A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary - For the Use of Students
by John R. Clark Hall
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medemian (eo^1) to mete out, allot, assign, place: moderate: respect, honour, : () condescend, : () advance, promote.

medemlic moderate, mediocre: worthy. adv. -lce moderately, incompletely: suitably, worthily, kindly.

medemlcnes f. mediocrity, OEG.

medemmicel () = medmicel

medemnes f. dignity, worth, Bo: benignity, condescension, Bl.

medemung f. measuring, measure.

mden = mgden

mder ds. and LWS gs. of mdor.

mderce = mderce [[headword spelled "myderce"]]

medere = mddre

mderen, mdern = mdren

mderwyrhta = mterwyrhta

medewyrt = meduwyrt

mdgian to bribe. [md]

mdgilda m. pensioner, hireling, .

mdl- = ml-

-mdla v. an-, ofer-m.

medlen = midlen

medm- = medem-

medmicel I. moderate-sized, short, small, limited, unimportant, slight, mean, poor. II. n. a little.

medmicelnes f. smallness (of mind), SPs 54^8.

medmicle comp. medmre, adv. humbly, meanly, slightly.

medo = medu

medom- = medem-

mdren I. maternal, of a mother. II. n. the mother's side (bydescent), LL 156[11].

+mdren born of the same mother, AO 114^13.

mdrencynn n. mother's kindred.

mdrengecynd n. mother's nature, W 17^7.

mdrenmg m. maternal kinsman.

mdrenmg f. maternal kindred, LL 392[3].

+mdrian to have the same mother, .

medrce of low rank, WW 115^26.

mdsceatt m. payment, fee, reward, bribe, gift, ,CP.

medsl () f. ill-fortune, AO.

medspdig poor, Cra 9.

medstrang of middle rank, .

medtrum weak, infirm, sickly, ill, CP: of lower rank. [cp. medmicel]

medtrumnes (met-; y^2) f. weakness, infirmity, sickness, illness, disease, AO,CP.

medu (eo) mn. gs. med(e)wes 'mead' (drink), B, Rd (eo);AO.

medurn n. mead-hall, banqueting-house, B 69 (o^2).

medubenc f. bench in a mead-hall.

meduburg f. mead city, rejoicing city.

medudram m. mead-joy, jollity.

medudrenc (eo^1) m. mead, W 245^4.

medudrinc (o^2) m. mead-drinking, #Seaf#22.

meduful n. mead-cup.

medugl mead-excited, drunk.

meduheall f. mead-hall.

medum- = medem-

medurden (eo^1) f. strong drink? (BT), dealing out of mead? (GK), #GnE#88.

meduscenc (eo^1) m. mead-cup, B 1980.

meduseld n. mead-hall, B 3065.

medusetl n. (eo^1, o^2) mead-seat, B 5.

medustg f. path to the mead-hall, B 924.

meduwrig overpowered with mead, drunk.

meduwong (eo^1, o^2) m. field (where the mead-hall stood). B 1643.

meduwyrt (eo^1, e^2) f. meadow-sweet, Lcd: 'rubia,' madder, OEG 56^40 (e^2). ['mead-wort']

medws dull, stupid, foolish, CP. [cp. medmicel]

mdwyrhta m. a hireling, Sc 123^12.

meg == mg

mg = (1) mw; (2) mg

mg- = mg-

megol == meagol

meh = mec, me, as. of ic.

meht == meaht, miht

mi, mig = mg

meige (KGl 81^32) = mge pres. 3 sg. subj. of magan.

meihd (KGl 56^7) = mghd

ml = ml n.

mela = melu

melc == meolc

melcingft = meolcft

meld f. proclamation, Da 648.

melda m. reporter, informer, betrayer, .

meldan () (Rd) = meldian

melde f. orache (plant), Lcd. ['milds'; Ger. melde]

meldfeoh n. informer's reward, LL 96[17].

meldian to announce, declare, tell, proclaim, reveal, Ps; : inform against, accuse. ['meld'; Ger. melden]

meldung f. betrayal, BH 240^4.

mle = mle

meledaw mn. honey dew, nectar, Ph, WW (mild-). ['mildew']

melewes = melwes gs. of melu.

-melle, -melnes v. -m.

melo = melu

melsc = milisc

meltan I. (y) (sv^3) tr. and intr. to consume by fire, 'melt' become fluid, digest, dissolve, burn up, B, CP, El, Lcd, WW; . II. = miltan

meltestre = myltestre

meltung f. digestion, Lcd.

melu (ea, eo) n., gs. mel(u)wes 'meal,' flour, Lcd; . [Ger. mehl]

melugescot n. payment in meal, W 171.

meluhdern n. meal-house, LL 455[17].

meluhs (ea^1, e^2) n. meal-house, WW 185^27.

meluw (LWS) = melu

men v. mann.

mnan = mnan

mend- = mynd-

+mne- = +mne-

mene (y) m. necklace, collar, ornament, jewel. [Ger. mhne]

menegian = mynegian

menego = menigu

menen (i) n. maiden, handmaid, slave.

menescilling m. moon-shaped ornament, coin worn as ornament, Gl.

mengan () tr. and intr. to mix, combine, unite, Lk, Sat: () associate, consort, cohabit with, BH, Ps: disturb, B: () converse. ['meng']

+mengedlic mixed, confused. adv. -lce.

+mengednes, +meng(d)nes f. mingling, mixture, connection, ,BH.

mengeo, mengo, mengu = menigu

mengung f. mixture, composition, ZDA: fellowship, GD: (+) confusion. ['menging']

meni (LWS) = manig

menian = mynian

menig (LWS) == manig

menigdu f. band of people, WW 448^27.

menigu (a^1, ^1, eo^3) f. usu. indecl. in sg. company, multitude, host, , AO, CP. [manig]

menio, meniu (LWS) = menigu

menisc = mennisc

menn v. mann.

mennen, mennenu = menen

mennesc == mennisc

mennisc I. adj. human, natural, Bo, CP; . II. n. mankind, folk, race, people, Bl; CP. ['mannish']

mennisclic human, , CP. adv. -lce, .

mennisc-licnes (EHy 15^35), -nes f. state of man, human nature, incarnation, BH; : humaneness, humanity. ['mannishness']

menniscu f. humanity, human state, CP.

mentel () m., gs. mentles mantle, cloak, CP. [L. mantellum]

mentelpron m. mantle-pin, brooch, Ct.

menung = (*mynung), mynegung

mo mf? gs. and nap. mon shoe-sole, sock? sandal? RB,WW.

meocs = meox

+meodnes f. dignity, DR 192. [= medemnes]

meodo, meodu = medu

meodom- = medem-

meodoma = meoduma

meodren = mdren

meodum- = medem-

meoduma m. weaver's beam, treadle? WW.

meolc I. giving milk, milch. II. (i,M) f. 'milk,' BH; ,AO.

meolcan^3 (e, i) to milk.

meolcdond (i; -tond) m. suckling, JVPs 8^3.

meolcft n. milk-pail, WW 123^28.

meolchwt 'milk-white,' GPH.

meolcian (i) to 'milk,' Lcd, Shr: () give milk, suckle, Bl.

meolcle (ea) milky, CM 49.

meolcscend m. suckling, WW.

meolo (Bo) = melu

meoloc (CP) = meolc

meolu = melu

meoluc = meolc

mon v. mo.

meord f. reward, pay. [Goth. mizd]

meoring f. danger? Ex 62?

meor = meord

mos I. m. moss, ; Mdf. II. adj. mossy.

mose = mse

meotod, meotud == metod

meottoc (Cp) = mattuc

+meotu = +metu nap. of +met.

meotud- = metod-

meoon (BH) = mion pret. pl. of man.

mowle f. maiden, virgin: woman. [Goth. mawil]

meox (e, i, y) n. filth, dirt, dung, , Bo, Lk. ['mix']

meoxbearwe f. dung-barrow, WW 336^8.

meoxen = mixen

meoxscofl (e^1) f. dung-shovel, LL 455[17].

meoxwilie (cs) f. dung-basket, LPs 80^7.

mr- = mr-

mera m. incubus, Gl.

merc (A) == mearc

merce = merece

+merce = +mierce

mercels = mircels

mercong (NG) = mearcung

mere I. m. () sea, ocean, An: lake, pond, pool, cistern, B, Ep, Jn; CP; Mdf. ['mere'] II. = mare. III. = miere

mre (VPs) = mre I.

merebt m. sea-boat, vessel, An 246.

merecandel f. sun, Met 13^57.

merece m. smallage, wild celery, , Gl, Lcd.

mereciest f. sea-chest, ark, Gen 1317.

mereda m. death at sea.

meredor n. sea-animal, B 558.

merefara m. sailor, B 502.

merefaro m. surging of the waves.

merefix m. sea-fish, B 549.

merefld m. sea, body of water, deluge.

mere-grot (), -grot n., -grota m. pearl.

meregrund m. lake-bottom, depths of the sea.

merehengest m. sea-horse, ship.

merehrgl n. sail, B 1905.

merehs n. sea-house, the ark.

merehwearf m. sea-shore, Ex 516.

mrehwt pure white, sterling (of silver). [mreII.]

mereld f. sea-way, Hu 27.

merelende m. seafaring (man), sailor.

mere-menn, -mennen, -menin n. mermaid, siren, Cp, WW. ['mermin']

mere-nddra m., -nddre, -ndre f. 'murena,' sea-adder, lamprey.

meresmylte quiet as the sea, calm, Met 21^12.

meresteall m. stagnant water, MFH 169.

merestrt f. sea-path.

merestram m. sea-water.

merestrengo f. strength in swimming, B 523.

mereswn n. porpoise, dolphin, Cp, Lcd. ['mereswine']

meretorht () (rising) bright from the sea.

meretorr m. towering wall of the (Red) sea, Ex 484.

mereyssa m. ship.

mereweard m. sea-warden, Whale 53.

merewrig sea-weary, Seaf 12.

merewf n. water-witch, B 1519.

merg (Cp 195#m#) = mearg

merg- = mearg-, meri-, morg-, myrg-

mer-gealle, -gelle = meargealle [[headword spelled "margealle"]]

merian to purify, cleanse, Sat: test. ['mere']

merice (Gl) = merce

merien = morgen

merig = (1) myrge; (2) mearg

merig- = myrg-

merigen (, AO) = morgen

merisc = mersc

merne = mergenne ds. of mergen. [[under "morgen"]]

merr- = mierr-

mrs- = mrs-

mersc () m. 'marsh,' swamp, Bl, Cp;CP.

merschfe m. marsh hove, Lcd 35b.

merscland n. marsh-land, Chr 1098.

merscmealwe f. 'marsh-mallow,' Lcd.

merscmeargealle f. gentiana pneumonanthe, Lcd.

merscware pl. inhabitants of marshes. (1) Romney marsh, Chr 796. (2)the fens? Chr 838.

mertze f. merchandise, WW 32^25. [L. mercem]

mer = mear

merern made of skins of martens.

mru (N) = mr

meru (MtR) = mearu

meruw-, merwe- = mearu(w)-

ms (K) = ms, v. ms.

mesa fpl. dung, Lcd 37a.

msan to eat, Rd 41^52. [ms]

mse (o, , ) f. table: what is placed on a table. [L.]

mess- = mss-

msta (KGl) = msta superl. of micel.

met (usu. +) _measure (vessel or amount)_, _: _act of measuring, appointed share, quantity_, _Mt_: _space, distance_, _LL_: _boundary, limit_, _Bo, Met_: _manner, degree, way_: _ability, capacity_: _rule, law_: _mood_ (gram.): _metre_: _moderation_, _MtR_. ealle +mete _in all respects_. on +m. _in vain_, RPs 88^48. nnum +m. _by no means, on no account_. ['_met_,' '_i-met_']

+met suitable, fit, proper, apt, meet. adv. -mte.

+mt = +mt

-mt v. wa-m. [[under "wamt"]]

meta (Sc 153) = mete

metrn = metern

metan^5 to measure, 'mete' out, mark off, , Ex, Mt, VPs: compare, Bo; CP: es imate, Bl: m. wi pass over, traverse, B.

mtan I. to 'meet,' find, find out, fall in with, encounter, Bo, Bl; , AO, CP. [gemt] II. to paint, design, Gr. ['mete'] [[I."gemt" listed as "+mt"]]

metblg m. wallet, LkR 22^35.

mete () m. nap. mettas 'meat,' food, BH, Lk, Sc; , AO,CP.

mte = mte

metern n. refectory, GD, WW.

meteflung f. atrophy, WW.

meteclyfa m. food-store, pantry, OEG 56^270.

metecorn n. allowance of corn to dependents, TC. ['metecorn']

metec f. cow for killing, LL.

metecweorra m? surfeit, indigestion.

+mtednes f. finding, discovery, LPs 27^4.

meteft [met-] n. dish, GPH 403.

meteftels m. cupboard for food, WW 107^5. ['metefetill']

meteg- = metg-

metegafol n. payment in food, LL 448[4,5].

metegearwa fp. preparations of food, Lcd 78b.

metegyrd = metgeard

metelst = metelest

metelf f. leavings of a meal.

metelas without food, .

mete-lest (AO), -l(a)st, -lst, -lst f. lack of food, starvation.

metend m. measurer: God.

mtenad f. requisites in the way of food, LL 383? (v.2145).

mter n. 'metre' (poet.), A, BH. [L.]

meterdere m. reader at mealtimes, NC 309.

mtercrft m. art of versifying, BH 258^15.

mtercund relating to metre, WW.

mtere m. painter.

mterfers n. hexameter verse, BH.

mtergeweorc n. verse, BH 484^9.

mterlic metrical, OEG.

metern = metern

mterwyrhta m. metrician, poet, WW.

metescn f. craving for food, appetite, Lcd 65a.

metesticca m. measuring-rod, WW 126^35.

meteswam m. edible mushroom, WW.

metetd f. meal-time, GD 277^24.

meteearfende needing food, destitute.

meteegn m. seneschal, steward, Ex 131.

meteing n. operation connected with cooking, NC 309.

metetsiht f. dysentery, WW.

