[Footnote: The translation given for a preposition in any dictionary is the general one which serves in the majority of cases. The finer shades of meaning and real or apparent exceptions can merely be touched upon if mentioned at all.]
261. The suffix "-op-" is used to form "collective" numerals:
duope = by twos, in pairs. milope = by thousands. kvarope = by fours. sesopigi = to form into groups of six.
cel-i = to aim. prokrast-i = to delay (trans.). Cirus-o = Cyrus. proviz-i = to provide. fidi = to rely. rezult-i = to result. gxu-i = to enjoy. sopir-i = to yearn, to sigh. honor-o = honor. spac-o = space. krom = beside, save, but. terur-a = terrible. plen-a = full. ver-o = truth.
Iam Ciruso, nepo de Ciruso Granda, sopiris je la imperio de sia pli maljunafrato, kiu sekvis la patron de ambaux fratoj kiel regxo, aux pli gxuste imperiestro. Decidinte forigi de la regxeco ("to dethrone") sian fraton, Ciruso petis la grekojn ke ili partoprenu ("take part") en kelkaj negravaj militadoj. Multaj tiamaj grekoj tre volonte sin okupis je la batalado, pro la granda pago ricevata. La venditaj sklavoj kaj la detruitaj konstruajxoj cxiam provizis ilin je multe da ricxajxo, kaj krom tio la militistoj sxajnis gxui ecx la militadon mem. Estis tute indiferente al ili cxu la kauxzo de la militado estas prava kaj justa aux ne. Unue Ciruso nur petis ke ili helpu liajn proprajn soldatojn kontraux iuj najbaroj. Li kasxis al ili sian veran celon, cxar se la grekoj estus suspektintaj tion, kion li intencis fari, ili neniam estus akompanintaj lin tiel malproksimen de sia patrolando. Grade li kondukis ilin trans tutan Azion, kaj fine la dekmil grekoj komprenis cxion, kaj treege kolerigxis. Paroladante al ili, Ciruso tuj diris "Mi ne permesas ke vi reiru, kaj mi petegas ke vi antauxen marsxadu kun mi, sen plua ("further") prokrasto! Se mi sukcesos kontraux mia frato, mi certigas vin je mia honoro ke cxiu el vi revenos havante sakojn plenajn je ricxajxo! Estas nur necese ke vi fidu je mi, kaj cxio estos bona!" Tiam la soldatoj hontis je sia antauxa timo, kaj kuragxe antauxen marsxadis. Fine, apud granda urbo, la frato de Ciruso elvenis havante okcentmil soldatojn, por batali kontraux la centmil de Ciruso. Per la helpo de siaj grekoj, Ciruso estis preskaux venkinta en terura batalo, kiam subite li ekvidis sian fraton, je malgranda interspaco. Ekkriante "Mi vidas la viron!" li rajdis rekte al la regxo, jxetante sian pezan lancon al li. La sola rezulto estis la morto de Ciruso mem, cxar la amikoj de la regxo, kvinope kaj sesope atakinte Ciruson, lin tuj mortigis.
1. Cyrus did not desire that his brother should remain king. 2. He decided, "Let me myself become ("farigxi") king! I should much enjoy that!" 3. So he asked the Greeks to help him in some battles against nearby enemies. 4. Gradually an army (126) of a hundred thousand men, ten thousand of whom were Greeks, gathered (232, b) around him. 5. He led them farther and farther, into the middle of Asia, until finally the Greeks suspected his true aim. 6. They said to each other in terror, "He did not at first propose that we fight against the Great King. Let us return home without delay!" 7. Cyrus addressed (218) them as follows: "Must I permit you to go back? I implore you to be courageous, and I do advise you not to forget your longing for (260) honor! 8. Only be worthy of your leader, and rely upon me! Do you not wish to return home provided with wealth, beside the money which I shall pay to you?" 9. Immediately the soldiers were ashamed of their fear, and advanced by hundreds, full of courage. 10. Soon the brother of Cyrus approached, with ("havante") eight hundred thousand men. 11. By the aid of the Greeks, Cyrus won the battle, but he himself lost his life. 12. So neither he nor the Greeks could enjoy the result of their efforts.
262. Purpose may be expressed by a subordinate imperative clause, introduced by "por ke":
Mi faras gxin por ke li helpu vin, I do it in order that he may help you. Mi ekkriis por ke vi auxdu, I cried out in order that you should hear. Li venos por ke ni estu felicxaj, he will come that we may be happy. Mi studas por ke mi lernu, I study that I may learn. Ili restu por ke ni punu ilin, let them stay for us to punish them.
[Footnote: Cf. the expression of purpose by the infinitive with "por" (98), which however cannot be used except when the subject of the main verb is the subject of the subordinate verb, or when the object of the main verb is the subject of the subordinate verb.]
[Footnote: Cf. the accusative of direct object (23), direction of motion (46, 121), time (91), and measure (139).]
263. The accusative of direction of motion is used after nouns from roots expressing motion:
Lia eniro en la urbon estis subita, his entrance into the city was sudden. La irado tien estos plezuro, (the) going thither will be a pleasure. Gxia falado teren timigis min, its falling earthward terrified me.
264. a. An intransitive verb may be followed by a noun in the accusative case, if the meaning of the noun is related to that of the verb:
Li vivas agrablan vivon, he lives an agreeable life. Sxi dancis belan dancon, she danced a beautiful dance. Ili ploris maldolcxajn larmojn, they wept bitter tears.
b. Verbs of motion ("iri", "veni", "pasi", "marsxi", "veturi", etc.) compounded with prepositions or adverbs (121) indicating direction, also compounds of such verbs as "esti" and "stari" with prepositions expressing situation, may be followed by the accusative, instead of by a prepositional phrase in which the preposition is repeated:
La viro preterpasis la domon, the man passed (by) the house. Lin antauxvenis du sklavoj, there preceded (came before) him two slaves. Ni supreniru la sxtuparon, let us go up the stairs. Mi cxeestis la feston, I attended (was present at) the entertainment. Mi kontrauxstaras vian opinion, I oppose (withstand) your opinion.
c. The slight change in meaning given by "pri" used as a prefix may render intransitive verbs transitive. The same is true of "el" prefixed to intransitive verbs not expressing motion:
Sxi priploris la mortintan birdon, she mourned the dead bird. Mi pripensos la aferon, I shall consider (think over) the matter. Ni gxin priparolos, we shall talk it over. Li klare elparolas la vortojn, he pronounces the words clearly.
[Footnote: In this use "pri" resembles the English and German inseparable prefix "be-", as in English "bemoan", "bewail", "bethink", "bespeak", German "beklagen", "besprechen", "sich" , etc.]
265. The accusative may be used after verbs of such meaning that either a prepositional phrase or an accusative would seem correct:
Mi pardonas lin (al li), I pardon (grant pardon to) him. Mi helpis lin (al li), I helped (gave aid to) him. Gxi placxas min (al mi), it pleases (is pleasing to) me. Li obeis nin (al ni), he obeyed (was obedient to) us. Sxi ridis mian timon (je mia timo), she ridiculed (laughed at) my fear.
[Footnote: When ambiguity would be caused, as by the presence of another accusative, this construction may not be employed. One may say "pardonu nin", but must say "pardonu al ni niajn pekojn".]
266. The accusative may be used after certain adverbs which are normally followed by a prepositional phrase:
Rilate tion (rilate al tio), in regard to that. Escepte tion (escepte de tio), with the exception of that. Koncerne la aferon (koncerne je la afero), concerning the affair. Kompare la alian (kompare kun la alia), in comparison with the other. Konforme la legxon (konforme al la legxo), in conformity to the law.
267. vidi, to see.
Present. (Aoristic) mi vidas mi estas vidata (Progressive) mi estas vidanta
Past. (Aoristic) mi vidis mi estis vidata (Imperfect) mi estis vidanta
Future. (Aoristic) mi vidos mi estos vidata (Progressive) mi estos vidanta
Perfect. mi estas vidinta mi estas vidita
Pluperfect. mi estis vidinta mi estis vidita
Future Perfect. mi estos vidinta mi estos vidita
Periphrastic Futures.
(Present). mi estas vidonta mi estas vidota
(Past). mi estis vidonta mi estis vidota
(Future). mi estos vidonta mi estos vidota
Present. (Aoristic) mi vidus mi estus vidata (Progressive) mi estus vidanta
Past. mi estus vidinta mi estus vidita
Future. mi estus vidonta mi estus vidota
Present. (Aoristic) mi vidu mi estu vidata (Progressive) mi estu vidanta
Past. mi estu vidinta mi estu vidita
Future. mi estu vidonta mi estu vidota
Present. (Aoristic) vidi esti vidata (Progressive) esti vidanta
Perfect. esti vidinta esti vidita
Future. esti vidonta esti vidota
268. The indefinite suffix "-um-" serves the same general purpose in word formation which "je" serves as an indefinite preposition (260):
aerumi = to air. kolumo = collar. busxumo = muzzle. plenumi = to fulfil. gustumi = to taste. proksimume = approximately.
eben-a = level, even. nepr-e = inevitably, certainly. escept-o = exception. obe-i = to obey. esper-i = to hope. obstin-a = obstinate. fremd-a = foreign. promes-i = to promise. histori-o = history. rilat-o = relation. kompar-i = to compare. sat-a = satiated. koncern-i = to concern. sav-i = to save. konform-i = to conform. verk-i = to compose (books or music).
La grekaj militistoj sentis grandan teruron kiam Ciruso ne plu vivis. La celo de la longa marsxado ne povis esti plenumata, pro la morto de la obstina trokuragxa militestro mem. Kvankam la grekoj estis venkintoj, ili estis tute solaj en fremda lando, cxirkauxitaj de barbaroj kiuj, per trompemaj proponoj kaj falsaj promesoj pri amikaj interrilatoj, tuj okazigis la morton de la grekaj estroj. Senigite je siaj estroj, la kompatindaj viroj tute malesperis. Sed kelkaj subestroj, rapide kunveniginte la soldatojn, diris, "Ni mem kondukos vin per kiel eble plej rekta vojo hejmen! Ni faros nian eblon ("utmost") por ke ni cxiuj estu savitaj!" Cxar restis nenio alia por fari, la malfacila malgaja reirado de la grekoj komencigxis sen prokrasto. Ili transiris varmegajn ebenajxojn ("plains"), supreniris kaj malsupreniris krutajn negxkovritajn montojn, meze de la vintro, kaj sen pontoj transiris largxajn riverojn. Cxie la malfidindaj barbaroj atakis ilin, kvazaux por ke neniu greko restu viva. Krom tio, la grekoj mortis dekope kaj dudekope cxiutage, pro varmegeco, malvarmegeco, laceco kaj malsateco ("hunger"). Fine, post nekredeblaj suferoj, la restajxo de la dekmil soldatoj alvenis sur monton, kaj ekvidis la maron. Lauxta ekkriego "La maro! La maro!" eksonis inter la lacaj viroj, el kiuj multaj ploris larmojn de gxojo. De infaneco ili alkutimis al la vojagxado per akvo, kaj post iom da ripozo ili sin provizis je sxipoj, por transiri la maron al la patrujo je kiu ili estis tiel longe sopirintaj. Treege interesa historio koncerne la tutan aferon estas verkita de fama greka verkisto ("writer"), kiu estis akompaninta Ciruson por ke li povu gxui kaj studi cxion interesan sur la vojo. Tiu azia militado de Ciruso nepre estas unu el la plej rimarkindaj okazintajxoj iam priskribitaj, ecx sen escepto de la posta irado tien de Aleksandro Granda.
1. After the death of Cyrus, the leaders of the Greek warriors did not know what to do. 2. In the course of the following day, one of the leaders of the enemy sent a messenger (205) with deceitful promises about help. 2. He said "Assemble in our leader's tent, in order that you may all discuss the matter." 3. The Greek leaders went, although they suspected danger, because they did not know how else to save their men. 4. But they never returned, and soon the Greeks understood that the barbarians had killed them. 5. They wept tears of despair, and said "The barbarians will inevitably destroy us, for we are in a foreign land, where we know neither the languages nor the roads, and the peoples are without exception hostile to us." 6. But the leaders-of-lesser-rank said "Obey us and follow us, and we shall do our best to save you!" 7. Their return, across hot plains and snow-covered mountains, made-more-difficult by hunger and by the unceasing attacks of the barbarians, is related in the history written by a famous Greek historian. 8. One can still read this interesting narrative, in Greek or in a translation.
269. Permission is usually expressed by the use of "permesi", "lasi", or the imperative mood:
Cxu vi permesas ke mi restu? May I (do you permit me to) stay? Jes, mi permesas (jes, restu), yes, you may (yes, stay). Ne estas permesate eniri tien, it is not allowed to enter there. Lasu lin veni, let him come.
270. The idea of possibility or probability is given by the use of some such adverb as "eble", "kredeble", "versxajne", etc.:
Eble li obeos al vi, he may (perhaps he will) obey you. Kredeble li sukcesos, probably he will succeed. Versxajne vi estas prava, you are probably right. Eble oni lin savus, they might (possibly they would) save him. Ili nepre ne batis lin, they could not have (surely did not) beat him. Tio estas neebla! That can not be (that is impossible)!
271. Words formed with the prefix "ge-" indicate the two sexes together:
gepatroj = parents. gefiloj = son(s) and daughter(s). geavoj = grandparents. gefratoj = brother(s) and sister(s). genepoj = grandchildren. geedzoj = husband(s) and wife (wives). gesinjoroj = Mr. and Mrs., lady (ladies) and gentleman (gentlemen).
272. The suffix "-acx-" has a disparaging significance:
domacxo = a hovel. pentracxi = to daub. hundacxo = a cur. popolacxo = rabble, mob. obstinacxa = obstinate. ridacxi = to guffaw.
273. Interjections are words used to express feeling or call attention. Among the more common interjections are:
Adiaux! Farewell! (171). Hura! Hurrah! Fi! Fie! Nu! Well! Ho! Oh! Ho! Ve! Woe! (Ho ve! Alas!).
