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A Canadian Manor and Its Seigneurs - The Story of a Hundred Years, 1761-1861
by George M. Wrong
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McDonald, Lieut. Hector, 267.

McDonnell, Alex., 259.

MacDonnell, Capt. John, 86, 259, 261.

MacDonnell, Lieut. Ronald, 261.

McGregor, Lieut., 271.

MacKenzie, Sir Alex., 111.

MacKenzie, Alex., author, 243.

MacKenzie, Ensign, 261.

MacKinnon, Lieut., 82-4.

McLean, Col. Allan, 65, 275, 276.

McNicol, John, (See Nairne, John McNicol).

McNicol, Peter, 172, 173.

McNicol, Mrs. Peter, 93, 107, 114, 130, 169, 172, 173, 219, 221, 290.

McNicol, Thomas, 172.

McPherson, Capt., 252, 259, 261.

Madawaska, Seigniory of, 36.

Madison, President, 150.

Mailloux, Pere, 289.

Maldon, 128.

Malteste, notary, 52.

Marchand, Louis, 12.

Marcheteau, Pere, 289.

Marie, Catherine de St. Augustin, 198, 199.

Marlboro', India, 57.

Masson, Mr., 106.

Matthews, Captain, 85, 92, 244.

Micmac Indians, 55.

Mingan seigniory, 14.

Mississaga Indians, 85.

Mistassini, 15.

Mohawk Valley, 85.

Montcalm, Marquis de, 19, 241, 251, 252, 260.

Montgomery, General R., 69-78, 273.

Montgomery, Capt., 253, 254.

Montmorency, 251, 253, 255.

Morel, Abbe, 183.

Morgan, 76.

Morrison, Colonel, 162, 165.

Mount Hermon Cemetery, 122, 123, 220.

Mount Murray Seigniory, 21, 38.

Mount Ventoux, 236.

Mountain, Salter, 152.

Munro, W. Bennett, 245.

Murray, Alex., 35.

Murray, Admiral George, 35.

Murray, General James, 30-38, 42, 43, 51, 178, 207, 243, 254, 255, 258, 262, 272.

Nairne, Anne, 56, 94, 125.

Nairne, Baron, 27.

Nairne, Christine, 93, 94, 99, 101, 106-108, 114, 121, 130, 138, 142, 145, 146, 150, 151, 164, 169, 171, 172.

Nairne, John, First Seigneur of Murray Bay, Chap's. I-V., 178, 184, 195, 209, 219-223.

Nairne, John, Mrs., 56, 149, 161, 165, 168, 172.

Nairne, John, Captain, 93, 94, 95-101, 221, 277-279.

Nairne, John Leslie, 174, 221.

Nairne, John McNicol, 172-174, 218, 219.

Nairne, Magdalen (See McNicol, Mrs. Peter).

Nairne, Mary (Polly), 93, 101, 107, 121, 124, 126, 138, 142, 147, 160, 169, 172.

Nairne, Miss, 27, 101, 117, 273.

Nairne, Robert, 57-59.

Nairne, Captain Thomas, 93, 101, 102, 107, 121, 124-167, 220, 221, 232.

Neill, Mr., of Bana, 259.

Nelson, Lord, 114, 153, 205.

Newfoundland Regiment, 139, 147, 143.

New Orleans, Battle at, 170.

Niagara, 148, 151, 154-156.

Niagara Falls, 155.

Niagara River, 148, 154.

Noel, Jacques, 207.

Northumberland County, 115, 141.

Oneida, the, 153.

Orleans, Island of, 1, 253, 255.

Panet, Louis, 225.

Papineau, L.J., 205, 218.

Paquet, Pere Raphael, 289.

Parker, Sir Hyde, 114, 153.

Parsons' House, 82.

Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 23, 26, 34.

Pitt, William, 112, 118.

Pius VIII., Pope, 172.

Plassey, Battle of, 57.

