[Footnote 48: "and Sir Hugh Spencer the father was drawen," &c. in the Cotton MS.]
[Footnote 49: "the yere of his age xv."—Ibid.]
* * * * *
[Footnote 50: "et anno etatis sue xiiij" is omitted in the Cotton MS.]
Ric'us Betayn, maior, Ric' Rotyng. A^{o}. p'mo. goldsmyth. Rog' Chauntecler.
[Sidenote: Too mones and too popes.]
[Sidenote: Southwerk was graunted to ferme. ]
[Sidenote: The foundacion of Garlykhithe chirch.]
In this yere were seyn in the firmament too mones, and in this yere were too popes. Also in this yere, the vj day of March, the kyng confermed the lettres and the fraunchises of London. Also he graunted that the meire schulde ben on of the justices at Newgate. Also he graunted to the schirreves of London and Midd' the ferme of the schirrevehode for ccc^{li} be yere, as it was in old tyme. Also he graunted that the schirreves of London ne the citezens schulde nought be charged with men that fledden to holy chirche, ne they schulde not be constreyned to gone out of the citee of London to eny werre. Also the same tyme the kyng graunted that the liberties and fraunchises of London schulde nought after that tyme for no cause be taken into the kynges hond: and the same tyme Suthwerk was graunted to the schirreves of London to have to ferme: also the same yere, after the fest of Pask', the kyng ordeyned an huge oost for to feighte ayens the Scottes; and S^{r}. John of Henaude come into Engelond with[51] men of armes for to helpe the yonge kyng Edward. And the Scottes comen into Engelond and deden muche harme, and distroyden the contreye tyl they comen to the park of Stanhope in Wyrdale, where they helden them in a busshement in the parke. And the kyng besette the park alle aboughte that the Scottes schulde never escaped: but thorugh treson of the Mortymer they escapid everych on, and so the kyng was disceyved. And also in this same yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccxxvj, be treson of Sire Roger Mortymer, kyng Edward[52] was sclayn in the castell of Berkele.[53] Also in this yere, in the[54] conversion of seynt Poul after Cristemesse, the kyng spoused dame Philip' the erles doughter of Henawde at York. Et id'm Ric'us Rothyng' tunc vic' fundavit eccl'iam de Garlykhithe s'c'i Jacobi et dotavit.
[Footnote 51: "V c." in the Cotton MS.]
[Footnote 52: "the fadir"—Ibid.]
[Footnote 53: "in the xxj yere of his reigne."—Ibid.]
[Footnote 54: "even of the"—Ibid.]
Hamo Chikewell, m'. Herry Darcy. A^{o}. s'c'do. John Hawteyn.
[Sidenote: Scottes wer discharged of their homage:]
[Sidenote: with the blakke crosse.]
This yere, in the feste of Pentecost, the kyng helde his parlement at North'; at whiche parlement, thorugh counseill of the Mortymer, the kyng of yonge age and withinne age accorded with the Scottes, and foryaf and relesed them al the homage and feautee that they oughte to do to the crown of Engelond be chartre ensealed and an endenture, in whiche were conteyned alle the homages and feautes that the kyng of Scotlond and the lordes of the same lond schulde do to the kyng of Engelond, which was ensealed with alle the seales of alle the grete lordes of Scotlond spirituelx and temporelx, and other chartres and remembraunces that kyng Edward and hise barons hadde of right in the lond of Scotlond; which alle, thorugh counseille of quene Isabell the kynges modir, and S^{r}. Roger Mortymer, were delyvered to the Scottes with the blak crosse of Scotlond, the whiche goode kyng Edward the kynges ayell[55] hadde conquered in Scotlond and broughte it fro the abbeye of Stone, whiche was a precious relyke, the whiche was also delyvered to the Scottes: also the kyng, thorugh counseill of his modir and of the Mortymer, relesed and foryaf alle that right that the barons out of Engelond hadden in ony londes of Scotlond of olde conquest.
[Footnote 55: "his grandfather" in the Cotton MS.]
John Grantham, m'. Simon Fraunceys. A^{o}. iij^{cio}. Herry Combemartyn.
[Sidenote: A p'lement at Salesby. Rog' Mortemer was made erle of Marche: S^{r}. John Eltham the k' brother erle of Cornewalle.]
[Sidenote: Dyd homage to the kyng of Fraunce.]
This same yere David Bruz the sone of Robert Bruz, be ordynaunce of the kynges modir and of the Mortymer, spousyd at Berewyk dame Johanne of the Tour, the kynges suster, upon Marie Magdaleyn day, in the yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccxxviij: and whanne the maryage was done, the Scottes called here in despyte of Engleyssh men "make pees";[56] but the kyng bar the blame wrongfully. This yere the kyng helde his parlement at Salesbury; and at that parlement Sire Roger Mortymer was mad erle of the March, and S^{r}. John Eltham the kynges brother was also mad erle of Cornwayle. Also this same yere Sire Edmond Wodestoke erle of Kent, the kynges uncle, was beheded at Wynchestre, thorugh procurment of the quene, the kynges modir, and of the Mortymer. Also in this yere the kyng seyled into Fraunce, that is to seye the yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccxxviij, and dede homage to the kyng of Fraunce for the ducherye of Guyene and for the counte of Pountyf.
[Footnote 56: "the countes make peas" in the Cotton MS.]
Simon Swaynlond, m'. Rob't of Ely. Anno iiij^{to}. Th' Harewold.
[Sidenote: Prynce Edward was born.]
This yere Edward the firste begeten sone of kyng Edward the thridde was born at Wodstoke, the day of seynt Viti and Modest'.
John Pounteney, m'. Rob't of Ely. A^{o}. v^{to}. Tho's Harewold.
[Sidenote: S^{r}. Rog' Mortim' was hanged.]
In this yere Edward Bailloil, the sone of John Bailloil sumtyme kyng of Scotlond, come into Engelond chalangynge his right heritage of the kyngdom of Scotlond, and arreyved at Dounfermelyne; where, faste be the abbeye, ii m^{l} Englysshmen scomfited and xl m^{l} Scottes.[57] In the same yere Sire Roger Mortymer was hanged upon a theves galowes, on seynt Andrew even, in the yer of oure lord a m^{l}cccxxx^{ti}.
[Footnote 57: See note L.]
Id'm maior. John Mokkyng. Anno vj^{to}. Andr' Aubrey.
[Sidenote: Sege of Berwyk.]
[Sidenote: The yeldyng of the castell of Berewyk and the town.]
The same yere kyng Edward beseged the town and the castell of Berewyk: and upon seynt Margeretes even the Scottes in wondyr grete noumbre comen for to remove the sege, with whom the kyng faughte and discomfyted them: and there were sclayn of the Scottes viij erles and a m^{l} and ccc knyghtes and squyers, and of footfolke mo thanne xxxv m^{l}; and of Englysshmen there were dede a knyght and a squyere and xij footfolke. And so upon seynt Margarete day the town and the castell were yolde to the kyng, in the yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccxxxj.
John Preston, m'. Nicholl Pyk. Anno vij^{mo}. John Housbonde.
Also in the same yere the kyng Edward sclough many Scottes, and he recovered the castell of Kilbrigge.
John Pounteney, m'. John Hamond. A^{o}. viij^{to}. Will' Hansard.
[Sidenote: The kyng of Scotland did homage: and allso the duke of Bretayn.]
In this yere the kyng of Scotlond come into Engelond to the newe castell upon Tyne: and aboughte the feste of the Nativite of seynt John baptiste, there he dede homage to kyng Edward. The same yere the duke of Bretayne dede homage also to the kyng for the counte of Richemond.
Reynald at the Conduyt, m'. John Kyngeston. A^{o}. ix^{o}. Walt' Turk.
[Sidenote: A gret moreyn of men and of bestes.]
[Sidenote: xl s. j quart whete.]
This same yere was a gret moreyn of beestes and of men also, and gret habundance of reyne, where thorugh there was so gret derthe of corne that a quarter of whete was worth xl s.
Id'm maior. Walt' Moordon. Anno x^{mo}. Ric' Upton.
In this yere the Scottes offendeden ayeyne: and the kinge wente over the Scottyssh see and werred upon the Scottes, and overcame them myghtyly, at whiche tyme the erle of Morre was taken.
John Pounteneye, m'. Will' Bikkesworth. A^{o}. xj^{mo}. John Northale.
[Sidenote: Stella comata.]
[Sidenote: j q'rt' of whete ij s; and a fat oxe for di' marc; and vj pegons for a peny.]
This same yere, in the monthe of Juyne and July, in diverses parties of hevene appered stella co'mata. Also in this yere was gret plente of vitaile, that a quarter of whete was sold at London for ij s; and a fat oxe for vj s. viijd; and vj pegons for a peny: but natheles it was ful gret scarste of money. Also this yere deyde S^{r}. John of Eltham.
Herry Darcy, m'. Walt' Neel. Anno xij^{mo}. Nicholl Grave.
[Sidenote: The counte of Cornwayle was made a duche.]
[Sidenote: Sergeaunts of the maire and the schirreves of London schulde b're maces of silv'.]
In this yere kyng Edward made of the counte of Cornwayle a duche, which he yaf to Edward his firste begetyn sone, withe the erledom of Chestre. Also, the kyng graunted that the seriaunts bothe of the meire and the schirreves of London schulde beren before the maire and the schirreves of London maces of silver and over gilte, withe the kynges armes.
Id'm maior. Will' Pomfreyt. Anno xiij^{o}. Hugo Marleberer.
In this yere the kyng and the quene seyled to Braban; and at the town of Andewarp the quene chylded S^{r}. Leonell. And this same yere in Braban the kyng made first cleyme to the crowne of Fraunce.
Andr' Aubrey, m'. Will' Thorney. Anno xiiij^{mo}. Rog' Forsham.
[Sidenote: A p'lement at London.]
[Sidenote: The kyng asked moche good for his werres.]
[Sidenote: The coyne of the noble, half noble, and ferthyng.]
This same yere the kyng held his parlement at London; and he axed to begynne hise werres the fyfthe part of alle the moeble goodes of Engelond, and the custume of wolles, and the ix schef of every manere of corn, the which was graunted. And in this yere the kyng changed hise armys: and also the kyng made the coyne of goold; that is for to seyne the noble, the half noble, and the ferthyng. And this yere was called the firste yere oft oure kyng of the regne of Fraunce.
Id'm maior. Adam Lucas. Anno xv^{o}. Barth'us Mareys.
[Sidenote: The bataill of Scluse.]
[Sidenote: The comaundement of the Emp'o^{r} of Tartary.]
This same yere the kyng faught with the Frensshmen at Scluse, where there were sclayn of Frensshmen xxx m^{l}; and the kyng toke and scomfyted at the sayd bataill of Scluse cccx schippes. And in this yere the kyng began the bataill of Torneye, and the town of seynt Amandys was distroied. And in the same yere, on seynt Andrewes even, kyng Edward come fro beyonde the see be nyghte to the tour of London, and there tok manye lordes and peres of the reaume and putte them into preson. And in this yere of kyng Edward began the firste yere of his regne of the kyngdom of Fraunce. Also in this yere of oure lord a m ccc xl^{ti}, there was sente out a maundement fro the emperor of Tartarye into alle hise londes and kyngdomes, that every man schulde use what lawe and beleve that he wolde, be so that he schulde worschep non idoles but only everelyvynge God.
John Oxenford maior p' Ric' Berkyng. A^{o}. xvj^{o}. p'te a^{i}. et Simon John Rokesley. Fraunceys p' alia p'te.
In this yere the kyng lefte the sege of Turney.[58]
[Footnote 58: See note M.]
