To dream of holding disputes over trifles, indicates bad health and unfairness in judging others.
To dream of disputing with learned people, shows that you have some latent ability, but are a little sluggish in developing it.
To dream of a distaff, denotes frugality, with pleasant surroundings. It also signifies that a devotional spirit will be cultivated by you.
To dream of being a long way from your residence, denotes that you will make a journey soon in which you may meet many strangers who will be instrumental in changing life from good to bad.
To dream of friends at a distance, denotes slight disappointments.
To dream of distance, signifies travel and a long journey. To see men plowing with oxen at a distance, across broad fields, denotes advancing prosperity and honor. For a man to see strange women in the twilight, at a distance, and throwing kisses to him, foretells that he will enter into an engagement with a new acquaintance, which will result in unhappy exposures.
To dream of falling in a ditch, denotes degradation and personal loss; but if you jump over it, you will live down any suspicion of wrong-doing.
To dream of diving in clear water, denotes a favorable termination of some embarrassment. If the water is muddy, you will suffer anxiety at the turn your affairs seem to be taking.
To see others diving, indicates pleasant companions. For lovers to dream of diving, denotes the consummation of happy dreams and passionate love.
To dream of dividends, augments successful speculations or prosperous harvests. To fail in securing hoped-for dividends, proclaims failure in management or love affairs.
Divining Rods.
To see a divining rod in your dreams, foretells ill luck will dissatisfy you with present surroundings.
To dream of being divorced, denotes that you are not satisfied with your companion, and should cultivate a more congenial atmosphere in the home life. It is a dream of warning.
For women to dream of divorce, denotes that a single life may be theirs through the infidelity of lovers.
To dream of being on docks, denotes that you are about to make an unpropitious journey. Accidents will threaten you. If you are there, wandering alone, and darkness overtakes you, you will meet with deadly enemies, but if the sun be shining, you will escape threatening dangers.
This is a most auspicious dream, denoting good health and general prosperity, if you meet him socially, for you will not then spend your money for his services. If you be young and engaged to marry him, then this dream warns you of deceit.
To dream of a doctor professionally, signifies discouraging illness and disagreeable differences between members of a family.
To dream that a doctor makes an incision in your flesh, trying to discover blood, but failing in his efforts, denotes that you will be tormented and injured by some evil person, who may try to make you pay out money for his debts. If he finds blood, you will be the loser in some transaction.
To dream of a vicious dog, denotes enemies and unalterable misfortune. To dream that a dog fondles you, indicates great gain and constant friends.
To dream of owning a dog with fine qualities, denotes that you will be possessed of solid wealth.
To dream that a blood-hound is tracking you, you are likely to fall into some temptation, in which there is much danger of your downfall.
To dream of small dogs, indicates that your thoughts and chief pleasures are of a frivolous order.
To dream of dogs biting you, foretells for you a quarrelsome companion either in marriage or business.
Lean, filthy dogs, indicate failure in business, also sickness among children.
To dream of a dog-show, is indicative of many and varied favors from fortune.
To hear the barking of dogs, foretells news of a depressing nature. Difficulties are more than likely to follow. To see dogs on the chase of foxes, and other large game, denotes an unusual briskness in all affairs.
To see fancy pet dogs, signifies a love of show, and that the owner is selfish and narrow. For a young woman, this dream foretells a fop for a sweetheart.
To feel much fright upon seeing a large mastiff, denotes that you will experience inconvenience because of efforts to rise above mediocrity. If a woman dreams this, she will marry a wise and humane man.
To hear the growling and snarling of dogs, indicates that you are at the mercy of designing people, and you will be afflicted with unpleasant home surroundings.
To hear the lonely baying of a dog, foretells a death or a long separation from friends.
To hear dogs growling and fighting, portends that you will be overcome by your enemies, and your life will be filled with depression.
To see dogs and cats seemingly on friendly terms, and suddenly turning on each other, showing their teeth and a general fight ensuing, you will meet with disaster in love and worldly pursuits, unless you succeed in quelling the row.
If you dream of a friendly white dog approaching you, it portends for you a victorious engagement whether in business or love. For a woman, this is an omen of an early marriage.
To dream of a many-headed dog, you are trying to maintain too many branches of business at one time. Success always comes with concentration of energies. A man who wishes to succeed in anything should be warned by this dream.
To dream of a mad dog, your most strenuous efforts will not bring desired results, and fatal disease may be clutching at your vitals. If a mad dog succeeds in biting you, it is a sign that you or some loved one is on the verge of insanity, and a deplorable tragedy may occur.
To dream of traveling alone, with a dog following you, foretells stanch friends and successful undertakings.
To dream of dogs swimming, indicates for you an easy stretch to happiness and fortune.
To dream that a dog kills a cat in your presence, is significant of profitable dealings and some unexpected pleasure.
For a dog to kill a snake in your presence, is an omen of good luck
To dream of a dolphin, indicates your liability to come under a new government. It is not a very good dream.
To dream that you are in the dome of a building, viewing a strange landscape, signifies a favorable change in your life. You will occupy honorable places among strangers.
To behold a dome from a distance, portends that you will never reach the height of your ambition, and if you are in love, the object of your desires will scorn your attention.
To dream of playing at dominoes, and lose, you will be affronted by a friend, and much uneasiness for your safety will be entertained by your people, as you will not be discreet in your affairs with women or other matters that engage your attention.
If you are the winner of the game, it foretells that you will be much courted and admired by certain dissolute characters, bringing you selfish pleasures, but much distress to your relatives.
To dream of a donkey braying in your face, denotes that you are about to be publicly insulted by a lewd and unscrupulous person.
To hear the distant braying filling space with melancholy, you will receive wealth and release from unpleasant bonds by the death of some person close to you.
If you see yourself riding on a donkey, you will visit foreign lands and make many explorations into places difficult of passage.
To see others riding donkeys, denotes a meagre inheritance for them and a toiling life.
To dream of seeing many of the old patriarchs traveling on donkeys, shows that the influence of Christians will be thrown against you in your selfish wantonness, causing you to ponder over the rights and duties of man to man.
To drive a donkey, signifies that all your energies and pluck will be brought into play against a desperate effort on the part of enemies to overthrow you. If you are in love, evil women will cause you trouble.
If you are kicked by this little animal, it shows that you are carrying on illicit connections, from which you will suffer much anxiety from fear of betrayal.
If you lead one by a halter, you will be master of every situation, and lead women into your way of seeing things by flattery.
To see children riding and driving donkeys, signifies health and obedience for them.
To fall or be thrown from one, denotes ill luck and disappointment in secular affairs. Lovers will quarrel and separate.
To see one dead, denotes satiated appetites, resulting from licentious excesses.
To dream of drinking the milk of a donkey, denotes that whimsical desires will be gratified, even to the displacement of important duties.
If you see in your dreams a strange donkey among your stock, or on your premises, you will inherit some valuable effects.
To dream of coming into the possession of a donkey by present, or buying, you will attain to enviable heights in the business or social world, and if single, will contract a congenial marriage.
To dream of a white donkey, denotes an assured and lasting fortune, which will enable you to pursue the pleasures or studies that lie nearest your heart. For a woman, it signals entrance into that society for which she has long entertained the most ardent desire. Woman has in her composition those qualities, docility and stubbornness, which tallies with the same qualities in the donkey; both being supplied from the same storehouse, mother Nature; and consequently, they would naturally maintain an affinity, and the ugliest phase of the donkey in her dreams are nothing but woman's nature being sounded for her warning, or vice versa when pleasure is just before her.
To dream that you are living on, and looking forward to seeing doomsday, is a warning for you to give substantial and material affairs close attention, or you will find that the artful and scheming friends you are entertaining will have possession of what they desire from you, which is your wealth, and not your sentimentality.
To a young woman, this dream encourages her to throw aside the attention of men above her in station and accept the love of an honest and deserving man near her.
To dream of entering a door, denotes slander, and enemies from whom you are trying in vain to escape. This is the same of any door, except the door of your childhood home. If it is this door you dream of entering, your days will be filled with plenty and congeniality.
To dream of entering a door at night through the rain, denotes, to women, unpardonable escapades; to a man, it is significant of a drawing on his resources by unwarranted vice, and also foretells assignations.
