[Footnote: As a requisite demanded by Congress for holding office, every candidate was obliged to swear that he had not participated in the secession movement Since few Southerners could take this "iron-clad oath," as it was termed, most of the representatives were Northern men who had gone South after the war, and were, therefore, called "carpet-baggers."]
Impeachment of the President.—The constantly-increasing hostility between the President and Congress came to an issue when the former attempted to remove Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. This being considered a violation of the Tenure-of-Office bill, the impeachment of the President was at last ordered (February 24, 1868). After a long and tedious trial he was acquitted, the two-thirds majority necessary for conviction lacking one vote.
The Fourteenth Amendment proposed by Congress, guaranteeing equal civil rights to all, regardless of race or color, and basing representation in each State on the number of voters, was adopted July 28, 1868.
The Indian War along the Southwest having, in 1865-6, increased so as to demand active measures for its suppression, General Sheridan was ordered thither. Black Kettle and a large body of his warriors being surprised and slain by a charge of Custer's cavalry (1868) in the battle of the Wacheta (wah-che'-tah), hostilities ceased.
The French in Mexico.—While the United States were absorbed in the civil war, Napoleon III., emperor of France, took advantage of the opportunity to secure a foothold in America. By the assistance of the French army, the imperialists of Mexico defeated the liberals, and Maximilian, archduke of Austria, was chosen emperor. The United States government protested against the measure, but was unable to enforce the "Monroe doctrine." When the American people were relieved from the pressure of civil strife, they turned their attention to the Mexicans hopelessly struggling for liberty, and the United States government demanded of Napoleon the recall of the French troops. Maximilian, deprived of foreign aid, was defeated, and, falling into the hands of the Mexican liberals, was shot June 19, 1867. This ended the dream of French dominion on this continent.
Laying of the Atlantic Cable.—While these great political events were happening, science had achieved a peaceful triumph whose importance far transcended the victories of diplomatic or military skill. A telegraphic cable eighteen hundred and sixty-four miles in length had been laid from Valentia Bay, Ireland, to Heart's Content, Newfoundland.
[Footnote: The success of this enterprise was due to the energy of Cyrus W. Field. In 1856, the line was finished from New York to St. John's, Newfoundland, a distance of over one thousand miles. A company was then formed with a capital of about $1,750,000. A cable was made, but in an attempt to lay it (August, 1857), the cable parted. A second attempt, in June, 1858, failed after repeated trials. A third effort, in July was successful. A message was sent from the Queen of England to the President, and a reply transmitted. A celebration was held in New York in honor of the event, but on that very day (September 1) the cable ceased to work. The time and money spent seemed a total loss. Mr. Field alone was undismayed. The company was revived, $3,000,000 were subscribed, and a new cable was manufactured. In July, 1865, the Great Eastern commenced laying this cable, but in mid-ocean it parted and sank to the bottom. Again Mr. Field went to work, raised a new company with a capital of $3,000,000, and made a third cable. The Great Eastern sailed with this in June, 1866, and successfully accomplished the feat. To make the triumph more complete, the vessel sailed back to the very spot where the cable of 1865 had parted, and, dropping grappling-irons, caught the lost cable, brought it to the surface, and, splicing it, laid the remaining portion. The two cables were found to work admirably. A despatch has been sent across the ocean by a battery made in a gun-cap.]
The two continents were thus brought into almost instant communication.
FOREIGN AFFAIRS.—Purchase of Alaska (October, 1867).—Through the diplomacy of William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Alaska was purchased of Russia for $7,200,000 in gold. It contains about 500,000 square miles, but is principally valuable for its harbors, furs, and fisheries.
Fenian Excitement.—The Fenians, a secret society organized for the purpose of delivering Ireland from British rule, crossed the Canadian frontier at Buffalo, N. Y., and St. Albans, Vt., in large numbers. President Johnson issued a proclamation declaring the movement a violation of our neutrality, and sent thither General Meade to execute the laws. After some skirmishing with British troops, the expedition returned.
Treaty with China (1868).—An embassy from the Chinese Empire, under charge of Anson Burlingame, visited the United States.
[Footnote: Burlingame had been the United States minister to the Chinese government for six years. During this time he had rendered himself so popular, that, at the end of his term of service, Prince Kung, the Chinese Regent, requested him to go on this special mission to foreign courts. After visiting the United States, he went to England, France, and Russia. He died at St. Petersburg within a month after his arrival there.]
It was an event of much importance, and the first of its kind in the history of that exclusive nation. A treaty was perfected guaranteeing liberty of conscience to Americans in China, and certain commercial privileges of great value.
POLITICAL PARTIES.—The republican party nominated General Ulysses S. Grant, of Illinois, for President, and Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana, for Vice-President. The democratic party nominated Horatio Seymour, of New York, and General Frank P. Blair, of Missouri. Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas were not allowed to vote. As the other Southern States had been "reconstructed," had granted negro suffrage, and enforced a strict registry law, they were permitted to participate in the election. Grant and Colfax were elected.
[Footnote: Hiram Ulysses Grant was born at Mount Pleasant, Ohio, April 27,1822. He was unwilling to follow his father's trade, which was that of a tanner, and, at seventeen, an appointment to West Point was secured for him. His name having been wrongly registered, Grant vainly attempted to set the matter right, but finally accepted his "manifest destiny," assumed the change thus forced upon him, and thenceforth signed himself "Ulysses Simpson," the latter being his mother's family name. Two years after completing his four-years course as cadet, the Mexican War broke out, in which Grant conducted himself with great gallantry, receiving especial mention and promotion. After this, he retired to civil life, where he remained until the opening of the war in 1861. He was then appointed to command a company of volunteers. Having taken it to Springfield, he became aid to Gov. Yates, and was finally commissioned as colonel of the 21st Illinois regiment. His military and political career was henceforth a part of the country's history. After the close of his presidential terms, he made the tour of the world. During this extended journey, he was everywhere received with marked enthusiasm and honor, and his dignified and consistent conduct shed lustre upon the country he represented.]
DOMESTIC AFFAIRS.—Pacific Railroad.—The year 1869 was made memorable by the opening of this road, which completed the union between the Atlantic and the Pacific. The traveler can now pass from New York to San Francisco, a distance of about 3,400 miles, in less than a week. This great highway has linked the West to the East by iron bands, has carried thousands of pioneers into the hitherto wild country along its route, developed fresh sources of industry and mines of wealth, and opened the United States to the silks, teas, and spices of Asia. American ingenuity has solved the problem which foiled Columbus and the olden navigators. It has made for itself a route to India.
[Footnote: Already other roads across the continent are constructing. The Northern Pacific has its eastern terminus on Lake Superior, and its western will be on Puget Sound. Though far to the north, yet in Oregon there is no winter weather, but only a rainy season, as in California. In portions of Dakota, Idaho, and Montana, cattle range the natural-grass pastures during the whole winter; while, in Washington Territory, roses blossom the year around. For the construction of this road public lands have been given by Congress, to the amount of over 80,000,000 acres, which is considerably in excess of the total area of the six New England States. The length of this road will be 1,800 miles, with a branch of 200 miles to Portland, Oregon. The Southern Pacific is to extend from Shreveport, La., to San Diego, Cal., a distance of 1,514 miles. This will run through a country so mild as to avoid the necessity of the "snow-sheds" which form so singular a feature of the Central Pacific.]
The Fifteenth Amendment, which guarantees to all the right of suffrage, irrespective of "race, color, or previous condition of servitude," having been ratified by the requisite number of States, was formally announced as a part of the Constitution, by Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State, March 30, 1870.
Prosperity of the Country.—The nation rapidly recovered from the effects of war. The price of gold fell to 110, and the national debt was reduced $204,000,000 during the first two years of this administration. A general amnesty to all connected with the Civil War was proclaimed, and the bitter feelings engendered by fraternal strife fast melted away. The South, devastated and scourged by the march of contending armies, accustomed herself to the novel conditions of free labor, rebuilt her railroads, cultivated her fields, and repaired the ravages of war. The census of 1870 showed that the population of the United States was over thirty-eight millions, an increase of about seven millions, while the manufacturing establishments of the country had nearly, if not quite, doubled in number and value during the preceding decade.
Fires.—l. A great fire broke out in Chicago, Sunday night, October 8, 1871. For two days it raged with tremendous violence, devastating 3,000 acres. 25,000 buildings were burned, $200,000,000 worth of property was destroyed, and 100,000 persons were rendered homeless. Contributions for the sufferers were taken in nearly all parts of the world, and over $7,500,000 were raised. 2. During the same fall, wide-spread conflagrations raged in the forests of Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan. Entire villages were consumed. 1,500 people perished in Wisconsin alone. 3. An extensive fire occurred in Boston November 9, 1872. It swept over sixty acres in the center of the wholesale trade of that city, and destroyed $70, 000,000 worth of property.
