne f. stay (ship's rope), WW.
stef- = stf-, staf-
stefen = stefn I.
stefn () I. f. voice, sound, , CP. II. m. message, summons, turn (ofmilitary service), time. nwan stefne anew, again: a body of men who take a turn at work, the English military force? (BT), KC 5121. III. m. 'stem,' trunk: foundation, root: prow or stern of a vessel. [stf; Ger. stamm]
stefna () m. prow or stern of a ship.
stefnan I. () to institute, arrange, regulate: alternate. II. (+) to provide with a fringe, CM 288.
stefnbyrd f. control, Creat 45.
stefnelof n. 'vociferatio,' LPs 26^6.
stefnian (w. d.) to summon: (+) determine, settle, MFH 162.
stela (, eo) m. stalk: support, .
stelan^4 to 'steal,' rob.
stle (Gl) = stle
stellan I. (y) to place, put, set, AO, CP. +stelled bon mid have an attack of, GD. [steall] II. = stiellan
stelmle m. handled vessel, A 9264^11.
stelscofl (eo^1) f. shovel with (long) handle? GPH 400^498.
stel pres. 3 sg. of stelan.
stm = stam
stm- = stem-
steming = stemning
stemmlum alternately, CM 280. [stefn II.]
stemn (CP) = stefn
stemnettan to stand firm, Ma 122.
stemning f. border, hem: turn, shift.
stempan to pound, Lcd 1378^18.
stempingsern n. stamping-iron, WW.
+sten () n. groaning, PPs 30^11.
stenan to groan, PPs 37^9.
stnan = stnan
stenc m. odour, scent, fragrance, , CP: stench, stink, , AO. [stincan]
stencan to scatter: afflict? PPs 43^3.
stencbre stinking, BH 48^17.
stencbrengende odoriferous, DR 77^19.
+stence () odoriferous, Lcd 1282^19.
stencft n., pl. -fatu perfume-casket, OEG 8^239.
stencnes f. odour.
stenecian to pant, OEG 6^5. [stenan]
steng m. stake, pole, bar, rod, staff, cudgel, CP. [stingan; v.Mdf]
stent pres. 3 sg. of standan.
steol- = stel-
stold pret. 3 sg. of stealdan.
stop = stap
stopbearn n. orphan, .
stopcild (, a) n. orphan, unprotected one.
stopdohtor () f. step-daughter, WW.
stopfder m. step-father, AO.
stopmdor f. step-mother, AO, CP.
stopsunu m. step-son, AO.
stor I. () f. steering, direction, guidance, : rule, regulation, : restraint, discipline, correction, , CP: penalty, fine, punishment, , CP. II. m. steer, bullock, young cow, Gl.
stora (e, ) m. steersman, pilot, guider, director, CP (stora).
storan = steran
storbord n. 'starboard,' AO.
storend () m. corrector, director, ruler.
storere m. steersman, CP 431^31.
storesmann = steormann
steorfa m. pestilence: carrion.
steorfan^3 to die, H. ['starve']
steorglaw clever at astronomy, OEG.
storlas not under control or rule, wild, profligate, foolish.
storlaslic unmanageable, GD 289^10.
steormann m. pilot, master of a ship, .
steorngl m. handle of a helm, WW 312^4?
steornede having a bold forehead? WW. [cp. Ger. stirn]
storoxa m. steer, WW 120^26.
steorra m. 'star,' Chr, Lcd, VPs.
storrra m. steersman, master of a ship.
stor-rer, -ror n. 'rudder,' Cp; CP.
steorscawere m. astronomer, astrologer, WW.
storsceofol f. rudder, WW.
storsetl n. steersman's seat, after part of a ship,.
storsprec reproof, RPs 37^15.
storstefn m. stern (of ship), WW 482^15.
steort (e) sm. tail, Cp, Bo: spit of land, cape: plough-tail. ['start']
stor-weor, -wiere blameworthy, reprehensible, CP 194, 195^3.
steorwigle n. astrology, Gl.
steorwglere m. mathematician, astrologer, OEG 55^8.
steorwiglung f. astrology, A 1333^141.
stp- = stop-
stpan I. () to erect, raise: elevate, exalt, honour, adorn, enrich: (+) help, support. [stap] II. () to initiate, consecrate,WW.
stepe = stpe
stepegong m. stepping, going? Rim 22.
stpel = stpel
steppan^6 to 'step,' go, advance, , CP().
steppesch () m. slipper, WW.
str = str
stran I. to burn incense: fumigate. [str] II. = steran
stercedferh () stout of heart, determined, bold, brave.
