A Book of Discovery - The History of the World's Exploration, From the Earliest - Times to the Finding of the South Pole
by Margaret Bertha (M. B.) Synge
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Abram, 4.

Abyssinia, 344-7.

Afghanistan, 36.

Africa, 20-2, 72, 103, 127, 339.

" Central, 349-56, 391-402, 442-500.

" South, 152, 173-6, 440.

" West Coast, 22, 30, 139, 143-51, 349.

Agricola, 68.

Alaska, 317, 334, 338.

Albert Nyanza, 470.

Albuquerque, Alphonso d', 184-8.

Alexander the Great, 35-43.

Alexandria, 45, 74.

Alfred the Great, 96.

Almagro, Diego de, 220.

Almeida, Francisco, 184-6.

" Lorenzo, 185-6.

Alvarado, Pedro de, 206, 208.

Amazon, 221.

America (Central), 168, 170, 191, 205.

" (North), 95, 228, 255, 275, 316, 358.

" (South), 167, 170, 180, 196, 215, 252.

Amundsen, R., 542-4.

Anabasis (of Xenophon), 34.

Anaximander, 23.

Andes, 217, 220.

Antarctic regions, 331, 428-31, 536-44.

Arab explorers, 98-107, 126.

Arabian Nights, The, 101.

Arctic regions, 53, 238, 259-84, 312-8, 365-90, 403-9, 501-10, 521-35.

Arculf, 88-90.

Argonauts, 13-6.

Auckland, 429.

Australia, 296-301, 307-11, 326-38, 410-27.

Babylonia, 3-4, 32.

Back, Sir George, 372-4, 382.

Baffin, William, 280-3.

Baffin's Bay, 282-3.

Bagdad, 109.

Bahamas, 160.

Baker, Sir Samuel, 465-73.

Balboa, Vasco Nunez de, 190-3.

Balbus, 72.

Bangweolo, Lake, 477.

Banks, Sir Joseph, 320, 336, 349, 413.

Barents, William, 265-72.

Bass, George, 410-3.

Baudin, Nicholas, 414.

Behring, Vitus, 312-8.

Behring's Strait, 312-8, 334.

Benjamin of Tudela, 108.

Black Sea, 14.

Bogle, George, 512.

Book of the Tartars, 97.

Boothia, 404.

Borneo, 102.

Botany Bay, 326, 336.

Brandon's Isle, 86-7.

Brazil, 181, 196.

British Columbia, 358, 362.

" Isles, 48, 50-2, 57-60, 66-9, 74.

Bruce, James, 339-48.

Burke, R. O'Hara, 424.

Burton, Sir Richard, 450-5.

Button, Sir Thomas, 280.

Cabot, John and Sebastian, 224-7.

Cabral, Pedro, 180-2.

Cadamosto, Luigi, 143-5.

Caille, Rene, 396.

Calicut, 129, 177-8, 181-3, 186.

California, 255.

Cam, Diego, 150-1.

Canada, 228-34.

Cano, Juan del, 204.

Carpentaria, 300, 416.

Carpini, Johannes, 110.

Cartier, Jacques, 228-34.

Caspian Sea, 36, 240.

Cassiterides, see "Tin Islands."

Cathay, see China.

Ceylon, 91, 105, 124, 185-6.

Champlain, Samuel, 290-5.

Chancellor, Richard, 235-9.

Chatham Island, 358.

Chelyuskin, Cape, 504, 522.

Chili, 220, 254.

China, 75, 92, 99-101, 110-24, 130-1.

Chitral, 38.

Christian Topography, 92, 133.

Christmas Island, 333.

Chukches, 315, 507.

Circumnavigation of Africa, 19-22.

" " the World, 196-204, 249-57, 308.

Clapperton, Lieut. Hugh, 391-6.

Cochin, 184-5.

Columbus, Christopher, 155-70.

Cook, James, 319-35.

Congo River, 150-1, 480, 491-500.

Cordova, Francisco Hernando de, 205.

Cortes, Hernando, 207-14.

Cosmas, 90-2, 132.

Cuba, 161, 166.

Dampier, William, 306-11.

Darien, 168, 191-2.

Davis, John, 259-64.

Davis Strait, 260, 281.

Delphi, 24.

Denham, Major, 391-5.

Diaz, Bartholomew, 151-4, 180-1.

Drake, Sir Francis, 249-58.

Drusus (Germanicus), 69-71.

Edrisi, 108.

Egypt, 4-8, 26.

"El Dorado," 222, 285.

Eratosthenes, 45-7.

Erik, 94.