FOREIGN AFFAIRS.—Treaty of Washington.—The refusal of the English government to pay the damages to American commerce caused by the Alabama and other Confederate cruisers (p. 268) produced bitter feeling, and even threatened war. A high commission, composed of distinguished statesmen and jurists from both countries, accordingly met in Washington, and arranged the basis of a treaty between the United States and Great Britain, settling this and other causes of dispute. According to its provisions, the claim for losses was submitted to a board of arbitrators, who, having convened at Geneva, Switzerland, awarded the United States $15,500, 000 in gold.
The difficulty with regard to the Northwestern boundary between the United States and British America was submitted to the Emperor of Germany, and was decided in favor of the United States. Thus happily all danger of war was averted, and the great principle of the settlement of disputes by peaceful arbitration rather than by the sword was finally established.
Proposed Annexation of Santo Domingo.
[Footnote: The island of Santo Domingo is the "New World's classic land." Here Columbus founded the first white colony on this side of the Atlantic, and transporting hither animals, trees, shrubs, vines, and grains, so to speak, grafted the old world upon the new. Hither, also, flocked the bold, adventurous, ambitious Spanish multitude (see p. 26). Great cities sprung up, rivaling the majestic proportions of Moorish capitals. Magnificent enterprises were set on foot and prospered. Here Ponce de Leon renewed his ambition, and set forth afresh on an expedition to Porto Rico, and thence to Florida, in search of the Fountain of Youth (see p. 26). "A century before Henry Hudson sailed up the noble river that perpetuates his name—more than a century before the Puritans landed at Plymouth Rock—the city of Santo Domingo was a rich and populous center of industry and trade. Some of its palaces and churches still remain, massive and splendid; among them, the great cathedral begun in 1514 and finished in 1540." But the Spanish policy of greed and oppression gradually undermined itself. In 1795, when Santo Domingo was ceded to France, it was "abandoned to such a degree that it was a mere wilderness, devoted to the grazing of cattle." Yet, in spite of past tyranny, of neglect, and the knowledge that they had been "sold like a herd of cattle" to a foreign master, the Dominicans were loyal to Spain, and when Napoleon I. took possession of Madrid in 1808, they indignantly rose in arms, overpowered the French garrisons, and made themselves masters of their own country. They then rehoisted the Spanish flag, and in 1814, by the treaty of Paris, Santo Domingo was formally restored to that country. Meanwhile, the few years of interval had taught them some of the pleasures of liberty, and the seed then implanted grew rapidly. In 1821, they severed their connection with the mother country, but only to be absorbed by the more thriving and populous Hayti. In 1844, the Dominican Republic declared itself free and independent. Great Britain, France, Spain, Denmark, Holland, and Sardinia formally recognized it, and sent representatives to its capital. After seventeen years of struggle against European intrigue and Haytien aggression, it again lapsed into a Spanish dependency. Its story for the next four years is successively one of oppression, of revolt, of bloody wars, and of ultimate success. The Spanish fleet took final leave in 1865, and left the brave Dominicans to their well-earned freedom.]
This republic, comprising a large part of the island of Hayti, applied for admission to the United States. A commission of eminent men, appointed by the President to visit the island and examine its condition, reported favorably. The measure, however, was rejected by Congress.
"The Virginius." —In 1868, Cuba attempted to throw off the Spanish yoke. Great sympathy was felt in the United States for the patriots, and repeated efforts were made to send them aid. In spite of the vigilance of the authorities, the Virginius, loaded with men and supplies, escaped from port in the fall of this year. While still on the high seas, and flying the American flag, she was captured by the Spanish war steamer Tornado and carried into Santiago. Many of her crew and passengers were summarily shot. The United States consul at that port protested in vain. President Grant interfered with a strong hand. The Virginius was thereupon released, and suitable apologies were made for the insult offered to the United States flag.
POLITICAL PARTIES.—The liberal republican party, consisting of republicans opposed to the administration, nominated Horace Greeley of New York for the presidential term commencing 1873 The democratic party endorsed this nomination. The republicans renomimated President Grant, who was elected
[Footnote: Horace Greeley was born at Amherst, N. H., February 3, 1811. At two years of age, he began to study the newspapers given him for amusement; and at four, could read anything placed before him, At six, he was able to spell any word in the English language was somewhat versed in geography and arithmetic and had read the entire Bible. His passion for books increased with his years, and at an early age he determined to be a printer. At fifteen he entered the office of the Northern Spectator at East Poultney, Vt. His wages were forty dollars a year, the greater part of which was saved and sent to his father, then struggling in poverty upon a farm in Pennsylvania. The Spectator having failed in 1831 Greeley went to New York. He landed with ten dollars and a scanty outfit tied in a handkerchief. Franklin like, he traversed the streets in search of work—a long stooping, stockingless figure in linen roundabout short trousers and drooping hat, with his out grown cotton wristbands made to meet with twine. Diligence, integrity and ability won him a ready rise when employment was at last secured. Ten years later he founded the New York Tribune. He served in Congress in 1848-49 where he was known for his opposition to the abuses of the mileage system. When civil war seemed imminent, he advocated a peaceable division of the country but after it opened he urged a vigorous prosecution of hostilities. At the close of the war, he pleaded for immediate conciliation and was a signer of the bail bond which restored Jefferson Davis to liberty after two years imprisonment in Fortress Monroe.
Horace Greeley was pure, simple and conscientious in character He had a peculiar disregard for dress and neglected many of the courtesies of society, but he was a true gentleman at heart and possessed rare gifts in conversation. He was fond of agriculture and spent his leisure days on his farm at Chappaqua. Just before the close of the presidential canvass his wife died and this together with the desertion of friends and the excitement of the contest unsettled his mimd. He was carried to a private asylum where he died November 39,1872.]
GRANT'S SECOND TERM—DOMESTIC AFFAIRS.—The Modoc Indians having refused to stay upon their reservation in Oregon, troops were sent against them The savages thereupon retreated to their fastnesses in the Lava Beds. The peace commissioners, hoping to arrange the difficulty, held a conference with the chiefs. In the midst of the council, the Indians treacherously slew General Canby and Rev. Dr. Thomas and wounded Mr. Meachem. The Modocs were then bombarded in their stronghold, and finally forced to surrender. Captain Jack and several of the leaders of the band were executed at Fort Klamath, October 3, 1873.
The Credit Mobilier was a company organized for the purpose of building the Pacific Railroad. The undertaking proved a profitable one, and enormous dividends were paid. An investigation developed the startling fact that various high officers of the government had accepted presents of stock, the value of which necessarily depended largely upon their official action.
Railroad Panic.—In the autumn of 1873, Jay Cooke & Co., bankers of Philadelphia, having engaged too extensively in railroad schemes, failed. A financial crisis ensued, and hundreds of prominent firms all over the Union were involved in ruin. A settled stringency of the money market and a stagnation of business followed.
Centennial Anniversaries.—The year 1875, being the hundredth anniversary of the first year of the Revolutionary War, was marked by various centennial observances. April 19, the battles of Lexington and Concord were celebrated with patriotic pride. May 20, the citizens of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, honored the memory of those who, at Charlotte, signed a Declaration of Independence only ten days after the capture of Ticonderoga. June 17 witnessed, at Bunker Hill, an unprecedented gathering from all parts of the country, Northern and Southern soldiers vying in devotion to the flag of the Union.
The Centennial Exhibition.—To commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence, an exhibition of the arts and industries of all nations was held at Philadelphia, during the summer of 1876. The beautiful grounds of Fairmount Park were the scene of this imposing display. The principal edifices were the Main Exhibition Building, the Memorial Hall, the Machinery Hall, the Horticultural and Agricultural Buildings, and the Woman's Pavilion. The first named covered an area of over twenty-six acres In addition to these structures, there were more than two hundred smaller buildings scattered over the extensive grounds. The exhibition opened May 10, and lasted six months. The average daily attendance was about 61,000 persons.
[Footnote: See Barnes's Hundred Years of American Independence, a supplement to which is entirely devoted to the Centennial Exhibition.]
War with the Sioux (1877)
[Footnote: The Black Hills which are in Dakota and Wyoming belonged to the Sioux Reservation But gold having been found there bands of miners began to prospect on the Indian domain, a bill was introduced into Congress to extinguish the Indian title to a portion of the Black Hill region and finally a new treaty as negotiated But the unwillingness of the Indians to leave the encroachments of the whites and the advent of surveyors and troops all combined to provoke hostilities]
The Sioux Indians having refused to go upon the reservation assigned them by treaty and committed many atrocities, a force of regular troops was sent against them. General Custer led the advance with the Seventh Cavalry, while General Terry moved up the Big Horn to attack them in the rear. On the 25th of June, General Custer suddenly came upon the enemy. Without waiting for support, he detached Colonel Reno with four companies to fall upon the back of the Indian village, while he immediately charged the savages in front with the remainder of his command. A desperate conflict ensued. General Custer, his two brothers, his nephew, and every one of his men were killed. Colonel Keno was surrounded, but held his ground on the bluffs until reinforcements arrived. The Indians were soon beaten on every hand, and by the following spring were so scattered as to be comparatively harmless.