Simon Fraunceys, m'. John Lovekyn. A^{o}. xvij^{o}. Ric' Kelsyngby.
[Sidenote: T're motus magnus.]
In this yere was a gret turnement at Dunstaple of alle the chivalrye and gentyles of Engelond. And in this yere was a gret erthequake.
John Hamond, m'. John Syward. A^{o}. xviij^{o}. John Aylesham.
This same yere the noble kyng Edward held his parlement at London, in whiche parlement he made Edward his oldest sone prynce of Walys.
Id'm maior. Geffrey Whityngham. A^{o}. xix^{o}. Thomas Legge.
[Sidenote: Knyghtes of the Garter.]
In this yere the kyng began the rounde table at Wyndesore, that is to seye, the ordre of Knyghtes of the Garter.
Ric' Lacere, m'. Edmond Hampenale. A^{o}. xx^{mo}. John Gloucestr'.
This yere the kyng sailed over the see into Bretayne and into Guyen, and come ageyn this same yere.
Geffrey Whityngham, m'. Will's Clopton. A^{o}. xxj^{mo}. John Croydon.
[Sidenote: The bataile of Cressy.]
[Sidenote: Sege of Caleys.]
This same yere kyng Edward seyled into Normandye; and in the xij day of Juyll he arryved at Hogges; and the xvj[59] day of Juyll the kyng faught with the Normaundes at the brigge of Cadoun, where there were taken the erle of Ewe, the lord Tankervyle, and an hundred knyghtes, and of men of armes vij[60] c; and moche peple of Normandye were sclayn. Also in this same yere in the xxvj day of August, the yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccxlvj, was the bataile of Cressy, in whiche bataill were sclayn the kyng of Beame, the duke of Loreyne, the erle of Alaunson, the erle of Flaundres, the erle of Bloys, the lord of Harecourt, the lord of Awmarle, the erle of Navers, and manye othere knyghtes and barons to the noumbre of xv^{c} xlij; and kyng Phillip fledde. And the thridde day of Septembre folwynge the kyng began the sege of Caleys, whiche sege he contynued unto the thridde day of August next folwynge. Also the same yere, durynge the forsaid sege, David kyng of Scotlond was taken at the bataille of Derham, the xvj kal' of Novembre, whiche kyng was raunsoned at an hundred m^{l} marcs, to be payed in x yere, that is to sey every yere x m^{l} mark.
[Footnote 59: "xxvj"—in the Cotton MS.]
[Footnote 60: "vj c."—Ibid.]
Thomas Legge, m'. Adam Brakson. A^{o}. xxij^{do}. Ric' Basyngstoke.
[Sidenote: Caleys was yolden.]
This yere durynge the segee of Caleys the kyng Phillip of Fraunce, purposynge to remeve the sege, cam the xxvij day of Juyll, and proposed bataille to kyng Edward, and assigned day and place; and kyng Edward accepted it with a glad chere: and kyng Philipp undirstondynge of this thinge, the nyghte folowynge he brende the tentes and cowardly fledde awey: and so the peple withinne the town, seynge no comfort of rescues, yolden the town to the kyng with the castell the ix^{e} day of August. And aboughte the feste of seynt Mighell kyng Edward, which dede a glorious tryumphe, retorned ayene into Engelond.
John Lovekyn, m'. Herry Picard. A^{o}. xxiij^{cio}. Simon Dolcelle.
[Sidenote: A gret reyn.]
In this yere began the grete pestilence among the Sarazynes, that unethes it lefte the x man alyve. And this same yere, that is to seye the yere of oure lord a m^{l} ccc^{mo} xlviij^{o}, it reyned contynuelly for the moste partye fro the Nativite of seynt John baptist unto Cristemasse next folwynge.
Walt' Turk, maior. Adam of Bery. A^{o}. xxiiij^{to}. Rauf Lynne.
[Sidenote: Gret pestylence.]
This same yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccxlviij^{o}[61] was the grete pestylence at London, which endured fro the feste of Myghelmesse unto the monthe of August sewyng.
[Footnote 61: "m^{l}, iij^{c} xlix" in the Cotton MS.]
Ric' Kylsyngby, m'. John Notte. Anno xxv^{to}. Will's Worcetr'.
[Sidenote: Bellu' sup' mare int' regem E. et les Spaynardes.]
In this yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccl the kyng faughte with the Spaynardes on the see, besyde Wynchelse and Romeneye: and thankyd be God the kyng hadde the victorye, and wan there manye a faire vessell.
Andr' Aubrey, m'. John Wroth. A^{o}. xxvj^{to}. Gilb't Steynethorp, goldsmythe.
[Sidenote: New moneye of grotes and half grots and pens.]
In this yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccclj the kyng made newe moneye; that is to seye grotes, and half grotes, and penyes: natheless the weyte was lasse be v s. in the pound than the olde starlyng. Also in this yere two fysshmongers were beheded at the standard in Chepe.
Adam Fraunceys, m'. John Pecche. A^{o}. xxvij^{o}. John Stodeye.
[Sidenote: The dere Somer.]
In this yere was a gret derthe of vitailes in somer tyme. In this yere was a gret droughte, whiche endured fro the begynnyng of March unto the laste ende of Juyll.
Id'm maior. Will' Welde. Anno xxviij^{o}. John Lytele.
[Sidenote: The first duk of Lancastre.]
The same yere after Estre the kyng held his parlement at Westm', in whiche parlement Herry erle of Lancastre was mad duke of Lancastre, whiche was the firste duke of Lancastre.
Thomas Legge, m'. Will' Totenham. A^{o}. xxix^{o}. Ric' Smelte.
[Sidenote: The staple of wolles were ordeyned.]
In this yere kyng Edward and kyng Phillip of Fraunce were sworne to kepe pees; and kyng Edward schulde have in pees, withoute homage doyng, alle the londes of Guyon, Angeoy, and Normandye, and othere that longen to hym be heritage of olde tyme. Also this yere the kyng revoked the staple of wolles out of Flaundres, and ordeyned it to be in diverses places of Engelond; that is to seye, at Westm', Caunterbury, Chichestre, Bristoll, Lincoln, and at Hull.
Simon Fraunceys, m'. Th' Forst'. A^{o}. xxx^{o}. Walt' Brandon.
[Sidenote: The custume of wollys was graunted to king E.]
This same yere deyde kyng Philip of Fraunce, and John his eldest sone was crowned kyng of Fraunce. And the same yere kyng Edward seyled over the see and landed at Caleys, whiche with all his oost rood forth into Fraunce to mete with kyng John, that wykkedly hadde broken the pees. And anon kyng John wyste of his comynge, cowardly he fledde: and he dede all his peple 'carie awey there vitailes and goodes, that kyng Edward and his peple'[62] in nothing schulde be refresshed. Also the same yere the Scottes token the town of Berewyk, but the castell was kepte stille be Englysshmen. Also the same yere was graunted to kyng Edward the custume of wolles; that is to say, l s. of the sakke for the terme of vj yere folwynge.
[Footnote 62: Supplied from the Cotton MS.]
Herry Picard, m'. Ric' Notyngham. A^{o}. xxxj^{mo}. Thomas Dolcell.
[Sidenote: Kyng of Scotlond gave upp the realme of Scotlond.]
[Sidenote: Kyng of Fraunce John was taken at the bataill of Peyters, and othere lordes with hym.]
This yere S^{r}. John Bailloil kyng of Scotlond yaf up the reaume of Scotlond and the crowne to kyng Edward at Rokesburgh. Also in this yere the town of Berewyk was yolden up to kyng Edward. And in this same yere, that is to seye the yere of oure lord a m^{l} ccclvj^{to}, the xix day of Septembre, kyng John of Fraunce was taken at the bataill of Peyters be the doughty prynce Edward the firste sone of kyng Edward. Also Sire Philip his sone was taken with hym; and the erle of Pountys, the erle of Ewe, the erle of Longeville, the erle of Tankervyle, with othere viij erles and thre bysshoppes: and there were sclayn the duke of Burbon, the duke of Daceus constable of France, and the bysshop of Chalons, and manye othere grete lordys of Fraunce; and the dolphyn fledde.
John Stodeye, m'. Steph'us Caundyssh. A^{o}. xxxij^{do}. Barth'us Fretlyng.
[Sidenote: Prynce Edward with kyng John, with alle the p'soners, comen into Engelond.]
[Sidenote: Grete justes in Smythfelde, beynge there thre kynges.]
In this yere prynce Edward, with kyng John of Fraunce and with alle hise presoners, comen into Engelond the xxiiij day of May, aboughte iij of the belle at afternoon he rod over London brigge toward the kynges paleys at Westm'. Also the same yere were ryall justes in Smythfeld, there beynge present thre kynges, that is to say the kyng of Engelond, the kyng of Fraunce, the kyng of Scotlond; and manye othere grete lordys of diverses regyons.
John Lovekyn, fysshmong', m'. John Bures. A^{o}. xxxiij^{o}. John Bernes.
This same yere the kyng helde ryally seynt George feste at Wyndesore, there beynge kyng John of Fraunce; the whiche kyng John seyde in scorn, that he sawe never so ryall a feste and so costelewe mad with tailles of tre, withoughte payeng of gold and sylvere.
Simon Dolcelle, m'. Simon Bedyngton. A^{o}. xxxiiij^{to}. John Chichestre, goldsmythe.
This yere, in the xiiij kal' of Juyn, Sire John erle of Richmond, the kynges sone, wedded dame Blaunche.[63] Also in this yere kyng Edward seyled to Caleys, and rood up into Fraunce, because Charles regent of Fraunce thanne meved werre.
[Footnote 63: See note N.]
John Wroth, m'. John Deynes. A^{o}. xxxv^{to}. Walt' Berneye.
[Sidenote: Blak Monday.]
This same yere, that is for to seye the yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccclx, the xiiij day of Aprill thanne beynge the morwe after Estre day, kyng Edward with hys oost lay aboughte Parys; whiche day was a foul derk day of myst and of hayl, and so bitter cold that manye men deyde for cold: wherfore unto this day manye men callen it the blake Moneday. This same yere were rovers on the see, undyr the governayle of the erle of Seynt Poule; whiche the xv day of March distroied the townes of Rye and Hastinge and othere be the see syde, and sclewen manye men. Also in this yere the pees was made betwen the kyng Edward and kyng John of Fraunce, the xv day of May: and kyng Edward sente hise ambassatours into Fraunce, and toke the othe of Charles regent of Fraunce, whiche othe was plight undir this forme: Charles dede lete solempnely a masse to be songen; and whanne Agnus Dei was thries seyd, Charles leyde his right hand upon the patene, whereupon lay Godes body, and his lefte hond pressyng don upon the masse bok, seyenge, We swern upon the holy precious Goddes body, and upon the Evaungelies, fermely to holden anentes us pees and concord fourmed betwen the too kynges of Fraunce and of Engelond, and in no manere to do the contrerie. Also in this yere mennes, bestes, trees, and housynge were alle to smyte with violent lyghtnynge, and sodeynly peresshyd; and the devell in mannes lyknes spak to men goynge be the weye.
John Pecche, m', Will' Holbeche. Anno xxxvj^{to}. drap'. Jemes Tame.
[Sidenote: A blody reyne and a blody crosse.]
[Sidenote: s'c'da pestilencia.]
[Sidenote: John the erle of Richm' was made duke of Lankaster.]
Also in this yere, in the kal' of Juyn, fell a blody reyne in Burgoyn, and a blody crosse apered in the eire fro the morwe unto myd day at Boloyne, the whiche afterward moved hym and fel down into the see. And in this yere prynce Edward wedded the countesse of Kent. And in this yere was the seconde gret pestilence, in whiche good Herry of Lancastre deyde, and S^{r}. John erle of Richemond, the kynges sone, was mad duke of Lancastre. And in the same yere began the grete companye.
