St. Gervadsus or Gernadius, Hermit, A.D. 934,
This saint was of Irish nationality. Longing for a life of entire seclusion from the world, he left his native land and took up his residence in Scotland. He is said to have lived many years as a hermit in the province of Moray, and in corroboration of the tradition a cave was formerly pointed out in the parish of Drainie, near Elgin, known as "Gerardin's Cave," it was situated on the height behind the modern Station Hotel at Lossiemouth. For many centuries this habitation was intact. It had an ancient Gothic doorway and window-opening, but these were demolished more than a hundred years ago by a drunken sailor. Since 1870 the whole face of the cliff known as "Holyman's Head," including the cave, has {162} been quarried. No trace now remains of the spring of water there, called "Gerardin's Well," from which the anchorite drank a thousand years ago.
It is said that a monastery was founded by this saint at Kennedar, in the same parish of Drainie where he associated himself with many fellow-soldiers in Christ, and built a church under the direction of angels. The remains of Kineddar Castle, a residence of the Bishops of Moray, may still be seen there. Tradition tells that on stormy nights, the saint was wont to pace the beach below his cell, lantern in hand, to warn off vessels from the dangerous rocks. This is commemorated in the Lossiemouth Burgh seal, which represents the saint with his lantern and bears the motto: Per noctem lux. A Presbyterian church erected at Stotfield (Lossiemouth) in recent years bears the name of "St. Gerardine."
12—St. Machar or Mocumma, Bishop, 6th century.
This saint was the son of Fiachna, an Irish chieftain, and was baptised by St. Colman. In his youth he became a disciple of the great St. {163} Columba, and when that saint went to Scotland, Machar accompanied him, together with eleven other disciples. After some years he was made a bishop, and was sent by St. Columba with twelve companions to preach to the pagan Picts of Strathdon, in the northeast of Scotland. It is said that his holy master commanded him to found a church in the spot where he should find a river forming by its windings the shape of a bishop's pastoral staff. Such a configuration he found in the river Don, at the spot now known as Old Aberdeen. Here he accordingly fixed his seat, and the cathedral that rose from the humble beginnings of a church instituted by Machar now bears his name.
Besides the old Cathedral of Aberdeen, there are in the same county two parishes, formerly joined in one, which are known as New and Old Machar, respectively. At Kildrummie, in Aberdeenshire, is a place called (after the saint) "Macker's Haugh." There is St. Machar's Well, near the cathedral, at Old Aberdeen; the water used always to be taken for baptismal purposes to the cathedral. {164}
At Corgarff, in Strathdon, is another spring known as Tobar Mhachar (the well of St. Machar); miracles were formerly obtained there. Of this spring the legend is related of a priest, in time of famine, drawing from it three fine salmon which lasted him for food till supplies came from other quarters.
St. Machar's feast was restored to Scotland by Pope Leo XIII. in 1898.
13—St. Devenick, about the 6th century.
Tradition tells that this saint was a contemporary of the former, and preached the Gospel in Caithness. A legend relates that his body was borne for burial to Banchory Devenick, in Kincardineshire, in accordance with his continually expressed desire to rest in the district of St. Machar, whom he had tenderly loved during life. A church was afterwards built over his relics, and named after him.
Criech, in Sutherlandshire, was probably another of his churches, if he is the saint known there as St. Teavneach. Besides a fair of great antiquity, known as "Dennick's", held at Milton of Glenesk, Forfarshire, another at {165} Methlick, Aberdeenshire, held in November about this date, bore the same name; this implies that the respective churches are dedicated to him, as fairs bearing saints names had their origin in all instances in the concourse of people assembled for the celebration of the patronal feast of a church. St. Devenick's Well is near Methlick church.
15—St. Machutus, or Malo, Bishop, A.D. 565.
The Aberdeen Breviary gives on this day the feast of the British saint who became one of the apostles of Brittany and is commemorated there by the town of St. Malo.
There is no record of this saint's residence in Scotland, but his cultus flourished there, possibly on account of his connection with St. Brendan (see May 16). Lesmahago, the site of a Benedictine monastery, takes its name from him, the title being a corrupt form of Ecclesia Sti. Machuti (Church of St. Machutus). Wigtown church, also, was dedicated to this saint.
16—St. Margaret, Queen, A.D. 1093.