To see others go through a doorway, denotes unsuccessful attempts to get your affairs into a paying condition. It also means changes to farmers and the political world. To an author, it foretells that the reading public will reprove his way of stating facts by refusing to read his later works.
To dream that you attempt to close a door, and it falls from its hinges, injuring some one, denotes that malignant evil threatens your friend through your unintentionally wrong advice. If you see another attempt to lock a door, and it falls from its hinges, you will have knowledge of some friend's misfortune and be powerless to aid him.
Door Bell.
To dream you hear or ring a door bell, foretells unexpected tidings, or a hasty summons to business, or the bedtide of a sick relative.
Dreaming of doves mating and building their nests, indicates peacefulness of the world and joyous homes where children render obedience, and mercy is extended to all.
To hear the lonely, mournful voice of a dove, portends sorrow and disappointment through the death of one to whom you looked for aid. Often it portends the death of a father.
To see a dead dove, is ominous of a separation of husband and wife, either through death or infidelity.
To see white doves, denotes bountiful harvests and the utmost confidence in the loyalty of friends.
To dream of seeing a flock of white doves, denotes peaceful, innocent pleasures, and fortunate developments in the future.
If one brings you a letter, tidings of a pleasant nature from absent friends is intimated, also a lovers' reconciliation is denoted.
If the dove seems exhausted, a note of sadness will pervade the reconciliation, or a sad touch may be given the pleasant tidings by mention of an invalid friend; if of business, a slight drop may follow. If the letter bears the message that you are doomed, it foretells that a desperate illness, either your own or of a relative, may cause you financial misfortune.
To dream that you fail to receive a dowry, signifies penury and a cold world to depend on for a living. If you receive it, your expectations for the day will be fulfilled. The opposite may be expected if the dream is superinduced by the previous action of the waking mind.
To dream of a dragon, denotes that you allow yourself to be governed by your passions, and that you are likely to place yourself in the power of your enemies through those outbursts of sardonic tendencies. You should be warned by this dream to cultivate self-control.
[57] See Devil.
To see a drama, signifies pleasant reunions with distant friends.
To be bored with the performance of a drama, you will be forced to accept an uncongenial companion at some entertainment or secret affair.
To write one, portends that you will be plunged into distress and debt, to be extricated as if by a miracle.
To be given to dram-drinking in your dreams, omens ill-natured rivalry and contention for small possession. To think you have quit dram-drinking, or find that others have done so, shows that you will rise above present estate and rejoice in prosperity.
To see or use a draw-knife, portends unfulfiled hopes or desires.
Some fair prospect will loom before you, only to go down in mistake and disappointment.
To think you are having trouble in dressing, while dreaming, means some evil persons will worry and detain you from places of amusement.
If you can't get dressed in time for a train, you will have many annoyances through the carelessness of others. You should depend on your own efforts as far as possible, after these dreams, if you would secure contentment and full success.
For a woman to dream of hilarious drinking, denotes that she is engaging in affairs which may work to her discredit, though she may now find much pleasure in the same. If she dreams that she fails to drink clear water, though she uses her best efforts to do so, she will fail to enjoy some pleasure that is insinuatingly offered her.
[58] See Water.
To dream of driving a carriage, signifies unjust criticism of your seeming extravagance. You will be compelled to do things which appear undignified.
To dream of driving a public cab, denotes menial labor, with little chance for advancement. If it is a wagon, you will remain in poverty and unfortunate circumstances for some time. If you are driven in these conveyances by others, you will profit by superior knowledge of the world, and will always find some path through difficulties. If you are a man, you will, in affairs with women, drive your wishes to a speedy consummation. If a woman, you will hold men's hearts at low value after succeeding in getting a hold on them.
[59] See Cab or Carriage.
To dream of a dromedary, denotes that you will be the recipient of unexpected beneficence, and will wear your new honors with dignity; you will dispense charity with a gracious hands. To lovers, this dream foretells congenial dispositions.
To dream of being afflicted with the dropsy, denotes illness for a time, but from which you will recover with renewed vigor. To see others thus afflicted, denotes that you will hear from the absent shortly, and have tidings of their good health.
This is-an evil dream, denoting warring disputes between nations, and much bloodshed therefrom. Shipwrecks and land disasters will occur, and families will quarrel and separate; sickness will work damage also. Your affairs will go awry, as well.
To dream of drowning, denotes loss of property and life; but if you are rescued, you will rise from your present position to one of wealth and honor.
To see others drowning, and you go to their relief, signifies that you will aid your friend to high places, and will bring deserved happiness to yourself.
For a young woman to see her sweetheart drowned, denotes her bereavement by death.
To hear the muffled beating of a drum, denotes that some absent friend is in distress and calls on you for aid.
To see a drum, foretells amiability of character and a great aversion to quarrels and dissensions. It is an omen of prosperity to the sailor, the farmer and the tradesman alike.
This is an unfavorable dream if you are drunk on heavy liquors, indicating profligacy and loss of employment. You will be disgraced by stooping to forgery or theft.
If drunk on wine, you will be fortunate in trade and love-making, and will scale exalted heights in literary pursuits. This dream is always the bearer of aesthetic experiences.
To see others in a drunken condition, foretells for you, and probably others, unhappy states.
Drunkenness in all forms is unreliable as a good dream. All classes are warned by this dream to shift their thoughts into more healthful channels.
To dream of seeing wild ducks on a clear stream of water, signifies fortunate journeys, perhaps across the sea. White ducks around a farm, indicate thrift and a fine harvest.
To hunt ducks, denotes displacement in employment in the carrying out of plans.
To see them shot, signifies that enemies are meddling with your private affairs.
To see them flying, foretells a brighter future for you. It also denotes marriage, and children in the new home.
To dream of hearing a duet played, denotes a peaceful and even existence for lovers. No quarrels, as is customary in this sort of thing. Business people carry on a mild rivalry. To musical people, this denotes competition and wrangling for superiority.
To hear a duet sung, is unpleasant tidings from the absent; but this will not last, as some new pleasure will displace the unpleasantness.
To dream of a dulcimer, denotes that the highest wishes in life will be attained by exalted qualities of mind. To women, this is significant of a life free from those petty jealousies which usually make women unhappy.
To dream of being dumb, indicates your inability to persuade others into your mode of thinking, and using them for your profit by your glibness of tongue. To the dumb, it denotes false friends.
To dream that you receive a dun, warns you to look after your affairs and correct all tendency towards neglect of business and love.
To dream of being in a dungeon, foretells for you struggles with the vital affairs of life but by wise dealing you will disenthrall yourself of obstacles and the designs of enemies. For a woman this is a dark foreboding; by her wilful indiscretion she will lose her position among honorable people.
To see a dungeon lighted up, portends that you are threatened with entanglements of which your better judgment warns you.
To dream of a dunghill, you will see profits coming in through the most unexpected sources. To the farmer this is a lucky dream, indicating fine seasons and abundant products from soil and stock. For a young woman, it denotes that she will unknowingly marry a man of great wealth.
This is a dream of sadness; it portends an early decline and unrequited hopes. Dark outlook for trade and pursuits of any nature is prolonged by this dream.
To dream of dust covering you, denotes that you will be slightly injured in business by the failure of others. For a young woman, this denotes that she will be set aside by her lover for a newer flame. If you free yourself of the dust by using judicious measures, you will clear up the loss.
This is a very favorable dream. If the dwarf is well formed and pleasing in appearance, it omens you will never be dwarfed in mind or stature. Health and good constitution will admit of your engaging in many profitable pursuits both of mind and body.
To see your friends dwarfed, denotes their health, and you will have many pleasures through them.
Ugly and hideous dwarfs, always forebodes distressing states.
To see the dyeing of cloth or garments in process, your bad or good luck depends on the color. Blues, reds and gold, indicate prosperity; black and white, indicate sorrow in all forms.
To dream of dying, foretells that you are threatened with evil from a source that has contributed to your former advancement and enjoyment.
To see others dying, forebodes general ill luck to you and to your friends.
To dream that you are going to die, denotes that unfortunate inattention to your affairs will depreciate their value. Illness threatens to damage you also.
To see animals in the throes of death, denotes escape from evil influences if the animal be wild or savage.
It is an unlucky dream to see domestic animals dying or in agony.