[Footnote: Verbs in the imperative, and adverbs, are frequently used as interjections, as "Atentu!", Look out!, "Auxskultu!", Hark!, "Bonvenu!", Welcome!, "Antauxen!", Forward!, "Bone!", Good!, "For!", Away!, "Ja!", Indeed!, "Jen!", There!, Behold!]
[Footnote: The interjection "fi" is sometimes used as a disparaging prefix, like "-acx-" (272), as "fibirdo", ugly bird, "ficxevalo", a sorry nag.]
Aleksandri-o = Alexandria. fond-i = to found, establish. Amerik-o = America. hispan-o = Spaniard. Aristotel-o = Aristotle. kapabl-a = capable. Auxstrali-o = Australia. komun-a = common, mutual. bibliotek-o = library. kontinent-o = continent. eduk-i = to bring up, educate. Krist-o = Christ. Egipt-o = Egypt. milion-o = million. estim-i = to esteem. spite = in spite of. firm-a = firm. vast-a = vast, extensive.
Permesu ke mi diru kelkajn vortojn pri la vivo de Aleksandro Granda, kiu ne estis matura viro sed havis nur dudek jarojn kiam li farigxis regxo. Liaj gepatroj estis tre zorge edukintaj lin, kaj la filozofo Aristotelo, kiun li tre alte estimis, estis unu el liaj instruistoj. Aleksandro firme tenadis sian propran regxolandon, kaj ankaux Grekujon, kiun lia patro estis venkinta; krom tio, li faris militadojn kontraux diversaj fremdaj landoj, unue en Azio, tiam en Afriko, kie li fondis urbon, kaj gxin nomis Aleksandrio. Aleksandrio nepre estis belega ricxa urbo. Tie trovigxis* poste la fama Aleksandria biblioteko. Se gxi ne estus detruita de fajro, en la dauxro de iuj militadoj, ni sendube konus multe pli bone la sciadon de la antikvaj grekoj, kiuj versxajne estis la plej klera popolo iam vivinta en Euxropo. Venkinte Egipton, Aleksandro reiris en Azion, gxis tre orienta kaj suda partoj, venkante cxiujn cxie, kvazaux ili estus la plej malkuragxaj popolacxoj en la mondo. Sed spite cxies petoj li estis obstinacxe nezorgema pri sia sano, kaj subite, ho ve, li mortis pro febro, tricent dektri jarojn antaux Kristo. Se li ne estus tiel frue mortinta, kiel multe li estus eble elfarinta! Li esperis venki Hispanujon, Italujon, kaj, mallongavorte, tiom de la okcidenta mondo kiom li jam posedis de la orienta. Tiam li celis kunigi cxion en unu vastan imperion, kvazaux por fari el la mondo unu grandan familion. Li intencis ke la milionoj da enlogxantoj akceptu komunajn legxojn kaj kutimojn, ecx komunan lingvon, — kredeble la grekan. Eble li ja havis la kapablecon por fari cxion cxi. Estas pro tio ke oni ofte auxdas la diron "Aleksandro sopiris je aliaj mondoj por venki." Tamen, kiel malgranda estis tiu mondo kiun li konis! La tiamuloj konis nur malgrandan parton de Afriko, de Azio, ecx de Euxropo. Ili sciis nenion pri Anglujo, aux pri la vastaj kontinentoj Auxstralio, norda kaj suda Amerikoj.
[Footnote: The use of "trovigxi", and also of "sin trovi", "kusxi", "stari" and "sidi", in a sense not greatly differing from that of "esti", avoids the monotonous repetition of forms of "esti", just as English uses "lie", "sit", "perch", etc., in narration for similar reasons: Multaj vilagxoj trovigxas tie, many villages are (situated) there. Egipto trovigxas en la nordorienta parto de Afriko, Egypt is (found) in the northeastern part of Africa. Li sin trovis sola en la dezerto, he found himself (he was) alone in the desert. La urbo kusxis inter du lagoj, the city lay between two lakes. Sur la montflanko sidis vilagxeto, on the mountainside perched a tiny village.]
1. Alexander the Great wished to unite the whole world into one vast empire. 2. He intended that all the different peoples should conform to common laws and that their sons-and-daughters should speak one common language, and in spite of their love for their national languages, should leave-off speaking them. 3. Possibly he might have accomplished his object to some extent (217), if he had not died suddenly when he was only thirty-two years old. 4. His soldiers marched weeping past his tent, to bid farewell to their dying leader. 5. They must have esteemed him very highly! 6. It was Alexander who founded the city of Alexandria, in Egypt, where approximately three hundred years before Christ the famous Alexandrian library was located. 7. It contained an enormous collection-of-books — almost seven hundred thousand. 8. Alas, this extensive library was destroyed by fire! 9. Alexander, who "sighed for other worlds to conquer," did not even know of the existence of North and South America, Australia, or even of England and Northern Europe. 10. Beside his Asiatic empire, he knew very little of Asia, even of China, with its millions of inhabitants. 11. How small the world was in those days!
274. An unemphatic personal, indefinite or demonstrative pronoun very frequently precedes the verb of which it is the object. This is especially true if the verb in question is an infinitive:
Mi volas lin vidi, I wish to see him. Li povos tion fari, he will be able to do that. Vi devus ion mangxi, you ought to eat something. Cxu vi gxin kredis? Did you believe it? Se li min vidus, li min savus, if he should see me, he would save me.
[Footnote: Cf. in other languages, as in German "ich moechte ihn sehen", French "je veux le voir", Latin "se alunt, me defendi", etc. That such pronouns "are" unemphatic can be seen from English "let her come" (= "let'er come"), "make him stop" (= "make'im stop"), etc., in which the unemphatic forms "er, im", replace "him, her", in pronunciation (cf. the Greek enclitic pronouns "mou, moi, me, son, soi, se, ou, oi, e,", the Sanskrit enclitic forms "ma, me, tva, te, nas, vas, enam, enat, enam," also "sim", and the Avestan "i, im"). The same phenomenon is indicated in "prithee" (= "pray thee"), and in the spellings "gimme" (= "give me"), "lemme" (= "let me"), in dialect stories.]
275. Some intransitive verbs have English meanings which do not differ in form from the transitive English verbs to which they are related. In Esperanto the suffix "-ig-" (214) must be used when the transitive meaning is desired. Some examples are given in the following table:
Verb. Intransitive Use. Transitive Use.
Boli . . . . La akvo bolas Li boligas la akvon The water boils He boils the water
Bruli. . . . La fajro brulas Li bruligis la paperon The fire burns He burned the paper
Cxesi. . . . La bruo cxesas Li cxesigas la bruon The noise stops He stops the noise
Dauxri . . . La bruo dauxras Li dauxrigas la bruon The noise continues He continues the noise
Degeli . . . La glacio degelas Li gxin degeligas per fajro The ice thaws He thaws it with fire
Droni. . . . La knabino dronis La viro sxin dronigis The girl drowned The man drowned her
Eksplodi . . Pulvo eksplodas Li gxin eksplodigos Gunpowder explodes He will explode it
Halti. . . . Li haltis timigite Li haltigis la soldatojn He halted in alarm He halted the soldiers
Lumi . . . . La suno lumas Li lumigis la lampon The sun shines He lighted the lamp
Pasi . . . . La tempo pasas Tiel li pasigis la tagon Time passes Thus he passed the day
Pendi. . . . Gxi pendas de brancxo Li gxin pendigis de brancxo It hangs on a branch He hung it on a branch
Soni . . . . La saluta pafo sonis Oni sonigis la salutan pafon The salute sounded They sounded the salute
Sonori . . . La sonorilo sonoris Oni sonorigis la sonorilon The bell rang They rang the bell
[Footnote: A transitive use of such intransitive verbs would be like using the English intransitive verb "learn" for the transitive verb "teach," as in the "I'll learn you" (for "I'll teach you") of illiterate speech.]
276. The suffix "-er-" is used to form words expressing units or component parts of that which is indicated in the root:
fajrero = spark (of fire). negxero = snowflake. monero = coin. sablero = grain of sand.
277. The prefix "bo-" indicates relationship by marriage. To indicate half-blood relationship, or step-relationship, "duon-" (166) is used:
bopatro = father-in-law. duonpatro = stepfather. bofratino = sister-in-law. duonfrato = half-brother.
278. a. Letters should be dated as indicated in the following:
Bostono, je la 24a de decembro, 1912a. Nov-Jorko, la 24an decembro, 1912a. Sirakuzo, 24/XII/1912.
b. The usual methods of address are (to strangers and in business letters): "Sinjoro, Sinjorino, Estimata Sinjoro, Karaj Sinjoroj, Tre estimata Frauxlino," etc.; (to friends and relatives) "Kara Frauxlino, Karaj Gefratoj, Kara Amiko, Kara Mario, Patrino mia," (placing the possessive adjective after the noun in this way gives an affectionate sense, as in English "Mother mine," etc) etc.; (to persons whose opinions on some subject are known to agree with those of the writer) "Estimata (Kara) Samideano" ("follower of the same idea").
c. Among the more usual forms of conclusion are (to strangers and in business letters): "Tre fidele la via, Tre vere, Kun granda estimo, Kun plej alta estimo," etc., (to friends): "Kun amika saluto, Kun cxiuj bondeziroj, Kun samideanaj salutoj, Frate la via," etc.
adres-o = address. krajon-o = pencil. apart-a = separate. mend-i = to order (of stores, etc). bedaur-i = to regret. Nov-Jorko = New York. cxef-a = chief. numer-o = number (numeral). do = so, then. ofic-o = office, employment. fontan-o = fountain. posxt-o = post (letters, etc.). hotel-o = hotel. respekt-o = respect. ink-o = ink. special-a = special. konven-a = suitable. stat-o = state (political body) kovert-o = envelope (for letters) tram-o = tram.
[Footnote: "Cxef-" is often used in descriptive compounds (167, b), as "cxefkuiristo", chief (head) cook, chef, "cxefurbo", chief city, capital, "cxefangxelo", archangel.]
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Sirakuzo, la 2an de marto, 1911.
Kara Amiko,
Sendube vin surprizos ricevi leteron skribitan de mi cxe hotelo en cxi tiu urbo, ne tre malproksime de via propra oficejo! Via bofrato, kiun mi okaze renkontis hieraux en la posxtoficejo, donis al mi vian adreson. Gxis nun, mi estas tiel okupata ke mi ne havis la tempon ecx por telefoni al vi. Sed nun mi havas du aux tri minutojn da libera tempo, kaj mi tuj ekkaptas la okazon por skribi letereton, petante ke vi vespermangxu kun mi hodiaux vespere, cxe la hotelo kie, kiel vi vidas, mi logxas de antaux unu tago. (Pardonu, mi petas, "ke" mi finas cxi tiun leteron per krajono, sed mi jxus eltrovis ke restas neniom plu da inko en mia fontanplumo.) Venu je la sesa, se tiu horo estas konvena. Bedauxrinde ("unfortunately"), mi devos forresti de la hotelo la tutan posttagmezon, pri komercaj aferoj, alie mi vin renkontus cxe la tramvojo, kie haltas la tramveturiloj ("streetcars"). Estos plej bone, mi opinias, ke vi iru rekte al mia cxambro, numero 26, kie mi senprokraste vin renkontos, se mi ne estos efektive jam vin atendanta. Ni esperu ke la cxefkuiristo preparos al ni bonan mangxon! Mi esperas ke vi malatentos la falantajn negxerojn, kaj nepre venos, responde al mia iomete subita invito, cxar ni ja havos multe da komunaj travivajxoj por priparoli. Do gxis la baldauxa revido je la vespermangxo!
Kun plej amikaj salutoj,
[Footnote: The word "tial" may be omitted from the combination "tial ke" (83), if the meaning is obvious.]
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Boston, 13/VII/1911.
Wilson kaj Jones, Nov-Jorko. Estimataj Sinjoroj:— Bonvolu sendi al mi per revenanta posxto vian plej novan prezaron ("price-list"). Ni baldaux bezonos iujn novajn meblojn por niaj oficejoj, precipe skribtablojn, tablojn konvenajn por skribmasxinoj ("typewriters"), kaj specialajn librujojn, farotajn laux niaj bezonoj. Se viaj prezoj estas konvenaj, ni sendube volos mendi de vi tian meblaron. Kun respekto, J. F. Smith, cxe Brown kaj Brown.
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Nov-Jorko, 17/VII/1911.
Sinjoro J. F. Smith, cxe Brown kaj Brown, Nov-Jorko. Estimata Sinjoro:— Ni havas la honoron sendi al vi en aparta koverto nian plej novan prezaron, al kiu ni petas ke vi donu vian atenton, precipe al pagxoj 15-29. Tie vi trovos priskribitaj niajn plej bonajn oficejajn meblarojn. Ni senpage metos cxiujn acxetitajn meblojn sur la vagonaron, sed kompreneble ni ne pagos la koston de la sendado. Ni plezure fabrikos specialajn librujojn laux viaj bezonoj, kaj volonte ricevos viajn ordonojn pri tio. Niaj prezoj estos kiel eble plej malaltaj. Esperante ke la meblaroj priskribitaj en nia prezaro, kune kun la tie-presitaj prezoj, estos plene kontentigaj, kaj certigante al vi ke ni zorge plenumos cxiun mendon, ni restas, Tre respekte la viaj, Wilson kaj Jones.
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Bostono, la 27an Majo.
Sinjoro B. F. Brown, Sirakuzo, Nov-Jorka Sxtato. Kara Sinjoro:— Vian adreson ni dankas al niaj komunaj amikoj Sinjoroj Miller kaj White, kaj per cxi tio ni permesas al ni proponi al vi niajn servojn por la vendado de tiaj infanludiloj, kiajn vi fabrikas. Ni havas bonegajn montrajn fenestrojn ("show-windows"), en nia butiko, preskaux meze de la cxefstrato en la urbo, kaj en nia butiko trovigxas suficxe da grandaj vitramebloj ("show-cases"). Tial ni povus tre oportune administri tian aferon. Ni multe gxojos se vi respondos kiel eble plej baldaux, sciigante al ni kiom da procento vi donos, kaj kiajn arangxojn vi volus fari. Ni certigas al vi ke en cxiu okazo ni penos fari nian eblon por via plej bona intereso. Kun alta estimo, D. Rose.