Steph'us Caundyssh, m'. John of Seynt Albons. A^{o}. xxyvij^{o}. Jacob Andrewe.
[Sidenote: Magnus ventus.]
[Sidenote: Lyonell the k' son duke of Clarence.]
This same yere upon seynt Maurys day, the yere of our lord a m^{l}ccclxj, was the gret wynd whiche caste doun tres, houses, pynacles and steplees of chirches and manye places in Engelond. Also this yere S^{r}. Leonell the kynges sone was mad duke of Clarence, and S^{r}. Edmond of Wodestoke was made erle of Caumbregg.
John Notte, m'. Ric' Croydon. Anno xxxviij^{o}. John Hyktost.
[Sidenote: Thre kynges comen into Engelond.]
In this yere comen thre kynges into Engelond to vysyte and to speke with kyng Edward; that is to seye, kyng John of Fraunce, the kyng of Scottes, and the kyng of Cipre.
Adam of Bery, maior, Simon Mordon. A^{o}. xxxix. skynnere. John Medford.
[Sidenote: The bataill of Orrey.]
[Sidenote: John kyng of Fraunce deide at Saveye.]
[Sidenote: A gret frost that longe dured.]
This same yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccc^{mo}lxiiij was the batell of Orrey in Britayne, where S^{r}. Charles de Bloys chalanged to be duke of Bretayne was sclayn, and S^{r}. Bertram Claykyn was take with manye othere lordes and knyghtes. Also this same yere, at Saveye besyde Westm', deyde John kyng of Fraunce. And also in the same yere was a strong cold frost, whiche endured fro seynt Andrewes day unto the kal' of Aprill.
Id'm maior usq' xxviiij John Brikelesworth. Anno xl^{mo}. diem Januar', quo die John Irland. p' p'ceptu' reg' illo amoto, Joh'es Lovekyn el'tus fuit in maiorem p' residuo a^{i}.
[Sidenote: E' p'mogenit' E' princip' nat' est.]
[Sidenote: Bataile of sparwes.]
[Sidenote: Men and bestes weren enfect with pokkes.]
This same yere, the vij kal' of Feverer, Edward the firste sone of prynce Edward was born; whiche in the age of vij yere endyd hys lyf. Also in this yere was grete and stronge batailes of sparwes in Engelond in diverses places, whereof the bodyes were founden in the feldes dede withoughte noumbre. And in this yere manye men and bestes were enfect with pokkes where thorugh they deyden. And in this yere on seynt Barnaby day was Cornwayle hanged.
John Lovekyn, m', John Warde. A^{o}. xlj^{mo}. fysshmong'. Th' atte Lee.
[Sidenote: Natus fuit Ric' fil' p'cipis E.]
In this yere Richard the sone of prynce Edward was born at Burdeux.
Jamys Andrew, maior, John Thorgold. A^{o}. xlij^{do}. drap'. Will'm Dykeman.
[Sidenote: Stella comata.]
[Sidenote: The bataille of Nazers.]
This same yere, that is to say the yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccclxvij, in the monthe of March appered stella comata. Also in this yere was the bataille of Nazers in Spayne, where prince Edward with his companye scomfyted the bastard of Spayne, and restored kyng Petir ayeyn to his reaume that was put out be the forseid bastard; and there was taken the erle of Dene, S^{r}. Olyver Claykyn, and manye othere; thankyd be God.
Simon Mordon, m'. Adam Wymondham. A^{o}. xliij^{cio}. Rob't Girdelere.
[Sidenote: iij pestilencia.]
In this yere Sire Leonell duke of Clarence with a fayre meyne sailled over the see toward Melane; whiche aboughte the natyvyte of oure lady the same yere deyde. In this yere was the thridde pestilence,[64] in whiche deyde dame Blaunche of Lancastre. And in this yere the Frensshmen meved ayeyn werre.
[Footnote 64: See note M.]
John Chichestr', m', John Pyell. A^{o}. xliiij^{to}. goldsmyth. Hugh Holbech.
[Sidenote: j bus' whete xl d.]
In this yere was so gret derthe of corne in Engelond that a busshell of whete was worth xl d. And in this yere was the grete vyage into Fraunce be S^{r}. Robert Knolles. And in this yere Mortherer of Pembrok in Cristemasse weren at the countesse hous; and the same Mortherer sclewen of men, women, and children in the cradell, xiij; and this was don be a fysshmongre that the countesse hadde founde to scole and brought up of a child. And in this yere, the day of the assumpcion of oure lady, the yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccclxix, deyde dame Philip quene of Engelond.
John Bernes, drap', m'. Will' Walworth. A^{o}. xlv^{to}. Rob't of Gayton.
In this yere the houses and gardynes were drowe doun aboughte Poules. And in this yere the duke of Lancastre seiled over the see and rood thorugh Fraunce: and S^{r}. John Haukewod florysshed that tyme in Lumbardie. And in this yere the prynce with hys wyf and hise meyne comen into Engelond, levynge behynden hym the duke of Lancastre in Gascoigne, and the erle of Cambregge.
Id'm maior. Rob't Hatfeld. Anno xlvj^{to}. Adam Stable.
[Sidenote: The tresorer, chaunceller, and pryve sell were discharged.]
In this yere the chaunceller, the tresorer of Engelond, bysshopes, and the pryve seall were discharged of there offyces, and in there stede were put seculere lordes.
John Pyell, m'. John Philpot. A^{o}. xlvij^{o}. Nicholl Brembre, groc'.
[Sidenote: Too cardinalx were sent fro the pope into Engelond for to trete for pes.]
[Sidenote: A bataill upon the see betuen Englysshmen and Flemynges.]
This same yere, at Awrastelynge, John Northwold, mercer, was sclayn at the blak heth, wherethorugh aroos a gret discencion and debate among the craftes of London. And in the same yere the duk of Lancastre and the erle of Cambregge come out of Gascoyne into Engelond, and wedded the doughter of kyng Petyr. And the same yere too cardinalx were sent fro the pope to entrete for the pees betwen the two reaumes. And in this yere was a bataill upon the see betwen Englisshmen and Flemynges, where there were taken of Flemynges xxv schippes lade with salt of the bay. Also in this yere the erle of Pembroke was taken at the Rochell be the Spaynardes, on the even of the nativite of seynt John baptiste.
Adam of Bery, skynn', m'. John Aubray. A^{o}. xlviij^{o}. John Fyfhede.
In this yere the duke of Lancastre seiled into Flaundres, and passed be Parys thorugh Burgoyne and alle Fraunce into Burdeux, withoughte ony withstondyng. And in this yere Sire Alex' Neville was mad erchebysshop of Yorke, and Thomas Arundell bysshop of Ely, maistre Herry Wakefeld bysshop of Worcestre.
Will'm Walworth, fysshmong', Ric' Lyons. A^{o}. xlix^{o}. maior. Will' Wodehous.
[Sidenote: Ladyes ledde lordes bridel.]
In this yere, at the town of Bruges in Flaundres, was tretyd upon diverses articles hangynge betwen the pope and kyng Edward. Also the same yere was treted at Bruges for the pees betwen the too reaumes. Also in this yere rood dame Alice Perrers, as lady of the sune,[65] fro the tour of London thorugh Chepe; and alwey a lady ledynge a lordys brydell. And thanne began the grete justes in Smythefeld whiche endured vij nyght.
[Footnote 65: See note N.]
John Warde, m'. John Hadley, groc'. Anno l^{mo}. Will's Newport.
[Sidenote: iij pestilencia.]
In this yere was the thridde grete pestilence, in whiche dyed the honorable knyght Edward lord Spenser, and lythe beryed at Tewkesbery.
Adam Stable maior usq' xxj^{m} John North, drap'. A^{o}. lj^{mo}. diem Marcij, quo die p' Rob't Launde. p'ceptu' regis amotus fuit, et Nich's Brembre el'tus fuit p' res' a^{i}.
[Sidenote: Obit' Edwardi principis.]
In this yere, upon Trinite Soneday the viij day of Juyn, withinne the kynges paleys of Westm' deyde the noble flour of knyghthood, that is to seye, the goode prince Edward, whoos body lith worthily entered at Caunterbury a for yeyns seint Thomas schryne. Also in this yere oon Prentyng of Norfolk was enprisoned in the erles place of Northumbr', for whiche the peple of London aroos and wolde a sclayn the erle and cast down his place. Also in this yere Richard the sone of prynce Edward was mad prynce of Walys.[66]
[Footnote 66: See note O.]
Nicholl Brembre, groc', m'. Andr' Pykeman. A^{o}. lij^{do}.[67] Nicoll Twyford.
[Footnote 67: See note P.]
In this yere was graunted to the kyng of every persone, man and woman, above the age of xiiij yere, iiij d; and of every man of holy chirche avaunced xij d; and of every man nought avaunced iiij d. freres only except. And this same yere the cardynall of Engelond was smyten with the palsye and loste his speche, and upon Marie Magdaleyne day he dyde. Also in this yere, the xij day of Aprill, S^{r}. John Mynstreworth knyght was beheded. Also in this yere, in the xij kal' of Jull, that is for to seye on seynt Albones even, at Schene, deyde the moost excellent and doughted prynce Edward the thridde: the whiche Richard, the sone of goode prynce Edward the sone of the sayde kyng Edward, at the age of xj yere began to reigne: the whiche forsaid kyng Edward lyth ryally entered at Westm'.
* * * * *
John Philpot, wolman, m'. John Boseham. A^{o}. s'c'do. Th' Cornwayle.
In this yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccc^{mo}lxxviij, in the morwe after seynt Laurence day, was Robert Hawle sclayn in the chirche of Westm' be S^{r}. Aleyn Boxley, S^{r}. Rauf Fereres and Markle, whiche was sithen a sergeaunt of armes. Also the same yere was ordeyned that every persone undirgrowe schulde pay iiij d. to the kyng; and this cause was most cause of the rysyng after, for in Kent they began to serche first maydens and othere.
John Hadley, groc', m'. John Heyleston. A^{o}. t'cio. Will' Baret.
This yere the parlement was at Northt'; and there was Kirkeby drawe and hanged for the deth of a marchaunt of Jene, and a whit frere was punysshed for wordes that they hadde seyde be the duke of Lancastre. And in this yere were galeys in Thamyse, and brende Gravesende and Tilbury; for which cause S^{r}. Rauf Ferrers was apeched. And in this yere was the bataill betwen S^{r}. John of Audeslay knyght, and Thomas Kat'ynge esquyer.
Will Walworth, m'. Walt' Coket. A^{o}. iiij^{to}. fysshmong'. Will' Knyghtcote.
[Sidenote: The rysyng of the co'es of Essex and Kent.]
[Sidenote: They brende Saveye.]
[Sidenote: Jake Strawe was sclayn.]