Eskimos, 246, 262, 281, 367, 379, 385, 405, 435.

Flinders, Matthew, 410-8.

Floki, 94.

Florida, 205.

France, see Gaul.

Franklin, Sir John, 368, 372-8, 382-7, 482-9.

Franz Joseph Land, 526-8.

"Friar John," see Carpini.

Frobisher, Martin, 245-8, 296.

Gama, Vasco da, 171-9, 182-3.

Gambia River, 30, 145, 349, 355.

Gardar, 94.

Gaul, 53-8.

Germany, 55-7, 69-71.

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 259.

Gobi Desert, 75, 118.

Gomez, Diego, 145-8.

Good Hope, Cape of, 21, 152-4, 174, 181, 257.

Grant, Captain J. A., 460-6.

Greenland, 95, 246, 260-3, 274, 282, 501, 521.

Grijalva, Juan, 206.

Guiana, 287-8.

Hanno, 29-32.

Hawaii, 333, 335.

Hawkins, Sir John, 250.

Hayti, 161, 168, 191.

Hecataeus, 25.

Hedin, Sven, 518.

Helena, 77-8.

Henry of Portugal, Prince, 138-49.

Herodotus, 19-22, 26-9.

Himilco, 49.

Holland, 51.

Homer, 16-8.

Honduras, 213-4.

Horn, Cape, 253, 300.

Houghton, Major, 350-1.

Huc, Abbe, 514-8.

Hudson, Henry, 273-9.

Hudson River, 276.

" Strait, 248, 277, 281.

Hudson's Bay, 246, 372.

Huron Lake, 294.

Ibn Batuta, 126-32.

Iceland, 94, 277.

India, 38-43, 66, 128, 177-86.

Ireland, 59, 63, 66, 69, 83-6.

Ithobal, 20-3.

Itinerary from Bordeaux to Jerusalem, 78-9.

Jamaica, 166.

Japan, 123, 241, 282.

Java, 124, 328.

Jenkinson, Anthony, 240-1.

Jerusalem, 24, 77-9, 89.

Julius Caesar, 54-60.

Kamtchatka, 313-8.

Kara Sea, 504, 522.

" Strait, 503.

King Edward VII.'s Land, 536.

Kin Sai, 120.

Kublai Khan, 115-25.

Kyber Pass, 38.

Labrador, 96, 228, 262-4.

Ladrones Islands, 202.

Lander, John and Richard, 396, 399-402.

La Perouse, Comte de, 338.

Lapland, 238.

Le Maire, Isaac, 299.

Lhasa, 511-20.

Libya, 20, 27-9.

Lief, 95.

Livingstone, David, 440-9, 456-9, 474-85.

Machin, Robert, 141.

McClintock, Sir Leopold, 433-9.

McClure, Sir R. J. Le M., 433.

Mackenzie, Alexander, 362-4, 382.

Madagascar, 103.

Madeira, 86, 140.

Magellan, Ferdinand, 190, 193-202, 296.

Magellan's Strait, 198-9, 253.

Magnetic Poles, 405, 430.

Malabar, 182-3.

Malacca, 187-8.

Malay Archipelago, 188-9.

Mandeville, Sir John, 126.

Manilla, 298.

Manning, Thomas, 513.

Maoris, 303, 322.

Maps (ancient), 24, 46, 62, 75, 92, 108, 133-7, 149, 305.

Massoudy, 107.

Meadows of Gold, 107.

Mesopotamia, 2-4.

Mexico, 206-14.

Mongolia, see China.

Montreal, 232, 292, 295.

Mota, Antonio de, 241.

Mozambique, 176.

Mumbo Jumbo, 350.

Murchison Falls, 472.

Murray River, 421.

Murrumbidgee River, 420-4.

Naddod, 94.

Nansen, Fridtjof, 521-9.

Natal, 175.

Nearchus, 41-5.

Neco, 19-20.

New Albion, 255, 333, 358.

Newfoundland, 96, 225-7, 275.

New Guinea, 298, 303-5, 310.

New Holland, see Australia.

New South Wales, 328, 410, 415.

New Zealand, 303, 322-6.

Niger River, 72, 348, 353-6, 396, 399-402.

Nigeria, 394-402.

Nile, The, 4-9, 27, 339-42, 345-7, 454-62, 468, 470.

Nordenskiold, Baron, 501-10.

North-East Passage, 235-40, 315, 501-10.

North-West Passage, 245-64, 290, 332, 366, 403, 433.

North Pole, 531-5.

Nova Scotia, 229.

Nova Zembla, 237, 265-72, 503.