[As these events of good or ill approach you they naturally assume these forms of agonizing death, to impress you more fully with the joyfulness or the gravity of the situation you are about to enter on awakening to material responsibilities, to aid you in the mastery of self which is essential to meeting all conditions with calmness and determination.]
[60] See Death.
To see dynamite in a dream, is a sign of approaching change and the expanding of one's affairs. To be frightened by it, indicates that a secret enemy is at work against you, and if you are not careful of your conduct he will disclose himself at an unexpected and helpless moment.
To dream of a dynamo, omens successful enterprises if attention is shown to details of business. One out of repair, shows you are nearing enemies who will involve you in trouble.
"And he said, hear now my words, if there be a Prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.''—Numbers xii., 6.
To see one soaring above you, denotes lofty ambitions which you will struggle fiercely to realize, nevertheless you will gain your desires.
To see one perched on distant heights, denotes that you will possess fame, wealth and the highest position attainable in your country.
To see young eagles in their eyrie, signifies your association with people of high standing, and that you will profit from wise counsel from them. You will in time come into a rich legacy.
To dream that you kill an eagle, portends that no obstacles whatever would be allowed to stand before you and the utmost heights of your ambition. You will overcome your enemies and be possessed of untold wealth.
Eating the flesh of one, denotes the possession of a powerful will that would not turn aside in ambitious struggles even for death. You will come immediately into rich possessions.
To see a dead eagle killed by others than yourself, signifies high rank and fortune will be wrested from you ruthlessly.
To ride on an eagle's back, denotes that you will make a long voyage into almost unexplored countries in your search for knowledge and wealth which you will eventually gain.
To dream of seeing ears, an evil and designing person is keeping watch over your conversation to work you harm.
To see earrings in dreams, omens good news and interesting work is before you. To see them broken, indicates that gossip of a low order will be directed against you.
To see or feel the earthquake in your dream, denotes business failure and much distress caused from turmoils and wars between nations.
To dream that you see an earwig or have one in your ear, denotes that you will have unpleasant news affecting your business or family relations.
To dream of eating alone, signifies loss and melancholy spirits. To eat with others, denotes personal gain, cheerful environments and prosperous undertakings.
If your daughter carries away the platter of meat before you are done eating, it foretells that you will have trouble and vexation from those beneath you or dependent upon you. The same would apply to a waiter or waitress.
[61] See other subjects similar.
If you dream of ebony furniture or other articles of ebony, you will have many distressing disputes and quarrels in your home.
To dream of an echo, portends that distressful times are upon you. Your sickness may lose you your employment, and friends will desert you in time of need.
To dream of the eclipse of the sun, denotes temporary failure in business and other secular affairs, also disturbances in families.
The eclipse of the moon, portends contagious disease or death.
To dream of feeling ecstasy, denotes you will enjoy a visit from a long-absent friend. If you experience ecstasy in disturbing dreams you will be subjected to sorrow and disappointment.
To dream that you are anxious to obtain an education, shows that whatever your circumstances in life may be there will be a keen desire for knowledge on your part, which will place you on a higher plane than your associates. Fortune will also be more lenient to you.
To dream that you are in places of learning, foretells for you many influential friends.
To dream of an eel is good if you can maintain your grip on him. Otherwise fortune will be fleeting.
To see an eel in clear water, denotes, for a woman, new but evanescent pleasures.
To see a dead eel, signifies that you will overcome your most maliciously inclined enemies. To lovers, the dream denotes an end to long and hazardous courtship by marriage.
To dream of finding a nest of eggs, denotes wealth of a substantial character, happiness among the married and many children. This dream signifies many and varied love affairs to women.
To eat eggs, denotes that unusual disturbances threaten you in your home.
To see broken eggs and they are fresh, fortune is ready to shower upon you her richest gifts. A lofty spirit and high regard for justice will make you beloved by the world.
To dream of rotten eggs, denotes loss of property and degradation.
To see a crate of eggs, denotes that you will engage in profitable speculations.
To dream of being spattered with eggs, denotes that you will sport riches of doubtful origin.
To see bird eggs, signifies legacies from distant relations, or gain from an unexpected rise in staple products.
To see elbows in a dream, signifies that arduous labors will devolve upon you, and for which you will receive small reimbursements.
For a young woman, this is a prognostic of favorable opportunities to make a reasonably wealthy marriage. If the elbows are soiled, she will lose a good chance of securing a home by marriage.
To dream of seeing elderberries on bushes with their foliage, denotes domestic bliss and an agreeable county home with resources for travel and other pleasures.
Elderberries is generally a good dream.
To dream that you are at an election, foretells you will engage in some controversy which will prove detrimental to your social or financial standing.
To dream of electricity, denotes there will be sudden changes about you, which will not afford you either advancement or pleasure. If you are shocked by it you will face a deplorable danger.
To see live electrical wire, foretells that enemies will disturb your plans, which have given you much anxiety in forming. To dream that you can send a package or yourself out over a wire with the same rapidity that a message can be sent, denotes you will finally overcome obstacles and be able to use your enemies' plans to advance yourself.
To dream of riding an elephant, denotes that you will possess wealth of the most solid character, and honors which you will wear with dignity. You will rule absolutely in all lines of your business affairs and your word will be law in the home.
To see many elephants, denotes tremendous prosperity. One lone elephant, signifies you will live in a small but solid way.
To dream of feeding one, denotes that you will elevate yourself in your community by your kindness to those occupying places below you.
To dream of ascending in an elevator, denotes you will swiftly rise to position and wealth, but if you descend in one your misfortunes will crush and discourage you. If you see one go down and think you are left, you will narrowly escape disappointment in some undertaking. To see one standing, foretells threatened danger.
Elixir of Life.
To dream of the elixir of life, denotes that there will come into your environments new pleasures and new possibilities.
To dream of eloping is unfavorable. To the married, it denotes that you hold places which you are unworthy to fill, and if your ways are not rectified your reputation will be at stake. To the unmarried, it foretells disappointments in love and the unfaithfulness of men.
To dream that your lover has eloped with some one else, denotes his or her unfaithfulness.
To dream of your friend eloping with one whom you do not approve, denotes that you will soon hear of them contracting a disagreeable marriage.
If you think you are eloquent of speech in your dreams, there will be pleasant news for you concerning one in whose interest you are working.
To fail in impressing others with your eloquence, there will be much disorder in your affairs.
To see embalming in process, foretells altered positions in social life and threatened poverty. To dream that you are looking at yourself embalmed, omens unfortunate friendships for you, which will force you into lower classes than you are accustomed to move in.
To dream that you drive along an embankment, foretells you will be threatened with trouble and unhappiness. If you continue your drive without unpleasant incidents arising, you will succeed in turning these forebodings to useful account in your advancement. To ride on horseback along one, denotes you will fearlessly meet and overcome all obstacles in your way to wealth and happiness. To walk along one, you will have a weary struggle for elevation, but will &ally reap a successful reward.
[62] See Difficulty.
To dream of embracing your husband or wife, as the case may be, in a sorrowing or indifferent way, denotes that you will have dissensions and accusations in your family, also that sickness is threatened.
To embrace relatives, signifies their sickness and unhappiness.
For lovers to dream of embracing, foretells quarrels and disagreements arising from infidelity. If these dreams take place under auspicious conditions, the reverse may be expected.
If you embrace a stranger, it signifies that you will have an unwelcome guest.
If a woman dreams of embroidering, she will be admired for her tact and ability to make the best of everything that comes her way. For a married man to see embroidery, signifies a new member in his household, For a lover, this denotes a wise and economical wife.
To dream of an emerald, you will inherit property concerning which there will be some trouble with others.
For a lover to see an emerald or emeralds on the person of his affianced, warns him that he is about to be discarded for some wealthier suitor.
To dream that you buy an emerald, signifies unfortunate dealings.
To dream of going abroad and meeting the emperor of a nation in your travels, denotes that you will make a long journey, which will bring neither pleasure nor much knowledge.
To see one of your employees denotes crosses and disturbances if he assumes a disagreeable or offensive attitude. If he is pleasant and has communications of interest, you will find no cause for evil or embarrassing conditions upon waking.
This is not an auspicious dream. It implies depression in business circles and loss of employment to wage earners. It also denotes bodily illness.