It is impossible here to say much in detail of {166} the life of the saintly queen who is regarded as one of the heavenly patrons of the Kingdom of Scotland; but to omit all notice of her would make our calendar incomplete. It will be sufficient to note briefly the chief events of her life. St. Margaret was granddaughter to Edmund Ironside. Her father, Edward, having to fly for his life to Hungary, married Agatha, the sister-in-law of the king. Three children were born to them. When Edward the Confessor ascended the English throne, Prince Edward returned with his family to his native land, but died a few years after. When William the Conqueror obtained the crown, Edgar, the son of Edward, thought it more prudent to retire from England, and took refuge with his mother and sisters at the court of Malcolm III. of Scotland, having been driven on the Scottish coast by a tempest. Malcolm, attracted by the virtue and beauty of Margaret, made her his bride, and for the thirty years she reigned in Scotland she was a model queen. The historian Dr. Skene says of her: "There is perhaps no more beautiful character recorded in history than that of {167} Margaret. For purity of motives, for an earnest desire to benefit the people among whom her lot was cast, for a deep sense of religion and great personal piety, for the unselfish performance of whatever duty lay before her, and for entire self-abnegation she is unsurpassed, and the chroniclers of the time all bear witness to her exalted character." Her solicitude for the nation was truly maternal. She set herself to combat, with zeal and energy, the abuses which had crept into the practice of religion, taking a prominent part—with her royal husband as the interpreter of her southern speech—in many councils summoned at her instigation. She loved and befriended clergy and monks, and was lavish in her charity to the poor. Her own children, through her training and example, were one and all distinguished for piety and virtue. Her three sons, Edgar, Alexander and David, were remarkable for their unparalleled purity of life: David's two grandsons, Malcolm IV. and William, and William's son and grandson, Alexander II. and III., were noble Catholic kings. Thus did the influence of this saintly queen extend {168} over the space of two hundred years and form monarchs of extraordinary excellence to rule Scotland wisely and well.
St. Margaret died on the 16th of November at the age of forty-seven. Her body was buried with that of King Malcolm, who had been killed in battle only four days before her own death, in the church they had founded at Dunfermline. At the Reformation her relics were secretly carried into Spain, together with the remains of her husband, and placed in the Escurial. Her head, with a quantity of her long, fair hair, was preserved for a time by the Scottish Jesuits at Douai. The sacred relics disappeared in the French Revolution. Fairs on the saint's feast-day, known as "Margaretmas," were held at Wick, Closeburn (Dumfries shire) and Balquhapple (now Thornhill) in Kincardineshire. St. Margaret's Well at Restalrig near Edinburgh, was once covered by a graceful Gothic building, whose groined roof rested on a central pillar; steps led down to the level of the water. It is thought to have been erected at the same period as that covering St. Triduana's Well in the same place. {169}
When the North British Railway required the spot for the building of storehouses, the well-house was removed to Queen's Park, where it still stands, but the spring has disappeared (see October 8th). Innocent XII. at the petition of James VII. (and II.) in 1693, placed St. Margaret's feast on June 10th, the birthday of the King's son James (stigmatised the "Old Pretender"), but Leo XIII., in 1898, restored it for the Scottish calendar to the day of her death.
18—St. Fergus, Bishop, 8th century.
This saint, a Pict by nationality, is said to have been for many years a bishop in Ireland. Moved by a desire to benefit the pagans of the northern districts of Scotland, he left Ireland and returned to his own land, accompanied by a few priests and clerics, and settled in Strathearn. Here he founded three churches, which he dedicated to St. Patrick. Passing north wards he visited Caithness, and after preaching the Gospel there for some time he travelled to Buchan, where he built a church at Lungley, a place afterwards known as St. Fergus. Finally {170} he moved on to Glamis, in Forfarshire, where he founded another church, and it was here that he ended his life and was buried.
Several dedications to this saint are to be found in the northern and eastern parts of Scotland. The churches of Wick and Halkirk, in Caithness; Dyce and St. Fergus, in Aberdeenshire; and his well, called "Fergan Well," at Kirkmichael, in Banffshire, famous for its miraculous efficacy in curing skin diseases: all these bear witness to the devotion borne towards St. Fergus by Scottish Catholics in past ages. An annual fair was held at Glamis on his feast-day (known as "Fergusmas"), and continued for five days. Another fair took place at Wick.
Other proofs of his connection with Scotland are seen in the traces of the three churches founded by the saint in Strathearn: Strogeth-St.-Patrick, Blackford-St.-Patrick, and Dolpatrick.
The head of St. Fergus was venerated in the Abbey of Scone, where James IV. provided a silver reliquary for it. His arm was preserved at Aberdeen, in the old cathedral. {171}
The pastoral staff of the saint, long treasured at St. Fergus, in Buchan, is said to have calmed a storm on that coast. No traces now remain of it.
An ancient image of St. Fergus existed at Wick until 1613, when it was destroyed by a minister, who was drowned by the indignant people for his action. The saint's holy well was honoured there. He is thought to be the same "Fergus, the Pict, Bishop of the Scots," who took part in a Synod in St. Peter's at Rome under Pope Gregory II. in A.D. 721.
Pope Leo XIII. restored the feast of St. Fergus in 1898.
26—St. Christina, Virgin, A.D. (about) 1085.
This saint, though brought into close connection with the country, was not of Scottish lineage. She was the sister of St. Margaret, and therefore the daughter of Edward the Etheling. Together with her mother Agatha, sister to the Queen of Hungary, Christina took the veil in the Benedictine Abbey of Romsey, in Hampshire. Here both royal ladies became distinguished for holiness. Matilda, daughter {172} of St. Margaret, was educated by her aunt at Romsey. She became known as the "good Queen Maud" after she had married Henry I. of England. St. Christina died in the odour of sanctity about the year 1085.