279. Some transitive verbs have English meanings which do not differ in form from the "intransitive" English verbs to which they are related (conversely to the use explained in 275). In Esperanto the suffix "-igx-" (232), or a different root, must be used when an intransitive meaning is desired. Following are the more common verbs of this character, together with examples of the intransitive use of several of them:
balanci = to balance. renversi = to upset, to overturn. etendi = to extend, to expand. rompi = to break. fermi = to close, to shut. ruli = to roll, (wheel, ball, etc.). fini = to end, to finish. skui = to shake. fleksi = to bend, to flex. strecxi = to stretch. hejti = to heat. svingi = to swing. klini = to incline, to bend. sxanceli = to cause to vacillate. kolekti = to gather, to collect. sxangxi = to change. komenci = to begin, to commence. sxiri = to tear. mezuri = to measure. turni = to turn. montri = to show. veki = to wake. movi = to move. versxi = to pour. pasxti = to pasture, to feed. volvi = to roll (around something).
La laboro nun finigxas, the work is now coming to an end. La glavo fleksigxis, the sword bent. La folioj disvolvigxas, the leaves unroll (develop). Cxiu kutimo sxangxigxos, every custom will change. La vintro jam komencigxas, the winter is already beginning. Mi vekigxos je la sesa, I shall awake at six (o'clock). La montrilo sxanceligxis, the indicator trembled (vacillated). Vasta ebenajxo etendigxis antaux li, a vast plain extended before him.
280. Elision is not common, and its use in writing as well as in speaking is best avoided. It occurs most frequently in poetry.
a. The "-a" of the article may be elided before a word beginning with avowel, or after a preposition ending in a vowel:
L' espero, l' obstino kaj la pacienco. De l' montoj riveretoj fluas. Kaj kantas tra l' pura aero.
b. The final "-o" of a noun may be elided in poetry. The original accent of the noun remains unchanged:
Ho, mia kor', ne batu maltrankvile. Sur la kampo la rozet'.
c. The final "-e" of an adverb is very rarely elided (except in the expression "dank' al", which occurs in prose as well as in poetry):
Ke povu mi foj' je eterno ekdormi! Dank' al vi, mi sukcesis. (Thanks to you, I succeeded.)
281. The prefix "eks-" is used to form words expressing a previous incumbent of a position, or removal from such position:
eksprezidanto, ex-president. eksregxo, ex-king. eksigi, to put out of office, to discharge. eksigxi, to withdraw from one's office, to resign.
282. The prefix "pra-" is used to form words expressing precedence in the line of descent, or general remoteness in past time:
praavo = great grandfather. prapatroj = forefathers, ancestors. pranepo = great grandson. pratempa = primeval.
283. The suffix "-cxj-" is used to form affectionate diminutives, from the first syllable or syllables of masculine names or terms of address. The suffix "-nj-" forms similar feminine diminutives:
Jocxjo = Johnnie, Joe. Manjo = May, Mamie. Pacxjo = Papa. Panjo = Mamma.
284. National systems of weights and measures translated into international form (as "mejlo", mile, "funto", pound) cannot convey a very definite meaning to one not familiar with the particular system used. Consequently the metric system (already used by scientists everywhere and by the general public in many countries) is adopted for the international system of weights and measures:
Length and Surface.
milimetro = millimeter (.0394 inch). centimetro = centimeter (.3937 inch). decimetro = decimeter (3.937 inches). metro = meter (39.37 inches). dekametro = dekameter (393.7 inches). hektometro = hektometer (328 feet 1 inch). kilometro = kilometer (3280 feet 10 inches; .62137 mile). kvadrata metro = square meter (1550 square inches). hektaro = hektare (2.471 acres).
gramo = gram (15.432 grains avoirdupois). dekagramo = dekagram (.3527 ounce avoirdupois). hektogramo = hektogram (3.5274 ounce avoirdupois). kilogramo = kilogram (2.2046 pounds avoirdupois).
decilitro = deciliter (6.1022 cubic inches; .845 gill). litro = liter (.908 quart, dry measure; 1.0567 quart, liquid). dekalitro = dekaliter (9.08 quart, dry measure; 2.6417 gallons). hektolitro = hektoliter (2 bushels 3.35 pecks; 26.417 gallons). kilolitro = kiloliter (1.308 cubic yards; 264.17 gallons).
285. Names of national coins translated into international form (as "dolaro", dollar, "cendo", cent) cannot convey a very definite meaning to persons not familiar with these coins. Consequently the system devised for international use (not for actual coins, but for calculation and price quotations) is based upon a unit called the "speso". The multiples of this unit are the "spesdeko" (10 spesoj), "spescento" (100 spesoj), and "spesmilo" (1000 spesoj). Ten spesmiloj have approximately the value of a five-dollar gold piece, twenty marks, twenty-five francs, one pound sterling, etc. The spesmilo, equivalent to about $0.4875 in the money of the United States and Canada, is the unit commonly used. (To reduce dollars to spesmiloj, multiply by 2.051.)
286. The following abbreviations are often used (for those of the metric system see any English dictionary):
Dro. = Doktoro, [Dr.] Sm. = spesmilo(j). Fino. = Frauxlino, [Miss]. Sd. = spesdeko(j). Pro. = Profesoro, [Prof.] k.t.p. = kaj tiel plu, [and so forth]. Sro. = Sinjoro, [Mr.] k.c. = kaj ceteraj, [etc.] Sino. = Sinjorino, [Mrs.] k.sim. = kaj simila(j), [et. sim.] Ko. = K-io., Kompanio, [Co.] t.e. = tio estas, [i.e.] No. = N-ro., Numero, [No.] e. = ekzemple, [e.g.] & = kaj, &. p.s. = postskribajxo, [P.S.]
abon-i = to subscribe to, take. led-o = leather. aparat-o = apparatus. metal-o = metal. auxtomat-a = automatic. moment-o = moment. bov-o = ox. negativ-o = negative. dimensi-o = dimension. objektiv-o = lens, objective. ekzempl-o = example. original-o = original. fokus-o = focus. plat-o = plate (photographic,etc) fotograf-i = to photograph. prov-i = to try. funkci-i = to function, work. reklam-i = to advertise. kamer-o = camera. strecx-i = to stretch (trans.).
[Footnote: Cf. the difference between "provi", to try, in the sense of testing, making an essay or endeavor, "peni", to try, in the sense of taking pains or making an effort, and "jugxi", to try, in a judicial sense.]
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Bostono, 12/XI/1910.
Brown kaj Ko., Nov-Jorko. Sinjoroj:— Vidinte vian reklamon en gazeto al kiu mi abonas, mi skribas por peti ke vi sendu al mi priskribajxon de via kamero nomita "La Infaneto," kiun eble mi deziros provi. Bonvolu ankaux sendi dekduonon da platoj, 6 x 9 centimetrojn, por kiu mi cxi* kune sendas spesmilon kaj duonon. Kun respekto, J. C. Smith.
[Footnote: The particle "cxi" (used with "tiu, tio, ties, cxiu, cxio") may also be used with certain adverbs, as "cxi sube", "here below", "cxi supre", "here above", "cxi kune", "herewith", etc.]
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Nov-Jorko, 18an novembro, 1910.
Kara Sinjoro:— Respondante al via estimata letero de la 12a, ni donas cxi sube mallongan priskribajxon de nia bonega fotografilo nomita "La Infaneto." "La Infaneto" kamero havis neesperitan sukceson, kaj estas vendita po miloj da ekzempleroj. Cxie oni unuvocxe lauxdas gxian malgrandan kaj tamen bonegan konstruon, kaj ankaux gxian firman samtempe facilan funkciadon. Gxi ne estas pli granda ol monujo, tial gxi ne bezonas pli multe da spaco ol tiu, kaj povas esti portata kaj uzata treege konvene. La dimensioj de la fermita kamero estas 8 x 5 x 6.5 centimetroj. La pezo, kun objektivo, tri platingoj, kaj malbrila ("ground") vitro, estas 365 gramoj. "La Infaneto" estas konstruita tute el metalo, kaj kovrita de bonega bovledo. Kiam oni malfermas la aparaton, la objektivo samtempe enfokusigxas, tiamaniere ke la kamero estas preta por uzado post unu sekundo, cxar la objektivfermilo ("shutter") estas cxiam strecxita. Sekve: neniaj preparadoj, nenia prokrasto je la ekfotografado. La negativoj estas klaraj gxis la bordo, kaj tial konvenaj por pligrandigo. Cetere, oni scias ke bona pligrandigo ofte pli kontentigas ol malgranda originalo. Precipe cxe promenoj kaj vojagxoj oni tial volonte preferas la malgrandan "Infaneton," por poste pligrandigi la negativojn. Por la pligrandigo ni fabrikas specialajn taglum-pligrandigajn aparatojn, kies prezoj estas malaltaj (vidu en nia prezaro). Ni ne sxangxis la konstruon de "La Infaneto" de post 1909, cxar gxis nun gxi estas cxiurilate kontentiga. Sole la rapideca reguligo de la momenta ("instantaneous") fermilo estas plibonigita, cxar ni gxin fabrikas kun speciala auxtomata fermilo, kiu estas arangxita por malfermoj dauxraj ("time exposures"), kaj momentaj, je unu sekundo gxis unu centono da sekundo. Esperante ke ni baldaux ricevos mendon de vi, kaj certigante al vi ke ni tre zorge plenumos iun ajn mendon, ni restas. Tre respekte la viaj, Brown & Ko. Per C.
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The following vocabulary includes all roots used in the preceding Lessons, all primary words of the language, and a large number of additional roots (to facilitate original composition). No attempt has been made, however, to include all of the roots in the language, for which an Esperanto-English Dictionary should be consulted.
References are to sections, unless the page (p.) is given. For other parts of speech than those indicated under each root or primary word, see Word Formation, 116, 120, 159, 171. See also the references given under each prefix and suffix. For formation of compound words, see 160, 167, 176, 184. The following abbreviations are used: adj. = adjective; adv. = adverb; conj. = conjunction; intrans. = intransitive; prep. = preposition; trans. = transitive; — = repetition of the word.
abel-o = bee. abi-o = fir. abiturient-o = bachelor of arts (A.B.). abomen-a = abominable. abon-i = to subscribe to, take (magazine, etc.). abrikot-o = apricot. acer-o = maple (tree). acid-a = acid, sour. -acx- = derogatory suffix (272). acxet-i = to buy. -ad- = suffix indicating duration (218). adiaux = (adv. and interjection), farewell, good-bye (171, 273). adjektiv-o = adjective. administr-i = to administer, to manage. admir-i = to admire. admon-i = to exhort, admonish. ador-i = to worship, adore. adres-o = address (on letters, etc.). adverb-o = adverb. advokat-o = lawyer, barrister. aer-o = air. afabl-a = affable, amiable. afer-o = affair, matter, thing, cause. afisx-o = handbill, placard, poster. afrank-i = to frank (letters), prepay; —ite, post-paid. Afrik-o = Africa. ag-i = to act, perform action. agac-i = to set on edge (of teeth). agent-o = agent. agit-i = to agitate. agl-o = eagle. agoni-o = agony. agrabl-a = agreeable, pleasant. agx-o = age. ajn = (adv.), ever (236). -ajx- = (suffix forming concrete words) (227). akademi-o = academy. akcel-i = (trans.), to accelerate, hasten. akcent-o = accent, stress. akcept-i = to accept, receive, welcome. akcident-o = accident. akir-i = to acquire. akompan-i = to accompany. akr-a = sharp, acute, shrill. akrid-o = grasshopper. aks-o = axis, axle. akt-o = act (of a play). aktiv-a = active (grammatical). aktor-o = actor (player). akurat-a = accurate, exact. akuz-i = to accuse. akuzativ-o = accusative. akv-o = water. akvarel-o = water-color painting. akvari-o = aquarium. al = (prep.), to, toward (46, 160, 251, 252). alauxd-o = lark (bird). ale-o = avenue, walk, path (of garden, park, etc.). Aleksandri-o = Alexandria. Aleksandr-o = Alexander. alfabet-o = alphabet. Alfred-o = Alfred. algebr-o = algebra. ali-a = other. alk-o = elk. alkohol-o = alcohol. alkov-o = alcove, recess. almanak-o = almanac. almenaux = (adv.), at least (66). almoz-o = alms; —ulo, beggar. alt-a = high, tall. altar-o = altar. alud-i = to allude to. alumet-o = match (for fire). am-i = to love. amas-o = crowd, throng, mass. ambaux = (pronoun), both (of two objects naturally in pairs,or of persons or things assumed or already known to be thus grouped) (238). ambos-o = anvil. amel-o = starch. Amerik-o = America. amfibi-a = amphibious. amfiteatr-o = amphitheatre. amik-o = friend. amindum-i = to woo, make love. ampleks-o = extent, dimension. amuz-i = to amuse. -an- = suffix denoting membership, etc. (145). analiz-i = to analyse. ananas-o = pineapple. anas-o = duck. anekdot-o = anecdote. Angl-o = Englishman. angul-o = angle, corner. angxel-o = angel. anim-o = soul. ankaux = (adv.), also. ankoraux = (adv), still, yet. ankr-o = anchor. anonc-i = to announce. ans-o = latch, door-handle. anser-o = goose. anstataux = (prep.), instead of (98, 159). antaux = (prep.), before (89, 90, 120, 159, 160), "antaux ol" (conj.), 97, 98. antikv-a = ancient, antique. antilop-o = antelope. antipati-o = antipathy. aparat-o = apparatus. apart-a = separate. apartament-o = apartment, suite (of rooms). aparten-i = to belong. apati-o = apathy. apenaux = (adv.), scarcely, hardly. aper-i = to appear. apetit-o = appetite. aplauxd-i = to applaud. aplomb-o = assurance, self-command. apog-i = to lean, to rest (upon). apologi-o = apology, vindication. apotek-o = pharmacy, drugstore, chemist's shop. april-o = April. aprob-i = to approve. apud = (prep.), near to, close by (120, 159). -ar- = suffix forming collectives (126). Arab-o = Arab. arane-o = spider. arangx-i = to arrange. arb-o = tree. arbitraci-i = to arbitrate. ardez-o = slate (stone). aren-o = arena. arest-i = to arrest. argil-o = clay. argument-i = to argue. argxent-o = silver (metal). arhxitektur-o = architecture. Arhximed-o = Archimedes. ari-o = tune, air (music). Aristejd-o = Aristeides. aristokrat-o = aristocrat. Aristotel-o = Aristotle. aritmetik-o = arithmetic. ark-o = arc. arkad-o = arcade. arm-i = to arm. arme-o = army. armoraci-o = horse-radish. arogant-a = arrogant. arom-o = aroma, fragrance. art-o = art. artik-o = joint. artikol-o = article (grammatical or literary). Artur-o = Arthur. asekur-i = to insure (with a company). asoci-o = association (organization). asparag-o = asparagus. aspekt-o = aspect, appearance. astr-o = heavenly body, star. atak-i = to attack. atend-i = to wait, wait for, expect. atent-a = attentive. atest-i = to attest, give witness, certify. ating-i = to attain, reach. atlas-o = satin. atlet-o = athlete. atmosfer-o = atmosphere. atribut-o = attribute. aux = (conj.), or, either. auxd-i = to hear. auxgust-o = August. auxskult-i = to listen. Auxstrali-o = Australia. auxtomat-a = automatic. auxtor-o = author. auxtun-o = autumn. av-o = grandfather. avar-a = avaricious, miserly. avel-o = hazel-nut. aven-o = oats. avert-i = to warn, caution. avid-a = eager. aviz-i = to give notice. azen-o = ass, donkey. Azi-o = Asia. azot-o = nitrogen.