To dream of being out of work, denotes that you will have no fear, as you are always sought out for your conscientious fulfilment of contracts, which make you a desired help.
Giving employment to others, indicates loss for yourself. All dreams of this nature may be interpreted as the above.
To dream of an empress, denotes that you will be exalted to high honors, but you will let pride make you very unpopular.
To dream of an empress and an emperor is not particularly bad, but brings one no substantial good.
To dream of being under the spell of enchantment, denotes that if you are not careful you will be exposed to some evil in the form of pleasure. The young should heed the benevolent advice of their elders.
To resist enchantment, foretells that you will be much sought after for your wise counsels and your liberality.
To dream of trying to enchant others, portends that you will fall into evil.
To dream of seeing or searching through encyclopedias, portends that you will secure literary ability to the losing of prosperity and comfort.
To dream that you overcome enemies, denotes that you will surmount all difficulties in business, and enjoy the greatest prosperity.
If you are defamed by your enemies, it denotes that you will be threatened with failures in your work. You will be wise to use the utmost caution in proceeding in affairs of any moment.
To overcome your enemies in any form, signifies your gain. For them to get the better of you is ominous of adverse fortunes. This dream may be literal.
To dream of a business engagement, denotes dulness and worries in trade.
For young people to dream that they are engaged, denotes that they will not be much admired.
To dream of breaking an engagement, denotes a hasty, and an unwise action in some important matter or disappointments may follow.
To dream of an engine, denotes you will encounter grave difficulties and journeys, but you will have substantial friends to uphold you.
Disabled engines stand for misfortune and loss of relatives.
To see an engineer, forebodes weary journeys but joyful reunions.
To dream, if you are a foreigner, of meeting English people, denotes that you will have to suffer through the selfish designs of others.
To dream of an entertainment where there is music and dancing, you will have pleasant tidings of the absent, and enjoy health and prosperity. To the young, this is a dream of many and varied pleasures and the high regard of friends.
To dream of the human entrails, denotes horrible misery and despair, shutting out all hope of happiness.
To dream of the entrails of a wild beast, signifies the overthrow of your mortal enemy.
To tear the entrails of another, signifies cruel persecutions to further your own interests.
To dream of your own entrails, the deepest despair will overwhelm you.
To dream of the entrails of your own child, denotes that the child's, or your own, dissolution is at hand.
[63] See Intestines.
Envelopes seen in a dream, omens news of a sorrowful cast.
To dream that you entertain envy for others, denotes that you will make warm friends by your unselfish deference to the wishes of others.
If you dream of being envied by others, it denotes that you will suffer some inconvenience from friends overanxious to please you.
For a man to dream of wearing epaulets, if he is a soldier, denotes his disfavor for a time, but he will finally wear honors.
For a woman to dream that she is introduced to a person wearing epaulets, denotes that she will form unwise attachments, very likely to result in scandal.
To dream of sitting at the table with an epicure, denotes that you will enjoy some fine distinction, but you will be surrounded by people of selfish principles.
To dream that you an epicure yourself, you will cultivate your mind, body and taste to the highest polish.
For a woman to dream of trying to satisfy an epicure, signifies that she will have a distinguished husband, but to her he will be a tyrant.
To dream of an epidemic, signifies prostration of mental faculties and worry from distasteful tasks. Contagion among relatives or friends is foretold by dreams of this nature.
To dream that you wear this beautiful and costly raiment, denotes exaltation, lofty character and wealth forming a barrier to want and misery.
To see others thus clothed, you will be associated with wealthy people, polished in literature and art.
For a lover to see his sweetheart clothed in ermine, is an omen of purity and faithfulness. If the ermine is soiled, the reverse is indicated.
To go on errands in your dreams, means congenial associations and mutual agreement in the home circle. For a young woman to send some person on an errand, denotes she will lose her lover by her indifference to meet his wishes.
To dream of escape from injury or accidents, is usually favorable.
If you escape from some place of confinement, it signifies your rise in the world from close application to business.
To escape from any contagion, denotes your good health and prosperity. If you try to escape and fail, you will suffer from the design of enemies, who will slander and defraud you.
To dream that you come into the ownership of a vast estate, denotes that you will receive a legacy at some distant day, but quite different to your expectations. For a young woman, this dream portends that her inheritance will be of a disappointing nature. She will have to live quite frugally, as her inheritance will be a poor man and a house full of children.
To dream of traveling in Europe, foretells that you will soon go on a long journey, which will avail you in the knowledge you gain of the manners and customs of foreign people. You will also be enabled to forward your financial standing. For a young woman to feel that she is disappointed with the sights of Europe, omens her inability to appreciate chances for her elevation. She will be likely to disappoint her friends or lover.
To dream of this ancient character, denotes your hesitancy to accept this ancient story as authentic, and you may encounter opposition in business and social circles because of this doubt.
For a young woman to dream that she impersonates Eve, warns her to be careful. She may be wiser than her ancient relative, but the Evil One still has powerful agents in the disguise of a handsome man. Keep your eye on innocent Eve, young man. That apple tree still bears fruit, and you may be persuaded, unwittingly, to share the wealth of its products.
To dream that evening is about you, denotes unrealized hopes, and you will make unfortunate ventures.
To see stars shining out clear, denotes present distress, but brighter fortune is behind your trouble.
For lovers to walk in the evening, denotes separation by the death of one.
This dream denotes boundless resources of wealth, happiness and learning. It is a free presentiment of prosperity to all classes.
Exchange, denotes profitable dealings in all classes of business. For a young woman to dream that she is exchanging sweethearts with her friend, indicates that she will do well to heed this as advice, as she would be happier with another.
To dream of seeing an execution, signifies that you will suffer some misfortune from the carelessness of others.
To dream that you are about to be executed, and some miraculous intervention occurs, denotes that you will overthrow enemies and succeed in gaining wealth.
For a woman to dream that she is exiled, denotes that she will have to make a journey which will interfere with some engagement or pleasure.
[64] See Banishment.
To dream of explosions, portends that disapproving actions of those connected with you will cause you transient displeasure and loss, and that business will also displease you. To think your face, or the face of others, is blackened or mutilated, signifies you will be accused of indiscretion which will be unjust, though circumstances may convict you.
To see the air filled with smoke and de'bris, denotes unusual dissatisfaction in business circles and much social antagonism.
To think you are enveloped in the flames, or are up in the air where you have been blown by an explosion, foretells that unworthy friends will infringe on your rights and will abuse your confidence. Young women should be careful of associates of the opposite sex after a dream of this character.
To dream of seeing an eye, warns you that watchful enemies are seeking the slightest chance to work injury to your business. This dream indicates to a lover, that a rival will usurp him if he is not careful.
To dream of brown eyes, denotes deceit and perfidy. To see blue eyes, denotes weakness in carrying out any intention. To see gray eyes, denotes a love of flattery for the owner.
To dream of losing an eye, or that the eyes are sore, denotes trouble.
To see a one-eyed man, denotes that you will be threatened with loss and trouble, beside which all others will appear insignificant.
Eyebrows, denotes that you will encounter sinister obstacles in your immediate future.
To dream of seeing or wearing an eyeglass, denotes you will be afflicted with disagreeable friendships, from which you will strive vainly to disengage yourself. For a young woman to see her lover with an eyeglass on, omens disruption of love affairs.
"In Gideon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night.''— 1st Kings iii, 5.
To dream of reading or telling fables, denotes pleasant tasks and a literary turn of mind. To the young, it signifies romantic attachments.
To hear, or tell, religious fables, denotes that the dreamer will become very devotional.
This dream is favorable if you see happy and bright faces, but significant of trouble if they are disfigured, ugly, or frowning on you.
To a young person, an ugly face foretells lovers' quarrels; or for a lover to see the face of his sweetheart looking old, denotes separation and the breaking up of happy associations.
To see a strange and weird-looking face, denotes that enemies and misfortunes surround you.
To dream of seeing your own face, denotes unhappiness; and to the married, threats of divorce will be made.
To see your face in a mirror, denotes displeasure with yourself for not being able to carry out plans for self-advancement. You will also lose the esteem of friends.
If you dream of seeing a dense smoke ascending from a pile of fagots, it denotes that enemies are bearing down upon you, but if the fagots are burning brightly, you will escape from all unpleasant complications and enjoy great prosperity.