+metfst moderate, reasonable, modest.

+metfstan (^1, e^2) to compare, LPs 48^21.

+metfstlic moderate. adv. -lce modestly, humbly, meekly.

+metfstnes f. moderation, modesty, BH.

metft = meteft

+metft n. a measure (vessel), .

+metfest- = +metfst-

metgeard f. measuring-stick, rod, pole, perch, WW 147^20.

metgian to moderate, control, govern, , CP: weigh in mind, consider: assign due measureto.

+metgiend m. ruler, governor, AS 11^6.

metgung f. moderation, temperance, AO, CP: reflection, meditation: rule, regulation.

metgyrd = metgeard

metian I. to supply with food, provision. II. = metgian

mting I. () f. meeting (friendly or hostile), assembly, congregation, RB 46^2: (+) finding, discovery. II. painting, picture,.

+metlcan to moderate, CP 101^12.

+metlic fitting, suitable: moderate. adv. -lce.

+metnes f. moderation, MF (Vesp. D xiv).

+mtnes = +mtednes

metod m. fate: Creator, God, Christ.

metodsceaft f. decree of fate, doom, death. gewtan m. son, t metodsceafte to die,B.

metodwang (meotud-) m. battlefield, #An#11.

metrp m. measuring-rope, sounding-line, Cp 178#b#.

mtsceat = mdsceatt

metscipe m. feeding, meal, LL 178, 8, 1. ['meteship']

metseax n. meat-knife, AO.

metsian to supply with food.

metsung f. feeding, provisioning, Chr.

+metta m. _sharer in food_, _. ['_mette_']

mettac = mattuc

mettas v. mete.

mette- = mete-

mtte pret. 3 sg. of mtan.

metten f. one of the Fates, Bo 102^22.

mettian = mtan I.

+metting = +mting

-mtto v. wa-m. [[under "wamt"]]

mettoc (Ep) = mattuc

mettrum == medtrum

metud (N) = metod

me () tired, worn out, dejected, sad: troublesome. [Ger. mde]

meel = mel

mgian to exhaust, tire out, impair.

mian to grow weary, Lcd 57a.

mig tired, weary, AO.

mel = ml, mel

mel- = ml-, mael-

mnes f. fatigue, OET (Bd^2).

+merian to honour.

mw = mw

mexscofl = meoxscofl

miccl- = micel-, micl-

micel (y) adj. comp. mra, superl. mst(a) great, intense, much, many, , BC, Bo, Chr, Lcd; AO, CP: (oftime) long: loud. sb. with gen. much, AO, CP. adv. greatly, much, CP, Gen. ['mickle']

micelte (y) greedy, Shr 16^20.

miceldend (i^2) doing great things, DR 45^7.

micelhafdede big-headed, WW 380^12.

micelian = miclian

micellic great, splendid, magnificent. adv. -lce greatly, grandly, splendidly: very, exceedingly.

micelmd magnanimous, PPs 144^3.

micelnes (y) f. greatness, size, , CP: multitude, abundance: magnificence.

micelsprecende boasting, LPs 11^4.

micelu (y) f. largeness, size, Lcd.

micg == mycg

micga m., micge f. urine, Lcd. ['mig']

micga = migoa

micl- = micel-

micle, micles, miclum adv. (obl. cases of micel) much, very, greatly.

miclian (y) to become great, increase, An; AO: make great, make larger, magnify, extol, Bl. ['mickle']

miclung f. the doing of great things.

micul = micel

mid I. prep. w. d. inst. (WS) and a. (A only) with, in conjunction with, in company with, together with, , BC, BH, Chr: into the presence of: through, by means of, by, BH, Gen: among, in: at (time): in the sight of, opinion of, L, MtL. m. ealle, eallum altogether, completely, entirely, , Chr. m.m with that, thereupon. m. m e when. m. m t through that, on that account, because, when. m. (e) when, while. II. adv. at the same time, together, simultaneously, likewise, Lcd. ['mid'] III. = midd

midd superl. mid(e)mest mid, middle, midway, BH, CP, Lcd. t middes adv. in the midst. ['mid']

middg m. 'mid-day,' noon, Lcd: one of the canonical hours, sext, WW. fram middge o nn from noon to 3 p.m.,.

middglic adj. mid-day, meridian.

middgsang m. mid-day service, sext.

middgtd f. noon, WW 450^5.

middgnung f. dinner, NC 309.

middan (on) v. onmiddan.

middandglic = middglic

middaneard (Jn) == middangeard

middangeard m. the globe, world, earth, B; , AO, CP: mankind. ['middenerd'; ON. migarr]

middangeardlic earthly, BH 118^19.

middansumer m. midsummer (24 June).

middanwinter m. midwinter, Christmas.

midde I. adj. mid, middle. II. f. middle, centre (only in phr. on middan).

middel I. n. 'middle,' centre, El, Mk, Ps, WW: waist, Bl. II. adj. (superl. midlest) middle, intermediate, BC,BH.

middeldg m. mid-day, noon, Lcd.

middeldl m. middle, AO 10^6.

middelfinger m. middle finger.

middel-flra m., -flre f. partition, septum, WW.

middelft m. instep, WW 160^25.

middelgemru npl. central region, Sol 255.

middelgesculdru np. part of the body between the shoulders, WW 159^17.

middelniht f. midnight.

middelrce n. the middle kingdom, Chr 887#a#.

midden- = middan-

midde-niht, -neaht, middernht (LkL) f. 'midnight.' [v.ES 39350]

middesumer = middansumer

middeweard I. adv. in the middle of, through the midst, AO. II. adj. middle. III. sb. middle, LPs. ['midward']

middewinter = middanwinter

middun- (N) = middan-

mideard = middangeard

midel = middel

midemest v. midd.

midfsten m. mid-Lent.

mid-feorh, -feorwe (CP), -ferh() mn. youth, middle age, ('juventus' Gl).

midfyrhtnes f. middle age, Bl 163.

midgearwung f. preparation, MkL p 5^10.

midges n. companion, OEG 680.

midhelp [mi-] f. help, assistance, DR 29^18.

midhlte m. 'consortium,' NC 309.

midhrif nm. 'midriff,' diaphragm, Lcd: bowels.

mid-hrire, -hryre n. diaphragm, Cp, WW. ['midred'; hreer]

-midian v. -.

mdl n. bit (of a bridle), : oar-thong.

midle = middele, ds. of middel.

+midleahtrian to reproach? Sc 200^6.

midlen (e) n. middle, centre, midst.

midlencten n. mid-Lent.

midlest superl. of middel.

mdlhring m. ring of a bit, WW 456^14.

+midlian to halve, divide, VPs.

mdlian to bridle, check, curb, CP: muzzle, W 191.

midligend m. mediator, BH 206^26.

midlung f. middle, midst. adv. -lunga to a moderate extent.

midmest v. midd.

midmycel = medmicel

midnedg m. mid-day.

midnes f. middle, midst.

midniht f. midnight, .

midor compar. of midd, adj.

midrd f. riding in company, LL 175[4].

mdrece = mderce [[headword spelled "myderce"]]

midrif = midhrif

midsingend m. one who sings with another, WW 129^25.

mids(eg)ian to accompany, associate with.

midspecend m. interlocutor, MP 1592.

midspreca m. advocate, H 1388.

midsumer (e^3) m. 'midsummer,' A.

midswgan *'concinere' EPs 57^3.

midm, midy = mid am, mid

mideahtian to consent, RHy 6^27.

midweg m. midway, CP 399^13, GD 314^11.

midwinter m. 'midwinter,' Christmas, Lcd.

midwist f. presence, society.

midwunung f. living in company, .

midwyrhta m. worker together with, co-operator,CP.

midyrfenuma m. coheir, Sc 148^4.

mieht = miht

mielt pres. 3 sg. of meltan.

Mierce, Miercan pl. Mercians: Mercia, Chr (lit. borderers; cp. mearc).

+mierce (e) n. boundary, limit, A 4141^35: sign, token, MkL 16^17.

Miercisc Mercian, LL (e).

miere (e, i, y) f. 'mare,' BH, WW. [mearh]

mierra m. deceiver, MtL 27^63 (e).

mierran (e, i, y) _to 'mar,' disturb, confuse_, _CP_: _scatter, squander, waste_: _upset, hinder, obstruct_, _; AO: _err_, _MtL_.

mierrelse (y) f. cause of offence, Jul 338.

mierrend (y) prodigal, wasteful, NC 311.

mierring (e, i, y) f. hindering: squandering, waste,CP.

mgan^1 to make water, Gr.

migea = migoa

migga () = micga

miggung, mging f. making water, WW.

migol diuretic, Lcd.

migoa m. urine, Lcd.

miht (a, , ea, e, ie, y) I. f. 'might,' bodily strength, Bl, Lcd: power, authority, ability, BH; : virtue, Lcd: mighty work, miracle, G. II. adj. mighty, powerful: possible.

mihte pret. sg. of magan.

mihtelas = mihtlas

mihtelic, mihtlic possible. adv. -lce 'mightily,' powerfully, by might, miraculously, ,BH.

mihtesetl n. seat of power, EETS 34301.

mihtig (, ea) 'mighty,' important, BH, VPs (): able, effective, Lcd: possible. adv. -lce, Bo. ['mightily']

mihtlas powerless, weak, exhausted, .

mihtmd n. violent temper, passion, Ex 149.

mihtu = miht u

ml I. f. 'mile,' Bl, WW; AO. [L.] II. n. millet, WW. ['mile']

milc (VPs) == meolc

milde I. adj. 'mild,' merciful, kind, generous, gentle, meek, B, Bl, Gu, LL; AO, CP. II. adv. mercifully, graciously, Cr.

mildaw = meledaw

mildelic propitious. adv. graciously, affably, kindly, AO; . ['mildly']

+mildgian to mitigate, VPs.

mild-heort, -heortlic merciful, clement, compassionate, MtL (milt-); AO, . ['mild-heart'] adv. -lce, ,CP.

mildheortnes f. loving-kindness, mercy, pity, LL; , AO. ['mildheartness']

mildian to become mild, GPH 399.

mildnes f. mildness, mercy, NC 309.

milds == milts

milescian to become mild, mellow, WW. [milisc]

mlgemt m. mile-measure, milestone? KC 3252^21.

mlgemearc n. measure by miles, B 1362.

mlgetl n. mile, Nar 33.

milisc (e, y) sweet, mild, mulled.

mlite soldiers, NC 309.

mlitisc military, GD. [L. miles]

mlp m. distance reckoned by miles? road with milestones on it? El, Ex, Run.

+milscad honeyed, mixed with honey, WW (v. milescian).

milscapuldor f. sweet apple tree, Gl.

milt- = mild-

miltan (e, y) (tr. and intr.) to melt, : digest: refine, purge.

milt-coe, -cou f. disease of the spleen, Lcd.

milte mf. 'milt,' spleen, Gl, Lcd; . [Ger. milz]

miltesoc splenetic.

miltestre = myltestre

miltewrc m. pain in the spleen, CP.

milts f. mercy, compassion, benevolence, kindness, favour, CP: () joy. [milde]

miltsian (w. d.) to compassionate, pity, show mercy, Bo, Mt, Ps; , CP: soften, make merciful. ['milce,' 'i-milce']

miltsiend m. pitier.

miltsigendlic pardonable, venial, .

miltsung f. () mercy, sympathy, pity, indulgence, pardon, , CP: moderation, reduction (ofpunishment), LL 468[10].

miltwrc = miltewrc

milz = milts

mma m. 'mime,' MH.

+mimor (w. d.) known. adv. -lce by heart.

min ? small: common, vile.

mn I. pron. my, 'mine,' , B, G. mnes ances by my will. II. gs. of ic ofme.

mind == mynd

mindm? m. state of exile, PPs 54^7.

mine = myne

minet- = mynet-

minlic petty.

mnlce adv. in my manner, WW 449^16.

minnn 'manipulos,' sheaves? EPs 128^7; 'magnalia,' 105^21.

minne I. nap. of min. II. = myne

minnen = menen

minsian to diminish.

minsung f. parsimony, OEG 3748.

mint? (MtR), minte f. 'mint,' CP; Mdf. [L.]

mio- = meo-

mircapuldur (Cp) = milscapuldor?