string f. incense, OEG 1512.
stermelda m. informer? complainant? LL 9[5]; v.2202.
stern = stearn
sterra (N) = steorra
stert = steort
sterung = styrung
sta (WW) = stda
stup- (Ep) = stop-
st- = stig-
stic- = stycce-
sticdl f. pain in the side, stitch, WW 112^22.
sticca m. 'stick,' pointer: spoon.
sticce I. n. sticky matter. II. == stycce
sticcian = stician
stice m. sting, prick, puncture, stab, CP: stitch, pain in the side.
sticel I. m. prick, goad, thorn, CP. II. = sticol
sticels () = sticel
sticfodder n. case for spoons? or twigs? LL 455[17].
stician (y) () tr. to 'stick,' prick, stab, transfix, goad, gouge out, AO, CP: kill: intr. stick, inhere, be placed, lie, remain fixed, be hampered, ,CP.
sticmlum () = styccemlum
stic-ol, -ul lofty, sharp, abrupt, steep, : arduous, rough: scaly: biting, GPH 417.
sticolnes f. height, OEG 4437.
stictnel m. basket, WW 403^2.
sticung f. pricking, goading, stabbing, AO.
sticwrc m. stitch in the side, WW 112^21.
sticwyrt f. agrimony, WW 136^21.
stegan = stgan
stiell m. jump, leap, spring, Cr.
stiellan (, e, y) to leap, rush.
stem = stam
steman (, ) to emit vapour, 'steam,' exhale. [stam]
steme () fragrant, Lcd.
steming () f. fragrance, OEG.
step m. downfall? Gen 60?
-stepan (, a, o, ) v. -s. [[under "stpan"]]
stera = stora
steran (o, , ) to 'steer,' guide, direct, govern, rule, CP: (w.d. org.) restrain, correct, reprove, punish, AO, CP. [stor]
-stierfan (, e, y) v. -s. [[under "strfan"]]
stiern- = styrn-
sternes () f. discipline, .
stf rigid, 'stiff,' GPH 394. [Ger. steif]
stfearh m. little pig (kept in a sty), LL 449^7. [stig]
stfian to be or become rigid, Gr.
stfician (= *stfecian) to extirpate, root out, Lcd 3184^17.
stfig steep, BC (Mdf).
stig n. 'sty,' pen: hall.
stg f. narrow path, way, footpath, track, road, course, line, CP. [Ger. steig]
stgan^1 to move, go: go up, spring up, ascend, rise, mount, scale, AO, CP: go down, descend, , CP. [Ger. steigen]
stige m. ascent, descent.
stig-el (-ol) f. 'stile,' Ct, GD 24.
stigelhamm m. enclosure reached by a stile, KC 5289^2.
stgend m. stye (on the eye), WW 114^10.
stigian to shut into a sty.
stgnes f. descent, LkL 19^37.
stigrp m. 'stirrup,' WW.
stigu = stig
stigweard = stweard
stigwita = stwita
stihl = stigel
stihtan () to rule, direct, arrange, order, ordain, AO, CP: incite, instigate. [Ger. stiften]
stihtend m. disposer, Jul 419.
stihtere m. director, ruler, CP 391^22; GD 221^19.
stihtian (CP) = stihtan
stihtung f. arrangement, direction, dispensation, providence,AO.
sth pres. 3 sg. of stgan.
stile = styl pres. 3 sg. of stelan.
stillan (y) to be still: (w. d. or a.) 'still,' ('i-still') quiet, calm, appease, hush, BH, Gen.
stille 'still,' quiet, calm, stable, fixed: gentle, , CP: silent, : secret.
stilles = stilnes
stillce adv. silently, CM 266.
stilnes (AO, CP), stillnes f. stillness, quiet, silence: peace, AO, CP: release, relaxation,CP.
stme = steme
stincan^3 to emit a smell, 'stink,' exhale, AO: sniff, B 2289: rise (ofdust, vapour, etc.), Rd 30^12.
+stincan^3 tr. to smell, CP: have the sense of smell, PPs. ['i-stink']
sting (y) m. 'sting,' puncture, thrust.
stingan^3 I. to 'sting,' stab, pierce, push through, thrust, CP. st. on lay claim to, usurp. II. = stincan
stintan = styntan
stiorc = stirc
stpel (, ) m. 'steeple,' tower, . [stap]
stpere m. post, prop, WW 126^11.
