Hood, Admiral, and Naval co-operation at Nieuport, 321; death of, in action, ib.
Hooge, 250; H.Q. of 1st Corps at, visited, 243-4, 248, 249.
Hospital Trains, visits to, 137-8; and improvements in, 157.
Household Cavalry (Composite Regt.), 24, 247, 256.
Houthem-Gheluvelt-St. Julien line, occupied by 7th Division, 220.
Houthulst Forest, fighting in (Oct. 16), 220.
Howitzers, 6-inch Siege, used in the Battle of the Aisne, 149; H.E. shell almost exclusively used by, 358.
Huguet, Colonel, of the French Military Mission, Aug. 1914, 6, 7, 31; attached to French's H.Q., 58; acting as liaison officer between.
French and Joffre, 89, 93, 95, 178, 183.
Hull, Brigadier-General, G.O.C. 10th Infantry Division, 26.
Hunter-Weston, Brigadier-General A. G., C.B., D.S.O., G.O.C. 11th Infantry Brigade, 26; crossing by, of the Marne, 134-5; line broken but restored, 245; at Ploegsteert Wood, 327.
Hussars, The, 3rd, 24, 247; 4th (Queen's Own), 24, 65, 129; 10th, 29, 250; 11th (Prince Albert's Own), 24, 56; 15th (King's), 125; 15th (King's), A Squadron, 21; B Squadron, 20; C Squadron, 18; 18th (Queen Mary's Own), 24, 65, 73; B Squadron at Faujus, 120; 19th (Queen Alexandra's Own), A Squadron, 23; B Squadron, 26; C Squadron, 28; 20th, 25, 47, 136.
Huy, bridge at, 41.
I. Battery, R.H.A., 25; near Moncel, 120.
Indian Princes at the funeral service for Lord Roberts, 282.
Indian troops in France, 165, 167, 171, 173, 188, 192, 265-6; arrival of, loyalty of, and German designs on, 196; Composition and Commander, 196; command taken over by Willcocks, 240; in the Battle of Ypres, 284; H.A.C. attached to, 297; engaged in the operations of Dec. 14 sqq., 327-8; forming part of 1st Army under Haig, 337; discussion on, with Willcocks, 340; Cavalry Corps, 84, 165, 167; in the operations of Dec. 14, sqq., 328; Ferozepore Brigade, fighting by (Dec. 19), 327; 15th Lancers, 196; 57th Indian Rifles, attached to 1st Cavalry Division, 246; Garhwal Brigade, 327; short-lived success of, on Dec. 19, 327, 328; Lahore Division, 16; invaluable aid given by, at the 1st Battle of Ypres, 196; at St. Omer (Oct. 19-20), 228; sent up in motor omnibuses to Allenby's support (Oct. 21), 233; position on Oct. 22, 234; change in command of, 340; Meerut Division delayed en route, 234; in the Operations of Dec. 14, 327, 328; Sirhind Brigade, fighting of (Dec. 19), 327.
Infantry, British, at the Marne Battle, French's Memorandum on, 129 sqq.
Infantry Brigades, British, Commanders and Composition, 17 sqq.; Egerton's Brigade, 238; positions and movements, 1st Battle of Ypres, 234, 261; 1st (Guards), 17, 125, 127; in the Battle of Ypres, at Gheluvelt, 252, 253, 254; at Wytschaete, 259; heavy losses of, 279; at Givenchy, 328; 2nd, 18; in the Battle of Ypres, 328; at Gheluvelt, 250, 251, 252; 3rd, 18; in the Marne Battle, 127, 137; in the Battle of Ypres, 253; at Givenchy, 328; 4th (Guards), 19, 128; at Landrecies, 75; at Rozoy, 118; at the forcing of the Petit Morin, 125 sqq.; in the Battle of Ypres, 227, 244, 250; fine work of, 272; 5th, 19; at Le Cateau, 76, 160; in the Marne Battle, 125, 126, 137; in the Battle of Ypres, 279; Territorials incorporated in, 297; 6th, 19; in the Battle of Ypres, 244, 284; 7th, 21, 160, 195; at Le Cateau, 75, 77, 78; in the Battle of Ypres, 278, 284; 8th, 21, 66; at Le Cateau, 77; in action (Dec. 14), 322; 9th, 21, 196; at Le Cateau, 77; in the Aisne Battle, 146; in the Battle of Ypres, at Messines, 238, 244, 247, 284; the 10th Liverpools joined to, 297; 10th, 26; 11th, 26; at the crossing of the Marne, 134; in the Battle of Ypres, at St. Yves, 245; attack by on Ploegsteert Wood, 327; 12th, 26; 13th, 22; 14th, 22; 15th, 22; in the Battle of Ypres, 278; 16th, 27, 160, 193, 195; 17th, 28, 160; 18th, 28, 160; 19th, 16, 23, 47, 61, 94, 173, 193, 210; in the retreat from Mons, 64, 65, 70, 210; in the Aisne Battle, 152; moved up by motor omnibus, 205; in the Battle of Ypres, 227, 231, 243; and after, 275; 20th, 28, 327; 21st, 29, 251; 22nd, 29; fine work of, 272.
Infantry transport, by Motor vehicles, 201, 205, 233, 242.
Ingouville-Williams, Brigadier-Gen. C., G.O.C. 16th Infantry Brigade, 27.
Instructions to French before leaving for France, 13-15.
Intelligence Service, British, excellence of, 90.
Inundation of Belgium discussed with Foch, 242-3; Further, possible, of Zeebrugge contemplated, 313.
Invasion, rumours of, 329; discussion on, with Asquith (Dec. 20), 332.
Inventions, Modern, effect of, on Warfare not anticipated by author, or others, 11-12.
Irish affairs (1914), Wilson's attitude to, and its effects on his career, 108-9.
Irish Guards, The, 1st Batt., 19; in the Battle of the Marne, 125, 128; at Messines, 244.
Irish Horse, North, 294 n., South, ib.
Iseghem and Courtrai, enemy forces reported moving W. between, 226.
Istria and Dalmatia as theatres of British operations, French's views on, 315.
Italy, as belligerent (1915), French's views on, 315.
Itancourt, the French repulsed from, 88.
"Jack Johnsons," first experience of, 144.
Jaeger Regiments attached to German cavalry, 45, 124, 126, 207.
Jena Campaign, Napoleon's miscalculations in, Hamley cited on, 217-18.
Jerlain-Maubeuge line, retreat to, decided on, 64.
Jeumont, the Scheldt near, 50.
Joffre, General (now Marshal), first impressions of, confirmed, 34-5; co-operation with, visits to, consultation with, and plans made and discussed, 39; a German attack expected by, 63, 68; conference with, and with Lanrezac, 81 sqq.; desire of, to hold ground as long as possible, 83; acted on, 91; tribute paid by, to the British Army, 85, 88; desire of, to take early offensive, French's attitude in regard to, 92, 93-4, 95; dispositions of, on Aug. 30, 93; and request from, for destruction of bridges over the Oise, 93; letters from, to Millerand and French (Sept. 2), on the position of affairs at that date, and his anxiety for the safety of Paris, 96-8, 101, 104, 111; letter to, from French, on the trend of future operations, 98; new plans of, for offensive announced to French, 106, 107; and discussed at Melun, 109-10, 114-16, 121-2; Orders of the Day (Sept. 4), 115-16; recognition by, of British co-operation, 121; tactics of, in the Battle of the Marne, 96-7, 140; optimism of, and of his Generals (Sept.-Oct.), 142; Order of the Day, Sept. 10, on taking advantage of the victory on the Marne, 142-3; consultations with, on marches through wooded country north of the Aisne, 143; on the progress of the 9th and 4th French Armies (Sept. 12), 146; Order of the Day, Sept. 18, on the assumption of the defensive by the 6th Army, 158; military genius evidenced on the Aisne, 159; pourparlers with, leading to British move north, 163; letters exchanged, 164 sqq., 185 sqq.; Kitchener's relations with (Oct.), 177, 179; on the British troops sent for relief of Antwerp, 183; visit from (Oct. 21), and supports sent by, 233; attitude of, to French's Coastal advance scheme (Dec. 13), 307; his alternative, British co-operation in, Kitchener on, 310, 311; and Memorandum of (Jan. 19, 1915), adverse to the Zeebrugge project, 317-18; the meeting with, at Chantilly, on the situation in the East, 335-7; French's northern plan put forward, but set aside, 342; his own plans, 342-3.
Johnson, Colonel Bulkeley (Scots Greys), killed on the Ancre, 136.
Jouy-sur-Morin, advance from, 126.
Jutland, Battle of, death at, of Admiral Hood, 321.
Kavanagh, Brigadier-General C. T. H., G.O.C. 7th Cavalry Brigade, 30; fine work of, 256, 272.
Kazimirjev, Battle of, admirable strategy of, 230.
Keir, Major-General J. L., G.O.C. 6th Division, 27; ordered to reinforce Haig, 153; success of, 241.
Kemmel (see also Mont Kemmel), 208.
Kemmel-Wytschaete area, 2nd Cavalry Division in, 205.
Kent (East) Regiment (The Buffs), 1st Batt., 27, 160.