babil-i = to chatter, babble. bagatel-o = trifle, bagatelle. bal-o = ball (dance). bak-i = to bake. bala-i = to sweep (a floor, etc.). balanc-i = (trans.), to balance, poise; —i la kapon, to nod the head. baldaux = (adv.), soon. balen-o = whale. ban-i = (trans.), to bathe. banan-o = banana. bandagx-i = to bandage. bank-o = bank (financial). bankrot-i = to become bankrupt, fail. bant-o = bow (of ribbon). bar-i = (trans.), to bar, to obstruct. barakt-i = to wrestle, struggle. barb-o = beard. barbar-o = barbarian. barel-o = barrel. bariton-o = barytone. bas-o = bass (voice). baston-o = stick. bat-i = to beat. batal-i = to fight, battle. batat-o = sweet potato. bedauxr-i = to regret. bek-o = beak, bill. bel-a = beautiful, handsome. belg-o = Belgian. ben-i = to bless. benk-o = bench. ber-o = berry. best-o = animal, beast. bet-o = beet. bezon-i = to need, want. bibliotek-o = library. bicikl-o = bicycle. bien-o = land, property, estate. bier-o = beer. bifstek-o = beefsteak. bild-o = picture, image. bilet-o = ticket, note; bank—, bank-note, bill. bird-o = bird. bis = (adv.), once more, a second time, encore. biskvit-o = biscuit. blank-a = white. blek-i = to neigh, bleat, give its cry (of any animal). blind-a = blind. blov-i = to blow. blu-a = blue (color). bluz-o = blouse. bo- = prefix expressing relationship by marriage (277). boat-o = boat. boj-i = to bark (of dogs). bol-i = (intrans.), to boil. bombon-o = bonbon, sweet. bon-a = good; —veni, to welcome. bor-i = to bore (holes). bord-o = shore, bank, edge (of rivers, etc.). Boston-o = Boston. bot-o = boot. botel-o = bottle. bov-o = ox; —ajxo, beef; —idajxo, veal; —viro, bull. brak-o = arm (of the body). brancx-o = branch, bough. brand-o = brandy. brasik-o = cabbage; (florbrasiko), cauliflower. brav-a = brave. bret-o = shelf, bracket. brid-o = bridle (of harness). brik-o = brick, tile. bril-i = to shine (116). Brit-o = Briton. brod-i = to embroider. bronz-o = bronze. bros-i = to brush. brosxur-o = pamphlet, brochure. brov-o = eyebrow. bru-o = noise. brul-i = (intrans.), to burn (275). brun-a = brown. brut-o = cattle, dumb animal. bub-o = street arab, gamin. bucx-i = to slaughter, butcher. buf-o = toad. buk-o = buckle (metal). buked-o = bouquet. bukl-o = curl, ringlet (of hair). bulb-o = onion, bulb. bulgar-o = Bulgarian. bulk-o = roll (bread). bulvard-o = boulevard. burgxon-o = bud, young shoot. busx-o = mouth. buter-o = butter. butik-o = shop, store. buton-o = button.
cel-i = to aim, have as purpose or goal. celeri-o = celery. cend-o = cent (coin). cent = hundred (142). centigram-o = centigram (284). centilitr-o = centiliter (284). centimetr-o = centimeter (284). centr-o = center. cerb-o = brain. cert-a = certain, sure. cerv-o = stag, deer. ceter-a = remaining. ci = (pronoun), thou (40). cidoni-o = quince. cifer-o = cipher. cigar-o = cigar. cigared-o = cigarette. cign-o = swan. cilindr-o = cylinder. cinam-o = cinnamon. cindr-o = ashes. cir-o = blacking (for shoes). cirkonstanc-o = circumstance. cirkuler-o = circular (letter). Cirus-o = Cyrus. cit-i = to quote. citron-o = lemon. civiliz-i = to civilize. col-o = inch (measure).
cxagren-i = (trans.), to grieve, vex, annoy. cxambr-o = room. cxap-o = cap. cxapel-o = hat. cxapitr-o = chapter (of book). cxar = (conj.), because, since (83). cxarm-a = charming, delightful. cxarnir-o = hinge. cxas-i = to hunt (game or wild animals). cxe = (prep.), at, in the house or presence of (125, 160). cxef-a = chief, principal, head. cxek-o = cheque. cxemiz-o = shirt, chemise. cxen-o = chain (for watch, etc.). cxeriz-o = cherry. cxes-i = (intrans.), to cease, leave off (275). cxeval-o = horse; —viro, stallion. cxi = (adv.), expresses proximity (60, 66). cxia = of every kind (177). cxial = (adv.), for every reason (188). cxiam = (adv.), always (187). cxie = (adv.), everywhere (182). cxiel = (adv.), in every way (193). cxiel-o = heaven, sky. cxies = (pronoun, possessive), everybody's (174). cxifon-o = rag. cxio = (pronoun), everything, all (233). cxiom = (adv.), all (194). cxirkaux = (prep.), around, roundabout (89, 120, 159, 160). cxiu = (pronoun and adj.), every one, each (173). -cxj- = suffix forming affectionate diminutives (283). cxokolad-o = chocolate. cxu = (adv.), whether (when translated) (30, 66).
da = (prep.), of (after quantitative noun or adv.) (99, 101, 103). daktil-o = date (fruit). Damokl-o = Damocles. dan-o = Dane. danc-i = to dance. dangxer-o = danger. dank-i = to thank. dat-o = date (chronological). dauxr-i = (intrans.), to continue, last. de = (prep.), of, from, by (49, 89, l00, 160, 169, 170). dec-i = to be proper, decent; "ne decas ke vi iru", it is not proper for you to go. decembr-o = December. decid-i = to decide. decigram-o = decigram (284). decilitr-o = deciliter (284). decimetr-o = decimeter (284). defend-i = to defend. degel-i = (intrans.), to thaw (275). dejxor-i = to be on duty (of officer, attendant, etc.). dek = (adj.), ten (136). dekagram-o = dekagram (284). dekalitr-o = dekaliter (284). dekametr-o = dekameter (284). deklam-i = to declaim, recite. dekstr-a = right (not left). deleg-i = to delegate. delikat-a = delicate, dainty, nice. demand-i = to ask, inquire. dens-a = dense, thick, close. dent-o = tooth. depesx-o = a dispatch. des = (adv.), the more (used with "pli", 84). desert-o = dessert. detal-o = detail. detru-i = to destroy. dev-i = to have to, must (247). dezert-o = desert, waste. dezir-i = to desire. Di-o = God. diamant-o = diamond. difekt-i = to damage, spoil. diferenc-a = different. difin-i = to define, to destine. dik-a = thick, corpulent. dikt-i = to dictate (letters, etc.) diligent-a = diligent. dimancx-o = Sunday. dimensi-o = dimension. Diogen-o = Diogenes. diplom-o = diploma. diplomat-o = diplomat. dir-i = to say (77). direkt-i = to direct, guide, manage. dis- = prefix expressing separation (245). diskut-i = to discuss. distanc-o = distance. disting-i = to distinguish. distr-i = to distract, take away the attention. diven-i = to guess. divers-a = varied, diverse, different. divid-i = (trans.), to divide. do = consequently, then, so. doktor-o = doctor. dolar-o = dollar. dolcx-a = sweet, pleasant. dolor-o = pain, ache. dom-o = house. domagx-o = pity, regrettable affair. don-i = to give. donac-i = to make a gift, present. dorlot-i = to caress, fondle, pet. dorm-i = to sleep. dorn-o = thorn. dors-o = back (of the body). dot-i = to endow. drap-o = cloth. drog-o = drug. dron-i = (intrans.), to drown (275). du = (adj.), two (136) dub-i = to doubt. dum = (prep and conj.), during, while (96, 120, 159). dung-i = (trans.), to hire (persons).
eben-a = even, flat, level. -ebl- = suffix expressing possibility (161, 162). ebri-a = inebriate, intoxicated. -ec- = suffix forming abstracts (202). ecx = (adv.), even. eduk-i = to bring up, educate. edz-o = husband, married man. efekt-o = effect. efektiv-a = real, actual. efik-i = to be efficacious, act (on), produce a result. -eg- = suffix forming augmentatives (122). egal-a = equal. Egipt-o = Egypt. ehx-o = echo. -ej- = suffix forming words indicating place (III). ek- = prefix expressing suddenness or beginning (206). eks- = prefix expressing former incumbency (281). ekscit-i = to excite. eksperiment-i = to experiment. eksplod-i = (intrans.), to explode. ekster = (prep.), outside of (120, 121). ekzamen-i = to examine, test. ekzempl-o = example. ekzempler-o = copy (of book or magazine). ekzerc-i = (trans.), to exercise. ekzil-i = to exile, banish ekzist-i = to exist. el = (prep.), out of, of, out (75, 106, 138, 197, 264, c). elekt-i = to choose. elektr-a = electric. elokvent-a = eloquent. -em- = suffix expressing propensity or inclination (192). eminent-a = eminent. en = (prep.), in (89,160), into (46). energi-o = energy. entrepren-i = to undertake. entuziasm-o = enthusiasm. enu-i = to be wearied, be bored. envi-i = to envy. epok-o = epoch, period, time. -er- = suffix expressing a component part (276). erar-i = to err, make a mistake. escept-i = to except (266). esper-i = to hope. esplor-i = to investigate, explore. esprim-i = to express. est-i = to be (109). establ-i = to establish. estim-i = to esteem. esting-i = to extinguish. -estr- = suffix expressing leadership or authority (253). -et- = suffix forming diminutives (198). etagx-o = story (of a house); teretagxo, ground floor; unua etagxo, second story. etend-i = (trans.), to extend, lengthen, widen. etern-a = eternal. Euxrop-o = Europe. evangeli-o = gospel, evangel. evit-i = to avoid, shun. evoluci-o = evolution.
fab-o = bean (leguminous fruit). fabel-o = story, tale. fabl-o = fable. fabrik-i = to manufacture. facil-a = easy. faden-o = thread. fajf-i = to whistle. fajr-o = fire. fak-o = department, specialty. fakt-o = fact. fal-i = to fall. fald-i = to fold. fals-i = to falsify, forge, debase. fam-o = fame, renown, rumor. famili-o = family. familiar-a = familiar, accustomed. fand-i = (trans.), to smelt, fuse (metals, etc.). fanfaron-i = to boast, vaunt oneself, brag. fantom-o = phantom, ghost. far-i = to make, do, render. faraon-o = pharaoh (Egyptian ruler). farm-i = to farm (as a tenant). farmaci-o = pharmacy (knowledge of the use of drugs). fart-i = to be in (good or bad) health. farun-o = flour. fask-o = bundle, bunch. fason-o = cut, mode, fashion. fatal-a = fatal, predestined. fauxk-o = jaw (literal and figurative). favor-a = favorable. fazeol-o = bean (garden bean). fe-o = fairy, fay; —ino, fairy. febr-o = fever. februar-o = February. fel-o = skin, hide (of animals). felicx-a = happy. femur-o = thigh. fend-i = (trans.), to split. fenestr-o = window. fer-o = iron; —vojo, railway. ferdek-o = deck (of ship). ferm-i = (trans.), to close, shut. fervor-o = zeal, fervor. fest-i = to celebrate. festen-o = banquet. fi = (interjection), fie! (273). fiakr-o = cab. fiancx-o = betrothed man, fiance. fid-i = to rely upon, trust. fidel-a = faithful, loyal. fier-a = proud, haughty. fil-o = son. filozof-o = philosopher. fin-i = (trans.), to finish, end. fingr-o = finger; "dika fingro", thumb; "montra fingro", index finger; "longa fingro", middle finger; "ringa fingro", ring-finger; "malgranda fingro", little finger. firm-a = firm, steady. fisx-o = fish. fizik-o = physics, physical science. flag-o = flag, banner, small standard. flank-o = side. flar-i = (trans.), to smell, scent. flav-a = yellow. fleks-i = (trans.), to bend, flex. flik-i = to patch. flor-o = flower (116). flu-i = to flow. flug-i = to fly. fluid-a = fluid, liquid. foj-o = time, occasion (127). fojn-o = hay. fokus-o = focus. foli-o = leaf. fond-i = to found, establish. font-o = spring (of water), fount. fontan-o = fountain (artificial). for = (adv.), away (71). forges-i = to forget. fork-o = fork. form-o = shape, form. formik-o = ant. forn-o = stove. fort-a = strong. fos-i = to dig. fotograf-i = to photograph frag-o = strawberry. frak-o = evening dress (for men). frakas-i = to shatter, break to pieces. framb-o = raspberry. franc-o = Frenchman. frand-i = to be fond of sweets, be an epicure. frangx-o = fringe. frap-i = to knock, strike. frat-o = brother. frauxl-o = bachelor, unmarried man. fraz-o = sentence, phrase. Frederik-o = Frederick. fremd-a = foreign. frenez-a = crazy, mad. fresx-a = fresh, new. fripon-o = rogue, rascal, knave. frit-i = (trans.), to fry. fromagx-o = cheese. frost-o = frost. frot-i = to rub. fru-a = early. frukt-o = fruit. frunt-o = forehead. fulm-o = lightning. fum-i = to smoke. fund-o = bottom. fundament-o = foundation, base. funebr-o = mourning. fung-o = mushroom. funkci-i = to function, work. funt-o = pound. furioz-a = furious, raging. fusx-i = to bungle. fut-o = foot (measure).