+str = +str
stir- = styr-
stran = steran
strp = stigrp
stirc (io, y) n. calf, (y).
stirgan = styrian
stitian = stihtan
st stiff, thick, rigid, hard, resolute, firm, strong, brave, : stubborn, unrelenting, austere, strict, fierce, harsh, cruel, ,CP.
ste I. adv. very much, strongly, well: harshly, strictly, severely, bitterly, . II. f. name of a plant, Lcd 160b.
stecg stiff-edged, Rd 88^14.
stferh determined, stern.
sthycgende (-hug-) determined, resolute, brave: stern, obstinate.
sthdig determined, resolute.
sthygd determined, resolute, Jul 654.
+stian to become hard: become strong, grow up, mature,.
stlic firm, stout, strong, hard: decided: harsh, stern, severe, , CP. adv. -lce.
stmgen n. powerful force, DD 114.
stmd resolute, brave, firm, unflinching, stubborn, stern, severe.
stnes f. hardness, rigidity, strictness, severity, rigour, : firmness, constancy,.
stweg m. rough way, Rd 4^35.
stweard m. 'steward,' housekeeper, guardian. [stig-]
stwita m. housekeeper? householder? Gen 2079; Rd 4^10.
stoc I. m. 'stock,' stump, stake, log, ; Mdf: trumpet, MtL 6^2. [Ger. stock] II. n. place, house, dwelling, GD (v.ES 37191).
stoccen made of logs? KC 373^20.
stoclf n. dwelling-place, city.
stocweard m. citizen, OEG 5272.
stocwc n. dwelling-place, GD 172^4.
stod mf. post, WW 106^33.
-stod v. wealh-s. [[headword spelled "wealhstd"]]
std I. n. 'stud' (of horses), Mdf. II. pret. 3 sg. of standan.
stdfald m. stud-fold, paddock, Ct.
stdhors n. stud-horse, stallion, BH 138^1.
stodla m. (weaver's) slay, LL 455[15,1].
stdmyre (e^2) f. brood-mare, LL 58[16].
stdon pret. pl. of standan.
stdof m. horse-stealer, LL 54[9,2].
stofa, stofu mf. bath-room, Gl. ['stove']
stofb n. vapour bath.
stofn mf. trunk, stem, branch, shoot: progeny: station, position.
stl I. m. 'stool,' chair, seat, CP: throne: bishop's see. II. n. long outer garment,NG.
stole f. stole. [L.]
stolen pp. of stelan.
stom == stam
stonc = stanc pret. 3 sg. of stincan.
stond == stand
stp pret. 3 sg. of steppan.
stpel m. footprint, Bl 127.
stoppa m. bucket, pail, GD, Gl.
-stoppian v. for-s. ['stop']
str I. m. incense, frankincense, . [L. storax] II. strong, great, Chr 1085. [ON. strr]
storc m. 'stork,' .
str-cille, -cyl(le) f. censer, .
strft n. censer, NC 323.
storm m. tempest, 'storm': () onrush, attack, tumult, disturbance,CP.
stormig? stormy, OEG 56^291.
strsp n. resin, OEG 4027.
strsticca m. rod for stirring the incense in the censer? (BT), EC 250.
stot m. a kind of horse, v. NC 323.
stw f. spot, site, station, locality, position, , AO, CP; Mdf; (holy) place,LL.
stwigan to retain, restrain, Cp 1713.
stwlic local, limited by space, . adv. -lce as regards place,.
strc pret. 3 sg. of strcan.
strcian to 'stroke,' CP.
strcung f. stroking, WW 179^9.
strc (? e) I. firm, strict, severe, stern, rigid, obstinate, hard, , CP: strenuous, vehement, violent, . [streccan] II. n. rigour: violence, force,.
strclic strict, CP. adv. -lce strictly, severely, vehemently, violently,CP.
strde f. pace, MtL 5^41.
strdon pret. pl. of strdan.
strgd pret. 3 sg. of stregdan.
strgdnes f. aspersion, BH 446^15.
strgl = strl II.
strl I. fm. arrow, dart, missile. [Ger. strahl] II. f. curtain, quilt, matting, bed, Gl. [L. stragula]
strlbora m. archer, WW.
strle f. = strl I.
strlian to shoot (an arrow), RPs 63^5.
strlwyrt f. name of a plant, Lcd 36b.
strng (VPs) = streng
strt I. f. 'street,' high road, , CP; Mdf. [L. strata (via)] II. f. bed, CPs. [L. stratum]
strtlanu f. street, NC 323.
strand n. 'strand,' sea-shore, .