Kerr, Colonel Frederick W. C., D.S.O., killed in action, 252.
King's (Liverpool) Regiment, 1st Batt., 19, 244, 264; 10th Batt. (T.) Scottish, 295; at Wytschaete, 297.
King's Own (Royal Lancaster) Regiment, 1st Batt., 26.
King's Own Scottish Borderers, 2nd Batt., 22, 247.
King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 2nd Batt., 22, 247.
King's Royal Rifle Corps (60th Rifles), 240; 1st Batt., 19, 244, 284; at the Ypres salient, 244; 2nd Batt., 18, 250; at Givenchy, 328.
Kitchener of Khartoum, Field-Marshal Viscount (later Earl), K.P., &c., 2; at the Council of War, Aug. 5, 1914, 3; appointed Secretary of State for War, 6; French's conception of his functions, 95, 100, 177-8; Instructions issued by, to French, on starting for the campaign, 13-15; French's letters to, on French dispositions on the Meuse, 38-40, on the action by the 4th Brigade at Landrecies, 75; on the absolute necessity for retaining independence of action, 94; Paris interview with, 92, 95 sqq., 101, 112; offensive action urged by, on Aug. 31, 95; difficulties occasioned by, 177 sqq.; telegrams from, on the relief of Antwerp, 177, 179; French Territorial Divisions requested by, for Dunkirk, 179-80, 188; Rawlinson placed by, under French's command, 201; Territorials offered by, as reinforcements (Oct. 22), 228; and the New Armies, 292; French's Coastal operations plan approved by (Dec.), 305; Memorandum from (Jan. 1915), on the proposed advance to Zeebrugge, 308 sqq.; the objections stated, 311-12; and answered, 312 sqq.; letter from, on rumours of enemy invasion, and fears for the W. front, 329; conversations with, at Walmer, 329; and the responsibility of the C.-in-C., 330; communications from, on Russian rumours, alleged German reinforcements in the W., and the possibility of Russian "bluff," 334-5; French's appeal to, for more Munitions, 332, 347, 348, 355-6; French's divided feelings for, as soldier and as politician, 333; the last day with, a day of happy memories, 333; the outer and the inner man, 334; death of, 333.
Klein Zillebeke-Zillebeke line, French operations on, 222.
Kluck, General Oberst von, and the Battle of the Marne (q.v.), 116; German view on and French's contrasted, 106; retreat of, 114, 121, 122, 125; possible reasons for, 139.
Kozienice, fighting W. of, Russian valour in, 230.
"Kriegsgefahrszustand" proclaimed by Wilhelm II, 2.
Kruiseij, village of, junction at, of 7th Division with cavalry, 242.
"L" Battery, R.H.A., heroic fight of, at Nery, 25, 101.
La Bassee, terrain near, 209; a formidable stronghold, the 5th Division held up at, 221.
La Bassee to Armentieres, German forces opposing along (Oct. 30), 240; Indian Corps engaged at, 284.
La Bassee-to the Sea line, fighting on, 275, 284; French's plan for taking over, 343.
La Bassee-Thiaucourt, Allied line (Oct. 6), 181-2.
La Bassee Canal, French line extended to, 211.
La Fere, 5th French Army's left on, 93.
La Fere-Noyon line, move towards, 84.
La Ferte-Bezu-Domptin line, British position along, 137.
La Ferte-Gaucher line, reached by 5th French Army, 123.
La Ferte-Milon-Neuilly-St. Front-Rocourt line, reached by British, and the end of the Battle of the Marne, 137.
La Ferte-sous-Jouarre, 129; bridging feat at, of the 3rd Corps R.E., 134, 137; occupation of, 131; crossing of the Marne at, stiff fighting for, 133-4.
La Forge, crossing of the Petit Morin at, 127.
Lagny, G.H.Q. moved to, 101.
Lagny-Meaux line, 6th French army's crossing of the Marne between, 109.
La Haute Maison, 3rd Corps at, 123.
Lahore Division, see under Indian Corps.
Lambton, Lieutenant-Colonel, later Brigadier-General the Hon. G. W., Military Secretary, H.Q. Staff, B.E.F., 6.
Lancashire (East) Regiment, 1st Batt., 26, 134; at Ploegsteert Wood (Dec. 19), 327.
Lancashire Fusiliers, 2nd Batt., 26.
Lancashire (Loyal North) Regiment 1st Batt., 18, 230; at Givenchy, 328.
Lancashire (South) Regiment, 2nd Batt., 21, 160, 284.
Lancer Regiments, 5th (Royal Irish), 24, 65, 129; 9th (Queen's Royal), 24, 65, 73, 77; at Moncel, 119-20; at Messines, 245; 12th (Prince of Wales's Royal), 25, 47, 136; at Wytschaete, 258; 16th (Queen's) 24, 65, 129.
Landon, Brigadier-General, temp. G.O.C. 1st Division, 17; G.O.C. 3rd Infantry Brigade, 18.
Landrecies, 1st Corps at, 74, 81; German attacks repulsed by, 75.
Landrecies-Jeumont, the Sambre between, 50-1.
Landrecies-Le Cateau road, 52.
Langemarck, heavy enemy pressure at, 278.
Lanrezac, General, G.O.C. 5th French Army, Joffre's estimate of, 35, 37; French's first (and later) impressions of, 36-7; co-operation with him arranged, 39; advance planned by, 47; and the Retreat from Mons, 56, 57; operation by British requested by, 58-9; French's meeting with, his attitude during, 82-3; continued falling back of, 70, 95; supersession of, 107.
Laon, rail to, from Maubeuge, 53.
La Quinque Rue, 328.
La Tretoire, Petit Morin forced near, by the Guards, 125, 127.
La Tretoire-Launoy-N. of Ruine-Moulin Neuf line, Worcestershire Regt. sent to, 127.
Laventie, 210.
Laventie-Lorgies line, 2nd Corps directed on, 203.
Law, Rt. Hon. Andrew Bonar, and the Munitions question, 357, 360.
Lawe, the, line of, at Vieille Chapelle and Estaires, German cavalry driven back to, 204.
Lawford, Brigadier-General S. T. B., G.O.C. 22nd Infantry Brigade, 29; in the Battle of Ypres, 272.
Le Cas Rouge, 128.
Le Cateau, chosen as concentration point for B.E.F., 5, 16; G.H.Q. fixed at, 5, 37, 54, 113; strategic importance of, 54; Belgian refugees near, 68-9; German move on, 77; Battle of, 78 sqq.; effect on 2nd Corps, 210; losses in, and repercussion of, on the campaign, 78-9, 83-7, 89, 133, 210, 272.
Le Cateau-Cambrai line, 71, 73-4.
Le Catelet, source of the Scheldt near, 49.
Le Gheer, retaken by 4th Division, 233.
Le Gravier, crossing of the Petit Morin at, 127.
Leicestershire Regiment, 1st Batt., 27, 160; 2nd Batt., 28.
Leinster Regiment, 2nd Batt., 28, 160.
Le Mans, new advanced base at, 93.
Le Marchant, Colonel, killed in action, 135.
Lemberg, taken by the Russians, 230.
Le Moncel-Crouy line held by 4th Division, 152.
Le Moulin du Pont, fighting at, 128.
Lens, observation point above, 148.
Lens to Armentieres, nature of the terrain, mining works in, towns and roads, 209.
Le Nouvion, distances from, 48.
Le Pilly, 2nd Batt. Royal Irish Regiment cut up at, 21.
Le Plessis-Belleville, Allied advance from, over the Marne, routes for, 115.
Le Quesnoy-Avesnes road, 52.
Les Herbieres, railway bridge at, 49.
Leveson, Major, 18th Hussars, at Faujus, 120.
Lewis, Colonel, and the invaluable Lewis gun, 354.
Lichnowski, Prince, anticipations by, of European war, and apologia of, 2.
Liege, siege of, 41, 48, 176.
Lievin, ground near, and mining works, 209.
Life Guards, The, 1st, 30; at Messines, 246; at Gheluvelt, 250, 256; 2nd, 30, 84, 246, 250, 256; in the Battle of Ypres, 273.
Light Division, The, 285.
Lille, concentration point for British reinforcements, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 188; how it might have been saved, 184; 21st French Corps detraining near, 197; German concentration near, 198; and reinforcements at, 240.
Lille-Courtrai line, combined advance to, planned for Oct. 13, 203.
Lille-Thiaucourt line, German strength on, 182.
Lincolnshire Regiment, 1st Batt., 21, 146, 238, 258, 284.
Lindsay, Major-General, Commanding R.A., B.E.F., 6.
Line of attack for Allied forces on Sept. 6, 114-16.
Lines of Communication and Army troops, original B.E.F., 27.
Lizy, 115, 129; woods near, German forces in, 121, 129; German withdrawal of guns from, 131.
Locre, 7th Division at, 265; 1st Corps in reserve at, 284.
Lodz and Lowicz, fighting between, 230.
Lomax, Major-General S. H., G.O.C. 1st Division, 17, 66, 250; French's visit to, 159; success of, at Vendresse, and death later; an appreciation of, 151.
London, Air-raids on, 215.