gaj-a = gay, merry. gajn-i = to gain. galeri-o = gallery. galop-i = to gallop. gant-o = glove. gard-i = to guard, watch over. gas-o = gas. gast-o = guest. gazet-o = gazette, magazine. ge- = prefix indicating both sexes together (271). general-o = general (military). genu-o = knee; —fleksi, to kneel. geometri-o = geometry. german-o = German. Gertrud-o = Gertrude. gicxet-o = wicket, ticket-window, turnstile. girland-o = garland, wreath. glaci-o = ice; —ajxo, an ice (food). glad-i = to iron (linen, etc.). glas-o = tumbler, glass. glat-a = smooth, polished, flat. glav-o = sword. glit-i = to glide, slide. glob-o = globe. glor-o = glory. glu-o = glue. glut-i = to swallow. gorgx-o = throat. graci-a = graceful. grad-o = grade, degree. graf-o = count; —lando, county. gram-o = gram (284). gramatik-o = grammar. grand-a = great, large, big. gras-o = fat. gratul-i = to congratulate. grav-a = important, serious, grave. gravit-i = to gravitate. grek-o = Greek. gren-o = grain (wheat, corn, etc.). grimp-i = to climb up, creep up. grinc-i = to grind, gnash. griz-a = gray. grup-o = group. gurd-o = hurdy-gurdy, barrel organ. gust-o = taste. gut-i = to drip. gvid-i = to guide.
gxarden-o = garden. gxem-i = to groan. gxen-i = to disturb, incommode. gxeneral-a = general, common. gxentil-a = courteous, polite. gxi = (pronoun), it (32, 37, 42, 274). gxis = (prep.), as far as, until (46, 89). gxoj-i = to rejoice, be glad (116). gxu-i = to enjoy, find pleasure in. gxust-a = exact, just.
hajl-o = hail (frozen rain). hak-i = to chop, hack; —ilo, axe. halt-i = (intrans.), to halt, stop. har-o = a hair. hauxt-o = skin (human). hav-i = to have. haven-o = harbor, port. hazard-o = chance, hazard. hebre-o = Hebrew. hejm-o = home. hejt-i = (trans.), to heat (a place). hektar-o = hektare (284). hektogram-o = hektogram (284). hektolitr-o = hektoliter (284). hektometr-o = hektometer (284). hel-a = bright, clear. help-i = to help, aid, assist. herb-o = grass, herb. hero-o = hero. hezit-i = to hesitate. hieraux = (adv.), yesterday (93, 171). Hieron-o = Hiero. hipokrit-i = to play the hypocrite. hirund-o = swallow (bird). hispan-o = Spaniard. histori-o = history. ho = (interjection), ho, oh (273). hodiaux = (adv.), today (93, 171). Holand-o = Holland. hom-o = human being. honest-a = honest. honor-i = to honor. hont-i = to be ashamed. hor-o = hour (185). horizont-o = horizon. horizontal-a = horizontal. horlogx-o = clock; posxhorlogxo, watch. hotel-o = hotel. humil-a = humble. humor-o = humor, temper. hund-o = dog. hura! = (interjection), hurrah!
hxemi-o = chemistry. hxin-o = Chinaman. hxor-o = choir.
ia = any kind of (208). ial = (adv.), for any reason (213). iam = (adv.), ever, at any time, once (212). -id- = suffix indicating descendant or young of (207). ide-o = idea. ideal-o = ideal. ident-a = identical. idiom-o = idiom. idiot-o = idiot. ie = (adv.), somewhere (209). iel = (adv.), somehow (216). ies = (pronoun, possessive), somebody's (204). -ig- = suffix forming causative verbs (214, 239, 275). ignor-i = to ignore. -igx- = suffix forming inchoative and intransitive verbs (232, 239, 279). -il- = suffix forming names of instruments (63). ili = (pronoun) they (32, 37, 42). ilustr-i = to illustrate. iluzi-o = illusion, delusion. imag-i = to imagine, fancy. imit-i = to imitate. imperi-o = empire. implik-i = to implicate. impost-o = tax, impost. impres-i = to impress. impuls-o = impulse. -in- = suffix forming feminines (59). incit-i = to incite, arouse, provoke. -ind- = suffix expressing worth or merit (154). indian-o = Indian (American). indiferent-a = indifferent, unconcerned, unimportant. industri-o = industry (trade, business). infan-o = child. infekt-i = to infect, contaminate. influ-i = to influence. inform-i = to give information. -ing- = suffix expressing a holder or container (237). ingxenier-o = engineer. ink-o = ink. insekt-o = insect. insist-i = to insist. inspir-i = to inspire. instru-i = to instruct, teach. insul-o = island. insult-i = to insult. inteligent-a = intelligent. intend-i = to intend. inter = (prep.), between, among (85, 89, 160). interes-i = (trans.), to interest. intermit-i = to be intermittent. intern-a = internal; —e, inside. interpret-i = to interpret. intim-a = intimate. invit-i = to invite. io = (pronoun), something (233). iom = (adv.), some, a certain amount; iom post iom, little by little (217). ir-i = to go. -ist- = suffix indicating profession, etc. (172). ital-o = Italian. iu = (pronoun), some one, a certain (one) (203).
ja = (adv.), indeed, in fact (215). jak-o = jacket, short coat. jam = (adv.), already. januar-o = January. jar-o = year. je = prep. of indefinite meaning (89, 185, 260). jen = (adv.), there, behold (228). jes = (adv.), yes (171). Jesu-o = Jesus. Johano = John. ju = (adv.), the more (used with "pli", 84). jug-o = yoke. jugx-i = to judge. juli-o = July. jun-a = young. jung-i = to harness. juni-o = June. jup-o = skirt. jurist-o = jurist. just-a = just, upright. juvel-o = jewel.
jxaluz-a = jealous. jxauxd-o = Thursday. jxet-i = to throw, cast, hurl. jxongl-i = to juggle. jxur-i = to take oath, swear. jxurnal-o = newspaper, journal. jxus = (adv.), a moment before, just.
kadavr-o = corpse. kadr-o = frame (of pictures). kaduk-a = decaying, in ruin. kaf-o = coffee. kagx-o = cage. kahel-o = tile (for paving). kaj = (conj.), and; kaj..kaj.., both..and.. (26). kajer-o = notebook. kaldron-o = caldron. kalendar-o = calendar. kalesx-o = carriage. kalkan-o = heel (of the foot); —umo, heel of a shoe. kalkul-i = to calculate, reckon. kamel-o = camel. kamen-o = chimney. kamer-o = camera. kamp-o = field. kanajl-o = scoundrel, rascal. kanap-o = sofa. kand-o = candy. kandel-o = candle. kanot-o = canoe. kant-i = to sing. kap-o = head. kapabl-a = capable. kapel-o = chapel (for prayer). kapital-o = capital (money). kapitol-o = capitol. kapt-i = to catch, seize. kar-a = dear, prized. karakter-o = character. karb-o = coal. karcer-o = jail. kares-i = to caress. karn-o = flesh. karot-o = carrot. kart-o = card; posxtkarto, postcard; vizitkarto, visiting card. karton-o = pasteboard. karusel-o = merry-go-round. kas-o = money-box, treasury; —isto, cashier, treasurer. kaskad-o = waterfall, cascade. kastel-o = castle. kasx-i = to hide, conceal (252). kasxtan-o = chestnut. kat-o = cat. katen-o = fetter, chain. kauxz-o = cause. kav-o = cavity, hole. kaz-o = case (grammatical). ke = (conj.), that (53, 83, 105, 259, 262). kel-o = cellar. kelk-a = some; —aj, several, more than one or two. kelner-o = waiter (in hotel or restaurant). kest-o = chest; tirkesto, drawer. kia = what kind of (112, 150); kiamanier-e, how. kial = (adv.), why (129). kiam = (adv.), when (123, 155). kie = (adv.), where (118, 151). kiel = (adv.), how, in which way, as (134, 156). kies = (pronoun, possessive), whose (107, 147). kilogram-o = kilogram (284). kilolitr-o = kiloliter (284). kilometr-o = kilometer (284). kio = (pronoun), what (233). kiom = (adv.), how much (140, 164, 185). kis-i = to kiss. kiu = (pronoun), who (106, 146). klak-i = (trans.), to clap, clatter. klar-a = clear, distinct. klav-o = key (of piano, etc.). klas-o = class. kler-a = enlightened, well-in-formed. klimat-o = climate. klin-i = (trans.), to incline, bend. kling-o = blade (of knife, etc.). klopod-i = to undertake initiative work, take steps toward, labor for the success or completion of something. klub-o = club (organization) knab-o = boy. kobold-o = sprite, kobold, brownie. kofr-o = trunk, chest with a lid. kok-o = cock (domestic fowl). koket-a = coquettish. koks-o = hip. kol-o = neck. kolbas-o = sausage. kolegi-o = college. kolekt-i = (trans.), to collect, gather. koler-i = to be angry, lose the temper. kolomb-o = pigeon, dove. kolon-o = column, pillar. kolonel-o = colonel. kolor-o = color. kolport-i = to peddle. komand-i = to command (military and naval). komb-i = to comb. komedi-o = comedy. komenc-i = (trans.), to begin, commence. komerc-i = to trade, engage in commerce. komfort-o = comfort (freedom from pain, want, etc.). komisi-i = to entrust with, put in charge of, give the agency for. komitat-o = committee. komiz-o = clerk, employee, assistant. kompani-o = company (commercial organization). kompar-i = (trans.) to compare, (266). kompat-i = to pity, have compassion for. komplet-o = suit (of clothes). komplez-o = kindness, courtesy, disposition to oblige. komplik-i = to complicate. kompost-i = to compose, set (type); —isto, compositor. kompot-o = jam, preserve, kompren-i = to understand. komun-a = common, mutual. komunik-i = to communicate. kon-i = to be acquainted with, know; —atigxi kun, to become acquainted with (117). koncern-i = to concern (266). koncert-o = concert (musical). kondamn-i = to condemn. kondicx-o = terms specified, stipulation, condition. konduk-i = to conduct, lead. konduktor-o = conductor (of car, train, etc.). kondut-i = to behave, conduct oneself. konfes-i = to confess, admit. konfid-i = to trust, have confidence in. konfit-i = to preserve, pickle (fruits, etc.). konform-i = to be in conformity with (266). konfuz-i = to confuse, confound. kongres-o = congress (assembly). konk-o = shell (of mollusk, etc.). konkur-i = to vie, compete. konkurenc-o = competition (in business, etc.). konkurs-o = prearranged trial of skill, formal competition (for prizes, etc.). konsci-i = to be conscious. konscienc-o = conscience. konsent-i = to consent, agree. konserv-i = to keep, preserve, save. konservativ-a = conservative. konsil-i = to advise, counsel. konsist-i = to consist. konsol-i = to console, comfort. konsonant-o = consonant. konspir-i = to conspire, plot. konstant-a = constant. konstat-i = to verify, ascertain the truth of, certify. konstituci-o = constitution. konstru-i = to build. konsul-o = consul. konsult-i = to seek advice of, consult. kont-o = account (book-keeping, commercial). kontent-a = content, satisfied. kontinent-o = continent (geographical). kontrakt-i = to contract, agree. kontralt-o = contralto. kontraux = (prep.), against, opposite, opposed to (159, 160). kontrol-i = to control, inspect, examine and check. kontur-o = outline, contour. kontuz-i = to bruise. konven-i = to be suitable, be fitting or convenient. konvink-i = to convince, persuade. kopi-i = to copy. kor-o = heart (of the body). korb-o = basket. korekt-i = to correct. korespond-i = to exchange letters, correspond. koridor-o = corridor, passage. kork-o = cork (bark). korn-o = horn. korp-o = body, —a, corporeal. korpus-o = corps (military). kort-o = courtyard, court. kortego = court (royal, etc.). korv-o = raven. kost-i = to cost. kostum-o = costume. kot-o = mud. kotiz-i = to pay dues, pay one's share of an assessment. kotlet-o = cutlet, chop. koton-o = cotton. kov-i = to brood (of birds). kovert-o = envelope kovr-i = to cover. krab-o = crab. krad-o = grating, grate, lattice. krajon-o = pencil. krak-i = to clack, crackle. kran-o = faucet, tap. kravat-o = cravat. kre-i = to create. kred-i = to believe (265). krem-o = cream. krepusk-o = twilight, half-light of dawn or evening. kresk-i = to grow. krestomati-o = chrestomathy, collection of selected passages. kret-o = chalk. krev-i = (intrans.), to burst, crack open (suddenly and with noise). kri-i = to cry out. kribr-i = to sift (with a sieve). krim-o = crime. kring-o = ring-shaped biscuit. kripl-a = crippled. Krist-o = Christ. kritik-i = to criticise. krocx-i = to hook. krom = (prep.), beside, aside from, except, save, but. kron-o = crown. kruc-o = cross; —umi, to crucify. krucx-o = pitcher, jug; tekrucxo, tea-pot. kruel-a = cruel. krur-o = leg. krust-o = crust. krut-a = steep. kubut-o = elbow. kudr-i = to sew. kugl-o = bullet. kuir-i = to cook. kuk-o = cake; —ajxo, pastry. kukum-o = cucumber. kukurb-o = pumpkin. kuler-o = spoon. kulp-a = guilty. kultur-i = to cultivate; terkulturi, to till the soil, farm. kun = (prep.), with (70, 76, 120, 160, 159). kunikl-o = rabbit. kupon-o = coupon. kupr-o = copper (metal). kur-i = to run. kurac-i = to treat for illness, cure; —ato, a patient; —isto, a physician, medical man. kuragx-o = courage. kurb-o = curve. kurioz-a = uncommon, curious. kurs-o = course (of lessons). kurten-o = curtain. kusen-o = cushion. kusx-i = to lie, recline (239). kutim-o = custom, habit. kuv-o = tub, large basin. kuz-o = cousin. kvadrat-o = square (equilateral rectangle). kvalit-o = quality, texture. kvankam = (conj.), though, although, while (concessive). kvant-o = quantity, amount. kvar = (adj.), four (136). kvartal-o = quarter (of a city). kvazaux = (conj.), as though, as if (250). kverk-o = oak. kviet-a = calm, quiet. kvin = (adj.), five (136). kvitanc-o = receipt (for payment).