27—St. Oda or Odda, Virgin, about 8th century.
She is said to have been a daughter of a Scottish king. Having the misfortune to lose her sight, she made a pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Lambert the martyr, at Liege, to implore the help of that renowned wonder-worker. Her faith was rewarded by a cure, and Oda resolved, in gratitude for the favour, to dedicate herself to God in the religious state. She therefore retired to a hermitage in Brabant, where she spent her remaining years in prayer and penance, winning from Heaven many graces for the people of that district. After her death her relics were enshrined in a collegiate church in the town of Rhode, and she became the chief patron of the place.
It is remarkable that the feast of this saint was inserted in the calendar drawn up for the Scottish Episcopal Church by order of {173} Charles I. St. Oda's supposed royal descent is thought to have won for her this distinction.
28—St. Callen.
Nothing more is known concerning this saint than the facts that the church of Rogart, in Sutherlandshire, was dedicated to St. Callen, and a fair, known as "St. Callen's Fair," was formerly held there on this day.
30—St. Andrew, Apostle, Patron of Scotland.
We cannot reckon St. Andrew among the national saints of Scotland, for he lived and died far from these northern lands. Scotland cannot even claim connection with him on the ground of having received missionaries from him, as England can boast of her connection with St. Gregory the Great. Yet from time immemorial so far back that history cannot point to any precise date St. Andrew has been venerated as the special protector of Scotland, and his feast, known as "Andrewmas," celebrated everywhere with great rejoicing. The legend of St. Regulus (see October 17) which attributes to that saint the bringing of {174} the apostle's relics to the country is rejected by modern historians. The origin of devotion to St. Andrew in Scotland is nevertheless due to the translation of the apostle's relics thither (probably from Hexham) during the eighth century. These relics were undoubtedly honoured with much devotion at the place which was afterwards known by the name of the great Apostle, and eventually became the Primatial See of that country.
Whatever be the true facts of the case, St. Andrew has been invoked for more than one thousand years as the Patron of Scotland, whose battle-cry in the ages of faith was "For God and St. Andrew."
2—St. Ethernan, Bishop.
This saint belonged to a noble Scottish family and was sent to Ireland for his education. On returning to his native land, he devoted himself to the work of preaching the Faith among his countrymen in the province of Buchan, Aberdeenshire. He eventually became a bishop. {175}
On the east side of the hill of Mormond near Rathen, in Aberdeenshire, is a place called "St. Ethernan's Den"; it is believed to have been the spot chosen by the saint as his hermitage. The neighbouring church of Rathen is dedicated to him. The church of Kilrenny in Fifeshire, popularly known as "St. Irnie's," is probably one of his dedications; it is a favourite landmark for mariners. St. Ethernan's well is there. At Forfar a fair was annually held on this day under the name of "Tuetheren's Fair." He was also honoured at Madderty in Perthshire.
There seems to have been a chapel of this saint in the old monastic church on the Isle of May; as, by an ancient charter, Alexander Cumyn, Earl of Buchan, grants a stone of wax or forty shillings yearly to "St. Ethernan of the Isle of May, and the monks serving God and St. Ethernan in that place."
6—St. Constantine III., King, A.D. (about) 945.
The life of this saint is involved in obscurity. According to the most probable account he was a Scottish King, who resigned his crown after a {176} reign of more than forty years, and retired, as the Chronicle of the Picts and Scots relates, "to the monastery on the brink of the waves and died in the house of the Apostle." This monastery was probably the Culdee establishment at St. Andrews. A cave near Fife Ness called after the saint, and marked by many pilgrims crosses, is supposed to have been his place of retirement for prayer.
7—St. Buite, Monk, A.D. 521.
He was born in Ireland, and from his infancy was believed to possess miraculous powers. Early writers compare him with Venerable Bede for his virtues and mode of life. He is said to have lived many years in a monastery in Italy, and to have returned, by Divine admonition, to his native land, taking with him many copies of the Holy Scriptures together with sacred vestments and numerous holy relics. On his journey he was joined by a number of pilgrims who desired to live under his rule; accordingly he sailed with his company for North Britain, and landed in Pictish territory, where he is said to have restored the king of the country to life {177} by his prayers. Receiving as a reward the royal fort in which the miracle had taken place, St. Buite founded a monastery there, and remained for some time instructing the people of the country in the Faith. Eventually he returned to Ireland.
Dunnichen, in Angus, is thought to be the site of St. Buite's foundation. Near it are still to be seen the remains of an ancient fortress known as Carbuddo or Caer Buido (Buite's Fort). The saint is said to have foretold the birth of St. Columba, which occurred on the very day upon which St. Buite himself died.
11—St. Obert.
All that is now known of this saint is that he was honoured in Perth in Catholic ages as the patron saint of bakers. On December 10, known as St. Obert's Eve, the bakers of that city were accustomed to pass through the streets in procession by torchlight, playing pipes and beating drums, and wearing various disguises. One of their number used to wear a dress known as "The Devil's Coat." Another rode on a horse shod with men's shoes. In its {178} primitive form this pastime was probably some kind of sacred drama representing the chief features in the life of the saint; but its character had changed in the course of time.