This yere was the rysyng of the co'es of Essex and of Kent, for a talaye ordeyned that every man and woman betwen the age of lx and xvj yere schulde paye to the kyng xij d.; the whiche comones brenden the chirche and the houses of seynt Jones at Clerkenwelle, and at the Tour hill they beheded maistre Simond Sudbury, than erchebysshop of Caunterbury and chaunceller of Engelond; and frere Robert Hales priour of seynt Jones hous, thanne tresorer of Engelond; and frere William Appulton a grey frere, because he was phisicion to the duke of Lancastre, and Roger Leche sergeaunt of armes; and Richard Lyons was beheded at the standard in Chepe; and Richard Somere was beheded at the Milende; and Legat of Holbourn was beheded at Goterlane ende in Chepe; and manye questmongers, jorours, men of lawe, Flemynges, and othere aliens as they comen to honde they were beheded in diverses places. And thise said arrysers brenden the dukes place of Lancastre called Saveye, and wolde fayn an had the duke of Lancastre, but as grace was he myghte not be founden: and this was don on Corpus Cristi day, thanne beynge on the xj day of Juyn the yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccclxxxj. And on the morwe after, that is to saye Fryday, and thanne on the Satirday after Corpus Cristi day, the kyng anon after rood into Smythfeld, and William Walworth thanne beynge maire of London, S^{r}. Robert Knolles and also aldermen and othere citezeins of London with hym: and there they metten with Jake Strawe ledere of the uprysers. And this Jake Strawe spak to the kyng heded as it hadde be to his felawe: and John Blyton that bar the maires swerd of London bad hym don of his hode while he spak to the kyng; wherfore Jake Strawe wax an angred, and mynte to caste his daggere to Blyton. And thanne William Walworth, maire of London, drewe his baselard and smot Jake Strawe on the hed: and with that, Rauf Standyssh, that bar the kynges swerd, roof Jake Strawe thorugh the body with a swerd; and there he fyll doun ded. And anon his hede was smeten of and sett on a pole. And there the kyng made knyghtes, that is to seye, William Walworth maire of London, Rauf Standyssh, Robert Launde, Nicholl Brembre, Nicholl Twyford, and John Philpot. And anoon they wenten into seynt Jones feld, and there they founden alle the arrysers. And anon they were besett aboughte with the peple of London, so that they might non of them escape away: and thanne the kyng dede crye that no man schulde don them bodyly harme; and they were fayne to escape awey with there lyfves, and left there wepenys behynde them. Nevertheles afterward manye of them weren arrested, and be the lawe don to the deth in diverses schires of Englond, some drawen and hanged, and some hanged, and some beheded.
John Northampton, John Hende, drap'. A^{o}. v^{to}. draper, maior. John Roote.
[Sidenote: Kyng Richard wedded the emperours dought' of Almayne, Anne.]
[Sidenote: T're mot'.]
This yere kyng Richard wedded quene Anne the emperours doughter of Almaygne, that was a gracious lady. And in this yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccclxxxij, in the xxj day of May upon Wednesday anon after noon, was a gret erthequake in Engelond.
Id'm maior. Adam Bamme, goldsmyth. A^{o}. vj^{to}. John Cely.
[Sidenote: The bysshop of Norwych wente into Flaundres.]
This yere sire Herry Spenser bysshop of Norwich seyled into Flaundres with a croceryd to werre on the Flemynges. In that vyage wente S^{r}. William Elmham, S^{r}. William Faryndon, S^{r}. Thomas Trevet, and othere; and on seynt Urbanes day the pope, there were sclayn besyde Dunkirke xj m^{l} and v hundred Flemynges. Also in this yere fill debate in London betwen John Northampton, William Essex, John Moore, and Richard Norbury on that on partye, and the fysshmongers on the othere partye.
Nicholl Brembre, m'. John Moore, m'c'. A^{o}. vij^{mo}. drap'. Simon Wynchecombe.
In this yere John Northampton, John More and Richard Norbury were dampned into the tour of London, to be drawe and honged for certeyn congregacion mad ayeyns the pees in the citee of London. And in this yere S^{r}. Nicholl Brembre was chosene maire of London be stronge hand of certeyne craftes of London.
Id'm maior. Nicholl Exton. Anno viij^{o}. John Frossh', m'c'.
[Sidenote: S^{r}. Edmunde Langeley erle of Cambrygge made duke of Yorke.]
[Sidenote: S^{r}. Mychel Pole was made erle of Suff'.]
[Sidenote: A gret bataill in the palys of Westm'.]
In this yere were called ayeyne to there ansuere John Northampton, John More, and Richard Norbury in the tour of London, before S^{r}. Robert Tresylyan justice, and before S^{r}. John Deverose thanne styward of the kynges houshold, and before S^{r}. Nicholl Brembre thanne maire of London. In this yere the kyng at parlement be assent of the comounes made S^{r}. Edmond Langeley, thanne erle of Caumbregge, duke of Yorke; Sire Thomas Wodestoke, thanne erle of Notyngham, duke of Gloucestre; S^{r}. Robert le Veer, thanne erle of Oxenford, duke of Irlond; and sitthe he made hym marqwys of Develyn, and yaf hym alle the comodites of Irlond, terme of hys lyf, to mayntene the werres of Irlond: also S^{r}. Mighell of Pole was mad erle of Suffolke, and S^{r}. John Urmonde was mad erle of Urmond. In this yere kyng Richard, the duke of Lancastre, with a grete powere redyn into the north, and distroied into the Scottes see. And in this yere was the bataille in the palys at Westm', betwen Martigo Novyle of Naverne apeler, and John Walssh defender; the whiche Martigo apeled the said John that he schulde have p'posyd and sold the castell of Chirburgh: the whiche John there hadde the victorye and was mad knyght, and the said Martigo was drawen and hanged. Also in this yere S^{r}. Nicholl Brembre was chosen maire ayeyne, be the said craftes and be men of the contre at Harowe and the contre there aboughte, and not be fre eleccion of the citee of London as it owith to be: and the oolde halle was stuffed with men of armes overe even, be ordinaunce and assente of S^{r}. Nicholl Brembre for to chese hym maire on the morwe; and so he was.
Id'm maior. John Oghgon. A^{o}. ix^{o}. John Chircheman.
[Sidenote: Lordes ledde ladies be the bridell.]
In this yere was a gret rydynge fro the tour of London to Westm'; and evere a lord ledde a ladyes bridell. And on the morwe began the justes in Smythefeld, whiche lasted too dayes. There bar hym well S^{r}. Herry of Derby, the dukes sone of Lancastre, that othere was the lord Beaumond, the thridde S^{r}. Simond of Beuerley, the ferthe S^{r}. Piers Courteneye.[68]
[Footnote 68: See note Q.]
Nicholl Exton, maior, Will' More, vynt'. A^{o}. x^{mo}. fysshmong'. Will' Staundon, groc'.
[Sidenote: A bataill on the see betwen the erle of Arundell and the Flemynges.]
This yere the erle of Arundell admirall of Engelond faught on the see with the Flemynges, upon oure lady day in lenten, and scomfyted them, and tok manye schippes lade with Rochell wyn; among whiche schippes was oo schipp called Mewes Colman,[69] and that schipp was the admyrall of Flaundres, the whiche was taken and manye othere prisoners. The some of schippes grete and smale, at that tyme take, were lxxxvj schippes, in whiche were accompted xvij^{m} tounes of wyne. Also the duke of Lancastre in this yere, with his duchesse dame Constance, sayled over the see into Spayne with a gret peple, to clayme his wyfves right: and he tok with hym John Northt', for doughte elles he myghte have be sclayn whiles he hadde ben oughte of the reaume.
[Footnote 69: "Mons^{r} Colman" in the Cotton MS.]
Id'm maior. Will' Venor, groc'. Anno xj^{mo}. Hugo Fastolf.
[Sidenote: The rysyng of the lordes.]
[Sidenote: Diverses knyghtes were hanged, and diverses justices were exiled for everemore.]
In this yere was the rysyng of lordes of Engelond; that is for to seye, S^{r}. Thomas of Wodstok duke of Gloucestre, S^{r}. Herry erle of Derby, S^{r}. Richard erle of Arundell, S^{r}. Thomas erle of Warrewyk, Moubray the erle marchall, and S^{r}. Thomas the erle of Notyngham, ayens othere certeyn lordes, that is to weten, S^{r}. Robert de Veer erle of Oxenford, that was mad markys of Develyn and after duke of Irlond, whiche fledde into Loveyne in Braban, and there he deyde; Sire Mich' of Pole erle of Suffolk, whiche also fledde to the same place, and there deyde; Sire Alexander Nevyll erchebysshop of York, the whiche fledde to Scotlond, and there deyde; Robert Tresilian the kynges justice and Nicholl Brembre knyght were drawe to Tyborne and hanged. Also the same tyme Sire Johan Beauchamp, S^{r}. James Berners, and Sire Simond of Beuerle, knyghtes, were beheded at the Tour hill; but S^{r}. John of Salisbury was drawen and hanged; and also Robert Bealknap, John Holt, Robert Cary, William Burgh, Robert Fulthorp, and John Lokton, justices, weren exiled into Irlond, there for to dwelle alle there lyf tyme.
Nicholl Twyford, goldsmyth, Adam Karlyll,[70] groc'. A^{o}. xij^{o}. maior. Th' Austyn, m'c'.
[Footnote 70: "Cachehill" in the Cotton MS.]
[Sidenote: Justes in Smythfeld betwen the erle of Not' and the erle of More and othere.]
This yere, in the moneth of May, weren the justes in Smythfeld betwen the erle of Notyngham and the erle of More, Scott.; also betwen the lord Welles and S^{r}. David Lyndesey, Scott.; also betwen there Nicholl Bemenere and John Bron, Scott.
William Venor, groc', m'. John Loveye. A^{o}. xiij^{mo}. John Walcote, drap'.
In this yere were justes betwen S^{r}. Piers Courtenay and S^{r}. William Danyell, Scott. And in this yere John Northampton cam home and posseded his goodes.
Adam Bam, goldsmyth, Th' Vyvent. Anno xiiij^{mo}. m'. John Fraunceys, goldsmyth.
[Sidenote: A gret scarcete of corn.]
This yere was scarcete of corn. Neverthelees the seide meire, be good counseill, sente his men over the see with gold into divers contres and broughte home corn, so that the prys was well amendyd.[71]
[Footnote 71: See note R.]
John Hende, drap', m'. John Schadworth, m'c'. A^{o}. xv^{o}. Herry Vaun'e, drap'.
[Sidenote: Edward Dalyngreg' and Baldewyn Radyngton were mad kepers of the citee of London.]
[Sidenote: The remevyng of the court to Yorke.]
[Sidenote: For an hors loof.]
whiche John Hende occupied the office of the meire into the morwe after the natyvyte of seynt John baptist, the whiche was put down be the kyng and his counseill at Notyngham, and ordeyned S^{r}. Edward Dalyngregy, knyght, kepere of the citee; and on the xxij day of Juyll the said Edward was discharged of his office, and S^{r}. Bawdewyn Radyngton at Wyndesore was mad kepere of the citee of London, and so stod in office into the feste of seynt Symond and Jude; at whiche day, be leve of the kyng, they chosen officers in the Yelde halle of London for the yere folwyng as it folwith. And in this yere the courtes were remeved, and withdrawe fro London to York fro the feste of the nativite of seynt John baptist unto Cristemasse folwynge; and all this disese above seyd was for this cause. In this yere Thomas Arundell erchebysshop of York was thanne chaunceler of Engelond, and Waltham bysshop of Salesbury was thanne tresorer of Engelond; the serwauntes of whiche tresorer arrered a grete debate in Fletestrete ayens men of the towne for an hors loof, for whiche the tresorer pleyned upon the citee to the kyng, and wykkedly enformed the kyng; thorugh whiche enformacion and procurment of the chaunceler, the kyng sesed the fraunchise and the liberte of London into hys hond: and the kyng hadde of London x m^{l} lib' or he wolde be plesyd.
Will'm Staundon, Gilb't Maunfeld. A^{o}. xvj^{mo}. groc', maior. Th' Newenton.
In this yere was the pley of seynt Katerine.[72]
[Footnote 72: See note S.]
John Hadley, groc', Ric' Whityngton, m'c'. A^{o}. xvij^{mo}. m'. Grugo Barentyn, goldsmyth.
[Sidenote: Anna reg'^{na} Angl' obiit.]