strang (o) comp. strengra, superl. strengest (from strenge) 'strong,' powerful, bold, brave, , CP: constant, resolute, strenuous: strict, severe, CP: arduous: violent.
strange adv. comp. strangor, superl. strangost strongly, violently, furiously, severely.
stranghynde strong of hand, .
strangian to strengthen, confirm, , AO, CP: be strong, prevail, VPs.
stranglic strong, stout, firm, solid, sound, robust, : severe. adv. -lce strongly, firmly, stoutly, boldly, bravely, , CP: fiercely, violently.
strangmd resolute, RB 138^28.
strangnes f. strength, power, force.
strangung f. strengthening, quickening, nourishing, : vigour,.
strapulas mp. breeches, WW 125^2.
strwberige = strawberige
str (N), stra = straw
streac = stearc
strad pret. 3 sg. of strdan.
streaht pp. of streccan.
stral = strl
stram m. 'stream,' flood, current, AO, CP: () pl. sea.
stramfaru f. rush of water, An 1578.
stramgewinn n. strife of waters, Rd 4^26.
stramlic of water, H 1444^10.
stramracu f. water-course, channel.
stramrd f. course of a stream: sea-path.
stramrynes adv. flowing like a stream, .
stramst n. shore, Gen 1434.
stramweall m. shore, Gen 1494.
stramwelm m. surging stream, An 495.
straw () n. 'straw,' hay, (o).
straw-berige, -beriewse f. 'strawberry.'
strawian = strewian
strec () = strc
streccan () to stretch, ('i-stretche') spread out, prostrate, Lcd: reach,.
streccanmd persistent, P 80^10.
strecednes f. bed, couch, LPs.
streclic = strclic
strecnes f. pertinacity: rigidity, GD 345^2.
strdan^3 (and wv.) pret. 3 sg. strdde, pl. strdon. (strong), pp. strded, strd [= stregdan]
+strdd sprinkled, Sc 97^12. [stregdan] [[from first edition]]
strgan = stregdan
stregdan^3 (and wv.) pret. strgd, strugdon (wk. stregde), pp. strogden (wk.stregd) to strew, sprinkle, disperse, scatter, straggle: to spread, extend.
strgl = strl II.
strehte pret. 3 sg. of streccan.
strl = strl
strn = strowen
strnan = strenan
streng I. m. 'string,' cord, ligature, sinew. in pl. tackle, rigging: lineage, race. II. = strengu
+strengan to fortify. +strenged formed, made, OEG 46^8.
strenge severe. Gen 60. [v. strang]
strengel m. ruler, chief, B 3115. [strang]
strengest (AO, CP) v. strang.
strenglic strong, firm, Gen 273.
strengra (, AO, CP) v. strang.
streng f., strengu f. 'strength,' force, vigour: ability, superiority: firmness, fortitude, : manhood, mature years: violence.
strengu f. strength, power, vigour, ability, CP: firmness, fortitude, CP: virtue.
stren (KGl) = streng
stron I. () n. gain, acquisition, property, treasure, AO, WW; , CP: traffic, usury: procreation, . ['i-streon'] II. = strowen
stronan = strenan
+strones (u) f. petty gain, GPH 389.
+stronful costly, valuable, precious, .
strow == straw
strowen () f. resting-place, couch, bed.
strowian = strewian
strownes f. mattress, bedding, Bl 227.
strt I. pres. 3 sg. of strdan. II. = strt
strw = straw
strwen = strowen
strewian (ea, eo) to 'strew,' scatter,CP.
strewung f. what one lies on, LPs 131^3.
stric n? plague? strife? sedition? Lcd, LL,W.
strica m. stroke, line, mark, . ['streak']
strcan^1 to pass lightly over the surface, stroke, rub, wipe: move, go, run. ['strike']
stricel m. I. fount, breast, Gl. II. implement for smoothing corn in a measure? (BT) rope? (ES43325), Cp 266#t#.
strchrgl n. a cloth for wiping? CC 23^21.
+strician to knit together, mend (nets), MtL 4^21.
strdan^1 to 'stride,' Gl. up ons. mount (ahorse), GD 81^29.
stride m. stride, step, Cp 134#p#.
strenan (o, , ) to acquire, gain, amass, CP: beget, AO, CP: increase, augment? CP. [stron]
+strenendlic (e, y) begetting, OEG: genitive, Gr.
strigde pres. 3 sg. of stregdan.
strman^4 to resist, oppose, Cp.
strna m. acquirer, v. OEG 27^1.
strnan = strenan
strnend m. acquirer, ES 39352.
strpan (y) v. be-s.
stripligan 'perfringere'? v. OEG 46^21.
str m. strife, struggle, fight, contest, dispute, contention. [OS.]
stroccian to stroke, NC 323.