If you walk on burning fagots, you will be injured by the unwise actions of friends. If you succeed in walking on them without being burned, you will have a miraculous rise in prospects.
To dream of seeing fagots piled up to burn you at the stake, signifies that you are threatened with loss, but if you escape, you will enjoy a long and prosperous life.
For a lover, this is sometimes of contrary significance. To dream that he fails in his suit, signifies that he only needs more masterfulness and energy in his daring, as he has already the love and esteem of his sweetheart.
(Contrary dreams are those in which the dreamer suffers fear, and not injury.)
For a young woman to dream that her life is going to be a failure, denotes that she is not applying her opportunities to good advantage.
For a business man to dream that he has made a failure, forebodes loss and bad management, which should be corrected, or failure threatens to materialize in earnest.
To dream of fainting, signifies illness in your family and unpleasant news of the absent.
If a young woman dreams of fainting, it denotes that she will fall into ill health and experience disappointment from her careless way of living.
To dream of being at a fair, denotes that you will have a pleasant and profitable business and a congenial companion.
For a young woman, this dream signifies a jovial and even-tempered man for a life partner.
To dream of a fairy, is a favorable omen to all classes, as it is always a scene with a beautiful face portrayed as a happy child, or woman.
To dream that your friends are faithless, denotes that they will hold you in worthy esteem. For a lover to dream that his sweetheart is faithless, signifies a happy marriage.
To dream of an Indian fakir, denotes uncommon activity and phenomenal changes in your life. Such dreams may sometimes be of gloomy import.
To dream of a falcon, denotes that your prosperity will make you an object of envy and malice. For a young woman, this dream denotes that she will be calumniated by a rival.
To dream that you sustain a fall, and are much frightened, denotes that you will undergo some great struggle, but will eventually rise to honor and wealth; but if you are injured in the fall, you will encounter hardships and loss of friends.
To dream of being famous, denotes disappointed aspirations. To dream of famous people, portends your rise from obscurity to places of honor.
To dream of a famine, foretells that your business will be unremunerative and sickness will prove a scourge. This dream is generally bad.
If you see your enemies perishing by famine, you will be successful in competition. If dreams of famine should break in wild confusion over slumbers, tearing up all heads in anguish, filling every soul with care, hauling down Hope's banners, somber with omens of misfortune and despair, your waking grief more poignant still must grow ere you quench ambition and en{??}y{envy??} overthrow.
To dream that you are famishing, foretells that you are meeting disheartening failure in some enterprise which you considered a promising success. To see others famishing, brings sorrow to others as well as to yourself.
To dream of one's family as harmonious and happy, is significant of health and easy circumstances; but if there is sickness or contentions, it forebodes gloom and disappointment.
To see a fan in your dreams, denotes pleasant news and surprises are awaiting you in the near future. For a young woman to dream of fanning herself, or that some one is fanning her, gives promise of a new and pleasing acquaintances; if she loses an old fan, she will find that a warm friend is becoming interested in other women.
To dream of bidding farewell, is not very favorable, as you are likely to hear unpleasant news of absent friends.
For a young woman to bid her lover farewell, portends his indifference to her. If she feels no sadness in this farewell, she will soon find others to comfort her.
To dream that you are living on a farm, denotes that you will be fortunate in all undertakings.
To dream that you are buying a farm, denotes abundant crops to the farmer, a profitable deal of some kind to the business man, and a safe voyage to travelers and sailors.
If you are visiting a farm, it signifies pleasant associations.
[65] See Estate.
To dream that you are getting fat, denotes that you are about to make a fortunate change in your life.
To see others fat, signifies prosperity.
[66] See Corpulent.
To dream of the fates, unnecessary disagreements and unhappiness is foretold. For a young woman to dream of juggling with fate, denotes she will daringly interpose herself between devoted friends or lovers.
To dream of your father, signifies that you are about to be involved in a difficulty, and you will need wise counsel if you extricate yourself therefrom.
If he is dead, it denotes that your business is pulling heavily, and you will have to use caution in conducting it.
For a young woman to dream of her dead father, portends that her lover will, or is, playing her false.
To dream of your father-in-law, denotes contentions with friends or relatives. To see him well and cheerful, foretells pleasant family relations.
To feel fatigued in a dream, foretells ill health or oppression in business. For a young woman to see others fatigued, indicates discouraging progress in health.
To dream that you ask favors of anyone, denotes that you will enjoy abundance, and that you will not especially need anything.
To grant favors, means a loss.
To dream of seeing a fawn, denotes that you will have true and upright friends.
To the young, it indicates faithfulness in love.
To dream that a person fawns on you, or cajoles you, is a warning that enemies are about you in the guise of interested friends.
[67] See Deer.
To dream that you feel fear from any cause, denotes that your future engagements will not prove so successful as was expected.
For a young woman, this dream forebodes disappointment and unfortunate love.
To dream of a feast, foretells that pleasant surprises are being planned for you. To see disorder or misconduct at a feast, foretells quarrels or unhappiness through the negligence or sickness of some person.
To arrive late at a feast, denotes that vexing affairs will occupy you.
To dream of seeing feathers falling around you, denotes that your burdens in life will be light and easily borne.
To see eagle feathers, denotes that your aspirations will be realized.
To see chicken feathers, denotes small annoyances. To dream of buying or selling geese or duck feathers, denotes thrift and fortune.
To dream of black feathers, denotes disappointments and unhappy amours.
For a woman to dream of seeing ostrich and other ornamental feathers, denotes that she will advance in society, but her ways of gaining favor will not bear imitating.
To dream of February, denotes continued ill health and gloom, generally. If you happen to see a bright sunshiny day in this month, you will be unexpectedly and happily surprised with some good fortune.
To dream of being feeble, denotes unhealthy occupation and mental worry. Seek to make a change for yourself after this dream.
To dream of seeing your own feet, is omnious{sic} of despair. You will be overcome by the will and temper of another. To see others' feet, denotes that you will maintain your rights in a pleasant, but determined way, and win for yourself a place above the common walks of life.
To dream that you wash your feet, denotes that you will let others take advantage of you.
To dream that your feet are hurting you, portends troubles of a humiliating character, as they usually are family quarrels.
To see your feet swollen and red, you will make a sudden change in your business by separating from your family. This is an evil dream, as it usually foretells scandal and sensation.
To dream of climbing to the top of a fence, denotes that success will crown your efforts.
To fall from a fence, signifies that you will undertake a project for which you are incapable, and you will see your efforts come to naught.
To be seated on a fence with others, and have it fall under you, denotes an accident in which some person will be badly injured.
To dream that you climb through a fence, signifies that you will use means not altogether legitimate to reach your desires.
To throw the fence down and walk into the other side, indicates that you will, by enterprise and energy, overcome the stubbornest barriers between you and success.
To see stock jumping a fence, if into your enclosure, you will receive aid from unexpected sources; if out of your lot, loss in trade and other affairs may follow.
To dream of building a fence, denotes that you are, by economy and industry, laying a foundation for future wealth. For a young woman, this dream denotes success in love affairs; or the reverse, if she dreams of the fence falling, or that she falls from it.
To see ferns in dreams, foretells that pleasant hours will break up gloomy forebodings. To see them withered, indicates that much and varied illness in your family connections will cause you grave unrest.
To wait at a ferry for a boat and see the waters swift and muddy, you will be baffled in your highest wishes and designs by unforeseen circumstances.
To cross a ferry while the water is calm and clear, you will be very lucky in carrying out your plans, and fortune will crown you.
To dream of being at a festival, denotes indifference to the cold realities of life, and a love for those pleasures that make one old before his time. You will never want, but will be largely dependent on others.
To dream that you are stricken with this malady, signifies that you are worrying over trifling affairs while the best of life is slipping past you, and you should pull yourself into shape and engage in profitable work.
To dream of seeing some of your family sick with fever, denotes temporary illness for some of them.
[68] See Illness.
To dream of a fiddle, foretells harmony in the home and many joyful occasions abroad.
[69] See Violin.
To dream of dead corn or stubble fields, indicates to the dreamer dreary prospects for the future.
To see green fields, or ripe with corn or grain, denotes great abundance and happiness to all classes.
To see newly plowed fields, denotes early rise in wealth and fortunate advancement to places of honor.