In this yere, that is to seye in the xij day of Juyn the yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccclxxxxiiij, the goode lady quene deyde at Shene, and lith entered worthyly at Westm'.
John Frossh, m'c', m'. Th' Knolles, groc'. A^{o}. xviij^{o}. Will' Brampton, fysshmongre, with the longe berd.
In this yere kyng Richard wente first into Irlond.[73]
[Footnote 73: See note T.]
Will's More, vynt', m'. Rog' Elys. A^{o}. xix^{o}. Will' Scheryngham.
[Sidenote: Kyng Richard wedded the kynges doughtre of Fraunce, Isabell.]
In this yere, aboughte the feste of Al Halwen, Isabell the kynges doughter of Fraunce was spoused to kyng Richard at Caleys, whiche afterward, on the viij day of Januer, was crowned quene at Westm'; at whos comynge to London the priour of Typtre in Essex, with othere viij persones, upon London bregge in the gret prees weren crowsed to the deth.
Adam Bamme, goldsmyth, Th' Welford, drap'. A^{o}. xx^{mo}. m'. Will' Parkere, m'c'.
[Sidenote: The makynge of lordes.]
[Sidenote: The erle of Arundell was condempned.]
The whiche Adam Bamme deyde the vj day of Juyn; and Richard Whityngton occupyed the office of the mairalte the remenaunt of the yere be patent of the kyng; and thanne after, on seynt Edwardes day, he was chose maire for the yere folwynge. Also in this yere the xxj day of Juyll, the regne of the kyng xxj^{ti} yere begynnynge, S^{r}. Thomas of Wodestoke duke of Gloucestre was arested at Paske;[74] and S^{r}. Richard erle of Arundell, and S^{r}. Thomas erle of Warrewyk, the lord Cobham, and S^{r}. John Cheyne weren also arested. And in the monthe of Septembre nest folwynge the kyng helde hys parlement at Westm', at whiche parlement Edward erle of Roteland was made duke of Awmarle, Herry erle of Derby was mad duke of Hereford, Thomas earl Marchall was mad duke of Norfolk, S^{r}. John erle of Huntyngdon was mad duke of Excetre, the erle of Kent was mad duke of Surry, the erle of Somerset was mad marquys of Dorset, S^{r}. Thomas Percy was mad erle of Worcestre, the lord Spenser was made lord[75] of Gloucestre, the lord Nevyle was mad erle of Westmerland. Also the parlement was enyourned to Schrovesbury into the xv day of seynt Hillar. And in the forsaid parlement was mad a gret hale in the paleys of Westm', in whiche Richard the erle of Arundell was dampned to the deth, and he was beheded at the Tour hill.[76]
[Footnote 74: "Plass'he" in the Cotton MS.]
[Footnote 75: "Earl" in the Cotton MS.]
[Footnote 76: See note U.]
Richard Whytyngton, Will' Askham, fysshmong'. A^{o}. xxj^{mo}. m'c', m'. John Wodecok, m'c'.
[Sidenote: The mordryng of the duke of Glouc' at Caleys.]
[Sidenote: There schulde a ben a bataill at Coventre betuen the duk of Hereford and the duk of Norf', and anon in the same place they were exiled.]
[Sidenote: Thomas Arundell erchebisshop of Caunterbury was exiled. Rog' Walden made erchebysshop.]
[Sidenote: The kyng hadde the citee of London and othere schires in grete hate.]
[Sidenote: Blank chartres were seled, &c. whiche coste London a m^{l} li'.]
In this monthe of Feverer was the parlement at Schrovesbury, at whiche parlement was ordeyned the deth of the duke of Gloucestre the kynges uncle, whiche was foule mordred at Caleys, in the prynces inne, with two towayles made in snare wyse, and put aboughte his nekke; and so was that worthy knyght strangled to the deth. Also the lord Cobham was jugged to perpetuel prison: and forasmoche as the erle of Derby thanne mad duke of Hereford was of counseill and assent of the deth of lordes and knyghtes don to dethe in the xj yere of the kyng, he was also exiled. Also in this yere schulde a ben a bataile at Coventre betwen the duke of Hereford and the duke of Norfolke, withinne lystes: and whanne they were assembled in the place, the kyng toke up there quarell into his hand: and anoon in the same place they were bothe exiled; that is to seye, the duke of Hereford for x yere, and Thomas duke of Norfolk for an hundred yere, whiche debate was for wordes of treson whiche schulde have ben spokyn be these too lordes of the kyng. Also in this yere Thomas Arundell erchebysshop of Caunterbury was also exiled and translated to another bysshoperiche, and S^{r}. Roger Walden was made erchebysshop of Caunterbury; and thanne the kyng thorugh wykked counseill disherited the heirs of the lordes that were put to dethe, as it is above seyd, and dampned to perpetual prison. And he sente to Rome, to have the statutes and the ordinaunces mad in the parlement begonnen at Westm' and ended at Schrovesbury, confermed of the pope; the whiche was doun and graunted be the pope and be hym confermed, which confirmacion was proclamed at the crosse in Powles and at seynt Marie Spitele in Estre woke before alle the peple. Also the kyng thorugh his counseill hadde the citee of London and othere diverses shires of Engelond in grete hate and grete indignacion, and lete enditen them as for rebelles: and he toke to hym Chestreschire men whiche were most famulier with hym, wherfore the citizeins of London and the peple of the said schires so endited as before is seid, were full hevy and sorwefull; and thanne the citizeins of London for plesaunce of the kyng thorugh counseill and helpe of Roger Walden the erchebysshop of Caunterbury, and of Braybroke, &c.[77] Moreover in this yere, for alle that, Chestreschire men maden a grete fray in Fryday strete on a nyght in there innes; the whiche weren well beten and hurte with arowes and brought thanne to the countor. Also this yere, be selyng of blank chartres,[78] the citee of London paied to the kyng a m^{l} li', and othere schires as they myghte beren.
[Footnote 77: See note X.]
[Footnote 78: See note Y.]
Drugo Barentyn, John Wade. Anno xxij^{do}. goldsmyth, m'. John Warv'.
[Sidenote: Obiit Joh'es duk Lancastr'.]
[Sidenote: Kyng Richard seyled the seconde tyme into Irlond.]
[Sidenote: The duke of Hereford with othere lordes exiled landed at Ravenspore in Yorkschire.]
[Sidenote: The kynges mene turned ayens hym.]
[Sidenote: Kyng Richard was put into the tour of London, and anon after he resigned his dignyte.]
Ye schull wete that Thomas the son and heyre of Richard the erle of Arundell, whiche Thomas after the deth of his fadir was duellynge in houshold with S^{r}. John Holand duke of Excetre, and holden at no reputacion but alwey in gret repref and dispite, in moche disese and sorwe of herte, thorugh helpe of William Scot mercer of London privyly in a gromys clothynge, sailed over the see and cam to his uncle the erchebysshop of Caunterbury, that tyme beynge at Coloigne. Ferthermore in this yere deyde the duke of Lancastre, and lith entered at seynt Poules at London. Also in this yere after Estren, in the lattere ende of the yere of the conquest of kyng Richard, the same kyng Richard sailed the secounde tyme into Irlond; and he hadde with hym amonges othere Herry the eldeste sone of the duke of Hereford, whom he made knyght[79] in Irlond; and the saide kyng Richard was there too monthes and sumwhat more. And in the mene tyme cam in Herry duke of Hereford, for his fadir the duke of Lancastre was ded, for whiche he cam to cleyme his heritage, and broughte with hym Thomas of Arundell the erchebysshop of Caunterbury whiche was exiled; and also he broughte with hym hys sone Thomas, and also Thomas the erles son of Arundell to cleyme his herytage; and they landed in the north contre, at a place that is clepyd Ravenspore besyde Bedlyngton. And anon as they were landed there comen to hym hastyly the erle of Northumberlond and S^{r}. Herry his sone, and the erle of Westmerland, Robert of Watton, and manye othere lordes and gentiles of the north contre. And thanne the seid duke of Hereford with alle tho above seid reden to Chestre with gret strenkthe. And anon as the kyng herde telle that duke Herry was come, he hied hym out of Irlond into Engelond, in hope to be strong ayens hys enemys: and as sone as the peple of the kynges herde telle that the duke was landed, alle the kynges meyne into lytell turned ayens the kyng, and wenten ayeyns his adversaryes, that seynge the kyng withdrowe hym to the castell of Flynt. And the duke with his lordes and gentiles comen to the castell of Bristoll, and there they token S^{r}. William Scrop thanne erle of Wyltshire and tresorer of Engelond, S^{r}. Herry Grene, S^{r}. John Busshy, and Perkyn of Lee: and on the xxx^{ti} day of Juyll they were beheded as for traytours. And whanne they hadde so don they reden ayeyne to Chestre, and thider to them cam kyng Richard in pees. And thanne the kyng and the duke and the othere seid lordes reden in fere to Londonward: and in the firste day of Septembre they comen to London everych on: and in the morwe suynge kyng Richard was put into the tour of London tyl tyme that the parlement, whiche began at Westm' on seynt Jeromys day the laste day of Septembre;[80] whiche day, in the tour of London, kyng Richard resigned his dignyte in this yere of his regne xxiij; and duke Herry was be generall accorded in parlement chosyn kyng, his regne thanne begynnynge, and sithen crowned. Thanne was S^{r}. John Slake at Westm', dene of the kynges chapell, arested and put in prison in Ludgate, and othere certeyn monkes of Westm'. Also S^{r}. William Bagot, knyght, was arested besyde Develyn in Irlond, and brought to London.
[Footnote 79: "whiche was kyng after his fa'ir Henry of Derby" in the Cotton MS.]
[Footnote 80: "xxiij of September" in the Cotton MS.]
* * * * *
Thomas Knolles, groc', m'. Will' Waldern, m'c'. A^{o}. p^{o}. Will' Hyde.
[Sidenote: Lordes purposed to a sclayn the kyng.]
[Sidenote: Decapitacio d'nor'.]
This yere, on the twelfthe day after Cristemasse, the erle of Kent, the erle of Hunt', the lord Spenser, S^{r}. Rauf Lumley, and manye othere knyghtes and squyres were purposyd to have sclayn the kyng and hise children at Wyndesore, and thoo that helde with them be a mommynge; but, as it fortuned, the kyng hadde warnynge; and anon he rood to London in gret haste, and made hym strong to ryde on hise adversaries afore said; the whiche lordes were assembled at Redynge, purposyng for to do as they hadde ment; and fro thens they come to Wyndesore, and deden moche harme thereaboughte. And whanne they hadde aspied that the kyng was forth to London, they token there wey to Surcetre, and made cryes be the weye, and at Surcetre also, seyenge that kyng Richard was up with alle Walys and Chestyrschire; and kyng Herry fledde to the tour of London: but for all that the toun aroos and toke them with grete strenkthe; and there they beheded the erle of Kent and the erle of Salesbury; also the erle of Huntyngton was beheded at Plasshe in Essex, the whiche was fled and wolde a passed the see to have brought in Frensshmen for to distroye Engelond; and he myghte have no wynd to brynge hym over, and he was take and beheded as it ys above seid. Also at Sucetre the same tyme was beheded S^{r}. Rauf Lumley; and at Oxenford were beheded S^{r}. Thomas Blount, S^{r}. Benet Cely, Thomas Wyntreshull squyer, and othere aboughte xxvij persones, and the hedes of the lordes sent to London. At Bristowe was beheded the lord Spenser, and there his hed sett up: afterward was taken S^{r}. Bernard Brocas, S^{r}. Thomas Schelley, Maudeleyn parson, S^{r}. William Fereby prest; and there were drawen, hanged, and beheded, at Tyborne. And anon after deyde kyng Richard in the castell of Ponfreyt, whos body was beryed at Langeley. Also in this yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccc, the kyng rood into Scotlond. And in this yere began the werre in Walys be Oweyn of Glendore.