On account of their connection with the ancient faith such performances gave great offence to the Puritans. In 1581 "an Act against idolatrous and superstitious pastimes, especially against the Sanct Obert's Play," was issued by the Session. It seems to have had little effect, for again in 1587 the bakers were required "to take order for the amendment of the blasphemous and heathenish plays of Sanct Obert's pastime." Eventually in 1588, several "insolent young men" were imprisoned for their "idolatrous pastime in playing of Sanct Obert's play, to the great grief of the conscience of the faithful and infamous slander of the haill congregation."
17—St. Crunmael, Abbot.
No particulars of the life of this saint are extant, beyond the fact that he was one of the Abbots of Iona. {179}
18—St. Flannan, Confessor.
This saint was of Irish nationality; the precise period at which he lived is uncertain. The group of islands to the west of Lewis are called after him, the Flannan Islands. On the largest of these seven islands are the remains of a chapel known as Teampull Beannachadh (St. Flannan's Chapel). This seems to indicate that the saint resided there at some period, though no record remains of the fact beyond the traditional designation of the ruins. The Flannan Islands have always been regarded by the people of Lewis with almost superstitious veneration.
St. Manire, Bishop, A.D. 824.
This was a saint of Scottish nationality, who laboured in Deeside. He was especially honoured at Crathie and Balvenie. He was a strenuous opponent of the idolatrous or superstitious practices which the half-barbarous people to whom he preached were accustomed to introduce into their worship of God. He is said to have mastered the many dialects then {180} spoken in the district which he inhabited, in order to be able to preach the Faith to all.
22—St. Ethernascus, Confessor.
From his retired life and spirit of recollection this Irish saint was known as "Ethernascus, who spoke not," or "The Silent." He was one of the chief patrons of Clane, in the county of Kildare. It is difficult to determine what was his precise connection with Scotland, but his office occurs with a proper prayer in the Breviary of Aberdeen. The church of Lathrisk, in Fifeshire, was dedicated to St. Ethernascus conjointly with St. John the Evangelist.
23—St. Caran, Bishop, A.D. 663.
This was an east country saint who was formerly held in honour at Fetteresso and Drumlithie in The Mearns, and at Premnay in Aberdeenshire. There are also traces of his cultus in Strathmore, Caithness. At Drumlithie is a spring known as St. Carran's Well. His fair was formerly held on this day at Anstruther, Fifeshire. Some of these dedications {181} have been, by certain writers, accredited to another saint Kieran (September 9). No particulars of St. Caran's life are extant.
St. Mayota or Mazota, Virgin, 6th century.
It is maintained by some writers that the great St. Bridget, one of the chief glories of Ireland, visited Scotland in the beginning of the sixth century, and founded a monastery for women at Abernethy, which she dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. Over this house St. Darlughdach was placed as superior; or, as some think, she was the real foundress. St. Mayota was one of the nine virgins who came from Ireland to form the first community at Abernethy. She is said to have been remarkable for having wrought many striking miracles in her lifetime. The church of Drumoak or Dulmaoak (Field of St. Mayota), situated near the Dee, takes its name from this saint. A spring in the neighbourhood is called "St. Maikie's Well."
25—St. Bathan, Bishop, A.D. (about) 639.
In a letter to the Scots from Pope John IV. mention is made of this saint as especially {182} connected with Scotland. No particulars of his life are now known, but his cultus can be traced by the churches dedicated to him. Abbey St. Bathans, a parish in Berwickshire, takes its name from this saint. The ruins of an abbey for Cistercian nuns are there, and in a wooded nook, in the vicinity is a spring called St. Bathan's Well. In addition to a reputation for healing diseases, it has the unusual quality of never freezing; a mill-stream into which it flows is said to be never blocked with ice in winter. The parish of Yester (Haddingtonshire) formerly bore the name of St. Bathan's, and the parish of Bowden in Roxburghshire probably takes its designation from the same saint.