London Regiment, see County of London (London Regiment).
London Rifle Brigade (T.) incorporated in 3rd Corps, 297.
London Scottish (14th (County of London) Batt. London Regiment), 17, 27, 228, 294, 297-8; fine work of, in the Battle of Ypres, 238, 244, 247-8, 257, 262; Allenby's memorandum on, 262-3; French's praise sent, 263; heavy losses, and consequent reaction of, 263-4; congratulations to, 263; seen on parade by French, 264.
Longueil, 187.
Longueil-Pont Ste. Maxence area, suggested march to, of British 2nd Corps, 172.
Loos, Battle of, 343, 347; casualties at, 150.
Lorgies-Herlies line, part of 2nd Corps on, 221.
Losses in Modern Warfare, 58, 183.
Losses in Officers, Men, and Materiel at Le Cateau, 78-9, 83, 86, 89, 153, 210, 272; guns, losses, 210.
Losses, Marne, 137-8.
Losses, Ypres, 151, 286.
Lourches, 50.
Louvain, Belgian line near, 41; Belgian G.H.Q. at, 43.
Lovett, Colonel, Commanding 3rd Infantry Brigade (temp.), 18.
Lowther, Lieut.-Colonel H. C., Commanding 1st Infantry Brigade, 17.
Lushington, Lieut.-Colonel, and the 41st Brigade at the Battle of the Marne, 127.
Luxemburg, in the early days of the German advance, 2, 7, 39, 336.
Lys River, French's failure at, lesson of, 145; strategical points above, 148; passage on attempts at, 203, 220; cavalry reconnaissance of, 205; operations on, 207, 219, 221; enemy pontoon bridges over, 234; further cavalry struggles along, 261; forcing back the Germans, 277.
Lys, from Menin upwards, chance of securing lost, 222.
Lys River Valley, 238; what might have been done in, 184.
McClellan, General, lesson of Stanton's interference with, 111.
McCracken, Brigadier-General F. W. N., G.O.C. 7th Infantry Brigade, 21, 74, 75, 77; and the rearguard fight at Solesmes, 73.
Macready, Major-General N., Adjutant-General, H.Q. Staff, 5, 17.
MacDonald, Lord, and the Volunteers, 291, 292.
Macdonogh, Brigadier-General, Director of the Intelligence Service, skill and ability of, 90, 336.
McEwen, Lieut.-Colonel, Commanding 1st Infantry Brigade, 17.
Machine guns, effect of, on Warfare, 12, 144; British, 75; lack of, 101, 321-2, 347, 356; Losses of, at Le Cateau, 79, 87, 153, 210; German, 124, 321-2, 324 et alibi.
Mackensen, General Oberst von, superiority of, in numbers, 231.
Mackenzie, Major-General, G.O.C. 3rd Division (temp.), 20.
McMahon, Lieut.-Colonel N. R., D.S.O., Royal Fusiliers, killed in action (Nov. 11), 279.
Madagascar Campaign of Gallieni, 102.
"Majestic," H.M.S., 321.
Makins, Brigadier-General E., G.O.C. 6th Cavalry Brigade, 29.
Manchester Regiment, 2nd Batt., 22.
Manchurian Campaign, clear warnings of, on Munitions, unheeded, 348.
Mariette, 62.
Marne, Battle of the, 35, 101; account of, Allied and Enemy; troops engaged, and operations during and after, 113 sqq.; affected by the losses at Le Cateau, 79; casualties of both sides, 137, 138; decisive character of, 111; extent of its front, 138; Germany's lost opportunity in, 138-9, 176, 267; hopes of a good flanking movement after, 301; pursuit after, 142; tactics of Joffre in, 140; victory largely due to the Russian invasion of East Prussia, 194; Battlefield, Topography of, 117 sqq.; Troops at, fine spirit of, and skilful handling of, 55, 129; Points noted in French's Memorandum (Sept. 10), 129-31.
Marne River, Allied stand on, French's ideas on, 92, 101; preparation for the Battle on, 104; fighting on, 106, 110; Bridges seized by Allenby, 133; Passages of (see also Grand and Petit Morin), 124.
Maroilles, 2nd Division to stand at, 81.
Martyn, Lieut.-Colonel, Commanding 13th Brigade (temp.), 22.
Marwitz, General Oberst von der G.O.C. 4th German Cavalry Corps, on the 2nd (British) Corps (Oct. 12-15), 224.
Maubeuge, 5, 6; Fortress of, 53, 54; reason for not withdrawing to, 70-1; German heavy howitzers from, 144; Railways from, 53; Sambre course by, 50; Strategic importance of, 52-3.
Maubeuge-Givry line, 1st British Army Corps in cantonments on, 47.
Maubeuge-Lille, frontier line, French Reserves guarding, 39.
Maubeuge-Sars-la-Bruyere, British 2nd Army Corps between (Aug. 21), 47.
Maude, Brigadier-General F. S., G.O.C. 14th Infantry Brigade, 22.
Maud'huy, General de, Commanding 10th French Army (Oct. 3), 197, 200; operations by, 202, 324-5; an appreciation of, 202; on fears of German effort to divide Allied forces, 225; anxiety of, for his left flank, 241; representing the French Army at Lord Roberts's funeral service, 282.
Maunoury, General, G.O.C. 6th French Army, 13, 89; efforts of, to turn enemy flank, 13, 148; region defended by, 97; plans of, discussed on Sept. 5, 109-10; at the Battle of the Marne, 114, 115, 123, 124, 139; messages from, for British assistance, 135; French's visit to, 154; co-operation with, in attack, 161-2.
Maxse, Brigadier-General F. I., G.O.C. 1st Infantry Brigade, 17; in the Battle of the Marne, 126.
Maxwell, Lieut.-General, I.G. Line of Communications, 161.
May, Lieut.-Colonel, O.C. Artists' Rifles, and the Officers' Training School, 272.
May-en-Multien, 115.
Meaux, French advance from, 115, 116.
Meerut Division, see under Indian Corps.
Melun, rear section of G.H.Q. at (Sept. 3), 106, 121, 122; plans for offensive discussed at, 109-10.
Melun-Juvisy line, Joffre's suggestion on, 97.
Mendleston Farm, fighting for, 322.
Menin, German advance to, 208; cavalry advance towards directed, 219; 4th Corps ordered to attack, probable reason why order not executed, 221-2; situation near on Oct. 15 and 19, 224, 227.
Menin Road, 253; British line momentarily pierced on (Nov. 11), but re-established, 278-9; successes on, (Nov. 13 and 17), 184, 185.
Menin-Yser line, the few British troops along, fatigue of, 224, 225.
Merris, 204.
Merville, 2nd Corps' left directed on, 203; French's meeting at, with Generals, 241.
Mery, Marne crossed at, by part of 2nd Corps, 133.
Messines, 278, 324; shelling of, 227; fierce fighting at 244-8, 258-9, see also Wytschaete-Messines ridge.
Meteren, capture of, by 3rd Corps, 207.
Meuse River, 50; defence along, 38, 41; lowness of, results of, 65; the German crossing of, 72.
Mezieres-Longwy line, French forces holding, 47, 48.
Mezieres and Stenai, 3rd French Army fallen back to, 72.
Middlesex Regiment, 1st Batt., 23; in the Battle of Ypres, 243; 4th Batt., 21, 66.
Millerand, Alexandre, French Minister for War in 1914, 33, 92; French's views on the situation laid by, before Joffre, and the replies, 95 sqq.; a tribute to, 96.
Military Governor of Paris, see Gallieni.
Mining district operated in by 2nd Corps, 209.
Missy, Cave near, as observation point, 149; the Aisne crossed at, by the 1st Corps, 150, 151; British troops around, 195.
Mitry, General de, Commanding French cavalry, 233; Enemy cavalry driven back by, 204; operations in the Battle of Ypres, 227, 232.
Mobilisation, Speed, relative French and German, 7.
Moltke, Count von (the great), German military following of, 345.
Moncel, taken by the 9th Lancers, 119.
Moncey, General, reverse to, 272.
Monitors, increasing fleet of, 304.
Monmouthshire Regiment, 2nd Batt., 296, 297.
Monro, Major-General C. C., G.O.C. 2nd Division, 19; disabled, 251.
Mons, Belgian flight from, 68-9; Country near, features of Strategical and Topographical, 48-9, 51-2 sqq.; Battle of, opening phases of, crushing German superiority, 43; Cavalry and Aircraft Reconnaissance employed, 43-4; Retreat from, 56-112; some causes, 12; value in, of British "moral," 55; French's preparations for, 60-1; decided on, 63; Salient, the, importance of, 61; given up, 62.
Mons-Binche road, 54.
Mons-Conde Canal details on, 48, 49, 50.
Mons-Dinant line, 42.
Mons-Givet line, 42.
Montagne de Paris, German artillery activity at, 146.
Mont Arden, German cavalry driven back to, 41.
Mont des Cats position, captured by Gough and the 2nd Cavalry Division, strategic value of, and great opposition at, 204.
Montgivrault, heights about, reached by British cavalry, 133.