John Fraunceys, Will' Cnote, drap'. A^{o}. s'c'do. goldsmyth, m'. John Wakeley, vynt'.
In this yere a quarter of whete was worth xvj s. Also this yere kyng Herry rood into Wales be the excitacion of the lord Grey Ruthyn, for to distroye Owan of Glondere. In this yere was here the emperor of Constantynnoble: and the kyng helde his Cristemasse at Eltham; and men of London maden a gret mommyng to hym of xij aldermen and there sones, for whiche they hadde gret thanke. And the same yere S^{r}. William Sautre prest was degraded of his presthood, and brent in Smythefeld for an heretyk.[81]
[Footnote 81: "a lollard and an eritik approved afore alle the clergye" in the Cotton MS.]
John Schadworth, William Veno', groc'. A^{o}. t'cio. m'c', maior. John Fremyngham, skynn'.
[Sidenote: Stella comata.]
[Sidenote: The bataill of Humbelton hill.]
[Sidenote: The conduyt in Cornhill.]
This same yere was dame Johanne duchesse of Breteyne spoused to kyng Herry with moche solempnyte at Westm'. Also in Lenten this yere schewed in the west in the sky a sterre called Stalla Comata, whiche endured v wokes. Also in this yere the prior of Launde, S^{r}. Roger Claryndon knyght, and viij frere Menours weren drawen and hanged at Tyburne. Also this yere, the xiiij day of Septembre, was the bataill with the Scottes at Humbledon hill, where there were taken and sclayn wol ny alle the gentyles of Scotlond. Also this same yere was mad the conduyt in Cornhull.
John Walcote, Rob't Chichelegh, groc'. A^{o}. iiij^{to}. drap', m'. Ric' Merlawe, fysshmong'.
[Sidenote: The bataill of Schrovesbury.]
This same yere, on Maudelyn even, betwen Englysshmen and Englysshmen was the sory bataill of Schrovesbury, that is to seye betwen kyng Herry and S^{r}. Herry Percy sone of the erle of Northumberland; the whiche S^{r}. Henry Percy was there sclayn and there beryed; and on hys syde manye another man also sclayn; and on his syde the erle Douglas of Scotland lost his on eye; and S^{r}. Thomas Percy brother to the said S^{r}. Herry Percy was there taken and kept too dayes after on lyve; and for he was embassator before the batall betwen the kyng and S^{r}. Herry Percy, manye a good man loste there hys lyf, wherfore they seyde S^{r}. Thomas was drawen, hanged and beheded, and his hede[82] sett upon London brigge: also in the said bataille the prynce was schot in the heed wyth an arowe; and the erle of Stafford sclayn undyr the kynges banere, and S^{r}. William Graunsell, with manye othere knyghtes and squyers:[83] and forasmoche as som peple seyde that S^{r}. Herry Percy was alyve, he was taken up ayen out of his grave, and bounden upright betwen to mille stones, that alle men myghte se that he was ded.
[Footnote 82: "with a quart' of S^{r}. Herry Percie's hedde" in the Cotton MS.]
[Footnote 83: "worthie lordes, knyghts, and squyers, gentilles, and good yomen" in the Cotton MS.]
Will'm Askam, fysshmong', Thomas Faucon', m'c'. A^{o}. v^{to}. maior. Th' Polle, goldsmyth.
[Sidenote: The takyng of William Cerle.]
This William Askam was prentys to William Walworth, sume tyme maire, that was prentys sum tyme with John Lovekyn; and alle schirreves and meires ech after other in on house. In this yere William Cerle yoman of the robys with kyng Richard, whiche was on of them that mordred the goode duke of Gloucestre at Caleys, was taken in the march of Scotlond and brought to London, where that he was drawen, and hanged, boweld, and his bowels brente before hym, and thanne beheded and quartered at Tyburne. In this yere the lord Castell, with gret peple of Bretouns and Normaundes, londed at the Blake Pole, too mile fro Dertmouth, and there he was sclayn; and the peple fledde.
John Hende, drap', Will' Louthe, goldsmyth. A^{o}. vj^{to}. maior. Stephan Spylman, m'c'.
[Sidenote: Richard Scrop the erchebysshop of York and the lord Moubray were beheded.]
[Sidenote: The children of the erles of March were stole out of the castell of Wyndesore.]
In this yere Thomas the kynges sone was admirall of the see and seiled into Flaundres, and he landed at Scluse and yaf theretoo a grete sawte, and he brente bothe in Cahaunt and in Flaundres. Also he toke the carykes of Jene, whiche he broughte to Wynchelsey; and there, thorugh mysgovernaunce, the carikes[84] with alle the good therinne was brent. Also in this yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccccv, Richard Scrop erchebysshop of York, and the lord Moubray[85] were beheded a lytel out of York, upon Whitson Moneday. Also the same yere were the children of the erle of Marche stolen out of the castell of Wyndesore, aboughte mydnyght as it was seid, and were led into Walys to Owayn of Glendore, for he was a rebell to oure kyng that tyme, and alle Walys for the more partye be v yere before. Also the forseid children were brought ayene to the kyng; and the lady Spenser was accused, and here brother, that was called duk of York, of gret treson for the forseid children; and the cause was, for they seyden that the eldere chyld was trewe kyng. Also the forseyd duke was in kepynge of S^{r}. John Pelham at Pevensey, in the castell, unto the parlement nest folwynge.
[Footnote 84: "one of the saide carikes" in the Cotton MS.]
[Footnote 85: "the lord Moubray erle marchal" in the Cotton MS.]
John Wodecok, Will' Crowm'e, drap'. A^{o}. vij. m'c', m'. Herry Barton, skynn'.
[Sidenote: The weres were stroyd.]
[Sidenote: Travers yoman of the kynges chaumbre was hanged, poysonyng his wyffe.]
This same yere, be the comaundement of the kvng, alle the weres betwen London and Midweye were pulled up and distroyed be the meire of London and the comonalte. Also in this yere was Travars, yoman of the kynges chaumbre, arestyd for poysonyng of hys wyf in Northamptonschire; and on Jonet Legge was also arested for the consentynge of poysonynge of the same woman: and the said Travars was hongen, and his bowels brent, and thanne quarterd; and the said Jonet hadde here lyf.
Ric' Whytyngton, Nicholl Wotton, drap'. A^{o}. viij^{o}. m'c', m'. Geffrey Brook, groc'.
[Sidenote: Rempston was dreynt.]
In this yere, the xvij day[86] of Juyll, the erle of Kent wedded the dukes doughter of Melane, at seynt Marie Overey: and in this yere deyde the good S^{r}. Robert Knolles. In this yere S^{r}. Thomas Rempston, knyght, was dreynt faste be London bregge: and in this yere was the bataille in Smythfeld betwen John Walssh clerk, and Percyval Sondon.
[Footnote 86: "xxiiij day" in the Cotton MS.]
Will'm Staundon, Herry Pounfreyt, sadeler. A^{o}. ix^{mo}. groc', m'. Herry Halton, groc'.
[Sidenote: The erle of Northumberland and the lord Bardolf were taken in the North.]
In this yere the erle of Northumberland and the lord Bardolf, whiche arysyn ayeyns the kyng, were taken in the north cuntre and beheded; and the hed of the forsaid erle and a quarter of the lord Bardolf were sent to London, and sett upon London brigge. Also in this yere was a strong wynter whiche endured xiiij wokes. Also this yere the erle of Kent was sclayn, thorugh his owne folye, at Bryak in Bretayne, for he rood withoughte basnet, and was marked with a quarell. In this yere greyn was suych plente that smal greyn was at xij d., xiiij d., and xvj d. the beste civile greyn.
Drew Barantyn, Will' Norton, drap'. Anno x^{mo}. goldsmyth, m'. Th' Duke, skynnere.
[Sidenote: The pley at the Skynnere well.]
[Sidenote: Grete justes in Smythefeld.]
This yere was the pleye at Skynners Welle,[87] whiche endured Wednesday, Thorsday, Fryday, and on Soneday it was ended; and thanne began the fetees of werre in Smythfeld for diverses chalanges. First it began be the seneschall of Henawde and the erle of Somerset, for the Henawde soughte hyder to seke awntures, the whiche fight lasted iij dayes; and on the Moneday, S^{r}. John and another Henawde; and on the Tuwesday, S^{r}. John Philipp with another; and on the Wednesday, John Grey and his adversarie: and on the Fryday the kyng wolde suffre nothing to be don. On the Satyrday, Standyssh and his adversarie: on the Moneday suynge, Styward and his adversarie: on the Tuesday, Souche and his adversarie. On the Moneday after, S^{r}. John Grene, Cornewayle, and his felawes;[88] and on the Satirday, tho too broughten hise brethren and there adversaries: and, as God wolde, evere the Englyssh partye hadde the victorie.
[Footnote 87: "Clerkenwelle" in the Cotton MS.]
[Footnote 88: See note Z.]
Richard Merlawe, John Lane, m'c'. A^{o}. xj^{mo}. Irmong', maior. Will' Chichele, groc'.
[Sidenote: An heretyk was brent.]
This same yere there was a clerk that beleved nought on the sacrament of the auter, that is to seye Godes body,[89] which was dampned and brought into Smythfeld to be brent, and was bounde to a stake where as he schulde be brent. And Herry prynce of Walys, thanne the kynges eldest sone, consailed hym for to forsake his heresye, and holde the righte wey of holy chirche.[90] And the prior of seynt Bertelmewes in Smythfeld broughte the holy sacrament of Godys body, with xij torches lyght before, and in this wyse cam to this cursed heretyk: and it was asked hym how he beleved; and he ansuerde, that he belevyd well that it was halowed bred and nought Godes body; and thanne was the toune put over hym, and fyre kyndled thereinne: and whanne the wrecche felte the fyre he cryed mercy; and anon the prynce comanded to take awey the toune and to quenche the fyre, the whiche was don anon at his comaundement: and thanne the prynce asked hym if he wolde forsake his heresye and taken hym to the feith of holy chirche, which if he wolde don, he schulde have hys lyf and good ynowe to lyven by: and the cursed schrewe wold nought, but contynued forth in his heresye; wherfore he was brent, and a versyfyer made of hym, in metre, thise too verses:
Hereticus credat ve p'ustus ab orbe recedat Ne fidos ledat satel hunc baratro sibi p'dat.
[Footnote 89: "in forme of brede" in the Cotton MS.]
[Footnote 90: See note AA.]
[Sidenote: The newe stokkes were begonne to make.]
Also in this yere the stokkes betwen the Cornhull and the Pultrye was begonne to make, and in the yere nest folwynge it was ful complet and made. In this yere was a fray mad in Estchepe, be the kynges sones Thomas and John, with men of the town. Also this same yere there went the duke of Clarence, the duke of Yorke, the erl of Dorset, to the duke of Orlions, ageyn the duke of Burgoyne, and landed at Hogges.
Thomas Knolles, groc', Thom's Pyke, drap'. A^{o}. xij^{mo}. maior. John Penne, skynn'e.
[Sidenote: A gret feight in Smythfelde betuen Glouc' and Arthur.]
[Sidenote: The Yeldhalle was begone to make newe.]