Abbey St. Bathans 182 Abb's Head 123 Aberchirder 33 Abercorn 101 Abercrombie (St. Monan's) 34 Aberdeen 109, 163 Aberdour 91, 95, 106, 107 Aberlednock 101 Aberlour 107 Abernethy 16, 17, 93, 108, 181 Abersnethick 48 Abriachan 137 Aboyne 137 Adamnan, St. 136 Adamnan of Coldingham 15 Adrian (Odhran), St. 35 Aidan, St. 125 Airlie 74 Aldhame 37 Alexander, Bl. 114 Alloa 6 Alness 91 Alva 100 Alvah 91 Alvie 107 Alyth 98, 134 Andrew, St. 173 "Andrewmas" 173 Angus, St. 117 Anstruther 180 Applecross 67 seq. Arasaig 69 Arbirlot 134 Arbroath 9, 39, 134 Arbuthnott 94 Ardchattan 19, 82 Ardeonaig 138 Ard-Marnoc 33 Ard-Patrick 46 Arduthie 39 Argyle Cathedral 98 Arnold (Adamnan), St. 139 Arnty (Adamnan), St. 139 Arran 66 Asaph, St. 76 Ashkirk 134 Auchinblae 105 Auchterarder 41 Auchterawe 98 Auchterless 66 Aunan (Adamnan), St. 139 Ayr 6
Baitan (Baithen), St. 91 Baldred, St. 36 Ballantrae 51 Balmodhan 19 Balquhidder 117 Balvenie 153, 179 Banchory 93, 94, 164 Bannockburn 17 Barr 141 Barr (Finbar), St. 139 Barra 80, 143 Barvas 100 Bass Rock 36 Bathan, St. 181 Baya (Vey), St. 159 Bay, St. Ficker's 124 Bean, St. 152 Bearnarey 77 Bed, St. Kevin's 87 " St. Molios' 67 Bees (Begha), St. 156 Beith 120 Beldorny 13 Bell St. Adamnan's 139 St. Baitan's 92 St. Blaan's 119 St. Duthac's 39 St. Fillan's 18 St. Finan's 44 St. Kessog's 41 St. Lolan's 136 St. Middan's 74 St. Moluag's 99 St. Ternan's 93 St. Yrchard's 122 Bendochy 149 Ben Eunaich 138 Berchan, St. 113 Birnie 80 Birsay 63 Birse 91 Blaan, St. 118 Blackford-St.-Patrick 170 Blair Athole 138 Blaithmaic, St. 7 Boisil (Boswell), St. 29 Boniface (Curitan), St. 45 Bothelney 12 Botriphine 78 Bowden 182 Boyndie 80 Brandan (Brendan), St. 79 Bridget, St. 16 Brioc (Brock), St. 75 Buchanan 3 Buite, St. 176 Burn of Marran (Mirin) 132 Bute, Isle of 80, 81, 111, 118
Cadroe, St. 37 Cadzow 142 Caer-Winning 54 Calaverock 91 Callander 41 Callen, St. 173 Campbeltown 130 Cambuskenneth 147 Cambusnethan 91, 126 Campsie 138, 141 Candida Casa 133 Cannisbay 107 Cantyre—See Kintyre Caran, St. 180 Carluke 116 Carmacheasaig 40 Cathan, St. 81 Cave of Geradin 161 St. Baldred 37 St. Kevin 87 St. Kieran 129 St. Medana 103 St. Molios 67 St. Serf 100 Ceilltarraglan (Skye) 154 Chair of St. Fillan 95 St. Inan 120 St. Machalus 74 Chapel Dockie 129 Chapel Rock 110 Chapelton 23 Chapeltown 74 Charmaig, St. 44 Chenzie Island 147 Christina, St. 171 Chroman (Chronan), St. 1 Clati Chatlan 82 Clatt 98 Cloeburn 168 Coivin (Kevin), St.. 87 Coldmgharn 16, 59, 123, 126 Colman, St. 25 Colmoc, St. 87 Colonsay 82 Columba, St. 88 Comgall, St. 78 Comgan (Congan), St. 2, 147 Comman, St. 48 Comrie 41, 94 Conan 8 Conan, St. 10 Conran, St. 23 Constantine, St. 41 Constantine III., St. 175 Contin 69 Conval, St. (King) 61 Conval, St. 83 Corgarff 164 Cormac, St. 95 Commony 46 Cowie 12 Coylton 132 Crathie, 79 Criech 164 Cromarty 40 Cross St. Berchan's 113 Drostan's 106 Crozier of St. Cormac 96 Donnan 66 Fergus 171 Fillan 18 Lolan 135 Moluag 99 Mund 152 Crunmael, St. 178 Culross 99 seq. Cumbrae 76 Cumbrae, Little 159 Cumine, St. 30 Cumnock 84 Cunibert, St. 73 Cunningham 2, 54 Curitan (Boniface), St. 45 Currie 6 Cuthbert, St. 29 seq, 48