Mont Kemmel as observation point, 148, 243; the Battle of Ypres, viewed from, by French, 237 sqq., 243; captured by British Cavalry Divisions (Oct. 14), value of this capture during the 1st Battle of Ypres, 208; Allenby's H.Q. at, visited, 243; Cavalry operations near, 247, 259; tremendous issues hinging on (Oct. 31, Nov. 1), 260, 261.
Montmirail, 115.
Mont Noir-Boeschepe-Berthen line reached by British cavalry, 205.
Montreuil, 134.
Montry-Crecy-Coulommiers line, British march to, 104.
Moore, Brigadier-General J., P.V.O., 6.
Moore, George, help of, in devising new Weapons, 354, 357.
Morionville, General de, Chief of Staff to the King of the Belgians, visit from, 45.
Morland, Major-General T. F. N., D.S.O., G.O.C. 5th Division, 22.
Mortcerf, advanced G.H.Q. at, 103, 106.
Motor traction, effect on Warfare, 12, 201, 202, 205, 232, 242.
Mullins, Brigadier-General, G.O.C. 2nd Cavalry Brigade, 24.
Munitions, see Ammunition, Guns, Machine Guns, Royal Artillery, War Cabinet.
Munro, Major-General, visit to, 159.
Murray, General Sir Archibald J., K.C.B., Chief of Staff, B.E.F., 5, 7, 17, 31, 61, 62, 72, 95, 133; at work at H.Q., 69, 70; Gallieni's visit to, on Sept. 4, 107; breakdown of, 108.
Murray, Lieut.-General Sir James Wolfe, K.C.B., conferred with, 351; letter of, on Munitions, 351.
Nampiel-Coucy-le-Chateau line reached, 93.
Namur, 48; fall of, 64.
Nancy, preliminary operations near, 7.
Nanteuil, the Marne crossed at, 133.
Napoleon I, Foch's great master, 198; German military following of, 346; Invasion projects of (1805), 215; On the cause of his constant success, 217.
Naval Co-operation, the aim in the move of the British forces to the left of the Allied Armies, 157, 302, 303, 312, 320-1; Churchill on (Oct.-Nov.-Dec.), 303 sqq.; Review at Spithead 1914, 4.
Nery, rearguard action at, and "L" Battery at, 25, 101.
Neuve Chapelle, loss of, 241; fighting at (Dec. 19), 327; Battle of (1915), 342; broken off for lack of Ammunition, 351.
Neuve Eglise, operations near, 245, 258, 259.
New Armies, the, 292, 293-4, 301-2, 308.
Newcastle speech of Asquith on Munitions, 356.
Nicholas, Grand Duke, Generalship of, 194, 230-1.
Niemen, the, 230.
Nieppe, 209.
Nieuport-Dixmude-Zeebrugge triangle; possible clearance from, of Germans, 312.
Nieuport and Dutch frontier, coast-line between, desirability of Allied possession of, 312.
Nieuport and the Sea, German and opposing forces on the line from, 214, 231-2, 235, 268; 1915, why greater progress was not made during, 318-19 proevi, 342, 343.
Nivelles, German advance to, and beyond, 47.
Noeux-les-Mines, 209.
Nogent, French's own crossing of the Marne at, 135.
Nord, department of, 48.
Norfolk Regiment, 1st Batt., 23.
North German Coast, question of, as theatre of war, 315.
Northamptonshire Regiment, 1st Batt., 18, 250, 279; at Givenchy, 328.
Northumberland Fusiliers, 1st Batt., 21, 146, 258, 284; at Wytschaete-Messines, 235; 5th Batt., at Wytschaete, 297; in the Battle of Ypres, 284.
Notre Dame de Consolation (E. of Vermelles), trenches near gained by the French (Dec. 18), 326.
Notre Dame de Lorette, French struggle near, 324, 325.
Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire (Sherwood Foresters) Regiment, 2nd Batt., 28.
Nouvelles, retirement on, effect of, 62.
Nouvelles-Harmignies-Givry line, 1st Corps on, 65.
Nouvron, French attack on, 154.
Noyon, British retirement on, 74; G.H.Q. at, 84; country near, personally reconnoitred by French, 85; French check at, 154; and concentration on, 158.
Obourg, 60, 62.
October 31 and November 1, fateful dates to the British Empire, 237.
Oesttaverne and Roozebeek, German infantry advance on, 246, 250; French attack on, 247.
Offensive operations, British and French expectation of, and desire for, 7, 11, 35, 43, 55, 92, 101, 107, 109-10, 144, 198, 220, 274 et alibi.
Officers, and men, Losses of, at Le Cateau and elsewhere, 78, 83, 86, 89, 210, 272; Sympathy, instinctive, between, 88.
Officers' School of War, foundation of, 272, 295, 297.
Oise River, line of as possible place for a stand, considered, 74, 84, 85; country reconnoitred by French, 85; French troops retiring on, 88; the line abandoned, 91; Joffre's request for destruction of bridges over, 93; French forces on, and hard fighting N. of, 182; Sambre connection with, 50.
Oisy, Road bridge over Sambre Canal near, 51.
Oneux-Nouvion-en-Ponthieu line, British troops on, 199.
Operation of Dec. 14 sqq., state of the terrain impeding movements, 323-4, 327.
Ordnance Board, attitude of, to High-Explosive shell supplies, 348.
Orleans, Indian advance base at, 196.
Orly, 128.
Ormeaux, British advance to, 119.
Ostel Spur gained by 2nd Division, 151.
Ostend, 200; Belgian Government's withdrawal to, 175; evacuation of, 183; and how it might have been saved, 184; importance of, and possible operations to clear, 221, 308, 311, 318; French's urgency on, 226.
Ostend-Dixmude-Furnes-Nieuport area, Belgian Army in, 208.
Ostend and Menin, German forces between, strongly reinforced, 227-8.
Oulchy-le-Chateau-Grand Rozoy area, British troops in, 195.
Ourcq River, and the Marne Battle, 115, 116, 117; doings of the 6th French Army on, 88, 109, 115, 123, 125, 137, 139, 143; French 75's along, 105-6; German forces near, 116, 123, 125; line of, value of, to von Kluck, 139.
Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 2nd Batt., 19, 160, 279.
Oxley, Brigadier-General, O.C. Territorials Training Camp, St. Omer, 294.
Pack Artillery v. Machine Guns, 324.
Paris, 188; French's visit to, on Aug. 15 and meetings with British Ambassador and French President, 33-4; German menace to, French anxieties on, and defence of, 90, 91-2, 104; British share in the defence, Joffre on, 97; Gallieni on, 102-4; direct advance on, no longer intended by the enemy, 104 sqq.; later alarm concerning, 341, 346; Kitchener interview at, 95 sqq., 112; full significance of, 100-1; Military Governor of, see Gallieni; Popular welcome at, to French and his Staff in 1914, 33; Rails from, traversing area of retreat from Mons, 52 sqq.; War-time aspect of (Aug.), 34.
Paris to Verdun, extent of Marne Battle front, 138.
Pas de Calais, 214.
Peninsular War, the Light Division in, 285; ranges in, 353.
Peronne, French attack near, 87.
Pertab Singh, Maharajah Sir, acting as personal guard to Lord Roberts's remains, 282.
Petit Bois, taking of, 322.
Petit Morin River, 117; the forcing of, 124, 125-6, 128.
Petrograd, unsatisfactory replies from, 335.
Philippeville, French advance on, 38; Lanrezac's H.Q. at, 56.
Plateau de la Brie, features of, 117.
Pless, Princess Henry of, 2.
Ploegsteert, British Artillery near, 245; British attack at, 327.
Ploegsteert Wood, violent engagements at, 275.
Plumer, Lieut.-General Sir Herbert, C.O., K.C.B., asked for as G.O.C. 2nd Army Corps, to succeed Grierson, 38, 39.
Poincare, Raymond, President of the French, optimistic spirit of (Aug. 15), 33; anxiety of, for Paris, 95, 111; offensive action by the British urged by, on Aug. 31, 95; visit from; views of, on the Antwerp situation, and on the divided control of the British forces in France, 198-9.
Points d'appui, fortresses destined as, 52.
Poisoned gas, first use of, by the enemy, 356.
Poland, Russian operations in, as influencing plans in the West, 194, 301.
Pommeroeul, passage near, from Tournai; of the Haine valley, 49.
Pont du Hem, 3rd Division at (Oct. 13), 210.
Pont Rigneul, French cavalry at, 210.
Pont Ste. Maxence, 3rd Corps to entrain at, 187, 193.
Poperinghe, 322.
Poperinghe-Boeschete-Steenvoorde area, 2nd Division in, 222.
Press, the, French's efforts to use, in the direction of securing more Munitions, 347.
Provins, 5th French Army near, 107, 109.
Prussian Guard, the, French capture of, at Berry-au-Bac, 157; in attacks on Ypres salient, 277.
Prussian operations, Jena Campaign, and Napoleon's three miscalculations of, 217.