+strod n. plunder, robbery: confiscation.
strd n. marshy land (covered with bushes or trees?) BC (Mdf); PST 95/98, 537.
stroden pp. of strdan.
strogden pp. of stregdan.
strogdnes f. scattering, sprinkling, DR.
strong == strang
strop 'struppus,' (oar)thong, strap, WW 181^42.
strosle (GD 100^19) = rosle
-strowennes v. -s. [[headword spelled "strowenes"]]
+strud (GD 162^32) = +strod
strdan^2 to ravage, spoil, plunder, carry off.
strdend m. robber: money-lender.
strdere m. robber, Gl.
strdian to plunder, NC 296^324.
strdung f. spoliation, robbery.
strugde (NG) wk. pret. 3 sg. of stregdan.
strta = strta
strtian to stand out stiffly, L 32^208.
strtnian (L 23^268) = scrtnian
strdan to rob, deprive.
+strdd = +strdd
strdere = strndere
strn- = stren-, strn-
strnd f. generation, line of inheritance, race, stock, tribe.
strndan to waste, WW.
strndere m. squanderer, prodigal, WW.
+strynge m. wrestler, WW 465^40.
strta () m. ostrich. [L. struthio]
stubb = stybb
stc heap, ES 11512.
studdian to look after, be careful for, Kl 17^79.
studding f. care, trouble, labour, Kl 17^63.
studu f., gs. stude, ds. styde (also indecl. in sg.), nap. styde column, pillar, post, buttress. ['stud']
stufb n. vapour bath, Lcd. [stofa]
stulor furtive, stealthy, stolen, . adv. -lce,.
+stun n. din, crash, whirlwind.
stuncen, pp., stuncon pret. pl. of stincan.
stund f. short space of time, moment, period, time. stunde now, at once, from time to time (v.also stundum): hour: signal. [Ger. stunde]
+stund n. noise, Guth 36^28 (= +stun).
-stundian v. -s.
stundmlum adv. from time to time, gradually: time after time, alternately.
stundum adv. from time to time, at times, : with effort, laboriously, eagerly, fiercely, . [dp. of stund]
stungen pp., stungon pret. pl. of stingan.
stunian to crash, resound, roar: impinge, dash. ['stun']
stunra (KGl 69^31) = stuntra, gp. of stunt.
stunt dull, stupid, foolish, .
stuntlic stupid, foolish, . adv. -lce, .
stuntnes f. stupidity, folly, .
stuntscipe m. foolishness, Mk 7^22.
stuntsprc f. silly talk.
stuntsprce talking foolishly, W 72^17.
stuntwyrde talking foolishly.
stpian to 'stoop,' AO.
sturtende (DR 57^12) = styrtende [[form of "styrtan"]]
stt m. gnat, WW.
stuansceaft m. prop, AS 1^1,10.
stuu = studu
stybb m. stump, ; Mdf. ['stub']
stycce (i) n. piece, portion, bit, fragment, . ymbe st. after a short time: mite (small piece of money). [Ger. stck]
styccemlum adv. piecemeal, little by little, by degrees, gradually: to bits, to pieces, AO: here and there,AO.
stycian = stician
styde I. = stede. II. v. studu.
styfecung f. clearing? (land), Ct.
styfic a clearing in a wood, PST 95/98, 541.
styhtan = stihtan
stlan to harden, attemper, Cr 679. [Ger. sthlen]
stle () n. 'steel,' B, Gl.
stlecg steel-edged, B 1533.
stlen of steel, hard as steel.
styll = stiell
styllan I. to make stalls for cattle? or to put them in stalls? LL 454[11,13]. II. = stiellan. III. = stillan
styltan to be amazed, dazed, hesitate, NG.
styl pres. 3 sg. of stelan.
stman = steman
styng = sting
stynt = stent, pres. 3 sg. of standan.
styntan to make dull, stupefy, Cp 89#h#. [stunt]
stpel = stpel
+styr (i) n. stir, movement, DR 187^5.
str = stor
styra = styria
stran = (1) steran; (2) stran
styrc = stirc
strend = storend
styrenes f. power of motion, movement: commotion, disturbance, tumult: (+) tribulation,DR.
styrfig adj. belonging to an animal which died of disease, LL. [storfe] [[variant of "steorfa"?]]