Dabius (Davius), St. 110 Daganus, St. 86 Dalkerran 130 Dalmally 10, 138 Dalmarnock 33 Dalmeny 138 Dalpatrick 46 Dalruadhain 129 Dalry 54 Dalserf 141 Dalziel 47 Damsey 138 Darlugdach, St. 16, 108, 181 Davar 140 Deer 106 Devenick, St. 164 Dine, Chapel of 78 Dinet 78 Dingwall 70 Dolpatrick 170 Donald, St. 107, 108 Donnan, St. and Companions 6 Dornoch 57, 141 Drostan, St. 105 Drumlithie 180 Drummelzier 51 Drumoak 181 Drymen 91 Drysdale 51 Dull 134,138 Dunbarton 46, 61, 100 Dumfries 6, 119 Dunblane 118,, 148 Dundurn 94 Dundrennan 14 Dunfermline 168 Dunfillan 94 Dunkeld 33, 91, 160 Dunmeth 13 Dunnichen 42, 177 Dunrod 76 Durris 79 Duthae, St. 38 Dyce 170 Dysart 100
Eata, St. 153 Ebba, St. 15, 123 Ebba, St. and Companions 59 Eeclefechan 9 Eccles 51 Ecclesmachan 141 Eddleston 141 Edinburgh 51, 104, 128 Ednam 51 Edzell 107, 132 Egbert, St. 7 Egilshay 64 Eigg 66, 91 Elgin 128 Ellanmore 44 Englatius, St. 159 "Enoch's, St." 110 Ernan, St. 1 Ethernan, St. 174 Ethernascus, St. 180 Ethie 128 Ethiebeaton 129 Euchadins, St. 9 Eunan (Adamnan), St. 139
Failhbe, St. 40 Fair of BI. Alexander 114 St. Adamnan 138 St. Angus 117 St. Barr 141 St. Bean 153 St. Berchan 113 St. Boisil 30 St. Boniface 4 St. Brendan So St. Brioe 75 St. Callen 173 St. Caran 180 St. Causnan (Constantine) 42 St. Columba 91 St. Comgall 79 St. Comgan 148 St. Conan 10 St. Conval 84 St. Cuthbert 52 St. Devenick 164 St. Donnan 66 St. Drostan 107 St. Duthae 39 St. Ethernan 175 St. Fergus 170 St. Fillan 18 St. Finan 44 St. Finian 48 St. Fumac 78 St. Fyndoc 148 St. Gilbert 59 St. Giles 128 St. Inan 120 St. Kessog 41 St. Machan 142 St. Magnus 65 St. Maree (Maelrubha 70 St. Margaret 168 St. Marnoch 33 St. Marthom 135 St. Merchard 121 St. Methven 160 St. Mirin 131 St. Mittan 16 St. Moluag 98 St. Monoch 155 St. Mund 152 St. Mungo 6 St. Murie (Maelrubbha) 70 St. Nathalan 12 St. Olaf 56 St. Palladius 105 St. Patrick 46 St. Rule 150 St. Serf 101 St. Talarican 155 St. Ternan 93 St. Triduana 145 St. Vigean 9 St. Wynnin 54 Falkirk 21 Fearn 26, 127 Fechin (Vigean), St. 8 Fechno (Fiachna), St. 43 Ferrenese 84 Fergna, St. 35 Fergus, St. 169 "Ferusmas" 170 Fetteresso 130, 180 Fianchna (Fechno), St. 43 Fiacre, St. 123 Fifeness 160 Fillan (Faolan), St. 17, 147 Fillan ("The Leper"), St. 94 Finan, St. 23 Finan (Finian), St. 47 Finan ("The Leper"), St. 43 Finbar (Barr), St. 56. 139 Findo Gask 148 Fondon 94 Finhaven 108 Finian (Wynnin), St. 52 Fintan-Munnu (Mund), St. 151 Firth (Frith)-on-Spey 139 Fordoun 104, 105 Fordyce 69, 155 Forfar 145, 175 Forglen 137 Forres 69 Fort-Augustus 31, 83, 91, 98, 103 Fortrose 45 Forvie 137 Fowlis Wester 153, 160 Frigidian (Wynnin), St. 52 Fumac, St. 78 Fyndoca, St. 148
Gairloch 69 Garrabost 42 Garvelloch Isles 91 Gernadius (Geradin), St. 161 Gifford 165 Gigha 85 Gilbert, St. 57 Giles, St. 127 Girvan 51 Glamis 109, 170 Glascian, St. 14 Glasgow 4, 6, 109, 142 Glenbervie 130 Glencairn 51 Glenelg 31 Glenesk 106 Glen-Finan 44 Glengairden 48 Glengairn 6 Glen of Ogilvy 108, 109 Glenorchy 70 Glenholm (Broughton) 51 Glenmoriston 121 Glen Urquhart 46, 106, 107, 138 Govan 42 Grandtully 138 Grease 56
Hailes 51, 101, 154 Halkirk 107, 170 Holy Island 67 Holy Pool 18 Houston 18 Huntly 6
Inan, St. 119 Inchbare 141 Inchbrayoch 76 Inchinnan 83, 120 Inchmahome 88 Inchmarnock 33 Inch Murryn 132 Indrecht, St. 43 Inglismaldie 75 Inverary 80 Invergarry 44 Invermoriston 91 Iona 3, 7, 9, 23, 30, 35, 40, 42, 43, 48, 90, 96, 101, 106, 114, 125, 135, 136, 178 Irvine 120
