A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume One
by Thomas Frognall Dibdin
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—— —— upon paper, in the same collection, ii 121

—— —— upon paper, in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 313

Plutarchi Vitae; Parallellae, Ital., folio, Litt. R., in the Public Library at Strasbourg, ii 409

—— —— the same edition in the Monastic Library at Closterneuburg, iii 398

Plutarchi Opuscula Moralia, Gr, 1509, Aldus, UPON VELLUM, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 137

Poetae Graeci Principes, Gr., 1556, folio, large paper, De Thou's copy in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 152

Pogii Facetiae, Monast. Euseb., folio, in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 319

—— Hist. Fiorent., 1476, folio, UPON VELLUM and paper, in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 325

POLYBIUS, Gr. MS., sec. XVI., Diane de Poictiers's copy, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 99

Polybius, Lat., S. and Pannartz, 1473, folio, in the Library of Closterneuburg Monastery, iii 398

PRAYER BOOK OF CHARLES THE BALD, Ill. MS. 4to, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 67

Priscianus, 1470, V. de Spira, folio, UPON VELLUM, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 139

—— —— in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 319

—— —— Ulric Han, folio—in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 319

——, Aldus, 1527, 8vo., Grolier's copy, upon large paper, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 148

——, Printed by V. de Spira, UPON VELLUM, in the Library of Ste. Genevieve, ii 175

PSALTERIUM, MS., IXth century, of Charles the Bald; in the Public Library at Paris; ii 66

—— ——, Sti. Ludovici, XIIIth century, in the same library, ii 68

—— ——, XIth century, in the Public Library at Stuttgart iii 27

—— ——, XIIth century, in the same Collection, iii 28

—— ——, XIIth century, in the Royal Private Library at Stuttgart, iii 36

—— ——, XIIth century, in the Public Library at Munich, iii 125

—— ——, with most splendid illuminations, of the XVIth century, in the same library, iii 133

—— ——, St. Austin, XVth century, in the Public Library at Stuttgart, iii 33

—— —— Latine, 1457, Fust and Schoeffher, folio, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 104

—— ——, in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 306

Psalterium Latine, 1459, folio—in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 105

—— ——, 1490, folio, Schoeffher, UPON VELLUM, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 105

—— ——, 1502, folio, Schoeffher, in the same library, — 106

—— ——, UPON VELLUM, Printed by Schoeffher's Son, 1516, folio, ii 106

—— ——, without date—in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 307

—— ——, Lips. 1486, 4to.—in the Public Library at Landshut, iii 181

PTOLEMAEUS, Lat. MS. folio—in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 85

—— —— MS. folio, in the Public Library at Strasbourg, ii 59

—— ——, 1462, folio, in the Public Library at Munich, iii 142

—— ——, in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 319

—— ——, Printed by Buckinck, 1478, folio, in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 320


Quintilianus, I. de Lignam, 1470, folio, in the Library of Ste. Genevieve, at Paris, ii 175

—— ——, 1471, Jenson, folio, in the Public Library at Nuremberg, Supplement, iii 431


Ratdolt, specimens of the types from his press, in the Public Library at Munich, iii 144

Recueil des Histoires de Troye, printed by Caxton, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 102

—— —— printed by Verard, UPON VELLUM, in the same Library, ii 102

Regnars, les, &c. Verard, 4to. Prince Eugene's copy in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 329

Regulae, Confitend. peccata sua. Ital., 1473, 4to., in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 326

Repertorium Statut. Ord. Carth. 1510, folio, in the Public Library at Caen, i 202

Richard sans Peur, Janot, no date, 4to., in the Library of the Arsenal at Paris, ii 158

—— Bonfons, no date, 4to., in the same library, ii 158

Robert le Diable, Janot, no date, 4to., in the Library of the Arsenal at Paris, ii 158

Romances, MS., in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 88

—— ——, printed, in the same Library, ii 131

—— ——, in the Public Library at Strasbourg, ii 407

—— ——, in the Public Library at Munich, iii 126

Ronsard, 1584, folio, in the Public Library at Caen, i 212

ROSE, ROMAN DE LA, MS. XIVth century, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 95