POLITICAL PARTIES.—The republican party nominated General Rutherford B. Hayes, of Ohio, for President, and Wm. A. Wheeler, of New York, for Vice-President. The democratic party chose Samuel J. Tilden, of New York, and Thomas A. Hendricks, of Indiana. The independent greenback party selected Peter Cooper, of New York, and Samuel F. Cary, of Ohio. This presidential campaign was so hotly contested between the republicans and the democrats, and such irregularities were charged against the elections in Oregon, South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana, that both these parties claimed the victory. In order to settle the dispute, Congress agreed to refer the contested election returns to a Joint Electoral Commission, composed of five senators, five representatives, and five judges of the Supreme Court.
[Footnote: The Senators chosen were Messrs. Bayard, Edmunds, Frelinghuysen, Morton, and Thurman. The Representatives were Messrs. Abbott, Garfield, Hoar, Hunton, and Payne. The Associate Justices of the Supreme Court selected were Messrs. Bradley, Clifford, Field, Miller, and Strong.]
This body decided that 185 electoral votes had been cast for Hayes and Wheeler, and 184 for Tilden and Hendricks. The republican candidates were therefore declared to be elected.
[Footnote: The principal political questions which agitated the country during this campaign were, (1) the Southern policy of the government, and (2) the civil service reform. It was held on one side that negroes and republicans at the South were intimidated by force and prevented from voting, and that the presence of the United States troops was necessary to the preservation of the rights of the citizens, free discussion, a free ballot, and an enforcement of the laws. It was asserted, on the other side, that the use of the troops for such purposes was unconstitutional; that the intimidation was only imaginary, or could be readily controlled by the local authorities; and that the presence of the military provoked violence and was a constant insult and menace to the States. President Jackson, as we have seen (p. 175), introduced into our politics the principle of "rotation in office." This policy steadily gained favor until Marcy's maxim, "To the victors belong the spoils," became the commonly-accepted view; and after every important election, the successful party was accustomed to fill even the menial offices of government with its favorites. Under such a system, the qualification of the applicant was of much less importance than the service he had done the party. Hayes promised to make "no dismissal except for cause, and no promotion except for merit."]
DOMESTIC AFFAIRS.—U. S. Troops at the South Withdrawn. —President Hayes's Southern policy was one of conciliation. The troops which had hitherto sustained the republican State governments in South Carolina and Louisiana were withdrawn, and democratic officials at once took control of the local affairs.
A Railroad Strike was inaugurated by workmen on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in the summer of 1877. The cause was a reduction of wages by the managers of the different roads in the country. Seventy trains were stopped near Martinsburg, W. Va., and the blockade was raised only by the arrival of regular troops. The strike, however, rapidly extended to nearly all the principal railroads in the Northern States. Travel was suspended, and business came to a standstill. A tumult occurred in Baltimore, which was suppressed with some bloodshed. There was a terrible riot at Pittsburg, Pa., and cars, buildings, and an immense amount of property were destroyed, the loss of the Pennsylvania Railroad being estimated at $3,000,000. The troops at last quelled the disturbance, but at the cost of about one hundred lives. There were alarming riots also at Hornellsville, N. Y., at Chicago, Ill., at Louisville, Ky., and at Reading, Pa. These were suppressed, in part, by regular troops, but the militia generally proved reliable, and the citizen soldiery in this perilous crisis merited the gratitude of the republic. Quiet was finally restored, but the coal regions of Pennsylvania remained for a long time in disorder.
"Bland Silver Bill" —In 1873, Congress demonetized silver, and made gold the sole standard of our currency. Opposition to this measure gradually arose, and in December, 1877, a bill was introduced into Congress making silver a legal tender in payment of debts. This measure, after having been amended, was passed (Feb. 21, 1878).
Fishery Award (1878).—Difficulties having arisen between the United States and Great Britain concerning the fisheries of the Northeastern coast, the matter was referred, by the Treaty of Washington (p. 289), to a commission for adjudication. This body sat at Halifax, Nova Scotia, and awarded Great Britain the sum of $5,500,000.
The Yellow Fever broke out in New Orleans during the summer of 1878, and spread northward along the Mississippi into Missouri and Tennessee. Over 20,000 cases, with 7,000 deaths, were reported.
The Resumption of specie payments (Jan. 1, 1879) through the entire country, brought gold and silver once more into general circulation.
Indian Difficulty (1879).—The Ute Indians at the White River agency, dissatisfied by the encroachments of the miners and the non-payment of money promised by the government, took up arms, massacred the white men at the agent's station, and also Major Thornburgh, who, with a small force, was marching to subdue the revolt. The U. S. troops were hurried thither, and peace was once more restored. The women and children were found to have been saved by a friendly chief.
STATES ADMITTED DURING THIS EPOCH.—Nebraska, the thirty-seventh State, was admitted to the Union March 1, 1867. The name signifies "water valley." Colorado, the thirty-eighth State, was received March 3, 1875. Its constitution, however, was not ratified by the people until July 1, 1876; whence it is known as the "Centennial State." This region was explored by Coronado in 1540, while De Soto was rambling over the site of the future Gulf States.
These questions are placed at the close of the work rather than at the foot of each page, in order to compel a more independent use of the book. As far as possible, topical recitations should be encouraged. On naming the subject of a paragraph, the pupil should be expected to tell all he knows about it. A little patience and practice in this method will achieve wonderful results. The following pages often present topical questions in the hope of gradually leading the pupil to this system of study. The figures refer to the pages of the book.
9. From what continent did the first inhabitants of America probably come? How did they get here? (At that time it is probable that Behring Strait was not cut through, and the two continents were connected.) What remains of these people are found? Where do they occur?
10. What proof is there of their antiquity? Describe the ruins at Newark, Ohio. The mound at St. Louis. The embankment in Adams County, Ohio. Are earth-works permanent? Describe the ruins in South America. Who were the mound-builders?
11. What became of them? Who succeeded them? How did the Indians compare with them? What do you say of the number of the Indians? Where most numerous? Were there any blacksmiths, carpenters, etc., among them?
12-13. Were they a progressive people? In what were they skilled? How did they regard labor? 12. Describe the life of their women.
14-16. The Indian disposition. His power of endurance. His religion. Did he have any idea of God? What policy should be pursued toward the Indian? Who were the Northmen? What traditions about their having discovered and settled America? Are these stories credible? Are there any remains of this people now existing? Were their discoveries of any value? At what date does the history of this country begin? Name the subjects and limits of the six epochs into which this history is divided.
19. What was the state of geographical knowledge in Europe in the fifteenth century? Why could not sailors have crossed the ocean before as well as then? Why were books of travel more abundant then? Why so eagerly read?
20. By what route were the goods from the East obtained? What was the problem of that day? Columbus's idea? What facts strengthened his view? (See p. 21.) Tell something of his life.
21. Why did he seek assistance? Before whom did he lay his plan? How was it received? Did the king treat him fairly? To whom did Columbus apply next? How was he regarded? What reply was made him?
22. What did Columbus's friends do for him? What offer did Queen Isabella make? Were her jewels sold? What new trouble assailed Columbus? What vessels composed his fleet? Give some of the incidents of the voyage.
23 Did Columbus waver? (There seems to be no truth in the common statement that he promised to turn back, if he did not discover land in three days.) Describe the discovery of land. The landing. When and where was this? What region did Columbus think he had reached? What was the result? For what did he search? What other islands did he discover?
24. Describe his reception on his return. How many subsequent voyages did Columbus make? What settlement did he make? (p. 289.) Did he discover the main-land? Did he know that he had found a new continent? Where is Columbus's tomb? How was the continent named?
25. What was the plan of John Cabot? What discoveries did he make? Did his discoveries antedate those of Columbus? Where and when is it probable the American continent was discovered? What discoveries did Sebastian Cabot make? Did England improve them? Of what value were they?
26. What four nations explored the territory of the future United States? What portion of the continent did each explore? What was the feeling in Spain? What effect was produced? Why did Ponce de Leon come to the new world?
27. What land did he discover? Why did he so name it? What success did he meet? What discovery did Balboa make? Describe the expedition of De Narvaez. Its fate. Of De Soto. Of De Ayllon.
28. What region did De Soto traverse? Did he make any valuable discoveries? What river was his burial place? When? What became of his companions?
29. When, where, and by whom was the first town in the United States founded? Meaning of the word California in the sixteenth century? Why did Cortez explore that region? Who made the first voyage along the Pacific coast? Which is the second oldest town in the United States? When and by whom founded? What was the great wish of maritime nations?