Keills 44 Keith 69 seq., 114 Kelton 44, 132 Kenmore 127 Kenneth, St. 145 Kennethmont 150 Kennoway 147 Kentigern (Mungo), St. 3, 100, 109 Kentigerna, St. 2 Kessog, St. 40 Kessock Ferry 41 Kevin, St. 87 Kieran, St. 129 Kilassie 77 Kilbag Head 159 Kilbagie 157 Kilbar 140 Kilbarchan 113 Kilbirnie 80 Kilblane 111, 119 Kilbrandon 80 Kilbrannan 80 Kilbucho 157 Kilchainie 146 Kilchainnech 146 Kilchattan (2) 82 Kilchenzie 146 Kilcheran 130 Kilchoan 148 Kilchoman 48 Kilchousland 42 Kilchowan 148 Kilchuimein 31 Kilconan 10 Kilda, Isle of St. 80 Kildavie 111 Kildonan 66 Kildrummie 163 Kilduich 39 Kilduthie 39 Kileunan 137 Kilfillan 18 Kilfinan 33, 44 Kilkenneth 146 Kilkerran 130, 137, 140 Kilkivan 87 Killallan 18 Killen, St. 101 Killernan 1 Killallan 17 Killmacharmaig 44 Kilmadock 18 Kilmaglas 14 Kilmahew 61 Kilmahog 142 Kilmaichlie 74 Kilmalomaig 98 Kilmarnock 33 Kilmaronog 22 Kilmaronock 22 Kilmaurs 160 Kilmichael-Glassary 99 Kilmochalmaig 88 Kilmodan 21 Kilmorack 161 Kilmun 151 Kilpatrick 46, 47 Kilquhoan 148 Kilrenny 175 Kilsyth 132, 155 Kiltarilty 154 Kilviceuen 1 Kilwinning 54 Kincardine O'Neil 120 Kindardine-on-Forth 135 Kingarth 23, 81, 119 Kinglassie 14 Kinkell 153 Kinneff 138 Kinnoull 42 Kintradwell 144 Kintyre (Cantyre) 42, 66, 129, 140 Kippen 111 Kirkcormaig 44 Kirkcudbright 51 Kirkholm 91 Kirkmaiden 103 Kirkmichael 170 Kirk Mirren 132 Kirk of Cruden 56 Kirkoswald 116 Kirkpatrick (2) 46 Kirkwall 56, 62 Kirriemuir 88
Laggan 101, 146 Lairg 70 Laisren, St. 135 Lamlash 66 Lamington 120 Lanark 6 Largs 18, 91 Laserian (Molios), St. 66 Lathrisk 180 Lecropt 160 Lesmahago 165 Lewis 23, 56, 98, 179 Libranus, St. 42 Lismore 97 Lochalsh 17, 147 Lochbroom 66 Loch Duich 39 Loch Etive 19 Lochlee 107 Loch Leven 6, 151 Loch Lomond 3, 40, 132 Loch Long 20 Loch Maree 69 Loch Shiel 44 Logie Mar 13 Lolan, St. 135 Longforgan 103 Lossiemouth 161 Lua (Moluag), St. 97 Lumphanan 47 Luss 40
Macceus (Mahew), St. 61 Machalus, St. 73 Machan, St. 141 Machar, St. 162 Machutus (Malo), St. 165 Mackessog (Kessog), St. 40 Madden (Medana), St. 71 Madderty 175 Maclrubha, St. 67 "Magnusmas" 65 Magnus, St. 62 Mahew, St. 61 Mahon (Machan), St. 141 Maiden Castle 104 Mains 134 Malachy, St. 157 Manire, St. 179 Man, Isle of 73 Margaret, St. 165 "Margaretmas" 168 Marianus Scotus, St. 102 Marnock (Marnan), St. 32 Marnock (Aberchirder) 32 Maree, St. 69 Marthom, St. 135 Matilda, St. 61 Mauchline 51 Mauchline 51 Marua, St. 159 Maybole 51, 116 Mayfield 134 May, Isle of 35, 175 Mayota, St. 181 Medana, St. 103 Meikle Folla 150 Meldrum, Old 12 Melrose 112 Melrose, Old 29, 49, 126, 154 Menmuir 126, 134 Merchard, St. 120 Merolilamus, St. 82 Methlick 165 Methven 160 Mid-Calder 6, 109 Middan, St. 74 Mid Genie 141 Midmar 48, 158 Migvie 47 Milton of Glenesk 164 Mirin, St. 130 Mittan, St. 16 Mo—Gaelic prefix 22, 32 Mochrum 44 Mocumma (Machar), St. 162 Modan, St. 19 Modenna (Medanna), St. 103 Moffat 128 Molios (Lascerian), St. 66 Moluag, St. 97 Monan, St. 34 Monifieth 129, 150 Monoch, St. 155 Monymusk 48 Monzievaird 100 Moroc, St. 160 Mortlach 98, 153 Mull, Isle of 80, 98, 111, 134 Mund, St. 151 Mungo (Kentigern), St. 3, 109 Murdoch, St. 128 Mury (Maelrubba), St. 65 seq. Muthill 47
Nathalan, St. 10 Nairn 134 Nauchlan (Nathalan), St. 10 Newburgh 109 Nidan, St. 158 Nigg 124 Nine Maidens, The 108 Ninian, St. 3, 132
Oathlaw 109 Obert, St. 177 Ochiltree 84 Oda, St. 172 Odhran (Adrian), St. 35 Og—Gaelic suffix 22, 32 Olaf, St. 55 Ordiquhill 52, 135 Orkneys 56, 64, 96, 134, 144 Oswald, St. 114