—— —— MS. XIVth century, in the Public Library at Stuttgart, iii 31

—— —— Verard, no date, UPON VELLUM, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 131

Rossei opus elegans, &c., Pynson, 1523, 4to., the author's copy, afterwards that of Sir Thomas More, in the Public Library at Landshut, iii 183


SACRAMENTARIUM, SEU MISSA Pap. Greg., MS., VIth century, in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 290

Sanchez de Matrim. Sacram., copy in the chapter Library at Bayeux, i. 244, in the Library of the Lycee at Bayeux, i 245

Sannazarii Arcadia, 1514, Aldus, 8vo., Grolier's copy, on large paper, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 148

Sannazarius de partu Virginis, Aldi, 1527, 12mo. in the King's Private Library at Stuttgart, iii 41

SCHAKZABEL, DER, MS. 1400 or 1450, in the Public Library at Stuttgart, iii 32

Seguin, Histore Militaire des Bocains, quoted, i 300, 301, 302, sur l'histoire de l'industrie du Bocage, en general, et de la ville de Vire sa capitale en particuliere, 1810, 8vo., i 303

Servius in Virgilium, see Virgilius.

Sforziada La, 1480, folio, UPON VELLUM, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 134

Shyppe of Fools, 1509, 8vo. printed by W. Worde, UPON VELLUM, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 103

SIBILAE, &c., MS., xvth century, in the Public Library at Munich, iii 127

Silius Italicus, Laver, 1471, folio, in the Mazarine Library at Paris, ii 193

—— —— in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 313

—— —— S. and Pannartz, 1471, folio, in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 313

—— —— in the Public Library at Stuttgart, iii 26

—— —— in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 332

Spec. Hum, Salv, 1476, folio, printed by Richel, in the Public Library at Strasbourg, ii 407

Spec. Morale P. Bellovacensis, 1476, folio, ii 405

—— Judiciale Durandus, Printed by Hussner and Rekenhub, 1473, folio, ii 405

Speculum Stultorum, no date, 4to., in the Public Library at Caen, i 211

Statius in usum Delphini, 4to., two copies, in the Library of the Arsenal at Paris, ii 156

—— —— beautiful copy in the Library of Chremsminster monastery, iii 222

Statutes of Richard III. Machlinia, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 124

—— —— in the King's Private Library at Stuttgart, iii 41

Stephani, H. Gloss. Graec. 1573, &c., folio—cum notis mss: Bocharti, copy of, in the Public Library at Caen, i 211

Successos y Prodigos de Amor, 1626, 4to., in the Library of the Arsenal at Paris, ii 161

Suetonius I. de Lignamine, 1470, folio—in the Library of Ste. Genevieve, at Paris, ii 175

Suetonius S. and Pannartz, 1470, folio—in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 313

—— Jenson, 1471, 4to.,—in the same collection, iii 313

—— Reisinger, 4to.,—without date, in the private royal collection at Stuttgart, iii 39

Suidas, Gr., 1499, folio—Lambecius's copy, in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 314

—— 1503, folio, Aldus—large paper copy, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 151

Sypperts de Vinevaulx, Paris, no date, 4to.—in the Library of the Arsenal at Paris, ii 159


Tacitus, I. de Spira, folio, edit. prin. in the Public Library at Stuttgart, iii 24

——, in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 314

Tasso, Gerusalemme Conquistata, the author's autograph—in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 300

Terentius, Mentelin, folio—in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 314

——, Ulric Han, folio—in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 136

——, Reisinger, folio—in the Public Library at Stuttgart, iii 23

Testamentum Novum, Hollandice et Russ., 1717, folio, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 110

—— ——, Bohemice, Sec. xv—in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 307

—— ——, Graece Erasmi, in the King's Private Library at Stuttgart, iii 39

—— ——, R. Stephani, 1550, folio—Diane de Poictiers's copy—in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 150

Tewrdanckhs, 1517, folio—UPON VELLUM, in the Library of Ste. Genevieve, at Paris, ii 179

—— ——, two copies of, in the Public Library at Munich, iii 147

Tewrdanckhs, 1517, folio, UPON VELLUM, two copies of, in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 329

—— ——, in the Library of the Monastery of St. Florian, iii 238

Theophrastus, 1497, Gr. Aldus,—Diane de Poictiers's copy, in the possession of M. Renouard at Paris, ii 231