la = (article), the (II, 47, 201, 280, a). labor-i = to work, labor. lac-a = tired, weary. lacx-o = string, lace (of shoe, etc.). lad-o = tin plate (sheet iron covered with tin). lag-o = lake. lakt-o = milk. laktuk-o = lettuce. lam-a = lame. lamp-o = lamp. lan-o = wool. lanc-o = lance, spear. land-o = land, country. lang-o = tongue (of the body). lantern-o = lantern. lanug-o = down (hairs, feathers). lard-o = bacon. largx-a = wide, broad. larm-o = tear (of the eye). las-i = (trans.), to leave, let, permit. last-a = last (in a series). latin-a = Latin. laux = (prep.), in accordance with, along, by (191). lauxb-o = arbor, summer-house. lauxd-i = to praise. lauxt-a = loud. lav-i = to wash. lecion-o = lesson. led-o = leather. leg-i = to read. legom-o = vegetable. legx-o = law. lek-i = to lick. leon-o = lion. lepor-o = hare. lern-i = to learn. lert-a = clever, skilful. leter-o = letter (epistle). lev-i = to raise, lift. li = (pronoun), he, him (32, 37, 42). liber-a = free. libr-o = book. lig-i = to tie, bind, fasten; —ilo, bond; that which ties or fastens; —ajxo, knot; —o, league, alliance. lign-o = wood. lim-o = limit, boundary. limonad-o = lemonade. lingv-o = language. lini-o = line; —ilo, ruler. lip-o = lip; —haroj, moustache. lit-o = bed (for sleeping). liter-o = letter of the alphabet; lauxlitera, literal. literatur-o = literature. litr-o = liter (284). liver-i = to deliver, supply, furnish. log-i = to allure. logx-i = to dwell, reside (133). lok-o = place; —a, local. lokomotiv-o = locomotive. long-a = long. lonicer-o = honeysuckle. lorn-o = telescope, spyglass; —eto, opera-glasses. lu-i = to hire, rent (engage and pay rent for). lud-i = to play. luks-o = luxury. lul-i = to lull to sleep; —ilo, cradle. lum-i = to shine (275). lun-o = moon. lunatik-o = lunatic. lund-o = Monday. lup-o = wolf.
macx-i = to chew, masticate. magazen-o = warehouse. magi-o = magic. magistr-o = master of arts (A.M.). maiz-o = maize, Indian corn. maj-o = May. majest-a = majestic. majones-a = mayonnaise. majstr-o = master (of his art or profession). makaroni-o = macaroni. maksimum-o = maximum. makul-o = spot, stain. makzel-o = jaw; —osto, jawbone. mal- = prefix forming opposites (67). maleol-o = ankle. malgraux = (prep.), notwithstanding. malic-a = malicious. man-o = hand. mandat-o = money-order. mangx-i = to eat. manier-o = manner, way. manik-o = sleeve. mank-i = (intrans.), to be lacking, wanting. mantel-o = cloak, mantle. manuskript-o = manuscript. mar-o = sea. marcx-o = swamp, marsh. mard-o = Tuesday. Mari-o = Mary. mark-o = mark. marmelad-o = marmalade. marmor-o = marble (stone), marsx-i = to walk. mart-o = March. martel-o = hammer. mastr-o = master (of a house, etc.) masxin-o = machine. maten-o = morning (93). material-o = material. matur-a = ripe, mature. mebl-o = piece of furniture. medicin-o = medicine (the science). mehxanik-o = mechanics. mejl-o = mile. meleagr-o = turkey. melk-i = to milk. melodi-o = melody. melon-o = melon. mem = (pronoun), self, selves (219). membr-o = limb, member. memor-i = to remember, keep in mind; rememori, to recall to memory. mend-i = to order (of a store, etc.). mensog-i = to lie, tell lies. menton-o = chin. menu-o = menu. merit-i = to deserve, merit. merkred-o = Wednesday. merl-o = blackbird. met-i = to put, place. metal-o = metal. meti-o = trade, handicraft. metod-o = method, way. metr-o = meter (284). mez-o = middle. mezur-i = to measure. mi = (pronoun), I, me (32, 37). miel-o = honey. mien-o = appearance, mien. miks-i = (trans.), to mix. mil = (adj.), thousand (142). mild-a = mild. milimetr-o = millimeter (284). milion-o = million. milit-i = to fight, wage war. min-o = mine (of coal, silver, etc.). minac-i = to threaten. mineral-o = mineral. minimum-o = minimum. ministr-o = minister (political). minut-o = minute. miop-a = shortsighted. mir-i = to wonder. mister-o = mystery. mizer-o = misery. mod-o = mode, fashion. model-o = model. moder-a = moderate. modest-a = modest. mok-i = to mock. mol-a = soft. moment-o = moment; —a, momentary, instantaneous. mon-o = money. monahx-o = monk. monarhxi-o = monarch. monat-o = month. mond-o = world. mont-o = mountain. montr-i = (trans.), to show. mor-o = conduct (in regard to right or wrong); —oj, morals. moral-a = moral; —eco, morality. mord-i = to bite. morgaux = (adv.), tomorrow (171). mort-i = to die; —igi, to kill. mosxt-o = title of respect (258). mov-i = (trans.), to move, put in motion. muel-o = mill (for grinding). mugx-i = to roar, bellow. mult-a = much (81). mur-o = wall. murmur-i = to murmur. mus-o = mouse. mustard-o = mustard. musx-o = fly. mut-a = dumb, mute. muze-o = museum. muzik-o = music.
naci-o = nation. nagx-i = to swim. naiv-a = artless, naive, ingenuous. najbar-o = neighbor. najl-o = nail (of metal). nap-o = turnip. nask-i = to produce, bring forth, give birth to. natur-o = nature. naux = (adj.), nine (136). naz-o = nose. ne = (adv.), no, not (27, 66, a, 171). nebul-o = fog, mist. neces-a = necessary. negativ-o = negative (photographic). negx-o = snow. nek = (negative conj.), neither, nor (31). nenia = no kind of (224). nenial = (adv.), for no reason (229). neniam = (adv.), never (226). nenie = (adv.), nowhere (225). neniel = (adv.), in no way (230). nenies = (pronoun, possessive), nobody's (221). nenio = (pronoun), nothing (233). neniom = (adv.), none, not any (231). neniu = (pronoun), no one, nobody, no (220). nep-o = grandson. nepr-e = inevitably, certainly, unfailingly. nerv-o = nerve. nest-o = nest. neuxtral-a = neutral, non-partisan. nev-o = nephew. ni = (pronoun), we, us (32, 37). nigr-a = black. nivel-o = level. -nj- = suffix forming affectionate diminutives (283). nobel-o = nobleman. nobl-a = noble (in character). nokt-o = night. nom-o = name; —i, to name, mention. nombr-o = number (quantity). nord-o = north. norveg-o = Norwegian. nostalgi-o = homesickness. not-o = note. nov-a = new, recent, novel; denove, anew, again. novembr-o = November. nu = (interjection), well! (273). nuanc-o = shade, tint, hue. nub-o = cloud. nud-a = bare, naked, nude. nuks-o = nut. nul-o = zero, naught. numer-o = number, numeral (No.). nun = (adv.), now (171). nur = (adv.), merely, only. nutr-i = to nourish, to feed.
obe-i = to obey (265). objekt-o = object, thing. objektiv-o = lens, objective. -obl- = suffix forming multiples (186). oblikv-a = oblique, slanting. observ-i = to observe, take note of. obstin-a = obstinate. ocean-o = ocean. odor-i = to smell (good or bad). ofend-i = to offend. ofer-i = to sacrifice, offer. ofic-o = office, employment; —isto, officer (of firm or organization); —ejo, office (the place). oficial-a = official. oficir-o = officer (military or naval). oft-a = frequent. ok = (adj.), eight (136). okaz-i = to happen, occur, take place. okcident-o = west. oktobr-o = October. okul-o = eye. okup-i = to occupy. ol = (conj.), than (82, 97, 98). ole-o = oil. oliv-o = olive. ombr-o = shadow, shade. ombrel-o = umbrella. -on- = suffix forming fractions (166). ond-o = wave. oni = (pronoun), one, they (54). onkl-o = uncle. -op- = suffix forming collective numerals (261). oper-o = opera. opini-i = to have the opinion, think. oportun-a = handy, convenient, opportune. or-o = gold. orangx-o = orange (fruit). ord-o = order (methodical or proper arrangement). ordinar-a = ordinary; eksterordinara, extraordinary. ordon-i = to order, bid, command. orel-o = ear (of the body). orf-o = orphan. organ-o = organ (physical). organiz-i = to organize. orgen-o = organ, (musical instrument). orient-o = east. original-o = original. orkestr-o = orchestra. ornam-i = to ornament, adorn. ort-a = right-angled. osced-i = to gape, yawn. ost-o = bone. ostr-o = oyster. ostracism-o = ostracism. ov-o = egg.