styrf pres. 3 sg. of steorfan.
styrgan = styrian
styria, styr(i)ga (i) m. name of a fish, sturgeon. [Ger. str]
styrian (i) to 'stir,' move (tr. and intr.), rouse, agitate, excite, urge, , CP: cause: tell, rehearse, B 873.
styric = stirc
styrigendlic moving, .
styrman to storm, roar, rage, cry out, shout.
styrne 'stern,' grave, strict, austere, hard, severe, cruel.
styrnenga adv. inexorably, Sol 282.
styrnlic hard, severe, harsh. adv. -lce, CP (ie).
styrnmd stern of mood, Jud 227.
styrtan to 'start,' leap up. only in pres. ptc. sturtende (= styrtende), DR 57^12.
styrung (e) f. moving, motion, , CP: disturbance, commotion, : exercise.
stye ds. and nap. of stuu = studu
s f. sow. [= sugu]
su = sw
subdacon m. subdeacon, ANS 8415.
scan^2 to 'suck,' , Lk, PPs, VHy.
sucga = sugga
sucht-, suct- = suht-
sudon pret. pl. of soan.
sue- = swe-
sufel, suf(o)l n. relish eaten with bread (v. LL 2754), Jn, RB. ['sowl']
+sufel, sufl adj. with a relish added to it? (of bread), Ct,LL.
suflmete m. delicacy, relish, GD 202^26.
sftlre = swiftlre
sgan^2 to suck, suck in, CP.
sugga m. a kind of bird, titlark? wagtail? Gl.
sugian to be or become silent, AO. [cp. swgian]
sugu f. 'sow,' Cp, CP; .
suht (y) f. illness, Gen 472.
suhterga m. brother's son, nephew: uncle's son, cousin.
suhtergefderan, suhtorfdran mp. uncle and nephew.
suhtriga = suhterga
sl (), sulh (AO) sfm., gs sle(s), ds. sylg (CP), syl(h), as. sl, sulh; nap. sylh, syll (), gp. sla, dp. slum plough: furrow, gully: a measure of land. [Mdf]
sulf = sufl [[under "sufel"]]
sulfer = seolfor
sulfern (DR) = seolfren
sulhcer m. a strip of land for ploughing, LL 450[9,1].
sulhlmesse f. ecclesiastical tax on ploughed land.
sulhandla m. plough tail, v. OEG 2357.
sulhbam m. plough tail, WW.
sulhgang m. the land which can be gone over by one plough in a day, W 170^37.
sulhgesdu np. ploughing tackle, LL 455^17.
sulhgetog n. ploughing implements, Lcd 1400^19. [cp. Ger. gezeug]
sulhgeweorc n. plough-making, Gen 1086.
sulhhbbere m. ploughman, WW 495^19.
sulhscear n. ploughshare.
slincel n. small furrow, WW 348^34.
sull, suluh = sl
sulung n. in Kent, the fiscal unit corresponding to the hide (orcarucate in other counties) (NED) Ct, LL. ['suling']
sum indef. pron. (used substantively w. g.) a certain one, some one, something, one, B, Bo, G. sixas. one of six: (used adjectivally) a certain, 'some,' any, , AO, Bo, Bl. sume...sume some...others. hit...sum...sum... part of it...the rest...: (used adverbially) about, Bo, Chr, G. s.hund about a hundred. sumes, s. on dle to some extent, somewhat.
sumar, sumer == sumor
smnes f. delay, MtL 25^19. [cp. Ger. versumniss]
sumor m., gs. sumeres, ds. sumera, sumere 'summer,'AO.
sumorbc = sumorrdingbc
sumorhte f. summer heat, AO.
sumorhs n. summer-house, L 36^98.
sumorlcan to draw on towards summer, H 1614.
sumorlang summer-long, of the length of a summer's day.
sumorlic of summer.
sumorlda I. m. summer army or expedition (one which only comes for the summer), Chr 871. [lan] II. (= -loda) m. shoot, twig, WW 450^30 (v.A 13330).
sumormsse f. midsummer.
sumorrdingbc f. summer lectionary, TC 430^16 (e^2).
sumorselde f. summer-house, WW 184^1.
sumsende swishing (of rain), Rd 4^47.
sumswge = samswge
sumur = sumor
sunasunu m. son's son, grandson.
sunbam mf. sunbeam, .
sunbearu m. sunny grove, Ph 33.
sunbeorht bright with sunshine, Ph 436.
sunbryne m. sunburn, Lcd.
suncen pp., suncon pret. pl. of sincan.
sund n. swimming, , B, AO: capacity for swimming: () sea, ocean, water. ['sound']
+sund sound ('i-sound'), whole, uninjured, healthy, ,B.
sund-bende , -buend mp. sea-dwellers, man, mankind.
sundcorn n. saxifrage.
sundaw rosemary? sundew? WW 301^7.