30. What was the extent of the Spanish possessions in the new world? Who was the first French navigator to reach the continent? When? What name did he give it? Who discovered the River St. Lawrence? Why did he so name it? Ans. From the name of the day on which it was discovered. Why was Montreal so named? Describe the attempt to plant a colony of convicts. Why did this fail?
31. Who were the Huguenots? What was Coligny's plan? Who led the first expedition? Fate of the colony? The second expedition? Amusing story of the longevity of the Indians?
32. Fate of the colony? What French navigator was the next to ascend the St. Lawrence? How did he find things at Hochelaga? When, where, and by whom was the first permanent French settlement made in America? How much land was granted?
33. When, where, and by whom was the first permanent French settlement made in Canada? What journey did Champlain make? What discoveries? The consequence of his trip? Who explored the Mississippi valley? What relics of them remain? Tell something of their heroism. Of Father Marquette. Of his death.
34. Of La Salle. What were the results of French enterprise? How did it compare with English enterprise? When did the English awake to the importance of American discovery? Who made the first attempt to carry out Cabot's plan?
35. What success did he have? Was the discovery of gold profitable? What discovery did Sir Francis Drake make?
36. What was the view of Sir Humphrey Gilbert? His fate? Who adopted his plan? Give some account of Sir Walter Raleigh. Why was Virginia so named? Where did Raleigh plant his first colony? Give its history.
37. What did the colonists introduce into England on their return? Story told of Raleigh's smoking? Give the history of the second colony. What kept the interest in America alive? How did Gosnold shorten the voyage across the Atlantic?
38. What discoveries did Gosnold make? Captain Pring? Results of these explorations? What was South Virginia? North Virginia? Where, when, and by whom was the first English settlement made in the United States? What became of the colony sent out the same year by the Plymouth company? Tell some of the provisions of the charter granted to these companies. What is a charter? Ans. A document which confers the title to certain land, and, not unlike a constitution, defines the form of government, and secures to the people certain rights and privileges.
39. Who entered New York harbor next after Verrazani? Was Hudson a Dutchman? (His given name was Henry, not Heindrich, as often stated.) What river did he discover? What claim did the Dutch found on this discovery? What name did they give to the region? State the claims of these four nations, and the settlements they had made.
40. Why were these claims conflicting? Had these nations any idea of the extent of the country? Which nation ultimately secured the whole region? Which centuries were characterized by explorations, and which century by settlements? Name the permanent settlements which were made at the beginning of the seventeenth century.
45. Name the thirteen colonies. Were they united during this epoch?
46. What was the character of the Virginia colonists? What was their success? Describe the services of John Smith. Give some of the incidents of his life.
47. What was his theory of founding a colony? Tell the story of his capture by the Indians.
48. What change in the government of the colony was made by the second charter? Was it based on the principle of self-government? Why did Smith leave? What was its effect on the colony? Tell something of the "Starving Time."
49. How did relief come? What change was made by the third charter? Describe the marriage of Pocahontas. Her visit to England. Where was the first legislative body held?
50. When was the first constitution given? Of what value were these charters? Give some particulars of the prosperity of the colony. Of the culture of tobacco. Of the purchase of wives. When and how was slavery introduced? Why?
61. Why did the Indians now become hostile? Give some account of the massacre. Its result. What new change was made in the government? Cause? What was the Navigation Act? Why was it oppressive? What was the conduct of the assembly?
52. What division arose among the people? Give the history of Bacon's rebellion. Was Bacon a patriot or a rebel? What was the conduct of Berkeley? What curious fact illustrates the ruling sentiment of Massachusetts and of Virginia at that time? What coincidence between this event and the Revolution?
53. Describe John Smith's explorations at the north. What authority was granted to the Council of New England? What became of the Plymouth Company? Give some account of the landing of the Pilgrims. Who were the Puritans? What was the difference between the Puritans and the Pilgrims? Why did the Pilgrims come to this country? When?
54. What was their character? What story is told to illustrate their piety? Describe their sufferings. What is "Plymouth Rock"? What do you mean by Dec. 11, O.S. and Dec. 21, N.S.? Why did not the Indians disturb them?
55. What Indians visited them in the spring? How did Governor Bradford reply to Canonicus's threat? Tell about the scarcity of food. How did the plan of working in common succeed?
56. Did they have any more privileges than the Jamestown colonists? Who settled about Massachusetts Bay? Why was this colony popular? Who founded Salem? Boston? Did the Puritans tolerate other Churches? Why not? Give an account of the difficulty with Roger Williams.
67. Where did he go? What settlement did he found? Why did Mrs. Hutchinson become obnoxious? State the treatment of the Quakers. What union of the colonies was now formed? What was its object? What Indian chiefs befriended Massachusetts and Virginia in their early history? (The grandson of Massasoit was sold as a slave in the West Indies.)
58. Give an account of King Philip's war. Of the "swamp fight." Of the attack on Hadley. How did the colonists protect themselves?
59. How was the war finally ended? How did the Navigation Act affect Massachusetts? Did the Puritans obey it? What change now took place in the government? Give some account of Andros's rule. What action did the colonists take? What form of government was finally imposed upon them?
60. Give an account of the Salem witchcraft. What is a "witch"? Was this delusion common at that time? What two colonies were intimately united to Massachusetts? What was Laconia?
61. Give an account of the early settlement of New Hampshire. Of Maine. What is said of the claims made upon the land by the heirs of these proprietors? Why are these States so named? Who obtained a grant of the territory now embraced in Connecticut? Who claimed this region?
62. Give an account of the early settlement at Windsor. Hartford. Saybrook. How were the Narraganset Indians kept from joining the Pequods against the whites? Describe the attack upon the Pequod fort.
63. What three colonies were formed in Connecticut? What peculiarities in the government of each? How were they combined into one colony? Why was the charter so highly prized? What story is told of Andros's visit?
64. What colony was established the same year that Hooker went to Hartford? What exiles settled Rhode Island? Why was the island so called? What fact illustrates Williams's generosity?
65. What was his favorite idea? Why was not the colony allowed to join the New England Union? How was a charter secured? What was its character? Give an account of the settlement of New York by the Dutch. Who were the "patroons"?
60. What was the character of the history of New York under its four Dutch governors? Who was the ablest of them? How much territory did he claim? How did he settle the boundary lines? Tell something of the growth of liberty among the people.
67. Describe old Peter's reluctance to surrender to the English. Why was the colony named New York? Were the people pleased with the English rule? Was the English occupation permanent? Was civil liberty secured under Andros? Dongan? What course did the Duke of York take when he became King of England? Tell how Captain Leisler came to assume the government. Of his trial and execution.
68. In what colony was New Jersey formerly embraced? Who first settled it? When, to whom, and by whom was the land granted? Where and by whom was the first English settlement made? Why so called? How divided? Who settled the different parts?
69. How did New Jersey come to be united to New York? To be made a separate royal province? Where and by whom was the first settlement in Delaware made? In Pennsylvania? Who was the founder of Pennsylvania? Give some account of William Penn. Of the Quakers.
70. How did Penn come to obtain a grant of this region? Why was it so named? What was Delaware styled? How did Penn settle the territory? What city did he found? Meaning of the name? Rapidity of its growth? What was the "Great Code"? Was religious toleration granted?
71. Give an account of Penn's treaty with the Indians. In what spirit did Penn treat the colony?
72. How came Delaware to be separated from Pennsylvania? Was this separation total? How did Pennsylvania secure the title to its soil? With what intent did Lord Baltimore secure a grant of land in America? When was the first settlement made? Why was Maryland so named? What class of people generally settled this country?
73. What advantage did the Maryland charter confer? What was the "Toleration Act"? How did religious toleration vary in the colonies? Give an account of Claiborne's rebellion. Of the difficulties between the Catholics and the Protestants.
74. What territory was granted to Lord Clarendon? By whom was the Albemarle colony settled? What course did the proprietors take? By whom was the Carteret colony settled? What location did they select? What do you say of the rapidity of its growth?
75. Who were the Huguenots? What beneficial influence did they have on the colony? What was the "Grand Model"? How was it unfitted for a new country? How was it received? What were the relations between the proprietors and settlers? How were the difficulties ended? How came Carolina to be divided?
76. By what coincidence is Georgia linked with Washington? With what intention was this colony planned? Character of the settlers? Restrictions of the trustees? Result?
77. How many inter-colonial wars were there? If you include the Spanish war? Duration of King William's war? Cause? Describe the Indian attacks upon the colonists. Tell the story of Mrs. Dustin.
78. What attacks were made by the colonists in return? Were they successful? What was the result of the war?
79. Length of Queen Anne's war? Cause? Where was the war mainly fought? Effect upon New England? What attack by the colonists at the south? At the north? Tell the story of Mrs. Williams.