Mirce, Mircan = Mierce

mirce I. (y) adj. murky, dark, black, uncanny, evil, B, Ph. II. adv.? An 1315. III. n. murkiness, darkness, Da 448. ['murk']

mircels (e, y) mf. sign, token, seal, signet: mark, marked place, L: trophy, Gu 429. [mearc]

mire = miere

mre = mnre gdfs. of mn.

mirg-, mrig- = myrg-

mirg, mirh = myrg

mirr- = mierr-

misbegn anv. to disfigure, MtL 6^16.

misbodan^2 (w. d.) to ill-use, injure, do wrong to, LL, W. ['misbede']

misboren abortive, Lcd: degenerate. ['misborn']

misbrden drawn aside, WW 224^21.

misbyrd f. abortion, Gl.

misbyrdo f. malformation, Lcd.

misbysnian to set a bad example, H 250.

miscalfian to cast a calf, WW 456^12.

miscenning f. flaw in an indictment: payment for correction of such a flaw, v.LL 2148; 184.

miscian to mix, apportion. [L.]

miscrcettan to croak or shriek horribly, Guth 36^1. [crcettan]

miscwean^5 to speak ill, curse, NG: speak incorrectly.

miscyrran (= ie) to pervert, Met 2^8.

misdd f. 'misdeed,' evil deed, sin, CP;.

misdn anv. to do evil, transgress, do amiss, err, JnL, LL, W. ['misdo']

mse = mse

misefesian to cut the hair amiss, LL (254^13).

misendebyrdan (i^4) to arrange amiss, LL 382.

misenlic, misendlic = missenlic

misfadian to order amiss, LL.

misfadung f. misconduct, irregularity.

misfaran^6 to go wrong, transgress, CP: fare ill, , W. ['misfare']

misfdan (oe) to nourish ill, EVPs.

misfeng m. misdeed, sin, NC 309.

misfran _to do wrong, err, transgress_, _. ['_misfere_']

misfn^7 to make a mistake, be deceived: fail to get.

misgedwield n. error, perversion, Jul 326.

misgehygd fn. evil thought, An 772.

misgelimp n. misfortune, W 211^30.

misgemynd f. evil memory, Sol 495.

mis(ge)wider m. bad weather, storm.

misgrtan to greet amiss, insult, Ct.

misgman to neglect, LL. ['misyeme']

mishbbende being ill, MtL 8^16.

mishealdan^7 not to keep, to neglect, (9^130).

mishealdsumnes f. want of observation, carelessness, LL (196^3).

mishrnes f. act of disobedience, W.

mis-hweorfed, -hwyrfed, -hworfen perverted, inverted.

mishran to hear amiss, not to listen to, disobey, RB, W. ['mishear'; heran]

misldan _to 'mislead,'_ _.

mislran to teach amiss, give bad advice to, L 5119.

mislr f. ill teaching, evil suggestion.

mislc- = mislc-

mislic unlike, various, manifold, Bl, Bo; , CP: wandering, erratic. ['mislich'] adv. -lce in various ways, diversely, aimlessly, Bo, Chr. ['misliche']

mislcian (w. d.) to displease, disquiet, , CP. ['mislike']

mislicnes f. variety, diversity, .

mislimp n. misfortune.

mislimpan^3 impers. w. d. to go wrong, turn out badly,AO.

mislybban _to lead a bad life_, _. ['_mislive_']

mismicel of varying sizes? Ex 373.

misrcan to abuse, H 2590^25.

misrd m. misguidance, : misconduct, .

misrdan to advise wrongly, RB.

miss n. absence, loss (Swt).

miss- = mis-

missan (w. g.) _to 'miss' (a mark), _B_: (w.d.) _escape the notice of a person_.

missare = missere

misscrence distorted, shrivelled, Guth.

misscrdan to clothe amiss, H 1530.

misse- = mis-

missenlic various, manifold, different, diverse, AO. adv. -lce,CP.

missenlicnes f. variety, diversity: 'qualitas'? GD 46^9.

missere n. half-year, year.

misspwan^7 to fare badly, AO 82^34.

missprecan^5 to grumble, murmur.

mist m. 'mist,' , Met, WW: dimness (ofeyesight), , Lcd.

mist- = mis-

mistcan _to teach amiss_, _. ['_misteach_']

mistel m. mistletoe, Cp, Ep: basil, Lcd. ['missel']

mistellm n. birdlime, WW 279^15.

misteltn m. 'mistletoe,' WW (i^2).

mistglm m? misty gloom, Whale 47.

misthelm m. covering of mist, Jul 470.

misthli n. misty cliff, cloud-capped slope.

mistian _to be or grow misty_, _. ['_mist_']

mistd f. evil time, FM 360^12.

mistdan (impers.) to miscarry, fail, LL 348. ['mistide']

mistig 'misty,' B.

mistihtan to lead astray, dissuade, .

mistihtendlic dehortative, Gr 225^12.

mistil- = mistel-

mistmian [impers. w. d.] to happen amiss, Bas. ['mistime']

mistlic == mislic

mistran to grow dim, .

mistrwan to mistrust, DR 39^16.

mistcian to ill-treat, Chr 1083, GD 15.

mison^3 to mis-thrive, degenerate.

misweaxan^6 to grow improperly, .

miswendan to pervert, abuse, : be perverted, err,.

miswende erring, ill-behaving, .

miswenian to misuse, abuse, Sc 224^10 (?= miswerian, MLN 2580).

misweorc n. misdeed, JnR 3^19.

misweoran^3 to turn out amiss, W.

miswider = misgewider

miswissian to mislead, LL 130; 381.

miswrtan^1 to write incorrectly, Gr. ['miswrite']

miswurian (= eo) to dishonour, illtreat, LL 381[25].

miswyssigan = miswissian

mte f. 'mite' (small insect), WW 122^6.

mitta m., mitte f. a measure, bushel, Ct, WW; , CP. ['mit'; metan]

mittan = mtan

mitte = mitta

mitting (, AO) = mting

mitt = mid

mi (LkL) = mid

man^1 to hide, conceal (tr. and intr.), keep to oneself, dissemble, BH, Bo, WW; CP: conceal oneself, remain concealed, Lcd: ()avoid, shun, refrain from. ['mithe']

ml = mdl

mix = meox

mixen (y) f. dung-heap, dung, , LkL. ['mixen']

mixendynge (y^1) f. dung, LL 454[9].

mixenplante f. nightshade (plant), Lcd.

mixforce (y) f. dung-fork, WW 106^39.

mixian = miscian

md n. () heart, mind, spirit, 'mood,' temper, B, BH, Bl; , AO, CP: courage, B; AO: arrogance, pride, AO: power, violence.

+md of one mind, harmonious, peaceful, CP.

mdblind blind, undiscerning.

mdblissiende exulting.

mdbysgung f. anxiety, Dom 84.

mdcearig sorrowful of heart.

mdcearu f. sorrow, grief.

mdcrft m. intelligence.

mdcrftig intelligent.

moddor = mdor

moddren of mothers, ApT 4^12.

moddri(g)e = mdrige

mde- = mdig-

mdearfo n. grief of mind, Hy 4^87.

mdeg = mdig

mder == mdor

mdercynd = mdrengecynd

mderge = mdrige

mdful proud, haughty, Lcd 3188^26.

mdgehygd n. thought.

mdgemynd n. mind, thought.

mdgomor sad, dejected.

mdgeanc m. thought, understanding, intellect, mind.

mdgeht m. thought, understanding, mind.

mdgeyldig patient, An 983.

mdgewinna m. care, Gen 2797.

mdgian = mdigian [[under "mdigan"]]

mdgidanc (N) = mdgeanc

mdgld joyous, Gu 1311.

mdglaw wise, Sol 180.

mdhp? brave, Ex 242 (GK).

mdhete m. hatred, Gen 1756.

mdhord n. secret thoughts, An 172.

mdhwt brave, bold.

mdig (CP), mdi _spirited, daring, bold, brave, high-souled, magnanimous_, _B_; : _impetuous, headstrong_, _; CP: _arrogant, proud_, , CP. ['_moody_']

mdigan, mdigian to grow proud or overbearing, be high-minded, glory, exult, show bravery, : take offence through pride,.

mdiglic (mde-) high-souled, lofty, proud: brave, bold: splendid, magnificent. adv. -lce, Ma (mde-). ['moodily']

mdignes f. _greatness of soul_: _pride, arrogance, haughtiness_, _. ['_moodiness_']

mdilic = mdiglic

mdlas spiritless, KGl 66^40.

mdlast f. want of courage, .

mdlof dear, precious, FT 28.

mdlufu f. heart's affection, love.

+mdod disposed, H 1524^18.

mdor (e^2) f., ds. mder 'mother,' WW; (ofanimals), LL; AO,CP.

mdorcild (m-) n. a child of one's (own) mother, PPs 68^8.

mdorcynn n. maternal descent, Chr 1067#d#.

mdorhealf f. mother's side, Chr 1076#d#.

modorhrif n. womb, PPs.

mdorlas (e^2) motherless, W 228^22.

mdorlic (e^2) maternal, Gr. ['motherly']

modorlufu f. love for a mother, NC 309.

mdorslaga m. matricide, WW 335^6.

mdrige, mdrie f. mother's sister, maternal aunt, , AO: cousin. [mdor]

mdrf valiant, An 1493.

mdsefa m. heart, mind, spirit, soul: thought, imagination, purpose, character.

mdsoc sick at heart, Gen 1235.

mdsocnes f. disease of the heart, WW 199^35.

mdsnotor wise.

mdsorg f. heart-sorrow.

mdstaol m. principle, character, LL (318^37).

md-staolnes, -staolfstnes f. firmness of mind, W 53^10.

+mdsumian to agree, CP.

+mdsumnes f. agreement, concord, CP.

mdsw resolute.

md-racu f. gs. -rce courage, B 385.

mdra m. anguish, Rd 4^50.

mdwre meek, LPs 24^9.

mdwrnes f. patience, meekness, W.

mdur = mdor

mdwg m. proud wave, Ex 499.

mdwelig gifted, talented, wise, CP.

mdwlanc stout-hearted: haughty.

mdwyn f. heart's joy, property, Rd 87^7.

moetan (Cp) = mtan

moha, mohe (N) = moe

molcen n. coagulated or curdled milk. [cp. Ger. molke]

molda? m. v. molde II.

moldrn n. grave.

moldcorn n. granular tuber of saxifraga granulata, and the plant itself, Lcd.

molde I. f. sand, 'mould,' loose earth, dust, soil, Cp, BH; : land, country: world. II? f. top of the head, Lcd (ormolda?). ['mould']

moldern = moldrn

moldgewind n. top of the head, NC 310.

moldgrf n. grave.

moldhrrende moving upon earth, Creat 27.

moldhpe f. heap of dust, H 1492.

moldstw f. site, sepulchre, GPH 391.

moldweg m. earth.

moldwyrm m. earth-worm, Soul 72.

molegn n. curds, Gl.

molegnstycce n. piece of curd, Gl.

moling = molegn

molsn n? decay, NC 310.

molsnian to moulder, decay, .

molten pp. of meltan.

momra = mamra [[under "mamor"]]

mon == man

mna m. 'moon,' Bo, Lcd; , AO, CP.

mnanfen m. Sunday evening, LL.

mnandg m. 'Monday,' A, Jn.

mnanniht f. Monday eve, i.e. Sunday evening, LL.

mna m. nap. mn(e)as, mna 'month,' BH, Bo, Lk, Lcd; AO, CP. [mna]

mnadl f. morbus menstrualis, BH.

mnadlig menstruous, BH 78^5.

mnabld n. 'menstruum,' WW.

mnabt f. penance lasting a month, LL (278^11).

mnafylen f. time of full moon, OEG.

mnagecynd f. 'menstruum,' Lcd.

mnalic monthly, lunar, Gl.

mnasoc I. menstruous, . II. = mnsoc

mnasocnes f. lunacy, Lcd 1170^4.

moncus = mancus [[under "mancs"]]

mond = mand

mndg = mnandg

mne f. = mna

mnelic lunar, .

monetian to despise? An 746. [*manetian?]

+mong = +mang

monig == manig

mnlic = mnelic

monn == mann

mno = mna

mnsoc 'moonsick,' lunatic, epileptic, MtR.

mont = munt

mn = mna

monuc = munuc

mr m. 'moor,' morass, swamp, B; Mdf: hill, mountain,AO.

mora (?) n. sweet boiled wine with herbs. [L. moratum]

mrbam (, u) m. mulberry tree, bramble, VPs (). [v.'more']

mrberie f. mulberry (fruit), L 25^576.

more f. carrot, parsnip, Lcd, WW. ['more']

more = mora

mrfsten n. moor-fastness, Chr.

mrfloge f. 'cariscus,' a kind of fly, NC 310.

morgen (a, e) m. ds. morgenne 'morn,' morning, forenoon, , B, MtL, VPs: sunrise, B: morrow, CP. on mor(gen)ne (1)in the morning, (2)to-morrow.

morgenceald chill at morn.

morgencolla m. morning terror, Jud 245.

morgendg m. morrow: morning.

morgendlic = morgenlic

morgendrenc m. morning drink, Lcd.

morgengebedtd f. morning prayer, Guth 40^25.

morgengifu f. gift by a husband to his wife the morning after the wedding, BC, WW. ['moryeve']

morgenloht n. dawn, morning.

morgenlic matutinal, morning: of the morrow. morgenlica dg to-morrow.

morgenlong lasting a morning, B 2895.

morgenmsse f. morning mass, first mass, ANS 842.

morgenmete m. morning meal.

morgenrn m. morning rain, Az 82.

morgensoc sad at morn, An 241.

morgenspc f. regular meeting of a guild on the morrow after the guild-feast, TC. ['morn-speech']

morgenspell n. news published at morn.

morgensteorra m. morning star, Bo. ['morn-star']

morgenswg m. cry at morn, B 129.

morgentd (a^1, e^1) f. morning.

morgentdlic matutinal, BPs 129^6.

morgentorht bright at morn, An 241.

morgenwacian to rise early, WW.

mrh f. mountain-heath, PPs 82^10.

mrheald heathy, marshy? Ex 61.

mrhop n. moor-swamp, B 450.

mrig marshy, .

mrland n. 'moor-land,' mountain-waste, LkL.

morne ds., mornes gs. of morgen.

morod, moro = mora

mrsceaa m. robber from mountain heights, NG.

mrsecg mn. sedge, Lcd 3140^25.

mrseohtre f. marshy ditch, NC 310.

mrstapa m. traverser of moors, Run 2.

mortere m. mortar. [L. mortarium]

mor nm. death, destruction, homicide, 'murder,' AO; : deadly sin. ['murth']

mor- = moror-

morcrundel mn. barrow raised over a dead body? deadly pool? corpse-pit? KC 323.

mordd f. murder, deadly sin, crime, .

moror nm., gs. morres (mp. morras) deed of violence, 'murder,' homicide, manslaughter, B, Bl: mortal sin, crime: injury, punishment, torment, misery.

mororbealu n. violent death, murder.

mororbed n. bed of death (by violence).

mororcofa m. prison, An 1006.

mororcrft m. murderous crime, An 177.

mororcwalu f. murder, NC 310.

mororcwealm m. murder, death, GnE 152.

mororhete m. blood-feud, B 1105.

mororhof n. place of torment, El 1303.

mororhs n. house of torment, Cr 1625.

mororhycgende with murderous thoughts.

mororlan n. retribution for sin, Cr 1612.

mororscyldig guilty, An 1601.

mororslaga m. homicide, murderer, NG.

mororslagu f. homicide, murder, NG.

mororslege m. homicide, murder, LL (148^14).

mororsleht (morsliht) m. slaughter, murder.

mororwyrhta m. murderer.

morslaga () = mororslaga

morsliht = mororsleht

morur = moror

morweorc n. deadly work, act which causes death, murder,LL.

morwyrhta = mororwyrhta

moru f. parsnip, carrot (= more).

mrwyrt f. moor-wort, Lcd 48b.

ms n. I. bog, marsh, BC. ['moss'] II. n. food, victuals. [Ger. mus]

mst, mste v. *mtan.

mot n. mote, speck, atom.

mt I. (, usu. +) n. _'moot_' ('_gemot_'), society, assembly, court, council_, _Chr, MtL_; Mdf. +m. wyrcan _to take counsel_: _litigation_, _Bo_: (+) _conflict, encounter_. II. f. _toll, tribute_, MkL. [_Ger._ maut] III. pres. sg. of *mtan.

mtrn (e^2) n. place of meeting, court-house, AO.

mtan* swv. pres. 1, 3 sg. mt, pres. 2 sg. mst, pres. pl. mton, pret. mste _(may), to be allowed, be able to, have opportunity to, be compelled to, must_, _; AO, CP. mste ic _would that I might_! ['_mote_']

+mtan = mtan

mtbell f. bell for summoning a moot, LL. [v.'moot']

mtbeorh m. hill of meeting, BC.

mtere m. public speaker, WW. ['mooter']

mtern = mtrn

mtgerfa m. moot-reeve, chairman of a moot, EC 342.

mths n. moot-hall, place of assembly, WW; W. ['moothouse']

mtian _to speak to, converse with, address, harangue_, _: _debate, argue, plead_, _Hex_. ['_moot_']

mtlu sbpl. courts, assemblies? TC 433^22.