pac-o = peace. pacienc-o = patience. padel-i = to paddle. paf-i = to shoot (with gun, etc.). pag-i = to pay. pagx-o = page (of a book, etc.). pajl-o = straw. pak-i = to pack. pal-a = pale. palac-o = palace. palis-o = stake; —aro, palisade. palp-i = to feel (with the fingers, etc.); —ado, touch (the sense). palpebr-o = eyelid. pan-o = bread. pantalon-o = trousers. pantofl-o = slipper. paper-o = paper (material). papili-o = butterfly. par-o = pair. paradiz-o = paradise. paragraf-o = paragraph. paralel-a = parallel. pardon-i = to forgive, pardon (265). parenc-o = relative (person). parfum-o = perfume. park-o = park. parker-e = by rote, by heart, from memory. parol-i = to speak (77). part-o = part, share. particip-o = participle. pas-i = (intrans.), to pass. pasagxer-o = passenger. paser-o = sparrow. pasi-o = passion. pasiv-a = passive. Pask-o = Easter. pastecx-o = patty, small pie. pastinak-o = parsnip. pastr-o = pastor, clergyman, priest. pasx-i = to step. pasxt-i = (trans.), to pasture, feed; —isto, shepherd. pat-o = pan, frying-pan. patr-o = father. pauxz-o = pause. pavim-o = pavement. pec-o = piece, morsel. pejzagx-o = landscape. pek-i = to sin. pekl-i = to pickle (meat, etc.). pel-i = to chase away, drive off. pelt-o = coat or wrap of fur. pen-i = to strive, try. pend-i = (intrans.), to hang. penetr-i = to penetrate. penik-o = paintbrush, hair pencil. pens-i = to think. pent-i = to repent. pentr-i = to paint. pep-i = to chirp, twitter. per = (prep.), by means of, with, by (64). perd-i = to lose. pere-i = to perish. perfekt-a = perfect. perfid-i = to betray; —a, perfidious, treacherous. period-a = periodic. perl-o = pearl. permes-i = to permit, allow, let. peron-o = platform (railway), stoop (entrance porch). persekut-i = to persecute, prosecute. persik-o = peach. persist-i = to persist, persevere. person-o = person. peruk-o = wig. pes-i = (trans.), to ascertain the weight of; —ilo, scales, balance. pet-i = to request, beg, ask. petol-i = to be mischievous, saucy, roguish. petrol-o = petroleum, kerosene. petrosel-o = parsley. pez-i = (intrans.), to be heavy, weigh. pi-a = pious. pice-o = spruce (tree). pied-o = foot; —iranto, pedestrian. piedestal-o = pedestal. pik-i = to prick, sting. pilgrim-i = to go on a pilgrimage. pilk-o = ball (to play with). pin-o = pine (tree). pinakotek-o = picture gallery. pincx-i = to pinch. pingl-o = pin. pint-o = point, pinnacle, summit. pionir-o = pioneer. pip-o = pipe (for smoking). pipr-o = pepper. pir-o = pear. pist-i = to crush, mash; —ajxo, puree. pitoresk-a = picturesque. piz-o = pea. plac-o = public square, place (broad, short street or open space). placx-i = to please, to be pleasing (265). plad-o = flat dish. plafon-o = ceiling. plan-o = plan, scheme. pland-o = sole (of the foot). planed-o = planet. plank-o = floor. plant-i = to plant. plat-a = flat, plane. plauxd-i = (trans.), to splash, dabble (a liquid). plej = (adv.), most (74, 79, 81, 162); malplej, least (80). plekt-i = to weave, plait, braid. plen-a = full; plenum-i, to fulfil. plend-i = to complain. plet-o = tray. plezur-o = pleasure. pli = (adv.), more (74, 79, 81); malpli, less (80). plor-i = to weep, cry. plu = (adv.), further, more, any more. plug-i = to plow. plum-o = pen, feather. plumb-o = lead (metal); —isto, plumber. pluv-o = rain. pneuxmatik-o = pneumatic tire. po = (prep.), at the rate of (175). poem-o = poem. poet-o = poet. poezi-o = poetry, poesy. pokal-o = goblet, cup. pol-o = Pole. polic-o = police (force). politik-o = politics. polm-o = palm (of the hand). polur-i = to polish, make smooth and glossy. polus-o = pole (geographical). polv-o = dust. pom-o = apple. pomp-o = pomp, splendor. pont-o = bridge. popol-o = a people, folk. popular-a = popular. por = (prep.), for (95, 98, 262). porcelan-o = porcelain, china. porci-o = portion, share. pord-o = door. pork-o = swine, pig, hog. port-i = to carry, bear. portret-o = portrait. posed-i = to possess, own. post = (prep.), after, behind (89, 120). postul-i = to require, demand. posx-o = pocket. posxt-o = post (mail); —kesto, mailbox; —marko, postage stamp; —mandato, postal money order. pot-o = pot. potenc-a = powerful, mighty. pov-i = to be able, can (72). pra- = prefix indicating remoteness in line of descent (282). praktik-o = practice. prav-a = right, in the right. precip-a = principal, chief. preciz-a = precise. predik-i = to preach. prefer-i = to prefer. prefiks-o = prefix. pregx-i = to pray; —ejo, church. prem-i = to press. premi-o = premium, prize. pren-i = to take. prepar-i = to prepare. pres-i = to print. preskaux = (adv.), almost. pret-a = ready. pretekst-i = to make pretext of, pretend, sham. pretend-i = to make pretension to, lay claim to. preter = (prep.), beyond, past, by. prez-o = price. prezent-i = to present, offer. prezid-i = to preside; —anto, presiding officer, president, chairman. pri = (prep.), concerning, about, of (160, 264, c). princ-o = prince. princip-o = principle. printemp-o = spring (season). pro = (prep.), on account of, because of, for (86). problem-o = problem. procent-o = interest, percentage. proces-o = lawsuit, legal process. produkt-i = to produce. profesi-o = profession, occupation, calling. profesor-o = professor. profil-o = profile. profit-o = profit; —i, to profit (by). profund-a = deep, profound. progres-i = to progress. projekt-o = project. proklam-i = to proclaim. prokrast-i = to delay, procrastinate. proksim-a = near. promen-i = to go walking, promenade. promes-i = to promise. propon-i = to propose, offer. proporci-o = proportion. propr-a = own (one's own); malpropra, other people's; —igi al si, to appropriate, make one's own. prosper-i = to have success, prosper. protekt-i = to protect. protest-i = to protest. protokol-o = minutes (of a meeting). prov-i = to try, attempt, test. proviz-i = to provide. proz-o = prose; —ajxo, prose composition, piece of prose. prudent-a = reasonable, sensible, rational. prujn-o = hoar frost. prun-o = plum. prunt-o = loan; —i, —e doni, to lend; —e preni, to borrow. pruv-i = to prove, give proof of. psalm-o = psalm. publik-o = public (the); —igi, to publish. puding-o = pudding. pudr-i = to powder. pugn-o = fist. pulm-o = lung. pulv-o = gunpowder. pump-i = to pump. pun-i = to punish. punt-o = lace (point, etc.). pup-o = doll. pupitr-o = desk. pur-a = clean, pure. purpur-a = purple. pusx-i = to push; repusxi, to repulse. put-o = well (for water).
rabarb-o = rhubarb. rab-i = to pillage, plunder; —isto, robber. rabat-i = to rebate, give a reduction, discount or rebate. rad-o = wheel. radi-o = ray (of light), spoke (of wheel), radius. radik-o = root. rafan-o = radish. rafin-i = to refine; —ejo, refinery. rajd-i = to ride (horse, etc.). rajt-o = right (to something). rakont-i = to relate, narrate (77). ramp-i = to creep, crawl, clamber. ran-o = frog. rand-o = edge, border. rang-o = rank, grade, dignity. rapid-a = rapid, quick; —o, speed; —emo, haste. raport-i = to report, give a report. ras-o = race (tribe, people, nation). rasp-i = to rasp, grate; —ilo, grater. rat-o = rat. rauxk-a = hoarse, raucous. rav-i = to enchant. raz-i = to shave. re- = prefix indicating repetition or return (223). real-a = real. reciprok-a = reciprocal, mutual (180). redakci-o = editorial department. redakt-i = to edit. redaktor-o = editor. redingot-o = frock coat. refut-i = to refute. reg-i = to rule, govern, reign. regal-i = (trans.), to regale, treat (to food or drink). region-o = region. registr-i = (trans.), to register, enroll. regn-o = state, governed body; —ano, citizen, subject. regul-o = rule, regulation. regx-o = king. reklam-i = to advertise. rekomend-i = to recommend, register (a letter). rekompenc-i = to recompense, reward. rekt-a = straight, undeviating, direct. rel-o = rail. religi-o = religion. rem-i = to row. rembur-i = to upholster, stuff, pad. renkont-i = (trans.), to meet. renvers-i = (trans.), to upset. reprezent-i = to represent. respekt-i = to respect. respond-i = to answer. respublik-o = republic. rest-i = to remain, stay. restoraci-o = restaurant. resum-i = to summarize, give in resume. ret-o = net, netting. rev-i = to indulge in revery, dream, fancy. revu-o = journal, review, magazine. rezon-i = to reason (exert the power of reasoning). rezult-i = to result. ricev-i = to receive. ricx-a = rich. rid-i = to laugh (265). rifuz-i = to refuse. rigard-i = to look. rigl-i = to bolt (fasten). rikolt-i = to harvest, reap. rilat-i = to have relation (to) (266). rimark-i = to notice, note. rimed-o = means, way; vivrimedoj, means of livelihood. rimen-o = thong, strap. ring-o = ring. rip-o = rib. ripar-i = to mend, repair. ripet-i = to repeat. ripoz-i = to repose, rest. riprocx-i = to reproach. river-o = river. riz-o = rice. rob-o = dress, robe. Robert-o = Robert. romp-i = (trans.), to break. rond-o = circle, ring, round. ros-o = dew. rost-i = to roast. roz-o = rose (flower). ruband-o = ribbon. rubus-o = blackberry. rugx-a = red. ruin-o = ruin. rul-i = (trans.), to roll (ball, etc.). rus-o = Russian. rust-i = to rust. rutin-o = routine. ruz-a = crafty, cunning, sly.
sabat-o = Saturday. sabl-o = sand. sag-o = arrow. sagx-a = wise. sak-o = sack, bag. sal-o = salt. salajr-o = salary, wages. salat-o = salad. salon-o = parlor, drawing-room. salt-i = to jump, leap. salut-i = to salute, greet. sam-a = same. san-a = healthy, well. sang-o = blood. sankt-a = sacred, holy. sap-o = soap. sarden-o = sardine. sat-a = sated; malsata, hungry. sauxc-o = sauce, gravy, dressing. sav-i = to save; rescue. sci-i = to know (117). scienc-o = science. se = (conj.), if (240). sed = (conj.), but. seg-i = to saw. segx-o = chair. sek-a = dry. sekret-o = secret. sekretari-o = secretary. sekund-o = second (of time). sekv-i = to follow. sel-o = saddle. sem-o = seed; —i, to sow. semajn-o = week. sen = (prep.), without (248). senat-o = senate; —ano, senator. senc-o = sense, meaning. send-i = to send. sent-i = to feel, perceive. sep = (adj.), seven (136). septembr-o = September. sercx-i = to seek, hunt, look for. serur-o = lock. serv-i = to serve. servic-o = course (of a meal). ses = (adj.), six (136). sever-a = severe, stern. sezon-o = season. si = (pronoun, reflexive), himself, herself, etc. (40, 44, 274). sibl-i = to hiss, whistle (wind, etc.). sid-i = to sit (239). sigel-i = to seal. sign-o = sign, trace, mark. signif-i = to signify, mean. silab-o = syllable. silent-i = to be silent (239). silk-o = silk. simi-o = monkey. simil-a = like, similar. simpl-a = simple. sinjor-o = gentleman, Mr. (163). Sirakuz-o = Syracuse. sitel-o = pail, bucket. skatol-o = small box or case. skiz-i = to sketch. sklav-o = slave. skot-o = Scot, Scotchman. skrap-i = to scrape. skrib-i = to write. sku-i = (trans.), to shake. skulpt-i = to carve, sculpture. societ-o = society. soif-i = to be thirsty. sojl-o = threshold. Sokrat-o = Socrates. sol-a = alone, sole, only. soldat-o = soldier. solen-a = formal, solemn. somer-o = summer. son-i = (intrans.), to sound. songx-i = to dream (in sleep). sonor-i = (intrans.), to ring, sound; —ilo, bell. sopir-i = to yearn, long, sigh. sorb-i = to absorb; —papero, blotting-paper. sorcx-o = witchcraft; ensorcxi, to bewitch; —isto, sorcerer. sort-o = destiny, fate, lot. sovagx-a = wild, savage. spac-o = space. spec-o = kind, sort, species. special-a = special. specimen-o = specimen, sample. spegul-o = mirror. spert-a = experienced, expert. spes-o = speso (international unit of money, 284). spez-o = clearing (financial); elspezi, to disburse, expend, spend; enspezi, to take in, receive (funds). spinac-o = spinach. spir-i = to breathe; elspiri, to exhale. spite = (prep.), in spite of. sprit-a = witty. staci-o = station (railway, boat, etc.). stamp-i = to mark officially, stamp. standard-o = standard, flag. stan-o = tin (metal). stang-o = pole. star-i = to stand (239). stat-o = state (of being), condition. stel-o = star. stenografi-o = shorthand, stenography. stil-o = style. stimul-i = to stimulate. stomak-o = stomach. strang-a = strange, peculiar. strat-o = street. strecx-i = (trans.), to stretch. strek-i = to make a streak, or line; substreki, to underline; surstreki, trastreki, to cross off, strike out. stri-o = streak, stripe, band. strik-o = strike (of labor). stud-i = to study. student-o = student (college, etc.). stuf-i = (trans.), to stew. stump-o = stump (of tree, etc.). sub = (prep.), under, beneath (121, 160). subit-a = sudden, abrupt. substanc-o = substance. sud-o = south. sufer-i = to suffer, endure. suficx-i = to suffice; —ega, abundant. sufiks-o = suffix. sufok-i = (trans.), to suffocate. sugesti-i = to suggest. suk-o = sap, juice (of plants, etc.); —a, succulent. sukces-i = to succeed. suker-o = sugar. sulfur-o = sulphur. sulk-o = furrow, wrinkle. sum-o = sum, amount. sun-o = sun. sup-o = soup. super = (prep.), above, over (159); —a, superior. supersticx-o = superstition. supoz-i = to suppose. supr-e = (adv.), above; —a, upper, above; —ajxo, surface. sur = (prep.), on, upon (160). surd-a = deaf. surpriz-i = to surprise. surtut-o = overcoat. suspekt-i = to suspect. sved-o = Swede. sven-i = to faint, swoon. sving-i = (trans.), swing, brandish. svis-o = Swiss.
sxaf-o = sheep; —ajxo, mutton; —ido, lamb; —idajxo, lamb (meat); —viro, ram. sxajn-i = to seem, appear. sxal-o = shawl. sxanc-o = luck, chance; bonsxance, luckily. sxancel-i = (trans.), to oscillate, vacillate, make tremble. sxangx-i = (trans.), to change, alter. sxargx-i = to burden, load. sxat-i = to like, prize. sxauxm-o = foam, froth. sxel-o = shell, peeling, bark. sxelk-o = suspender, supporter. sxerc-i = to joke, jest. sxi = (pronoun), she, her (32, 37, 42). sxild-o = shield. sxink-o = ham. sxip-o = ship. sxir-i = to tear. sxirm-i = to shelter, shield; —ilo, screen. sxlim-o = slime. sxlos-i = to lock; —ilo, key. sxmir-i = to anoint, smear. sxnur-o = string. sxose-o = broad roadway, drive. sxov-i = to shove, push. sxovel-i = to shovel. sxpar-i = to spare, be economical of. sxpin-i = to spin. sxpruc-i = to gush, spout, spurt (of liquids). sxrank-o = cupboard, wardrobe. sxrauxb-o = screw. sxtal-o = steel. sxtat-o = state (political). sxtel-i = to steal (252). sxtip-o = log, block of wood. sxtof-o = cloth, stuff. sxton-o = stone. sxtop-i = to stop up, cork; —ilo, stopper. sxtrump-o = stocking. sxtup-o = step, round; —aro, stair-case. sxu-o = shoe; supersxuo, overshoe. sxuld-i = to owe, be indebted. sxultr-o = shoulder. sxut-o = chute; —i, to pour (as in a chute). sxvel-i = to swell, become swollen. sxvit-i = to perspire.