Pulteney, Major-General W. P., C.B., G.O.C. 3rd Army Corps, 16, 94; changes in troops under, 158; career, character, and qualities of, 205-6; in the Marne Battle, 129, 134, 135; in the Aisne Battle, 145; in the operations before and during the 1st Battle of Ypres, the capture of Bailleul by, 205-6; success of that struggle largely due to him, 206; places taken by him, progress of and fine work by, 221; cavalry supports sent to, 227; and used at Wytschaete, 259; a meeting with, 323.
Queen's Bays, see Dragoon Guards, 2nd.
Queen's Royal West Surrey Regt., 18, 29.
Queen's Westminsters (16th County of London) Batt., The London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles); arrival of, 271; fine condition and early use of, 295, 297.
Radinghem-Premesques-Houplines line, occupied by the 3rd Division, 221.
Raids versus Frontal attacks, 131.
Railways of the area of the retreat from Mons, 52 sqq.; of the Marne area, 118.
Ramsgate and Dungeness, possibility of invasion between, 155.
Rawlinson, Major-General Sir Henry, C.V.O., G.O.C. 4th Division later, G.O.C. 4th Army Corps, 25; 161; in command of 7th Division at Ostend, 177, 179, 181; Joffre's view of the plan for, 178; French's action, and Rawlinson's reply, 178-9; news sent by, from Ostend, 200, 201, 203-4; placed under French's command, directed to hold the Lys line, 201, 219; effect of this, 221-2; position of, 223, 226; at Ypres, 233; troops under, formed into 4th Corps; changes in composition of forces, 201; sent home to supervise preparation of 8th Division, 239.
Rebais, German evacuation of, 129, 131.
Regular Army, the, contrasted with the Territorials, 293.
Regular Troops, British, mobilisation of, 3.
Reinforcements, progress of (Sept. 3 sqq.), 104, 109, 110, 228; see also Territorial Forces.
Repington, Colonel C. a Court, Military Correspondent of The Times, furnished by French with full proofs of the deadly need for Munitions, 357.
Rennenkampf, General, 230.
Reserves, French's anxieties concerning, 153, 158, 160, 265; Joffre's anxiety on, 317-18.
Rethel, 39, 93; Lanrezac's H.Q. at, 36-7.
Rethel-Thuin line, French troops on, 41.
Retirement, general indications for, 62-3.
Retiring Troops, atmosphere engendered by, 56-7.
Retreat from Mons, the, see Mons, Retreat from.
Reutel and Poezelhoek, line W. of, held by 1st Corps, 242.
"Revenge," H.M.S., 304.
Reynolds, Capt. G. F., Adjutant 9th Lancers, wounded at Moncel, 120.
Rheims, 39; cultivation near, 36; French dispositions near, 143, 152; falling back from, on Amiens, proposed by Joffre, 86; Joffre's plan to break through S. of, 342.
Rheims Cathedral, destruction of, 159.
Rhonelle stream, 50.
Ribecourt-Bray-sur-Somme line, held by de Castelnau, 162.
Riez de l'Erelle, Haig's H.Q. at, 66.
Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own), 1st Batt., 26, 134, at Ploegsteert Wood, 327; 3rd Batt., 28, 160.
Rifles, Modern, change brought about by, 12.
Rifles, 57th (Wilde's), 238.
"Right impulse" given to a Battle, that which ensures success, 217-18.
Rivierette stream, 51.
Roads, assigned to French and British forces for advance on Oct. 13, 203; in the area of the Retreat from Mons, 52, 53, 54, 65; crossing the Marne battlefield area, 117-18; nature of, between Lens and Armentieres, and elsewhere, 209.
Robb, General, O.C. Line of Communications, 33.
Roberts, Lady Aileen (Countess Roberts), 281.
Roberts of Kandahar, Field-Marshal Earl, K.G., &c., at the Council of War, on Aug. 5, 1914, 3; visit of, to Headquarters, events of the stay, 281-2; sudden illness and death of, 282; Military funeral service for, at St. Omer, 282; General order issued by de Maud'huy paying tribute to, 282-3.
Robertson, Major-General Sir W. R., K.C.V.O., Q.M.G. (B.E.F.), 5, 17, 31; Chief of Staff to French, 351; on transport, munitions and supplies in Aug. 1914, 44.
Rocourt-Fere-en-Tardenois—Mont Notre Dame—Bazoches road, assigned for British route of advance, 143.
Rolt, Brigadier-General S. P., G.O.C. 14th Infantry Brigade, 22.
Ronarch, Rear-Admiral, O.C. Fusiliers Marins Brigade for relief of Antwerp, 181.
Rouges Bancs, trenches won and lost at, 327.
Roulers, German advance on, 208, 219; advance on, of 3rd British Cavalry Division, 220; German advance from, 227; and entrainment at, 270.
Roumania, Joffre's optimism as to, 341.
Roy, General, O.C. French Territorial Division for Relief of Antwerp, 181.
Royal Army Medical Corps, Field Ambulances, 18, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29; With cavalry, 25, 30; P.M.O., 6.
Royal Berkshire Regiment 1st Batt., 19, 244, 284.
Royal Dragoons, see under Dragoons.
Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 2nd Batt., 26.
Royal Engineers, Commanding Officer, 6; Field Companies, 5th and 11th, 20; 7th and 9th, 26; 12th and 38th, 28; 17th and 59th, 23; 23rd and 26th, 18, 125-6; 54th and 55th, 29; 56th and 57th, 21; Field Squadrons, 1st, 25; 2nd, 25; 3rd, 30; Signal Companies, 1st, 18; 2nd, 20; 3rd, 21; 4th, 26; 6th, 28; 7th, 29; Signal Squadrons, 1st, 25; 2nd, 25.
Royal Flying Corps, Original B.E.F., Commanders and Composition of, 25, 185; road allotted to in the Marne fighting, 133.
Royal Fusiliers, 1st Batt., 25, 160; fighting on the Menin Road, 279; 4th Batt., 21, 146, 238; in the Battle of Ypres, 284; at Wytschaete, 297.
Royal Horse Guards (the Blues), 30; at Messines, 246; near Hooge, 250; woods cleared by, 256.
Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 2nd Batt., 26; at Messines, 286.
Royal Irish Fusiliers, 1st Batt., 26.
Royal Irish Regiment, 2nd Batt., 66; cut up at Le Pilly, 21.
Royal Irish Rifles, 2nd Batt., 21, 76, 160, 284.
Royal Marine Light Infantry at Dunkirk, 179.
Royal Munster Fusiliers, 2nd Batt., 17, 27, 328.
Royal Regiment of Artillery, Brigades, 26th, at Bellot, 126; 32nd, at Veully, 195; 41st, in the Marne Battle, 127; R.F.A. Batteries, 18, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 126, 128, 250, 254; Howitzer Batteries, 18, 20, 22, 23, 28; Howitzer Brigade, 43rd, 127; Howitzers, see that head; Employment of, in the Marne fighting, French's Memorandum on, 129 sqq.; Paralysis of, due to lack of Munitions, 347; R.G.A., Batteries (Heavy) and Divisional Trains, 18, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 127, 352-3; High-Explosive shells for, advocated by French (before the War), 348; R.H.A., Batteries, 25, 29, 30, 101, 120.
Royal Scots (Lothian) Regiment, 2nd Batt., 21, 66; Petit Bois taken by, 322; 8th Batt. (T.), 295, 297.
Royal Scots Fusiliers, 1st Batt., 21; on the Aisne, 146; at Messines, 238; cut off, 251; at Ypres, 284; 2nd Batt., 29.
Royal Sussex Regiment, 18; at Gheluvelt, 250; at Givenchy, 328.
Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 1st Batt., 26; 2nd Batt., 29.
Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 1st Batt., 29; 2nd Batt., 23; in the Battle of Ypres, 243; 4th (Denbighshire) Batt. (T.), 295.
Royal West Kent Regiment, 1st Batt., 22.
Roye, French cavalry raid on German communications, 158; French progress near, 325.
Roye and Montdidier, consequences of a breaking of the Allied front about, Joffre on (Jan. 19, 1915), 317-18.
Roye-Montdidier-Noyon-La Fere-Guise-Hirson, Heads of Allied Columns established at, with Cavalry Screen (Aug. 29), 91.
Rozoy, fighting at, 118.
Ruggles-Brise, Brigadier-General H. G., G.O.C. 20th Infantry Brigade, 28.
Russia, alleged deficiences of, in Guns and Munitions, Joffre on (Dec. 27), 341-2; Armies of, in Manchuria and in the Great War contrasted, 231; Practical collapse of, reaction of, on the W. campaign, 301, 343; Collapse and failure of, and the counter-balance thereto, 346; and the Eastern Campaign, 106; and considerations based on success of, 92, 144, 194-5, 229, 231, 266-7, 268, 270-1, 274, 301, 346; Effective British action impossible in, 315; German Declaration of War against, 2, 3; Military situation in Dec, 334-5, 336, 337, 341-2; Partial Mobilisation by, against Austria, 2; Relaxation of pressure on, in the Caucasus by British action against Turkey, French's view on, 316; Treachery of the Governing classes in, 195; Unpreparedness of, for war, 229.
Russian Generals, wisdom shown by, 230.
Russian Loan of 40 millions under negotiation (Dec. 26), 335.
Russian Troops, fine qualities of, 194, 231.