To see fields freshly harrowed and ready for planting, denotes that you are soon to benefit by your endeavor and long struggles for success.
[70] See Cornfields and Wheat.
To dream that you encounter a fiend, forbodes reckless living and loose morals. For a woman, this dream signifies a blackened reputation.
To dream of a fiend, warns you of attacks to be made on you by false friends. If you overcome one, you will be able to intercept the evil designs of enemies.
To dream of hearing a fife, denotes that there will be an unexpected call on you to defend your honor, or that of some person near to you.
To dream that you play one yourself, indicates that whatever else may be said of you, your reputation will remain intact. If a woman has this dream, she will have a soldier husband.
To dream that you engage in a fight, denotes that you will have unpleasant encounters with your business opponents, and law suits threaten you.
To see fighting, denotes that you are squandering your time and money. For women, this dream is a warning against slander and gossip.
For a young woman to see her lover fighting, is a sign of his unworthiness.
To dream that you are defeated in a fight, signifies that you will lose your right to property.
To whip your assailant, denotes that you will, by courage and perseverance, win honor and wealth in spite of opposition.
To dream that you see two men fighting with pistols, denotes many worries and perplexities, while no real loss is involved in the dream, yet but small profit is predicted and some unpleasantness is denoted.
To dream that you are on your way home and negroes attack you with razors, you will be disappointed in your business, you will be much vexed with servants, and home associations will be unpleasant.
To dream that you are fighting negroes, you will be annoyed by them or by some one of low character.
Figs, signifies a malarious condition of the system, if you are eating them, but usually favorable to health and profit if you see them growing.
For a young woman to see figs growing, signifies that she will soon wed a wealthy and prominent man.
To dream of figures, indicates great mental distress and wrong. You will be the loser in a big deal if not careful of your actions and conversation.
This is a favorable dream, denoting a peaceful and harmonious domestic life and profitable business ventures.
To dream of eating them, signifies to the young, delightful associations and many true friends.
To dream that you see a file, signifies that you will transact some business which will prove unsatisfactory in the extreme.
To see files, to store away bills and other important papers, foretells animated discussions over subjects which bear relation to significant affairs, and which will cause you much unrest and disquiet. Unfavorable predictions for the future are also implied in this dream.
To dream of seeing your fingers soiled or scratched, with the blood exuding, denotes much trouble and suffering. You will despair of making your way through life.
To see beautiful hands, with white fingers, denotes that your love will be requited and that you will become renowned for your benevolence.
To dream that your fingers are cut clean off, you will lose wealth and a legacy by the intervention of enemies.
To dream of soiled finger-nails, forbodes disgrace in your family by the wild escapades of the young.
To see well-kept nails, indicates scholarly tastes and some literary attainments; also, thrift.
Fire is favorable to the dreamer if he does not get burned. It brings continued prosperity to seamen and voyagers, as well as to those on land.
To dream of seeing your home burning, denotes a loving companion, obedient children, and careful servants.
For a business man to dream that his store is burning, and he is looking on, foretells a great rush in business and profitable results.
To dream that he is fighting fire and does not get burned, denotes that he will be much worked and worried as to the conduct of his business. To see the ruins of his store after a fire, forebodes ill luck. He will be almost ready to give up the effort of amassing a handsome fortune and a brilliant business record as useless, but some unforeseen good fortune will bear him up again.
If you dream of kindling a fire, you may expect many pleasant surprises. You will have distant friends to visit.
To see a large conflagration, denotes to sailors a profitable and safe voyage. To men of literary affairs, advancement and honors; to business people, unlimited success.
To dream of a firebrand, denotes favorable fortune, if you are not burned or distressed by it.
Fire Budget.
To dream of a fire budget, denotes disagreement over small matters.
To see a fire-engine, denotes worry under extraordinary circumstances, but which will result in good fortune. To see one broken down, foretells accident or serious loss For a young woman to ride on one, denotes she will engage in some unladylike and obnoxious affair.
To see a fireman in your dreams, signifies the constancy of your friends. For a young woman to see a fireman crippled, or meet with an accident otherwise, implies grave danger is threatening a close friend.
To see fireworks, indicates enjoyment and good health. For a young woman, this dream signifies entertainments and pleasant visiting to distant places.
To dream of the firmament filled with stars, denotes many crosses and almost superhuman efforts ere you reach the pinnacle of your ambition. Beware of the snare of enemies in your work.
To see the firmament illuminated and filled with the heavenly hosts, denotes great spiritual research, but a final pulling back on Nature for sustenance and consolation. You will often be disappointed in fortune also.
To see people you know in the firmament, signifies that they are about to commit some unwise act through you, and others must be the innocent sufferers. Great disasters usually follow this dream.
[71] See Illumination.
To dream that you see fish in clear-water streams, denotes that you will be favored by the rich and powerful.
Dead fish, signifies the loss of wealth and power through some dire calamity.
For a young woman to dream of seeing fish, portends that she will have a handsome and talented lover.
To dream of catching a catfish, denotes that you will be embarrassed by evil designs of enemies, but your luck and presence of mind will tide you safely over the trouble.
To wade in water, catching fish, denotes that you will possess wealth acquired by your own ability and enterprise.
To dream of fishing, denotes energy and economy; but if you do not succeed in catching any, your efforts to obtain honors and wealth will be futile.
Eating fish, denotes warm and lasting attachments.
To dream of a fisherman, denotes you are nearing times of greater prosperity than you have yet known.
To dream of fishhooks, denotes that you have opportunities to make for yourself a fortune and an honorable name if you rightly apply them.
Fish Market.
To visit a fish market in your dream, brings competence and pleasure.
To see decayed fish, foretells distress will come in the guise of happiness.
To dream of a fish-net, portends numerous small pleasures and gains. A torn one, represents vexatious disappointments.
To dream of a fish-pond, denotes illness through dissipation, if muddy. To see one clear and well stocked with fish, portends profitable enterprises and extensive pleasures. To see one empty, proclaims the near approach of deadly enemies.
For a young woman to fall into a clear pond, omens decided good fortune and reciprocal love. If muddy, the opposite is foretold.
To dream of having fits, denotes that you will fall a prey to ill health and will lose employment.
To see others in this plight, denotes that you will have much unpleasantness in your circle, caused by quarrels from those under you.
To dream of your national flag, portends victory if at war, and if at peace, prosperity.
For a woman to dream of a flag, denotes that she will be ensnared by a soldier.
To dream of foreign flags, denotes ruptures and breach of confidence between nations and friends.
To dream of being signaled by a flag, denotes that you should be careful of your health and name, as both are threatened.
To dream of fighting flames, foretells that you will have to put forth your best efforts and energy if you are successful in amassing wealth.
[72] See Fire.
To see flax in a dream, prosperous enterprises are denoted.
Flax Spinning.
Flax spinning, foretells you will be given to industrious and thrifty habits.
To dream of fleas, indicates that you will be provoked to anger and retaliation by the evil machinations of those close to you.
For a woman to dream that fleas bite her, foretells that she will be slandered by pretended friends. To see fleas on her lover, denotes inconstancy.
To see a large fleet moving rapidly in your dreams, denotes a hasty change in the business world. Where dulness oppressed, brisk workings of commercial wheels will go forward and some rumors of foreign wars will be heard.
To dream of flies, denotes sickness and contagious maladies. Also that enemies surround you. To a young woman this dream is significant of unhappiness. If she kills or exterminates flies, she will reinstate herself in the love of her intended by her ingenuity.
To dream of flight, signifies disgrace and unpleasant news of the absent.
For a young woman to dream of flight, indicates that she has not kept her character above reproach, and her lover will throw her aside.
To see anything fleeing from you, denotes that you will be victorious in any contention.
To dream of floating, denotes that you will victoriously overcome obstacles which are seemingly overwhelming you. If the water is muddy your victories will not be gratifying.
To dream of floods destroying vast areas of country and bearing you on with its muddy de'bris, denotes sickness, loss in business, and the most unhappy and unsettled situation in the marriage state.
[73] See Water.
To dream of flour, denotes a frugal but happy life. For a young woman to dream that she sees flour on herself, denotes that she will be ruled by her husband, and that her life will be full of pleasant cares.
To dream of dealing in flour, denotes hazardous speculations.