Plenderleath, Colonel, 163, 166.

Point Levi, 80, 250, 251, 253, 255, 256, 261, 263.

Pointe au Fer, 82, 83.

Pointe au Pic, 47, 104, 228, 236, 281.

Pointe aux Trembles, 15.

"Porpoise" Fishery (See Beluga).

Pres de Ville Barrier, 75.

Prescott, 152, 153.

Prevost, Sir George, 150.

Procter, General, 154, 171.

Quebec Act, 59-61.

Quebec, Protestant Bishop of, 48, 50, 165.

Quebec, Roman Catholic Bishop of, 45, 51.

Queenston Heights, 151, 153.

Reeve, Colonel, 219.

Reeve, John Fraser, 219.

Reeve, Mrs., 219.

Richelieu, Robert, 70.

Riedesel, General, 89, 91.

Riverin, 13.

Riviere du Loup, 36, 39.

Riviere Noire, 37, 226.

Riviere Ouelle, 183, 280, 281, 283, 285.

Roderick, Lieut., 259.

Ross, Mr., 43.

Ross, Captain, 254, 259.

Roy, J.E., 244.

Royal George, the, 148, 151.

Sackett's Harbour, 161.

Saguenay River, 5, 183, 228, 255.

Saguenay County, 172.

Saint Anne de Beaupre, 64, 254.

Saint Charles River, 257, 258, 259, 260.

Sainte Foy, 73, 259, 262, 264.

Sainte Irenee, 233.

Saint Jean Seigniory, 36.

Saint Joachim, 253.

Saint Matthew's Church, Quebec, 219.

St. Roch's, Quebec, 76, 88.

St. Roch, 88.

Sans Bruit Seigniory, 36.

Sault au Matelot, 76, 77.

Schomberg, Capt., 270.

Scott, Sir Walter, 27, 170.

Sewell, Mr., 166.

Sicily, 137, 138.

Siegfried, Andre, 245.

Sillery, 264.

Smith, Justin H., 244.

Sorel, 9, 90, 91.

Soumande, Pierre, 12.

Stadacona, 5.

Sterling, 56.

Stevenson, James, 119.

Stewart, Andrew, 172.

Stewart, Lieut Chas., 33.

Stewart, Mr., 107.

Stoney Creek, 156.

Stuart, Prince Charles, 22, 27.

Sulte, B., 243.

Swanton, Capt, 270.

Syracuse, 137, 138.

Tache, Madame, 211, 212.

Tadousac, 6, 7, 14, 15, 19, 88, 183, 228, 287-289.

Talon, Jean, 8, 11.

Taschereau, Hon G., 106.

Ten Mile Creek, 159.

Tetu, Mgr. H., 15, 245.

Thames River, Ontario, 155.

Thompson, James, 244.

Three Rivers, 69, 150.

Toronto, 148, 155, 159.

Trafalgar, Battle of, 129, 205.

Tremblay, 109.

Usburn, Mr., 106.

Vanguard, the, 270.

Vaudreuil, Marquis de, 34.

Vercheres, 9, 89.

Villeneuve, Joseph, 53.

Wall, Captain, 152.

Walpole, Sir R., 23.

Warren, John, 119.

Washington, 155.

Washington, George, 65.

Waterloo, Battle of, 205.

Wauchope, Mr., 277.

Wellington, Duke of, 205.

West Indies, 95.

Wilkes, John, 35.

Wilkinson, General, 156.

Winchester, General, 154.

Winder, General, 156.

Wingfield, Major, 223.

Wolfe, General James, 19, 20, 22, 23, 28, 29, 31, 66, 241, 252, 260.

Wolfe's Cove, 29, 68, 75, 256.

Wooster, General, 81.

Wuertele, F.C., 244.

Yeo, Sir James, 154, 156-159.

York, Duke of, 96.

York (Toronto), 148, 155, 156, 159, 160.

Yorktown, 91.

Yukon River, 279.


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