Shinumo, the, 112, 149; trail, 113, 145; caves, 132; Canyon, 184; ruin on Mt. Dellenbaugh, 259
Shower Bath Spring, 245
Shunesburg, Powell descends Virgin River to, 248
Sierra, Escalante, 43; La Lal, 103; Abajo, 127
Simpson, Captain, 95
Sinav-to-weap, 117
Sister Emma, 211
Sister Louisa, 174
Smithsonian Institution, Powell reported through, vi.
Snowblind, 266
Soap Creek, 159; Frank M. Brown, drowned near mouth of, 159, 217; Rapid, 217
"Sockdologer, of the World," 222; rapid, 226
Songs of the camp, 73, 74
Sorghum molasses, 172
Spanish Fork, 266
Spanish Trail, Old, 95
Split Mountain Canyon, 57; enter it, 58; end of, 60; length of, 60
Springs in river bottom, 103
Stanton, R. B., proves the White story incorrect, v.; completed Brown expedition, ix.; Canyon Railway project, x
Steward, John F., place in boat, 11; duty of, 11; on a raft, 16; discovers gigantic fossil, 20; determines nature of Unknown Mts., 136; ill, 146; recovers, 152; leaves party, 160
Stewart, Bishop, of Kanab, 167; saw-mill of, on Kaibab, 181
Stewart, John, goes with Powell to Grand Canyon, 172; returns with news of gold find, 174
Stillwater Canyon, beginning of, 110; nature of walls, 111, 113; house ruins in, 112; width, 113; end of, 113; length, 114
Summit Valley, 164
Sumner Amphitheatre, 79
Sumner, Jack, 7
Supplies, nature of, 4; to be brought in at three places, 7
Surprise Valley, 241
Swallow Canyon, 31
Swallow Park, 197
Table Mountain, 198
Tapeats Creek, 240
Tavaputs Plateau, 80
Teemaroomtekai, Uinkaret chief, 253
Teram Picavu, 254
Thompson, Professor Alvin Harris, vi., vii., ix., 7; place in boat, 11; duty of, 11; first white man to explore Shewits country, 254; to climb Mt. Dellenbaugh, 259; buried at Arlington, 267
Thompson, Mrs. Ellen Powell, 7, 165, 166, 172, 181, 195, 216, 259
Tiravu Picavu, 254
Tirtaan Aigles, slogan, 75, 267
Tokerville, Mormon settlement, 190
Tom, Pai Ute guide, 197; leaves party, 199
Toroweap Valley, 192
Trachyte Creek, 208
Trail up cliffs of Paria, 155
Tribune, Chicago, letters to, from Clement Powell, v.
Trin Alcove, 107
Triplet Falls, 43
Trumbull, Mt., why so called, 186; climbed, 187, 192; height of, 187
Trumbull, Senator, 186
Tuba, a Moki (Hopi), goes home with Jacob, 169; ceremony on crossing Colorado River, 169
Uinkaret, Indians, 186; region, 186; plateau, 190; chief, 253
Uinta, Indian Agency, 7, 8, 71
Uinta Mountains, 1; first view of from river, 15
Uinta River, pass mouth of, 76; arrival at, 66; Powell goes ahead to, 56; mouth astronomically determined, 95
Uinta Utes, 61
Undine Springs, 103
Union Pacific Railway, crossing of Green River, 3; see Descent and Distance
Unknown country, the, 95, 96, 199, 200, 201, 202
Unknown Mountains (Henry Mts.) viii., 104, 127, 133; Steward determines nature of, 136; position of Dirty Devil (Fremont) River with reference to, 199; arrive at, 207; map of, 207
Untokarowits, Pai Ute name for F. S. Dellenbaugh, 250
Utah Southern Railway finished to Lehi, 262
Utah, from, into Colorado, 31
Utes of Wonsits Valley, Uinta and White River, 61
Ute Crossing of Colorado in Uinkaret region, 188
Ute Ford, the (El Vado de los Padres), 148
Ute law as applied to capture, 71
Van Buren, Gentile settler on the Sevier, 266
Vasey's Paradise, 219
Vermilion Cliffs, 158, 164; length of, 164
Vermilion River, 31
Virgin Mountains, 194
Virgin River, canyon of, explored down to Shunesburg, 248; Little Zion or Mookoontoweap Valley of, 190
Volunteers march from Salt Lake to Denver, 68
Voyage, Canyon, the end of, 242
Walcott, Professor, vii.
Walker House, Salt Lake City, 267
Wasatch Cliffs, 200
Wheeler, Lieut. George M., goes up Colorado to Diamond Creek, 145
Whirlpool Canyon, 53; end of, 55; descent in, 56
Whirlpools described, 239
Whiskey not taken, 6
White, James, 2; story of his trip through canyons disproved, v.
White River, 66; journey down, 69; pass mouth, 76
White River Utes, 61
Whitmore, Dr., killed by Navajos, 169; ranch, 188
Wild Band Pocket, 251
Winnie's Grotto, 35
Winsor, of Pipe Spring, 185; Castle, 185
Winter quarters, 1872-73, 260
Witch Water-pocket (Innupin Picavu), 251
Wolfskill, William, pioneer, 94
Wolves, 161, 162, 165
Wonsits Tiravu, 254
Wonsits Valley, 60
Woonoopits, see Oonupits
Workman's Ranch, 190
Wreckage found in Lodore, 41
Wyoming, from, into Utah, 16
Yampa River, 48, 49; Powell on it in 1868, 50; goes up, in boat, 50
Young, Brigham, 170, 185; Alfred, 187
- Transcriber's Notes: The original contained inconsistencies in spelling and hypenation. The following variations were retained: air-line airline arm-chair armchair arrow-heads arrowheads ball-room ballroom bow-knot bowknot near-by nearby row-lock rowlock sand-bank sandbank school-house schoolhouse ship-shape shipshape south-westerly southwesterly up-stream upstream Clarkson Clarkston Fremont Fremont Koneco Koneco De Motte DeMotte The following typographical errors in the original were corrected: Pg 62: "eaving" to "leaving" ("leaving us hardly a rock") Pg 175: "bame" to "came" ("came to the edge") Pg 198: added "of" ("like the roof of a house") Pg 220: "bat-battened" to "battened" ("hatches firmly battened") Pg 229: "dashig" to "dashing" ("water was dashing") Pg 250: "prononnced" to "pronounced" ("in their language pronounced") Pg 273: "Canyon" to "Kanab Canyon" ("Kanab Canyon, Journey up") -