+sundelic (WW 496^24) = +syndlic [[under "sundlic"]]
sunder == sundor
sunderanweald m. monarchy, ES 1166.
sunderfolgo m. private office, AO 286^5.
sunder-frodm, -frols m. privilege, Ct.
sunderlpes separately, specially, OEG 206.
sundermlum separately, singly.
sundermd f. private meadow, Ct.
sunderstw f. special place, Bo 80^2.
+sundful sound, whole, wholesome, : prosperous, , Ps. ['i-sundfull']
+sundfullian to prosper, Ps.
+sundfullic sound, safe, sure. adv. -lce safely, prosperously,.
+sundfulnes f. health, prosperity, .
sundgebland n. commingled sea, sea-surge, sea-wave, B 1450.
sundgyrd (e^2) f. sounding-rod.
sundhelm m. covering of water, sea.
sundhengest m. sea-horse, ship.
sundhwt good at swimming, Whale 57.
+sundig (y) favourable, BH 386^13Ca.
+sundlic (y) prosperous, BH: safe, GD 348^10. adv. -lce.
sundlne f. sounding-line, lead, WW.
sundmere m. swimming-bath, WW.
sundnytt f. exercise of the power of swimming, B 2360.
sundor adv. asunder, apart: severally: differently.
sundor- v. also sunder-, synder-.
sundorcrft m. special power or capacity.
sundorcrftiglce with special skill, BH 324^3Ca.
sundorcu f. special knowledge, LL (322^32).
sundorfeoh n. private property, Ct.
sundorgecynd n. special quality, Pa 30.
sundorgenga m. solitary (animal), Bl 199^5.
sundorgerfland n. land reserved to the jurisdiction of a 'gerfa'? WW 421^11.
sundorgifu f. special gift, privilege.
sundorhlga m. Pharisee, .
sundorland n. land set apart, private property, GD,WW.
sundorlic special, CP 409^10. adv. -lce apart.
sundorlf n. life in seclusion, BH 294^4.
sundormsse f. separate mass, special mass, Bk 27; RSL 11486.
sundornotu f. special office, LL 456[2].
sundornytt f. special use, office, or service, CP.
sundorriht n. special right, privilege, WW.
sundorseld (u^2) n. special seat, throne.
sundorsetl n. hermitage, Guth.
sundorsprc f. private conversation, private conference, , AO,CP.
sundorweorung f. special honour, prerogative.
sundorwc n. separate dwelling, BH 262^14.
sundorwine m. bosom friend, FT 29.
sundorws specially wise, El 588.
sundorwundor n. special wonder, Mod 2.
sundoryrfe n. private inheritance.
sundplega m. sporting in the waves, bathing.
sundrp m. sounding line, lead, WW 358^17.
sundreced n. sea-house, ark, Gen 1335.
+sundrian to separate. ['sunder']
sundrum (on) adv. singly, separately, apart: continuously, CM 211.
sundur == sundor
sundwudu m. (sea-wood), ship.
suner (MtR) = sunor
sunfeld m. Elysian fields.
sunfolgend 'solisequia,' marigold? heliotrope? Gl.
sunganges adv. moving with the sun, LL.
sungen pp. of (1) singan; (2) swingan.
sungihte solstice, MH 104^19,21.
sungon pret. pl. of singan.
sunht 'soliflua,' OEG 56^205.
sunlic solar.
sunna m. sun.
sunnanfen m. eve of Sunday, Saturday. [Ger. Sonnabend]
sunnancorn gromel (plant), Lcd 1314^18?
sunnandg m. 'Sunday,' .
sunnanloma m. light of the sun, sunbeam, GD 171, 172.
sunnanniht f. Saturday night, : Sunday, LL 52[5,5].
sunnanscma m. sunshine, MF 173.
sunnansetlgong m. sunset, Chr 773.
sunnanhta m. Sunday morning (early), early service time,.
sunnb- = sunb-
sunne f. 'sun,' , AO, CP.
sunnebam = sunbam
sunnon pret. pl. of sinnan.
sunnu = sunne
sunor (e^2) fn. herd of swine, NG.
sunsceadu f. veil, WW 239^19.
sunscene radiant, Jul 229.