To dream of seeing flowers blooming in gardens, signifies pleasure and gain, if bright-hued and fresh; white denotes sadness. Withered and dead flowers, signify disappointments and gloomy situations.
For a young woman to receive a bouquet of mixed flowers, foretells that she will have many admirers.
To see flowers blooming in barren soil without vestage of foliage, foretells you will have some grievous experience, but your energy and cheerfulness will enable you to climb through these to prominence and happiness.
"Held in slumber's soft embrace, She enters realms of flowery grace, Where tender love and fond caress, Bids her awake to happiness.''
[74] See Bouquet.
To dream of hearing notes from a flute, signifies a pleasant meeting with friends from a distance, and profitable engagements.
For a young woman to dream of playing a flute, denotes that she will fall in love because of her lover's engaging manners.
To dream of having flux, or thinking that you are thus afflicted, denotes desperate or fatal illness will overtake you or some member of your family. To see others thus afflicted, implies disappointment in carrying out some enterprise through the neglect of others. Inharmonious states will vex you.
To dream of flying high through a space, denotes marital calamities.
To fly low, almost to the ground, indicates sickness and uneasy states from which the dreamer will recover.
To fly over muddy water, warns you to keep close with your private affairs, as enemies are watching to enthrall you.
To fly over broken places, signifies ill luck and gloomy surroundings. If you notice green trees and vegetation below you in flying, you will suffer temporary embarrassment, but will have a flood of prosperity upon you.
To dream of seeing the sun while flying, signifies useless worries, as your affairs will succeed despite your fears of evil.
To dream of flying through the firmament passing the moon and other planets; foretells famine, wars, and troubles of all kinds.
To dream that you fly with black wings, portends bitter disappointments. To fall while flying, signifies your downfall. If you wake while falling, you will succeed in reinstating yourself.
For a young man to dream that he is flying with white wings above green foliage, foretells advancement in business, and he will also be successful in love. If he dreams this often it is a sign of increasing prosperity and the fulfilment of desires. If the trees appear barren or dead, there will be obstacles to combat in obtaining desires. He will get along, but his work will bring small results.
For a woman to dream of flying from one city to another, and alighting on church spires, foretells she will have much to contend against in the way of false persuasions and declarations of love. She will be threatened with a disastrous season of ill health, and the death of some one near to her may follow.
For a young woman to dream that she is shot at while flying, denotes enemies will endeavor to restrain her advancement into higher spheres of usefulness and prosperity.
Flying Machine.
To dream of seeing a flying machine, foretells that you will make satisfactory progress in your future speculations. To see one failing to work, foretells gloomy returns for much disturbing and worrisome planning.
To dream of fly-paper, signifies ill health and disrupted friendships.
To see a fly-trap in a dream, is signal of malicious designing against you. To see one full of flies, denotes that small embarrassments will ward off greater ones.
To dream of a foal, indicates new undertakings in which you will be rather fortunate.
To dream of traveling through a dense fog, denotes much trouble and business worries. To emerge from it, foretells a weary journey, but profitable.
For a young woman to dream of being in a fog, denotes that she will be mixed up in a salacious scandal, but if she gets out of the fog she will prove her innocence and regain her social standing.
To dream of crossing a clear stream of water on a foot-log, denotes pleasant employment and profit. If the water is thick and muddy, it indicates loss and temporary disturbance. For a woman this dream indicates either a quarrelsome husband, or one of mild temper and regular habits, as the water is muddy or clear.
To fall from a foot-log into clear water, signifies short widowhood terminating in an agreeable marriage. If the water is not clear, gloomy prospects.
[75] See Bridge.
To dream that you find yourself in a dense forest, denotes loss in trade, unhappy home influences and quarrels among families. If you are cold and feel hungry, you will be forced to make a long journey to settle some unpleasant affair.
To see a forest of stately trees in foliage, denotes prosperity and pleasures. To literary people, this dream foretells fame and much appreciation from the public. A young lady relates the following dream and its fulfilment: "I was in a strange forest of what appeared to be cocoanut trees, with red and yellow berries growing on them. The ground was covered with blasted leaves, and I could hear them crackle under my feet as I wandered about lost. The next afternoon I received a telegram announcing the death of a dear cousin.''
To dream of a fine and smooth forehead, denotes that you will be thought well of for your judgment and fair dealings.
An ugly forehead, denotes displeasure in your private affairs.
To pass your hand over the forehead of your child, indicates sincere praises from friends, because of some talent and goodness displayed by your children.
For a young woman to dream of kissing the forehead of her lover, signifies that he will be displeased with her for gaining notice by indiscreet conduct.
To dream of a fork, denotes that enemies are working for your displacement. For a woman, this dream denotes unhappy domestic relations, and separation for lovers.
To see anything ill formed, denotes disappointment. To have a beautiful form, denotes favorable conditions to health and business.
For a young woman to dream of forsaking her home or friend, denotes that she will have troubles in love, as her estimate of her lover will decrease with acquaintance and association.
[76] See Abandoned and Lover.
To dream of defending a fort, signifies your honor and possessions will be attacked, and you will have great worry over the matter.
To dream that you attack a fort and take it, denotes victory over your worst enemy, and fortunate engagements.
To dream that you are confined in a fortress, denotes that enemies will succeed in placing you in an undesirable situation.
To put others in a fortress, denotes your ability to rule in business or over women.
To dream of telling, or having your fortune told, it dicates that you are deliberating over some vexed affair, and you should use much caution in giving consent to its consummation. For a young woman, this portends a choice between two rivals. She will be worried to find out the standing of one in business and social circles. To dream that she is engaged to a fortune-teller, denotes that she has gone through the forest and picked the proverbial stick. She should be self-reliant, or poverty will attend her marriage.
To dream that you see a clear fountain sparkling in the sunlight, denotes vast possessions, ecstatic delights and many pleasant journeys.
A clouded fountain, denotes the insincerity of associates and unhappy engagements and love affairs.
A dry and broken fountain, indicates death and cessation of pleasures.
For a young woman to see a sparkling fountain in the moonlight, signifies ill-advised pleasure which may result in a desertion.
To dream of seeing fowls, denotes temporary worry or illness. For a woman to dream of fowls, indicates a short illness or disagreement with her friends.
[77] See Chickens.
To dream of chasing a fox, denotes that you are en gaging in doubtful speculations and risky love affairs.
If you see a fox slyly coming into your yard, beware of envious friendships; your reputation is being slyly assailed.
To kill a fox, denotes that you will win in every engagement.
To dream that you are defrauding a person, denotes that you will deceive your employer for gain, indulge in degrading pleasures, and fall into disrepute.
If you are defrauded, it signifies the useless attempt of enemies to defame you and cause you loss.
To accuse some one of defrauding you, you will be offered a place of high honor.
For a woman to dream that her face is freckled, denotes that many displeasing incidents will insinuate themselves into her happiness. If she sees them in a mirror, she will be in danger of losing her lover to a rival.
To dream of friends being well and happy, denotes pleasant tidings of them, or you will soon see them or some of their relatives.
To see your friend troubled and haggard, sickness or distress is upon them.
To see your friends dark-colored, denotes unusual sickness or trouble to you or to them. To see them take the form of animals, signifies that enemies will separate you from your closest relations.
To see your friend who dresses in somber colors in flaming red, foretells that unpleasant things will transpire, causing you anxiety if not loss, and that friends will be implicated.
To dream you see a friend standing like a statue on a hill, denotes you will advance beyond present pursuits, but will retain former impressions of justice and knowledge, seeking these through every change. If the figure below be low, you will ignore your friends of former days in your future advancement. If it is on a plane or level with you, you will fail in your ambition to reach other spheres. If you seem to be going from it, you will force yourself to seek a change in spite of friendly ties or self-admonition.
To dream you see a friend with a white cloth tied over his face, denotes that you will be injured by some person who will endeavor to keep up friendly relations with you.
To dream that you are shaking hands with a person who has wronged you, and he is taking his departure and looks sad, foretells you will have differences with a close friend and alienation will perhaps follow. You are most assuredly nearing loss of some character.
To dream that you are frightened at anything, denotes temporary and fleeting worries.
[78] See Affrighted.
To dream of catching frogs, denotes carelessness in watching after your health, which may cause no little distress among those of your family.