+mtlah m. meadow of meeting, BC.

+mtmann m. orator, WW 164^35; 310^29.

+mtstede m. place of meeting, Soul 152.

mtstw f. place of meeting, forum.

mtung f. conversation, discussion, OEG. ['mooting']

mtweor (u^2) qualified to attend the moot, EC 343.

mofreten moth-eaten.

mor = mdor

moe f. 'moth,' MtL (mohe).

mucgwyrt f. artemisia, mugwort, Lcd.

mucxle = muscelle

mdrica = mderce [[headword spelled "myderce"]]

mga m. _'mow,' heap of corn_, _.

mugan* = magan

mugwyrt = mucgwyrt

mha (Cp) = mga

ml m. mule. [L. mulus]

mlhyrde m. mule-keeper, Gr 35^5.

multon pret. pl. of meltan.

+mun (w. g.) mindful, remembering, AO 48^11.

munan (usu. +) pres. 1, 3 sg. man (mon), 2 manst, pl. munon, pret. munde swv. to think about, be mindful of, remember, Bl, Jul, Lk; , AO, CP: consider. ['i-mune']

mund f. I. hand: palm (of the hand, as a measure): trust, security, protection, guardianship, : protector, guardian: the king's peace: fine for breach of the laws of protection or guardianship of the king's peace, v.LL 2555; 641. [cp. Ger. vormund] II. m. money paid by bridegroom to bride's father, bridegroom's gift to bride, Cr 93. III. = mynd

mundbeorg m. protecting hill, PPs 124^2.

mundberd = mundbyrd

mundbora m. protector, preserver, guardian, advocate, : prefect.

mundbryce (i^2) m. breach of the laws of protection or guardianship, LL: fine for the breach of such laws.

mundbyrd f. protection, patronage, help: fine for a breach of the peace,LL.

+mundbyrdan to protect, Bo.

mundbyrdnes f. protection: security, independence: protector, guardian, advocate.

mundbyre = mundbyrde (ds. of mundbyrd)

mundcrft m. protecting power, Lcd 1384^13.

munde v. munan.

+munde = +mynde

mundgripe m. hand-grasp.

mundheals f. protection? Cr 445.

mundian to protect, watch over, act as guardian of,.

mundiend m. protector, TC 525^8.

mund-low, -lu, -lu. f. wash-hand basin, WW. [ON. munnlaug]

mundrf strong with the hands, Rd 84^3.

mundwist f. guardianship, protection, NC 310.

munec == munuc

munecian to make a monk of, LL. ['monk']

munetere = mynetere

mungung = mynegung

+muning f. remembrance.

munt m. mountain, hill, , AO, CP. [L. montem]

muntlfen f. mountain-nymph, WW 189^4.

muntclse f. mountain prison, W 84#h#.

muntland n. hill-country, Lk 1^39.

munuc m. 'monk,' BH, RB (e^2): (used also of women), A 27255. [L. monachus]

munucbeht n. monastic vow, HL 18^81,95.

munuccild n. child intended for monastic life, .

munuccnapa m. young monk, GD.

munucgegyrela m. monastic garb, BH 34^27.

munuchd m. monastic orders, the monastic life, , BH; CP. ['monkhood']

munuchap m. company of monks.

munucian (e^2) to make a monk of, LL. ['monk']

munuclic monkish, monastic, BH; . adv. -lce. ['monkly']

munuclf n. monastic life, : cloister, monastery, ,AO.

munucraf n. monk's garb, GD 27^17.

munucregol m. monastic rule, mode of life, : a body of monks under a certain rule, TC 544^12.

munucscrd n. monk's garb, P 142^5.

munucstw f. place of monks, BH 236^25.

munucaw m. monastic rule, ANS 847.

munucwse f. fashion of a monk, L 6247.

mr m. wall. [L. murus]

mrbam = mrbam

mrberie = mrberie

murc dismal, wretched, PPs 145^6. [myrce]

murcian to murmur, complain, repine, grieve, CP.

murcn- = murc-

murcnere m. complainer, RB 21^5.

murcung f. complaining, lamentation, sorrow, CP.

murge = myrge

murnan^3 (and wv.) to care, be anxious or fearful about, An, Bo, Wald: 'mourn,' sorrow, bemoan, Wy: long after, An37.

murra = myrra

murre = myrre

ms f. gs. ms, mse, nap. ms 'mouse,' Bo; ; Mdf: muscle (ofthe arm), WW 158^6.

mus-celle, -cule f. shell-fish, mussel. [L.]

muscflote f? a small fly found in wine (must-floge?BT), WW 121^22.

muscle = muscelle

msepise f. mouse-pea, vetch, WW 148^35.

msfealle (a^2) f. mouse-trap, WW.

msfealu mouse-coloured, WW 448^9.

mshafoc n. mouse-hawk, buzzard, WW.

musle = muscelle

musscel (Gl) = muscelle

must m. 'must,' new wine, Bo; . [L. mustum]

-mtian v. be-m.

mtung f. 'mutuum,' loan, WW 449^30.

m m. 'mouth,' opening, door, gate, , BH, CP,Mt.

ma m. mouth (of a river), estuary, AO, Chr: () entrance to a house, door.

mdl f. mouth-disease, WW.

mberstung f. eruption of the mouth, WW.

mbona m. devourer, B 2079.

mcou f. mouth-disease, WW.

mettan to blab out, let out, (6^160).

mfro free to speak, PPs 11^4.

mhl n. wholesome speech, Ex 552.

mhrf m. palate, OEG 332.

mlas mouthless, Rd 61^9.

mwa (WW 348^6) = mga

muxle = muscelle

myce? (ES 43309), mycel (LWS) = micel

mycg (i) m. 'midge,' Cp, Lcd, WW.

mycgern (i) n. internal fat, suet, WW. ['midgern']

mycgnet n. mosquito-net, WW 183^13 (i).

mycl- = micl-

myd- = mid-

mydd n. bushel, AO 190^12. [L. modius]

myderce f. money-box, chest, .

mygg (Gl) = mycg

mg = mg

myhtig = mihtig

mh pres. 3 sg. of mgan.

myl n. dust, JAW 32; ES 41163. [Ger. mll]

mylc = meolc

mylcen adj. of milk.

myldan = miltan

-myldan v. be-m.

myle- = mylen-

mylen mf. 'mill,' KC, LL, RB; Mdf.

mylengafol n. mill-tax, mill-rent? NC 310.

mylenhwol n. 'mill-wheel,' Lcd.

mylenscearp sharpened on the grindstone.

mylenstn m. grindstone, WW. ['millstone']

mylentroh n. mill-trough, mill-conduit,WW.

mylenwaru f., mylenwer m. mill-weir, mill-dam, Ct.

mylenwyrd, myleweard m. tenant of a (manorial) mill, WW. ['millward']

mylier (EC 179^1) = myle(n)wer?

mylisc, mylsc = milisc

mylma m. retreat? GPH 398^150.

myln = mylen

myltan = (1) meltan; (2) miltan

myltenhs n. brothel, ES 939.

myltestre (e, i) f. prostitute, . [L. meretricem]

myltestrehs n. brothel, WW 186^2.

mymerian to keep in memory, remember, W 74^15.

+mynan = +munan

mynd (usu. +) fn. _memory, remembrance_, _, BH, Met_: _memorial, record_, _: _act of commemoration_, _Bl, MH_: _thought, purpose_, _Bl_. on +m. niman _to recollect_. ['_mind_']

+myndble memorial, EPs 101^13; 134^13(i).

+mynddg f. commemoration day, anniversary, BH.

+mynde I. mindful, El 1064. II. river-mouth, BH 398^17 (v.JAW31).

+myndewyre worth mentioning, BH 486^12.

myndgian to remember, be mindful of: (w. g.) remind, W: intend: commemorate, mention, PPs: exhort, warn: demand payment, LL 206, 1, 2. +myndgod aforesaid. ['ming']

myndgiend m. one who reminds, B 1105.

myndgung f. admonition, CP: remembrance.

myndig mindful, Mk. se +myndiga the aforesaid. ['mindy']

+myndiglic = +myndlic

+myndiglicnes f. remembrance, SPs 101^13.

myndlas foolish, senseless, .

+myndlic memorable. adv. -lce by heart,.

+myndlst f. madness, ZDA 31^22.

+myndstw f. monument, tomb.

+myndwyre = +myndewyre

myne I. m. memory, remembrance: feeling, affection, love, favour. m.witan to love: purpose, desire, wish: memorial. [munan] II. m. minnow, WW. III. = mene

+myne I. mindful, MtR 5^23. II. pres. subj. of +munan.

mynecen, mynecenu f. female monk, nun, WW; . ['minchen'; munuc]

mynegian = myndgian

mynegiendlic hortatory, CM 30.

mynegung f. warning, admonition, exhortation, : claim.

mynelic desirable, Wid 4.

mynescilling = menescilling

mynet n. coin, money, Cp, Lcd, MtR. ['mint'; L. moneta]

mynetcpa m. money-changer, H 1412.

mynetere m. _'minter,' coiner_, _: _money-changer_, _Mt_;.

mynetian to coin, LL 158[14].

mynetsen n. coinage, L 23^447.

mynetslege m. minting, coinage, L 23^475.

mynetsmie f. mint, LL 158[14,1].

myng- = myneg-, myndg-

mynian to intend, be impelled: direct oneself towards an object, AS 1^9(e).

mynig- = myneg-

mynit = mynet

mynle f. desire, Met 26^67.

mynnan = mynian

mynster (^2) n. monastery, nunnery, BH: mother-church, 'minster,' cathedral, LL. [L. monasterium]

mynsterbc f? minster-book, NC 310.

mynsterclnsung f. purification of a minster.

mynsterclse f. monastic enclosure, stall, cell, CM22.

mynsterfder m. abbot, GD 293^1.

mynsterfmne f. nun, BH 20^19.

mynstergang m. act of joining an order of monks, LL (146^23)

mynstergat n. monastery gate, GD 145^2.

mynsterhm m. monastic house, monastery.

mynsterhata m. persecutor of monasteries, W 165^28.

mynsterlic monastic, . adv. -lce.

mynsterlf n. monastic life, : cloister, monastery.

mynstermann m. monk, .

mynstermunuc m. monk who lives in a monastery (i.e. not an anchorite),.

mynsterprafost m. provost of a monastery, TC 434^4.

mynsterprost m. priest of a church or minster, LL (254^8).

mynsterscr f. control of a monastery, BH 458^11.

mynsterstede m. monastic buildings, GD 182^19.

mynsterstw f. place of a minster, town, BH 160^16.

mynstertimbrung f. building of a monastery, GD 147^11.

mynsteraw m. monastic custom, BH 452^12.

mynsteregnung f. monastic service, RB 85^17.

mynsterwse f. custom of a monastery.

myntan to intend, determine, resolve, , Bo: think, B, Jud: bring forth, Sc 215^1: give up to, LL 400[3]. ['mint,' 'i-munte']

myranhafod n. mare's head (a nick-name), Chr 1010#e#.

Myrce, Myrcan = Mierce

myrce == mirce

myre (, AO) = miere

myrenddra = merenddra

myrgan to be 'merry,' rejoice, PPs.

myrge adj. (e, i, u) pleasing, agreeable, , Bo, Met (e): pleasant, sweet, DHy (e). adv. myriglce pleasantly, melodiously, GD 286^1. ['merry']

myrgelo n. epitaph? BH 94^12 (b).

myrgen I. f. joy, pleasure, Met (Introd.) 5. II. == morgen

myrgnes f. melody, WW 33^31.

myrg (e, i), myrh f. 'mirth,' joy, pleasure, sweetness (ofsound), ,Bo.

myrig- = myrg-

mrlic = mrlic

myrr- = mierr-

myrra I. m. _sweet cicely (plant)_. II. (u) f. '_myrrh_,' _.

myrre f. = myrra

myrrelse f. offence, scandal, stumbling-block, Jul 338.

myrten I. n. flesh of an animal which has died of itself, carrion, LL. II. adj. dead (ofanimals which have not been killed),LL.

myr = myrg

myrra m. homicide, murderer.

-myrran, -myrrian v. for-, of-m. [[under "ofmyrrian"]]

myrrung f. parricide, murder, WW 467^21.

myrw- = mearuw- (v. mearu)

ms v. ms.

myscan to afflict, PPs.