This yere was the fight in Smythefeld betuen Gloucestre and Artour, for wordes that Gloucestre hadde appeled Arthur of: and whanne they hadde well foughten, the kyng tok the bataille into his hond, and wolde lete them feighte no more. Also this yere, on seynt Petres even, was gret debate in Brigge street betuen the lord Thomas men and men of London. Also in this yere comen ambassatours to the kyng fro the duke of Burgoyne, for to have men out of Engelond to helpe hym in werre ayeyns the duke of Orlyons: but the kyng wolde no men grauntte, for which the ambassatores spaken therof to the prynce: and he sente to the duke of Burgoyne the erle of Arundell and the lord Cobbeham, with othere lordes and gentyles, with a faire retenewe and well arrayed peple. Also this yere the Yeldhalle of London was begonne to make newe. Also in this yere the duke of Burgoyne, with help of Englysshmen, sclewe moche peple of the dukes of Orlyons at the brigge of Seyntclowe. Also in this same yere was Rys Dye, squyer, of Walys, drawen, hanged, and beheded, and quartred, and the quarters salted.
Rob't Chicheley, Will'[91] Reynwell, fysshmong'. A^{o}. xiij^{o}. groc', maior. Walt' Cotton, m'c'.
[Footnote 91: "John" in the Cotton MS.]
[Sidenote: iij flodes were sen in Tempse upon o day.]
[Sidenote: The newe coyn for nobles.]
This yere the xij day of Octobre, the yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccccxj, there weren in Themyse iij flodes upon a day. Also the same yere the lord Thomas, the kynges sone, was mad duke of Clarence. Also in this yere comen into Engelond ambassatores out of Fraunce fro the duke of Orlyons, to have men over in helpynge hym ayens the duke of Burgoyne[92] before seid in that other yere. And in the comemoracion of seynt Poul, the laste day of Juyn, come prynce Herry, the sone of kyng Herry the forthe, to London, with moche peple of lordes and gentyles: and the kyng lay thanne at seynt Jones hous til the Soneday nest folwynge; and thanne he remeved to the bysshopes paleys of London, and lay there fro Satirday tyl Friday after; and thanne he remeved to Rotherhithe. And prynce Herry lay at the bysshoppes inne of Dorham, fro the seid day of his comynge to towne unto the Moneday nest after the feste of Septem fratrum. And thanne rood Thomas the kynges sone duke of Clarence, and with hym the duke of York, and Beauford thanne erle of Dorset, toward Hampton with a gret retenewe of peple: and on the Tuesday rood the erles brother of Oxenford, and on the Wednesday rood the erle of Oxonford; and they alle lay at Hampton, and aboden the wynde tyl on the Thorsday the firste day of August; the whiche Thorsday, Fryday, and Satyrday, they passed out of the haven the noumbre of xiiij schippes: and on the Soneday they were dreven inne ayeyne with the wynd: and after, on seynt Laurence even and seynt Laurens day, they arreved at Seynt Fasters, faste be Hogges in Normandye. And on the xxiij day of Septembre prynce Herry come to London to the counseyll, with an huge peple. Also in this yere the kyng lete coynen newe nobles; and they were lesse of weyghte than the olde noble be the peys of an half peny weighte; so that[93] be juste weyghte liij nobles, j d, and an halpeny weighte, schulde maken a pound weighte of Troye.
[Footnote 92: See note BB.]
[Footnote 93: "so that a noble shuld weye but iiij d. and an ob. weight: so that liij nobles, &c." in the Cotton MS.]
Will'm Waldern, Rauf Lobenham, drap'. A^{o}. xiiij^{o}. m'c', maior. Will' Sevenok, groc'.
[Sidenote: Obit' Henr' nup' Regis Angl' iiij^{ti}.]
[Sidenote: Coronac'o H. quinti.]
[Sidenote: S^{r}. John Oldcastle was arested, put into the Tour of London, and after brak out.]
In this yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccccxij, the xxj[94] day of March, on a Moneday, deyde kyng Herry the forthe, at Westm'. And lyghth entered at Caunterbury, on the north syde of seynt Thomas schryne the martyr. Thanne Herry, the sone and heire of the sayd kyng Herry the forthe, began to reigne, and com to London; and ayens hym was a gret rydynge of men of London, and broughte hym to the tour of London upon the Fryday; and on the morwe he rood thorugh Chepe with a gret roughte of lordes and knyghtes, the whiche he hadde newe made in the Toure on the nyght before, unto Westm'. And on the morwe, that is to say Passion Soneday, the whiche was a ful trobly wet day, he was crowned at Westm' with michel ryalte. And in this yere, the firste day of Septembr', it hayled strongly. In this yere my lord of Dorset lay at the sege of the castell of Mount Andre in Gyan; and Blounte was capitayn of the castell of Sobyre. Also another companye of Englysshmen lay in the town of Barbesey; and there was don a jorney betwen Englysshmen and Frensshmen be syde Mount Andre, in the monthe of August: and thorugh the grace of God iij c Englysshmen xvij lesse, toke and sclewe viij m of Frensshmen: and there were take the lord Hayle, the lord Morlet, the bastard of Clynton, the lord en le Sale de Mary, the maire of Rochell, the capytayn of Tholomonde, the capitayn of Ryons, the capitayne of seynt John the Evangelist, the capitayn of Racheford, the capitayn of Urlound, and manye othere capitaynes and gentiles whiche were to longe to telle. In this yere was the lord Cobbeham, called S^{r}. John Oldcastell, arested and put into the Tour of London, for certeyn poyntes of heresye whiche he held ayens the beleve of holy chirche: and after he brak prison and wente away.
[Footnote 94: "xx day" in the Cotton MS.]
* * * * *
Will' Crowm'e,[95] John Nicholl, vynt'. Anno primo. drap', maior. John Sutton, groc'.
[Footnote 95: See note CC.]
[Sidenote: Kyng Richard boones were feet fro Langeley and beried at Westm'.]
[Sidenote: Obiit Thomas Arundell arch'ep'us Cantuar'.]
[Sidenote: A parlement at Leycestr'.]
[Sidenote: John the K. brother duke of Bedforthe.]
[Sidenote: Humferey the K. brother duke of Glowcester.]
[Sidenote: Chicheley B. of seynt De' mad archebissh' of Canterbury.]
[Sidenote: Nyauncer took seynt Anne chirch for scleyng of S^{r}. John Tybbay.]
In this yere, on seynt Edmondes day the kyng, there was a gret convocacion of clergye at Poules in London, whiche contenued tyl the iiij day of Decembre; and thanne was the kyng and his counseill accorded to fette the bones of kyng Richard fro Langele to London, and to berye them at Westm';[96] and there was don a dirige ryally; and on the morwe the masse was solempny songon. And on the Soneday sewyng, Thomas Arundell erchebysshop of Caunterbury and manye othere bysshoppes, at the crosse of Poules accursed S^{r}. John Oldcastell lord of Cobbeham and alle hise mayntenours. And in the xix day of Decembre cam the Frensshe ambassatours to London, fro the kyng of Fraunce to the kyng of Engelond. Morover in the twelfthe day in Cristemasse it was certefied the kyng, that S^{r}. John Oldcastell was up with a stronge peple ayeyns hym. Wherfore the kyng be hys counseill cam to London the viij day of Januar'; and with hym cam hise brethren, and the erchebysshop of Caunterbury, and Courtenaye the bysshop of Norwych, and manye othere lordes and bachelers. And the nexte nyght the kyng with hyse brethren and the bysshopes token the feld ayeyns Sire John Oldcastell, beyonde seynt Gyles in Holborne, betwen Westm' and the highe weye toward Tyborne; and there the kynges peple token diverses men as they comen be the weye, of whiche on was a squyere of S^{r}. John Oldcastell, and othere diverses men also: and there was muche folk arested and put into the Tour of London, of whiche folk there were xij men drawen fro the Thoure of London as a Fryday at nyghte thorughe the town to Neugate, and there they were tyl on the morwe; and they with othere xxv men, that is to seye xxxvij persones, were drawen, hanged, and brent; and tho that were drawe were said arrysers ayeyns the kyng: and certaynly the said S^{r}. John Oldcastell with gret multitude of Lollers and heretykes were purposyd with ful wyll and myght for to have distroyed the kyng and hyse brethern, whiche ben protectours and defendours of Holy Chirche, and them also that ben in degre of holy ordre in the service of God and of his chirche, the which will and purpos, as God wolde, was lette; and S^{r}. John Oldcastell fledde and escaped. Forthermore in this yere the xix day of Feverer, deyde Thomas Arundell the erchebysshop of Caunterbury. Also in this yere was a parlement at Leycestre, and there was the lord John the kynges brother mad duke of Bedeford and erle of Kendale, and the lord Humfrey hys brother was mad duke of Gloucestre and erle of Pembroke, and S^{r}. Richard the dukes brother of York was mad erle of Caumbregge. And in this yere in the monthe of Juyll wente oure ambassatours into Fraunce, and some of the ambassatours wenten into Constaunce to chesen the pope: and some wenten to the emperor; that is to seye, to the emperor wente the erle of Warwyk, the lord Fitz Hugh, Sire Walter Hungerford, S^{r}. Rauf Rocheford, Maistre Philipp Morgan, Maistre John Henyngham, with comission. And to the cytee of Constantyne wente the bysshop of Bathe, the bysshop of Salesbury, the bysshop of Chestre, the abbot of Westm', the abbot of York, the abbot of Gerseye, with othere doctours. Also into Fraunce wente the bysshop of Dorham, the bysshop of Norwych, the erle of Salysbury, the lord Grey Codonore, S^{r}. John Pelham, Robert of Waterton, and othere. Forthemore on the Monday the xxiij day of Septembre began a grete counseill at Westm'; and on the neste Monday after, that is to seye the firste day of Octobre anno d'ni mill'mo cccc^{mo}xv. Also the same yere was S^{r}. Herry Chicheley bysshop of seynt Davyes mad erchebisshop of Caunterbury, and S^{r}. Richard Courtenay mad bysshop of Norwych. And in the same yere on seynt Marie Maudeleyn day, John Neauser squyer, and his men, sclowen Maistre John Tybbay clerk, as he passed thorugh Ladlane; for the whiche deth the same John Nyauncer and iiij of his men fledden into seynt Annes chirche withinne Aldrichgate; and withinne the same chirche they were mured up, and men of diverses wardes watched them nyght and day. And the forsaid John Nyauncer and his men forsuoren the kynges lond, and passyd thorugh the citee of London toward Caleys in there schertes and breches, and ich of them a crosse in there hand.
[Footnote 96: See note DD.]
Thomas Faucon', John Michell, fysshmong'. A^{o}. s'c'do. drap', maior. Thomas Aleyn, m'c'.
[Sidenote: The grete werk of Shene was begonne.]
[Sidenote: Newe gates in London.]
[Sidenote: The deth of lordes at Hampton.]
[Sidenote: Sege of Harfleu.]
[Sidenote: The yeldyng of the toun of Harfleu.]
[Sidenote: The lord Beauford capitayn.]
[Sidenote: The bataill of Aigincourt this day.]
[Sidenote: Mort.]
[Sidenote: Mort.]
[Sidenote: Alle the bellys of London were ronge for yoye.]