Russo-Japanese War, improvement after, in the Russian Army, 231.
Sablonnieres, 126.
Sailly-sur-la-Lys, 3rd Corps directed on, 207, 219, 220.
Sailly-Nieppe line, 207.
St. Eloi, German advance on, 246; French attack from, 247.
St. Eloi-Wyschaete line, French concentration on, 255.
St. Ghislain, passage at, across the Haine Valley, 49; railway bridge E. of, 49.
St. Gond marshes, French troops S. of, 116.
St. Laurent, French gain of ground at (Dec. 18), 326.
St. Legers, Scheldt crossing at, 50.
St. Mihiel, French Armies engaged at, 167-8.
St. Nazaire-Nantes line established, 93.
St. Omer, as concentration camp, troops at and near, 199, 201, 202, 211, 223, 228, 280; funeral service at, for Lord Roberts, 282; G.H.Q. at, 205, 207, 329; heavily bombed by aircraft, 207; Territorials' special Training Camp at, 294, 296; the Yeomanry at, 295.
St. Omer-Hazebrouck, as detraining spot, 188; advance from, to the Lys, rendered possible by enemy miscalculation, 267.
St. Pol, talk at, with de Maud'huy (Oct. 10), 202.
St. Quentin, 81, 158; rail to, from Douai junction of, at Cambrai, 54; British retirement on, 74; French's G.H.Q. at, 76, 80; German cavalry attempts on, 83-4; repulsed, 87.
St. Quentin Canal, and the Scheldt, joint channel of, and navigable connection of, with the Somme, 49.
St. Simeon, advance from, 127.
St. Yves, British line broken and re-established at, 245.
Salonika, as theatre for British operations, French's view on, 316.
Sambre Canal, details on, 50-1.
Sambre River, French forces on, 38, 41; British intended position N. of (Aug. 18), 42; German crossing of, 57. Rise and course, country along, canalised course and tributaries of, 48, 50-1; canal connected with, 53.
San River, Austrian rout at, 274.
Sapieres stream, 143.
Sars-la-Bruyere, H.Q. 2nd British Army Corps, conference at, with Generals, 59, 61; withdrawal from, 66.
Saulchery, Marne bridge at, seized by Allenby (Sept. 9), 133.
Scheldt river, affluents of, 48, 50; canals connected with, 48, 49; course of, and canalisation of, 49-51; crossing points of, between Cambrai and Conde, 50; passage of, at Lille, to be secured by the French left (Oct. 13), 203.
Scheldt-Haine, confluence, Conde at, 53.
Scherpenberg Hill, 324; French's observations from, 323.
Scots Guards, The: 1st Batt., 17, 250, 254, 328; 2nd Batt., 28, 327.
Scottish Rifles, The: 1st Batt., 23, 61; at the 1st Battle of Ypres, 243; 2nd Batt., 297.
Scott-Kerr, Brigadier-General R., G.O.C. 4th (Guards) Brigade, 19; at Landrecies, 75.
Sea, the (see also Channel Ports), German advance to, checked by first phase of 1st Battle of Ypres, 235-6.
Seaforth Highlanders, Ross-shire Buffs, 2nd Batt., 26; 4th (Dingwall) Batt. (T.), 296.
Second Army Corps, B.E.F., Commanders and Composition, 16, 20, 37, 38; in the Battle of Mons, 47; at salient, 60-1; withdrawal thence, 62, 63, 65, 71; at Le Cateau, 74-5; the Battle of Le Cateau delivered by, 76 sqq.; gap between, and the 1st Corps, 81; retreat continued, 82 sqq.; position on Sept. 7, 123; the Petit Morin forced by, 128; roads and supply railheads for, 132, 133; crossing of the Marne by, 133; in the Battle of the Aisne, 146, 151; on Sept. 14, 152, 153; violent attack on, 160; Northward move, 171 sqq., 188, 192, 193; positions on Oct. 2, 195-6; directed on the Aire-Bethune line, 199, 200, 201, 202; directed on the Laventie-Lorge line, 203, 207; difficulties of the march, 209; extended front held by, 210; shortening of the line, 211; line of advance for, 219; progress of, 220, 221, 223-4; in the Battle of Ypres, 227, 231, 234, 239; condition of, 240; Neuve Chapelle lost by, 241; moved to reserve, 241; at Neuve Eglise, 258; sent to relieve 1st Corps, 265; sent to Bailleul, 285; in the operations of Dec., 323; pack artillery of, 324; made part of 2nd Army under Smith-Dorrien, 337.
Sedan, 178.
Seine, the, Allied stand on, considered, 92; 5th French Army's retreat to, 105; German Army driven back from, 138.
Selle, River, 50; Le Cateau on, 54.
Sensee, River, 50.
Sentiment, out of place in war, a lesson on, 274.
Serbia, War declared on, by Austria-Hungary, 2.
Serches, H.Q. 5th Division, 150.
Sermoise, Rail to, from Soissons, 148.
Sermoise Spur, Aisne Valley, 147.
Serre River, line of, 5th French Army retiring to (Aug. 30), 93.
Sezanne, French 9th Army's position in relation to (Sept. 5), 116.
Shaw, Brigadier-General F. C., G.O.C. 9th Infantry Brigade, 21, 244; Fine work of, at Wytschaete, 238, 261; and at Kemmel, 247.
Shea, Captain, of the Indian cavalry, 85.
Shrapnel, limits of use of, 358.
Shropshire Light Infantry (The King's), 1st Batt, 27, 160.
Silesia, Russian operations in, 268, 274.
Silly-sur-Ourcq-Hartennes-Ambrief area, British cavalry occupying, 195.
Sirhind Brigade, see under Indian Corps.
Smith, Lieut.-Colonel Douglas, O.C. 9th Infantry Brigade, 21.
Smith-Dorrien, General Sir Horace, K.C.B., G.O.C. 2nd Army Corps, in succession to Grierson, 16, 20, 38, 61-2, 106, 244; positions occupied by, on and after Aug. 21, 47; in the Retreat from Mons, 62-3; and the Battle of Le Cateau, 76-80; orders sent to, to break off action and continue retreat, 82; and acted on, 83, 84; views of, on the position at the end of August, 93; in the Battle of the Marne, 119; the Petit Morin crossed in face of strong opposition, 128; instructions to (Sept. 9), 133, 134. 135; delayed advance of, 202; French's visits to (Oct. 11, &c.), 209-10, 227; meeting with, 241; on mutual co-operation with the French 16th Corps (Dec. 16), 324; Second Army constituted, and placed under, 337.
Smuts, General Christian, spirit shown by, in the Boer War, 339.
Snow, Major-General T. D. O., G.O.C. 4th Division, B.E.F., 25, 72; at Le Cateau, 68; accident to, 161.
Soignies, German advance past, 47.
Soissons, French forces about, 152, 187.
Soissons-Bailly line, French defence organised on, 158.
Soissons-Bourg line, British position on, 147.
Soissons-Compiegne line, intense artillery fire on, 145.
Soissons and Villers, Aisne bridges between, 147.
Soldiers (see also British, and Troops) Freemasonry of, and chivalrous relations between friend and foe, 340.
Solesmes, action at, troops engaged, 73, 74, 75, 77.
Solre, the, 51.
Somerset (Prince Albert's) Light Infantry, 1st Batt., 26, 134; at Ploegsteert Wood, 327.
Somme River, navigable connection of, with the Scheldt, 49; stand on, considered, 74; but abandoned, 84; rolling plains W. of, as observation points, 148.
Sordet, General, commanding French cavalry, 48, 58, 93; visit to, and impressions on, 67; support of, asked and given, 68, 78, 80, 84; attack by, near Peronne, 87.
South African War, Kitchener's exercise of command in, 330; and greatness shown in, 333; Part played in, by the Volunteers, 292; Pulteney's fine qualities evidenced in, 205; Warning of, on Munitions unheeded, 348.
South Wales Borderers, 1st Batt., 18, 328.
Special Reserve, British, mobilisation of, 3.
Spiers, Captain, 11th Hussars, liaison officer at Lanrezac's H.Q., on the latter's plans and operations, 56, 57, 58, 59, 64; report by, on Foch's Army, 200; liaison officer with de Maud'huy on the situation of that Army, 325-6; character summary of, 326; courage and endurance shown by, 326-7.
Staden and Zarren, de Mitry's cavalry pushed back towards, 227.
"Staff," the, unfair criticisms on, 69-70.
Staff College "pedants," an example of, 37.
Staff Officers at Work, 69-70.
Staffordshire (North) Regiment, 1st Batt., 28, 160.
Staffordshire (South) Regiment, 1st Batt., 29; 2nd Batt., 19, 244, 284.
Stanton, and McClellan, 111.
Stalemate, situation of, anticipated by War Council on the W. front, 315.
Submarine base, see Zeebrugge.
Submarines, potentialities of, realised by French, 155; construction of, in section, suggested by French (May 1914), pronounced impracticable, 214.
Success in Battle, generally dependent on right direction given at onset, 217.
Suffolk Regiment, 2nd Batt., 21, 22; 4th Batt. (T.), 296.
Supplies, provision of (Aug.), 44.