+myscan to defile, OEG 17^47.

mysci sbpl. flies, PPs 104^27.

mse = mse

mytting = mitting

+me n. (usu. pl.) mouth, confluence, junction of two streams, BH,Ct.

myx = meox

myx- = mix-


n () adv. conj. not, no, not at all, not even, never, by no means, , AO, CP. n t n not only. n...n neither...nor. ne n nor. n m no more, Gr, Bl. ['no mo'] n mre sb. nothing more, Bo, Mk. ['no more']

nab- = naf-

nabban anv. pres. 1 sg. nbbe, 2 nfst, 3 nafa, nf, pl. nabba, nbba; pret. nfde (v.habban) not to have, to lack, be without, Bo (+nfd), Jn; AO, CP. [v.'have']

naca m. vessel, boat, ship. [Ger. nachen]

naced = nacod

nacian, +nacodian to lay bare, strip.

nacod, nacud () (+) I. adj. _'naked,' nude, bare_, _; CP: _empty_: _not fully clothed_. II. f. _nakedness_.

nacodnes () f. nakedness, .

n adv. = ne

nbba, nbbe v. nabban.

nbre = nfre

ncad (Cp 499#e# 'exserta') = nacod

ncan (hncan) to kill, .

nced == nacod

ncedu f. nakedness, MFH 169.

nct = niht

ndder- = nder-

ndderfh snake-coloured, HL 15^183.

nddre (CP) = ndre

nddrewinde f. adder-wort, WW 287^16.

nderbta m. ichneumon, WW.

ndl () f. 'needle,' Soul, WW; .

ndre () f. 'adder,' snake, serpent, viper, Mt; AO,CP.

ndrewyrt (der) f. adder-wort.

nfde pret. 3 sg. of nabban.

nfebor (A 9263^3) = nafgar [[headword spelled "nafogr"]]

nfig (NG) = nftig

nfne = nefne

nfre () adv. 'never,' B, Bo, Bl, G; CP. [ne, fre]

nfst v. nabban.

nft f. need, want, poverty, Sc 157^3,7.

nftcyrrend not returning, CP 77^39. [neft, ne eft]

nftig poor, Sc 190^1.

ngan I. () (often followed by wordum) to accost, speak to. II. = hngan

ngel = ngl

ngen = ne mgen

ngl m. _'nail,' peg_, _AO_; : _finger-nail, toe-nail, claw_, _: _plectrum_, Wyrd 84: (incomp.) _handle_.

ngledbord with nailed sides.

ngledcnearr m. nail-fastened vessel, Chr 937.

ngledcrt n. iron chariot.

ngledsinc n. studded vessel, B 2023.

nglian 'to nail,' fasten with nails, MtLR;.

nglsex n. knife for cutting the nails, WW. [seax; v.'nail']

nglspere n. (sharp) nail, Cp 260#u#.

nh = nah

nhsta = nehsta

nht (NG, VPs) == niht

nht = nht

nlls = nealles

nm = neom

nm f. taking, receiving, NC 311.

+nman to take away, Guth 14^11.

nmel receptive, NC 311. [= numol]

nming f. bargain, contract, WW 180^17.

nmne = nefne

+nmnian (LL 455) = nemnian

nmniendlic = nemniendlic

nnig pron. no one, none, not any, no (used as sb. with gen. and as adj.). nnige inga (S320) adv. not at all, in no wise. [ne, nig]

nnig-wuht, -uht in no wise, nothing.

nniht (NG) = nnwiht

nnne v. nn.

np m. turnip, rape, Cp, Lcd. ['neep']

npsd n. rape seed, Lcd.

npte = nefte

nre, nron (, AO, CP) = ne wre, ne wron

nrende ptc. not being. [ne, wesan]

nrra = nara

ns I. (AO, CP) = ne ws. II. adv. not, not at all, CP. [= nals] III. = nss. IV. pret. 3 sg. of nesan.

nsc fawn-skin, Gl, Lcd.

nse (NG) = nese

nsgristle f. nose-gristle, Gl.

ns-hli n. dp. -hleoum declivity, slope (of a headland), B 1428.

nss (e), nssa m. 'ness,' cliff, headland, cape, B: () earth, ground.

+nstan to contend (wi), Rd 28^10.

nster 'caucale,' an umbelliferous plant? wild carrot? WW 202^1.

nsrl n. nostril, .

ntan to annoy, afflict, press upon, subdue, CP.

nting f. blaming, CP 353^11.

nl = ndl

nafa I. m. = nafu. II. = ne hafa imperat. of nabban.

nafa pres. 3 sg. of nabban.

nafela m. navel, , AO.

nafea m. nave (of a wheel), WW 106^27.

nafogr m. 'auger,' Gl, WW.

nafu f. nave (of a wheel), Bo.

nafula = nafela

nafulsceaft f. navel, Lcd 3124^22.

+ng striking, pressing? Rim 57?

ngan* pres. 3 sg. nh; pret. nhte, nhton not to owe, not to be bound, not to be allowed, to have no right to, not to own, not to have, to lose, be unable to, AO. nhte ought not. [ne, gan]

nht (, u, ) I. n. _'naught,' nothing_, _: _wickedness, evil-doing_, _CP_ (nwht). instr. nhte w. comparatives = _nothing_. II. _useless, bad, poor_. III. adv. _not, not at all_, CP. [n, wiht]

nhte v. ngan.

nhtfremmend m. evil-doer, PPs 58^2.

nhtgtsung [nuht-] f. wicked avarice, CP 333^5.

nhtlic good for nothing, worthless, of no avail, Chr 979#e#. adv. -lce wickedly, badly, VPs (). ['noughtly']

nhtnes f. worthlessness, Chr 449#a#.

nhtscipe f. worthlessness, Chr 449#e#.

nh-wr, -wrn adv. 'nowhere,' in no case, never, not at all, A, , Bl; GD().

nhwer pron. and conj. neither, CP. ['nauther']

nhwr = nhwr

nhwider 'no-whither,' nowhere, Bo, RB.

nhwonan adv. from nowhere.

nals, nalas, nales (AO, CP), nalles (CP), nals = nealles

nalde (N, VPs) = nolde pret. of *nyllan.

nam I. pret. 3 sg. of niman. II. (N) = ne eom

nm f. (legal) seizure, LL.

nama (o) m. '_name_,' _; AO, CP: _noun_, Gr.

nambc (o) f. register of names (in a book), WW 342^11.

nambred (o) n. register of names (on a tablet), WW 499^40. [Ger. brett]

namc well-known, celebrated, .

namclce adv. by name, .

namian _to 'name,' mention_, _: _nominate, appoint_.

nammlum adv. by name, OEG 880.

+namna m. companion, Rd 53^3; 54^13?

namnian to address, invoke, .

nmon pret. pl. of niman.

nmrden f. learning, WW 431^8.

nn as. nnne, nnne I. pron. and adj. 'none,' not one, no, Bl, Chr, Ct, HL. nna inga on no account. II. sb. w. g. none, no one, nothing, Bo, Jn, RB. [n,n]

nn-wiht, -(w)uht I. n. (often w. g.) nothing, naught, AO, CP. II. adv. not at all, in no wise.

np pret. 3 sg. of npan.

nard m. spikenard, unguent. [L. nardus]

nart (JnL) = neart

naru = nearu

nas = ns = ne ws [[form of "wesan"]]

nst (= ne wst) v. nytan.

nasrl = nsrl

nasu = nosu

nt (Bo, Jn) = ne wt, v. nytan.

nteshwn (), nteshwn adv. not, not at all, by no means.

nthw adj. pron. some one (nescio quis).

nthwr adv. somewhere or other.

nthwt pron. something or other.

nt-hwilc, -hwylc adj. pron. (indef.) (I know not which), some one or other.

nthwn, ntshwn = nteshwn

nls (AO) = nls

ner (, AO, CP), nor () = nhwer

ninc n. nothing, HL 18^48.

nls notwithstanding, nevertheless, AO (^2).

nuht = nht

nwa adv. never, Lcd 94b. [ne, wa]

nwer = nhwr

nwrn [= nhwrn] adv. nowhere, WW. [[under "nhwr"]]

nwht, nwiht = nht

nwer = nhwer

nwuht (CP) = nwiht, nht [[under "nwht"]]

ne I. adv. not, no, , CP. II. conj. neither, nor, ,CP.

na- = nah-

nad = ned

nad- v. also ned-, nd-.

nadclamm n. necessity, extremity, LPs 106^28.

nadcofa m. prison, An 1311.

nadgafol n. tax, tribute, LL.

nadgewuna m. enforced custom, WW 221^8.

nadgylda m. debtor, WW 221^10.

nadhd m. compulsion, force, WW 480^21.

nadhs f. order which one must obey, LL 12.

nadian to compel, force, constrain, urge, impel,.

nadignes f. obligation, OEG 2106.

nadinga (AO), nadlunga = nadunga

nadearflic necessary, useful. adv. -lce, Gr.

nadearfnes f. opportunity, occasion, LPs 9^22.

nading n. necessary thing, RB 57; P 13^7?

nadung f. compulsion, .

nadunga, nadunge adv. compulsorily, forcibly,.

nadws needful, fitting, due, . adv. of necessity,.

nadwsnes f. necessity, OEG 2396.

nadwte n. inevitable punishment, MF (Vesp. D xiv).

nadwraca m. avenger by necessity, TC 611^29.

nah I. (e, i) [comp. nara, superl. nehsta q.v.] adj. 'near,' nigh, close, BH; AO, CP: late. II. adv. 'near,' nigh, about, almost, nearly, lately, AO, Bo, G, Lcd, Met, etc.; CP. nar and nar nearer and nearer. t nehstan next, at length, finally. III. prep. w. d. near, close to: according to,AO.

+nah I. sufficiency, abundance. II. pres. 3 sg. of +nugan.

nahbend m. neighbour, Rd 26^2.

nahceaster f. nearest town, BH 52^27 (nh-).

nahcyrice f. neighbouring church, GD.

nahdl m. neighbourhood, GD 71^30.

nahdn f. neighbouring hill, Nar 14^6.

naha f. neighbouring river, Nar 22^9.

nahaland n. neighbouring island, MH 84^17.

nahfder m. 'vicinus pater,' GD 179^7.

nah-feald, -fealdlic (GD) intimate.

nahfrond (^1) m. near friend, near kinsman, Guth 56^22.

nahgangol (w. d.) placed near, L 23^131.

nahgebr m. 'neighbour,' CP.

nahgebren (nhhe-) f. neighbour, LkL 15^9.

nahgebrild (nhe-) m. neighbour, LkL 15^9.

nahgehsa () m. neighbour, JVPs.

neah-he, -hi(g)e (usu. +) sufficiently: abundantly: often, frequently: earnestly.

nahhebr = nahgebr

+neahhelce (nehl-) sufficiently, frequently, usually, LL, Guth.

nahhergung f. war close at hand.

neah-hie, -hige = neahhe

+nahian to draw near to, LPs 90^10.

nahlcan = nalcan

nahland n. neighbourhood, GD 69^28.

nah-mg m. nap. -mgas near relation.

nahmg f. neighbouring tribe, BH.

nahmann m. neighbour, BH.

nahmunt m. neighbouring mountain, GD.

nahnes f. nearness, neighbourhood, BH.

nahnunnmynster neighbouring convent, BH 254^10.

nahsibb I. adj. related. II. f. affinity, relationship.

nahsta = nehsta

nahstw f. neighbourhood, place near.

neaht (Met) = niht

nahtd f. approaching time, BH 290^29.

nahtn () m. neighbouring town or village.

nahod f. neighbouring nation, AO.

nahwter n. neighbouring piece of water, Nar 22^24.

+nahwian () to draw near, cleave to, NG.

nahwudu m. neighbouring wood, GD 229^20.

nalcan (w. d.) _to draw near, approach_, _; AO, CP: _be near_, GD 85^9: _cling to_, CPs 136^6. ['_nehleche_'; nah, lcan]

nalcung f. approach, access, .

nalic () near, neighbouring. adv. -lce nearly, about, Bl; CP. ['nighly']

nealles adv. not, not at all, by no means, CP.

neam = neom

nam- = nahm-

nan adv. from near by: close at hand, near: nearly, about.

+nan = +nhwian [[under "nahwian"]]

neap = hnpp

nar comp. of nah, adv. near, nearer, AO.

+near = +ner

nara, narra (AO), comp. of nah, adj. later, latter, nearer.

neara- = nearo-

nearo (AO) = nearu

nearobregd f. crafty trick, Jul 302.

nearocrft m. skill in enclosing? B 2243.

nearofh intensely hostile? B 2317.

nearogrp f. close grasp, Rd 81^6.

nearolic oppressive, straitened, El 913. adv. -lce narrowly, closely, briefly, accurately, , CP: strictly, stringently, oppressively.

nearond f. urgent need.

nearones f. strait, AO: oppression: distress, anxiety, trouble.

nearoancnes f. wickedness, LPs 27^4.

nearoearf f. dire need, Cr 69.

neart art not, Bo. ['nart'; ne eart]

nearu I. f? n? gs. nearu, near(o)we strait, danger, distress, difficulty. n.rwian to be in straits: confinement, imprisonment: prison, hiding place. II. adj. narrow, confined, AO, G: limited, petty: causing or accompanied by difficulty, hardship, oppressive, Bl, Rd: strict, severe, CP. ['narrow']

nearu- = nearo-

nearusearu f. dark cunning? imprisonment?

nearusorg f. crushing distress, El 1261.

nearuanc m. wickedness, OEG.

nearuwrenc m. evil trick, Mod 44.

nearwe adv. narrowly, closely, strictly, B, Met: carefully, exactly, El; CP: oppressively, forcibly: artfully: anxiously. ['narrow']

nearwelce = nearolce

nearwian () to force in, cramp, confine, afflict: become smaller, shrink.

nearxnewang = neorxnawang

nasian (VPs) = nosian [[under "nosan"]]

nat n. animal, beast, ox, CP, VPs; pl. cattle. ['neat']

+nat m. companion, follower (esp. in war), Chr, WW: dependant, vassal, tenant who works for a lord, v.LL 2427. [v.'geneat']

naten = neten

natland n. land of a dependant or vassal, LL 196, 1,1.

+natmann = +nat

+natriht n. regulations as to the tenure of 'genatland,' LL 445[2].