Thucydide, Gourmont, folio, Verard—UPON VELLUM, in the Imperial Library at Vienna—Prince Eugene's copy, iii 330

TITE LIVE, MS. folio—in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 86

Tityrell and Pfartzival, 1477, folio—in the Public Library at Landshut, iii 181

—— —— in the Library of the Monastery of St. Florian, iii 236

TOURNAMENTS, BOOK OF, MS. xvth century—in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 95

—— —— duplicate and more recent copy of ii 99

Tracts, Printed by Pfister, at Bamberg, folio, ii 111

Trebisond, Paris, 4to.—in the Library of the Arsenal at Paris, ii 167

TRISTAN, MS. xivth century, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 91

—— ——, another MS. in the same library, ii 91

—— ——, a third MS. in the same library, ii 92

—— Gall. Sec. XIII., in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 299

—— ——, another MS. in the same Collection, iii 300

Tristran, Verard, folio—in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 330

Trithemii Annales Hirsaugienses, 1690, folio—in the Library of the Monastery of Chremsminster, iii 227

—— ——, in the Library of a Capuchin Monastery, near Vienna, iii 403

Troys filz de Roys, Paris, no date, 4to.—in the Library of the Arsenal, ii 164

Tully of Old Age, Caxton—in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 124

Turrecremata I. de Meditationes, Ulric Han, 1467, folio—in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 320

—— —— in the Public Library at Nuremberg, Supplement, iii 430

—— ——, 1473, in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 307


VALERIUS MAXIMUS, MS. xvth century—in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 298

—— —— Mentelin, folio—two copies in the Public Library at Strasbourg, ii 408

—— —— in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 314

—— —— in the Royal Library at Stuttgart, iii 24

—— —— 1475, Coes & Stol, folio—in the Public Library at Caen, i 208

—— —— Aldus, 1534, 8vo. Grolier's copy, on large paper, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 148

Valturius De Re Militari, 1472, folio—in the Imperial Library (Prince Eugene's copy) at Vienna, iii 321

Vaudevires, Basselin, 1811, i 212 -289

Vie des Peres, 1494, folio, at Caen, i 208

Virgilius, S. & Pannartz, (1469) folio—in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 116

—— —— in the Public Library at Strasbourg—incomplete, ii 408

—— —— in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 314

—— 1470, V. de Spira, UPON VELLUM, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 117

—— —— upon paper, in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 117

—— —— in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 314

—— 1471, S. and Pannartz, folio—in the Royal Library at Paris, iii 118

Virgilius, 1471, S. and Pannartz, late in the Public Library at Stuttgart, iii 23

—— —— 1471, V. de Spira, folio—in the Imperial Library at Vienna, iii 315

—— —— 1471, Adam, folio—late in the Public Library at Stuttgart, iii 23

—— Servius in Virgilium. Ulric Han, folio—Diane de Poictiers's copy, in the Mazarine Library at Paris, ii 191

—— —— Valdarfer, 1471, folio—in the Public Library at Strasbourg, ii 408

—— —— 1478, Gering, 4to., in the Royal Library at Paris, ii 119

—— Aldus, 1501, 8vo.—UPON VELLUM, in the Public Library at Munich, iii 146

—— —— 1505, 8vo.—in the possession of M. Renouard, bookseller, ii 230

—— S. and Pannartz, (1469) folio—in the Library of Ste. Genevieve, ii 174

—— Gallice, 1582, folio—in the Public Library at Caen, i 212

VITAE SANCTORUM, MS. Sec. XII.—in the Public Library at Stuttgart, iii 29

Vitruvius Giuntae, 1513, 8vo.—UPON VELLUM, in the Library of Ste. Genevieve at Paris, ii 178

Vocabularius, Bechtermuntze, 1467, 4to. ii 115


Utino, T. de, Sermones, printed by Gering—in the Public Library at Vire, i 297


WILLIBROODI STI. VITA. AUCT. ALCUINO. MS. xith century, in the Private Royal Library at Stuttgart, iii 38

[178] In the page referred to, I have conjectured it to be printed by Ulric Han-or Reisinger. To these names I add the above.



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