Nyassaland (and lake), 458-9, 475.

Ontario, 294.

Orellana, Francisco de, 220-2.

Orinoco, 167, 285-8.

Otaheite, 320-2.

Othere, 96.

Oudney, Dr., 391-4.

Oxus, 37, 117, 241.

Pacific Ocean, 130, 192, 199-203, 250, 253.

Panama, 191, 250, 306.

Park, Mungo, 348-56, 396.

Parry, Sir W. E., 365-71, 378-81, 388-90.

Patagonia, 196-9, 252.

Paula, 80.

Peary, R. E., 530-5.

Pekin, 115, 119.

Pelsart, Captain, 300, 309.

Periplus (of Hanno), 29.

Persia, 32-3, 117.

Peru, 216-20.

Philippine Islands, 202, 256.

Phillip, Captain, 336.

Phoenicians, 10-3, 19-23, 29-32.

Pilgrims, 77-92.

Pinto, Mendex, 241-2.

Pizarro, Francisco, 215-23.

Pliny, 66, 71-3.

Polo, Niccolo, Maffio, and Marco 115-25.

Prester John, 111, 126, 176.

Prickett, Abacuk, 277, 280.

Przhevalsky, N. M., 518.

Ptolemy, 74-6.

Punjab, 39.

Punt, 5-8.

Pytheas, 48-53.

Quebec, 290.

Quilimane River, 175.

Quiros, Pedro Fernandez De, 298.

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 285-9.

Red Sea, 5-7, 20-1, 343.

Richardson, Sir John, 372-87.

Ripon Falls, 463.

Ross, Sir James, 388, 403-9, 428-31, 433.

Ross, Sir John, 365-8, 403-9.

Rubruquis, William de, 112-4.

Russia, 238-40, 313.

Sahara, 391.

St. Brandon, 85-7.

St. Columba, 84-5.

St. Lawrence River, 228, 230, 290.

St. Louis River, 292.

St. Patrick, 83-4.

St. Paul's Island, 200.

Sandwich Islands, 333, 335.

San Francisco, 255.

Sargasso Sea, 50.

Scandinavia, 72, 93, 97.

Schouten, Cornelius, 299.

Scotland, 68, 84-5.

Scott, Captain R. F., 536-42.

Senegal River, 30, 144, 351.

Sequira, Diogo Lopes de, 186.

Serrano, Francisco, 188, 194.

Shackleton, Sir E. H., 536-40.

Shirwa, Lake, 457.

Siberia, 313-8.

Sierra Leone, 29-30, 143.

"Sindbad the Sailor," 101-6.

Society Islands, 322.

Socotra, 184.

Solis, Juan Diaz de, 196.

Somaliland, see Punt.

South Pole, 536-44.

Spain, 49, 64.

Speke, J. H., 450-5, 460-6.

Spice Islands, 188-90, 203, 256.

Spitzbergen, 269, 274, 388, 501.

Staaten Land, 299, 303, 324.

Stanley, Sir H. M., 480-2, 486-500.

Stanley Falls, 494.

Strabo, 52, 61-7.

Sturt, Captain, 418-24.

Sudan, The, 468.

Sumatra, 104, 124, 130, 187.

Sydney, 337.

Sylvia of Aquitaine, 80-2.

Tacitus, 69-71.

Tanganyika, 452, 476, 491.

Tartary, 110.

Tasman, Abel Jansen, 302-5.

Tasmania, 302-5, 413.

Tchad, Lake, 392.

Thule, 51-3, 97.

Tibet, 123, 511-20.

Tierra del Fuego, 199, 254.

Timbuktu, 391-8.

"Tin Islands," The, 10, 12, 48-50.

Tippu Tib, 492.

Torres, Luiz Vaez de, 298.

Torres Strait, 298.

Trinidad, 167.

Tsana, Lake, 345.

Tyre, 29.

Uganda, 461, 488.

Ulysses, 16-8.

Vancouver, 255, 357-61.

Vancouver, Captain, 357-61.

Van Diemen's Land, 302, 410-2.

Vasco da Gama, see Gama.

Vera Cruz, 208-9.

Vespucci, Amerigo, 169-70.

Victoria Falls, 445.

" Nyanza, 454, 462, 487.

Vikings, 93-6.

West Indies, 160-1, 164-8.

White Sea, 238.

Willibald, 90.

Willoughby, Sir Hugh, 235-8.

Wills, W. J., 424-6.

Xenophon, 22-4, 33-4.

Younghusband, Sir F. E., 519.

Zambesi River, 442-8.



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