+neatscolu f. band of comrades, Jul 684.

nawest (AO, CP), nawist () fm. neighbourhood, nearness, presence: society, cohabitation. [nah, wesan]

nawung (N) f. nearness.

nebb n. bill, beak, beak-shaped thing, Cp, Ph: nose, LL: face, countenance, complexion, , CP. ['neb']

nebb- = neb-

nebbian to retort upon, rebuke, confront, H 1256.

nebcorn n. pimple, Lcd 1118.

nebgebrc n. nasal mucus, WW.

nebsealf f. antimony, face-powder, OEG.

nebwltful barefaced, shameless, OEG 2^317.

nebwltung f. barefacedness, impudence, OEG 4306.

nebwlite m. face, countenance, .

nechebr = nahgebr

necti- = nihte-

ned = net(t)

nd = (1) ned; (2) nod

nd- (A) = nad-, ned-, nd-

ndl = ndl

ndre (VPs), neddre = ndre

nefa m. () nephew, , AO: stepson: grandson.

nefene f. granddaughter: niece.

nefne = nemne

nfre = nfre adv.

nefte f. cat's mint. [L. nepeta]

nfugol m. bird of prey, Gen 2158. [*no, corpse; Goth. naus]

ngan = ngan

negled- = ngled-

nh == nah

+nehe, +nehh(ig)e = +neahhe

nhst = nehst

nhsta = nehsta

neht == niht

neirxnawong (N) = neorxnawang

nista = nehsta

nele (AO, CP) = nelle () pres. 1, 3 sing., nelt = pres. 2 sg. of nellan.

nellan = *nyllan

nem-nan, -nian () to name, call, , AO, CP: enumerate: address, speak to: nominate: mention, relate, . [nama]

nemne (A; = WS nyme) conj. and prep. unless, except, save, only.

nemnian = nemnan

nemniendlic, nemnigendlic naming, nominative, Gr 22^10.

nemning f. name.

neme = nyme

nen (WW 252^1) = ne n v. n.

nnig (KGl) = nnig

nobedd n. corpse-bed, bed of death. [Goth. naus]

nod I. f. (, e, ) desire, longing: zeal, earnestness: pleasure, delight. [Goth. nius] II. == ned

node adv. (instr. of nod) eagerly, zealously, diligently.

nodfracu f. yearning, greed, Met 31^15 (v.ES 39335).

nodfrond m. kinsman, friend, HL 18^150. [ned]

nodful zealous, earnest, Jul 720.

nodhus n. necessary chamber, NC 312.

nodian (= a; impers. w. g.) to be necessary, require, be required, RB. ['need']

nodlau f. wish, B 1320.

nodlce adv. eagerly, carefully, zealously, diligently, : () greatly.

nodlof n. zealous praise, PPs 148^12.

nodspearuwa m. (restless?) sparrow, PPs 123^6.

nodearflic necessary, GD 148^6.

nodweorung f. zealous honouring, PPs 142^11.

neofa = nefa

nol == neowol

no-lcan (VPs), -lcan (MtL) = nalcan

neom = ne eom (am not)

neoman = niman

nomian to sound sweetly? Wyrd 84.

non = nwan

+nopan^2? to engulf, overwhelm, Ex 475.

nor adv. = nar

+neor contented, Cp 544.

neorxnawang m. Paradise, , CP; v. GK.

neorxnawanglic adj. of paradise, GD 179^1.

nosan, nosian () to search out, find out, inspect: () visit, go to: attack, visit with affliction.

nos m. death, Mod 55.

neosu = nosu

nosung f. access: visitation, visit, .

notan^2 (usu. w. g.) to use, have the use of, enjoy, employ. [Ger. geniessen]

noten = neten

neo-an, -ane (i) adv. below, down, beneath, from beneath, , Bl, Bo (-on). ['nethen']

neoanweard adj. lower, WW 26^6 (io).

neoe- = nie-

neoon == neoan

neoor = nior

neoor- = nier-

neooweard = nieweard

neora = niera

now- = nw-

neowel = neowol

nowrno (WW 454^28) = nwrn

neowol (i) precipitous: headlong: prone, prostrate, , Bo (i): obscure, deep down, abysmal. ['nuel']

neowollic (i^1, e^2) profound, deep, L 7^66.

neowolnes f. depth, abyss, chasm, (i^1).

np only in phr. forganges n. without power of advancing? Ex 469.

npfld m. neap-tide, ebb, low tide, Gl.

nepte = nefte

ner (ea) n. refuge, protection, L, AO.

nr = nar

+ner-ednes, -renes f. deliverance.

nergend m. saviour, preserver (Christ, God).

nerian to save, rescue, liberate, , AO, CP: preserve, defend, protect. [Goth. nasjan; Ger. nhren]

neriend, nerigend = nergend

nrra = nar(r)a

+nerstede m. refuge, sanctuary, WW 186^23.

nerung f. guard, protection, OEG 5395.

nerw- = nearw-, nirew-

nerx- = neorx-

nesan^5 (usu. +) to escape from, survive, be saved.

nese () adv. no, , CP. [ne, s]

ness = nss

nest I. n. 'nest,' MtL, Ph; : young bird, brood. II. n. food, provisions, victuals.

nst = nehst

nsta (VPs) = nehsta

nestan to spin, NG.

nestig = nistig

nestlian to make a nest, LPs 103^16.

nestpohha m. wallet, MtL 10^10.

net = nett

net- = nyt-

neta m. caul, WW 266^20.

netan = nytan

netel, netele f. 'nettle,' Lcd.

nten (Bo, VPs) == neten

netenes = nytennes

ntl (Cp) = ndl

netle (Cp) = netele [[under "netle"]]

neton = nyton pres. pl. of nytan.

netrp m. snare, gin, WW.

nett (y) n. 'net,' , Bo, WW: netting, network, spider's web, PPs. [Goth. nati]

nette (y) f. the net-like caul, WW.

nettgern n. knitting yarn, EC 377. [gearn]

+nettian to ensnare, OEG 4596.

nan to venture on, dare, risk, AO. [n]

+nedlic = +nededlic

+neerian = +nierian

ning f. boldness, daring, AO.

nl (A) = ndl

neurisn f. aneurism, Lcd.

newesoa (i^1) m. pit of the stomach? bowels? Lcd.

nwest = nawest

nxt (LWS) == nehst

n- = ng-, nw-

nic, nice adv. not I (= no). [ne, ic]

nicor (e^2) m. nap. nicras water-sprite, sea-monster, B, Bl: hippopotamus, walrus, Nar. ['nicker']

nicorhs n. sea-monster's dwelling, B 1411.

nd = ned

nd- = nad-, ned-, nd-

ned I. (, a, o, , ) fn. _'need,' necessity, compulsion, duty_, _B_ (), _BH_ (), _NG_ (); AO, CP: _errand, business_, _ (o): _hardship, distress, difficulty, trouble, pain_, AO: _force, violence_, _VPs_ (): _what is necessary_: _inevitableness_: _fetter_, #Deor#5: _name of the rune for n_. II. = nod

ned- v. also nad-, nd-.

nedan (, , ) _to compel, force, urge, press_, _ (), _Bo, NG_ (); AO, CP. ['_need_']

nedbd (, ) f. toll, exaction, blackmail.

nedbdere () m. toll-collector, TC 29^10.

nedbehfdlic necessary, BH 396^24.

nedbehfednes f. necessity, (^1).

nedbehfe needful, necessary, (y^1).

nedbeearf (y^3) necessary, CP 7^7.

nede, nedes (a, o, , ) adv. (instr. and gs. of ned) of need, needs, necessarily, compulsorily,CP.

+nededlic () compulsory, BH 62^23 (v.l.).

nedenga, nedunga adv. necessarily, by force, forcibly,CP.

nedfaru f. compulsory journey, death.

nedhmed (, ) n. rape, LL.

nedhernes (e^1, e^2) f. slavery, DR 6^5.

nedling m. slave, AO: sailor.

nedmicel () urgent.

nednm f. seizure.

nedscyld f. moral necessity, CP 57^6.

nedsibb (a) f. relationship, OEG.

nedearf I. f. need, necessity, compulsion, force, CP: distress: want, thing needed. II. adj. necessary.

nedearfnes (a, , ) f. need, necessity: compulsion: distress, trouble.

nedow (, ) m. slave.

nedrafung f. reproof, CP 297^22.

nedwdla m. poor wretch, Gen 929.

nehst I. adv. (superl. of nah) most nearly, in closest proximity: last (intime), Bl, Gen (). II. adj. latest, last, , Jud, VPs (): nearest, 'next,' CP, Chr, KC, MkL (). t nehstan at last, next.

nehsta mf. closest friend, CP: () neighbour, MkL, VPs: next of kin, LL. ['next']

nieht (CP) = niht

nierwan = nearwian

neten (, o, , ) n. small animal, beast, cattle, Bo, Lcd; AO, CP. ['neten'; nat]

netencynn n. kind of animal.

netenlic animal, brutish, Bo 35^28 (). adv. -lce like an animal, W 55^16().

netennes f. brutishness, ().

nieemest = niemest

nieer == nier

newe = nwe

nfara m. new comer, stranger, PPs 38^15.

nifol dark, gloomy [= neowol]

nift f. niece, BH, Ep, TC: granddaughter: step-daughter. ['nift']

ng- = nw-

nigan == nigon

nge- = nigo-

ngecyrred newly converted, OEG 3447.

ngefara = nfara

ngehalgod newly consecrated (of a king), newly crowned, L 18^326.

ngehwyrfed newly converted, L 5^126.

nigenda = nigoa

nghworfen newly converted, H 2130^27.

nigon 'nine,' A, Bl, Chr; AO, CP.

nigonfeald 'ninefold,' Gr.

nigongylde entitled to ninefold compensation, LL 470[7].

nigonnihte nine days old, ANS 12922.

nigontoa 'nineteenth,' Chr: 'ninetieth,' OEG 2521 (nigen-).

nigontene (^3) 'nineteen,' A, Men.

nigontig 'ninety,' Lk; CP.

nigontnlic containing the number nineteen.

nigonwintre nine years old, AO 186^10.

nigoa (y) 'ninth,' Bl; MH (y): ninth part, Bl.

nigoe ninthly, LL 181[9].

ngslcod ptc. freshly smoothed, glossy, MH 206^27.

nigun = nigon

nh (KGl 55^25) = nah

nihold (Gl), nihol = neowol

nhst = nehst

nhsta = nehsta

nihstig = nistig

niht (, e, ea, ie, y) f. (gs. also nihtes) 'night' (often used in enumerations where mod. Eng. uses days); darkness, BH, Bl, Cr, Lcd; AO,CP.

niht- = nyht-

nihtbealu n. destruction by night, B 193.

nihtbutorfloge f. beetle or moth which flies by night, WW 121^13; A 8450.

nihtage that can see at night, WW.

nihteald (night-old), that has happened yesterday,LL.

nihtegale (a, , e) f. nightingale, Cp: night-jar. ['nightgale']

nihtge = nihtage

nihtegesa m. nocturnal terror, PPs 90^5.

nihtelic = nihtlic

nihterne adv. by night: during a night, Lcd.

nihternnes f. night season, Lcd 3288^21.

nihtes () adv. (gs. of niht) by night, .

nihtfeormung f. shelter at night.

nihtgenga m. night-goer, goblin.

nihtgenge f. night-prowler, hyna, WW.

nihtgerm n. number of nights.

nihtgild n. night sacrifice or service, Gl.

nihtglm m? gloom of night, Gu 916.

nihthelm m. shades of night.

niht-hrfn, -hrefn, -hremn m. night-raven, night-jar.

nihthrc m. night-raven, LPs 101^7.

nihthwl f. space of a night, W 147^9.

+nihtian to become night, grow dark, NC 295.

nihtlang lasting through the night, . adv. -langes,.

nihtlic nocturnal, of the night, at night, , CP.

nihtnehstig having fasted for a night, Lcd.

nihtremn = nihthrfn

nihtrest f. couch, Gen 2863.

nihtrm = nihtgerm

nihtsang m. compline: book of service for compline.

nihtscadu (a^3) night-shade (plant), WW 135^3.

niht-sca m., gs. -scu(w)an shades of night.

nihtslp m. night's sleep, L 23^442.

nihtsum = nyhtsum

nihtwacu f. night-watching, Seaf 7. ['night-wake']

nihtwcce f. 'night-watch,' vigil, Lk.

nihtwaru f. clothing for night, RB 90^4.

nihtweard m. guardian at night, Ex 116.

nihtweorc n. deed done at night, B 827.

nh (MP 1613) pres. 3 sg. of nahwan. [[variant of "nahwian"?]]

nhwyrfed (OEG 3138) = ngehwyrfed

nlred newly initiated, OEG 3138.

nile = nyle, pres. 1 sg. of *nyllan.

niman^4 (eo, io, y) to take, assume, undertake, accept, receive, get, Bo, VPs, etc.: hold, seize, catch, grasp, pluck up, carry off, Bl (eo): bear, carry, bring: betake oneself, go, Bo: contain: suffer, tolerate: give: (+) grasp, comprehend: (+) take to wife. fri +n. make peace. h hine genam he collected himself, reflected. sigen. gain victory. onn. take effect, Lcd. ['nim']

-nimend, -nimendnes v. dl-n.

niming f. action of taking, LkL. ['nimming']

nime = nyme

nol = neowol

now- = now-

nip? sb. rope, GPH 399^451.

+nip darkness, mist, cloud, obscurity, . [npan]

npan^1 to grow dark, obscure.