80. Result of the war? Length of King George's war? Cause? Principal event? Give an account of the capture of Louisburg. Of the Spanish war.
81. Result of the war? Length of the French and Indian war? Cause? Occasions of quarrel?
82. Give an account of Washington's journey to Lake Erie. His return. Result of his journey.
83. What did the French do in the spring? The Virginia troops under Washington? Fate of Jumonville? Give an account of the capture of Fort Necessity by the French. Who fired the first gun of this war? Name the five objective points of this war.
84. Why were they so obstinately attacked and defended? Give an account of the defeat of General Braddock. Character of Braddock. Conduct of Washington.
85. Give an account of the second expedition. Who finally captured the fort? What city now occupies its site? What was the principal cause of the easy capture of the fort? What success did the English meet in Acadia? What cruel act disgraced their victory? What attempt was made on Louisburg? Who finally captured it?
86. Describe the battle of Lake George. Who earned the glory of this victory and who got it? Tell the story of Dieskau's death. The fate of Fort William Henry. Describe the attack on Fort Ticonderoga by Abercrombie.
87. When were both forts captured? Describe the two attempts to capture Niagara. Who forced it to surrender? In what year did these successes occur? Describe the difficulties which General Wolfe met in his attack on Quebec.
88, 89. How did he overcome them? Describe the battle on the Plains of Abraham. What was the result of the battle? The conditions of peace?
90. Cause of Pontiac's war? Result? Fate of Pontiac? What stratagems did the Indians use? Effects of the French and Indian war?
91. How did the British officers treat the colonial officers? Condition of the colonies? How many kinds of government? Name and define each.
92. How many colleges? Did the English government support educational interests? Condition of agriculture? Manufactures?
93 Commerce? Was money plenty? Were there many books or papers? How did the people travel?
94. Tell something about the first public conveyance. Condition of morals in New England. Name some peculiar customs. Some rigid laws. Who was entitled to the prefix Mr.? What were common people called? Laws with regard to drinking? Using tobacco?
95. Tell something of the habits of the people in New York. What customs familiar to us are of Dutch origin? How did the style of living at the south differ from that at the north?
96. Describe a southern plantation. What is said of Mount Vernon flour? Of the luxurious living? State of education in New England? Tell something of the support given to schools.
97. Of the founding of Yale College. Of their town meetings. Of the state of education in the middle colonies. How were the ministers' salaries met?
98. What was the state of education in the southern colonies? Provision made for public worship? Give some idea of the early Virginia laws concerning worship.
101. How did England treat the colonies? Give some illustrations.
102. What was the tendency of this course of conduct? What was the direct cause of war? What were Writs of Assistance? The Stamp Act? Tell the story of Patrick Henry.
103 What efforts were made to resist the law? What effect did they have on the English government? Was this permanent? What was the Mutiny Act? Why was it passed?
104. How was it received by the colonists? Tell about the Boston Massacre. When? The Boston Tea Party. Why was the tea thrown overboard? For what is Faneuil Hall noted? What did the English now do?
106, 107. What parties were formed? What action did the colonists take? When and where was the "First Continental Congress" held? What action did it take? When and where was the first blood spilled? Describe how the battle of Lexington occurred.
108,109. Effects of this battle. Tell how the battle of Bunker Hill occurred. Describe it. Tell something of "Old Put."
110. Effect of the battle. Describe the death of General Warren. Give some account of Ethan Alien. Why were the New Hampshire Grants so called? Describe the capture of Ticonderoga.
111. Meeting of Second Continental Congress. Its action. What was the condition of the army? What expedition was undertaken against Canada?
112. Describe the attack upon Quebec. Its end. How were the British forced to leave Boston?
113. How had they treated the Boston people? The Boston boys? Describe the attack on Fort Moultrie. Its effect. Tell the story of Sergeant Jasper.
114. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted? How many colonies voted for it? Tell the story of the old "liberty bell," How did the campaign near New York occur? Describe the battle of Long Island.
115. What decided it in favor of the English? By what providential circumstance did the Americans escape? What were the prison ships? Who were the Hessians? Tell the story of Nathan Hale.
116, 117. What battles occurred while Washington was falling back? Describe his retreat through New Jersey. How did he escape? What general was captured by the enemy? What was the condition of the country? Describe the battle of Trenton. Tell the story of Rall.
118. The effect of this battle. Name the battles of 1776 in order. Describe the battle of Princeton. What providential circumstance favored the attack?
119. How did the battle of Brandywine occur? Describe it. What decided it in favor of the English? What previous battle did it resemble? Give some account of La Fayette.
120, 121. Describe the battle of Germantown. Why did the Americans fail? How did the campaign in Pennsylvania close? What disastrous attempt was made by the British at the north? Describe the burning of Danbury, the capture of General Prescott, and the murder of Jane McCrea. What events attended General Burgoyne's march south? What measures were taken to check his advance?
122. Who succeeded General Schuyler? What was Schuyler's conduct? What events deranged Burgoyne's plans? How was the siege of Fort Schuyler (Stanwix) raised? Tell something of Kosciusko.
123. Of the battle of Bennington. For what incident is it noted?
124 Describe the first battle of Saratoga. The second battle. Who was the hero of the fight? How did General Fraser die? Tell some incidents of the campaign.
125. Effect of these fights? Name the battles of 1777 in order. Describe the sufferings at Valley Forge.
126. How could the soldiers endure such misery? What news came in the spring? Story told of Washington by Mr. Potts? Tell something of the Conway cabal. What story is told of General Reed?
127. What caused the battle of Monmouth to happen? Describe its prominent incident. Tell the history of Benjamin Franklin.
128. Tell the story of Mary Pitcher. What became of General Lee? What campaign was now planned by the aid of the French? How did it turn out? Describe the Wyoming massacre. What poem has been written upon this event? Ans. Campbell's Gertrude of Wyoming. Name the battles of 1778 in order.
129. Why was the war now transferred to the south? How did the campaign open? Describe the attack on Savannah. Who were killed? Tell something of Count Pulaski. Was the French aid of great value?
130. What characterized the campaign at the north? Tell the story of General Putnam. Describe the capture of Stony Point.
131. General Sullivan's expedition. What do you say of the naval successes?
132. Describe the contest between the Bon Homme Richard and the Serapis. What colony was conquered by the British during this year? Name the principal battles of 1779 in order.
133. What city was now captured? What followed? How did the battle of Camden occur? Describe it. What was its result? Tell something of the famous partisan warfare of those times.
134. Name some leaders. Story of Marion. Some partisan victories. Death of Colonel Hayne. Effect of this independent warfare. Tell something of the depreciation of the continental money.
135. What mutiny occurred? Tell the story of Arnold's treason.
136. Of Andre's capture and fate. Of Arnold's escape and reward. In what estimation was he held? Name the principal events of 1780.
137. Condition of the army at the south? Who now took command? Describe the battle of the Cowpens. Describe Greene's celebrated retreat. How many times did the rain save him?
138. By what two battles was the contest at the south closed? Were the English or Americans victorious? Give anecdotes illustrative of the patriotism of the women. Character of General Greene.
139. Where did Cornwallis go after the failure of his southern campaign? What kind of war did he wage in Virginia? Why did he retire to Yorktown? What plan did Washington now adopt?
140. Describe the siege. Its result. The surrender. The effect. On what plundering tours did Arnold go? Story told of Governor Nelson? Name the principal battles of 1781 in order.
141. How was the news of Cornwallis's surrender received?
142. Was all peril to our liberties over? What was the condition of the country? What base offer was made to Washington? How did he pacify the army? When was peace signed? What was the result? What course did Washington take?
143. Tell something of the weakness of the government. What held the colonies together? Cause of Shays's rebellion? What need was felt? How was it met? When was the Constitution adopted? What parties arose? How soon was the Constitution ratified? How many States were necessary? When did the new government go into operation?
147, 148. Limits of this epoch? Its characteristic idea? Who was the first President of the United States? When and where was he inaugurated? Where was the capital? Name its changes. What was the popular feeling toward Washington? Give some account of Washington's life and character.
151. What difficulties beset the government? What departments were established? Name the members of the first Cabinet. What financial measures were adopted? By whose advice?
152. What did Webster say of Hamilton? Give an account of the whisky rebellion. Of the Indian war at the northwest. What difficulty arose with England?
153. How was it settled? How was the treaty received in this country? What treaty was made with Spain? Algiers? What was the popular feeling toward France? Why was Genet recalled? What parties now arose? Who were the leaders of each? Their views? Tell something of Randolph.
154. Who was elected second President? Tell something of Adams's life. What were the alien and sedition laws? Why were they passed?
155. How were they received? How did the French difficulty look during this administration? How was it terminated? What reply did Pinckney make to the base offer of the French Directory? State of party feeling? Who was elected third President? Why was not Adams re-elected? What was the important event of Jefferson's administration? Why?