tabak-o = tobacco. tabel-o = table, index, tabulation. tabl-o = table (furniture). tabul-o = board, plank. tag-o = day; —igxo, dawn; —mezo, noon. tajlor-o = tailor. taks-i = to estimate, value, rate. talent-o = talent. tali-o = waist; beltalia, shapely, having a good figure. tambur-o = drum. tamen = (conj.), nevertheless, however, yet, still. tantiem-o = percentage of profit, royalty. tapisx-o = carpet. tarif-o = tariff, schedule of rates. tas-o = cup; subtaso, saucer. task-o = task. tauxg-i = to be fit for, good for. tavol-o = layer. te-o = tea. teatr-o = theatre; —ajxo, play. ted-i = to be tedious. teg-i = to cover, put a covering upon. tegment-o = roof. teks-i = to weave. telefon-i = to telephone. telegraf-i = to telegraph. teler-o = plate; —meblo, sideboard. tem-o = theme, subject. temp-o = time. tempi-o = temple (of the head). templ-o = temple (building). ten-i = to hold, keep. tend-o = tent. tenor-o = tenor (voice). tent-i = to tempt. teori-o = theory. ter-o = earth, soil; enterigi, to inter. teras-o = terrace. teritori-o = territory. termin-o = term, definition (word). tern-i = to sneeze. terpom-o = potato. terur-o = terror. tia = that kind of, such (65). tial = (adv.), therefore (78, 83). tiam = (adv.), then, at that time (73). tibi-o = shin bone, tibia; —karno, calf (of the leg). tie = (adv.), there (68). tiel = (adv.), thus, so (88, 156). tigr-o = tiger. tikl-i = to tickle. tili-o = linden. tim-i = to fear, be afraid of. timon-o = pole, tongue, shaft. tint-i = to jingle, tinkle. tio = (pronoun), that (233, 234). tiom = (adv.), that much, so much (104, 164). tir-i = to pull, draw. tiran-o = tyrant. titol-o = title. tiu = (pronoun), that one, that (56); tiu cxi, this one, this (60). tost-o = toast (sentiment). tol-o = linen. toler-i = to tolerate. tomat-o = tomato. tomb-o = tomb, grave. ton-o = tone. tond-i = to shear; —ilo, shears, scissors. tondr-i = to thunder. tord-i = to twist; —a, crooked, winding. tra = (prep.), through (46, 160). trab-o = beam (wooden). traduk-i = to translate. traf-i = to reach, attain (that which was aimed at or sought); maltrafi, to miss. trajt-o = feature. trakt-i = to treat of (in essay, speech, etc.); —ato, treatise. tram-o = tram; —vojo, tramway, street-car line; —veturilo, street-car. trancx-i = to cut, sever. trankvil-a = serene, tranquil, calm. trans = (prep.), across, the other side of (160). tre = (adv.), very, very much. trem-i = to tremble. tremp-i = to drench, dip. tren-i = to drag, haul, draw; —ajxo, train (of a dress). trezor-o = treasure. tri = (adj.), three (136). trik-i = to knit. trink-i = to drink. tritik-o = wheat. triumf-o = triumph. tro = (adv.), too, too much. tromp-i = to deceive. tron-o = throne. tropik-o = tropic. trot-i = to trot. trotuar-o = sidewalk, pavement. trov-i = to find. tru-o = hole. trud-i = to force upon, impose; altrudema, importunate. trunk-o = trunk (of tree or body). tualet-o = toilet. tub-o = tube, pipe. tuber-o = bulb, knot, tuber. tuj = (adv.), at once, immediately tuk-o = piece of cloth. tur-o = tower. turk-o = Turk. turment-i = to torment. turn-i = (trans.), to turn. tus-i = to cough. tusx-i = to touch; kortusxi, to touch (the heart of). tut-a = entire, whole, all.
-uj- = suffix indicating receptacle, that which bears or contains (181). -ul- = suffix indicating person characterized by that in the root (132). ulm-o = elm. -um- = indefinite suffix (268). ung-o = nail (of finger); —ego, claw, talon. univers-o = universe. universitat-o = university. unu = (adj.), one (136, 137, 180); unuigxo, union. uragan-o = hurricane. urb-o = city; cxefurbo, capital. urgx-i = to be urgent or pressing. urs-o = bear. Uson-o = United States of America. util-a = useful. uz-i = to use; trouzi, to abuse.
vad-i = to wade. vafl-o = waffle. vag-i = to wander, to roam; —isto, vagabond. vagon-o = car, railway carriage. vak-i = to be vacant. vaks-o = wax. val-o = valley. valiz-o = valise, satchel, bag. valor-i = to be worth. vals-i = to waltz. van-a = vain, fruitless. vang-o = cheek. vant-a = vain, conceited. vapor-o = steam, vapor. varb-i = (trans.), to enlist, recruit. varm-a = warm. vast-a = vast, spacious, extensive. vaz-o = vase, basin. ve! = (interjection), woe! ho ve! alas! (273). veget-i = to vegetate, grow (as plants). vegetar-a = vegetarian. vejn-o = vein. vek-i = (trans.), to wake, awake. vel-o = sail. velk-i = to fade, wither, wilt. velur-o = velvet. ven-i = to come. vend-i = to sell. vendred-o = Friday. venen-o = poison. vengx-i = to avenge. venk-i = to conquer, vanquish. vent-o = wind. ver-o = truth. verand-o = veranda, porch. verd-a = green. verk-i = to compose (music or literature). verm-o = worm. vermicxel-o = vermicelli. vers-o = verse. versx-i = to pour (a liquid). vertikal-a = vertical. vesper-o = evening (93). vest-i = to clothe, dress. vesxt-o = vest, waistcoat. vet-i = to wager, bet. veter-o = weather. vetur-i = to ride, go (in vehicle, boat, etc.). vi = (pronoun), you (32, 37, 274). viand-o = meat. vibr-i = to vibrate. vic-o = turn, place in a series; lauxvice, in turn; siavice, in his (her, its, their) turn; vicprezidanto, vice-president. vid-i = to see. vidv-o = widower; —ino, widow. vigl-a = alert, brisk. vilagx-o = village. vin-o = wine. vinagr-o = vinegar. vinber-o = grape; sekvinbero, raisin. vintr-o = winter. viol-o = violet. violon-o = violin. vip-i = to whip. vir-o = man virt-o = virtue. visx-i = to wipe. vitr-o = glass (material). viv-i = to live (133). vizagx-o = face, visage. vizit-i = to visit. vocx-o = voice; —doni, to vote. voj-o = road, way. vojagx-i = to journey, travel, voyage. vok-i = to call. vokal-o = vowel. vol-i = to be willing, will, wish. volont-e = willingly. volum-o = volume (book). volumen-o = volume (of a body). volv-i = to roll (something around something). vort-o = word; —aro, dictionary. vost-o = tail. vual-o = veil. vulgar-a = common, vulgar. vulp-o = fox. vund-i = to wound.
zenit-o = zenith. zigzag-o = zigzag. zingibr-o = ginger. zink-o = zinc. zon-o = girdle, belt, zone. zoologi-o = zoology. zorg-i = to care (for), be anxious (about). zum-i = to hum, buzz.
* * * * *
The following vocabulary includes all Esperanto roots used in the preceding lessons, all primary words of the language, and a large number of additional roots (to facilitate original composition). No attempt has been made, however, to include all of the roots of the language, or their various English meanings, for which an English-Esperanto Dictionary should be consulted.
References are to sections, unless the page (p.) is given. [Since page numbers have no relevance in this etext version, such references were deleted.] For other parts of speech than those indicated, see Word Formation, 116, 120, 159, 171, also the references under Prefixes and Suffixes in the Index. For formation of compound words other than those given, see 160, 167, 176, 184. The following abbreviations are used: adj. = adjective; adv. = adverb; conj. = conjunction; intrans. = intransitive; prep. = preposition; trans. = transitive; — = repetition of the English word.
abandon = forlas-i. abash = hontig-i. (be) able = pov-i (72). abominable = abomen-a. about = (prep.), cxirkaux; (concerning) pri; (adv.), (approximately, proksimum-e. above = (prep.), super (159); (adv.), supr-e; cxi supre. abrupt = subit-a. absorb = sorb-i. abundant = suficxeg-a. academy = akademi-o. accelerate = (trans.), akcel-i. accent = akcent-o. accept = akcept-i. accident = akcident-o; (chance) okaz-o. accompany = akompan-i. (in) accordance with = (prep.), laux (191). account = kont-o; (bill) kalkul-o; (story) rakont-o. (on) account of = (prep.), pro (86). accurate = akurat-a. accusative = akuzativ-o. accuse = akuz-i, kulpig-i. accustomed = familiar-a, kutimit-a. ache = dolor-o. acid = acid-o. (be) acquainted with = kon-i (117); become —, konatigx-i. acquire, akir-i. across = (prep.), trans. act = ag-i; —on, efik-i; (behave) kondut-i; (of play) akt-o. active = agema; (grammatical), aktiv-a. actor = aktor-o. actual = efektiv-a, ver-a. acute = akr-a. add = aldon-i (160). address = (on letters, etc.) adres-o; (lecture) parolad-o. adequate = suficx-a. adjacent = apud-a (159). adjective = adjektiv-o. administer = (manage), administr-i. admire = admir-i. admit = konfes-i; (let in) allas-i. admonish = admon-i. adore = ador-i. adorn = ornam-i. adverb = adverb-o. advantage = util-o, profit-o. advertise = reklam-i. advise = konsil-i. affable = afabl-a. affair = afer-o; regrettable —, domagx-o. affirmative = jes-a (171). (be) afraid = tim-i. Africa = Afrik-o. after = (prep.), post (89). afternoon = posttagmez-o. again = denov-e, re-e (223). against = (prep.), kontraux. age = agx-o; of —, plenagx-a; old —, maljunec-o. (give an) agency = komisi-i. agent = agent-o. agitate = agit-i. agony = agoni-o. agree = konsent-i; (contract) kontrakt-i. agreeable = agrabl-a. aid = help-i. aim at = cel-i. air = aer-o; to —, aerum-i; (music) ari-o. alas! = ho ve (273). alcohol = alkohol-o. alcove = alkov-o. alert = vigl-a. Alexander = Aleksandr-o. Alexandria = Aleksandri-o. Alfred = Alfred-o. algebra = algebr-o. alive = viv-a. all = (pronoun and adj.), cxiuj (173); (indefinite pronoun) cxio (233); (adv. of quantity) cxiom (194); (whole, entire) tut-a. alliance = lig-o. allow = permes-i. allude = alud-i. allure = log-i. almanac = almanak-o. almost = (adv.), preskaux. alms = almoz-o. alone = sol-a. along = (prep.), laux (191); — with, kune kun. aloud = lauxt-e. alphabet = alfabet-o. already = (adv.), jam. also = (adv.), ankaux. altar = altar-o. alter = (trans.), sxangx-i, aliig-i. although = (conj.), kvankam. always = (adv.), cxiam (187). America = Amerik-o. amiable = afabl-a, amind-a. amid = meze de, inter (85). among = (prep.), inter (85). amount = sum-o, kvant-o; a certain —, iom (217). amphibious = amfibi-a. amphitheatre = amfiteatr-o. amuse = amuz-i. analyse = analiz-i. ancestor = prapatr-o (282). anchor = ankr-o. ancient = antikv-a. and = (conj.), kaj (26). anecdote = anekdot-o. anew = denov-e. angel = angxel-o. angle = angul-o. angry = koler-a. animal = best-o. ankle = maleol-o. announce = anonc-i. annoy = cxagren-i. anoint = sxmir-i. answer = respond-i. ant = formik-o. antelope = antilop-o. antipathy = antipati-o. antique = antikv-a. anvil = ambos-o. anxious = maltrankvil-a. any = (pronoun and adj.), iu (203); (adv. of quantity) iom (217); —kind, —time, —thing, etc., see table, 235. any more = (adv.), plu. apartment = apartament-o. apathy = apati-o. apologise = pardonon pet-i. apology = (defence), apologi-o. apparatus = aparat-o. appear = (come in sight), aper-i; (seem) sxajn-i. appearance = (aspect), aspekt-o, mien-o, vidigx-o. appetite = apetit-o. applaud = aplauxd-i. apple = pom-o. apply = (put on), almet-i; — to (for information, etc.), sin turni al. approach = alproksimigx-i al. appropriate = proprigi al si; (suitable), konven-a, dec-a. approve = aprob-i. approximate = proksimum-a. apricot = abrikot-o. April = april-o. apron = antauxtuk-o. aquarium = akvari-o. Arab = arab-o; street —, bub-o. arbitrate = arbitraci-i. arbor = lauxb-o. arc = ark-o. arcade = arkad-o. archer = pafarkist-o. Archimedes = Arhximed-o. architecture = arhxitektur-o. arena = aren-o. argue = argument-i. Aristeides = Aristejd-o. aristocrat = aristokrat-o. Aristotle = Aristotel-o. arithmetic = aritmetik-o. arm = (of the body), brak-o; (weapon) armil-o. army = arme-o. aroma = arom-o. around = (prep.), cxirkaux (89, 160). arouse = incit-i, vek-i. arrange = arangx-i. arrest = arest-i. arrive = alven-i. arrogant = arogant-a. arrow = sag-o. art = art-o. Arthur = Artur-o. article = (grammatical, literary) artikol-o. artificial = artefarit-a. artless = naiv-a. as = (adv.) kiel; as ... as ... tiel ... kiel ... (156); — if, — though, kvazaux (250); — far as, gxis (prep., 46); — much ... as ..., tiom ... kiom (164). ascertain = certigx-i; — the truth of, konstat-i. (be) ashamed = hont-i. ashes = cindr-o. Asia = Azi-o. aside from = (prep.), krom. ask = (inquire), demand-i; (request), pet-i. asparagus = asparag-o. aspect = aspekt-o, mien-o. ass = azen-o. assemble = kunven-i, kunvok-i. assist = help-i. association = (organization), asoci-o. assurance = aplomb-o, certigo. at = (prep.), cxe (125, 160), je (260); — the rate of, po (175). athlete = atlet-o. atmosphere = atmosfer-o. attack = atak-i. attain = ating-i, traf-i. attempt = prov-i. attentive = atent-a. attest = atest-i. attribute = atribut-o. August = auxgust-o. Australia = Auxstrali-o. author = auxtor-o, verkist-o. automatic = auxtomat-a. autumn = auxtun-o. avaricious = avar-a. avenge = vengx-i. avenue = ale-o, bulvard-o. avoid = evit-i. awake = (trans.), vek-i. away = (adv.), for (71); (distant), malproksim-e (170). axe = hakil-o. axis = (axle), aks-o. |