In this yere was Sperepoynt drawe and hanged for counterfetynge of the kynges seall. Also in this yere John Claydon skynner, and Richard Turmyne bakere, were brent in Smythfeld for heresye. And on the iiij day of March after, was the pardon of the lord Cobbeham, that is to seye S^{r}. John Oldcastell, proclamed. On Palme Soneday the xvj day of March was William Elys sone brought out of the Tour of London be comaundement of the kyng, and delivered to the said maire for to kepe hym in warde, and specyally in yrens, for tales that he hadde told of the kyng; and also for the peple seyde that they myghte non yren fetres no lokkes holden hym; and there he was cheyned to an yren post at the counter gate in Chepe, ayens the Standard. Also the same yere was the kynges grete werk begonne at Shene; and in hys tyme was mad newe g'tes at London wall, and a newe gate, and the prevy that stod withinne the more was drawe doun and set on this syde of the wall over the comown dych that comyth out of the more. And in his tyme[97] the kyng made his vyage toward the costes of Normandye; and he rood thiderward thorughout the citee of London toward the town of Hampton, that is to weten the xviij day of Juyn, the yere of his regne the thridde begynnyng; and at Hampton he lay stille for to abiden his retenue and his stuff that longith for werre: and in his lyenge there, the Moneday the v day of August next after were put to dethe there Sire Richard of Yorke erle of Caumbregge, the lord Scrop that tyme tresorer of Engelond, and S^{r}. Thomas Gray knyght, for treturye and ymagynyng of the kynges deth. And in the same yere on the morwe after seynt Laurence day, the xj day of August the Sonday, the kyng and alle his retenue schipped iij houres after noon at Portesmouth, toward the town of Harefleu in Normandye; and he landed at Kedecaux iij myle out of the town of Harefleu on oure lady even the assumpcion, the xiiij day of August. And the kyng began to leye his sege to the town of Harfleu the xvij day of August: and the kyng lay there at the sege fro the same xvij day of August unto the xxij day of Septembre or the town were yolden up; and his lyenge there aboughte the town there dyed many on of his retenue, that is to weten, the erle of Suffolk, the bysshop of Norwych, Courtenay, S^{r}. John Philip, and manye othere knyghtes and squyers, and othere comoun peple whiche were nought nombred. And the same xxij day of Septembre the toun of Harfleu was yolden up to the kyng, and alle the keyes of the toun brought to hym: and the kyng abode tyl the laste day of Septembre, til that he hadde mad governaunce withinne the town: and he made his Em[98] the lorde Beauford the erle of Dorset, captayn of Harfleu. And the Tuesday the firste day of Octobre the kyng toke his weye fro Harfleu toward his town of Caleys, with the noumbre of viij^{l} fytyng men: and the Frensshmen of Fraunce broken there brigges and pyled the forthes of the water of Some and othere diverses wateres, that the kyng myghte nought passe but with moche disese til he com to the water of Swerdes; and there the kyng and his oost passyd over. And on the xxv day of Octobre was Fryday, and seynt Crispyn and Crispianiani day the lordes and the chyveteynes of Fraunce lay with a gret oost enbatailed to the noumbre of vi^{xx} m^{l}, and wolde a stopped the kynges weye that he schulde nought a passed to his town of Caleys. And the kyng with his oost batailed hym ayens the Frensshmen, and manfully he faught ayens them in a feld that is called Aigincourt, and sclowe and toke of them of dukes, erles, barons, knyghtes, and cheveteyns to the noumbre of xij m^{l}; and of the comown peple mo thanne the noumbre of iij m^{l}, that is for to weten, the duke of Orlyons and the duke of Burbon, the erle of Vendon, the erle of Ewe and the erle of Richemond, with S^{r}. Bursegaunt; and there sclayn the duke of Launson, the duke of Braban and the duke of Bare, and the erle of Navers, the lord de la Brytte constable of Fraunce, and the seneschall of Henaude, with manye othere lordes, knyghtes, and squyers, and worthy men v m^{l} and mo. And on oure syde were sclayn the duke of York, the erle of Suffolk, and S^{r}. Richard of Kyghle, and David Gamme squyer, with a fewe mo othere persones to the noumbre of xviij. And the xxix day of Octobre, the morwe after seynt Simondes day and Jude, the same day the newe meire schulde ryde and taken his charge at Westm', the same day erly in the morwe comen tydynges to London while that men weren in there beddes, that the kyng hadde foughton and hadde the bataille and the feld aforseid. And anoon as they hadde tydynges therof, they wente to alle the chirches in the citee of London and rongon alle the belles of every chirche; and solempnely alle the prestes of every chirche, and othere men that were lettered songen Te deum Laudamus, &c. And ayens ix of the belle were warned alle the ordres of relygeous men of the citee of London, for to go a procession fro seynt Poules unto seynt Edward schryne at Westm'. And the newe maire and hise aldermen with alle the craftes of London, and the quen with alle here lordes also wente from seynt Poules unto Westm', and offred at seynt Edwardes schryne aforeseid, or the meire tok his charge; and whanne the meire hadde taken his charge, every man come rydyng hom fro Westm' on horsbak, and were ioyful and glad for the goode tydynges that they hadde of the kyng, and thankyd oure lord J'hu Crist, his modir seynt Marye, and seynt George, and alle the holy company of hevene, and seyde Hec est dies quam fecit d'n's.
[Footnote 97: i.e. the third year of his reign. See note EE.]
[Footnote 98: Sic, query "uncle."]
Nicholl Wotton, Alan' Ev'ard, m'c'. A^{o}. iij^{o}. drap', maior. Will' Caumbregg, iremong'.
[Sidenote: The comynge of oure kyng to Caleys.]
[Sidenote: The landyng of oure kyng at Dovorr.]
[Sidenote: The comyng of oure kyng to London.]
[Sidenote: The maire and the aldermen presentyd the kyng with a m^{l} li in too basyns of gold worth v^{c} li.]
[Sidenote: Sigismund the emperor of Almayne com to London.]
[Sidenote: The metyng of the kyng and the emperor.]
[Sidenote: The duke of Holand com to London.]
[Sidenote: The removyng of the emperor.]
[Sidenote: The kyng wente to Caleys for trete with adversaries of Fraunce.]
[Sidenote: The galy halfpence were stroyd.]
[Sidenote: Bellu' sup' mare int' I. ducem Bed' et adv'sar' reg'.]
In this yere began the generall counseill at Constaunce. Also in this yere, that is to say the xxviij day of Octobre, the kyng com to his town of Caleys, and was there til the xvj day of Novembre: and that same day the kyng schipped fro his town of Caleys toward Engelond, and he landed the same day at nyght at Dovorr, and com forth alle the woke after toward London: and the Fryday at nyght the kyng come to Eltham, and there he lay al that nyght; and on the morwe was Satyrday, the xxiij day of Novembre, the maire of London and alle the aldermen, with alle the craftes of London, reden every man in reed, with hodes reed and white, and mette with the kyng on the Blakeheth comyng from Elthamward toward his citee of London; and ayens his comynge was ordeyned moche ryalte in London, that is to weten at London bregge, at the conduyt in Cornhill, at the gret conduyt in Chepe, and at the crosse in Chepe was mad a ryall castell, with angels and virgynes syngynge therinne; and so the kyng and hise presoners of Frensshmen reden thorugh London unto Westm' to mete, and there the kyng abod stille. And on the morwe after, it was Soneday and the xxiiij day of Novembre, the maire and alle the aldermen, with too hundred of the beste comoners of London, wente to Westm' to the kyng, and present hym with a m^{l} pound, in too basynes of gold worth v^{c} li. And in this tyme the emperor of Almayne com into Engelond with viij^{c} hors to seynt George feste; that is to wete, the firste day of Maij, at nyght, he landed at Dovorr; and on the Satyrday, the seconde day of Maij, he cam to Caunterbury and bod stylle there unto the v day of Maij: and the Thorsday, the vij day of May,[99] the maire and alle the aldermen, with alle the craftes of the citee, reden alle in rede gownes, and hodes white and reed, and mette with the emperor on the Blakehethe; and the kyng and alle hise lordes mette with hym at seynt Thomas Wateryng, and there the kyng put hym on the right hond, and the erchebysshop on the left hond, and so they come rydynge thorugh the citee of London and forth to Westm': and the xxix day of Maij the duke of Holand come to London, and he lay at the bysshopes place of Ely in Holbourne; and he abod stylle there unto the xxj day of Juyn. And the xxvj day of Juyn the emperor remeved fro Westm' toward the castell of Ledes in Kanc', and from the castell of Ledes unto Eltham, and from Eltham forth to Caunterbury; and he schipped out of Engelond the xvj day of August. And the same yere the kyng wente to Caleys for to trete wyth his adversarije of Fraunce: and the same yere the duke of Bedford, the kynges brother, was mad capitayn of the see for a quarter of a yere; and the same tyme he and his retenue took iij carykes and drowned the forthe, and a gret hulke was drowned also: and anon after, in the same yere, was taken a gret carryke at Dertemouth. And in this same yere, that is to weton on the Mighelmesse day, was Benet Wolman drawen and hanged, and his heed smyten of and set on London bregge for tretory: and in the same yere, the viij day of Octobre, was a p'chemyn' of Trille melle strete drawen and hanged, and his heed smyten of and set upon London brigge for tretory: and in the same yere weren alle the Galy half pens fordon at a parlement holden at Westm', the whiche parlement began the xv day of March. Also in the same yere, that is for to seye in the begynnyng of the forthe yere of the reigne of kyng Herry the fyfthe, the duke of Bedford and the erle of March, with othere certeyne lordes and there retenue, foughton with vij carykes of Jene, and with aboughte l othere vesselles, some hulkes, some barges, some galys, and some galyottes; of whom, blessyd be God, he toke iij carykes with there patrons, and drowned a gret hulke that was called the Blake hulke of Flaundres, and the remenant fledden there wey: and this was don upon oure lady day the assumpcion, the iiij yere above seid.
[Footnote 99: See note FF.]
Herry Barton, skynn', Rob't Wydyngton, groc'. A^{o}. iiij^{o}. maior. John Coventr', drap'.
[Sidenote: A parlement at Westm'.]
[Sidenote: A begger was drawen for disfiguryng of children.]
[Sidenote: Thomas Pedwardyn kepere of Sprottes keye was sclayn on Estreday.]
[Sidenote: The bataill on the see betuen the erl of Hunt' and the kynges adversaries.]
[Sidenote: The castell of Touk with the toun was yolden.]
[Sidenote: Cane was goten and manye othere townes and castelles.]
And in this same yere was a parlement at Westm' holden, and it began the xix day of Octobre; and at that parlement was the erle of Dorset mad duke of Excestre: and in this same yere, on seynt Katerine even, was a begger drawen and hanged for dysmembrynge of yonge children, and he was drawen in his owne carre from the Leden halle unto Tyborne: and in this same yere was a theff sclayn, withoughte seynt Marie Spytell, that highte Robert Somerford: and the same yere held his Cristemasse at Wyndesore: and the same yere were too women hanged at Tybourne; that oon was a spycer wyf of Seynt Albons, and that other was the baillyf wyf of Vynesbury; and the same yere was the same bally hanged: and the same yere was Thomas Petwardyn, kepere of Sprottes keye, sclayn in seynt Dunston chirche in the Est, in the hyghe chancell, on the Esterday at evesong tyme, with the lord Straunge and his men, and there was S^{r}. John Trussell and hise sone, and othere men of his, sore wounded; and that fray began betwen the lord Strange wyf and Sire John Trussell wyf: and the same yere, upon seynt Petyr day and Poule, the erle of Huntyngdon, with othere certeyn lordes and there retenue, foughten with ix carykes of Jene, the grettest that evere were seyn in this coostes, and scomfited them; of whiche, thanked be God, he toke iiij grete with there patrons, and the admirall of them alle was called the bastard of Burbon, with alle the tresoure that they alle schulde aben waged with for a quarter of a yere; and the othere carykes fledden awey. Also the same yere, the xxx day of Juyll, the kyng with alle his oost seyled into Fraunce, and londed in Normandye, upon Lammes day, a litell besyde the castell of Touke; the whiche castell he toke first after he was landed, and yaf it to his brother the duke of Clarence, with alle that longith thertoo.[100] Also the same yere, that is to say anno quinto, the kyng gat Cane Beyeux, and manye othere townes and castelles and riche abbeys, longe before seynt Edward day. |