156. Tell something of Jefferson's life and character. Tell how Hamilton was killed. What became of Burr?
157. Tell something of Fulton's invention. Of the war with Tripoli, Of Lieutenant Decatur's exploit.
158. What difficulty now arose with England and France? What is the American doctrine? Was the impressment of seamen general?
159. What was the issue of the next political campaign? Who was elected fourth President? Views of the federalists? Give an account of Madison's life and character. Of the battle of Tippecanoe. Effect of this Indian war. State how the breach with England widened.
160. Difficulty between the President and Little Belt. When was war declared? How long did the war last? What was the opening event of the war of 1812? Describe the surrender of Detroit.
161. The battle of Queenstown Heights. How did the naval and the land warfare compare? Describe the fight between the Constitution and Guerriere.
162. Between the Frolic and Wasp. How many prizes were captured by privateers? What are privateers?
163. Effect of these victories? Name the battles of 1812 in order. Plan of the campaign of 1813. What did the armies of the centre and north do? What did the British do? What reverse happened to a part of General Harrison's command? Describe this rout. Tell something of Proctor's brutality.
164. Describe the three attacks made by Proctor. In which was he successful? Describe Perry's victory on Lake Erie.
165. What gallant exploit was performed by Perry? What issues depended on this fight? Describe the battle of the Thames. What celebrated Indian was killed? Effect of these victories? Who gained great credit?
166. Describe the battle between the Chesapeake and the Shannon. What were Lawrence's dying words? Who used them in battle? What Indian difficulties occurred? How did General Jackson avenge the massacre of Fort Minims? Story told of Jackson?
167. What ravages were committed by Admiral Cockburn? Why was New England spared? Name the principal battles of 1813 in order. What movement was made by General Brown? What general led the advance?
168. What battles ensued? Describe the battle of Lundy's Lane. What story is told of Colonel Miller? What battle took place in New York State? How did that happen? Describe it.
169. Describe the ravages made by the British on the Atlantic coast. Attack on Washington. On Baltimore. Result of these events. The Hartford Convention. What put an end to these fears? Why was the battle of New Orleans unnecessary?
170. Describe this battle. How did it happen that raw militia defeated English veterans?
171. Results of this war? Effect upon the federalist party? Who was elected fifth President?
172. Was Monroe a popular man? Give some account of his life and character. What was the characteristic of his administration? What was the Missouri Compromise? Cause of it?
173. Give an account of La Fayette's visit. What territory was gained by treaty? What famous doctrine advanced by Monroe? What political changes now took place? What party was arising? Its principles? Principles of the democratic party? Champions of each party? Which party absorbed most of the old federalists? Why? Who was elected sixth President? How?
174. Give some account of the life and character of John Quincy Adams. Of his administration. Was it popular? How was the protective tariff received? Who was elected seventh President?
175. Account of the life and character of Jackson. Contrast him with John Quincy Adams. What principle did he introduce? What was the nullification ordinance? How did Jackson act?
176. How did Clay pacify? What celebrated debate took place? What is said of Calhoun? Of Clay's patriotism? What action did Jackson take concerning the United States bank? Its effect?
177. How did speculation become rife? Give an account of the Black Hawk war. The Seminole war. What is said of Osceola? His fate?
178. Difficulty with France? How was it settled? Who were the Presidential candidates? What were their principles? Who was elected eighth President? Give an account of the life and character of Van Buren. Of the crisis of 1837.
179. Its effect on trade. Of the patriot war. Of Van Buren's Sub-Treasury Bill, Story of the steamer Caroline.
180. What was the northeast boundary question? How was it settled? What was the Ashburton treaty? Who was elected ninth President? Who was his opponent? Give an account of the life and character of Harrison. What was the cause of his sudden death? Who succeeded him?
181. Was Tyler's administration successful? Did he remain true to his party? What course did he take with regard to the United States Bank? Give an account of Dorr's rebellion.
182,183. Of the anti rent difficulties. Of the Mormons. Of the origin and early history of this sect. Of the annexation of Texas. Why was this measure warmly opposed? How was the northwestern boundary question settled?
184. Who were the Presidential candidates? Give an account of Clay. Who was elected eleventh President?
185. Give an account of the life of Polk, What war now broke out? Give an account of Taylor's campaign on the Rio Grande.
186. Describe the capture of Monterey. The battle of Buena Vista.
187. What battles had Taylor fought? By what incident or peculiarity can you recollect each one? Stories told of Taylor? Account of Kearney's expedition.
188. Describe the conquest of California. Who was the hero of this exploit? Give an account of Colonel Doniphan's expedition. Capture of Vera Cruz. Battle of Cerro Gordo.
189. What city now surrendered? Describe the battles before Mexico. The result.
190. When was peace concluded? What did the United States gain by the war? What was the Wilmot proviso? Give an account of the discovery of gold in California.
191. Of the vigilance committees. Of the political parties. Who was elected twelfth President? Give an account of the life and character of Taylor. How long was he President? Who succeeded him? What questions agitated the people?
192. Why were these now awakened? Effect? What course did Clay take? Webster? Give some account of Webster.
193. What was the Compromise of 1850? What did it propose? By what name is it commonly known? Give an account of the fillibusters. Of the political parties. Who was elected fourteenth President?
194. Give an account of the life of Pierce. Of the Kansas-Nebraska bill. What is squatter sovereignty? Tell how the public lands have threatened the peace of the country. How they have enhanced its prosperity.
195. How did the contest arise in Kansas? Its result? Cause of Brook's assault on Sumner? What was the Gadsden purchase? Give an account of the treaty with Japan. What political parties now arose?
196. Who was elected fifteenth President? Give some account of Buchanan's life. Of the Know-Nothing party. Of the Dred Scott decision.
197. How was this regarded at the North and at the South? Why was the Fugitive Slave law obnoxious? What were Personal Liberty bills? Give an account of the John Brown affair. What was the question of the elections? Who were nominated for the Presidency? Who was elected sixteenth President?
198. Give an account of the secession of the South on the election of Lincoln. Give a history of the gradual growth of this movement.
199. When and where was the Confederate government formed? Who were elected President and Vice-President? What action was taken? Condition of the country? Give an account of the condition of affairs at Fort Sumter.
200. Was any attempt made by the United States authorities to relieve it? For what did the nation wait?
No questions are given upon the new States admitted to the Union during this epoch, as each class will naturally commit only that which concerns its own State, and will wish to add to the facts given here those obtained from other sources.
215. Give an account of Lincoln's inauguration. Of his early history. Of the condition of the country.
216. Was war a necessity? What precipitated this issue? When was the first gun of the Civil War fired? Give an account of the capture of Fort Sumter.
217. Effect of this event? What action did the North take? The South? When and where was the first blood shed? What valuable stores were seized? How did the war in Virginia open?
218. How was Fortress Monroe protected from capture? Give an account of the Big Bethel affair. Of the war in Western Virginia. Origin of the term "Contrabands."
219. How did the battle of Bull Run take place? Describe it. By what peculiarity can you recollect it? Its date? How did Jackson receive the name of "Stonewall"?
220. Give an account of the retreat. Its effect. Of the battle at Ball's Bluff. Who now took command of the Union troops?
221. Give an account of the war in Missouri. What battles were fought? What leaders on each side? What Union general who afterward became celebrated? Condition of affairs in the border States?
222. What step did Davis take? Number of vessels in the Union navy? What naval expeditions were made? What places captured? What was the peculiarity of the attack on the Port Royal forts? Describe the Trent affair.
223. Give a general review of the first year of the war. Describe the preservation of Fort Pickens. Situation at the opening of 1862. What was the plan of the campaign?
224. What was the Confederate line of defence at the West? Union plan of attack? Where was the first attack? Describe the capture of Fort Henry.
225. Fort Donelson. Story told of General Grant. Effect of these victories. What was the next movement? Describe the battle of Shiloh or Pittsburg Landing.
226. By what peculiarity can you recollect it? How did the battle turn on the second day?
227. How was Corinth captured? Describe the taking of Island No. 10. What were the effects of the Shiloh battle?
228. What line was now held by the Union army? Where were the Confederates located? What movements did they make to break through the Union lines? Describe Bragg's expedition. Was it successful? Cause of the battles of Iuka and Corinth? Result?
229. How was Bragg's second expedition stopped? Describe the battle of Murfreesboro. What was its effect? What coincidence?
230. What was Grant's plan for an expedition against Vicksburg? Was it successful? What event closed the Mississippi campaign? What battle was fought in Missouri? Condition of the State? What massacre occurred in Kansas?
231,232. Describe the capture of New Orleans by Farragut. Burnside's expedition against Roanoke Island. What was the importance of Roanoke Island?
233,234. What places in Florida were captured? Describe the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac. Its results.
235. Object of the war in the East? What campaign was undertaken? Who was the commanding general? Describe the siege of Yorktown.