+nipful dark, gloomy, ES 39347.

nirewett (nirw-) n. narrowness: narrow place, defile, pass, AO: hardness of breathing.

nirwan = nearwian

nirw f. prison house, WW 399^5. [nierwan]

nis (, Bo, VPs) = ne is (is not). ['nis']

nisoa = newesoa

nsoden ptc. newly-boiled, OEG 326.

nistan (VPs), nistian (SPs) to build nests. ['nest']

nistig adj. fasting, Lcd. [ne, wist]

nist-lan (PPs), -lian (EPs) (y) to build nests. ['nestle']

nit- = nyt-

nten = neten

niton (Bo) = nyton v. nytan. ['niten']

ni n. abyss, Sat 634?

n m. strife, enmity, attack, war: evil, hatred, spite, Bl, Cr, VPs; AO, CP: oppression, affliction, trouble, grief, AO. ['nith']

nian = neoan

nan to hate, GD 117^5.

nias = nias [[headword spelled "nas"]]

ncwalu f. violent death, destruction, Cr 1258.

ncwealm m. violent death, destruction.

ndraca m. hostile dragon, B 2273.

niemest v. niera.

nier (io, y) adv. below, beneath, , B, Bo; AO, CP. ['nether']

niera (eo, y) (comp.) adj. niemest, nyemest (superl.; positive not found) lower, under, lowest, Bo, WW; CP. ['nether']

nierscfan (o^4) to push down, .

nierstgan^1 to descend, , CP.

niertredan^5 to tread down, tread under foot.

nierbogen ptc. bent down, KC 472^1.

nierdl m. lower part, PPs 138^12.

niere adv. below, down, low down, Bo. ['nether']

nierflr f. lower story, GD 170^17.

niergn (y^1) to descend, .

niergang (y) m. descent, Lcd 3246^8.

nierheald bent downwards, Met 31^23.

nierhreosende (y) falling down, .

nierhryre (y^1) m. downfall, precipitation, Sc 229^12.

nierian (e, y) to depress, abase, bring low, oppress, Jud, Lk, VPs; AO, CP: condemn, accuse. +nyred ignominious, L 23b^14. ['nither']

+nierigendlic (y) deserving condemnation, Sc 162^18.

nierlic low, low-lying, inferior, lowly, CP.

niernes (y) f. deepness, bottom, BH 212^21.

nierra = niera

nierscotende (y) rushing downwards.

nierscyfe m. rushing downwards, descent, HGl 468.

niersige (y^1) m. going down, LPs.

nierstgan = nierstgan

nierstige (y^1) m. descent.

niertorfian to throw down, GPH 390.

nierung f. humiliation, downthrow, condemnation, BH (y), OEG. ['nither']

+nierung f. abasement, : condemnation,.

nierweard adj. directed downwards. adv. -weardes.

nieweard situated beneath, low, nethermost.

nful _envious, quarrelsome, ill-disposed, evil_, _. ['_nithfull_']

nfullce maliciously, H 146^25.

ngst (y^2) m. hostile alien, fell demon.

ngeton n. attack, Gen 2068.

ngeweorc n. evil deed, B 683.

ngrama m. anger, malice, W 180^9.

ngrim fierce, hostile.

ngripe m. fierce grasp, B 976? [or ? nd-]

nheard (and EPs 27^4) bold, brave in battle.

nhell f. hateful hell, HL 15^150.

nhete m. hostility, evil intent: affliction, torment: foe, An 833?

nhycgende evil-scheming.

nhdig (^2) valorous, B 3165.

nig envious, malicious, OEG p. 224n.

ning m. wretch, villain, coward, outlaw, Chr, LL. ['nithing']

+nla m. enemy: enmity, fierceness (? +nle).

nlce adv. abjectly, OEG 744.

nloca m. place of torment, Hell 64.

nior (eo, y) comp. adv. lower, , CP.

nplega m. battle, fight, An 414.

nir- = nier-

nsceaa m. foe, persecutor, Rd 16^24.

nscipe m. wickedness, LPs 7^10.

nsele m. hall of conflict, B 1513.

nsynn f. grievovs sin, Sat 180.

nas mpl. men.

nweorc n. battle, Chr 973.

nwracu f. severe punishment.

nwundor n. dire wonder, fearful portent.

nwan (o) adv. newly, lately, , AO.

nwancenned new-born, MH 170^12.

nwancumen (WW) = nwcumen

nwane = nwan

nwbacen (ng-) newly baked, .

nwcend new born, BH 144^23 (nc-).

nwcilct newly whitewashed, AO 286^30.

nwcumen (n(g)-) neophyte, RB.

nwe (o, e) I. (ng-, n-, in compounds) adj. 'new,' fresh, recent, novel, unheard of, untried, inexperienced, , AO, BH, NG, Ph, WW; CP. nwan stefne again. II. adv. (Bl) = nwan. ['new']

niwel == neowol

nwerne () tender, .

niwesoa = newesoa

nwian to renew, restore, El, Lcd. ['new']

niwiht = nht

nwlic () fresh. adv. -lce lately, recently, , AO. ['newly']

nwlinga (o) anew, GD 266^28.

nwnes f. 'newness,' novelty, BH (o).

niwol = neowol

nwtyrwed newly tarred, B 295.

nwung f. rudiment, OEG 914.

nwunga (eo) adv. newly, anew.

nixtnig = nistig

n (CP) = n

noctern m? n? nocturn (religious service), CM 220^561.

+ng, +nh I. adj. enough, sufficient, abundant, An, Bo, RB; CP: much, many. II. adv. sufficiently, Bo: fully, quite, abundantly, Bo. ['enough']

+ngian to be abundant, NC 345.

nh- = nh-

nolde v. *nyllan.

nom pret. 3 sg. of niman.

nom-, nome- = nam-

non m. title of senior monks, RB.

nn fn. (m. RB 73^14) the ninth hour (= 3 p.m.), B, BH, Lcd: nones (service held at the ninth hour), RB, WW. t nnes till three o'clock. ['noon'; L. nona (hora)]

nnbelle f. noon-bell.

nngereord n. meal after nones, dinner, RB 74^8.

nnmete m. afternoon meal, Sol, WW. ['noonmeat']

nonne = nunne

nnsang m. service at 3 p.m., nones.

nntd f. ninth hour, , Bl. ['noontide']

nntma m. ninth hour.

nor I. adj. comp. nor(er)ra, superl. normest northern, AO. II. adv. comp. noror northwards, Chr, Met: in the north, 'north,' AO, B,Bl.

noran adv. from the north, AO. be...noran prep. (w.d.) north of,AO.

noranastan adv. from the north-east, north-easterly,AO.

noranastanwind m. north-east wind, WW.

Noranhymbre, Norhymbre mp. Northumbrians, Chr: Northumbria. ['Northumber']

noranweard northward.

noranwestan adv. from the north-west, north-westerly,AO.

noranwestanwind m. north-west wind, WW 8^10.

noranwind m. north wind.

nordl m. north quarter, northern part, north, , AO, Chr. ['northdeal']

norduru f. north door, Bl 203.

norast sbm. and adv. 'north-east,' BC, Chr.

norastende m. north-east end, AO 14^14.

norasthyrne f. north-east corner, LV 71.

norastlang extending north-eastwards, AO.

noremest = normest

norende m. northern quarter.

norerne 'northern,' Northumbrian, Scandinavian, , Chr, Met.

norerra (BC, Chr) comp. adj. v. nor. ['norther']

noreweard adj. northward, north, AO.

norfolc n. northern folk: people of Norfolk.

norgemre n. northern limit, AO.

norhealf f. north side, north, AO, Bl. ['northhalf']

norhere m. army from the north, Chr 910#a#.

Norhymbre = (1) Noranhymbre; (2) Norhymbrisc

Norhymbrisc Northumbrian, .

norland n. northern land or shore, AO, Chr. ['northland']

norlanu f. north lane, Ct.

norlode mp. northern folk, Angles, LL.

norlic northern, WW 361^1.

normann m. dweller in the north, Scandinavian, , AO, Chr. ['Northman']

normest (AO, Met) superl. of nor adj. and adv. ['northmost']

noror (AO) v. nor. ['norther']

norportic m. north porch, BH 106^2.

norra v. nor.

norrodor m. northern sky, Gu 1253.

norryhte adv. direct northwards, due north, AO17^9,12.

nors f. northern sea, 'North Sea,' , Chr.

norscata m. northern point, promontory, AO 28^3.

norod f. northern people, BH 50^12.

norunor m. thunder from the north, ES 39351.

Nor-walas, -wlas mp. North Welsh (i.e. not Cornish): Wales.

Norwalcynn n. inhabitants of (North) Wales, Chr.

norweard adj. and adv. north, 'northward,' Chr;AO.

norweardes adv. 'northwards,' Chr.

norweg m. a way leading northwards, Ex 68: Norway.

norwest adv. 'north-west,' AO, BC.

norwestende m. north-west end, AO.

norwestgemre m. north-west limit, boundary, AO 8^31.

norwind m. north wind, WW 378^8.

nse f. ness, promontory.

nosgrisele = nosugrisle

nosle (WW 153) = nostle

nostle f. fillet, band, CP, WW. ['nostel']

nos-rl, -r(e)l, -terl (WW) n. 'nostril,' , Lcd.

nosu f. gds. nosa, nose 'nose,' , Chr, CP.

nosugrisle f. nose-gristle.

nt m. mark, note, A 8333. [L. nota]

ntere m. one who makes notes, scribe, writer, OEG 2846. [L. notarius]

nteshwn = nteshwn

notgeorn industrious, W 72^9. [notan]

notian to enjoy: use, employ, Bo, RB, WW; , CP: discharge an office: (+) 'note,' MtL.

notu f. enjoyment, use, advantage, utility, AO, RB: employment, office, discharge of a duty, RB; CP. ['note'; notan]

notwrtere m. one who makes notes, scribe, WW 451^35.

n f. daring, boldness: booty, plunder (GK), #Whale#28?

ner (CP) = nhwer. ['nother']

nwend m. shipmaster, sailor, NC 312.

nwr = nhwr

n-wiht (CP, VPs), -wuht, -wyht = nht. ['nought']

nwer (BC) = nhwer. ['nouther']

n I. adv. _'now,' at present, at this time_, _A, AO, Bl, VPs_; CP: _very recently_, _A, Bo_: _introducing commands, requests (Bl,Cr,Ps) and arguments (,Bo,CP)_. n gn _still_. n get _as yet, still_. n _now, already_, _ ('_nowthe_'). II. conj. _now that, inasmuch as, because, since, when_, _Bl, Bo, VPs_; AO, CP. III. interj. _lo! behold! come!_ . n l _now_.

+nugan* swv. impers. pres. 3 sg. +neah to suffice, not to lack.

numen I. pp. of niman. II. 'vulsio,' MkL p. 2^17 (v.A 1674).

numol (^1, e^2, u^2) 'capax,' holding much, quick at learning, Gr, WW: 'mordax,' quick at seizing, NC 313. ['nimble']

nna adv. now, WW 254^24.

nunfmne f. nun, GD 50, 340.

nunhred m. nunnery, TC 232^6.

nunlf n. life of a nun, GD 199^16.

nunmynster, nunnanmynster n. convent, nunnery.

nunne f. 'nun,' , BH: pagan priestess, vestal, AO.

nunscrd n. nun's dress, TC 538^12.

nusoa = newesoa

n v. n.

nybe (VHy) = nyme

+nycled (Gl) = +cnycled

nd I. = ned. II. = nod

nd- = nad-, ned-

ndbebod n. command, Creat 72.

ndbe-hf, -hflic needful, necessary.

ndboda m. messenger of evil? Ex 474.

ndbrice () m. requirement, need, H 2144^31.

ndbysgu f. toil, trouble, Rim 44.

ndbysig distressed, Jul 423.

ndcleofa m. prison.

ndcosting f. affliction, Gu 1126.

nddda m. one who acts under compulsion, LL 36[26].

+ndenlic compulsory, BH 62^23#b#.

ndfara m. fugitive, exile, Ex 208.

ndgedl n. forced dissolution, death.

ndgenga m. wretched wanderer, Da 633.

ndgestealla m. comrade in need, B 882.

ndgewald m. tyranny, Cr 1451.

ndgild n. exaction, tribute, W 162^11.

ndgrp f. (Rim 73), ndgripe m. (B 976) coercive grip.

ndhmestre () f. mistress, concubine, OEG 4451.

ndhelp mf. help in trouble, LL (278^2).

nd-mg m., -mge f. blood-relation, cousin, LL.

ndmgen (^1) n. force, DR 117^13.

ndnman to force, ravish, LL.

ndnes f. necessity, LL (158^10).

ndnima () m. one who takes by force, NG.

ndniman^3 (a) to take by force, abduct, LL 360[73,2].

ndnimu () f. rapine, forcible seizure.

ndnimung f. rapine, abduction.

ndriht n. imperative duty, office: due, tribute.

ndowetling m. bondslave, TC 628^13.

ndowigan to reduce to servitude, exact service from (anecclesiastical establishment), LL 381[21].

ndwracu f. violence, distress.

ndwrclce violently, L 23b^404.

ndwyrhta m. involuntary agent, LL.

+nyhe = +neahhe

nhst == nehst

nyht == niht

+nyht fn. abundance, fulness, sufficiency, CP. [+nugan]

+nyhtful abundant, plentiful, WW 40^34.

+nyhtlce abundantly, WW 3^2.

nyhtsum abundant: (+) satisfied, contented, adv. -lce, VPs.

+nyhtsumian to suffice, abound, .

+nyhtsumnes f. abundance, plenty, VPs.

+nyh (W 196^21) = +nyht?

nyllan* anv. pret. nolde to be unwilling, , B, CP, VPs; AO: refuse, prevent, PPs 5^3. ['nill'; ne, willan]

nyman = niman

-nyme v. fore-n.

nymne = nemne, nefne

nyme conj. unless, except.

+nyp = +nip

nypel m. trunk (of an elephant), (4^286).

nr = nar = nah adv.

nyrgend = nergend

nyrra = norerra

nyrwan, nyrwian to narrow, curtail, restrict: repress, oppress, constrain: blame, threaten. [v.'narrow']

nyrwett = nirewett

nys = nis = ne is [[form of "wesan"]]

nysse, nyste (Bo, Bl, VPs) = ne wisse, ne wiste v.nytan. ['nist']

nystlan = nistlan

nyt = (1) nytt; (2) nett

+nt pres. 3 sg. of +nedan.