sunscn mirror, WW 519^4.
sunset n. west, NG.
sunstede m. solstice, Lcd.
sunsunu? m. grandson, v. LL 460[11n.].
sunu m., gds. suna 'son,' descendant, , B, Bl, G, VPs: the Son, DR, G, VPs: young of animals.
sunucennicge f. mother, DR.
sunusunu = sunsunu
sunwlitig fair with sunshine, GnC 7.
span^2 to swallow, sip, taste, 'sup,' drink, , CP: (+) sop up, absorb.
sr 'sour,' tart, acid, BC, Lcd: made sour, fermented, Lcd,WW.
sre f. sorrel.
sr-agede, -gede, -ge, -ge (sour-eyed), blear-eyed,.
-srian v. -s.
sr-milsc, -melsc, -melst adj. half sour and half sweet (apple).
srnes f. 'sourness,' WW 347^35.
ssel == ssl
ssl nf. misery, torment, torture, , AO.
sslbona m. devil, Sat 640.
sslcwalu (-sel-) f. painful death, W.
sslhof n. place of torment, Hy 10^31.
sslstede (sel-) m. place of torment, hell, OEG 56^184.
suster = sweostor
sutel = sweotol
stere m. _shoemaker_, _. ['_souter_'; _L._]
-stian v. be-s.
sutol, sutul == sweotol
s* I. adj. comp. s(er)ra, serra, superl. smest 'south,' southern, AO, Bl, Cp, LkL. II. adv. comp. sor, s southwards, south, B, BH, Chr, Met; AO,CP.
san adv. from the south, CP: on or in the south, AO. be s. (w.d.), wi s. (w.a.) southof.
sanastan adv. in or from the south-east: to the south-east,AO.
sanastanwind m. south-east wind, WW 144.
sanasterne south-eastern, LPs.
Sanhymbre mp. Mercians.
sanweard = seweard
sanwestan adv. from the south-west.
sanwestan-wind, -winda m. a south-west wind.
sanwind m. south wind.
sdl m. southern region, the south, , VPs; AO. ['southdeal']
sduru f. south door, Bl 201^15.
sast adv. south-east, AO.
sastende m. south-east end, Bo 67^31.
sasterne south-eastern, Gr 8^2.
Sengle p. South Anglians, people of southern England,LL.
serige 'satirion' (plant). [L. satureia? cp. serie]
serne 'southern,' southerly, , Bo, Lcd, MtL.
sernewudu m. 'abrotanum,' southernwood, wormwood.
serra v. s.
seweard adj. southward, south, southern, AO.
sfolc n. southern nation or people, Suffolk.
sgrsecg m. southern ocean, AO.
sgemre n. southern border, AO.
sheald inclining southwards.
shealf f. south side, AO; . ['southhalf']
Shymbre mpl. Mercians, Chr.
sland n. southern land or shore, , Chr. ['southland']
smg f. southern province, BH.
smann m. man from the south.
smest 'southmost,' AO.
Smyrce (e) pl. southern Mercians, BH 238^34.
sor v. s.
sportic m. south porch, Chr 1036.
sra v. s.
srihte (y) adv. due south, AO.
srima m. south coast, Chr.
srodor (a^2) m. southern sky.
Ss mf. south sea, sea south of England, English Channel,.
S-seaxan, -seaxe pl. South-Saxons, people of Sussex: Sussex.
sst n. south coast, Chr 897#a#.
swg m. south wall, .
sweard adv. towards the south, southwards, AO, Lcd. ['southward']
sweardes adv. 'southwards,' Met.
sweg m. southern country, Ex 155.
swest I. m. the south-west. II. adv. 'south-west,' AO.
swesterne 'south-western,' ApT.
swind m. south wind, Ex 289.
suwian (LWS) = sugian
sw (, ) I. adv. and conj. (w. ind. or subj.) so as, consequently, just as, so far as, in such wise, in this or that way, thus, so that, provided that, , B, Bo. sw sw so as, just as, so that. sw same (sw) in like manner: therefore, on that account: as, like, B, Bo, Bl: (w.comparatives) the. sw...sw the...the: where: when, so soon, as soon: although, unless, yet: if, as if. II. pron. 'so,' the same, such, that. sw hw sw whosoever. sw hwr sw wherever. bi sw hwaerre efes sw on whichever side. sw ilce = swilce. sw selfe in the same way. ac sw also. sw hwilc sw whosoever. sw...ne though...not. sw...sw whether...or. sw ah nevertheless, yet, however. |