Pabay 98 Paisley 33, 131 Palladius, St. 93, 104 Paschal Controversy 26, 31, 72, 86, 136 Patrick, St. 46, 169 "Patrickmas" 46 Peebles 6 Penicuik 6 Penningham 134 Perth 44, 177 Perth, St. William of 84 Piran (Kieran), St. 122 Pitlessie 6, 70 Pitsligo 109 Pittenweem 18 Pollokshaws 83 Portmahomack 88 Port Patrick 47, 157 Portsoy 91 Portree 69 Premnay 180 Prestonkirk 37 Prestwick 51 Procession St. Marnock's 32 St. Monach's 155 St. Obert's 177 St. Serf's 101
Raasay 23, 98 Rathen 175 Relics of St. Aidan 28 St. Andrew 174 St. Columba 11, 90 St. Conval 83 St. Cuthbert 51 St. Duthac 39 St. Ebba 123 St. Fergus 170 St. Giles 128 St. Gilbert 59 St. Magnus 65 St. Margaret 168 St. Marnock 32 St. Merolilanus 83 St. Mirin 131 St. Mungo 6 St. Ninian 134 St. Ternan 93 St. Triduana 145 Rescobie 142 seq. Restalrig 142, 168 Rochester, St. William of 84 Rogart 173 Rona, Isle of 23 Ronan, St. 22 Rosemarkie (Fortrose) 45, 97 Roseneath 20, 22 Rothesay 75 Rothiemay 107 Rule, St. 149 Ruthven 98 Ruthwell 52
St. Andrews 57, 146, 150, 176 St. Bathans 182 St. Boswells 30, 52 St. Coan 148 St. Cyrus 150 St. Fergus (Lungley) 169 St. Kilda 80 St. Monans (Abercrombie) 34 St. Mungo 6 St. Vigeans 8 Sanda, Isle of 138 Sandwick 134 Saulseat 158 Scone Abbey 170 Seat of St. Adamnan 138 St. Cathan 82 St. Cumine 31 St. Fillan 18 St. Merchard 120 St. Maelrubha 69 St. Modan 20 Seil, Isle of 80 Sert, St. 4, 99, 109 Skelmorlie 18 Skye, Isle of 77, 98, 148, 154 Slains 94, 137 Sorn 156 Southenan 120 Southend 87 South Uist 66 Stachur 14 Statue of St. Baldred 37 St. Barr 140 St. Charmaig 43 St. Fergus 171 St. Fumac 74 St. Gilbert 59 Stevenson 155 Stirling 21, 113 Stranraer 158 Strathclyde 3, 103, 156 Strathdon 163 Strathearn 94 Strathfillan 18 Strathmartin 109 Strathmore 130, 180 Strathtay 52 Strogeth-St.-Patrick 170 Strowan 23 Struan 18 Suibhne (Sweeney), St. 3 Suibhne II., St. 96
Tain 39, 113 Talarican, St. 154 Tannadice 137 Taransay 94, 155 Tarbert 27, 88 Tarland 98 Tarves 159 Temple-Patrick 46 Ternan, St. 93 Thenew (Thenog), St. 109 Thornhill 168 Tiree 79, 80, 92, 98 Tough 109 Triduana, St. 142 Troon 104 Troqueer 130 Tullich 10 seq. Turriff 134, 148 Tyningham 37
Urquhart 68, 69, 107
Vey (Baya) St. 159 Vigean (Fechin), St. 8 Voloc (Wallach), St. 12
Walthen (Waltheof), St. 115 Watten-Wester 51, 110 Wells of "Maidie" 75 St. Adamnan 138 St. Aidan 127 St. Asaph 77 St. Baldred 37 St. Bathan 182 St. Bean 153 St. Boisil 30 St. Boniface 46 St. Brendan 80 St. Carran 180 St. Columba 91 St. Conan 10 St. Conval 84 St. Constantine 42 St. Cuthbert 52 St. Devenick 165 St. Donnan 66 St. Drostan 107 St. Duthac 40 St. Englatius 159 St. Ethernan 175 St. Fergus 170 St. Fiacre 124 St. Fillan 18, 95 St. Fumac 78 St. Glascian 14 St. Gerardin 162 St. Inan 120 St. Kieran ("Jargon") 130 St. Machalus 74 St. Machar 163 St. Magnus 65 St. Maree 69 St. Margaret 144, 168 St. Marnock 33 St. Mayota 181 St. Medana 103 St. Merchard 122 St. Middan 75 St. Mirin 132 St. Modan 19, 21 St. Molios 67 St. Moluag 99 St. Monan 34 St. Mungo 6 St. Mureach 160 St. Nathalan 12 St. Ninian 134 St. Palladius 105 St. Patrick 47 St. Ronan 22, 23 St. Serf 100 St. Talarican 155 St. Ternan 94 St. Thenew 109 St. Triduana 144 St. Vigean 9 St. Voloc 13 St. Wynnin 54 The Nine Maidens 109 Welsh dedications in Scotland 48 Westfield 107 Whitekirk 37 Whiteness (Shetland) 56 Whithorn 133 Wick 51, 168, 170 Wigtown 134, 165 William of Perth, St. 84 Wynnin (Finian), St. 53
Yester 182 Yrchard (Merchard), St. 120