236. The battle of Williamsburg. What checked McClellan's advance? What battle ensued? Its result? What was now the expectation of the Union army?
237. How did General Joseph E. Johnston thwart General McClellan's plan? Give an account of Jackson in the Shenandoah. Effect of this movement. Story told of Jackson.
238. Describe the battle of Fair Oaks. How was the Union advance on Richmond checked? Who now took command of the Confederate army? What plan did McClellan form?
239. Describe the seven-days battles. In what way was the retreat conducted? With what battle did it close?
240. Effect of this campaign? Feeling at the North? Why did Lee now march North? Who took command of the Union army before Washington? Describe Lee's campaign against Pope.
241. Its effect. What plan did Lee now adopt? Who assumed command of the army of the Potomac? Describe McClellan's movements in pursuit. On what expedition was Jackson sent?
242. Describe the battle of Antietam. Its effect.
243. The battle of Fredericksburg. Give a review of the second year of the war.
244. What Indian conflict at the West? What was the situation at the beginning of the year 1863? What movement did Grant make against Vicksburg?
245. Describe this campaign. Its result. The effect.
246. The movements of Rosecrans in Tennessee and Georgia. General Morgan's raid.
247-249. The battle of Chickamauga. By what event can you recollect it? Describe the situation at Chattanooga. The battle of Lookout Mountain. Attack on Missionary Ridge. Its effect.
250. The siege of Knoxville. The battle of Chancellorsville.
251. Lee's second invasion of the North.
252-254. The battle of Gettysburg—first day, second day, third day. Its effect. The attack on Charleston. What two contemporaneous events? What was the "swamp angel"? What do you say of the negro troops? Of their charge on Fort Wagner?
255. Give a general review of the third year of the war. State the situation at the beginning of the year 1864. Grant's plan.
256, 257. Describe Johnston's plan of defence. How did Sherman drive him from these positions? Name the battles. Who succeeded Johnston in command? What followed? How did Sherman capture Atlanta? The effect?
258. What prevented Sherman's advance into Georgia? How was he relieved of this difficulty? Where did Hood go? What befell him. in Tennessee? Describe the battle of Nashville. Its effect.
259. Describe Shennan's march to the sea. Its effect. Kilpatrick's raid to Richmond.
260. Describe the battle of the Wilderness. By what peculiarity was it distinguished? Its result? Describe the battle of Spottsylvania Court House.
261. Its result. Describe the battle of Cold Harbor. What famous despatch did Grant send?
262. Describe the attack on Petersburg. The effect of this campaign. The three co-operative expeditions. The mine explosion.
263. The attack on the Weldon Railroad. Why did Lee send Early into the Shenandoah Valley? Describe Early's raid.
264. What Union general was now sent to this region? Describe Sheridan's campaign. His ride from Winchester. His devastation of the country.
265 The effect of his campaign. Describe the Red River expedition. The rescue of Porter's fleet. The massacre at Fort Pillow.
266. The attack on Mobile by Farragut. First expedition against Fort Fisher.
267. The second expedition. Capture of the fort. Effectiveness of the blockade. Blockade runners.
268. Give an account of the Confederate cruisers. Of the battle between the Alabama and the Kearsarge.
269. Of the Sanitary and Christian Commissions. Of political affairs.
270. Who was elected President? Give a general review of the fourth year of the war.
271. Describe the situation at the opening of the year 1865. Sherman's march through the Carolinas.
272. Its result. What was the situation at Richmond? Describe the attack on Fort Steadman. Why was it made?
273. Its effect? Describe the battle of Five Forks. Its effect. The capture of Petersburg and Richmond.
274. The pursuit of Lee. His surrender.
275, 276. The terms. Its effect. Fate of Davis. The cost of the war. The assassination of Lincoln.
277. What State was added during this epoch?
281. Who became President on the death of Lincoln? Give an account of the life of Johnson. What was the size of the two armies at the close of the war? What did their peaceful discharge prove?
282. What do you mean by "reconstruction"? What was the reconstruction policy of Johnson? What is the Thirteenth Amendment?
283. What was the condition of the public finances? What was the reconstruction policy of Congress? Result of this clashing between Congress and the President? On what conditions were the seceded States finally readmitted to their former position in the Union?
284. Why was Johnson impeached? Its result? What is the Fourteenth Amendment? What Indian war now arose? How was it terminated? Give an account of the French interference in Mexico. How did it end?
285. Give an account of the laying of the Atlantic cable.
286. What territory was added to the United States? Of what value? Give an account of the Fenian excitement in 1866.
287. Of the treaty with China. What State was admitted soon after the close of the Civil War? Who were the Presidential candidates? Who was elected eighteenth President?
288. Give an account of the Pacific Railroad, and its value to the country. What new railroad is building? What is the climate in the far north along the Mississippi Valley and the Pacific coast? Extent of the public lands granted? What is the Fifteenth Amendment?
289-292. What was the population of the United States in 1870? Was the country recovering from the effects of the war? What great fires happened in '71 and '72? What difficulty arose with England? What was the High Commission? Give some account of Santo Domingo, and its application to be annexed to the United States. What difficulty occurred with Cuba? What candidates for the presidency were nominated in 1873? Who was chosen? Give some account of Horace Greeley.
293-295. Describe the contest with the Modoc Indians. What was the Credit Mobilier? What was the cause of the "Panic of '73"? Name the Centennial observances of '75. Describe the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia. Give an account of the "Custer Massacre." Who were nominated for the presidency in '77?
296. What was the Joint Electoral Commission? What questions agitated the country at that time?
297,298. Name and describe the principal events of President Hayes's administration.
1. In what battle was Molly Stark the watchword?
2. What battle occurred when both armies were marching to make a night attack upon each other?
3. What battles have resulted in the destruction or surrender of an entire army?
4. What general rushed into battle without orders and won it?
5. What trees are celebrated in our history?
6. In what battle did Washington bitterly rebuke the commanding-general, and himself rally the troops to battle?
7. What three ex-Presidents died on the 4th of July?
8. What cities have undergone a siege?
9. Contrast the characters of Washington and Jefferson.
10. By whom and on what occasion were the words used, "Millions for defence, but not one cent for tribute"?
11. Give the coincidences in the lives of the three great statesmen—Webster, Clay, and Calhoun.
12. After whom ought this continent to have been named?
13. What celebrated philosopher, when a boy, went without meat to buy books?
14. How did a half-witted boy once save a fort from capture?
15. Name the retreats famous in our history.
16. When did a fog save our army? A rain?
17. When did a stone house largely decide a battle? A stone wall?
18. What general was captured through his carelessness, and exchanged for another taken in a similar way?
19. What battles have been decided by an attack in the rear?
20. Who said, "I would rather be right than be President"?
21. When has an unnecessary delay cost a general a victory?
22. Name the events in our history which seem to you providential.
23. What general died at the moment of victory?
24. Name some defeats which had all the effect of victories.
25. Of what general was this said to be always true?
26. When was the Mississippi River the western boundary of the United States? The Rocky Mountains?
27. What territory has the United States acquired by purchase? By conquest? By annexation?
28. What Vice-Presidents were afterward elected Presidents?
29. What navigator shortened the voyage across the Atlantic?
30. What tea party is celebrated in our history?
31. Who was President from 1787 (the adoption of the Constitution) to 1789?
32. How many attacks have been made on Quebec?
33. Who said, "I am not worth purchasing, but such as I am the king of England is not rich enough to buy me"?
34. Which is the longer, the Atlantic Cable or the Pacific Railroad?
35. Why were the River St. Lawrence, Florida, St. Augustine, etc., so named?
36. What naval commander captured his antagonist as his own vessel was sinking?
37. How many expeditions have been made into Canada?
38. What battle was preceded by prayer?
39. What do the French names in the Mississippi valley indicate?
40. What do the names New York, New England, New Hampshire, Georgia, Carolina, etc., indicate?
41. When has the question of the public lands threatened the Union?
42. Who, in a frail canoe, on a stormy night, visited an Indian wigwam to save the lives of his enemies?
43. In what battle did the Continentals gain the victory by falling back and then suddenly facing about upon the enemy?
44. How many times has Fort Ticonderoga been captured?
45. Why were Davis's Strait, Baffin's Bay, Hudson River, Frobisher's Strait, etc., so named?
46. What do the names San Salvador, Santa Cruz, Vera Cruz, La Trinidad, etc., indicate?
47. In what battles had the opposing generals formed the same plan?
48. What Presidents died in office?
49. What father and son were Presidents?
50. What administrations have been most popular?
51. Who fired the first gun in the French and Indian war?
52. What battle was fought and gained without a commanding officer?
53. How many rebellions have occurred in our history?
54. Who was called the "Great Pacificator"? Why?
55. What was the "Nullification Act"?
56. How many of our Presidents have been military men?
57. Why did not Webster and Clay become Presidents?
58. Who was "Rough and Ready"?
59. Who was the "Sage of Monticello"?
60. What noted events occurred on April 19th?
61. In whose administration was the largest number of States admitted to the Union?
62. In which administrations were none?
63. By whom and under what circumstances was the expression used, "Give me liberty or give me death"?
64. What general arose from a sick-bed to lead his troops into a battle in which he was killed?
65. What five ex-Presidents died in the decade between 1860 and 1870?
66. Where is the "Cradle of Liberty"?
67. What historical memories cluster around Santo Domingo?
68. How long did each of our five great wars last— (1) the French and Indian war; (2) the Revolutionary war; (3) the war of 1812; (4) the Mexican war; and (5) the Civil war?