Surrey (East) Regiment, 1st Batt., 22.
Sykes, Colonel, 33; second in command R.F.C., sent by plane to Antwerp, 185; the fall reported by, 201.
Syria, operations in, French's view on, 316.
Tactical employment of Troops, principle, of, 11.
Tamines, fighting at, 58.
Tannenburg, Battle of, Russian strategy and patience after, 230.
Tarsy, the, affluent of the Sambre, 51.
Tenth (British) Corps, 169.
Termonde, pontoon bridges built at, by the Germans, 203.
Territorial Battalions picked, conversion of, into O.T.C., a conception of Lord Haldane, applied by French, 272.
Territorial Cavalry, see Yeomanry, under Names.
Territorial County Associations, 292; tribute to, 291.
Territorial Forces, British, see also under Names of Units, History of, 291 sqq.; Incalculable debt to, of the country, 293-4; Keenness (zeal) of (1908-12), admirable result of, 296; Mobilisation of, 3; Noble record of, 294, & n.; Ready response of, to call for foreign service, 292-3; War services of, as Reserves, 228, 265; the first to fight, 262, 294; despatch of, to France, 271, 290-1; behaviour in the field, 292; arrival as units, 294 sqq.; Battalions enumerated, 295-6; efficiency of, energy of, and progress made by, 296-7; officers of, inexperience of; steady improvement of, 298; Divisional organisation of, determined on, by Haldane, 298-9; success of, 299; strength of, 300; prominent part played by, in 1915, 300; provision of drafts and a Special Reserve for, Kitchener on (Jan. 1915), 309.
Thiant, Scheldt crossing at, 50.
Thiaucourt, Allied and German line to, from La Bassee and from near Lille, 181-2.
Thielt, retreat past, 208.
Third Army Corps, Commander and Composition, 16, 94; in the Marne Battle, 116, 121, 122; at La Haute Maison, 123; advance of, 128, 129, 131; roads and supply railheads for, 132; the Marne crossed by, 133-4; 135; bridge-laying by, 137; in the Aisne Battle, 146; more bridge-laying, 150; the crossing at Venizel, 151; position on Sept. 7th, 152, 153; sent to St. Omer-Hazebrouck area, 179, 188, 190, 193, 195, 199, 201, 203; arrival, and taking of Bailleul, 205; the fighting at, watched by French, 206-7, 210, 216; objective on Oct. 15, in the Battle of Ypres, 219; towns taken by 221, 223; position on and after Oct. 21, 231, 234; at Messines, 247, 259, 277; Territorials, incorporated with, 297; in the Dec. operations, 323, 327; made part of the 2nd Army under Smith-Dorrien, 337.
Thompson, Colonel C. B., liaison officer with 6th French Army, reports of, 154, 325.
Thorne, Captain, on the retaking of Gheluvelt, 254-5.
Thourout, 3rd Cavalry Division at, 204, 208; hostile action anticipated at, 220; Germans entraining at, 270.
Tirlemont, German forces between, and Metz, 40, 41; German advance on, line of, 41.
Tirlemont-Jodoigne-Hammeville-Louvain line, Belgian Forces holding (Aug.), 45-6.
Times, The, interview given to, by French, on Munitions, 355; Repington's Article in (May 15, 1915), on British lack of Ammunition, and the result, 360.
Tolstoy, Count Leo, on Napoleon's directions at Borodino, 217.
Topography, see under each region of action.
Tourcoing, German forces entraining at, 270.
Tournai, rail to, from Conde, 53; route from, via Pommeroeul, across the Haine valley, 49.
Transport (see also Railway), state of, 44, 89; difficulties due to roads, 209; Motor, effect on Warfare, 12, 201, 233, 242.
Treasury opposition to due provision of Munitions, 348.
Trench Feet, causation and severity, 288-9; Comparative incidence before and after adoption of preventative measures, 290; First occurrence of, 288; Loss of personnel due to, 289, 290; Prevention, 289; Treatment, 290.
Trench Guns, shortage of (May 1915), 353.
Trench Mortars, 144; shortage of, 352.
Trench Warfare, development of, 144; new weapons employed in, 144, 353; experiments with, in the field, made for French, 354-5; a principle of, learnt in Oct., 145.
Trilport, 116.
Trith, Scheldt crossing at, 50.
Troops in Retreat, atmosphere engendered by, 56.
Trovillon, the, 53.
Troyon-Soupir line, troops holding, 152.
Turkey, why brought into the War, unwisdom of Allied attack on, 316.
Uhlan patrols near Le Cateau, 84.
Unauthorised Statements, War Cabinet hampered by heeding, 334.
Urbal, General d', G.O.C. Northern French Army, visit to, and impression on (Oct. 24), 234-5; conferences with, 255, 260; on French advance held up by machine-gun fire (Dec. 15), 322.
Urvillers, fight at, of French Reserves, 88.
Vailly, the Aisne crossed at, by 3rd Division, 151; circle near held, 152, 195, 196; rail to, from Soissons crossing the Aisne at, 147-8.
Valenciennes, 19th British Infantry Brigade concentrating on (Aug. 21), 47; inspected by French, 61; strategic importance of, 50, 54; German forces entrenched about, 182; and advance from, 202.
Valenciennes-Douai line, uncrossed by enemy (Aug. 25), 77.
Valenciennes-Hirson Railway, the wooded area traversed by, 52.
Valenciennes—Maubeuge line through, dividing two portions of Conde-Binche area, 51; enemy strength S. of (Aug. 25), 77.
Varreddes, on the Marne, enemy artillery at, 124.
Vaudoy, British advance to, 119.
Vaughan, Brigadier-General, G.O.C. 3rd Cavalry Brigade, 25.
Vaughan, Colonel, views of (Aug. 23), 64.
Vendresse, success of the 1st Division at (Sept. 14), 151.
Venizel, bridge thrown over at, by 3rd Corps, 150; the Aisne crossed by, 151; 19th Brigade in reserve at (Sept. 14), 152.
Verbranden Molen, French fighting at, 246, 279.
Verbranden Molen-Zillebeke-Halte-Polijze line, orders given to hold to the last, 253.
Verdun, 89, 248; German entrenchments reaching from, to Nieuport, 268.
Vermelles-Richebourg-Vieille-Chapelle line, German cavalry pushed back to, 204.
Vertus, French move from, 143.
Vervins, French Reserve Divisions at, 37, 39.
Vesle River, Valley of, 147; railway in, 148.
Victoria, Queen, statue unveiled by William II, 9.
Vidal, General, support given to, 279; and promised by Foch, 281.
Vieille Chapelle, German cavalry driven back to, 204.
Vieux Berquin, 207.
Villers-Cotterets, rearguard action at, 101; route suggested from, to Lille for British cavalry, 172.
Villers-sur-Morin-Fontenay line, British forces halted on (Sept. 4-5), 109.
Villers-sur-Morin-Rozoy-La Chapelle d'Iger, French advance via, 115; British line from, 116.
Villers-St. Ghislain, 2nd Corps near, 60.
Virton-Spincourt line, 4th French Army fallen back to, 72.
Vistula, the, Russian withdrawal over, considered, but not thought probable, 334, 336.
Vitry-le-Francois, Joffre's H.Q., officers met, and topics discussed at, 34-5, 39.
Viviani, Rene, French Prime Minister (1914), 33; present at the interview between French and Kitchener, 96.
Vladivostock, remoteness of, 315.
Vlamertinghe, consultation at, with Foch and d'Urbal (Nov. 1), 260.
Volunteers, the, origin and evolution of, 291; true value slowly realised, 292; zeal of, 296.
von Hindenburg, see Hindenburg.
von Kluck, see Kluck.
von Moltke, see Moltke.
Wake, Major Sir H., 81.
Wales (South) Borderers, 18, 328.
Wallingcourt, German move on, 77.
Wallon-Cappel, Lahore Division concentrating at (Oct. 21), 228.
Wallon-Cappel and Merville, British cavalry between (Oct. 11), sweep made from (Oct. 12 sqq.), 264.
Walmer Castle, meeting at, of the War Cabinet, 329 sqq.
War, Science of, instinctive application of, essential, 11.
War, European, French's anticipation of, and advance studies on, 8-9.
War, the Great, First British War Council held, 3 sqq.; Enormous wastage of, 293; First period of, most critical stage in, opening of (Oct. 29), 241 sqq.; Protracted by the British deficiencies in Armament and Ammunition, 163 et alibi.
War of Positions not anticipated by French, 11; but settled down to, 13.
War Cabinet, Walmer meeting, 329 sqq.; anxieties, 303 sqq.; discussions with, on the Eastern front, German reinforcements in the W., &c., 332 sqq.
War Council, view of, on attack on Zeebrugge, 308 sqq.; Memorandum of (Jan. 9, 1915), on possible use of British Forces in a different theatre to that in which then used, 313-14; French's views given in reply, 315-17.
Waremme, German advance by, 41.