[[main entry is nedan without +]]

nytan (e, i) anv. pres. 1, 3 sg. nt, 2 nst, pl. nyton, pret. nyste, nysse not to know, to be ignorant, , AO, CP. [ne, witan]

nyten ignorant, . [ne, witan]

nten (Lcd) == neten

nytende adv. ignorantly, .

nytendnes = nytennes

nytenlic ignorant, .

nytennes (e, i) f. ignorance, laziness, ignominy,.

nytlic useful, profitable. [Ger. ntzlich]

nytlicnes f. utility, Lcd 1314^8.

nytnes f. use, benefit, convenience.

nytt I. f. use, utility, advantage, AO, CP: duty, office, employment, B: supervision, care, GD 180^28. II. adj. useful, beneficial, helpful, profitable, AO, CP. [notan]

nytte = nette

nyttian to enjoy, use, Lcd: eat. ['nutte']

nyttnes = nytnes

nyttol useful, Lcd 32b.

nyttung (i) f. profit, advantage, WW 116^37.

nytu (MtR 7^16) = hnutu

nytun = nyton = ne witon [[form of "witan"]]

nytweor- = nytwier-

nyt-wiere (CP), -wire, -wyre () useful, profitable.

nytwierlic useful, profitable. adv. -lce, CP.

nytwur-, nytwyr- = nytwier-

nytwyrnes (eo) f. utility, WW.

nyan = neoan

nye-, nyer- = nier-, nir-

nw- = nw-

nywel, nywol == neowol

nxt = nehst


o = on

(N) =

ob = of

ob- (K) = of-

obet (Cp, Ep) = ofet

obst (Cp 217#e#) = ofost

oc = ac

c pret. 3 sg. of acan.

con pret. pl. of acan.

custa m. armpit, Gl.

den (ŏ?) f. threshing-floor. [[i.e. short o?]]

dencolc hollow serving as a threshing-floor, EC 121^2.

+don = +odon [[form of "gn"]]

oe- = e-, -

oeg (N) = woeg = weg

eghwr = ghwr

eghwelc (Cp) = ghwilc

oeht- (N) = ht-

oembeht (Cp) = ambiht

oemseten (= ymb-) f. shoot, slip? (Swt), row (ofvines)? (BT), Cp 534#a#.

oexen = exen v. oxa.

of I. prep. w. d. 'of,' from, out of, , AO, Bl, G, etc.: among, concerning, about, AO, BH: by, Chr, etc.: derived from, made of, belonging to, , AO, CP, etc. II. adv. off, away, absent, Bl, LL,Mt.

ofcapian to buy off, LL 122[74].

ofceorfan^3 to cut or prune off, AO, CP.

ofcsian to find out by asking, be informed, hear of, learn, .

ofdn anv. to pull out, tear out, LL 86[70,74]: leave out, except, LL 182[10].

ofdrfan^1 to hurt, chase, drive.

ofdrincan^3 to drain, : quench, AO.

ofdrygan to dry off, wipe off, CP 71^11.

oft = ofet

ofhawan^7 to cut off, L 29^293.

ofsceacan^6 to shake off, CM 993: excuse.

ofsciran (e, y) to cut off, LL 68[35,5].

ofsoan^2 to purge, purify, BH 288^9.

ofslan^6 to smite off, Chr.

ofton^2 to pull out, withdraw, CP.

ofxian () = ofcsian

ofbatan^7 to beat to pieces, beat to death, kill,AO.

ofblindian to blind, JnLR 12^40.

ofcalan^6 to chill, make or grow cold, , #Rim#24?

ofclipian to obtain by calling, call for, .

ofcuman^4 to spring from, be derived from, .

ofcyrf m. a section, cutting, : amputation,.

ofdl inclined (downwards), Bo 53^14.

of-dle, -dele n. decline, declivity, descent, abyss,CP.

of-dn anv. pret. -dyde to put out, put off, take off (clothes).

ofdrdan^7 (but wk. pp. ofdrdd) to fear, be afraid, terrified, ,CP.

ofdrfan = ofdrfan

ofdne adv. down, AO, CP.

ofdneheald adv. directed downwards.

ofdnesettan to set down, VHy.

ofdnestgan^1 to descend, VPs.

ofdne-weard, -weardes adv. downwards, GD.

ofdnrihte downwards, MFH 170.

ofearmian to be pitiful, ERSPs 36^22.

ofearmung f. compassion, BlPs 102^4.

ofhtan to persecute, RPs 43^17.

ofelte = oflte

ofen m., gs. ofnes _furnace_, _MtLR_: '_oven_,' _.

ofenan = ufenan

ofenbacen baked in an oven, .

ofen-raca m., -racu f. oven-rake, WW.

ofer I. prep. [w. d. (rest) and a. (motion)] 'over,' beyond, above, upon, in, across, past, , AO, CP, etc. ofer bc backwards, back: throughout, BH: against, in contravention of, contrary to, beyond, AO, BH, Bl, Chr: (time) after, through, during, at the end of, AO, Chr, Lcd: more than: in addition to, besides, beyond, Bo, LL, Mk. II. adv. above, on high, PPs: to or on the other side, AO: from side to side, across, AO: beyond, above (quantity), A,BH.

fer (o^2) m. (gs. fres) border, margin, edge: brink, river-bank, sea-shore, , B, Lcd; AO. ['over'; v.Mdf]

ofert m. gluttony, feasting, excess, CP; : feast. ['overeat']

oferte gluttonous, RB 17^15.

oferhebban = oferhebban

oferbcgetung f. tetanus, WW 112^20.

oferbebodan^2 to rule, WW 178^37.

oferbecuman^4 to come in addition, supervene, CM 134^1060.

oferbecumendlic supervening.

ofer-bon anv. pres. 3 pl. -sind to be over, command, CM 112; WW 178^37.

oferbdan^1 to outlast, outlive, TC. ['overbide']

oferbiternes (y^3) f. excessive bitterness, SPs. ['overbitterness']

oferblica m. surface, OET 181^44.

oferble too light-hearted, CP.

oferbrdan to spread over, suffuse, be spread over, overshadow, cover over, CP; . ['overbrede']

oferbrdels m. outside, surface, covering: coverlet, veil, garment, , CP: cerecloth, MF 153.

oferbrw m. eye-brow, Lcd 3188^5. [brw]

oferbrecan^4 to transgress, violate, AO.

oferbrdan = oferbregdan

oferbrdels (KGl) = oferbrdels

oferbregdan^3 to draw over, cover, overspread: be covered over, show a film over.

oferbr f. eye-brow, Gl.

oferbrycgian _to span as by a bridge_, _. ['_overbridge_']

ofercfed overlaid with ornament, GPH 394.

oferceald excessively cold, Run 11. ['overcold']

ofercerr m. passing over, MtL 1^11. [cierr]

ofercdan to chide sharply.

ofercdung f. chiding, reproof, EPs 149^7.

oferclif n. steep place, overhanging cliff, WW 480^2.

oferclimban^3 to climb over, AO 134^13. ['overclimb']

ofercrft m. fraud, LL (166^20).

ofercuman^4 to overcome, subdue, compel, conquer, AO, B, Lcd, WW; CP: obtain, attain, reach, overtake, BH, Cp, Jud, WW. ['overcome']

ofercyme m. arrival, BH 436^28.

ofercan to outdo by preponderance of oaths, v. LL 2689.

oferdn anv. to 'overdo,' do to excess, . oferdne ing excesses, .

oferdrenc () = oferdrync

oferdrencan to make drunk, intoxicate, AO, CP.

oferdrfan^1 to overcome, defeat, dispense, , DR: confute, : cover (bydrifting sand), AO: outvote, LL. ['overdrive']

oferdrinc = oferdrync

oferdrincan^3 to drink too much, get drunk, CP, LL. ['overdrink']

oferdrincere m. drunkard, HL 12^95,124.

oferdruncen I. n. drunkenness, LL. II. ptc. drunk.

oferdruncennes f. drunkenness, intemperance, ,CP.

oferdrync m. over-drinking, drunkenness, CP: revelry, feasting. [v.'overdrink']

oferdyre n. lintel, WW 280^16.

ofere over, across, v. LV 8.

oferaca m. surplus, overplus, remainder, addition, increase,.

ofereald (y) very old, RB 61^12.

oferealdormann m. chief officer, BH 264^1 (v.l.).

oferca = oferaca

ofereldu (HL 11^60#n#) = oferyldu

ofert = ofert

ofer-etol (CP), -eotol, -ettol gluttonous.

oferetolnes f. gluttony, CP.

oferfr n. passing over, NG.

oferfreld n. passage, journey over or across, ,AO.

oferft too fat, WW. ['overfat']

oferfman to envelop, overshadow.

oferfaran^6 (intr.) to pass, cross, go over, Ps: (tr.) traverse, go through, penetrate, Gen, W; , AO: come across, meet with, overtake: pass through, withstand, overcome. ['overfare']

oferfeallan^7 to attack, Bl 203.

oferfeng I. m. fibula, buckle, clasp, Gl. II. pret. 3 sg. of oferfn.

oferfeohtan^3 to conquer, CP.

oferfran to traverse, cross, pass over or through, , AO: come upon, meet with.

oferferian to carry over, transport, OEG 3680.

oferfrnes f. chance of crossing, fordable place, BH 58^1.

oferfre overloaded, v. ES 43312.

oferfil = oferfyll

oferfldan to overflow, flood, Lcd.

oferflde in flood, Lcd.

oferflon^2 to fly over, : flee from, yield to, B 2525.

oferfltan^1 to overcome, beat, confute, AO.

oferflwan^7 to flow over, run over, 'overflow,' AO,Lk.

ofer-flwednes, -flwen(d)nes f. excess, superfluity.

ofer-flwend (RB), -flwendlic (Bk 18) superfluous. ['overflowing'] adv. -lce.

oferflwnes f. superfluity, CP.

oferfn^7 to seize, take prisoner, AO.

oferfrcednes f. pressure, oppression, V^2Ps 31^7.

oferfroren frozen over, AO.

oferfull too full, LPs. ['overfull']

oferfundennes f. trial, experiment, OEG 543.

oferfylgan to pursue, attack, CP.

ofer-fyll, -fyllu f. surfeit, gluttony, excess, Bo, Lcd; , CP. ['overfyll']

oferfyllan to cram, RB, WW.

oferfylnes f. surfeit, excess, GD 339^3.

oferfyrr f. excessive distance, AO 24^21. [feorr]

oferggan to transgress, .

oferggednes f. transgression, .

oferggend m. transgressor, L 30^411.

ofer-gn anv., -gangan^7 to pass over, beyond, across, traverse, cross, , Lcd, VPs; AO, CP: transgress, MtL: overrun, overcome, overspread, conquer, Chr, Ex, Lcd, Rd; : come upon, overtake, seize, attach, , An: pass off, pass away, end, AO, CP. ['overgo,' 'overgang']

ofergapian to be forgetful of, neglect, RB 112^2.

ofergare old, Lcd 19a.

ofergeatu f. oblivion, PPs 128^6.

ofergeatul = ofergitol

ofergedrync n. excess in drinking, Bl 99^21.

ofergedyre = oferdyre

ofergemet n. excess, AS, CP.

ofergmnes f. watching for, NG. [geman]

ofergenga m. traveller, Lcd.

ofergenihtsumian to superabound, Sc 131^15.

ofergeong (= gang) m. going across.

ofergeotan = ofergietan

ofergotan^2 to pour upon, suffuse, flood, overwhelm,.

ofergeotende forgetful, BH 114^22. [ofergietan]

ofer-geotol, -geottol == ofergitol

ofergesettan to set over, CP, VPs.

ofergestondan^6 to stand over.

ofergetilian to overcome, L 23b^185.

ofergetimbran to erect, Bl 205.

ofergetol- = ofergitol-

ofergeweorc n. superstructure: sepulchre,.

ofergewrit n. superscription, inscription.

ofergietan^5 to forget, disregard, neglect, CP.

ofergfre gluttonous, CP.

ofergildan = ofergyldan

ofergman to neglect, disregard.

ofergitan = ofergietan

ofer-gitol, -gittol (ea, eo, y) forgetful.

ofergitolian (e, eo) to forget, JVPs.

ofergitolnes (e, eo, y) f. forgetfulness.

oferglnged over-adorned, LL (386^10). [glengan]

ofergldan^1 to glide over, traverse, pass over, overshadow,.

ofergrdig too covetous, W. ['overgreedy']

ofergrwan^7 to overgrow, CP 336^8.

ofergumian to neglect, disregard, RB 113^2.

ofergyld gilt, .

ofergyldan (i) to encase, overlay or adorn with gold, ,CP.

ofergylden overlaid with gold, LL 460[10].

ofergman = ofergman

ofergyrd ptc. girt, GPH 394.

ofergytan = ofergietan

ofergytnes f. oblivion, forgetfulness.

oferhacele f. hood, LL (140^22).

oferhangen covered, GD 202^19.

oferhafod adv. especially, in particular, . [Ger. berhaupt]

oferhah very tall, lofty, Run 26. ['overhigh']

oferhealdan^7 to put off, neglect.

oferhealfhafod n. crown of the head, WW 156^11.

oferheargian = oferhergan [[headword spelled "oferhergean"]]

oferhebban^6 to pass over, omit, neglect, AO, LL; CP. ['overheave']

oferhelian to cover over, conceal, Sc; CP. ['overhele']

oferhelmian to overshadow, B 1364.

oferhelung f. covering, veiling, concealing, Sc 223^5.

oferheortnes f. vehemence of feeling, AO 166^20.

oferhergean to overrun, ravage, AO.

oferhdig = oferhygdig

oferheran (o, ) to 'overhear,' hear, AO: disobey, disregard, neglect, AO.

oferhernes (, , ) f. neglect, disobedience: fine for transgression of law or legal orders (= 'superauditio'),LL.

oferhigd = oferhygd

oferhige? m. pride, PPs 87^7. [hyge]

oferhigian to delude, turn the head of, B 2766.

oferhran (AO) = oferheran

oferhlstan to overload, AO.

oferhlapan^7 to jump over, surmount, overcome, BH: pass over, Lcd. ['overleap']

oferhlapend m. over-leaper, WW 190^2.

oferhlorian to surpass in loudness.

oferhlour failing to hear, PPs 93^9.

oferhlfan^1 (OEG), oferhlfian (, CP) to tower over, overtop, excel, exceed, surpass.

oferhlfung f. loftiness, sublimity, Gl.

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