To see frogs in the grass, denotes that you will have a pleasant and even-tempered friend as your confidant and counselor.
To see a bullfrog, denotes, for a woman, marriage with a wealthy widower, but there will be children with him to be cared for.
To see frogs in low marshy places, foretells trouble, but you will overcome it by the kindness of others.
To dream of eating frogs, signifies fleeting joys and very little gain from associating with some people.
To hear frogs, portends that you will go on a visit to friends, but it will in the end prove fruitless of good.
To dream of seeing frost on a dark gloomy morning, signifies exile to a strange country, but your wanderings will end in peace.
To see frost on a small sunlit landscape, signifies gilded pleasures from which you will be glad to turn later in life, and by your exemplary conduct will succeed in making your circle forget past escapades.
To dream that you see a friend in a frost, denotes a love affair in which your rival will be worsted. For a young woman, this dream signifies the absence of her lover and danger of his affections waning. This dream is bad for all classes in business and love.
To dream of seeing fruit ripening among its foliage, usually foretells to the dreamer a prosperous future. Green fruit signifies disappointed efforts or hasty action.
For a young woman to dream of eating green fruit, indicates her degradation and loss of inheritance. Eating fruit is unfavorable usually.
To buy or sell fruit, denotes much business, but not very remunerative.
To see or eat ripe fruit, signifies uncertain fortune and pleasure.
Fruit Seller.
To dream of a fruit seller, denotes you will endeavor to recover your loss too rapidly and will engage in unfortunate speculations.
To see a funeral, denotes an unhappy marriage and sickly offspring.
To dream of the funeral of a stranger, denotes unexpected worries. To see the funeral of your child, may denote the health of your family, but very grave disappointments may follow from a friendly source.
To attend a funeral in black, foretells an early widowhood. To dream of the funeral of any relative, denotes nervous troubles and family worries.
To dream of a furnace, foretells good luck if it is running. If out of repair, you will have trouble with children or hired help. To fall into one, portends some enemy will overpower you in a business struggle.
To dream of dealing in furs, denotes prosperity and an interest in many concerns.
To be dressed in fur, signifies your safety from want and poverty.
To see fine fur, denotes honor and riches. For a young woman to dream that she is wearing costly furs, denotes that she will marry a wise man.
To dream of the future, is a prognostic of careful reckoning and avoiding of detrimental extravagance.
"They answered again and said, 'Let the King tell his servants the dream and we will show the interpretation of it.' ''—Dan. ii, 7.
To dream of gaiters, foretells pleasant amusements and rivalries. Gale.
To dream of being caught in a gale, signifies business losses and troubles for working people.
To dream of seeing a friend on the gallows of execution, foretells that desperate emergencies must be met with decision, or a great calamity will befall you.
To dream that you are on a gallows, denotes that you will suffer from the maliciousness of false friends.
For a young woman to dream that she sees her lover executed by this means, denotes that she will marry an unscrupulous and designing man.
If you rescue any one from the gallows, it portends desirable acquisitions.
To dream that you hang an enemy, denotes victory in all spheres.
To dream that you are gambling and win, signifies low associations and pleasure at the expense of others. If you lose, it foretells that your disgraceful conduct will be the undoing of one near to you.
To dream of game, either shooting or killing or by other means, denotes fortunate undertakings; but selfish motions; if you fail to take game on a hunt, it denotes bad management and loss.
To dream that you see any one afflicted with gangrene, foretells the death of a parent or near relative.
If you dream of being confined in a gaol, you will be prevented from carrying forward some profitable work by the intervention of envious people; but if you escape from the gaol, you will enjoy a season of favorable business.
[79] See Jail.
To see heaps of garbage in your dreams, indicates thoughts of social scandal and unfavorable business of every character. For females this dream is ominous of disparagement and desertion by lovers.
To see a garden in your dreams, filled with evergreen and flowers, denotes great peace of mind and comfort.
To see vegetables, denotes misery or loss of fortune and calumny. To females, this dream foretells that they will be famous, or exceedingly happy in domestic circles.
To dream of walking with one's lover through a garden where flowering shrubs and plants abound, indicates unalloyed happiness and independent means.
To dream of passing through a garlic patch, denotes a rise from penury to prominence and wealth. To a young woman, this denotes that she will marry from a sense of business, and love will not be considered.
To eat garlic in your dreams, denotes that you will take a sensible view of life and leave its ideals to take care of themselves.
To dream of climbing to a garret, denotes your inclination to run after theories while leaving the cold realities of life to others less able to bear them than yourself. To the poor, this dream is an omen of easier circumstances. To a woman, it denotes that her vanity and sefishness{sic} should be curbed.
For a lover to find his lady's garter, foretells that he will lose caste with her. He will find rivals.
For a woman to dream that she loses her garter, signifies that her lover will be jealous and suspicious of a handsomer person.
For a married man to dream of a garter, foretells that his wife will hear of his clandestine attachments, and he will have a stormy scene.
For a woman to dream that she is admiring beautiful jeweled garters on her limbs, denotes that she will be betrayed in her private movements, and her reputation will hang in the balance of public opinion. If she dreams that her lover fastens them on her, she will hold his affections and faith through all adverse criticisms.
To dream of gas, denotes you will entertain harmful opinions of others, which will cause you to deal with them unjustly, and you will suffer consequent remorse. To think you are asphyxiated, denotes you will have trouble which you will needlessly incur through your own wastefulness and negligence. To try to blow gas out, signifies you will entertain enemies unconsciously, who will destroy you if you are not wary.
To extinguish gas, denotes you will ruthlessly destroy your own happiness. To light it, you will easily find a way out of oppressive ill fortune.
Gas Lamps.
To see a gas lamp, denotes progress and pleasant surroundings. To see one explode, or out of order other wise, foretells you are threatened with unseasonable distress.
To dream of gasoline, denotes you have a competency coming to you through a struggling source.
To dream of seeing or passing through a gate, foretells that alarming tidings will reach you soon of the absent. Business affairs will not be encouraging.
To see a closed gate, inability to overcome present difficulties is predicted. To lock one, denotes successful enterprises and well chosen friends. A broken one, signifies failure and discordant surroundings. To be troubled to get through one, or open it, denotes your most engrossing labors will fail to be remunerative or satisfactory. To swing on one, foretells you will engage in idle and dissolute pleasures.
To dream of being dressed in gauze, denotes uncertain fortune. For a lover to see his sweetheart clothed in filmy material, suggests his ability to influence her for good.
To dream of a gavel, denotes you will be burdened with some unprofitable yet not unpleasant pursuit. To use one, denotes that officiousness will be shown by you toward your friends.
To dream that you are annoyed by the quacking of geese, denotes a death in your family. To see them swimming, denotes that your fortune is gradually increasing.
To see them in grassy places, denotes assured success. If you see them dead, you will suffer loss and displeasure.
For a lover, geese denotes the worthiness of his affianced.
If you are picking them, you will come into an estate. To eat them, denotes that your possessions are disputed.
To dream of gems, foretells a happy fate both in love and business affairs.
[80] See Jewelry.
Genealogical Tree.
To dream of your genealogical tree, denotes you will be much burdened with family cares, or will find pleasure in other domains than your own. To see others studying it, foretells that you will be forced to yield your rights to others. If any of the branches are missing, you will ignore some of your friends because of their straightened circumstances.
To dream of studying geography, denotes that you will travel much and visit places of renown.
[81] See Atlas.
To dream of the ghost of either one of your parents, denotes that you are exposed to danger, and you should be careful in forming partnerships with strangers.
To see the ghost of a dead friend, foretells that you will make a long journey with an unpleasant companion, and suffer disappointments.
For a ghost to speak to you, you will be decoyed into the hands of enemies. For a woman, this is a prognostication of widowhood and deception.
To see an angel or a ghost appear in the sky, denotes the loss of kindred and misfortunes.
To see a female ghost on your right in the sky and a male on your left, both of pleasing countenance, signifies a quick rise from obscurity to fame, but the honor and position will be filled only for a short space, as death will be a visitor and will bear you off.
To see a female ghost in long, clinging robes floating calmly through the sky, indicates that you will make progression in scientific studies and acquire wealth almost miraculously, but there will be an under note of sadness in your life. |