War Office, the, attitude of, to new and unfamiliar weapons, and H.E. shells, 348, 353; failure of, to speed up manufacture of Munitions, effect of, 343; French's correspondence with on need for Heavy Artillery, 163; French official appeals to, for Munitions, 347, 348-9; the refusal, low estimate from, of supplies to be expected up to May, 1915, actual supplies less still, effect of this shortage on the Army's morale, 350; French's yet more vigorous insistence on the matter, and the reply suggesting waste by the Army, 351.
Warfare, Modern, change in, failure to foresee lessons of, 11, 12, 13, 144, 194; Principles established by, as to Command of Ground, 149; and as to Trench Defensive, 143.
Warneton, 1st Cavalry Division's advanced detachments at, 205; Cavalry fighting near, for passage of the Lys (Oct. 16), 220.
Warsaw, second attack on, of Central Powers, failure of, 229; strategy of the first battle of, 230; loss of, envisaged, 334.
Warta, the masterly Russian retirement from, 230.
Waterloo Campaign, ranges in, 353.
Waterloo, Field of, author's dreams regarding, 33, 331.
Watkins, General, G.O.C. Lahore Division, at the 1st Battle of Ypres, 196.
Watson, Colonel James, A.D.C. to the Khedive, 1.
Watts, Brigadier-General H. E., G.O.C. 21st Infantry Brigade, 29.
Weapons, Modern, and modified, effect of, on Warfare, 11, 12, 13, 142, 144, 194; attitude to, of the War Office, 348, 353; experiments in, made for French in the field, and their manufacture, 353-5.
Wellington, the great Duke of, 326; and Walmer Castle, 313.
Welsh Regiment, 2nd Batt., 18, 328; 6th Batt. (T.), 27, 295.
Wemyss, Earl of, and the Volunteers, 291.
Werwick, advanced cavalry detachments at, 205.
Western War Front, Home Authorities' anxiety concerning (Dec. 17), 329.
Westoutre, 1st Corps in reserve at, 284.
Westmacott, Lieut.-Colonel, in temporary Command, 5th Infantry Brigade, 19; later Brigadier-General, G.O.C. 2nd Infantry Brigade, 18.
West Riding (Duke of Wellington's) Regiment, 2nd Batt., 22.
Willcocks, Lieut.-General Sir James, K.C.S.I., G.O.C. Indian Contingent, arrival of, and work done by, 196, 240, 241, 265-6, 328, 340.
William II, German Emperor, War declared by, on Russia, 2; conversation with, in Aug. 1911, on the German Army, 9-10; two great opportunities misused by, 105, 107, 176; at Courtrai during the Battle of Ypres, 257; orders of, to Prussian Guard to break British line, 277.
Wilson, Major-General (now Sir) H. F. M., G.O.C. 4th Division, B.E.F., 7, 25, 31; after commanding the 12th Infantry Brigade, 26; at the First Council of War, 3; Sub-Chief of Staff, 5, 7; characteristics of, 107-9; sent to Joffre, 185; friendship of, with Foch, 197; and official visits to him, 221, 226, 324; Le Gheer retaken by, 233.
Wilson, Lieut.-Colonel Gordon C., O.C. Royal Horse Guards, killed in action, 272.
Wiltshire (Duke of Edinburgh's) Regiment, 1st Batt., 21, 76, 160, 284; 2nd Batt., 29.
Wing, Brigadier-General F. A. N., C.B., C.R.A. 1st Corps, killed in action, an appreciation of, 150.
Wing, Major-General, G.O.C. 3rd Division (temp.), 20.
Wireless Telegraphy, effect of, on Warfare, 12.
Woodhouse, Surgeon-General T. P., P.M.O., H.Q. Staff, B.E.F., 6.
Woolwich, Conneau, once a cadet at, 235.
Worcestershire Regiment, 2nd Batt., 19; in the Marne Battle, 127; at Bercelaere, 247; at Gheluvelt, 250; Gheluvelt taken by, with the bayonet, 253-4; the day saved by, 255; 3rd Batt., 21, 75-6, 160, 284.
Wounded, the, arrangements for evacuating, 44, 137-8, 157.
Wulverghem, Lahore Division (part) sent to, 233; Cavalry retirement to (Nov. 1), 258, 259, 263.
Wytschaete, 246, 297; chance of strong attack on (Dec. 18), how unavoidably let slip, 325.
Wytschaete-Messines ridge, fighting at (Oct. 31, Nov. 1, 2), 204, 246, 256, 257-9, 262, 264, 275, 277; Immortal stand on, of the British cavalry, 204, 238, 262; the crisis of the third phase of the Battle of Ypres, 277.
Yalu, Battle of, 231.
Yeomanry Forces (T.), arrival in France, 294-5; fine quality of, and high standard of efficiency, speedily employed, 295; Essex, 294, 295; Leicestershire, 294, 295; Northamptonshire, 294, 295; Northumberland (Hussars), 29, 294, 295; North Somerset, 29, 294, 295; Oxfordshire (Hussars), 228, 247, 295; at the Wytschaete-Messines ridge, 238, 262, 294; Surrey, 295; Warwickshire (Horse Artillery), 27, 294, 295.
York and Lancaster Regiment, 2nd Batt., 27, 160.
Yorkshire (East) Regiment, 1st Batt., 28.
Yorkshire Regiment, 2nd Batt., 29.
Yorkshire (West) Regiment, 1st Batt., 28.
Ypres, 242, 243, 260; Allied forces converging upon, 208; French's visit to, and conference at, 232-3; cleared of French troops, 233; German "frightfulness," at, 248; attempts to relieve 1st Corps at, 265; strong French reinforcements at, 270; Battle of, First, 16; value in, of British "moral," 55; observation points used, 148-9; casualties at, and resulting from, 151, table of, 286; assistance rendered during, by the Indian contingent, 16, 196; results largely due to Pulteney's initial leading of the 3rd Corps at, 206; importance throughout, of the capture of the Kemmel Heights (Oct. 14), 208; experiments in new weapons after, conducted for French, 353-5; restriction of gun-fire during, due to lack of supplies, 349; intensity of struggle during, 356; 1st Phase, points at issue immediately before, the British Empire itself at stake, 214-16; German tactics in, 216; opening of, 216; extent covered by, 218, 224; chief danger in, 225; Allied and opponent forces engaged in, positions, actions, and movements, 231-2; summary of results, 233-4, 235-6; 2nd Phase (Oct. 27-31), operations and endurance during, French's estimate of, 237; crisis of, 238-9, 277; Allied and enemy forces engaged, 240; 3rd Phase, 257 sqq.; crisis of, 277; 4th and Final Phase, 277-85; Allied dispositions during, 277 sqq.; crisis of, 277; part played in, by 1st Corps emphasised, 285-6; weather during, effect on the men in the trenches, 287-8 sqq.; Strategic alternatives and problems arising to be dealt with after, 301-18; Territorial troops taking part in, 297; Second (1915), 342-3; German use of poisoned gas at, and fierce attempt to break through, 356.
Ypres Canal, the, the fighting along, 235, 246, 272-3, 279, 280.
Ypres Salient, the, the defence of, 238, 241-2; honour to forces sharing in, 239, 280; the great feature of the last phase of the battle, 277 sqq.; latest and nearly successful enemy attack on, 283; Evacuation of, by the British, 285.
Ypres-Armentieres, Battle of, the more correct name for the 1st Battle of Ypres, 218.
Ypres-Menin road, British forces holding, 242; driven back, 250.
Ypres-Messines line, question of a stand on, 252.
Ypres-Roulers line, 1st Corps' right directed on (Oct. 19), 226.
Yser Canal, British forces on, 232.
Yser, River, Belgian retreat on, 183, 192, 208, 217, 224, 262; French forces on, 221, 224; German menace to, 225; heavy fighting on, 244; German attack held, 278; inundation, possibilities of, 242-3; improved situation on, 336.
Zandvoorde, German counter-attack from, repulsed by the French, 322.
Zeebrugge, landing facilities at, 180-1; evacuation of, 183; how it might have been saved, 184; proposed advance to, objects of, 303-4 sqq.; French attitude to, 305, 307; Grey's telegram on, 305 sqq.; Kitchener's memorandum on, 308; the objections to the plan, stated, 311-12; and met, 312-13; Joffre's final opinion on, 317-18; increasing strength at and development as submarine base, as affecting Naval Co-operation, 308, 320 sqq.
Zillebeke, 250.
Zonnebeke, Cavalry Corps hard pressed at, 233; and La Bassee, ground lost between up to Oct. 26, 233; but no gap created, 234.
Zonnebeke Station, 242.
Zonnebeke-Langemarck-Bixschoote line reached by 1st Corps, 232.
Zonnebeke-St. Julien-Pilkem line, 3rd Cavalry Division driven back to, 227.
Zonnebeke-Westroosebeke line occupied by 3rd Cavalry Division, 220.
* * * * *
Page 20, line 7, Royal Artillery, for "XXIV. Brigade," read "XXXIV. Brigade."
Page 20, line 12, for "R.A.M.C.: 4th & 6th Field Ambulances," read "R.A.M.C.: 4th, 5th & 6th Field Ambulances."
Page 162, line 30, for "Sir Charles Haddon, Master General of the Ordnance," read "Sir Charles Hadden, President of the Ordnance Board, Woolwich Arsenal."