69. State the cause of each of these wars.
70. Name the prominent generals who acquired celebrity in each.
71. Name the principal battles of each.
72. Name the results of each.
73. What fort was carried by a midnight assault?
74. What general escaped by riding down a steep precipice?
75. Who drafted the Declaration of Independence?
76. Who secured its adoption in the Convention?
77. Name the Presidents in chronological order.
78. How many of our Presidents were Virginians?
79. Who was the "bachelor President"?
80. State to what party each President belonged.
81. How many of our Presidents were poor boys?
82. What were the principles of the whigs? The democrats?
83. What party adopted the views of the old federalists on the United States Bank, etc.?
84. How many Presidents have served two terms?
85. What battle was fought after peace was declared?
86. On what issue was Polk elected President?
87. Contrast John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson.
88. On what mountains have battles been fought?
89. Who used the expression, "We have met the enemy, and they are ours"?
90. Whose dying words were, "Don't give up the ship"?
91. When was a general blown up by a magazine, in the moment of victory?
92. What Indian chiefs formed leagues against the whites?
93. What celebrated statesman was killed in a duel?
94. What States were named from mountain ranges?
95. What important contemporaneous events can you name? 96. Was Washington ever wounded in battle?
97. What was meant by saying that "Clay was in the succession"?
98. In what battle did Washington show the most brilliant generalship?
99. What officer lost his life because he neglected to open a note?
100. What army retreated at the moment of victory because the fog was so dense that it did not see how successful it was?
101. How many States were named from their principal rivers?
102. Name some celebrated foreigners who have fought for us.
103. What rendered Valley Forge memorable?
104. How did Harrison gain his popularity? Taylor?
105. Give some account of the United States Bank.
106. In what war was Lincoln a captain and Davis a lieutenant?
107. What colonel, when asked if he could take a battery, replied, "I'll try, sir"?
108. Of what President was it said that "if his soul were turned inside out, not a spot could be found upon it"?
109. What town and army were surrendered without firing a shot?
110. For how many years was the Revolutionary War carried on mainly at the North? At the South?
111. Who was "Poor Richard"?
112. Who were the "Green Mountain Boys"?
113. What colony was founded as a home for the poor?
114. What persecuted people settled the different colonies?
115. What colonies are named after a king or a queen?
116. What religious toleration was granted in the different colonies?
117. Which colonies early enjoyed the greatest liberty?
118. Which colony took the Bible as its guide?
119. In what battle was the left wing, when separated from the main body by a river, attacked by an overwhelming force of the enemy? The right wing?
120. In what battle did both generals mass their strength on the left wing, expecting to crush the enemy's right?
121. How many invasions of the North did Lee make?
122. What victories induced him to attempt each of these invasions?
123. By what battle was each invasion checked?
124. How many invasions of Kentucky did Bragg make?
125. How was each stopped?
126. For how many years have the United States been involved in war?
127. What object did Penn, Lord Baltimore, and Oglethorpe each have in founding a colony in the new world?
128. What President was impeached?
129. What ex-Vice-President was tried for treason?
130. Name the four prominent battles fought by General Taylor.
131. What noted expressions of General Taylor became favorite mottoes? Of General Grant?
132. What President vetoed the measures of the party which elected him to office?
133. Of what statesman was it said that "he was in the public service fifty years, and never attempted to deceive his countrymen"?
134. Who is said to have used the words, "A little more grape, Captain Bragg"?
135. From what States have Presidents been elected?
136. Give the number and names from each State.
137. What battle did General Gates win? What battle did he lose?
138. What battles did Washington win? What battles did he lose?
139. What President elect came to Washington in disguise?
140. Give a brief history of the slavery question.
141. When were slaves introduced into this country?
142. Name the generals who commanded the army of the Potomac.
143. Name the principal battles fought by McClellan—Rosecrans—Bragg—Lee—Hooker—Sheridan—Grant— Sherman—Beauregard—Meade—Pope—Buell—Taylor—Scott— Thomas—Johnston.
111. Describe the "March to the Sea."
145. What two battles were fought in the "Wilderness"?
146. What was the "Missouri Compromise"? The "Compromise of 1850"?
147. What is "squatter sovereignty"? Who was its author?
148. Of whom was it said that "he touched the dead corpse of public credit, and it sprang upon its feet"?
149. What were the "alien and sedition laws"?
150. Who was the "old man eloquent"?
151. When was the first railroad constructed? The first steamboat? The first magnetic telegraph?
152. When was the Erie Canal opened? The Pacific Railroad?
153. What President introduced "rotation in office"?
154. Why, in the Missouri Compromise, was 36 degrees 30 minutes taken as the boundary between the slave and the free States?
155. What "is the Monroe Doctrine"?
156. Who was the inventor of the cotton-gin?
157. What is a "protective tariff"?
158. What is meant by "Reconstruction"?
159. What Presidents were not elected to that office by the people?
160. To what party did Henry Clay belong? J. Q. Adams? Thomas Jefferson? John C. Calhoun? Andrew Jackson? Daniel Webster? Stephen A. Douglas? Alexander Hamilton? George Washington?
161. What President had not voted for forty years?
162. What two distinguished generals of the same name served in the Confederate army? Name the battles fought by each.
163. What was the "Dred Scott decision"?
164. What was the "Kansas-Nebraska Bill"?
165. Give an account of the principal parties which have arisen since the Constitutional Convention of 1787?
166. Who were the "Silver Greys"? The "Hunkers"? The "Barnburners"? The "Woolly-Heads"? The "Free Soilers"? The "Know-Nothings"? The "Anti-Renters"? The "Unionists"?
167. Give an account of the different attempts to lay the Atlantic cable.
168. Give a history of the difficulty between President Johnson and Congress.
169. What nations settled the different States?
170. How many amendments have been made to the Constitution?
171. What was the "Hartford Convention"?
172. What are "State rights"?
173. What was the Secretary of State formerly called?
174. Tell some stories illustrating the patriotism of the women of the Revolution.
175. Give an account of the Public Lands.
176. What State was admitted to the Union first after the original thirteen?
177. Who are the "Mormons"?
178. For what is Ethan Allen noted?
179. What battles have been fought in Virginia? South Carolina? Louisiana? New York? Massachusetts? New Jersey? Maryland? Pennsylvania? Georgia? Michigan?
180. What was the "Fugitive Slave Law"?
181. Name some unsuccessful candidates for the Presidency.
182. For what is John Brown noted?
183. Who were the "Filibusters"?
184. Give an account of Farragut's most celebrated exploits.
185. Why was "Stonewall" Jackson so called?
186. Give an account of Butler's military career.
187. What was the most prominent event of Jefferson's administration? Jackson's? Monroe's?
188. What treaties are celebrated in our history?
189. What President was once a tailor's apprentice?
190. What was the object of the "American party"?
191. What was the "Gadsden purchase"?
192. Name the various difficulties which have arisen with England.
193. What was the "Wilmot Proviso"?
194. What President followed Washington—Taylor—Jefferson— Lincoln—J. Q. Adams—Pierce?
195. Who was President in 1812—1832—1846—1850—1861?
196. Describe the operations of the Confederate cruisers during the Civil War. Of the "blockade runners."
197. What distinguished generals have been unsuccessful candidates for the Presidency? Successful candidates?
198. Why did the French in Canada extend their explorations westward to the Mississippi rather than southward into New York?
199. What was the "Trent affair"?
200. Name and describe some important naval engagements.
201. In what battle did the defeated general leave his wooden leg?
202. What was the "O grab me Act"?
* * * * *
THE following preamble and specifications, known as the Declaration of Independence, accompanied the resolution of Richard Henry Lee, which was adopted by Congress on the 2d day of July, 1776. This declaration was agreed to on the 4th, and the transaction is thus recorded in the Journal for that day:
"Agreeably to the order of the day, the Congress resolved itself into a committee of the whole, to take into their further consideration the Declaration; and, after some time, the president resumed the chair, and Mr. Harrison reported that the committee have agreed to a Declaration, which they desired him to report. The Declaration being read, was agreed to as follows:"
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident—that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundations on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present king of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. |